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CleanseT O T A L W E L L N E S S



Reclaim your health and feel your best in just 30 days


Copyright © Elkaim Health Fitness Solutions (O/A Total Wellness Consulting).

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any

information storage and retrieval system.

Published by:

Total Wellness Consulting


The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the

guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent

of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your


By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Yuri Elkaim and Total Wellness Consulting, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Yuri Elkaim or Total Wellness Consulting, or its a!liates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred

in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.



Welcome to the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ ......................3

Getting Started ..............................................................................6

Fundamentals of Detoxification.......................................... 26

Helpful Detoxifiers .....................................................................39

The Fundamentals of Digestion and Colon Health ... 62

Eternal Health .............................................................................90

Guide to Assessing Your Own Health .............................. 113


Welcome to the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™

The TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ is your ticket to dramatically improving your health and overcoming years of toxic pollution that has built up in your body. Our 30-day cleanse program consists of the initial 14-day cleanse phase where we will be alkalizing your body, removing acid-forming foods, dietary pollutants and allergenic foods, and helping your vital organs restore proper function. The results will speak for themselves!

The initial cleanse phase then transitions into the remaining 2-week maintenance phase where you can begin to implement a more flexible dietary and lifestyle plan that you can maintain for as long as possible. Alternatively, you may decide to continue following our food-based cleanse phase protocol for a longer period of time if further healing is needed.

Because our holistic approach is based on improving the quality of your diet, you can essentially adopt this cleanse protocol as your way of eating. Truth be told, the more you can follow an alkaline-forming diet with fewer foods that stress your body, the better o! you will be in the long run.

We have used this cleanse protocol with thousands of individuals and the results you will experience are truly amazing. But I must warn you. You are ultimately in control of your results. You are responsible to committing to and, then, following our plan. You control the choices you make and the foods you put in your body. We will provide you with all the information, education, support, and motivation you need to succeed, but you need to realize that the results you get from this 30-day program depend on your commitment and e!ort. You get out what you put into the program.

We know you have what it takes, otherwise you would not have joined this exclusive cleanse program. We believe in your ability to transform your body, your health, and your life. And you need to believe that you can do it as well.


During this amazing 30-day cleanse program we are going to educate you, re-condition you, and inspire you to make this year (and hopefully longer) the best of your life!

To help you do so, we will be sending you a “Daily Coaching” email each morning whose goal is to inspire you, motivate you, inform you, and get you to take action throughout the day. These emails will be chock-full of uplifting inspiration and guidance for your day ahead.

Each email will remind of what to do for the day as well as which of the 13 teleclasses to listen. For best results, simply follow the advice in your coaching emails as well as the tips laid out for you in this Quick Start Guide.

Now before going any further, we’d like for you to fully commit to our program by filling in the following “Pledge Form”. You may even decide to print this page and post it on your wall to remind you of your commitment.


The TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ Pledge

The TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ Pledge

I __________________ hereby decide to commit to the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™. I am fully ready and willing to follow

the plan that is laid out for me and I know that I CAN and DESERVE to see it through right to the end so that I can enjoy the most

functional, fit, and healthy body, and to live my life with more vitality!

I understand that I am fully responsible for the results that I reap from this program and; therefore, commit to making the most

of this 30-day cleanse.

Signed this _______ day of _________________ 20___.


Your signature


Getting Started

The first thing you want to do is go through these first few pages in this Quick Start Guide and following chapters. Doing so will help you understand a little bit more about the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ philosophy, some of the things you can expect over the next 30 days, and the step-by-step approach to getting started.

The final step we recommend that you take is to assess where you are at right now. This means taking measure of your health, body, and any other indicators that are important to you. It is important to do this before you begin the cleanse itself so that you can measure your progress once you start.

Use the “Progress Chart” on the following page to help you. We recommend printing it out and keeping it visible so that your results are right in front of you at all times!

Feel free to take a few BEFORE pictures of yourself as well so you can visually compare your progress over the next 4 weeks.

Once you’ve completed that, you will then want to turn your attention towards our “Cleanse Phase” Meal Plan and Food Guide. This guide will give you the day-by-day structure, recipes, and nutritional information that you’ll be using during the initial 14 days of our program.

Step 1: Start HERE

Step 2: Use the

Progress Chart

Step 3: See The “Cleanse Phase” Meal Plan,

Recipes, and Food Guide


TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ Progress Chart

Begin each week by re-evaluating and measuring each category as best as possible.


Bodyweight ______ ______ ______ ______

Percent Body Fat ______ ______ ______ ______

Waist (circumference) ______ ______ ______ ______

Hips (circumference) ______ ______ ______ ______

Internal Markers

Blood Pressure ______ ______ ______ ______

Resting Heart Rate ______ ______ ______ ______

Blood Sugar ______ ______ ______ ______

Cholesterol ______ ______ ______ ______

Subjective Markers

Rate each of the following markers on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 = not good/bad and 10 = amazing.

Energy Level ______ ______ ______ ______

General Mood ______ ______ ______ ______

Cravings ______ ______ ______ ______

Motivation ______ ______ ______ ______






Why Cleanse?

We detoxify and cleanse for health, vitality, and rejuvenation.

We cleanse our body to clear symptoms, treat disease, and prevent future problems. A cleansing program is an ideal way to help you re-evaluate your life, make changes, or clear abuses and addictions. Withdrawal happens fairly quickly, and as cravings are reduced you can begin a new life without old addictive habits or drugs.

Detoxification is also helpful for weight loss, although this is not the primary purpose. The body stores toxins in fat cells. When you cleanse your body these toxins are more easily released from their fat stores. Since you then become less toxic, your toxin stores (the fat) are not as necessary and, thus, your body can rid itself of excess, unnecessary fat.

Weight loss also occurs on a cleanse simply because there are fewer calories being consumed. Since weight loss boils down to creating a caloric deficit, eating less overtime is a simple way of losing weight.

We also detoxify and cleanse to rest and heal our overloaded digestive organs. This is often an overlooked, yet very important, area considering optimal health truly begins with the health of our digestive system.

Aside from the internal health benefits, detoxification can also be a great catalyst for external change. For instance, it can provide a great opportunity to reflect and re-evaluate what’s most important to you. It can serve to help you cleanse your house, your work, your relationships. After a cleanse, you will even feel more organized, more creative, more motivated, more productive, more relaxed, and more mentally focused and clear.

So, if you want more energy, greater vitality, more youthful and radiant skin, and greater health for life, then cleansing should be a regular (annual or semi-annual) part of your life.


The 3 Levels of the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™

For some, simply eating more green vegetables will have a profound cleansing e!ect, while for others incorporating more raw foods and fresh vegetable juices will be more beneficial. With that in mind, there are 3 levels to the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ . Feel free to choose any or all of the following “levels” throughout the 14-day cleanse phase, and ideally beyond!

Temporarily (or permanently) eliminating the common problematic and allergenic foods of the “Western Diet” such as wheat, dairy, animal products, soy, corn, peanuts, alcohol, co!ee (ca!eine), and refined and fruit sugars. Further, you want to avoiding foods that are packaged or processed and opt for “whole foods” that are preferably organic.

The goal is to eat more natural (and organic) plant-based foods in their “whole” state. Choosing less congesting and alkalizing foods such as fresh vegetables, herbs and spices, sprouts, non-sweet fruit, nuts and seeds, and legumes is what we’re after.

The next level of cleansing occurs by eating exclusively living (or raw) foods. These are foods that have not been cooked and therefore maintain all of their vital nutrients, enzymes, life force, and water content. Because they are water-rich and generally “lighter”, living foods are highly cleansing and less congesting than their cooked counterparts. Again, the focus here is to enjoy “greens” as much as possible because of their alkalizing benefits.

If you want to kick up your cleanse to the ultimate level, you can simply juice! Juicing is great because it provides you will all the nutrition of solid foods (minus the fiber) whilst o!er easier digestibility. Feel free to spend as few or as many days juicing as you’d like.

Level 1: Standard

Whole Food Diet Protocol

Level 2: Raw Foods


Level 3: Green Juice

Feast Protocol

Perhaps, you want to devote the weekends to juicing and allow more solids from Level 1 or 2 into your weekly routine, as an example. Whatever you choose to do, please remember that the goal is to go green. In the recipe section, you have 8 alkalizing juices to choose from that have been designed to provide the best nutrition and alkalinity to your body. You want to avoid juicing fruit, at least for the initial 14-day cleanse phase, because the goal is to minimize blood sugar irregularities and feeding unfriendly bacteria and yeast in your intestines.


Why This Cleanse Works

Going Alkaline

The TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ works for several reasons but the most important one is that this cleanse will ALKALIZE your blood. By this, we mean eating foods that will return your blood to its naturally alkaline state. Our program is designed to improve your blood’s pH (acid-alkaline) balance in a way that will profoundly benefit your body and the way it operates.

The aim with our holistic, food-based cleanse is to reset your blood to “slightly alkaline” which is, in fact, its ideal pH. The problem is that most of the time, our blood becomes too acidic because of all the “non-foods” that we eat – with all their sugar, rancid fats, and chemicals.

By restoring your blood natural alkalinity you will enable your body to eliminate the toxins and more easily break down acidic by-products. Very often, these acidic deposits can lead to sluggish digestive function and eliminatory problems. Furthermore, waste products that accumulate, and don’t get broken down, end up being stored in your fat cells, which includes your brain and nervous system!

So, eliminating these toxins from your diet (and your body) will remove a lot of stress from your body and allow it to operate at a level that was designed to help you enjoy your best life ever!


Why Being Alkaline is So Important

Our 30-day is all about energizing your body and helping it regain the health and vitality to which it is entitled. The only way to do that in the long run is to establish a healthy acid-alkaline balance. There is no other way! If you want to lose weight, have clear and radiant skin, enjoy more energy, and be healthier than you can possibly imagine, then alkalizing your body needs to be the core focus.

The reasons for which being alkaline is so important are numerous. But let’s summarize them by establishing the importance of a healthy acid-alkaline (or pH) balance in your body’s most important tissue – the blood.

First, a definition of pH and the pH scale is needed. The pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of acid and alkalinity and is measured on a scale of 0 – 14, where 7 is neutral. A pH of 0 is very acidic and a pH of 14 is the most alkaline. Your blood needs to be at a pH of between 7.35 – 7.45 for you to live. This is absolutely critical for normal enzyme function, oxygen transport, and pretty much every other process that involves the blood.

One of the most critical reasons for needing to maintain this acid-alkaline level is that failing to do so can severely compromise the integrity and function of your red blood cells!

Under normal alkaline conditions, each of your red blood cells (which circulate in your blood and carry oxygen to your cells) is surrounded by a negative charge. It is this negative charge that prevents your red blood cells (RBC) from sticking together – since ‘like’ charges repel one another.

However, if your blood becomes slightly acidic, those negative charges can be diminished or stripped. Too much acid in your blood strips away the negative charge around the RBC and as a result these oxygen carrying cells lose their ability to repel one another. So, they coagulate (or stick together) and your blood becomes thick, lethargic, and slow moving. Your body then becomes a reflection of this situation. You feel tired, lethargic, and sluggish. If oxygen and nutrients are not being properly delivered to your cells how can you be healthy and be expected to operate at your best?


As these compromised RBC continue circulating in this acidic blood stream, they begin to lose their membrane integrity and leak their contents into the bloodstream – spilling toxins, bacteria, and debris. So, this “spillage” caused by the hemolysis (RBC destruction) further adds toxins and acidity to the blood; which in turn exacerbates the problem.

This is just one reason why being alkaline is so important. Without going into excessive detail please bear in mind that an acidic body is correlated with greater incidence of pretty much all disease. Being acidic means that your body is slowly but surely decaying and rotting! Cells, tissues, and vital organs eventually succumb and your body’s health becomes severely compromised.

For these reasons, alkalinity is the major focus of the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ .


Here are few more reasons why being alkaline is a must…

8 Consequences of an Acidic Body

1. If you are overweight, you don’t have a fat problem, you have an acid problem! An overly acidic body is forced to pump out more insulin, which tells your cells to store sugar and fat. Second, in order to protect the vital organs and blood vessels, your body will store acid in the fat cells.

2. Too much acid impairs the ability of your red blood cells to carry oxygen to your cells. When oxygen is unable to reach your cells, all bodily functions are compromised.

3. Free radical damage of cell walls is accelerated in an acidic environment. Free radical damage is the beginning of all degeneration in the body including aging, eyesight and memory problems, wrinkles, age spots, and much more!

4. Acid in the blood acts as a chemical irritant that slowly attacks and erodes the smooth muscle of the inner walls of arteries and veins. This is a contributing factor to heart and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Acidosis disrupts “normal” lipid and fatty acid metabolism, which can lead to poor cellular integrity, compromised immune function, and neurological and hormonal imbalances.

6. Acid greatly increases the likelihood of cellular mutations. Several Nobel Prize winning scientists including Dr. Otto Warburg and Dr. Harry Goldblatt have confirmed this observation. Cancer is characterized by the uncontrollable proliferation of abnormal or mutated cells!

7. The body has decreased access to energy reserves due to the disruption of e"cient cellular and body metabolism.

8. An acidic body allows the binding of cholesterol to heavy metals and other cellular debris, increasing the rate at which plaque builds up in the blood vessels.


Reprogramming Your Taste Buds

One of the first things you’ll experience on the cleanse is a craving for those foods that are no longer allowed. You know the sweets, the ca!eine, the bread, and so forth. It’s important to understand why you crave certain foods. A big factor in craving certain foods is the emotions you associate to them. We’ll also help you deal with these emotional reasons throughout the 30-days.

But from a physiological perspective, we crave foods because we’re either sensitive/allergic to them or because we’re physically addicted to them. These are essentially the same thing.

You crave what is in your blood. You therefore become addicted (and sensitive) to what you expose your body to on a continual basis. If you drink co!ee everyday, then guess what? You will most likely become addicted to the ca!eine stimulation that it brings about. Furthermore, you may actually develop a sensitivity or intolerance to co!ee (or its components) because your body is constantly being bombarded by this same food/beverage.

If you experience “detox symptoms” during the first few days (ie. headaches, fatigue, etc…) please remember that this is your body’s way of re-establishing balance. Obviously, not having ca!eine will initially create withdrawal symptoms. However, within a day or two, you’ll be feeling much better.

Remember that our approach is designed to reprogram your taste buds (and your mind) to love the natural foods that will transform your health. In the end, you won’t have to worry about cravings for those previously addicting foods.

Therefore, during the 14-day Cleanse Phase it’s important to completely phase those “addictive” foods out of your body. We will help you do so with the arsenal of delicious cleansing recipes that we’ve created for you. Not only will you then no longer crave bread or pizza or hamburgers but, in time, your body will come to dislike and reject them.


As order is re-established within your body, your organs will function better and your blood will flow more freely. Moreover, as you alkalize your body and improve your internal environment you’ll find that excess fat will start dropping of with hardly any additional e!ort. You will have more energy, your complexion will be clearer, nails stronger and hair glossier.


Listening to Your Body

Throughout this 30-day experience you will also learn how to become more in touch with your body. You will learn how to listen to your body and what it’s trying to tell you. Your body knows exactly what it needs. For instance, many women crave chocolate during menstruation because they may be in need of extra magnesium – a “relaxation” mineral that is abundantly found in chocolate/cacao and green vegetables.

Perhaps you get an occasional craving for orange juice. This could be your body’s way of telling you that it needs more vitamin C. Maybe you have low blood pressure or adrenal fatigue. As a result, you might be inclined to eat saltier foods because your body inherently needs more sodium to maintain adequate amounts of water and electrolytes.

Overeating is another example of being out of tune with your body. Have you eaten a meal to the point of total satiety only to crave something immediately afterwards? We certainly have. The goal is to be aware or conscious of why you craving certain foods. For instance, true hunger should stem from a feeling in your throat, not your stomach. Feeling “empty” in your stomach could represent a higher level need for connection, love, or comfort.

It is thus important to recognize the di!erence between a healthy bodily need and a destructive craving. Once you begin to understand how your body works, you will be able to better di!erentiate between negative and positive cravings and will be able to appreciate the e!ect they both have on your body.


