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Post on 03-Apr-2018






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Wi!i4J'Hiiillti M•li• . Sire , , kt City Ace•fa

. ' . . - ·. -Pi~ist AI Herling Wi:ps Audienee With ~~unbeliev " ·

~. een Peterson

"U IieJable" was a word eard most often in­side topia · Theater on

t Thursday evllning, February 28.

Albert K. Herling, Green­belt's Outstanding Citizen in 1983, celebrated his 70th birthday with his twin sister and over 88(> other people at

·: a piano recital played on a 70-year-old piAno by a self­admitted "amateur." Part­way thrqugh the first piece, a Baeh prelude, Bruno Zanin ~ted-the word and then the evening's bYWord: "An amateur? . Unbelie'!'able.!"

Tbe rest of the andienee -whleh included Maryland 'Attor­ney GeDeral Stepilen Saehs, State A- Council Direct.c>r Hank .lohnoson, County Arllo Council Dennis Madden, Barbara Fuak f'rom · the Arts Division of ·the. 'County's Park .and Planni'":Jf ~on .::__ re8pol>ded With hearty applause thro.hout the the theater used to . CIOJIIeez¢.. A -stiB.nding ovation at be 'full for movies in the early .the end signulled that ot.J).ers al. days. But this concert filled it eo QUeStioned the term "ama- as. it hA.sA't been for many yean, tev." their eonnnunity activism. except possibly for recent "Nut-

fr!:rl~, M'!!;:;::e &DdseJ~';;! That wae _the·~ _in~i.ent " ~'::k:~~:::::· shAcJcou~i! merited a ~d piano. he ex.. of the ~e.mng. Herlhng s life- bead: "It's unbelieva~ble - how plained •rtier, I:Rlt this was a long aetiVBm lwl.a touehed I!O many a.re in ~here?" he queried.

bene6t performuee to retiN a :-':~ ::a.!e:td ofwo~ed~f~ After a "Happy Birthday"' ~ ,~ :n't a:.=o.: !,:'J:; him in some capacity or knew song f()r Al and then. at his in­~ money to rent a Piano. him for this. The word •'unbe- s~nce. another for ·"A•'a, Sis­And be BMdll-t. have done it. The lievableu WM beard again after ter, everyone wae. treated to a w.hly po1bihed ~t· -:nd- a •=eaeion of tributes "'""" buJI'et of sueh detail. and al>und­ed to hk IJinc ftnpn to more given on l'l:ae'e. C.Naldi bro1J18bt a~ tlrat tlhe. word "unbe!!jeva­dlaa atWy th. e thron• t:bat fill- concratuJ.tione from county ble WH agam . beard. People

• .,.,...,n Nuria AI- -read a munched -hes and oot ed ane.bel~ Aort:. Center. conpaiulatory p roe I am • ti on horw d"oeuvrea and sipped eotree

o.o,.. ~.. owner of from County Ex...,.,Uve Parris or """""'· 'I'he food """' pre­the .a..-0.. -een'ter, a:nd hb wife Glondoning A repreoeatativo of ]>8M<I and donated by Deanne and ~~. ;::,r~:_~ ~ ..... ~ tbe Bake~, Collf-onary aod O.vid Lange with the belp of ~......., ~-~ T-. Workets IDtenrational Berpie MeGee and a ho"~ of

. ~~or_<::-::!!;.. :rm~ Union attend&d aad ,.brought hm friends w4lo be)ped lay ou: tbe Coomoi1 luge bi~y cakes (tho see- attraetlve f-. ~ ~-~ oDd one - !Mer do-tftl to Poople linpred well after 11 ..-ic Denio~; Greeubelt'a Green Ridge Houoe). p.m. AI and hb Win Cecil (Mrs.

____ r_,_GU __ w_•_lcleal-;:--•ld, ___ and __ hlo_:-_M_ik_e_Bu_-__;ik__;and __ z.:-n-i_n_renn __ ·_- !i"".!e~lly ~~~~rn~~. I'"IY' M-&:..- 'to 1\:... ___ C:i.. D--.l R--'a,..:._..L...:_ •bared a ...,..Ia! moment in thsir W"U~ 11DC8&5 •J .,._ a~•t:lllllllll lives with the entire community:

t Those who heard tb'e eoneert will "'ftte AliiCo of the JAl86 Bond

' Ref-" will be the theme of the .nnual meeting aDd elec-· tion ol. offtefts of Citizens for <i....-t, be., .i.t. 8 p.m., March 21, at dte elty eoundl ehambera in the MUDieipal Building;

The propoaed alx-million dollar bo:nd ieo1le for city """ltal ;,.. provem:enta tarpt.a . three areas for ecmaicleration: baildinp, ouell u a· new poliee etaticm and re­n""-t-on of. Nor1h End Sehool; C!Qnatruetfon of an iDdoor swim­mil'lllr pool or improvement of the

~~J""~~~~ tlou. A vote on tile bond referen­dum Ia oebodal:et for tiWI aprlnc. ~~.a eonaultant

dte u--,. of llaryland's q~ ·oo, .. --.~ Ser-

vices, will dt.cua the usee at remember tlhe bf.auty an~ exper­bonds for capital im.provernenb. tiae ol it. The $4000 raised Will Mayor Gil Weidenfeld and Coon- ;:;~:.tal:f ~ debt to the Syrn-

~::.,~~~r:r:::e ~ f~= \ 1 (Editor's Note: Tax-d'eduetible deaeription"S of the three parts ~ntribatioaa to the BaJtbnore of tlhe city's bond proposal. Dr. Symphony Debt Fund can be Mnt Waldemar Xlaaaen, dil"J!!etor of to the Greenbelt Arts Cent..r, the Beltsville Agrieulture Be- , P.O. Box 218, Greeabelt.) se&n!lh Center. and Ray Rhodes, usistant director. will report on the status of .tbose parcels of Beltsville land that Greenbelt is concerned about. r

Citizena for Greenbelt. Zoning Chairmen Barry Sehlesinger will serve as moderaUr of the qUft. t1on and anawer period.

The busineu meetin:r and elf'IC. tion of ollleera will follow tile opeall:en and cn-1on. AD pro­.-;,.... are opeft to the pul>lle.- •

Festival Concert The Eleanor Roosevelt High

Sehool Mllliie Department wiU present a Festival Conc:el'lto Fri­day, March 8 at 8 p.m. hi ttae auditorium. The aehool's :four baudo and two oreheatru will perform liloso sele«<cma tba.t eaeb (fi'Oup will play at the eount:v'• ma&le feattvala later tbia: month. The eolll:el"t i• frM.

· ~ · by SaDdra Barnes The Greenbdt, lty council rat in judgment of 1ts own

procedUl'ell and ing format and came to no .::onclu•ior.> during itS regulat;. ting on MondRy, March 4. All mem-bers of council · the city staff seemed to agree that streamlining and rter meetings are net>ded, but how t•, bring that about, [!I one could state for sure.

Councilmerriber White said tba't an inord.iDa amount of eounciPs time···i• 'of n spent on items. not on tti! published agenda. Sometime! .;,t.his occurs when a citizen &))4lraks before council and sometim. when it­emS are~ added to the'. end of the agenda. He also Objected to what. he tenned a •~ck of ':lni­formtty on some rcommuntea­tioRS.'-' When do eo.uncil mem­ben see letters addrfased to the city and whf1ll are 11bese lette"rS responded to "'by the ~af!', he in­quired.

City m.anaget;i. James Giese re­plied that many rratten, wheth~ er addressed to · him, t'he council .or the city in generwJ are hand­led ad.ministrativ~y: When it seems appropriate.

Mayor Pro Tem Richard PH­ski beli~ed items sbPuld' be ad­ded to the published &g~nda only if they constituted an emerffency sitUiati&n; He also :~i'gested -tlle.t "old· b~im!ss" shoukt be attend­ed to first, and that .. petitions

1and requests" should be placed under "'new ·busirie'as. '' Pe-rsons who want to eddress council

~~:.~~.~. ~~ P~:fd~ unde~ "new .bus-

City Solicitoo- Emmet N ~nna ad.vised that eliminating the town meeting fornmt wauld con­si11~ · -ahort.en ··mft.t.ings. He reirilMed"' ecA.incil that once its meetings are telecast on cable.

members might want t.~ :·c~n~l :t·r a two-hour format "or '- u speaking only to tho• 1nsomn~~( ~ he quipped.

White complatned :hut f'<'t • tions and requt.·~t;; laKF :.,, ~n ,, time and sometu:1~ o.;q Jf'I·Z•·

av.ray fr()m the r·•·l!'~l:a~ r>d:, with per,.;on~ waitu;l.!'

dience fc,r thf' pu!,J:.'~•t·l • he address('d.

Pilski Ct)mpJa;nNi :r-a: times it »eern:> llL!lPn-- -.oht ·

have all of t.he ~·~ty ma:1,1._rji 1 n:Jtes :read out loud \'Prl·a~ml. ··~ pecially when re:o.ulutr )r;..o a:·• troducf'd ·for fi n::t rP"ad: n~~ I I, also suggested summanz.ir.~ C"!to

manager's notes ra:h~:·r t'w.n reading them m !hc:r (·n~~-·~ty He did not .~U~I':'e,.,t ~hur~Pnir.~t the notes as "thPv makt· look smart," h€' adch·-d. :n p""al~\' of Giese.

Gif'se re-phed th~t •.n .. r. 1 •t•·~ are a summ:lry. qf ··f:•:n ~··•n:f.l•''\ ~~ues. He :o~att•d Pw: , ~'TH .could ad,pt a "t'~>ns~·r1t :J.g~'')•J.,· in which m~\ttt•rs \1 I the-re would 1>•·

'Cou.ld ~~ dPal~ wit'-1 :,, tion~r Anotht•r pn,.~:; Giese st~ted, ('Ou]d ~ .•. age q. Ttt."m;:. 1:) P' ;o;o that th"<::t- uf ~ •


tu dtizen,<:. prt·~·nt .~: .t· n••, ing would be dealt ''ith :·\r<.: ahto·,.~d o)ut that :ht• ,-~>·;

Se-e CJ1'Y COl_:~('JL, p ·~. 1 nl

Zoniq Heariag on Greenbelt East Traots Will Be March 14

The Prince Georges Cpunty Planning Board will r<ll'­

sider the rezonin8' applications for the Smith-Ewin.R" and Tidier tracts on Tllursday, March 14. The Board meet.c. "t 9 a.m. in the County Administration Building in l.'pper Marlboro.

The teehnieal atafr of the lllarylaria--BaJ Capital Pan. and P:.annintr Comcn.iMJon baa recommended dooi&l of the re­quest for a l'ftOIIIin:g c:h:ange on

-the Smith-Ewb>c tract fro"'· re­aident.iai-J>~ density, hjp-rise apartm'ents {R-10, 48 unite an acre) to commereial (C-0). The 1'1l<JUested, c:banp would peim!t eommereial developmeat •Bot of Hanover Parkway and would bee an intn,~eion on the ree.tdential OO.raoter of lite rreig<hboti>ood, aceording to MNCPPC a1air. The

. staff also wa& eoneerned about the traffie impaet of eomrnercial development u opposed. to reai~ dent.iaL

site ptan review. The clty ('oll'1 cil will aJ.s.o be glven ~ite i}br, revie:w opportunit-y.

