44843109 assignment mis

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  • 8/8/2019 44843109 Assignment Mis


    Subject code: MB0031 (3 credits) Set 1 Marks 60 SUBJECT NAME: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Answer the following questions. Each Question carries 10 marks 1. Define MIS? What are the objectives and characteristics of MIS ? Ans. 1: MIS stands for Management Information System. It is an information system which helps inproviding the management of an organization with information which is used by m

    anagement for decision making. The usage of Electronic media for data storage and processing the data is an integral part of MIS. It is technology driven in the

    sense it revolves around wireless electronic gadgets, internet, money cards- credit cards, debit cards, id cards, atm cards etc. MIS is very significant in modern day in many fields like Transport, Education, Office, Banking System etc.

    Impact of MIS MIS has a major impact on the functions of any organization derives benefits from the systems in the following form: speedy access to information, interpretation of data, quick decisions, speedy actions, increased productivityand thereby increase in the profit reduced transaction cost. MIS characteristic

    s In any organization managers will have varieties of tasks to manage. MIS is mainly designed to take care of the needs of the managers in the organization. Organizations will have different departments like marketing, production, sales, inventory, maintenance etc. Each of these departments function individually and al

    so in relationship with other departments. Information is available in abundance. MIS aids in integrating the information generated by various departments of the organization.

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    MIS helps in identifying a proper mechanism of storage of data. The data is maintained in such a way that the unnecessary duplication of data is avoided. MIS also helps in establishing mechanism to eliminate redundancies in data. MIS as a system can be broken down into sub systems. Each such sub system may be programmed. This results in easy access of data, accuracy of data and information. It hel

    ps in maintaining the consistency of data.

    Importance of MIS Information system has become the main tool used by managers in decision making. Managers perceive information as the driving force to achievesuccess in any business. Hence there is a need for MIS. Roles of IS in BusinessThere are three fundamental reasons for all business applications of informatio

    n technology. They are found in the three vital roles that information systems can perform for a business enterprise. a) Support of its business processes and operations For example, most retail stores now use computer based information systems to help them record customer purchases, keep track of inventory, pay employees, buy new merchandise and evaluate sales trends. Store operations would grindto a halt without the support of such information systems. b) Support of decisi

    on making by its employees and managers Information systems also help store managers and other business professionals make better decisions. For example, decisions on what lines of merchandise need to be added or discontinued, or on what kind of investment they require, are typically made after an analysis provided bycomputer-based information systems. c) Support of its strategies for competitiveadvantage-Gaining a strategic advantage over competitors requires innovative ap

    plication of information technologies. For example, store management might makea decision to install touch-screen kiosks in all of their stores, with links totheir e-commerce web-site for online shopping. Q2. Explain strategic MIS categories in detail. Give illustrations for each category. Ans.2 : Strategic Information System - A Strategic Information System (SIS) is a system to manage information and assist in strategic decision making. A strategic information system has been defined as, "The information system to support or change enterprise's strate

    gy." A SIS is a type of Information System that is aligned with business strategy and structure. The alignment increases the capability to respond faster to environmental changes and thus creates a competitive advantage. An early example was the favorable position afforded American and United Airlines by their reservation systems, Sabre and Apollo. For many years these two systems ensured that thetwo carriers' flights appeared on the first screens observed by travel agents,

    thus increasing their bookings relative to competitors. A major source of controversy surrounding SIS is their sustainability. SISs are different from other comparable systems as:

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    1. they change the way the firm competes. 2. they have an external (outward looking) focus. 3. they are associated with higher project risk. 4. they are innovative (and not easily copied). It is mainly concerned with providing and organization and its members an assistance to perform the routine tasks efficiently and effectively. One of the major issue before any organization is the challenge of meeting its goals and objectives. Strategic IS enable such organization in realizing their goals. Strategic Information System (SIS) is a support to the existing

    system and helps in achieving a competitive advantage over the organizations competitors in terms of its objectives. This unit deals with the critical aspectsof the strategic information system. This units indicates the theoretical concepts and the way in which the same are realized in practice. The flow of the unitis in such a way that it starts with the development of contemporary theory about strategic uses of corporations' internal information systems leading to systems which transcend the boundaries of particular organizations. The process whereby strategic information systems are created or identified is then examined. A number of weaknesses in the existing body of theory are identified, and suggestions made as to directions in which knowledge is or may be progressing. A strategicinformation system is concerned with systems which contribute significantly to

    the achievement of an organization's overall objectives. The body of knowledge i

    s of recent origin and highly dynamic, and the area has an aura of excitement about it. The emergence of the key ideas, the process whereby strategic information systems come into being is assessed, areas of weakness are identified, and directions of current and future development suggested. Information system is regarded as a tool to provide various services to different management functions. Thetools have been developing year by year and the application of the tool has bec

    ome more and more diverse. In management it is now a very power means to manageand control various activities and decision making process. The original idea ofautomating mechanical processes got quickly succeeded by the rationalization an

    d integration of systems. In both of these forms, IS was regarded primarily as an operational support tool, and secondarily as a service to management. Subsequent to the development, it was during the last few years that an additional potential was discovered. It was found that, in some cases, information technology (I

    T) had been critical to the implementation of an organization's strategy. An organizations strategy supported by information system fulfilling its business objectives came to be known as Strategic Information System. The strategic information system consists of functions that involved gathering, maintenance and analysisof data concerning internal resources, and intelligence about competitors, suppliers, customers, government and other relevant organizations.

