49969582 nursing aptitude test and philippine nursing licensure examination

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  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination





    The growing demand for Filipino nurses abroad has given the

    countrys administrators a responsibility of ensuring the quality of care

    rendered and the competency of Filipino nurses. It has to be made sure

    that they get the best education and that they render effective quality

    care to clients. Nurses are required to have the necessary skills to be

    able to achieve this. According to Valanis (2000), nurses need

    additional competencies in order to function effectively, a term which

    refers to their skills, knowledge and attitude. The Joint Commission on

    Accreditation of Health Organizations also said that nurses need to

    develop competencies to perform well in their job function. The

    competencies stated refer to skills, knowledge and behaviors, as well

    as personal characteristics.

    The Nursing Aptitude Test (NAT) was first used as a criterion for

    retention in the college of nursing, to determine a students learning

    preferences and talents. However, on March 10, 2009, Dr. Rizalina

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    Mitra-Pangan approved the recommendation to temporarily adopt the

    NAT in the BSN program for diagnostic purposes rather than qualifying

    criteria (Malimbag, 2009). On a study made by del Rosario, et al., the

    outcome of major nursing subjects and the entrance exam were

    perceived to be in the position to determine cut-offs which are

    predictors for passing the Philippine Licensure Examination (Malimbag,


    Many studies that have been done on nursing quality focused on

    a single factor such as putting emphasis on nursing care while

    neglecting other characteristics and components (Mamaoag and

    Magno, 2005). The study involved four culturally relevant

    characteristics of Filipino nurses: caring, compassion, commitment and

    connectedness. As stated, these factors of nursing quality are directed

    towards the others where caring means providing comfort, compassion

    is sympathetic consciousness of others, commitment is responsibility

    to others and the profession, and connectedness is the nurse-patient


    A growing concern now exists on the decline in the quality of

    care given by nurses and their ability to render effective care. This has

    been the reason why the Commission on Higher Education has

    identified several ways of upholding nursing quality. Schools with


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    passing rates below the national standards have been given warnings

    by the Commission on Higher Education making it a must for school

    administrators to know firsthand possible ways of determining the

    performance of their students in the said examination in order for them

    to identify their course of action. The researchers of this study aim to

    discover and understand the relationship that students performance in

    the Nursing Aptitude Test may possibly have to their performance and

    ability to pass the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination, determine

    whether the Nursing Aptitude Test can be used as a predictor for

    passing the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination.

    The proponents prompted this research study due to the low

    passing rate of our institution. For the past years, the average passing

    rate of the Notre Dame of Midsayap College College of Nursing has

    been above the national passing rate. However, with the schools aim

    for academic excellence, this is still not enough. This study may be

    helpful by providing a basis for improvement and selecting measures

    to not only ensure that the students receive quality nursing education,

    but also to know who among the students are ready to take the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination and what steps to take in

    order to have a high passing rate.

    Statement of the Problem


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    The main purpose of this study is to determine if a relationship

    exists between the result of the students NAT examination and their

    performance in the Nursing Licensure Examination, and to refine our

    understanding on how preferences and skills in learning, which are

    assessed through the Nursing Aptitude Test, affect the performance of

    nursing students in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination. This

    study aims to answer the following questions:

    1. What are the scores of the students in the Nursing Aptitude Test

    and the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination?

    2. Is there a significant relationship between the students

    performance in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the Nursing Licensure


    Scope and Limitation

    The study is limited only to the analysis of the scores of the

    students in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the Nursing Licensure

    Examination and determining whether their performance in the

    Nursing Aptitude Test can be used as a criterion for determining the

    students performance in the Licensure Examination. This also includes

    assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the students in the


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  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    for the course, may be a probable criterion for evaluating students

    ability to pass the Nursing Licensure Examination. And because the

    test evaluates a students skills and learning preferences, it can be

    used to study the effect of their skills and learning preferences on their

    performance in the Board Exam and their performance as future

    nurses. Knowledge on this topic would be helpful to administrators in

    selecting actions to be taken to improve performance and quality of

    education the students receive and ensure a high passing rate in the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination.

    This could be helpful to the College of Nursing by providing the

    department an insight on several factors affecting the performance

    and competence that the students have. A refined understanding on

    the relationships between NLE performance, competence, and learning

    preferences as well as readiness may be helpful in providing a basis for

    improvement and selecting measures to not only to ensure that the

    students receive quality nursing education but also know who among

    them are ready for the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination and

    ways of ensuring a high passing rate.

    Definition of Terms


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    For clarity of terms used in the study, the following operational

    definitions are given:

    Affective Qualities . refers to qualities related to a persons

    attitude and behavior rather than competence or performance

    Community Health Nursing. refers to a nursing subject which is

    part of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum and the

    subject 3 of the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination focused

    on concepts and principles in the provision of basic care in terms of

    health promotion, disease prevention and health maintenance of

    the individual, family, community and special population groups. It

    also includes the study of the Philippine Health Care Delivery

    System and the general context of public health. It describes public

    health in the context of the Philippine Health Care Delivery System.

