… ·...

Post on 29-May-2020






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7 (55^1n iToday’s forecast

-- ___ Moslly-^miny and heH ighs in-thc low to n

-Jiear.50.dcgrees____• -

!lRMan election?'

A group o f Jerom e i so angry w ith 'the Jcrt fo r o rd e r in g s p l i t si children this fait thar t m ost o f th c trustees.

AcquittedA Tw in Foils m an a(

blow up h b g irlfnend 'i has b een a c q u itte d i

■ attempted muMcr.

Pitclier perfect- ------D cb b fe“D o o m js~2

pcrfcct gam es in both — U nitcd-Sinlcs jn_P an .


Comeback frailB o Jackson took ar

b a sc b o ll m eb ack , p rac tice aga in st live | Chicago W hite Sox.

~ ~ Try a block part: A* b lock ' party“inrg'

renew old frfcndsh ips. neighbors. - -

Webbs release a"""M^wo local sisters-in- . released a video to tea

co o k d e e r and e lk . T - — sccond video on food p

Pitch a bigger teiI f the-Rcpublican Par

a c h ie v in g d o m inonc--------- -palltiCS, rt ncc-ds-ro-so

a b o rtio n , to d a y 's cd i GO P needs to make ro opinions o n the issue, tl

Book battleIn an Illin o is tow n,

c o n tro v e rs ia l "Im prc! — s c r i e s . i s . p i t t in g nrr • .ignorance.

ATOSbatfle.hindA fed e ra l co m m iss

govem m ent o f failing ti--------irdcad ly link between t

' drug abuse ond AIDS.

Iran joins fire figP u tting asid e p a s t a

sends o team o f firefigh . help extinguish blazing

Section AW ^ a lh e r ............ 2 F«N a tio n ............ 3-4 Ci

_ Worid..............5 D(O p in io n ............. 6 CiI d a h o .................7 MW e s t ...................8 G.

Section BM agic V alley ...1 BiO b itu a r ie s ........ 2 Lt

, Sports............4 ^ Cl

J . P le a s e recy c le thk

ttormn ^»st: ,i hot w ith light winds. _ , ., _•] 0 m iddle 90s. L^ws

.. .................. .............. . ___t

ie parentslsoy they’re s Icrome S A o o l Boardt s e s s io n s I o r th e i r ra r tlic y ’ll try to rccall g

P a g e B I

n accused to trying to id 's husband last year d in E lk o , N ev ., o f

P a g e Dl

ts~2 -ror~27 'p'il'cK ihg ' o th her starts fo r the an ,A m erican G am es •

P a g e B 4

lil; another s tep in h is c k . (a k in g b a t t in g . ve p itch ing w ith the

P a g a B Q

irg T it'b c 'tH c 'w a jr to ' - ~ ps and m eet tiie new

P a g e C l

cooking video'in*law have rcccntly teach people how to

T hey a lso hove a d preponttion.-

^ g e C I _______

te n tParty h as ideas about once in A m e ric a n“s o n « r i t s stancc on ..........e d ito r ia l sa y s . T he ! room for dissenting

the editorial soys.P a g e A 6

vn, 0 figh t ov er the . i re ssio n s" tex tb o o k a r ro g a n c e a g a in s t— - -

ndered _liss ion a c c u sc s th e £ Ig to fight adequately * in tw in cpidcm ics o f k

P a g e M '

nght *St an im osities ,. Iran _lighters to Kuwait to . .Ving oil w ells . - . ..

P a g e AS


loSection C

F eatu re s...... 1*8 naC al& ndar........... 2 spDear A b b y ....... 3 - , .C o m ics :............ 4 ; ^M o v ies ..............^ caG ard e n in g ........ 8 • thi

Section D ')»B u s in e s s ...........1 ■ ^L e^al n o tic e s . .2 ' ■C la ssified ......2 -6 ex

prth is n e w s p a p e r co

I co

I n id idB yN .S .N okkentved

-Times-News w rite r--

- B U R L E Y - A s ix -m on tl investigation ended Tuesdath o In rjrrct hiic t i»vi»r inCassia coun ties..

Cassia County Sheriff Bill 22 people w crc aiTcsted on

■ T u e sd a y ; m o s t a t th e ir he —vehicles w crc’scizcd. A u tho . th e b ig g e s t o n c -d a y roun

suspects e v erin the tw o ^o u n T h e iir re s ts 'o n ch a rg e s <

m arijuana and cocaine fo lk grand ju ry indictm ents in the


Hazei l^eVBs Is

High Iprogrs

T he Associated P m a

ALBANY, Ga. — Peani a chcop source o f p ro tein too expensive fo r m any { an d food pantries becausi alm ost doubled. »

T he U .S . D epartm en t o . .s to p p e d b u y in g -p e a n u t

D e c e m b e r w h cn d ro- —shortages cnused-peairoffa

jum p from less than S l a p per pound, oHlcials said.

The higher priccs have fc th a t he lp th c .nccdy .to .sv , p ro te in sou rces , o r to fin

Seidman as FDICThe A s s o c i ^ Press

W A S H IN G T O N — S en i regulator L . W illiam Seidm an

"Steer the naticm through th e gi o f b anking turm oil sm ce the told Presideilt Bush on Tuesda. leave his post in Ot^ober.

The h i t c House is expect name a successor to the 70-yo spoken F ederal D eposit Insu chairm on;'whosc agency has h than r.M j) bank faiTum durinf

W illiam T ay lo r,.a 52-year- carccr r e ^ Ia to r a t the Fedem the prcsidoat’s likely choice.

Last year, w hen ■Seidman fi Icoving his post, Bush told rcpi “vc ty h igh on”. Taylor, the Fed bank supervision.

T a y lo r a lre a d y .h a s u n d ex tensive background check p resid en tia l appo in tm en ts ai c o u ld b e q u ic k ly forv. confirm ation w hen the Senat<

i pib n e n j

• The gro- ‘ ........ .. - lost m on

Minidokasn th u n d e rc o v e r , C ounty o sday m oriiing in remained in M inirfnlfn nnrt- Thi« n ti

W illiamBilly Crystal said Judge oftl on drug charges . M inidc h o m e s r and 10 ■ Crcason J

th o rir ic 5 ^ n lle d 'i t^ tcp h c n " i 3un d u p o f d ru g thcgrancl. ounty area. th e case;:s o f t ra ff ic k in g investlgati bllow ed separate It-was c ihe two counties. Narcotics


f id e n t t h a t c o m m u n ity s u


w ays' to butter.

:anut butter, long The hig :ein, has becom e home to i ly soup k itch en s that helps lu se p rice s have A lood

Ccntral CIt o f A g ricu ltu re canceled 1 n u t b u t t e r ' l o s t sa id C y d l J ro u g h t- r e la te d "It’s tCM :t'buttci pi'iccs tu in c lo d tn ] a pound to .$ L70 young cKl

- T h e age forced ogcncics em erg'enj sw itc h .to .p tb c r so u rc e , s fin d inno.ydtive A g ric u l^

a plans t r head inc n i o r 'b a r i k i n g 'V J ^ ^ - ' nan, w ho helped E ^ H j k; g rea test p e r ib d '~ H H ||H rth e D epression, ’ sday that he'w ill

« c ted to sw itlly S H R M .year-old, bhmt- . l |B n & ) K nsurnncc.^ i^rp . as handlcdfflore VvSeldnring his tchurer.'.'- ;or-old, |ow -luy! ( o b m i^ a: lemi R eserve, js doM l tbc n i. ,*‘! t ‘s obn first discussed . questioned reponers he w a s ' nomination Fed’s d irector o f tho t could

ex p e rt Ro in d e rg d n e th e Instltutiot). sck req u ired o f “ I .th iiik s and h is n am e chairm an < j r w / r d c d fo r time fo r thi nate nex t m eets step into Bl

5 0 I r O " ' ' «

t^ le a cjnmd juries, which w ere impi )n th ,-h o n d cd u p in d ic tm c i lea C ouniyon Ju ly .26 .and in 1 ■ on Aug. 1, b u t-th e ind icti ;d sealed until Tuesday.

wflrrnntj! uj^r/» cignfifln H art oM lupert, adm in is l fthe 5th District C ourt do k a C ounty P ro s e c to r Cl 1 Jr; and Cassia County Pros i"B ytfd ter« 'ho issucd lKc'ra icl juries', both dcclincd comm }cs T u esd ay , e x c e p t to so ;atibn was continuing.J conducted by.the Idaho B ur cs in 'cooperation w ith the 1


lu p p o rt^ T li Help’ her to rn .

b itp r p fiefedlAin0 co n tin u e to p ro v id e pe t

ligh cost o f peanut bu tter hu 3 at Ib s t one Twin Falls agt ps those in need, id o f peanut butter for T he S< Community Action A gency

cl last'January bccause o f the < d Dillon; .too bad; A lot o f people like ing^^niorrand-.f} im ilT cs-TKUdr^" ihe sa ii • -igen cy 'p u t;p ean u t b u tte r ir :ncy food, b o x e s ''a s a p ro . s h e s a id .T h o jP c p a r tm e n ^ said it w ll, nnd ' oMthCT I

to depart1 Octobe

in S cp tem b ar\ •• - ' "H e likely W II ‘c jucstipns ab o u

. -d epartm en t’s :fa R B j j f c - •■to'discovcm inti!

la s t y e a r th a t L iiitc m b o u rg -b B a n k o f C re d it C: 0 tn m e r

^ ^ ^ H U t i t c r i i ^ t i o n o l S jH P P r S ( ^ t ly - a c q u i r e d

' trol o f First Ame '■7 " ' : . B a n k C o lp ; and,analysts said that shouli

! nomination.ab v io u s th a t T a y lo r w o u l ed about BC C l in the cvQnt on, but I do n 't know o f any Id dam age h im ,” s a id b an (.obert L itan o f th e B ro o k n.Ilk h e w o u ld b e a v e ry { X o f the FDIC at a ve ry tro i that organisation. H e’d be a t Bill Scjdman’s shoes.”

npancled V a lle y D ru g To; n c n ts in P a tro l,-th e Idaho in C assia .-Tax Commission,- ic tm cnts county sh e r if fs of

Heybum policc dq ,/»i hy I cislrotiv 'e up 15 indictments

32 drug vlolafions, C h a r le s - is s u e d 12Tndictm

rosccutor w lih 3 0 _ ^ g ,v lo la i'ciijlsT or......T h o se d rrestb iim ch to n C a r te r , 2 7 , o f B so y th e m arijuana and fail

stam p; R am ona F Jurcau o f delivery o f moriji ic M agic 2 1 , o f B u rle y , d

rh.the lights oh a t l^er Bui

jricespaericals]pean u t to replace peanut bul

T he p ricc p f pea has hit bccause o f a drought agency B read for the Cily

^ u p thot o i«ratcs i South food d i^ b .u tio n sci cy w as D.C., w rote to 70,0' le cost, ask ing them :io cor

p e a n u t" b u t t t r . / iked it, conducted a p ^ u t t s -w 4 th - - -~ P c a n u t-b u tte r is................ people who com e tc- in i ts p o p u la r w ith:{ilic I ro tc in .money,” said the R e c n t o f ' g ro u p ’s cxec iu tlv t

I , Syier hi

The Associatedi l l f a c c '- - - - ............o u t h is R cpublicbh 5fa ilu re an n o u n ce h is

i t iH a tc -------'W ed n esd ay atla t th e fniit-ranch. ami -b a s e d h as d ec id ed t( d it a n d Senate.

r c c S ym m s saidI h o d mode the dccisi •cd con- mind between r merican was not an cosy ; B u t R epublican s)uld not h is aide had b(

oround the stati lu ld b e ond evening obc ?nt o f a M ilton Erhartnything has said he will tank ing tiom inotion i f o k in g s Symms called h

Sym m s asked I y g o o d contents o f the c roublcd . B o ise Mayc able to c o n s id e re d by

^ r u jT osk F o rc e , U.'S. B o rd e r lho fftate Poiice , th e Idaho )n,-the M inidoka and Cassia J ofTiccs and the Rupert and departments,

n r ^ n n t y j u r y nts charging I<1 people w ith Dns. T he C assia County ju ry :tm cnts chorging 12 peopleolations;---------- ---------:— ......j tb d 'in c lu d e d D n rw in L ~ f B u r le y , fo r d e l iv e ry o f failure to obtain h ' state tax la R am irez, 28, o f B urley , irijuana; V icente R am irez,’, d e liv e ry o f m a r iju a n a ;

j’s nowco





s h tMi:

Rei ..the

. .. anc . o.n



AHtrrABO«Oi*7>o»N*«;:l . 3uHey shelter ; ; i, - 'hai

............. . ' mi;


poor »=fun

butter, D illon said. ' peanut b u tte r has risen cnc i ^ t in the M idwest. - . ( rityi a church-sponsorcd : to i tes soup kitcS'ens and a the service in W ashington; ' . ^ a

0,000 people in M arch, coi e a rm ark .d o n a tio n s for. paj

A 'B a p t i s t c h iiro h . \ u tb u t tc r .^ v e .. :- clo• i s - “p i?p« lo r-w itlr:tiie r:-b |ll e ,tO;.u& fcrf, help ^md . i t ^ f . 'for ic p c o p l^w h 6 .4 { } n iitc .' ido t Rev.' CHailesPaikcrl^thc;. j iv e . ( j i r c i tp r . 'V l t . 'i s a '/ t ^ £

» a s e « e e iP ^ N U T /A 2

ds iiitentited Press ■

ih S e n . 'S te v e S ym m s w ill lis rc -e lc c t io n in te n tio n s a r h is 'f a m i ly ‘s C a ld w e ll •

amid strprig indications he . i to re t i re from , th e U .S . '

aid T u esd ay n ig h t he has cision;'‘un less I.changc,n iy • :n now,'and to m o r r o w .I t - o sydccision tom oke.” ; ' tn so iirc e s 's a id S ym m s o r '1 beett ndv isiiig supporters jtatc th rough the afternoon about h is plans, fiart, Boise stockbroker who will run for the Republican i f Sym m s d oes n o t, sa id

id him Tuesday . But he said :d him n o t to disclose th e he conversation. ' ' . a y o r D irk K e m p th o rn e , by m any to be th e G O P


g ^ r r er Russell Allen Frazier, 32, c > -counts o f delivery o f mori 1 C h a r le s D resse ll, 2 1 . o f 1 co u n ts o f d e livery o f mi

M ontoya Andrade, 31, o f I

I Lupita Rico, 33, o f Hcybu: / o f delivery o f cocaine and J failure to obtain a tax stamj- -R u s9cH ,- 4 0 , o f R u p e rt- m arijuana .' -'f O th e rs w ere A lex E sjc Rupert, delivery o f niarijuai, ob tain a tax sinrnp; Ted R, 21, o f Heybuni. two count• P le a se si

h e re toCity of Burle; Dff power, w£ for town’s sh(JyKiricM itcheU ----------- -rimcs-News w riter

BU R LEY - C ity w orkers 'i v a te r and elec tric ity to a sh lomcless Tuesday m omingrlea he fu tu re o f the tem porary leople'.

" I ’m expec ting that th ey v ock the building and not occ Jurley C ity Clerk Bud B rin e^ i

H e said he regretted the c ir h u t o f f u t i l i t ie s to th e Hei (lission.

T he facility’s founder and mi leeves, sa id city woikers, jok hem sclves hatchct men, tum n d electricity to the buirding 1 .m .

B ut R eeves and residents < 'o w e d to k c e p 'i r o p c i r b y p r c b r 35 p e o p le a t R e e v e s’ h a is ing S2 ,174 in private don; EAree m onths o f past-due bills i i ^ t i c s reconnected. •’M e a n tim e , the, m ission fc lilem m a. W ithou t w ater, th ie a lth D epartm ent may closi lecausc o f the lock o f runni oUets, said Tom John, environ pccialist for the agency.

“That could develop into a lazard,” John said.

John said he will monitor cor nission for at least a couple o cting.’ ■ '

Som e shelter jcsidcnts were ;allon ju g s o f w ater from a 'u c sd ay to p ou r into to ile ts Iceves said. Others were walki city park to use its rest rooms.

^ h a f t h c 'm l s s i o n ' I a c k s ' i ; iinding, Burley M ayor Frank B

“The com m unity isn 't rcall) nough to m ake it work," he sai

City officials agonized over i 0 cu t o f f utilities, Bauman sa he sh e lte r as a valuable re&< vasn’t fa ir to o ther u ti lity c o n t in u e le t t in g the she lti layments, he said.

In th e p a s t , th e c i t y h a lo th e s lin e to h e lp cu t th e sh( illl Tor i tS 'c lo th c s 'd p 'c n m d -c b r i t s e l e c t r i c i t y b ill f r o m J lon a tio n s f ro m o th e r utility cus

B au m an d id n o t k n o w \ « 'c o m c o f the ho m e les s peop

P le a s e s e e HOn

II announ ions toda;

fron tn inner to succeed Syr not say whether Symms calli

“ R a th e r than add to i speculation, I need to rcmaii lo w -p ro f ilc , un til w c hen

. s e n a to r w h a t his p la n s■ K empthorne said.

- Symms, 53, a veteran o f Congress, has repeatedly'dr

-that he m ight not run agai- comc in his reaction to the

(liiplone crash o f his Scnati■ John Heinz o f Pennsylvania,

' H e said then he was consi he wonted to do with the rc: and w hether he wanted to public office.

R ichard Stallings, the De h a s c a p tu re d Id a h o ’s 2 i c o n g re s s io n a l seat in th elections, announced several he w as seeking the Democ n o m in a tio n . L ast m o n th formal declaration o f candid

L‘StS■2, of; Heybum , two; norijuonn; K cnnctlv’. o f H e y b u m ; six- r m a r iju a n a ; R ick- o f Rupert, delivery:

ybum , three counts; and three counts of; lamp, and Jerry Lee; l e r t , d e l iv e ry o ff-----

E sp in o z a . 2 7 , o f. ijuanu and fiiilure to^ rd R. W orthington,:)unts o f delivery of;;e s e e D R U G S/A 2:

agoley cutsvaterhelter5 rs 'd isconnected 1 sh e lte r fo r ther le a v in g - in ^ o u b t ----------------iry hom e fo r 19

!y w ill p ro b ab ly occupy it.” said egar.c ity ’s having to

H e lp in g H a n d s

d manager, Hazel jok ing ly calling

tu rned o f f w ate r ng Tuesday at 11 .

Its o f th e sh e lte r •prcparing m cals - - ;■ honVc a n d by donations to pay IIls in order to get

n fa c e s a n o th e r , th e D is tr ic t V :Iosc th e facility nn ing w a te r for ironmcntal health

3 a public health

conditions a t the I_e o f days before

/ere carting flvc- n a n ea rb y cafc e ls fo r flu sh ing .'alking a block to »ms.cs is c o n s is le n i ik Baum an said.:ally help ing out : said.k-er their decision n said. TTicy see' re so u rce , b u t il ty cu s to m e rs to l e l te r s l id e o n ‘

h a s p u t u p a shclt(;r’s pow er

id-donntcd-SSOO- -------- --m $ ! v o lu n ta ry custom ers. . . . .w w h a t w o u ld icoplc stay ing ot

1 0M E L E S S /A 2

neeaySym m s, w ould called.him. to n n y - o f th e main consistent, h e a r f ro m the '

o ns w il l b e , ”

I o f 18 years in y 'd roppcd hints igain. T h e first the death in an rnole, colleague, mia, in M arch, onsidering w hat e rest o f his life .1 to con tinue in

Democrat w ho 5 2 n d D is t r ic t I th e la s t fo u r 'cral w eeks later nocratic Senate n th he f i le d a ididocy.

WeatheT h e A ccu-W eatl

-109 -09 Os 10s




' y-a As$ociate<lPrtts GraphicaNe

W ednesday, Aur. 7 Accu-Wcaihcr* ftifecm f.Wdayll

I Coouf 0-Alcno I 87* \

_____________ llowtaion I

I Twin Falla I W

:------- j:':.iig:XiCX £ 3 a ;

B B S aVenus,

...... F o rT w in Falls , Burley, Ru;kMostly sunny lodiiy. Lig

: 9 0 s . T o n ip h i c lcu r. Low s ' ; High*, in ilic m id-'to upper

CftiTus Prairie and W ood M ostly sunny ih is m e n

' a ficn ioon w ith a slight ch t from iMc m id- lo upper 80s

, n iu rsd iiy mostly sunny. Hi{--------- :— E xtended - fo re ca s t: S o i

Siindiiy — Fair and hot Ft ■ iitllc coo lcr Sunday. Ilighs ' and Saturday cooling lo ini( , in Ihc 50s to lower 60s, .

NoTthein Utah and Nevod U tah - P a rtly c loudy ti

- w i d e ly ' s c a t t e r e d . m a in i• thundershowers. G usty win ; upper from ihe 80s to low• fflid-60<:, -

Nevada - Widely scalle HictoFnTngTair toiiighl. Me

Indiana,— T he A sw d a ie d Press

Residents in parts o f lhc ___ -T uesday , and siorm s du m p

'lo itio V ■' A dv iso rie s fo r in tense I" I p o s ic d fo r llie m id la n d s i ^Carolina and in southern and ' Tlic hem index, which me• heat and hum idity, pushed c ! G eorgia, thc N ational W ealh ■ A t I p .m . G D T . ra in s l

extended over parts o f the C ccninil G u lf Coast und Arkai

Show ers also were reporic ; V alley , thc cen tral and upF

- l K ansas, the .scu ihcn ' thc northem Rockies into Ihc• H eavier rainfall during ll

- C irculationI Alien Wilson.clreulmiondlre ' C ireu laiion phone lines- beiwecn 7 and 10 a.m, only. If ; receive your paper by 7 a.m• number for your area:

Jerome-Wendell-Gooding-Hn . , .136.2535

Burlcy-Rupen.paul-Oakley : 67H-2352 *■ UuliI-C«Ilcfonl :: • 543-154«

Filcr-Rogenon-Hollinler r 326-3375

Twin fa llt and all other arcs* . 7334)344

■r NewsP- Sieve Crump. Cliycdilor Z If you have a new» lip or wW r someone in the ediiorial depan : 7.'«.V0V3l between tOiOOa.m.

