461status of women and man in govt. job of bangladesh

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  • 8/13/2019 461Status of women and man in govt. job of Bangladesh


    Title : Status of women and man in govt. job of Bangladesh.

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    Womens development in general and their participation in income generating

    activities in particular deserve a special consideration in national development

    planning. Experience in developed countries and many developing countries like

    Bangladesh has documented varying degrees of inverse relation ship between female

    and male employees. In the govt. Job it is also seen the difference of status in

    different section. In this term paper I put my best effort to find out the fact/ reality of

    status between men and women in govt. job. I believe that I have tried my level best

    to gather necessary information and document in very limited scope and time. In thisterm paper it is mentioned that the present job status, discrimination, probable

    changes with this century. Term paper preparation is the requirement of the

    foundation training course for the BCS cadre officers. As a foundation trainee I also

    had to fulfill this requirement and helped me a lot to develop my analytical ability.

    Finally, I hope my small effort will be able to meet the curiosity of the interested

    researchers students and persons involved in this area,

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    The greatest thanks to Almighty Allah who helps us every moment. There are a

    great number of people to whom I owe thanks for helping with the research and

    writing of this term paper Status of women and man in govt. job of Bangladesh.

    First of all I express my gratitude to NAEM for including term paper in the syllabus

    of FTC. I am indebted to the DG of NAEM who providing required facilities to run the

    experimental works. I must express my heartiest thanks and gratitude to my

    respectable guide Md. Nurul Huda, Training Specialist of NAEM, for his guidance,

    valuable suggestions and sympathetic co-operation. I also great full to the course

    director Dr. M.A. Maleque and course co-coordinators. Next I must thanks to all

    NAEM faculty members, library authority and computer lab authority for their

    earnest co-operation.

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    To find out the present status of men and women in govt. job of Bangladesh.

    To explain issue on employment and the labour force.

    To describe gender disparity in labour force of the govt. of Bangladesh.

    To meet the need of the interested researchers.

    To analyze some educational Institution (General and Technical) for their

    work force (Men and Women).

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    Statement of problem

    Bangladesh has become independent in 1971. But the present job status of

    men and women in Bangladesh is not yet reached in perfect condition. The

    balance of status in govt. job is fragile. Several times it has taken initiatives

    and institutional step for flourishment of labour force of govt. Weak exercise

    of law is the only reason for imbalance of rate of employment of men and

    women. Discrimination is a very familiar and common concept in the history

    of man kind. Through the ages concept of discrimination remained effective

    in relation to races, rich and poor, men and women. In recent time United

    Nations Organization has taken a bold realistic step towards the elimination

    of various discrimination through the proclamation of the charter of equal

    rights. Though the rules are available there are many discrepancies between

    the status of women and men in govt. job. Some reasons are-

    Lack of democratic leadership.

    Negative social structure for women and their involvement in the job.

    Undemocratic activities of political parties.

    Limitation of resources and unequal distribution of wealth.

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    Status:Status means the position of a person by holding power or authority

    for a specific time period or for a fixed matter. Word status also implies that

    the professional designation of a men or a women in his or her job. Status

    helps the men or women to earn and enjoy the authority and financial

    benefits. In this writing I assess status of women in Bangladesh in the light of

    theoretical understanding and practical understanding. Given complexities in

    assessing status in a traditional society, I will still look for some indicators to

    measure their status at the household level.

    Trained women: Trained women mean the women have been trained

    under any specific work or program. They are directly exposed to the

    program. They were also in their reproductive years 15-49.

    Decision making: Decision making is measured by ascertaining the

    information whether or not the women are consulted with the men for

    taking any sort of decision for their job or any other problems regarding

    office work.

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    Scope of the term paper

    In the name of caption Status of women and man in govt. job of

    Bangladesh, included the present status of women and men in govt. job,

    their ratio of participation, comparative study, women status in the family

    and house hold. And other things included in this term paper are as follows-

    Definition of status, Trained women, Decision making.

    Aim and objectives of govt. job.

    Educational Institution analysis.

    Job research analysis.

    Research findings.



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    Main body of the term paper

    P e r f o r m a n c e o f M e n a n d W o m en i n B a ng l a de s h o n

    Selected Gender-Related indicators

    As in most countries of the world, women in Bangladesh have

    always been in a disadvantaged position in comparison with men.

