3rd march 2017 standing out - mounts bay...

Post on 20-Sep-2020






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3rd March 2017



28th February 2020

Cover: Music Futures Trip - Manchester


Mounts Bay Is….

I am often told by visitors to the Academy that our school is a great place for young people to learn and express themselves. We encourage all of our students to have a voice and you are all well aware of the success this has brought through our crew meetings.

Les Hall - Academy Principal

Good Luck Molly

We are very lucky to have a recording studio, radio studio and tv studio staffed by industry professionals who regularly encourage students to create new media and learn how the various recording and broadcasting technologies work.

Best wishes

Having a voice is important, especially in these days of social media. Social media when used responsibly can be an amazing way to build positive relationships and respect the great things that our peers are prepared to share.

Just record yourself, or your friends, doing an activity, speaking the phrase, recording it and sending the result to media@mountsbay.org. The best ones will appear on our social feeds and gain E points, some of the best will be used as part of this year’s video that is shown to prospective parents on Open Day and Evening.

Everyone that appears in the final video will receive a prize so get creating!

Not all teabags are bio-degradable. That means that when they go to landfill or your compost heap, the bags remain as the tea inside degrades. Why not check the packaging or use loose tea and a teapot.

The Academy uses social media to showcase our students and we now have thousands of follower across the various media channels.

This week I would like to launch a competition to find the new faces and voices of Mounts Bay. Simply put, I would like you to use your iPads to tell me what you find so great about Mounts Bay in the most imaginative way and including the phrase “Mounts Bay is”.

Finally, I would like to address something that is on everyone’s minds at the moment. You will see later in this newsletter advice that we have been asked to publish by the government in relation to Coronavirus. I would just like to stress that this is advice that all schools should be publishing today and there is no reason to think that there are any cases in the local community, so life here continues as normal.


Mrs Taylor-Hingston and a fantastic group of Year 8 dancers took part in the 1 Billion Rising event in Truro on 14th February. The students were incredible, braving the wind and the rain to dance alongside 250 people as part of a world wide mass action to end violence against women. Over 1500 people across Cornwall learnt the dance and it was incredible to see so many people of all different ages and backgrounds come together to dance a simple routine with a powerful message. 

The campaign, which launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. Every February, we rise – in countries across the world – to show local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity of sexual violence and the injustice survivors most often face. We rise through dance to express joy and community and to celebrate that we have not been defeated by this violence. We rise to create a new kind of consciousness – one where violence will be resisted until it is unthinkable. 

One Billion Rising in Truro was led by KERPOW (Kernow Power of Women) Standing up against violence towards women.

A big thank you to the dedicated Year 8 dancers and their lovely parents who drove them to Truro and stood in the rain with us in solidarity. 

We did it! 1 Billion Rising in Truro


Report by: Mrs Taylor-Hingston

A team of Year 9 students have been preparing for the first Cornwall Restorative Justice Conference in March, today they had

a meeting to discuss and start preparing for the event. This included a FaceTime call with Paddy Dowling a humanitarian photojournalist.

Restorative Justice Conference Preparation


Report by: Mr Strong

Well done to Sawyer in Year 7 for making a "gateau au chocolat" and bringing it in to share with the class, as well as 2 "soufflés au choclolat" for his

teachers, each time using the French recipe in his study guide. 

HPL Creating


Report by: Miss LeJean

The annual MBA Snow Sports trip took place from the 8th–15th February and following a long journey, we arrived safely in Aosta and went straight to ski fit to pick up our skis/boards and boots and were soon ready for the following day’s adventures.

There was a buzz on each floor of the hotel on the first morning especially as we woke to beautiful mountain views. Having finished day one on the mountain there were lots of smiling faces back at the hotel, ski legs were returning and the instructors and staff were delighted with the immediate progress being made. The snow had been falling on and off throughout the day and the students coped really well with all conditions thrown at them.  The resort was fully open and most of the runs were in perfect condition.

During the following days there was more learning and exploring from the students

and the beginners moved on from Baby Pila and were becoming more confident on the blue runs. There was more fresh snow and conditions were perfect with the blue sky and sunshine which was brilliant as the groups were getting further up the mountain.


Ski Trip

Every evening we had a different event; Monday we went to the pizzería - it was great and no one was left hungry! Tuesday had us going to the tubing park which was great. On Wednesday we headed into the lovely Aosta town, where we also tried various

Italian ice cream flavours.

Each day we had some funny awards for notable events that have happened during the previous 24 hours. The first bib went to Silas for his efforts to stand up (sally up sally down!) On day 3 Sienna H was awarded the bib of ski thief due to the fact she picked up Miss Walters’s skis and took them down the mountain. There were also various birthday bibs over the week. The final evening brought the presentation, where the instructors came to join us at the hotel for a while and all students received their certificates and badges. It was a fun evening with lots of laughter and an opportunity to share moments from the week.

