5. sign of the serpent

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  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    June 2000

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    Years Off Our AgeMy wife and I are a couple of retirees, well

    advanced in years like Abraham and Sarah, but we

    are having an exciting tim e lending the Millenniu m

    of Prophecy videos. Just yesterday we had the th rill of

    seeing five peop le whom we have

    been visiting come to church for

    the first time. That really takes a

    few years off the age, but we donot th ink it is enou gh yet to

    enable either of us to emulate

    the b ack flip that we have

    enjoyed so mu ch.



    Straight From the BibleYour Bible studies an d m essages are so clear an d

    convincing. You always u se it is wr itten or so says

    the Lordregarding Sabbath, health, mortality, and

    all other subjects.AK


    Inclined to Study the ScripturesPlease send me the Study Guide Its Head ed

    Straight Toward You . I watch

    your program whenever I am

    hom e during the daytim e.Your

    program gives m e a clearer

    und erstanding of the Bible,

    which inclines m e to study

    the Scriptures.SB

    New Yor k

    A Great Web SiteI was online today, so I thought I should write.I

    have visited your amazing site. Its really a great

    Web site, and I have downloaded an d pr inted a few

    pages. I am simply amazed by the work there, so I

    m arked a num ber of pages as favorites. I have also

    subscribed as one of your students in the Bible



    You Got My AttentionCould you please send m e your free offer (Stud y

    Guid e # 7 ent itledDont Be

    Fooled)? I saw your pro gram

    this morn ing and found it very

    interesting. When it comes to

    Gods laws, Im very concern ed.

    You got my att ention .


    North Carolina


    Cover photos by Baron William

    and Werner Krutin/Photovaul






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    Blew Me AwayI saw your show, and it was amazing how you

    preached the Word on the subject about the laws thatwe are to follow, according to

    Jesus. I like the way you explain

    the Word, but the segment You

    Are Respon sible really blew me

    away! Can you please ru sh m e a




    Tell It Like It IsIm so glad you have that h oly boldn ess to preach

    Gods Word as I b elieve God wou ld h ave you to d o.Please dont ever wonder if your bold app roach

    should be softened. I thank God that there are men

    like you in this d ay and age who are willing to tell it

    like it is.



    Searching for a ChurchI am a Christian, and right now Im searching for a

    church. I dont agree with th e things going on in th e

    charismatic churches.

    I read Captured By Tongues. Iused to experience tongue

    speaking, and I thought this was

    the on ly way you can h ave the

    Holy Spirit. But recently, I asked

    the Lord to take it away if it

    wasnt from Him, and He did.

    In m y heart, I know its a

    deception, and I will not be pu lled in.

    Im interested in becoming a Sabbathkeeping

    Christian. I feel that Mr. Batchelor speaks th e truth ,

    and I want to be a part of this so I can kn ow my Lord

    and Savior even better.JJ

    North Carolina

    I Look Forward to Monday MorningsI have been watching Am azing Facts for some time

    now on Monday mor nings at 7:30 a.m. on the Family

    Chan nel. I really enjoy and learn a lot from Pastor

    Dougs teachings. I look forward to Mond ay morn -

    ings and appreciate all the loving work th at you do

    for His kingdom .


    via e-mail



  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent

    3/163JUNE 2000 THE INSI DE R EPORT


    DEBRA J. HICKS Ilove my chu rch becau se it is a place where a

    young m an who is several notes off key isnt

    m ade to feel ashamed for par ticipating in son g

    service along with everyone else. I love stud ying thelesson each week in a class where someon e who h as

    difficulty pronouncing Hebrew names isnt shy about

    volunteerin g to read a Bible text aloud. I love worship

    planners who ask children to lead th e congregation

    in Scriptu re reading and p rayer because they know

    that involvement is more imp ortant th an eloquence.

    I love belongin g to a chu rch fam ily that will allow

    beginner mu sicians to offer special music. I love my

    church because people give freely of their tim e and

    talents, not worrying that someon e else m ight be

    able to do a better job.

    Most of all, I love my church b ecause it is a placewhere im perfect peop le are welcom e to worship. Im

    proud to b e a mem ber at such a place, but th at wasnt

    always th e case.

    When I was a very imm ature Christian, I foun d it

    emb arrassing to be associated with people who were

    misfits. At th e church I att end ed wh ile a college stu-

    dent, there was a 90-year-old gentleman who loved to

    play the violin du ring Sabbath School. At the tim e, I

    believed that t he screeching n oises emanatin g from

    his instru m ent were anythin g but appropriate for

    worship. I can rememb er hanging my head in d is-

    m ay. This little chur ch is never going to grow withhim h ere, I thought.

    At anoth er church, I belonged to a Sabbath School

    class that had a discussion-type form at. Any time

    the teacher asked a question, a certain m an was

    always the first person to speak u p. Trouble is, he

    rarely had anyt hin g sensible to say. Usually he would

    start talking about an u nrelated topic and if we

    were lucky try to work his way toward th e subject

    after his thoughts began to gel. He seem ed desperate

    to contribute to the discussion, even when he really

    couldnt th ink of anythin g to say. I always blamed

    him whenever visitors didnt come back a secondtime to our class.

    This is in san e, Id say to myself.Why do esnt th e

    teacher just tell him to be qu iet and p ut u s all out of

    this m isery? It took awhile for m e to realize that the

    intolerance inside m y heart was a far worse problem

    than h is frequent ram blings.

    A turn ing point for m e came several years ago

    while talking with a friend I was visiting. The stress

    of caring for her dying m other, while holding down

    her job as a kin dergarten teacher,h ad left her physi-

    cally and emot ionally exhausted.

    She told m e that one Sabbath while her husb and

    was away on a business trip, she sat trembling and

    alone in her church pew.I shouldnt have come

    today, she thought to herself dur ing the superinten -dents open ing rem arks .I dont fit in h ere.

    Everybody is beautiful and happy an d ha s their act

    together, but Im a wreck. Im ruin ing an oth erwise

    perfect p icture. Overcome with m isery, my friend

    began sobb ing un controllably during the congrega-

    tional hymn . Yet nobo dy seemed to n otice.

    As she told t his story, my face began to flush. At

    first I was think ing,What a horrible church you

    mu st have. Why didnt anybody rush u p and put a

    I Love My Church!

    I love my church because it is a place

    where imperfect people are welcome

    to worship. Im proud to be a member

    at such a place, but that wasnt

    always the case.

    caring arm around you? Dont people un derstand

    that a church is a hospital for sinn ersand that even

    church leaders need to b e able to have a bad d ay?But th en t he Holy Spirit began whispering words

    that Im sure He had long desired to share with m e. If

    I really believed t hat chu rch shou ld be a safe place

    for a frazzled friend to cry an d receive comfort, then

    why wasnt I willing to offer th at sam e healing an d

    fellowship to a lon ely guy who ten ds to t alk too


    In His character istic loving way, God began to h elp

    m e see my hypocrisy and seek a new and imp roved


    My church isnt perfect, but th ats one of the th ings

    I like so mu ch about it. Since the m emb ers arentbusy trying to be som ething theyre not, they can be

    relaxed and friend ly and ready to m inister to visitors

    and people in n eed.When prospective members

    observe that other people have stru ggles and chal-

    lenges, yet find acceptance there, they want to be part

    of the family.

