5th grade fairytale adaptations

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 5th Grade Fairytale Adaptations


    PrologueOnce there were five pigs. Their names were Jared, Wilber, Joe, Jim, and Geoff. Jared was a

    fat pig. Joe, Jim, and Geoff were MIT pigs. And Wilber, well, he was just some pig. One day,

    the pig quintet was seduced to a pig quartet. Jared was lost to a dark, mysterious force.This was a dangerous force, something swift and evil. The pigs knew that they needed to be

    prepared for any spontaneous attacks of a speedy, dark army. The MIT pigs had no mercy

    for what they would eventually find out was an evil squadron called the ‘Wolf Squad™’.

    Wilber, on the other hand was a peaceful innocent pig. He practiced Buddhism and followed

    the zen rituals. This eventually became the beginning of Wilber’s end. The wolves saw how

    vulnerable Wilber was, so they decided to attack…

    The Three MIT Pigs & the Stupid Wolf

    O nce upon a time…

    CHOMP! A innocent little piglet was eaten up by a wolf. Another pig, whose name was

    Joe noticed, “Well, there goes Wilber…”

    His two friends, whose names were Jim and Geoff, walked around the corner

    “Oh my gosh, WILBER!”

    Wilber was in fact dead inside of the wolf’s stomach, slowly being digested over five

    minutes. The pigs decided to get the wolf back and avenge Wilber. So, the pigs built

    fortresses made of strong materials. Joe’s fortress was made of bricks. Jim’s fortress was

    made of granite. And Geoff’s, well, it was made of steel. Joe’s fortress was guarded by

    tranquilizer darts. Jim’s fortress was guarded by death lasers. Finally, Geoff guarded his by

    heat seeking missiles with the newest infrared cameras.

    After the fortresses were constructed, Wilber’s murderer came.

    “That meal was really some pig!” Exclaimed the wolf.

    Just as the wolf rounded a corner, close to Joe’s fortress, he was shot in the back of the

    neck by a tranquilizer dart.

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    After the wolf passed out, Joe dragged the wolf into his most secure vault room in his fort

    (which he called Fort Sumter II) and locked him up. Unfortunately, Joe forgot that he kept

    his drill car in that room. Having graduated from MIT, the drill car was an invention of Jim’s.

    The drill car was an ATV with a massive drill bit that spun whenever the engine (on the ATV)was active.

    And so, after about forty eight hours, the wolf woke up and figured out how to control

    the car. Minutes later, Joe figured out why he had a hole in his fortress and the wolf was


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    “Oh by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin, why did I keep my drill car in there!”

    exclaimed Joe. “Much less with the keys in!”

    When the wolf was driving around, distracted by his arrogance, the car was melted into

    a metal milkshake. This was all thanks to Jim’s death lasers. Although the lasers didn’t kill

    the wolf it did appear to phase him.

    The wolf woke up in a huge safe-like room. Fortunately, the wolf hadn’t noticed the laser

    that Jim managed,to lodge up his ear while he was unconscious. When the laser was

    triggered, the wolf’s brain was melted.

    “Great!” cheered Jim “the beam went directly through the ear canal and sent a major

    heat wave toward the brain. Even better, when he wakes up his brain will be reconfigured

    and he’ll think that he’s someone else!”

    The wolf woke up and saw Jim looming over him.

    “What’re doooos?!” asked the wolf as he pointed at Jim’s hooves. Jim loaded the

    wolf into a cannon and shot the wolf far, far away. Coincidentally, he landed on a sack of

    beans. The wolf felt hungry, so he ate up all of the beans, just as he did Wilber. There were a

    lot of beans in the sack, so the wolf farted his way back to the farm.

    “What on Earth? I thought that only happens in fictional children’s books written by

    some weird kid named Addison Morley!” exclaimed Geoff. What he was seeing was the gas

    powered wolf shaped aircraft.

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    Is it the government? wondered Geoff. Wait, that's Wilber’s assassin! The wolf finished his

    fart and plummeted to the ground.

    “You,” Geoff accused the wolf in a grudging tone “you ate my friend”

    Alright, alright , thought the wolf. It was true, that was a rather odd battle cry, if you ask me.

    “I’ll eat you, just like the other pigs I ki…”

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    The missiles fired. The wolf was blown up

    “What?” asked Geoff “you didn’t finish!”

    There was a round object flying through the air. As it landed, the pigs recognized it as

    Wilber’s hoof.

    Later, the three pigs had Wilber’s funeral. It was a sad, sad time. The farmer took a peek

    into the room.

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    “I didn’t know that pigs had spiritual rituals for the deceased,” observed the farmer.

    The pigs continued their mourning.

    “How you doin’?” Asked the beat up wolf

    “HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?!” yelled all three pigs in unison. The wolf explained how he

    used a Halloween costume of a wolf overtop of one of their weird robot person thingies.

    “How could we be so stupid?” Asked Jim.

    “And we’re MIT graduates,” added Joe. The pigs began to question themselves about why

    they hadn't killed the wolf yet. That was when Geoff took out his homemade rocket

    launcher and blew the wolf’s head off. The real one

    “He didn't understand the importance of life in the first place,” suggested Geoff.

    “So true!” Jim and Joe responded. So the pigs lived without any more classic fairy tale

    villains. Although they did encounter Kylo Ren, but I’ll get to that later. The pigs figured out

    to rig their front door with smoke bombs, set landmines around in their yard, and put metal

    detectors around the farm. Now the pigs could live happily ever after. Or so they thought…

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    The pigs had defeated the “Wolf Squad”. They saw a shuttle appear on the skyline.

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    “Nobody but the First Order who decided to come after us!” exclaimed Joe. Kylo Ren

    stepped out. As Kylo saw them, he told them:

    “I need bacon for my essential dark side breakfast,” The pigs were prepared for a

    lightsaber duel. Kylo ignited his weapon (apparently light sabers have no metal content). So

    did the pig trio. The dark lord charged. So did the pig trio.

    “Come back to the light side Ben!” Jim shouted“You’re almost as bad as my dad,” Ren responded. He began to spin his fiery weapon.

    “If you want to destroy us,” asked Geoff “why not just do it already?”

    “Master Snoke has taught me to always do this before I attempt to slice somebody to bits,”

    explained Kylo. The pigs suddenly felt the need for battle. They were using the force to

    move the leader of the First Order into a tight corner. The pigs called for Jedi backup. Their

    call was received quickly. Force spirits emerged from every living thing. And then, there was

    Luke Skywalker along with R2D2 and C3PO, yet C3PO refused to fight. They chucked Kylo

    back into his shuttle and used the force to catapult the shuttle through space into his own

    galaxy. The Millennium Falcon flew down and landed. Chewie picked everyone up in the

    ship. The crew went home. The pigs were saved, and Kylo probably wouldn’t want to attackagain.

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    DumbelinaBy:Ella Glaser

    This is a story about a girl who would die for any adventure. Dumbelina was a young girl

    only the size of a thumb! She loved all nature and ESPECIALLY adventure! As a kid she would

    always do work on the farm and learned to do fun tasks that were supposedly too hard. She

    had lived with her single mom for 16 years! She had always done the heavy lifting for the family,

    although she was small she was strong, strong but not smart. She would always do the crazy

    things that could get her hurt, in trouble, or even killed. This is her story.

    That night she was restless, she had a sense of adventure, she quietly packed her bag .

    By the time she finished the sun was rising, a beautiful pink, orange, and purple swirl of

    nothingness.  Dumbelina trotted along a bumpy trail of rocks and weeds, TALL weeds, according

    to her. As she walked she heard birds.

    “Hello birds, can you help me find a boat,” she asked, the reply she got was a tweet. “ How

    rude! Don't curse!” she was fired up! Okay boat is a no go. She ended up in a flower patch. Big

    sunflowers and tulips. In one corner, there was something big, red,and smelled like nothing

    she'd ever smelled. Dumbelina went to go check it out. When she just made it to the red thing all

    she could see was a slithering stem with millions of THORNS. All she thought was “Sweet?” she

    couldn't decide cool, or scary?

     After a while of debating, she decided to sleep on it, so she walked to the closest tulip,

     jumped inside, and took a LONG nap. She woke up to the sound of a crack, the tulip was falling,

    she hurtled off the flower and onto the ground, quiet chirping and squeaks were coming from

    above and a large nut fell from the tree. Dumbelina didn't run, she watched. The nut plunked

    about one normal sized foot, or 2 Dumbelina sized yards away, she giggled. Suddenly a sharp

    CRACK !!!, came from above “(insert shriek)”.

    From far away, Prince Ren heard her screams. He came dashing through the bushes and


      Dumbelina started to sprint and quickly crashed down to floor. Ren saw the rose fall

    and smack the ground. A loud shriek rose from the ground and blood oozed from Dumbelina’s

    leg, a thorn had poked her right in the leg! Ren finally reached the pasted out, bloody, lump of

    Dumbelina's body. He gasped and knelt down to see her swollen face, she was sobbing.

    “Wwhho arrree yuuoo?” Dumbelina managed to stutter,

    “Prince Ren,” he said flatly, she again sobbed and tried to scooch away. He seemed

    surprised most girls were all over him.