    Competence. refers skills, knowledge, personal characteristics

    and ability to render effective client care.

    Fundamentals in Nursing. refers to a nursing subject part of the

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum and subject 1 of the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination that is about standard

    operating procedures, basic principles in nursing, normal values and

    the nursing process.


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    Learning. refers to a change in a persons behavior, perception,

    skills and attitude that occurs through teaching, practice and


    Learning Preferences. refers to the type of learning or teaching

    strategy that a student(s) find most comfortable and easily


    Medical Surgical Nursing. refers to a nursing subject part of the

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum and subject 4 of the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination that is about techniques

    and principles in nursing management of sick clients across the

    lifespan in any setting.

    Nursing. refers to the protection and promotion of optimal health

    and prevention of injuries, alleviation of suffering through diagnosis

    and treatment of human responses, focusing not only on the

    individual but also includes the family and the community.

    Nursing Aptitude Test (NAT). refers to a diagnostic test given to

    nursing students giving an insight on the profile of a student on four

    areas: verbal reasoning, numerical facility, science and health and

    spatial aptitude.

    Philippine Nursing Licensure examination (PNLE). refers a test

    given to nursing graduates to determine whether they are qualified

    for the nursing profession.


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    Psychiatric Nursing. refers to a nursing subject part of the

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum and subject 5 of the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination that is about techniques

    and principles in nursing management of sick clients across the

    lifespan with maladaptive behaviors and alterations in cognition in

    any setting.

    Quality Care. refers to effective care rendered by nurses and

    other health care professionals to their clients/patients.

    Related Learning Experience. refers to a component of the

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum which is the clinical

    application of the principles taught in the classroom.


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    Related Literature

    This section presents related topics regarding the types of tests, NAT

    Examination, The Nursing Licensure Examination and Nurse


    Nursing Achievement and Aptitude

    Majority of studies in nursing shows that nursing achievement is

    moderately perceived as important. This concerns a great concern to

    improve the abilities of nurses such as their aptitude and academic


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    achievement. The common measure of nursing achievement in

    published studies on nursing education can be found in the results of

    licensure examinations such as the NCLEX (National Council Licensure

    Examination). In the Philippine setting, the Philippine Regulation

    Commission also uses a test for the licensure of nurses, although there

    are no published studies using the said instrument.

    Three studies are published in reviews using the NCLEX as a

    measure of nursing achievement. The study by Lamm and McCaniel

    (2000) used the State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE), Grade

    Point Average (GPA), parental education level, and age as predictors of

    the NCLEX. The purpose of the study was to identify which variables

    accurately predict the success of practical nursing students on the

    NCLEX-PN. The results indicate that among all predictors, the General

    Mental Ability (GMA-subscale of SBTPE) was the only significant

    predictor of the NCLEX-PN. A recent study by Waterhouse and Beeman

    (2003) was able to identify more significant predictors of the NCLEX

    such as scores in the Risk Appraisal Instrument (RAI), grades in the

    different nursing courses, and the nursing achievement test. In a more

    recent study, Giddens and Gloekner (2005) investigated the

    relationship between critical thinking and the performance scores on

    the NCLEX. Their study showed that both measures of critical thinking

    (California Critical Thinking Test and California Critical Thinking


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    Disposition Inventory) did not significantly predict the NCLEX scores.

    The study recognized the need to explore other dispositional variables

    in explaining nursing achievement scores.

    The studies on nursing achievement usually correlated other

    cognitive measures such as critical thinking, mental ability, grades,

    with demographic factors such as age, gender, and parents

    educational level. Previous studies did not explore other dispositional

    factors such as nursing quality traits in predicting nursing achievement

    levels because these concurrent studies were driven by the factors

    explained by other previous studies. This poses a need to explore and

    use other kinds of disposition such as quality traits in explaining

    nursing achievement and aptitude (Mamaoag and Magno, 2005).


    Students of nursing bring abilities and attitudes to their nursing

    courses. Within the course the knowledge and skills of nursing are

    presented. Together the educators and students attempt to integrate

    knowledge with caring, abilities with skills, skills with knowledge and so

    on. Not all students of nursing in formal courses are beginners. Many

    possess valuable skills and knowledge that are relevant to nursing. The

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of skills, experience and

    qualifications can be expedited by the use of Competencies. If a


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    student or nurse believes they already possess the integrated

    attributes required in some aspect of nursing, they could be assessed

    against the Competency and gain RPL. Savings in costs of education

    and time for the learner can be achieved in this way. However to date,

    this aspect of the use of Competencies in nursing has not been widely


    Another definition of Competency is the ability to perform the

    activities within an occupation or function to the standard expected in

    employment.' (Heywood, Gonczi & Hager, 1992).

