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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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2 . .

2 3 ? C I - ' L : 1 9 4 5 > 37 Officors, 1 .\-rr_":t .i'iicer^ 575 -l-i-ioted ll-in*

6^ Cii;i.:.c:i/ r,;:.. Cpsrs-ticjis covering porioci l^w ~ 23th'February 19^^5«:'.

.v..*"4...iiii-rSd'A. oison^ 0-SS7474, ist L t . , :i\:4:j:;.,:.. ira-^ '/V ."4:;,;;

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•Uirichs, 3715:C.. J^.nobson ...

10 i .l;ardE (cont'dls • Sergcaixb Laarence Roicherb. 39006630 ' ' ' Sergeant JOHN G„ OIJIDSI., 36500653 Sergeaidi l e r l e 11 '..allace, 37151535 Corporal r h i l i o ?. Hoin, 37152979

Bronze Otar - BeloiW naiied C'O, aer Sec I I I , GO I I I , Hq 5 t h Inf Oi«, 3 l-abrw^axy 19Z,5, 1st L t o Bete Bova, 0 -1821540 1st L t o Janes Ha Bovman, 0 - 1 8 2 1 5 4 1

Ho Photographs: None* y^.

LT. C0L„ , I N ? * , Gornriianding

Appendiac IA)„ 1 zo

ncdion Against anemy, Aepcat ii.ftsiy'Aftsr Action Reoort HdADQyARTaRS; a03d Tank A;cstro5'-er- Battalion

Babaua;:y 19A5 • ' '

010001 Fabruary 1945 Bttclbruckp Luxfinbourg

1 Fab:;'aar-'- 1943 Battalion attached t o the 5th In f a n t r y Division - a r t i l l e v y located v i c i n i t y of Ettelbrack, ia^aaiboufg (?82ii.39S)o Compcmy 'AJ- i n d i r e c t support of 2nd In f a n t r y Fegisient v i c i n i t y of Brandenbourg.(P854471)a Conipany «B" i n general'sapport of Division area v i c i n i t y of Dielcirch ( ?S62424)o "C" Gosipsny d i r e c t support of 11th Infantry Rogirasnt v i c i n i t y of Koscheida Ron Company and Headquarters Company under b a t t a l i o n control located vieinrby of Sttsibruck^ Luxe2iA)ourg (P82439S) Companies »A» and "B" continued t o maintain and iraprovs t h e i r defensive, positions., Gcjiipany "3" at the present time are r e s t i n g and taking advantage of shov/er f a c i l i t i e s ^ shows and other recre­ation^ 1st platoon of ''A-' f i r i n g i n d i r e c t expanded 312 rounds during the periodc 1st platoon of «*0" Companj"- f i r i n g i n d i r e c t expsndad l/^5 rounds during the perioda One man of "A*' Company, vihilo carrying ammunitio-a, slipped and f e l l i n j u r y i a g his shoulder* Bat t a l i o n expended 457 rounds HaAo. ssirunition during the periods No eneay encountei-ed,; 35 - iilO^s operational^)

2 February 1945 Baatalion attached to the 5th I n f e n t r y Division Arv^illery located v i c i n i t y of Sttelbrack, Itcaabourg (?S2439S)c Companies continued to support t h e i r respective regiments r d t h one company i n general support*. 1st platoon of -A" Gomparsy f i r i n g i n d i r e c t expended iiis.5 rounds H<k3i» on i n t e r d i c t i o n and harassing f i r e laissionss "E" Company -which has been i n general support of Division area relieved «C" Coaipany as of 1515 hours moving platoons i n t o p o s i t i o n with the 1st platoon i n i n d i r e c t f i r i n g positions* Platoon e:jcpand3d 194 rounds Hv3<: on i n t e r d i c t i o n and harassing f i r e missions*. '•'C'Coiiipsny^was relieved by »B» Company and irnmsdiately '. ent i n t o general support of Division ayea^, Company moved t o v i c i n i t y of Diekirchj Luxeaibourg (P862424) i n t o b i l l e t s formerly occupied by "B" Ccjupany* Arrangements have been'made so that the men hajo the opporturJLtj of seeing shov/s. taking 3hov:ers anddiCs Companias continued to improve t h e i r defensi%'o positions and maintain -J defense of Division sector^. Battalion expended 639 rounds E Sa. during the periodo Ao casualties reported^ 34 - 1.110operational,.

