4-h livestock record insert · assurance program with animal handling, care, and welfare. ten good...

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Ohio State University Extension

Henry County 4-H Livestock Record Insert

Obtain and complete this insert each year this project is taken. Be sure to bring your original project book + this insert to your livestock skillathon judging.


Club ____________________________________________________________________

Advisor who assisted you with this project:______________________________________

Age ________ (as of 1/1/20__) Years in 4-H________ (including current year)

Years in this animal project________ Date project started ____/____/______ (including current year)

I hereby certify that as the 4-H member of this project, I have personally kept records on this

animal project and have personally completed this record book.

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Breeding/Non Market Projects (Please check box) 117B- Beef Breeding

122- Dairy Heifer

126-Dairy Cow 135C- Companion Goats

135BM-Breeding Meat Goats

135BD- Breeding Dairy Goats

135- Fiber Goats

135H- Harness Goats

135P- Pack Goats

135Y- Pygmy Goats

140- Swine Breeding

150CE- Chicken Exhibition (Fancy)

150CEP- Chicken Egg Production Hens & Pullets

150DE- Duck Exhibition

150TE- Turkey Exhibition

150GE- Goose Exhibition

150H- Helmeted Guinea Fowl

199- Sheep Breeding

225- Rabbits

Page 2

Why Keep Records On Your Project animal? Records Help You… Learn about animals, their rate of growth, the feed they require, the cost of the feed,

and your animal’s habits Plan and budget future projects Follow drug withdrawal times and keep a record of all medications/ or treatments given Know if you made or lost money, and how much

Improve your management practices

Keep a record of your project activities

Understand the business aspects and economics of purchasing animals, feed,

facilities, and equipment for an animal project

Remember… records are no more useful than what you put into them.

Breeding Livestock Record Book or Insert Points *5 Goals completed and documented= 5 pts. *Leadership & Citizenship= 5 pts. *Feed Tag Questions= 2 pts. *Thoroughness of ALL records= 5 pts. *Neatness of book/insert= 3 pts.

Acknowledgement: Insert design is a combination of three Extension Educators’ work: Teresa Johnson, Extension Educator, 4-H, Defiance Co.; Michael Schweinsberg, Extension Educator, 4-H, Paulding Co. and Laura Rohlf, Extension Educator, 4-H, Henry Co., Emily Cordes, Office Assistant Henry County.

Page 3

Youth Agreement The terms of this agreement shall begin on the ________day of ___________, 20_____, and

terminate on the _______day of ___________, 20______, or when the animal(s) are sold.

Who will provide the following? *Type in names * Labor: Financing:

Housing: Transportation:

Feed: Livestock:

Youth Livestock Program Commitment to Excellence *Place Your Initials on each line*

______ I believe that participation in the 4-H Livestock/Animal Program should demonstrate my

own knowledge, ability, and skill as a producer and exhibitor of livestock. ______ I will do my own work to the fullest extent I am capable and otherwise will only accept

advice and support from others. ______ I will not use abusive, fraudulent, illegal, deceptive, or questionable practices in

the feeding, fitting and showing of my animal (s), nor will I allow my parents, supervisor, or any other individual to employ such practices with my animal(s).

______ I will read, understand, and follow the rules without exception, of all livestock shows in

which I am a participant, and ask that my parents and the supervisor of my project do the same.

______ I wish for my livestock/animal project to be an example of how to accept what life has to

offer, both good and bad, and how to live with the outcome. ______ I realize that I am responsible for:

• the proper care and safe humane treatment of my animals • the production of a high quality, safe and wholesome food • demonstrating strong moral character as an example to others.

I (the 4-H member) will be responsible for the primary care of my livestock project. I will keep accurate records throughout the project year and agree to finish this record in order to complete my livestock project.

Member Signature _____________________________________ Date ________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Date ________________

Page 4

The Care That You Provide Your Animals (Complete Entire Check List-mark N/A if not applicable for your animal)

Task I am

already doing

I want to improve

Prepare the facilities before I purchase my project animal.

Provide adequate housing and bedding.

Provide access to clean, fresh feed and water.

Control internal and external parasites.

Dehorn animals when they are young.