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    Eventually Dumbelina passed out and Ren carried her to his palace. She woke up with a

    start, she was lying in a bed the size of a paper plate! She jumped out of bed and realized she

    was wearing a full length satin nightgown with lace flowers and pearls. She absolutely hated

    dresses. Before she did anything she realized all her wounds were healed. “Where is mysword!” She yelled with fury. She went over to the mirror and smashed her fist against the glass,

    it shattered and she yanked a piece of glass off the mirror and used it to slice her dress off.   She

    heard a soft knock on the door, in walked a young man 18 or so.

    “Hello’ I’m Billy Green,” said the man

    “Hello, Mr.Green, I’m Dumbelina,” she said triumphantly.

     After a while of chatting, Dumbelina and Mr.Green, found they had the same same

    hatred for Ren. They had made a plan to meet Ren in the ballroom at 12:00 am sharp!Dumbelina was to bring a led pipe and a candle stick. She put away the silk scraps and found a

    pair of leggings and a black tank top underneath a yellow gown. She put on the clothes under

    her dress, put three shard of glass in her belt, and held her hair up with the thin led pipe!

    She walked down the halls only now realizing that it was her size,a small community with

    only small people and small things! Candle in hand she walked into the ballroom, seeing the two

    men talking. “Mr.Green, Ren, how do you do?” she said. After a half an hour or so, Ren lay

    dead, hair on fire, and a led pipe wedged into his head. Dumbelina smiled larger than theMississippi River. She ripped off her dress with glass and dashed out of castle hand in hand

    with Mr.Green.

    “That was awesome, thanks for helping me escape,” Dumbelina said while trying to catch

    her breath. “No problem I had fun too!” Mr.Green and Dumbelina walked away, hopping they

    would meet again. Spoiler:  they did!


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    8 years later, “Billy, where is DUMBjon, DUMBbob, and DUMBeldoor?”Dumbelina hollered. She's got no answer and walked upstairs, she saw all the boys and

    Billy(AKA Mr.Green) lying on the ground and wrestling, “That's my boy!” Billy chanted. All at the

    same time the boys looked at their mother and before they could say Lead pipe she was right

    on top of the pile! “Mom,” the boys hollered! They all played until DUMBjon got a bloody nose.

    Then they all cleaned up and had family movie night! They piled on the couch and had a blast!

    THE END!!!

  • 8/16/2019 5th Grade Fairytale Adaptations



    Three Old Englishmen and The Big Bad WolfBy, Nicholas Dunlop

    Once upon a time…There were three old Englishmen that were very grumpy and lived on the English Countryside.

    On the other side of the English Countryside, there was a nice wolf that loves bread and has a

    bad temper. He also had occasional back spasm.

    One day, the wolf was looking for bread to eat. In the distance, the wolf saw a village. He

    eventually got there and there was no bread. He kept on walking and found 3 miniature houses.

    One was made of paper, the other was made of pasta, and the last one was made of clay.

    “Oh, I think those houses have some bread inside them,” the Wolf pleaded

    In the Clay house, Englishman 3 was baking bread for Englishman 1 and 2. English 2

    loved Peanut Brittle. The Wolf smelled bread, he knew that the bread was baking in the oven.

    Englishman 3 was going to deliver the bread to Englishman 1 and 2.

    He saw the wolf and hollered,“The Wolf is coming!”

    They all had locks on the doors and locked them up. The wolf went to the Paper House first for

    some bread. The sun was shining directly at the bread, like it was God’s chosen bread.

    “Please old Englishman give me some bread” the Wolf pleaded. He was so desperate

    for some bread and lunch.

    “Not by the hair of my hairy beard beard,” the Pig Hollered.

    “Then I’ll huff and I’ll and blow your house down,”the Wolf responded.

    “Oooooouchie, my back is killing me and I have to take my pills,” the Wolf angered.

    “Tylenol or Advil.”

    “Tylenol,” Englishman 1 shouted from the window in his paper house.

    “No, Advil,” Englishman 3 shouted from his Clay house.

    “Advil it is,” the Wolf hissed.

    “Why Advil?” Englishman 3 pondered.

    “The Advertisement is better and because I say so,” the Wolf responded.

    Then he took his Advil pills. The Advil pills tasted like chalk.

    “Now I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down,” the Wolf yelled.

    The paper house fell down, and Englishman 1 ran to Englishman 2’s house, the pasta house.

    The wolf looked inside the house and there was no bread. The wolf sat down on a rock

    and thought about having a whole plate of bread. The Wolf then went to the Pasta house.

    “Please Englishman, give me some bread,” the wolf pleaded. The wolf was really


    “Not by the hair of my hairy beard beard,” Englishman 2 responded. His hair was really

    that big.

    “Then I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down,” the wolf protested. The wolf huffed

    and he puffed and blew his house down. Englishman 1 and 2 ran to the clay house that

    belonged to Englishman 3.

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    “What are you guys doing here?” Englishman 3 questioned.

    “The big bad wolf came and blew our houses down,” the 2 Englishman whispered.

    “How is he looking?” Englishman 3 wondered.

    “He is very old and has a new beard,” Englishman 1 responded. His beard made him

    look 12 years younger.

    “Good for him,” Englishman 3 complemented. Englishman 3 was definitely the nicestone. The wolf was plotting a way to break in and get some bread, the Englishmen were also

    plotting on what to do also. The Englishman’s only idea was to throw some fake bread and

    make a run for it. Since they knew that he had such a great sense of smell, throwing bread was

     just a dumb idea. Instead, Englishman 2, looked on Travelocity for a flight on Etihad Airlines to

     Armenia. They were thinking about becoming mechanics there.

    “3,2,1, GO!” Englishman 3 shouted. They all darted to the nearest bus stop. There was

    an old lady that took 5 minutes to get off the bus. The Wolf was catching up to the Englishmen.

    “Dang it, let's take the Metro to the airport,” Englishman 2 urged. The wolf was right on

    their back. They all went in the station, the Wolf was stuck with showing directions to a sweet

    old lady. “Next stop, Heathrow Airport,” the British computer bloated. The train halt to a stop andthey ran out the door.

    “Find Etihad® Airlines,” Englishman 3 shouted. Unlucky for the wolf, his breathing

    problems came back and he left the pills at the pasta house. The Englishmen got to their gate

    and went onto the flight. When they arrived in Armenia, they went to look for a job to be a

    mechanic. The only thing they could do is the oil change. They all lived happily ever after. But

    the wolf sadly died.

    The End.

    Epilogue : One Day Later…..“No Marco, you said you wanted an oil change, not a free break inspection,”Englishman

    3 Screamed.

    “We don't do free Brake Inspections, that's a bunch of American crap. “Yeah, like there's

    a Jiffy Lube around here.” All 3 of the Englishmen hate American Traditions like oil and water

    don't mix. Back in England, before the wolf died from a train crash in the subway. After the

    death of the wolf, the son of the wolf, Wolfie Jr. went to kill the Englishen for revenge. Sadly for

    Wolfie, he was stuck in Monaco. He whistled a taxi to the airport.

    “Vamanos!” Wolfie hollered. Wolfie had finally arrived at the airport.

    “Ok, I have to find Virgin Airlines,” Wolfie thought in his head. He then spotted a Voss

    water table. Wolfie hurried to the counter.

    “Where is Virgin Airlines?” Wolfie wondered. He was really wanting to get revenge on the


    “I don't know but, Voss Voss Voss, healthy water,’’ the campaign manager sang. That

    song was Voss’s slogan. Wolfie junior finally found a security guard for directions.

    “Now boarding on Virgin Airlines flight to Armenia,” the stewardess shouted. “Fat Wolves

    board first.”the plane landed with a hault.

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    “Where are these Englishmen? Wolfie wondered. He then remembered that his dad

    wrote on a piece of paper that he overheard the Englishmen that they were going to be

    mechanics. He then went to the local mechanic. The Englishmen thought someone was going

    to get revenge on them so the mechanic was their base. One of their weapons was hot tar

    cannon. Sadly for Wolfie, He fell into the Pool of Oil and was not able to wave the white flag

    because he is dead.

  • 8/16/2019 5th Grade Fairytale Adaptations


    The Twelve Dancing DogsBy: Rachel Eisenberg

    Once upon a time there was a king with twelve dog princesses each more beautifulthan the next.

    They all slept in a great hall that was locked and bolted each night with two guards standing

    beside the door. But… every morning, their collars were torn and their fur was all messed up like

    they had been dancing all night. When King Bow Wow asked why these strange events were

    happening, the princesses would not speak. By now, the king is very enraged about this, so he

    sent out a proclamation saying that any dog, from royalty to dumpsters, had three nights to find

    out what is happening.

    Over one hundred dogs tried, but each one failed and was sent to the doctor room to get

    vaccinated. The King was getting even more desperate. This time, there was a reward. The

    person that found out what was happening could marry one of his daughters! Now one

    thousand dogs tried, but once again… to the doctor’s room they went.

    One year later, a broke man named Rob was walking through Nylabone Forest. And yes,

    he is a human, but he was wearing a dog costume. Rob had been wearing this suit for 5 years

    now, ever since Kasey had called him a Fula hund (ugly dog). After Kasey tremendously

    dumped him, he met a lost dog on the streets of Sweden and realized his lifelong dream was to

    be a dog. He found the costume from a dumpster and figured that dogs were senseless enough

    to not realize he was human. He came across an old woman and she asked him where he was

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    “I think that I will go solve the mystery of where the princesses disappear at night. Not that I

    have much to live for anyways.” Rob gave the old woman all his food and water.  