3 Feb::-uary 19ii-5 Battalion attached'to thw 5th Infantay Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Fttelbruck^ laixembourg (P824398)c Companies continued to support t h e i r respective regiments i d t h one company i n general supports 1st platoon of »A" Company f i r i n g indi.reca e:apendcd 451 rounds H«3o on i n t e r d i c t i o n arid harassing f i r e missions* ••1st pa.atoon of "B» Company remained i n general support of Division Area.., Ren Goc avras given the mission of checking a l l bridges i n the secaor^ since the thai'; and high ^';ater, ao see -i-hether or not uhoy are suitable f o r crossing by heavy vehicles* J L L I companies have been informed of the f a c t regarding the changing of the iinsy Desig­nation from "lA'^ t o -'aA'"'' on a l l vehicles as soon as possible o Companies continued to improve t h e i r defensive positions and maintain TD defense of Division sector* Battalion expended ?S6 rounds during the period^ No casualties rooortedo 34 - 1.110= 3 operational^,

4 February 194-5 Battalion attached t o the 5th Infantry Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Attelbruclc, Luxembourg (?S2439S)o Companies continued to support t h e i r respectiyo regiments with one company i n general support., 1st platoon of "B'' Co;iU5any f i r i n g i n d i r e c t eicpended 539 rounds EoBa ammunition cn i n t e r d i c t i o n and harassing f i r e missions, .'-11 companies remained i n t h e i r respective positions during uhe •period* No casualties reported,. 34 - 10.0's operational*

5 Fcbraaiy Bc/btalion attached t o th.^ pth Infantry Divieion artilLlery located v i c i n i t y of Bttelbrack. lunciADOurg (?32439S)o Ga;;,a nio3 continasd to support t h e i r respecaa/ae reaiiL:snis a i t a one cojap^iry i n general supports Battalion G? aioved fro.a v i c i n i t y of Bttelbruck, Lujceiabourg and established a nev; C? v i c i n i a y of Gondorange, Luzaai^ourgi A l l co-npanies aoved from thiAa:* respecoive areas to noi/; area taken over by div-ision. Goiapanies viere i n position by 1630 hours,, IIo aaununition e^cpendad 6nT±n^ the preiodo Ko caaaalties reported^ 33 - HlO^s operational^

6 Febmnry 19'->;> Battaj.ion attached t o t h u 5th Infantry F i v i s i o n Artxlloj'y located v i c i n i t y of Gonderange, .LAaaaaibourg (F92S227). GoiiUAinios corAinucd to support t h e i r respective regiments vmth one company i i i genoraGL Kupport;;. "A'' Gompany i n general support of Division area conducting maintenance on vehicles and at the present time are p u t t i n g ''duck b i l l s " on tracks^ 'also mads a route reconnaissance from t h e i r present po s i t i o n t o the S.JIA i River:, ''B-' Gompany d i r e c t support of 10th Inf a n t r y Fiegiinenta Officers of the company made a reconnaissance fo r gun positions, along the high ground t h i s side of the r i v e r , i n t o -whicii they can move t o give supporting f i r e t o the i n f a n t r y ^vhile crossing the river., "C" Company direc t support of the 11th Inf a n t r y Regiment did the seme as "B'' Company. Ren Company v;as given mission of cutti n g down trees i n f r o n t of these neaiy selected gun positions so that destroyers v;ould have f i r i n g clearancco Battalion expended no amnamition during the pericd^, ko casualties reported^ 33 - lAIO's operational^,

7 February 1945 Ba t t a l i o n attached to the 5th In f a n t r y Division A r a i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Hersberg, Luxembourg (F9S6297)» Companies continued to support t h e i r respoctm/e rcgiiaents v:±th one cojapanj i n general supports Battalion CP moved f r c i i v i c i n i t y of Gonderange, Lu:cembourg leavimg at 0900 hours and a r r i v i n g i n v i c i n i t y of Hersberg, Luxembourg by 1000 hours v;here nev - C? %vas set-up6 After a very successful campaign of l a s t month, 'the 303 ID 3n has been moved bad-: roughly i n t o the positions that i t held on lust coming to lu:;-£2x>ourg:, ^ t that time the b a t t a l i o n vjas attached to the 4th Infantry Division a r t i l l e r y , , i n posiaicn i n t h i s sector x';hen on Dec 16 helped ao hold the l e f t shoulder of the enemy thrust i n t o t h i s country,, Fnis morning the 5th Division juiapod o f f under ahe protection of darkness attempting t o cross the 3.FJAR Ri\-er i n boats and charge ahe encaiy on the opposite bank of the iiver<; Upon crossing the r i v e r troops met v;ith machine gun f i r e graaing the aatsr -which made the crossing

• almost impossible» Kov;ever a fevi troops got acresSti The enany l i n e s are heavily f o r t i f i e d T;ith pillboxes and very heavy machine gun f i r e coming from thsmt Companies moved i n t o p o s i t i o n In support of the attack and'fired on -these pillbo^aesa "A'' GOo f i r e d 60 and 60 Haliii at 14 pillb<xceSi> xA.so destroyed a house vvhich they thought vfas an OPt; '^C'' Goapany f i r e d 161 A? and 100 HoS^ at pillboxes^ Ren groups esteJolished l i a i s o n beav;een t h i s organisabion and the battalions of the i n f a n t r y regimenes v;ithin t h i s sector as -aell as contacting units on our l e f t and rights, ao casualties reported* 32 - iJ-O^s operational»