Castrate animals when they are young.

Train animals to be handled at a young age.

Develop a health program to prevent disease.

Observe animals daily & immediately treat those who need care.

Identify animals (ear tag, tattoo, etc.)

Keep records on vaccines, medication, and medicated feed.

Be aware of animal comfort at all stages of production.

Use proper techniques for vaccination and treatment.

Observe and follow drug residue avoidance rules.

Observe label directions including withdrawal times on medications as well as on feed tags.

Sort and load animals safely and with concern for them.

Page 5

Goals Achieved Through

Learning Opportunities & Activities

Choose at least five (5) goals for your project. Goals should be established at the beginning of the project. They should be challenging, yet attainable. Realizing your success in achieving the goals you have chosen for the year is important. Documentation of the learning opportunities and/or the activities you participated in tells the story of how you reached your goals and ultimately your success! Please be sure to fill in how you actually accomplished your goal. Here is an example: Goal Learn proper show attire for exhibiting your animal project *Learning Opportunity/Activity: Attended Quality Assurance Education which included a style show demonstrating the proper attire for the show ring; I called and talked to the Extension Educator about what I am to wear; my advisor also helped me learn about the proper attire at one of my club meetings. Date Adult’s

Achieved Initials Learn about a medical or health issue that effects _______ _______ my project animal *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Learn about the various breeds of the specie I am taking _______ _______

*Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Learn the parts of my animal _______ _______

*Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Learn more about desirable characteristics for my project

that Judges typically look for at a show _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Learn a new livestock management skill related

to my project _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Raise my animal(s) to completion _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Take full responsibility for the care and health of my

animal(s) _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Page 6

Learn how to groom and clip my project animal(s) _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Complete the required Quality Assurance Education _______ _______ in order to exhibit my project animal/s. *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Learn how to read a feed tag _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Exhibit my animal(s) at the Ohio State Fair _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Help a younger 4-H or FFA member with their project or

Ask an older member to help you with your project _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________


Participate in a livestock skill-a-thon _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Participate in showmanship _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Complete my own fair entries and DUNF accurately _______ _______ *Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Other: _____________________________________ _______ _______

*Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Other: _____________________________________ _______ _______

*Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Other: _____________________________________ _______ _______

*Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Other: _____________________________________ _______ _______

*Learning Opportunity/Activity:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Page 7

Leadership & Citizenship Activities Complete 2 or more Leadership & Citizenship Activities per year. Plan to complete different activities each year. Below is a list of activities. Record those that you complete if not noted on the list. Activity Date Achieved Lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a 4-H meeting

Lead a song or a game at a 4-H meeting

Participated in a radio or tv program

Gave a presentation to my 4-H club

Gave a presentation to a group other than my 4-H club

Served as a host for a 4-H meeting

Participated in a community service project with my 4-H club

Served as chair of a committee

Participated actively in 4-H Junior Leadership Club

Attended 4-H camp

Attended a leadership workshop/conference (Ohio 4-H Conference,

Buckeye Leadership Workshop, etc.)

Assisted with a livestock show

Served as a camp counselor

Made our 4-H club’s educational tour arrangements

Served as a 4-H club officer

Secured a speaker for our 4-H club

Assisted with a Quality Assurance Education session

Assisted at project judging

Helped with my 4-H club’s fundraising event/activity

Prepared a radio public service announcement, a display about Ohio

4-H week

Assisted in helping others less fortunate than myself by (please

indicate what you did….)

Completed a project that benefited my community

Taught somehow how to show their animal




Page 8

Assuring Quality Care for Animals Assuring Quality Care for Animals merges the current state-mandated Youth Food Animal Quality Assurance program with animal handling, care, and welfare.

Ten Good Production Practices Ohio 4-H has adopted The Ten Good Production Practices (GPPs) below as a key component of the Youth Food Animal Quality Assurance program. The program’s highest priorities are ensuring 4-H members remain as safe as possible, project animals receive high quality care, and animals entering the food chain are safe for the consumer. Review and study the GPPs below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Use an appropriate veterinarian/client/patient relationship (VCPR) as the basis for medication decision-making.

a. There are many situations in which a veterinarian’s advice or care is needed to maintain the health of your project animal.

b. Choose a veterinarian ahead of time so you are prepared when faced with an injury or illness which needs veterinary care.

