6 how to have a peaceful heart - psalm 4 1-8

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  • 8/22/2019 6 How to Have a Peaceful Heart - Psalm 4 1-8





    DATE: 2/28/2010 pm

    READ TEXT: Psalm 4:1-8


    I want to preach to you about How you can have a PeacefulHeart when you go through the storms of life

    In v. 8 of our text David said - I will both lay me down in

    peace and sleep

    As we shall see, David was going through a storm, but in that

    storm he had a Peaceful Heart

    The word peaceis the Hebrew word shalom

    Shalom was a common greeting and farewell among theJewish people

    As a greeting it was a way of asking how one was doing

    Today we say - How you been?

    The Jew would say - Shalom

    An example is found in Genesis 29:6

  • 8/22/2019 6 How to Have a Peaceful Heart - Psalm 4 1-8


    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    Jacob asked about Laban - Is he well?

    The word wellis shalom

    Jacob was asking - Is he at peace?

    Joseph said to his brethren when they were brought before


    Peace be unto youin Genesis 42:23

    In the Hebrew he greeted them - Shalom

    As a farewell, one was saying - Peace be unto you

    We would say - You take care

    When David spoke of laying down in peace he was obviously

    speaking of more than a greeting or a farewell

    He was speaking of the Condition of his Heart

    The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines the

    meaning ofPeace as

    a condition of freedom from disturbance, whether

    outwardly, as of a nation from war or enemies, or

    inwardly, within the soul

    This is what David is talking about


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    An inward freedom from outward disturbance and distress

    How can we have the Peace like David experienced in hisstorms?

    Lets try to answer that question as we turn another page in the

    Instruction Manual for the Christian Life

    Lets look at Psalm 4 and learn -

    How to have a Peaceful Heart


    The situation that David was in -


    In v.1 David prays - Hear me when I call, O God of my

    righteousness: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in

    distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer

    Look at the phrase when I was in distress

    David references a time of great duress in his life

    The word distressmeans pressed into a corner, in a

    tight place


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    We might say between a rock and a hard place

    That word is at other times translated afflictionand


    David is speaking of a time when he found himself

    hemmed in by Trouble and Affliction

    The word is used a lot in relation to an enemy oradversary

    David is speaking of Distress that had been brought on by

    the Attitudes and Actions of others

    There were those that were giving David a hard time

    They pressed him into a corner or tight place

    The troubles in his life had been caused by others

    As we look closer at the Psalm we see these Actions andAttitudes explained

    First, notice:

    A.What Others Were Showing

    People always reveal their motives by their actions


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    He says in v. 2 - O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn

    my glory into shame? How long will ye love vanity, and

    seek after leasing? Selah

    The word selahis like our musical rest, which is an

    interval of silence in a piece of music, marked by a sign

    indicating the length of the pause

    David is speaking to those who have caused distress in his


    He telling them to stop and think very carefully about what

    he has just said

    What is it that he is asking them to carefully think about?

    He speaks of three things they have done

    First - he says they had turned his glory into shame

    The phrase sons of menspeak of Leadership, people of


    The background to this Psalm is when these leaders had

    been seduced by Absalom and with Absalom had led thepeople astray

    They had caused the people to turn against David and

    make Absalom king


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    It was God who had appointed David as king

    But the people had been led astray and made Absalom

    king instead

    David knew that He had no glory of his own, but God

    had given him that glory

    He knew that God had made him king

    Yet the people had shown their rejection of both him and

    God by making Absalom king

    Warren Wiersbe said - The people werent justdeposing a king; they were fighting against the Lord who

    had placed David on the throne

    It was Gods Glory the people had turned into Shame

    Secondly - David speaks of how the people love vanity

    The word vanity speaks of that which was

    worthless or empty

    What these people wanted, loved, and were following

    was Empty and Worthless

    Thirdly - David speaks of how the people seek after



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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    The word leasingspeaks of that which is deceitful

    or untrue

    The people were not only following vain things

    But also believing lies

    And as a result, were following something deceitful

    In short, David is talking about the distress that had beenbrought on because others had led many of the people


    And now Gods Divine Purpose and Will had been


    That is why he asked these leaders

    O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into


    That is why he asked those who had been led astray

    How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing?