3 FebruajTy 19,'v5 Battalion attached t o the 5th Inf;mitr;7 Division A r t i l l e r y locaaed v i c i n i t y of Hersberg;, Luxembourg (F93629?)v Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regiments v;ith one company i n general support© !kF' Gompany i n general support f i r e d ISO KoSc and ISO a? dir e c t f i r e at and sa-ound enemy f o r t i f i c a t i o n s adong the opposite ba.A; of the Sauer River« "B" Company f i r e d 8 a? a.nd 9 H L* at 2 pillboxes^ One (1) of the laO's of >sB-' Company h i t a mine brealcing a track vhich v;as repaired but the vehicle aas evacuated ao Crdnanoa t o Am/e a gun tube replaced^ ''B" Company i s i n direct support of 10th Infantry Regiments "G" Company direct support of 11th Infantry Regiment f i r e d 100 and 100 HoA.j dire c t f i r e at and around pillboxes and otAer f o r t i f i c a t i o n s 2nd platoon also f i r e d c50 caliber tracer' at night t o indicate directions f o r the infantrya Ren groups continued to establish l i a i s o n bet^jeen t h i s organisation and the battalions of the i n f a n t r y regiments v;ithin t h i s sector as v;ell as contacting u n i t s on our l e f t and rights Heavy machine guai FA.a, :'a s t i l l making the crossing of the r i v e r very hard. Ko casualt^ies repoa -Aa pa - AiO's operational.

9 February 19i-5 Battalion atbachGd to aha ^tn Infantry b i v i s i o n . . r t i l i o r y located v i c i n i t y of Hersberg^ laaeahourg (193629?)« Coiopaniee continued t o support t h e i r respective regiiuents with one co;..pany i n general support* '•a" Gonipany i n general support of Division Area f i r e d on pillboxes, knocked-out an 0? and one" (1) 33 gun e:cpanding 1C4 HcE„ ana 107 n?«-a t o t a l of 14 f i r e aissions coi^ipleted:, ='B" Company eon\mmu&u to support the 10th Infantry keginentu Goapaiy remained i n i t s respective positions during period keeping i n close contact with the s i t u a t i o n ^ "C'' Goapany continued t o support l l a h Infantry Ilegiusnt f i r i n g on pillooxes and other strong points, also knocked-out three machine guns and K i l l i n g three eneniy personnel expending 126 IkB,:. and 100 ^ p, A t o t a l of 5 f i r e mission coapletedi. Company -B'* of the oylst TO Bn has been attached to t h i s organisation t o help maintain anti-mechanized defense of the Division areUo Troops are contiiaiing to move across the swift flowing Sauer River i n boats and are having better luck getting across i n the day­l i g h t than at night timoo Battalion expended 207 np and 230 H.E, ammo during the periods, 30 - MlO's operational*

lOFebruary 1945 Battalion attached t o the 5th Infantry Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Hersberg, Luxembourg (--•9B6297) <• Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regiments vdth one company i n general support* 1st platoon of 'L-i" Company moved i n t o i n d i r e c t f i r i n g positions expend­ing 100 rds HoE. R/'C durang the period. Balance of platoons remained i n t h e i r respective positions^ "B" Gompany continued d i r e c t aapport of 10th I n f ilegt with one platoon i n i n d i r e c t f i r i n g positions vAiich expended 90 rds lUE^ R/G during the period, >'3B" f i r e d 16 rds H*3. direct f i r e i n t o a tunnel<» 10 direc t h i t s were observed* The ejdient of the damage not knmn,. "G'' GoiiKjany continued a i r e c t support of H t h Infantry Regiment with And platoon i n i n d i r e c t f i r i n g positions expending 24 rds H Ca R/G during the period* Progress i s quite slow on the f r o n t as the crossing of the r i v e r continues t o be hard, Hov;ever troops are getting across the r i v e r now and the f r o n t should move along faster nows No casualaies reported^ 31 - fHO^s operationali

11 February 1945 Battalion attached t o the 5th Infa n t r y Division i i r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Hersberg, Lui;e;iibourg (P9o6297)v, Gorapanies continued t o support t h e i r respecti^-e regLasnas i : i t h one company i n generel supports One (1) platoon of each of the eciupanies -B'A ana *=C" f i r i n g i n d i r e c t e:;cpended 990 rounds HoF,, (reducea charge during the period) o •'B'' Coo also f i r e d 44 rounds HvFo and 29 rounds ..F anae ahe tov;n of Bollendorf at probable CP's and other strong pointsj^ -F- Go> of the 691st TD Bn was released of attachemtn, t h i s organisation, c.s of 1200