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    3. Write a detailed note on the planning and development of Management Information Systems. Ans 3. Planning of Information Systems a) Development of Long RangePlans of the MIS With the advancement of computer technology more popularly known as information technology, it is now possible to recognize information as a valuable resource like money and capacity. It is necessary to link its acquisition, storage, use, and disposal as per the business needs for meeting the businessobjectives. Such a broad-based activity can be executed only when it is conceive

    d as a system. This system should deal with management information and not withdata processing alone. It should provide support for management planning, decision making and action. It should support the needs of the lower management as well as that of the top management. It should satisfy the needs of different peoplein the organization at different levels having varying managerial capabilities.It should provide support to the changing needs of business management. In short, we need a Management Information System flexible enough to deal with the changing information needs of the organization. The designing of such an open systemis a complex task. It can be achieved only if the MIS is planned, keeping in view, the plan of the business management of the organization. The plan of MIS isconsistent to the business plan of the organization. The information needs for the implementation of the business plan should find place in the MIS. To ensure s

    uch an alignment possibility, it is necessary that the business plan strategic or otherwise, states the information needs. The information needs are then tracedto the source data and the systems in the organization which generate such a data. The plan of development of the MIS is linked with the steps of the implementation in a business development plan. The system of information generation is soplanned that strategic information is provided for the strategic planning, control information is provided for a short term planning and execution. Once the management needs are translated into information needs, it is left to the designerto evolve a plan of MIS development and implementation. (b) Contents of the MISPlan A long range MIS plan provides direction for the development of the systems, and provides a basis for achieving the specific targets or tasks against a time frame. The plan would have the following contents which will be dealt by thedesigner under a support from the topmanagement. C) MS Goals and Objectives It i

    s necessary to develop the goals and objectives for the MIS which will support the business goals. The MIS goals and objectives will consider management philosophy, policy constraints, business risks, internal and external environment of the organisation and the business. The goals and the objectives of the MIS would be so stated that they can be measured. The typical statements of the goals are as under: It should provide online information on the stock, markets and the accounts balances. The query processing should not exceed more than three seconds. The focus of the system will be on the end user computing and access facilities.Such statements of the goals and objectives enable the designer to set the direction and design implementation strategies for the MIS Plan.

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    Development of Information Systems a) Development and Implementation of the MIS

    Once the plan of MIS is made, the MIS calls for determining the strategy of development. As discussed earlier, the plan consists of various systems and subsystems. The development strategy determines where to begin and in what sequence thedevelopment can take place with the sole objective of assuring the information support. The choice of the system or the sub-system depends on its position in th

    e total MIS plan, the size of the system, the users understanding of the systemsand the complexity and its interface with other systems. The designer first develops systems independently and starts integrating them with other systems, enlarging the system scope and meeting the varying information needs. Determining theposition of the system in the MIS is easy. The real problem is the degree of structure, and formalisation in the system and procedures which determine the timing and duration of development of the system. Higher the degree of structured ness and formalisation, greater is the stabilisation of the rules, the procedures,decision-making and the understanding of the overall business activity. Here, it is observed that the users and the designers interaction is smooth, and their needs are clearly understood and respected mutually. The development becomes a method of approach with certainty in input process and outputs. b) Prototype Approa

    ch When the system is complex, the development strategy is Prototyping of the System. Prototyping is a process of progressively ascertaining the information needs, developing methodology, trying it out on a smaller scale with respect to thedata and the complexity, ensuring that it satisfies the needs of the users, andassess the problems of development and implementation. This process, therefore,identifies the problem areas, inadequacies in the prototype vis--vis fulfilmentof the information needs. The designer then takes steps to remove the inadequacies. This may call upon changing the prototype of the system, questioning the information needs, streamlining the operational systems and procedures and move user interaction. In the prototyping approach, the designers task becomes difficult,when there are multiple users of the same system and the inputs they use are used by some other users as well.When it comes to information the functional, thedepartmental, the personal boundaries do not exist. These calls upon each indivi

    dual to comply with the design needs and provide without fail the necessary datainputs whenever required as per the specification discussed and finalised by the designer. Bringing the multiple users on the same platform and changing theirattitudes toward information, as a corporate resource, is the managerial task ofthe system designer. The qualification, experience, knowledge, of the state ofart, and an understanding of the corporate business, helps considerably, in overcoming the problem of changing the attitudes of the multiple users and the originators of the data. c) Life Cycle Approach There are many systems or sub-systemsin the MIS which have a life cycle, that is, they have birth and death. Their emergence may be sudden or may be a part of the business need, and they are verymuch structured and rule-based. They have 100% clarity of inputs and their sources, a definite set of outputs in terms of the contents and formats. These details more or less remain static from the day the system emerges and remains in thatstatic mode for a long time. Minor modifications or changes do occur but they are not significant in terms of handling either by the designer or the user of the system. Such systems, therefore, have a life and they can be developed in a systematic manner, and can be reviewed after a year or two, for significant modification, if any.