Many groups bought gifts for their instructors.

The same evening, heavy snow started to fall leaving the mountains powdery for the last day of skiing. We left late on Friday evening for our long journey back to Penzance! All round it was an amazing trip and was so much fun.

Details of next year’s trip will be advertised

soon, so watch this space!!

Report by: Isla, Sienna, Chloe and Jess


Ski Trip


Report by: Miss Parvin

Home learning in GeographyHome learning in Year 9 is intended to develop independent learning skills, and has been project based this year. They will also be completing research and revision throughout the rest of the year. Year 10 and Year 11 home learning is focused on revision and exam skill practice. Typically this will be through digital quizzes and revision (using Seneca and Quizziz) or through the Geography exam question homework sheets.

Feedback in GeographyFeedback is given constantly to students, both verbally and written. Discussions are ongoing in lessons, ensuring that students can develop and improve their understanding immediately, rather than relying on feedback in the future. Written feedback is also provided on key pieces of work and homework. Years 10 and 11 also receive marking stickers. The marking stickers provide feedback on what the student has done

well and feed forward advice on how to improve. They use the language of the AQA mark scheme to ensure students understand what examiners are expecting of them.

What makes a successful Geography student?The most successful Geographers view the whole World with a Geographical eye. They read and watch the news to make sure that they are aware of human and physical issues and events. They go beyond their set work to develop and deepen their understanding. At GCSE, students will be completing independent revision in a way that suits them. Currently there is a competition in place for Year 11 students working on Seneca. The student who has completed the most productive hours on Seneca by

the Easter Holidays will be in line to win a prom ticket.

Spotlight on Geography

Key topics studied in GeographyYear 9 have been focusing on learning key Geographical skills such as map reading and issue evaluation, and have just begun to learn about urbanisation. Year 10 have

been investigating the impact of natural hazards on people and the environment, and have moved on to The Physical Landscapes of the UK. Year 11 have been studying the changing economy of Nigeria and the economic futures of the United Kingdom. Currently they are working on The Living World and preparing for their final exams at the end of the year.


We are one of 10 Musical Futures Tech Champion Schools and one of 16 Musical Futures Schools in Great Britain. This is a great accolade that we were

awarded last year after a tough and thorough application and review process.

As a Tech Champion School, we have already received free music software and hardware and will soon be the only secondary school in Cornwall running the industry standard ‘Ableton Live’ using Push 2 controllers. On Friday, we were invited to perform and take part in workshops at Spirit Recording Studios, the only recording music university in the country. The students were able to take part in a variety of workshops before watching performances from the country’s best music students. We then had our opportunity to perform original music from the record label with the Qube Records band.


Music Update

The Music department has had exciting times recently with auditions and trips.

Musical Futures Trip - Spirit Studios, Manchester


Students took part in a variety of workshops from DJ-ing to live sound, recording and a seminar on working in the music industry. One of the highlights

was getting to record using the £1 million mixing desk used to record Simply Red, 808 State and The Stone Roses.

The performances given by our students were absolutely incredible and they really stood out for their phenomenal song-writing and performance ability. We received excellent feedback from the staff at the studio, the head of Musical Futures and the British head of Ableton.

The journey there and back was lengthy but hilarious with the students proving to be the best company for 18 hours.

Special mentions must be given to the following people:Cadan for generally having the time of his life, Max for realising where he belongs, Beth for coming so far in her performance ability, Georgia for always smashing it, controlling the Push and looking so cool on stage, Edith for revising Spanish the whole way there, Daisy for always being the ultimate professional and giving her performance

everything, Marlene for always being the most incredibly kind and supportive person to all, Katie for her awesome sax skills and loving the reverse cymbal, Adam for having the most incredibly dreamy vocal tone and keeping perfectly in time and key when technology failed around him, Rose for her epic keys skills, being totally unfazed by technical issues and broccoli, Liviana for giving the stand-out performance of the whole event and Austen for just being the ultimate hero that he is! Thank you to Phil Davies for being the calmest and most incredible bus driver and putting up with us and Darren Roberts for the trousers!


Music Update

We recently hosted the second round of auditions for the community environmental musical ‘Ocean World’. The performance tells the story of a whale and her child who travel the Atlantic Ocean looking for safe passage, but find that humans have

destroyed a lot of their habitat. The musical will be a collective performance of singers and musicians across Penwith with Mounts Bay students taking all of the lead vocal parts.

Minack Auditions


Music Update

Lily and Jade - WhaleGrace - DolphinDaisy - Octopus

Ruby and Zehava - TurtleOscar - Plankton

The performance will be in late April at the Minack Theatre and tickets will be available from their website soon.