Understanding Cravings and Addictions


A craving is your body’s desire for a substance that will create a certain chemical change. Food cravings can include substances such as alcohol, ca!eine, chocolate, sugar, and many others. In general, we tend to crave acidic foods because they give the body an immediate supply of energy (ie. ca!eine or sugar).

If, for example, you’re accustomed to feeding your body sugar and that supply suddenly stops, a chemical reaction tells your brain that your blood sugar levels have dropped, which instigates an alarm reaction – “need more sugar now!” In such cases, where you know that more sugar is not required, you need to encourage your body to be satisfied with less. You will also need to change your sugar supply from high-sugar/high-acid foods to less acidic sugar sources such as fruit.

But remember, all cravings are not bad. As we mentioned earlier, sometimes they are your body’s way of communicating which nutrients it needs. The key, though, is to be aware and committed to making the right decisions. Ultimately, you intuitively know the right decision to make.


An addiction is very di!erent from a craving. Whereas a craving is a temporary state, an addiction is a long-term, habitual problem. Food addictions come about for 3 main reasons, which are:

1. Over-consumption of a specific food

2. Specific food is too frequently consumed

3. Specific food sits too long in the digestive tract

All of these factors place extra burden on the immune system and allow time for it to mount an immune response against a given food.


Ultimately, “addictive” foods are often the food residues that are most present in our blood. You become addicted to what is in your blood! Cleansing your blood through alkalizing green juices and other cleansing protocols can help.

Want to know if you’re addicted a certain food?

Here are the 4 hallmark signs of an addiction:

1. Obsession with a particular food

2. Negative consequences upon eating it

3. Lack of control when around that food

4. Denial

Another way assessing whether you’re addicted to a particular food is you enjoy an initial relief when the craving is satisfied (by eating the food), but then the craving returns shortly thereafter.

Addictions, also, often go hand-in-hand with allergies. We are often allergic (or sensitive) to the precise foods we are addicted to.


You can be allergic to your most desired foods because each time the craving is satisfied there is a dampening of your immune system. Over time, this leads to an overburdened immune system that eventually becomes fatigued and no longer able to deal with the allergen (the food that is craved). By consistently eating the foods you are addicted to, you place a tremendous stress on your immune system. This is not a good thing for overtime these foods end up becoming a source of unneeded stress in your body.

Often, we do not even feel we want to give our bodies these food/substances, but they have become such a habit that it is tough not to give in. Needing to have a drink or a co!ee every day is a form of addiction. The key word is need.


Addictive foods satisfy many of our emotional reasons for eating, which include feeling more relaxed, comfortable, and happy. Imagine for a moment never again having a food that you absolute love. How much you miss that food is a good measure of your addiction.

As with cravings, it is less likely that you are addicted to alkaline-forming foods, simply because they don’t trigger as big a chemical response in your brain as do acidic foods. However, it is important to wean yourself o! your addictions so that your body becomes used to lower levels of toxins and that a healthy internal environment can be restored. During the 30-day TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ we will help you do just that!


Dealing With Temptations

It is a sad fact that we don’t become addicted to those foods that are good for us but only to foods that are potentially toxic and which generate chemical imbalances and dysfunctions within our body.

At the start of your cleanse it may seem almost impossible to stay away from those foods that you’re used to eating. But 14 days isn’t a very long time. And once you get through the few days with a little will power and determination, you’ll wonder why you even enjoyed those foods in the first place.

To help you do so, we’ve included a “Combat Your Cravings” chart inside your Success Journal to note how your tastes start to switch to far more nutritious foods, and how your cravings seem to dissipate.

This chart is a great tool to help you notice the progress that you are making during the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™. We suggest that you print the chart and post it on your refrigerator or somewhere visible so that you can track your progress during the 30-day program.

Remember, one of the goals of this program is to get your body o! the roller coaster of having peaks and troughs of blood sugar and salt levels. You are trying to achieve balance, so better a slow rise and wane than a sudden rise and crash! This is why feeding your body whole foods that nourish you and slowly release the sugar or salt you desire is best. In just a few short weeks, you won’t need your ca!eine, sugar, or salt fix!

Be sure to use the “Combat Your Cravings” chart in the Success Journal to help you out.

Additionally, we’d recommend printing the following page and keeping it visible at all times so you can make smarter food choices in “weaker” moments.


Powerful Questions to Make Better Choices


If you find yourself craving a particular food, try asking yourself any of the following questions to re-shift your focus. You may even want to print this page and post it on your refrigerator or bring it with you when you go grocery shopping.

Get used to asking yourself better questions. In doing so, you will receive better, and healthier, answers!


“Is this food water-rich?”

“Does this food provide more calories than nutritional value?”

“What would ______(your mentor/idol) eat or drink in this situation?”

“Is this food alive or dead?”

“Was this food or drink available 100 years ago?”

“Has this food or drink been naturally grown or artificially produced? Does it contain man-made chemicals or additives?”

“Does this food stick to my plate? If so, what will it most likely do in my body?”

“Will this food cleanse me or clog me?”

“Do I ask myself whether or not I should buy this food? If so, I probably shouldn’t buy it!”


The Healing Crisis and Detox Symptoms

Once you enter the 14-day cleanse phase of our program, and your re-energized liver (and body) begins to release stored toxins into your bloodstream, you may experience some temporary symptoms such as headaches, stomach pain, nausea, fatigue, mild palpitations, and even mild skin outbreaks. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it! This is known as a “healing crisis”.

But don’t worry. This is simply your body’s way of getting toxins out of its systems. These symptoms are not the rule but can present themselves if you are fairly toxic to begin with. In most cases, they usually disappear within the 48-72 hours at which point you’ll feel like a new person!

If you do happen to experience any “detoxing” symptoms be sure to drink plenty of water to help your body flush out the garbage. If you feel your blood sugar drop you may also choose to drink a herbal tea with a touch of honey.

Part of the cleansing process is a “cleaning” of your mind. When the going gets tough, you might find that your mind begins to race and that little voice in your head might urge you to just throw in the towel.

Just remember that these are “toxic” thoughts that must be cleared from an ego-centered mind that is trying to hold you back. Simply observe these thoughts, without judgment, and recognize how they manifest in your physical body. As you consciously observe them, you can then choose not to identify with them.

As you continue to cleanse your body, your mind will become clearer, more positive, and your concentration more focused. You will become more productive in all areas of your life because of your newfound ability to stay focused and refrain from being sidetracked by insignificant minutia.


Is Organic Better?

The goal of the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ is obviously to lessen the toxic and chemical assault on your body. Therefore, it would make sense to avoid foods that have been treated with chemicals, right? But are organic foods the solution?

There is a lot of debate as to whether organic food is healthier than conventionally grown foods. However, more of the research shows that organic foods are generally higher in a few key nutrients including vitamin C and many disease-preventing phytonutrients.

Eventhough there are questions raised about the nutrient quality of organic foods, one thing that is certain is that organic foods are much cleaner. By this, we mean that organically grown foods should not be laden with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other chemicals that conventionally grown foods are subjected to. We use the word should because farmers can never really control environmental chemicals that may make their into organic crops. They really only have control over how they treat their crops, and hopefully that is as natural as possible!

It’s safe to say that Europe is ahead of the game compared to North American organic regulations and even more so in the realm of GMOs (genetically modified foods). In the United States the USDA governs farming practices and gives a “USDA Certified Organic” label to any food that is raised through organic processes, meaning that there are no pesticides or other chemicals used.

Similarly, in Britain, the Soil Association is the organization that oversees such matters and has very stringent criteria – probably even more so than the USDA. Nonetheless, over 70% of Britain’s organic food is imported from other countries whose organic growing standards may vary.

So considering these facts, should you buy organic? Well, we believe that organic food is better. Even if organic produce does have some non-disclosed chemical residue it is most likely much less than the chemical load found in conventionally grown produce.


But organic can be slightly more expensive and, as such, may not be an option for some people. If you can’t a!ord eating everything organic, then it’s best to pick and choose your battles. Some foods are more heavily “sprayed” than others, and if you want to avoid pesticides without having to buy everything organic, use the following table to find out which produce might be worthwhile buying organic.

Produce % with Pesticides

Peaches 97%

Apples 92%

Nectarines 97%

Celery 94%

Strawberries 92%

Cherries 91%

Pears 87%

Grapes 85%

Potatoes 81%

Carrots 80%

Broccoli 28%

Asparagus 7%

Avocados 1%

Onions 0%

These numbers are based on research by the US Environmental Working Group, which ranked the 43 most commonly consumed fruits and vegetables using the results of 43,000 analyses for pesticides conducted by the USDA from 2002 to 2004.

As you can, the pesticide residue in some produce is almost negligible (broccoli, asparagus, avocados, onions). Now, you can make a more informed decision the next time you visit the grocery store.


Produce Labeling

The other thing you want to pay attention to is the labeling of produce. You know that little sticker that is so di"cult to peel o! the produce? Well, it is used to help identify both the origin and quality of produce. Here’s how it works:

If the number is…

4 digits = it’s conventionally grown.

5 digits starting with 8 = it’s genetically modified (STAY AWAY)

5 digits starting with 9 = it’s organically grown.

Test the Produce

In terms of fruit and vegetables, your best course of action is to look at the di!erent produce and see how it looks and feels. Most importantly, it must be ripe. If the organic produce in your supermarket looks healthy and the colours are bright and it is ready to eat, then that is the best option.

If, however, the produce hasn’t ripened, or if it looks bruised, wrinkly, or wilted, then you’re better o! opting for conventionally grown produced (assuming it looks and feels healthy) that is locally grown and in season.

At the end of the day, you deserve the best fuel for your body. Just as high-end sports car requires the best fuel, so too does your body. If you are willing to pay the 10-15% premium for organic foods, it’s definitely worth it. After all, you’re investing in your health!


Fundamentals of Detoxification


Detoxification Explained

When you eat a diet that is predominantly packaged and fast foods, you are throwing your body way out of balance. Over toxicity in your body will weaken each and every system in your body, clogging your organs of detoxification and making you feel unwell.

When your detoxification organs are clogged, acidity will pool up in the body. How does this happen?

Well, when you eat a poor diet, over the years your body reaches what is know as its “toxic load.” In the beginning stages of toxicity, most of the symptoms will not be visible to the naked eye, so if you have not yet seen any symptoms, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any!

Where does all this acid end up?

Your fat cells!

Fat cells are your body’s way of storing excess energy and toxicity. For example, if your diet is very high in sugar, and therefore very high in acid, your body will do whatever it can to pull that acid away from your vital organs and into your fat cells. This is a defense mechanism used by your body to protect its precious organs and delicate tissues.

But storing fat is not the only way that your body deals with excess acid, so if you are thin it doesn’t mean that you are healthy! In fact, it may mean that you are in even more danger because your entire body is in a chronic state of acidosis, which means that your body is being destroyed from the inside out!



There are many other conditions that are created when the body is toxic and in a constant state of acidosis. They include:

Poor digestion, absorption, and elimination

Cardiovascular disease, including arterial plaque build-up and the inability of the blood to carry oxygen to your cells

Hypoglycemia and diabetes

Allergies and skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, asthma, acne, and dry, oily and/or itchy skin etc.

Kidney problems such as infections and kidney stones


Free radical damage and cancer

Hormonal imbalances

Premature aging and death (just look at the complexion of a smoker!)

Weak and brittle bones, joint pains, sore muscles and lactic acid build-up

Chronic fatigue syndrome

The list goes on and on.

That’s why the ability for your body to detoxify is one of the 4 necessary elements for life. It is that important! Even though we detoxify at all points throughout every day, most people are still toxic.


Detoxification is an on-going process within the body. It happens every minute of every day. We expel toxins through 4 main channels which include our:

1. Feces,

2. Urine,

3. Skin, and

4. Breath

We will cover each of the processes in more depth in this chapter.

For most toxins that enter our system, that are excreted through the first 2 channels, there is a specific 2-phase process, which must occur in the liver, assuming it is healthy. As such, the major organ responsible for detoxification is - the liver.

The liver is so important to our health that it can actually re-grow itself from a single cell! It is the only human organ that is capable of doing so. The problem, though, is that due to our toxic diet and lifestyle, we have imposed countless demands and unneeded stress on this vital organ. As a result, most people have a sluggish and unhealthy liver that is overly toxic.


The Steps of Liver Detoxification

Anytime you orally ingest a food, beverage, drug, chemical, etc…you begin the process of digestion. Once these nutrients (or chemicals) are digested they are then absorbed back into the blood stream from the small intestine. However, before these minuscule particles can be put to use they must first pass through the liver for processing. As such, all nutrients/particles absorbed from the intestines travel to the liver via the portal vein where they undergo “inspection”.

However, it should be noted that in a healthy intestine, fewer poisons/toxins are formed and most are excreted directly in the feces (hence the importance of regular bowel movements). Only a small amount of toxins are thus transported to the liver.

But let’s assume that your body is a little more toxic and your intestines are not in perfect health.

Once in the liver, toxins are processed and (hopefully) removed from the absorbed “foodstu!” by entering a 2-phase detoxification process. This 2-phase process is highly dependent on specific nutrients and is just another the reason why high quality nutrition is important on a daily basis.


In Phase 1, some chemicals are directly neutralized, while other fat-soluble toxins are acted upon by “reactive intermediaries” (enzymes called cytochrome P450) with the goal of being converted to less harmful water-soluble toxins.

This first phase requires several nutrients to operate properly. Some of these nutrients include: amino acids, B vitamins, folic acid, glutathione (and other antioxidants), vitamin E, vitamin C, essential fatty acids (EFAs), and indole-3-carbonale (a component of the Brassica family vegetables).

As a result of Phase 1 activity, harmful free radicals can be produced, but these are very often rendered harmless by the liver’s powerful antioxidant, glutathione, by other antioxidant nutrients!

Assuming a healthy liver, these newly formed water-soluble toxins enter Phase 2 of the detoxification process. In Phase 2 detoxification, the toxins from Phase 1 are combined with various chemicals to be excreted through the gut and kidneys. This process is known as conjugation and has 6 major chemical pathways.

1. Glutathione conjugation: turns fat-soluble toxins from heavy metals, solvents, and pesticides into water-soluble forms, easily excreted by the kidneys (via urine). Requires:

Glutathione-rich foods (asparagus, walnuts, avocados)

Brassica family (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts)

Vitamin C and vitamin B6

2. Amino conjugation: specific amino acids (such as glycine, taurine, and glutamine) combine with toxins and neutralize them. Requires:

Adequate protein intake


3. Methylation: requires the amino acid, methionine, to inactivate estrogen and estrogen metabolites. Requires:


Vitamins B6 and B12

Folic acid

4. Sulfation: the amino acids methionine and cysteine are needed here to detoxify drugs, food additives, gut bacterial toxins, thyroid hormone metabolites, and neurotransmitter metabolites. Requires:

Sulfur-containing foods (garlic, onions, broccoli, durian)

5. Acetylation: vitamins B1, B5, and C are needed to allow combination of antibiotics with acetyl CoA for neutralization. Requires:

B vitamins and vitamin C

6. Glucuronidation: limonene (in citrus peel) supports this process, which allows prescription drugs, aspirin, and food additives to be eliminated. Requires:

Sulfur-rich foods

Citrus fruit

So depending on the pathway taken, toxins will either be eliminated via the kidneys or gut in the urine and feces, respectively.

Now, this is the detoxification pathway in a healthy liver. But what if your liver is not healthy? Well, do you consume a lot of “non-foods” such as refined/processed foods, co!ee, canned beverages, lots of meat, dairy, and refined sugars? Do you smoke? Do you have a sluggish digestive and intestinal system?

All of these can impoverish the health of your liver. If this is this case, then here’s the impact it will have on your liver’s ability to detoxify.


Unhealthy Liver Detoxification

This is, in and of itself, a paradox. An unhealthy liver cannot detoxify properly!

Let’s also assume that your intestinal health is not up to snu!. Because of this, fewer toxins can be directly excreted through your feces. Instead, more toxins are sent to your liver for processing.

However, if your liver is not healthy to begin with, then toxins cannot be properly detoxified in Phase 1 detoxification. As a result, there is far less conversion to the less dangerous water-soluble toxins, which means that more fat-soluble accumulate in the liver. But because your liver cannot store excessive amounts of fat-soluble toxins, nor can it send them to the kidneys (which requires only water-soluble toxins), it has no choice but to…

Spill these toxins out onto the “street”!

