6 cavi greenshores brianemmett

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Presented by:Brian Emmett, Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Green ShoresGreen ShoresSustainable Approaches to

Shore Design and Development

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

The Green ShoresGreen Shores ProjectPromotes sustainable use of coastal ecosystems

through planning and design that:

• recognizes ecological features and functions• connects people to the shore environment• delivers triple bottom line benefits• recognizes the need for an integrated design



A Project of the:

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Green ShoresGreen Shores Guiding Principles

Principle 1. Preserve the integrity and connectivity of coastal processes

Principle 2. Maintain and enhance habitat diversity and ecological function

Principle 3. Minimize or reduce pollutants to the marine environment

Principle 4. Minimize or reduce cumulative impacts to the coastal environment

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

What Green ShoresGreen Shores is working on:1. A Rating and Assessment Tool - modeled after the

LEED certification system for Green Buildings.

2. Support for Local Government Planning - a review of existing bylaws to develop model language to support Green Shores principles.

3. Case Examples and Conceptual Designs –partnering with developers and local government to test and refine Green Shore tools.

4. An Outreach Program – both public and professional.

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Why is Green ShoresGreen Shores Needed?

Herring spawn on rocks and vegetation in nearshore areas

Sandlance, important food for adult salmon, spawn on beaches

Midshipmen, a deep water fish, spawn under intertidalrocks in the late spring(photos by Shannon Bard, Dalhousie U)

The riparian zone is an important food source for juvenile salmon

Our nearshore zones support important biological functions

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007




sediment sinkOur nearshore zones support important physical functions

Why is Green ShoresGreen Shores Needed?

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Upland runoff impacts coastal resources and recreational values

Why is Green ShoresGreen Shores Needed?

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Predicted Sea Level Change

West Coast Climate Change Scenario

• warmer

• wetter

• more storms

• sea level rise

20-86 cm rise to year 2100

(CSSG: 10)

Why is Green ShoresGreen Shores Needed?

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Our development practices can disrupt these functions (at times unknowingly)

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Different Shores, Different Concerns

Rocky Shore• Stable and erosion


Beaches• Beach sediment processes

and shore erosion are important management considerations

Stream Deltas/Estuaries• Important to consider stream

processes in managing these areas

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Shore Management Issues

Loss of Riparian Vegetation• Brushing and tree cutting• Lawns extending to natural boundary – seawalls in waiting• Loss of wildlife habitat value• Loss of food input to the nearshore zone

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Shore Management Issues

Hardened Shores• Seawalls can increase beach erosion at the seawall toe

and disrupt sediment movement• Hardened shores reduce habitat complexity and diversity • Loss of important ecological function

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Shore Management Issues

Encroachment Protective works encroach on the natural boundary• impacting riparian and beach habitat • impacting shore processes• impacting public access

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

These are cumulative impacts











Haro Strait


Shore Modificationnone0 - 33%33 - 66%>66%

5 0 5 Kilometers











Haro Strait


Riparian Extentnone1 - 33 %34 - 66 %66 - 100 %

5 0 5 Kilometers

Shore Modification - Saanich Peninsula

none, 65%boat ramps, 0%

concrete seawall, 14%

landfill, 4%

rip-rap, 16%

sheet pile, 0%

wooden seawall, 1%

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007


1Outreach and Public Education

1Re-use of Local Materials11Stormwater and Septic

1Integrated Design Process

1Environmental Management Plan11Sediment Transport Processes1Shore Lighting

11Riparian Zone

1Habitat Restoration

1Designated Sensitive Habitats and Imperiled Species

1Public Access (alongshore)

1Re-Development of Manmade Shores

1Brown Field Re-Development

1Building Siting

OptionalRequired Green Shores Credit Categories

Draft List of Rating Credits

March 2007

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Webber PropertyShoreline Drive

Pre- Project

Design Examples

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Design Examples

Ross Bay, Victoria

New Seawall, 1915

Toe of Seawall, 1996

Gravel Beach, 1998

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Limit of wave run-up during stormsHW


Storm Berm


Upper Level of Marine Vegetation

Setback sea defence

Protective Design Alternative

Protective berm, Samish Island - Johannessen, 2001

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Case Examples

Robert’s Creek – Sunshine Coast1. Residential Waterfront2. Public Outreach 3. Shore Planning Objectives

(DPA and OCP)4. Specific Management Objectives

developed for different shore types

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Case Examples

Dockside Green – Victoria1. A LEED Platinum Development2. Green Shores Bank Restoration3. Compatibility of LEED and

Green Shore Credits4. Test application of the rating


CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Kensington Properties –Union Bay

1. Re-Development of Historic Coal Processing and Shipping Site

2. Compatibility of Green Shores approaches with the requirements of site remediation.

3. Test application of the rating credits














100 0 100 Meters

1978 HWL

2005 HWL

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Bylaw Language Review

Review of existing language in BC bylaws and Washington State ordinances that reflect Green Green ShoreShore principles.Example language for use in OCPs, Development Permit Areas and Zoning bylaws – e.g., sample guidelines for:

• Shoreline stabilization methods • Docks, piers and ramps• Fill and dredging• Subdivision• Building construction

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Bylaw Language Review

Envisioned as a “living document” with additions, updates and web postings – e.g.:

Guidelines specific to types of shorelines…• Rocky shores• Cobble beaches• “Drift sector” beaches – erosional/depositional• Pocket beaches• Low energy shores

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Outreach ObjectivesGrow the Practice - Professionals and Practitioners –

rating system, practitioners workshopsGrow the Demand - Developers, property owners,

local government – work with leaders, built examples

Grow the Support - Community groups, real estate industry – deliver information and tools

Watch this space!www.stewardshipcentre.bc.ca but

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Coming website…


CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

In Summary

Green Value

Design with Nature

Green Infrastructure

Shores as environmental, social and economic amenities

Green Shore Principles and Ratings

Green Shore Designs

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

The Green ShoresGreen Shores PartnersTechnical Team

• Brian Emmett – Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

• John Harper – Coastal and Oceans Resources Inc

• John Readshaw – SandwellEngineering

• Martine Desbois – MD and Associates

• Harriet Rueggeberg – LanarcConsultants

• Gretchen Harlow – Canadian Wildlife Service

Funding Partners• Bridge Coastal Legacy Fund• BC Real Estate Foundation• Habitat Conservation Trust

Fund• Ducks Unlimited• Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans• Comox/Strathcona RD• Sunshine Coast RD• District of Squamish

Advisory CommitteeBarry Janyk – Mayor of Gibson’s, BC

Anna Mathewson – FREMP

Doug Myers – PSAT

Rob Russell – DFO

Mike Rogozinski – BC Real Estate Foundation

Alex Zimmerman – BC Green Building Council

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Comments, Questions?Comments, Questions?

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Storms > 45 knots per yearPreliminary









1953 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008



d Sp




Smith Island annual max

E Juan de Fuca > 45 knots

Estimated JdF (post 2003)

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Issues• Where to set the bar?• Clear requirements and submittals• Performance versus prescriptive credits• Application to single residential properties• Who does it?

What Next?• A peer review workshop and work group• Continued piloting• Revision and release

Green ShoreGreen Shore Rating Credits

CAVI Workshop Victoria BC June 03. 2007

Program Challenges• Finding time• Managing expectations• Program governance• Balancing Carrots and Sticks

Opportunities• The time is right• Funders and regulators are supportive• Champions are available

(practitioners, regulators, property owners and community groups)

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