•A-2- Tlmoo-Nows. Twin Folia,

ier;:a th e r^ fo re c a s t for n

10 s 2Qs 308 4 0 s SOs________ B anda sho_w_hlgh

• \ I A


^ i e l :iw g flg RAIN ' T s r b i ^ m

•sNei ........ ..

daytime condillont tn i hich tcrnpcratum


----- ------- 1---........ - - ...........

Rnom Ic SiOW Pi Ctxi

IS, Saturn )recasts' “ ;upcn;Jerome and Gooding: • ■ ’ Light winds. Highs lower to mi )ws lower SOs. Thursday sunr«V90s. ■ ......................................jod River Valley: lom ing and partly cloudy in t chance of thundershowers. Hig 80s. Tonight clear. Lows near Highs upper SOs. Soulhorn-Idaho.-Frid^y throu t Friday and Saturday. Fair ant ghs in lhc mid-90.s.lo IOS Frid mid>80s Io mid*90$ Sunday. Lo'

n/odo:y today ihrough Thursday wi j in ly afternoon and evenii winds near thundershowers. Hig nw 90s. Lows upper in thc SOs

altered »_hundcjiIPrm> g”*-* MoMty sunny on Thursday wi

a, Ohio hit by h

lhc South received heat wumini mped heavy rain on Indiana ar

ic heat und high humidity wci Js and coaxtal plains of Soui and easicm Arkansas.I measures the combined effcci < :d close to 110 degrees in ccntr :alher Scrvicc .said, inshow ers and ihundcrstorrr le Carolines, Georgia, Florida, ll rkaa<ULS.oried over parw of thc lower Ohi upper Valley, Non hem half o f ihe Rockies and frot i the northem pluieau. g lhc six hours ending at 2 p.r

i j l p.m. weekdays. 'sports results nfle

director .call 733-0931.ies arc open ..I fy o u do noia.m .. call the A c l '

Peter Yofii. od< t-Hngcmian ,f

call 733.0931. C 0931 Monday thr until 5 p.m. and until noon. Infon available weekday

SubKTipOaars Home delivery

tier week: daily. I SI.OO per week, be paid In nJvanc where'carrier del

wl»h lo talk 10 dally and Sunday, '(lartmenl ‘ call for 13 wcck^: dai ».m. and 5:30 • S36.40 for 13 we

jna. Idaho Wodnosdny. AuquoI

• n o o n , W e d n esd a y ,. /

IS '6 0 s 7 0 s 8 0 s 9 0 s 10(gh tem p era tu re s for th e d ay .

rwmcs. 'ivsi.

M TemperaturesMax Min F

jK) Albuquorquo 67 64...------ Atlanta 94 74.,

Boston 73 63.,------ Chicago -77- 67..

Dallas 9'S 76. • .. Oonvor- • ' — -8 7 -6 0 -

Dos Moinos eo 60 .:• Ootroil 81 56.,

Honolulu 39 77..Houston ■ 94 73 ..Indianapolis 71 61 1

------------ Kansns-Cfty------gS-eSiiCLasVogas 99 73..LosAngolos 78 63,.Memphis 59 78 „

------ ■ Miami Boach 85 76 ,£» Milwaukoo 74 64,..

Minneapolis 66 60 ,CNow Orleans 92 73 ,.Now York 84 63 ,.OklahoihaCily 97 73..Omaha ' 86 62.. PhoonI* • . .107 93..Pittsburgh 80 54...Portland. Mo, 76 58 .CPonland. Oro. 84 58,..

— ^ St. Louis 85 70 ,C£ 3 , -------------------------------

m ore widely scatierciJ ihui and in Ihc m iddle XOs Tlmi

.a; Weathe‘The N ational'W eather'

low pressure along lhc wi n thc soulhw csierly Oow acros- ■^igl" more thunderstorm s. .ir40 , Sk ies w ere partly d m

c a s l. w ith m o s tly sunn oug h • T hundersto rm s dcvclope and a p anhand le ac ro ss the cc •riday e a s te rn b o rd e r from Si Lo"*^ m oisture uinounts were li

Stanley had a iriicc and M T cm perjiu rcs Tuesday

w ith central m ountains lo the n Thc hottest temperatur

ilighs degrees at Hagerm an am 'Os lo coolest at 39 degrees.

E lse w h e re tn ih c -n

w ilh low est w as 34 degrees a t '

heavy irain; SoulE D T included an inch a t I an inch ut Indianapoli.s.

ling s • Tem peratures around the I and fro m S 6 'd c g r e c s al A rci ■' ■ M edicine Lodgc.-K an„ Me w ere T ulsa . O kla ., Phoenix a rid ' o u lh G reensv ille .-S .C . and S]

degrees, lying thc r ec o il foc l o f I---------- j----------------------------mtral A lL / /^ „ '


Ohio ^

- 7 3 4 -p.m. andJolloivthL'

IS. To rcport lale news utid pernfler 5:30 and un weekeniis. ' Siude.

week.A l

advertisingadveni»ing director MiI lo place an advertisement. ThI. Ciaxsificd ads. cull 733- publisIhrough Frid.iy from 7 ii.m. Fulls,

jnd Saiurday.s from 7 u.m._ News|rormaiion on display ads is atTw:daysonly. oily a

Seciianoes TTiurscry: daily or»d Sunday. S2.05 of Ihcly. S2.25 per week: Sanduy. puhllv :k. Mail nubseriRiions musl Po: >ance and are available only ' addn;’delivery is not muiniulned; Iduho iiy . J3.25 per week. S42.25 dally only. S2.K0 per week, weeks; Sunda; only. SI.50

j o l7 .1091

' i ■

, A ug: 7.

100s 110s

_______ 01991 AciaJ-W eathor,

►S . Salt Lako City 89 68I D..» San Francisco 68 57i " S o n t i l o 8 1 5 9;;;.... ‘ Spokano 85 59

Washington 87 68.

rr'Z TwInFaHs.... Max Min

^^••■■"Yosto'rcJaV ■■'66’ 34 Laslyoar ^ —'9 5 53

......... Normal 91 52

^3— SunMt today 8:51 p,m, o : Sunriso lomorrow 6:37 i

.... Lunar phaso: Waning; oi......... Aug, 9; (irst quarter Aug,;® loll Aug. 25: last qunrtor


30,04 Idaho' 3 ..... Max'Mln53.........Boiso 96 60'3 .... .....Burloy 92 55>2.... .....Hasjorman 100 52)3 .... Idaho Falls 88 52>4.... .....Lowicton 91 63» .0 2 McCall 82 49>8.... .....Pocatollo 90 54’0,03 Snimon 87 51_

77ihumlcrMomis. H ighs K7 10^2 to rimrsd;iy. Lows near 50^

ier summaryher' Scrvicc in^BbTs'c'says'ii itxiu'g : west coast is pushing a warm it ■ross Idaho, and forcca.sicn. cxpc>

cloudy T uesday over Ihc north unny sk ie s a c ro ss Ihc sou lhw loped ovc r-lhc -no rlhcm part t»f : ccn tral m ounta ins and a long 1 S a lm on s o u th w a rd lo U lah rc light. Ketchum reported ,06 ii d McCall ,0K inch, day ranged-from lhc mid-70s in lie mid-Vds in Trcusure.Vallcy. aturc in Ihc sta te T uesday was and Riggins. Kcichum reported

f - n a lio n -T u c-sd ay .. lh c . h ig l i t,f n ilii Rnnrl, Afi-/, at 7,‘ruckcc. Calif,

uth sweltersa t Cincinnati and threc-ijuancrs

I thc nation al m id-aflcm oon ranj \ r c a ia . C a lif ., to 100 d e g re es M em phis Naval Air Station. Ter ild Tucson. Ariz. ci’Spariansburg, SiC.TWarmcdno d for the date set'In I‘;K0,

» t h e r U n eT h e T i m e s J S E W s

C am

r-6326slsnplc Instructions.

er w eek. SIV.fll) fo r 13 wc ludeiit/milltury scrvicc delivery 52,.‘'( cck.S29.W)for t3wcck-s.A charge of S15.(« will be levied f.


MallinfotmailonThe Timcs-New« (UPS 631-om

jblislied daily al 132 Third St. W ,.' ulls. Idaho.,K 330I. by Magic Vt cwspapcrs Inc. Second-clasi postage Twin Fall* by Thc Time»-New». Ofl ly and couniy newnpapcr pursuai ecliun 6C -I08 of thc Idaho C hursday ii hereby designated as lhc r Ihe »cek cn which legal notices wi jhllvhcd.Posim asier. pleaae send chang

ldrcs« fomi to; P.O. Box 54K;Twln I luho «3303.

Pros(■i rharj

• M ILW AUKEL. D ohm cr was w ilh eight more th e tc e ti-age br p re v io u s ly mol

^ killed when Dah:--------------be s en icn ccd fo r

T h c rev ised c--------says Dahmer hadI h is v ic tim s , inc

death, painted tt a f te r b o ilin g th

............... skin, and kept-ohis freezer.

T h e e ig h t nc' d e g re e in ten lic

bring to 12 the Dohmcr has bcc:

. . _ —o f k i l l in g , Edc___ ^ ^m nndato ry lifc ;in

, P /n V c soy tl f«oioryS«ork.cc_has a d m m ^ d to 197 8 , in c lu d ii g randm other's si hom e and one at

. in near Akron, 01 ir Inc. D is tr ic t A tto

M cCann said he charges at on Au{

— - — -Judg^/cffrey-: D a h m c r’s b a il

------m ill io n to S 5 -n“ nature and grav the. d e g re e o f

>8.... com plaint.”>7.... , A lso Tuesday,>9.03

I T V n .---------------n e w - v o b

................ Rcasonen-who;I2 .... e f fa c in g style’ .... ncw sm ag az in„ . shows, d ied Tur'a-tn, R e a so n c rd i----- :—- - —Gonn;. 6 BS~mow R c a s o n c r hadjg. 17; Doctors had rcior hc also suffcrcc

Homei5 .....i2 .... C o n tin u ed from|2 .... the shelter 61 wh^ prepared to assist19 0 8 . ^ R e e v e s , 7 0 . 1 ,, % rccc iye .s a sii

-------------- e o n tn b u t to n s i -SI,0 0 0 .a monlh. in up to SlOO frc Security chcck t'

■ uflout finuncially. But when the i

bill jum ped frotr S650 last winter.

I got tougher.'"A -'B rea t-g ran t

. m o th e r o f e ight, - o ffe rs her tim e I

people.She began oper

u"ghor----- a fo rm e r 'c h u rc hI moist fac ility has prep peeled s in c c th e n . D ur

m o n lh s . th c avc Ih and hom eless fum ilit

se rved by the sli •’f ' " a b o u T W a a a y r-

T h c m is s io n , , I ,|, fo o d . Clolllilll!

donations froni Iin Ihe"

ivr - C orilinued from J . Thf m ;trijuuna. ont>-co

o f co n sp iracy to failure 10 obtain : Burley.-conspirdi oblain a tax stam listed, delivery of

;rs «if stamp. •Daniel Q u iroz .;

‘ngcd charges in bolh cc es ul ■

ri; ..PeaniL------- C on tlnued .from

c o m m o d ffy tliu • enjoyed by peopli


th c U S D A ’s Fo S e rv ic e in WasI

[ - - agency hus Mubut ^•-■ rrr. TrrDoU-'BahkTihahug

noi received cnou;------- W csiy Egmoni,

....... * o f th e D o s io n j; 1 ..U S D A ch e e se li

week*: .supply for two ye ■■■’" I* ' supplies 700 agcn Jforull c e n tr a l M ussacI

129,00d{Jcoplcai • 'T h e re is no

)K0) 1, subwildte for the ,. Twin peonul butter as 11

ofrieiai “W c’rc working I Jam 10 le ss v a lu a b le pr

lift'd.'; “ 'I ' ' "will he ’ has a more select 1

K ath y P alum .serv ices d ire c to

nFaii«. Com m unity Food ' b u t le r is im porta

d o n ’t eat regular bank serves 560

. . . • r

jecutor fi

KEE (A P) - :- ’Jeffrcy H 'OS ch a rg cd T uesday ire m urders, including b ro th e r o f a boy he

n o le s te d a n d ^ m a i i^ I H lahmer wa.s waning t c T ^ ^ H

j c rim in a l com plain t lad sex w ith several o f in c lu d in g fo u r a f te r 1 three v ictim s' skulfs them to rem ove thc

t o n e m an’.s biceps i n . ^ ^ H

n ew c o u n ts o f f i r s t - H d it io n a l h o m ic id c in

r i r r i l i r . C Q llC L ^^ B 1C num ber o f v ic tim s, H H >ecn form ally accused :dch-'count c a r r ie s .a .G S Br in i j r i s n n T c n tc n e c r r m r a l' th e fo rm e r c a n d y .er and A rm y veteran__O Sto 17 k illin g s since

d in g - th ree a t h is - r - 5 i I suburban Milwaukee ; a r his boyhood hom e , „ Oiuo.

tto rn e y E . M ic h a e l .p ro i he m ay file additional \ug . 22 hearing;, T uq i 7 -ArAVngnef-ordered— a i l 'r a i s c d fro m $1 nuihc >-m iU io n ,-c itin g - th e — ravity o f o ffenses and o f v io le n c e in th c ‘ jggo

ly, police released the

l e w s m a n R eO R K -(A P )------- T Y -n cw iiihose e legani prose, dry w it ai y le h e lp e d m ak e C B S ’ "ei ’ine o n e o f te le v is io n ’s mi Tuc.sduy.,H ew as68 . died a t Norw alk H ospital !

iS s pokesm aTi~TuiH G o o t lad b e e n h o sp i la l iz c d s ig ; removed a b l c ^ clot from Ii

•red from pneumonia.

eless —mA1w hcihcr ihe c ity was ist ihem in any way. j,1. s a id th e m is s io n s te a d y .s tre a m o f 5i--tM ually -'topp iiig ..fn ,py - h. She .suid she chips from her ow n 'Social Bui

k to keep th e 'sh e lte r ly. I I li■e facility 's electricity facitii om S350 a month 10 " r cr. making ends meet Urbui

some:a n d m o th e r 'a n d ' h t. R eev es-say s-sh e—^'^Y iC b ccau sc she l o v e s - “ y P '

occusperaling thc shelter in ch Jast-O ctoben th e - rcparcd m ealslu ring th c past lo u r p a v e ra g e n u rn b e r-o f .. ilies and, ind iv iduals ^ sh e lte r has risen to b cca

....... facTln r e l ie s on ra n d o m Hisp;iMg a n d f in a n c ia l Alln local residents and rcsidi

; s _ —

Tl A I:jaitto LQf d d ivi:ry,.of.coca ine to d e liv e r co ca in e and twc

n a lax smmp; Ron Worthinj irdcy ro d e liver cocainc ant ;imp. and Chet C lark, no iigc o f inarijuunii and failure lo.<

z. .'^2. o f Rupen, was indiclcd I countics. He was charged w

U t .—A"* .l(K).fl

hut is u n iv e r s a l ly Gcorj iplc. o f the —n

ies. spokeswom anTor -^^pQ, Food und N u tr itio n a sh in g to n . sa id th e bHtituted checsc. But— u rg c W :d ilj i : th c y ::h a v c rrr^ ough, excculivc djrector qq n -F o o d B ank! s a id i_ : h a s b e e n in s h o r t sh e yean>. His food bank gover

;cncies in eastem und biittci a chu .serts th a t fe e d agenc: a m o n th . ......................... week10 q u ic k and - "W he practical nature o f > IS a popular luncheon ^uddc :h i ld r e n ," hc .said.' g iwice OS h a r t to get ^°Yh, p ro d u c ts , b u t ev en _ '

canned fish, that still ct user group." ‘ PP.u m b o , c o m m u n ity ^:to r fo r th e A tlan ta iOd Bank, said peanut '“ ‘*8 rtan t to p c o p lc 'w h o liar m eals. H e r food “ ■''o ‘ )0 agcncics that feed Egmc

■ i i l N L j U j I J

effrey Dahmer, left, and a iroc:aeding9 In Milwaukeeim c o f another victim : Steve u o m i. T h a t b r in g s to 1,6 j i i iP c r b r v ic i tm r td i r n T m e ithontics. TRe'hiimc“ b ra H rs )ion-believed killed-ai-the-hon ahm er’s grandm other in the J80s h as no t ye t been rele j j licesaid .Cap^, D onald D om agu lsk i

L e a s o n e r d i e sw sm an,.H arry_,-_.;;R casQ nc it and wry, self- amioble grit ’*60 M in u te s " Em m y wini m ost p o p u la r with M ike V

" I 'm n o t 'al in. N o rw a lk ,. pretty , well, o o d m a n -s a id r—M ikc^a llfli iigpe Ju n e I I . O n May n hi.s brain, and , sexson as a


ceivcs-no-sieady assistance cul government.R eev es sa id she tu rn ed aw oup o f Ihrce w om en and si lildren seek in g sh e lte r Tues icy-had-beeirsteeping-inrtt-sti agon for several days.But she dccidcd against evii e .flve w om en, ihrce children [ m en w h o now o c c u p y ciliiy.• T m n o t le a v in g ," sa id { rbun. 56. "W hen I gel starte mething. fgrgei it.’,' -Tlie-shellcr is partly manage f f .£ n g c r ^ O . an cx-convict'.i jp s ^ .p r e p a re ___ tn ea ls_■cusfonally^cts as a bouncer \ u nks ge l o u t o f lin e at a p h e rc .b ra ssk n u c k lc s .-k n iv e s gill stick s are so m etim es f( ddcn in bushes.E n g e r sa id he s u s p c c is r i 'cnones in ihe ciiy 's unwilling do m ore for the m ission, p

:c a u se o v e r 8 0 p c rc c n l o f c i l i i y ’s r 'e s id cn is a rc mFgisp^umcworkcrr................. .........A lm o st a ll o f ih e sh e ll sidents are anxious to find \

o f marijuana

i w o c o u m s o f l,m E lon .W, ola n d l a i lu r c Co ____iifC o r .a d d r c s s ,10 o b la in a la x " o l been

T he defen led on scpuraie M in id o k a ;i wilh delivery arraignment,

K),0(K) people a month in non :orgia."Tlie-com bination o f the fats otcin in peanui butter m iikeil iportant Ibr ihai populution.* id. •‘I t 's a lso a food that ca ed in a variety o f ways. So if ive latchkey^ cli>/dfcn or eld ^ c ‘'wlu>^do>Fj lik"e lo 'cook" udilyiivuilable."Doris Block, executive direcii e Los A ngeles Food Bank, ic d o e s n o t re c e iv e enc ivemmeni 10 replace pc liter. H er food-bank supplies encics that feed 250.000 peo| ; e k . ' ' ' . " '•‘W e w ere ge ttin g p ean u t bi ■it year,” she said. "T hen all ddcn il disappeared. It hod ipact on the mix o f foods tha uld provide."T h c N u t.rition S e rv ic e ha nual budget o f $27.5 million pplie.s food fo r 13 govern r ograms.B ecause o f its conven ience ag sh e lf life, peanut bm tcr is thc m ost d e s ired products;

;o o ne o f the least donated, 5mont. •


attorney Gerald Boyle Ils te on Tuesday.’; ' ...........kren W . Tuom i was last hearI,6 th e 1987, when-he wus te t l -b y —M ilw n u k :e c r -H e - B panic ' "m ls:s I n g ' - b y “ his om c-of—-Onionagani-Mich.. E le m id- Duhm er appenrec leased , shaven and wearinj

jum psu it and b lue l(i sa id stared ot thc floor.

s f o l l o m h g i lic r_ w h o s e . s ilv e r-h a ir .^ b rc rin w ere known t6 millions, w inner and thc firsi "eO Mtnu iW olloce in 1968. it W aller Cronkite, bat I can nII.’',h c -said in a 1969 jntcry laccrbul'l-cari^0 -a-prcity-g00< y 19, R easoner stepped dow a •'60 M inutes" co-cditor lo t

e from and . many, arc- work cu n 'j- f in d iiic x p e n s

iwoy a W ith o u t th e sh

e sd ay .. .Jo h n so n , 2 4 . ,o f D staiion--^ould-siillbe-in-jail.-

Jqhnjion w as reli viciing "C assia Couniy Jail i en and on p a ro le . A y ea ly th e arrested during a trir

Denver for driving R u th c o r , d r u n k e n 'd r iv

le d on possession, Johnson "I had no other pi

gcd by said. -: t '\v h o ___ Jphnson je .iu m ed

_ a n d early T uesday afiemi r when a" rooFinU U iscovcri

p la c e w ater in the buildin,es ju id _ . thirst...... ........ .....found The perky Reeves

new chance ut life, J racFul ran away from homi ngncss b u rg la r 10 su p p o rt partly Johnson said, and lu

o f th e helped convince hit rg ra n t his life lo 'G irist.”" *...... .......... ^Johnson u.sed to lo: l i e r 's _ in d isg u s t, hc said i w ork ' hope.

na and failure,.to.obiaip,u.iaxrL lhrr.. r/si.tstv n f Hfliyff-y nlo f failure to objai^^u ljix_siar

ics o f thc oiher eight people a cn relcased .'it press lime Tucsi cndiints w ere be ing H eld 'ln ' I c o u n ty j a i l s T u e s d a y t it.,which was scheduled lo r to

snhem H o w ev e r, .th ere 1 that peanut butter mt

Its and plentiful — and chea i t very L ow U .S . q u o i 1." she im p o r ts h a v e h is can be d o m e s t ic p ea n u i i fy o u compared to world p

w i d e l y - PfO sW ?" '.— B ush

fo re ig n p e a n u ts to . country fo r three wc<

c to ro f In a d d i t io n , fan bum per crop ihis yean . » r c . n u l » - 4 lh ig h .IS $ 1 .2 0 a p

•oplc a - al'rcady.tlropped tb^ i • ; . V The-averugo-retail

b u tte r ounce ja r o f peanul- ,11 o f a from $2.10 in-Januat I a b ig ‘‘1 January 1991, ai hat w c Peanui A dvisory Bo

' • b a se d p ro m o ito n c l a s 'a n average pricc ire-Julyon and j . - -------- :----------------nm en i ^ ^ L o t t C

:-e and ^ T h i:' ic n n , . i f n - F w Iller u>lnn * - onil tdaJio FVjntasHe Fr s . 7 3 4 : ^

nrKljtAM’l(»(<irv>■> . ' - • ■ ' -

rder -

' V ' '

i ■■K''