    One of the central themes of the use of Competencies in

    education is the change of focus from what a student is taught and the

    knowledge they learn, to outcomes, or demonstration of what the

    learner can actually do. Many nurses have difficulty in understanding

    the competency movement because nursing has traditionally prepared

    its students in settings and in a manner that closely resembles this

    description. Hospital-based schools of nursing presented theory and

    skills for learning that were highly relevant and functional to the

    standard expected in the hospital ward. Since the move of nursing

    education to tertiary settings, the workplace nature of much of the

    learning and application of that learning has altered. However, nursing

    courses for Enrolled and Registered nurses remain based upon the

    knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses are expected to demonstrate in


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    employment in a wide variety of contexts and settings. More emphasis

    is placed on ensuring every participant gains and is able to apply the

    required competencies in the course of their occupation or profession.

    Competency-based Education and Training have been introduced to

    many occupational and trade vocational preparation programs as well

    as to some professional programs and courses such as nursing.

    Another distinct feature of Competency-based education or

    training is the emphasis on assessment in real-life settings and

    situations. The demonstration of knowledge is frequently assessed by

    judging its application in the work situation rather than by undertaking

    written exams.

    Although students of nursing may no longer be employees of the

    hospital where they gain clinical experience, much of the assessment

    of their suitability to qualify as a nurse, or their competency in nursing,

    takes place in the real-life setting. This may be in the context of

    planning the care of a patient upon admission to the surgical ward of a

    hospital, providing care at the bedside of a patient in the nursing

    home, caring for a child in the operating room, assessing a client in a

    community clinic or their home or teaching the patient and their family

    about medications.

    Using descriptions of the performance competencies required of

    RNs or ENs throughout Australia (for example, the standards of a nurse


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    who undertook basic preparation in Western Australia can be

    compared with one who graduated in Queensland), the equivalence of

    professional performance can be determined. A nurse from Argentina

    or Thailand or Great Britain can also be assessed for suitability for

    recognition in any state, by assessing each individual's nursing

    performance and knowledge using the Australian nursing

    competencies(Hird, 1995).

    Do Nursing Quality Traits affect Ability Measures?

    Nursing quality traits do not affect ability measures, but aptitude

    affects achievement in nursing. These findings support previous

    models of using cognitive factors to predict cognitive criterion as well.

    Current literature describes nursing licensure exams like NCLEX as a

    measure of nursing achievement. Most often, studies indicate factors

    such as general mental abilities, Grade Point Average (GPA), parental

    education level and age as best predictors of success in passing board

    examinations. None ever described yet that empirically, personality or

    personal attributes can also predict success in the nursing profession.

    The findings indicate that affective measures such as traits are

    not good predictors of ability measures such as achievement and

    aptitude. The nursing traits having no effect on both aptitude and

    achievement further indicate that nursing quality is distinct with the


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    two ability measures. The distinction is indicated by the nature of the

    constructs itself where the nursing traits are non-cognitive and the

    ability measures as cognitive. The traits were self-reported that may

    be subject to social desirability in the measurement, while the ability

    measures are tests of ones achievement and aptitude that are

    assumed objective. Previous studies that used affective predictors also

    did not yield significant effects for ability measures like the risk

    appraisal assessment (Waterhouse & Beeman, 2003).

    Apparently there is a need to explore and use other measures of

    disposition aside from quality traits in explaining nursing aptitude and

    achievement. However, the belief that human functioning includes

    behaviors, person variables, and the environment that are interacting

    with and shaping with one another (Bandura, 1986) has been further

    strengthened as indicated in the resulting model tested in this study.

    Further studies can include other disposition measures such as

    interest, motivation, and self-efficacy in exploring the predictability of

    successful careers in nursing. A further analysis using a larger sample

    needs to be undertaken to increase the power of the statistics (Magno

    and Mamauag, 2007).


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    Is the Integration of Nursing Quality with Ability Measures a Good


    Integrating nursing quality with both aptitude and achievement

    shows a considerable good fit for the proposed model and more so

    with the constrained model as indicated in the noncentrality fit indices

    and single sample fit indices. The good fit of the resulting model may

    be attributed to the three distinct measures of the NQS, Aptitude, and

    Achievement tests. Considering that these all belong in a single test

    battery, the participants of the study most likely saw the parallelism in

    the measures used. It also indicates that the structure of the three

    variables fit together because all the items were calibrated with person

    ability by using the same one parameter Rasch model in a binary

    response type of scaling (0 and 1). The technique of calibrating the

    infit and outfit characteristics of items for all the factors in a model

    increases its fit indices.

    Unlike earlier studies that generated multivariate procedures,

    the SEM takes a confirmatory rather than exploratory approach to data

    analysis as illustrated in this study. While most of the multivariate

    techniques from previous studies provides regression and predictive

    models of nursing achievement, the present study showed that the

    factors of nursing quality, achievement, and aptitude fits together in a

    structural model. As depicted in this study, the constructs of nursing


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    quality, aptitude, and achievement in nursing were shown to be

    independent measures of both non-cognitive and cognitive abilities.

    The integration of the nursing quality with ability measures was

    apparently good as a model but the model also showed that affective

    qualities are independent of cognitive abilities.

    Aside from citing statistical considerations and benefits of using

    the SEM and Rasch model applications as shown in this study, nurses

    in the academic setting are expected to possess all the necessary

    competencies, skills, attributes to be effective in their profession

    (Valanis, 2000).