Because the liver cannot detoxify these toxins, they are able to leave the liver and accumulate elsewhere. Since they are fat-soluble toxins, they will aggregate in the body’s fat cells and fatty tissues. This includes both the fat cells and nervous/ brain tissue (since they are predominantly fat). This is obviously a big problem.

As you can imagine, you don’t want years of toxic build-up in your brain or fat cells, do you? The other danger is that these stored toxins can recirculate in the blood where they can further endanger the health of your blood vessels and other vital organs.

Hopefully, now you can better understand why your liver needs to be healthy for you to be healthy. Liver detoxification is a very nutrient-de-pendent process and therefore a diet void in these essential nutrients will impair your health and your liver’s ability to neutralize toxins.


Liver Friendly Foods

You’ve already been given examples of the types of nutrients that are needed for proper liver detoxification. Now, let’s look at which foods contain these nutrients. Here is a list of liver-friendly foods that will not only empower your liver but also create incredible improvements in your overall health.

Jerusalem artichoke - perhaps the most powerful liver supporting food as it supports both Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification).

Green leafy vegetables – hence, one of the reasons for the heavy focus on greens in the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™.

Pomegranate and dark berries – any berry with a deep colour will have a tremendous supply of antioxidants. In most cases, these antioxidants are most abundant in the tannin, or skin, of the berry.

Lemon – an amazing source of vitamin C. It is also stimulates bile flow from the liver which helps expel toxins into the feces.

Brassica family vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts) – the main reason…they’re abundant in indole-3-carbonale and sulfur.

Apples and pears – among other important nutrients they are a great source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps move toxins out of the body.

Dandelion root tea – supports liver and kidney detoxification

Milk thistle – actually repairs damaged liver cells!


5 Steps to Maintaining a Healthy Liver

By joining the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™, you’ve already taken the first and most important step. But even after the 30-day cleanse is over, here are 5 steps to remember if you want to keep you liver as healthy as possible.

1. Ensure proper digestion and elimination*

2. Avoid environmental stressors

3. Increase your water and fiber intake

4. Avoid excessive alcohol, saturated fat, and refined sugar

5. Follow a whole foods diet that is nutrient-rich (see liver friendly foods above)

* Refer to the chapter “Fundamentals of Digestion and Colon Health”.

Also, remember that do reduce the toxic load on your liver, toxins need to be removed from your body. They cannot be allowed to accumulate over time. Your goal should be to pass 2-3 healthy, non-strenuous bowel movements each day.

Lemon water

One way to help you do so is by drinking a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning. The reason for this is that your liver accumulates toxins in the bile overnight, and the lemon juice stimulates gall bladder contractions, allowing the bile to flow into the small intestine for eventual elimination. Simply take ¼ to ½ a lemon and squeeze its juice into a glass of about 500 ml of water.


Liver Flush

A liver flush is yet another powerful tool that you can use during your cleanse. This one is courtesy of renowned cleansing expert, Dr. Joshi. The liver flush is great a detoxifying your liver and purifying your blood and lymphatic system.

It’s best to drink this beverage during a time when you have a few hours to sit and relax quietly for a couple of hours afterwards. Ideally, it is to be done in the morning after a brisk walk or exercise bout. You then want to find a comfortable spot where you can sit, relax, and enjoy this drink. As you do so, practice your deep breathing to enhance the cleansing process. We recommend doing this liver flush 1-2 times per week during the 30-day cleanse program.


GrapefruitLemonGarlicGinger rootOlive oil


1. Combine about 300 ml freshly squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice and dilute this with 200 ml of filtered water.

2. Grate 1 to 2 fresh cloves of garlic and a small piece of ginger root, and using a garlic press, squeeze the juices into the fruit juice mixture.

3. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil to the mixture and blend in a blender. Now you’re ready to drink away!

4. Follow this drink with 2 cups of cleansing herbal tea such as dandelion root, fenugreek, peppermint, or nettle.


Detoxification Through the Skin

The third channel through which we detoxify is the skin. This is accomplished by sweating. Our skin is a semi-permeable membrane which selectively allows certain things and out. One such “outbound” substance are some of the toxins within our body. That’s why exercise is such an incredible addition to any cleanse program. The more you sweat, the more toxins you can expel from your body. Hot yoga is great and so are any physical activities that bring about a large sweat loss.

However, you should remember that for every 1 liter of sweat you lose, you want to replenish with 1 liter of water. You can identify how much water you need to drink by weighing yourself before and after your exercise. The di!erence (in kg) is the amount of water you’ve lost, and thus need to replace.

Drinking plenty of water will not only ensure that you remain hydrated but it will also assist the flushing of toxic build-up from within your tissues.


Detoxification Through the Breath

Did you know that one of the ways your body maintains an adequate acid-alkaline balance is through the interaction of the renal (kidneys) and respiratory systems?

Your kidneys break down certain molecules in the blood that give o! carbon dioxide (CO2) as a by-product. Since CO2 is an acidic compound, your body needs to remove it from the body. And that’s where breathing comes in.

Also, each time you inhale, you fill your body with life-giving oxygen (O2). Your cells use this oxygen for energy, and they then produce CO2 as a waste product of “cellular metabolism”. To prevent CO2 build-up in the blood, we then expel CO2 when we exhale. Pretty awesome!

We inhale live-giving, alkalizing O2 and exhale acidic CO2.

So make your breath work for you. Engage in some form of exercise that causes you to “hu! and pu!”. Doing so can help clear your body of excess acid. Similarly, deep breathing is an awesome practice. Deep breathing for just 10 breaths twice a day can instantly energize your body, oxygenate your tissues, and expel acid build-up.

Try this deep breathing pattern upon waking and before going to bed:

Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 10 seconds.Hold for 5 seconds.Exhale through your mouth for 10 seconds.Repeat 10 times.

With each breath, give thanks for everything that you have in your life. This is a great way to incorporate the practice of gratitude into your day.


Helpful Detoxifiers& Complementary Cleansing Therapies


Helpful Detoxifiers - Spices

Black Pepper

Aromatic freshly ground pepper, which gives a good bite. It is e!ective in warding o! colds and throat infection.


These similar tasting spices are mostly used in desserts. Cinnamon is especially powerful at moderating blood sugar and helpful in combating food poisoning. Cardamom prevents the formation of kidney stones. Nutmeg helps to relieve stress.


Used mainly in rice or meat dishes, and sometimes in baked foods. It helps control gum and tooth infections, combats colds, strengthens the nerves, improves circulation, and has an anti-nausea e!ect as well.

Coriander (or Cilantro)

One of the most popular garnishes. It helps with indigestion and the seeds can reduce cholesterol.


One of the main seasoning ingredients in curries. It is a good digestive aid and especially helpful at the settling the stomach after a heavy meal.




What isn’t garlic good for? It helps lower cholesterol, inhibits rheumatism, and has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-flatulent, and anti-cancer properties. It also high in sulfur, which means that it is an essential ingredient for liver detoxification and healthy skin, hair, and nails. It is amazing food that should be an integral of your diet.


Another great addition to any diet. Ginger improves digestion, reduces cholesterol, controls blood pressure, inhibits tumour growth, prevents coughs and colds, and has anti-nausea and anti-clotting properties.

Red Chili

Gives curries and chilies their famous red looks and hot flavour. It is helpful in preventing overeating, and it may improve digestive function by stimulating the production of stomach acid.


Gives a beautiful yellowish glow to food and is generally used in rice, meat, and seafood dishes. It is said to cure anemia. Sa!ron is also an excellent nerve and heart tonic, and it has anti-aging properties.


Used predominantly in Indian cuisine. This spice is a blood purifier, helps to improve liver function, prevents coughs and colds, improves skin tone, is an antiseptic, and is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent.


Herbal Teas

This is by no means an exhaustive list of herbs commonly used for teas. The following 9 herbal teas are what we most often turn to for cleansing and general health purposes. Feel free to enjoy any of your other favourite herbal teas during the 30-day program so long as they do not contain ca!eine – that’s why you won’t see green tea on this list, in spite of its tremendous antioxidant benefits.


Has a very relaxing and calming e!ect on the body and is helpful with irritations of all kinds. It helps to soothe the stomach and digestive system and is also a mood balancer. If you have trouble sleeping, drinking chamomile tea at night will be of benefit.

Dandelion Root

A potent liver and blood cleanser. Drink this tea first thing in the morning to help cleanse your body of toxic accumulation during your sleep.



Fennel tea is another great digestive aid as it can relieve mild or spastic stomach problems, fullness, and flatulence. It also helps in stimulating milk flow in women, acts as an antispasmodic, and has been shown to possess diuretic, bile-producing, pain-reducing, fever-reducing, and antimicrobial properties.


Goldenseal is very helpful during a cleanse. It is detoxifier of the blood, liver, kidneys, and skin. It is also a powerful anti-biotic as it can kill potentially harmful bacteria and parasites, and well as yeasts, worms, and other germs.

Licorice Root

This tea has amazing stomach-protecting properties such as blocking H. Pylori-related ulcers. It has a calming and soothing e!ect on the stomach, and is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It is also a terrific liver protector as it has been used to treat both cirrhosis and hepatitis. It helps the body expel toxins while “coating” or protecting the intestinal walls during the detoxification process.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is known to protect and regenerate the liver in most liver diseases such as Cirrhosis (hardening of the Liver), Jaundice and Hepatitis, (inflammation of the Liver), and Cholangitis (inflammation of bile ducts resulting in decreased bile flow). The key constituent of milk thistle, Silymarin, is a powerful antioxidant that enables milk thistle to give protection to the liver. Otherwise, milk thistle is a helpful blood, kidney, bladder, spleen, and kidney detoxifier.



This herbal tea is great for cleaning out the bowels, kidneys, and liver and helps to keep infections at bay. It is also great for weight loss as it supports metabolism and has diuretic properties. It is also a recommended herbal tea for men whose prostate is of concern.


Drinking peppermint tea after a meal can greatly assist with the digestive process. Its active ingredient, menthol, is known to promote digestion and help prevent gallstones. It soothes the stomach lining relieving stomach cramps. Also, the B vitamins in menthol help improve concentration and performance in the brain and nerves.

Rose Hips

The rose hip is the fruit of the rose plant. It is one of the highest plant sources of vitamin C, with about 1700–2000 mg per 100 g in the dried product – making it a great cold and flu-fighting agent. Rose hips also contain vitamins D and E, essential fatty acids, and large amounts of antioxidants (even more than blueberries). They are also a great source of iron, so some women brew rose hip tea during menstruation to make up for the iron that they lose with menses.

Rose hips are known to have the ability to prevent urinary bladder infections, assist in treating dizziness and headaches, and are also used to treat constipation.


Herbal Supplements

Although our food-based cleanse protocol will result in tremendous health improvements, we thought we would also provide you some complementary supplements that will further accelerate your detoxification. Keep in mind that these supplements are not mandatory. However, they are highly beneficial. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is one of nature’s natural antiseptics and candida-killing machines. It was used to sterilize pre-operative instruments until 1950. Oregano oil products have been used as an anti-viral, anti-fungal, (yeast and candida problems), anti-microbial, and an anti-tissue agent, meaning it halts coughs and eases spasticity of the lung’s bronchioles. It has also been used as a mucolytic (helps thin mobilized mucus), anti-spasmodic, (eases tightness and spasms of muscles), and as anti-parasitic agent.

Oil of Oregano is a highly potent purifier that provides many benefits for human health. Oil of Oregano is a natural substance that is extracted from wild oregano plants, and two key compounds found in it are carvacrol and thymol. Studies have shown that both of these compounds have significant e!ects on harmful microorganisms that cause many illnesses in humans.

The high concentrations of thymol and carvacrol in oregano oil have also been shown to calm upset stomachs and aid digestion. But most importantly, it has long been regarded as a natural remedy for sinus and lung congestion, and a powerful anti-fungal agent – helping to kill o! candida. For this reason, it is part of our Guide to Gut Health protocol.

It is important not to confuse Oil of Oregano with common oregano that is used as a spice for cooking. Common oregano is typically Origanum

Marjoram, while Oil of Oregano is derived from Origanum Vulgare.


Oil of oregano can be purchased as either a liquid or as capsules/tablets. In both forms, it is important to verify that the oil is derived from the proper potent oregano plant, and that the carvacrol concentration is at least 70%. We recommend choosing the liquid form since it can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream if a few drops are taken under the tongue. You may also choose to add a few drops of oregano oil to a small glass of water and swish it around in the mouth before swallowing.

Simply mix 2 or 3 drops of oil with a few ounces of water, and drink this a few times each day until improvements are noticed – usually within 3-5 days for sinus and lung congestion and a little bit longer for candida problems. Be sure to take a break from oil of oregano supplementation every 2 weeks so that your body does not become accustomed to it.

Milk Thistle

The seeds of this purple flower (a member of the sunflower family) have been used by healers for the past 2,000 years. Milk thistle is one the most important liver supportive agents as it has been used extensively to help repair damaged liver cells. It has been successfully used in patients with hepatitis and cirrhosis as it protects the liver cells from toxic damage and stimulates their repair.

A typical dose of milk thistle is about 150-300 mg/day, usually divided into 2 or 3 capsules.


The berry of this plant has a long tradition of use in Eastern medicine. It is most often prescribed for eye fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, and for regulating blood sugar levels. We recommend it its use in our cleanse for its beneficial e!ect on reducing sugar cravings and helping to restore proper adrenal function.

Adequate supplementation is between 1,000 to 2,000 mg/day, divided over 2 to 4 capsules. It should be taken with food.


Non-Herbal Supplements

Caprylic Acid

Caprylic acid, also known as octanoic acid, is present in butter, palm oil and coconut oil.

Caprylic acid has been found to possess numerous therapeutic properties, including an ability to help treat infections such as candidiasis, ringworm, gastroenteritis and salmonella.

One of the most well-known benefits linked to caprylic acid is its ability to treat fungal infections such as ringworm and candidiasis. In terms of the latter, caprylic acid supplements can be particularly helpful when used alongside other established candidiasis remedies such as acidophilus (healthy bacteria or probiotics), and following our “Cleanse Phase” dietary protocol.

While its not clear exactly how caprylic acid works against fungal infections like these, it appears to be able to restore and maintain a healthy balance of yeast. Some scientists believe that its fatty structure helps to break down the outside protective structure of the fungi making it vulnerable to attack by your own immune system.

Caprylic acid exhibits the most remarkable fungicidal properties of all the normal saturated fatty acids but its infection-fighting properties do not end there. It has also been found to be e!ective against bacterial infections, and has been used by doctors to help dissolve gallstones.

Animal studies have also shown caprylic acid to be e!ective against E.coli and salmonella – two types of infectious invaders that cause bowel infection, leading to diarrhea and vomiting.

Caprylic acid has the added bonus of being able to boost energy levels, because it can enter the cell’s energy powerhouse – the mitochondria – very easily.

Although it is found in palm and coconut oil, caprylic acid is most easily obtained in supplemental form. We recommend a supplement dosage for caprylic acid of 1,000mg/day, or as otherwise recommended on the product label.


Adding this supplement to your cleanse will have help knock o! a good chunk of the candida and other fungi that are wreaking havoc in your digestive and intestinal system.

There are no known side e!ects linked to caprylic acid although in rare cases it can cause mild gastrointestinal discomfort and headaches. If you are taking caprylic acid to fight candidiasis you should be prepared for some worsening of your symptoms, headaches or nausea, for a day or two this is a good sign, as it means your body is successfully eliminating large quantities of dead yeast cells and their toxins from your body, and that you’re on the road to recovery.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The importance of omega-3s fatty acids cannot be undermined. Let’s just say that these healthy fat are essential to a long-living and healthy body. In your body, they are ultimately broken down into strong an-ti-inflammatory hormones known as prostaglandins. Considering that inflammation is at root of pretty much all disease, omega-3s anti-inflam-matory properties should not be taken for granted.

Although omega-3s can be found in plant-based sources such as sunflower seeds, walnuts, hemp seed oil, and flax seed oil, the best and most bioavailable source comes from fish oil.