, APUM>phM ,

I listen to court

leard from Sept. J5, vus 24 and living in .. i e —w as—r e p o r te d — i- 'h i s ~ p a r e n t s — in —1.. DomagaUki said .— ; - nred in court c lean - iring an orange jail lue sh irt. H c o ften . r. , ,

infill”<ic_and_____IS, was u four-tim e. .— . linu tcs" co-ed itor

in read a tcryiew . " I 'm notgood-iniccview:.Il-;--------dow n in his 15th lo become "editor

/qrkirig biit sim ply , icnsive housing, he '

s h e l te r . A n g e lo f D en v e r ,' s a id he

re lea scd from th c - . « ■ ail ihree weeks ogo j y e a r ogo he w as ’ trip from Seattle to

in§ on unregistered J r iv in g arid d ru g ‘•on suid.;r p la ce to S lay ," he

ned to the m ission - - temoon afW tarring iv c r ^ th'eir was n'o - Iding to qucnch his

ves has given him a 'e. Johnson said. Hc lomc und became a 7ort a d ru g h ab it , d hc claims Reeves ' him, to rededicatc -

0 loqk m the mirror ;aid, b 'ui'ii'cw sees

,iax_ slump in Cassia V o f mariiuanu and .siam p in M inidoka— -

lie arrcsicd Tuesday uesday.i 'ln 'th c Ciissia and y n ig h i pend ing , jr to d ay . ............. ..... -

ire u rc ind ica tio n s r may bccomc more ;heapcr:— soon, u o iu s on p ea n u t h is to r ic a l ly k ep t nui p r ic e s h ig h Id prices. However, j s h — s ig n e d — 'a- - - - st-m or^fx-nUowing^;;^ 'f t d fIb o d 'in tb ”th c ......weeks.fa rm e rs e x p e c t a . year, and'priccs for which had gone us u p o u n d — h av e ld"80 to 90 c c n is r . 'T ^ '}tail-priCC:Of-tin..l8'- '-iri: nut-butter ini:rca.scd luary J990 to $2.57 [, accord ing lo the

Board, an A tluntJi-'■onal g ro u p . T h e luly w as $2.49.

t o y Linerh c T m ic a ^ fc w sI’lnntri/; Lollo AntiTlcn llie flue iiumtJtTs. call;


— Il’s-a;preachcr’s c ing sermons from on i mount to a rapl audicr

_____ A ^tis ;._ co m m an dlook to his orbital pul prcadiing — about sp

Shuttle skipper Joh lhe day by giving his yet on thc vliiucs o f exploration, in partti

.envisions as ihc land......... A m erica's proposed s;

Mission Control wa Blaha’s early moi

was heralded .by thc i o fT lie .P Jian tQ m .a^l music, piped up by N

- as a wake-up call.'wo; u high school orchesti

-- ’lirsdauBhier.Caralyn. ... a vcry insfo f music, and since y

say something signifi

I Little ll—'^233

- —• — ^^B jr


Kyle Shenando! Ing In fancy dre;

.............. Annual Pow-WoOnandaga India

........... - lives In Phlladel


C on tra-prosecutorrin---------a ltcg cd Jcb v ea ip jL lll

cusing on retired aj Dcwcy R. Clarridgc f dicmicnt. sources .said

______ Independent coun«W alsh rormally hoiif fornlcr head o f the C European Division, t hus tx 'cn elevated lo tl

ActresisfiLOS ANGELES (X

Doris Day filed a S2i Iaw.suil Tuesday again saying thc supermi falsely }>ortraycd her a "bag lady" who rumn trash cans. _

_____ The Sujjcrior Court• issue with a July 23 co

lhe headline, "Doris C

I LZ V• All courses taugl• N ine m onth cvc• Financial assista• Sponsored locali

•Office o f Contir• Evening classes I

f f l j i

• , . . . - - - - - - - -

eacher:ERAL, Flo. (AP) .[“ -----------’s dream: deliver- TVyl an incrcdibly high Jience.’ . p . ,indcr on Tuesday pulpit to do som e . f - tspace.John Blaha began his l<?ng*t oration *o f m anned space ^ 8

articular what he _ m d o f promise —

w S s S ” 'moming message l)c opening strains i f th r n p r ra V.Thc ,...ynn have y Mission Control ten," Bla was p c rfo rm edby—naut- -wh estra that includes crcw frorlyn._________ Blaha-Inspirational piecc’ thrce mir :e vou-plavcd that w istfully ilil inspire m e to \ sincc Arr nificant to you if years ag(

Indian ,


doah, 6, takes a break Sal iress a t an inter-trlbal dar l/Vow in Phllade!phla...Stic ilan from a Syracuse, N.\ delphla.

d CIA ofi(AP) — Iran- said thc

- in v e s tig a tin g 'u n - speakingthe CIA are fo- A targeagcncy olliciai gtltaclinc:

;c for possible ip* have subaid Tuesday. ing that plunspl Lawrcncc Severaloiificd Clarridgc, derwcntc C IA 's W estern months alI, thul his status CIA-assis0 that o f a target, silcs from

files suit gai(Xp ) — Actress Like a Ba

^ 5 million libel headline ;•ainst Thc Globe, were falsermarket tabloid “ PcopIc:r as a d isheveled mbloids 1immagcs through cheating ;

,un :iaw »M A ook

lughi by local p ra c t ic in ^ t to n evening program.[stance avaifable.cally by Idaho Siale Universilntinuing Education.« s h e ld in T w in Fails.



Campus Bo> 8J84 • Pocate

dreaiklysterious ol:APE CANAVERAL, Fla. ’)..-=T_N A SA _h^_solvcd the li-mystery thai Sprang up’ when 3bIong object was seen Hoating n space shuttle Atlantis follow- last Wcck^s satcllit<M»fease. It

ia c h u n k 'o f ic e . lie 5-foot-long icicle apparent* V05 shaken loose, from the outer facc o f a shuttle engine nozzle :n tho astronauts freed thc giant

3laha told Jan Davis, an astro- w ho-com m unicatcs- with -the- rom Mission Control. la immediately launched into hinutes 6rspac'c 'discdurecfH c 11; noted thc_achievem£nts_ A m cncaT firstT pace flighrSO'’ ago and spoke o f “thc won-

- '

AP UMfprvoio

Saturday after perform- fance during the17ttiihenandoah Is.an________'J.Y.,trllje.but currently

FfidalfocLhe non-govcm m cnt sources, lg o n condition o f anonym iiy .. rget under Justicc Department ncTT-mcans-tliai—prosecutors, .ubstantial ^ividence coiincct- t person to a crime, iral grand jury w itnesses un­it questioning .in recent 5 about Clarridge's role in thc isisted delivery o f Hawk mis- om Israel to Iran in November

ainst tabloid.. -----------,-------------------- -—

Bag Lady." Thc suit said thc IC and accompanying article ilse and defamatory, pic need to know thai s like Thc G lobe arc really g and deceiving the public. jeoplc,-unforlunaicly. believe s-these-people- p r in t,- ‘ Miss id in a-statcmcnt. -

7-800-922-0777 I■MY FOR I)IES, INC. Ia t t l lO j ld a h o 0 3 2 0 M 0 0 ^ M

Tn to dcobjects nearRa. com m unications satell:the hours after liftoff Frhen Jam es HartsTlcld, a sfiol;lng the National Aerona}w- Spacc A dmipistration.i. n .--.£ngincci^jdentified

■ after repeatedly viewin:nt» lapc beamed down by titer' crcw . -They initially tla le curved object might tiant material accidentally lef

ic. thn ^cirn tinc hrero- that lie ahead with the s ho - and trips to the m oon anc

•‘I sure wish I were a j no son now so that 1 could p H c ^ h e ~ ^ T s r « n tury.-“- 5aid-i its_ o ld Air F orce co loncl ai 30 '"w lio has'ffow n’TwicVir )n- shuttle pilot and once,

Ab6rti( I Fally bi

W ICHITA, Kan. (AP) o f i.2(X) abortion proles up al an abortion cliiiic 1 d id not block access to it a federal judge w arned l a 3-wcck-old blockade.

Thc demonstrators 'p i and listened to speeches i m inute rally ouisidc

- -H e a lth -C a re -Services.dozen federal marshals .officers stationed thems< thc driveway leading lo N o arrests were made.

. M ost o f the- protester------Icadcrs-ut^ed-them lo-un

larly scheduled City Co ing to show support for Knight, who opposes a t crowd dwindled lo about minuics. ;

About three doZCr>prc vocaies, standing in the j headquarters tw o door> clinic, cheered as the m:

- -cd -an d allowed several cthc clinic. Som e waved t< and displayed a sign sayi brushes S2."

Police have made more------ tirresis;'" tnclud ingr65-o

outside the clinic and ■ Family Planning Inc. si lion Rcscue began den there July 15. Many pro been arresied repeaiedly.

On Monday, an angr^ trici Judge Patrick Kelly his siancc against the dci p rdering m arshals to Ik*

- ---makc'-inore-arrcsls ...............

"They should say fare' family and bring their und-l-m ean il. becaUKC t ing to ja il." Kelly said al a motion to dism iss a ici straining order barring from blocking entrances ies.

_____ A man w as arresied a:fronted Kelly and his they look a walk near M onday, auihoriiies said.

US of Irai:s, I9H5, sources told Tlicy-....Prcss:^_................. ...:nt C iarridge's lawyer. Wi ir s _ M c Danie1 Jr.. decHncd l ;t- as (iid Mary Biilchcrr n'J

an for Walsh, n- Clarridgc, spearheaded ;hl lance in thc November he shipment. He later testil is- was unaware at the time »er ' ment lhat thc deal ha

‘ ‘f ^

Noally are pleased i


I w ith M /

and LA



T w


Sl■ _ I

e liy e r gr Atlantisid:lliie a few "It appears Friday, said m ost ccrtain,’ iokcsman for Engineers > nautics and they check tl

' tum s to Earth d thc object ' S im ilar ol ing a v ideo-" from the shu / the A tlantis ployments c thought thc have allachct be packing thc craft to

left behind. m iles high.

ircakthmugh.s:*, .CQm,mant]cr.: space station NASA’s fmd-Mars.--------- spacc. siatioia younger per- tack this sui 1 participate in Congress, b tT he-48-^car-—persist s-:in- and engijieer,^ and from itu

"in" space as a ”"tilting lahon e, now, as a cost far cxce

ion prottlutavoid?) — A crowd Becmcr, 53, esters showed with inlerferi : Tuesday, but Kelly ord. it, a day after leaders to p<

1 Ihem to stop pay for any ages ihai ma

prayed, sang suit brought :s during a 90- clinics.Ic W om en’s ' Kelly also .. A bou i-tw o -a n d warned t Is and policc tionopponen iselves across were not abo to the clinic, spoke to an

- Friday, ers left when During Ti uitend-a-regu— radio-ialk-sl rouncil meet- pointed to th ir M ayor Bob driveway, abortion. Thc)ut 200 within ‘T h e )

iro-choice ad- faro\ j.yard o f their fami!" L S T p a l ; ' t h e i r tI cars to enter hficaii toothbrushes going lying. "Toolh-

jrc lhan 1-.900 ■ — U .

since Opera- emonslrations , have I™ ' »= lold

tiinl act o f Jlirv U S Dis. " P '" "

lolToilcncd IcmonsTralors. . " S ' P «.■ prepared to ^

jailed for ooi

ir toolllbnisli. ' ' '• Ihey a re BO- m a y o r look :after dairying " “ f ' ^ , r.. bolh sides olr p r ^ 1 S ; , . r ; -

after he con. l" » l» o p le lJ r w ifc -w l,il5 ~ ;,t< '> » ',r llicir liome ........ .... ™

n-ContraJC Associated weapons.

C larridgc ; V ilirarn‘Alden”"cargo“ on“ f' I to cpmmenl. equipment.rspokc-swom "-----Bul— NiH»«

aide Oliver I ed CIA iLssis- details o f Ih er 1985 am is dem iinedCIi aified thai he "I did at le o f lhe -ship- C larridge" tl had involved ery. North to

ic Valley Surgery nd M agic Valley I ’ose, Throat A ssoa ' to announce the a




Main Office 70 Shoup Avenue V Win Falls, Idaho 83 Telephone: 734-45; orl-800-677-NOS

gospel fidentifiedars to be ice. W e’re al- n,"Hansficld.said.- rs w ill not be sure until ; the orbilcr after it rc- rth, he said. objccls-Jiavc--. fioatcd

ihuttle on -p rev ious-dc-__o f satellites, which

hcd rockets lhat boost lo orbits thousands of

let._______________________ Ijs plans for lhe S30 billion I lion.camc.undxir strong at-, summer in Iwiii -houses o f i , but survived. Opposition n~ th e-sdence-com m unity—I those who pcrcei ye the_or- „ oratory as a project whose « e c d s its value. ' i '

testers d Glash-13, o f W ichita, was charged fering wilh u federal judge.' )rdercd Operation Rcscue

post a Sl(K).0(X) bond to ly possible financial dam- may be proven in thc law- glu by th e -tw o-abortion

Iso criticized city officials :d churclvleudcrs .ind.abor- icni Gov. Joan Finney they ibovc the law. Mrs. Finney an Operation Rescue rally

Tuesday 's rally, Florida -sh o w -h o sj-P a t-M ah o n ey - the marshals guarding thc

ey should say ew ell to th e ir nlly an d being r to o th b ru s h ... a u se they a re g to go to Jail.’

U .S . D is t r ic t J u d g e - - ----------P a t r l c k - K e l l y ^

rc not there to preserve the old lhe crowd. "It is a bla- f judicial oulnige. keeping Her where inimcenl human :d.Kelly doesn’t set our agcn- lie falher. scls our agenda."

said. Me recenily wn*. oontcmpt o f court'Cor dis-"1 order issued by .Kelly-------City Council m eciing. the ik noie o f the presence of i 3(HV-people' representing ', o f lhe abortion issue and :• subject will noi be up for bate."-recessed Ihe ineeiing ,io al- e to leave, and most did. lid he w t!l-use-rederal-fa— 30 counly ja ils across lhe

lu se protesters, if that be- ;essary.

a probe’e said he'hatl been iold.ihe ' ~ b o a rd~w as~ n il-c triiling - t.iH»onnl—Security—C ouncil- ;r N onh. who ari;;ini;ed ihc Ihc Hawks sh ip ih ij^ un-

Clarridge'-s denials, at some point confim i to ' thc delails o f the deliv- 1 told Congress in. l ‘ 87.

--------------- — Dsj1/ C enter'Ear,m ates; association of




I W e st33301 HffMl555) S E

fro m o lDuring a televised prci

- ence Tuesday. Blalia said s ta tion 's cost rcpresenls a o f tlie federal budget and small iovcslmcnt in icchno

“ In thc past 30 years o f program, we have seen ni many space spin-offs wl done nothing but improve ty o f life for everybody or

■cl," he said. “The spacc just another evolvem cnt o f

B laha’s spcech earlier i was as unexpected as hi night .sermon, in which li feels a little sad every lin

orbit "bccausc 1 know w n here a tew days to do Ih - ihicrograviiy __research.’; f nine-day mission ends Sun a O n-M onday, Davis jokct y _ l in . had—assum ed—tho—< •- N A SA ’s public affairs offii e " A l a l i a lih'd’ tlie-Tour oil

nauts aboard A tlantis con

Briefly~ McDonaltfs J______ B O S T O N — Tourist!I jam in Franklin 's birthp

Ronald McDonald on th : M cD onald's Corp. h;) Board o f Appeals to slir

most hisioric ncighborhi But local merchants i

> --p lan -to -bu ild -a two-stc Hall on a block listed in

; Research teai'' W ASHINGTON — / ’ in aciion in southeast A

account o f such individi ' said to depict three n ’------- spokesm ansaidTuesdaj• "W c will continue lo

Cambodian government■ upon Ihem how importa

Pete Williams, lold repo

Judge refusec’ W A SH IN G TO N — ./

out a,lawsuit by an inmi porters before the 1988 m.arijuana to D an'Q uayl

Inmate Breit C. Kiml F irst-A m endm ent right

11! Judge Harold H^Greenc - Kinib'erlin cbnt'cii3c3'

• coniention thul he sold r . adm inislrative detention

Pilot pleads gMIAMI — A pilol w

Pablo Escofiar's ranch Manuel Noriega case a proteciion.

David Rodrigo Ortiz .._.he_saw piher',pi|ols^ ou:

. ' compartmenis for drug I

I Rockefeller t(! CHARLESTON, W .\

presidenlial plans ai a nc "H e is going to

spokeswoman M arisa S|________Roekcfeller-had-indie. whether lo seek the Den

his schedule last wecken

A d d L a i

r InU J ~ T o Y d u


J U N I P E ILow grow ing ovorgrcon

, b r ig h t g roon fo liage . G ro 12 inchos ta ll, aprcadfl u p t fool w ide . E xco llon t groui eovor for ho t, aunny spot.


SUMMER APPLESEnrly Mnclntoih or Yellow Troiuiparont.

Last Call For Aprieota“BONSAT PLANTS

BUMMSnUOtmS; Z ' 8.-00 &J1L-0:00 PJB. / I

Monday thru / SaturdAy J

Opon 9und»y / Noon-fi«0 pjn.

734-8518 L . g a i



rb ita lprcss confcr- ozone-mcausuri id the-space day and tendci •a small p an -and engincerir d is "a very took more piciitiology." miles below dc* o f thc spacc "W c just ha\ noihing but c lear o f views n which have inissions,'* Shai .'c thc quali- ' ing the news co on thc plan- "I don 't knov :c station is the reccnt o lc ;o f that." fires (in Kuwait r in thc day Also Tuesda; his Sunday Engelauf said ll he said he along specially

lime h e 's in es. but he didn' w c 'rc only were using-ihen

n irsn jiT 3 in — Tl n;' s .llllt ■ s” Atlantis'- commercially ijnday. have Miiatl co:cd that Bla- regularly ai

duties » r :icliviltcs, A w;ffice ‘‘ niessags i i ie r i s i to - 'jm pleled an ™ T-inli o r [


r_ '

i may join historists w alking lhe Freedom Trail hplace or Paul Revere's lion the horizon instead, has received inilial approval

■ling burgers and fries in one o rhoods.s and [he Boston Historical S itory, fast food reslaurant aci in lhe Nalional Register o f Hi^

im unable to veri- A U.S. leam investigating Asia has yet lo find someone

iduals o r lhe origin of a highl)missing U.S. officers, the

lay;--------------------------------------:o press tlic Vietnamese and th :nts fo r m ore in form ation.... W dant it is for us to pursue ihis poners.

; d to toss inmate’-.A federal judge on Tuesday mate who says he was barred I 18 election about his conicniio ylc.mberlin is eniilied lo pursue :ht to free speech was violanc ruled._________■3 that aficr litT lold f.oiiie-Joi J m arijuana to Oi'^yi^-* i" 1971 on Ihrec limes.

guilty in Noriegaw ho new cocaine from Med

;h to Panama pleaded guillj ; afler proseculors promised I

;z Hcm iida. 35. said during a juifii Noriega 's personal Lea c transport.

ta announce eleci'.Va. — Sen. Jay Rockefeller news conference Wednesday.

m ake a definiiive sialei Spaiafore said Tuesday. licated-hc-would-make-a-dcci> emocralic presidenlial nomini! end to be with his family.


m d s c a p e

^ T e s t ~

u r Y a r d r ~

'E RRWith

Irows p to 6 )und-

[14.95- - V-------$ ^ 5 0PRICE ___ #J . OBTHO-CHLOR 1 INDOOR & OUTDOOR


Itcady to uiin duat. Kill"9 homo Invadint! pontii Ukh- nnU, Containn Duraluin.1 4U>.B«g d* l^ .4 Q ) n®B.i:o.oo


V e lie vARDEH CENTER ^Id d iso n A vonuo E tu t i E a s tla n d , T w in F atla

ay, A ugust? . 1991 Timos-Nows

Nation j ! BUlpita hiHuring experiment T u e s- : ; nded to other .scienlirici ;:ering lests. T lie y ’ a lso i ;liclures o f the Earth IH4! .’ despite a global haze. Ihaven’t Iwen gelling a s ; !____

,vs as we had on previoiisj ■ [Shannon Lucid said du r-; ts conference. r ienow if that's because o f; .1.'olcanic eniplions. or ihc; ;wail) o r what." she said; ; '■sday. night direcior P hil; ;id lhe asironauis brought; ;ally programmed walch-! ' 'lidn'l know wheilier iheyl !Ihem . : I (

— ;-------ly for less than •S.' OO.- |

computerized ■display.';!''!ly are updated wiih crew! 1. walch alam ijK cps atiijj I _'isage appears when it’s; jtogr.Tph'a paniciil.u j ——-)r perfom i some oiher! -

irie-block-------; —'rail in search nf Hen- , .home may soon spol

ival from lhe Zoning j t ie o f lh e c i ly ’sdklesi. i

al Sociely oppose lhe i across-rrotn-Faneuil- - [ —

■ Hisioric Siles, j ;

erify photo---- 1—■lg Americans missing <;one with a first-hand Ighly publicized pholo I ,ihe_ Penlagon's ch ief !

id the Laotian and Ihe j ... We have impressed j ' ihis." lhe spokesman; I

te’s lawsuit |.day refused lo throw [•ed from talking lo re- ' j ntion that he had sold ' 1

^ue his claim thai his | iolaled. U .S .-D isirjci------ j-------1

■-Joumalisls"in'KTarlHs~971. he was placed in ;

ga casevledellin cartel leader • i uiliy Tue«lay in ihc ; cd his family federal

g a court hearing that ;Lear jel wiili .hidden

ection-plansIler will aiiiKHince his ; lay. his office said. ;alenieni tomorrow," ;

lcci»;»j3UM-on------ i-------ninaiion. He cancck-J !

iled from wire reports , ; •

y I j! ; ■

i —

>R II^ '- W * |i ln lz m ^ ;

J if ilife :

f I R iJ I :

iows. Twin Falls. Idaho A-3.,,.«,

G o \fa ilsAll]

W ASHINGTON ill coinm issiun s:i govcnimciU is I'ailii {Iciidly. link bclwci

■■ ■ J cmica-of-dnig-flde jKcausc o f its "myL proach lo imravcno

T lic^ Niilional AIDS said a lliird o

, cases arc rcimcd louse, yet federal age ly rccog[ii?.cd tlic lii , "T Iic.failu re to : -— the obvious — i; tragic," the commi report, ‘m ie Twii

' Siibstancc Use and : . J» caJled forfwJl / “outreach" prognir

_____ addicts w iih stcril'_______ counsciing-.ilieiu-tu_______ And it said 1 1 stale;

o f Colum bia slioiil hibiting tfie sale o r ] ringes witlioui a pro

H ie prescri|jtion said, merely encour o f conlam inalcd n

----- crcasing 'the risk otthe human iniinuiu: that causes AIDS.