    “In return for your gratitude, I will give you some advice. DO NOT eat the wet dog food. It

    may look tasty, but it will make your eyes droop. After you dump it out, pretend to be asleep as

    they get changed and ready. Take this and go get em, son!” She handed him a sparkly blanket

    and put her mouth to his ear. Rob felt very uncomfortable. “It will make you

    inviiiiiissssaaabbblllee.” And with that, she was gone.

    When Rob arrived in the castle, the hounds stuffed him with dog food and lead him to his

    bed in the great hall. Before the lights were turned out by the king, the princesses offered himsome wet food. He nodded and took it, but when they looked away, he dumped it under his bed.

    Rob flopped down on the bed and pretended to be asleep.“This one was easy.” Said the eldest

    dog as she peeked at Rob. They softly howled as they changed out of their night collars and

    into their dancing collars. The eldest went to her bed and knocked on it. Knock, knock...knock,

    knock, knock. The bed opened to a tunnel of darkness down below, and the dogs padded in,

    one by one. Grabbing the cloak, Rob jumped up and threw the cloak on, then followed them

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    through the door. When he was safe in the tunnel, he looked down at his grimy costume to see

    that it was invisible!

     At last the darkness of the damp tunnel disappeared and Rob found himself following the

    dogs through a wonderful boulevard with trees. In awe, he looked up to see the trees were filled

    with rawhide bones! He gazed in amazement and reached up to take one. He carefully plucked

    it off, but a great crash came from the trees. He quickly stuck it in his pocket as all the dogs

    turned in his general direction. This was very frightening because if they realized he was there,

    it was the end of him! An idea came to his head.

    “Click click click chick click chick ” He made a pretty good squirrel noise, which he had

    learned from Animal Calls 101. The princesses yelped and ran in random directions.

    “Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel!” They were going hysterical! He called


    “NEVER MIND,” and the dogs fell back into a perfect line. Rob was safe and he had a bone

    for proof. Next they came across a boulevard lined with trees filled with Dingo bones. He

    plucked one off and once again, he stuck it in his pocket. Finally, they came to the last

    boulevard lined with trees spotted with Milkbones. Rob stuck a few in his bulging pockets and

    moved on.

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     A few minutes later, the pack came to a thick forest. Rob was sweating and the

    princesses were panting. He couldn't imagine doing this every night. Back in Sweden, he would

    try to jog with his girlfriend Kasey, but she was always faster than him and he would give up

    after a block.

    “YYYOOOOWWWW!!!” The youngest dog said. Rob felt a hard stick-like object under his

    foot. He had stepped on her tail! He quickly lifted his foot and stepped away.

    “Sorry..” Rob whispered.

    “What is the matter of that yelp?” the eldest said.

    “Something stepped on my tail!”

    “Well stop fussing and let's keep moving.” The eldest marched off as the youngest took

    one more look back. This scenario happened twice more, except each time, the argument

    between the sisters was louder and bigger.

     Alas, they came to a giant lake. Rob struggled to read the sign without his glasses. He

    finally made out the curvy letters. TOilet bowl lake.  He slurped some as the

    princesses also lapped up the water. He noticed 12 tall and handsome (unlike him)male

    greyhounds waiting by 12 elegant boats. He creeped over and sat down in a boat, careful not to

    splash. As he looked around, he noticed that he was in the biggest boat.

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      “Perfect”   His smile quickly turned to a frown as the eldest princess marched towards him.

    He slunk to the back of the boat as she sat down.

    “My, this boat is extremely heavy tonight,” said the greyhound as he started rowing.

    “ARE YOU INSULTING MY WEIGHT?????” The princess had anger issues. Little did they

    know, there was an extra 240 lbs in the boat.

    When they arrived at the other side of the lake, the princess and the wheezing

    greyhound stepped out, and Rob followed shortly after. He tiptoed up the steps and walked into

    the most wonderful dog house-shaped-ballroom he had ever seen (He had only seen one at a

    Bar Mitzvah)! They danced all night, and Rob silently did the Macarena. At 1:30am, they started

    their journey back. At 2:00am, they came to the tunnel. Rob slipped ahead and sprinted to the

    light at the end. The secret-door-bed was still open, and Rob ran through and collapsed on his

    bed. He threw off his cloak and instantly fell asleep.

    He did the same stealth mission twice more, but on the last night, he grabbed a golden

    food bowl from the refreshments table and ripped a 3” by 4” piece of curtain.

    “Where are my daughters going each night?” King Bow Wow’s voice boomed through the

    castle. Surely the princesses could hear him from their hall. Rob slowly explained the whole

    story and took his ‘souvenirs’ from his pockets: A Rawhide, a Dingo bone, a Milkbone, the piece

    of curtain, and a golden food bowl. He heard the princesses gasp from the other room.

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    “Well done my pup,” the King Bow Wow barked. He called for the princesses and they

    whimpered as they slinked out. “Is this true?”

    “Yes..” The princesses put their heads down.“WAIT!” A voice erupted from the crowd. It was the youngest dog. “I volunteer as tribute!”

    “Umm…for what?” The King Bow Wow sat down and used his foot to scratch his snout as if

    he was forgetting something.

    “Duh, Dad, I WANT TO MARRY HIM!”

    “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...yeah I forgot about that. Well, Rob, whadda ya say?”

    Rob was startled by this. I mean, the proclamation he saw had the marriage part ripped off, and

    he was OBVIOUSLY not going to marry a dog.

    “IdHJFHJAHJakfjkkhbnuvu kjvbjajff;anbrjvbJ;” Rob just sputtered random words. At last he

    said a clear word. “Potato.” And with that, he squeezed out of the flappy dog door.

    “Well,” King Bow Wow put his paws together. “That obviously did not work.” He paused.“Anyways… YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR TWO MONTHS!” The dogs let out a riot of howls and

    barks as they were dragged back to their room. One month later, King Bow Wow let the

    princesses down easy and took the dogs out of grounding. Everyone lived happily ever after in

    the doghouse… King Bow Wow knowing his sweet little puppy princesses were safe, and the

    ‘sweet little puppy princesses’ knowing that their father hadn’t removed the secret door bed.

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    Epilogue-10 minutes later

    “Oh old-woman-who-I-don't-know-what-your-name-is-so-I'll-just-call-you-Susie, will you

    marry me?” Rob said as he held Susie's hands.

    “Actually my name is Slullu III, but okay.” So Rob and Slullu III got married and adopted

    all the princesses as their pets. The 14 of them lived happily ever after.

    The end

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    The Pretty-ish swan 

    Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a beautiful

    swan that was named Benson. He knew he was the prettiest swan in the

    world, or so he thought. He was liked by everyone in the swan tribe,

    But Benson only cared about himself unless a prettier swan than him

    came to the pond.

    Farmer Ben would gaze out the window looking at the lovely

    swan but his wife, in the other hand would have her carving knife at

    the ready, muttering to her husband “that swan looks as juicy as ever

    in this type of season Ben… I can't wait to chop him up as

    thanksgiving dinner!”

    “I will NOT allow that! I remember when you cut off the tails of the

    three blind mice! I will not have a repeat of that. Only kill the

    ugliest duck in the pond Lydia!” Farmer Ben complained. Farmer Lydia

    grunted in disapproval and walked away.

    One day, in the the pond, a new flock of birds were hovering

    over the pond, one swan said,

    “Please help us! One of our swans is hurt badly!” Benson looked at

    the new swan with a broken wing. He thought the new swan named Nelson

    was prettier than him.

    So, he decided to pull pranks and sabotage him when his wing washealed.

    “Thank you for all your help, but I must get going” said Nelson,

    “NO! You can stay here a while. Please stay! Your very lovely and we

    need a new tribe leader! Benson is not the prettiest.” Pleaded a

    swan. Nelson considered this for a minute or two then said “I will

    stay, my pond anyway is being turned into a Krusty Burger.” And when

    he finished all the swans and ducks cheered and slapped wings.

    While Nelson was taking a rest Benson walked over to the doghouse and aimed the dog chain right at Nelson, Benson had a quest and

    a dream to overthrow Nelson and become the ultimate tribe leader,

    while he was thinking that he did not know his foot was stuck on the

    chain and when he opened the lock button the dogs ran out of the dog

    house with Benson dragging behind. Nelson suddenly heard the dogs

    coming and he alerted everyone to fly away until it was safe to go

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    back. While Benson was getting his face stuck in the mud, his

    feathers were coming off one by one.

    “Agggg!! Stupid mutts… Get away from me! Your getting me dirty!”

    Benson screeched.

    Nelson chuckled at what was unfolding In front of him

    “Benson!” Yelled Nelson amused

    “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” Benson shrieked,

    “You need to stop!” But just as Nelson said “you need to stop!”, The

    dogs flung Benson into the pond. Farmer Ben suddenly saw that Nelson

    and Benson were arguing,

    “Hey! Stop it!” Farmer Ben exclaimed. Farmer Lydia, on the other

    hand, thought the fighting was great fun.

    Benson got mad at Nelson and decided to go to the nearest

    Walgreens to get some Captain Duckie(Captain Morgan's). The cashierlooked at him and said “You don't look so well, lemme see your

    personal ID.”