The Smith-Ewing and T:d!t:r tJacts are located on th~· e-ast ".!do? of Hanover Parkway, ~lith of Greenbelt Road.

Surplus Feod Program On Wednesday and Thunu.iuy,

March 13 and 14, th<:> City wi:~ participate in the fre.e food program sponsored by Pr:nct: Georges County. Cheese. bu!tf·r, cornmeal, dry miik, honPy ar:d tlour wi.ll be dis.tribu!:f'd to t>l:~: ble persons on these two da:•s from, 10 a.m. to 7 p rr.. n1 · ::,·

For the !!&me reaeen, the 3tafT CouncU Room r;f thi:> \fun1c-'pa: ba.s opposed rezoning part of tile Buildihg.

Tidler•-s ~ueet for rezoning t1t,t! Eligibility requirerr.en·s. remainder of the traet from rur- (1) receipt o! food ~tamp"' . .;c al-residential (R-R) to R-tpO de- £-mployment CC1mpt>nMtlu;-- '1Pd,. tacbed aingli!-tamily homes and coid. welfare or ~uppl!·m.-n.bl

R-T"townhouaes. ~:~~ri~~a:n~~ml~~e0rr t(h~'lJ"l a; <.f

The Greenbelt city ~uncil, on ~f the poverty le ... el r$';',.17 10 "'r1r the Ot~er band, supporte approv- one person; $10.080 for :w,, pe·>· al of ~11 appJ.icatione for rezon- pie and $12,690 for thn·P T'i:'(•

ing, but it ine;.to th&t the d""el- ple). opera agree to .!ovenanta that Anyone interestM in ·•· 1t.:n

!':1~;i:'~~~: ~J-c ·~~:::~ ~e!;J:g~~i~~~n~:~~;,~~·~. be met at the time of tiUbcllviaioii mation should call the CJt;, Of­review and apin •t the tiJm!: of ftcea at 474--8062.

~~·'.: f~' •a--~er"•s·,.. ~"C: 3,.,~ ;a • ~-· :<:A al 't-9 C>·<~~~::oe - ~ - -•'*':: _1 : ·~., ~c ·cc...a ::."· :~ ~

v~--:::av .J;I'e• ~ ,,.., ·~' ~-~~ ~~

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r~"""~"' F· . .d•n-n and Family. law.,.. ... F 1 !'f{ .. dh and

Crime Prevention Mee-ting

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~·.r: · ..-'"'!:-- A. -N~:.cu~e :-:.- ",.? ~ -·;~~~ .:.,.~-

P.G. Nucleor Freeze M.ets

:r.-: ?:-.:-:. .. ·~ ~·~!'"..;~:s •:.oa~ltion a "S ~· ,cac W~a;J"·m.s FM!ez.e

w ... -..,.-..,: ~ -r.~~:::-.~ ~r: TueS'day, \{a~~ ~2 a.: - .1.: p m a: :r.e. ·~:--eeno.e:: :..:bt1t.:""J ?a.~"e:pat:on ~- '!l-.e :::::-:1.,.:-.:; ?ea.~e Fa1r and ~:a...,s f H' ';.f'l.:. ..:P"" )mlng Aprtl 20-21 P~~ a:-.d J .l:.'ltl'('_e :na!"Ch a.r.<i :::lll:l'tq t.c-t..V".':.~g :-. Wub.i::g­~or. 'J C ;lff,H ~~ ~:~~USIJ-e<f Ce.ll Ea:...,.~" w~oo a~ .r-t.-~-9{) !or -1e­:a;· ~

Martha Kaufau.n 4-":4-9.359 Eileen P~era.on :US-2-45.4.

'r;.:- :e-ep""5: !;;mpa.chy ~~ 3andy ;;7':":..":1-: '~- ·r . .: :~a-~ :,~ :•e:- fa:.ner,

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Lions to Host Traffic Talk

~-"'-"' :;-:. ···:-. ::! .. "'' ,...-z:~.ee:r -:.):- --.!'.~ --;~.,- .. H:go·,.,.,..a.:. A :·:·.r:;_'".

pr:>b -~-~~at.e · ::;.a--~ ·.; a::..-..-_,._,. -~.~ ~ :: .. - ., ~:- :::·,ag"_; r:! :'" .l:'?d

Th- ;-;...:\: !':'.'~~'?·: •

Harpe Wins in ScieRce Fair St. B.:.!.r':".cl:"'·:': 3-ch:_.,·.: .:-, R.·:~r­

da:e :-a,! 'i :,·:.:-.'1<::":' !a.: ::·,;.::ad~·-­r:. 7 a"";d ,. :;: :--.ad .,,a;.y ;:! ~e:-ent

r'!'?j+- ·:.~ -~· ·;,. expo?r:rr.,."t:t-; ·)r re­s.-:.~.rc-:". Tr., ·.vi:'lner of •.h"!' ~\':e:;-ce fa::- -"'·a..;. Er·n Harpl:.' <J.f Gro:>(>n­L•·<~. He:- :J-!'0ject was .. ~a:>d "Ca:" S,_.ur.<:! Be S-een"", and ~~ ~h•')W~

1-.·Jw ~ou:""!.~ wavE.>"S car-. b-P ~>:--?:1 or. a Ch:adr:i P~a~e A Cl-;!adr:.: P:ate-:~ 11. ~<:J'._ia!'" 7:-•_,~..a,; p'a~·~ 'l"'i.:)·.l"":~r\

0n a 'T'leta: rod w;t'h A ·"r..in. eve-n . ;;,..yf!r .-/ _,and •n tor>. ·~,:"hen a •n·)li"' :-;.-jw _-,. r.m tir ·~·-, t~"" sid'2' o! t'~"' _~,..,..j ~he- ~a .... d rr.a:.c .. ~ a paae~r> F>·-:r:. w:OC0 i~ a~ .')ffiC"e a.s~i~.a:-:·~ (r;r ~1e 'S'Pw!9 R~view,

1a.·i:1 !J,. z·:>in~ ~o the ~.:;.::-.~y sc;­ence fa.r

Cancer Society Seeking Dofiodil Day Volunteers

The Am.er:can Car;c?:- Soc:e~y o! Pr..:-;,..P Geor~es County is .spor.~ ~orin~ :s annua: eve"':'l~. Dat!od:l Day, ) ... March 14. On ::h:s day v0lun :~:-3 w· ~: be npf.>d.""(f :o help ~e-live: ::ve K:ng Al!rE.><! Dat!odils ~<J hosp-:a:s. bus!;'lesses. ~·n1rsing hnm-es il"'d. pr~vate- residences. !'""e dafr:.dil is the first f!-Jwer to bioom :n Sprin~ ar:d symbolic t\ower -;,! ho~

To ~~ .-;,ut how ~o hP:p p~eese C"llJ !l->e -\meTi<"'an ('a~·:?E"r Society ')ffiee 11.~ ~!).4-7361

ERHS Stadeuts Learn To Judge Science Fairs

On T ..... ,.~ay, }{arc-!': 5, ter.

~:.ude-.-::.1!. ~rom :he Sc:e:-.oee and TeehiY>lo~y (en<:er a: Eleanor RooaevE.>:: H1gh Sci':'),~..; asslste<!

~;~~~~a~~~ ~~,:o~g~:.~~:~~l;~a ',1,- 'A·- ·7' A-;..;>;ra~ :~m .n;.e:·v!ew<oci a~ •·· ''"''''-' :a.r :-,; ~ .. ~ ·a:-7: _.::y ~ruc.pa-~s ':·);r;pa:-e.: ,.. -.~.,;; a:".d

:\-(em ben )f ::..'1~ s~-'.ie~.· . ~.:::~;:1~

'""':.;:- ~~. · 'or;.-;::~~.- Th ~ .:~<·"-1·_;.._. "XP~r·~;-.. ~e h.as ;~ --.·~- :. ::-,J:-y .\{""- ..... :·1w.,..-: R.:.o5e·.-~:": ~:_d,..n:s ::;~

?-~- ~...., :- -:'a,.<,..r )7;)o:-·;;.--y :· app · :r.e::- 3<'c--

:- ::S ,·~ce ":--:·w!'"'d..;:"'? ,:-. a p;-act;ca: Fc.,.<i.-••_.":". .;:At:~:-;!.!", ,;..-.r:t ~a;; !'e5c:~:ec. :r. :r.e

,-'" "1 Ra.-.-e. .• _., - 2 ~ 3.:

1-2'':.:>;·);:>r.-:e:>~ ')~ exper;..o-_.:::e.~ st.u­':1-=:~!. •• d.t"'5 ~·):' eleme::.:a:-y sc-hoo: --.-: enc ... fa:rs. . .S:.z~.:-;.--:s€'·•1 by Jr;e K:-oto i(' ~xe ~eacr.er :: o·: :---::!.:r:.a :or­"- ': E. ,o..a:r r Ro·.)seve;:

Irish Music and Dance ~Sepa.-at¥{P.J~arcecl Irish: mu.sie and dance 1rill ft]J

~he meeting room o1 the Green­b-el-t Library on Tueaday. Mareh 12, b-eginning at 7:30 p.m.

Free and open to all ages. "An Evening with the Blackthorn St:ck" wil1 feature the Irish harp, ir"<;.~ .song:~ and dances. and op­;:;,,:::;n:t;e-.; f0r the audience to , ;;: :~e ci ·zJ-Co;>rs and learr: some ~·~· ~-teps

::;-- ·:~-~-- ')f the Greenbel::. Li­- ~a:-·: w.:· hr:'1~ and serve re­:':---.:.;;ne:-.::; F;: furthe-r detai:~

·.''.!:' ')"":f--a:-.d a-f:alf hour pro. .·-r;..-v-;, ca.: '34.'5-:)800.

Phi I harmonic Concert

r1r ;,,,.,:ra w:Il present a . ..::.:l.::..'"'lay. )fare!: 9 at 8

:i":<? E.ea:~nr Roosevelt :

1 .:"". ..::-:-c·•o' Auditorium. The

P:-. ~ .. trr:---_:-,c w · feature the :: ..... J:· _..::::-ac:~:o.. :\fozart, Ravel

..:m.··.·.::a F !:' !"ur:her infar-;;··So-2!-h) There is a

-;··· rJ.·_~ :'0r sen or citizens < _:.~ .... ---:~ The Philharmo:1ic

> .. ~~,·-=: r.Jn-prfJfi: c.rches-

SCAN Offers Workshop

' ·~a~~: /:r:.: ~ ~1:;nf)~ n:ilfa~;i~e~u:~ :-. •~- fur:-:.:ur>? l"':Or-:' rn Gree;way ,,_ ·.:er (jr: Saturday, ~at'('h .9 at 1 p :-c:.

