56 fat containing lesions of the chest

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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56 Fat-Containing Lesions of the Chest



DR. Muhammad Bin Zulfiqar PGR-FCPS III SIMS/SHL

• Fig C 56-1 Endobronchial hamartoma. CT scan shows a fat-containing lesion in the right middle lobe bronchus with postobstructive atelectasis. (Case courtesy of H. Page McAdams, M.D., Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.).59

• Fig C 56-2 Parenchymal hamartoma. CT scan demonstrates a solitary pulmonary nodule containing a focus of low attenuation.59

• Fig C 56-3 Lipoma. CT scan shows a well-demarcated fatty mass surrounding the right brachiocephalic artery.59

• Fig C 56-4 Lipoid pneumonia. CT scan shows bilateral consolidation with low attenuation (arrows).59

• Fig C 56-5 Lipomatosis. CT demonstrates a fatty lesion with mass effect on the superior vena cava and azygos vein. Initial chest radiographs demonstrated upper mediastinal widening with soft-tissue opacity at the level of the aorticopulmonary window.59

• Fig C 56-6 Teratoma. CT scan shows a cystic mass with soft tissue, fluid (arrow), fat (arrowheads), and calcium attenuation.59

• Fig C 56-7 Lipoma. Large, fat-attenuation lesion that surrounds and elevates the left anterior descending artery, a finding consistent with a subpericardial lipoma.59

• Fig C 56-8 Liposarcoma. Axial T1-weighted MR image shows a lobulated highsignal-intensity mass along the right border of the heart. (Case courtesy of Mark J. Kransdorf, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Fla.).59

• Fig C 56-9 Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum. CT scan shows the smooth, well-marginated fat-containing lesion.59

• Fig C 56-10 Pleural lipoma. (A) CT scan with mediastinal windowing shows a smoothly marginated mass with fat attenuation in the apex of the right lung. (B) In another patient, there is an extensive mass of low attenuation in the right lung. (B, courtesy of James Pike, MD, Metholdist Hospital, Indianapolis, IN).59

• Fig C 56-11 Hiatal hernia. CT scan shows herniation of the stomach and bowel posterior to the heart.59

• Fig C 56-12 Morgagni hernia. CT scan shows a retrosternal hernia that includes the omentum and colon.59

• Fig C 56-13 Bochdalek hernia. CT scan shows a posterior paraspinal fat-containing lesion.59

• Fig C 56-14 Juxtacaval fat. CT scan shows a fat-containing lesion that appears to be within the lumen of the IVC near the hepatic vein confluence. Continuity between the juxtacaval fat (arrowhead) and paraesophageal fat (arrow) can often be seen.59

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