    Standardized Tests

    A standardized test is one that is administered under

    standardized or controlled conditions that specify where, when, how,

    and for how long children may respond to the questions or "prompts."

    Standardized tests should meet acceptable standards for technical

    qualities in construction, administration, and use.

    Goodwin and Driscoll (1980, pp. 59-60) note that standardized tests

    have the following qualities:

    1. They provide a "systematic procedure for describing

    behaviors, whether in terms of numbers or categories."


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    2. They include specified procedures for administration and


    3. The test items are derived from experience, either by

    experiment or observation, rather than theory.

    4. They have an established format and set of materials.

    5. They present the same tasks and require the same response

    modes from all test takers.

    6. They provide tables of norms (see standards for technical

    qualities)to which the scores of test takers can be compared

    in order to ascertain their relative standing.

    The great majority of standardized tests are marketed by

    commercial test publishers, who have prepared them for use in a

    broad array of educational institutions in many different settings. This

    means that they are based on educational objectives common to such

    diverse schools, and "rarely will these common objectives coincide

    exactly with the specific objectives of the individual classroom teacher

    or project director" (Goodwin & Driscoll, 1980, p. 60).

    Individually administered standardized tests can serve important

    purposes when they are selected wisely and used as intended by the

    test developers, and their results are not overgeneralized or

    misinterpreted. Hills (1992) notes:


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    "The primary strengths of standardized tests, if they are properly

    designed and properly used, are that they can eliminate biases

    in assessment of individual children and that they provide data

    that can be aggregated, permitting comparisons of groups to a

    standard." (p. 49)

    School personnel must not, however, limit assessment to such

    tests or allow the tests to dominate assessment of the test takers.

    Can readiness be considered as an important aspect of learning?

    Readiness may be included in the factors that affect education

    and learning. As stated by Nunnery (2005), readiness is an important

    concept in learning, regardless of the learners chronological age. For

    teaching to be effective and learning to take place, the readiness of

    the learner must be a prime consideration.

    How Learning, Readiness, Cognitive Aspects and Understand are


    Learning is the perception of and assimilation of the information

    presented in a variety of ways. Learning has the following aspects:


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    1. perception of new information

    2. initial reaction to the information

    3. ability to recall or repeat the information (simple

    knowledge level)

    4. rejection or acceptance of the information (understanding)

    5. use of the information in a similar situation (application)

    6. critical analysis of the information

    7. incorporation of the information in the values system


    8. use of the information in various situations and

    combinations 9creation)

    an increasing complexity emerges here as the learner moves from

    receiving and recalling information through:

    1. understanding

    2. application

    3. analysis

    4. evaluation of the knowledge acquired and creation of new


    Learning can also be enhanced with specific strategies or

    approaches: individual styles vary, motivation strengthens learning,

    arousal influences attention, application in varied context broadens


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    generalization, personal history shapes the perception of the

    experience (Nunnery, 2005).

    In terms of learning and cognitive aspects, what has to be

    remembered is that to achieve a lasting change in observed behavior

    (which is the goal of learning), the value of that change (affective

    domain of learning) and the intellectual capacity (cognitive domain)

    must first be present (Nunnery, 2005).

    Main Areas of the Nursing Aptitude Test

    Nursing career is getting attention all around the world.

    However, unlike mechanical and technical professions you need some

    qualities of heart for nursing jobs. The best in the nursing services

    have been generous, loving and compassionate.

    Still nursing career is not considered personal because it involves a lot

    of team work. You will have to take care of physically or mentally ill

    people. You have to perform in different roles such as a disciplined

    care giver, a counselor, a manager, a teacher etc. Your every action

    shall focus upon benevolence of the patients.

    Furthermore, you need not only to be responsible and dependable but

    also capable to accept truths of death and life.


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    Most of the nursing jobs screen you through nursing aptitude tests. The

    psychologists build them around the following main areas:

    A. Applied Sciences

    1. Physics - The multiple choice questionnaire tries to measure your

    comprehensions for mechanics, measurements, laws of

    thermodynamics, acceleration, momentum etc.

    2. Organic and Inorganic Chemistry - You have to take care of the

    patients with certain medicines and chemicals. You are expected to

    know basics of solvents, electrons, titration, periodic table etc.

    3. Daly Life Science - You need to learn basics of TCA cycle, ATP,

    cardiac control, human nervous system, endocrine glands, ECG basics,

    cardiovascular system, lungs and respiratory effects, thyroid

    hormones, etc. You are expected to hear and use these basic things

    about the human medical science for your life long nursing career.

    4. Vocabulary Skills - The nursing career requires you to have correct

    knowledge of different words. Sometimes, your wrong perception of

    words can put lives of the patients in severe danger. Thats why

    vocabulary skills are tested with nursing aptitude test.

    5. Mathematics Skills - Though the nursing aptitude tests include only a

    portion of math to test your mathematical reasoning but it is still a


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    important to know about real numbers, fractions, trigonometry, area

    calculations, logarithmic scale etc.

    6. Reading Comprehension - In your nursing career you will have often

    to read the instructions issued by the doctors during their visits. When

    you fail to comprehend the simple instructions, you cant help the

    patients in any way. So your reading comprehension is also tested

    before you qualify for entry level nursing jobs.