It has been said that we consume 1/10th of the omega-3s that we need. In fact, our omega-6 to omega-3 consumption is totally out of whack. Most westerners’ diets consist of a 10:1 up to 20:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. The problem with this unbalance is that omega-6 fatty acids, depending on the pathway they follow in the body, can be readily converted to inflammatory prostaglandins. Omega-3 fatty acids on the other can only be converted into the highly beneficial anti-inflamma-tory prostaglandin 1 and 3 molecules. Therefore, choosing a high quality fish oil rich in omega-3 (EPA/DHA) can be highly beneficial to your health.


The scientific literature consistently shows that fish oil is of great benefit to the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and immune system. It helps lessen symptoms of depression, slows the aging process, preserves memory and brain function, is needed for proper cell membrane function, is helpful for diabetes, and may prevent certain cancers and improve treatment outcomes in others.

When choosing a fish oil, look for one that has come from smaller fish (sardines, anchovies, krill, mackerel, arctic cod, and herring) as they have less potential for toxic residue buildup. Also, be sure that the oil has been molecularly distilled to remove all potential toxins.

Fish oil can be enjoyed by adding it to your smoothies, juices, or straight up. Although the daily recommended intake for omega-3 fatty acids is roughly 2-3 grams, there have been no studies showing that higher dosages harm the body in any way. I usually take 1-2 tbsp of fish oil per day.


Probiotic are “friendly” bacteria that you want in your digestive tract. They can be obtained naturally in certain fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, and miso soup or in supplemental form. There are over 400 di!erent types of these friendly bacteria in your colon that serve to complete the digestion of undigested foods, keep pathogenic bacteria and yeasts in check, add bulk to your stool, and produce vitamin K and some of the B vitamins. Research has shown the importance of ‘good bacteria’ not only to the health of your colon, but to your overall health.

Dysbiosis, the imbalance between healthy and unhealthy flora (bacteria) in the colon, is very common in today’s society considering how much we abuse our digestive system. If you ever experience intestinal gas, bloating, stomach upset, allergies, or constipation, then you will definitely benefit from a source of probiotics.


The key probiotic bacteria that you want to look for are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Within these categories are many strains but the most helpful for the health of your colon are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifido-bacterium bifidum, and Streptococcus faecium.

Naturally, yogurts and kefir are good sources of probiotics. However, since we don’t endorse the consumption of dairy, the best natural sources are sauerkraut, kombucha, and miso.

However, to get the most profound e!ect, we recommend getting your hands on a high quality probiotic supplement. A good probiotic supplement should contain a wide array of bacterial strains, with the 3 mentioned above being the most prominent. Most importantly, ensure that your probiotic supplement contains a suitable number of microorganisms. In general, choose a probiotic supplement that contains anywhere from 6 to 10 billion microorganisms and take the dosage 1 to 2 times per day. Refer to your Guide to Gut Health for specific dosage instructions.

A good probiotic supplement will also often contain adequate amounts of prebiotics (food for the healthy bacteria) to promote the proliferation of healthy bacteria. In most cases, it’s best to take your probiotic on an empty stomach.

Incorporating probiotics into your diet will make marked improvements in your digestion, elimination, and overall health. You will notice your bowel movements improve in consistency and regularity, you will help lessen the risk for the development of allergies, and you will dramatically improve the health of your colon and the rest of your body. These friendly bacteria are truly amazing!


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. In fact, it could almost be the king of amino acids due to its numerous benefits. Glutamine is converted to glucose when more glucose is required by the body as an energy source. Glutamine also serves as a source of fuel for cells lining the intestines. Without it, these cells waste away. It is also used by white blood cells and is important for immune function.


Few healthy people are glutamine deficient, in part because the body makes its own. During fasting, starvation, cirrhosis, critical illnesses, and weight loss associated with AIDS and cancer, however, deficiencies often develop.

Aside from these factors, we recommend glutamine for 2 reasons:

First, it is the most e!ective nutritional agent for repairing the intestinal lining. This is critically important as a damaged gut (leaky gut) is at the root of many problems in the body. And since healing the gut is one of the most pressing priorities during the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™, its intake (even if supplemental) should seriously be considered.

By using glutamine to help repair the cells of the intestinal lining, you help your digestive function and reduce the possibility for allergy development. Glutamine is clearly the preferred fuel source of the cells (enterocytes) of the small intestine, even more so than glucose! Hospitals are even adding glutamine to tube-fed and intravenous formulas because of its amazing benefits to the intestinal lining.

The second reason for glutamine supplementation is that it is one of the most amazing supplements for promoting muscle tissue repair and growth and for supporting the immune system. For those looking to develop strong and lean muscle or improve their athletic performance, glutamine can be of tremendous benefit. Intense exercise can be taxing on the immune system. Glutamine’s immune supporting ability has been well documented in preventing injuries, infections, and colds in intense exercising athletes.

Glutamine also helps maintain cell volume and hydration, speeding up wound and damaged tissue healing. Glutamine’s healing powers have even stretched so far as to assist in peptic ulcer repair!

Raw cabbage juice is probably the best natural source of glutamine. Otherwise, choosing an L-glutamine powder supplement is most convenient. There are no known side e!ects of high levels of glutamine intake but taking excessive amounts can lead to stomach upsets. It’s safest to follow the instructions on whichever glutamine supplement you purchase. Usually 2 to 5 grams per day is suitable for most active individuals and, over a 30-day period, should prove immensely beneficial for healing the intestinal walls.


Vitamin C

This vitamin plays a pivotal role in almost every bodily function. It is a powerful antioxidant that is required for more than 300 metabolic processes including tissue repair, boosting the immune system, cancer prevention, reducing inflammation, and neutralizing toxins and overall detoxification.

Needless to say, vitamin C is a helpful ingredient for a successful detoxification. One reason is that helps the body remove toxic heavy metal build-up. This is important as these heavy metals (such as mercury and lead) reside in the body’s tissues for many years and are linked to many degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and even ADHD.

Since vitamin C is water-soluble, it is excreted in the urine and should; therefore, be replenished throughout the day. Green vegetables are the greatest source of vitamin C and supplemental vitamin C may also be of benefit during the cleanse – although it is not necessary. Vitamin C can be taken up to bowel tolerance – the level at which is makes you have diarrhea. If selecting a vitamin C supplement choose the most absorbable form called “calcium citrate”.


This mineral works with insulin in assisting cells to take in glucose and release energy. It is most often used to treat hypoglycemia and diabetes. Chromium is perhaps the most deficient mineral in the western diet because of low soil levels of chromium and the loss of this mineral from the refining process.

It is usually present in unrefined grains but, for the purposes of our cleanse, should be taken in supplemental form to assist in reducing sugar cravings and normalizing blood sugar levels. A safe supplemental dosage for chromium is between 100-300 mcg per day.


Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are energized protein molecules found in all living cells. They catalyze and regulate all biochemical reactions that occur within the human body. They are also instrumental in digestion. They break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber making it possible to benefit from the nutrients found in those foods while removing the toxins. Enzymes turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use in the body. Their presence and strength can be determined by improved blood and immune system functions.

There are three types of enzymes. Our bodies naturally produce two types, digestive and metabolic enzymes as they are needed, while food enzymes can only be obtained by eating living foods.

Metabolic enzymes speed up the chemical reaction within the cells for detoxification and energy production. Metabolic enzymes are produced by every living cell. However, the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs play a vital role in their production.

Digestive enzymes are secreted along the digestive tract to break food down into nutrients and waste. This allows nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream and the waste to be discarded. Human digestive enzymes include ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, lipase, protease, and amylase.

The body does not make cellulase, an enzyme necessary for proper digestion of fiber, so it must be introduced through the raw foods we eat.

Food enzymes are introduced to the body through the raw foods we eat and through consumption of supplemental enzymes. Raw foods naturally contain enzymes, providing a source of digestive enzymes when ingested. However, raw food manifests only enough enzymes to digest that particular food, not enough to have any support systemically. The cooking and processing of food destroys all of its enzymes. Since most of the foods we eat are cooked or processed in some way and since the raw foods we do eat contain only enough enzymes to process that particular food, our bodies must produce the majority of the digestive enzymes we require. For these reasons we recommended that you supplement your diet with enzymes.


Here is a list and description of the most common supplemental digestive enzymes:

1. Pancreatin is a substance from the pancreas and contains proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down protein), amylase, and lipase. This enzyme has been studied extensively for its anti-inflammato-ry properties. However, since it is a glandular compound it provides the same type of support a thyroid complex provides an individual’s thyroid and some experts suggest that pancreatic enzymes should not be taken during pregnancy or when using blood thinners.

2. Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme and is the principle digestive component of the stomach’s gastric juice. It is usually given to those whose digestion of protein is impaired.

3. Bromelain is a group of proteolytic and milk-clotting enzymes derived from the pineapple stem. A concentrate of this enzyme can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

4. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from papaya. This enzyme becomes active in an environment of 6.0 - 8.0 pH and required temperatures above normal human body temperature. For this reason papain and bromelain are often used to reduce inflammation since the temperature at points of inflammation are always higher than the rest of the body.

5. Chymotrypsin is a proteolytic enzyme that is derived from the pancreas. This enzyme requires a pH level of 8.0 to become active and as such does most of its job in the more alkaline small intestine.

6. Trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme formed in the intestines. Trypsin breaks down the amino acids arginine and lysine and works only in an alkaline setting.

7. Lipase breaks down lipids and improves fat utilization and supports gallbladder function.


8. Maltase is an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates, malt and grain sugars. Breaks down complex and simple sugars.

9. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates such as starch and glycogen, and polysaccharides into smaller units.

To help improve digestion (especially when eating cooked foods), enzymes should be taken before, during, and/or after your meal. Otherwise, they can be taken on an empty stomach to help improve other areas of your health by breaking down immune complexes within your blood.


Complementary Cleansing Therapies

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a great way to improve the circulation of your blood and lymph, exfoliate the skin, assist the process of fat and cellulite absorption, and help your body expel built up toxins. Not only is dry brushing great for the everyday person, it also amazingly beneficial for athletes and recreational exercisers because of its ability to remove toxins from within the muscles and lymphatic system!

What is a Dry Brush?

The tool is typically a long-handled bath brush with soft, natural fiber bristles. Other options would include exfoliating gloves, a loofah sponge or even raw-silk gloves. The advantage of the long-handled brush over the other options is that the bather can reach body parts not accessible by his or her arm-reach. The middle back is an example of a hard-to-reach area when using the loofah sponge or gloves.

How to Dry Brush

Dry brushing uses strokes that go towards the heart – aiding in your body’s lymph and blood circulation. Stroking away from your heart puts extra pressure on the valves within the veins and lymph vessels and can cause ruptured vessels and varicose veins. Therefore, brush towards to your heart – your centre. Always start with a lighter pressure to avoid scratching the skin or feeling uncomfortable. More pressure can be added over time as your body gets accustomed to dry brushing.

Once you are all set to go, here’s how it works.

Starting at your feet, the brush, loofah or gloves are drawn across the tops and bottoms of the feet moving on to the calves and then the thighs. Areas of cellulite or extra fat can be given extra brush strokes. Strokes should always move towards the heart – an upward motion for the lower body and sideways motions for the upper chest and back.


Strokes across the abdomen should resemble a clockwise motion - the direction of proper digestion flow. Women should use gentle pressure over the breasts and under the arms, especially if sensitivity exists.

Dry brushing should be done in the nude. It is often best to do your dry brushing before you shower or bathe because you will want to wash o! the impurities from the skin as a result from the brushing action.

When to Dry Brush

Skin brushing should be performed once a day, preferably first thing in the morning, as generally, the body is most toxic at this time. A thorough skin brushing takes about 15 minutes. If you are feeling ill, remember that this is most likely the result of toxin breakdown and circulation within your body. To assist in its removal you can even increase your dry brushing to twice a day. And, remember to drink lots and lots of water!

After brushing and getting out of the shower, dry o! and massage your skin with pure plant oils such as olive, avocado, apricot, almond, sesame, coconut or cocoa butter. These will invigorate your skin and provide superb nutrition to it as well.


Muscular contraction is needed to move the lymph. Thus, the best way to improve lymphatic draining is by moving your body and forcing your muscles to work. In so doing, the contracting muscles act as a pump to move the lymph through your body and into elimination.

Rebounding, or jumping on a mini-trampoline, is one of the most e!ective ways to stimulate the lymph in a less strenuous manner than traditional weight-bearing exercise such as running. The best part about rebounding is that all that is required of you is to lightly jump up and down on a trampoline (or rebounder). The soft give of the trampoline provides a cushioning that allows your body to work without the unneeded stress on the joints.


If you have a rebounder (or trampoline) try “rebounding” for 5-15 minutes upon waking. This is the best time of day to get your lymph moving and get rid of built-up waste from the night’s sleep.

Here are 7 more reasons for why we recommend rebounding:

1. The vertical use of acceleration, deceleration, and gravity provide the ideal conditions for cleansing your cells.

2. Rebounding is the ultimate cellular exercise as it builds physical cellular strength by challenging the structure of each cell. As your cells become stronger, they become less prone to degenerative disease.

3. It leads to improve posture, increased vascularity, better muscle tone, sharper vision, greater coordination, better balance, and elevate energy levels.

4. By working against the constant gravitational pressure while bouncing, you resist the earth’s pull. Gravity becomes a force for the good of your entire body.

5. Rebounding will let you improve the function of your heart muscle by improving the tone and quality of the heart muscle itself and by increasing coordination of its fibers as they pump out blood during each beat.

6. It provides the stimulus for a free-flowing lymphatic draining system, which helps rid your body of toxins, cancer cells, wastes, trapped proteins, bacteria, viruses, and other cellular waste.

7. Rebounding floods your cells with oxygen. This enables them to better produce and utilize energy.


Liver Massage

This is a simple technique you can use to stimulate your liver and “wake it up” first thing in the morning. It will kickstart the detoxification process and improve bile production in the liver and help it release from the gall bladder.

Here’s how it works:

1. Upon waking, rest on your back and place your right hand over the upper right quadrant of your abdomen (that’s where your liver is located).

2. Use gentle circular motions and apply light pressure over the area with your hand.

3. Repeat for 5 to 10 minutes.


Sweating is one avenue the body uses to remove toxins. Spending 15 to 20 minutes in a hot sauna is a great way to raise the temperature of your body and induce a terrific sweat.

You can enjoy a sauna on a daily basis but be sure to have a plenty of water with you while in the heat. Saunas are not meant to help you lose weight. You are simply losing water through sweat and, thus, this fluid must be replenished.

If you have a heart condition, then you are best to avoid hot saunas. Verify with your doctor before taking a hot sauna.


Epson Salt Baths

Epson salts baths are very cleansing and can pull a significant amount of toxins from the body. They are also great for relaxing sore and tense muscles.

Simply add one to two cups of Epson salts in a hot bath and voila! The bath should last no longer than 30 minutes. Use a natural fiber such as a loofah sponge or cotton washcloth and scrub all over your body. You can follow the bath with a light shower to rinse o!.

If you want to further the cleansing, you can put on a large robe or towel when you leave the shower/tub so that you continue to sweat for a while.

Ionic Foot Baths

An ionic foot bath entails placing your feet in a water-filled basin in which an ionizer is placed. At the same time, a wrist band is attached to you that leads to the ionic equipment, which then passes a tiny electric current through the water (via your body), creating ions that do all the work. As this is happening you get to relax for a good half hour.

In theory, as the toxic substances leave your body through the feet and enter the ionic water, the water will become colored. As the session progresses, the water’s color will deepen or even change as more toxic compounds are removed from the body. The osmosis-based process is harmless and the color of the water indicates what is being detoxed from the body.

If the ionic-enhanced water turns yellow-green, detox from the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract or female/prostate organs is occurring. Orange indicates toxin removal from joints. If the water becomes black, liver detox is occurring and other colors indicate other systems detoxing.


This body detoxification works great for those that have symptoms of edema, gout, osteoarthritis and many other ailments. Skin rashes, acne, dark eye circles, and uneven skin tone can be improved quickly with this method of detoxification. Both Amy and I have had an ionic foot bath and would recommend it as a neat alternative cleansing therapy.

There are a few people that should not use an ionic footbath. Those include anyone with a pacemaker or any battery-operated implant, anyone on medication to regulate heartbeat, organ transplant patients, and people that require specific levels of anti-seizure or psychiatric medications in their systems such as those with epilepsy or mental disorders.

