3.:..ji .,:~o. p·~m., per mµst

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SENTINEL SUPPLEMENT ... Sor. 93 Heart Mountain, Wyoming

July 2, 1943

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bigro _ _Q/~:(21.: s of Employ_~ont Li ztod

Outside employment _o·f~c-rs 1istud Juno 29 by Susan Downor wore as ·'follo.ws:

#557--10 men for · warchous o d opurtmcnt ~vorking. night shift, froii .3.:..Ji.,:~O . p ·~m., 65 c onts per hour : fcir . 60 working da ys and 72f:s c .onts · p0r hour c\.ftepva_rd~:.; · .t .imo and half for ovortimo ov,; r 10 hoµrs in ·ono d, uy . or 40 hours '_p ot i;w pk. -· Mon:. mµst bo .. :. Christians, : spoak Eng1ish, and n ot · 1:-.reai~ gl o. ssos. St·. Louis, . Mo. .. . .' .. : ,,· _.. ,,·

#554--1 mc.n for kitchen \10rk, $60 pGr mont.h, full ri1Ll.i;nt emp,nco!l. · inclt~ding . ~·­l a undry. Moro if mnn hud provious rostaurunt ox~o ri cnco. 2 ~isei already omplri~od. Wq.shotah, Wis. . · ' ~

· #550--1 economist f G.milio.r with ·oconor.:ics r.'.s re l a t ed, to · Jap~n . .. _Should hayo" ... , m~st ors or doctors d ogro o or oquivo.l ent from Arnorica n or .Japano& c: Uf.!._i ~orsi ty • . Minneapolis, Minn. . . . :. 1 • • • . , • ~

· · #552--1 dry cloanors' h olpor!I $25 por .'NoQk. 3 mon pi[:. chino- ,press urs," $32-36. ~women hand ir6n prossors o~ silk~ $21. Sa l a rie s bo. s cd o~ 42 . ho~r woek.avora~e. · Wauvmtosa 9 Wis. · ,,, ; ..

#555--1 stenogro.phGr 9 g cne rc .. l office work 9 .including die.to.phone •. $90 . per ~on~h 9 o.dvancoment. Sevoro.l nis e i alroady working. Milwuukoo, Wis • . · . . . . ..

#561--10 girls to pnck ico croam conGs 9 45 cents po r hour 9 55 hours week vvlth time and ha lf over 40 hours. 5 mon for l a bor work 9 55-~'" co·nts por hour, 55 hours per we ok, timo o.nd ho.lf ovor 40. 1 girl stcnogr:..:.ph0r !I $30 p (:;r woek, 41-! hours por wook, s omo overtime. Chic a go 9 Ill. .

#553--1 chof, supervis e thr co f'. ssistcmt co oks · r~nd dishwo. shi:ng stuff. Must. ;be quo.lifiod cook Hith knovvl odgo of ma rketing c:.nd ~~bl c t o furnish r c f cr oncos~ · $50 .per -..ro ok 9 moc.·ls. Room av2.. ilo.blo o.t $4 per wook • . Milr1c.ukoo 9 Wisc.

2 farm offers from Chic~g o ~nd North Da kota h~vo boon r oc eivod by tho outside Ofilploymeht offico 9 2. lso 4 non domestic offers.

For 3 girls intcir ost od in v orking nonr cc. ch othor in Shorido.n 9 .. Wyo. there o.rc . ~ domestic jobs in the offing.

Rc.ilroa d to R.ocrui t Work e rs f or Wyoming, ~font c.n ;:."'. Aro o. - .. ---:- - --~--·--· ------~--~---~·----------·--~- ---

Rocrui t ors . from tho ·Chi cc.go, :Burlington, & Quinoy :·-iailroa d Co. ·vil:\_ arri vo in .. Hoti.rt .: tfountain somotimo t his woo k t o i~ o cruit a r ound 100 mon for trc;ck· woz:-k in Wyo- , : ming o.nd Montano..

Tim Tnna~uchi, a s ection f or cmo. n ~ho hu s bc on with the C.B. & Q. fo~ over 30 yoni~ is one of tho r 0cruit ors.

'I •

The C~B. & Q. re pres ont2tivos v ill be in Hee.rt Mounta in for sovoral da ys und ·.:rill bo found in tho outside omploymont office.

Regular clussos in i'nt <~rmodiato English will moot Frid c~y, 7 p.m .• · :at 25-1.9-B Lmvrence Nngc:~yamn, instruct or 11 c.nnouncodo Thos e ;.-.rho r czis t or od t:...nd . nnyono intoros~ od nro reque sted to nttond.