    Application: What David is speaking about I have seentime and time again throughout the years

    Most of the trouble in a Church follows the same pattern


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    I have seen someone get upset about some matter and they

    began working on other people to think like them in order

    to side with them

    For some strange reason the lies are easier to accept

    The result is people believe what they are told

    They then began to follow the lies they have been told

    Not realizing that they are actually being led astray

    II Samuel 15 tells us whats going on

    It started with Absalom who was on a campaign to be


    He would catch people who were on the way to see the


    He would tell them that if he were king he would make

    sure things were done right

    I can hear him saying - If I were king, we would do

    things differently. We would do them like they ought to

    be done

    It funny how everybody knows your jobs better then

    you do


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    II Samuel 15:5 says

    And it was so, that when any man came nigh to him todo him obeisance, he put forth his hand, and took him,

    and kissed him.

    In short, he buddied up to the people and laid it on thick

    The Bible speaks of Absalom as a handsome manwhose charms were hard to resist

    Slowly and gradually he built him a following that led

    to the disposal of Gods anointed king

    You know how it works

    They start calling you and acting like youre their best


    When in reality, they rarely ever called you before

    But now they have an agenda and youre a part of that


    They subtly began to tell you their story

    Working to get you to agree with them

    And eventually to side with them

    And become a part of their plan


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    It happens all the time in Churches

    What most people fail to realize

    And David understood is that

    Their behavior showed their rejection of not just David

    But God as well!

    Thats why David added the selahat the end of his


    Hes saying - You need to stop and think about what

    they are doing and what they are causing you to do

    To follow the disobedient is to become disobedient

    And there are consequences for both

    For some reason the lie is easier to believe than thetruth

    And unfortunately, good people are pulled in by those

    with a selfish sinful- motive

    What these people were Showing had caused great

    distress in Davids life

    He also describes:


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    B.What Others Were Saying

    In v.6a he explains what the people were saying:

    There be many that say, Who will shew us any good?

    David was well aware of the Grumbling and Complaining

    of the people

    He knew what they were thinking and what they weresaying among themselves

    The phrase - Who will shew us any good?means

    O that we might see some good

    In other words

    We would like to see things different

    We would like to see things done differently

    They were saying

    We want it to be like it used to be and do it like it used to

    be done

    II Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves

    of the number, or compare ourselves with some that

    commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    themselves, and comparing themselves among

    themselves, are not wise

    I have heard people talk about the good old days, how itused to be

    You know what they say about the good old days

    The good old days are a combination of a bad

    memory and a good imagination

    In their thinking, ifit was different, it would be good

    Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to

    have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting

    those things which are behind, and reaching forth

    unto those things which are before

    However, the question should be asked, how would it be


    Would what they wanted and called good, glorify God?

    Would it really be to their benefit or would it merely let

    them have their own way?

    What some call good is really not whats best

    David expressed the goodhe wanted v.6b

    He wanted the Glory of Gods smile upon them


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    Thats what he meant when he said

    LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance uponus

    That was not what they people were thinking about when

    they said

    Who will shew us any good?

    This good was having it their way

    Rather than God having His way

    The tense of the verb indicates that this statement was

    repeated again and again by those who were complaining

    The more they complained, the more others took up with


    What started with a few - soon became many(v. 6)

    Like a growing cancer, the Discontent and Complaining of

    the people spread until there was widespread infection

    This story can be told over and over again

    It is how most problems get started in a Church

    There is usually a few that are Disgruntled and Unhappy


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    And they go around saying - Who will shew us any


    The more they do; others began to join in with them

    Things havent changed since Davids time

    David confesses that the Actions and Attitudes of the

    people had at one point caused him much distress


    But notice also:


    You will notice in v.1 that he testifies:

    Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress

    His distress had been like being in a tight place

    But God had brought him into an enlargedplace

    The word enlargedmeans wide, open

    Distress is like a narrow pit

    But we do not have to stay there


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    David said in v.7

    Thou hast put gladness in my heart

    David was in a Distressful Situation

    But yet - his heart was filled with Gladness

    Why was it that David was feeling this way?

