6 reasons of electrical fires

Post on 23-Jul-2015






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6 reasons of electrical fires

Electrical fire is very different from ordinary fire for that it is generated from an energized electrical source and has the potential to energize any material that comes its way. Electrical fires are more dangerous than other fires and it is not easy to cope with electrical fires. Water cannot be used to fight electrical fire because water can be energized too. Fire extinguishers are used to put down electrical fires.

Why and how electrical fires break out? Here are a few basic reasons that lead to electrical fires. Avoid them and you will always be safe from electrical fires.

1. Faulty electrical appliances are the major cause of electrical fires. Most outdated and obsolete appliances generate electrical fires. Make sure to replace or fix faulty electrical appliances. Avoid using obsolete appliances.

2. Overheating of electrical cords is perhaps the biggest reason of electrical fires. Electrical cords break and worn out with the passage of time. Also, use of poor cords can also lead to electrical fires because substandard cords lose their outer covering or these cords usually get overheated in no time leading to fire.

3. Use of extensions must be avoided as they are no good. You must plug in the appliances directly into the power outlet and not into a cord extension. Extensions are the root cause of electrical fires and are sure to create problems for you especially when you use substandard ones.

4. Overloading power outlets is lethal. One way to overload outlets is to use extensions. Alternately, if you plug in lots of heavy appliances in one outlet, it is sure to get overloaded. Overloading of power outlets will lead to overheating and that will ultimately

end up in electrical fire. Do now use extensions. Do not overload power outlets. Use auto-regulators with every outlet so that you know what is the threshold voltage of every outlet.

5. When you use a high power light bulb, it might lead to electrical fire. Always use the correct or suggested wattage bulbs. Do not use bulbs that are well over the suggested wattage. When you use high power bulbs, it will going to overheat, and the lamp and the light fixture leading to fire breakout.

6. Space heaters are among the top reasons when it comes to electrical fires. People usually place their space heaters very close to things that easily catch fire like curtains, rug, clothes etc. When you use a coil heater that is sure to generate electrical fires because coils become so hot that they can easily generate fire when placed near anything inflammable.

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