    Women in Bangladesh today are poorer, less healthy and less well

    educated relative to men. Women contribute a great deal to the society

    but enjoy fewer benefits than men. However, the status of women in

    Bangladesh is improving gradually. The 2005 World Economic Forum

    Gender Gap Index indicated that Bangladesh ranked highest in South

    Asia (39th out of the 58 countries considered), ahead o f I n d i a ( 5 3 r d )

    a n d P a k i s t a n ( 5 6 t h ) . i t i s a l s o h i g h e s t M u s l i m - m a j o r i t y

    country, even ahead of Turkey (57th).

    In the United Nations Human Development Report 2004, Bangladesh

    is ranked 138 out 177 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI), 110

    out of 144 on the Gender-related Development index (GDI) at-, 76 Out

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  • 8/13/2019 461Status of women and man in govt. job of Bangladesh


    Time spent on non-

    market activities

    65% 30%

    Contribution to family


    81% 19%

    Female participation in

    National Parliament

    02% 98%

    Probability of dying

    under age 5 per 1000*

    73% 71%

    Source: United Nations Development Program 2004, Human Development

    Report, UNDP. Note: *World Health Orr; 2004, World Health Report, WHO.

    I PPP, Purchasing Power Parity

    Situation of Women and Men in Bangladesh

    This handout deals specifically with Bangladesh statistics and indicators

    Sex-disaggregated data may also be collected later by participants from

    other secondary sources or through data gathering and research from a study of

    their own village.

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    Bangladesh, a sovereign nation in South Asia, carne into existence in

    1971 after freedom fighters fought a civil war for 9 months and country obtained

    independence. It consists of 133,910 sq km of land and 10,090 sq km

    of water and is bordered by the Bay of Bengal (580 km coast line), India

    (4063 km) and Burma (193 km). The country's topography is mostly flat

    alluvial plains and hilly in southeast. The country is rich in natural gas,

    timber and coal as natural resources. The total land available is 36669000

    hectares 62.1 percent of which is arable land. Of this 51.4 percent has

    permanent crops, 13.5 percent is under forest cover, 23.68 percent

    under housing and other permanent structures and 4 percent is reserved

    for other land use. Less than one half of a percent (0.47%) iscurrently fallow or

    cultivable waste land. Drought, cyclones and floods are common. disasters.

    Much of the country is inundated during the summer-monsoon season.

    Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy; crops are grown in the rainy

    season, and under irrigation during the dry season, about 40,000 sq. km of crop

    land is irrigated every year. The main crops of Bangladesh are paddy, jute,

    and pulses.


    The total population of Bangladesh is 141.3 million (est.), 68.8 millionwomen and 72.5 million men, the age structure is very young, with a

    mean age of 21.5 for

    women and 25.5for men. (BBS estimate, July 2004).

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    Table 2: Population by Sex, Age and Mean Age of

    Population, Bangladesh 2004

    Population by ageand sex


    Number Percent


    Number Percent


    Number Percent

    0-14 years 47372960 (33.5%) 23013811 (16.28%) 24359149 (17.23%)

    15-64 years 89183913 (63.1%) 43626950 (30.87%) 45557963 (32.23%)

    65+ years 4782603 (03.4%) 2207084 (1.56%) 2575519 (1.82%)

    Total 141340476 (100%) 68847845 (48.8%) 72492631 (52.2%)

    Mean age 21.5 21.5 25.5

    The status of women and men in Bangladesh can be establ ished by

    a comparison of indicators on education, health, nutrition and

    employment. These show a gap between women and men. AS womens

    advancement rights are established in Bangladesh, it will be reflected

    th e in cr ea se d similarity of these indicators.


    The total primary enrolments for Bangladesh have more than trebled

    between 1970 and 2002, from some 5.3 million children in 29,000 institutions in

    1970 to a total of 17.6 million children in 78,000 institutions in 2002. The

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    proportion, of female enrolments has increased from about 32 percent to

    50 percent over the same period, while female teachers increased from just

    2 percent in 1970 to 38 percent in 2002. Over the same period there

    has been a 4.5 fold increase in the total numbers enrolled in secondary

    education, grades 6-12.

    Tabel.3 below shows the effect of this remarkable

    expansion in:-

    Education on national literacy levels - particularly those of women, and

    especially of rural women. While even the most recent data still show

    the historic pattern of very low female participation in education, it is

    evident that this historic Pattern has now changed.