2. Establish and implement an efficient and effective health management plan. a. Be sure you know what your animals will need from you before you bring them

home. b. Use your livestock resource manual and/or seek out a trusted, knowledgeable

person. c. Proper animal care requires a financial investment. Think about the total cost of

your project before purchasing an animal. d. Daily care and observation is a requirement for all projects. If you are raising your

project animal away from your home, be sure you can meet this commitment or that you have an agreement in place with others who will be helping. 4-H Members are required to have a significant role in daily animal care.

3. Use antibiotics responsibly. a. Use professional veterinary advice to make decisions about antibiotic use. b. Be sure to include all antibiotic use on your treatment records, including medicated

feeds. 4. Properly store and administer animal health products.

a. Read and follow instructions on all drug labels for storage and administration of products.

b. If your animal needs treatment, learn how to properly administer products to your animal or seek the help of a trusted, knowledgeable person to do it for you.

5. Follow proper feed processing protocols. a. Provide clean water at all times. b. Choose feed appropriate for the species, age, and purpose of your animal. c. Store feed in a clean, dry space free of rodents or insect infestation. d. If you use medicated feeds, take care not to contaminate other feedstuffs.

6. Establish effective animal identification, medication records, and withdrawal times. a. This record book contains places to record the minimum requirements. b. Additional records can be kept in a notebook or on a computer if desired. c. Treatment records must be kept for at least one year after the project is complete.

Page 9

7. Practice good environmental stewardship a. Develop a plan for managing animal waste (manure). b. If an animal dies, investigate the local rules for handling the remains.

8. Maintain proper workplace safety (for yourself and others). a. Use safe animal handling practices, even at home. b. If your animals are housed at a facility away from your home, make a plan for what

to do in case of severe weather, a fire, or other disaster. c. Post the address of the facility in any easy-to-find place so it is readily available in

case of an emergency. 9. Provide proper animal handling and care (to improve animal well-being).

a. Observe your animals daily. Take note of their behavior and appearance, as well as how much they are eating and drinking. Understanding normal behavior is the first step in recognizing signs of illness or injury.

b. Maintain a clean living environment for your animal. c. Minimize animal stress by monitoring environmental conditions (such as

temperature) and using appropriate handling techniques. 10. Utilize tools for continuous improvement.

a. Take the time to learn how to properly care for and handle your animal from a knowledgeable, reputable person.

b. Review GPPs annually and take note of any improvements needed to meet goals. Information for Member to Consider

1. Which veterinarian will you contact if your animal needs medical care?

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________ E-mail: __________________________________ 2. Who will you contact if you have questions about feeding your animal?

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________E-mail: __________________________________ 3. Who will you contact if you have questions about handling your animal?

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________E-mail: __________________________________

Page 10

Inventory of Equipment Use this record to list items you already own and will be using this year for this project. Examples include cages, coops, feeders, waters, grooming equipment, incubation and brooding equipment, rakes, shovels, clippers, etc. Any NEW items purchased should be included on the Miscellaneous Expense record page.

Date Item Quantity Example 3/15/XX Waterers 4

Page 11

Miscellaneous Expenses Expenses for non-feed items. (cost of breeding/s, insurance, bedding, equipment, tags, veterinary, transportation, NEW equipment etc.) If none, write none and explain why. Estimate of expenses to Skillathon.

Date Item Cost Quantity Example

5/4 1 bale of straw for bedding $2.00 1

Total Miscellaneous Expenses $ _______________ (Figure A)

Page 12

Feed Expenses Start your record whenever you began feeding your animal. For breeding stock you have year round, start this record on January 1st. It is not possible to raise an animal and have no feed costs. Do not leave this section blank. If you have an agreement to use feed from your parent’s farm, or some other arrangement, calculate the pounds and value of the fed as if you had purchased it. Estimate all feed costs to the date of Skillathon.