    By the way, the old gentlem an from my college days

    is still alive and playing violin at his church. Not

    everyth ing has stayed th e same, however. Today

    whenever I worship there,I can hear m usic in m y

    ears an d in my heart.

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    An Am az ing Fact :

    It is est im ated th at betw een 30 ,00 0 a n d 40 ,00 0 p eop le d ie f rom sn ak ebites each yea r, 75percen t o f who m live in den sely po pu lat ed In dia. The m ost deadly sn ak es in In dia are th e

    cobra, Russells viper, saw-scaled cobra, Indian krait, and Ceylon k rait.

    Bu rm a has the h igh est sn ak ebi te m or ta lit y rat e, w ith 15 .4 deat hs per 1 00 ,00 0 p eop le p er

    yea r. Au stralia has som e of th e w orld s m ost po ison ou s sn ak es, bu t th e average deat h to ll t here i s on ly six person s per y ear. In

    South A m erica about 4,500 people die annu ally from contact w ith the Fer-de-lance.

    Non e of th e sn ak es ju st m en tion ed are fou n d in th e Un ited Stat es, where t he ch ief offen ders are coral sn ak es, copperh eads,

    cottonm ouths, and rattlesnakes.


    these unu sual creatures.Throughout th e Scriptures, the serpent generally

    represents the devil. It was in the form of a snake

    that the devil first man ifested himself to the hum an

    race (Genesis 3:1); hence the sym bol stuck all the

    way to Revelation 20:2, where he is called the d rag-

    on, that old serpent , which is the Devil, and Satan.

    There can b e great benefits to un derstand ing this

    clever enemy.When I lived in the desert m ountains

    as a young m an, rattlesnakes were abund ant. A basic

    knowledge about their habits and behavior helped

    m e to avoid ever being bit, despite several close

    encounters.The Bible says th at the serp ent was more subtle

    than an y beast of the field which the LORD God h ad

    m ade (Genesis 3:1). Perhaps this is why Jesus com-

    man ds us to b e wise as serpents, and h armless as

    doves (Matthew 10:16). In order to be as wise as

    serpents, we must u nd erstand at least a little about


    Master CounterfeiterSnakes are the u ltim ate experts in cam ouflage and

    counterfeits.Wh ether hiding in the grass or

    entwined in the branches of a tree,they are masters



    WWhy Study Snakes?

    Four tim es in one year, John Fretwells air-cond i-tioning equipm ent company in Dallas was robbed.

    Finally Fretwell went up to Oklahom a for a snake

    hun t and brou ght back what may be the ultim ate in

    burglar protection: seven diam ond-b ack rattle-

    snakes. During business hours, he now d isplays the

    snakes in the window of his business office, labeled

    with a sign : DANGER: SNAKES BITE.

    Before going hom e at night, he frees the five-foot

    rattlers to glide around the premises. In the m orn-

    ing, armed with a hooked stick and a burlap bag,h e

    roun ds them u p. The seven rattlers seem to be work-

    ing like a charm to ward off burglars.The key to his success is that m ost people find

    these creatures am ong the m ost revolting and terror-

    izing. My m other was so deathly afraid of snakes that

    she would jump and scream even if she saw one on

    TV. My brother and I would som etimes capitalize on

    her phobia and place a rubb er snake in her dresser

    drawer to enjoy a cruel laugh when she discovered it.

    Few people relish the idea of studying snakes. It

    m ay not sound like a very appealing subject, but

    these cold-blooded, legless reptiles are m entioned in

    Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, so it is there-

    fore profitable for us to com pel our selves to consider

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    From that first insidious query to th e present,

    Satan has b een ever casting suspicion on the Word of

    God to underm ine the faith of Gods children. Sin,

    suffering, and death entered th e world after Satan

    succeeded in leading our first parents to d isbelieve

    Gods word. Planting seeds of doubt regarding the

    depend ability of Scripture rem ains the d evils pri-

    m ary war tactic.However, victory com es to Gods children wh en

    they claim a nd believe the powerful prom ises in the

    Word:Whereby are given unto us exceeding great

    and p recious prom ises: that by these ye might be

    partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the

    corrupt ion that is in the world throu gh lust (2 Peter


    When Jesus did com bat with the arch villain in th e

    wildern ess of temptation, He deflected every assault

    with Scripture. The serpent trembles when Gods

    people take hold of the living sword of His Word

    (Hebrews 4:12)!

    The Snake and the SeedGenesis 3:14-15 is where we find the first proph ecy

    of the ongoing battle that would exist between the

    woman (the church) an d the serpent (Satan). This

    passage of Scripture also promises the ulti-

    m ate victory of the womans seed (the coming

    Savior), who would crush th e head of the


    Verse 15 says, And I will put en m ity

    between thee and the woman, and between

    thy seed an d her seed; it shall bruise thyhead, and thou sh alt bruise his heel.

    Notice that the serpent bites the heel of the

    womans seed, not the toe. The heel is the

    back of the foot, the lowest part of the body.

    Satan gets us from b ehind, when we are at

    our lowest point. Likewise, he cam e to Jesus

    when He was weak and tired after 40 days of


    The good n ews is that Satan only man ages

    to bruise the heel of Christ and the church;

    the church continu es to limp along. On the

    other hand, the serpent receives a m ortalwound to the head, promising the ultimate

    victory of Jesus over the d evil.

    Power Over SerpentsWhen th e Lord comm issioned Moses to

    return to Egypt and lead His people to free-

    dom , He gave Moses a strange sign concern-

    ing his rod and a serpent. And he said, Cast it

    on the ground. And he cast it on the ground,

    and it becam e a serpent ; and Moses fled from

    before it.And the LORD said unto Moses, Put

    forth thine h and, and take it by the tail. And


    at blend ing into the scenery to remain un detected.

    When threatened, the harm less bull snake will

    vibrate its tail in the dr y leaves to soun d like his ven-

    omou s cousin, the rattler.

    Satan too is a clever counter feiter. In Revelation

    12:9 he is called that old serp ent, ... which deceiveth

    the whole world. For every truth of God, Satan has a

    convincing counterfeit. He has counterfeit baptisms,a counterfeit Holy Spirit an d tongues, a counterfeit

    Sabbath, and even a counterfeit for love.

    In th e Exodus story, the Ph araohs m agicians were

    able to a point to counterfeit the power and m ir-

    acles of God (Exodus 7:10-12). Likewise, Satan is

    m ost dan gerous an d effective when he is im itating

    Gods m iracles and m essengers.And n o m arvel; for

    Satan him self is transform ed into an angel of light

    (2 Corinthians 11:14).

    Flying Serpents?

    Dozens of cultures have legend s and t raditionsabout flying serpents or dr agons. These can b e seen

    the world over in their an cient carvings an d ar t.

    Fables are often rooted in at least some element of

    truth . There is a serpent in th e tropical rainforests

    that can spring from the trees, flatten its ribcage, and

    glide a short distance someth ing like the flying

    squirrel. But even beyond this mod ern example,

    many Bible commentators believe that before it was

    cursed, the serp ent had wings and the ability to fly.

    The fossil record is full of examples of other flying

    reptiles, like the p terodactyl, that lived b efore the

    Flood.The Bible itself alludes to the existence of flying

    serpents.One prophecy states:For out of the ser-

    pents root shall com e forth a cockatrice [viper], and

    his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent (Isaiah


    Genesis 3:14 explains why we do n ot see flying

    sna kes tod ay.And t he LORD God said unto the ser-

    pent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed

    above all cattle, and above every beast of the field;

    upon thy belly shalt thou go, and d ust shalt thou eat

    all the d ays of thy life.