"It is iniperaiivc ihese legal barriers ; m ission o f HIV can tliosc who cannol dn igs." the commiss

"National drug pti________nizc..ihii_ SUCCESS ,.u

gram s which link ; and blcach-distribi with drug treatment, b leach can-kHI the conlaminated needle

Tlie commission grams have proved s

jlSwagJp n Jiis

NEW ORLEANS R e l is t Jimmy Swaggi r t c s s stand Tuesday

' ngoinst a S90 rI Q io n lawsuit filed bj

^ i o n inini.ster, Marvii ^ In a testy exclia; “J'nan's attom ey. Sw

that lie decided G on — - p cn tcd "o f-n d u lic ry ''

with another m inister He acknowledged

............ a h igh-ranking-officsem blics o f O od jo tt had not repenlcd. Bul never trashed M arvin

Gorm an resigned :____ First Assembly o f (

N ew Urleaiis n n i i ty m ilting to an adulter L inda Savage.

C om ian coiiienc spread false rum ors ; fairs lo bring tiown i d ing New Orlcans-h m inistry.

Less Ihan a year stepped down, he pn o f Swaggart wiih a

' ' 'p rostitu te outside a n la ter adm itted to an i

“ against hiti fiiniily.'• Bolli w ere kicked >

i iemblie.s o f God detioi- ' Sw nggnrt's lesiim

Man sues I right to p‘ m an is suing a H t ; ■ ’|)ricst for ihe righl lo f ; re la tives ' graves in a

j- tery, a lawyer said Tu( \ » . T h e fawsuit, which ^ , . '• "q u e s t for $40,000 in irzr.J-.—JTCSS' paym ents and o 1 is the latest' devclopnr " “ T oar-ovcr rules by .lli J Farland for decora ' Jo seph’s CJiurcIi ceinc

L JHost Ea. . . .

A-4'Timo3-Nowa, Twi

; ' r

yernm s t o c o

>S, dn)N (AP) — 'A federr ling di

said Tuesday the lion hliling to confront the o.flen Iween ihe tw in epi- prbgniflddtction-nnd~AIDS ' Tlicnyoplc" punilive up- of the:nous drug users. Policy1 Com m ission on norcsd o’f all rcccni AIDS - drug, iI lo intravenous dn ic m easu;igencies ‘iiav e bare- tanden; linkages." "Ins:o acknowledge this epiden- is twwildering and ireatmiimission said in iis boih. Iwin Epidemics o f mary

n d H IV ." ment ;iJl suppon o f often '•nuns that provide ships."

J ’eedle.s._.while__ ,_ll_sa-to. enler-trcatm cnt. opic ciales and the District evidenoiild lifl law s pro- connecor possession o f sy- lems. 1proscription. and adiion reiiuirem enlf it ed to Io'urages the sharing all fem1 needles, ihus in- reclly (: o f tranMtiission o f Butunodeficiency virus Martim1. pod anVC that we rcmtive change:rs so ’lhal Ihc trans- clear scan be lessened for prograinoi slop injecting ior."lission said. He s, pt)licy must rccog- also di>> .uf-ou lreac li pro* sition oik needle-exchange major 'ribulion program s ment p;nt," Ihc repon said. SIOO rrthe AlDs virus on rent an<dies. minisirion said such pro- block g:d successful at gel- The

ggart teSJQMILjdNS (AP) — Evan- was liniggan look the wit- questioray 10 defend him- Hunter0 million dcfam a- fendant

by a rival televi- .spreadrvin G om ian. then plu-•liange wiih Gor- "D idrSwaggart leslifled that whionnan had not rc- [j .^

:ed Iwving wrillenfnciiil o f Ihe As“ tcrrespc0 tell him Gorm an Yet, But. he insisted, “ I to a hig vin G orm an.” August :d as pastor o f the Tcpcnted f God Church in ••Yon uly iy86 after ad- Savage Iterous affair with you say

penied \lends Sw aggart right to t rs about other af- "M ost/n G om ian 's bud- Earlieis-hascd television admitted

_ basis foi:;.r rflc r Gorm an ^provided pictures , .

1 a New Orleans;i motel. Sw aggart ■in unspecified sin Swag^

:d out o f the As- fairs, "ev riiominalion. "Evenlim ony Tuesday Lundy.

es Catholic f plant cemeti« liiss;_(A E L =_A __^ i u h u r .Homan Catholic Lee, "ha

lo plant flowers at o f being ;i a church ceme- his famil Tuesday. over 53ich includes a re- Michael in em otional dis- -lawsuit f dlPJj.''niafies.,- Superior )pinent in an up- Kohler ’..Ihc ,Rev. David sister and orating the Sl. the 28i inctcry. opened ir

ilau tn ilies N e jStudentarrivingcachwith yipcrspcctw ithasj

Foundat " I Forfuitl

W " ' Bnrba rT ‘ ■ I f . Bctis ; ' MJkoA

I' j I

Twin Falla, Idaho Thursday. /

lenfm n e c t

u g u s e; drug users to change their injc I habiis and, more importanti :n lead them inlo drug ireaimc grams.

pfirticulrtfly^jnliche federal O fnce o f D m g Cqnii icy, which is' said virtually j es the link between AIDS ai g. abuse and ,n«5filect.Srlreatme isures to fichl the problems lem .' : , ,Instead o f responding to the lemjcs with public health ai imeni ■ m easures to cope wi 1. the federal govem m enl’s pi y rcsponsc' ha.'j-bcen 'im priso It and increased ja il seniencc n ignoring dnig-H iy reJafio, ts.” Ihe report said. -said jheJ^ ire rcsults_of jh is ni;

; criminal justice approach" a lent in ihe statistics sh o w ln g il lection between the tw o prol i. It said 32 percent o f all adii adolescent AIDS cases arc rein0 IV drug use and 71 percent i emale AIDS cases are linked d y or indirectly to IV drug Drug Policy Director Bo tinez said the com m ission’s n and other studies on need te -o

Ige.program s "fail lo provid r scientific evidence, that sue :rains reduce risk-taking behax

.• said llie com m ission 's repoi distorts the adminiMration’s pc n on dnig treatment. He suid ih >r obstacle to expanding treai t programs has been Congres? ) million, cuts, both for the cui and next fiscal year, in the ad siration 's budget requests fo < grants to the slates, le 15-member com m issior

estifieslefenseilimited to brief rcNponses ti

lions by G orm an’s attomey e r Lundy, who accused ihe de mt o f being a' hypocrite wh( d gossip about (jorm an anc played the role o f judge, idn 'l you say on your prograrr when we judge another ... it’;

spil_ in .Jhe.-fuce..o f_Jiau : t?" Lundy asked Swaggart. lat is exactly right," ihe miniS'sponded.' .................. — ■■■t, said Lundy, Swaggart wrote ligh ranking church official in st 1986 that Gorman had noi ted but Mrs. SaVage had. 2uJiad_:ic,Yi:iLspoktiUoJUiidu ’e about M arvin Gorman. Yel ;ay (in the letter) thal she re- d but he hadn 't. You had the IO decide?"osl definiiely,"'Swaggart said. Her in his testimony, Swaggart ted he relied on rumor as the for a mailing to ministers ac- ; Gorman o f having exlramari- Tairs dating back 25 to 30

Iggan contended in the letter jorm an-lu itL Jongilanding - a f . "even up to this hour." en up to [his hour?" asketl

priest for” tery flowersw d-X oh lcnbexger^o f-ncarby . •has a reasonable expectation ng able lo pay his respects to mily members os he has for 53 years," said his attom ey. el Considine. He filed the t Friday in Berkshire County o rC o u n .lenbcrgcr's father, tjjollier, m d grandm other arc buried in 285-acrc ’ ccrrielery. ' which l in i l i e I85()s.

s e d e d N o w !;nts like Jo8i5 and M artina arc ing in the U.S..thifi A um st - one looking forward to living on Ametican family for a high1 year. Bring on international . ective to your family, toRelh»r[_, a spocini lifelong friCTidenip by - tecring to ht)st an £ Fdation exchange fitudcnt. irthcr details call now:■bam Lankford 208-829-M54 k tayP lckclt 20M38-288t o&DccBurgcM 208-733-3601I toll-free 1 -8 0 0 -4 4 -S H A R E■Ufc EF EdDcailonal FoundtUon j j “ fo rF o r^S lu d /

i_v. A uausIS, 1991

e ,


M assachusetts! ;..n)y.i_ Dinosaurs exhib

g ih e - ------------ ---------

S; Salesnt o f d d i-

Bob E _ s rc- ;.cx -

., Adjusted annual sail such , existing hom es trom

through June. Follo' percentage change I

' ^ o second quarter ol IS

real- ? ‘ r ._ • 1. Dolawarocur-

.,ad- 2. Louisiana • for

3. Mississippi sion.’ ' 37.400

4. Alabama63.700 _

- - ' 5. Tennessee -117,600__________


2. Ofoflon 59,700

3. WashingtonwhJand Pennsylvania

205.200 ram 5. Nebraskait’s 21.300 - . _____

:sus--,-T hoso sales'figures ar a survey by Ihe Nation

nis- AssoclaKon of Realtor;

itP u n itive (not

W ASHINGTON {A nda—^nush-iuiminiMration-pli Yel a change in state and fi re- limit punitive damages the siiits and lo require losi

w inner’s legal bills, id- “ li ’s becom e,'alm ost ^an one who is injured ca the p jl a lottei^ lickei," sa ac- istration official who as ari- named. "Everybody wl 30 jured thinks there’s.ihi;

there. Tlie legal system a'lbtiei7 system”

' ‘i'’ Tlie cap on punitive ■— only one of-^ - th a r -v ^


“/rt difficult tin insight more th


rby--------------------------------------ion . tofor » <'•‘y*

, O r g :

ini c h : . ; c b -a

The Ri

rF i


i 8-9:30.

Block sea 1 C ontact! OS3 , -----------, Sponsored t

the College o: thcT n

s State Trooper Peter sivi lb l t . a tB p s to n ’s W o r ld J t

5 o f useT T s n r s o s ! W ASH■ | 9 p W M | | 3 existing

gains quarter i em erged

ales ra les torim April Bul u.slowed by rose, advie Irom the o f th c ll<1990. sociation

■ porcvnt had dropi chantfo - cities duri

"'STRealtors s

+26.4% Leading------------- which is*2A.7% southern

.. ^ ...... .— Louisiana,....... 26.4 pcfcc

- I - 1 undTennc ^ At the ■ and the W ___ S rea ic« w

----------- - home sale-16 .4% (he Rcalto;

------------ Hawaii-10 .2% -list with, I •- ■■ above it v-8 .4 % » " ■ ' .‘' “ “'i

_______ ton, down. . . , - 7 ,8 % nio, 9 ,4 p (

------------------------ percent:—— I------------- 1,--------'O verull,a reb ased -o n -------•s(,Ttc~a‘nd'onal recordedgors. sales mle I

damage cai(AP) — Tfie Q uaylew il plans to call-for— Am erican- federal laws to lion. Tlie

es in civil law- Tuesday 's jsers to pay the tration had

posals sinci 1st. as if some- "Tlierc Si can Ihink he 's to punitive said nn adm in- minisinitioi asked not to be a hodgepod w ho's tiecn in- He said I his jackpot oul • proaches t' m shouldn’t be adopted. 5

sough t'iri ,i ve damages is stances ihei V iie Prc.stdenr-i^fcderal .nile

imes, people need inspir than technology. . . "

S , learn the deeper needs i

s, find hope and direction

'Creating a Stn lanizational Cu

. . . b y .-

Terrence E. De-author o f Coipofate'Cul Rites and Rituals o f Corpt

Friday, August 23, ] SI Hne Arts Audito

2 sessions:) a.m. or 10:30 a.m,

> -Tickets: ' $15 i^ r individual

sating available with coiSI C on tinu ing E d , 733

d by Magic Valley Regional Mi ; o f Souibem Idaho, ihe City of rwta FalU Area Chamber of C<

riw ilrl~ ^

31va stop's traffic lliesda) J r 0de,.Center._________

ed hoinSHINGTON (AP) — Sales ol g hom es posted double-digii n 20 states during Ihe seconc • us Ihc housing indusuy :d from Ihe recession, a real rade ^roup-said Tuesday.' • U.S dem and rose, prices also dvancing in nearly 80 percent 119 cities in the National As: ?n o f Realtors’ survey. Prices opped in 40 percent o f the luring the firsi quaner, when ere weak.16 southern states recorded ncreases, including 13 wiih o f more than 10 percent, the s Ihe list w ere-Delaware, is included in the Realtors' n region, up 30.2 percent: na. 29.1 percent; Mississippi, fcent, Alabam.a,-24.'7 percent, inessee, 19.2.le sam e lime, the Nonheost W est continued,to show.ihe

: weakness, w ith 10 o f the 13 reglsteriiig-'-decltnmg—used ales located in regions. Itors said.iii was at the bottom o f the h, a 43.7 percenl drop. Just t w ere Oregon, where sales 5wn 16.4 percent; Washing- wn 10.2 percent: Pennsylva-

pea-ent. and Nebraska. 7.8

^ l-_ th e Realton: sa id ^ 34 nd th e ’Disth’iit o f ColumbiaT d'gains, boosting the national le by 3.5 percenl o v c r^ p ril-

ip proposedwill present next week to ihe in-Bar-AKkociaiion-conven-- le Wa.shinglon Post said in 's edition that the .adminis- ad been working on the pro- ncc January.e seem s to be no rationality iye dam ages," said Ihe ud- tion official, u lawyer. ” Il‘s >odge.”id ihere will be different ap- : to gelling the proposals

Som e changes will be ri federal law; iri other fh- here will be amendments to

oiration, hope, and

is o f your employees,

on In the w orkplace.


>eatTuliures: rporaie Life

, tmItprium

m . - 1 2 -n o o n

al ,jorporate rates 33-9554, ex t. 272

Medical Center, o f Twin Falls, aad

■Commerce.- - - •

day to allow a dinosaur m

ties ups o f June 1990, to a season; ligil annual rate o f 3.82 milli' ond Tlie sales rate also w siry cent above that o f the real Most economists belie\.......... ing rec«sion -h it bott.onilso Existing hom e sales nat rent risen each m onth iin c e tl Asr The survey covered • ices gle-fam ily detached hi the hou.scs, apanm ent -eo hen and cooperatives;— —

The national median ded used hom e rose 4.7 perc /iih sccond quarter o f 19‘JO. i the according to the Reali<

Tlie m edian pricc meani ire, homes sold for more i >rs' less.:ni: Johii A. T ucc illo .'ih >pi, chief econom ist; said il :n t , ; appreciation indicoies-

'h a d not adjusied.-'theii :ast m atch the increases in s the -suggested iKe log w 13 . ‘ Sales rose 4.9 percen

‘ied~-rni}li6n-ratcrih ifie-Sbulh ns. "G iven this area’s

strength, the 'available si the fordable housing and th ust tion o f m oderate inti Ics steady growth in the reig- I ^

34b i a . . . . . . . . . . . .ia lr i l - _

i P r o f e s s i i

& M a i l

- I irS A WHOLA. ■ Moro and moro pi•s ' th e J

Our now Fail and _ merchandise cL You’ll Hnd the fashi.j ! . ■■ : traditi:■----- / . ____Buy your copy tl

to -


V . ’ ^

' V ."ii8|i

model to be moved to the

10 p e n)nally adjusted then: shoulc llion'uniis. • said, was 12.1 per- The M idw

e first quaner. increase, to ieve the hous- rate, includin 3m in January ," Missouri: "Sa lationally fiave states advancM h cn .......... „ Tuccillo SJ1 sales of sin- nated by mat homes, town nomically stn

condominiums - pensive, rcm:------------ -----------gionoverali;’'an price o f a Sales in thi :rceni from the been in the ). to 5101,100, years, shot u| iltors' survey, nual rale o f 6 ins-half o f the ' four o f the n; : and half for recorded gain

jum p in New the Realtors’ A t the stir the moderate said oil but

J- th a i-6c lle rs~ w jth : decUnir eir prices to Non'heast ani I sales. Bul he Hawaii. Whernot last long....... pliinged 43.7cnt, to a 1.49 Still, Tui:ciIh.-----------------^^T n tf^ rilK e-ls underlying o f the West supply o f af- gling for son the continua* show signs i

merest rates, largely to belt resale market

I o n a l R o o f i n g

l i n t e n a n c e3 3 . 7 2 2 1

M W Npeople are enjoying the advant

I JCPenney Catalog. Shouidn’t rid Winter Catalog is only S5 am } conificato good for S5 of any 1 ihions you and your lamily wani itirjnal values you'vo como to e: I today a t any JCPenney and er hassle-free shopping by phont


V ■ '■ ■■' ..... J "

~ N a t io ir ^


---------- APUMrpholo'

th e W o rld O f -

•centlould continue," Tuccillo

idwest posted a ’1.0 jjcrcent to a 1.01 m illion annual.

Jding a 12.2 percent gain in -Sales- in -ninc of -.the - 12 - 'anced.0 said this region, "domi- markets that are both eco- ' strong and relatively inex- rcm ains'the m osrstab le re-

1 the Nonheost, which had the doldnim s for several )t up 6.3 percent to an pn- o f 680,0(X) units. Still, only le nine states in the region gains, led by a 11.6 percent lew Jersey. •

same time, the Realtot^ jui three o f the 13 stotes U ning-sales.'w ere in - the

and the W est, including iliere used hom e purchases 3.7 percent,uijcillo soid, "areas o f the l<e-11ie- P Io n R e a s t^ d -p a rt '- '- '—' est that have been strug-. some lirhe arc stoning to j ns o f improvements due belter financing options."

• Leali3Rpalitd{n24 bouts or lea

_____ •E a t, built -------p lynndgrivdfoof- -

c — -------^w laU so--------------------•Dilvcvay&paiklog

lot sea] coating _____ Homes .....................................

• Concrete ttpalr aod g ' sealing

References upon request

iN OF FASHION Ivantages of shopping an’tyou?) and II com es with a • any Catalog Order! vani. plus plenty oftho, to expect. . id enjoy TOnvenienl, - lone! .............................

. .

1 § 9 - ;. cmt.JCP»«r>«7C»mp^,jne.

' ’ ' i


— _ _ U ,S ..o i l .w e l l (Iro-------------------e n e d - 'c o k e ; 'a c

th a n 5 0 0 w e lih e

Ira nA HM ADJ. Kuv

past iinimosilics, I _ fighters 10 Kuwait ' set ablaze Biirihgtl

T he Iranian i worm ing relations w hich were' at log Iran-Im q war. wh

____________Kuw aiti o il Unker"W c will sec wf

nian drilling cngl Tuesday as his cn and o ther g ear for

The six-man fin tional Iranian Oil

j support staff, willAmerican firefight Ing blazes in thc fii

Kuwait O il Co. on a .to u r o f the i A m erican fire cr

capped 274 wells s / the m bre thaii 730

— cn-m onth occupat! ■niough cxpcri

- • blowouts, Homoyt

Prayei______ - H IR O SH IM A .. Jap

Families o f atom bomi— o rcd 'thcin lcadH n quie

day as H iroshim a m a anniversary o f thc U.S ncW inglts plcaTor an d e a r threat.

At sunset, thousand: hucd paper lanterns w in a ritual o f Obon. o r i

J dead, traditionally hcl' monlh.

"D espite our efforts : lhc world our fear. s<

Ship’s 0 behavic

JOHANNESBURG;; (A P) — Thc owner, s

----------- ' arnJ t"directof ol• Occunos liner said

most c rcw members ai• and helped save the liv ! people aboard.

"W c had many ... pc I ulatc us on our efforts.'; why som e passengers ' we d id n 't do anyihir ' Nikolaou. thc sh ip ’s sci

I ' m and. to ld T h e Assocla I M any passengers cr1 ■ members for deserting \ ■ soon afier it lost power



Ch................:■ C



M exican ]


fire f ig h te rs c o n t in u e t o ba a c o m b in a t lo n o n m o lte n Ih e a d s s ti l l b u rn in g .

n sendsKuwait (AP) — Putting asi :s. Iran has sent a team o f fii vrnt ip help exiinguish_oil we lg the Pereian C u lf War. 'I assistance underscores- i ons between thc two countrii loggerheads during the 1980- when' Iran repeatedly attack

kcr^ _"wHiit w c T a iry o 'fo rth 'c rn r’Ii nglneer M otie Homayoun si : crcw prepared tractors, pum forthe job.firefighting team from the N

Oil Co., along with a 27-m ■’ill jo in one Canadian and thr ighting companies already dot c fields around Ahmadi.

officials w ho4ook rcportc le area Tuesday said thc Noi

crews have extinguished ils so for. more than one-ihird 730 dnrhagcd'during Iraq’s sc aatlon o f-Kuwait. pcricnc’ed in fighting w layoun was he was unprepar

;rs, hopeJapan . (AB)— anger_ an( 3mb victims hon- weapons luicl riluals-T uts- -humiinily,. m arked the 46th • m onster U.S. aitack by re . s p n n g ? ’ s


.nds o f rainbow- ”s were SCI anoal o r festival for the held later in the tJ‘cd wh

launched )rts to convey lo bomb aitai . sorrow, worry, Tlie duy

officers sa ior approj;G; S outh 'A frica—w uier-Sati r. sccond officer day aftcrni • o f- il>e-stinkcn ' lo ro vcfyot J 'T uesday ihut eriid' in lil s acted properiy mililury I jives of liic 571 winds and

Epirotikipeople congrat- denied the

rts.-l don 't know tjoncd the trs arc ch im ing- ,jIhing, Chrislos ^ „

ing 'lhc t e a n o ” "*= w c rm iH o o k o n ■'” ‘1 G "

a s h io n e d C h u:kp o t In te rd e n o m

C om m unity Chi- J a c k p o t ; N e u a d i

(Near Football Rcld)

Saturdavt August 10 1:00 p.m, * 6 :00 J

F u n Foj-The W hole / B arbecuc D inne 1 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 p .m

A dults - $ 5 .0 0 C h ild re n l2 & u n d e r - . 2 5

' C ounlrjT S tore • G am es: '2 G ra n d m a s T ru n k (U sed C

P iftata: 3 i0 0 p .m . •cssert B oo th • Coke W alk:

Raffle: D raw ing 6 :0 0 r

n D ance Tb Follow

. . . ■'

b a t t le f i r e s T u e s d a y a t t h e an s a n d , s a t t a n d n y d ro c a r l

s f ire f ijaside for whal he saw in Kuv ' fire- iWs field south o f Ku wells pibmes o f rcd .and p ran

the air. Oil lakes and so< Billowing black smoJ

and Ihc sun loolts like ickcd through the haze.