    7. Analytical Reasoning - Analytical reasoning helps you to make quick

    decisions during emergency. Most of the nursing aptitude tests include

    this portion before you are selected for a nursing career.

    Conceptual Framework

    Independent Variable Dependent



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    Figure 1.1 shows the conceptual framework of the study demonstrating

    how the students abilities, which are assessed through the Nursing

    Aptitude Test (NAT) which include all important skills that nurses

    require such as judgment in nursing situations, visual memory,

    memory for content, information, scientific vocabulary and ability to

    understand and follow instructions, affect their performance in the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination.



    This chapter presents a brief description of the method used in

    the research including the research design, study subject, method of

    sampling used, research instrument, data gathering procedure and

    methods of data processing.

    Philippine Nursing Licensure


    Fundamentals of Nursing

    Community Health Nursing,

    Maternal and Child Health NursingMedical-Surgical Nursing Part I

    Medical-Surgical Nursing Part IIPsychiatric Nursing


    Nursing Aptitude Test

    1. Judgment in Nursing

    Situations2. Visual Memory

    3. Memory for Content4. Information

    5. Scientific Vocabulary6. Ability to Understand

    and Follow


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    Research Design

    The researchers used the descriptive correlational design. It does

    not infer cause-and-effect but describes the relationships between two

    variables namely the students performance in the Nursing Aptitude

    Test and their performance in the Philippine Nursing Licensure


    Respondents and Locale of the Study

    The population of this study is defined as the 4th year nursing

    students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College during the school years

    2006-2007 and 2007-2008 who have taken the Nursing Aptitude Test,

    graduated, complied with the requirements and have taken the

    Philippine Nursling Licensure Examination regardless of whether they

    passed or not.

    Sampling Design

    The researchers utilized complete enumeration to select the

    respondents for the study. This is due to the small number of students


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    in the nursing department of Notre Dame of Midsayap College and to

    ensure higher reliability of the results of the statistical treatment.

    Research Instrument

    The research instrument in the study mainly composes of official

    records of the outcomes of their Nursing Aptitude Test of the

    respondents from the Notre Dame of Midsayap College Guidance Office

    and records of their scores during the Philippine Nursing Licensure

    Examination with permission from the dean of the College of Nursing,

    Psychometrician and Guidance Counselor.

    Data Gathering Procedure

    The data needed for the study are official records of the results

    of the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination and the records of the

    results of the Nursing Aptitude Test in the Guidance Office of Notre

    Dame of Midsayap College.

    Data gathering began by obtaining the approval of the dean of

    the College of Nursing to conduct this study and gather the data,

    permission and approval of the Guidance Office of Notre Dame of

    Midsayap College to have access to the grades and scores of the


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    respondents included in the study. Reviewing these materials ad

    securing our own copy of these materials were the most crucial parts

    of this process.

    Statistical Treatment

    The statistical treatment used to analyze the data and determine

    the degree of association and closeness of relationship between the

    two variables is the Pearson r or the Pearson Product-Moment

    Correlational Coefficient.

    The correlational coefficient in this method is measured on a

    scale that varies from positive one through zero to negative one. When

    one variable increases as the other does, then the correlation is

    positive; when one decreases as the other does, the correlation is

    negative. Complete absence of correlation between two variables

    would mean an r-value of zero (Basilio et al, 2003).



    This chapter contains a presentation and analysis of all the data

    collected as part of the research. These data include scores of the


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    respondents in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the Philippine Nursing

    Licensure Examination which is also comprised of different subjects

    namely: Fundamentals of Nursing (Subject 1), Community Health

    Nursing (Subject 2), Psychiatric Nursing (Subject 3), Medical-Surgical

    Nursing (Subject 4), and (Subject 5).

    The demographic profiles of the respondents have not been

    included since the only factors that have been considered were the

    Nursing Aptitude Test and the Philippine Nursing Licensure

    Examination results.

    The results of the Nursing Aptitude Test have been correlated to

    every subject of the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination.

    Scores of the Respondents in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination

    The Nursing Aptitude Test which is given to nursing students

    before they proceed to Level 2 may have a significant relationship to

    their performance in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination. The

    5 areas of the Nursing Aptitude Test namely: Judgment in Nursing


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    Situations, Visual Memory, Memory for Content, Information, Scientific

    Vocabulary, and the Ability to Understand and Follow Directions are all

    necessary characteristics that nursing students and nurses alike should

    possess. Therefore, the performance of nursing students in the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination may be affected by their

    skills in these areas.

    On these grounds, the following discussions present the scores of

    the respondents in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the Philippine

    Nursing Licensure Examination including both the general average and

    their scores in 5 different subject areas of the Philippine Nursing

    Licensure Examination, and the correlation between these scores. Data

    regarding these are presented in the following tables.

    Table 1.1

    Table 1.1 presents the respondents scores in the Nursing

    Aptitude Test.