    “Do I look like a kid, Here!” Hissed Benson.

    Benson handed the surprisingly rude cashier his ID reluctantly. The

    cashier looked up at Benson then the card and nodded. Benson noticed

    the cashier had a name tag. It was one of those stupid , HELLO MY

    NAME IS , name tags. The cashier apparently did not have good

    handwriting because in scribbled letters it said HELLO, MY NAME IS


    Benson glared at Wendell and jeered “Hehe, Adíos WENDELL!!”As Benson walked outside he opened the dented cap and drank the whole

    bottle in just a few gulps.

    While he was gulping down Captain Duckies there was a little 7 year

    old duck.

    The little duck just stared at Benson and Benson finally noticed. As

    he veered his head towards the little duck, Benson glared at the

    little duck and that set the tiny duck off the hook. The little duck

    started screaming and crying hysterically and ran off with his wings

    up in the air. Benson rolled his eyes and walked stiffly towards his

    house mumbling “Kids these days…”

    Meanwhile, at the pond, before he walked in, he sighed and

    shook his head then stepped inside his rustic looking house just then

    his mother saw him she started screaming “AHHH!! INTRUDER,INTRUDER!

    HELP HELP! I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!” “Stop mother, you're not going to

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    die.” “ Benson, is that you??” “Yes mother it is me” “get out! I can

    not have a disgusting, disgraceful son in my house!”

    As she pushed Benson out Nelson glared at him and started

    talking but everything blurred in Benson's head he thought it was a

    dream so he walked to the middle of the pond where the great tree is

    and said “I...I'm tired” he slumped down on the tree and sobbed. The

    next morning he thought, it was still a dream but when he looked down

    at his feathers and then complained “Why, Oh why does everything not

    go my way!!? Ahhhhhh!”. Farmer Ben was talking to Lydia and he

    thought he was saying “get the prettiest duck” but he actually said

    “get the ugliest duck” Because Benson was still a bit tipsy for his

    Captain Duckies. Just then he thought of a plan to save himself, he

    shook some of the soot of of his feathers (or what was left of his

    feathers) , it would be that he would imitate the voice of farmer Ben

    and and say “Lydia, go get the duck!” And he did just that and Lydiareplied “Ben, I guess I will get the ugliest and the juiciest duck,

    just like you said” Benson squawked at the reply and ran away because

    he was still covered with dried mud and his feathers were plucked off

    in a V pattern.

    Lydia saw him out of the corner of her eye and she ran after

    him screaming “get back here!!!” Nelson heard all of this commotion

    and said “Benson, You're craz--ohh…! That must have hurt.” Benson

    jumped at the swinging knife and backed away he jumped to get a

    flying start but he was not as graceful as he used to be, when hejumped he fell tail first into his pond. Lydia was hovering over him

    and Benson raised his wings to protect himself from the swinging

    knife that was about to take his life. He looked at Lydia and she

    looked at him and said “Maybe I won't kill you after all… Hmmmm,

    Nevermind!” THWACK...SMACK! Now our story comes to an end… Duck


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    “Wait… Benson wake up you're not dead!” A swan boasted, “Hey

    I'm sorry Benson, I should not have gotten in the way of your swan

    tribe, I have my own tribe that I need to get back to, *sigh*”The

    doctor gave a sympathetic look at Nelson and she said “Well I guess

    you need to go back if you really want to, so sad, so sad for

    Benson…Well as we inspect him it looks pretty severe.

    He has many cuts and bruises but I think with a little help, food and

    water, us doctors think he will be just fine and back on his flippers

    in no time! He just needs to recover because right now he is in

    shock, when our doctors say his is ready we have a special room tohelp him walk, by the way if you were wondering why Benson had a

    cover over his face, he definitely needed it because his face looks

    pretty bad.

    Nelson thought this doctor had a lot to say and he walked out of the

    room that was holding Bensons wounded body.


    “Uhhhhhhhhh , I'm not sure that I can do this!” Squeaked

    Benson “Sure you can!” The doctor exclaimed. As Benson took littlesteps towards the other side of the surprisingly small room he

    noticed Nelson near the door. Benson waved and then tried to run

    across the room to greet him, “Benson don't ru--No!” Benson started

    to run and he tripped over his flippers.

    “Oh no! Everyone get ready for intense surgical care, now!”Demanded

    Nelson “ Get the air tubes now help! We're losing him! Benson!!”

    Benson hit the ground hard, Nelson and the doctor an out of the room

    and came back 30 seconds later with a huge team of doctors and heavy


    They got him in the bed but as the doctor was rushing to get the air

    tube, Benson saw the light going out in his eyes his chest was

    thumping with pain and sorrow, he tried to scream but no sound was

    coming out. He scrambled out of the uncomfortable bed and took off

    running in any direction with an opening.

    “Hey! Wait, no, STOP!!” Shouted the loud doctor. Benson’s ears

    started to flood and he could almost not hear or see where he was

    going, the doctor and Nelson ran after him but Benson had already

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    bolted out the door. Benson collapsed on the hard stone cold ground

    his head in pain, the lights went out in his head and Benson took his

    last breath of fresh air.

    The End


    Nelson was trying to decide on which tuxedo he should wear. He

    finally settled on a tuxedo with white wing cuffs and a bow tie. He

    looked at his watch and saw that he was late. “I guess it would not

    hurt if I'm a little late” he thought in his head.

    So he made himself a quick meal and drove off to Benson’s funeral.

    He saw a guard and drove up to the guard and said “look, I'm here for

    my friend's funeral, will you just let me in” “Uh sure buddy.

    Just...Just… I'm sorry for your loss. Go on in” replied the perplexed


    Nelson drove around the garden in the cemetery wondering where

    everyone was and realized that it did not start for the next 10


    “Oh…” he said So he parked his car and went in the store to get some

    flowers. When he got outside people started getting out of cars.

    “Nelson! How's it going!” Declared Benson's parents “Ok, it's going

    ok I guess.” He said nervously. Lately he has been having paranoia .

    When he stood near the grave they were about to start the time where

    they put the coffin in the grave.

    Nelson watched as they lowered the coffin. He felt like he should

    have done something and he blamed himself for Benson’s death. As he

    thought about it he threw in his rose and walked away...

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  • 8/16/2019 5th Grade Fairytale Adaptations


    The Starfish ManBy: Joey Putrim

    Once upon a time...there was a starfish, his name was Demetri. Demetri was a clever character that was the

    slowest, most unathletic starfish in Trunk Bottom. One day he watched the Olympics for running

    on his watermelon TV, he was inspired and really wanted to be able to run. The next day he

    went to King Starfish’s castle. The castle was a big castle, it was made of all diamonds. Each

    starfish was only allowed to ask of one thing of the King Starfish, Demetri decided to ask him to

    make him able to run. He took off to the castle and when he got there he looked up in

    amazement, “Wow,” he thought, “How long should it take to build such a thing, maybe 467

    years?” Demetri guessed . He scurried up to the beautiful castle and knocked, The door openedand…

    “What do you need, I was just about to get my daily massage!” the King shouted.

    “ I..I..I just wanted to ask for the wish you promised to each and everyone of us,” Demetri


    “Well then what would you like?” the King answered.

    “ I would like to be able to run!” Demetri said with enthusiasm.

    “ Are you sure you want this to be your one and only wish?” the King asked.

    “Yes I am sure,” Demetri replied. And the King Starfish went into the other room to get

    his wand. Meanwhile Demetri looked around and something caught his eye. It was a first class

    dictionary from the Stone Age. He looked through it and saw some words that even he, thesmartest starfish in Trunk Bottom couldn't recognize. Some of the words were hogwash,

    dumbleclage, and zubut. Just at that moment the King walked in with his wand.

    “OH MY GOSH, why are you touching my Stone Age dictionary? You must leave right

    after I grant your wish or I will get my guards and then... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD,” the King

    Starfish yelled. Right after the King Starfish granted his wish, Demetri was off with a flash with

    his new speed the King had granted to him. He jumped out of the water and went to a house

    that smelled like gingerbread men. He loved gingerbread men because they made him think of

    his old Granny Starfish. He went home thinking of the gingerbread men.

    The next day Demetri went to that same house and ate all of the gingerbread menbecause he was hungry. Little did he know those men were there for the end of a hockey team's

    championship game. They had lost the game to their rivals in a 3-2 overtime loss and were very

    surly so they needed gingerbread men to cheer them up. When the hockey team got home, the

    plate that the gingerbread men were on was gone!

    One kid named Martini Mike saw the footprint of Demitri (He had known Demetri from the

    naughty things he had done in the past eaten the team’s cake and burned down one of his

    school projects.)

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    “Demetri! That monster, he stole our gingerbread men!” Martini Mike screamed.

    “Look!” Demarcus said. “Demitri’s footprints are leading out the door! Get him!”

    Little did the team know, Demitri was a very intelligent starfish. He knew that the hockey team

    couldn't swim, so he went back into the water. However, before Demetri was in the water,

    Martini Mike spotted him.

    “There he is get him, we want you so we can kill you for eating all of our gingerbreadmen!” Martini Mike yelled furiously.

    “Run, run as fast as you can but you can't catch me I'm the Starfish Man!” Demetri said

    and he jumped into the water leaving the hockey team in the dust.

