5 th grade civil war vocabulary mrs. thornburg’s version

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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What do we call a place where people live for a time in tents, cabins, or other rough shelters?


5 th Grade Civil War Vocabulary Mrs. Thornburgs version Vocabulary in 5 th Grade Civil War Ch. 5 Slave StatesDesert ConfederacyHome Front Popular SovereigntyDraft EmancipationCamp Border StatesUnion TelegraphCivilian Total WarSecession Free StatesCasualties What do we call a place where people live for a time in tents, cabins, or other rough shelters? Camp What do we call the freeing of enslaved people? Emancipation What do we call government selection of people to serve in the military? Draft What do we call a slave state that stayed in the Union? Border States What do we call all the people in the country that are not in the military during wartime? Home front What do we call a state that did not have slavery? Free States What do we call a person that is not in the military? Civilian What do we call an idea that the people who live in a place make decisions for themselves? Popular Sovereignty What do we call a machine that sends electric signals over wires? Telegraph What do we call leaving an army without permission? Desert What do we call the strategy of destroying the enemys resources? Total War What do we call soldiers who are killed or wounded? Casualties What do we call the name chosen by the states that left the Union at the time of the Civil War? Confederacy What is another name for the United States? Union What do we call the withdrawal when a part of a country leaves or breaks off from the rest? Secession What do we call a state that permitted slavery? Slave States

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