5e warlock - patron of smokeless fire (7502949)

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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New warlock patron for your 5e Dungeon and Dragons game.


Manuel.Joaquin & Chris Conn


Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

Warlock Patron: Patron of Smokeless Fire

By Dragon Sun Game Company: Manuel Joaquin & Chris Conn

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Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

The patron of Smokeless Fire is a new otherworldly patron you can select for your 5th edition warlock.

PATRON OF SMOKELESS FIRE A band of screaming goblins charge a young, raven-haired woman. As her slender fingers trace the complicated sigil on her ring, lines of arcane energy appear in the air between the warlock & her awful enemies. The rune completed, a deep bell tolls, temporarily unlocking the witch’s arcane prison. A taloned fist as large as a man is tall reaches through the mystical gate to claw, smash, & throttle the maiden’s foes.

Buoyed by adrenaline, the young half-elf warlock surveys the battlefield. Only the low hanging smoke curling on the hillside shows any sign of movement. All is quiet. With a sigh of relief, he releases his protective charms & almost collapses in an abrupt wave of weakness. Suddenly, a crocodilian form more than twice the magic-user’s size swirls in existence around the half-elf, gently cradling his exhausted body amongst the spirit’s warm, serpentine coils.

“Fool!” the cultists, so cowardly until now, surround the gnome’s stricken form, “Did you truly think your paltry magic could best the mighty god Tkm’Otthet?!!” The fallen gnome cackles through burnt lips, “Oh, it’s a god now, is it? I think I’d very much like to meet your puny ‘god,’” Rising on a rush of mystic energy, the diminutive warlock scatters her craven enemies with bolt after fiery bolt, “You ‘god’ is nothing more than a dog begging for a master, & I will hold its leash!”

“Warlocks”? HA! They don’t deserve the name. Let the measly witch beg for scraps of magic from so-called gods. Warlocks might as well be clerics or, worse, mindless cultists kowtowing to some alien, uncaring entity.

You are a superior warlock. You know the truth. Divine, infernal, elemental, fey, or otherwise, spirits are nothing but trouble. Supplicating oneself to them merely enables the spirits to steal their thralls’ misplaced faith & inflate their own ill-gotten power. In actuality, these beings are no more divine than you or I. They are merely ghosts of memory gorging on stolen dreams.

No, begging is not for you. You reverse the flow of power. You enslave spirits to your whim, extracting as much of their energy as you need when you need it.

You are the master.

A World of Gods The world is teeming with spirits. From the tiniest of breezes to world-spanning hurricanes, everything in existence (& some things not) have their own, unique guiding ghost.

The vast, vast, VAST majority of these gods are hardly more cognizant than animals. They are beings of instinct who find joy & purpose simply by being what they are & doing what they do.

So completely engrossed are they that, were a spirit to change in the slightest way, the godling would experience a complete change of self. Simply put, a dust-devil that ceases to devil dust ceases to be.

Living creatures have spirits as well, although most religions mark a distinction between unthinking animal-spirits & the blessed “souls” of sentient creatures. An even greater contrast is said to lie between the souls of Men & the so-called “higher” powers of gods, goddesses, elementals, angels, & devils.

Your research shows that there is little to no difference between types of spirits, regardless of their level of power. As of yet, you haven’t had the chance to test your theories on a proper god, but if your experiences are at all accurate, divinity is nothing more than a smoke-screen designed to keep the gullible in line.

As intelligent as they think they are, your fellow warlocks often fail to see this rather simple truth: there is no “right” to dominion. Enslaving yourself to an “otherworldly being” makes as much sense as worshipping your teddy bear.

Warlocks Chaining Gods Similar to other warlocks, the Smokeless Fire is a bond you create with an otherworldly patron. The big difference, though, is that rather than promising your services to an otherworldly being, you enslave the being to your bidding.

Patrons of Smokeless Fire can come in many different forms. Some warlocks hunt lost ghosts, binding them to physical prisons to syphon their ectoplasmic power away bit by bit. Others stumble into this pact almost by accident, discovering within themselves the power to command an ancient evil sealed away long, dusty centuries ago. Genies seem particularly vulnerable, being easily bound into rings or lamps & forced to do their masters’ biddings.

