Metadata Working Group Report

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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Metadata Working Group Report. Members (fixed in mid-January) G.AndronicoINFN,Italy P.CoddingtonAdelaide,Australia R.EdwardsJlab,USA C.MaynardEdinburgh,UK D.PleiterDESY,Germany J.SimoneFNAL,USA T.YoshieTsukuba,Japan B.Joo (observer)Edinburgh,UK - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Metadata Working Group Report

• Members (fixed in mid-January)G.Andronico INFN,Italy

P.Coddington Adelaide,Australia

R.Edwards Jlab,USA

C.Maynard Edinburgh,UK

D.Pleiter DESY,Germany


T.Yoshie Tsukuba,Japan

B.Joo (observer) Edinburgh,UK

• Mailing List – About 80 mails circulated

• QCDML (QCD Markup Language) for ILDG


0. Introduction

1. QCDML: Strategy and Standard Configuration Format (T.Yoshie)

2. QCDML: Physics (C.Maynard)

3. QCDML: Machine and Management (D.Pleiter)

• My proposal for QCDML

not be used in my talk may be useful for discussions


Strategy• QCDML: XML schema for ILDG

– write a QCDML document for each configuration

– store QCDML documents in (a) database(s)

– search/retrieve configurations

design QCDML so that developing applications is easy

• QCDML defines a minimal set of XML tags– necessary for exchanging configurations

• tags which will be searched

– researchers are usually interested in• required: physics parameters (beta,mq)

• not included: random number seed


Strategy (cont.)

• Each collaboration can extend QCDML and use it for own purposes

• Every collaborations are asked to provide values of all relevant QCDML tags


Category of QCDML

Standard configuration format (SCF)

1. Physics and parameters

2. Algorithm and status

3. Code

4. Machine

5. Management

6. Miscellaneous• finalized

• 4,5: almost finalized

• 1: discussions on-going (different opinions)


SCF: Strategy• Standard Format is an abstract (reference) format

for exchanging configurations

– collaborations submitting configurations to ILDG do not have to convert archived files

– some groups have already archived a lot of configurations with an original format

– each format is chosen for convenience

• Conversions will be done at a user side– two methods to convert format of configurations

• given format to the standard one via C-library

• one format to another using BinX technology

(without referring to the standard format)


SCF: Format• Definition of Gauge configuration

– i,j=1,2,3 color indices mu=1,2,3,4 (x,y,z,t)

• employ NERSC (Gauge Connection) format– a sequence of 8-byte double precision real numbers

– coded in 32-bit IEEE numerical format

– endian is not specified




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SCF: Format (cont.)

• In C-program,– last index runs faster, index runs from 0

• re =0 (real part) re=1 (imaginary part)• Store first two rows (2x3) of 3x3 link matrix

– U11,U12,U13,U21,U22,U23 • mu=1,2,3,4

• x=0,1,2,...NX-1 y=0,1,2,...NY-1 z, t

]][1][1][1][][][][[ rejixyztU ]2][3][2][4][][][][[ NXNYNZNTUdouble

),,,,4,2,3( NTNZNYNXUComplex*16




SCF: C-library• Each collaboration submitting configurations to IL

DG prepares a C-library to read their configurations in the standard format– pointer to the C-library is stored in QCDML document

• read a hyper-cubic region– (ix0:ix1)* (iy0:iy1) *( iz0:iz1)* (it0:it1)

of (0:NX-1)*(0:NY-1)*(0:NZ-1)*(0:NT-1) lattice

void ILDG_read_conf(file, NX, ix0,ix1, NY, iy0,iy1, NZ, iz0,iz1, NT, it0,it1, endian,config)


SCF: C-library (cont.)

the region (0-3)*(4-7)*(4-7)*(0-15) of the whole lattice

(0-7)*(0-7)*(0-7)*(0-15) will be read in big endian format

and stored in U[8][4][4][4][4][2][3][2].

main() { int NX=8,NY=8,NZ=8,NT=16 ; int endian=1 ; /* big endian, =0 for little endian */ double U[8][4][4][4][4][2][3][2] ;

ILDG_read_conf("test-file", NX,0,3, NY,4,7, NZ,4,7, NT,0,15, endian,U) ; }


SCF: C-library (cont.)