    Number ofRespondent

    Nursing AptitudeTest

    1 70

    2 77

    3 74

    4 77

    5 75

    6 77

    7 82

    8 799 75

    10 83

    11 78

    12 78

    13 78

    14 75

    15 75

    16 81


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    17 72

    18 73

    19 73

    20 80

    21 72

    22 76

    23 7424 85

    25 77

    26 85

    27 81

    28 79

    29 76

    30 86

    31 79

    32 79

    33 82

    34 82

    35 8236 90

    37 71

    38 80

    39 78

    40 77

    41 85

    42 73

    43 85

    44 76

    45 79

    46 76

    47 7748 71

    49 82

    50 76

    51 75

    52 72

    53 75

    54 87

    55 81

    56 78

    57 79

    58 77

    59 8360 72

    61 85

    62 78

    63 74

    64 80

    65 82

    66 80

    67 74

    68 85

    69 80

    70 73

    71 74


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    Table 1.2

    Table 1.2 presents the ranks, range of scores, frequency and

    percentage of scores in the Nursing Aptitude Test.


    Average 31-68 0 0%High Average 69-86 69 97.18%

    Above Average 87-96 2 2.9%Superior 97-98 0 0%Excellent 99-100 0 0%

    Based on the data presented above, 69 or 97.18 percent of the

    respondents ranked high average (R=69-86) while 2 or 2.9 percent

    ranked above average (R=87-96). These findings indicate that majority

    of the respondents ranked high average in the Nursing Aptitude Test

    while only a few of them have ranked Above Average. This reflects the

    effectiveness of the methods that the College of Nursing uses in

    screening students. Students that are accepted are required not only

    to have satisfactory grades but also good performance and aptitude.

    This is the reason why the use of the Nursing Aptitude Test to measure

    these things is considered as an important part of ensuring that the

    Notre Dame of Midsayap College College of Nursing is not only able

    to produce very capable graduates but also maintain a high passing

    rate in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination.

    Scores in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination

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    The Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination has 5 areas

    namely the Nursing Practice I (Fundamentals of Nursing), Nursing

    Practice II (Maternal and Child Health Nursing, Community Health

    Nursing), Nursing Practice III (Medical-Surgical Nursing part 1), Nursing

    Practice IV (Medical-Surgical Nursing part 2), and Nursing Practice 5

    (Neurological Medical-Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing). These are

    all key areas in the nursing profession. The examination also assesses

    the skills of a nurse in different key areas of competency which mainly

    revolve on responsibilities of nurses and how to give quality care to

    patients in different stages of life.

    Learning preferences and skills are very important not only for a

    graduate who takes or is about to take the Philippine Nursing Licensure

    Examination but also for professional nurses because learning does not

    stop when one becomes a registered nurse. Judgment in nursing

    situations, visual memory, and memory for content, information,

    scientific vocabulary and ability to understand and follow instructions

    are skills that all nurses must possess. Experiences in the clinical

    setting prove that nurses are regularly faced with situations wherein

    they are required to make decisions when they care for their patients.

    Making the right decision in these situations is crucial because nurses

    are held responsible for the lives and welfare of patients. The

    knowledge they have can become basis for the decisions they make

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    and their vocabulary and ability to understand and follow instructions

    are all important when it comes to carrying-out doctors orders.

    On these grounds, the following discussions present the mean of

    scores of students in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination per

    subject area and as a whole, the passing rates in the different areas,

    standard deviation of their scores and the value of r which shows the

    correlation of the variables.

    Table 1.3

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    Table 1.3 presents the mean of the scores of the respondents in

    the Philippine Nursing Licensure as a whole and per subject area, the

    passing rates in these areas, the standard deviation of the scores and

    the value of r.








    RGeneralAverage inPNLE

    73.06 52.11 5.66 0.51

    Subject I 77.73 98.59 5.72 0.53Subject II 73.58 90.14 6.67 0.35Subject III 74.32 91.55 6.37 0.25Subject IV 66.59 56.34 9.4 0.41Subject V 72.86 81.69 7.85 0.46

    Based on the data presented above, subject I (Fundamentals of

    Nursing) has the highest mean (77.73). It is followed by subject III with

    a mean of 74.32, subject II with 73.58, subject V with 72.86 and finally

    subject IV with a mean of 66.59.

    When analyzed by passing rates, subject I (Fundamentals of

    Nursing) has the highest passing rate (98.59%) suggesting that

    students have been able to receive good foundation on this subject.

    Subject IV (Medical-Surgical Nursing part 2) on the other hand, has the

    lowest passing rate (56.34%) although the passing rate of students in

    subject III which is part 1 of Medical-Surgical Nursing is quite high. This

    shows that Medical-Surgical Nursing is indeed a broad subject. A low

    passing rate in subject IV means that not all concepts in this subject

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    area (Medical-Surgical Nursing) have been discussed. Since it involves

    all concepts regarding care of patients in all stages of life with illnesses

    in different systems or organs, all medications, medical managements,

    nursing responsibilities and even assessments, students need more

    time to familiarize themselves with these different concepts. Since the

    time they have for review is limited, it is crucial that they be given a

    background of these concepts as early as possible in the school

    setting. The very high standard deviation of the respondents scores in

    this subject (9.4) shows the inconsistency in their performance. As

    presented above, subject I (Fundamentals of Nursing) has the lowest

    standard deviation suggesting that the scores of the respondents has

    the least difference in this area.