How did you discover you had this power over the spirit world? Is it innate? Something you’ve had to struggle with all your life? When other kids your age were dealing with cooties & boogers, how did you survive knowing that the monster-under-the-bed was real & very, very hungry?

Or did you gain this ability by dint of your incredible willpower? Was it something you developed through research? It could’ve happened completely by accident! Where were you when you bound your first spirit? What lead you to that momentous first encounter? Are you still using that first ghost, or have you moved on to bigger & better gods? Or, did you create your own?

Very few people can be said to command the powers of a god, in the way that you literally do. Does the responsibility humble you, or do you revel in the possibilities? QUICK BUILD The Smokeless Fire is an otherworldly being you can choose to take instead of the three presented in the Warlock entry of the Player’s Handbook. Create your warlock character as you normally would with the exceptions outlined below.

The Smokeless Fire Unlike other warlocks, you dominate the spiritual world. Spirits are wild, untamed things. They don’t take easily to servitude, especially the gods who are used to being in charge. Whereas other warlocks quest to avoid suffering their patrons’ disfavor, you might quest to retain control over a riotous ghost.

That being said, not every spirit serves unwillingly or has the energy to test their master. Some spirits even make remarkably good pets, once you show them who’s boss.

There are tales of mortals conquering gods of all levels of power, not always by force. It is said that even Death, itself, was bested once (& with nothing more than a board game!). Most warlocks, however, find themselves commanding gods of a more local persuasion.

Many childhood fears are fed by parasitical godlings. In every important sense, the Bogey Man is very real. The reason you can feel the blackness at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you, is because it is. Small gods like these make for excellent sources of warlock power.

On the other hand, you might ride into battle on the back of a personal war-genie. Or, you could command a pack of ghostly hounds to harry your foes. Perhaps you fell heir to your family’s ancestral god who protects its progeny by serving the eldest born of each generation.

Once you secure your spirit, you bind the ghost to an arcane prison. You can seal the god into any item, but the more significant the item is the stronger & more secure the bond. Your safest bet is your arcane focus. However, your wand is a rather obvious target for thieves or vandals. Warlocks have been known to bind spirits into rings, oil lamps, or charms such as a rabbit’s foot or monkey’s paw.

Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

EXPANDED SPELL LIST Your magic works somewhat differently than the typical beg � syphon � cast spell cycle that other warlocks go through.

Rather, when you cast a spell, you force your enthralled spirit to appear & enact the magic. When you cast hold monster, for example, you force your spirit to literally wrestle the target to the ground. Casting darkness could mean your spirit blocks out the sun with its wings or breathes out a cloud of black smoke.

When you create a warlock of the Smokeless Fire, the following spells are added to your warlock spell list. Alternatively, some particular spirits (described later in this document) may offer a different spell list. In that case, ignore this expanded spell list & use that spirit’s expanded spell list, instead. Smokeless Fire Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells 1st Command, Ensnaring Strike 2nd Arcane Lock, See Invisibility 3rd Clairvoyance, Spirit Guardians 4th Compulsion, Locate Creature 5th Banishing Smite, Commune

ARCANE PRISON (1st Level) As a warlock of the Smokeless Fire, you have captured a spirit for your personal use. The spirit is sealed in an arcane prison within one of your possessions.

To use your warlock powers, you must have the arcane prison on your person or equipped. If you do not have the arcane prison on you, you lose access to all of your warlock powers, except your eldritch invocations & your Master of Spirits feature (below).

You can use your action to teleport your arcane prison to you, as long as the arcane prison is on the same plane of existence. MASTER OF SPIRITS (1st Level) You once knocked a ghost flat on its back with a single punch. Your touch burns werewolves like silver. The supernatural is no match for you.

