5 simple tips to improve your engagement on google+

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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5+ TIPS!Some simple ideas to make your!Google+ posts more engaging

INCLUDE PICTURES!If you’ve ever read a newspaper, you’ll know that photos are often what draws you into an article. It’s the same on Google+ -- the eye is drawn to images because they convey a rich variety of information in a quick and efficient way. Images that are both eye-catching and relevant to the content you’re sharing are best, but even a simple screen-grab of an article can help improve engagement.!

START CONVERSATIONS!Interacting with people who comment on your posts is a great way to build your Google+ presence. Firstly, it can help you to build the relationships that make the Google+ experience more meaningful. Secondly, engaging people in dialogue helps extend the life of your posts; every time someone comments on a post, it moves that post back up towards the top of the Google+ Stream, so even more people can see it. !

ASK QUESTIONS!People love to share their opinions and to feel useful. Asking questions is a great way to inspire people to comment on your posts, and helps to build stronger relationships with your connections. It’s also a great way to find new answers and get fresh perspectives. In a similar way, introducing content with your own thoughts and opinions can be a great way to start conversations that help you learn more about people in your Circles.!

GO PUBLIC!If you have content to share that you think will be useful or interesting for a broad audience, don’t be afraid to share it as ‘Public’. Doing this can help you to meet and connect with new people, making your Google+ experience much richer and more varied. Think of it as the new way to blog!!

GIVE CREDIT!If you want to post something that someone else has created, or if you’re re-sharing something that you discovered through someone else’s post, be sure to ‘+tag’ them in your post too. This is a great way to show recognition and thank the people who inspire you, and also to build relationships with those individuals.!


Simon Kemp!gplus.to/eskimon!


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