    Literacy Rate of Population Aged 5+years by Sex and stat us of

    Household, 1961-2000

    Year/status National Rural Urban

    Women Men Women Men Women Men

    1961 10.7 31.4

    1974 14.8 32.9 13.2 30.8 33.3 48.6

    1981 16.0 31.0 13.7 27.3 30.3

    1987 20.3 34.6 16.7 31.0 43.7

    1988 20.5 35.5 16.9 31.8 43.7

    1991 21.3 36.1 17.6 32.0 44.2

    2000 38.0 46.7 34.1 42.7 52.9 62.2

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    Sources: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Population Census 1961, 1974, 1981, 1991

    and 2001

    1365, Systematic Registration System, 1987-; BBS, Househo4 Demographic

    Survey. 1995, 1998, 2000,

    November 2042

    There appears to be little doubt that the female stipend programs have been

    a cause of the major increases in female Participation in education that have

    occurred in Bangladesh. Yet there are some limitations on the success of the

    female stipend programs including the relatively low retention and pass rates of

    the participants. The proportions of women going on to tertiary and further

    education are much lower and the pattern of female entry at this level is

    essentially limited to the socio-economically privileged.

    Table shows that in the rural population, there exists severe anaemia and

    nutritional deficiency among all pregnant mothers and pre-school children and that

    34-36 percent of mothers who are not pregnant are anaemic. School-aged children

    (5-11 years) and adolescents (12-19) also suffer from anaemia and nutritional


    Table 4: Percentage of Anaemic Children, Adolescents and

    Mothers in Rural Bangladesh, 2001

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    Chi ldren, Ad ol escent s Mothers Rural Bangladesh

    pre-school children (6-59) months 48

    School aged children (5-11) years 34

    Adolescents (12-19) years 36

    Mothers (non-pregnant) 34

    Mothers (pregnant) 51

    Source: Helen Keller International. Findings of 2001 national Anemla Survey

    Employment/ Participation of Women

    Women's participation in paid employment is low in urban areas, the

    employment scenario is encouraging (52.9% for women versus 62.2% for

    men), while in rural areas, women are at a disadvantage when compared with men

    (34.1% for women versus 42.7% for men). About two thirds of women are absent

    from the employment scenario. The fact that in rural areas, women's level of

    education is low and they have fewer skills, culminate in such differences. If

    women are to compete in a free market with men, women will need large-scale

    capacity-building interventions in order to overcome the economic, socio-cultural

    and mobility related constraints they face due to their present differential


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    Table 5: which details men's and women's employment profile is only concer ned

    with the formal sector . Women with l i t t le or no educat ion are

    employed chiefly as domestic helper, production and related workers and farmers.

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    Table 5:

    Extent of Labor Force 10+ Years by Sex, 1961-2000 (in millions)

    Source& Period

    National Rural Urban

    Women Men Women Men Women Men

    By usual definition (BBS)

    1961 0.9 16.0 0.8 15.2 0.1 .09

    1974 0.9 21.0 0.8 19.2 0.1 2.0

    1980 1.6 22.8 1.4 22.0 0.2 2.8

    1981 1.5 24.4 1.3 21.3 0.2 3.1

    1983-84 2.5 26.0 2.1 22.5 0.2 3.4

    1984-85 2.7 26.8 2.2 23.2 0.5 3.6

    1985-86 3.2 27.7 2.6 23.7 0.6 4.0

    1989 3.6 29.7 2.1 25.6 1.5 4.2

    1990-91 4.9 31.0 4.0 24.4 0.9 6.6

    1995-96 7.6 34.1 5.6 26.8 2.0 7.3

    1999 10.0 35.0 7.5 27.3 2.6 7.7

    By extended definition

    1989 21.0 29.7 19.5 25.5 1.5 4.2

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    1990-91 20.1 31.1 18.0 24.5 2.1 6.6

    1995-96 21.3 34.7 18.5 27.3 2..8 7.4

    1999-00 22.8 37.5 19.4 29.6 3.4 7.8

    Source: BBS various. Population Census, 1961, 1974, 1995-96,1999-2000

    Generally there is little gender disparity in salaries / wages in public sector or skilled

    labour, but there is a, bias towards employing women for low-paid or part-

    time service oriented jobs.

    Table 6. shows that, gender disparity is clearly evident in wage rates for

    semi-skilled and unskilled labor in the agriculture sector.