    Soon he meet up with a sea otter.

    “Ohhhh, you look like a great lunch, little starfish,” the sea otter smirked.

    “Swim, swim as fast as you can but you can't catch me I'm the Starfish Man!” Demetri

    remarked. Soon Demetri left the sea otter in the wave ripples with a accused expression for

    calling him lunch.

    “That jerk, he thinks I'm slow,” the sea otter thought. “What a monster.” And for the restof the day he sat on a rock and sobbed.

     As Demetri was cruising in the waves, the hockey team had found scuba gear in their

    locker room of the old hockey rink and dove into the water to find Demetri. Right away, they

    found the sea otter who told them which way Demetri swam.

    “From here he went right and then he turned left,” the sea otter recited.

    “Thanks for the help, have and good day Martini Mike said nicely and the hockey team

    followed the otter’s directions.

    In the meantime Demetri came upon another obstacle. A crab.“Something smells starfishy,” the crab gasped. The crab started licking his lips and finally

    took a jump at Demetri. Demetri dodged it easily and started to get away.

    “Swim, swim as fast as you can but you can’t catch me I'm the Starfish Man!” Demetri

    remarked. And faster than you can blink your eyes the Starfish Man was out of sight.

    Demetri thought no one could catch. The hockey team was up to something mysterious.

    They had built a machine to track Demetri wherever he went; Demetri would never leave the

    sight of the team again. Martini Mike designed the particular machine and it was a dandy one. It

    even had a robot inside to catch Demetri if they ever got close to him.

    “I think we got him in the bag,” Martini Mike exclaimed excitedly. The boys celebrated

    even before they caught Demetri and started jumping to conclusions.

    “Demetri will never know what hit him.” Demarcus yelled.

    “Yeah, he will be ours in a matter of minutes now!” Martini Mike shouted. And before

    they could blink their eyes they saw a flash in the water, it was Demetri! He zoomed by thinking

    he was so cool. He even flashed a wink at the team!

    “There he is,” Demarcus yelled, “get him!” But little did they know Demetri planned to go

    on land again to mess up their tracker. Demetri had seen the tracker when he flashed by the

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    team and knew what it was right away. He was so smart he knew just what it did; track him and

    only him. So Demetri went to the spot where he went into the water at the beginning of the

    chase. When he got there, he jumped out and was confronted by three of the hockey team's

    moms, Jojo, Lauren, and Kayla. They were the prettiest women in all of the world; he hesitated

    by looking at them and that's what did it. They grabbed him and there was no way of escaping.

    “HA, we got you now,” Kayla yelled.Yeah there is no way you’re escaping now,” Jojo yelled furiously. And they crushed him

    up in the meat grinder and ate him up for dinner. It was the best dinner any of them had had in 3


    20 minutes later“Wow mom that must have been an awesome grab,” Martini Mike shouted happily.

    “ Oh thanks, it was nothing that impressive though,” Jojo explained not giving herself the

    credit that she needed. And that night was the best night of their lives, and yes Lauren made

    more gingerbread men for the boys to munch on. And from there on the team lived happily ever

    after, with no Demetri in their lives.

    The End

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    RumplepenguinBy Samantha Hoberman

    Once upon a time there was an igloo on Frostbite Lane that was home to a

    happy family of three in the cold winds of Antarctica. Sylvie, a sweet, darling little

    eight year old girl, loved to boast about her special talent. In fact, she did it so much

    that bragging basically was her talent! Her real talent though, was being able to turn

    ice into silver with the magic of her tiny hands. Since she had practically told the

    whole town about her talent, the queen of Iceonopoly wanted to meet this child. And

    so it was set that Sylvie was to go to the queen's palace and make handfuls of silver.

    “Fantastic!” said the queen

    “Extraordinary!” declared the king.

    “Woooaaah...” exclaimed the eight year old princess. “ Mommy can we keep

    her?! Can we keep her?!” At the time the queen said of course not, but as the days

    passed and the silver she had began to lose its shiny, new look, she started to realize

    that she would like her own personal silver maker in the palace.

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    3 months later

    “Ok little pipsqueak, your first task is to turn a few blocks of ice into my precious

    silver, go on. It's in there…” and with that she locked the door and Sylvie was all alone

    in the room with about ten huge chunks of ice! Sylvie couldn't manage all this! At

    home she could only do little bits at a time. She needed help. She started to moan, she

    started to groan, she started to wail, and flail herself all over the room!

    “HHHEEELLLPPP!!!” she screamed in despair.

    “How may I help you?” a little voice questioned. Sylvie looked over and was

    frightened by how small the little penguin was.

    “What are you? And elf? A midget? Thumbelina?” she asked.

    “No, no, and no. I have come to help you with your, well, silver making,” Sylvie

     just stood there with a look of confusion on her face.

    “Well go on then, help me with my silver making,”

    “Weeellllll, you have to give me something in return. Like maybe that pretty

    necklace of yours,” then penguin replied.

    “What, this? This is a worthless necklace I made in art class, are you sure you want

    this  for that ?” Sylvie said cocking her head over to the ice.

    “Well of course! I'll have it done in an hour or so. So, um… necklace please,” he

    demanded while holding out his flipper for the necklace. She gave him the stringed

    beads and went to take a nap in the corner. She trusted the little animal and didn't

    really care for the loss of her necklace.

    “Brrr!” Sylvie woke up and was shivering in the room. At first she was confused

    but then she remembered; a penguin came in and said he would do her work and…Sylvie looked over at the ice in astonishment, but it wasn't ice anymore! It was silver.

    “Wow! He really did it,” she said aloud.

    “Sylvie dear, are you awake?” the queen questioned while leading through the

    door. Sylvie walked out and exclaimed that she was hungry. The queen said she could

    have anything she wanted because of all that silver! The queen would get rich, so rich

    with the silver! Then, she noticed something, “Sylvie, where's that ugly, oh um… I

    mean beautiful necklace that you had on when you came here?”

    “Oh well you see there was this penguin and he turned all the... oh wait. I mean,

    um… I just threw it away cause I didn't like it anymore,” Sylvie stammered. She forgotthat the queen had offered her anything she wanted because she   had made the silver,

    and she wanted the queen to keep thinking that!

    That morning she had warm blueberry pancakes for breakfast and a grilled

    cheese with tomato soup for lunch. After lunch she went outside to play in the castle’s

    backyard igloo, and it was huge ! Before long Sylvie realized she’d been in the igloo

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    playing with her new dolls from the queen for hours! She scurried back inside for a

    snack. When she got there the queen was in a surprisingly good mood!

    “Sylvie dear guess what!? We, well I, got an invitation to Prince Ronald's royal

    gala in Ronaldlandia! So my dear, you will need make me up some new, shiny silver!”

    the queen exclaimed happily.

    “Oh, OK I'll make it later, ‘cause…” then the queen cut Sylvie off,

    “No! I need more than just what you will be able to make in the night! Start now!

    Go! Shoo!” she demanded furiously. Sylvie rushed up to her room before the queen

    could get even more frustrated. She didn't know what to do. Sylvie looked around the

    room, hoping to find a fairy godmother or that little… Penguin! He was sitting on her

    bed holding a polarcorn, one of the most magical, and extinct, animals in Antarctica!

    “OMG, OMG!” Sylvie cried with happiness, “I’ve been wanting one of those my

    whole life and now you show up with one! It's for me right?”

    “Well of course it's for you, and while I'm here, would you like me to make that

    silver for the queen?” the penguin replied. Sylvie just looked at him in shock. This was

    the best day of her life! At least that's what she thought until the penguin started

    going through her stuff.

    “ Uh, Mr. Penguin what are you doing?”

    “Oh my, my, my! You didn't just expect me to come in your window, give you a

    polarcorn, make the queen all the silver you're supposed to make, and leave with

    nothing in my hands!? I'm taking your dolls,” He declared.

    “My dolls? Why would you want those? I mean even though you're tiny, you still

    look like a grandpa penguin,” Sylvie wondered aloud. The penguin just shook his head

    and walked over to the ice room with her precious dolls.

    The next morning the queen came downstairs with a beautiful silver dress on. She

    had silver shoes, a silver bracelet, silver earrings, and even a silver necklace with a

    pure diamond center.

    “Wow, that dress is very pretty,” exclaimed Sylvie.

    “Pretty? My dress? Sylvie, you  made me this dress last night, don't you


    “Oh, uh yeah, I guess I just was so tired that I forgot,” Sylvie replied quickly,

    “When I'm tired I forget things a lot…” the queen looked at her suspiciously fora moment, but then forgot all about it. She had a plate of French toast put in front of

    her. After that she was off in her silver carriage to Ronaldlandia. As Sylvie watched the

    queen ride down the road she wondered; how did the penguin make all this?

    “Oh it's easy, speaking of which… I want my polarcorn back,” A voice from

    behind the couch declared.

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    “Oh is that you Mr. penguin? I was having so much fun with that little guy!

    Please! Give me one chance with him!” Sylvie desperately pleaded.

