426_theorem of optimal reinforcement for reinforced concrete

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  • 5/28/2018 426_Theorem of Optimal Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete



    Theorem of optimal reinforcement for reinforced concrete

    cross sections

    E. Hernndez-Montes &L. M. Gil-Martn &

    M. Pasadas-Fernndez &M. Aschheim

    Received: 18 September 2006 /Revised: 16 July 2007 /Accepted: 30 August 2007# Springer-Verlag 2007

    Abstract A theorem of optimal (minimum) sectional rein-

    forcement for ultimate strength design is presented for

    design assumptions common to many reinforced concrete

    building codes. The theorem states that the minimum total

    reinforcement area required for adequate resistance to axial

    load and moment can be identified as the minimum

    admissible solution among five discrete analysis cases.

    Therefore, only five cases need be considered among the

    infinite set of potential solutions. A proof of the theorem is

    made by means of a comprehensive numerical demonstra-

    tion. The numerical demonstration considers a large range

    of parameter values, which encompass those most often

    used in structural engineering practice. The design of a

    reinforced concrete cross section is presented to illustrate

    the practical application of the theorem.

    Keywords Reinforced concrete . Beams . Columns .

    Optimal reinforcement. Concrete structures


    Ac cross-sectional area of concrete section

    As area of bottom reinforcement

    A0s area of top reinforcement

    N axial force applied at the center of gravity of the

    gross section

    M bending moment applied at the center of gravity of

    the gross section

    b width of cross section

    d depth to centroid of bottom reinforcement from top

    fiber of cross section

    d depth to top reinforcement from top fiber of cross


    fc specified compressive strength of concrete

    fy specified yield strength of reinforcement

    h overall depth of cross-section

    x depth to neutral axis from top fiber of cross section

    x* depth to neutral axis corresponding to a compres-

    sive strain of 0.003 at top fiber and a tensile strain

    of 0.01 at bottom reinforcement

    xb depth to neutral axis corresponding to a tensile

    strain of y at bottom reinforcement


    b depth to neutral axis corresponding to a tensile

    strain of y at top reinforcement

    xbb depth to neutral axis given by (9)

    Struct Multidisc Optim

    DOI 10.1007/s00158-007-0186-3

    E. Hernndez-Montes : L. M. Gil-Martn :M. Pasadas-FernndezUniversity of Granada,

    Campus de Fuentenueva,

    18072 Granada, Spain

    E. Hernndez-Montes

    e-mail: emontes@ugr.es

    L. M. Gil-Martn

    e-mail: mlgil@ugr.es

    M. Pasadas-Fernndez

    e-mail: mpasadas@ugr.es

    M. Aschheim (*)

    Civil Engineering Department, Santa Clara University,

    500 El Camino Real,Santa Clara, CA 95053, USA

    e-mail: maschheim@scu.edu

    E. Hernndez-Montes : L. M. Gil-MartnDepartment of Structural Mechanics, University of Granada,

    Campus de Fuentenueva,

    18072 Granada, Spain

    M. Pasadas-Fernndez

    Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Granada,

    Campus de Fuentenueva,

    18072 Granada, Spain

  • 5/28/2018 426_Theorem of Optimal Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete


    xc depth to neutral axis corresponding to a compres-

    sive strain of y at bottom reinforcement


    c1 depth of neutral axis corresponding to a compres-

    sive strain of y at top reinforcement and a tensile

    strain of 0.01 at the bottom reinforcement


    c2 depth of neutral axis corresponding to a compres-

    sive strain of y at top reinforcement and a

    compressive strain of 0.003 at top fiber.x0 depth of neutral axis at the minimum of total


    y vertical coordinate measures from the center of

    gravity of the gross section

    x discrete increments in the depth of the neutral fiber


    c strain of the concrete



    maximum compressive strain of the concrete

    s strain at bottom reinforcement


    s strain at top reinforcement

    u maximum allowable tension strain of the steel

    y yield strain of the reinforcement

    s stress of bottom reinforcement



    s stress of top reinforcement

    1 Introduction

    The approaches commonly used for the design of rein-

    forced concrete sections subjected to combinations of axial

    load and moment applied about a principal axis of the cross

    section were established many years ago. However, a new

    design approach was presented recently by Hernndez-

    Montes et al. (2004, 2005), which portrays the infinite

    number of solutions for top and bottom reinforcement that

    provide the required ultimate strength for sections subjected

    to combined axial load and moment. Solutions obtained

    with this new approach allow the characteristics of optimal

    (or minimum) reinforcement solutions to be identified. The

    characteristics of these optimal solutions have led to the

    development of the theorem of optimal section reinforce-

    ment (TOSR) presented herein.