    The rate of female laborers is 25 percent less than the male wages rates. This may

    be due partly to women's low level of education, their multiple roles and their

    dual burden of household work but also to the perception that, as

    women, they can't work as hard,and thus deserve less.

    Most women in Bangladesh ignore many difficult situations and social

    constraints, trying to educate themselves and become self-sufficient through

    employment. The life expectancy at birth of women is now equal to that of

    men (61.7 years).

    The situation of women and men in employment and agriculture is dealt with indetail in this schedule.

    Table 6. Trends in Average Wages Rate (Without Food) of

    Agricultural Labourers, 1974-2000

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    Year Average Wages in Taka per Day

    Women Men Womens wages as % of


    1973-74 3.23 6.89 48

    1980-81 6.75 13.79 48

    1984-85 11.85 24.54 48

    1989 21.40 25.80 83

    1999 49.0 61.63 80

    2000 46.0 61.00 75

    Source: BBS. Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh-2000

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    Situation of Women and Men in the World

    The following facts and figures are provided about the situation of men and

    Women in the world. When comparing selected countries of the world, it becomes

    clear that development impacts differently on women and girls than on men and

    boys. This is reflected in social, economic and health indicators. The world

    population in 2004 was estimated to be over 6 billion 440 million the majority of

    whom (4.9billion - 76.9%) live in less developed countries, 1.19 billion (19.8%) in

    more developed regions and 644700 (1.1%) live in the least developed countries

    (see Table 7) (UNDP, 2004).

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    World Population, Fertility Rates and Births with skilled

    Attendants by Regions and SAARC Countries, 2004




    Average Pop.

    Growth Rate,






    Births with



    World Total 6,440 1.3 6

    More developed 1,188 0.3 1.57 99

    Less developed 4,867 1.6 3 53

    Least dev. countries 644.7 2.4 5.05 42

    Europe 728.9 0 1.42 99

    Africa 784.4 2.4 5. 01113 42

    Asia 3,682.6 1.4 2.6 54

    Japan 126.7 0.2 1.4 100United Kingdom 58.8 0.2 1.72 98

    Sweden 8.9 0.3 1.57 100

    Canada 31.1 1 1.55 100

    U S A 278.4 0.8 1.99 99

    Bangladesh 129.2 1.7 3.11 13

    Bhutan 2.1 2.8 5.5 12

    1,013.7 1.6 3.13 35

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    Table 7. Economic Indicators and Population Density of Selected

    countries, 2004

    Countries GNP per capita

    P P P $US 1 99 8

    Population per

    hectare arable

    Japan 23,592 -

    United Kingdom 20,314 -

    Sweden 19,848 -

    Canada 22,814 -

    USA 29,240 -

    Bangladesh 1,407 8.7

    Bhutan 1,438 11.4

    -India 2,060 3.2

    Iran 5,:121 1

    Nepal 1,181

    Pakistan 1,652 3.5

    Sri Lanka. 2,945 4.6

    Source: UNFPA Data Sheet.2004

    PPP = Purchase Power Parity

    The overall situation shows the highest child mortality rates for

    both boys and girls are prevailing in Africa and Asia - Nepal,

    Pakistan and Bangladesh (see Table 7). The male: female ratio is

    13:10 deaths per 1,000 children in the developed countries and

    160:151 for least developed Countries, Specifically, the male:

    female ratio 106: 116 in Bangladesh, significantly higher for girls

    than boys, reverses the trend in most other countries. This

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    may be attributed to disparity in the provision of health care for

    women and girls.

    Of the 876 million adults in the world who cannot read, two thirdsare

    Women. Of the worlds 1 billionpoorest peoplethree-fifth are women

    and girls.

    Women employed in industries and services typically earn 78percent of what men earn in the same sector. Although women

    provide about 70 percent of the unpaid time spent caring for family

    members their contribution to the global economy remains


    Women's plight is made- even worse by the fact that between10 and 50 percent of adult women have experienced violence at

    the hands of their partners (UNDP, 2004). Furthermore, women bear

    the brunt of physical and psychological suffering during and after

    armed conflict and other forms of crises: an estimated 80

    percent of the. world's 35 million refugees and displaced

    people are women arid children, particularly vulnerable to sexual


    Capacity Building for Gender Mainstreaming Project

    Implemented by Ministry of Women and Children Affairs.

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    Figure 1: No. of male and female












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