58798441 interview questions for sap basis

Post on 10-Mar-2015






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Interview Questions for SAP Basis

What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode?

Private mode is a mode where the heap data is getting exclusively allocated by the user and is no more shared across the system. This happens when your extended memory is exhausted.

What is osp$ mean? What if user is given with this authorisation?

OPS$ is the mechanism the <SID>adm users uses to connect to the database .

Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?

Do _NOT_ use neither DDIC nor SAP* for applying support packages. Copy DDIC to a separate user and use that user to apply them.

Can you kill a Job?

Yes - SM37 - select - kill

If you have a long running Job, how do you analyse?

Use transaction SE30.

How to uncar car/sar files in a single shot?

on Unix: $ for i in *.SAR; do SAPCAR -xvf $i; done

When we should use Transactional RFC ?

A "transactional RFC" means, that either both parties agree that the data was correctly transfered - or not. There is no "half data transfer".

What is the use of Trusted system. I know that there is no need of UID and PWD to communicate with partner system. In what situation it is good to go for Trusted system ?

E. g. if you have an R/3 system and a BW system and don't want to maintain passwords. Same goes for CRM and a lot of other systems/applications.

Let me know if my understanding below is correct: 1) By default the RFC destination is synchronous 2) Asynchronous RFC is used incase if the system initiated the RFC call no need to wait for the response before it proceeds to something else.

Yes - that's right.

But keep in mind, that it's not only a technical issue whether to switch to asynchronous. The application must also be able to handle that correctly.

Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?

There is a "delete" button when you define the queue. If you already started the import it's no more possible since the system will become inconsistent.

What is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key?

The developer key is a combination of you installation number, your license key (that you get from http://service.sap.com/licensekey) and the user name. You need this for each person that will make changes (Dictionary or programs) in the system.

What is XI3.0 ? EXPLAIN XI = Exchange Infrastructure - Part of Netweaver 2004.

SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) is SAP's enterprise application integration (EAI) software, a component of the NetWeaver product group used to facilitate the exchange of information among a company's internal software and systems and those of external parties. Like other NetWeaver components, SAP XI is compatible with software products of other companies.

SAP calls XI an integration broker because it mediates between entities with varying requirements in terms of connectivity, format, and protocols. According to SAP, XI reduces integration costs by providing a common repository for interfaces. The central component of SAP XI is the SAP Integration Server, which facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications across internal and external networked computer systems.

How to see when were the optimizer stats last time run? We are using win2k, oracle 9, sapr346c.

Assumed DB=Oracle

Select any table lets take MARA here but you should do the same for MSEG and few others to see whether the dates match or not.Run the following command on the command prompt:-

select last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name like '%MARA%';

This gives you a straight answer .Else you can always fish around in DB14 for seeing when the optimzer stats were updated.

1.What is the difference between System Trace, Developer Trace and System Log?System Trace:If you want to record the internal SAP system activities, use the function SAP System Trace. Recording the processes in your application server enables you to monitor the system and facilitates troubleshooting.Developer Trace:Developer traces contain technical information for use in the event of problems with your system. Using the entries in the developer traces requires a sophisticated knowledge of the host systems in which your SAP system is running and of the SAP system itself.System Log:You can use the log to pinpoint and correct errors occurring in your system and its environment.To work with system logs, choose Tools ® Administration from the R/3 initial screen. When the System Administration initial screen appears, choose Monitoring ® System log. Alternatively, you can choose Test ® System log from the ABAP/4 Development Workbench initial screen.

2.Incase, My sap system was down (Users are unable to login to sap system) How to analyze this problem?Check if all the services of SAP, Database, SAPOSCOL are up and running.check the wp status using dpmon.Try restarting the workprocess., if that does not work., than try to kill some of the jobs. Else., restart the application Server.