T!-... p<r>g-;am ;;:; free and is "P•)-..sor'"·ri by Greenbelt Co-op, ~ 'h' a.nd :he Greenbelt Are-a r ,·.lr.<::!

March Planetarium Show On Mexican Astronomers

The ruse a ad faU-- of .Oe ~ "..Ji:ure-s o! An<:ient Mexico and C-: ;-.:ra~ Arnenca and thetr re­:-:-,arka':Jle astronomical dJ:ocover­

._,., are the subjec-ts of ''Sky­',•,:a~hers ·)! Ane1ent :\ofexico," the H':iward B. Owens Science Cen-

p;anetanum's star .show, ,... :1:-c-h hag been extended through 'raxh 'f9.

.Showttmes for "Skvwatchers" ....-::1 be every FridaY, through :\1a!"<'~ 2'9 at 7 p.m. Both adults a:-:<i .i~ents are welcome. Ther-e ~-" a small !ee.

T'::e 0\mecs, the Maya, the .-\ z~e-e§, and oth-er ancient civiliz.a­:;or.3 of :Mexico and . Central A :-nerica watched the sun and Venus, and in the proces de­..-e!ope-d a. calendar more accur­a:e t.han ours. They oriented their buildings and clties toward heavenly objects and compiled ~~bles of' e-c!ip.ge!, planetary mo­:,or.s, a.n<:! other astronomieal e•:e:-.tg. They knew the. cyde3 of Ve~'.JS so accurately that their e~:<Jr 'W'8.5 only 14 seconds per :. ear

Foti')winj;t each 45 mmute pro­<:i".:c~;oro., the s':ar! o! the current :;:gh~ sky w;1] be projected on :::e p:anetanum's 5.?--foot dome, a;.-d a s.tat! member will point out .;,~~ :dent:fy tne T.s:ble constella ..

ne Owens Scien<>e Center, a of Prince GeorJZ"es CmHny

:.~ :o<:"ated o!". Grf'oetlbel~ R,; F',.,r ::-..formatior.. f'a:i .'), '.


Rt'SI:SESS :\1.-\~AGER




6.')-4--: 423 or H l-2662

Cathalla ta M .. t Sepal"ated and pworeec! ~

oltcs wHJ meet SuDday, Mareh tO~ at 7:30 P.m. in G'renoble: Hall at St. Hugh's Churc:h. Fr. James Young. National CbapWn for the North American Conference of Separated and Dhroreed Cath­olics will discuss ·'·What' Jesus Taught aboll't Divorce... A social will fol1ow. Men are asked to hring a beverage and women are askE-d ~o bring a snack. The m-eet­ing is open to all interested per­~ons For more information or for directions call 474-0353.

Separated and Divorced Cath­olics ,, a support group for all 3f'J)arated and divorced. Catholics ;n tht· Archdiocese of Washin2'­•nn. r· :-- a pronam of the Fam­,1;.· L:f<> Bureau of the At"'('hdio­C€"se.

Mo"Yatt Memorial FnitHI "Methodi~t Chur~h-

.to Rid2'E' Rd. 474-t410 ,5:und~v School 9:30 A:M.

(for al1 ag'es) Mornin~ Worship 11·00 A.M. Rev. Dr. James Chong Park

Pastor 47...:1924

~ Gr~nbelt Baha'i Commuaity

P.O. Box 245 Greenbelt. MD 20770

345-2918 I 47.._

Find Strength for ¥our Life

Worship With U&


Bible Study for all ages (Se.) Worship Service Midweek Prayer Servioee (Wed..)


''" a.m. 11 a.m. 6 7:00 p.m. 8:00 P.lll.

Holy Cross Lutheroo Church 8905 Greeabelt Road

Worship Service,; Sundays 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. _..;;unday Schoo! Pro~ram 9:50: Pre-School Proe"ram 9:50 to

C.:o;:;e of late service Lenten Devo~ion,;: Wednesday 12:15 and 7~:-w p.m. I

Edward H. Hirner, Pastor Telephone 345·5111

CIJ'Y COUNelf Contlnueil:fr. Pfl• 1 eoaid adopt tbe OJ!Ilem ii!wler ' a .._,JotioJ. GD ~ pool

~~-= . an takea aot tile becinnlnC of 1i>e . meetlnc rather than in conjune. tion with tile item 'to be d-..,_ aed.

CouDcil. ob?io1Hly felt mon ~sion was necessary and •· &'1'0e4 to bold a -rk aesaion to brine tocether their varioUB U..u.._ and id .....

Memorial Park The city stat!' hut several rec­

ommendations for developm~rit of the Greent.elt cemetery locat· eel near O.pillal Office Park. In acco.ntance with the reeommen~ dations o.t- two city advisory bo....ts, !'lark and Reereatwn (PRAB). and Community Rela­tions (CRAB), aoll agreed that tbe cemetery should be maintain­ed in a manner whlcfl. Would be respeetful of the existing grave­sites; would ptovide a IM&.n for memorializing and h o n o r i n g Greenbelt citizens with plants. g a r den~, seuhrture, fountains, markers, ete.; and · also would provide a pa.rk for the esjoyment of citizens and of the


Bingo 7:30p.m.

:every Thursday


St .. Hugh's

135 Creseent Road

' ......., • J - 1- i

- """ ....... ' - !f,, • .,

- ~ d-·~~ 't""; ~

·F~rj parents and children 3 months to 4 years

•45 minute classes of fun, laulrhter, and learning

•Over 40 pieces of tyke.: sized equipment

•Purposeful play age­appropriate group ac­tivities, 8ongs & games

"Knowledgeable and caring teachers

(415) 692-8080'



Sa.t. ~ 16-9:30-12:00 am Mon. Mardl 18-6,00-8'00 pm Tues. Mar. 19--9:30--11:30 a.m

For information call Tod~; 585-8588

._rt ol ~i.e Univenlty of MU711aud Sobool of !Mndaeape Architecture tO

1 have pla.Ue. pre­

)lUed aa a student projeet. White aMed that AoPB (tbe AdruOI'J' Planni~~& ~) aDd PR.AB k>ok at tbe ,_, __ iorral ~iti ...

of the .,..o:e a._ ,lnclu<;lng d!e 24 acres of flood plain owned by the developers af Capital Oftlee Plark.

1- -.,.., UO fer ~ who~ • .,__pool..-. $16 for ~e wbo do not pur­

daae a-· ColDI!OIIaleo in­troduced for lint nedina' an or­dinBnce direetinc staft' to proeeed with the 'P'f'I!'P'&Ntion of an o~iD· anee to authorize the ieSlJ&lEe of $6 million in general obligation bonds. V-oters must give the okay in a refereodum now 8Cibed·

II A· •• ENTION!! , Residents of



You reside within e corporate limits of the City of Greenbelt. You re a residen!>.,of the CITY OF

GREENBELT. PI- report this on yaur FEDERAL and STATE INCOME T X and AUTO LICENSE application forms so that a p rtion of YOUR T ,llXES will be RE­TURNED TO THE ITY for local improvements.

City of Greenhlt

I FREE W~ ding Paper Trouss'eau

JoWien you ~r r 100 or more of any of the fo1Jow;ng ittJms. we tJ(v your 50 more of the ume it11m FREEl

I Weddi Race ion Cards ResJ>9 · se Cards Than~ You Notes Thank You Scrolls lnlormpl Notes Wedding Announcements Weddipg Programs

- • ~a~o<;t;d~ards FREE AcJessorles

.W,en you pl«e your orckr of $250 or mor• 10 weelu bt!fore your wedd;ng date. choou any one of th11 following items FREEl

. Flower Girl B~sket & Ring Bearer Pillow Silver Plated Server Accent Hosiery & Garter Aisle funner Guest Book & Plume Pen' Car Decorating Kit/Bridal ~Balloons . \

"Rela":_ while we show you our ;mpresslve product Hnes. ••

CaJI' 301/231-3912

Forestville, Marylan~

.\liSA/MasterCard Accepted

uled for Jfay baton OoaDel! may

ftrally - -· .. ~.' The eounoll - ...,.- ita wish to .UO..te .U miUion for eo-n of pubHc bUI!dlnp, $2 miJHon for tht eDnlltruetion of an indoor swimming poo; and repairs aDd modifteatione h the out:doer pool, and $2 million for park land acquieitlon and deveJ. -NYMAN REALTY, INC.

'Rick" Barber, GRI, CRS *Certified Reaidential Sp&-

eialiat (CRS) *Graduate Realtors ln•ti­

tute (GRI) *Member, Prince Georcea

County Board of Realtori •t981 P.ealtor Aasoeiate

of the Year e1979 Community In-

volvement Award •MLS Listing Award •1981- 7th PI: Most Settled •19~2 - 5th PL Most Settled •11188 2nd. PL Koet Settled

WANTED! Properties to market in the Greenbelt a!"ea. (GHI, C h a J" I.e at own e Village. Gree-nbriar, Windsor GrHn, Lake.side, Boxwood. Lake­wood, Woodland Hills). Call loT no obF g:l'l tion consulta­tion. Thank you Greenbelt.

441-1010 474-5700 Ask for "Rick'' .......

What i• Plaqae ~

Plaque is an invi&i.ble nJm ~f bacteria tbet stlelu. ·to the teeth. The ·bacteria producc decay causing acids plut :;-!"'\ • tate gum tissue ·c.au•nng &

pocket o! inftamma.'twn t.o form at the gumline. Th i• is the beginmng of peMC>donta~ (gum) disease

Plaque forms ("On~:ant.ly, ,.); day and niR'ht. !t must t.e removed daily by pro~r brushing and flossing or it may hardPn into ra:calus (tar. tar) which mU.'It then be :r~­moved profesS'lons;)y I! al­lO'Wed to remain too lon!l. <'.al­culus results in :~urn n-ce!.-ion, infection and r.et-dles~ ~os~ :)f teeth.

Beltway Plaza 7910 Cherrvwood Lane Greenbelt;· :'.I'd. 20770

Phone 474-2080 TDD/Voiee


j Want to do it yourself?

GHI i~ considering .a seminar on how to conduct an owner-sale .

• Tips bn advertising

• Infonnation to offer potential buyers

• frocess once a pu rc{'aser is obtai nert

• Participa.nts may include a lender's repre::.enta­tive, members who are selling home~ thf'm:wlve:-;f

and members who have sold homes them,elves. Tentative date .tate March.

Call Rayetta Henson (474-416,1.) by Tuesday. :">larch 12 to let us know if you'-re interested and what a com·en­ient time would be.