Colon Hydrotherapy

This “colon cleansing” procedure gently sends warm, sterile water into your lower bowel and colon to assist in cleansing years of excess mucus, gas, impacted fecal matter, pollutants, and other toxic substances. This can be highly beneficial treatment if done properly by a skilled professional. The procedure itself takes about 45 minutes and begins with you lying on a comfortable table whereby a tube is then inserted into your anus. It should not painful (although there may be some discomfort if it’s your first session) but rather you should feel a mild pressure.

For best results, several treatments are best to help break down and remove years of impacted fecal matter and other toxic build-up. As a result, most people report having more energy, better digestion and bowel movements, clearer skin, and immediate weight loss. This makes sense as the colon can store up to 65 lbs of impacted fecal matter!


The Fundamentals of Digestion and Colon Health


The Fundamentals of Digestion

Almost all disease begins with faulty digestion. Digestion is the most energy consuming activity that our bodies perform. By improving digestion we can free up energy for other processes such as cleansing our bodies, which means cleansing unnecessary fat – weight loss! When energy is dedicated to digestion, it leaves us lethargic and drowsy. Mentally, we are not as sharp as if digestion were e"cient, and cellularly, the body is unable to focus on other activities such as internal cleansing of bodily impurities – such as excess fat!

Freeing up that digestive energy will leave you eager to get yourself moving. Whether it’s playing with the kids, taking the stairs, or hitting the gym, the more you move the faster you will hit your health goals. So lets start the ball rolling and do everything we can to improve our digestion, and our waist lines! Changes occur quickly once you start taking care of yourself…what will you look like in 30 days?


The digestive process begins long before food reaches our stomach. Digestive juices (enzymes) start flowing with the sight, thought, and smell of food. Food starts to break down in the mouth when saliva is mixed into food via the act of chewing.

Saliva is rich in the enzyme ptyalin (amylase) and aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates and approximately one cup of amylase is produced at each meal.

Taking the time to chew your food, increasing surface area for amylase to work on in the mouth takes a myriad of pressure o! of other digestive organs further along the digestive system. The act of chewing also alerts the stomach to the arrival of food and triggers the production of hydrochloric acid there.




The stomach is the area of protein digestion. There are no starch-digest-ing enzymes released. The digestion of proteins into amino acids is slow and can take many hours to complete.

The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin to digest protein. If the stomach is not producing enough acid, or the stomach is being overloaded with too much food, protein digestion will su!er. Partly digested chains of amino acids can be passed onto the small intestine when there is not enough acid in the stomach to break them down.

This is how food sensitivities and allergies occur, and you will learn more about these problems in a later week. In addition to improper protein digestion, insu"cient stomach acid means improper absorption of vitamins and minerals.

So, you can eat all the nutritious organic food you want, but if you are not digesting it and absorbing the nutrients, it really doesn’t make a di!erence. Improving digestion you not only increase your energy and lose weight, you will increase nutrient absorption and gain more energy and vitality!

When the pH of the stomach reaches a certain level of acidity, the digestion of carbohydrates is halted for the time being but will resume in the small intestine. It is estimated that carbohydrates have up to an hour to continue digestion in the stomach until enough acid has been created.

So, we have about an hour’s time of food sitting in the stomach until protein digestion can begin. If you were to drink water at this point, you would severely limit your digestive potential. Water will dilute digestive juices and therefore hinder digestion.


The more liquid you drink with or directly after your meal, the longer digestion will take. For this reason, water consumption should be stopped at least half an hour before meals and not resumed until at least an hour after eating. Also, never drink ice cold water near meal times. Ice water shocks the HCl-producing glands leaving them unable to produce digestive acid for up to an hour.

And, if you are celebrating or just absolutely have to have a glass of wine with your meal on occasion, opt for one 3 oz. glass of red wine at room temperature. Since red wine is fermented, it has enzymes that will aid in digestion when taken in moderation. Adding too much wine will increase digestion time as it increases the amount of overall liquid in the stomach.

Small Intestine

When food leaves the stomach, it empties into the small intestine – an area called the duodenum. The duodenum also receives digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder.

These secretions are necessary to complete the digestion and absorption of food. The stomach contents that move into the small intestine are acidic, and for digestion to continue in the small intestine, the acidity must be turned alkaline.

If food is not thoroughly digested for our body’s use, the bad bacteria in our intestines will digest the food for you, releasing toxins into your intestines. The result is gas and bloating. If you have a healthy digestive system, you will not have any gas or bloating at all!


The Pancreas manufactures enzymes to aid in the break down of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Pancreatic juice is slightly alkaline, and the movement of acidic stomach contents into the small intestine stimulates the pancreas to supply pancreatic juice.



The gallbladder, like the pancreas, is stimulated by acidic stomach contents to release its alkaline bile into the small intestine. Bile is manufactured by the liver, but stored in the gallbladder. Bile works to assimilate fat so it can be absorbed through the intestinal wall into the lymphatic system.


The liver is the detoxification center of the body. When food is absorbed from the intestines it goes through the portal vein to the liver where the blood passes around and through liver cells and then goes onto the heart through the vena cava. The liver cells filter the nutrients out of the blood and process them so they can be used or stored. The liver stores sugar by hooking individual molecules together to form glycogen.


Tips on How to Improve Your Digestion

Drink Your Solids, and Chew Your Liquids

Eating slowly makes it easier to tell when you’re full. You don’t want to get too full because you’ll dilute your digestive juices. Sometimes this may mean leaving half of your food on your plate – and that’s ok! Chewing your food well makes it easier for the stomach and intestines to finish digestion. Remember – the stomach doesn’t have teeth! Chewing your liquids means not just downing a glass of juice, but rather swishing it around in your mouth to ensure each particle comes into contact with the digestive juices of the mouth.

Don’t Drink With Meals

Take small sips if you must. Avoid ice water as it shocks stomach secretions and halts digestion completely. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and make sure you drink plenty of water during and after exercise.

Eat Stress-Free

Stress halts digestion. Eat in an environment where you can take your time and simply enjoy the act of eating. This means it may be best if you turned o! the television and avoided the evening news. News programs thrive on death and destruction – topics that are not going to aid digestion. Unexpressed worries and fears are common stressors that e!ect digestion. Look on the bright side of any troublesome situations you may find yourself in and stay happy and be optimistic!



Deep breathing aids digestion big time. Take some time several times a day whenever you think of it…especially when stressed. Repeat: “Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in. Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.” This is one of the many useful tips I have gotten from my yoga instructors and it makes you relax and breathe so deeply. The extra oxygen does wonders for the body. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment, so breathe!

Food Combine Properly

When you eat a concentrated protein (like meat) with a concentrated starch (like potatoes) you are asking your body to create opposite digestive environments at the same time.  Protein needs acid to digest properly in the stomach, and starches need a more alkaline environment.  Starches begin digestion in the mouth and continue to be digested in the intestines.  Our prerogative here is to ensure an optimal stomach environment at all times. Remember to drink water on an empty stomach!

The general guidelines are these:

1. Eat fruit alone, or ½ an hour before other foods. Remember that fermentation will cause gas, bloating, and fatigue. (This is not a problem on the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ because we have omitted fruit, so this will come into play post-cleanse!)

2. Proteins can be eaten with vegetables. 

3. Starches can be eaten with vegetables. 

4. Never eat concentrated proteins with concentrated starches.  So meat + potatoes is a very bad idea. Sorry Dad! You will remember that starches and proteins require di!erent environments to digest. Eating them separately will decrease the time and energy devoted to digestion.

5. Vegetables and good fats can be eaten with either proteins or starches since neither relies on the stomach for digestion.


Food Sequence

Though the stomach churns, the food inside is not thoroughly mixed. What is eaten first is largely kept separate from what is eaten later in the same meal. Clear fluids exit the stomach quickly, in a matter of minutes. Fruits have the second fastest exit time, followed by vegetables, starches, and proteins/fats/oils take the longest. Co!ee, tea, and spices stimulate gastro-intestinal churning and act to accelerate the emptying of the stomach into the small intestine, so taking them with the meal promotes incomplete digestion, and should be avoided.

To maximize digestive e"ciency, mono-meals (meals consisting of only one item, such as a meal consisting solely of bananas) are likely the way we were meant to eat. Our stomachs know how to deal with a banana, and gauge how much acid to create to get the job done. But as soon as we start mixing foods into gourmet dinners, our stomachs get confused.

The best way to remedy this is through the science of food sequencing. Food sequencing entails eating the most easily digested items first, followed by foods that require more time in the stomach.

The rules are as follows:

1. Fruit. Fruit digests itself, passing through the digestive system within 20 minutes. If fruit is eaten when food is already in the stomach, it gets trapped and ferments. This fermentation causes bloating and gas, slows down the entire system and steals your vital bodily energy to focus on digestion.

2. Simple foods and enzyme-rich. Raw foods contain the enzymes needed to digest themselves, and require less external enzymes, and therefore less time to be digested.

3. Simple starches. The acid in the stomach will disintegrate simple starches such as bread and baked goods.

4. Complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods. Foods such as a baked potato, and whole grains like wild rice and oat groats (unprocessed oats) require more digestion time.

5. Protein and fats. Protein needs su"cient time in the stomach where it can be soaked in acid and broken into amino acids.


Food combining and food sequencing are less important the cleaner your diet, (vegan vs. omnivore) but you may find these guidelines make you feel much better post meal no matter what type of diet you follow.


It’s important to have a regular exercise regimen to keep not only your digestive system in top shape, but also to relieve overall stress and calm your mind. Depending on your level of fitness this may mean starting a walking program or attending your first yoga class. While you’re on the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ you will be provided with a daily exercise plan, and after 30 days you will have the momentum going to keep up with daily exercise.

Use Digestive Enzymes

They are amazing, amazing. We try to eat raw foods most of the time, but when we find ourselves in situations where it’s di"cult to eat raw, we take digestive enzymes. When you eat cooked food, the enzymes have been deactivated in the cooking process. This is bad news considering they are essential to life.

Enzymes help take care of the bloating and sleepiness after eating and improve the quality of your skin, hair, etc. because they digest your food which helps the absorption of nutrients. We find it easiest to get full spectrum enzymes. Look for one that has protease (digests protein), lipase (digests fat), and amylase (digests starches).


Use Probiotics

You are probably familiar with antibiotics – the blanket prescription that your doctor has prescribed you for years. Antibiotics act to kill not only bad bacteria that may be causing an infection – but also good bacteria that are responsible for keeping your body in good working order.

If you have taken antibiotics anytime in the last 10 years than you may be quite familiar with the feelings of gas and bloating after you eat. This is often because antibiotics have killed o! the good bacteria in your digestive tract, paving the way for bad bacteria to take over.

Taking a good probiotic before bed may help repopulate your digestive tract. Look for enteric coated probiotics found in your local health food store. The enteric coating ensures the probiotics make it through the acidity of the stomach, and release in the intestines where they are needed.

Quick Reference Guides

The next 3 pages provide you with 3 Quick Reference Guides to bettering your digestion, based on the information that has just been presented to you. We suggest printing them and keeping them accessible and visible as much as possible. Posting them on your refrigerator is a good idea.


Steps to Good Digestion

Steps to Good Digestion1. Eat while relaxed. Never eat while rushed or stressed.

2. Begin meal with a glass of lukewarm lemon water. Avoid ice-cold beverages, as they will shut down your stomach’s gastric glands.

3. Chew your food thoroughly, until it feels mushy in your mouth.

4. Practice proper “Food Combining”.

5. If eating a meal that does is not properly “combined”, then follow the “Food Sequencing” principles.

6. Other than a few sips, refrain from drinking liquids with your food.

7. If the meal is cooked (not raw), it is helpful to take a digestive enzyme before, during, and after your meal.

8. If your meal contains animal protein, it will greatly help to take an HCL (hydrochloric acid) tablet to generate more gastric juice and protein enzymes.


Food Combining Principles

Food Combining Principles1. Eat RAW FRUIT alone


3. Water-rich VEGETABLES go with everything

4. Healthy FATS go with everything

5. Avoid combining HIGH SUGAR FOODS with other foods.

Note: Food combining principles can be more lax if your meal consists of a juice or smoothie, since the ingredients are blended.


Cereal with cow’s milk

Chicken and rice

Steak and potato

Cereal (non-raw) with fruit


Cereal with rice milk

Salmon and steamed leafy greens

Chic peas and kale

Rice cracker with almond butter


Food Sequencing

Food SequencingIf you are presented with a meal with foods that are not properly “combined”, you can also better your body’s ability to digest them by sequencing how you eat your meal. Here is how food sequencing works.


These are generally raw foods such as salad or raw veggies. Their enzymes will assist in the digestion of the foods you eat next.


These include your starchy root vegetables (sweet potato, yams, etc…). We eat these before heavier protein because they are digested more rapidly and thus can pass through the digestive tract unimpeded.

3. Eat PROTEIN + FAT last

These take the longest to digest and thus should be eaten after the aforementioned foods. This is more applicable to those who eat animal proteins. If you are a vegan than your protein will be coming from easy to assimilate plant sources such as legumes. Furthermore, plant-based proteins don’t carry saturated fats or cholesterol (only healthy fats) which further assists their digestion.



MEAT EATER - MENUOn your plate, you have some simple greens with vinaigrette, brown rice, a piece of salmon, and steamed green leafy vegetables.

How do you sequence them for optimal digestion?

Ideally, it would look like this…

Salad Greens Æ Green Leafy Vegetables Æ Brown Rice Æ Salmon

Following this simple sequencing pattern will help you digest your meals much more e!ectively.

VEGAN - MENUOn your plate, you have cooked lentils, steamed broccoli, salad greens, and shaved raw (soaked) almonds.

How do you sequence this meal for optimal digestion?

Note: In vegan dishes, the need to sequence is less important due to absence of tough-to-digest animal proteins.

Ideally, though, it would look like this…

Salad Æ Steamed Æ Cooked Æ Soaked Raw Greens Broccoli Lentils Almonds



If you are a raw foodist or are eating a meal that is 100% raw, then both food combining and food sequencing are of lesser importance.

Since raw foods are rich in food enzymes, they are much more capable of digesting themselves and imposing less stress on the digestive system.


However, many people who are not accustomed to eating raw foods (especially cruciferous veggies) may report bloating or gas or digestive stress when eating these uncooked foods.

If this happens to you, then main reason is that your body is not yet accustomed to handling high amounts of fiber. As such, you have a tough time breaking down the “cellulose” plant wall (the fiber), which, in turn, may cause feeling slightly uncomfortable.

The solution – lightly steam your foods (and we’re talking 1-2 minutes – not 10-20 minutes!). This will help to breakdown the tougher cellulose fiber and enable your body to better digest those tougher raw veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, etc...



Drinking enough filtered water is vital to your health. Remember, the body is 70% water, the most abundant substance in the body, so you want to make sure that your foods are 70% water. Most people today subsist on diets that are probably 70% bread! And bread is devoid of water so it needs to take water from your body in order to be digested, leaving you sluggish and dehydrated!

Pure water (distilled) does not exist in nature. Minerals and other substances are always present. Water is involved in every bodily function: circulation, digestion, absorption, elimination, pregnancy, etc., and is the primary component of blood, lymph, digestive juices, urine, tears, and sweat. These functions will be slowed immensely if there is not enough water in the body. Most people are in a constant state of dehydration, and most people are in extremely poor health.

Hungry? Grab some water! Reaching for a glass of water instead of food can save you many, many unwanted pounds over the years. The sensations of thirst and hunger are one and the same, generated whenever the brain is in need of sugar or water. So why do we often choose food over water? I am certain this is due to our highly processed food supply. Let’s take white bread for example, which does not exist in nature, and is therefore a highly processed food! Its lack of nutrients and fiber makes it act like a drug within our bodies.

Broken down quickly, the simple carbohydrates enter our bloodstream causing a fast rise and fall in blood sugar. The fall causes the feeling of hunger to increase blood sugar and the need for water goes overlooked because we have created a more pressing need for sugar!

This also makes us more likely to reach for a sugar-laden drink over water, both situations result in packing on extra calories. This yo-yo battle with blood sugar will result in constant dehydration. If we ate whole foods like our ancestors did, we would be more in tune with our need for water.

Another mistake that leads to weight gain is assuming that manufactured beverages can replace our need for water. Our bodies need water, not just liquids.