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    Life Cycle Approach to the Development of MIS Examples of such systems are pay roll, share accounting, basic financial accounting, finished goods accounting anddispatching, order processing, and so on. These systems have a fairly long duration of survival and they contribute in a big way as sources of data to the Corporate MIS. Therefore, their role is important and needs to be designed from theview point as an interface to the Corporate MIS. d) Implementation of the Management Information System

    The implementation of the system is a management process. It brings about organisational change; it affects people and changes their work style. The process evokes a behaviour response which could be either favourable or unfavourable depending upon the strategy of system implementation. In the process of implementation, the system designer acts as a change agent or a catalyst. For a successful implementation he has to handle the human factors carefully. The user of the systemhas a following fear complex when a certain cultural work change is occurring: The first and the foremost fear is about the security to the person if the change-over from the old to new is not a smooth one. Care has to be taken to assure the user that such fears are baseless and the responsibility, therefore, rests with the designer. The second fear is about the role played by the person in the o

    rganisation and how the change affects him. On many occasions, the new role mayreduce his importance in the organisation, the work design may make the new jobimpersonal, and a fear complex may get reinforced that the career prospects maybe affected.

    There are certain guidelines for the systems designer for successful implementation of the system. The system designer should not question beyond a limit the information need of the user.Not to forget that his role is to offer a service andnot to demand terms.Remember that the system design is for the use of the userand it is not the designers prerogative to dictate the design features. In short,the designer should respect the demands of the user.Not to mix up technical nee

    ds with the information needs. He should try to develop suitable design with appropriate technology to meet the information needs. The designer should not recommend modifications of the needs, unless technically infeasible.Impress upon theuser the global nature of the system design which is

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    required to meet the current and prospective information need. Not to challengethe application of the information in decision-making. It is the sole right of the user to use the information the way he thinks proper. Impress upon the user that the quality of information depends on the quality of input. Impress upon theuser that you are one of the users in the organisation and that the informationis a corporate resource and he is expected to contribute to the development ofthe MIS. Ensure that the user makes commitment to all the requirements of the sy

    stem design specifications. Ensure that he appreciates that his commitments contribute largely to the quality of the information and successful implementation of the system. Ensure that the overall system effort has the managements acceptance. Enlist the users participation from time to time, so that he is emotionally involved in the process of development. Implementation of the MIS in an organisation is a process where organisational transformation takes place. This change canoccur in a number of ways. The Lewins model suggests three steps in this process. The first step is unfreezing the organisation to make the people more receptive and interested in the change. The second step is choosing a course of action where the process begins and reaches the desired level of stability. The third step is Refreezing, where the change is consolidated and equilibrium is reinforced. Many a times, this process is implemented through an external change agent, su

    ch as a consultant playing the role of a catalyst. The significant problem in this task is the resistance to change. The resistance can occur due to three reasons, viz., the factors internal to the users of information, the factors inherentin the design of the system and the factors arising out of the interaction between the system and its users. The problem of resistance can be handled through education, persuasion, and participation. This itself can be achieved by improving the human factors, and providing incentives to the users, and eliminating theorganisational problems before implementing the system. Q4. Explain in detail the necessity and importance of Systems Design in MIS. Ans. 4 Answer: The businessapplication system demands designing of systems suitable to the application inproject. The major steps involved in the design are the following: Input Design- Input design is defined as the input requirement specification as per a formatrequired. Input design begins long before the data arrives at the device. The a

    nalyst will have to design source documents, input screens and methods and procedures for getting the data into the computer.

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  • 8/8/2019 44843109 Assignment Mis


    Maintenance also includes making modifications to an established system due to changes in the business organizations, and new ebusiness and ecommerce initiatives may require major changes to current business systems.

    Q5. Explain in detail about e-business, e-commerce and e-collaboration. Give suitable examples Ans. 5. With the emergence of Internet, business organisation of20th century has undergone structural, cultural and qualitative change, and a ne

    w organisation structure has emerged which is known as E-business enterprise. Technology have given rise to four business models that together work in an E-enterprise organisation. They are: E-business E-communication E-commerce E-collaboration

    E- BusinessThe scope of E-business is limited to executing core business process of the organisation. These processes would have external interface like suppliers, customers, contractors, consultants and so on. The core business processes of the organisation are procurement, manufacturing, selling, distribution, delivery and accounting. These core processes are best run by application packages like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). If enterprise definition is made wider including cust

    omer, suppliers and distributors, application package like Supply Chain Management (SCM) is best suited for planning and execution of entire business process. For example, when a supplier sends goods, it is received in the warehouse. This event is processed E-way using E-business systems suite. The receipt, documents and packages are read by bar coding system or RFID. Then receipt processing is done to confirm the validity of dispatch by the supplier, confirmation of quality,acknowledging the receipt, updating the inventory, communication of receipt tomanufacturing, updating the purchase order, effecting material accounts and supplier accounts, creating a liability in payables and posting it into cash flow projections. You will observe that receipt processing is first done at locations like warehouse, and Procurement module of ERP takes over to effect seamlessly all updates and changes. In this event processing, workflow system is used where quality of goods is checked, confirmed and certified in stages by three agencies in

    the organisation. This event is processed by a work group, which includes receiver at the warehouse, QA inspector, and warehouse manager playing their respective role in the receipt processing as specified in the workgroup application. Having accepted the goods, automated and process controlled goods movement, warehouse system takes over, and reads the receipt record to move the goods physically to assigned bin in a rack. E-business systems use internet / intranet / extranetcapabilities to process an event in seamless manner covering all technical, commercial, business aspects and implications of an event. They perform internal business operations and interface with external agencies. E-business system scope manages cross-functional application systems as a single business process. It integrates cross functions seamlessly, automates the tasks, and updates the information in real time. The ERP/ SCM and now Customer Relations Management system (CRM) is a family of software solution packages dedicated to core management of functions of business. They are supported by front-end and back-end systems and applications designed for transaction processing,

