5 things you can do right now to become a better writer

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Be a

Better Writer


1. Pick up a good book

• Reading allows you to appreciate the written word

• It opens you up to different writing styles, thus improving your own

www.beafreelancewriter.comImage: thejbird (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lac-


1. Pick up a good book

• It improves your spelling and grammar

• It widens your vocabulary

www.beafreelancewriter.comImage: elginwx (http://www.flickr.com/photos/92239147@N00/462868700/sizes/m/in/photostream/)

2. Practice story telling

www.beafreelancewriter.comSource: Mixergy interview with Andrew Warner (http://mixergy.com/barbara-


“I think telling a story is the best way to make a point…Without a story, it doesn’t stick with people.” ~ Barbara Corcoran

2. Practice story telling

• Stories SELL, so learn to story-tell.

• Stories can be used to simplify abstract notions.

• Being able to put concepts into words (using stories) is one of the most important skills that any good writer must have

www.beafreelancewriter.comImage: BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives

(http://www.flickr.com/photos/jbird/19650368/sizes/m/in/photostream )

3. Hang out with the right writers

• Need ideas, tips, guidance, or critiques? Writers—the ones who are out in the trenches can give you what you need straight up.

www.beafreelancewriter.comImage: izzyplante (http://www.flickr.com/photos/izzyplante/40464446/sizes/m/in/photostream/)

3. Hang out with the right writers

• Make A Living Writing http://www.makealivingwriting.com/• The Renegade Writer http://www.therenegadewriter.com/• Productive Writers http://productivewriters.com/• Absolute Write http://absolutewrite.com/• All Freelance Writing http://allfreelancewriting.com/• The Well-Fed Writer http://wellfedwriter.com/


Writing blogs you can check out right now:

4. Practice, practice, practice!

www.beafreelancewriter.comSource: John Althouse Cohen (http://www.flickr.com/photos/johncohen/55582632/sizes/m/in/photostream/)

• There’s no getting around this one.

• Do it everyday, even when you don’t feel like it.

• Do it now. SERIOUSLY. Need ideas? Search #writingprompt on Twitter and starting writing.

5. Educate yourself

• Read books on writing

• Find a mentor

• Bookmark the blogs mentioned in this presentation and be a regular reader

• Take a coursewww.beafreelancewriter.com

Invest in your writing education. This will enable you to improve your skills and get where you want to be while minimizing mistakes.

Source: sterlic (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sterlic/5559534294/)

5. Educate yourself

• Read books on writing

• Find a mentor

• Bookmark the blogs mentioned in this presentation and be a regular reader

• Take a coursewww.beafreelancewriter.com

Invest in your writing education. This will enable you to improve your skills and get where you want to be while minimizing mistakes.

Source: sterlic (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sterlic/5559534294/)

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