Drinking 8 glasses of bottled juice, 8 cans of pop, or any other highly processed drink will not hydrate you. They have many other ingredients that influence body chemistry, none of which do us any good! I’ve come across many people who are adamant about telling me that as long as a beverage contains water, it’s just as good as water. You can fool yourself, and you can argue with me all you want, but it won’t change the fact that every cell in your body needs a pure source of water.

Let’s take for example someone who drinks upwards of 8 Diet Cokes a day. The ca!eine found in coke acts directly on the brain, like a drug. Ca!eine also acts as a diuretic, increases urine production, and leaves the body in a constant state of dehydration. This is why a person can drink so many sodas and never satisfy their thirst. These people assume they have drunk enough “water” (in the form of soda) and assume they are hungry. Overeating and weight gain will be caused by the confusion between thirst and hunger.

Let’s talk about another constituent of diet coke: aspartame. Aspartame converts to aspartate, phenylalanine, and methyl alcohol (formaldehyde) in the small intestine. The first two are highly excitatory neurotransmitter amino acids, and cross the blood brain barrier. There is a claim that the body renders the methyl alcohol non-toxic, but their claim has yet to be proven.

According to the video “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,” aspartame complaints represent 80-85% of food complaints with the FDA due to its multiple neurotoxic, metabolic, allergenic, fetal, and carcinogenic e!ects. Aspartame is known to erode intelligence and a!ects short-term memory. The most frequent complaints about aspartame include brain tumors, birth defects, lymphoma, diabetes, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety attacks, epilepsy/seizures, migranes, numbness, hearing loss and ringing in the ears, blindness, blurred vision, other eye problems, and stomach disorders. Artificial sweeteners stimulate the appetite by spiking insulin levels, leaving you hungry shortly after eating. This leads to an increase in carbohydrate cravings and the increased intake of food will stimulate fat storage and weight gain!


Before learning about the e!ects of aspartame, I (Amy) drank about 4 cans of diet coke per day. Like many others, I assumed a toxic substance would never gain allowance into our food supply. I was wrong. For 2 years I su!ered from cloudiness in my eyes. I always had one eye that was so fuzzy I could not see properly. Now I cannot tell you that Diet Coke was for sure to blame, but 6 months after I stopped drinking it, I realized my vision was completely fine! Aspartame is a man-made chemical and has no place whatsoever in our bodies. Water, on the other hand contains no aspartate, phenylalanine, or formaldehyde.

What About Juice?

The biggest problem with juice – that is not fresh-pressed and vege-table-based - is its sugar content. Too much sugar in juice form will be absorbed into the blood stream, causing a drastic spike in blood sugar. The drastic spike causes a drastic fall, leaving us craving more sugar. This may lead to drinking even more juice, adding even more calories!

Let’s take Ocean Spray’s white cranberry juice for instance. Ingredients: Filtered water, white cranberry juice from concentrate, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, natural flavors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and citric acid. In addition to the concentrated juice, there is more added sugar and high fructose corn syrup! The term “natural flavors” can mean anything. It can even mean MSG has been added. It is amazing what labelers can categorize as natural. Water has no added sugar, no fillers, and no preservatives. If you want juice, buy a juicer and make it yourself. It will then be full of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, which are needed for every single function within the body.

Even if you’re already drinking water, you need to start thinking about the source of that water. Drinking any old tap water is not good for our cells. Tap water has chlorine, among other things, added to kill bacteria. The problem here is that it kills both bad and good bacteria that our bodies need to be healthy.


Drinking chlorinated water is like taking antibiotics every day. It is important that drinking water is filtered using a respectable filtration system. I prefer carbon filtered water. Ideally, you want to find a filtration technology that reduces volatile organic compounds, lead, cysts, MTBE, turbidity, chlorine, bad tastes, odors, and particulate matter.

How much water do you need to drink? An often-agreed amount is half your body weight in ounces per day. So, if you’re 160 lbs, you need 80 oz. of water each day. That breaks down into 10 8 oz. glasses…but all these numbers are SO confusing! You may find it easiest to keep a glass of water where you can see it at all times – you’ll find you just naturally drink more that way.

Be sure to sip water throughout the day and not chug 2 or 3 glasses at a time to “make up” for lost glasses. Water taken this way may not become assimilated into the body and pass through the system relatively unused. Drink water first thing in the morning as the body becomes dehydrated at night. It can also stop you from overeating your breakfast!

Water is good for so many things in addition to dropping a few pounds, so you may notice other problems get better, like asthma, hiatus hernia, and pains in the lower back, neck, and heart! Get headaches? Drink water! You will be amazed at the results!


How to Create a Healthy Colon

You would be hard pressed these days to find someone free of colon issues. Most clients complain about bloating, gas, smelly bowel movements, and a general uncomfortable feeling after eating. Proper hydration and proper nutrition are the two most important factors a!ecting the peristalsis of your colon. So it’s a no brainer that constipation is often caused by poor diet and dehydration!

Laxatives and even “natural” laxatives – herbs such as senna and cascara sagrada – are strongly advised against to relieve constipation. They irritate the colon and cause it to expel its contents, but do not address the root of the problem.

Gentle minerals like magnesium hydroxide can be used to bring water into the colon, but you must drink lots of water when taking even gentle minerals to ensure you rehydrate your cells. Gentle herbs like peppermint can stimulate digestion and make elimination easier. In addition, cape aloe and rhubarb are gentle herbs that naturally stimulate peristalsis of the colon.

Colon cancer is consistently linked to slow transit time. This is the time it takes your meal to make it through your body from mealtime to elimination. Transit time should be anywhere from 18 to 24 hours.

If you are eliminating regularly, it doesn’t mean that you have a healthy colon. You could be eliminating food from days ago! If you’re one of those people with a “pregnant belly,” and there’s no baby to speak of – you’d better start getting serious about straightening things out right this minute. When food stays in the colon for long periods of time, it creates toxins, putrefies, and means you’ve got an increased chance of bacteria overgrowth, cancer, diverticulosis, or constipation. On the other hand, if transit time is too short, there is a chance of malabsorption and diarrhea, which may mean you are regularly eating foods to which you are sensitive.

To test your transit time, eat a cup of beets (grated) or corn and note how long it takes to come out the other end!

For more detailed information on constipation and how to improve transit time read the chapter “Eternal Health – The 4 Elements Cells Need to Thrive” which is in your Starter Kit.


Is Your Gut Leaky?

Leaky gut syndrome is the technical name for increased intestinal permeability. As its name signifies, this condition is characterizes by a gut (intestinal tract) that allows far too many substances into the bloodstream.

Normally, the intestinal walls form a semi-permeable barrier, only allowing properly digesting nutrients into the bloodstream, while preventing the uptake of toxins and undigested food particles. Such nutrients are able to pass into the blood through pores located in the intestinal wall.

Under ideal circumstances, these pores are small enough to prevent undigested food particles and other large toxins from escaping the intestinal tract and causing damage in the bloodstream.

However, in the case of leaky gut syndrome, these pores widen, which allows anything and everything to pass through the (now very permeable) intestinal walls and into the blood.

This is a big problem and is one of the biggest factors behind food allergies and auto-immune diseases.

Why is Having a Leaky Gut Dangerous?

Our intestinal tract is obviously semi-permeable for a reason. If is meant to keep out certain substances then there’s a reason for needing to do so.

One of the problems with leaky gut is that it allows undigested food particles into the blood. When this happens, the immune system builds up antibodies against the protein in that food and mounts a full-out immune response. The immune system is simply doing its job. If it identifies a “foreign” substance in the bloodstream, then it will take the necessary action to neutralize it.


Unfortunately, since the body has now developed an antibody army against this food, with time as you ingest this food your body will become “hypersensitive” to it. This is how food allergies develop. And the more this occurs with the foods you eat, the more hypersensitive your immune system becomes.

As a result, you become much more susceptible to environmental allergens since your body’s immune system is now in overdrive and “paranoid” about everything little thing it is exposed to.

With time, a hypersensitive immune system can start reacting in a myriad of unpredictable ways. In many cases, it will actually begin to attack the body itself, creating an auto-immune disease such as alopecia, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, Graves’ disease, endometriosis, and many more.

A substantial proportion of the population su!ers from immune diseases, which are often chronic, debilitating, and life-threatening. There are more than eighty illnesses caused by autoimmunity and about 75 percent of those a!ected are women. It has been estimated that autoimmune diseases are among the ten leading causes of death among women in all age groups up to 65 years.

However, go to your doctor, allergist, or immunologist and they will NEVER even mention the possibility of leaky gut syndrome.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Well, as was briefly mentioned above, the substances and choices that stress your body and digestive system will have a profound e!ect on the health of your colon and intestinal tract. Refined sugars, processed foods, alcohol, medications, and stress will negatively impact the colon.

All of these can worsen the balance between good and bad flora in your colon. If the bad are way out of control, then fungi, for instance, can latch onto the intestinal walls and create irritation, inflammation, and the eventually widening of the pores.


If food sits in your colon for too long, it too will irritate the intestinal walls and predipose them to becoming more permeable. That is one of the reasons why passing regular bowel movements is so important.

Leaky Gut Remedies

Remedying leaky gut syndrome is synonymous with healing your colon. To help you do so, we have prepared a 1-page quick reference Guide to Gut Health, which will give the exact steps to help you repair your gut and improve the health of your colon. You can find this guide in just a few pages at the end of this chapter.


Candida Explained

Candida Albicans is a single-celled fungus (a yeast to be more exact).

In a healthy individual, it lives in the digestive tract and is kept in balance among other bacteria and fungi. These “normal flora” that live in the large intestine help in the digestion of food, produce enzymes and vitamins, and prevent infections and disease.

You’re certainly aware of the importance of probiotics right? Well, that’s why. They keep your flora in check by providing the “good” bacteria.

However, when the condition of your bowels becomes disrupted through the use of antibiotics, steroids such as estrogens, progesterone, the birth control pill, or cortisone, the environment becomes one where fungi will thrive.

In recent years, the outbreak of candida-related problems has been largely due to the generous consumption antiobiotics. Antiobiotics act like an atomic bomb, wiping out ALL micro-organisms in the body, good ones included.

But because fungi and bad bacteria have a tendency to repopulate much faster than their good counterparts, they can quickly over-populate your colon and create severe floral imbalance. A condition known as dysbiosis.

If this occurs, it creates a vicious cycle whereby your body is more prone to infections and illness, leading you to seek out further antibiotics, and so on and so forth.

Metabolic diseases such as stress, diabetes, and hypoglycemia can also be triggers that favour Candida overgrowth, as can the daily consumption of refined carbohydrates, alcohol, and ca!eine.

Food contaminated with fungi, mold, and yeast can add to the problem. Mushrooms especially are a no-no since they are themselves a fungus! Once you have a fungus problem, it can be incredibly di"cult to get rid of since it thrives on sugar, and there is sugar everywhere!


At the heart of the Candida problem lay mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are secreted by Candida and other fungi to protect the fungi against viruses, bacteria, parasites, insects, animals, and us humans!

When mycotoxins get into the blood stream, they cause all sorts of problems such as fatigue, spaciness, irritability, confusion, memory loss, depression, dizziness, mood swings, headaches, burning sensations, mental fogginess, numbness, tingling, and more.

You may notice a similarity between candidiasis symptoms and hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Symptoms diagnosed as hypoglycemia may actually be mycotoxins at work in your body! Yikes!

How Do You Get a Candida Overgrowth?

Usually, a person has another big problem that predisposes them to Candida, such as hormonal imbalances, a compromised immune system, or antibiotic use that ripens the environment for bacteria and fungi overgrowth, so it is important to not only treat the Candida overgrowth, but to address the underlying causes and triggers!

The following are just a few of the conditions that can predispose you to Candida overgrowth:

Insufficient hydrochloric acid (HCL) production – If you are not producing enough stomach acid, it makes it easier for fungi to make it into your intestinal tract. Surprisingly, low HCL production can be caused by allergies to foods – most prominently milk, wheat, soy, or corn. Removal of these foods from your diet can make the problem go away. In addition, HCL supplementation is a great help.

Pancreatic enzyme deficiency – When you cook your food, you lose the enzymes inherent in all living foods, and your pancreas has to work overtime to get the job done. Furthermore, when you eat enzyme-defi-cient food that has fungal overgrowth, such as leftovers that have been sitting for days, and the food has no enzymes, you are unable to digest and render the fungi inactive.


Toxic food supply – Corn, peanuts, cashews, and dried coconut are notorious for fungal overgrowth. Any product that includes yeast, including the health food brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast. Barley, rye, wheat, rice, millet, and almost all cereal grains may contain fungi. Animals are often fed a diet rich in grains contaminated with fungi, which results in their muscles and fat being full of mycotoxins!

Cigarette smoking – Not only does smoking overload the liver with toxins, but all cigarettes sold in North America are contaminated with yeast and fungi. To top it all o!, sugar and yeast are added to the final product!

Fungal fermentation – the making of bread, wine, beer, cheese, chewing tobacco, aged and cured meats, and cigarettes involves a fermentation process that increases the likelihood you will be exposed to mycotoxins. Alcohol is toxic – this fungal produced toxin has been documented in the causation of brain and nervous system damage, liver cancer, and birth defects among many other health concerns!

Refer to the Guide to Gut Health at the end of this chapter for the steps to conquer candida.


Tips For Healing Your Colon

Like with leaky gut, the detailed protocol for healing your colon can be found at the end of this chapter, on our 1-page Guide to Gut Health reference sheet.

However, in the meantime, here are some more helpful tips. If you want to get your colon in good working order, you may want to add an herbal concoction that includes artichoke and dandelion to your healing regimen. Be sure to include turmeric root, St. Mary’s Thistle, blessed thistle, buckbean leaves, milfoil herb, genetian root, wormwood, calamus root, chamomile and fennel.

If that list of herbs is too overwhelming for you, you may simply want to try supplementing with the amino acid L-glutamine. L-glutamine helps heal the cells that line the small intestine and stomach. It is also the primary source of energy for those cells.

Licorice root is known to help soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the digestive tract and helps protect the intestinal lining as well. Licorice root makes an unbelievably tasty tea. Make sure to get a de-glycrhir-inized form of licorice because it has had the part of the root removed associated with water retention and increased blood pressure.

Chamomile is high in the bioflavonoid apigenin. Drinking chamomile tea is a good way to soothe irritated mucosal membranes.

Marshmallow Root is another herb you can add to your gut healing arsenal. As you have probably guessed, it helps heal inflamed mucosal membranes.


Guide to Gut Health

Guide to Gut Health1. Avoid C.R.A.P – co!ee, refined sugar, alcohol, processed


2. Eliminate allergenic foods.

3. Ensure adequate HYDRATION (water) – drink 1/2 your body in weight (lbs) in ounces per day.

4. Ensure adequate FIBER intake – 35 grams/day is ideal (lots of veggies)

5. Ensure adequate LUBRICATION – 1-2 tbsp EFAs/day

6. REMOVE YEAST and bad bacteria – “Steps to Good Digestion”, and…

1-2 tsp or capsules/day caprylic acid for 1-2 weeks, then add

3-4 drops/day of oregano oil, garlic


30 billion/day for 2-4 weeks

8-12 billion/day maintenance, thereafter

8. REPAIR GUT LINING – glutamine (5g/day), aloe vera, EFAs, raw cabbage juice, enzymes.


Eternal Health The 4 Elements Cells Need to Thrive



The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Each day, billions of these cells die, while billions of new cells are born. In fact, your body will be a completely new physical vessel in just 7 years. That’s right, 7 years from today every single cell in your body will be brand new and di!erent from your current cells.

But what do your cells need in order to survive and thrive?

It’s pretty simple actually. Since your cells are living organisms that make-up your body, they have some basic needs for their survival. There are 4 things that will help them (and ultimately you) not only survive, but thrive as well. They are:

1. Oxygen

2. Water

3. Nutrients, and

4. The ability to eliminate their own waste.

Let us explore each one in more detail. In doing so, you’ll begin to understand part of the philosophy behind the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™.



Oxygen (O2) is the source of all energy in the body. O2 is needed to fuel all metabolic processes such as digestion, assimilation, elimination, respiration, circulation, and many others. Human life would not be possible without O2. It helps produce ATP (our basic energy unit) without which our bodies would immediately shut down.