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    workflow management, work group processing and automated process control. E-business systems use client/ server architecture and run on Internet platform. E-business systems lay foundation for other Enterprise applications, namely E-commerce, E-communications, and E-collaboration. The current E-business system scope isbuilt through ERP dedicated to manufacturing resource management for effectiveuse of capacity and enhancing productivity. SCM is dedicated to logistics and distribution management and CRM is dedicated to customer relations management for

    customer satisfaction. IT, the backbone of E-enterprise, enables more precise target marketing towards intended audience. Organisations use websites and portalsto store and share information, use networks to communicate, coordinate, and collaborate amongst structured teams and virtual teams. Employees use notebook computers, Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs). Most of the processes are automated and they use Internet, Intranet, and Extranet for communication and E-business application packages to run the functional systems in integrated manner. CIM addsvalue in the manufacturing by way of simplification of processes in production and design. Automation of simplified processes using process control devices, numerically controlled machines and robots and lastly integration of all core and support processes contributes to manufacturing excellence. In Accounting and Finance system, IT application is very strong. E-business applications in this area

    are capable of accounting every business entity such as material, men, machines,cash, customer, and vendor and so on.

    E- CommerceE-commerce is a second big application next to ERP. It essentially deals with buying and selling of goods. With the advent of internet and web technology, E-commerce today covers an entire commercial scope online including design and developing, marketing, selling, delivering, servicing, and paying for goods. Some Ecommerce applications add order tracking as a feature for customer to know the delivery status of the order. The entire model successfully works on web platform and uses Internet technology. E-commerce process has two participants, namely buyer and seller, like in traditional business model. And unique and typical to Ecommerce there is one more participant known as Merchant Server. Merchant server in E

    -commerce secures payment to seller by authorisation and authentication of commercial transaction. E-commerce process model can be viewed in four ways and categories: B2C: Business Organization to Customer B2B: Business Organisation to Business C2B: Customer to Business Organisation C2C: Customer to Customer In B2C model, business organisation uses websites or portals to offer information about product, through multimedia clippings, catalogues, product configuration guidelines, customer histories and so on. A new customer interacts with the site and usesinteractive order processing system for order placement. On placement of order,secured payment systems comes into operation to authorize and authenticate payment to seller. The delivery system then takes over to execute the delivery to customer. In B2B model, buyer and seller are business organisations. They exchangetechnical & commercial information through websites and portals. Then model works on similar line like B2C. More advanced B2B model uses Extranet and conductsbusiness transactions based on the information status displayed on the buyers application server. Auto component industry uses this model for supplying parts andcomponents to auto manufacturer based on the inventory levels and production programme. In C2B model, customer initiates actions after logging on to sellers website or to server. On the server of the selling organisation, E-commerce applications are present for the use of the customer.The entire Internet

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    banking process works on C2B model where account holders of the bank transact anumber of requirements such as seeking account balance, payment, money transferand so on. In C2C model, customer participates in the process of selling and buying through the auction website. In this model, website is used for personal advertising of products or services. E-newspaper website is an example of advertising and selling of goods to the consumer. In all models, there are two channels:one channel deals with information delivery and sharing, and another deals with

    the commercial aspect of buying and selling. Broadly, information delivery and sharing application is built on back-end systems, which collect data and processit to create information databases. The users of these databases could be organisations or individuals in the capacity of buyer or seller. The participants havean authorized access to information and have rights to read, write or use it inany of the application. In B2C, messaging and information downloading is a bigapplication. Inter organisation communication applications, like news bulletin,communicating change of rules, announcements and price revisions are very commonin B2C. Crediting interest on fixed deposits, dividend on shares, refund of unused share amount are applications, which fall in the domain of B2C, where partner C an individual in B2C model is outside the organisation. In C2B model, a customer interacts with information databases such as product catalogues, price inform

    ation, configures the product, compares the cost, places the order and have it delivered after the electronic payment process. In C2C model, E-business revolvesaround two individuals who deal with each other in their individual capacitiesand play a designated role as buyer/seller, teacher/student, manager/officer, and brother/sister. Emailing, sending E-greetings, payments, ordering and sendinggifts are the C2C model applications. In all models, basic business and communication processes are executed through electronic documents. All transactions arepaperless hence, confirmations, approvals, signatures are electronically carriedout and the participant is informed through E-communications. It should be noted that B2B business models actually run with the help of B2C, C2B and C2C models. These models work under the umbrella of B2B. The execution process using thesemodels is assisted by portals, websites, E-mail, web directories, Internet Service Providers (ISP). Each organisation in E-business environment has its website

    and E-mail address and they are linked from portals, which provide basic information. The portal is a website dedicated to specified class of items where focusis on information about the items and not so much on who makes it? They essentially are information providers to users to transact through E-business models. Some portals have scope of buying and selling besides information sharing. Searchengines like Yahoo, Alta Vista, and Lycos are higher-level portals, which helpyou find web address of buyers and sellers for you to choose your E-business partner. In E-business models, we have considered two parties who engage in business activity. But to perform these activities certain intermediaries are requiredto handle the communication traffic between the two parties in B2B, B2C, C2B andC2C. The intermediaries are: E-business models are developed using these intermediaries. The components of E-business models are: Internet / Extranet for internal communication Internet for external communication Network and TCP / IP protocols and tools for delivery mechanism Web server and web browsers software for access, process and download and mailing. Back-end systems for application processes The people involved in E-business model other than users of the models are:

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    Web master Content provider Web designer Content designer Web developer / programmer Web administrator All buying and selling does not succeed through E-commerce. The products and services, which are standard in nature, and customer does not have a great need of interaction with seller, are best-suited for E-commerce.E-commerce culture is mostly virtual and impersonal. E-commerce site must createconfidence in the buyer showing competitive prices, performance assurance and post sale support. Faster processing in every step and covering entire buying and

    selling cycle are very much essential. The look and feel of E-commerce websiteshould be customer-friendly and attractive. Finally, security and reliability ofinformation, transactions, and order fulfilment is an absolute necessity.