    If the serpent was cursed to go up on his belly afterhe temp ted Eve, it is obvious th at before the curse he

    propelled himself differently. Satan is called the

    prince of the power of the air,the spirit that now

    worketh in the children of disobedience(Ephesians

    2:2). Just as the serp ent was grounded by the curse,

    the fallen angel Lucifer had h is wings clipped when

    he was cast to the earth .

    Satan and the SwordThe first question found in Scripture is posed by

    the serp ent, who sought to discredit Gods word.

    Hath God said?( Genesis 3:1), he asked Eve.

    An Am az ing Fact :

    Beca use t hey do not

    rely on en ergy from food

    to generate body heat,

    snakes can surv ive on an

    extremely m eager diet.Some wait for m onths

    between successive

    m eals, and a few survive

    by eating a single, large

    m eal just on ce or twice a

    yea r. Lik ew ise , Sata n has

    perfected th e art of

    waiting patiently for his

    prey t o low er i ts gu ard so

    he can devour it.

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a

    rod in his hand (Exodus 4:3-4).

    A rod in the Bible is a sym bol of power (Revelation

    12:5) and protection (Psalm 23:4).Wh en Mosesrod

    tur ned into a serpent, it signaled that God would give

    him power over an d p rotection from the forces of

    evil as he ventured into the sn ake pit of Pharaohs

    palace. This sam e power is promised to all of Godschildren who seek to work with Jesus to liberate oth-

    ers from slavery to Satan.

    Luke 10:19 states,Behold, I give unto you power to

    tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the

    power of the enemy: and n othing shall by any means

    hur t you. And Psalm 91:13 declares,Thou shalt

    tread u pon th e lion and the adder: the young lion

    and the dragon shalt thou t ram ple under feet.

    Dont Play With SnakesThis p ower over evil is what Jesus was talkin g

    about when He said,And these signs shall followthem t hat believe; they shall take up ser-

    pents (Mark 16:17-18).

    Some m isguided pastors have interpreted

    this passage to mean t hat Christians should

    double as snake charm ers and p rove their

    faith by collecting and han dling rattlesnakes

    or other venom ous vipers. For obvious rea-

    sons, the m embership in these congregations

    has always rem ained sm all.

    The New Testam ent account of Pauls ship-

    wreck reveals how to correctly understand

    this p assage.And wh en they were escaped,then they kn ew that the island was called

    Melita.And the barb arous people showed us

    no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and

    received us every one, because of the present

    rain, and because of the cold. And when Paul

    had gathered a bund le of sticks, and laid

    them on th e fire, there came a viper out of the

    heat,an d fastened on his hand. And when the

    barbar ians saw the venom ous beast han g on

    his hand, they said am ong themselves, No

    doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though

    he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffer-eth not to live. And he shook off the beast into

    the fire,an d felt n o harm . Howbeit they

    looked when h e should have swollen, or fallen

    down dead sudd enly: but after they had

    looked a great while,an d saw no harm come

    to him, they changed their minds, and said

    that h e was a god (Acts 28:1-6).

    Just as God saved Paul from the venom of

    that serp ent, He will save us from th e poison

    of sin. However,we are never to deliberately


    seek out snakes to flirt with disaster.Th at would be

    tempt ing the Lord (Matthew 4:7).

    A rattlesnake only two minu tes old can str ike effec-

    tively. During a fam ily picnic, a 2-year-old discovered a

    brood of baby rattlesnakes. The unsuspecting child

    began to play with what she thought were pretty worms

    until she had been repeatedly bitten beyond hope.

    Likewise, some people feel that little sins are harm -less, but th ey often prove more fatal in the long run

    than t he more obvious transgressions.

    Most Famous VerseProbably one of the m ost well-known, beloved, and

    m emorized verses in the Bible is John 3:16. But if you

    were to ask the average Chr istian wh at are the two

    verses that precede John 3:16, I would venture to

    guess not on e person in 50 could qu ote them. Yet that

    imm ortal verse is actually the continuation of a

    thought b egun in th e preceding two verses. Here they

    are together:And as Moses lifted up the serp ent inthe wilderness, even so m ust the Son of man be lift-

    ed up: that whosoever believeth in him shou ld not

    perish, but h ave eternal life. For God so loved the

    world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

    whosoever believeth in him shou ld not perish, but

    have everlastin g life (John 3:14-16).

    These three verses together encapsulate the entire

    great controversy in the cosmic conflict between the

    serpent and the Lord. Lets look at t he original story,

    to which Jesus was allud ing.

    And th e people spake against God, and against

    Moses,Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egyptto die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither

    is there any water,an d ou r soul loatheth this light

    bread. And the LORD sent fiery serpents am ong the

    people, and they bit the people; and m uch people of

    Israel died (Numb ers 21:5-6).

    Rememb er that sin entered the world when the

    serpent succeeded in tempt ing our first parents to

    doubt Gods word. In this stor y, after the children of

    Israel rejected Gods bread (a sym bol for Jesus an d

    the Word), then th e serpents bit them. It is the Word

    of God th at keeps people from sin (Psalm 119:11).

    Lets read on : Therefore the people cam e to Moses,and said, We have sinned , for we have spoken against

    the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD that

    he take away the serpents from us. And Moses

    prayed for the people.And the LORD said unto Moses,

    Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole: and it shall

    come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he

    looketh up on it, shall live. And Moses made a serp ent

    of brass,an d put it upon a pole; and it came to pass

    that, if a serpent had bitten any man , when he beheld

    the serpent of brass, he lived (Num bers 21:7-9).

    An Am a z in g Fa ct :

    The longest snake ever

    actually measured was

    an anaconda found in

    South Am erica that was

    37 feet long an d w eighed

    m ore than 1,100 pounds!

    Other long snakes are the

    reticulated pyt hon an d

    the African rock pyt hon,

    both of which m easure

    about 32 feet.M an y snak es in ject

    po ison to pa raly ze their

    prey, whi le oth ers depen d

    on stealth and speed.

    Th ese big constr ictors,

    however, wrap their

    slithering bodies around

    a victim an d squeeze

    unt il it dies of suffoca-


  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent

    7/167JUNE 2000 THE INSI DE R EPORT

    Snake on a StickFor this nation of shepherds, the serpent lifted on a

    pole served as a strong sym bol which they all well

    un derstood. Snakes are a deadly m enace to sheep.A

    dog m ight get bit by a rattlesnake and sur vive with-

    out any special treatment, but sheep are mu ch more

    fragile. This is one of the reasons why shepherdsmust carry a rod.

    When I lived in the d esert m ountains, my snake

    stick served a couple of purposes. If I found a ven-

    omou s intrud er in my cave, I would club it to bruise

    his head. But a m ortally wounded snake m ight con-

    tinue to thrash and writhe for hours. So rather than

    grab it with my hand , I would lift it up with the rod

    to move it far away from my premises.

    A snake on a stick is a vivid symb ol of a defeated

    serpent.Beyond this,th ere is a m uch richer prophet-

    ic significance to th is symb ol. Inspired author E.G.

    White writes:All who have ever lived upon

    the earth have felt the deadly

    sting of that old serpent, called

    the devil, an d Satan .Revelation

    12:9. The fatal effects of sin can

    be rem oved on ly by the provi-

    sion that God has made. The

    Israelites saved th eir lives by

    looking upon t he uplifted ser-

    pent. That look imp lied faith.