Complete Feed

Hay, Silage or Pasture Grain Mineral Block Other (milk

replacer etc.) Date Lbs. $ Value Lbs. $ Value Days $ Value Lbs. $ Value Lbs. $ Value

Total $ $ $ $ $ Add the total of the 5 feed columns Total Feed Expenses$ ____________ (Figure B)

Page 13

Feed Tag It is important for every producer to know what they are feeding and to understand how to read a feed tag. Tape or staple one feed tag, supplement tag or feed mix receipt (i.e. list of ingredients and amounts) to this page from ration fed during your project. Be prepared to answer questions about your feed tag.

Possible Feed Tag Questions… *What is the percent crude protein? *What is the crude fat content? *Can this feed be given to any other animal? Why or why not? *Name two ingredients in the feed. *What is the withdrawal time of the feed if there is one? *What are the feed directives? *What is the crude fiber content? *Is there a limitation on how long you can feed this product to your animal? *Is this a supplement or a complete feed? *What is the active drug ingredient if there is one? *What is the main ingredient in the feed?

Page 14

Breeding Project Animal Information (XX=year in the example)


Identification of Animal

(include all available information)

Date Obtained

Date & Estimated


Purchase Price or Value at Start of Project

Comparison Price (Market

Value) Date & Estimated


Kept Sold

Name/ID # Description (breed, color,

markings, etc)


Birthdate of animal

Raised (Born)


Value at End of Project

Total Selling Price

Minnie Tag # 76 Black Angus F 2-15-xx 2-15-00 4-22-xx

230 lbs $850 $230 8-15-xx 600 lbs $1600 n/a

Sandy Tag # 17 Hampshire F 1-7-xx 3-27-XX 3-27-xx

140 lbs $160 $56 8-15-xx n/a $225

Valentine Tattoo V43

English Spot, Lilac F 12-6-xx 2-5-13 2-5-xx

12.5 lbs $40 $14 12-31-xx 13 lbs $70

Total Expense of Animals started with or purchased:$_______ (Figure C-1) Total Amount of Income from Animals SOLD$________ (Figure C-2)

*additional inventory sheets available online or you may duplicate this page if more record space is needed


Page 15

Animal Photos- Visual Identification Please affix at least one photo of each animal you are keeping records on and plan to exhibit at the fair for this year. *No drawings.

Page 16

Pedigree Record Choose one breeding animal (purebred or crossbred) from your herd and complete the pedigree below.

_______________________________________________ Sire of Sire (Grandfather on Father Side) #

_____________________________________ Sire (Father) #

_______________________________________________ Dam of Sire (Grandmother on Father Side) #

____________________________________ Animal Name # & Tattoo #


Sire of Dam (Grandfather on Mother Side) #

_____________________________________ Dam (Mother) #

_______________________________________________ Dam of Dam (Grandmother on Mother Side) #

Breeder: ___________________________________ Owner: ____________________________________

Owned as of: _______________________________

Page 17

TREATMENT RECORD (XXXX or XX= year used in the example)

Treatment Date/Time

Animal ID Name, species, ID

Condition Being Treated

Estimated Weight (lbs)

Treatment Given (Medication dispensed,

Amount and Route)

Instructed Meat/Milk/Egg


Date/Time Withdrawal Complete

If this is an extra label or Rx drug, list the

name, phone # of the licensed vet who

prescribed or directed the treatment.

July 2-7,xxxx Flush July 8


Rhode Island-Cross Broilers

Infectious Synovitis 4.5-5 lbs

Carraamysin-152, 350 mgm/gal in drinking

water 5 days 7/13/xx

9am Dr. Jones


July 2, xxxx 10:00 am

Caprine, N18 – Boer Doe

Lame, right rear foot 65 lbs Rubracillin

4 ml, IM 48 hours milk 11 days meat

7/13/xx 10am (meat)

Dr. Lee 419-555-5555

May 1, xxxx 5:00 pm

Victoria, Alpine doe Kid LE:J4 Diarrhea 40 lbs Blosol Liquid

3 cc orally 30 days meat 5/31/xx 5 pm n/a

*additional single page of Treatment Record is available online or you may duplicate this page as needed.


Page 18

Beef Breeding and Calving Record (Required only if actually breeding) May insert your own records that are in a different format here.