If you live in Greenbelt the

Green-belt Federal

Cr~dit Union is

YOUR· Credit Union I

112 C:.nterway, P.O. Bo~~: 157 Gr-nbelt, MD 20770 ' 474-5900

Klta Flyiq C..._ The Groe·l~ K.ite Fl71111' eo.n­

:e.rt :a jott.M; a.rnuDd: the corner. Awards •·in b4!! liven in variou. ~!I and ea'tea'oriea. T'bis year's ·~o:".~a': wf:l be held on SUDCf.a7, .\h.:-rh U.. on '?raden !-"ield e.t : 00 ?-~- R.ain ::.&t.e ta J&.reh. ll

Area Gr.,. ep-Se-veral &M!I& ~hoola offer gym

;.,O"J:n. ~o :he O)ublle. The Gre.e-:nbelt; M >dc:L-E' &h'Oo; rr,r. 1s ~n Son­-ia~ ~ ...'5 p n-:, :r.~ Rooee-velt Hil'h Sr::.rj.()-: zyT. .~ :JPt!r.. Sundys. 8-10

RollenlutiDI' Th~ R..e.-r-t>:o;.::;n Depar:.mel"'t'a

ro:.~r 'i(a: ...... ~ ;:.':""":-2'l"'A"!"n :s held il~ fir~> .. ;.~:: r,.r;~e!" Sehool. On W-:."'".!r-... ..,.:!a;;s :'\·-3M fl '!"ad e r 1 ~"'"a; .. ·~ ... "··~<--~.'>!..,~ Fr-d:ays, : • :~_, .o.·-. ..::~~ ~~-l..:!en Tim~ ~ !":"··-:- ; ',· ~ ~-- ? rr.. b,~f-. a!~er-

F~r:- .. ·<a~.:-.~ ~~:J :W ~-·: ·- .:. ~- !..o.·;~ ~':'')""". : --~·{·--1 00 ~.--: J."-: ~ ~ .. ~ ~-:- :::~: !1Z'~'!' A

·:OPA."<>r! ".,. •he --~- '· ... ' :--- a v:.; :a"':"'

--- ~~- .. ~ ,-.a" t'--, . .- _.,._ --~" C-1 .y;;-:-,;


Jlom tbe.n 800 senior cttiuns are expeewd to take. part in this year-'1 senior citizens' assem-bly, hoeteC b7 P-ri oce Georg-es Com­munity Colle;re. T.o be held March tFi and 19, ~he conference is tr-ee to •1 Mary!and res~e~tu, 60 y~an and older.

The twe-day ProgT&m will !ea. tUl'-e heaitb tuuea toT senior dt:­z~n• !rom 10 am. until 3:30 p m in ':he Larwo Studerrt Center. Dr Rk"h.ard Mana Prot:o?.,Mr, Seni.:r r.t Protfl"'Uil.l, will be t:-· ~~ured :tp~alce-r

Parttdpam.~ w::l have an op

~~~~~~~"e:n o~ho~=~:o~:-o ne:~~:~ ~O'p~.

B·.1;J. tra ...... -pr:·l"~a:,o:r. and b0x

~~~~~ ~:~: :'"~~: ~l"~~~-~;;d-~~\~ me~~ ~~ ~ .... ~."''''"- a;ri Pr?~n"arr ~ ~-~r ~h., A.I{;"':R'

T---. l"1:"2'"',:;;'<'!' a!".,! 1i':·a :- ~ra::" "~ r:.'t: :o)j. ~~· ":•of! ..; .. ; . 1-2:2. (11.').><

Greenbelt CAR~S


D nmino 1\rst«urmtt FAMILY-STYLE


S!'le<:tion of on;, entree

::-:.-9-~ .-:>. .-:> '•t··- \ \\·,..,k f-ti pm

• '~:"· • .,.,... \\ t:-> ..;a lad & ... t'!Z"f'L.l.bi~ .... ~~ ~~ L_ 474-7300

.-------------... : ONE FREE DINNER 1 I F::-:t- ,._. F:--~~ r; .~ \! ~ _ W:~r-. I I T".·· :···--'-.d.~·· I

: r1;' ~:-pl.~~ ~rl();()(} \ a\u·:-.<, :

I ~ot \',1Ji~>i~~;;_ r;ourmet 1

I :OO.o Othe-r Promf)~IOn \cr-""pteod : I With Th1~ \d I I EX?1R;;:.:' '?/lt),IS5

1 ·-------------· 10:2'...0 Ralt1mnr ... Hi\d .. Rte. 1

Col!f'IO!'f> f'.Hk fWit01-.t~ Exit 25.·\

_____ S_ai~_S_pee!als ---


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.99 NET




$15.99 NET

"Fl'IENCH REUBENn :,:...,...'!'(l a-· :;...".,.,lc'ra~.o-t. s-,,..

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~ ~ ~4 ~-"'"':::• S1.10 ~ell



, LOWENBRAlJ ~~ 3:··F~

$10.99 CASE




• $5.29 Oz. Ca1'1e





The Recreation Department is now accepting applica­

tions for Summer employment for the following ·posi­

tions: Municipal Pool Manager, Assistant Pool Manager,

Head Ca•hier. Lifeguards, Water Safety Instructor,

Camp Pine Tree Manager, Counselors, Sports and Arts

Sp€c:alists and Center Personnel. All applicants must

be O\ er !fi year. of age. The City of Greenbelt is an

equa~ oppnrtunity employer. Apply now at the Youth

Ce~:tt·r Bu . ..:ine;-;:>~ Offic_e. l-1-ol-lday-Fiiday, £-5.

I Greenbelt Park/Kingswood -

; :-:; ~' .~ R;1r.-'.L>r \\ :th -lfi' ingr ,,;nd Po~!. -~ bdrm,

::~\· F{ ... , -R ,,,:-:~ .1:-~d Carp,Jrt. t1n~:: .-)" rh\\:n ~:I!J,900.

Greenbelt Park/Oakwood Knolls-

j .• t:.'

Hunting Ridge Condominium --·

o;~.g ~ Sui2J. 277-5595

arpr.rt. Fir~·~


~ for new llb>doa!a at St. H••• Sebool for 11186t 88 wiU ,,. . held on Slmdo

7 lfarelt·I& for Grad" 1 fllra i A 1140 Retr!stration/Book p~ I. due at time of regil<tfttJ

011 ~your child -. not ~ tilt St. Hulf>'• we will need to Htt !>he Baptioma! Cert!Aeate. Rtcl•tration will be held In t~ front oft\ce of tbe Sehool limn 8 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m.


SATURDAYS 9 A.M. To 12 Noon W orkiOhop Will lndode - The Followinr:

Introduction TO Compatere (For thoae who need it).

GIOfiRary or Computer Jk-Jated Term a •

How Compute-r~_ Hotlp ~anare Home- & Pt-r.,onal Afhin

How Comput~n Can He-lp Your ('~ild fn ~chool.

How To Shop --For A Romt Compute-r.

.\ llt•mon"'fr,t' tnn or ('()mpu-ft•r .\ppliC'atiom1.

E:tr~ p:-tr'tr .. : '"'1:: li:'e-t "hand~-0~" c·, :-- '">: rr ~:": TR~ PC .Jr. ('.>m:L;,J rl' !r UsDol"!':t (',·mputer

Wn-r-i-t-<hvr J·.tr·.Jc·.,r hQ:d, )1.~ D.,g-rp,. < .\ M•-r:<":lr. tTn;. versity, 1971r .:~10!. h:-~.~ extf'n­sive exp€'ra·~ .. ·,. a~ a CompJter Pro~ramrrPr. I Jmput.Er .-\na­lyst and ton:p ~·,·r Wana.(:'tT Each wurk~J.wp t-'1 limi:Mi to s maximum Clf 1 n pc-;vplt' ThP cost i..s

1 ~ 15.00 rer :{ h0ur !les­»ion.

Cantact: Bill Ross 441-1337

~----R~ti<: RE1MAX a1 ~Inc., Reottor.s'

1ot)13 Rhode Island Avoenue Cc/lege Parle, Maryland ~

474-2«Xl 1!!J \-;o;:-.~



Spa:-k :!".g 2 BR. completely ~·E·r-:r·Pd :,.·ard, off'-s~reeot park-



2 BR brick Townhouse, 2 to shopprng and




Ju3t painted 2 BR brick Townhouse with Sep. Din. Rm., washer & dryer, off­street parking.


HOLLYWOOD ASSI:ME THIS VA LOAN! Immacula-te. all new appli­ances, .4 BR brick rambler, full finished basement w/bar, off-street parking.



4 BR Rambler, walk-out basement, fireoplace, separat~ din. rm. w/built-in Hutch and Bufl'et.



4 BR, 1 1,2 b&th, large co-un­try kitchen, enclosed bac~ porch, full unfinished 't:lue­ment.


Call Shirley Collins 47 4-2400


I· !



Caiia•111en:G.et Ai4l n........-..~Gne

·i!d w~ J!lliao. han~ gjtuif 1M BWI AirpOrt van bd bW. oerriee for tll&t lnm.oo. will be ...,Je to CODtmael tO' to ...

• ...,drdJn to Ah order ln-..ecl by t be WuhlJIPoD Metropolitan ,Vea T r a n o I t Com,.,iu!on WHA'l'C, ~>owner, dl-ted l'ta

·The commuter DA <4- tho •e,.._ rloo bacl been lll.....,ecl wll>h terml•tlon laat Fall by the State Ai.-la.tion AdmlDbtratlon of Mary. l&i>d, wldcb had been runnin• tile aieviee for 1 • v • r a 1 7eara. WXA'l'C, however, din<ted Ita cciatlnaation by anelther earrler witt! a oolutlon 101114 be found. A.,_ reoult af WMAfA'a ell'orto, whll!lt lneluclecl a pablie Jlearlnc in,; December, coupled wlttJ. the plj&as of Gree}lbelt otlldala. an4 aft'ected rldera, • newi;r formed

~----ration known ao 'nle Air­part Connection, Inc., M Mary­la\ld_jTAC-HD) hao now taken ovj!-r th eommuter oper~tttm:----

John L. Tanavage, vice-p:reRi­deht of TAC-MD, said durin the

CITY NOJ'IS ..._ Tlfe . general -crew r~paired ~rea:~·. in front of the- garage doors ir, · the , maintenance yard. They a!~ bUilt and instal1ed a racK. fo~ storing o:oe of the salt ,;.pre.ad~rs and built a handi.:ap ramp between the parking lot and the Greenbelt Professional Build­ing. ·This ramp replaces the bla,.:ktap ramp ,..which was de­tt>rio~ating. cGITeetion of d.:!br'i.!J alon:.:i t,Jt.e roadside wa~ also ac­L'Omf.lli.~ed.

The parks e~· worked on tr.ee trimming and brush rem'Ovt~L A major effort w·a:s .the recGnstruc­tion, seeding and repairirig of the ha1lfields for tht> corning sea. son. McDonald and VtindsoT Green fields were seede-d and fer-

. tilized. Some work was done on Braden field.

