5 ways to inspire children to study better

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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Many people have been heard asking for “Ways to make children study harder.” This question would perhaps not EXIST if we found “Ways to INSPIRE children to study BETTER,” instead.

Let us see how that can be done.

Why are most children delighted about playing and sports, but some of them ‘fear’ studies?

It could be because they sense or even FEEL a Tension associated with the concept of ‘Studies.’

Adults could help in making children believe ‘Studies’ are means of expressing how well they are LEARNING and IMPROVING and GROWING UP and BETTER, and not ‘a series of examinations for which they have to work their hardest day and night.’

Do away with the Tension associated with ‘Studies’

The entire process of studying – from the ambience of classrooms to the content and look of study material, even the style and format of examinations and assessment of performances could perhaps be made more interesting and inviting for children.

Make the Process of Studying more Interesting

All learners love encouragement through appreciation. Children thrive on that and get inspired to do their best, even without being constantly told to, if they get the appreciation they crave.

Sincere, verbal appreciation can be as good as major rewards.

Adults should keep this in mind while teaching and assessing the performance of children.

Express Appreciation Better

To make studies more interesting, extracurricular activities such as certain sports, drama or even meditation could be more interwoven with the daily study schedules of children – in school and at home.

This would offer them regular breaks and bring them a better, all round development.

Extracurricular Activities could get more interwoven with Studies

When children know that the love they are showered with does not depend on the marks they score or awards they win, they feel truly secure.

On this strong Foundation of Security let Education build its base, to Flourish. The secure roots of a trusted foundation can present the best fruits of Education.

Children should be loved Unconditionally

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