Vi~t ory .Q~:!:_g_E_~_J~J ot ~_§_tiH_ -~:Y.?:~.1:0J_?lo ___ :g;_~-~-- ~)f __ Bl_o~J~J

Victory gtfrdo11 #2 l occ.tvd c. l ong tho f _::_.nch ju·st o:.1 st of B1ock 1 9 still has 30-4;0~ " fr ee plots, rovoal 0d Shig ~t suno.g~ ~ block mQnc g ors' chc. irmo..n.

Rosidonts intur ootod in stc.rt i ng 2 g~rd on nr c urg od t o d o s o in t~is nron. Ditchos hn.vo b oon run, tho l c..nd hc.. s b uon pl ott ,Jd ~- .nd irrig:.:.tion \1::-.t cr is nvnilable.

Werning 1.1-:-.s i s sued by Dillon s. Myor., WR.A dir cctor 9 .for ng o.inst t .he use of of-fici a l sto.ti onery for pors onc. l correspond enc e . i\/fcmar :=i. ndum r e ceived hero rends o.s f ollovJS:

.All omployoo s of the Wo..r Roloc c.tion Aut'hori ty o..nd r~ll ovo. cuoos in Relo.co.tion CoYft ors e re r emind ed C?f thq r ogulnti on thnt Gov ornmont ·pro-perty mc..y not · b G put t o un officir .. l . or por~onc.l uso.

In pr:rtiqulet r:- ·, o:,ffic~c.1 st l:'.ti on cry r.nd cnvolopes of tho Govc r 'nm:e.nt must nover b e u sod f or pors onnl c orro spond cnc o . Evon though tho Reloca-tion Progro.m ma y b o di s cuss ed in the lotter, t ho c orr os pond onco is per-sona l unless v ritt on by nn ompl oyoo of tho Aut hority in lino v ith and in furth orance of his officia l duti os.

Furthormoro , tho us e of of:fici ::: .. 1 st2ti o:nory f or personal corros-pond once cre~ts tho impr e ssion tha t the c orrospond onco is official and re presents the viows of tho Aut hority, o..l"~d t his mc~y hc .. v o ornba rrnssing r esults f or tho Re loca tion Pr ogram.

•• ·2- • $ioo Household Exemption Allowable on California Tax ------·---..........--·------ ......... - ·- --- ·-· -.- -

. Any resident from California whose legal residence as of March 2, 1942, was within a county iM which personal property tax bill.s were levied without· an exemption on household goods up to an assGssod valuation of $100 may apply for householders exemption or for a refund to the value of $100, according to a release from Victor L. Furth, acting chief of the evacuee property office, San Francisco, to James H. Porter, evacuee property officer here.

In a recent ruling mude by the Attorney General for California, ovacuees tern• porarily rosidi~g outside of tho State ure novortholess entitled to an exemption of personal property taxes on· housohold goods up to an assessed valuation of $100~· In preparing 1943 personal property tax bills somo counties gijve taxpayers tho benefit of this exemption while others did not. Any evacuee questioning the Qmount of his 1943 personal property tux bill is advised to dototmino whether or not ho has beori granted the hou;oholdors exemption if ho is ontitlod to it, .addressing a roquost to the county assessor with o.n affidavit utt~chod setting forth tho facts regarding his lQgal residence 0.S Of Murch 2, 1942.

Supplementary work clothing will no longer be issued by tho social welfare dcpo.rtmont, Virgil Payno; ·socio.l wulfn.ro director,. di$Closod.

According to lo.test ndministrGtivo instructions from. Dillon s. Moyer, WRA director, clqthing such us sunit~ry cnps and aprons, gloves, coveralls will bo pro-vidod through divisionnl supervisors to tho proscribed classes of workors nnd shµll bo considered part ~f the di vision or .section w.ork -crovv- equipment. Return of worn• out itoms sha~l be required boforo now issuance nro mndo.· ·

~ala. ~ourth of July Public Danco Slated ------· --·---------·------------A gala Fourth of July dance, strictly .for couples only, sponsored by ~ho re-

crention department, will be given in tho ·high school gyn nt 8 p.m. Saturday, July 3.

Admission will bo freo. Tho first hour will be devoted to squa.ro dancing undor tho supervision of tho members of tho rocont londorship training classes.

Thcntros Closed on Fourth of July ·.

Movies at ~oth theatres on Sunday, July 4, ho.vo boon cnncollcd duo ~o the froo ~ovie to \o shown on tho bnsobo.11 fiold in block 26 a.t 10 P•m., according to

.:!lo.ronco Matsumura., tochnico.l dopt. supervisor.

Sport's Announcoments ·

To defray expenses, n eolloction will bo taken ut the Hoo.rt Mountain-Cody bo.so• 9all gC'Jllo schodulod for Sundcy nt 1:30 p.m., Joo Suski, athletic diroetor, cnnouncod.

With basoba.11 practice schodulod, tho Sportsmon-Quosoda :Knight softball contest this evening has boon ca.llod off.