At 1st level you begin to exploit your weird ability to interact freely with the spirit world. Your touch can affect things in the Border Ethereal (&, likewise, they can affect you). In addition, your unarmed strike deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage & counts as magical & silvered for the purpose of overcoming resistance & immunity to nonmagical attacks & damage.

You may confer these abilities on to 1 of your weapons by performing a special ritual on the weapon over the course of 1 hour during a short or long rest. You can’t affect artifacts or sentient weapons with this ritual. When the ritual is complete, your attacks with that weapon benefit from your spiritual mastery.

Other creatures gain no special benefits from the weapon. Likewise, your weapon loses these benefits if you die, you use the ritual on a new weapon, or you perform another 1 hour ritual to cancel the magic. SPIRIT OF PROTECTION (6th Level) When pressed, your spirit can manifest between you & an incoming attack to absorb the brunt of the assault.

When you are attacked, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the triggering attack roll & gain resistance to any damage the triggering attack inflicts.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE (10th Level) At 10th level, you learn how to temporarily release your spirit from its magical prison, allowing the godling to wreak havoc upon your foes, before safely recapturing the spirit.

When you take damage from a creature within 60’ of you, you may spend your reaction to sic your spirit on the triggering creature. The triggering creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 radiant damage. Halve the damage on a successful save.

The type of spirit you have chained may affect the damage type, at the DM’s discretion. For example, a spirit of storms might inflict lightning damage, instead. SPIRIT EMPOWERMENT (14th Level) When your own, mortal frame begins to falter, you can allow your enslaved spirit to partially possess your body, granting you direct access to its supernatural power.

There is a risk, though. Even the most well-meaning spirit is still inhuman, alien, perhaps even utterly incomprehensible. Entangling your soul with strange energies should never be taken lightly.

Spend your action to gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

• You spirit subsumes you, either superimposing itself over you or physically transforming your body. You might be shrouded in darkness, grow tentacles, shine with an unholy light from within, or suffer any number of other (cosmetic) changes.

• Your new form grants you a measure of protection. When you are attacked, you can spend your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

• Raw power curls & drips off of you, burning everything around. When an enemy creature starts its turn within 30’ of you, that creature takes 10 radiant damage (or a damage type appropriate to your spirit).

• Whenever you cast a warlock spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can cast it using a bonus action, instead.

When this feature’s effects end, you must make a Charisma

saving throw versus your own warlock spell save DC. On a success, you regain control over your faculties &

recapture the spirit. On a failure, the spirit temporarily escapes your control. You

lose access to all of your warlock powers, except your eldritch invocations & your Master of Spirits feature. You can regain control over your spirit with a 1 hour ritual the next time you take a short or long rest.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until after a long rest. Likewise, fumbling the save could have dire consequences at the DM’s discretion.

Losing Spirit Under normal circumstances, there’s no chance your spirit can escape your arcane prison. Not even your death will break the bond. Should you somehow manage to return to the worlds of the living, your spirit will be waiting ready to serve you again.

There are ways, however, of losing your spirit. A particularly strong priest or cultist might exorcise the spirit from you, or you might fumble your save after using your Spirit Empowerment feature, for example.

If this happens, you lose access to all of your warlock powers, except your eldritch invocations & your Master of Spirits feature. You can regain your powers either by recapturing your old spirit or by gaining control over a new spirit. Given that literally everything in existence has its own spirit, this shouldn’t be a difficult task, but it is something that the DM could have you quest for.

Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

New Otherworldly Patrons The world is overflowing with all sorts of spirits you might encounter. When you create your character, you can use the standard pact detailed above, or you might create an original spirit.

Here, we present three sample spirits you might encounter before you started your adventures. If you choose to take one of the following spirits, replace the Smokeless Fire expanded spell list with the spirit’s expanded spell list.

Regular warlocks may choose these otherworldly patrons as well. Of course, in that case, the warlock is the patron’s thrall as per usual.

The Efreeti of the Lamp His throne usurped, the Efreeti of the Lamp was banished & sealed within the indignity of an ordinary oil lamp. Cursed, the Efreeti must serve for one thousand and one nights whosoever gains possession of the lamp. Should the mortal die before the Efreeti’s term of bondage concludes, the slave of the lamp must begin again with a new master.

