3rd women empowerment summit and wise gala dinner

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3rd Women Empowerment Summit and WISE Graduation Gala

The European Sustainability Academy (ESA) will host leading UK Business Woman, Rachel Elnaugh of Dragon’s Den (the influential business oriented BBC TV series) for the prestigious 3rd Annual Women Empowerment Conference and WISE Gala Dinner and Graduation to support Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Greece

The European Sustainability Academy marks the successful end of the EU-Funded WISE

(Women Innovators in Sustainable Enterprise) program, with the 3rd Women Empowerment

Conference in Drapanos, Chania on the 25th and 26th of September 2015. With a high profile

international guest list, including Dragon’s Den Star and serial Entrepreneur Rachel Elnaugh,

among other special guests to be announced, this conference will be a milestone for the

entrepreneurial agenda in Crete, and beyond.

The event grasps firmly on sustainable business and Rachel will share her insightful knowledge

with WISE participants, as they pitch innovative business ideas to a panel of experienced and

influential business leaders.

Against the backdrop of the economic crisis in Greece, and its sheer need for business development and job growth, Founder of ESA Sharon Jackson, is determined to provide inspiration and international business support to the local community and economy in manifold ways, and the WE series of conferences is one of them. The goal is for it to evolve into a platform on which business-boosting and innovation initiatives for both men and women entrepreneurs will be built and launched, as to also attract international business leaders, academics and promote sustainable tourism in Crete.

As Sharon Jackson said of the event, "We are delighted to be hosting Rachel Elnaugh at ESA

to celebrate women in entrepreneurship. It is well documented that women entrepreneurs

can be effective drivers for economic growth. We aim to inspire Greek women to overcome

barriers to creating and sustaining business, and feel this is a great way to mark the

graduation of our WISE women as they commit to their entrepreneurial journey, pioneering

business leadership locally.”

We are offering exclusive opportunities to become an event sponsor, which will include tickets and promotion of your business as an ESA/WISE partner as we develop and launch the WISE2 programme.

Find out more about :

o ESA 3rd WE Conference and WISE Graduation - Headline Sponsor with Speaking Opportunity

o Supporting Partner Organisation o Private Supporter

The programme:

Friday 25th September 2015

Welcome Lunch and Conference Workshops on Business Skills

With high profile international teachers/ facilitors :

Connecting With Purpose with Muzvare Betty Makoni, Founder of Girl Child Network

Resilience for Entrepreneurs with Jen Andersson, Creator of Connected Conversations

Life’s a Pitch with Ramona Da Gama, Peak Performance Coach and Director of RDG

Evening event: Dragon’s Den-style event for the top 5 WISE participants to pitch their business ideas. This will be attended by media and an invited audience.

Saturday 26th September

Women Empowerment Awards Gala Dinner/ Dance and WISE Graduation Ceremony

Sponsorship provides the opportunity to meet and network with influential business leaders, in a rare and informal setting, at the European Sustainability Academy and to achieve recognition for your business in supporting sustainable business and female leadership.

Sponsorship Options

ESA 3rd WE Conference and WISE Graduation - Headline Sponsor with Speaking Opportunity


Speaking Opportunity at Gala Dinner/Dance including featured biography in the websites and

accompanying brochure of your chosen speaker.

Prominent Co-Branding Opportunity on Press Release, Event Website, Social Media

4 Premium VIP Tickets for Dragon’s Den event with Rachel Elnaugh

Table for 4 with wine at Gala Dinner

Case Study or Article for use in Corporate CSR material to evidence contribution to sustainability


Provision of 10 delegate workshop in the coming year for your organisation, accredited by ESA.

This would be an excellent opportunity for organisations seeking to position as a strong supporter of CSR, Sustainability and Diversity. ESA would particularly welcome applications from organisations from the Travel and Leisure industry, as Sustainable Tourism is a key part of development strategy for the local area. Please apply via email to administrator@eurosustainability.org

Investment : £5000

Supporting Partner Organisation

2 workshop places with Accommodation

Opportunity to present WE Award at Gala Dinner, including featured biography in the websites and

accompanying brochure of your chosen presenter.

Opportunity to contribute to development of WISE2 programme

Listing as Supporting Partner on Press Release, Event Website, Social Media

2 Premium VIP Tickets for Dragon’s Den event with Rachel Elnaugh

2 places at the Gala Dinner

Article or interview with a business leader in your organisation to evidence contribution to sustainability


This opportunity would particularly suit organisations who would like senior female leaders to build profile and network in the areas of sustainability. ESA welcomes applications from all sectors for this opportunity.

20% Discount on ESA Leadership Development Programmes in next 12 months. Please apply via email to administrator@eurosustainability.org

Investment : £1500

Private Supporter

Due to the need to support attendance costs for participants in the WISE Programme, ESA

welcomes donations which can be made in the name of your organisation, personally or

anonymously gifted. There is a suggested donation amount of 50€ or you may contact ESA

directly if you wish to donate an alternative amount.

You will have the option to be thanked in the event programme and on the event website,

along with a social media “Thankyou” and ESA Supporter 2015 icon for inclusion on your

website and promotional material, unless you wish to donate anonymously.

Suggested Donation : 50€

Via Link: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/3rd-women-empowerment-we-summit-tickets-18005315383

Public Tickets are available at


3rd Women Empowerment Summit and WISE Graduation Gala


About ESA:

The European Sustainability Academy is the realization of the vision of Sharon Jackson, inspired by her experiences of running sustainable business leadership programs in areas of breathtaking natural beauty such as Tasmania, Australia and Chamonix in the French Alps.

ESA provides training and development programs for business managers, owners and organizational leaders to learn about sustainable business and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is also a superb venue for corporate retreats – especially those with a view to bringing a sustainable perspective to their agenda.

The ESA teaching philosophy is one of 'applied sustainability'. That involves bringing the best academic research to inform practical business action. With a strong emphasis on action learning, all ESA management and leadership programs are designed to be highly stimulating for participants.

About WISE

WISE is a game-changing, mixed methods, learning and development program which was designed in 2014 and piloted in 2015 for 60 women across Greece, Spain and Croatia. The WISE pilot project has been partly funded by the EU Life-long learning program and has been jointly developed by an international consortium of partners including: ESADE Business School -Spain, Impact HUB Zagreb - Croatia and ESA Greece. The participants (60 women from 3 countries /20 from each) have undertaken a series of online learning modules. A face to face weekend workshop which have been supported by peer on-line shared learning through regular virtual meetings, webinars and on-line social media communities which has created a strong ongoing network and support community for sharing news, acquiring new knowledge and exchanging business ideas. This network continues after the WISE pilot end. The vision of a WISE woman is to be a ‘conscious, confident person who has the clarity, community and courage to identify and seize entrepreneurial opportunities to make impact and bring about positive change’. ESA is launching WISE 2, to run in 2016 for 20 more Greek women who wish to set up and run a sustainable enterprise.

Sponsorship Contacts/info:

Sharon Jackson: Sharon.Jackson@Eurosustainability.org (;)

Yannis Maleganos: John.Maleganos@eurosustainability.org(;)

Laura Morrison : Laura@thegamechangerconsultancy.com

ESA facebook: www.facebook.com/European.Sustainability.Academy

WISE web: www.wise4women.eu

WISE facebook: www.facebook.com/wise4women

Tags: Sustainability; women in business; entrepreneurship; Greece; economy ; business; leadership ; women in leadership

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