Breeding Dates

Cow I.D. Bull I.D. Type of Service


Date Bull Turned In 1st 2nd 3rd

Projected Calving


Actual Calving


Calving Ease

Score **


* Types of Service (A.I. Artificial Insemination or N Natural) ** See Beef Breeding Resource Handbook # 117R

#117B- Beef Breeding

Page 19

Goat Breeding Record (Required only if actually breeding) May insert your own records that are in a different format here.

Date Bred Dam ID Sire ID Lactation Number

dairy herd only

Due Date

Kidding Date

Offspring Sex, ID, & Weight Notes


Savannah #12 12JPOH56

B chateau Ohio Kilroy 15760HP, AI 2 5/1/xx 5/10/xx

Twin kids, Indigo #39, 8lb and #40,

9lb Assisted birth

Indicate whether mating was done naturally (N) or by artificial insemination (AI)

Project #135BD- Breeding- Dairy Goats Project #135BM- Breeding- Meat Goats

Page 20

Sheep Breeding and Lambing Record (Required only if actually breeding) May insert your own records that are in a different format here.

Flock Name: ________________________ Ram Name or Number: ________________

Ewe # Flock #

* Ram I.D. #

Date Ram Turned In

Breeding Cycle # 1

Breeding Cycle # 2

Breeding Cycle # 3

Projected Lambing


Actual Lambing

Date Remarks


684,N 8/8

8/12/XX 8/19/XX 1/21/XX 1/19/XX Twin lambs: one at 9lbs & one at 10lbs

• Indicate whether mating was done natural (N) or by artificial insemination (A.I.) • Use one chart for each ram. • Breeding cycles for sheep are 17 days in length

Project #199 Sheep Breeding

Page 21

Dairy Heifer Growth Record Animal ID Date Age Weight


Height at Withers (inches)

Hip Height Heart Girth (inches)

# 6041 May 15, XX 153 lbs 38 in.

Dairy Animal Breeding Record

(Required only if actually breeding your project animal) Dated

Serviced Animal

ID Sire/Registration Estimated Wt at Breeding (pounds)

Age at Breeding (months)

Due Date

12/04/xx #5561 5H3382 – Brutus 776 lbs 15 mo 09/30/xx

#122- Dairy Heifer

#123- Dairy Cow

Page 22

EGG PRODUCTION RECORD Record egg production for any continuous 30day period during your project. If you choose to keep records more than the 30 days, make copies of this page as necessary.



Number of Birds

Number of Eggs

Average Market Value

Per Dozen Per Egg

Value of Eggs

Sold Used 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *If you are selling eggs this is INCOME and should be indicated on the Profit/Loss section of this insert. Income from sale of eggs $_________ (Figure D)

#150CEP- Chicken Egg Production Hens

Page 23

Rabbit Doe Breeding Record (Required only if actually breeding)

Cage/Hutch # ____________ Name or Ear # __________ Date Born _________ Breed: __________________ Sire: __________________ Dam: _____________

Served by Buck #

Date Bred Palpated Date

Kindled Number of Young Kits Weaned Dated

Weaned Remarks Born Left Added Raised Died Bucks Does

Rabbit Buck Breeding Record (Required only if actually using for breeding)

Cage/Hutch # ____________ Name or Ear # __________ Date Born _________ Breed: __________________ Sire: __________________ Dam: _____________

Doe Served Ear #

Date Bred Litter Size

Litter Weight Kits Weaned Remarks

3 wks 5 wks 8 wks Bucks Does

#225- Breeding Rabbit

Page 24

Additional Income from Your Project This may include show winnings, sale of equipment or supplies, other items related to your particular project work.

Date Description Amount Earned

Total Additional Income $_____ (Figure E)

Profit or Loss Statement INCOME

Figure C-2= Animals Sold $

*Figure D= Eggs Sold $

Figure E= Additional Income from project



Figure A= Miscellaneous Expenses $

Figure B= Feed Expenses $ Figure C-1= Total Expense (value) of animal/s started with or purchased $


Total Income – Total Expenses = Profit or Loss $

Page 25

Project Summary

1. What was your favorite part of this project? Why?








2. What was your least favorite part? Why?








3. What was the most important or interesting thing you learned? Explain.







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