    They lived because th ey believed Gods word, an d

    tru sted in the m eans provided for their recovery. So

    the sinn er m ay look to Christ, and live.He receives

    pardon through faith in the atoning sacrifice.Unlike

    the inert an d lifeless symbol, Christ has power and

    virtue in Himself to heal the repenting sinn er

    (Patriarchs and Prophets,p .431) .

    The people well knew that in itself the serpen thad n o power to help them . It was a symbol of

    Christ. As the image made in the likeness of the

    destroying serpents was lifted up for their healing, so

    One m ade in th e likeness of sinful flesh(Romans

    8:3) was to be their Redeemer (Desi re of Ages,


    Jesus said,And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,

    will draw all m en un to m e (John 12:32). It is by

    looking to Jesus on the cross that we are dr awn by

    His love for us. By gazing in faith at ou r Redeem ers

    sacrifice, we are saved from the sting of the serpent.

    Notice in our story that God d id not ta ke away theserpents, but instead He provided a remedy.

    Likewise, as long as we are in this world, we will have

    the devil to contend with; however,God h as provided

    an abund ance of antivenom in the blood of Jesus to

    save us from the viper s bite! When Jesus was on the

    cross, although His heel was painfully bruised, the

    serpents head was m ortally crushed .

    Good-Luck CharmsThe bronze serpent Moses had forged an d elevated

    on th e stick somehow m anaged to sur vive all the

    wanderings and battles of the Israelites for m orethan 700 years. Most of the surrounding pagan

    Canaanite nations worshiped serpents as gods of fer-

    tility and m ystical power. And over tim e, the

    Israelites began to imitate their neighbors and to

    treat th is bronze relic of Gods forgiveness as a d eity

    in and of itself (2 Kings 18:3-4).

    Like the ancient Israelites,m illions aroun d t he

    world today are inadvertently worshiping the serp ent

    while think ing they are worshiping the Lord. They

    have slowly, un wittingly been

    sucked into base idolatry.

    An Am a z in g Fa ct :

    A ll sn ak es are cold-b loo ded creatu res a nd

    depend on outside sources for heat and cooling.

    Th ey a re also cold-blood edregarding th eir

    offspring. After baby snak es are born or h atched,

    the parents generally aband on them or in som e cases devour them . Satan ha s the sam e

    level of warm th, com passion, and loyalty for those who serve him. He is the heartless,

    cold-blooded epitome of evil.

    Baron William s

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    Sadly, m any Christians have done the sam e thing

    with the symb ol of the cross as the ancient Israelites

    did with the bronze serpent.

    In th e sam e way the Israelites were not t o worship

    the serpent on th e pole,we are not to bow down or to

    pray before a cross.Neither are we com m and ed to

    make the sign of the cross on our p ersons. There isno m ystical power or virtue in th is im age of an

    ancient torture implement!

    When Jesus said to His disciples,If any man will

    come after me, let him deny himself,an d take up his

    cross, and follow me (Matthew 16:24), He was com-

    manding His followers to bearthe cross, not to wear

    the cross.

    Revelation speaks of being saved n ot by the cross,

    but by the blood of Jesus. It was the cross as a

    dem onstration of Jesuslove and sacrifice that Paul

    and the disciples exalted, not th e revolting instru -

    m ent itself. Hebrews 12:2 says, Looking unto Jesusthe author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy

    that was set before him endu red the cross, despising

    the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the

    throne of God. The redemption of the cross is what

    should be the focus of Christians.

    The Cup of SinIn the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, Turkey, there is

    a very precious goblet. In the center of the inside of

    that goblet is a gold serp ent. It has ruby

    eyes and diam ond fangs;its m outh is

    open and ready to strike. When thegoblet is filled with wine, the red

    liquid covers the snake. As the

    wine is dru nk, suddenly the ser-

    pent with its menacing appear-

    an ce is revealed.

    Jesus, when He came to d ie for us,

    shrank from the thought of sin and

    separation from the Father when He

    prayed,O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup

    pass from me: nevertheless not as I will,but as thou

    wilt (Matthew 26:39).


    Humbling Himself, He drank the cup of sin down

    to the dregs. At Calvary the serpent, which had b een

    lingering through it all, struck with all of his diaboli-

    cal vengean ce. The intensit y of evil! Jesus bor e it all.

    Defeated Foe

    Some have wondered, If Satan was defeated byJesus on the cross, then why do we still see and feel

    so m uch evidence of his evil activity?

    The devil knows he was defeated at the cross, but

    he is crazed with p ride and anger. In order to inflict

    as much h eartache on God as possible, he continues

    to fight tenaciously, wanting to take down with him

    as m any as possible.

    Revelation 12:12 declares: Woe to th e inhab iters of

    the earth an d of the sea! for the devil is come down

    unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth

    that he hath but a shor t time. Satan is now thrashing

    about wildly in his final death thro es, striking anyand all within his reach.

    However, the Bible prom ises that u ltimately Satan

    and his angels will be cast into the lake

    of fire. This also holds true for

    those who follow him .

    Ye serp ents, ye

    generation of

    vipers, how can

    ye escape the damn a-

    tion of hell?

    (Matthew 23:33).

    The good n ews isthat in h eaven, we will

    no longer need to walk

    through the woods in fear.

    Isaiah 11:8-9 describes a par adise without harm ful

    snakes:And the sucking child shall play on

    the hole of the asp,an d the weaned child

    shall put his han d on the cockatrice

    [vipers] den. They shall not hu rt n or

    destroy in all my holy moun tain: for the

    earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as

    the waters cover the s ea.

    An Am az in g Fact :

    A liz ard has m ovab le eyeli ds that period ically

    close to protect and lubricate its eyes, but a sn akes

    eyes are always open, protected by im m obile, trans-pa ren t scales. Lik ew ise, Sa ta n is ever w atching for

    unsuspecting prey.

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    From the Inside


    Annie Kjaer Is Assistant Director for

    Amazing Facts College of Evangelism

    Annie Kjaer will begin her n ew position as assis-tant d irector of the Amazing Facts College of

    Evangelism on July 1.Already

    she has been working closely

    with the acting director of the

    college, Gary Gibbs, to schedu le

    teachers and to d evelop th e


    Once th e College of

    Evan gelism b egins its first ses-

    sion on August 6, Annie will teach a vast array of

    courses, work closely with students, and coordinate

    the evangelism classes and outreach m inistries.For the past nine m onths, she has been in New

    York City to n urt ure n ewly baptized m emb ers and to

    coordinate the follow-up programs for NET New

    York 99. In Man hatt an sh e organized two follow-up

    evangelistic seminars, coordinated the work of four

    Bible workers, and helped plant a n ew congregation.

    A Bible worker for six years, Ann ie has en ergized

    25 churches with h er enthusiasm for soulwinning.

    She worked extens ively in South Dakota , Illinois,

    California, Kansas, and New York an d h elped on

    short-term projects in about 10 other states. For

    three years she assisted with 20 evangelistic meet-ings while traveling with her p arents, Kim and Judy

    Kjaer,wh o have been m emb ers of the Am azing Facts

    evangelistic team since 1993.