    E-CollaborationEvery business has a number of work scenarios where group of people work together to complete the tasks and to achieve a common objective. The groups could be teams or virtual teams with different member strength. They come together to perform a task to achieve some results. The process is called collaboration. The collaboration now is possible with e-technologies, which put these teams in networkwith Internet support for communication, access to different databases and servers. These capabilities help to create collaborative work systems and allow memb

    ers to work together cooperatively on projects and assignments. The biggest advantage of E-collaboration is that it taps the collective wisdom, knowledge and experience of the members. The collaboration team or group could be within the organisation and between the organisations as well. Since, E-collaboration works onan Internet platform and uses web technology, work group / team need not be atone physical location. They can be at different locations and form a virtual team to work on project or assignment. E-collaboration uses E-communication capabilities to perform collaborative tasks, or project assignment. Its effectiveness is increased by software GroupWare that enables the members of the group to share information, invoke an application and work together to create documents and share them and so on. GroupWare is collaboration software. E-collaboration helps work effectively on applications like calendaring and scheduling tasks, event, project management, workflow applications, work group applications, document creatio

    n and sharing, and knowledge management. E-collaboration system components are Internet, Intranet, Extranet and LAN, WAN networks for communication through GroupWare tools, browsers. Application packages are software suit, which help process customer requirements. It is supported by databases present on various serverslike mail server, material database, knowledge server, document server and so on.

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    Q-6. What is an internet? Explain the differences between internet, intranet andextranet. Ans. 6 Internet is a global network of interconnected computers, enabling users to share information along multiple channels. Typically, a computer that connects to the Internet can access information from a vast array of available servers and other computers by moving information from them to the computer

    slocal memory. The same connection allows that computer to send information to servers on the network; that information is in turn accessed and potentially modi

    fied by a variety of other interconnected computers. A majority of widely accessible information on the Internet consists of inter-linked hypertext documents and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW). Computer users typically manage sent and received information with web browsers; other software for users

    interface with computer networks includes specialized programs for electronic mail, online chat, file transfer and file sharing. The movement of information in the Internet is achieved via a system of interconnected computer networks that share data by packet switching using the standardized Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP).It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of private and public,academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies. Difference between internet, intranet and extranet as follow: Extranet :

    An extranet is a private network that uses the Internet protocols and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business

    s information oroperations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. An extranet can be viewed as part of a company

    s intranet that is extended to users outside the company. An extranet requires security and privacy. A new buzzword that refers to an intranet that is partially accessible to authorized outsiders. Whereas an intranet resides behind a firewall and is accessible only to people who are members of the same company or organization, an extranet provides various levels of accessibility to outsiders. You can access an extranet only if youhave a valid username and password, and your identity determines which parts ofthe extranet you can view. An extranet is somewhat very similar to an intranet.Extranets are designed specifically to give external, limited access to certainfiles of your computer systems to: Certain large or priviledged customers. Sele

    cted industry partners. Suppliers and subcontractors... etc.

    Therefore, a carefully designed extranet can bring additional business to your company. The professional development team at My Web Services has the expertise and the right tools to design the right intranet or extranet that will meet yourexact needs, both for today and the future.

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    Intranet: An internal use, private network inside an organisation that uses thesame kind of software which would also be found on the Internet. Inter-connectednetwork within one organization that uses Web technologies for the sharing of information internally, not world wide. Such information might include organization policies and procedures, announcements, or information about new products. Anintranet is a restricted-access network that works like the Web, but isn

    t on it. Usually owned and managed by a company, an intranet enables a company to shar

    e its resources with its employees without confidential information being made available to everyone with Internet access. A network based on TCP/IP protocols (an internet) belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization

    s members, employees, or others with authorization. An intranet

    s Web sites look and act just like any other Web sites, but the firewall surrounding an intranet fends off unauthorized access. Like the Internet itself,intranets are used to share information. An intranet is an information portal designed specifically for the internal communications of small, medium or large businesses, enterprises, governments, industries or financial institutions of anysize or complexity. Intranets can be custom-designed to fit the exact needs of businesses no matter where they are situated. Users of intranets consists mainlyof: Members of the executive team. Accounting and order billing. Managers and di

    rectors. Sales people and support staff. Customer service, help desk, etc..