When you breathe, the O2 that is taken in by your body is picked up by the hemoglobin in the red blood cells (of your blood) and distributed to the trillions of cells where it is then used to fuel your cells and generate energy (ATP).

All animals need O2. Imagine going to outer space without an oxygen tank. How long do you think you could live? A few minutes at most. We can survive several weeks without food, several days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen. It is for this reason that O2 is the first element we are discussing in relation to a body that thrives!

Dr. Andrew Weil is passionate about the importance of oxygen and says:

“Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. There is no single more powerful – or more simple – daily practice to further your health and well being than breathwork.”


Throughout the past century, there have been numerous studies conducted on the importance of oxygen for life. There are 3 experiments that come to mind.

1. Cell Respiration – Dr. Otto Warburg

Winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize for his studies in cell respiration, Dr. Warburg believed that there is a direct correlation between a person’s health and the level of oxygen in his or her bloodstream. To test his theory, he put rat cells in jars with both normal and 60% below normal oxygen levels. In the jars with lower oxygen levels, some cells weakened or died, while others mutated!

2. Lack of Oxygen Destroys Cells – Dr. Harry Goldblatt

His studies supported the hypothesis that a lack of oxygen destroys cells. He duplicated Dr. Warburg’s experiment, and then reinserted the cells back into the rats. The rats that received the oxygenated cells survived, while those that received the under-oxygenated cells developed cancer!

3. Cells Can Live Forever – Dr. Alexis Carrel

A 2-time Nobel Prize winner for his at the Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Carrel achieved startling results with chicken cells that he kept alive indefinitely in Petri dishes, proving his theory that cells will live forever if they’re given their basic needs and are not poisoned by their own environment.


Oxygenating Your Body

Keep these studies in mind as you go through your day. Pay attention to your breathing. Is your breathing shallow and rapid or is it deep and rhythmic?

Many times, simple malaises like headaches or fatigue are simply a result of a lack of oxygen. Therefore, the first step to increased vitality is to bring lots of oxygen into your body.

We recommend devoting 2-3 moments during your day (morning, lunch, and night) where you can just stop and focus on breathing. And not just any type of breathing, we want deep breathing.

Here is simple and effective DEEP BREATHING PATTERN that you can use.

Inhale deeply for a count of 10 seconds.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Exhale for 10 seconds.

Repeat 10 times.



Water is the 2nd most important element that your body’s cells require for life. Even without food you can survive for several weeks just on water. In fact, in the summer of 2007, Amy completed a 30-day water fast in Panama. Not only did she say that it was one of the easiest things she’s ever done, but more importantly, she has never felt and looked as healthy and vital as she did during those 30 days.

The power of water is truly remarkable. And it must be considering that it is an essential and major component all living matter. Water is the single largest component of the body. Our brains are 76% water, our lungs are 90% water, our blood is 84% water, and our blood plasma is 98% water.

Critical processes such digestion, circulation, and elimination cannot occur without water. It also carries nutrients to all of the body’s cells, helps remove waste, helps to maintain body temperature, serves as building material for growth and repair, and so much more!

The Work of “Dr. Batman”

If you haven’t read the book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water”, then you should! It is an amazing personal report of the success Dr. Batmanghelij (Dr. Batman) had with water during his time as a political prisoner in Iran.

As a prisoner (in solitary confinement) he decided not to eat any food because he believed that without movement or exercise, the food would become toxic within his body. So, for 7 days, he drank only water and miraculously noticed that the water removed his hunger pains.


Once he was out of solitary confinement, he was taken to the main prison block with hundreds of other prisoners. During this time, fellow prisoners would visit him with their pains (since he was a doctor). But he had no medications to prescribe; so instead, he advised that these “patients” drink water. One prisoner who he came to see Dr. Batman was double over in pain. He was told to drink 2 glasses of water every 3 hours for the duration of several months. Shockingly, Dr. Batman later discovered that his man was su!ering from a peptic ulcer, which the water was helping to cure.

This was the first of more than 3,000 cases of patients he treated with water during his time in prison. Eventually, Dr. Batman’s work was published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and he was hired by the University of Pennsylvania to further his research.

Dr. Batman’s primary conclusion is that medicine has labeled states of dehydration in many di!erent ways and that water can play an important role in not only maintaining heath, but also curing disease.

Dehydration Explained

On a daily basis we lose about 2.5 liters of water, which is generally replaced by the fluid and foods we consume. But exercise, sweating, diarrhea, breathing, urination, a hot climate, and altitude can all increase the amount of water you lose each day and, thus, the fluid you require.

So how do you know if you’re dehydrated? Well, a dry mouth is the last sign of dehydration. If you have a dry mouth or experience thirst, then it’s already too late! The best way to tell if you’re dehydrated is by checking the colour of your urine. The darker the colour, the more dehydrated you are, and the more dangerous the situation.


Check Your Pee

A normally hydrated body produces colorless urine.

A somewhat dehydrated body produces yellow urine.

A severely dehydrated body produces orange or dark colour urine!

How Much Water Should You Drink

Water is your best friend while cleansing. You should have water with you at all times sipping on it every 15-20 minutes throughout the day. Water is critical to the process of detoxification because it speeds the removal of toxins that have become dislodged during the cleanse process. Water should also be your first resort if you experience any detox symptoms. Like Dr. Batman has shown, very often headaches, fatigue, skin outbreaks, etc… can be overcome just by drinking more water.

To maintain an optimal hydration level, you should drink at least half your body (lbs) in ounces, each day. Therefore, if you weigh 200 lbs, you should drink 100 ounces of water each day.

However, the need to drink pure water is lessened if most of your diet consists of raw foods. Why? Because raw foods are water-rich since they have not lost their water content due to the heating process.

Conversely, if you drink alcohol and/or co!ee on a daily basis, your water requirements are going to be greater. Why? Because both alcohol and ca!eine are diuretics that inhibit water resorption. Instead, they promote more water loss in your urine. That’s why they make you run to the bathroom!


Not All Water is Created Equally

The quantity of water is not the only issue at hand. In fact, probably more important is the quality of the water you drink. There is a huge di!erence between dead water and living water. Dead water (like dead foods) refers to water that has been heat-treated through boiling or distillation. This type of water lacks minerals and most importantly, the vibrational frequency that resonates with your body. Therefore, it has no life force and actually takes mineral from your body.

Although we do recommend drinking herbal teas in place of drinks like co!ee or hot chocolate, please remember that herbal teas contain water that is dead! My (Yuri) own experience with such teas is that I actually feel thirstier after drinking them. My body has not been “quenched” with the living water that it requires.

Tap water is also definitely a NO-NO. The biggest reason is that it is laden with chlorine. Not only does chlorine kill the bacteria in the water, it also kills o! good bacteria in your intestines and, as such, is a major contributor to candidiasis and dysbiosis (unbalanced gut flora) – 2 major health problems for the majority of the population.

Most bottled water is no better. Most bottled water is simply tap water put through minimal conditioning filters to make it taste better. In most cases, the water actually tastes worse – as in the case of Coca Cola’s Dasani or PepsiCo’s Aquafina. The trouble is that the bottled water industry is poorly regulated.

So the goal is to drink water that is alive. The best way to do so is to opt for a good water filtration system – Brita does not count. You want a water system that not only filters out the bad stu!, but one that also replenishes the water with energy and important minerals. The di!erence, in both taste and e!ect, is profound. The other option is to choose a good reverse-osmosis system.


What you’ll find with quality living water is that it is also more alkaline. Some of the aforementioned bottled waters have been shown to be in the 6.2 pH range (highly acidic for human consumption). However, a good alkalizing water system can raise the pH giving you beautiful silky smooth water with an alkaline pH around 7.7.

How Water-Rich is Your Diet?

Write down everything that has passed your lips in the last 24 hours. What percentage of your diet is made up of water-rich foods?


During the TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™, and even thereafter, you want at least 80% of your diet to consist of water-rich foods. This allows your body to cleanse itself. Failing to consume this percentage of water means you are essentially clogging your body, not cleansing it.



This is a very important and lengthy topic that has been covered in full in your “Cleanse Phase Food Guide”. Instead of using up more space, we will simply refer you to that section for all the details.



The ability to excrete your own waste is one of the most important determinants of your health. Likewise, it will also determine the health and vitality of each of your cells.

Normal bowel frequency is considered to be 2-3 times per day. Not once as many people apparently believe. But it isn’t just frequency that is important. The quality of your stool is of great importance too. From the stool you can assess so many di!erent elements of your digestive and intestinal health. It truly is an amazing diagnostic tool.

What Are the Signs of Good Elimination?

Stool Colour Generally, your stool should walnut brown. You may experience temporary dis-colouration if you eat certain foods such as beets or dark green vegetables.

Consistency and Length Your stool should have a consistency similar to toothpaste and length of a banana. Many people produce small, hard, pellet-like fecal matter. This is not healthy. Insu"cient daily intake of water and fiber are key contributors to improper consistency and length.

Gas and Colour Gas is the natural by-product of digestion. However, an abundance of gas is not normal, nor should it be foul smelling.

Sink or Float Normal healthy stool should leave your body easily, settle in the water and gently submerge. If there is not enough daily fiber intake (ideally 30-40 grams), the stool will quickly plummet to the bottom of the toilet. If your stool floats, the likely reason is too much undigested fat.

Frequency For optimal health, you should have 2-3 healthy bowel movements each day.


What Happens If You’re Constipated?

Let’s face it. Talking about stool, flatulence, and anything else related to bowel function doesn’t make the greatest dinner conversation. However, it may be one of the most important topics when it comes to your health.

Most people are more constipated than they realize. It’s amazing to think that so many people think that having 1 bowel movement a day, or every day, is normal. But when you consider the frequency and quantity of the foods most people eat, it just doesn’t add up.

Normally, food comes into your body, it absorbs what it needs, and eliminates the rest. But let’s say you have breakfast, a snack, some lunch, and then dinner, without eliminating anything during that time. This means that the food and resulting waste matter and toxins are putrefying within your digestive system, causing bloating, gas, and making you feel heavy, sluggish, and lethargic.

According to the Canadian Association of Gaestroenterology, approximately 1 million Canadians a year su!er from constipation (If you’re American simply multiply this number by 10). However, the definition of constipation used by conventional medicine is 1 bowel movement every 2-3 days.

Any “natural” health care practitioner in their right mind knows immediately that this is a poor definition of constipation. After all, being regular means having 2-3 bowel movements per day!

The scary reality is that this is so rare in our culture. In working with thousands of individuals over the past 11 years, we’ve seen that having 2-3 bowel movements per day has been the exception, not the norm. In fact, we have seen clients who would report just 1 bowel movement per week! Talk about backed up.


If you su!er from constipation, you want, and need, a permanent solution. But be careful. Health food stores are full of quick fix laxatives that can help flush out the waste in your colon without necessarily “healing” your colon or improving the health of your intestinal system.

Take for example the “natural” remedies cascara sagrada and senna. These are essentially purgative herbs, which can be dangerous for your body if used for extended periods of time. The concern with such herbal laxatives is that they can be habit forming and do not restore your colon’s independent ability to function properly.

Cascara sagrada and senna (and other purgative herbs) work by irritating the colon, causing it to expel its contents. This can be a dangerous practice overtime because it can also lead to poor nutrient absorption and imbalanced flora in your gut.

Why is Constipation Such a Concern?

Think of constipation as your body’s way of going on garbage strike. Imagine for a moment that for some reason you couldn’t get rid of any garbage from your home. Instead, all of the garbage is allowed only to pile up. Now, can you see how this could be a problem for you and your family. Imagine the smell, the bugs and rodents it would attract, and the toxins it would give o!!

Well, this is exactly what takes place in your body if you are constipated. The waste (feces) doesn’t move and thus it sits in the colon expelling further toxins back into your body – a process known as auto-intoxifica-tion.


Therefore, it is imperative to take immediate action as constipation has many damaging e!ects on the body including:

Raising the risk of colon cancer,Being 4 times more likely to develop breast cancer,Causing pressure in the bowels which can stimulate the growth of cancer cells,Causing psychological distress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction,Causing autointoxication (when toxins are absorbed from the bowels into the bloodstream), which can severe health consequences.

Healthy bowel movements are essential to a healthy body. The bowel is like a sewage system, which, unless you cleanse out daily, will back up and enter the blood stream and harm your body.

Naturally, as children, we generally have natural, easy bowel movements – food goes in and waste comes out. But as we grow older, our bowel habits become regulated by school bells, work schedules, and travel commitments.

Ignoring the “urge” in order to fit bowel movements into your schedule is the first step in creating a life full of bowel problems. Your doctor may define such problems by the infrequency of your bowel movements but he/she may fail to point out that the description of your stool is also very important.

For instance, those who su!er from constipation often complain that their stools are dry, hard, or lumpy; that they strain to have a movement; that there is incomplete elimination; or that they su!er from hemorrhoids.

How Does Constipation Create Poor Health?

Well, we’ve already touched on a few concepts, but let’s now elaborate. The following section on transit time will explain the consequences of being backed up.


Transit TimeMore Than Just Waiting for the Bus

Constipation slows down your transit time. This is the amount of time it takes for food to enter your mouth and the remains to exit your rectum. Ideally, transit time should be between 8-12 hours.

How’s Your Transit Time? TAKE THE TEST.

Transit time is measure of how e"ciently your body can move food through the digestive system into elimination. It is the length of time it takes for food, once it has entered your mouth, to exit in your stools. The ideal transit time is 8-12 hours.

The test your transit, eat a few pieces of corn (the only time we recommend doing so during the cleanse phase). From the moment the corn enters your mouth until it exits in your stool should be no longer than 8-12 hours. If it takes much longer, then you are backed up. If it takes just a few hours, then this could be a sign of an irritated digestive system – one that is unable to properly digest and absorb foods.

Week 1 Transit Time: ___________

Week 2 Transit Time: ___________

Week 3 Transit Time: ___________

Week 4 Transit Time: ___________

A slow transit time indicates that putrefied materials can stay in your colon for a longer period of time, allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. This autointoxication can lead to several di!erent states of disease ranging from headaches to autoimmune disorders.


Additionally, slow transit time can lead to a build-up of toxic material along the intestinal walls. Not only does this impair the absorption of needed nutrients but also, with time, this build-up can cause irritation, which causes the widening of the pores within the intestinal wall.

This is known as “leaky gut syndrome” and it poses a big threat to the integrity of your digestive tract and the entire health of your body. The wider the pores, the more porous (and less selective) the intestinal walls become. This means that undigested food particles, toxins, and microorganisms can readily seep out of the intestinal tract and into the bloodstream leading to allergen-mediated immune responses, and other nasty events.

The irritation of the intestinal walls caused by being backed up can eventually lead to chronic inflammation of the intestines. Medically this is termed as inflammatory bowel disease and may take the form of Crohn’s disease (inflammation of the small intestine) or colitis (inflammation of the colon).

What Causes Constipation?

There are many factors that can lead to constipation. The most notable factor is the intake of CRAP, as colon expert Dr. Brenda Watson terms it. CRAP stands for co!ee, refined sugars, alcohol, and processed food.

Without going into excessive detail, all of these “non-foods” irritate your digestive system and impoverish its ability to function normally. For that reason (and many others), we have recommended that you refrain from eating these foods during the cleanse.

Furthermore, growing up on a diet of low fiber and an abundance of processed foods sets the stage for constipation. Even if you’ve improved your diet in the last few years, it will still take time to retrain your elimination system and improve the integrity of your digestive system.


Another dietary cause of constipation is a lack of essential fatty acids (EFAs). Aside from their numerous health benefits, EFAs also provide the lubrication needed for normal bowel movements and a healthy intestinal system. Omega-3 should be the focus of your EFA intake. Good omega-3 sources include sunflower seeds, flaxseed oil, fish oil, and walnuts.

Yet another factor that can bring on constipation is a lack of exercise. A study in Germany found a reduction in symptoms of constipation among women who engaged in frequent physical activity, while a Japanese study also found that walking, along with dietary fiber helped maintain regular bowel function.

And it just makes sense to exercise as it helps “unblock” your body’s stagnant energy and improves the circulation of the lymphatic system (your body’s sewage system), helping to remove waste from your body.


Stool Check – How Healthy Are You?

The following are several di!erent types of stool. With each one, we discuss what might it indicate and give you some solutions (aside from our cleanse) to help you rectify the problem – if it a$icts you.