    “Fine, you can keep him if…” The penguin thought for a moment, but then he

    knew just what task he should give the girl, “If you can guess my name! By midnight


    “Midnight tonight? Phew! That should be easy, let’s see here… Steve, Dave,

    Carle, Mr. Penguin, Magic Man, Charles, Snowy, Adam, Lucy, Sally, Fran.. Wait, are you

    a girl or a boy?” Sylvie rushed to answer the penguin but then stumbled by the


    “Ha! You will never guess my name and that will be the end of you!!!” He

    screamed delight.

    “Actually it won't be the end of me, it will be the end of me having a pet

    polarcorn,” replied Sylvie.

    “Oh whatever,” and with that the little midget climbed out the window. Sylvie

    figured that if she wanted to guess the penguin’s name she had to get working. She

    took out a notebook and started filling the pages with names. After an hour she had

    exactly 100 names. Surely one of them would be his.

    It was evening now and Sylvie decided to take her polarcorn for a walk in Icicle

    Tundra. She was walking along humming a soft tune when she saw a mini igloo with a

    door just the size of the little penguin. She was a little intruder that girl, so of course

    she decided to eavesdrop.

    “My name is Rumplepenguin and now to Evil Stevil the Polar Bear,” she heard a

    voice from inside. Then, it hit her. His name was Evil Stevil the Polar Bear. Sylvie knewhis name and she was very proud of that. She rushed back to the castle, ran up to her

    room, and jumped on her bed to wait for midnight to come. She tried to stay awake,

    but soon she drifted off to sleep.

    “Wake up little girl and tell me my name!” The penguin growled from the

    windowsill. Sylvie popped up from her deep sleep in confusion.

    “Oh yeah, Nice Bob! I mean, Evil Stevil… Sorry I'm really tired, it's way past my

    bedtime.” Sylvie yawned. Then she squeezed her polarcorn tight because it was

    officially hers now!“Evil Stevil!? You mean the greatest rapper of all time!? I mean seriously Meguin

    Trainguin, ah to the nah to the no no no you are not going to win rapper of the


    “Huh? But I heard you talking to a guy named Rumplepenguin in your house last

    night, are you Rumplepenguin?”

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    “Oh that was The 7:30 Rumplepenguin Show and Evil Stevil was the guest

    tonight. I'm not him, I wish though. That guy is so cool… And also, how do you know

    where my house is?”

    “Oh, I just know things, I like to interfere with other people's business. So what

    do I…” the clock cut Sylvie off, it was midnight.

    “Ding dong ding dong,” it went. And with that, Macaroni Maki, Mac for short,

    ran out the window with one swift leap and ran back to icicle forest with the


    “AHHH…” Sylvie shrieked. Her polarcorn was gone forever and no one heard

    her screams because all the servants were taking the queen to the gala in

    Ronaldlandia and there was no one outside the palace for miles. She was having the

    time of her life and Sylvie was crying with the pain of a broken heart.

  • 8/16/2019 5th Grade Fairytale Adaptations


    Finding a PrincessBy Scarlett Haynes

    Once upon a medieval time there was a very handsome prince named Dellanovella Gozi What.

    He was one of those “do good” types, which was good because he was not only loaded (which he was), but every Sunday he would donate different merchandise of himself such as Kenanovella dolls, bobble

    heads, and occasionally a streak of what he called his blonde luscious locks. Oh, and did I mention he was

    kind of full of himself? Also, he lived with a beautiful queen named Mommy to the prince and Queen

    Goziwhata to the people of Swackahola. Now don’t even get me started on her. She would always be

    either scolding the prince, grooming herself, or putting on makeup and every time she does put on

    makeup she says, and I quote exactly “The only drama I like is Maybelline Volum Express Falsies Push

    Up drama mascara.” And of course there was her lovely husband, King Goziwhata or daddy. And the deal

    with him was he was GRUMPY, people even called him “King Grouch-o-Rama” behind his back.

    The prince only had one main goal in life: the poor guy just wanted to wed someone; he wasn’t

    going to look that good forever. She must be a real princess though, because he was not  marrying a bogus

     princess. The prince decided to go look for one. He thought he would start at Queens, New York. The

    night before he took off, he had loaded his carriage and made sure his horses were ready for the big day.

    Once he got there, it wasn’t easy knowing who was ready to be a queen and start a new life with the

     prince. It wouldn't just be hard for him, though, he would put the princess through a test. First he would

    get an expert to cut a piece of glass into a diamond shape and put it on a gold ring. Only a real princess

    would know if it was fake. Then he would get to know the girl, then ask her to marry him, and if she said

    yes, then he would tell her what he had done. The princess would probably get mad and threaten to ruin

    his social life but that wouldn't matter because he had no social life.

    After all of that searching he was worn out. He thought he would go to his temporary home that

    he rented. There was a huge thunderstorm at the time he had dozed off, and then the prince heard a knockat his door; he was surprised because it was twelve o'clock, but he opened the door in his cheetah print

    silk pj’s and standing there soaking wet was a girl.

    “My name is Dondelahowa, and I am a princess.” said the girl.

    “A princess!” said the surprised prince.

    “I was driving in my royal carriage and the wheel fell off, so I tried to find the closest house and

    this was it.” said the shivering girl, “I am so sorry! I can leave if you want.” said the girl.

    “That's alright, you can sleepover, come on in.” said Dellanovelia, “I am sure I can find some

    clothes, and what a coinkydink, I think that I have an extra shirt of me on the front, I was giving them out

    at the festival the other day.” the prince went on, “Oh, you sure are quite lucky, you get it for next to

    nothing and it has a picture of me on it.” he said again.

    The prince ordered tea for the princess and him. It was time for the prince to complete his first

    task, (get to know the girl) he would start an amazing conversation, but what would it be about? he asked


    “Have you ever seen jousting?” asked the prince

    “I beg your pardon.” said the girl, putting down her cup of tea,

    “Jousting, you know when two princes fight over a princess, right, I mean you are a princess,

    aren’t you?”

    “Yes, of course I am a princess last time I checked-” the prince cut her off.

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    “Then, if you are a princess, where do you live and what do you have?

    “Well-” the prince cut her off again.

    “A castle I would imagine, and of course a sister-” this time it was the princess who cut him off.

    “Hold on, why do you want to know so much information about me?”

    “Well, I don’t know, I guess I thought that you were lying about being a princess.”

    “FYI I am a princess, I live with one sister named YY swigs, I live in a beautiful castle overyonder, and I am--- YAWN! Very tired.” said the half asleep princess, and by this time it was one o'clock

    in the morning. Within ten minutes they both fell asleep on the table.

    They woke up with slobber all over their pj’s, and the prince was to embarrassed to be seen in

    what he was wearing, so he got dressed. Soon after, the princess woke up. The prince told the maid to get

    her some clothes other than the ones she was wearing. A short bit after, the prince found the princess with

    her nose in a book.

    “That’s where you went, I was looking for you!” exclaimed the prince.

    “Why is that?” asked the princess, putting down her book.

    “I wanted to ask you something.” said the prince.

    “Well now is your chance, because the dinosaur just ate the main character in the book.” said the

    surprised princess.

    “Will you marry me?” said the prince, taking out the glass ring.

    “I WILL….. NOT! What kind of person do you think I am?! And I know that is just a piece of

    glass cut into a twelve carat gold FAKE! Do you think you are marrying an idiot!?” she said.

    “Settle down my honey boo.” he said in a very relaxed voice.

    “DO NOT CALL ME YOUR HONEY BOO!” she exclaimed very madly.

    “Now that I know you are a princess, this is the real one.” He said as he pulled out and twenty

    carat gold diamond ring “ Will you marry me?” he asked once again.

    “Yes, as long as you don’t play any more tricks on me.”

    “We shall get married in the morning!” he said as they gazed at the sunset.

    Well that was nice, and as always they lived…....

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      Happily Ever After 


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    The Bagel Man

    Once upon a time on a fall crisp morning in 1966 there was a Vastly Heavy OldWoman and a Grumpy Old Man. They lived in a medium sized, old house. The elderly couple

    one day were watching Judge Piggy when the Grumpy Old Man said,“I want bacon!”

    “But I ate all the bacon,” said the Vastly Heavy Old Woman.

    “Then I'm going to toast a bagel,” grunted the Grumpy Old Man. But it was 27 years

    since the man had toasted bagel; he messed it all up!

    First, he spread the cream cheese, and flopped on the lox. Then he shoved the bagel

    into the microwave. The Grumpy Old Man walked back to the TV room. “Judge Piggy’s done?”

    asked a curious Grumpy Old Man.

    “Yes, but that Batman show with Adam West is on now,” replied his wife cheerfully.

    The Grumpy Old Man sat down on the couch. The Batman theme started playing.

    “Nana nana nana nana nana nana nah! Batman, Batman, Batman!” Suddenly the

    Grumpy Old Man heard an ear piercing shriek. The smoke alarm!

    “Meh bagel!” he cried, rushing up to the microwave, attempting at opening its doors. It

    was jammed. His hands turned pink as he gripped the handle harder, slamming it. It refused to

    budge. “Help me, dear!” bellowed the Grumpy Old Man. The Vastly Heavy Old Woman rushed

    up to him.

    “We better hurry, we're wasting precious minutes of Batman!” she cried. Suddenly, the

    microwave door slammed open, knocking the Grumpy Old Man on the head.

    “Gosh dang it!” he cursed. Smoke puffed out of the microwave. The smoke dramatically

    faded away. Out stepped...a bagel.

