4 french revolution worksheet22

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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French revolution


The French Revolution

He was the last king of

France and he wanted to be like his grandfather, but

he couldn´t because he was not a good and loved


King Louis XIV

King Louis XVI

She was from another country and became

Queen of France when she married Louis XVI and they

always had big events. People disliked this and also that she was from

another country.Once she was obliged to leave France and all her

possessions walking naked along a tunnel and then

put on other clothes as if she was a new person.

Marie Antoinette

One problem was France’s unequal social hierarchy that was made up of three classes -

The First Estate was made up of religious people, they were less than 1%. They paid 2% of the taxes.

They didn´t want the middle class to have more money because that would mean sharing the their

economic and political power.

France’s unequal social hierarchy was made up of three classes were called estates-

The Second Estate was made up of Nobles they were the 2% of the population. They didn´t pay

taxes. They were very rich and near the king.

The Third Estate included poor peasants but also the well-educated middle class (bourgeoisie)

This group paid …50% of their income in taxes

The Third Estate made up 97% of the population

Social tensions were made worse by the financial crisis in the 1770s & 1780s

Where did the missing money come from?Food

The influence of the American Revolution

The French revolution claimed ¨freedom, brotherhood and equality¨. And after that France became a Republic where the people had rights.

The American revolution was inspired in the French and organized themselves as a Republic

shortly after.

During the Estates-General, the First & Second Estates voted to increase taxes on the Third Estate

The First & Second Estates decided to vote by order rather than by head

vote per estate

The first and second Estates wanted to

increase the taxes on the third Estate.

The vote counted as 2.The third Estate wanted to vote by head not as 1

by personThe first and second

Estates didn´t want to count the third estate

vote per person because they were

more and they would win.

Finally the first and second Estate won


The March to Versailles

Poor women weren´t able to buy food so the marched to the royal palace at Versailles. They forced the king and his family to come back to Paris. The king was in their power. The king and his family lived for one year like prisoners in Paris.

The Fall of the Bastille

One morning the people who were very angry opened fire against the Bastille but

king Louis XVI was not very worried because he thought it was just a protest.

The National Assembly wrote their revolutionary ideals in the Declaration _of the rights of men

and Citizen

In 1789, the National Assembly swore to a

Tennis Court Oath promising a new

constitution & limitations on the king’s power

What should the National Assembly do to solve France’s problems?

Fearing the spread of France’s revolutionary ideas, Austria & Prussia

assembled armies to restore France’s

absolute monarchy

They should have to solve the economic crisis, the political luck of power and the social poverty.

The National Assembly cut the heads off traitors because it was an easy and less painfull way to kill a person.

The slogan of the French Revolution became:

Liberty ------------Equality------------Brotherhood------------------

In 1793, Maximilien Robespierre gained control

of the National Convention

From 1793 to 1794, Robespierre executed

40,000 “traitors” during an era known as the

---Reign –of--- terror ----------

The Reign of Terror ended when French citizens turned on

Robespierre and cut of his head..

The revolution came to an end in 1795, but France was in chaos

By: Jazmin de Virgiliis

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