
Post on 12-Dec-2015






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Players, skills & objectives

1. 2-3 players plus one person to hide the eggs

2. The game involves counting numbers, remembering hidden objects and strategy in deciding where to hunt /

which direction to go in.

3. The goal is to collect as many eggs as possible in your basket.

To prepare the game

1. Connect pages 1 and 2. Mounting them on to sturdy board is a good idea for durability.

2. Cut out all the shapes and eggs. Make your bunnies & your baskets using cupcake wrappers and the strip


3. Glue the shapes 1 to 4 with the tabs to the board to complete the hiding place flaps.

Before you play

1. One person who isn’t playing the game hides the eggs.

2. Place the eggs on any circles you want. You can place multiple eggs in one place.

3. Also hide the eggs inside the shed, chicken coop, under the chicken and in the beehive.

4. You can cover eggs on the circles with teracotta pots.


Place the eggs visibly on many circles for smaller kids so it’s very obvious for them.

Hide multiple eggs under each hiding place for older kids to make the game trickier!

How to play

1. Take one basket each for collecting eggs.

2. Start from the ‘Start here’ spot. Throw a dice and go anywhere you want.

3. If you land on a spot where the eggs are, you can collect one. You can only collect one egg at a time if there

are multiple eggs.

When you land on the places where the eggs are hidden, lift the flap to find them! 

Take one at a time, close the flap and leave the rest for next person.

4. Keep going around, collecting eggs until they are all gone. 

You can move in any direction (back and

forth) along the connected circles.

5. When you think it’s all finished, count the

eggs. The person who’s got the most eggs in

his/her basket wins! 

A double Point egg counts as 2 points! (You

can leave this option out for younger kids.)

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