6 ways to turn your age into a professional asset

Post on 15-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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The advertising and design industry is renowned for idolizing youth…..


But what if you’re one of the many seasoned, smart and productive creative

directors, art directors, copywriters or designers over-50 and, suddenly out of a


Take heart because….


You’re NOT destined for the scrap heap


You’re at the top of your game!!


You have SO much to offer

But you need to:

 Shift your mindset

 Build your confidence

 Learn how to position yourself effectively

 Tell the story YOU want to tell "

Here are 6 ways to turn your age into a professional asset

Number 1: Know Your Unique Strenghts

Despite what you may think, not everyone can what you do


Your unique talent is what your ideal clients need and will pay good money for


Take Action!! List ALL the things you do really well, including:




 Relationships and network

 Mentoring capabilities


Number 2: Know Your Worth

At your level, you should be paid for the value you bring to the company

(not hours for dollars)


If you’re a creative director and your unique gift is:

 Developing a concept

 Selling it to the client

 Leading your team to execute it perfectly

Do you think the client cares if you’re not the one behind

the computer actually banging out the work?


Number 3: Know What Makes You Stand Out In The Marketplace

If you use generic labels and industry jargon to describe

what you do, you’ll blend into the sea of other people who

do what you do.

Knowing what makes you unique (see number 1), and how

you’re different from other people in your industry will help

you craft a narrative that gets attention

Take Action!! Research other people who do what you do. This will help


 Further define your niche and how you’re different

 Inspire you when you see a peer doing something really

well. Feel free to model those people!


Number 4: Bring Your Body Of Work To Life

No matter how beautiful your work, simply uploading final

campaigns to a website isn’t going to cut it. People hire people,

so help the viewer get to know the creative behind the work.


 Your picture and/or video

 Your compelling story

 Language and case studies to give context and communicate


 A blog where you can share thoughts, inspiration and opinion

Number 5: Keep Learning

Always be learning something new, or brushing up on existing


This will help you:

 Stay engaged and excited about your work

 Generate new, fresh ideas and ways of working

 Meet new people and expand your network

 Discover new opportunities

Number 5: Believe in yourself

Work on your mindset daily to keep negative thoughts at bay.

Envision who you want to be, what you want to contribute the

world and the lifestyle you want to have.

Great resource: “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by

Carol S Dweck is a wonderful book on how to develop a growth


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