    Jason Morgan to Coordinate Outreach

    for the College of Evangelism

    As outreach coordinator for th e n ew Am azing Facts

    College of Evangelism , Jason Morgan w ill teach sev-

    eral courses and will work per-

    sonally with student s as they

    put th e soulwinn ing principleslearned in class into p ractice in

    real-world evangelism.

    Since completing his t raining,

    Jason has traveled to Texas,

    California, New York, an d

    Virginia, helping Am azing Facts evangelists d urin g

    their crusades.

    While doing Bible work in Sacramento last spring,

    he met Misty Parks, who was attend ing the Amazing

    Facts Field School of Evangelism. They were marr ied

    in August of 1999 and are expecting their first child.

    Although he was raised in the church, Jason says


    he was not converted u ntil three years ago. He had

    tried to fill the void in h is life with achievem ents in

    the Texas State Bodybuilding Cham pionships, but

    noth ing clicked un til he saw videotapes of a crusadeconducted by Joe Crews,th e foun der of Amazing

    Facts. Soon afterward he found his passion and tru e

    calling in public evangelism.

    This Fall Doug Batchelor Will Hold

    First Sacramento Seminar in Six Years

    On October 6, Pastor Doug Batchelor will launch an

    area-wide evangelistic sem inar his first live series

    in six years for the Sacramento area. The meetings

    are being sponsored by the Sacramento Central

    Church, where he is senior pastor.Students attending the Amazing Facts College of

    Evangelism, a four-m onth program that begins in

    August, will be involved in the series from beginning

    to end. The m eetings will give

    them a u nique opportunity to

    see how advertising an d

    media programm ing can work

    hand-in-hand to promote a

    series.Churches in cities

    where Amazing Facts televi-

    sion an d/or radio programs

    are broadcast often repor t thata numb er of their guests dur-

    ing an evan gelistic series

    responded favorably to adver-

    tising because they recognized

    the Amazing Facts nam e.

    Pastor Batchelor is seen sev-

    eral tim es weekly on two

    Sacram ento cable stations an d

    on national broadcasts. He

    remarked,When I am in a

    store, I often n otice people

    looking at me. Some will havethe nerve to ask me if I am

    that p reacher on TV. They

    usually make a positive com-

    ment, then I invite them to


    Because of the recognition

    Pastor Doug has in this area,

    we feel this will be a t im e of

    great reaping for Sacramento, said Gary Gibbs, assis-

    tant director of Amazing Facts. People are being

    convicted of the gospel,an d n ow we will give them

    the oppor tun ity to respond .

    Amazing Facts on Nationwide TV

    3ABN, Dish Network, Sky Angel Service

    (3ABN available on GE-4 @ 101 degrees west)

    Sund ays at 10 a.m. Eastern tim e

    Tuesdays at 4 a.m. Eastern t ime

    Wednesdays at 11 p.m. Eastern t ime

    Fridays at 4 a.m.Eastern tim e

    Fridays at 5 p.m.Eastern tim e

    Saturdays at 10 a.m. Eastern time

    Black Entertainment Television

    Wednesdays at 8 a.m. Eastern time


    Sund ays at 7 a.m. Eastern tim e

    Day Star (available on Spacenet 4, Channel 10)

    Sundays at 12:30 p.m. Eastern time

    Fox Family Channel

    Mondays at 6:30 a.m. Eastern tim e; 5:30 a.m. Central time;

    7:30 a.m. Mountain time; 6:30 a.m. Pacific time

    Inspirational Network

    Sundays at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time

    Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

    KSBN (Safe TV)

    Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time

    Saturdays at 4 a.m.Eastern tim e

    Saturdays at 5 p.m. Eastern time

    Programm ing schedules are subject to change without notice.

    From the InsideFrom the InsideFrom the Inside

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    mo st have either become par t of this new congrega-

    tion or have joined one of three English-speakingchurches there.

    The new church,Advent Christian Fellowship,

    began holding services in April und er the m inistry of

    Dr. John Anderson, a lay pastor. Members m eet in a

    sma ll rented chapel that can seat 50 people.

    Dr. Anderson, an evangelistic-minded m ember from

    Manhatt ans Advent Hope Church, works full-time as a

    heart su rgeon in addition to ser ving as lay pastor of

    this n ew congregation. He truly lives up to h is role as

    a heart surgeon conq uering h earts for God.

    Workin g closely with Dr.And erson is Ann ie Kjaer,

    who has been coordinatin g Bible work in th eManhattan area since August of 1999. In preparation

    for theMillenniu m of Proph ecy seminar, she trained

    and coordinated a team of 20 Bible workers who

    went from d oor to door,

    giving stud ies and talk-

    ing to people about th e

    upcoming m eetings.

    More than 300 signifi-

    cant contacts were mad e

    during that time, and 80

    people attended th e

    series at the h ost site inManhattan Center as a

    result of their work.

    Not all of those con-

    tacts were mad e in peo-

    ples homes, of course.

    Luis Garcias st or y is a

    perfect example.

    Laura Rupsaite,a vol-

    un teer Bible worker,

    stopped by a sm all store

    to grab a bite to eat. On

    this particular day, shesaw Luis, who was a few

    steps ahead of her. Laura

    felt comp elled to talk

    with him. For a while she

    fought h er impressions,

    but finally she mu stered

    the courage to speak up.

    Because Laur a invited

    Luis to the sem inar, he

    attended n ot just once,

    but on a regular basis.


    Stories continue to pour in of individuals and

    churches that have experienced dram aticchan ges in t he wake of NET New York 99.

    Praise God for sending His Spirit to bless those who

    have heard the gospel through videotapes and satel-

    lite rebroadcasts or at one of the m ore than 5,000

    registered d ownlink sites!

    Not far from Manhattan Center Stud ios, site of the

    Millen niu m of Prop hecy sem ina r in New York City,

    Annie Kjaer and her energetic team of Bible workers

    have been instr um ental in p lanting a new church

    called Advent Christ ian Fellowship. This fledgling

    congregation exists as a d irect result of NET New

    York 99.More than 60 ind ividuals have been bap tized in

    Manhattan , where the series was taped eight month s

    ago.Some h ave joined churches in outlying areas, but



    NET New York 99 UpdateBible Workers Establish New Congregation in NYC

    Pastor Doug,

    We had to write and tell you of a m iracle from

    the N ET 99 m eetings in New York City. After

    receiving your letter asking for supp ort, Peter and

    Peter and Barb Pulaski were among hundreds

    of people who gave sacrificially to make NET

    New York 99 a reality. When they asked God if

    they could know one person who had been

    blessed by it, He brought Luis Garcia (right) to

    their church in answer to their prayers.

    I b oth cam e to t he sam e d olla r am ou nt to giv e

    one-half of our yearly income. That was a sizable

    sum for us because we ha ve a job for only six

    m onths a year. (We are m edical missionariesduring the other six m onths.)

    A ft er e igh t m on th s, we w ere w on dering w hat

    good our m oney did wishing that we could

    know just one soul who cam e out to the sem inar.

    Four weeks ago, upon welcom ing a newcom er

    from th e Bron x an d eat in g lu nch w ith him , we

    fou n d ou t th at he w as new ly ba pt iz ed ( th ree

    m onths before) and th at he cam e from the NET

    New York 99 sem in ar in New York City. God

    brought him the 80 m iles right to our church

    door as He knew how much it would mean to

    us to see the fruit of our labor!Needless t o say, we are t hr illed. W hat a grea t

    and loving God w ho cares about u s so deeply!