' Aourss New Division boundary li n e s .went i n t o e f f e c t ue of 1200A hours which malees the d i v i s i o n f r o n t , a t t h i s point, somev;hat narro'/ers Ilore troops continued to move across the r i v e r t TD's are a l l set t o neve across waon the signal i s giveua 31 - AiO's operational*

12 Feba-uary 1945 3amt:aion attached t o the 5th Infantry Division n r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Hersberg, iuxembourg (P986297)„ Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regiments with one company i n general supports 'FN' Company i n general support of Division -.rea vath a l l platoons f i r i n g i n d i r e c t i n t e r d i c t o r y and harassing f i r e missions^ Company extended 343 ras HoF. R/C during the periodc Two (2) platoons of -B- Company ^ ' moved across River 3.UFR„ Flatoon leaders reconnoitered f o r gun positions p r i o r t o moving» Platoon leaders of "C " Company v;ent across r i v e r ana reconnoitered areas of gun positions p r i o r t o aiovingj 3rd platoon of "C"- Company knocked-out a p i l l b o x (No. 3) t, .-. physical inspection of piilboac No,, 3 1^ the i l t h I n f Negt sector revealed that eneiny L/G's were put out of action by TD f i r e because the nP shots h i t the aperture so i t was impossible f o r enemy to close port holes* Infa,ntry battalions are, enlarging t h e i r bridgeheads suppoi'ted by the TD's f i r i n g on oillaDxes and strongpoints« 31 - LlO's operational.

- 3 -

13 Fobruarp- 1945 Babualion attached to tao 5th aaaantrj i ) i v i s i o a -.at4.J.J.oay located v i c i n i t y of Hersberg, Luxembourg (P9C6297)o Goiia;anii:-s cona.Laued t o support thei i " "respective regii.enbs a i t h one ccr:\p£iny i n genaru.1 aupportj, 1st and 3rd platoons of -W' Coiqiany f i r i n g i n d i r e c t expended 351 rds Ec3v it/C on i n t e r d i c t i o n and harassing f i r e jaiasioxis caring the pericdtf .-xll platoons of ••B'' Coapax-ij a-re across the r i v e r nov; and are keeping i n close contact vfith the inj.antry as they e;ilc.rge choir bridgehead i n the attack'to the North and Last^ ;fLl platoons of "G" Gompany are across the r i v e r nov;- and are keeping i n clcse eoaaact vmth the i n f a n t r y as they enlarge t h e i r bridgehead i n ahe attack t o the North and Last^ 2nd platoon f i r e d 11 AP ana 51 H.A knocking out ' one (1) p i l l b o x , tao (2) mortars and one ( l ) house cenaain_ag an unlcnoan number of enemy persomielo One (1) section of 1st platoon of ='B'' Gompanji' SOS TD En moved across r i v e r i n t o mtch-over positions for 2nd and 3rd platoons of ''C-' Company.. No casualaies reportedv 33 ~ AlO-s operationalo 4 - 1136's operational^ Battalion CP moved frcm vie of Hersberg, Luiceiiibourg (P936297) to new location vie Berdorf, Luxembourg (L0103SO) leaving at 1500 hours and a r r i v i n g at loOO hours*

14 February 1945 Battalion attached to the 5th Infantry Division ; a r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Berdorf, Lus^embourg (lD103S0)t. Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective ragiaients with one coiapany i n general support of Division area^ sAF' Coaipany i n genercA. support of Division area vdth 1st and 3rd platoons fiamng i n d i r e c t expanded 603 rds HoL* H/G i n t e r ­d i c t i o n and harassing f i r e during the period. .J.1 platoons of "3-' Company moved short disaances i n close support of the i n f a n t r y No targets of opportunity v/ere sighted, therefore, no amaunition v/as e::pended, during the peaLode alLl platoons of ''G=* Coiapany moved i n close support of the i n f a n t r y paying p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n to uargets -of opportunityo 2nd platoon f i r e d 22 HslA. . nd 5 A? at eneny a c t i v i t y

^ i n Pruiaaurleyt, One (1) FA v:as taken during the period,-, 1st platoon Company "3-' 808 TD Bn aatached to t h i s organisation* 1 sec expended

• 14 H,,Fo and 1 .A? 90aim a-maanition at church steeple i n tovai of Prumsurley vA.th good effectc- The Fioneer platoon of Ren Company v-as given the mission of assisting the destroyers up the roads by removing mines^ f i l l i n g i n road craters and eto^ 22 destroyers are across the r i v e r ^ 32 - i:,A.0'3 operational;/