Remember, your stool is an incredible diagnostic tool and these examples will show you just how much powerful insight they can give you regarding your health. What you will notice that many of these problems relate back to a toxic liver or faulty digestive process. Fix those two areas and everything works that much better.

Be sure to use your “TOTAL WELLNESS Cleanse™ Poop Tracker” in conjunction with this information to track the quantity and quality of your bowel movements.

Greasy Stools That Won’t Flush

Floating stools that refuse to flush show a liver imbalance. Since the liver produces bile, which is essential for fat digestion, this scenario can indicate that there may be too much undigested fat in your stool – as a result of an impaired liver. Thus, healing and detoxifying your liver is of prime importance.


Practice the Liver Massage (see the “Alternate Therapies” section)

Drink 2-3 cups of sage tea a day

Add spirulina to your diet

Follow “5 Steps to a Healthy Liver”

Add more “Liver Friendly Foods” to your diet.


Stool That Smells Foul

Foul-smelling stools are a sign of poor digestion and food stagnation in your large intestine. This indicates that your body is increasingly toxic and your gut is overly acidic. Improving digestive function and re-balancing your gut flora should be first priority.


Take a digestive enzyme with your meals

Alkalize your diet.

Follow the “Steps to Good Digestion” and the “Guide to Gut Health”

Skid Mark Stools

If your stools leave trail or skid marks that’s a sign of too much mucus – as a result, your stool slides and sticks to the edge of the toilet. This represents a lack of quality fiber in your diet and a need to eat more enzyme-rich foods to help breakdown mucus.


Reduce your intake of mucus-producing foods such as dairy, alcohol, wheat, and sugar.

Add olives, figs, lemon, and cayenne pepper to your diet as these are terrific mucus-dissolving foods.


Pellets or Meatballs

If you are ejecting rabbit droppings or meatball size stools, then your liver needs some serious decongesting. Again, our cleanse will assist in the purification of your liver.


Follow the “5 Steps to a Healthy Liver”

Take 1-2 capsules of milk thistle 2-3 times/day for one month.

Drink 1-2 cups of dandelion root tea each day

Light-Coloured Stools

If your stools are light beige or have a yellow appearance this indicates that you are having di"culty digesting fatty foods. As a result, you are also most likely lacking in the good essential fatty acids.


Take a lipase enzyme with your meals to help you digest your healthy fats.

Take 1-2 tbsp of omega-3s (fish/flax/hemp oil) each day.

Add 1 tbsp of ground flaxseeds to your cereals or smoothies to provide good fiber to normalize your stools.

Food in Your Stools

Chew your food! Remember, your stomach doesn’t have any teeth, so make its job easier by chewing your food until it becomes mushy in your mouth. However, there are certain foods that cannot be digested by the human and will, therefore, be present in your stool. Such foods include corn and whole flax seeds.



We’ve all experienced this at some point. The most common reason is something has irritated your digestive/intestinal system and your body is trying to expel it as quickly as possible. This is usually the result of tainted foods (virus or food poisoning), food sensitivities, or an irritable colon.


Keep a “Poop Journal” to track which foods might be causing the problem, and then avoid those foods.

Add ground flaxseeds or chia seeds to your diet to add some healthy fiber and bulk to your stools.

Follow the “Guide to Gut Health” to improve the health of your bowels.

Chronic Loose and Runny Stools

This is not the same thing as a single bout of diarrhea. Rather, this is a situation whereby you are always having runny stools that are not formed. This is a sign that your spleen is exhausted. This might be one of the only times we wouldn’t recommend eating too many raw veggies until your stools have improved.


Add onions, leeks, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, garlic, and nutmeg to your diet, as they support the spleen.

Enjoy sprouted or well-cooked non-glutenous grains to add more fiber and bulk to your stools.

Follow the “Guide to Gut Health” to improve the health of your bowels.


Thin, Toothpaste-Like Stools

If this is happening your colon is in need of some serious cleaning. Thin stools can signify that your colon is plugged up. It literally has layers upon layers of impacted fecal matter and mucus. As a result, the lumen (the tube) of the colon is narrowed and only thin, toothpaste-like stool can be expelled.


Follow the “Guide to Gut Health” to improve the health of your bowels.

A colonic or enema may be beneficial here to remove much of the impacted waste.

Eat a diet that is high in fiber (veggies, sproutes, fruit).

Drink plenty of water to prevent lack of movement in the colon.


Guide to Assessing Your Own Health


Assessing Your Own Health

Did you know that you can assess the state of your own health? Well, you can! And, in this section, we’re going to show you the most common body signs to help you do so.

Any time the human body creates a “dis-ease” it is simply a signal (from inside) telling us that something is not right within our body. Instead of ignoring these signs or suppressing them with band-aid solutions, it is important to recognize what they mean and to take the appropriate action.

The body is truly amazing. Just as an archaeologist can learn a tremendous amount from fossils, so too can you about your own body with the help of physical signs all over your own terrain.

Once you have identified these “signs”, we will then teach you the solutions for each related condition or symptom. Keep in mind that aside from the specific solutions we recommend, our cleanse program will greatly improve each of these individual problems.

Some of the following advice comes courtesy of Dr. Gillian McKeith’s book, You Are What You Eat - a great book!



Cracks at the Corner of the Mouth

This signifies a deficiency of vitamin B2 and B3.


Drink 2 cups of nettle tea (rich in B vitamins) each day.

Take a B complex supplement (50 mg/day) that contains both B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin).

Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables (what else is new!), almonds, and sprouted grains on occasion.

Puffy Lower Lip

A pu!y lower lip indicates sluggish digestion and even constipation.


Follow our “Steps to Good Digestion”

A digestive enzyme taken with your meals will help as well.

Follow our “Guide to Gut Health”

Drink plenty of water

Ensure your diet is rich in fiber (plenty of vegetables)

Take 1-2 tbsp omega-3 (fish oil, flax oil, hemp oil) each day.



The tongue is an important indicator of your health. You can view your tongue as a window to the organs.

The extreme tip correlates to the heart, the bit slightly behind is the lungs. The right side represents the gall bladder and the left side the liver. The middle of the tongue indicates the condition of your stomach and spleen, your kidneys, your intestines, and your bladder.

A healthy tongue should be smooth, supple, and slightly moist. It should be pale red in colour with a very thin, white film.


The most common tongue indicators to look out for are cracks, ravines, coatings (thick/yellow/furry/white), lines, swellings, red patches, and cuts.

Crack Down the Middle of the Tongue

A midline crack not reaching the tip of your tongue indicates that you have a weak stomach and digestive function is not what it should be. As a result, you could be lacking some essential nutrients.

Underactive digestion can manifest through bloating and gas after meals and even a slump of energy during the day, especially after eating. The potential for food allergies is also greater due to more undigested food particles irritating the lining of the intestinal tract.


Follow the “Steps to Good Digestion” (including food combining and sequencing)

Begin your meals with a glass of lukewarm lemon water OR water with a dash of apple cider vinegar – both stimulate stomach acid production.

Consider ingesting 2-3 hydrochloric acid capsules before a heavier meat-based meal. This will probably help you the most.

Take a digestive enzyme with your meals, especially if they are cooked.

Eat more soups, blends, smoothies, and juices – foods that are easy to digest.

Avoid foods that stress the digestive system – these are the very foods that we’re trying to avoid during the cleanse!

Herbal teas such as peppermint, fennel, and licorice root are soothing for the stomach.


Teethmarks Around the Sides of the Tongue

Teethmarks around the sides of the tongue are a sign of nutritional deficiency, especially in relation to the function of the liver, spleen, and stomach. Sluggish spleen function is very common and is often accompanied by bloating and gas. The main function of the spleen is the production and storage of red blood cells, a vital component of our blood.


Eat foods that cleanse and build the blood. This includes green leafy vegetables such as:

Kale, Swiss chard, spinach, barley/wheat grass

Eat foods that nourish the spleen:

Barley grass, yellow squash, parsley, celery, parsnips, fennel, root vegetables, alfalfa

Sore Tongue

A sore tongue is a sure sign of a nutrient deficiency – often iron, B6, or niacin.


Nettle tea is a good source of iron, B6, and niacin.

Eat more greens (they are your best source of iron) and red fruit (raspberries, strawberries, watermelon).


Burning Tongue

A burning tongue is an indication that the stomach is very low in gastric digestive juices. This may also come with stomach troubles such as indigestion or the consumption of acidic fruit like citrus, pineapple, and kiwi (NOTE: although these fruits are acidic to the taste, they leave an alkaline ash once metabolized).


Dandelion root tea is helpful in improving digestive function (and it cleanses the liver) – try 2 cups per day.

Follow the same digestion building steps as mentioned above under “Crack down the middle of the tongue”.

Swollen Tongue and/or Thick White Coating

These are indicators that there is too much mucus in your body. These can also indicate a lack of beneficial bacteria in the colon, and even an overgrowth of yeast (ie. candida).


Cut down (and hopefully eliminate) dairy products. These foods are mucus producing. Reduce sugar intake as well since it feeds yeast/candida overgrowth.

Use a potent probiotic supplement to replenish your body with healthy bacteria. Start o! with 20 billion cultures/day for the first 1-2 weeks and then maintain with 8-12 billion/day thereafter.

Drinking pau d’arco tea is also helpful at lowering the yeast in your body.

Follow the “Guidelines to Gut Health”


Horizontal Cracks, Small Cracks/Grooves

Sometimes referred to as a “geographic tongue”. Cracking on the tongue is a sign of malabsorption, especially of B vitamins, and is often accompanied by a lack of energy. Cracks like this take a long time to develop, indicating that such nutrient deficiencies may have been present for a long time.


Add vitamin B complex (50 mg/day) to your diet.

Take a digestive enzyme before your meals to enhance digestion and subsequent absorption.

Incorporate more raw foods into your diet to bring more food enzymes into your diet.

Drink slippery elm and peppermint teas to help calm the stomach.

Nettle tea will help fortify your body with B vitamins.

Try taking 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice before your meals to soothe your digestion and aid digestion.

Thick Yellow Coating

A thick yellow coating on the tongue indicates excess “heat” in the gut. It also indicates a lack of healthy bacteria in your body. If the coating is at the back of the tongue, this can signify that your bowels are not working as well as they should.


Stop trying so hard and just let go. Allow things to just happen.

Try 2 tbsp of aloe vera before your meals

Follow the “Guide to Gut Health”


Red Tip of Tongue

A red tip on the end of your tongue indicates emotional upset or stress. It may be something your presently experiencing or something from the past that you’re holding onto subconsciously.


Engage in activities that help you deal with stress and emotional upsets. These can include yoga, meditation, exercise, time in nature, etc...

Write in your gratitude journal for everything that you are grateful for in your life. Stress dissolves when you are grateful.

Deep breathing is highly beneficial. Follow our “Deep Breathing” technique.

Alkalizing foods such as celery, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, almonds, sesame seeds, and almonds are helpful in supporting the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the stress response.



Dandruff on the Scalp

Dandru! is simply dry, scaly skin on the scalp. It can be a result of yeast overgrowth and/or deficiencies of EFAs, vitamin B6 and/or selenium. It can also arise when allergenic foods such as wheat and dairy are eaten frequently


Avoid the allergenic foods (ie. wheat, dairy, corn, and the other foods we’re avoiding during the cleanse phase).

Take 2-3 tbsp omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, flax oil) each day.

Optional supplementation with vitamin A (5,000 IU/day), selenium (200 mcg), MSM (2-3 tbsp/day in water), and biotin (600 mcg).

Eat more raw foods since they are high in enzymes.

Drink plenty of living water

Follow the “Guide to Gut Health”

The antifungal herb pau d’arco can be helpful as well. In tea form, enjoy 2 cups per day.



Veins Close to Surface on Cheeks/Raised Capillaries

This is a sign of digestive enzyme deficiency and/or low stomach acid. It can also be a sign of “weak” capillary walls due to low bioflavonoid status.


Take 1-2 HCL tablets and a digestive enzyme before bigger meals, especially if they are not raw.

Follow the “Steps to Good Digestion” and digestion recommendations in the section “Crack down the middle of the tongue” above.

Realize that your body is screaming for food enzymes. Eat more raw foods such as sprouted seeds and raw fruits and veggies.

Add more bioflavonoid-rich foods, namely citrus fruit.



Pale Inside Lower Eyelid

Pull your lower eyelid down. Inside the lower rim, the colour should be pink-red. If it’s extremely pale, you may be low in iron (or anemic). You may need extra iron plus a vitamin B complex with B12.


Eat foods rich in iron such as green leafy vegetables and red berries.

Sprouted grains and nutritional/brewer’s yeasts are good sources of B vitamins.

You can also supplement with a B complex vitamin (50 mg/day).

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes usually represent food allergies and possible weak kidney function/energy.


Avoid foods that you are sensitive to (most likely the foods that you’re avoiding during the 14-day “cleanse phase”).

Rotate your foods so that you don’t eat the same foods on consecutive days.

Follow the “Steps to Good Digestion” to ensure your food is being broken down properly.

Drink unsweetened cranberry juice (2 glasses daily for a week) to strengthen kidneys.


Puffy Bags Under the Eyes

Pu!y bags under your eyes can indicate sodium and water retention. These coincide with overtaxed adrenal glands.


A diet low in grains will help prevent eye pu"ness by preventing water retention.

Eating more vegetables foods rich in vitamins, especially the vitamins A, C and E helps to reduce eye pu"ness and to maintain clear, moist skin.

A cold compress near the eye can act as a short-term remedy as cold temperature constricts the blood vessels preventing the flow of fluid into tissues and diminishing pu"ness.

Eliminate stimulants (ie. ca!eine, high sugar foods) and excess stress as these will overwork your adrenal glands, which in turn, will compromise the role of the hormone aldosterone in the kidneys – leading to water/salt retention issues.



Cracks Behind the Ears

Cracks behind the ears are a sign of zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiencies can take a long time to correct – at least six months to a year.


Eat foods rich in zinc such as oysters, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and papaya.

Excessive Ear Wax

This most often indicates a deficiency in EFAs (especially omega-3s).


Eat more omega-3 fatty acids. Take 1-2 tbsp of fish oil per day or add some flax oil to your salad dressings.

Eliminate dairy products.



Small Pimply Bumps on the Elbow

These usually indicate a vitamin A, B-complex, and/or EFA deficiency.


Take a digestive enzyme to help absorb nutrients.

Eat a wide range of foods to get a full spectrum of nutrients. Include foods that are especially high in B12 such organic/grass-fed animal meat (if desired after cleanse phase) or bee pollen.

Explore supplementing with beta-carotene (15mg/day), B complex (50mg/day), and omega-3 (500-1000 mcg/day).

Red Spots on the Front of the Thigh

Sign of a possible vitamin A deficiency.


Add spirulina, carrots, and sweet potatoes (all great sources of Vitamin A) to your diet.

Add sea vegetables (dulse, nori, kelp) to your diet.

Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables

Consider supplementing with 1 tbsp of cod liver oil (but only during the winter months as it will also contain Vitamin D which you will naturally get plenty of during the summer).


Leg Cramps

Cramping leg pains signify that your calcium levels are too low. They also indicate that you may be low in magnesium and that your body is probably dehydrated.


Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables (great source of both minerals).

Add sea vegetables to your diet for they are rich in minerals.

Ensure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Consider supplementing with 750mg magnesium and 500mg calcium twice a day.

Incorporate stretching into your daily routine to loosen the muscles that are prone to cramping.

Varicose Veins

An indication of nutritional deficiencies, congestion in the liver, and weak veins.


Drink dandelion tea and follow the “Steps to a Healthy Liver” to clean out and support your liver.

Eat foods high bioflavonoids and vitamin C to strengthen your blood vessels – citrus fruit and the herb bilberry are great.

Add EFAs to your diet (fish oil, flax oil, hemp oil).


Cracked Feet

Cracking on your feet (heal and other parts) indicates possible dry skin related deficiencies and/or a rise of yeast (ie. candida) in the body.


Add 1-2 tbsp of MSM to your morning water.

Follow our “Guide to Gut Health” to manage yeast overgrowth.

Massage your feet with flax oil and/or coconut oil.

Drink plenty of water

Take 1-2 tbsp fish/flax oil each day.

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