    A m illi on th an ks to y ou for th e w on der fu l w ork

    you are doin g. You r t ap e m in ist ry is a trem en -

    dou s influence for good for all who h ear it.

    M ay God richly bless you as you car ry on . Ver y

    soon well see the lovely face of Jesus!

    A ll our love, dear brother,

    Barb and Peter Pulaski

    Donors wonder, Did Our Gift Make a Difference?

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent

    11/1611JUNE 2000 THE INSI DE R EPORT

    Near the end of the satellite series, Annie Kjaer vis-

    ited with Luis on several occasions. He told her of his

    desire not o nly to give his life to God, but a lso to

    work for Him. Luis wanted to be baptized, but som e-

    thing held him back.Let me sleep on it, he kept

    telling her.

    Everyone on the team could see this young mans

    potential. Luis was a dedicated father, a locksmith,

    and a bud ding actor. He wanted to exchan ge a life of

    lies for a reality with God. He wanted to un lock not

    only peoples physical doors, but also their spiritua lprisons. He wanted to go all the way, yet someth ing

    seemed to hold h im capt ive. The Bible workers

    turn ed to the Master Locksmith, the One who alone

    knew the key to this young mans freedom.

    On th e last night of NET New York 99, Luis p ressed

    through the crowd of people.Im ready, he said.

    After carefully reviewing the d ecision he was ab out

    to make, Luis was baptized. He is now attending a

    small church in Connecticut, where he is also doing

    Bible work. God has granted the desire of his heart.

    The work for NET New York 99 d id n ot en d on

    November 13 with the live seminar series. In som eways, that was just the b eginning. Since Doug

    Batchelors last present ation in New York City, a t eam

    of four Bible workers has h eld t hree follow-up semi-

    nars in ad dition to planting the new church, Advent

    Christian Fellowship.

    Their first sem inar, held r ight after NET New York

    99, took the new stud ents into more in-d epth Bible

    stud y than was possible du ring Dou g Batchelors 24-

    part satellite series.

    In March of this year, a Joy in the Journey semin ar

    began. It focused on issues like self-esteem, stress,

    Standing in St. Georges Chapel, where the new

    congregation meets for church and prayer meeting,

    is the current Bible work team: Misty and Jason

    Morgan (front row), Sarah Lewis, Valerie Crosier,

    Annie Kjaer, and Rosy Molinas (back row).

    relationships, and d rug and alcohol depend ency.

    Studen ts learned h ow a relationship with t he Lord

    and an un derstand ing of Scripture can affect all of

    these areas.

    The Sharing Scripture seminar, which was

    the final set of m eetings in this trilogy, began

    on April 22. Jason Morgan, a Bible worker

    and evangelist, was the speaker. Each follow-up sem inar provided opportun ities for the

    Holy Spirit to reap some of the seeds that

    were sown du rin g NET 99.

    A young wom an n am ed Belinda Melita attended

    NET New York 99 an d loved it. She did nt wan t to

    m iss a single night. Her boyfriend, Darryl, believed

    in the Sabbath. Both Belind a and Darryl were excited

    about th e truth s they were learning.

    Then, sudd enly, Belind a stopped coming. Two Bible

    workers, John H ill and And reea Vasilescu, called

    Belind a and learned th at she had been in the hospi-

    tal with Darr yl. He had fallen from som e scaffoldingand had suffered serious injuries.

    The team began to pray earnestly for Darr yl.

    During the next few mont hs, Andreea kept in contact

    with Belinda. Som etimes t hey werent able to do

    studies, but th ey always kept in contact. One day in

    April, Belind a called an d said th at she wanted to

    come to the Sharing Scripture sem inar.I really want

    to go all the way this tim e, she told t he excited Bible


    When th e seminar began on April 22, both Belinda

    and Darr yl were there. Darryl was doing great, and

    the Bible team th anked God for the m iracle.

    A small church with a family atmosphere in the middle of New York City? If you

    have a hard time picturing it, then meet some of the members of Advent

    Christian Fellowship, a new church raised in Manhattan since the close of the

    Millennium of Prophecyseminar. Dr. John Anderson, lay pastor (left), has

    worked closely with Annie Kjaer (right) to establish the new congregation.

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent

    12/1612THE INSI DER EPORT JUNE 2000

    every face.As a lay-led church consisting primarily

    of new Christians, we knew the challenge was huge

    and that we were still small. Our hear ts were filledwith a m ixture of excitement, fear, and inadequ acy.

    Yet as we reflected back on the ways th at God h ad led

    us in the past, we remem bered a principle that He

    had tau ght us: Start where you are, with what you

    have, with who you have. We divided th e task an d

    went to work.

    Brian began con tactin g us weekly. Each call was

    like a truckload of encouragement one of the

    greatest gifts an evangelist can give to lay peop le. He

    informed us that he would need a minimu m of 40

    willing workers in ord er for this series to h appen. We

    had exactly 40! Some were children, one p erson wasin a wheelchair, a few were not b aptized yet, and one

    would be giving birth in the midd le of the series.All

    were lay people.

    Our prayer leader,Joy Moushon , went to work in an

    unp recedented way. Prayer guard s were posted for

    every possible avenue in which Satan cou ld enter.

    Guards were appointed for our families,ou r occupa-

    tions, unity, the building, weather, finances, and our

    school. The people had a heart to pray, and th ey did.

    Our sanctu ary was large enough to squeeze in

    about 100. We asked God to en large His kingdom

    through u s, and we knew that for God to deliver, weneeded to b e prepared for Him.

    Bringing h is sma ll Bobcat through the front d oor

    of our church, Rick Bedford and a crew of men,

    women, and children b egan the work oftearing

    down the wall. Upon com pletion, the bu ildings

    capacity would doub le.

    Our family, along with others, began the d ay with

    prayers ascend ing specifically for th ose who were in

    a workplace where witnessin g could take place.

    Before dad dy left for the d ental office, I gathered

    our two young sons to pray over him for opport un i-

    ties that day. Between d rilling and filling teeth, theopportu nities came. Rod personally gave out invita-

    tions one after another. Employees were invited, and

    we mailed 8,000 invitations to h is patients.

    Our goal was to leave no stone un tur ned in our

    city. We planned to send out 50,000 brochures and

    10,000 personal invitations, plus purchase TV and

    radio advertising. One day we called th e advertising

    firm to ask if they felt we were advertising adequ ate-

    ly. His response was,It would be good to be on ABC

    as well as NBC, but it wou ld cost an other $4,000.

    Our budget was maxed. After we hun g up the phon e,


    is eyes were glued to the tr affic, but h is

    thoughts were racing. Looking at me with

    anxiousness, my husband said: Donna, theremu st be more that can be done to reach our comm u-

    nity. Do you thin k we could ever do an evangelistic


    Call our con ference office an d ask , I suggested .

    Before I had completed the sentence, Rod was on

    the phon e.Within m inutes we were informed that

    our conference already had a contract with Am azing

    Facts for a m eeting somewhere within ou r state, but

    the exact location was not yet certain. Days later we

    were told to contact Brian McMahon, the Amazing

    Facts evangelist.

    Once Rod and Brian connected, my husband

    explained th at he is lay pastor of a young, lay-led

    church plant with lim ited abilities but a fervent

    desire to see work don e in ou r city.Brians voice was like soothin g med icine. With

    sensitivity and precision, he began to m ap out a path

    for u s for follow.