    The longstanding conventional approaches treat the

    design of sectional reinforcement in one of two ways.

    One approach utilizes the distinction between large and

    small eccentricities based on an approach taken by Whitney

    and Cohen (1956), as described in Nawys (2003) textbook.

    The second approach uses NM interaction diagrams,

    which have been widely used since their initial presentation

    by Whitney and Cohen (1956). These diagrams provide

    solutions for the reinforcement required to resist a specified

    combination of axial load, N, and moment, M, under the

    constraint that the reinforcement is arranged in a predeter-

    mined pattern. Typically, a symmetric pattern of reinforce-

    ment is used. However, experience with beam design

    suggests that an asymmetric pattern of reinforcement would

    be more economical for small axial loads for cases in which

    the applied moment (or eccentricity) acts in one direction


    The family of solutions for combinations of top and

    bottom reinforcement required to confer adequate strength

    to a cross section constitutes an infinite set of solutions thatincludes the symmetric reinforcement solution obtained

    using conventional NM interaction diagrams. The family

    of solutions is displayed graphically on a Reinforcement

    Sizing Diagram (RSD) as described by Hernndez-Montes

    et al. (2005). Using an RSD, an engineer can rapidly select

    the reinforcement to be used in reinforced and prestressed

    concrete sections subjected to a combination of bending

    moment and axial load. Reinforcement may be selected to

    achieve whatever may be dictated by the design objectives,

    such as minimizing cost, facilitating construction, or

    providing a structure that has a very simple and uniform

    pattern of reinforcement.

    RSDs were used in a recent investigation by Aschheim

    et al. (2007) to characterize the optimal (minimum)

    reinforcement solutions for a cross section over the two-

    dimensional space of design axial load and moment. This

    study identified domains in NM space for which the

    optimal solution for nominal strength is characterized by

    either constraints on reinforcement area (As=0, A0

    s 0, orAs A


    s 0) or constraints on the strains at the reinforce-ment locations (s=y, s equal to or slightly greater than

    y, or"0

    s "y) for stresses and strains taken as positivein compression), where As=the cross-sectional area of

    bottom reinforcement, A0s =the cross-sectional area of top

    reinforcement, s=the tensile strain in the bottom rein-

    forcement, "0

    s =the compressive strain in the top reinforce-

    ment, and y=the yield strain of the reinforcement. The

    optimal domains approach uses the characteristics of the

    optimal solution to solve directly for the minimum rein-

    forcement required for a given combination of axial load

    and moment.

    The present paper puts forth a TOSR and demonstrates

    its validity by argument and computationally using numer-

    ical results obtained for a large range of parameter values

    representative of those commonly encountered in practice


    2 Assumptions used in flexural analysis

    and strength design

    The design problem for combined flexure and axial load

    involves the simultaneous consideration of equilibrium,

    compatibility, and the constitutive relations of the steel and

    concrete materials at the section level.

    Hernndez-Montes et al.

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    Equilibrium equations must be satisfied at the section

    level (e.g., Fig. 1) for the governing combination of

    bending moment, M, and axial force, N:

    N N AccdAc A0s0


    s AssdAs

    M M AccydAc A0s0


    s AssydAs1

    where M is computed relative to the location that N is

    applied, with y being the distance of each differential area

    (dAc,dAs, dA0

    s, ordAp) from the location of the point about

    which the stress resultants act, as illustrated in Fig. 1.

    Stresses and axial forces in (1) are positive in compression

    and negative in tension. Without loss of generality, the axial

    load, N, and moment, M, that equilibrate the internal stress

    resultants are presumed to act about the center of gravity of

    the gross section (see Fig. 1). The moment, M, is con-

    sidered positive if it produces tensile strain on the bottom

    fiber. For consistency, in the case that the applied loads

    cause compression over the depth of the section, the

    moment is considered positive if the compressive strain at

    the bottom fiber is smaller than the compressive strain at

    the top fiber.