Much to his chagrin, the Efreeti has yet to keep a master alive for more than a fortnight, much less three years. It appears that humility is not a lesson this genie easily learns.

The Efreeti of the Lamp is a hated-filled creature. When summoned, the Efreeti pours from the lamp like smoke before manifesting in solid form. A wheel of flame floats above & behind the genie, hot & oppressive, a symbol of the genie’s enslavement. Arms akimbo, the crimson-skinned, be-tusked spirit scowls at everyone present, especially his master.

When you first found the lamp, there was no clue that it contained such a powerfully magical creature. Whether it was by accident or by virtue of your prodigious intellect, you have conquered the genie, which is no mean feat. After decades, perhaps even centuries, of bondage, the Efreeti has devolved into a seething, resentful being. If you’re not careful, one misstep & you could find yourself on the business end of a barbecue.

The Efreeti is a deposed baron, a lord exiled from the City of Brass. Proud, boastful, the Efreeti can hardly bear the shame of being a slave to mere mortals. So humiliating is his bondage, the Efreeti refuses to disclose his name, even under magical duress.

The Efreeti of the Lamp must faithfully obey his master’s commands for one thousand and one nights to gain his freedom. The fact that the Efreeti has not completed this task, despite the ample time the genie has spent as a slave, is testament to the Efreeti’s awful pride.

The Efreet of the Lamp is associated with the fire element. The wheel of flame the genie bears is both the Efreeti’s symbol & his slave brand. EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Efreeti conducts its magic through his mastery of elemental fire. The embers in his eyes shed mystical light, & his fists can forge flames into objects as hard as steel. Efreeti of the Lamp Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells 1st Detect Magic, Purify Food & Drink 2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Flame Blade 3rd Glyph of Warding, Protection from Energy 4th Arcane Eye, Wall of Fire 5th Conjure Elemental (fire only), Creation (fire variant)

The Hungering Dark The inky blackness at the top of the attic stairs. The cold air of the cellar that seems to claw at your skin. That corner under the bed which light refuses to touch. The closet that creaks slowly open when the candles go out. Places that ought to be familiar yet fill you with a dread, this is where the Hungering Dark lurks.

The Hungering Dark complains bitterly when forced to appear in the light, but when it emerges, the beast takes joy in the presence of meat, especially meat that is marinated in fear. It has a shape which you can’t see but which you can feel & it has knives in. Horrid, crimson eyes blink in & out at random amongst the beast’s black, foggy tendrils. Occasionally, you’ll catch a glimpse of a huge maw of white fangs, each one as sharp as a dagger & as long as your hand.

You found the Hungering Dark preying upon the vulnerable minds of petrified children. This opportunistic spirit lurked in shadowy places until easy prey fell into its clutches. Today, the spirit is much the same. The beastlike spirit hates doing anything that feels like work, but takes almost childlike joy in plucking up sweet morsels to consume. The spirit resists your control, but your regular exposure to violence & blood often sates its appetites.

The Hungering Dark is a cannibal spirit of frenzy, gluttony, & self-indulgence. It revels in the spilling of blood, but is a coward at heart. The Dark has no goals other than satiating its own hunger. The godling is temperamental, refusing to contribute of its own accord, but it can be convinced to work with promises of sweetmeats.

The Hungering Dark is associated with the psychic element. It has no symbol of its own, but rather, collects names such as the Boogeyman, el Bicho Papão (the Eating Beast), & Old Scratch. EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Hungering Dark enacts its magic by enveloping its prey within the black fog of its body where strange, impossible figures seem to constantly blink in & out of existence. Everything the Hungering Dark touches emerges gnawed & gashed. The Hungering Dark Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells 1st Detect Evil & Good, Inflict Wounds 2nd Blindness/Deafness, Phantasmal Force 3rd Bestow Curse, Blink 4th Evard’s Black Tentacles, Phantasmal Killer 5th Dispel Evil & Good, Hallow

Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

Ol’Granny Death Ol’Granny Death has seen better days. She rumbles on & on about an age when the fates of whole tribes rested between her fanged jaws. However by the time you found her, she was nothing more than a ghost story repeated around campfires to keep children away from the swamps & fens.