15 February 1945' Eatta3A.on attached to the 5th Infantry Division n r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Berdorf Lu^asmbourg (L010380)„ Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regimeA:.sAdth one ccaipany i n general, support of DivaLsion AreUo "A'' Caapany i n general support of Division area with "lA" f i r i n g i n d i r e c t expending 175 rds H<,Ei» R/C on interdicaory and harassing f i r e missions,, 'AN' Company CP moved t o the v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Germany^ "B"' Company continued d i r e c t support of 2nd Infantry Regiaeivfc since the 2nd relieved the 10th I n f Regt during the nights, 'HF' GOinpany was t o relieve ''3'' Company at the same time, but road conditions prevented t h i s and as i t stands now r e l i e f w i l l not be effected u n t i l a labor date,, ••C-' Company continued d i r e c t support of 11th Infantry Regiment vmth a l l platoons remaining i n the same positions^ "2G'- i n the v i c i n i t y of Ferschweiler, Germany, f i r e d 11 H=A» and 1 iiP knocking-out one (1) pillbccc and captured 13 PA^s^ adso f i r e d i n t o a house and took siac (6) FV/ Sc n determined eneiay has been defending the area North and Fast of ahe River SAUFR from a system of mutually supporting bunkers, piaflboxos and dug-in positions erected i n depthf. He taices advantage of dcmi.nating heights and prepared f i e l d s of f i r e that enable him t o defend his positions by a a l l placed f i r e on attacking forces^ 31 - mlO^s operational*


16 February 194:3 Faaaclion attached to the 9th FaFantry d i v i s i o n . - r t i l l e r y locntcd v i c i n i t y of Berdorf, Liutembourg (1010380)« Gorapanies continued to support t h e i r respective regiiiients i t h one corup-'-ay i n general support of Division ..rcuo 'FF' GoiTipany i n gonoral support of .javi:,ion area v . i t h platoons i n i n d i r e c t . f i r i n g positions. Gompajoy moved across r i v e r i n t o preselected positions near t h e f r o n t so thmb reduced ; charge Jua;iunition can be f i r e d t o a gooaadvantagCo "B" Canpany direct support of 2nd I n f Fegt i n close contact v,ith the i n f a n t r y moved short distances i n t o better cover positions* l o t and 3rd platoons Goinpam'- 'hJ' f i r e d ejaaending 412 r d s HoFs, 'li/O during the periodo "C" Gompany continued d i r e c t support of 11th I i i f Fegt v.-ith a l l platoons remaining i n the saiae positions during the period, 2nd platoon f i r e d 150 rds H sEo at eneay personnels EesultiS uni-cnov/no The rear GP of Pen Gompany movea up near the forv^ard GP. 33 - LmO's operational^

17 February 1945 Battalion attached t o the 5th Infer/try Division . t r t i l l e i y located • v i c i n i t y of Berdorf Lumembourg ( L 0 1 0 3 8 0 ) o Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regiments vdth one company i n general support • of Division areuc ''.J' Gcii-ipany d i r e c t support of 2nd In f a n t r y Eegiment moved i n t o p o s i t i o n r e l i e v i n g 'B" Gonpany by 1230 hourso "B" Gompeny i n general support of Division Area a f t e r being relieved by Company, moved from t h e i r posiuicns to the rear scmevdiat of the regimental sector : vdth tv.'o platoons f i r i n g i n d i r e c t . 336 rounds of Ko3.- E/C ammunition J ivas expended during the period, on i n t e r d i c t o r y and harassing f i r e missions, "G" Company di r e c t support of 11th I n f Regt remained i n the • sane positions during the periods Goapany remaiiied cuiet i n t h i s : sector, keeping a sharp watch f o v enemy tanlcs and other vehicles* -Troops are occupying positions on the high ground along t'ne Prum River* • Ren Company continued to establish l i a i s o n betvjoen t h i s organization and the battalions of the regiments vdthin t h i s sector as w e l l as contact units on our l e f t and r i g h t s ^ s o one section each of the pioneer platoon i s assisting destroyer crews of the companies on the f r o n t l i n e * I 32 - FlOfs operationali.