    The compatibility conditions make use of Bernoullis

    hypothesis that plane sections remain plane after deforma-

    tion and assume no slip of reinforcement at the critical

    section. The Bernoulli hypothesis allows the distribution of

    strain over the cross section to be defined by just two

    variables. The strain at the center of gravity (cg) of the

    gross section and the curvature () of the cross section may

    be used to define the strain diagram, as illustrated in Fig.1.For strength design, the reinforcement usually is mod-

    eled to have elasto-plastic behavior, and the concrete

    compression block usually is represented using a rectangu-

    lar, trapezoidal, or parabolic stress distribution. ACI-318

    (2005) allows the use of a rectangular stress block having

    depth equal to the product of a coefficient, 1, and the

    depth of the neutral axis, where 1varies between 0.85 and

    0.65 as a function of the specified compressive strength of

    the concrete. Eurocode 2 (2002) specifies that the stress

    block has a constant compressive stress of fcd having a

    depth equal to the x, wherex =the depth of the neutral axis

    and fcd=the design strength of the concrete, for concrete

    whose resistance is between 25 and 55 MPa. The factor

    defines the effective height of the compression zone, and

    the factor defines the effective strength. The design

    strength of the concrete is given as a function of the

    specified characteristic strength, fck, where fcd=ccfck/c.

    The termccaccounts for long term effects on strength and

    the rate at which the load is applied. The term c is the

    partial safety factor for concrete, taken as 1.5. For the range

    contemplated in Table1, we have chosen =0.8 and=1.0

    and cc=0.85, as these represent fairly typical values.

    Perhaps the greatest difference in code provisions for

    ultimate strength determination is the treatment of cross

    section strains. The maximum usable strain at the extreme

    compression fiber is 0.003 in ACI 318 (2005), and there is

    no limit on the strain in the tensile reinforcement. Con-

    sequently, the neutral axis depth is a positive number. In

    Eurocode 2 (2002), the maximum usable strain in the ex-

    treme compression fiber ranges between 0.002 and 0.0035,

    and the tensile reinforcement strain cannot exceed 0.01.

    The Eurocode 2 (2002) approach invokes the concept of

    strain domains, wherein the strain diagram pivots about

    certain points located on the boundaries between adjacent

    Stresses due to external loads



    xCenter of gravityof the gross section






    Strains due to external loads



    Neutral fiber


    Fig. 1 Strains and stresses

    diagrams at cross section level

    Table 1 Range of variables studied for rectangular cross sections

    Variable Range

    Lower limit Upper limit

    Concrete strength resistance (fc) 25 (MPa) 55 (MPa)

    Height (h) 200 (mm) 2,000 (mm)

    Width (b) 200 (mm) 2,000 (mm)

    Yield strength (fy) 275 (MPa) 500 (MPa)

    Yield strain (y) 275/200,000 500/200,000

    Distance from extreme

    compression fiber to centroid

    of compression reinforcement (d)


    Mechanical cover condition dh/4 and d3/4 h

    Modulus of elasticity of

    reinforcement (Es)

    200,000 (MPa)

    Axial load 0.2bhfc bhfcFlexural moment 0 0.25bh2fc

    TOSR for reinforced concrete cross sections

  • 5/28/2018 426_Theorem of Optimal Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete


    domains; consequently, the neutral axis depth may assume

    positive or negative values. The Swiss Concrete Code SIA-

    162 (1989) establishes the maximum compressive strain

    c,max=0.003 and a tensile steel strain limit ofs,max=0.005.

    For the demonstration of the theorem, assumptions

    intermediate between ACI 318 (2005) and Eurocode 2

    (2002) were adopted. It is assumed that plane sections

    remain plane, the maximum usable strain for concretein compression is given by c,max=0.003, and the max-

    imum usable strain for steel in tension is given by s,max=

    0.01. These assumptions are similar to those used in

    the Swiss Concrete Code; the only difference is that the

    tensile strain limit used for the demonstration is 0.01

    and the Swiss Concrete Code uses 0.005. Walther and

    Miehlbradt (1990) indicate that the choice of a tensile

    strain limit of 0.005 or 0.01 has little effect on strength


    These strain limits are illustrated in Fig. 2, where three

    domains are identified. In domains I and II, the extreme

    compression fiber is at a strain of 0.003; for domain I, the

    bottom reinforcement is either in compression or is at a

    tensile strain less than the yield strain, while in domain II,

    the bottom reinforcement is yielding in tension. In domain

    III, the bottom reinforcement is at a strain of 0.01, and the

    top fiber is either in tension or at a compressive strain less

    than 0.003. Thus, for domains I and II, the neutral axis

    depth,x, assumes a positive value, and can approach + asthe strains approach 0.003 over the entire section. The

    neutral axis depth may be positive or negative in domain

    III, and approaches as the strains approach 0.01 (intension) over the entire section.