    Within days our church body m et to make a final

    decision on whether or n ot we should do a citywide

    evangelistic series. The vote was unan imous in favor

    of the project! Brian would b e coming to our city in

    seven m onths. We had n o idea what God was doing!

    Gideons words began to echo throu gh our min ds:

    But Lord, my clan is the weakest, and we are the

    least in the family. Uncertaint y was written up on



    Faithful FarmersEvangelist Brian McMahon Reaps a Harvest in Illinois

    Rod Willey, lay pastor of the Richland Bridge Church near Peoria, Ill., baptizes

    Tony Prayne one Sabbath during the seminar. Tonys wife, Angela, and their

    daughters Cailin and Lauren watch from the platform.

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent

    13/1613JUNE 2000 THE INSI DE R EPORT

    another call came in from a friend in Chicago. Our

    friend asked how the planning was going. Rod

    shared the previous call with him. The friend said, I

    want to contr ibute $4,000. God is faithful!

    Meanwhile our m emb ers were personally inviting

    their friends an d co-workers to the series. Fliers were

    left in the bathro oms at Steak n Shake, and oth ers

    did prayer walking through neighborh oods.

    Some poured them selves into the m usic that wasneeded, others into the sound and video. Still others

    gave all they had to the hu nd reds of little details.

    From the childrens program s to the p arking lot,

    prayer took place as faithful servants spent time on

    their knees. Every detail had a price tag that was con-

    nected with sacrifice. Brian, our evangelist, contin-

    ued to pour m edicine upon our sleepless nights

    and aching muscles.Each time he phoned, he

    assured u s that God was in the m idst of every aspect.

    On opening night, God sent people. He filled the

    room to capacity. Brian McMahon an d h is wife,

    Heidi, gave and did exactly what God had sent themto do. The lay people gave and did exactly what God

    asked them to do.

    If successful ministry was about numb ers,the

    story would end here. But it isnt. Because once the

    seed falls and is un der the ground , we do not see

    how it takes root.Much depends up on the farmer

    who is faithful in sm all things an d continues to work

    with the planted seed.

    We learned m any new am azing facts throughou t

    the series. One in part icular has left us a changed

    people:Am azing Facts is more than a Christian

    m edia ministry that is broadcasting and p ublishingoutstand ing biblical truth s. They send helpers to

    plant seeds in comm un ities like mine. They train a

    few farm ers to water and nu rtu re them, then leave

    the growth to God. Brian an d Heidi worked with us

    each night, explaining techniques of soulwinning,

    praying for the people, and opening our eyes to


    Several d ays before our scheduled bapt ismal n ight,

    Tony Prayne was bap tized. He just couldnt wait!

    Even t hou gh Tony had

    been fam iliar with the

    church before the meet-

    ings began, he had not

    felt ready to m ake a deci-

    sion for baptism. Once

    the Amazing Facts semi-

    nar b egan, Tony was

    faithful in attending eachnight. He was there not

    only to receive, but also

    to give. He would work at

    the front door answering

    questions, collecting

    tickets, and assisting in any way he could. Then,

    when Brian began to speak, Tony would sit down to

    soak in th e deep truth s being laid before him .

    Baptismal night was scheduled for a Thursd ay. On

    Saturday m orning, Tony came an d said, Theres no

    reason for me to wait; can I be bap tized today?

    When he stepped into the water, Tony was a power-ful witness to th ose who were still sitting in their

    chairs, battling with fears and in decision.

    On baptismal night, anoth er 20 precious people

    were bap tized. A week later, four mor e. A week later,

    six m ore.And so it continues on.

    A total of 76 people have asked to be bapt ized.

    They, along with an interest list of 600 others, are

    waiting for faithful farm ers to work with th em in the

    soil of their lives.Our little church now has 96 peo-

    ple involved with h ome cell groups, and 40 are

    attending a Daniel Sem inar on Sabbath m orning.

    The question n ow being asked is When can we plantanoth er church?

    This m agazine is n ot large enou gh to contain all

    the experiences that God gave us durin g the series. If

    there were room enou gh to capture only one thought,

    it would be t his: God is calling lay people to b e faith-

    ful farm ers. He is calling the Pauls of this day to do

    some tr aining. He is longing to see us stand together

    at the altar of sacrifice, giving all that God has pu t

    within us and entrusted to us.

    Church members had prayed for God to fill their

    newly enlarged sanctuary with souls eager to hear

    Evangelist Brian McMahon preach from the Bible,

    and He did!

    Of the 76 people

    who have asked

    to be baptized,

    30 have already

    sealed their


    This little church

    that began out of

    a dentists office is

    now bursting at

    the seams!

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    John Bradshaw

    Jun e 4-8 at 7 p.m .Kentu cky-Tenn essee Conference Camp Meeting

    Highland Academy

    211 High land Circle Drive

    Portland, Tennessee













    Jaime JorgeJun e 2-3

    Kansas-Nebraska Conference Camp Meeting

    College View Chu rch

    Lincoln, Nebraska

    June 9-10

    Iowa-Missouri Conference Camp Meeting

    Graceland College

    Lamoni, Iowa

    Jun e 16-17Potomac Conference Camp Meeting

    Shenan doa h Valley Academ y

    New Market,Virginia

    Jun e 24 at 7:30 p.m .

    Windsor Church

    5350 Ha ig Avenu e


    July 1 at 6:30 p.m .

    General Conference Session

    Sky Dome, 1 Blue Jays W.Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    You are invited to m eet the mem bers of our Am azing Facts team at any on e of the following locations.T his schedule is

    subject to change without notice, so please call Am azin g Facts to confirm appoint m ents or get more inform ation.


    Dennis PriebeJun e 10

    Plym outh-Sorrento Church

    2844 Ponkan Road

    Apopka, Florida

    Jun e 16-17

    Apison Church11421 Bates Road

    Apison, Tennessee

    Jun e 23-24

    Hohenwald Church

    210 Hankins Road

    Hohenwald, Tennessee

    July 7-8

    Bristol Church

    571 Highway 26

    Bristol, Tenn essee

    John SilvestriJun e 1 5-24

    Washington Conference Camp Meeting

    Auburn Adventist Academy

    5000 Aubu rn Way


    Doug BatchelorJun e 2 5-July 8

    General Conference Session

    Amazing Facts booth #513, level 800

    Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building

    255 Front Street W.

    Toronto, Ontario, Canad a

    Lowell HargreavesJuly 12-16

    Cowboy Camp Meeting

    Rocky Mountain Conference

    in Uncom pah gre Forest below Silver Jack Reservoir

    Cimar ron, Colorado

    Ray HouseJun e 2 3-24

    Morris Park Church

    800 Morris Park

    Bronx, New York

    Meet Amazing FactsMeet Amazing Facts

  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    Special Recognition

    Amazing Facts is

    happy to recognize


    to the ministry

    that are made,

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    as a tribute to the

    deceased or as a

    thank offeringcelebrating significant

    milestones in the lives

    of friends or

    family members.

    Listings normally

    appear three to four

    months after


    are received.

    Be sure to include

    first and last

    names and pleasetype or print legibly

    to ensure correct

    spelling. Due to

    space limitations,

    a maximum

    of five names

    will be printed per

    donation per issue.