Calls to special trash are be­ginninR" to increase with the pleasant weekend! ..

public hearh-c· tiaat ". . . we eer. ~- will - the· .GrHDI>elt ~. wilo are very loyal

: ~ ·.fil4 -.rv~ee, M we MoU!4 any other PMM~rt on any of our veltlcl~•·" TAC-MD Is e>:peeted to receive lnal confirmation at 1~ "eertH\eate ot Deee11it7 and cor,venienee• from WM.l'OC dqr­ln,r Hardt, aft.r the llrm baa met one minor technical require­ment. A WMA 'l'C opoke...,•n told the N-• a.Yiew that deapite tbe paperwork h&ftC'UP, oa fat &I he knowa '"the bu11e1 are running."

TAC-MD, with WMATC a~>-; proval, ha11 aM up a new fare atructure for eommu'ters between Greenbelt and the Car>ital Hilton and_Waohinrrton Hilton Hotelo.

Like II .good neighbor. Slate Farm ist.here See me for car home. file and he<tlrh rnsu-rqn.ce.- --

Don W. Taulelle, clil 8fli",l Edmonston Rd.

Crcenbelt, MJ.. 20'i70




Stale Farm Insurance Co~parues Home Ofl1ceS 8loomJ"9ton. tlhn01s





Persons i~terested in serving on this board or committee are encouraged to submit their application or resume to the City Clerk, 25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Md. 20770. For information, please call 474--3870.



Gudrun H. Mills. CMC City Clerk



Greenbelt Recreation

Adult (18 and Over)

Resident Team

Non-Resident Team



For additional information, any interested individuals

should contact Anne M. Heribk, 474-6878, weekdays,

1-io p.m.

Woman's , flit ftiU1ir . ID..... of .. ~ Woman'o• Cllib · wW be' held at tile Publie Llbtary on· M~y, Mareb 11, at 1 p.m. Tbe Vlee­Preoident, VirK!nla SlchroU, wiU eive a lecture on o.teoporosb and e11L.:ium metabolhm. · Eadl memiNir lo w-eed to brln• arta and crafta projet.o to dlo­play. Everyone Ia lavitacl..

THE SILENT SCREAM The fUm, •'The SH.en\ Sereamn will. bo. oboJm r.t St. Hqll'a OhiUcll Ia Grenollle Hall on Sunday, Mardt 24, 1886 oA..­the 8:00, 9:110, 11:00, and 12:30 Maaoea. Tbfto "'11 also be an evenlne l'howiD• at 7:00 p.m. We eneou~ all adult. and teenaeert 1lb eome aDd learn the true facta a.bou.t •· bortion. For further infOI'Da· tion contact Libby Lilly 662-1171 or Jody St.r•tehlc.o, 441-8668. Sponsored l>y tbe St. Hugh'a PTo-Liof'e Grow.



Your 1neighborhood broker Ml~ben New York Stock Exchange

. . and o~cr leading exchanges. Member Sl PC Stod<s, Bon •. l\l111ual Fund,. Maryland Tax Free Bond,.

&JO~ Ivy L~nie Greenbelt. MD '!82-2000


~FF=O~:DABL~ v- - -· 1-40USING l

A ../j / i




• ~QUAt;;OUS1NG'b~O'R~uNtrYrEr Ask your r-ltor or call 474-4l61 for tnfcnmatoon ""·=


Sha"re Loan Service Corp. BUY FOR THE COST OF RENTING

e Providing cOmpetitive ·hitel'ftt rates for the purchase of GHI units

e Four different mortgage plans e FNMA appr-ecJ. le,.der e Refinancing on GHI units also available



Police Bfotter S.aed Oft lalonaatioa

R.e-lea..Md by tAe Gr'N'Bbe-lt P<:>iic:e ~rtaen.t

,\ ..,. >rr.a:: ~>t!p<.;r-..ed & ~'.lS'p:e:.::.us-

,...,..;_ ."!1( :nan wa:ch;:-:.,r c~~:d~en

r:..:.y.n~ a: ~-'" :a.ke ·)n FO?b!"·.lary ~-.... ~·. ~t'ft)'.l":. :: a..m. Att,-,.rd ~ng ·;, · "·"" ;~t>,~:->:, --;h.,. ':ria.:-: -...ac: aiso f !..w<><! :~1!'1' !1:-..d. ":o:>r :~ .. ,.: a:"G'.lnd

:.":.~ .a..c:~ a.-:d :c; ::-:e p-a:-:.c.~.-:g .')~

;~;r~:-,_ 1-:t- .-a.d ;Ja.ric~c :; .. !' :a:­F · ·- ::-.~ ;za:-K,,....,g :.-co:- :-r.an ~-.:,.......,,;:,·.~ :.r. ~')::·.FV.· ·-:-c· ~a..,.;~~.

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M!ETING Preliminary Agenda


y.._~~ :4 :~ !:1tJ ='···­

A;;::-~Ta: ~~ Ag~:-• .:i.& A;:;::--."•a. ~~ ~~:-.:ce-~."":.:p .1..;:~ , ·a·:::--.!

•; ~ ::, -Sr: M:e~:-....ez-s

) , ...... ,.,. ------=GR=EENBELT NEWS~ . I

for inclusion em.. tile ~ur. To bring any .... home or ·....m. to tbe eommitlee's 8tt4mtioa· for consideration, pleue eall Katb:y Shepherd in the 111-ber Rela­tions and Data Bank Serrieea

Th• Way I See It by Cloarieo F. S.hwa11, Jr.

_ How l&J"if'e llhou.id the ~l>ty's -c:epital iarprovementa bond tasue .be--.$5 million, ~ mill:on, $'7 md­::cn '!" .My view is that none Jf

~hose i• the appropn.ate .!Urn

We are dealing with t:wo c.au­gories ct! it:npl"'qveoments One ~0n~ s:st.s of proje.:ts and u.-.dert:akmg~ o! whteh. we have a reasonable understanding e.g., :"."o:rth E:-:d &boo! renova~ion. We kr..:)w a.bc,u: what :s :--o~i."p.d_ef! ar·d :1.av!! a rea.sonable .dea of co~t.. By adding the c0st.s for t.'i!s ar.C !limHar p ojec:::s. w~ ca:--. t:!.P:.enr .. ne !a;r!y accura-te:y how :ar~e 0ne ;Jart of the bor:d iss:..:-> 3~o:.~~d b<:.'.

The othel' ?'&~ ;~ rr.'"'re d:ffi<:"":.1::. ~')r t~ deals 'N:e;n :and .J.cq·.:ls-:~;<:".r. r'>'!ts for tht:> ;Y'...i!"pOs"' are a.T.·~~ ,;npos~nble t.·~ e-s.~lrna~e v..-.,. ca~.:-.o~ r::~e:de now whe:-e WP 3:-to:..~:;:l a"­·J;..:re )and~ ~ow :nu('~ ""''" ~i-:0!..:.•: ')b':.ai;, and w'~-.»:: :~ ~:-:G:.;~d :.e pCJrchas{>lj_

The !ormu.-a :ha: c.~y .ca.:.:,..,·· :;: :..sin2' caT'. r-eso:ve :r.ege D.!"-yb-­

,em.~. It a~k-'! :he e:"'~.);a~"' :c. ::tpprove an a:~th')r-iza: 0~. :n :~-"·.1~ b-ond! aa re-qoirl?d. A~ ~.l~:.lre <oie<'­

~'~rates ~ ~:":f!'r !'tee•-:--.. :.hey :-a:-: ·~-~ue bond.s '" a~oun:.~ :h"C'r. a::-­:>ropriat.e Obv·~'.J'!'I:y ~o:1ri f'"'pay. :T!<":n: and it.,. ~t!o:-ct J!l ':.he :.ax -:-a~e W"'JJ!d :--.r.~ ~c•;:- ".::"":t:' ::-.a: ~'.t-.:re d-ate EG·.la:!v )bVlO'.::~ .~ :.r.-a: :.hi3 eJec-o:orat.e.' ·h:s ~O".li!C' l ~hcu:d no-t 3-E't a e<?i~i~ :ower :.hran futur-e G:-eer1~:t.:M :nay ~ ~d r:e-eeasary

Th...- cos-t o! r"'paj!T'ent w::: 1::"" b(: ::1e by the :a.:c on :-ea: pr0per-:y On:y a !'elative-ly -'!'mall p<J!'~:o"' '"'~ ~h::<~ :s p<i;d by h0rne0W':"l""r~ ::-?mr.a:1y. the eomm~~iel bui\!­:-:-~,i.': "'boom in G!'ee:;.be:t 3eem.3 : . ..,

hav@' madE- i: ;x,s!!m·~ fo'!'" -.u ':..; 'have oor cake and eat ~~- ~/}0 ·•

Some p@noM w0ui-C "ta..-~ i:t O'th­~rwise, but a!rr:o"!~ a ~nera(0r. ha.'l pa&~ed since '::ha: was a re9) .~t:on


Part-Time Driver

Pos:~:·l!'l Ava:,ar.: .. !,lr ;oc-.a: ~·ash1ng'tor. ? H~ D1str.b-u:vr ~-:~ht work :":-v::n--: 'TI:d:n:g-h: .ill:.d a.pprox. >} a."n.. IV"S.ne'$1

J·.Jtte~ .ndU<:e- :r • .a.:.C:nJ{ ~'J~k . .::r:o~ & ser.-·:-~ :;.ape;s.

:\-i·.J,% 2.-€' at :..-a.:.· ~1 W1~h

"'l:c.-:>l:er:~ dr-.·.o.~.; :-ecord. ~,a·: 459---29'7~ ~-.-.,:-.ings .

GHI NOTES The GHl Board of Dire-ctors

will meet Thursday, M.areh 14 at S p.m. in the Board Room.

Ot.he:r GHI meetings scheduled for nex.t week include a Finance Cormn:t.tee meetmg on Tue~y. March 12 at 7 p.m. and an ad hoc Bylaws Comm1t1:ee meeting on WedM.sday, Marc-h 13 at 8 p.m. Both meetings will be in the Board Room

The :-:O?W CHI Handbook is now b€-:n~ d_.-.~ivere-d ':.o members' ·~·Dnte:c=. T~l~ book ;~ agsi-$!ned to ~he :..:--.:: and i.:; to be turned ')ver :0 ':!-:e ne·vo memWr when a resai<.> ~C''.Hs Anyone who does :-~r,! r.P·'"" ve t-hPJr har1<ibook: by :'rf0¥.1.': v .. -r-1--; 11 O'llJqt call the '-f--,., .. .;:.,c.,.. RP!atior.~ and Dat<:~ RP'"k <:.,,. .. ;...,.,._, rl.,...,'l.-tm.Prvt (474-M.i.i).

T'-1~ (-_:.'-TT 'W~are~O\J"'e (474-7J76) >-a~ ~<a~>-: bal!!"s available for


S&L ~<?eK:n-st career.minded :m:es- :--.,.~~ed :-d.·.·idual with :-T'.:r::rr::.;rn ,,:-.e year !:'a;;h hand· !:n-j;C" ,, 0:-e-·.·ir,•.l<; ~.:-::€':- exper.-en-ce I.: !y-p:~~ P:ea.;e call Gw~n '-.\"-:--"ey

Community S&L ~74-6900.