  • 8/8/2019 44843109 Assignment Mis


    Subject code: MB0031 (3 credits) Set 2 Marks 60 SUBJECT NAME: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS1. What are limitations of MIS? What are the factors which lead to the success and failure of MIS in an organization? Ans. 1 : Limitations of MIS

    1. Highly sensitive and requires constant monitoring 2. Budgeting of Budgeting extremely difficult 3. Lack of flexibility to update it. Factors Contributing to

    Success If a MIS is to be success then it should have all the features listed asfollows: The MIS is integrated into the managerial functions. It sets cleectives to ensure that the MIS focuses on the major issues of the business. An appropriate information processing technology required to meet the data processi ga d a alysis eeds of the users of the MIS is selected. The MIS is orie ted, defi ed a d desig ed i terms of the users The MIS is kept u der co ti uous surveilla ce, so that its ope system desig is modified accordi g to the cha gi g i formatio eeds. MIS focuses o the results a d goals, a d highlights the factors a d reaso s for o achieveme t. MIS is ot allowed to e d up i to a i formatio

    ge eratio mill avoidi g the oise i the i formatio a d the commu icatio system. The MIS recog izes that a ma ager is a huma bei g a d therefore, the systemsmust co sider all the huma behavioral factors i the process of the ma ageme t

    . The MIS recog

    izes that the differe

    t i


    eeds for differe

    t objectives must be met with. The globalizatio of i formatio i isolatio from the differe t objectives leads to too much i formatio a d i formatio a d its o -use. The MIS is easy to operate a d, therefore, the desig of the MIS has such features which make up a user-frie dly desig . MIS recog izes that the i formatio eeds become obsolete a d ew eeds emerge. The MIS desig , therefore, has a basic pote tial capability to quickly meet ew eeds of i formatio . The MIS co ce trates o developi g the i formatio support to ma ager critical success factors. It co ce trates o the missio critical applicatio s servi g the eeds of the top ma ageme t

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    Factors Co tributi g to Failures Ma y a times MIS is a failures. The commo factors which are respo sible for this are listed as follows: The MIS is co ceivs a data processi g a d ot as a i formatio processi g system. The MIS does ot provide that i formatio which is eeded by the ma agers but it te ds to provide the i formatio ge erally the fu ctio calls for. The MIS the becomes a imperso al system. U der estimati g the complexity i the busi ess systems a d ot recog izi g it i the MIS desig leads to problems i the successful impleme tatio

    . Adequate atte



    ot give

    to the quality co

    trol aspects of the i

    puts,the process a d the outputs leadi g to i sufficie t checks a d co trols i the MIS. The MIS is developed without streamli i g the tra sactio processi g systemsi the orga izatio . Lack of trai i g a d appreciatio that the users of the i formatio a d the ge erators of the data are differe t, a d they have to play a importa t respo sible role i the MIS. The MIS does ot meet certai critical a

    d key factors of its users such as a respo se to the query o the database, a i

    ability to get the processi g do e i a particular ma er, lack of user-frie dlysystem a d the depe de ce o the system perso el. A belief that the computerized MIS ca solve all the ma ageme t problems of pla i g a d co trol of the busi ess. Lack of admi istrative discipli e i followi g the sta dardized systems a dprocedures, wro g codi g a d deviati g from the system specificatio s result i


    complete a

    d i

    correct i


    . The MIS does

    ot give perfect i


    to all the users i the orga izatio .

    2. What is Busi ess Process Re-e gi eeri g. Explai i detail the focus of BPR o the curre t issues i Busi ess. A s. 2 : The methodologies which are adopted to bri g about cha ges are called ree gi eeri g. Busi ess process re-e gi eeri gThe process of cha ge for the betterme t of the orga izatio is called as Busi ess process re-e gi eeri g. With Busi ess process bei g re-e gi eered, the orga izatio s have to cha ge the workflow a d busi ess procedures for efficie cy i the orga izatio . Latest software is used a d accordi gly the busi ess proceduresare modified, so that docume ts are worked upo more easily a d efficie tly a dthis is called as workflow ma ageme t. Importa ce of BPR Busi ess process ree gi eeri g is a major i ovatio cha gi g the way orga izatio s co duct their busi

    ess. Such cha

    ges are ofte

    ecessary for profitability or eve

    survival. BPR isemployed whe major IT projects such as ERP are u dertake . Ree gi eeri g i volves cha ges i structure, orga izatio al culture a d processes. Ma y co cepts ofBPR cha ges orga izatio al structure for example, team based orga izatio , masscustomizatio ; empowerme t a d telecommuti g etc. The support system i a y orga izatio plays a importa t role i BPR. ES, DSS, AI allows busi ess to be co ducted i differe t locatio s, provides flexibility i ma ufacturi g permits quicker delivery to customers a d supports rapid paperless tra sactio s amo g suppliers, ma ufacturers a d retailers. Expert systems ca e able orga izatio al cha ges by providi g expertise to o experts.

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    Ree gi eeri g is basically do e to achieve cost reductio , i crease i quality,improveme t i speed a d service. BPR e able a compa y to become more competitive i the market. Employees work i team comprisi g of ma agers a d e gi eers todevelop a product. This leads to the formatio of i terdiscipli ary teams whichca work better tha mere fu ctio al teams. The coordi atio becomes easier a d

    faster results ca

    be achieved. The e

    tire busi

    ess process of developi

    g a product gets a ew dime sio .

    3. Explai the various role of a Systems A alyst. What is mea t by Feasibility of systems ? What are the various types of Feasibility study?