Well done to all students involved in the auditions - you were incredible.

During Project Week, the RSL music technology and music performance students have been completing their controlled assessment.

Students have worked incredibly hard and have been focused to produce compositions and performances which really show off their ability.

In music technology, students have been using Logic Pro X to demonstrate their music production skills and their composition creativity. They have been a pleasure to work with and we are really looking forward to the finished products. Well done to all


Report by: Mrs Brown

Project Week


The Year 11 Drama Group have now completed their final practical exam and what a great time we had. The examiner was completely impressed with the whole day and commented in particular in how supportive with each other the whole group was.

They presented a very diverse range of plays and characters.Gbemi Phillips had chosen 2 characters from Danai Gurira ‘Eclipsed’In her two monologues she showed the traumatic impact of witnessing the atrocities of the Liberian war in the two young women she chose to portray.

‘Girl’ played by Gbemi, showing her wracked with fears of being cursed for her part in the war. Very powerful performance as she starts by defending herself, then gradually fear and self loathing take over and her character dissolves in a heap on the



GCSE Drama

Here Gbemi created a wonderfully confused character, coping with hearing that after all these years of exploitation, she is finally free. She mixed humour with rage, when delivering this

flashback through the horrors of this woman’s life, to give yet another incredibly hard hitting performance.

Robin and Tehya were up next with duologues from ‘An Inspector Calls’ by JB Priestly.

Robin here playing Sheila, began the scene with all the melodrama of a spoilt young woman, only to be brought right down to size by Tehya’s

wonderfully calm but controlled Inspector. They gave the piece a modern twist with his notebook as his mobile phone, to bring home that these issues are still very much alive today.


GCSE Drama

Their second extract, has Robin playing the Inspector with Tehya playing a very formidable Mrs Birling. They played with all the energy of a

fist fight contained within a polite game of chess. Wonderfully tense and very satisfying when the Robin as the Inspector, calmly pulls out the pocket watch and scores the final blow with a knowing look towards the audience.

Kiah played Rita from Willy Russell’s ‘Educating Rita’

Kiah’s choice of the funny, cheeky uneducated woman looking to better herself through an open university degree provided us with two delightful

scenes. In her first monologue from the very opening of the play, Kiah as Rita chatted away to the audience about all the goings on at her hairdressers. She gabbled away, rolling her eyes and laughing, to show how this woman hid her lack of confidence behind her jokes.

In the second extract from the final moments of the play, Kiah presented us with a very different Rita. She portrayed her as a woman who has

been on a journey and although the cheeky smile still remained, she had a different inner confidence that was giving her real choice in life. Kiah played this with very moving gratitude as she thanks Frank for being a great teacher.


Angel and Faith selected their two contrasting extracts from Charlotte Keatley’s ‘My Mother Said, I Never Should’ and Harry created the sound design. His

recordings helped to effectively set the time and place in both extracts.


GCSE Drama

Here Angel is giving a heartfelt performance as Jackie, a distraught teenage single mother, calling on her own estranged mother for help.

She played her with frantic panic, only calming at moments when she became absorbed in her own child clearly demonstrating the love she had for her. Faith’s portrayal of Margaret, a tight lipped, immaculate middle class woman, disgusted by the plight her daughter has got herself into, is full of repressed anger. A great scene where you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.

In this extract, Faith played the role of Jackie 15 years on at the moment when her daughter Rosie, played by Angel, who had been brought

up to believe Jackie was her sister, finds out the truth.

Angel portrayed the bitterness and contempt Rosie feels towards her ‘mother’ by showing complete disregard for anything Jackie says. Rosie has been drinking and throws the old photographs of her childhood in her mother’s face to show her disgust at the lies. Faith delivers Jackie’s defence with passion only to

face rejection from the daughter she loves. Very moving performances from both.

Report by: Ms Claxton

Former Mounts Bay student Jacob Pengelly recently made his debut for the U16 England Boys’ Hockey Team. England won both games against

Ireland, and Jacob hopes to be selected in the upcoming fixtures against The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

England Debut


It was great to see the sun on Thursday afternoon when Mounts Bay took on St Ives School. The

break in the weather provided perfect conditions for a great afternoon of football. Mounts Bay started the game on the back foot, conceding an early goal, however, they battled well through the first half dominating possession but still trailing at half time. After half time, MBA raised their game and brought

themselves back into the game a goal at a time to eventually finish the game winning 3-1.

Year 9 Football

Report by: Mr Strong

Mercredi 26 février commence le Carême et avec lui la période de quarante jours marquée par le jeûne et l’abstinence qui conduit à la fête de Pâques. Mais avant ce mois de retenue, il est devenu tradition de fêter mardi gras, jour d’abondance. En France, on en profite d’ailleurs pour manger des crêpes.