3.How to import the transport request at operating system Level? When importing a transport request, what are the common errors you faced?tp import client U123689RC 8 & 12

4.For example, my sap system having patch number was 8.I want to apply patch 9 and 10.Mistakenly I will apply the patch directly 11 withoutapplying 9 and 10.How sap system will recognize this problem?Firstly, the dependencies are checked. And without performing a test import no BASIS consultant would import a support pack. If you did that., than clear the OCS queue by running OCS_RESET_QUEUE in SE37 than import SP9 and SP10. If it is JAVA stack than no need to make changes you can directly apply SP11.

5.One user unable to execute one t-code, that is authorization object is missing, How to add this authorization object to user?Take the SU53 screenshot., based on the output results., you can search for authorizations that are existing in the system. If the authorization is available and you receive an approval from the concerned HOD or the concerned person., than you can directly attach the authorization. If there is no authorization available., than the functional lead or the HOD will revert back to you saying that you need to create the Role or make modifications in an existing role. Than do that in DEV, transport it to QAS and PRD.

6.for example, consider a client 800.This client having 75 users. But 15 users account was locked. I want to unlock this 15 users account ata time. How to do?Using T-code SU10.

7.what is the use of parameter tab, and personalization tab in user master record? What is the use of account id in logon tab?

8.how to change the number of work process at OS level? How to analyze the status of work process at OS level?By editing the instance profile at the OS level, you can increase the no. of work processes by adding or modifying the parameter rdisp/wp_no_=Status of a WP can be checked at the OS level by executing dpmon.

9.For example, my sap system having 4 application sersvers. How many enqueue work process allowed for this sap system?1 (you can increase them by making modifications in rdisp/wp_no_enq)

10.What is the latest version of sap kernel? Can u give me the list of kernel versions?service.sap.com/swdc710 (Demo version is available)700640620610 (WEB AS was introduced in this version)4.6D4.

11.what are the prerequisite for before applying support packs? Shall I apply sap basis patch to all the system, like BW, ABAP, HR, etc.Dependency check.... check if the new SP to be installed has any dependent coponents in any of the other SP's.You must implement different SP's for different components in SAP.

12.For example, I want to transfer 50GB of data from DEV to Quality. I am using client export and import method; can you tell me how manyhours take for client export and import? And also How many hours take for remote client copy?Data transfer rate depends on the H/W Configuration and N/w Speed in Remote Client copy.

13.How to perform a client import and export at OS level?using r3trans or tp

14.What is the use of reference and service user in sap?

15.For example, I scheduled one ABAP program as a background job, But it was running 10 days and above. How to analyze this problem?what is the selection criteria?

16.How to take a sap backup using BRTOOLS explain the procedure? When using BRTOOLS, which backup device, you are used (Drive/tape) ?refer inist.sap file.

17.When applying a support pack to sap system. Can you tell me what are errors you are faced?

18.In CUA, I am unable to changes from DEV to QAS or PRD.How to troubleshoot this problem?

19.In CUA, What is the use of distribution model, partener profile, BAPI?

20.what is the user group and use in sap?

21.Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to monitor all the application servers. How to configure a CCMS?

22.what are the configuration details of ECC6.0?HDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE. 1.Server Configuration HDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE. 2. System Configuration

23.What are things we have to monitor in ST02, ST06, ST04, and ST03?We can monitor many things in the above T-codes. What exact info do u need?

24.what is the name of your output device, device type in printer?

25.Can you tell me the path in service market place for download support packs and kernel?service.sap.com/swdc

What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode?

Private mode is a mode where the heap data is getting exclusively allocated by the user and is no more shared across the system. This happens when your extended memory is exhausted.

What is osp$ mean? What if user is given with this authorisation?

OPS$ is the mechanism the adm users uses to connect to the database .

Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?

Do _NOT_ use neither DDIC nor SAP* for applying support packages. Copy DDIC to a separate user and use that user to apply them.

Can you kill a Job?

Yes - SM37 - select - kill

If you have a long running Job, how do you analyse?

