6 ways to expand the reach of your in-person event

Post on 19-May-2015






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Use content marketing to expand the reach of your in-person event with the use of video, social media, and creative content marketing skills.


6 Ways to Expand the ReachOf Your In-Person Event

In-person events are a fantastic way to promote thought leadership, create brand awareness, and establish authority in an industry.

Content Marketing Institute recently reported that 74% of businesses are highly confident in the effectiveness of in-

person events as a viable content marketing tactic.

But, are businesses getting the most out of their event budget? Is the event reaching the maximum number of people?

Without content marketing, the answer is no.

Let’s take a look at six tips for extending your event’s budget and reach with content marketing.

1. Create a Video of the Event•

Creating a video of the event is a fantastic way to showcase the benefits of attending for those who were too shy to show up this year.

Highlighting the benefits of attending your in-person event is a creative way to share memories from the affair while pointing out the value of attending.

2. Create a Slideshare


Summarize the main topics and activities of your event in a slideshare


This can include topics from guest speakers, takeaways from the event, and event activities.

3. Write Blogs about the Event•

Discussing your in-person event on your business blog is a fabulous way to share your favorite moments of the event with your business’


Make sure to include important takeaways and valuable lessons learned to entice your readers to attend next year.

4. Create an Infographic•


are a fabulous

way to visually display information and communicate ideas.

Many people retain information better when provided in a visual format, and creating an infographic

is a great way

to showcase interesting statistics about your event.

5. Host a Live Q&A about the Event

A fun way to follow up after an in-person event is to interview one of the guest speakers or the event’s host.

Interviewing the event’s attendees can provide your audience with a unique perspective on the benefits of attending your company’s in-person event.

6. Feature a Live Tweet Session from the Event’s Location

A live Tweet Session is a great way to add an interactive element

to your in-

person event.•

Hosting a live Tweet session provides your Twitter followers with a live feed from the event and real-

time engagement.

By following these six tips, businesses will be able to better utilize their in-person event budget with savvy content marketing skills and a little technical finesse.

Has your business hosted an in-person event? Did you use content marketing to get the word out?

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