Stern', SHOE REPAIR Beltway Plaza


Shoe Core Products

laces & pol i~hes



STOCKERS· Fall Tim<!' and Part Tim@.

G--raoce;i ·....-r Prod!.M'e e~e:ri.

er;('"e ne-ce~~ry. Good Pay an.d

Apply at C--o-op

Supe:rma rket, 121 C en ter.va.y.


S-o phon~ .eall<> please.

members to UH for c:lippiDgB and debris collec.ted during yaM work. The warehouH is open from 7:30--11:45 a.m. and 12:30-4 p.m. to pick up the bags. GHI hopes this service wiH produef'. a cleaner and more pleasant en--­vironment for all members.

Departmerrt (474-41644). ~

HELP WANTED: A GBI home and garden tour

"3S been set for Sunday, May 19. In conneetion with the tour, the a i hoc GHI Home and Garden "rour Committee would like to knoW of any ni<:e gardens or homes wlth interesting additions

Expert Landsoa.pin@'. Inc. now hiring for the 19.85 seuon. F'T!PT .. Salary based on ex· perience. No experience- nfl'f'. Oall 441-230!1.

remodeling work. to consider

"Ric~' Barber, GRI, CRS of

ERA, Nyman Realty, Inc. Greenbelt Ptoperties Available for Inspection:

I A.) FRA~ES: (1) Gorgeous 2 BR townhome. Good condition, n:ce area. ""-noded yard. $35,900. I :2) Su~e-r n:ce 2 BR, 1 bath, town home with a beautiful oren de-ck. $:"37 ,900. (3) Terr1fi.c 1 BR home with lots of extras. $2.5,950.

B.) BLOCK: 11 l 3 BR masonry rd, closE- to cen-ter. Upgrad. ed_ kitchen with built-in miero :ave, WID. d/w, di-spl., three CE-1h"tg fans, and lobs more. Large fencE-d yard. Owner Finandn-g available. $54,500':---

C.) LAKEWOOD: 5 BR, 2 bath split foyer with fully im­proved basement. Extra sized lot w/ wooded deck. W~lk­ing distance to Gr,:enbelt Lake. $99,000.

Properties Surrounding Greenbelt:



CPPER ~ARLBORO: 3 BR colonial .....-n-.h 2 freestanding bungalow-; Jncluded in sales price. Excellent investment optxlrtunity. Thr.e e Iely homes on an acre of land for $105,000. .

LARGO· I BR m1ddle nit, great location, close to trane­por-t.atjon and P.G. Com unity CollE-ge. $36,900.

C.) COLLEGE PARK, 3 BR, 2 bath, large Cape Cod w/ 2 addi­tions; could be extra fami.ly room or BR. Full bsmt. and fenced yard. $83.900.





f'OSSIDERI:SG A CHANGE IN RESIDENCE? There are thrH key ele-me-nta to eonBider: A) Your needs: things you positively have to heve.

B) Your "'anta:J things you'd !ike to have, but don;t neces~arily need.

C) Your qualiication!l::

1) Your imtial investment (cash to moVe in) 2) Your total in-come (gross yearly income) 3) Your debt service (total-indebtednel:ls)

I would like the opportun~ty to discuss with you how WE" can ~ombine these three factors to assist you and your family in achiev;ing your housing goaLs both within Greenhelt and the met­ropolitan area - of course with n<> obligation.

441-1010 TTY-474-2529 Now Available 474-5700 Please ask for "Rick"


-~-2.00 OF;! ...


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FREEKEY} I One Key Duplicated I

I (1':1imrm.:m Purchase Of $51 I ! See Us For Your · 1

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':.r ?· ()-,, '-~ :'';,,r''"l 0• B.?· .....-a..­,-::_- L . .:- · 0?DC'>I:e "--tc 80rd.c ',

! HOL'RS I ..._., .. .,,,4,,~!)()~'-1 "'OOP'-1


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I . FREE When Purchasing I I One At Our Regular I I . Low Price I


~-=--=------=--:..-::..=..=..::-11 1 uUTCH BOY 1 ln••rio, L>•·· PAINT • I SAVE S4 F:O• w.n

11 I low lustre .

Lp., G•l S.m, Glo~ I

·Wl-H THIS COUPON ON\ Yl ::1 ~X PIRES ~AHCH l! l'lR.~ ----------- -.................. ________________ _


Th !;;u~~~y~,;~~~~7~,~1~985~\:~~~~~~~~i;-;~~G~R=§E~=NB~EL==T=~==:=S:=RE==v=IE~W~==~~~~~~~~~TH~~~~~~~P~7 CLASSiFIED: :.::~t ~ou~~~1~)Ri, w;: =-~-~~~~!( CK).MIZ _ ~m~:C~ • .:tlmb:;!~D= !'::~~~u3 S:,,.-:;~2 o~;~·;;e; sZ.QO minimum f~r ten woida, ll)o home. Reasonable rates. Call 441- ·-·· • iJ;;""" : . _ > setto.....r:- EleJih&Jit. SS,Sif,' .$IS; lettuce A tomato, onion (If de. eaeh addltl.m&l w<ml: No eharce 4879. PAINTING Verbatim Data Life SS,DD fl!4, sired). Order by Wedne<Khy for for lilting itema that are found. 1MB Pes DiBCount Prices - PLASTEltlNG DS;DD, .29. Ftip-toP.. 50-diak ftle Saturday delivpry (Ma.rch

1 1·u1':

Submit ad with payment to the Will design a aystem to meet · WALLPAPERING $15, l()....disk library 'case ,2. 441- my! Benet\t. F:RHS Band T~TP ;, News ReTiew oftlce betwPen 8 and your needs. Free delivery and Also Qli&Uty 2662. Holland. 44J.2QF,2 10 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding set-up. System& by Design, Inc., Ce».mie Tile, Dry WaD, Tub ,CHII.D CARE-- Non-smoking EXPERII':-ICED~(»I ·., wa:,·· publication, or to the- Newa :e- 441-1110. Kit Installation, Swirled mother of two has an opening for toddler at h<>me. Hou'' 7 ,,. an . Tiew drop box in. the G...,en elt Ceilings, Gutters and DoWD- your toddler (sorry no openings 4 p.m. (ava<iable a> f ' r,. Coop grocery store before

7 p.m. Beltway spouts for infanta 'til Sept.). Planned time neeci<-!Jc, "''P', ~r::::!'it~~:~:a~ ~0~7:,ox


' Applia~ce Servi~e 1


Exe~~£~~:~rt~~~~~e~neea- outings, meals and "4ctivity with morning-:<, som,· •'V··~l:,- ~· BOXED: $4.30/column inch. Min· SAME DAY SERVICE (They Go Together) plenty of space. For more info Pllds. H,•_!'_~~~-<:_:·.: __ .~~.t,·t·., .... : imum 1Y.t incbe1 ($6.45). · raJl Bonnie at 982-0419. SALE 1~1..;.n L .

1: __ • ---~--~?~~~~~_"!c.___ PLASTER- BATH -TlLE: Dry vcr/blut· F:xcf< ;,.t' · PlANO LESSONS in Greenbelt HELP WANTED-Gene.ral main. wall, painting, and wood floors. hi~h P•'rf·.lnlt.l!h'" from conservatory-trained teach. •Washers •Refrigerators tenance, part time E.O.E. 474- Neow/repaired. Area l"eferenees.: be~t off,·r :-:1.~,_;-;,1, .t

er 345-5143. •D':Yera •Freezers 6042. f•!l9-8993.~=o------,--- P.AH.Y.-;Iti·J::-H .\ \ ~\ ! : \ i INCOME TAX PREP4RATION. •Ranges •Dishwashers REFRIGERATOR- Approx. 18 fiJNE_=-UPS, <"ar rt>pair, and -)f•lnrla;.- .:l:;.

~=~~~o~~~ 5~~7i!s~ames Cant- DiB<ounta to Senior Cltize~a ~~~/~i25br~:_n,42:..:;;~~~·Nl·~~~~~ ~;~~·~2d:•tallation Call John at ~.~,·~ ~,~;·;;, '"

pI AN"() LESSONS: Peabody Phon~ 34S·55ll -1750. FOR ~AL,-E,.,-, -;I"9"74"'F"'ia:ct:-;-1200R, Ruml ifEr.r;· -\\' .\ XTt:J • ALL WORK '"GTJARANTEED 1 well, $3.C'{). As is. Call 441-3R75 :>ctt1ng ~;:~rv~~~~nc~~9~~~;~g4_Begin- WAJ.L TO "~ALL CARPET I CARPET-FOR-SALE~.T~t"ht y(,ur h"l:~>



Kitchen A: Baths Painting Tub Kit. Carpentry Additions Gutters Repairs C01uultation Free Est. Lie., Ins. & Bonded MHIC 12842 441-8199

Gt:ITAR LESSONS - Scales, chords, theory, reading-. Full time instructor. 937-8370.

BOOKKEEPING, Payroll, & Pay­roll Taxes. Reasonable Rates. Call 441-9308.

F.XPERT PREPARATION of tax returns done in your home. 931- · 6138,

CONNIE'S TYPING SERVICE, Thesis, term paper, resume or let­ters. Call 346--1660, College. Park.

SPECIAL- •10 oil your ,fint housecleanine with this ad. QUALITY CARE SERYICES offers professional boaseelean­ine- weekly. bi-weekly or whenever Yc:,u need us. Al1o ~ carpet shampooing-; floor buf­flnc, wall wuhlng and heavy­duty clean!nc; real estate eleaninc. Lieenaed and maur­ed; m&Dy Greenbelt refer-enc­es. Call for free ph~ne or in­home estimate. :ull-2103.

TAX ASSISTANCE, Reasonable rates, Peg-gy Putton, 345.1815, weekd&:ro after 6 p.m.

GREENBELT WINDOW COM­PANY - Replaeement windows & doors I& vinyl aiding, 474--9434.

PIANO LESSONS - Y 0 U R HOME. Voice, vio~in. drums, winda. Patient teachers. TRA V­ELUNG TEACHERS INCOR­PORATED. &66-0894. TYPING SERVICE: Speoializing 'in quality/accuracy. Wil! edit, rate. all'ord&ble. «1-2744.

WORD PROCESSING' Letters, label&, mailinc lists, THESES, reports, or any word processing requirement. you may need. Ca11 RON TOUSIGNANT : 441-1033.

Alt$~!1· ~ Jt~m•

. .!Jmp-t~v•m~nt





FOR SALE _ Jordache Imita- ENTERPRISE CARPETS g-reE-n B'xlO'- $75: dark brown ~-~-~-~-·~·-'_';~_~ ~-,:·: \l ·:~~ Worn only 2 times. Original Cost ~wi.s Merritt .fi.fl-1266 f'AT needs l~vim? h;..-m~g tion Fur Coat, Size: Large 16--18. I plu,;h 12'x1.5". 474-0964 ,. . .