    3 Design solutions

    The algebraic form of the integrals of (1) allows the internal

    stress resultants to be determined as the product of the

    stresses and the corresponding areas. Using the above

    Fig. 2 Possible strain distribu-

    tions in the ultimate limit state.

    Stress distributions according to

    rectangular block assumption

    and equilibrium of applied N

    and M with internal stress

    resultants forx >0

    Hernndez-Montes et al.

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    simplifying assumptions, the compressive force carried by

    the concrete,Nc, can be expressed as

    Nc x 0 if 0:8x 0

    0:85fc0:8x b if 0 0:8x< h0:85fchb if 0:8x> h

    8d), the stress assigned to the

    rectangular concrete block should not be counted in

    determining the force carried by the top reinforcement,


    s. Similarly, if the compressive stress block extends below

    the bottom reinforcement, the stress carried by the

    rectangular stress block should not be counted in determin-

    ing the force carried by the bottom reinforcement, Ns.

    Therefore, N0

    s and Ns can be determined as:



    s x


    s x A


    s x Ns x s x As x 3

    where A0

    s =the cross-sectional area of steel located at a

    distance d from the top of the section and As=the cross-

    sectional area of steel located at a distance dfrom the top of

    the section, and


    s x


    s x 0:85fc if 0:8x> d0


    s x otherwise

    s x s x 0:85fc if 0:8x> d

    s x otherwise


    The stress s0

    s and s are positive in compression.

    The internal stress resultants Nc, N0

    s, and Ns equilibrate

    the applied load, N, and moment, M. For a given neutral

    axis depth, material properties, and reinforcement areas Asand A


    s, the internal stress resultants can be determined and

    equations of equilibrium can be applied to the free body

    diagram of Fig. 1 to determine the axial load and moment

    resisted by the section. The equations of equilibrium forN

    and M applied at the center of gravity of the gross section


    N Nc x N0

    s x Ns x

    M Nc x




    s x h

    2 d0

    Ns x d


    if 0:8x h


    s x h

    2 d0

    Ns x d




    Alternatively, the equations of equilibrium can be solved

    to determine the steel areas As and A0

    s required to provide

    the section with sufficient capacity to resist the applied

    loadsNand M. In particular, the sum of moments about the

    location of the top reinforcement results in (6), while the

    sum of moments about the location of the bottom

    reinforcement results in (7).

    As MN h

    2d0 Nc x d00:4x s*

    x dd0 if 0:8x< h

    M N0:85fcbh


    s* x dd0 otherwise



    s MN dh

    2 Nc x d0:4x


    x dd0 if 0:8x< h

    M N0:85fcbh d



    x dd0 otherwise


    The solutions for reinforcement areas given by (6) and

    (7) are functions of the neutral axis depth, x. Some values

    of x result in negative values of As and A0

    s, and therefore

    must be considered inadmissible. The admissible solutions

    for As and A0

    s, obtained with (6) and (7), are plotted on a

    RSD. Such a plot clearly indicates that the minimum total

    reinforcement solution generally differs from the symmetric

    reinforcement solution that typically is represented using

    conventional NMinteraction diagrams. More information

    on RSDs can be found in Hernndez-Montes et al. (2005)

    where an example of the design of a column from ACI

    Publication SP-17 (1997) is used (see Fig. 3). ACI

    Publication SP-17 presents only the symmetric reinforce-

    Neutral axis depth, x (mm)

    Steel area (mm2)

    Total area (As+ As)



    225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400






    h=406 mm (20 in)

    b= 508 mm (16 in)


    Pn=3559 kN (800 kips)e=178 mm (7in)

    Fig. 3 Example RSD

    TOSR for reinforced concrete cross sections

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    ment solution, but the RSD indicates that a significant

    savings in cost can be obtained when optimal (minimum

    total) reinforcement solutions are used in place of tradi-

    tional symmetric reinforcement solutions.

    Although it is possible to obtain zero reinforcement

    solutions from (6) and (7), code-required minimum rein-

    forcement requirements also must be considered in design.The theorem addresses only equilibrium considerations.