    When analyzed by their correlation to the independent variable,

    subject I (Fundamentals of Nursing has the highest correlation (r=0.53)

    which is even higher than the correlation of the Nursing Aptitude Test

    to the general average of the respondents in the Philippine Nursing

    Licensure Examination (r=0.51). These show a very high positive

    correlation to the Nursing Aptitude Test suggesting that the

    performance of students in the Nursing Aptitude Test can determine

    their performance in subject I (Fundamentals of Nursing) and the

    Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination as a whole. Performance in

    subjects II, IV and V have moderate positive correlation to their

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    performance in the Nursing Aptitude Test which means that the

    Nursing Aptitude Test can also determine performance of students in

    these areas. As presented above, there is a moderately small positive

    correlation between the performance in the Nursing Aptitude Test and

    subject III or Medical-Surgical Nursing part 1 (r=0.25). Although there

    is a positive correlation between the two, it is the least. The low

    correlation in this area suggests that performance in subject III is not

    affected so much by a persons skills (those assessed in the Nursing

    Aptitude Test). This may be where factors such as teaching strategies,

    time for learning, and review come in. This shows how important

    quality education is. The high mean of the scores and passing rate in

    this subject area suggests that the College of Nursing has been able to

    give the students this kind of education.


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    Restatement of the Problem

    The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationship

    between the result of the students NAT examination and their

    performance in the Nursing Licensure Examination. Another is to refine

    our understanding on how preferences and skills in learning which are

    assessed through the Nursing Aptitude Test affect the performance of

    nursing students in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination. This

    study aims to answer the following questions:

    1) What are the scores of the students in the: Nursing Aptitude Test

    and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination?

    2) Is there a significant relationship between the students

    performance in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the Nursing Licensure


    Summary of Findings

  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    Based on the presentation, analyses and interpretation of data,

    the following are the major findings of the study:

    1. Analysis of the scores of the respondents in the Philippine

    Nursing Licensure Examination revealed that the highest scores

    are Subject 1 (Fundamentals of Nursing) with a passing rate of

    98.59 percent and a mean of 77.72. This is followed by Subject 3

    (Medical-Surgical Nursing part 1) with a passing rate of 91.55

    percent and a mean of 74.32. Subject 2 (Maternal and Child

    Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing) follows with a

    passing rate of 90.14 and a mean of 73.58 then Subject 5

    (Neurologic Medical-Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing) with a

    passing rate of 81.69 percent and a mean of 72.86. The lowest

    scores that the respondents had during the Philippine Nursing

    Licensure Examination were in Subject 4 (Medical-Surgical

    Nursing part 2) where only 56.34 percent passed the subject and

    the mean is only 66.59.

    2. With the scores of the students we can say that they have a

    good foundation in the Fundamentals of Nursing, Maternal and

    Child Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Psychiatric

    Nursing and Medical-Surgical Nursing part 1. As of their

    performance in Subject 4 (Medical Surgical Nursing), it

  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    demonstrates a weak point in their education and a need for

    strengthening their foundations in this subject (Medical Surgical

    Nursing). The high passing rate in the first part of this subject

    suggests that the result of the low passing rate in the second

    part would be that the students were not able to encounter the

    concepts included in the second part of Medical-Surgical Nursing.

    This may be a result of the lack of time allotted for the subject.

    2 Analysis of the correlation of the scores of the respondents in the

    Nursing Aptitude Test and the Philippine Nursing Licensure

    Examination as a whole and by subject showed that there is a

    strong relationship between the variables. Correlating the scores

    in the Nursing Aptitude Test and the general average of the

    respondents in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination

    showed that there is a high correlation between the two

    variables (r=0.5125). Upon correlation of the scores in the

    Nursing Aptitude Test and the scores in the 5 different subjects

    in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination, researchers

    have identified that the subject with the greatest correlation to

    the Nursing Aptitude Test is the Subject 1 or the Fundamentals of

    Nursing (r=0.53), followed by Subject 5 or Psychiatric Nursing

    (r=0.46), Subject 4 or Medical Surgical Nursing part 2 (r=0.41),

    Subject 2 or Maternal and Child Health Nursing, and Community

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    Health Nursing (r=0.35), and Subject 3 or Medical-Surgical

    Nursing part 1 with the least correlation (r=0.25).


    Based on the findings of the study, the researchers have

    formulated the following conclusions:

    1. The College of Nursing especially the Clinical Instructors have

    been able to give the students a good foundation on these


    a. Fundamentals of Nursing

    b. Maternal and Child Health Nursing

    c. Community Health Nursing

    d. Psychiatric Nursing

    This is demonstrated by a high passing rate and high average

    score of students in these subjects.

    2. Nursing education given to students should focus on

    strengthening their foundations

    3. More time must be given to Medical-Surgical Nursing to be able

    to cover all the important concepts and further strengthen the

    foundation and understanding of students in this subject.