~160.00. Will sell for $85 00. Call All Lrands & Sty]es at REA- neutered maje with HJ8!i's ghots, H64-8844, Mon.-Thurs. between SONABLE Prices. Call for I oran~e & white - atff"('t;onate,

CBILP ('\I:F \l.·ill can· :·,.,

8 am. nnd 5 p m. Ask for !'-;ancy Appointment Anytime. If no riislikes commotion. 34;}--277-L or Red. answer, please call back.. I'm : WILL -B-ARYSIT ·-i~ r.Jt>nn

<1r.d ab11\ ,. pr·-·· }. •

Plea~~~~~.:_~;i ·~ ;·

FOR SALE: 1972 Chevy Vega- out selling to your neighbo- i DalE" H()mP. Hot meals. Loving motor runs, needs work or for C'arP 464.3750. -----

rol)m furn1t'.J!<

parts. Best offer. Call 474.~5078. FOR SALE: Bar, 65" long, pad RlDER WA~TED to join car ded front, 2 matching chairs. Ex- pool from Greenbelt to K Strt>et,

nil!!"ht .-<~:tnd ... ·,· . .: )., ve-ry R''1')•l l"(>t.:! · 1'! ~--

EXPERT -~1 . .\~-~ ;~T't


Bathroom Remodeled?

t•ellent condition. $90. 474-6014. N.W. Working hours-9-5. 9.82-CALDWELL'S APPLIANCE ~460 after 6'00.