    A s. 3: Roles of Systems A alyst System a alysts are the facilitators of the study of the problem a d eeds of a busi ess to determi e how the busi ess systemsa d i formatio tech ology ca best solve the problem a d accomplish improveme ts for the busi ess. The system a alyst is respo sible for exami i g the total flow of data throughout the orga izatio . Various aspects of a orga izatio likeperso el i teractio s a d procedures for ha dli g problems of the computer are

    studied by him. The perso


    volved i

    the system developme

    t is k


    as systema alyst. His mai role is as co sulta t, supporti g a d mai te a ce expert, heshould work with a cross sectio of people a d should have the experie ce of worki g with computers. He is a problem solver a d takes problem as a challe ge a de joys meeti g challe ges. He k ows how to use the right tools, tech iques a dexperie ce at the right time. Feasibility of Systems Feasibility is a measure ofhow be eficial the developme t of a i formatio system would be to a orga izatio . Feasibility a alysis is the activity by which the feasibility is measured.Feasibility study is a prelimi ary study which i vestigates the i formatio eeds of prospective users a d determi es the resource requireme ts, costs, be efits a d feasibility of a proposed project. The data is first collected for the feasibility study. Later o , the fi di gs of the study are formalized i a writte report that i cludes prelimi ary specificatio s a d a developme t pla for the p

    roposed system. If the ma


    t approves these recomme


    s of the report the developme t process ca co ti ue. Types of feasibility The goal of feasibility study is to evaluate alter ative systems a d to propose the most feasible a ddesirable system for developme t. The feasibility of a proposed system ca be evaluated i four major categories: a) Tech ical feasibility: It is a measure of atech ologys suitability to the applicatio bei g desig ed or the tech ologys ability to work with other tech ologies. It measures the practicality of a specifiedtech ical solutio . b) Eco omic feasibility: It is the measure of the cost effective ess of a project. It is also k ow as cost-be efit a alysis. c) Operatio al feasibility: It is a measure of how comfortable the ma ageme t a d users are with the tech ology. d) Schedule feasibility: It is a measure of how reaso able the project schedule is.

    4. Explai the sig ifica ce of DSS. What are the compo e ts of DSS a d explai DSS model?

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    A s. 4 DSS is a i teractive, flexible computer based i formatio system. It uses rules a d models for processi g data, to support various ma agerial levels, ra gi g from top executives to ma gers, i their decisio maki g. It supports all phases of decisio -maki g: i tellige ce, desig , choice a d impleme tatio .A DSSis usually built to support the solutio of certai problem a d does ot replacethe decisio -maker. As such, it is called a DSS applicatio . It is user-frie dly with stro g graphical capabilities.

    DSS compo e ts The compo e ts of a DSS i clude a database of data used for querya d a alysis, software with models, data mi i g a d other a alytical tools a da user i terface. The DSS database is a collectio of curre t or historical datafrom a umber of applicatio s or groups. It ca be small database or a massivedata warehousefrom a large compa y, which is co ti uously bei g updated. The DSSsoftware system i cludes software tools for data a alysis. They co tai variousOLAP tools, data mi i g tools or a collectio of mathematical a d a alytical models. A model ca be a physical model, a mathematical model or a verbal model. Most commo ly used are the statistical fu ctio s such as mea s, media s, deviatio s a d scatter plots. Optimizatio models such as li ear programmi g are used todetermi e optimal resource allocatio .

    Compo e t of a Decisio Support System

    The model of a DSS may be represe ted as a block diagram as i dicated below

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    5. Read the followi g case a d a swer the questio . You have 10 messages o voice mail, six faxes i your i -basket, three people sta di g outside of your office waiti g either for you to get off of the pho e or fi ish speaki g with the guysitti g i your office (whichever comes first). Your computer just beeped to i

    form you, agai , that a e-mail message has just bee added to your stockpile ofu read messages gatheri g electro ic dust. You make a me tal ote to cha ge the otificatio sou d to a evil laugh. Your readi g pile is teeteri g, threate i

    g to put out of misery the pla

    t you have

    t watered i

    three weeks. You wo

    derwho the stra ge people are i the picture o your desk. ... Oh yeah, it

    s your spouse a d kids. Your boss strides i to your office, throws a letter u der your

    ose, a d says, "Read this. We just got a project that requires us to `collaborate over the I ter et

    -whatever that mea s-a d si ce you

    re the computer guru arou d here, you have to get a ha dle o it a d teach us all what to do by ext Thursday." As he leaves, you make a few e- comme ts about what he ca e-do with hise-letter. Welcome to e-hell. Most professio als k ow by ow that eve tually theywill have to deal with e-busi ess. It

    s too early to tell if ecollaboratio will resolve the commu icatio s overload e gi eers are faci g today or just clutterthe available ba dwidth eve more. Look arou d you. Did PCs lead to a paperlessoffice? Waiti g for the e-collaboratio to stabilize or shake out, however, mig

    ht be cou

    terproductive. You might fi

    d yourself i

    a situatio

    like the o

    e described above where you

    ll have to "e-collaborate" i a pi ch. If this happe s, here are a few survival tips: read about e-collaboratio to get a ge eral impressio of what it is a d how it works a d the visit some Websites where some of the more popular products exist a d try them out. Visit the HPAC E gi eeri g I teractive Website at www.hpac.com a d, u der Heavy Duty Co te t, choose the I formatio Tech ology (IT) Tips area. Read the colum s o extra ets that were published by Dr. Joel Orr i April a d May 2000 a d the August colum by Digital Media Editor Ly e Brakema o collaboratio software exhibited duri g the A/E/C Systems show earlier this year. These three colum s i troduce you to collaboratio software a d poi t you to some products that are tailored to our i dustry. I

    d alsorecomme d visiti g Orr

    s Website (www.extra ets.cc) for a comprehe sive list ofsites. Some of these sites allow you to dow load "demo" versio s. Tryi g out th