Use transaction SE30.

How to shutdown database in minuts.

go to cmd prompt and login to sqlplus to shoutdown the database. Then connect as sysdba user=system password=manager it is connected.shutdown immediate to bring down database.db is close db is disconnected and oracle db is shutdown. then exit it will restart again.

1) RFC Conn between two ABAP Systems is RFC Rfc Conn between Java and ABAP IS jco rfc Communction between two java systems???????????

2) what is archived log mode and non archived log mode?

3)How to know whether a system is Unicode or non Unicode?

4)How can we transport one or two users in client copy from one client to another client?

5)what tivoli (ibm)

6)Can you create a table space?

7) Where do i find information on Solution manager ?

8)What is solution manager?

9)Does Solution manager come, If you install ECC5.0 or ECC6.0 ?

10)For interview point of view, what should i know about solution manager ?

11)What is the difference between ECC6.0 and ECC5.0 ?

12)What is BI ? Does it come with ECC6 or ECC5 ?

How to trace what rfc's running?> Please go to Tcode SM59 >> menu RFC >> Display Trace [dev_rfc...]>> Still you want to analyze deep go to >> SMGW >> Display trace icon

2. How to stop one particular rfc?> You have to disable the RFC by putting a # prefix in the target field and it will not be usable

1.How to do the client copy with out getting the down time.What type of client copy you are performing. While you are doing client copy, its must that no objects in the source client are modified or so. Also, this will utilize most of the system resources which will be a problem if all the users are working on the system. Hence, SAP recommends a downtime, that is during non peak hours when the load it less. You need not bring the system down anyway.

2.CPU utilization- How the average values for peak workload is calculated from Os06 and what is the maximum cutoff cpu value recommended by SAP?I am not sure of this, but it could be around 80% which is recommended.The average values of the peak workload are calculated among all the CPUs of the system for a particular application server. We have the CPU User% System% and the Idle%. (we consider to check the IDle CPU of min 25-30% for better performance)The Current snapshot shows the peak average on the each cpu.The previous 24 hrs shows, that on hourly basis, but taking average of all CPUs on the particular Server.If we want to compare this across the application servers, it will bring together for all where we can see.We can check the averages of this as a history also.

3. How to switch off auto extend using BR ToolsThere are 2 ways, one is BRtools menu and other is SQL statement.For BRTools it would be simple you go to the spacemanagamention option, select each Tablespace and there you selection the option for autoextend and continue.brtools->space management-->alter datafile-->Turn off autoextend

how to monitor the system trace of application servers?st01 tcode is used to monitor the system trace. ST02 is mainly for swap n buffer summary

What is the name of the report which will check / show following :

a) Lists logon system settingsb) Reports if passwords for SAP* accounts have not changedc) Reports if passwords for DDIC are trivial

For list logon system setting - question not clearbut u can find the list users by SM04list of system login details in - ST02- detail analysis menu

For 3rd and 4th question u can use the SUIM tcode to find the changes done for a particular user [pwd change, role change, ........any modification to the user id]

What is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key?In order to develop our own program in SAP or to modify the SAP program manually, sap needs developer key, developer key based on the user id, i.e each developer need separate key , u can get the key by registering the developer user id in service market place. This is the one time process.

1) one of the transport is in import mode from last 20 hours , how to solve the issue ?

CHECK FOR SOURCE SYSTEM(some times during import process connectivity with the source system fails and import runs in active state)CHECK FOR BTC PROCESS (in asynchronous mode the wp either dia/btc releases the request after import is started, and same time memory in the target system may not be sufficient to import the request)CHECK RDD* JOBS

2) During online back on oracle database, due to power failure system restarts all the tables are in begin backup mode , data base is not coming up how to solve? During online backup when system crashes database remains in backup modeSQL>select status from v$backup; if it is active then use the commandsql>alter database end backup;

if tere are any mistakes pls correct

3) when updating kernel in a landscape , what is sequence like application servers , central instance, and database servers database, central instance & dia inst

4) i want to add a data file to a table space their is no space at file system level what to do?try to clean all old log files

5) Can we take backup on tapes using brtools.?yes we can take backup to tape using brtools

6)can any body explain system copy (dbrefresh) on java stack

7) under which scenarios we shall go for db reorganization ?when there is no space in database/if number data files reached max in a table space

Is there a difference between user DDIC and SAP_ALL/SAP_NEW ?