Granny Death manifests as a tremendous multi-legged crocodile. Her black hide is scarred by centuries of blood magic, & her eyes are startlingly white orbs set amongst the spiny ridges of her skull. Where her clawed feet fall, the land bubbles with swamp-mud. When she speaks, she fills the air with the sounds & scents of the bayou.

Proud & boastful, Ol’Granny has many a tale to tell. You know that she was once a queen of sorts, at least, if her stories are to be believed. She says her worshippers trekked deep into the heart of the swamp to hold days-long jubilees where they danced & feasted on all sorts of meats. There seems to be something left unsaid here, but the old god always veers away from giving you the full details. In your dreams, though, you have visions of stomping feet, pounding drums, & a peculiarly shaped obsidian knife…

A queen she was. A queen she is. A queen she will be again. Ol’Granny Death is a spirit of the backwaters, of familial power, & control. She is large, unsubtle, & yet caring in her own belligerently overbearing way. Whether it’s because you’re her last hope or she truly cares for you, one thing she does not abide is danger to your self. Other than that, she is remarkably laid-back. Her main goal is rebuilding her temples, but she is easily distracted with gifts of tobacco, chocolate, or rum.

Granny Death is associated with the poison element. Her symbols are an alligator tooth, the feasting bowl, & the crocodile tear, although that last one might be her idea of a joke. EXPANDED SPELL LIST Ol’Granny Death is a large spirit. She enacts her magic by churning the earth into mud with her claws or with strikes of her sturdy tail. Her milky eyes can hypnotize & the swampy gasses of her breath can bring forth biting insects & stinging pests. Ol’Granny Death Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells 1st Detect Poison & Disease, Grease 2nd Animal Messenger, Spike Growth 3rd Speak with Plants, Stinking Cloud 4th Conjure Woodland Beings, Control Water 5th Commune with Nature, Cloudkill

New Pact Boon At 3rd level, warlocks of the Smokeless Fire wrest extra power away from their spirit. You may choose a pact boon, either the new one presented here or from the 3 pact boons in the player’s handbook.

Regular warlocks may also take the new pact boon. If they do, their pact boon represents an avatar of their otherworldly patron briefly manifesting in the physical world on the warlock’s behalf.

Pact of Spiritual Warfare You temporarily loosen the mystical shackles on your spirit, allowing it to briefly manifest in the real world before being sealed back in its arcane prison. (Or, if you are a regular warlock, an avatar of your otherworldly patron briefly appears.) What this means is, you can use your spirit as a literal weapon against your foes.

When you would make a weapon attack, you may utilize your spirit to make a ranged spell attack rather than using your weapon. The DM should use the rules for spell attacks to adjudicate a spirit attack.

A successful spirit attack deals 1d8 radiant damage (or a damage type appropriate to your spirit). The spirit attack counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming immunity or resistance to damage. You lose your spirit attack ability if don’t have your spirit’s arcane prison equipped (see “Arcane Prison” above).

You may incorporate a magical weapon into your spirit attack by performing a special ritual on the weapon over the course of 1 hour during a short or long rest. You can’t affect artifacts or sentient weapons with this ritual. When the ritual is complete, the magical weapon disappears into your spirit & your spirit attacks benefit from the weapon’s magical properties.

Your spirit loses the benefits of the magical weapon if you die, if you perform the ritual on a new weapon, of if you perform a 1-hour ritual to break the bond with the magical weapon. The weapon appears at your feet if your bond with it is broken.

Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

New Eldritch Invocations Any warlock can benefit from the following 15 new eldritch invocations, provided they meet the prerequisites. ADROIT WITCHERY Increase the level of your spell slots by 1. AMPLE WITCHERY Increase the number of spell slots you have by 1. You may take this invocation 1 additional time to gain 1 more spell slot for a total of 2 extra spell slots. BLACK & WHITE ARTS Choose one of the damage types below. You gain resistance to that damage type, but you become vulnerable to damage of its opposite.

the Black & White Arts

Resistance Vulnerable Cold Radiant Fire Cold

Necrotic Fire Radiant Necrotic

BOOK OF POWER Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Tome feature When you roll initiative & you have no spell slots remaining, your Book of Shadows provides you with 1 spell slot. You must have your Book of Shadows on your person the use this invocation. DARK ONE’S INFERNAL LUCK Prerequisite: 6th level, the Fiend otherworldly patron You may use your Dark One’s Own Luck pact feature twice between rests instead of just once. FAMILIAR CHAINS Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Chain feature You may use the find familiar spell to gain multiple familiars. You may have a number of familiars equal to your Charisma modifier.

You may have any number of familiars active at one time, however, when you command your familiars with your Attack action, they cannot make more attacks than you normally could. In other words, if you can make 2 weapon attacks & you have 3 familiars, 2 of your familiars can make 1 attack each. INEVITABLE ENTROPY Prerequisite: 6th level, the Old Great Ones otherworldly patron When you use your Entropic Ward pact feature, you gain advantage on your attack rolls against the triggering creature even if the triggering attack roll hits you.

In addition, your attack rolls have advantage against the triggering creature until you make a successful attack against the triggering creature instead of until the end of your next turn. KING OF KINGS Prerequisite: 5th level You can create pacts with multiple otherworldly patrons. Perhaps you beat the devils at their own game & manipulated a cabal of infernal spirits supplying you with power. Or, if you are a warlock of the Smokeless Fire, you might hunt down & seal away multiple spirits for your personal use.

However you managed to do it, you draw mystical strength from several otherworldly patrons (and, in turn, each of them may call upon you…).

You may have a number of otherworldly patrons equal to your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you must choose which otherworldly patron you will honor that day. You gain no benefit from any other otherworldly patron you might have until you honor that otherworldly patron once again.

You may choose a pact boon for each otherworldly patron you have. In addition, you gain access to that otherworldly patron’s extended spell list & pact features.

If an otherworldly patron grants you a pact feature with a longlasting duration, the duration ends when you cease honoring that otherworldly patron. For example, if you use the Great Old One pact feature Create Thrall, you lose your charm over the thrall when you switch otherworldly patrons.

If you are a Smokeless Fire warlock, each of your spirits must be sealed within a distinct arcane prison. When you honor a spirit, you must have that spirit’s arcane prison on your person. MISTY DOUBLE Prerequisite: 6th level, the Archfey otherworldly patron When you use your Misty Step pact feature, you also leave behind an illusion of yourself that lasts until the double takes any amount of damage, until you dismiss the illusion (no action required), or until a creature spends an action to make an Intelligence saving throw against the illusion.

You may speak through your double. In addition, as a bonus action on your turn, you may move the misty double a distance equal to your speed. With an action, you can hear & see through your misty double until the start of your next turn. During this time you are deaf & blind with regard to your own senses. PACT FAVOR Prerequisite: 9th level Your otherworldly patron grants you 1 additional pact boon of your choice. SOUL SEALED Prerequisite: the Smokeless Fire otherworldly patron Rather than using a physical item for your arcane prison, you create your arcane prison within your very soul. Your arcane prison can never be unequipped, stolen, lost, or destroyed. SPIRIT CLAWS Prerequisite: Pact of Spiritual Warfare feature You can use your spirit to make melee spell attacks as well as ranged spell attacks. UNHOLY CHARISMA Prerequisite: 9th level Increase your Charisma score by 2. Your Ability Score Improvement feature may increase your Charisma to up to 22. WAR WITCH Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Blade feature When you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make 1 weapon attack as a bonus action. WILD SPIRIT ATTACK Prerequisite: Pact of Spiritual Warfare feature When you take the Attack action on your turn, you may make two spirit attacks instead of one.

Cary Hamilton (order #7502949)

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