" I t 's very nasty and ~ T ra ~ s o id -o f - th e -b u m in g - f

said doesn 't matter. But thc | umps mental disaster, oul o f o

'I ran has complained . Na- wind-blown smoke an'

ihrce Kuwait’s wells were hi Jous- homeland — soot in ihi

western Iran.3rters iS;^)ifcserved in the Monh he said.d o r Iran and Kuwait wer ird o f Iran-Iroq war. Iran a ; sev-~‘t'o-nnd-from-Kuwoil ond______ the Arab Persian Culf_c

well' irig~Iniq-s w ar'effdif. : pared missiles tit Kuwait's coa

e mark Kan d -h o p e , horrib le . nuclear... is conlinue to exist. ... Has , ty -g ra w n _ d c b a sc d .-Jn ta _ n _ r that kills its own off- ’■ said Seiko Ikcda. a survivortom bomb attack .. - - ------------ughout the day, thousands of stream ed to memorials scat- •ound lhc cily lo pay their re- to ihe 140,000 people who when thc United States ;d the w orld 's first •-a lo m - itackon Aug. 6 , 1945. lay began with a solemn cer-

ay crew’s tpriateiaturduy-n ighl-Il-sank-Sun*— irnoon, otMui 90 minuies af- yone-on-bonrd-had-bwfvlow—

lifeboats or picked up by I helicdpiers amid strong

n'd powerful wave's, tiki Lines, thc sh ip’s owner. ■ Ihe cuptain and c rcw aban- hc Occanos. "W c arc really f thc way in which thc cup- 5 officers and our .crew im- cd the rescu e 'p lan dcspiic Brse-comiiJionMboy-faccd,!!— ipany said in a stalemeni is- G recce.

lu rch P ic n ic ~m inatio n a lh u rchId aM)10,1991

?5 p e r y e a r ...

7 2 ^ ' i 5 1 n r ~ ^ “I Clothing)■n.k: 4 :0 0 p .m . p p .m .

»w ~ 7:00 p.m.

h e A h m a d i O il F ie ld In K l ia r b o n s , b e f o r e U .S . f ire t

g h te rsKuwait. Seorcs o f wells in Kuwait urc siill sending I

irangc fiame 30 yards into i soot blacken the sand. ”l

moke turns day tnio night, ke a feeble moon when it < oze. Ind m iserable." Homayoun : g -fie ld sr-^A —blowout.—ii—1 hc pollifjion is an environ- )f our expectations." ■led o f acid rain from ihe and unbum ed hydrocur- I

d there was o ther evidence t ! having an impaci on his ' I lhc Zagros M ountains o f .<

Ihe snows, in the glacier." ,

were on opposite sides of | in attacked tankers moving and-Saudt'ArabtaT-becuuse—j ilf countries w ere support-— : if. rrun^iilso fired'severiiK ' coastal oil installations. ,

HiroshiEir...emo.ny.Httcnded b y 55.(KX LS the c iiy 's Pcacc. Memorii a 8:15. ihe exuci tim e of 1- {■ oblilerjtion. the entire c jr for a moment o f silei— branee.- - .........................)f O n Friday, the people c t- will mark thc anniversary :• ond atomic bom b allack. o 1945. six dayslK'fOre Jap: :s W ur 11 surrender.n ----- “ Hiroshima V trag ic -cx

a warning ihiit musi Ix; s .. the world for lhc sake of

Tlirkish troop:ANKARA. Turkey

Turkey sent troops inio nc 10 smu.ih bases o f Turki rebe ls-w ho 'have been- ci bold.cross-border attacks

— (r,ciit-of&cia}.Mikt-7uoMlu3

I - ll

A b s o l u t e M a g i c V a l l i s e l e c t i o n s ' O p t i c a l .

■ P I U S . . . P u n b e a t a b l e

A t r a d i t i o

525 BLUE LAK734-E^


< u w a lt. A c r a n e Is u s e d i e f lg h te r s - c a n c o n t ln u e - w

4o K u ’At ihe height o f ilie so-i

Kiiv/alt put U.S. n.igs on h they v^uld be eligible for

' t i o n r ......................................Iran remained neuiral

C u lf War. which ended w lion by allied forces on Fel almost immediately to try I

-w ith 'i ts Pcrsian neighbor.“ Mahmoud Somali, a 22-

Kuwail Oil Cn.'.s drilling i poners Tuesday lh:it Iraqi : to 640 wells and dam:iged r Those constituted four-fifi

•ducing wells in the counlry.Somali said workers fro

were brought to_Kuwail to the Kuwaiti fields only day on Aug. 2. 1990.

He said he saw ihcm hii ia^:en~laM August by Iraqi

.^ U ip ip c lin c ______________;"A fter opening the well,

things with the wires unden

tna anniiX^j)copl(^iii r:ice." said P ■rial Park. A l~K aifu . Hiroshim il's _K aifu jc a f f city paused positloii to nu

lent remein- Japan brokt.. . . - ........ cenily .b y .: o f N agasaki Japanese fore ry o f Ihe sec- ternutioniil pe <. on Aug. 9i Japan 's const ip an 's World insisien'ce alK

using lorce ex;^pcricilco-is------E c s j a l c J j: shared with>r Ihc human }’y "

larger inilitarj

ps smash rebel b(Ai’) — l l i e U.S.-:

northern Iraq months proiei kish Kurdish Saddam Hus carrying out- objections to

ks. a govern-

B "l g

SIe l y n o o t h e r o p t i c ; I l e y h a s t h e a n n o u i

y o u r e c e i v e a t M

P r i c e s a n d s e r v i l e . ■i o n o f q u a l i t y e y e v

M ountaJSestW.OPttCi


... , , .

^ '

—3 rI 5 5 5 5 S --------1id t o c le a r h a rd - ^>~worklng o n m o re '


iw ait ;;o-called "lunker war." < 1 half its 22 tankers so ; for U.S, Niivy proiec-

il during the Persian with Kuwait’s libera-

Feb. 26. Kuwait began 7 to improve relations ^

V22-year veteran o f the e :g departm ent, told rc- 5 qi soldiers had set fire :d more ihun 90 others, fiflhs o f the 940 pro- iry.from the Iraq Oil Co. to help SCI chargcs in

lays after Iraq invaded

him self when he was rgTsolJlers to rcsl»rt_n_

ii. you could see while lemeiith." he said.

iversary1 Prime Minister Toshiki

affirmed his nation 's op- W c lea r weapons, oke postwar precedent re- I . considering... sending . .. orces to participate in in- peacekeeping operations,

nsiiiuiion. wriiien at U.S. a lter World W ar II. bans : except defensively, ihe d ay 's dedication tc)__ ishiiiui's sireeis'ning wiili ' rightists, who support ;i ary role for Japan.

bases in IraqS.-led allies, who spent Diecting Iraq's Kurds from ' lussein. raised no public to the Turkish militar>* ac- -

got my sses in hour."

l e a l s t o r e in t h e u n t o f e y e w e a r M o u n t a i n W e s t

v i c e s - t h a t a r e

s w e a r .

a in

littH O U R S;

M on.-Frt. 9 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 C lo sed S a tu rd a y

H ours By A ppoin lm ent

■ ■ I

A 9

in Croj'B E L G R A D E . Yugoslav

Scattered fighting broke c nically tom Croatia, wher

’ bn Tuesday rcpoiied at deaths.

Out word o f a new tn hopes o f averting a ll-out ci

•European Community meanwhild. agreed Tuesd Ihe W estern European nine-natjon security group

- once it is in p lace;...............The ministers, m eeting

gency M^sion, also ca lk -rU nitcd 5t.itcs, thc Soviet !

the Yugoslav colleciive f to try lo promote a pc.tce meni.

Scores have died in fierc sincc Croaiiu, in tandem w boring Slovenia, declared dence June 25. sparking sistance from its 60(),C Serb minority.

Croatian officials said —thal-ihrcc-dozen-Scrb ian-

had been killed sincc Mon« Croatian rad io-reported e and shootings in several p; republic.

However. Serbs in Cryal republic’s leaders :igreed T a ccase-firc. thc stale nevs Tanjugsaid.

Yugoslavia’s collective cy met lale Tue.sday in and Tanjug said it prohah

169Mt. PinatuSAN CLEM ENTE. PI

(AP) — Al least 169 peo __dicd,,from d iseasc-in .the f

weeks at government cam ev.icuccs tied lo escape tli o f Mount Pin:uubo. offic Tuesday.

Most o f the victims h: primitive Aelas w ho had be

Holly Menifield’s

. wemc

i i

S ee if you con (Ind beautiful w aicrc

from S Magi

. 5 D a y s - W (

You can watch the e ond sculpt: and you cc: art dlrcctly from thy orti

Com. ........ "Sc

C o .H o l ly M e r r U le ld---------Unowji-tuildlilojitiistj

C a .. G a ry S a d c r u p . c Ihc m ovie s ta rs v

T x .. D o u g T I c m p lc . c C o .. D a c C h o . world I

artist, seascapcs ' M t.iG uyR oW bU ryT U J

wlkllifo.watcrcolors NM ., R o g e r F ly th y c .

w estern & wildlife g<i U t.. R ic h a r d s o n , carit Id , T o n y E v e r s , glass A z., H e r m a n A d a m s

old west M i- .Ju lle -Z su p n lk ,c

pointing O r . . G in a A n d e r s o n .

bear sculpture ■ i C a .. R ic k D a n ie l s , sc

paintings '

i T j M cMondny-Fr1dayl0a.m,-9

■ I - W odndsday.

latia; 36ivia (AP) — proclaim a ceai I out in elh- at midnight, ere officials Tlic ccase-fin at least 36 ‘ in a 'se ries of |

Sund.iy. a Eu trucc ra ised ’ peace mission f civil war. nego tb lc an en<

y ministers. .tia .| sday to ask Al thc Eu I Union, it meeting in Tlie jping. to see eign Minister .a. i'iMiie.firi.*, tlic. scmlin^till.'— ....................through the •lg in emer- ' U n io n '’lias not lied on Ihe However. Br t-Union-andr-M*i*i^ter:Dougi

presidency em Europe wi ceful settle- sending forces '

uine ce;ise-fire." :rce fighting Cro:ilia repeal wilh neigh- inieniationill mi

:d indepen- would funher i ? armed re- recognition. Ser ),0(X)-sUong ritary munitprs fr

Tlie worst o f id Tuesd:iy was’ last week. in-mililanl>;—Croaiiiin-guard' inday. Also, have died defc . explosions . River town of D pads o f Ihe Inmler wilh Serb

Only 25 bodic ialia a iid -lli^ ' from Dalj to thi 'T uesday lo Osijek. hospil: :w s,agency Janosi lold repoj

were imconfinr e presiden- 18 corpses had 1 Belgnide, mass grave bee ably would composing.

ubo evacuees diePhilippines near thc slope; eople have which began en ;..past-three -600 yciirs 'o f dcmps where lions have killedthe 'effects pie.

ficials said Health Secrela said mosi died f

have been inonia or gastnbeen living complicated bv ii

D (F IN £ (

id N a n c y -B a ly e a t’s h idden •rcolors this w eek al Magic Va

oted Artist several Stai ic Valley W^ e d .. A ug. 7 - S u n .,

; artists palm Over 1500

nisi. couple of heL'lipying tlie a

m e b row se , an d visit \ jo m e of th e K ey Artis'

Id . nallonally C o . .B o -B eill------------------------- aud_W£Slc, ch a rco a lso f M t.. D u o n e

al minlalu' , Ciiiligrapliy A z ..B iv n i i t ;1 traveled A z.. R o se Ai

nam esuic5 tcrn& X o , . J o e K e

; T x . .D lc k U• .S o u th M t.'.T onyZ .gouaclic* W a ..L a u ra iirlcaiure o ilso n ln dss b low er vVa__ h .L . (5 IS . hero ic a^t

M t. ,S p e n c i M l..S W p M

sculpture Id .,M « .q u e

' onM l.,N o n cv l

verse w'au

ag ic Valley.-9 p.m. • Saturday 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

ly. A uflU 6t7.1991 Timos.Nows

WorliT ~1 X *

6 deadcease-fire to take eJTccl

:-fire would be lhc latcst_^ . o f pcacc initiatives. On

European Com m unityon failed in its efforts t o -------I end to fighting in Croa- . . .

European Com m unity ;Tlie HugiJc. French F o r i ; -------ler Roland Dumas said jU U L prarrkrrp ing fnrcij ,, ■ie W estern- European----------not been excluded." ” 1 ---------

British Foreign-O fficc ..........)uglaa-Hogg suid-Wcsl^----------

would only considei';es “ if there was a gcn^ ire." ;pealcdly has pressed for I monitors, hoping that ■ er ils quest for forcigr^Serbia has rejected mil-; rs from abroad. • —[ o f the rcccnt violence ck. when more than 80Kirdsmerr-^were-said-to-----------defending thc Danube^af Dalj on thc republic’s ' .........Serbia. 'odies have been brought ) thc hospital in nearby spilal head Krcsimir eporters Tuesday. There finned reports another had been b u r i^ in d . . because they were de-j .

l i e o f d i s ^ ^ ‘ ~

opes o f thc volcano;I erupting in June after f dormancy. The enip- ” lied more than 320 peo-

relary Alfredo Bcngzori cd from measles, pneu- nstroinlestinal diseased bv malnutrition.


^ .................

ien verses in her ;: V alley Mall.

ates at MaliI . , A ug. 11 -

500 pieces of fine art

hours b ro w s ln ^ o n d — —- lie an.

s i t w i t hr t i s t s "

■Bees, pastel, airbrusheslcr.n.ad____________ ________:o ne R ic e . 3-climenslon- lalurcs mixed mcHia m K le in , photography e A n n K le in . Calligraphy

K en n e d y .acrylics’ ■ k L e e . fine wood work ly Z e n a n . cul work j r a n e l l S h e rw o o d .Indian d rum s

L. (S c o tty ) S c o t t , rt• n ce r , treasure b ook art p M a th e w s .'in e ta lare • i: iu e r i te lr le Id B . Indian

cy B a ly e a t .. h idden w 'aiercolors- ■ • - -

jyMdllp.m. • Sunday Noon-5 p.m.

lows, Twin Falla, Idaho. •


may (I f R e p u b lic a n s

1 ■ w h t r c . th e i r p a r t__abortion, issu e , th

• • “ D em o c ra ts .B e f o r e h e d iei

C hairriiQ i) L e e /----------- party -to b ro ad en -i — - —T h e -p a r ty m u s t I

lha t in c lu d es pro- he said .

A l r e a d y , th e v ten t a rc b e in g -s ti G O P m o d e ra te s

------------f o r m a t io n —o f —C h o ic e ." T h c y p n nex t y e a r ’s G O P (

T h e D e m o c rc p ro b lem s.' T h e ir j to i l s v a r io u s c o n tin g e n ts , inc l rig h ts m o v em en t, o f th e q u estio n .

It is th c p ro -chcthat.-------

L u c k i ly f o r th c h o ic e lo o k s like in th c n e x t few ;

....... sp ec ia l-in t^ re s t cflru n a p a rty ^ .

J lc p u b lic a n s 's ta i d e o l o g i c a l ro r A t w a t e r ’s w is d b e n e fit fro m th c ] n o t , t h e y w i l l i s p cc ia l- in lc re s t gn

T h e b ig - tc n t qu to a b a s i c q u e s t id e n tity . I t w an ts

. c o n s e r v a t i s m , c o n se rv a tism meai

P r o - l i f e a c t iv i i c o n s e r v a t i s m in te rm s . F o r th e m , c o n se rv a tism are

-------- -belt.--------iz r M a n y iR c p u b l ic

. to a m o re t r a d iti c o n s e r v a t i s m . Tl l e s s g o v e r n m c r p r iv a te life. T h a t t c h o ic e p o sitio n .

F o r m a n y con!ic

Stephen Hartgcn PiMihcr

T h en

Letter!TV ads give him

M agic Valley TV ad’ I am not going to tolcra com m ercinis ony longc

I cannot believe that announcem ents o n the I constantly insult m y int the spastic-idiot that tri< "sing-song" simpleton Iifn rr thr» «;prp(>rhy.vmVcar dealer and ihc goofj hom e furnishings store.

r have now made it a “m ute audio” button on control lo silcncc tlie so commcrcial-s. S o n y ndv continue lo "bleep” you clean up your act.

Whi_le I am on m y so: another pet peeve. Whal ‘‘truth in a dvertising '? E lost w eek was such a su( deinand wc arc extendin

Medie^■ To tlie list o fbattlcs in'

adfnirable add the dispute p rte ioctsofPalatine, III., e lm en to ry school rcodin; m ^ ie v a l ignorance again arrogancc.

A t issue is thc “ Impresi colleclioni o f old folk tali

education at thc Universil of^the stories are about gli otfier fantasies, all commi

B ut inspired by a Calif( called Focus on the Famil charged that the books ao cKll£«n but are port o f a I into w orshiping Ihe occul

" I t ’s pro-witch propaga Swift, the leader o f tho lo( "Impressions.” Swift said o l^ deliberate “agenda to cfuldren until “they w ill tl whjDg” with witchcraft.

J ^ o would want to do ------ -Booth,-wl«H9 farrfar-mor

jgaL__; tent’ ab define G

m s a re c o n fu s e d a b o u t ] a r ty s h o u ld g o o n th c ( , th e y m ig h t lo o k a t th c i

l i e d la s t M a r c h , G O P ] e A lw u te r a d v is e d h is - < e n 'i t s -v ie w 'c fa b o r t io n ;- 1 Sl b c c o m c a “ b ig te n t" i )ro -ch o icc R e p u b lic a n s , j

, ■ I c w a l l s o f th c p a r t y ’s ■strctqhed. A g ro u p o f j

e s r c c c n t ly a n n o u n c e d t f—^ R - e p u b l i c a n s —f o r — p ro m ise a f lo o r fig h t a t \

IP c o n v e n tio n . ________ tc r a t s h a v e n o s u c h ir p a r ty is so e n s la v e d } ) u s s p c c i a l - i n t c r c s t f n c lu d in g th c a b o r t io n - ( :nt, tha t d iv e rs ity is o u t j

ch o ice p a r ty , a n d th a t’s

th e D e m o c r a ts , p r o - ( ike a .w in n in g p o s itio n w y e a rs . N o n e th e le s s ,: cap tiv ity is n o w a y to ^

stan d a t a fo rk in th e ir ^ r o a d . I f t h e y h e e d s d o m , t h e y s t a n d to - - y 1C D e m o c ra ts ’ e rro r . I f ^ 11 b e e n s l a v e d b y a ^ g ro u p o f th e ir o w n . q u e s tio n c o m c s d o w n ,

e s t i o n o f t h c O O P ’s n t s jo ^ b e th c p a r ty o f . ^ , b u t w h a t d o c s ^ icnn? "iv is ts te n d to lo o k a t in m o ra l o r r e l ig io u s m , th e k e y in d e x e s o f ire c e n te re d b e lo w th e tr

hii l ic a n s 7 ± a w c :7 c r ;ic lin g _ ^ d i t io n a l d e f in i t i o n o f fi

T h e i r th e m e s o n g is d l e n t i n t e r f e r e n c e in t l a t tran s la te s in to a p ro -

dn!ie__rvativcs, th c ra d ic a l r(

rheTinKcn Clarit Walworth . A!

Manflging cdiior Cl

IC members of thc cdltorlul bo< rc S tephen Hartgcn, Clark Wa

rsim apain .wi

advertisers, please note: jj,, Icratc your stupid T V {jjj "Sct! Jalat there arc so m any . he local station that intelligence. There’stries to scl! curs, t h e ---------□n for a local furniture'oice.galJbr.n Jcm m c_____)ofy p itchm an for a ) a procticc to use the _jj on thc T V rem ote

; sound on all i idvcrtiscrs, but I will rfour spots until y o u ------------

B lsoapbox, I have 'hatevcr happened to ' 1 ? Exam ple: “O ur sale clc success, by p opular Va

iding it for o ne m ore arc

jval ignci in'w hich ncilher s idC is ' lu te in the exotic 111., where a fight overding books p its edijainst burcaucrotic. Ho

Delressions" scries, Italcs, stories and poems nor

n»Tu’pf0fc5Sor-<if-------------Hiftrrsity o f Toronto. M any woit ghosts, w itches and hisamdnplace'ih schools! notilifomia organization /imily, some p a ^ t s have scleI are not flimplyj bad fo r objif a plot to seduce them jud|cult. occaganda,” said D avid . f.> local foes o f • - Butaid thc stories were part pubI to desensitize" secII think there is nothing stor

. gratdo such a thing?'D avid to gno re-tb an ju stan ......... Rail

tjortion is j OP idem

p r u d i s h n c s s o f g r o u p O p e ra tio n R escu e is n o t ia t a ll. ________’ A lo t o f g ra y - f la n n e l I h a v e t r o u b l e id e n t i f y in

' s h o u t in g p r p te s lc r s w h o b lo c k a d fh g a K a n s a s abc fo r th ree w eek s , a n d w h o i f e d e r a l j u d g e in hi.s frc M onday .