repair, )Mt:o.~ BIH,>-ty ca:l ·1":"4 t'-.'-<,12

~~~~~~~ 5- p~. ~;~;~:.~.paired. GENERIC VIDEO-ExperiencPd ELLERS TYP~WRITER RE ~ cameraman Will taPe vour special

CHI(.() -(:A Rr~ - - "I-_,., pl:'nenc,•d r.1r,t)·,,., .,~ :'

PArR - Electric, standard and ~~~~!·h~~ild[:;~~a~!:thdr~o~art;~ portahle. Call 474-0594. vidPo Jetter homP. Rudget rates

yr)ur 2 2 1-' ~-~ ,!.J

(;rE.'PnlwJt_~-~~·-1· r. 1:· ~I


345-0516 XEROX COPlES 'lc each for 8 1

·"':: VHS or Beta. 474-3790. x ·11, GreE'.nbelt Graph!cs, Mary-

I~ GRATI'I"l:Tif·: .1•:1•

~~ .. ·~j-Specializing In Ceramic Tile land Trade Center, Room 170. [)EAR LORD and St . .Judf', thank Mon - Fri. 9-4:::10. 474~2~60. you for prayers answered.

MOVJ:-\(; ,.;:;ALE :--::-~:,,r·i

EverythinE: mu~· )!·' 1· dishes, h1kP" 1'•; lf,.Ji-··.,

Boxw?.!~..i_:l_1-.~ ~~·i WORD P R 0 C E S S I N G and BOOKKEEPING. Committed to Excellence. Call me .'lt 794-9428. QUIET PRE TTY .w,· ed tte cat ne s ftome. Shote1 opayed. 845--472!>.-.

Receptionist/Clerk - Green-belt Middle School DaytimE- A:_dult Ed. Program. Weekdays Mon.-Fri. 9-11 a.m. $4.00/hour. Register new students Answer: phone. Kelp distribute bOo~ Lifting. High School Graduate, 'Uyping-helpful but not essentittJ. Call 952-4-562 for an appJi.cM;ion for ~hiring.

PIANO TUNING Al\(IJ REPAIR Expert and Reliable Piimo Ser­vice tq. Greenbelt. Benjamin· Ber­ktfsky 474-<l894

Sewing Machine Service

in your home. Will clean, oit and adjust Tensions for only $10.00.

37 years experience. Call George

937-0466 If no answer, caJI again after

6 p.m.

LICENSED •' BONDED • INSURED -llleRatea Free-·- AD l'l'erk Guraateed

Carpeatry c-..i.. K~ • s....,W., PlaDta a Shrnblt Additions

HOME AND YARD Tree!lerY!ee

Porc:hea Lawn Cue Sundeeka IMPROVEMENT Roto T!Dinl: Pain tine SERVICES Coa~te

Storace Shecb Storm Doon N.a.J,c. _.mu Rooftq Windows

Bob Wilhide 345-8361 Gutten Ceramic THe

SPECIAL Edgewood $5.00 off on all TV &Audio

TV & Stereo Dependable Guaranteed Service

. Repair Work - EDUICWOOD RD . OOLLEGE PARK; MD. !07tO

With This Ad We ._ar ATABI -

CALL 441-9116 Lleen.wd A Bonded

."_____ ' KRETSCHMER MOVING CO.·· :j

••• not just another mover



C~rpets, Wood floors, vinyl fi'loora, Ceramic Floor &: Walt Tiles. Sandjng & reftniahing

Free Estimates Clark Green

Nt:RSE: h:--.:, T-~· Thursdav. ";".!(, p n; .:-!,-, 9-noon .. GrPI·nb-elt .. J.j; '() 1 "1

FOR-R~::-rP· -- :; HR. 1 h:•, "· condo, CharlP.::tov.n•• \·. 1 ·q·,. \\ ·.\ carpe-tm~, dJ..,hwa-<ho•r. ·! ·!

CAC. :~45 :3.3!'i~--~~·~

GE DRYER FOR SAl./-: ,;: .. best offf>r Call -1.7 4· :HJ7t1


565-GOOl I provide in..flome service in tJria neirhborho~ ::i day:; ewh ~k as well u 80111-e eveninge and weeken<b. I'm boonoded, licPn~ed a:td tx:.p rated for over 25 y-.rs. You can count on my e-s-timat-e-::; a.r:d prompt fair serviee.· I always eall before visiting, <"&rry more tha· 5 time~~ 'tile normal inventory of part.e, and can (altn();8t) alway

repair your Color TV IN YOUR HOME, ON ONE TRIP. l "'~"'i' j HI F'I'S aJMI VCR'a·at.o. l.boy broken color Zenith porta.blt>!. C'...all ! 'W"itb model abet ehauie no'L from back of 9et.

Tlallll..b for r-Mdlnc •Y AD. Ple-ase .. ve it.


Keystone Enterprises, Inc. located in Glenn Dale

Electrical Contractors Commercial Residential

Licensed - Bonded - Insured

No Job Too Small r 441 ·3345 VOICE/TIY

. ~CEN~RWAY e SUITE 205 • P.O. BOX 667 • GREENBELT, MD 20770 262-3199 262-3109


S. pri~~land ""-'.,~~ : leg '0' Lamb 1


Chicken Hot Dogs 8~

Gulfon Jug Windsnield Wash and Antifl'ee%e



DOUII' F COUPOIIS* S.joerioaaibt a .... tl·llloa.-Sat..

18 -II" Somda7

•With $10.00 min. purcJ,aae excluding Coupon Items. 50c Coupon is

Prices EB.ctive THURS., MARat 7

7 Farms Vegetables Cut Gr. Beons. Corn • Peas

15oz.Min. Jfor$1.00

Bumble Bee 59C CHUNk LIGHT TUNA Oii&Water

61~ oz. SPRITE Reg. & Diet

6-16 O'Z. N.R. s .59


Mandarin Oranges 11 oz. 3 for $1.00

' tt.ru MARCH 13

FOLGERS A.D.C. 13 oz.1991 F1aked • Coffee


Pasta d' Amelia Imported SPAGHETTI & FETTUCINE

2 for99c lb.

~ for89c

SERVICE STATION American and Most Foreign Car Repairs

PHONE 474-0046


5 to 8 EVENINGS - MONDAY - FRIDAY IY .. """'·'"'"'"•••.-.

Safety Inspection

'12.00 BlAKE CHICK • Pull all 4 wheels

Ch.k Pads and Shoes


Oil, Filter Change ·Up to 5 crt•- OH witll C~

$18.25 .



Volume 48, Number .18 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt. Maryland 20770 Thur., Mar. 14, 1985

Greenbelt:' s Architectural Charette Starts Move Toward ·center Redesign

by Sandra Barnes Members of the Greenbelt

city council and city staff, citizens and architects -perhaps 40 people total -met on Thursday, March 7, to plim a charette for the Center Mall. ·

A cbarette is derived from the French and refers to a short, intense period of time in which archi.tects work on a design. Drawings are. finished when the time is up. Origina11y, arc-hitec­tural students in France were given, for example, 48 hours to work on a project. At the end of that period, the professor would march down the aisle with a cart - 010lled a eharette - in which the students would place their drawings .. The process is still l.Wied in architectural schools today and has been adapted to

·community projects. Architect Sibley Jennings and

Susan Frey, editor of the Ameri­can Society of Landscape A rchi­tecture's magoa.z'ine9 co--ehaired thll(!:_ roeeting, explair~;ing to t-he uniniUated the procedures for conducting a eharette.

Jennings reminded those pres­ent that the object of performin2' a charettt! was, ftrst, to have fun.

He assured the group th·at only if the process were .s-pontaneous woukl they be happy with the result. Also, he ·~·d, "You will run it yourselves. There is no way anyone from o tside can te11 you what to do. T~e community will decide what it ·wt,nts: The technicians merely ~p.rry out your design."

Many , questions ; were asked c<Jncerning the sc:;ope 1 of the charE'It.te. Cj.ty Manag~r James Giese wanted to know if the ar­ch:~ects enVisioned goin~ beyond' the Center Mall to Consider othf'r parts of the city. And 4to would pick the jury to .decid' on the winning designs'! "1 v.j>uld like scmeone from the city to be on the jury," Giese said, ~ryly re­minding those present bhat "the city has to deal with What the landscape architects leave be­hind."

· GPorge Christacos, olwner of the Cenrer, 'also cautiot~ed that de~i.e-ns should. be, praq'ica! and afFordable. A pretty des~ isn't

~~o-:;~t:~ch if it isn't :~ractical. · Those preSent .fhen btJ&ce up into three ~roups. onE' ~ I p will dE'sign and conduct a s r ey to ob~ain a cross-seoction o itizen ideas on the Roosevelt 11. If

the mall is to be redesigned, ho" should' it loOk? What kinds of stores or services do people want? What does' the Center say about Greenbelt! What are the major problems? Crime? Park­ing? Sidewalks in disr~ir '!

A second group will plan th~ orientation and logistics prior to the chare.tte. They will orovirl• a history of the city and relate important points about the com­munity to the nonresidents. They also will conduct a tour· of the city as W£"ll as of the Center and prepare the design group as much as po~si-ble to understand the many facffts bt the commun~ty. As part of this phase, a town mfteti n-g is planned.

A third group will plan what will happen during the· c-harette, when it wiH be, Who will par- • t:cinate. A number of architPt't~ ~md plannerg have joined thi~ vroup, ~ome hoping teo oarticirnt.tP ;n the design proeess itself Fol­lowin~ the dPsi,s'n phase - th"' <JdU<tl C"h~rette-a jury wiil jud<zp thp drawin.z-s.

The -group~ wil] be planning th<" charefte Over the next sev­t•roal weeks and a ·tentative date nf June 2, Greenbelt Day, ha~ hPf"n sE>leeted for the judging to

IHI Board Sets Deadliaes r Aanuai·Meetiag by Mavis Fletcher

At the Fepruary 28 meet­ing of the board of directors of Greenbelt Homes. Inc .. the board began planninSt for the annual me,.Vn<r nf the membership on May 22. A schedule of deadlines in pr.eparation for the meeting

·was presented. The fir~t of these dates is the d'ilaline for putting an item on the agenda by petition. Such. petitions must ·reach Janetl Cantwell, Secretary of the Board of Directors, bv midnight Saturday, April 27. Notice of the meeting and agenda will be mailed to members between . May 2 and May 12; May 12 is also the date for publicly posting the list of prospective can­didates from the Nomina­tions and Elections Commit­tee. l~s which appear to be slated

for the agenda at thi!. time in­clude bylaws chanceB, a rehabili­tation lo&n for tile lar2er h(Jt11es, disposition. of the freeE~tandin2' nnd the; ·attached boiler rooms, nnd a petition. suggesting reduc­tion in tlhe Size of the board of direc~B. The board received a · 11 of proposed "editorial chan s" in tlhe bylaws. A Ji~t of "s Btiantiven ebanges will be mtlde I aY&ilable later. Discussion of bo~h tn>e• will be scheduled at a ter meetintr •

Proposals for utilizip· the small, attached boiler roo were discus~d by the board t the meeting. A plan for an e apartment prepared by and Parker Archite-cts how a typical boiler roorn could hi.' converted to livinf{ sr:ft e for a single individual! Th~ board .al!io discussed the possi , 1 y of converting unsold . boiler r s to storage spaces to be ref. t d to occupants of the court. ,

A ne_w factor i~ the di~c ssion of uses of the freestanding oiler rooms was introduced b:f bid to demolish all four larg~ oiler t·ooms at a fraction of tlle price whieh management had es~imated demolition would cost. ~n 1 dis­cussing other options fo~ hsing the largP. boiler rooms, Plfe~'ident ~large ret Hogensen poin ¢e out that some of the propos~d uses would not recoup the, C"'ltJ in­volved. For instance, a colnblun­

ity center would not only ~ot pay for itself, it might repr . eht a continuing cost to m m~ers. Try.es:e options will be pr a-nted to· the membership on M a I ~for dt!cision. ·Director Ray M a ley F.ujlg-ested that one or m r in­fo.-mntion meetings for m ~bers be· set up before that date 1

The board attempted t aEopt regulations covering- fl p a and atoves and. their · eyl'l but bo2ged down in una BW red questions and arribiguou lan­guaJte. At'ter an hour's discus­sion, 'the subject was retu eel to management for redralti

The board V'Oited una.n mo~Jy

tc. pay $1000 dues for GHI to rf'main a supporting member for the Co-operative League of the "C SA. The board al:;o supported without dissent a motion to do. n:Jte $50 to the Prin<'e George!; C'ounty Beautification CommitteP, ""hich plays a large role in the county's tree progr~m .

Insurance Rates The bad news for the evening

was a 'fhopping so•.:. increase i~ insumnte .;::emiums for a pack­age of insurance which last year had cost s.ightly less than $1CO,­OOO. Accorfiing to G~neral Man­ager Ron• Folton, the increase is due to the 1"turmoil" in the insur-. ance indu.try and the losses which it has sustained. Another factor, he said, . is the drop in

See Gin, page 3, eol. 1 :~--~-·-~"'---:=~,,.~ -.

WH)lT GOES ON ~ : Thurs., M~r. 14, 8 p.m. PR.A.B


j meetin~ wi:th Recreation Or· 11

, ganizat~· ns reg>ardin-g 1985; :: 86 buc!g t, Conference Room, ,1 Youth enter 11

Thurs., M r. 14, 8 p.m. GHJ I Board of Directors, GHI :1

~t~i;J1;:tion E«dg., Ham- jl Mon.. M~t 18, 8 p.m. City I

C.luncil~meetin'P:, Municipal I' Buildin 'I Wed., Ma . 20, 8 p .• m. Cit.y I Counc] Work Senion on h;~h-way i!!sues or Sunrise I Vi11age Apartment~ (Call 1. 474-8000 for ·confinnat.ion of i' Stllbjeet.) ______ )

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll .. llllllllll .. llll .... ~~·~~~~;d~~a.~------~~ .................. :~-··~ .. J.-=:---=-~=:=: . . ..;;:-\, --· ·~- -- -

aG ~eeting to Disc:as Cilj Bond Referendum "The ABCs of tbe 198& BOD<! co~ruction of an wda(Jr

Referendum" will "'be the thetne of the annual meeting and elec- ' tion ' o.f officers of Citizens for Greenbelt, Jnc, a.t 8 p.m., Mareh 21, at the city council chambers in the Munictpal B11iJding.

minr pool or imprrn:f>mt•n: ~'f ~ ~~ · present out.doo1· pon:; un•:J Jlar'{ irnpz'ovements ar.d ia:1d tiona.. A votP em thP :-~nnd dum. is gehedul,•<\ ~f"r :f• ... "'l

Norton B•l ~ap<.o.\-tt'. ·

The proposed six-~Hiion dollar bond issue for eity capital im­provementS targets three areas f('lt consider.atioit: buildings, suoh a.~ a.:;. new police station and re­""flva·tion af North End School;

i~:~~~= t:1~i·/ers•ty ,)

vice$, will dJstu;::..~ •he bonds for c.a[11:a: :mrr,•n'~n, Mayor Gil \\~eldt.>:·f,•lrl a~!d r·. c-hman Thomas Vd~:~t' ~: 1 : with the ci'ty's bnnd

AGENDA City of Greenbelt, Maryland


MOttDAY,MARCH 18,1985

I. ORGANIZATION I. Call to Order

' 8:00P.M.

2. Roll Call 3. Meditation

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 4. Minut:.es of Council! Meeting~ 5. Additions to Agen.da by Counci~ a~~ l "\L· .1,!·'"




6. Petiticns ,and Requests 7. Administrative Reports 8 Committee Reports

OLD BUSINESS 9. Resolution of the City of Cn···~~IH'> \ :,1,• J' ,-

t l the Aut•hority of Article Il E ~ Maryland and Sect"on 13 of A1 tl• ;,, ...' L\ 'q -\.

ted Code of Maryland (1957 Edlt •. Jn "\-'. .\:1.· : ,J ,, "Corpor&tion-Municipal", SuO Titit· '·JJ,~l> mend the CC:arter of the C1tv "f r; •' !· .. ·, · Whole or in Part, in the Comp.ilnt1";1 ,f \f11nir·1p,tl i h.n ters o". Maryland (1984 Edi · •m 'a.'- :\ n~o.·nd· .1, \ pared by the Departme-nt ·of I,eg-r..;Jar:v. f<, · ~t..H.~. to ( hapte.r 77 of the Aet:-. ,.( 1,. •, r- ,_ \

bly of M!t.ry.J"and of 19S3, By n .. ~ll"-lill.~ ,. I !·:,., .. With Amendments Certain ·Secti.;n-... ,,:· •j·, •· .. r:. r 1 tained in the Division Titlt>d "1':1'-'•'tl•·ll' !':.,\ , .. an Amendment in S{'ctwn lti ···H,.,;,,r,r !·'' Generally", to Clarify the Langua~~· ( , · •'•'r:'.tl ,· Powe.rs of .Ute Board. to Remove Judi!'••:- C :,.:-\, Pro.Cdt> for an Am~ndment in St·dr"n ...'>-\, to Allow the Board of Ele<.·tion-.; tu !{ •• ,., •. \, :,. (

For E.Hh Pre(':net Hather Tf".an A.· r:,, 1·,,. to Prn:,/e fnr An Amendm1•nt t,

of Council", to Change thf• JJaH· F., .-\ t; .· tion Fr-om the Tu~day EoUrtWI!.,.: .\:1 I· Se\.-(>nth Day Following- an EJ.._-r: ·~1 - Second Rcading-

)O An Ordinance to Authorr;i:t· and En p• '-\· · Gr~nhplt, From Time to 1 Ttm•·. ;, 1: Than Six Million Dolla.r .. s )~~~i.UI·"'·'J"'. Pur'I,""'I'' f)(':=-t·ril~cd Hert>it .. \nr: · J·

ro\\IllJ: by t~· I"suance and --.., I and < retilt, o 1b (;ener-al (Jhh.: ,· Amount Pursu nt to the •\uth ,, • Inclu-.•ve, ,,f rt1cle 2.1-\ iff • 'l• -\ Man l.1nd ( 19 Rep\acl'm nt \ m latJ\l ~Supple ent) And ~~ ( t r.r -ter, !'trl\dlr. for the Aprz r the l'roceeds of Sale of tht:'" Lev:. and Colle<'tion of TaxP" S•111,,. Payn1.•nt of the Maturin_g- Pnrw;i,,

thf' Bonds; and Generally H.(•'a!Jn-.: • and Payment of the Bond" - SPcond Reading

11. A RPsolution Prnv'd.ng for a J:,-~···1 'r::

at a Special Election on Tu• .~d.!, .. 'LI·, t:Jhe Purpose of Submittin;.:- tn : · of Cret>nbelt, Maryland Lhl:' (Jur· .. !_,,r Issuance and Sale of Gent-raJ ()l.:

City in an Amount Not to EX<'<· _ \ \!

;; '

'; ;.o·

. , ~ I

' '

' ,.

' .r,,l.-($6,GOO,Of0) 8!1 Authorizf•d hv ()rlli:L,r· of ... the City- Seeond Readin,i

12. A. Re!'.o)ution to Amtond RP~olut:"n ~-: '\ ) ~~ Est:iblishing Swimming PrH1l F,.,.~ Swimming Pool" A" AmendPd h:. r~, !l4Q, to Provide for Chan~t·s t!"o • n• F•, S~1mmfng Lessons to Two r,r :'If,, .\1· · Same Family a·nd thP F;•(·~ ('har~· •! • .• Senior Ci tiuns - Second Reading

J:l. Capital Omce Park - Si~n Plnr. J~. NEW BUSINESS 14, ~it•• Plan - Chi Chi's

( Advi:wry Planning Board H~"r11r! 15. Preliminary Plan of Suhdivtxron B,.·,,.~a·, f'

f'Brct·l~ X & Y , (.AdvL~ory 'Plannin.z- Roord H ·p"r~ :: ;-,·

l!i Ea~ement for WSS(.: FirP HydrHJ'


North F.nd School .k(·.'leardt H··:1•J H \. ;,:r V. MISCP.ILLANEOUS NOTE: THIS IS A PRELIMINAI(Y ACf:~L\ - !<II-<'! CHANGE


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