Yes, DDIC is hard coded to do some things other IDs cannot. But you should be able to activate tables in SE11 using a SAP_ALL user.

06071992 is the default username and password for basis login accounts (SAP*)

What is the difference between TP and R3TRANS

TP controls the process and calls several tools, like r3trans but also e.g. DDIC-Activation.

When you are Locking/Unlocking accounts what happens behind the scenes?

User accounts can be locked/unlocked via SU01 (User Maintenance.) But, what goes on behind the scenes? What doesthe system do to actually set this?

The table USR02 gets updated. The field UFLAG determines if the user account is locked or unlocked. The value "64" indicates that the useraccount is locked. The value "0" that the users account is unlocked.

Knowing this, you can then issue an update statement at the database level that locks all users in mass.

Don't lock yourself out, though! Use exceptions for super user accounts in your update statement. Notice that 4.6b and above have made

Improvements to this kind of task, making the locking/unlocking a bit easier. However, changing at the database level is much faster and it is just one simple query.

How do you Disable Multiple Logins in the Same Client?

To disable multiple user logins within the same client implement this parameter in the instance

profile:login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1If you do not use this parameter in your system, users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time they try to login to the sameclient.

Activating this parameter in your system will make you look good if you get audited!

How about exceptional logins?In case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users you can implement parameter login/multi_login_users. You can list theuser IDs that should be ignored if the parameter above is active in your system.

How can you find a list of objects that have been repaired in the system?

ADIRACCESS List of repaired objects and their access keys

How can you tell if a transport entry is in the process of being imported?

Check table TRBAT

Where can you find a list of object keys included in a transport?

E071K Object keys contained within transports

How can you get a list of the users with development access on a particular system?


What are the transaction codes associated with changing requests, request headers, or request object lists?

The following tables hold information about change requests.

E070 Change request headersE071 Change request object lists

What is the purpose of table TDEVC?

Table TDEVC contains development classes and packages.

What is the purpose of table TADIR?

Table TADIR contains object directory entries

How do you create a password exception list?

Place the answers in table USR40.

You can create the Password exception from the USR40 table if you have the authorization of DEBUGGING. Suppose you want to set that any password containing "welcome" will be an exception. So you can follow the below steps for creating this as an exception:-

1. Execute the T-code SE16.2. Insert USR40 in the Table name field. Display the existing values over there.3. Select any of the line item & go to debug mode by /h.4. Select the field 'code' & change the value from 'SHOW' to 'INSR' & press F8[Run(to cursor)].5. Enter "*WELCOME*" in the password field & save. You will get the message as "Database record successfully created".6. Go back to SE16 & view the USR40 table again. You will find your entry as an exception in the table.

What is the purpose of table USR02?

This table stores User IDs and passwords.

What is the purpose of table T000?

Table T000 contains a list of defined clients, which you can maintain with transaction SCC4.

What is the difference between a client copy and client refresh?

Some times these are the same, For example, if you are performing a copy to an existing client for the express purpose of updating the data, then it is called Client Refresh.

If you are copying to a newly created client then it is more appropriate to say “client copy.”Another way of thinking about this is that a client copy from production to a QA server or from production to DEV server is really a client refresh.

We want to install another new instance on same development box. Is this possible? What are some of the important considerations?