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    He had lox for hair, capers for eyes, and cream cheese in the bagel hole for a mouth.

    On his sides, the bagel bread thinned and extended for arms and legs.

    “Oh, how grateful we would be if we could devour you!” exclaimed the Vastly Heavy Old

    Woman, chasing the anthropomorphic bagel around the room.

    But the Bagel Man refused to be digested by the elders. “Jump, jump, as high as you can,

    can't catch me, I'm the Bagel Man!” And the Bagel Man jumped right through the roof.

    Just in case he didn't fall after his jump, the Bagel Man took an extra piece of lox and used it

    as a hang glider, as he zoomed towards the farm. As he landed, he heard a very loud oinking

    sound. A pig! A pink snout emerged from the crops. But the Bagel Man was not afraid of giant

    slab of bacon!

    “Is that bagel I smell?” thought aloud the pig. “I love bagels. They taste delicious!”

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    Suddenly, he realized something about this pig. It was blind! This would be easy! “ I've

     jumped from a Grumpy Old Man and a Vastly Heavy Old Woman, and I can jump from you, too!

    Jump, jump, as high as you can, can't catch me I'm the Bagel Man!” The bagel crouched as low

    as he could, and sprung towards the clouds with the pig chasing “towards him” in the opposite


    The bagel man hang glided as far as he could from the farm. Soon, he landed beside a

    sewer grate. But his lox hang glider slipped from his hands.

    “Oh, no! My lox!” he cried. The little bagel dove for the lox. He caught it, but fell through the

    sewer grate.

    “It stinks in here!”

    “Do I smell… a bagel?” questioned a splashy, jazzy, Australian growl. “Because I haven't

    had anything to eat for lunch yet!”

    “I… I don’t see you!” cried a stammering Bagel Man. He would have to get his lox back

    before he could jump to safety.

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    “It's not how you see me, it's how you don’t see me,” Its words poking at the toasted

    breakfast. Suddenly, a massive, bumpy, green beast approached the Bagel Man. An alligator!

    Its jaws snapped open and closed, open and closed, over and over again.

    “Please, I only came to get my lox back!” he shouted, his cry merciful. But the living bagel

    realized it was a mistake to do this. There was a gleam in his yellow eyes.

    “Oh, you brought salmon, too?” It smiled, a mischievous grin. The devil of the sewer reached

    its claw into the water, with it quickly flying back above surface. In its claws was… his lox!

    “Don't mess with my lox!” cried the Bagel Man. With anger, he bounced up and snatched it

    from the gator.

    Suddenly, two larger monsters approached the fearful bagel, and the trio surrounded him,

    growing closer and closer. “Looks like Mum and Dad are hungry, too!” growled the literally

    cold-blooded alligator child. The Bagel Man leapt above their snouts, and seldom escaped the

    mother’s snapping jaws. The Bagel then quickly “floated” to the sewer grate, opened it up, and

    carelessly left it open, as the alligators climbed after him.

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     As he got ready to fly from his predators, he quickly noticed his surroundings was the same

    farm from earlier before being bowled over by pink fat. And as he poorly tried to escape (due to

    injuries from the pig) he saw three green, snapping jaws. Oh no!

    The Bagel Man had given up. This was it, he thought. The end of the line. Only a unicorn

    could save me now, he contemplated. Completely out of the blue, A purple-maned

    turquoise-horned unicorn galloped down, and with its massive horn it whipped the prey’s

    hunters into the air. “The bagel is mine!” It cried with… a stomach grumble. The unicorn flew

    upwards; it seemed it was awaiting him to ride on it. The Bagel Man hadn't heard the horse’s

    cry for hunger, and was determined to reach the unicorn.

     As the Bagel Man pulled himself up, he turned around to find the youngest gator still

    approaching him. “Halt! I've jumped from a Grumpy Old Man and a Vastly Heavy Old Woman

    and a Blind Pig, I can jump from you, too! Jump, jump, as high as you can, you can't catch me,I'm the Bagel Man!” The Bagel Man ordinarily hopped to the clouds, landing on the unicorn.

    “You shouldn't be perceived foolish, for choosing to go with me,” smirked the Equestrian.

    “And why is that so?” questioned a curious Bagel Man. The horned horse beckoned him to

    come closer to his snout.

    “Because you should never make me hungry and angry at once!” answered the unicorn.

    Suddenly, the unicorn’s earlier words of “The bagel is mine!” and a stomach growl

    echoed through the Bagel Man’s skull. “I'll never let you eat me!” he shouted sharply,hang-gliding away from the predator as he leaped off its back.

    “Is that so!” bellowed the unicorn. The bagel would get farther ahead, but so would the

    unicorn. Bagel, unicorn. Unicorn, bagel.

    “Jump, jump, as hi-” but the Bagel Man was too slow. The unicorn had stabbed him in the

    chest with his horn, pulled him off the horn and into the mouth.

    “That was a good bagel,” smirked the unicorn.

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    5 years later…

    The Blind Pig had slept in late. 5 years late, actually. But he is awake now. And still did his

    morning routine: Visit the cows, gossip with the chicken, roll in the mud, and look for food.

    “I smell something I haven't smelled in 5 years,” he murmured, and followed the scent. He

    walked past all the mud puddles, around the Chicken nursery. Suddenly, the scent took off

    running. He brushed past the Hens and just caught a smell of a bagel, floating towards theclouds.

    The Blind Pig shouted to the bagel up in the sky, “Bagel! How do you live? Before I fell

    comatose, I heard you being eaten by the unicorn.” The Bagel Man did not speak, but still being

    blind the pig sensed, and was correct on his answer. For the Bagel Man only paused to wink,

    and hang glided away.

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    The messed up tale of CinderBy: Camryn

    Once upon a time in a land where everything was perfect and everyone drove

    Lamborghinis and had fancy dinner partys, someone was jealous . Of course your human mind

    would think, why would someone be unhappy in this perfect land? Well it's a long story, but I’ll

    tell it.

    It started off on a Friday, no it was a Saturday, definitely a Saturday. Cinder Ella Jones, (

    yes the middle name needed to be added, this is a very serious story.) was walking through

    town with her mom. Then randomly, a red Lamborghini’s window rolled down and a piece of

    flying glass came shooting out. It hit Cinder’s Mom’s head. Cinder watched in horror as her mom

    dropped to the ground and was hit by another Lamborghini. Sadly Cinder’s mom died because

    there was no medical care or Health insurance available in their town. Probably because all the

    villager’s couldn’t afford it because they already spent their money on Lamborghinis, so the

    mayor decided there was no need. Anyways, Cinder got so upset that she began raiding housesin search of a new mother. Cinder kept raiding until she got to her own home without having

    noticed. When she broke the window, her stepfather Dave was sitting on the couch chatting on

    Match.com ( he must've heard about the death).

    He looked up and said, “ You are mine!”

     And that’s how the problem began. There you go, that's the story. Oh, I see you want to hear

    more. Fine, but remember this is a very serious story ( no laughing).

    About 9 ½ years later…

    Cinder woke up. This time it was on a Friday. She woke up to her younger stepbrotherDale riding the solid gold hover board up and down the stairs, or at least trying to. Also the

    engine of the bright green Lamborghini that William was trying to learn to drive. Cinder groaned

    as she got up.

    “ Another perfect day”, she said, sarcastically.

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      Cinder tiptoed down the stairs. She wanted to get to Starbucks before starting her day’s

    work at the family mattress store with a built in cafe. She worked in the cafe and Dave worked

    with the mattresses. And she didn’t want to work with other people's drinks until she got hers.

    So off to Starbucks she tiptoed.

    Cinder was honestly impressed with herself. She’d made it to the bottom of the stairswithout Dave hearing her. When Cinder looked over at Dave, he was trying to register for the

    Bachelor. Yes, it's been 9 ½ years and he still hasn't found anyone. Then out of the blue Dave

     jumped up and looked straight at Cinder. Probably because she’d just fell off the golden hover

    board while trying to make a quick getaway.

    “ Cinder, heading to the shop right?”, Dave asked slyly.

    “ Um I was hoping for a s’mores frappichino first.”, she blurted out.

    “ You better get to work it's just you today.”, Dave laughed , “ We’ll get Starbucks later.”, he lied

     And so Cinder walked to Mattresses and Smoothies R Us . She took the keys out of her

    challenge accepted apron and unlocked the door.“ Same place every day since I was 8”, Cinder mumbled as she turned on the cheap neon sign,

    that attracts absolutely no one. When Cinder walked to turn on the register, There was a note

    on the smoothie counter, My sweet Cinder… she already knew it was from Dave. 

    I am not coming into the shop today. I have many things to do. I was thinking about buying a Ferrari or

    the new model of Lamborghini to replace your mom’s car. Also I am going to watch the Bachelor. I still

    have dreams. Sincerely,

    Your loving Stepfather Dave. 

    Cinder wasn’t surprised Dave wasn’t coming in to work. He never did. This is his idea of

    taking advantage of Cinder. All that Loving stepfather crap, don’t even get me started.

     Anyways, Cinder was helping a customer out the door who had just bought a water bed.

    (She didn’t even know they still made those! ) When the mail came. She looked through it, Bill’s

    Pancakes coupon, Sandy’s old Lamborghinis, Phil’s ice cream and finally Justin the King’s

    Crazy Dance Bash! The invitation was glorious. It had a cool silver finish with a picture of Justin

    singing. And get this, it was one of those cards that actually singed! Cinder couldn’t even

    believe it.