• in general, the conversion program requires huge memory of 1-2 configuration size:

--- memory bottleneck cannot be avoided • We propose the above interface:

– Simple

– mainly for full QCD configurations

32^3 x Nt lattice for forthcoming several years

can be handled by a high-end PC with memory of 2GB

• some extension might be necessary in future


SCF: BinX• BinX

– an XML schema to describe format of binary file developed by the edikt project (a part of OGSA-DIA)

– software to convert one binary format to the other will be available in May, 2003

– enables us to convert configuration without referring to the standard format

• Each collaboration submitting configurations to the ILDG describes its own format by BinX– User may write his/her favorite format in BinX


SCF: BinX (Cont.)<dataset> <definitions> <typeDef typeName="complexDouble"> <struct> <ieeeDouble-32 varName="Real"/> <ieeeDouble-32 varName="Imaginary"/> </struct> </typeDef> <typeDef typeName="matrix2x3"> <arrayFixed> <defType typeName="complexDouble"/> <dim name="row" indexFrom="0" indexTo="1"/> <dim name="column" indexFrom="0" indexTo="2"/> </arrayFixed> </typeDef> </definitions>


SCF: BinX (Cont.) <file src="sample.configuration" byteOrder="bigEndian"> <arrayFixed varName="StandardGaugeConfig"> <defType typeName="matrix2x3"/> <dim name="t" indexFrom="0" indexTo="31"/> <dim name="z" indexFrom="0" indexTo="15"/> <dim name="y" indexFrom="0" indexTo="15"/> <dim name="x" indexFrom="0" indexTo="15"/> <dim name="mu" indexFrom="0" indexTo="3"/> </arrayFixed> </file></dataset>•Mechanism for describing an array split across several files



• SCF defines format of only binary configuration – no parameters (size,coupling..)

– no management info (checksums, collaboration name..)

– all of them are described in a QCDML document

• Keeping identification of configuration– encapsulate the configuration and the QCDML

document into one file

– distribute it via ILDG

– (need opinions and help from the middleware working group)


Distribution (cont.)

• Candidate :

DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)– format is fixed (different from MIME)

header (fixed bytes) length (fixed bytes) body of data (QCDML document) length (fixed bytes) body of data (QCDML-BinX document) length (fixed bytes) body of data (configuration itself) footer (fixed bytes)


Distribution (cont.)

• Merits– don’t have to unpack files before reading

– file size is not increased (cf. MIME: factor 3/2 incl.)

• Discussions:– prepare a tool to extract QCDML document

– C-library has to seek the file to point the origin (the first byte) of binary configuration

– Compatibility with BinX


My opinion for QCDML

my opinion/proposal agreed by working group

• Physics– actions, physics parameters, lattice size

• Simulation– algorithm, machine, code, series, trajectory

• Management– revision, crc, reference, collaboration, project, action

• Pointers– site, file, C-library


Action• a human readable document for each action

– XML schema is powerful, but cannot describe completely the action

• Three versions– UKQCD Schema v0.5– A compromise proposal– My very simple version

• Problems in UKQCD schema– too complicated

• Action consists of operators• Operators consist of coupling and fields

– Action and operator names are XML tags


Action (cont.)

• My very simple version– just listing up coupling names and values

• A compromised version

– fields for each operator are removed

– names of actions and operators are described by values

– action is divided into gluon and quark sections

• enables us to include boundary conditions



• Algorithm section: – we may have to prepare a human readable docu

ment– simple version is sufficient

• Machine • Code• Series

– several runs with the same parameter sets– distinguishes them

• Trajectory_or_Sweep


Management• Action• Checksums

– CRC32 or MD5– for binary configuration with original format

• Collaboration name and Project Name– Useful tags to search configuration

• Reference– some information not suitable to include into QCDML

• auto-correlation time

– do not have to include all references

• Revision– To check whether the QCDML document is changed

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