Yes, it is possible to have more than one instance on a single box. The key is to use a different SID and a different system number. It is also important to note that for a 64 bit SAP kernel, SAP recommends a 20 GB swap space for 1st instance and 10 GB per each additional instance.

Why can web help be considered easier to install than CHM, the standard delivered SAP help?

Web help is easier than trying to get every remote user connected to a network share.

If you don't want to use SAP's help site, you can setup your own website to do it. The best route depends on your business’ network structure.

How can you confirm the patch level for SAP GUI?

Log into SAPGUI, and hit Alt-F12 -> About

What are the different types of work processes in R/3?

Dialog (D), Update (U), Enqueue (E), Background (B), and Spool(S).

How can one disable the "Import All" button on STMS for the queues?

Login to your Transport Domain Controller. Run STMS->Overview->System.Choose the System you want to disable import all. Go to Transport Tool tab.Add/Create Parameter "NO_IMPORT_ALL" set its value to 1.

What is an OK code? What are the differences an OK code to a T-code?

An OK Code is used by a program to execute a function for example after a pushbutton has been clicked. A transaction code is a “shortcut” that helps a user run a program.

Internet outages

We have recently experienced some internet outages caused by our ISP. Although we have resolved our ISP problems, the users refuse to believe that losing the internet connection was to blame for the SAP problems. How can we ensure that this was an internet problem and not an SAP problem?

Ans. Open a maintenance window, connect to the machine and kill the ISP connection and see if this kills your connection. Repeat at will until they believe that the ISP was the problem.

Transport Change Request

If your SAP landscape is composed of a DEV server and PRD server and you need to transport a change request from DEV client 111 to DEV 131(i.e. transport in the same server). How can this be accomplished?

Transaction SCC1

What is Users Information System in Sap.

user information system is nothing but an a users which r related to sap in the form of they may be end users, sap related means all module usersu can see the user related information in 'USR02' table in sap,there r various user related information u can see in sap according to the situation.

SUIM t-code is used for it. all the user related things can be found.

What is the down time in sap system?

You can find your SAP system\'s last down time via ST02 TCODE.

How to stop all the apps server separetly

if you want to stop total SAP including central and application servers, you have to stop application servers first and then central instance.

if you plan to stop one application server then you have to take care about load balancing, logon groups, spool , and background jobs, then stop that application server.

What do you know about Default user DDIC?

How can we see system logs os SAP at OS level?

How can users be transported between different clients?

Which java tools can be used for installation of Java patches?

Describe the various types of transport request.

What do you know about current kernel patch level?

What is the significance of Virtual system?

Where is the Deletion Flag or Indicator used in archiving process?

How can a client be locked?

Describe the transport steps procedure.

Explain the method of making client copy, how can we do it when the SAP user is not there in the system?

What do you mean by homogeneous and heterogeneous copy?

List some disadvantages of SAP.

What are the uses of .sca files?

What do you mean by Consolidation routes?

What do you mean by Transport domain?

What is a Domain Controller?

Explain the process of Logon Load balancing.

Explain the process of installing multiple central instances on a machine?

Which program is used to check whether partner profiles are consistent?

How can we determine the login activity details of a user for a month?

Explain the supplementation language.

What is current support patch level?

What SAP tools can be used for installation of SAP Patches?

List some transport errors in SAP.

Explain the method used to increase tables size and to make backups, resize tables.

Describe the points of difference between asynchronous and synchronous transports.

What are Logon groups?

Describe the significance of clients 000, 001 and 006.

What do you understand by SAPs?

What can we schedule background jobs at OS level?

What do you mean by Logon load balancing?

What is the importance of ODS in BIW?

What do you mean by BeX?

What is the significance of WF?

Explain the consolidation route.

What is the delivery route?

How can we differentiate between a unicode and non unicode system?

How is SAP implemented?

Explain the difference between Profile and Role.

Can we install SAP patches while the users are online?

Explain the procedure and T-code to make a Z authorization object.

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