    The next hour was just ugly. That's all I’m going to say. There was a lot of crying and

    pleading and begging and disagreeing. So get ready. Anyways, Cinder came home after work.

    With the singing invitation in her hand. Dave and the boys knew she was coming, because the

    invitation was singing all the way home from the shop. When Cinder unlocked the door to the

    house, Dave was smiling grimly at her.

    “ Cinder, so about that invitation…”, Dave hissed

    “ What about it? I thought you all could go.”, Cinder said as she took a step back with the

    invitation that was still singing.

    “ I’d like to read the invite because, William who is almost 19 needs to find a wife and Dale who

    is almost 12 and needs a girlfriend. So we all will be going including you!”, Dave snapped

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    “ Yeah Cinder, go find yourself a fancy dress,” Dale taunted.

    “ Yeah Cinder be ready by 9:00 that's when we’re leaving”, William shouted from inside his

    walk- in closet. He had just chose a silvery metallic tuxedo to wear.

    “ Shut up boys! And yes Cinder , go find yourself a dress. And not a black one !” , Dave

    demanded as he stormed out of the room.

    Cinder hated dresses. She realized this more than ever when she had to pick one. She

    searched for hours until she reached the back of her closet. There on a hook there was the

    dress. The one her mother had bought for Cinder’s wedding. I know what you're thinking, no

    fairy godmother? Deal with it , it's how this story goes. Anyways, back to the dress. It was all

    white and in two pieces. Top piece was white with a few shimmery things on it. Bottom piece

    went from her waist to a little above her knees (it was also white) . Cinder hoped it was ok

    because Dave wouldn’t approve any of her other outfits.

    To get to Justin’s dance bash Dave made the decision that they would take the white

    Lamborghini because they were all wearing white- ish colors. He wanted to look perfectbecause, his free trial on match.com ran out 9 ½ years ago and it takes forever to register for

    the bachelor, so he need to increase his chances.

    The rest of the car ride was...well, there's been better days. Dale was talking about how at the

    end of the night, Dave, William and he were going to be engaged! Yes, Dale is 11.

    While all this was happening, Cinder was sulking in the back seat. Dave noticed.

    “ Cinder, I’ll make a deal with you. When it's midnight and you still want to leave, you can.” ,

    Dave said. Cinder said nothing. She didn’t want to break her sulking mood.

    When Cinder walked into the bash she was amazed. So many people! It looked so fun!!

    About 5 hours later…

    Cinder danced the night away with about a million and one possible husbands and wives. Some

    even proposed. She declined because the first choice isn't always the best. Then a miracle

    happened Justin came over.

    “ Hey, can we dance?”, he asked

    “Of course”, Cinder said

    “ You know that I know you’ve turned down almost every guy here right?”, Justin asked

    “ Yeah I know. it's because no one was right.”, Cinder laughed.

    “ Well then do you want to be “friends”   ?”, Justin asked extending his hand.

    “ Sure”, Cinder replied. And so they whip and nae nae -ed the night away.

     As the night drew to a close, Cinder and William both were engaged, Dale had a girlfriend

    and Dave was the only one that was jealous. They even came home after midnight.

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    Epilogue Years later…

    Cinder and Justin got married and lived a happy life. They had 7kids, Nicole the oldest

    girl of 18, Alex ,the second oldest girl ,(the one who crashed the new Bugatti) is 16, Easton , (

    the first boy of the family), is 14. Tegan, the 2nd to last girl , is 11. , the youngest boys, Emmett

    and Lucas are 10 years old, and the youngest in the family Margot, is 9 years old. They have

    good times together, and bad ones. Like when they went to visit Grandpa Dave in jail. Margot

    found her way to the juvenile center, and an hour later they found her in a cell talking to a girl

    her age. Another time is when they visited uncle William , his wife Lea and their 8 kids. It was

    like the zoo. Times ten. Anyways,

    They all lived happily ever after…

    Sort of.  ( you can’t live happily ever after with seven kids)

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      The Dar t Fr og KingBy, Penny Fisher

    Once there was a very fair princess named Bliss, Princess Bliss, Bliss had beautiful goldenhair and chocolate brown eyes. She was said to wed King Charles of Ardelia. She was ecstatic

    to marry King Charles because she will become Queen of Ardelia. She never had been in power

    before because she was pushed and shoved by her fifteen brothers and sisters. After she met

    King Charles, her whole life was changed, and then she knew that the marriage would be

    forever. Or so she thought…

    “Abileen, come here and tell me if this dress looks good!” Bliss said looking at herself in the

    golden mirror.

    “Looks great madam.” Abileen said examining the dresses detail. “Don't get mad at me for

    saying this, but maybe you should change the dress from pink to blue. Blue really brings out

    your eyes!” Aibileen replied. Abileen had been Bliss’s faithful maid since she was born, and

    when Bliss was said to move into King Charles’s castle she would bring Abileen with her.

    “Good idea Abileen! What could I do without you?” Bliss exclaimed with a smile spread

    across her face.

    “Princess Bliss, your wedding is 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.” Jonathan the Butler shouted

    from the bottom of the grand staircase.

    “Thank you.” Bliss answered back. On the outside Bliss was very much excited for the

    wedding, but on the inside she was very nervous. Bliss had watched all of her sisters and

    brothers walk down the aisle, but she was just still not prepared to say her vows.

    “Sweetie, you look tired, real tired. Get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow!” Abileen

    insisted. Bliss nodded her head and went to bed, she went to the guest bedroom because the

    bride and groom are not allowed to see each other the day before and of the wedding. Of

    course until they say, “I do.”

    “Oh honey, I'm so excited for you to get married! I remember when I was getting married

    to your father, such a great day!” Bliss woke up to her mother rambling about her wedding.

    “Mother, you know how I love you so much…” Bliss started, “But will you please GO


    “Well, all I wanted to do is get you excited for today!” and with that Bliss’s mother slammed

    the doors to leave Bliss alone in her room.“What am I going to do! I can't do this!”

    “Yes you Can Bliss. After the wedding it'll be alright!”   This happened a lot, Bliss’s mind

    fought with each other all the time. But just then Bliss realized she was wet, well not wet more

    moist. She had never felt this feeling before; she wiped the water of her forehead and smelt it. It

    did not smell pleasant.

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      “Jonathan! Jonathan! Come here this instant!” Jonathan came to Bliss’s room with a newly

    ironed butler’s uniform.

    “Yes ma’am, what would you like? Woah what on earth is that awful smell? Something

    smells like onions!” Jonathan remarked sniffing a whiff of the air.

    “What on earth should I do?” Bliss started, “I smell horrible, I haven't taken a shower in a

    week, and I DON’T WANNA GET MARRIED!” Jonathan gasped,“My princess, if you don't get married then you won't be queen!” Jonathan exclaimed

    with his hands on his hips.

    “Well obviously I have to get married, if I don't Charles’s heart will be broken into a

     jumble of pieces, and I can't do that to him! I just can't…”

    “Well,” Jonathan interrupted, “Just let him down in three or two years, then he’ll be fine!”

    In the castle Jonathan was called the love expert, but this was rubbish!

    “Bliss! It’s time, it's time!” As Bliss heard the bellows of her servants, she checked her


    “Great Gasparilas Ghost! It's 1:45! I don't have time to shower!” Bliss babbled while she

    slipped on her newly sky blue gown, “Where’s my vail!?” Bliss screamed as she ran down theslippery wood stairs. Now you would think that Bliss is a dainty princess who walked down the

    stairs elegantly, but no. But you can't give her all the credit for being clumsy, since Aibleen just

    waxed the stairs. “Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump” that was the sound of Bliss

    falling down the stairs on her butt. And you wouldn't think that would hurt too much, but there

    were 233 stairs down.

    “Oh no! My fair lady! What happened?” Jonathan said as he rushed to the bottom of the

    porcelain tiled floors.

    “I. Need. Ice. Pack... Now” Bliss stuttered still motionless on the ground.

    “Oh, you need a stretcher and a trip to the hospital? I got your back girlfriend!” Jonathan

    said while yelling for all of Bliss’s 343 servants.“NO!” Bliss shouted, “I'm fine! You can't treat me like this!” Bliss finally got up from the

    ground and wasn't very pleased.

    “I'm sorry, truly sorry, can I ever repay you?” Jonathan pleaded

    “Well,” Bliss started, “unless you can do my hair in…” Bliss checked her watch, “ten


    “You got it!” Jonathan said excitedly, and with that he grabbed Bliss’s arm and brought

    her to the in castle salon.

    “Ya know, before I was stuck in this dump, I was a hair stylist for all the princesses…”

    Jonathan explained.

    Bliss interrupted, “Will you shut up and just style my hair! Or I'll just go to the other castle

    salon…” Bliss was taunting Jonathan because she knew what Jonathan hated the most, Beauty

    Bomb (The other castle salon).

    “Fine,” Jonathan sighed. And within two minutes Jonathan finished Bliss’s hairdo.

    “Please stand for the bride,” Marty Mulldrag, the priest, urged the crowd as Bliss was

    walking down the aisle. Bliss brought herself to Charles

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