18 February 194-5 Battalion attached to the 5 t h Infantry Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Berdorf, laacambourg (L0103S0), Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regiments vdth one company i n general support of Division AreUa n^.j' Company continued d i r e c t support of 2nd I n f a n t r y RegimenCi. Company remained very quiet during the period-.: nt approximatej 1830 hours "B" Cojiipany moved out of i n d i r e c t f i r i n g positions to an area near Ereitv,ailer, J ,a:embourg vdicre they assembled during which t i n s , i n the next 1 to 3 days, they v j i l l exchange t h e i r HO's f o r 1136»s the nev; 90 mm gu^i Crev/s are t i s y cleaning and preparing 13.0's to be. turned i n . "C" Company continued d i r e c t support of H t h I n f a n t i y Regimento Company remained very quiat during the periods Platoon leaders made a reconnaissance of areas f o r positions i n t o vmich they can move as the plan progresses^, No change i n Reconnaissance Company Hsadouarters coi-apany located i n the v i c i n i t y of Ereitv/ami,.er, laucembourg* 33 - saO's operational

19 February 1945 Battalion attached to the 5 t h I n f c n t r y Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Berdorf, lAucoiiibourg (L010380)o Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective ragimencs with one compaiiy i n general support .fo Division Area,, 'AF' Ccaipany d i r e c t support of And Infantrs' Regiment The 2nd platoon of Company was fortunate enough to knock-out and . destroy tvra (2) Hark V tanks and one 3P gun,> The platoon v;as located v d t h the further most elaaaints of the And Infantry aiegiiiient when tv;o (2) enemy tanks and one (1) S? gun were sighted coming down a road tov/ard tham<j At about 2000 yards away an i n f a n t r y o f f i c e r wanted platoon l e a d e r to open f i r e on them, but he d i d n ' t , allowing them to advance to withi n about 900 yards of hinis He then proceeded t o knock cut the l a s t tank, which blocked the road. I n the meantime the other tank and SP were t r y i n g to get turned around and v;ere cross-ways of the road when knocked-out. 'B'' Company continued to clean and prepare IdO's to be converted to A36'3^ Balance of the b a t t a l i o n remained vary caiiet daring the periods 33 -FAO^s operationalo

20 February 1945 3>attalioia attached, ao ahe 5aii ih'^aitry .Jivicion a r t i l l e r y located v i c i u i a y of Berdorf, Luxeajbairg (L0103S0),, CompanieG coatinued to support t h e i r respective rcgiineuos vdth one company i n general support of Division xrea,. ".3" Canpdny continued dir e c t aa^)port of 2nd I n f Regt vdth a l l platoons r-emaining i n approzimaoely the arme positions during the periodc. "B" Coaipany continued to clean-up 110's i n preparation for cmchange to ii36'3,> ''G" Company direc t support of lOtn I n f a n t i y Regiment vdth one platoon moving i n t o positions covering a road v;hich v;as a l i k e l y approach of enemy tarlcs. Balance of b a t t a l i o n remained very quiet curing the periods Fo .aavunition e: cpended during the period^ 33 - F10«s operationalo

21 February 1945 Battalion attached to the 5th I n f a n t r y Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i a d t y of Berdorf Au;ceiiibourg (L010380)c Companies continued t o

< support t h e i r respective regirrents vdth one company i n general support of Division nrea^ "A"". Oompany d i r e c t support of And Infantry Regiment : keeping i n close contact v/ith the i n f a n t r y , 2nd platoon f i r e d 28 K So -4 AP and 6 HV4P a'distance of 1200 yards knocking cut an eneay SP gixnc -B" Compariy have a l l of t h e i r IdO's cleaned and are p a t i e n t l y vaiiting f o r vvord t e l l i n g them t o move to Luxembourg City and exchange for j:.:36's. "C" Company contiruied to support the 10th I n f Regt. A l l platoons remained very quiet during the period, 32 - idO's ; operationalit ;•

22 February 1945 Battalion attached t o the 5th Infantry Division A r t i l a e r y located v i c i n i t y of Berdorf LaxemiDOurg (010380) o Companies continued to support ' t h e i r respective regrments vdth one company i n general support of ; Division Areao "A" Company direct support of 2nd Infantry Regiment« Platoons remained i n the positions during the period* Company f i r e d no ammunition* "3' ' Ganpany l e f t area near BreitaexLer enroute t o pOlst Ordnance located i n Lu:aaabourg City vmere IdO's are to be exchanged fo r L36'e«. 11 vehicles ivere received, vdth o:F remaining i n Ordnance, > and returned to area near B r e i t a e i l e r closing i n at 1800 hours,, ''C' ' Company direct support of 10th Infantry Regiment i n TD positions i n . • that sector* Corapar '- f i r e d no anmiunition during the period.- Ren Co« moved froa v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf L0i2/j01 to a pillbccc at L019428o Rear GP moved with company* at 1000 hours b a t t a l i o n CP moved from v i c i n i t y of Berdorf Luxaiibourg (OIO3SO) to v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Germany, (L012401) a r r i v i n g by 1045 hours., . A l l platoons remained i n defensive positions during the period* 21 - 13.0's operational4 11 - F36's operational