  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    4. The Nursing Aptitude Test can be used as a predictor for the

    performance of students in the Philippine Nursing Licensure

    Examination and may also be used to determine how well they

    perform in the different subjects of the Philippine Nursing

    Licensure Examination particularly on Subjects 1, 4 and 5 which

    have the moderate and high correlation to the scores in the

    Nursing Aptitude Test.


    In the light of the findings of the study, the researchers have made the

    following recommendations:

    A. Possible Course of Action

    1. Clinical Instructors assigned on these subjects should have a

    good background on the subject for him to be able to impart

    knowledge to students and be able to properly discuss the topics

    so students would be able to completely understand the subject.

    2. Clinical Instructors should always be updated about current

    issues related to nursing for them to be able to share this to


  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    3. Clinical Instructors should monitor the performance of students.

    Clinical instructors should then take the necessary steps to

    improve their performance in areas where it is not satisfactory.

    4. The Nursing Skills Laboratory should have better equipment and

    facilities where students can practice and simulate clinical skills.

    5. There should be more books and other updated sources of

    information on Medical Surgical Nursing in the library which are

    accessible to nursing students.

    6. In terms of Related Learning Experience, ward classes should be

    practiced to reinforce the knowledge that students receive in the

    classroom and also help them understand cases that they

    encounter in the area.

    7. Students need to have more review sessions on Medical

    Surgical Nursing. And the review center must be well-chosen to

    ensure that the students receive the best lectures and


    8. Nursing students should do their best to expand their knowledge

    and understanding of topics related to Medical Surgical


    9. Administrators should monitor the performance of the students

    and instructors.

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  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination



    A) BOOKS

    1. Divinagracia, C. (2008). Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    Curriculum. Manila, Philippines: ADPCN Inc.

    2. Mamauag, M. & mango, C. (2005). Nursing Quality Scale:

    Test Development. Unpublished manuscript. Asian

    Psychological Services and Assessment, Inc.

    3. Subong, P. (2005). Statistics for Research. Quezon City:

    Rex Printing Company Inc., 2005

    4. Theodore, C. A. (1982). Managerial Statistics. Belmont,

    California: Kent Publishing Company, 1982

    5. Valanis, B. (2000). Professional Nurisng Pracices in an

    HMO: the future is now.Journal of Nursing Education. 39,


    6. Polit, D. and Beck, C. (2005). Nursing Research.

    Philadelphia: Lipincott Williams and Wilkins


    1. Roman, M. (2005). Assessing Nursing Competency.

    Available at: http://www.docstoc.com

  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    2. How to Find the Correlation Coefficient When Doing

    Statistics. Available at: http://www.ehow.com

    3. Main Areas of Nursing Aptitude Tests. Available


    4. Hird, V. Nursing Competencies. Available at:


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    Scores of the respondents in the Nursing Aptitude Test

    Number ofRespondent

    Nursing AptitudeTest

    1 70

    2 77

    3 74

    4 77

    5 75

    6 777 82

    8 79

    9 75

    10 83

    11 78

    12 78

    13 78

    14 75

    15 75

    16 81

    17 72

    18 7319 73

    20 80

    21 72

    22 76

    23 74

    24 85

    25 77

    26 85

    27 81

    28 79

    29 76

    30 8631 79

    32 79

    33 82

    34 82

    35 82

    36 90

    37 71

    38 80

    39 78

    40 77

    41 85

    42 73

    43 85

    44 76

    45 7946 76

    47 77

    48 71

    49 82

    50 76

    51 75

    52 72

    53 75

    54 87

    55 81

    56 78

    57 7958 77

    59 83

    60 72

    61 85

    62 78

    63 74

    64 80

    65 82

    66 80

    67 74

    68 85

    69 8070 73

    71 74

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  • 7/28/2019 49969582 Nursing Aptitude Test and Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination


    42 79 75 61 60 78 71

    43 79 77 76 69 81 76.4

    44 79 79 77 74 80 77.8

    45 88 87 79 79 80 82.6

    46 65 76 69 63 75 69.6

    47 76 62 75 46 64 64.6

    48 83 82 71 77 78 78.249 76 65 62 53 68 64.8

    50 85 79 80 74 83 80.2

    51 80 79 76 63 79 75.4

    52 76 69 72 50 66 66.6

    53 78 77 71 69 80 75

    54 72 65 61 57 75 66

    55 79 75 71 57 75 71.4

    56 85 85 83 85 83 84.2

    57 87 81 78 82 83 82.2

    58 80 79 78 77 79 78.6

    59 80 78 71 75 80 76.8

    60 77 77 71 60 72 71.461 80 79 76 77 82 78.8

    62 71 68 58 56 71 64.8

    63 83 81 72 76 81 78.6

    64 74 77 66 59 81 71.4

    65 82 80 72 68 72 76.2

    66 78 77 77 72 79 76.6

    67 74 68 59 57 72 66

    68 84 81 76 74 80 79

    69 82 79 71 63 81 75.2

    70 75 78 66 59 59 67.4

    71 77 76 77 78 80 77.6

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