    e software demo will help you decide which method is right for you a

    d possiblyyour whole compa y. Call some of the ve dors a d ask if they provide trai i g either o li e or at a earby facility. Depe di g o the stock market, some might be desperate e ough to come to your office.If your firm is bei g required to e-collaborate, as the story goes above, try a d fi d the people who are leadi g thee-collaboratio effort a d ask them what method they

    re usi g. If they have otmade a decisio o which product to use, you may be able to sway them toward a decisio that be efits you a d your compa y. If you eed to teach others i yourcompa y how to use e-collaboratio tools or make a corporate-wide procureme t/sta dardizatio decisio , I recomme d that you do further research a d get othersi your compa y i volved. To lear more about i troduci g ew i formatio tech ologies gradually i to a compa y, read the IT Tips colum "Strategic Pla i g forI formatio Tech ology" i the December 1996 issue. This e-busi ess is a tough

    ut to crack. It represe ts a pivotal time i our i dustry. The best way to dealwith it is proactively. [Source: Proquest by Iva ovich, Michael G.. Heati g/Pipi g/Air Co ditio i g E gi eeri g: HPAC. Clevela d: Sep 2000. Vol. 72, Iss. 9; pg. 9, 1 pgs, Copyright Pe to Media, I c. Sep 2000]

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    Questio : Which particular co cept of MIS is bei g dealt here i this particularcase? List out all the issues related to MIS me tio ed i the above case. Listout all the adva tages a d disadva tages what you feel is appropriate i this case. A s.: I the above Case prese tatio the Questio has 3 parts: Co cept of MIS bei g spoke about i the case. Issues related to MIS i the above case Adva tages a d Disadva tages, which we feel, is appropriate i the case. 1) To begi with, i the above Case prese tatio , the i itial paragraph is o the typical wor

    k sce

    ario faced by a Ma

    ager i

    most of the service sector orga


    . The amou t of pressure he is i duri g his daily routi es work. Here he seems to be se ior most a d most computer literate amo g others i the office. He ce his bosscomes to him a d ha ds over a letter to him, which me tio s about Collaboratio over I ter et. The ma ager is supposed to go through the co te ts a d brief everyo e by Thursday. The matter is related to E-Collaboratio a d E Busi ess. Further there are i formatio o how to get more i formatio o E-Collabratio . Thereare refere ces of various I ter et sites give to gather more i puts o E-E terprise, E Busi ess a d E Collaboratio . . E busi ess systems lay fou datio of other E terprise applicatio s, amely E commerce, E commu icatio a d E collaboratio . To u dersta d a d discuss about the above terms we eed to k ow that MIS has bee evolvi g i differe t forms u der differe t levels of ma ageme t. Some of

    the developme

    ts are rece

    t a

    d some are still i

    the developme

    t stage. The research co ti ues. With the emerge ce of I ter et, busi ess orga izatio has u dergo e structural, cultural, a d qualitatitive cha ge a d a ew orga izatio structure has emerged which is k ow as E busi ess e terprise. I this E terprise busi ess operatio s are performed through E Commu icatio a d E Collaboratio i itiatives. Therefore, E busi ess e terprise has a global market, reach, source a dglobal competitio . E busi ess e terprise is more process drive , tech ology e

    abled a d uses its ow i formatio a d k owledge to perform. It has o geographic bou daries as it ca exte d its operatio s where I ter et works. About E Collaboratio Every busi ess has a umber of work sce arios where group of people work together to complete the tasks a d to achieve a commo objective. The groups could be teams or virtual teams with differe t member stre gth. They come together to perform a task to achieve some results. The process is called collaboratio

    . The collaboratio

    ow is possible with e-tech

    ologies, which put these teams i etwork with I ter et support for commu icatio , access to differe t databasesa d servers. These capabilities help to create collaborative work systems a d allow members to work togethercooperatively o projects a d assig me ts.

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    E-busi ess

    e terprise is ope twe ty-four hours, a d bei g i depe de t, ma agers, ve dors;customers

    tra sact busi ess a y time from a ywhere. It has o geographic bou daries as itca exte d its operatio s where I ter et works. All this is possible due to I te


    et a

    d web movi

    g traditio

    al paper drive



    to i



    I ter et e abled E-busi ess e terprise. MIS i E-orga isatio deviates from traditio al report formats to automated i tellige t k owledge drive system. It e forces ma ager to act quickly to respo se displayed o the scree . Most of the decisio s of middle a d operatio al ma ageme t are delegated to IT-e abled i formatio a d k owledge drive systems. They are supported by the rule-based tra sactio processi g system, decisio support systems, expert systems, artificial i tellige ce (AI) systems, a d data warehouse a d mi i g systems. MIS i E-orga isatio deviates from the co ve tio al model of

    Capture Compute Process A alyse Report Thi k a d Act


    Poi t Click Respo d Act. Challe ges: O e challe ge is to co vert domestic process desig to work for i ter atio al process, where i tegratio of multi atio al i formatio systems usi g differe t commu icatio sta dards

    , cou

    try specific accou


    g practices, a

    d laws of security are to be adheredstrictly. This is just ot a tech ical cha ge i busi ess operatio s but a cultural cha ge i the mi dset of ma agers a d workers to look beyo d the co ve tio al orga isatio . It mea s cha gi g the orga izatio behaviour to take competitiveadva tage of the E-busi ess tech ology. The last but ot the least importa t isthe challe ge to orga ise a d impleme t i formatio architecture a d i formatio

    tech ology platforms, co sideri g multiple locatio s a d multiple i formatio eeds arisi g due to global operatio s of the busi ess i to a comprehe sive MIS.

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