23 February 1945 Battalion attached to the pth Infantry Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Geraiany (L012401)* Companies'continued to support t h e i r respective regiments vvith oni company i n general support of Division :lrea» Platoons of "A" Goiapany moved out of TD positions at approximately 1900 hours to an assembly area v i c i n i t y of Breitv;eiler (P973319)o Platoons v d l l move enroute to 50l3t Ordnance located i n Luxembourg City where they are t o arrive by 241200 hours t o change LdO's f o r M35*So "B» Company less " I B " d i r e c t support of 10th In f a n t r y Hegimsni* "IB" direct support of 2nd Infantry Regiaeno under control of "C« Company Commander^ at 1730 hours platoons moved from vie of Breitivsiler to "A" Company sector r e l i e v i n g them. Platoons vrere i n p o s i t i o n by 2000 hoarse Company less "IC'' dir e c t support of 2nd Infantry Regiaento "lO'-- d i r e c t support of 10th I n f a i t r y Rogina;nt under control of " B " Company Conaander* Battalion expended no aaaiurdtion during the periodo 21 ~ AlO's operational^ 12 -136-3 operational^ " .. '

- o -t

2U Februain- 19i^5 Battalion attached to the pah lafantry d i v i s i o n . . r t i l l c z y located ; v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Germany (L012401)Goiripanies contanued to ; support t h e i r respective regiments vjith one company i n genesral support of Division nrea^s The platoons of 'hf' Gonipany moved enroute to the 50l3t Ordnance t o exchaiige JdO-s f o r h36's„ aim ( 6 ) vehicles aere received and returned t o are v i c i n i t y of BreitvJeiler (?9733i9) • The foJ.loaing day i s to be spent on maintenance of the vehicles* " B " Company less ' IB'' dir e c t support of 1 0 t h Infantry hegia;;nt: '-IB'' di r e c t support of 2nd Infantry hegiment under control of "G'- Goapany Goimiiandera i i l l platoons remained i n t h e i r respective posiaions during the periods "3B" f i r e d 10 rds HoBo and 5 rds at two (2) houses v i c i n i t y of PaFFIhGBM, Gormairvc ''G" Company less "IG'' dir e c t support of 2nd I n f a n t r y Regimsnt, 'dC" d i r e c t support of IGth I n f a n t r y Regiment under control of "B" Company Coiaaanderi Platoons s h i f t e d a l i t t l e during the period i n order that better cover positions could be had> Results of dii'ect f i r e unknovm. 12 - HjS's operational. 10 - VZJj^s operational,,

25 February 1945 Battel ion attached to the 5th Infantry Division A r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Germany (L0l2401)o Companies continued t o support t h e i r respective regiments with one coapany i n general support of Division .irea^ "A'' Gompany direct support of 2nd I n f

• •. • Regt with -AG'' and "pG'- working with AF' GompaxijJ Goap::.ay m t h 6 90mm destroyers moaed from assemibly area near Breitweiler and i n position by 1900 hourso -3" Cauoany di r e c t support of 10th Infantry Regiment with 1 sec of ••iO" working - i t h '-B" Company^ •'2B'' and '^3B» ' crossed the Prum River i n support of the attack to the Fastis "C' Gompany less 3 platoons assisting i n the attack i n the 2nd and 10th rsginental areaso- Battalion expended no aromunition during the period* 18 - ll3o's o p e r a t i o n a l 1 0 - idO ' s cperauionalo

26 February 1945 Battalion attachea to the 5 t h Infantry Division i . r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Dockendorf, Germany (L034i:.S2)o ^11 three ( 3 ) l i n e companies dir e c t support of t h e i r respective regimentSo B a t t a l i o n CP moved from v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Germany to v i c i n i t \ of Dockendorf, Germany leaving old area at IpOO hours and closing i n nsxv area at 1640 hourss Headquarters Gompany and Aedical Detachment moved from v i c i n i t y of Breitv;eiler, Luaxmbourg, to v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Gemnanyo The f r o n t l i n e s are moving steadily ahead r;ith the enemy f i g h t i n g a delaying action i n ain e f f o r t t o slow our advance^ i l l three (3) TD Goirpanies are keeping i n close contact with the i n f a n t r y i n the attack to the Fast, ''3B» f i r e d 30 H.A. and 3 --P 90i-.mi-ajjmiunition daring th'e period, knocking-out 1 aT gun, 1 truck, and k i l l e d 66 enemy personnel;. The Fioneer platoon of Ren C o o b u i l t a corduroy road f o r "A' Comoany, 13 - A36's operational. 10 - imO's ops rational o

27 February 1945 Battalion attached to the pth Infmrtry Division . ^ r t i l l e r y located v i c i n i t y of Dockendorf Gam-iany (L084i;.82) A l l three (3) l i n e canpanies direc t support of t h e i r respective regimentSo "A" Company continued di r e c t support of And I n f a n t r y liegimentt, -lA" and "2n'' are nov; located i n an asssmlDly area- and w i l l remain there u n t i l morniaig whan they