I f th c G O P b e c o m c s i p ro - life o r th o d o x y , w h en trad itio n a l co n se rv a tiv e s g

------T n h ird d e f in itio n o f conw o rth c o n s id e r in g too : p rcth e s ta tu s q u o . _______

R e m e m b e r th a t a w hole h a s g ro w n u p la k in g abo fo r g ra n te d . T h e lan d m a i C o u r t d e c is io n R o c v s . ’ yea rs o ld .

N e x t y ea r, fo r th e firs t.t b o m a / ic r R o c w ill vo te .

A ll th o se fac to rs suggest G O P lets i ts e lf be h e ld ca p ro -life a rm , it w ill su fT eri

T h c d e b a t e g o e s o n , ab o u t w h e th e r th e m ajo rit w i l l s w in g to t h e p r o - l i ch o ic c s ide in co m in g y e a r _ W ^ s a \ ^ a n ea r ly h in t ir y e a r , w h e n p ro -c h d ic c foi th c D em o cra ts n e a r ly seizi th e s ta te Sena te .

W e e x p e c t A m e r ic a ’s lean to w a rd a p ro -c h o ic e c o m in g y e a r s , e s p e c i a

' S u p rem e C o u rt rev e rse s R w c ’rc w ro n g , th c G O P w o to re sis t a n a b o rtio n litm us

T h c G O P m u s t rcm icm bt an y sp cc ia l- in tc rc s t g ro u p , m o v e m e n t h a s i t s o w n i h ea r t - n o t th e O O P ’s..

. i_ Ih c J 3 c m o c n i t ic :P a r ty s £ f o r m e r p o s i t i o n a s th c d o m in a n t p a r ty la rg e ly by th a t fac t ab o u t sp ec ia l in te r

T h c G O P m a y b e a b l d o m in a n c e - b u t o n ly ii ro o m in th e te n t fo r c veryd i

les-News_ Allen Wilson Pclcr Yot

Circiilatloiriiiuiia-jKr'' ■ Advcilliii

board nnd w riters of editorials cViilworlh atid S tcuc Gnimp.

week.” Transllition: W c o n ly s ‘w idgets a ll”weck and only thrc into tlie store. Two w anted to i bathroom and the third wanted Jackpot. (Thc popular demand extension was by o u r m anager

Get real, advertisers. Quit t r Uiis TV garbogc^down m y thro ■ -‘ These “Ideal yo'cals” that tiy product o r scrvicc arc ju s t sink refiise to p a tronize any fau.s ine5 represent.

Wise up, business people. G pitchcs that w e can w atch and : without becom ing riuuscous.

CH U CK H RU BY T w inF alls

Bright future for Hagi' I ’d likc'To com plim ent Uic yc elem ent o f business people in I Valley w ho, w im a lot o l guts i are putting them selves on the fi

orance, IJo n Margoll

zducation professor in Toronto, i How did he know? He d idn 't, he Deborah Mendenhall in Califom

But she d idn 't. Neither Focus i lo r the Toronto Police Dcpartme

worships thc d ^ i l o r consorts wi lis spore time. Thc professor hin lo t to return phone calls.

As further evidence. Swift idei Hjlections ta which he and 43 oth )bjccted, challenging an objectiv udge for him self whether they piKCUlL . .

No one is entirely an objective 3ut to one observer as unimprcss lublic school establishment a sb ) cc goblins behind evcty goblin, tones did seem downright fright jTjdcr would not have to be terril 0 get jum py after reading "The \ tiinbow.Catp’l a realistic.and chi



l l i > J L I / Y 'm stituti privilej the Wa;

lUps .su ch a s o t co n se rv a tiv e ,

the qua-7-=----- -TTtunique-;l R e p u b lic a n s .problen y in g w i th th e :pr6blcn /h o h a v e b e e n ' Tcsidcm a b o rtio n c l i j i i c ' " “thc irkn !io co n fro n ted a - B ut s f ro n t y a rd o n in w h ic

ou t o f ! , w hich t

•S “ o f schoolsic rc w ill th o se Amcrici

8 0 ? A rcc:o n sc rv a lism is suggest p rcscrv n lio n o f highly „...................................... ..... -TIIC.Slolc g e n e ra tio n polling ib o n io n r ig h ts ij"? N a" n a r k S u p re m e Schools s. W a d e is IS

schoolss t.tim c,' p eo p le cm cia! a

_ _p u W ic , I ;e s t tha t, i f th e ‘ th c p rc f

cap tiv e b y its Americi e r a t th e p o lls . Accoi n , o f c o u r s c , o rity o f v o te rs 5 - l i f c o r p r o - |_______

n ^ ' l d a h o l a s t IWfo rces h e lp e d

c izc co n tro l o f

’ s v o te r s w illcc p o s it io n inc i a l l y l f t h c3 R oc. E v en i f Xw o u ld be w ise y \lu s tc s t .Tiber tha t, like jp , th e p ro -life n i n te r e s t s a t S S B V

rs a c r i f ic e a ‘itif“ 1 t h c n a t i o n ’ s b y fo rg e ttin g

itercsts. t U ^ib l c to s e i z e * ■/ i f i t m a k e sy d n c r '

S gYorh


' ----------------ly sold two i thc Hagei Ihrec people came Commerc 10 use the thot’s beeitcd dircction.s to M a n y t jnd fo rthc .sa le— .alivcncss; gcr.)' ■ sthodlhlyt trying to cram should ol!:hroat. __ bcjnginvitiy to'sell m e a ” tlie local t

linking out. I to accomf------------------ T i n i ^

....... bccninvo

nd listen t6

’• who haveprograms

. ______ __ j ja lu r c Ccond thc foagcfman

u younger ■ D aysp ro j in Hagcrm an State Foss us and gum ption, toumomei 1C front lines in sagebrush

bureaucabou tag ir

O l iS But mos — —— t oo fine a Ito. ^ i d Swift. stories arc, he said, but, evcnchildib m iad id . Tocom f:us on the Family Frog Whotm cnt has any witchcraft

9 with ghosts in promotes L him self chosc Only sor

conspiracy identified thc 45 such intent other parents believes in

Clive observer to arc people y promote thc supematun

No, thenlive observer. otherwise i rcsscdby thc so in this si s b y those who. not dismiss lin, a few o f thc tums out, 0 ightening. A 4th- supcrstitior crribly nervous “Imprcssioi ie Witch and the . David Bi chillingtale___psychologii

n j m i

ublic sc]\SHn>JGTON - Here in the 1 ol, the sons o n ^ d ^ g h tc r s ^ f go ld 'p rivafc , no t public, scii th nam es such as St. Albans, d-s and G eorgetown Prep; thc utions are islands o f educatic ;ege am id llie sea o f mcdioeri /ashington, D.C ., public schc ishington isn ’t unique in thc 1 uality o f its private schools. I ie4n:temi3r{if;the-iDUiictabilil cm s facing its public schools cm s tliat drive m iddle- and u :nts to ehOosc o ther wnys tb'<kids':------------t such choiccs are unii.sual fo ich public schools educatc m n o o f thc n ation ’s children,I ihe 'populist view holds thai ils are e litist and som ehow ui ican.eccnt national poll o f 801 ad s ts that A m ericans continue / am bivalent tow ard private : :.syrvcy..conductcdJbyJbcjifl g firm o f B elden and Russon ational A ssociation o f Indopc )ls, found that A m c f i l^ s "sec ,logos to public education, they v iew private and parocl

Is as superior to public schocII %yays. T h a tm ay be w hy nei

nor private n o r parochial scefcrird choice o f a m ajority < icans.:ording to the survey, 45 perc questioned said they w o u ld ,: lo t a factor, send their ehildri

;erman Valley Cham ber o f :rcc ond have helped c reate a ccoming alive and exciting./ businesses arc involved in t ssrE voythm g-w on’t a lw ays' ly but progress can b e seen.'t all have a v oice in lhat progn ivylvcd in w hatever way_we. il cliam bcr as it takes a lot of mplish growth. ' ;

year, thc cham ber o f commci volvcd in m any activities in t lan Valley, along w ilh the vc: id Notional Park Servicc pens vc started regular w eekly tou: IS at M alad G orge State Park Conscrvancy ot.Tbousand Sp fossil beds.-activities to date include an o^aim ,'S l. Potrick’s D ay m n )ssil Day parade, three softba lents (one riio're com ing u pj t sh g o lf toum am eni.

cratic aiijirl trapped in a witch’s cabin, ost o f thc objections are, not t a point on it, w acly . Most o f t rc kind o f fun, written in a ton Idrcn w ouldn’t take seriously, mploin that "The Strange Stor: 10 Became a Princc” promotes ft and is “mystical" (and what

} laughter. -someone intent on finding a ' cy could find one here. And S til. He m ay oppose witchcraft in it. “Absolutely,” he said. “1 lc who are witches, w ho liavc uralpowcrs.” . . crc ore not, and it is disquictin c intelligent people persist in t I supposedly rational ago. But iss their complaints too quick! , one need not be m ired in ion to hove doubts about ions.”Branson is not so mired. He it g i« iiLKenncwj^cI^ W M hujint

B Eihools rele nation’so f the r i^ n g _ _ ___ “jcHdorsI “ ' " ' , - 7':—I I - — I ns, Sidwcll local publie sthesff------ ■ ■■ parochial schiilional The m ajor 1lerity that js third - 37 per :hool system, with their loc

bccausc it o ff le num ber o r exposes their ? ;.N oriS )t A nadditio ih t> w f il ig -^ - -5 iin n ;n o n is tl

. ■ o n d l3 p c re c r l ^ p c r - e la s s „ „ „ v „ a - r o i! o s i s a e , .„ : ._ : ; jA n io n g lh c■ dieir children fo r a country pcrccnt said tl

! nearly m nc a ,c ir chi Jl. atitl in , cxpcr i cncc” o h a tp n v a tc „ |,fc h values

. add iti6nal52 ' because paroc

adults education.JC to be And am ongtc schw ls . p refer a privat

jonello for m entioned smapendcnt____ atten tio n .. .see clear. The b iggest

cost, accordin] ochial out o f 1 0 - 8 2lools in statem ent “Pri neither would b e too <I schools are . like m ine,” an. cy o f However, rc

o f school-age ' crocnt o f independent (i d , i f cost parents, even > Idrcn to tlie They also foui

r The chambere a town and fixed up a 1: g. been used for mn th a l w ell as Dairy DysTun— ^OTccess;----------i . an d w c ■ ■Besides thc al igrcss by - com m erce and 1v e c a n jn -------T rave lC ouncil'o f bodies, com m ittee for a

$13,000 w hich. ncrcc has countics and col n the portion from thcvery active marketing survc ersonncl causcd byours and tourism associat irk , the Beds National N Springs . I t behooves al

w ilh our labor a an Earth • growth and char u n , Idaho Besides, voluntc ibalT , g o o d fecling.

w orking for ther

rroganclin. -------placc-whcrcJhe ■)t to put ' been controvcrsii ofthe He does not belone that thinks ghost stori ly. growing up," Builory o fth e contained “a disp lies scaiy stories. “ Itbat’s he said. " It’s a datrsstory-------- ro rc llliafdll.*'-----

............... Ono need not a■ . that he should be 1 Swift has Swift and his fell

n o tac r im t^ an d l . T here in the night does vc Unhappily, wh

admipistmtion o f Iting that • consider an answ in thinking response lo the c( lut let’s John Conyers api ckly. A s it committee met tn

' complaints and ci that the stories in

' and theme approf c is a child These arc not a another condcsccnsions. y

emain o]Richard Morin

ic school instead o f a p rivate cschool.-------— .......... — .....ior reason: Diversity. M ore thi percent - o f those w ho w ould local school said they w ould c ofTcrs a b etter m ix o f students ,eir childrwi “to the real w orld itional 31 percent said the b ig Is thc quality o t'jiub iic educan cen t'ra id p ublic schools prodi ■rounded students. thc-18 .pcrccn tw how ou ldscn ren to a 'p aro ch ia lsch o o I.JS — id they would do so bccausc tl children to h ave “a religious i” o r p refer an atm osphere in ICS and m orals arc taught. A n 52 percent said they w ould da irochial schools o ffer a better

jn g thc 33 pcrccnt w ho would ivatc school, 5 8 percent said it llcr-cducation-and-30-porccnt- sm allcr classes and individual

;cst objection to private school ding to the poll. M ore than cig 82 percent - agreed w iih thc

'Private non-parochial schools >0 expensive fo r m ost families and 16 pcrccnt disagreed. .

•, researchers found that paren ge children arc “ less rcccptivc It (private) schools than are nc en when oge is accounted for.’ b und lhat parents a rc m ore Jik

S l l R

ber has purchased and paid, foi a ham burger w agon w hich hu r m ost o f die local activities a y Days in W endell w ith great

c above, the cham bcr o f id N PS applied to the Idaho cil th rough-ourlocoliT C — ~ )r a grant and has been grantee ch. w hen m atched b y local community' fun'ds"(wih a larg the N PS), w ill be used for a

irvey for thc southlafid’s growby thc expected infliuLOf___ciatcd w ilh the H agem ian Fosll M onument. ...................salL businesses to g et involvci >r and ideas to help w ith the hanges that a rc sure to come, intccrism leaves you w ith a

hem sclvcs and a bright future

ce: Whiche "Impressions’.' hooks .have.. :rsial. . ,t believe in w itchcraft and he torics are “part o fth e tradition But he found that "Impressions lisproportionate amount” o f “It was a full third o fth e books i dark and threatening literature

ot agree widi Branson to a ^1 be answered. A nd so should fellow protesters. Ignorance is nd b elief in things that go bum{ >cs not strip one o f citizenship, what the school board and lofE lem entary District 15 iswer docs not qualify. In e complaints, Superintendent appointed a committee. The :t tn private, considered the d camc forth with statements 3 in question were “deemed age >ropriotc.”ot answers. They areIS. And to ask how the ._____

iptionpfto b e very satisfied v,

'th a n aro non-parents, ' *less likely to sec priv

i br. to public schools.- "O ne explanation I

than a people enroll their ch Id stay schools, they tend to i d o so accepting o f the jo b 1 Its and and less anxious to cl Id.” R ussonello analysts \[g________ De-snite thc stercof“tion schools a s the adadcii <iu'cc privileged classes', 52

statem ent that “most c n d i - ^ e l i t i a t for-my lastcs,--

--------with-it.— --------------- -However, the survc

® A m ericans see c lear i' school education." W hen respondents

o fsc h o o l-p u b l ic or advantage over a ranj

JJ —schools-crricrgcd as cl [ J. In the survey, 85 pc

schools a re better at “ sm all” : 84 pcrccnt sai better al “ maintaining

)ols is percent said private s< •icht better individual alter g said private schools ai Jig students academically ies. Public schools were

superior in only one o cnls public schools d o a Ec vc to enough sports and phj non-,r." Richard Morin is di likely — Tlie-V/ashinglon-Post

m m

for for Hagcrm an V alley, 1 has H X .“B U R 'rH O L P :as HagcmiaD

- SinkthcSjSrSyiM y com plim ents to t

___ ____creatcd.the.layout fo r tlAug. 5 Times-Ncws.

— colorphotographs-ofa- ‘*'8° and o f S teve Sym m s p

. use the title, senator, in ^ appearing o n the sam e — r ^ c a r r ie s a m etaphorical i

challenge th e m ost gifti............Thc real irony, howe

‘'cd in a paraphrase o f thc h . .action saves hundreds c

Sym m s d isasier, sw ift r in tim e to save m illions dollars. W h a t a ^ t e !

jpic------- S A ittf tB r iv fO R P ir,re B u r l^

ch is WO]..;___ conclusionsjv.crc_^_chc

earful o f educatioiiese. L ; Conyers elected not t o J m o f N o one has to talk to r ins" bul w hen he refuses, one

conclude that he has son ks," he is arrogant or lhat he i ire ■ professors and school su----------g e l Ihill busy .-----------------;e - W ould that this w ere b

adults know that witches is in storics,'or as symbols mp us all, and one in which 1 p. c n o u ^ to defend their di

But at least it could be people, even foolish pcoi res]KCt (and in English) 1 salaries they pay.

W hen rnedicival ignoni bureaucratic arrogance, i is more objectionable.

Jon MargoUs is a colui Triijune. -

f choice;d w ith their local schools :nis, and that parents arc private schools as superior

ion for this m ay bo that a s children in public I t o become m ore ob local schools are doing, to change,” Beldcn and sts wrote.reotypical v iew o f private idcinic'h'urM Hesoftric }', 52 pcrccnt rejected the lost private schools are too us.’-and 39 p crccn tag recd • •

urvey suggests that most car advantages to a private

:nts evaluated w hich kind : o r p r iv a te -h a s the Irange o f attributes, p rivate ' 1 ’as c leariy superior.------- ~ !5 percent said private a t“ kccping class sizes t said pnvate schools arc . . ling discipline” ; 83 Ite schools g ive students : ittention; and 63 pcrccnt | ils are better al “preparing .:ally fo rco lk g c .”A'cre viewed as clearly M arca^'i^I p < ^ cn l said a bellcr job “offeringI physical education.”

f's director ofpoUing for^OSL-r-— -:...... .


M l

cy, hie!!OLMES

Symms"— -; to the persons w ho 'o r ih c io n L p a g e o fth e—■s.itely contrived o r not, thejfa^inking-cnrise-ship-------------IS (I can’t bring m yself to r, in this case) both . , me page o f a newspaper cal irony w hich would -' gifted o f poets.Dwever, can be revealed he headline, “Swift :d so fliv e s .” In lh e 'ift action has not coi?ic ions o f taxpayers’;te! • ■ ‘


>rse?ichcd is to get only an je. Like Davi JB o o th ' toJiscuss the matter. •— to newspaper reporters, one can reasonably something to hide, that

; he is very busy. CollegeII superintendents don’t

sre a world in which ches and ghosts exist only x>ls for thc demons within ich editors are forthright ;ir decisions., d be a worid in which people, are treated wilh sh) by tlie officials whose

nomnce meetsce. it’s hard to tell which -

vlumaist’fonhe Chicago •

'TTT^^------- "•—

BOISE (A P) — .Rc! ♦laiy o f S tate Pete ,C 'ucsday that Democrat uidrus m ay be trying

quick 'rcsoluiion of______ lortionment' debate

km ocrats a political 992.By setling-conditionj

cssion (hat appear all»lc..fotInwipaJccrs.tQ.:» u ld be uy ing lo forc' ure to dcaJ with rei dong with scores o f luring the regular ses ■ins next January. .

" It w ould be chaos ipeakcr?o&Ui«rIdahOTH<


appro: ' OGDEN, Utah (- : called it '.'MidJanc

saying in court do

denis, five certified curriculum recomm<

J p r o v ^ by tHe Webe! trict. • '

Bul state and loi officials suy ihc hor erased by m allegec

. g roupT ailcd jo meci claims.

And children M Midland Acadcmy i dard 'Exam incr that

— ile-tim e-in -sehoo l- most o f Ihat lime mther than academic

On Friday, lawm group’s hom es and children in " p’rbtcci E)ctcctivc David Lu vcnile cotin judge I Ihat some o f ihe cl remain in the slate’s next M onday and ili Aug. 14.

The ch ildren-are viewed by police, ! o f Fam ily Services

------- --------- represcntaiives—of-Couniy attorney’s Ihcir lives with ll polygamous group

____ __ Atv in ’ hrr<»l/i>- •Police on Friday

en homcs in^the. No division as part o f lion into alleged abuse. N o charge:

■ filed...................... -Sue Van Drimme

.ani.Gtov.c,.siepmotl children who alien Acadcm y, said they for years about inco

_____ lack o f educational s■ ' V aii'Dnm ’rhelcn i!

adopt ihe .children,V.,ihc-::schooUwhile-t:

Boise<BOISE (A P) — A

company pulled iis s| Tuesday night’s Nallo Society public televis stock-grazing in the W< livcsic

A nd about a dozei from the range com

___ _____ ihreaicDCd-noLio-rcnewTV m em berships. bct broadcast. ‘of. “The .

------------- WanrM^fOgrftmmlng--Pisoncchi said.

Ranchcrs have been program, which discU c a u le ; g '. hai lands in the Wesl.

T he one-hbur prog]

C i t y r e s i d e n

n o t o ^ a t e r 1

POCATELLO (A W o f Pocatello is thinki stalling 3.(XX) w ater r old Alam eda scction oi Alam eda residents sa promised whcn Ihe two c o n so lid a te nearly 3

-th a tm e te rs never wouU O fficials involved »

campaign have differ lions.

The form er sevcn-ie man said even though v dents may have been |

----- „ .m e te r s would not be ining was put In writing -

ip BUGLE B■ T v B a c k -T ia -S i

g SAI1 2 5 9 1

* K A W K ti

■ _ ' -irL— ■— ^ « . 7 .


