6.5 wwii pt.1 remade

Post on 16-Jun-2015






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WW2 Part 1


Before we start…

• Some clarification…


To keep in mind…

• Hitler has a to-do list:– Abolish treaty of Versailles (bigger military, no

more reparations) – Better pensions and reduced unemployment

(military service is a good way to do that!)– Gain some “Lebensraum” (living space) for its

surplus of population– Make sure those who threaten Germany (and

the purity of German people) will not succeed. (Jewish people, Communists, other races)

So if…• Nazis violently opposed Communism (who

believed private ownership is theft)

• WHY would Germany agree to this?

Despite Allied support, Norway was conquered within two months. British discontent

over the Norwegian campaign led to the replacement of the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, with Winston Churchill on 10 May 1940.

• “Lightning war” that was a swift, sudden, and overwhelming military attack

• Based on speed and surprise• Required a military forced based around

light tanks and support planes and infantry

• Decentralized military groups – learning from the mistakes of WW1

• First used in WWII by the German army

1. Defeated the Polish army on Sept. 1, 1939.

3. Defeated the French army in

May of 1940.

DUNKIRK!!May 26, 1940

2. Invaded Norway on April 9, 1940

DunkirkMay 26 & 27 1940

German Military surrounded a half moon area around Dunkirk, surrounding about 300K British troops.

On advice from one of his top Generals, and from the Commander of the Air Force, Hitler issues a 48 hour “Halt Order”

Why would he do this?

Dunkirk EvacuationDunkirk Evacuation

Thousands of small boats pleasure craft and life boats went across the English Channel to bring back British troops.

340 000 troops were evacuated from Dunkirk after realizing that they could not escape from German forces.

July 19th Hitler publicly offered to end the war, saying he had no desire to destroy the British Empire. Britain rejected this, responding "there was in his speech no suggestion that peace must be based on justice, no word of recognition that the other nations of Europe had any right to self‑determination ..."

In a matter of months (Paris falls on June 14th) Hitler was able to control the vast majority of the continent of Europe (with help from Italy).

Major devastation to cities and urban areas in Europe

"...the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin."

• Since England, despite its militarily hopeless situation, still has not shown any signs of being prepared to negotiate, I have decided to prepare a landing operation against England and, if necessary, carry it out.

• The objective of this operation is to eliminate the English home country as a base for the continuation of the war against Germany...

•2) Included in these preparations is the bringing about of those preconditions which make a landing in England possible;

•a) The English air force must have been beaten down to such an extent morally and in fact that it can no longer muster any power of attack worth mentioning against the German crossing.

Summer and Fall of1940:

• Battle of Britain centered around Germany trying to overtake Britain after Dunkirk

• Invasion was the expeditious way to finish off Britain, but that meant crossing the English Channel; Hitler would not risk it unless the British air force could be neutralized first. As a result, the Battle of Britain was fought in the air, not on the beaches.

• In August 1940 the Germans launched daylight raids against ports and airfields and in September against inland cities. The objective was to draw out the British fighters and destroy them.

The strategy

• The German plan was to take out the British air force bases

• September 7, 1940- London and other large cities were attacked (more on that in the speech)

• Bombings and attacks were now done at night because German pilots met resistance during the day.


A brief digression/background• At first, the Nazis were just a terrorist group. • Hitler assembled a large group of unemployed

and hoped to take power by starting a revolution.

• On 9 November 1923, Hitler and his Nazis went into Munich on what they thought would be a triumphal march to take power.

• However, police and army reinforcements arrived. There was a short scuffle in which the police killed 16 Nazis.

Ultranationalism (don’t forget!)• Facing struggles in the Battle of Britain• And amidst constant attacks on Berlin, Hitler

delivers the following


Results of the Battle of Britain

• The enemy of German aircraft and the friend of your leftovers…

• "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few“

• Exposed flaws in German command (first defeat)

• Strengthened British resolve

Europe at the end of 1940

Now that the invasion of Britain is not an option…

• Take a rest….

• Plan something new…

• Get ready for winter...

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