Mardi Gras et Carnaval

La date symbolise aussi la fin du carnaval, période de célébrations et d’excès. Pendant plusieurs jours, généralement au moins le week-end précédent, jeunes et moins jeunes se déguisent, défilent dans les rues, dansent et jouent de la musique.


“Avoir le cafard” - literally, to have the cockroach! But meaning to feel down, to have the blues

Foot- Classement Ligue 1

Idiom of the Week

Idioms are expressions and phrases that cannot be translated literally. We use lots of them in the English language, for example “t’s a piece of cake!” They are great to use in your work as they will make your texts much more interesting and authentic.

Use this idiom in your French work this week where appropriate and get an E code from your teacher!

Report by: Miss Lejean

Tassomai Top 20

With exams now around the corner, it is so essential that all Year 11 students are completing at least 10 mins of Tassomai a day. So many students in previous years have said how much it helped with their subject recall and it must be one of the

easiest revision strategies. However, it's important to remember that Tassomai is only effective if done daily AND as part of a varied revision schedule. There are so many resources: Flash cards, past papers, CenturyTech, Exampro exam questions and watching the legendary Shaun in Freesciencelessons.co.uk!

So many of you are working really hard and with such a positive attitude, and some of you just need a little more confidence and that will come with revision and practice. So, put the kettle on, get the biscuits out and settle down to quarter of an hour of Tassomai - all you have to do is open the app and your brain will soon get into gear!

Top 20 for Tassomai this week:

Report by Miss Weightman





















And this week's Top 20 winner from the Random Name Selector is Flo!

Stop germs spreading with our e-Bug resources on hand and respiratory hygiene lesson plans for KS1, 2 and 3: campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/schools

If there is an emergency, call 999 immediately

How can you stop coronaviruses spreading?

Advice on the coronavirusfor places of education

How serious is the coronavirus?• �it�can�cause�flu-like�symptoms,�including�fever,�cough�&�difficulty�breathing

• the�infection�is�not�serious�for�most�people,�including�children�

• there�is�currently�no�vaccine• most�people�get�better�with�enough�rest,�water�to�drink�and�medicine�for�pain

How likely are you to catch the virus?• you�can�only�catch�it�if�you�have�been�close�to�a�person�who�has�the�virus

• the�chance�of�being�in�contact�with�the�virus�is�currently�low�in�the�UK

• if�you�have�travelled�to�areas�where�many�people�are�infected,�your�chance�of�catching�the�virus�is�higher,�i.e.�China�and�any�affected�areas

What should you do if you feel unwell?Keep�away�from�others�and�stay�at�home�to�stop�the�infection�spreading.�Avoid�public�transport�if�you�think�you�have�symptoms�of�coronavirus.�If�you�become�unwell�at�a�place�of�education,�tell�a�member�of�staff�and�let�them�know�if�you�have�travelled�to�any�other�countries�in�the�last�14�days.�If�your�staff�member�or�parent�thinks�you�have�symptoms�of�coronavirus,�they�should�call�NHS 111�for�advice.�Follow�the�UK�Government�advice�for�childcare�or�educational�settings�gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19. Parents�can�visit�NHS.UK to�find�out�more�information.�Teachers�and�support�staff�should�follow�the�UK�Government�advice.Staff,�students�and�pupils�who�have�returned�from�Wuhan�and�Hubei�Province�in�China�should�self�isolate,�and�NOT�attend�education�or�work�for�14�days.�See NHS.UK�for�advice�on�coronavirus.

Before leaving home

After breaks & sport


After using the toilet

Bin it

If you need to cough or sneeze You should wash hands with soap & water or hand sanitiser

Kill it by washing

your hands with soap & water or hand sanitiser

On arrival at any childcare or educational


Catch itwith a tissue

Before cooking & eating

Try not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

Do not share items that come into contact with your mouth such as cups & bottles

If unwell do not share items such as bedding, dishes, pencils & towels

















KMONDAY 2ND MARCH 2020Yr 7 & 9 Girls & Boys Football@Cape Cornwall School 3-5pm

TUESDAY 3RD MARCH 2020Year 8 Netball State School Comp@Ivybridge College All Day

WEDNESDAY 4TH MARCH 2020U13 Girls County Cricket Finals@Truro College 10-3pm

THURSDAY 5TH MARCH 2020Live streaming of Macbeth by RSC@MBA Year 10 Periods 1&2Primary Yr 1 &2 Indoor Cricket@MBA 11-2pm

FRIDAY 6TH MARCH 2020U13 Boys Hockey@Truro School All DayU12 Girls Netball @Newquay Tretherras All Day

SATURDAY 7TH MARCH 2020Music For Youth Qube Records Bands Performing@Heartlands 11-4pm

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