Republican See- that would : CenaiTUsa said ly delay i cratic Gov,. Cecil lion o f any Jig to undermine long enbuj o f Idaho 's reap- force a sh aie lo give the 1992 p :al advantage in ry from

May to A to n r fb ra special o r - Septei all but impossi- The filing i

tQ .m eet..Andius - l in e __fo r -orce the Legisla- year’s Maj reapportionment mory is A f o f other 'issues but candidj session that be- file umil th

trict lines w aos," the former Reschedi >rHou6<tMi<ii:aiutrfli5a.dnaliu

miMisixovedstai1 (A.P) — They- custodial v: and Academy,” eral weekj documents that Sharon Kaj

led teachers and sewing at h nmended and ap- • Van Drir eber School D is- .sicpchildrei

the instruct local education “There

home school op- learning," i :ged polygamous Shrceve, icct any-of.thosc -th e -g ro u p .

lost Decen w h o ' attended Acadcmy

iy told the Sian- “rccommcr iat they spent iit- W eber Sch w U and-dcvoied < ol officials, mc to religious K appsai m ic studies. sition that ■vmcn raided the by the Wel and p la « d nine .ep' y e ^ . tcctive custody, cials) arc Lucas said n ju - keep close

•e M onday ruled But Ber children would home scho

le’s custody until iricl, told l i ihc others until ihose stalct

The Welare being-inier- formal cor e. stale Division Acadcmy I CCS workers and Ogden Sc ^)f—tho—^Webcr— said ,-and b ’’s officc about have no 1 1 Ihe purponcd home schc 3up headed by they use........................... ■■ “We \ eay searched sev- here," he si Northwood sub- Boyce s: o f an invcstiga- said they v

:d child sexual approachcc rgcs have been “picked r

, , schools."imelen of-PJeas- -; But whc lo thcr.o f 5cveral„schppl, was [tended Midland boundaries icy have told her o ff contact ticonsistcncy and the O gden ' lal substance. Lee Shit■h isp fcpanng lo ^ p a r r in llic :n, who attended had no con e-they-w ere-on:-:- .B oyce al

dairy piA Boise dairy on the sil

i sponsorship o f was under alional Audubon sc r i^ rs . Ii ivision show on ,pn»uccd Wcsliflcr being omlicissii.

ig-OiFoct progrums f

en critical o f the scUsses whether Meadow harming public draw iiS; fi

afterreceiv rogram focusing from ranch

nts say | m. ■ r meters 1 ^vP) — The ciiy I 'nking about in- |ir metere in the ■. 7^^.1 o f the ciiy. But I -

say they were | J ;wo communities' 30 years ago - ■ ............}uld beinstalled. . . . . I . . - f l Hi with the 1962 ■ . Hffering rfccoilcc- ■

1-ierm congressr I n ® ;h Alameda resi- _ g f l ;n promised Ihat I ; i n s t a l l c d ^ Q l l l z ^ l - u ^ H

■ S c h o o l^ ■ I ”

LE I i '

v a y s m L - -

' -V...........

i odop- • Imy plan^^ |

ig d e o d - . t>r__npKt t^ay pri- C e n a r r u s a •A p r i ls , Ilidales would not be able to tI the_y know just how the dis- j:s will be d r i i ^ . ^leduling die primary, Cenar- I timainedF-would play ■ righl— I

ind^dsI v .scv- i:eks 'Wiih Iheir mother, iKapp. Kapp testified in a i.p^fi;i»n thpr _____IIt Midland Academy. IWmmeleri sa idone o f her t Iren had told her most o fuction w as religious. cc wasn’t much book f," ih e said. f ve. tlie reponcd leader ofjp.--said-m -a~deposition__~ crember thai the Midland ®y curriculum hod been tncnded and approved” by iSchool District education- <als.---------- -------------- :-------------- ssaid in a December depo- clat students were "tested . r Veber School District ev- T_... They (district offi-re Very aware’ o f us" and......... fise contact with us." . c3en Boyce, liaison wiih I:hools for the W eber dis- Id Ihc Slandurd-Examincr c itcmcnts were lies.Veber district has had no ' r:onncclibii 'w ith Midland tly because it is within the ' ^School District, Boyce J

tl _____> legal jurisdiclioA over I:hools or the curriculum ' - '

ve done nothing for them • esauT ” -I: said several people who - . y were frotn the acadcmy . hed him once and

my brain on home \” I#hen- he -found out the j yas O ^ e n district _ ,_l ies, Boyce suid he broke t act and referred ihcm toen district._____ - cIhirley; B^^aTsTtwHhlcr- \ lie Ogden dlsirifT.'saidli«^^^— < :ontact with the group. f^•also.said.ho-j■ccciycd a -rj


lulls sponsituation irt the Southwest ’

derwrilleh in 'p a r t by sub- f , It was followed by o locally d half'hour news pfSgram c ;sue in Idaho. ’ /:chl expre-ssed regret al the i: wai'oT suppbrt by 'M eadow —• liry and individual patrons. e said the pn>tesis "can 't be j jn ’w ech o o se to b ro a ticasfo i— idcast. O ne of public televi- \ esponsibililies iK lo present , isTroiiVaVilridiyorpointSOf \

io w .G o td decidcd to with- f J funding for the broadcast \ e iv ing prione calls' b f protest i ichers and several people in



"If You p la n t it Ol

_______ — ______ ______________

--------------- .— ............... .......

I into - the : hands o f Cor I W chard Stallings and his t I Democratic b id to claim I Senate seoi'now held 'by R I Steve Symms. I f Sypims I - m any-n6w-believe.he.jnigl I rusa said the GOP would I with the prospect o f wrap l-'poten tia lly -b itter primary I I tw p jnon ths before the gerf ilion.. .............. .

' ‘T h e re ’s ju st not enoug heal the w ounds after a tou

) ry election.” Cenarrusa• porters during a 'n e w s c

whh Republican Senate. Pro Tern Michael Crapo

PallB.-=: —7.=^--= = =

health gBOISE ( A P ) -^ A n unpr

grant o f state tax m oney to health organization has b ized with the award o f S<

_ihiLEpiIcpsy_Lcagu.e_of.lda Division of Vocolional R tion.

The league will use the establish a statewide progr fcrral and education scr people with epilepsy.

David Blackwell, the lea _cculiye..direcior,. predicied

ds 450 people will recc through next June from the gram that will include out: counseling services, advoci

,-su ra -fa ir—li5umenL-.Qf-< emergency financial assisia resource ccnier for both h'

-professionals and patients.After failing to sccure :

■jk)rt for years, the league’ on the legislative budget ci led by Sen. Lee Staker. Falls, finally won narrow o f S70.000 to underwrite epileptic services last wintc maining S2JOO is being u*i division lo' 'adm inislcr tl which was formally award July.

__ But it took six close voHouse-Senate commillee/ warnings from critics ihat was being opened to evci

2 women anSTATELINE. N cv, (AP

women face Tahoe, Justice niignmcnts Aug. 19 for u scam -involving-eoupons' 1

—bus tourists al-H arvey 's F

Yiu Kuen Chan. 53, a •; cisco tour guidc. and Harv keting employee Charloi

~ a m n .'2 7 . 'n o T c la ilo n rw c r following an invesiigaiion

-rglas-.County sh e r if fs inv and Harvey’s personnel.

nsorshipt “the right places." General• Mcl Casey said.' He dcclincd to identify 1 also said he d idn 't rc

’ Audubon program was cor ! und d idn’t want to back su< f— Cascy said th e company

would conli'nue its suppor ’ segments in the Audubon s ^ . Pisanechi said the dairy ■ bution for the program v [ SIOO. o u t.o L th cJQiaLIdii ' lelevision-program budget

S l million this year. He• remember any other ui t withdrawing support fror t gram over the past five yea I But he .said subscribers

- J r r : L T o t h a r i k


P" FREI~__ Bring ing|; ;:tQ | n a m e _| H A D D R E S

— “ P H O N E :


o r f e e d i t , G l o b e , S e

G lob

222 4thA vi

................. -----------• ........ I " ■

dngressm an Andrus to ld '> unopposed ers earlier this <m the U.S, rccall lawmakeR epublican this fall on ly if

s re tin a , as a clear conseright, C a ia r- rcapportionmerId be faced mem ber bipa:ipping up a commiuee t^ i:y battle Just districtm ap.;cneroI d e c - “The ' gover____ _______ about a specialu ^ tim e to waste one or though prima- o f a million da t told rc- it.” Aiiiirus spc

conference said. "Jf-the cce President strate thal it caito o f Idaho governor’s lisle

>roupfinprecedcnted health group into a private support — belbeen final- appropnallbri w$67,500 to Staker had

daho by the $245.000 for tlRchabilita- it defeated on a

-lives o f $100le m oney to $13l,000w cregram o f re- mwgin beforeervices for misc was appro

Supporters oleague's ex- said 29 olhcr st L 'd .as .m any .suppon for 'cp5celve help critics warnedhe new pro- ceived a grant,utreach and be besieged byKates to en-, winter from l

cpileptics. Lung Associaiiislancc'and a and scores of ohealth care tions.

s. Although Gei; slate sup- islratoroCthc Dle’s backers Rehabilitation,com m ittcc. cessing was usi

:r. R-Idaho group would nw approval debate within l:e statewide focused solely <Iter. Tlie rc- would ^ tlie beused by the "The Epilepithe grant.' has an 'cxccllc

,rded in late other provider stute." Pcllclie;

>>otcs o f the lished network;c/ — and ferral o f pcojlat the door sources so cnii/cry private the program."

rrested in cou^P) — IS fo Yiu Kuen C cc Court ar- investigation o

un alleged and abctimg.'a >-me«ni-for—nioney-under

Resort ho- conspiracy. Sl ^ ^ Sl-l.OOObail.

a Sun rran-irvey’s inar- .....Charioite Ch;lotte Wing vestigatiori o f j crc arrcstcd - burglaryr-grun on by Dou- obtaining mon nvcstigators _tcnscs_atld_cinl

released on S16

pofTVirai M anager lust lime comii

high school b■y them. He emplcdtheLawrealize Ihc "A very bia:ontrovcrsial very few fact;uch show.s. they’re saying.'ny-probubly Owyhee Countort o f other Cattle , Associ1 scries. chairman; sa|dfry’s .coniri- program,

wus alxiul

i vicc M d Dure.

l„ “ c™ ,i“ S S c ca pro- o f l j c Hallo Cc cars. “ ',‘‘5 " ^ ; . '[5 have. Ihc l>"l

O i i r n i i s t n m B r

n t i n u e d p a t r o n :

E DOG F1 t h i s a d f o r a F b a g o f d o g f o o


l a s e n e c e s s a r y . O n e n l ly ^ G o o d t h r o u g h l l

• e e d ig f td F e e d w l l l h

be S eed a n d i C o m p an y

v e n u e S o u t n • T w in F

• . y ■■


------- --------. ...................

Id GOP legislative lead-. ■is summer that he would Bikers into special session mr i f there appeared to be gsensus on a 'leg is la tiv e H nent plan within the 20 -. ■ipartisan H ouse-Senate Htying to develop a new ■

/em or’s only concern B ial session is thot w c n ot .. | ’ the more than a quarter I dollars that goes with spokesman Scolt Peyron committee can dem on- pof

can agree on a plan, Ihe cor islening and will consid- dal ■trssioiL.’;,— ~ ~ lnn

private f lalizedI in the state to seek tax before Ihe compromise n 'was approved, ad originally soughtr the league only to s e e __n a l3 -i I vote. A lte n ia ^ 00.000. $130,000 and :re defeated by the sarhe rc the $70.0Ci0 compro- jroved. 13-11. ’i o f the one-time grant ■ states provide taxpayer'epilepsy sc rv iccs.„B u i_ -__:d that if the league re- it. budget writers would by similar requests next I llic Cancer Society,atio itT lean Association __f oilier health organiza-

Georgc Pelletier, admin- ; Division o f Vocationaln. said a bidding pro- __used tl) determine what i receive ihc grant, the r i n the budget committee I ly on whether the league : beneficiary, epsy League o f ' Idaho rlicnt relationship with- e r organizations in the tier said. “Tliis estab- irk will expedite th ^ re -- _ l idp le ' to available re- "cui ruciiil to the success o f [cv

Bo wa------------------J

upon s c a m lail* stn

Chun was booked for Kii I of,grand theft, aiding * I 'a burglary, obtaining :r false pretenses, and She was released on q”

gr:iChan w as booked forJn- rea )f aiding and-.'ibctting-a - - I rand theft.-: conspiracy;-—on loncy under false prc- lio:rmhezzlemcnt. _She _wus__on516.500 baih ' cTl


show J_______________ — J...r:in

ming in March when a milbasketball game prc- wh

-awrcncc W elk Show. Foibiased production, with meacts to back up what 1Ig." Randall Brewer, an sta unty-rancher and Idahoociution ' public lands ^ui a|d ubout the Audubon ,

'as joined on the half-•up-by-UsS.-Forest-Ser-----ireau o f 'Lund Manage- ils and Mike Medberry Conservation League,

culled the program ■I

iraioiJhei^- lage - |

FOOD IF R E E 7 l b . I

od. I

z z z n i:— I- s z J ]l e c o u p o n p e r ■ 1 0 / 1 / 9 1 I

[have It." I Feed - j

1 F a l ls , I d a h o

— J;

.. .. ^ ..

■ . urged them or to

this fa

rcap p oment

■ wiih'out.

about ot A n d r u s ■ sues, Th

................. o f 1population from rural to urbai combined with a constitutiona dale lo reduce the size of the Inntre by n r lc a .'^ seven idjsnTi

PUC V Idaho

BOISE (AP) — The Public Utilities Cbmmissio it secs no need to undcrmir

__hc^ businesses by encouboTderTcsidenis To ptronTz gon companies.

Tlie PUC on Tuesda; • nounced it has rejected a p

from about 400 New, Ply residents for toll-free serv Ontario, Ore. I t 's just abc miles from New Plymoull area residents-said some-oi work in Ontario, and mu: long distance for work matt

Ontario also provides Ne mouth residents with highc catio"hal oppdnunltics.. pl cies and recreational opp( tics, the petition said.

Toxic leve still unsaf_ BOISE (AP) — Arsenic nni

'cu'ry' have dropped below dele levels in the Middle Fork i Boise River, bul authorities s: water still tnay not be safe to d

ScOimehl—«ontaining=Old: tailings continues to wush stream sincc ihc May 26 fail Kirby Dam.

Levels o f toxic metals in Ihc may vary, state officials said.

*1f I were camping, i wc drink the water," said Pai Gavran, environmental hcaltl gram coordinator for Ihe sta: reau o f Prevenlalive Medicine

. McGuvran prcscnied_her, fi on mereury-and-arsenic-coni: lion to the Kirby Dam, Task on M onday. Appointed by ^ cTl Andrii^.The panel is charge containing or removing sediments that remain lodged I the dam.

Fish samples taken soon af dam failed showed' mcroury ninging.from O pai million. Samples drawn fro whitefish and trout on the f Fork last week showed a ma? mercury level o f 0.33 ppm.

Tlie federal safe drinking st.indard for mercury is 1 ppr McGavran said some slates sc cury standards o f 0.5 ppm.'


■ U—

• Bearli• N ew <• R e s u i• N e w I

" * SemocC a l l

^ B e a f lrd Bi l i t — ”

W odnosday, Auj

— ^ i d a h o j

po has made reapportionmthe gov- ical battlC’ grounds to c ^ l a year.1 session But Crapo concci fall so jo in t committcc ap ikcrs can ing 'tn ~ irp o sitiv e 't : _ the that can be cxpectci lo r l io n - agreement .imong question bers on one o r tw o |

"And regardless olh^r ^ out o f the committem e shift “ " “ ™

Idaho’s whenever the scss )on areasnal man- we can do it in i 1C Legis- t im e . ... I t 's likely I T icts-has- three weeksj and it

^ v o n ' t ^ a

>businese Idaho Tlic PUC said i ;ion says with concerns ab [line Ida- availability o f medi ouraging ‘‘Toll-free calling iizcTDfe^— rem'edy^hl'Tprobtc

mission said ./O thc jay an- vince us that the c: I petition area (which inclu 'lymouth and Payette) :rvicc to the public interest." iboul 10- The petitioners a uth. and iheir Idaho pharmac -oi-'ihem ccnt morc cxpcnsit lusl c a ll, lurio. But the PU alters. prices would noi >Iew Ply- change, her cdu-_ "It is not in the | 'pharma- to 'uhdcm iiiiu ' Ihe'I iportuni- commuriilics in ld:i


els near d; fe for drirmd mer- After Kirby Dam iteciable showed mercury Icn ; o f the fork o f 13 ppm. said the Despite declininj

) drink. the stream, McGav: ld = ra in c^ n an t^ women,--nurs 1 down- children under the ailurc o f eating fish from ill

ing the water, even he water ed.I. ' Thecum ulaliyeewouldn't contamination in I ’at Mc- also may raise the ilth pro- in fish tissue over ti talc Bu- • “ R sh in Arrowrc ne. likely to have mc

O"'*'j" tlw_riv( ntam ina-'.m um - 'levels arir-lill ■ik Force" hcxl summer and f jQ V. Cc4 mer after.” she said, ged with ■ Slafe'TTsh utid G: ■ toxic heavy metals in t d behind will probably hun ti

"You w on't sec i after the down the creek." Fi •y levels ologist Will Reid • pans.pcr..tox ic .m cials_w ilL I rom six duclion — a primi

Middle for fish — and dcc: laximum o f fish in ihe stream

State authorities Ig w ater refrain from eaiing ipm. But iwo fish per week set mei-- Fork.

B rake Spi^ " i p r o n l *5! ^ • R e a r *4J

(For Kwsl Models)

r ~ M ^

j c T s ^ I V

;rlngs Packed G rease Seals

luriace FTbtors Or Drum V Premium W agner Une J dey, fast, MBnaiysenlat T o d a y 7 3 3 - 5 8 1 1

J r o t h e r s P h i l l l | :310 Addison Ay®nu«, Tw InFall^M aho

Uiflust.7.1901 , Tlmo8-N(»ws. Tw


jnm cni a major polit- inds for the com ing —

needed lhal while the j : appears to be mov-v e 'd i r c c t io n th e - b e s t --------ectcd is some general mg committcc mem- w o proposed plans, less o f what comes nittee. you’re still go- lum ber of proposals- session is." he said.5 in a special session in a shon period o f , cly il could be iwq o r . d it couid l>e longer.'-'--— —

ar m j “i s s e s ; ! ■lid it sym pa th ises

abo u t the local ' fiedica! carc.Iling itself cannot '

Other factors cun- ; le existing calling i ncludes Fniitland > x.isonably serves :st."rs a lso noled that-macy was 15 per- _ , _____ _nsive'thiiii'in On- PUC said lower not justify the

[he public interest he' local business i Idaho.” the PUC

dam inking |)am failed, state tests , I____y levels in the middle , !

ining toxic le v e ls .in '3avran advised preg- ' lu rsing-m othcrx-and—-- —— the age of 6 to avoid t n the river, o r drink- : 1 :ven i f i t ‘«. been treat- !

ve effects o f mercury .in the Middle,_Fprk_______Ihe level o f mercury er lime, shesaid,)wrcKk Reservoir are

more accumulation river, and Ihc maxi-

r i ik e ly ' to“ bc'-r«Uttd^=^------ ^nd perhaps ihc suin- liaid.J G.’niTiToTficialRTinld------------in the Middle Fork jn trour production.;ec de ad fish f io a l in g _ >.” Fish und Game bi- “ ";id sa id . Bul h e saidilL harm .insecL pro .-..^ .......rime source o f food' _ decrease the number ,

ies a dv ised a d u lts to < ing m orc Ihan o n e Ol I ':ek from the Middle ’

.[H ■■

pecialli^-- . l l '


4 9 " ^lol3) ^ . . ,

— —

r » ' - >i3W b s m M ^'


umsJners- -V ico* . -

1 1l i p s 6 6 p - .

; ■ .-ub

I. Twin Falls, Idaho

jjA -fl Hmo3_‘Nows; T»


.' ..J.

“ ; L abeled th e 'b r i( ; an d Mexico.

i Deal I air]

’ i PHOHNIX (A; m a y b e n e a r lo; rro m :i p o w e r [

------------- ; - - 5o m c u!‘ th c h a /> o b sc iiic s Ihe G ri .c o rd in g lo a i; T u esd ay .', l l i e I’liocn ixI so u rc c s il d id n ’; u til ity o ffic ia l as' lo rs a rc c lo sc to ;■ sulCur d iox 'idc cn! N a v a jo G en e ra liI c o a l-b n n iin g .p i

------------- 1~- — rcsc r^ -n tinn -land -I fro m Ihe p a rk ’s i

' { is sa id lo c o n tri lI sn io i: llial son ii

— 1 _ __c a n v ( in ‘s o ncc-c l1 Power from Ih! i.s used in scvcrii

I. I tiles arc represci’ oiivironnicnial pjJ River iVoject. a II __________________

i J I - I O U S E O ? ? ]

4 i- .

| H ’:

s H i

I 1^1 '

v ! ■ S IZ Z IE R » .5 0

Twin Falls, Idaho WodnoEday

Drldge to now here ' by cri


(A P )— Agrcemenl C anlo rcducc pollution ;;iger c

rr plant blamed for said Nlia /f ihat soniotinics importGrand Canyon, ac- Tlic

a report published the pla wilh II

iix G azelle quoted o f Wdn’t identify and a EleclriI as saying negolia- SeiT/rcito a deal to cui back an'd ihi: em issions from thc tion.rating Station. TIjc Two.plant, on Indian l io n s -

m d -ab o u l-8 0 -miles - and ill’s main visitor area. Fund -itribulc to a l ia / .c 'o f ihe Ijm elim es dulls thc Agenc;::clcar.air. SourI Ihe plant near Page told Tlcnii states; the utili- for sul:scnted in lalks wiih^- would1 gfoups by thc Salt plant’s, a Phoenix utility. pcrccn


E v e r y W e e

A u g u s t 7 th is th e be "Blue L akes M all. O l A p p le sp ecia ls like iM aurice 's : U se y o u r E offyotTf purchase; >25-

S ad le rs Popcorn : 1 /2

Be o n e o f th e first 2( o n e of o u r s to res, nr reg is te r fo r th e d rav A u g u s t - o n e d raw i D o n 't m iss a chance o n e o f w h ich w ill h c

FKKE Ciri^ Kill v.»ry c p. r

Monc kilurd.ny lOn.m.


' ^ack to Sell Coi

g , B L U E

50 -M lN U T E P H O T O * ]

lay.’AuguBtT, 1991


sritlcs, the Solidarity Brfdg

canyon an near'am ill Perkins, general nian- r of the Salt River Project.I Monday a deal is near, bui ortant difi'ercnec.s remain, lie Sail River i’rojeci operates plant and shares ils ownership J ilie Los Angeles Department W ater and Power. Tucson :lric Power. Arizona Public .-rce Co., Nevada Power Co. Ihe U.S. Bureau of Rceluma-

wo environmenial organiza- s — the Grand Canyon Trust

ihe E nvironm enial-D cfcnsc- d — have l>ecn designated by

Environnienial Proicciion ncy as negotiators, surccs funiiliar will) the talks Tlie Gazelle that it provides

sulfur dioxide scrubbers that lid reduce emissions from the It’s three smokestacks by 90- rent. ■ '

; ^ E H S ■ S E L F S m v lC E R J l

e d n e s d a y c i n d S a t

b eg in n in g o f Red A ppli D ur m ercn n n ts w ill be 'c e these:r D is c o v e r c n rd n n d g e t n n ZS^SSOiJTf-sclcctcd-f.Tshlnrr

'2 o f f b u t te r e d p o p c o rn nm

20 cu s to m ers lo m ak e a n d y o u w ill receive a f aw in g s to be h e ld every rving ev e ry h o u r s ta r tin ce to w in a b ackback o r h o ld a $50 G ift Certificiy I'.Kh WLtk, Mii'l Iv pri"<.‘iit ,il dr.iv p.irtlclp.ilinK fur ili'I.iils.