• ' w i l l advance i n close support of the 2nd Regimeirti "B" Co* less I s t platoon continued dir e c t support of 10th Infantry Regija.entc. "13'' d i r e c t support of 11th Infantry Reginasnb under control of ' 'G'' Company Commander^ "C" Go„ plus -IB'* i n d i r e c t support of 11th Infantry " Regi::ient. "IB" f i r e d 28 H . E . am 1 AP i n t o the c i t y of Bitburg m t h good effect,, "20" f i r e d 33 H,/3« and 5 aiP consisting of 2 missions at 2 pillborcssi Flatoon clso f i r e d at an BP which they think i s a probable knock-outo Hq<, Coo and Medc Det* moved fraa the v i c i n i t y of Bollendorf, Gsrraany to an area southwest of Dockendorf, Germaiy at coordinates(Lo5G474ja Ron Oo^ continued t o establish l i a i s o n betvioen t h i s organisation and the battalions of the in f a n t r y regimets as well as contacting the units on our l e f t and r i g h t . 20 - L36'S operational,; 10 - FlO's operational,;

23 February Iv/a Fatbalior; ;.3tached Fo the 5Fa laFantry :J;F/ieio;i - r t i l a o : ; / loeaaea -v i c i a i t y oF Dockendorf, Fiiaiary (1,034432) „ .3.1 three (3) Firm companies direct support of t h e i r respective regii-sntsc Companies 'FF', "B", and "C* continued to support the 2nd, lOth and I j . t h Infantrj^ Fegimenbs i n thoii- atbaca to the Fast and to t h e I ' y l l •F:/er. 4 - 136-s are located i n ahe rear at motor maintenance holns prepared to go i n t o the l i n e as quickly :..s possibleo ''C'' Company i s turning i n 4 1,0.0'3 i n emchiinge for ' tham,, ..c aho attack on Bitburg, Cem.tmy progressed the 1 s t platoon and ahe idoneer platoon of Fen Company follov/ed them inbo town and after i t being cleared made a foot reconnaissance of the toT«n« also picked two (2) main routes leading out of the placoo Bioneers v;ere not needed^ I s t platoon of ' ' . i " Company repulsed an encnvp counter-attack vhich attempted to i n f i l t r a t e back through t h e i r positions, 20 - Loo's operational, 8 - 10.0«s operationalo

Operations f o r the period covered the crossing of three r i v e r s , oauor, Frum and Nias« Tank Destroyers are i d e a l l y suited f o r d i r e c t support o f i n f e n t r y i n assaiilts of t h i s type* Properly coordinated. Tank Destroyer f i r e w i l l make the eneray button-up i n pillboxes a3F.owing infantrj'' to .move t o the flard:s» Direct x-adio or wire coaaiunication t o , at l e a s t , the I n f a n t i y Baatalion Canmander i s necessarj^ so that f i r e may be l i f t e d at proper time« Contrary t o most b e l i e f s 3 inch f i r e v / i l l not knock cut pillboxes found i n t h i s sector^

3s win old t r i c k , often forgotten by gunners, came to l i g h t again during month* The second platoon " r i " Coapany v h i l e providing overwatdiing f i r e for the i n f a n t r y sighted tao Fark V tanlcs a:F, one 3F moving dmvn a road. The vehicles were approxiaately one hundred (100) yards apart and at about 2400 yards range= The guraier proceeded to knock out the rear tanlC;; Flocking the road, thus giving hiia aapls t ime to cake care of the other tvvo before they could bypass the knocked-out tank and move to safe posi'bionss

C The b a t t a l i o n expended 1 , 1 6 3 rounds H»B* and 330 rounds .-.PC on di r e c t f i r e missions and 6,916 rounds on i n d i r e c t f i r s missions* Faaianent

destroyed i s as follov;a; Park \f^s - 2,, S/P's - 3. Falftracas - 2 , h^To Guns (towed) - 1 , Fcrtars - ' 2 , 2;/G'S - 5 . Fnocked out 3 CP's, Fillboacss (damaged) - 5, k i l l e d 119 caaay personnel and captiarod 20 PV/'i

D. k30a,iF2ND.dION3;: 1 , One 300 series radio per Tarn: Destroyer platoon for close l i a i s o n vdth difantay^ 2. Three ( 3 ) additional Trucks, Cargo, 2 | ton W-iU Ba For u n i t s changing from 30.0's to 1 3 6 'Ss Only pOji of 90mm amaunition can be hauled i n comparison with the old 3 incha Transportation i s put at a c r i t i c a l point -ivhen battadion i s e.:q:)lcyed on b o t h primary and secondary missions at the

LT„ GOL«, ]3^F., Goaiinanding

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