    First, notice:

    A.The Experience of His Gladness

    What David was going through was enough to depress


    But instead, David was filled with Gladness

    How could David feel the way he was feeling when he

    was going through what he was going through?

    See, Davids happiness was not based on what was

    happening to him

    Instead it was based on his relationship with God!!

    The joy and happiness he was experiencing was a joy and

    happiness that God had given

    In v.1 we see that David had turned to the Lord in his

    Distressful time


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    He prays

    Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness

    have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer

    David is very much aware that He doesnt deserve

    anything from God

    That is why he asks for Gods mercy

    I love the way He addresses the Lord

    He addresses his prayer to the -

    God of my righteousness

    He knew that he had no righteousness of his own

    That his righteousness was of God

    Because of his relationship to God

    He knew that God cared for him

    And therefore He cried out to God for help

    God lifted him from the narrow place of Sadness to a

    large place of Gladness


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    Outwardly, everything was Bleak, but inwardly David

    Experienced joy

    Furthermore, notice:

    B.The Extent of His Gladness

    Notice v.7 again:

    Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the

    time that their corn and their wine increased

    He makes mention of the harvest which was always a

    celebrated time in Israel

    It was always a time of great demonstrations of joy by the

    Jewish people

    However, the gladness he felt in his heart exceeded that

    joyful occasions

    The word gladnessis often translated rejoice or


    Instead of being Discouraged, he was Rejoicing

    From an earthly perspective, he had nothing to be glad


    Yet, David had something the world didnt have


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    He had a joy that only comes from the Lord

    You may ask, is it really possible to have such a joy inthe distressing times of life?

    I say, Yes

    You can have a heart filled with gladness even in thedistressful times of life



    Lastly, notice with me:


    David had more than Gladness in his heart

    He says in v.8 -

    I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou,

    LORD, only makest me dwell in safety

    He had found a peace that enabled him to be free fromeverything and anything that normally would disturb a


    The Apostle Paul described it this way:


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,

    shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ

    It is a peace that transcends all understanding

    One can be sailing troubled waters, yet be calm

    One can be going through a dark time, yet not be filled

    with fear or worry

    That was what David was experiencing in his dark hour

    He could lie down at night and sleep like a baby because of

    the peace he had found

    The question is, how can we have such a peace?

    In CLOSING let me point out three things that David tells

    us to do

    First, he tells us:

    A.Dont Let Your Situations Distract You

    He says in v.4 - Stand in awe

    The word aweliterally means to tremble

    It speaks of having a fear and reverence for God


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    When one fears God, they have no reason to fear anyone

    or anything else

    David is telling us to keep our eyes on the Lord

    Dont let what others are doing consume your thoughts

    Let your faith be in God

    Keep your eyes on Him!

    If you dwell on your situation it will fill your heart with


    But if you keep your eyes on the Lord, fear Him, stand in

    awe of Him, there will be nothing or no one to fear

    Secondly, David tells us:

    B. Dont Let Your Situations Defile You

    It is easy to let what others do cause you to react in a

    negative way

    Instead, David tells us to make sure we keep our heart


    He says in v.4 to sin not

    Dont let your heart become filled with anger, bitterness,

    and revenge


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    A heart that is filled with anger will not be filled with


    He also says in v.4 - commune with your own heartupon your bed, and be still

    He is telling us to Search and Examine our hearts

    Make sure there is nothing there that would keep us from

    having a peaceful heart

    Thirdly, he tells us:

    C. Dont Let Your Situations Defeat You

    He says in v.5 - Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

    and put your trust in the LORD

    David tells us that no matter what others are doing or

    what others are saying

    You keep on serving God and trusting Him

    Dont let your situation cause you to quit serving God

    Dont let it defeat you

    You honor God no matter what is happening in your life

    Trust God that He will take care of you


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    How to have a Peaceful Heart Psalm 4:1-8

    If you will not let your situation Distract, Defile, and

    Defeat you, God will give you a peaceful heart

    You can be like David

    When life has fallen to pieces, you can know a peace that

    passes all understanding

    I would remind you, you cannot have the peace of God

    until you know the God of peace

    Do you know Him?

    We can have a Peaceful Heart even when we go through the

    storms of life

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