    4 Theorem of optimal section reinforcement

    Theorem The top (As) and bottom A0



    required to provide a rectangular concrete section with

    adequate ultimate strength1

    for a combination of axial load

    and moment applied about a principal axis of the cross

    section has the following characteristics:

    (1) An infinite number of solutions forAs and A


    s exists.(2) The minimum total reinforcement area As A



    occurs for one of the following cases: As=0, A


    s 0,As A


    s 0, sequal to or slightly greater than y,=s="


    s =c,max=0.003, and =s="0

    s 0:01.

    Corollary The minimum reinforcement area for a specific

    combination of axial load and moment may be determined


    (1) Evaluating the cases:As=0,A0

    s 0, s=y, =s="0

    s =

    c,max=0.003, and =s="0

    s 0:01.

    (2) Selecting the minimum of the admissible solutions,where an admissible solution is one in which the value

    of x0 is real and the areas As and A0

    s are each non-

    negative, subject to the following:

    a. If As=0 produces a negative value forA0

    s and A0


    0 produces a negative value for As, then the

    minimum reinforcement solution is given by

    As A0

    s 0.

    b. If s=y produces an admissible solution andAs(xb)

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    of 2x0

    b; 2xc

    for fixed values of N and M. Discrete

    values ofx are considered in increments of 1 mm, and the

    minimum value of the total area As A0


    is retained and

    plotted as a function ofx0 [As(x0), and A0

    s(x0)]. Thus, each

    point in Fig. 4a,b is the retained (optimal) solution for a

    fixed value of N and M. Inspection of these plots reveals

    that there are regions where either As or A0

    s are equal to

    zero, regions where both As and A0

    s appear to be nonzero,

    Fig. 4 a Values ofAs(xo/d)

    determined for optimal

    solutions.b Values of deter-

    mined for optimal solutions

    TOSR for reinforced concrete cross sections

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    and values of x0/d for which either many or no optimal

    solutions occur. The values ofxb,x*,xc, x0


    c1 andx0

    c2 are

    identified on Fig. 4a,b and in Table 2.

    Inspection of Fig. 4a,b reveals several singularities and

    zones as follows. These are discussed sequentially in order

    of increasingx0/d, with respect to Fig. 4a,b:

    a) x0/d=0.11, which corresponds to x0 x0

    b, (i.e., "0s

    "y for Grade 400 reinforcement). For this case, bothAs and A


    s assume positive values. It is interesting to

    observe that for given values ofNand M, anyx smaller

    than x0

    b results in As(x)=As x0


    and A


    s x A0

    s x0



    Thus, if an optimal solution is found for x0/d

  • 5/28/2018 426_Theorem of Optimal Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete


    x0/d=xb/d=0.6. Figure 6a shows this region for the subset

    of data represented in Fig.4a for whichb =200 andb =1,000.

    One may further observe that the minimum values ofAsare

    aligned based on the value of the parameterb. This result is

    not an artifact of the step size x.


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    of the section using the TOSR. The selected values of N

    and M are those for which the optimal solutions occur foreach of the possible cases. These values are presented in

    normalized form in Table 3.

    One may observe that in general, the minimum of the

    admissible solutions corresponds to the optimal solution.

    Two special cases are described as follows:

    1) For the first case, no admissible solutions are found,

    and in particular, the case As=0 produces a negative

    value for A0

    s, and second, the case A0

    s 0 produces a

    negative value for As. In this case, no reinforcement

    is required for the section to resist the combined

    axial load and moment, and the optimal solution is

    As A0

    s 0.2) For the last case of Table3, three admissible solutions

    were identified. Among these, x=xb appears to be the

    optimal solution, but there is a possibility that the true

    optimal solution is in the range xb

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    To illustrate the comparison ofAs (xb) andAs(xb) for a case

    in which x0=xb, we consider the fourth case (N=0.2Agfc,

    M=0.20Aghfc) of Table 3. To determine if the minimum

    might be in the range xb

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    Therefore, the stress in the bottom reinforcements(x) is

    s x fy if x< xb


    x if xb x xc

    fy if x> xc


    Case (b) is defined by yielding of the top reinforcement in

    compression in concert with the bottom reinforcement having

    a strain of 0.01. More generally, the top reinforcementmaybe responding elastically or maybe yielding in compres-

    sion or in tension while the bottom reinforcement at strain of0.01 (in tension). Any of these conditions may occur for


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