5 criteria evaluating websites

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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For Evaluating Websites

What are they?

1. Accuracy of Site2. Authority of Site3. Objectivity of Site4. Currency of Site5. Coverage of Site

ACCURACY• Who wrote it?• Why did s/he write it?• Was the person actually

qualified to write it?

Make sure author provides e-mail or a contact address/phone number.

Know the distinction between author and Webmaster.


• Who published the document? Different from "Webmaster?"

• Check the domain of the document, Does the publisher list qualifications?

What credentials are listed for the authors)?

Where is the document published? Check URL domain.

OBJECTIVITY• What are the goals/objectives

of the site?• How detailed is the

information? • What opinions (if any) are

expressed by the author?

Determine if page is a mask for advertising

View any Web page as you would a TV infommercial. Purpose and audience.

CURRENCY• When was it created? • When was it updated?• Are the links up-to-date?

How many dead links are on the page?

Are the links current or updated regularly?

Is the information on the page outdated?

COVERAGE• Are the links evaluated and are they

relevant? • All images or a balance of text and

images? • Is the information presented cited


If page requires special software to view the information, how much are you missing if you don't have the software?

Is it free or is there a fee, to obtain the information?

Is there an option for text only, or frames, or a suggested browser for better viewing?

Does is all add up?

• Does the web page meet your needs?

• Remember to determine audience and purpose

Evaluate sample sites

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