The Mercuries, Amorica.n loaguo chnnpions, and tho Roynl·Acos, National loaguo ·:1innors, will clash for the clb.ss B softball cho.r.ipionship nt 6 :30 p.m. Sunday at block 26, Horb· Iseri, bo.sobo.11 director, a.nnouneod.

2-3 Week Boan Hooin~ Job Available in Montana

25 to 35 workers aro vmntod f or ·a boan booing job in the Bridger, Montana area. Mon and women ma.y apply for tho job ·which will last fror:i tvvo to throe weeks. Tho job will pay $5 por day plus housing. Bridg-Gr is ab rJ ut· ·60 m-ilcs from Heart Mountain.

Tho reeruitor may .be found in tho outside onploymont offico.

• -3~

·Two Elemonto..ry S~~~ilding_~ Avdlable for Living· Quarters So_on

Buildings 19. in block 25 nnd 6 in block 28 which ho.vo boon usGd for grade schools will soon bo avc:.ilnblo f (; r living o.pnrtrn:mts, Howard R. Enbree, housing superintendent, disclosed.

These build~~gs will be re-conditioned nnd roady fo~ occupancy abo4t the middle of July, Enbroe stntod. First considoration f or o.ssignrnmts in those qµn.rtors 'will . be given to occupants of building 6 to 12 in block 25 who o.ro required to .move out to make wny' for the new internedic.to school.·

Two Foo~l Stores Will Bo~_losod Sundc.y

Tho two ~~od storos in blocks 8 und 20 will bo closod Sunday, nc~ording to pcott To.ggnrt, comr.1Uni+~y ont0rprisos hoo.d,

Sports Anhouncomon~ ' .

The swno toµrnLUJont sch0dulod for Sunday , has boen ·postponoc1 until the follbwi:ng · .· Sunday, July 11, according to s. Idoishi of tho 10021 Suno longuo_ Sumo pro.ci~ce ·. vvill begin tomo:t-row llt tho block 22 "dohyo 0 • · .

Socking to · cinch tho ·class B.Ai:10rico.n loo.guo softball title, tho ·unqefoatog: Mercuries will neot the o~co beaten Roynl Dukes in a postponed go.mos at ~:30 p~~.-· this eveni,ng on. the o.dL1inistration s'.oftbo.11 dl~i.10nd. · In another league go.r:10' tbo Kiowas will to.ngle · wit~h the SportsDo·ri. : 1 •.

Tho champion Sportsmen will clc~s.h with tho Quo soda. Knights· i;n a class A soft- ."· ball gai:1e at 6 :30 _p·om; Fri.dc..y 'On· t.·ho:~·No. 1 : iadr.iin.istrc.t'i~)l1. '.soft bail diamond•

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l I ~ ;·· ! f ... ~ ·

In anoth0r g8.r.1e sche~,µled_ for tho d~.y, tho -hlock 20 0;.nd . -24 1oo:ras ··-.of tho Old. Tine rs loagu~· v~ill in~uguro.to: tho n6u ,·b'lock 24 dim,1,ond 0:t .. 6 :30 p.m •.

Sign•ups for n s~itbo.11 l~aguo for ol~raon~~ry sch¢ol, junior ~igh, a~d high · school too.~s aro being hold nt tha athletic dopa~toont · in block 16, Rciy Thonpson a.unounced.

Plmyground ·ra.cili ties ·:.i.n block 26 and 9 o.ro op&i1 to tho pub.lie o.nd everyone is , urgod to uso them, R~ Thompson, a.th~otic director~ 'announced. Indoor gnmos at _ Reerentiori hiUis 21-25-N c.nd 9-25 o.nd tho ·bo.s<ibdl fiolds o.t blocks 5, 9 and 12 are o.l~o for · public ' uso •.

Tho ' tru:~k ,Lloet scheduled - ~.or. tho sports c~~~r;ni vo.l for tho fourth of July progrop hc.s boon .cc:~9ollod ci.s n field for.' pro.cti co wc:.s not o.vc..ilo.b).o. Insto2.d o. s oftbnll go.De betYveon· "tho Lil Yokuus, A Lenguo chanpions o.nc1 tho o.11 stnrs 1rvill bo pl.nyod· ~dnday July 4 ~t ~:30 p.m., 'Joo Suski, cithlotic nnno.g0r . c.nnouncod.

. Winner~ of tho BB, B nnd B olinino.tion b;skotbo.11 lec.gues n.ro nskod to ·ca.11 for thoi~ plnquos at th~:. c.thlo_tic _ c1op,~~.rti:10nt in block 16 N', Joo Suski, supop.yisor of the athletic depc~rtnent, <.~nn~up.cud o Winning to :_".f.Ts o.ro :tho Zephyrs, Cardi'nnls nnd Falcons.

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