4 ways creatine supplementation can help you become the ultimate warrior

Post on 09-Jun-2015






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Being confident starts from within but a great body helps to bring it off even more. That said, it is not hard to see why men with tapered ‘V’ physiques and women with well-proportioned assets usually flaunt what they have. As a matter of fact, that’s why the health and fitness industry continues to be a thriving multi-billion dollar industry. Because people realize the important link between how they look and their real or perceived level of confidence. Particularly for men, confidence is intricately tied to testosterone levels. In other words, low testosterone levels often mean lower confidence. The same is true of the opposite. Get yours today - http://tiny.cc/creatinepowder


4 Ways Creatine Supplementation Can Help You Become The Ultimate


Throughout the ages, stories have been told about great warriors. Stories that

have stood the test of time and are still being told, whether it’s on the big screen

or at bedtime. Stories of legends. While there is no way to prove if some of the

heroes in these stories really performed some of the feats they became famous

for, they all had certain common traits. One of those traits is the incredible

strength they displayed during periods of extreme duress. From biblical stalwarts

like King David and Sampson to modern day greats such as Nelson Mandela and

Mohammed Ali, these persons all exhibited incredible levels of physical and

mental strength to defy the odds and overcome their difficult circumstances.

Many of us mere mortals may never get to the levels of greatness reached by the

heroes and heroines of history and days to come. However, as many unsung

heroes can attest to, being a warrior does not necessarily mean fame. With the

right lifestyle choices, becoming a warrior and a potential legend is within reach

of all who dare to try. And trying may be as simple as taking the right

supplements. Here are four ways to become a warrior with creatine


Building Physical Strength

Physical strength, like mental strength, is very important to battle the many

obstacles faced on a daily basis and the two usually have to be in sync. However,

building physical strength can be an often fruitless pursuit, with many spending

hours at the gym with little to no improvement to show for their efforts. This,

despite many hours of lifting weights, grueling aerobic routines and strict diets

which were ‘guaranteed’ to help boost muscle and increase strength. As a matter

of fact, in some cases, there is even a regression, with persons getting weaker and

fatter instead of getting stronger and buffer. Not so with creatine. Creatine

supplements have been shown time and time again to boost muscle strength,

power and size. While size is subjective, warriors need stronger muscles to

overcome physical obstacles and help others who may need the intervention of

their physical presence. Creatine is already present in the body but burns out

pretty quickly during high intensity activities. Various studies quoted on sites such

as Menshealth.com have shown that creatine supplementation actually resulted

in increased muscle strength and size. Additionally, an Italian study backed by the

University of Rome indicated that athletes who supplemented on creatine were

able to jump higher and run faster by up to 12% more. Warriors, for whatever

reason, may need that extra oomph and that’s where creatine supplements come

in. They provide that extra edge that allows warriors to do that much more, go

the extra mile…Be more.

Building Confidence

Being confident starts from within but a great body helps to bring it off even

more. That said, it is not hard to see why men with tapered ‘V’ physiques and

women with well-proportioned assets usually flaunt what they have. As a matter

of fact, that’s why the health and fitness industry continues to be a thriving multi-

billion dollar industry. Because people realize the important link between how

they look and their real or perceived level of confidence. Particularly for men,

confidence is intricately tied to testosterone levels. In other words, low

testosterone levels often mean lower confidence. The same is true of the

opposite. A study conducted by the Department of Health and Exercise Science at

The College of New Jersey showed that creatine supplementation was linked to

increased testosterone levels. Testosterone is also present in women and while

the effect may be different, women who are comfortable with how they look are

often more confident than those who aren’t. Whether male or female, warriors

are confident people.

Increased Brain Function

Warriors are quick thinkers. They make split-second decisions on their feet and

can run entire organizations in tandem with running their homes and fulfilling any

other social demand on their already fast paced existences. So what’s the link

with creatine you might ask? Well, a 2003 study conducted by a research team in

Australia showed that subjects who supplemented on 5 grams of creatine per day

for six weeks, exhibited enhanced neurological abilities. This means that they

were able to process information faster and had better memories, making them

seem even smarter. Warriors are not necessarily the smartest people but their

speed in thinking, quick wits and ability to remember the most important details

allow them to seem mentally superior. Creatine, as demonstrated by the

aforementioned research can definitely help aspiring warriors to achieve that

sharp mind that can mean the difference between awesome and average.

Cheapest Way to Become a Warrior

That’s right, creatine is one of the cheapest methods available to help one

become a warrior. Not that any real price can be put on becoming a desirable

human being that others look up to and dream of emulating but if there ever was,

using creatine would amount to the lowest cost. Creatine, especially in the form

of creatine monohydrate, is one of the cheapest supplements available on the

market. That’s one of the main reasons why many athletes use creatine. Another

reason is that it’s totally safe, especially when compared to banned steroids.

Compared to other supplements, studies show that persons achieve their desired

results quicker while on creatine and in some cases, at a fraction of the cost of

other popular supplements. No wonder it’s a favorite of athletes and

bodybuilders. Warriors need to save money too, right?

Becoming a warrior is by no means an easy task. As a matter of fact, due to the

immense responsibility that comes along with such a status, many stop short or

shy away from fulfilling their warrior potential. Therefore, the few who dare or

have the audacity to become their best warrior selves, are those who are not

afraid of doing what is right for their bodies and minds…and what works.

However, while warrior boosters such as creatine may help aspirants to achieve

such status, it should be noted that there are other components to becoming a

warrior. Many of those components lie in one’s personality, determination and

humanitarian consideration. Creatine supplementation should therefore be seen

as a vehicle to transport those other warrior components, especially when

combined with hard work and discipline

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