    In Loving Memory

    Carol Aschb acher by Pierre & Lynda Scales

    Russe l l Babylon by Doris Dunks, his daughter

    George Bakibinga by Stephen Isabirye ,his son

    Marlin Bakke by Martena Bakke

    Dorothy Biggar by Doratha & Wilbur Brooks ;by Dixie & Arnold

    Plata,her daug hter & son-in-lawClarence Blake by Idy & John Freem an

    Tom Blincoe by Gertrude Romant

    Charles Borris by Ann Borris ,h is mother

    Peter Borris by Ann Borris ,his wife

    Alice Boyd by Mrs.C.S.Wil l iams, her daughter

    Helen Boykim by Luci l le Bush

    Anna & Carl Brockm ann by Ethel Simeon e, their daughter

    Ronnie Bryan by Christ ine Erickson, his aunt

    Sandra Tul lock Burgess by Mary Swain

    Kitty Burns by Lucille Bush

    Bruce Bush by Luci l le Bush, his wife

    Pastor Ben Butherus by Elsie Butherus,his wife

    Ian Marcus Cal by Gertrude Romant

    Leanore Carson by Clara & Larry Burtnett

    Steve Cepul inski by Roy & Doris Dun ksDerwoo d Chappell by Jean & Milton Chappell

    Keneth Coddington by Vio la Coddington, his wife

    Bessie Collins by Orville Wedel

    Lila Coon by Idy & John Freem an, her sister & brother-in-law

    Joe Crews by Lu Ann Crews, his w ife;by Edward Harding Jr.;by

    Mr.& Mrs.Windell Smith

    Ronnie Crews by Lu Ann Crews,h is mother

    Irene Curtis by Edryn Kast,h er granddau ghter;by Mary Pollack

    Judy Davis by Idy & John Freem an

    Margaret Detwiler by Gilbert & Mary Good win

    Marjorie Dickinson by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    C.O. Dockery by Mildred Dockery, his wife

    Marie Drake by Doris Low

    Dorothy H. Duncan by Jack Duncan,her husband; by Richard,

    Jim, Mike,Shaun, & Douglas Duncan,her sonsVictor Fro l ich by Dott i Dunlap,his d aughter

    Robert Graham by Ruth Graham, his wife

    Harold Gray by Dorothy Gray, his wife

    Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gulka by Olga & Matt Tachenko

    Esther Guyat by the Gordon Franklin family

    David Haines by Oll ie Haines, his wife

    Pastor Bill Henry by Weiland Henry Jr. ,h is brother; by Jacob &

    Joyce Joyn er

    Joseph Herzberg by Mr. & Mrs.Michael Fechik,his son- in- law &

    daughter;by Thelma Herzberg , his w ife

    Dorothy Heystedt by Dorothy Hughes

    Naom i Hodde by William & Helen Friedrichs

    Howard Van Houten by Naomi Van Houten,his w ife

    Grey Hunt by Mr. & Mrs.Jess ODell

    Elva Jacobs by Rubye Wenzel, her sisterJohn Janzen by Agatha Janzen, his wife

    Herbert Jenso n by Marvin & Vaughn Krieger

    Michael Willi Jkeda by Jutta Jkeda, his m other

    Morgan Johnson by the Morgan Johnson Memoria l Fund

    Norman Jonsson by Vio la Coddington, his wife

    Glenn Kingery by Don & Helen Dees; by Will iam England;by

    Nellie Kingery,h is w ife;by Vernon & Sarah LaVoie

    Mr. & Mrs. Fred Krall by Marie Krall

    Clarence Kuhnke by Bonnie Lorenz

    Elizabeth Leeth by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wilson

    Mae R. Libby by Ralph Libby, her son; by Eleanor Morrison,her


    Hubert K. Lindsey by Prudence N.Lindsey ,his wife

    Lowell Litten by Dr.& Mrs. Harley Anderson


    Dorothy Little by the Georgia-Cum berland Conference;by Paula

    Lamnek;by Tina Markham

    Alan Long by Paul ine Long , his mother

    Pastor J. Murray Long by Pauline Long, his wife

    Mona Mahmudnizhad by Chip Nie lds

    Bill May by Dr. & Mrs. Richard Daarud;by Kent & Dee

    Dickinson ;by Edward Harding Jr.;by Alma May, his m otherMr. & Mrs. N.D. McDowell by Mr. & Mrs. Windell Smith

    Gertrude McGregor by Bea Gregeor; by Edward Harding Jr.

    Walter Meyer by the Manzano nephews & nieces

    Scot t Morrison by Mary Swain,his grandmother

    Roger Morneau by Edward Harding Jr.

    Joyce Collins Myers by Lloyd Yingling

    Dr. Dale Nelson by Dr. & Mrs.Harley Anderson

    Pastor Roscoe K. Nelson by Grace Nelson, his wife

    Wilford Nelson by John & Kim Getz

    Caleb Nem bhard by Faye Ransaw,his daughter

    Earnest Oliver by Dorothy Oliver, his wife

    Catherine Gwen Poindexter by Gwendolyn Knight ,her grand-


    Albert Patt by Roger & Ethel Nelson

    Donald Payne by Ann BorrisDot Payne by William & Joan Peterson

    Pauline Pollack by Anne Cameron & Mary Pollack, her sisters

    Pamela Po lm by Pastor Al & Bil l ie Blumens hein

    Jessie Pot ter by Luci lle Bush, her daughter

    Eddie Pu llen by Jacob & Joyce Joyner

    Elva Radford by Martena Bakke

    Grace Reuss by Barbara Qualley, her daughter

    Joan Roesler by Esther Henderson

    Bessie Sabo by Homer & Melva Rhodes

    Harry Schneider by Elsie Hauck,his s ister

    Arthur Schroeder by Dale Mason

    Carrell (Bud) Shu ler by Jay & JoAn n Herford

    Bil l Simm ons by Ruby Wil ley

    Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Smith by Mr. & Mrs.Winde ll Smith

    Pastor Walter H. Smith by Linda Smith & Helen Smith, his wifeLester & Sarah Snyder by Roy & Doris Dun ks

    Bob Stewart by Barbara Stewart,h is wife

    Marshall Swain by Mary Swain,his wife

    Jeff Tachenko by Olga & Matt Tachenko

    Joe Tachen ko by Olga & Matt Tachenko

    Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tachenko by Olga & Matt Tachenko

    Vivienne Tarr by Lucille Bush

    June Thomps on by Dotti Dunlap

    Samue l Thornton, Jr. by Donna & Samuel Thornton, his parents

    Vera Toms by George & Irma Mowry

    Dan Trefz by Emma Trefz ,h is wife

    Edgar & Essie Tunison by LuAnn Crews,the ir daughter

    Bill Twing by Lucille Bush

    Don VanDenburgh by Helen VanDenburgh,h is wife

    Eldon Vories by Barbara Vories ,his wifeMilton R. & Fannie E. Waxter by Frank & Ruth Waxter, their son

    & daughter-in-law

    A.E. Wells by Edith C.Wells

    Harold Wheaton by Helen Wheaton,his wife

    Herby Wiese by Leda Smith

    Mel Wiese by Joan Wiese ,his wife & family

    Julius Wiles by Robert Cook

    George Willey by Ruby Willey

    Joyce W uttke by Grace Nelson ;by Paul & Judy Yeom an

    Happy Birthday

    Lucille Harden (92 nd ) by Maryetta Fullbright, her sister

    Albert F. John ston s (82 nd ) by Maryetta Fullbright, his sister


  • 7/31/2019 5. Sign of the Serpent


    P.O. Box 1058 Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 434-3880 www.amazingfacts.org


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