M a ltH o u r ijnd.iy-F rid .iy j t J to 'J p .in , •' ,m .io 6 p.m . • Sund.iy 12 N oon U ne slon-s h.iVL* cxlondi‘d b«niw)

School Time is n Ral Apvie Evt Comc to Blue Lakes M ali



1 expect<

Idge (Inks d e so la te areas

[ Fedsj0 to clos

. “ PORTLAND. Ore. "*■ U.S. Food and Drug

has withdrawn a Ihr ’ blood bank 'tha i was

failing lo properly sci AIDS risks.

IJU Tlic A merican' Rc Monday il had receivi

lie ' cd July 29. from ihe ; ;o. ing a thrcui to revokq la- . ils Ponbnd-ba-sed Pat

Blood Scrviccs. Tltc i Ul- provides blood to 7

Oregon and southwesi

Dr. Gerald V. Quin i,j, rector of lhc FDA'."; C

logics Evaluation, sai J.J. Ihat the dozens o f p

rccord-keeping violal i,„ tfie federal agcncy >i tJj. r been adeciuutcly addn

reeled."Tlic FDA had spc

the ccntef for failui

-U R N IT U R E ^C L A U D E 'S i

a t u r d a y

p ie D ays a t th e . . e b ffe rm g Red

n n n d d it io n n l 15% :micnThCT5:---------------------

n n d c o t to n c a n d y .

e a p u rch a se a t a free g ift. T h en ; ry S a tu rd a y in ting a t noon , o r fa n n y p a c k - •icate. ___lr.iwtnf,M«win.

in lo 5 p.m.


rri' ^

. « P R O S O O N D * A 'lD E b

....................... j " " '

:ed resul........_ r r i — LARE

,v* : been Ion" nowhcrtt

B u tth _ancL M c;

desolate city on (I

W ilh 1 “ m eht^w i

Laredo I —w hen So

ational., Tolls com m en and econ to sprou port will

■rK>myroffB at f(

alone i h : mcrcial

—n ic n c c ^ Still, s

muniiic.s Dolores, bridge. V financi.'tl • Larcdr Morales industria:

- ^ u n d t

'fo r lhc c a s o f T e x a s gcisundc


^ithdra\ 5e blood:e. (AP) — Tl'ie blood" do:g A dministration dow n beehrcal lo closc a or behavias criticized for risk o f e.crcen donors for that cau-st

In rcspRed Cros^ said a moreived a le t lc u j^ l- tracking <e agency ^ ince l- been tumkq the o f '"8 hlood ’acific N onhw est ^c regional ccnicr P™'- Min 71 hospitals in

:sl W ashington.

irnnanTacnnglli^: Center fo r Bio- iaid in Ihc letter

procedural and la iio n s 'c ited by

in April "jiavc dressed and cor-

pccificully cited lure to identify

5 S PO R T S J

—HHH h^"HI ■He ■HH WjM

^ h | H >

^H I~Hmmn H


S w E ^ H 'HH

Jt-ofnevREDO,- T exas (A P) r - ll long m aligned as the “bridge i ere."the^ngwesj span linking Text

'tM ico_is_cxp«:tcd-io .pu t-tl Ite region nonh o f ihis bordi n (he financial map. h a possible free trade, agrci ■wilh "M ax i{rcnm ite~ o iT ih ;0 is looking for a .big payo Sbliduriiy Bridge is fully opc

Is fro m 'th e . bridge, t'ercfal' traffic from " Mexici ronomic developm ent cxpectc rout around the inlemationi 'ill provide u t>oost to the ecor

for now^ Ihe bridge^ slant in the descft'.'Tlic nearest con al developm ent is .a .c o n v i s^r«w>ff;-llje-]iighwayr^I, supporters tjclieve^hc con ie.s o f Colombia, M exico, an cs. Texas, which flank th

will find thcmsclvds riding boon.:do city , spokesm an Robe: es suid many commercial an rial developm ents urc plannc J thc bridge and that shoui in m ore tax d o llars.1 delTniteiy going to be a Soo e c ity once that devclopmer id e r w ay," M orales said, darity Bridge was dcdicato

w threat I bankdonors who had been lumcc because o f infectious; avior that might put them a r exposure to HIV. the viru; uses AIDS.rsponse. the Red Cross set uf e comprehensive s y s ic m ^ l lg donon; who had previously unicd away and began send' >od samples laken in Portland ?ed Cross laboratory in St i1inn..foric.^ting.



b a v e a r e p u ta t io n fo r . p r ic e s lu

m f A , W e d

t f i l L ' l H a

Blue Lakes hn H a n . - f i l . 9 a .m .-9 p .m .«

w internl l ’s’ W ednesday by O o v .-

ge to and M exican Presiden nas de Gortari in s

'exas m onies o n ^ t h sides o t-thc .- ._Two*lancs-will-opcn Drder tem porary toll booths i

stations. The bridge W( grcc- ing ai full capacity forTihg;------ 'I 'h c 'd tiy ' ihtr-regionlyo ff thriving border commi 5pcr- here is even farther dox

Tlic sides o f thc nar :a.scd road that, links Solidar xico, do are dotted with sign ;ctcd future development, ional But its only.visitors :con- siruelion workers who

unds lh « one day will be ii :om - tions. proccssifig rodm vc--p lazas____!_______ ____

— -I ra a i le r s ^ rD s s in g ^ ;om- Iwlh dircction.s will fir

and .in a wide o fn ( the with sevenil m iles l

ing a reaching any sizable cil O n the Mexican si

)ben wanders by Colombia, and residents, before disa|

nned thc desert, ould In Texas, Liircdo i

m iles off, accessible on w on ing fann-io-m arkei roa nent rious for accidents and

is often forced to crawl ated moving trucks.

Thc city eventually

tlhe road. M eantime, thi tnictor-lrailcrs ihat are

__ lum ber. Jicrpssjhe^bort• liavc to c rccp alorlg Ro:

"W e know that there'

- j T - W h i s t l e b o v

SAN FRANCISCO ? “ • Navy whistleblower \

peals court fight aguinsi bor D cpanm ent, which

t up prove that il had valic“ Of iliscip lin inghcr.-..........^sly TJie 9ih U.S. Circuit :nd- peals ruled unanimou and Ihat Barbara Pogue’: St. against the govcmmcni

O U R ^^I^H HDr t h e lowestk In t h e W est.

d e fe n d I t re ry d a y ;- " "' P t ln Prolo^on Gimronuwdguililn


! Mall *705 Blue Lai.« S al.9 a .iii.-B p .iii.» S u

iH i i i i i

. - A nn R ichards. ovenvhelmi cm Carlos Snii- d on 't know

separate ccre- drey Adaoj: i o f thc border: to r for ins cn 'tb a ld ay -w ith . .U .SX ustQ r s and inspection ' All o f thi w on't be operat- diint busini )rfnonilLs. -through dm m - bccom ts the officials—o munity foreseen landowners lown thc ro,id. 'f ie from lh« arrow, two-lanc Last wcci arity with Ljire- began lobb gns that promise Highways a

to .nulhorizi )rs arc the con- loll road thn ho crawl across ity Bridge l

; inspection sia-___ Tlie^grouiodm s'"aifd"'t6Il ^bufcc^sultii_________________ “ We loott^Ulc.^bildga^n- lhc, city s -1 find themselves spokesman near w ilderness at il a s a o

lo go before means w e’n city. dollar that %side, the road — either ti

3. a town o f 500 -tourisl.” ^appearing inlo Tlie state

er. and Cam is a long 20 pnsjcct is ni

only by a wind- est.s o f the i DadlFaT's noto- Bridge s suo id where traffic “ If we bu A’l behind slow- at Colombii

largest mom ly will expand tolls alone, ( the hundreds o f thc Texas \ ire expected to Benavides I )rdcr_daily will Colombia. ‘ load 1472.--- ' "that bridge v rc 's going to l>e Not .so, sa;

' w e r ' s d i s m i s s ^Q (AP) — A instated.

won her ap- Pogue, a fis l the U.S. La- o f the Marcch had tried to near Vallejolid reasons for Francisco B.

■ the N avy'sit Court o f Ap- hazardous wously- Monday She wus ‘e ’s complaint from thc occ:ni must be rc- rncntw here:

T h e Self-Service Idea No costly c o m e -o n s .! "sales". No h lg h -p re s salespeop le . J u s t the p ossib le p rice o n eve: every day . P lu s free c

• ^ n q r b a ^ g u a r a n t w arran tie s , a n d b ig s

- b ra n d n a m e s.

? eIF-I EeviCEV F ur

akes Blvd. Ni» 733'l u i U j o o i ^ j L j ^ j n D w

tim ing traffic bui . ^ c ' j u s t .. now how m uch.” .sotd Au- Jaojs,-assistant district direc- • inspection .und control for

stoms.S.<;i:vjcc-___ .f those trucks and tJie aiteh- isincss will eventually roll downtown Larcdo — if, city i—can —kfiflpT-rtt-group .o f lers from diverting the traf-. ih ^ 'c ity ,. ------------------ ,vcek, Camino Colombia Inc.. obbying the D epanm cnr o f -ys and Public T nm sportatlon ..........arize a S34 million private I that would link the.Solidar- ge lo Interstate 35. about 20

roup broached tlie plan with- iultingciiy officials. look at il as detrimental lo 'S; ccpnpm ic- welfare,” city.... i lan Morales .said. “ We look a com plete bypass. ... That ve’re going to be losing Unit lat would have stopped here :r to eat, to shop or as a

ate Is considering il, howcv- ramino_ Colombia insists thc is not jiJst in ihe best intcr- he city, but essential to.thc success. T7: build ou r road, the bridge mbia will probably be the iioneymaking bridge, just in nc, over any o ther bridge on as border,” soid Carios Y. cs III, president o f Camino 'a, ” Withpui__ any toll road ____ge will go broke.” ------------ -— - •p, say opponents.

s S - r e v e r s e d - -----------

, a form er civilian employee ia rc Island Naval Shipyard lejo, on thc casl side o f San 0 Bay, had filed rcports on y 's failure to comply with IS w aste disposal laws, as subsequently transferred occupational health depurt-

ere she was working.


lea ; it w p r k s ' . J is. No p h o n ey fressu reth e low est 1 -ivexy Item .;c delivety. ■ @i n ^ , w r l t t w _ __lg se lec tio n s of

■ ^7¥7 - : z— -


H * ™

[Arounihe^vaPolice searcli teen jessing

f i l e r ' - T h e Twi-------------s tT e T ifrro m c iT T ird -___ ^ looking.fijr.fl tccn-ogc.l

Friday night.Z 8ch a iy -C ru z ,-W ri

- - - la ;12


. . ._ : _____

C ru zblack Pittsburg S teelers

H is fa th er, P h il C n w en t o u t c ru is in g wi Friday evening. A ccon frien d s, w hen th e tee:

___ ^ __about-3-a .m .r.he-saW '■ ------ bouse and bccimie scar<

T h e b o y , fro m M ei visiting his gnmdmothc

'A n y o n e w ith in fo " ' “ "con tncf.the 'F iJer Polic

the T w in Falls ShcrifT - 6171.

I “ Police recover st< froiri burglaries,

B U H L - Police have m erchandise from a se o ver thc past three moni

Police also have o r t o f arresting 13 juvenili w ith the burglaries in tl B uhl area, said B uhl I R ichard Floyd.

------Shoshon^ire^-1)new high school ]

-------------SH O SH O N E— TheD is tr ic t h a s h ire d a r principal.

' Suc< R in g q u is t w i t : ; Kennison, w ho resigned i : . R ingqu is t ju s t gradu

1- S ta te U n iv e rs ity . She m aste r’s degree in hea w ell a s an endorscm ei a d m in is tra tio n . R ingc

„ .*eachcr. in th e Blackfoc

d jfo c sa v c a y c a rs________Ringquist has a stror

f - curriculum developmcn1 1 __ty c h e r evaluation, aceo

’ J • ” district press release.’ ‘ * ; R in g q u is t is fro m t | . ‘ com m unity in W isconsii

I: Sawtooth Recreaplans anniversar

R E D F IS H L A K E - N ational Recreation A r

a - o p e n h o u se “ b ir th d a M- R edfish L ake V isito r < •*'. c e leb ra te the 100th an ? I U.S. National Forest sys f e T he S N R A open hoi

f ro m 10 a .m . to 6 p £ videos, a historical slide ^ sp e c ia l e x h ib i ts a re ] A'- even t. F o reste rs w ill h

j ' refreshm ents w ill b e pro S m okey B ea r and V

X : expected to m ake an aj SC th e o p en h o u se , p ro v ^ childrCT.

. T h c open ho u se a t tl ^ V isito r C en te r is o n e < S t held on thc S aw tooth No 5 ; summer. The T w in Falls

_ B n .d _ th c .F .« c^ ^ u p c c v j w , -hold an opcl>4{ouse a t tl ^ on K im berly R oad in Tv S J 23. Thc K etchum Rang S - an open house a t its hi:

Gulch G uard S tation o n .

5 Andrus taps area E; __fgr itate board apg B O IS E - G o v , C e i6 appointed and rcappointi ^ V a lle y r e s id e n ts to th

boards.Steve M arshall, o f Jc

oppointed to replace Fre o f H o m c d a lc , o n the Commission.

Lee Taylor, of-Tw i;j1 th c U n ifo rm B u ild ing - Boat'd . H e rep laces B i R upert. T hayne Taylor, w a s n a m e d to th c boi

;»»r C laire Harkins, o f Tw in ]

C o n ^ iled f iom staff

Obituaries f ; Sports

aHey= ‘chforFUer i

dg 5 days «f w in F a l ls C o u n ty fjKTTtTssrpisireraYtf----------jgc.boy. m issing s in cc_ . . p

i,”i9-5-feet.-8-incKe8 ~ -ta lliT w eig h s i ib o u t '- • _

120 pounds, and has a slender bu ild . H e ■ h a s d a rk h a ir -a n d eyes w ith a visib le s c a r o n h is r ig h t e y e b ro ^

H e w a»4“s t seen w c o rin g a b la c k - a n d - r e d - c h e c k e dflannel sh irt, b lack_______te n n is s fio e s and b lack p a n ts , an d a

lers baseball cap.C ruz, sa id Zachary w ith so m e frien d s

:ording to Z achary’s teen re tu rn ed hom e•w -o -ligh t-on .in -the— ------Mxcd, Phil C ruz said.-------------Merced, C a lif ., w as ther.^ fo rm a tio n s h o u ld jlice 'B t 326ii5000'or ' .: rifT s O m c e a t 733-

stolen goods !s, arrest 13av e recovered stolenI series o f burglaries lonths.3r are in thc process n ile s in connections n the C astleford andII Police Lieutenant

i-Ringquist as™ — - )1 principalhe Shoshone School, a new h ig h schoo l

w ill re p la c e Je ss ned July 15. aduated from IdahoShe hos r c c c iv e d -a ............. -health education, as Tient in educational n gqu ist h a s b een a fo o t School D isuict.

LTong background in nent, discipline, and — ccorfing to a schcwl__

tn a sm a il fa rm in g

eation Areaary events tiE - T h e S a w to o th |A rea is planning on id o y p a r ty " a t i ts i,u j r C en te r F riday to . anniversory o f th e ]

system. o fhouse w ill be held i p .m . C e n te n n ia l id e p resentation and _ ‘c p la n n e d fo r th c I 11 be w earin g 1906 ^

provided. / li W oodsy O w l a rc V t appearance duringo v id in g t re a ts fo r g j

it the R edfish Lake ' le o f s ev era l being N ational Forest this , tir

'a lls R anger District sd!cdaors_01E cc w ill_____ ^It their jo in t facility .Tw in Falls on A ug. ij,,

ingcr D istrict plans historic G reenhorn C(

on A ug. 28 . nu

ea residents apBpintanents,___ J[;;ecil A n d ru s , h a s -intcd s e v ^ l M a p c > th e v a r io u s s ta te “ j'

f Jerom e, has, been ,Frederick Demshar, th e A l f a lf a S e e d .

i;jT a ils , w ill be on ng C odc A d v iso ry .B ill M cC lu n g , o f J

lor, also o f R upert. fP b o a rd to s u c c e e d ,■in Fulls.

a f f s n d w ire reports res________________ I SU{

B 2 Ke B 4 - 6 ''11

................ ......................... o f i


•'T im cs-N ew s concspondent—

JE R O M E - A g ro u p o f decidcd to recall the Jerome b e c a u s e it w ill n o t b ack decision to begin split.scssioi at the m iddle school. '

A bout 45 parents against fo r six th - th rough 'e igh th -g i agreed a t a m eeting Monda) recall election is tho “best, waj . "I guess that’s ceniiinly wii

As vio

•’’J •

Pam Dehiori’a son waa

J iir^ a aB y D rew DeSilver T im es-N ew s writer ........

E L K O l N ev . - T h c T w ir accused o f t i^ n g to b low up hi h usband last year, has been attem pted murder.

But an Elko jury convicted B o f th ree o th e r chargcs: trans rcccipt o f explosives for unlaw:

Tonight’s tl on the propByPhilSahm ■ ........... .Tim cs-Ncws w riter

T W IN F A L L S - T o n ig h t ' tim e in a y e a r , fa rm ers ahd s p ^ their m inds on the count dairy law.

T w o m ain changes have b< the proposed law sincc a her April, said Helen Phipps o f th< C oun ty ! Z o n in g A d m in is tr nuisance^ w aiver ond the grand

Eeathersfl;^ T a r i M c A f f e e Tim cs-Ncws correspondent

R U P E R T O n ly fiv e pec concern at M onday’s C ity C ou a b o u t th e p e n d in g .c h a n g e i anim al ordinancc-to b an poult as form anim als in ccrtain zone

TTie council listened to bird soid they feel they ore being their animalB because o f o fc’ keepers in the city.

“ 1 th in k i t is an responsib ility ,” G ordon Fowl su g g ested th a t b ird ow ners t some os an ow ner o f a yapping

“ Y o u n e e d to t r e a t in d i individiials,’lF o w le r said.

“Thc city m oved in around i Kelley said in dofensc 'b f her kc "I have lived there for 5 0 year o f m y D ad’s hom estead.”

MudJerom e

o fc itiz c nIt--------- --------------- w rong d©______ ___________ B row n , ilo f p a re n ts h o s “Then it^j

me School Board d ec id e ) i ck d o w n o n i ts decisions, sions next month S ch o o l

C h u rc h n is t sp lit sessions com m en i i-g radg studcDt8...glgctiQni- iday night that a A n d sbw ay lo g o . |^ ------ board. -w iihin th e rights - —A fte r a

alence 1

/aa atabbed in^dow hrq^

^uits mu se o f CXI

............... - p roperty; a' ah explosiv

w in F a l ls m an T he firs ? h is g irlfriend’s th ird is a | en acqu itted o f a lso acqui

arson c b ^ ;d Ronald W hite Last O ct ansporta tion o r a ls o o f T lawful purposes; attem pting

the night tc posed dair

- - - ....... -b o th have I. The nuis fa rm s f ro t

It, W r th e th ird sm e lls , fl and o th e rs can fanning, unty’s proposed B u t th c

nu isance v : been m ade in fa ir fo r ll\< hearing in la te w ithout de r thc Tw in Falls the Idaho y is t r a t io n . T h e . the w aiver indfother clause

[|y atcoum‘I f p »

. p e t s ,p eo p le v o iced :ouncil m eeting 5C in R u p e r t’s aiiltry and' fowl _3ncs. ird o\vncrs who ng deprived o f . • .few p oor b in i K elley ra

• J- - J . b ep u tb s fo i ’ "W h c n oow ler said . H e eontroversi r s b c c i t e d . t h c M ayorB ill

. e ic p tn je is j n d iv id u o ls a s . .w c h iv

"t "wV3r k e e p m s b i ^ , i fears on a picce

e paFeints i f they feel the board is t iecisionsi’-said-Superintcnde in a .p h o n e . in te r v ie w .I u

t’s up to the voters, the patrt I i f in d eed th ey a re mokiniIS.”- 'o l B o a rd C h o irw o m an 1 im o n s a id T u e sd a y sh e h :nt re g a rd in g the" p o ssib le

she s a id she spoke fo r the

a vo te M onday-night, the i

rises, SiI


B t

/h~Biiriey du ring w hat ah

lan l^c ix p lo siv es to d e stro y o r da . andconsp im cy to com m it i 3ive to damage o r destroy pro rs t tw o chargcs are fe lonie 1 gross m isdem eanor. Whiti u it te d -o f a felony, fourth-d irge.ctober, W hite and Patricia D: T w in F a l ls , w e re accu si

ng to m u rd er D ricse l’s hus

o speak ou ry ordinanic been m ade m ore clear, she's lisance w aiver is m eant to p om peo p le w ho co m p la in i f l ie s , n o ise and o th o r pa i

le w a iv e r d id n o t s a y w! w as, and people soid irw a

lhe county to m ake them si defining a nuisance. A law j ) A ttorney General’s Office ( n “vague and ill-worded.”

Please s e e DAIR

icilmeetinB o p l e w a n t m u l t i p I , t h o y ■ h o u l d m i t « u t s l d e o f t h e c i t y .

l i m i t s 'hiriey-LeonI, supporter

ordinance chan

suggested Ihilt a chnngc in th fore the votera. l e v e r th e re is so m e t rsioli people tolk abou t a v ill W hittom said, “ r d o n 't thin s justified.” 'ive lim ited space,” Shiriey I ;>pport for the ordinance chi >uld h a v e a l im ite d hurnbi [ f peopl^w ont miiltip.le pets,

P le ase s e e FEATHER!


n t s w aiis making dccided to try to ident-WiU - altbougb-M veral ru c s d a y _ o n ly - tw o -b o a rd r itrons, (to - B en NefT and C :ing p o o r “(B oaid m em b

only one workini 3 N a n c y r e e l e d , ” A l Nicl : h a d n o “ B in g h am am lie re c a ll C h o jn a c k y a re

h e en tire sa id" ■....... • • Steve M arshall

e parents- w ill resign soon b

10 do ciit .


S h e c a l le d a " g a n g ^ ^ e t

used ofdam age Larry, b y p lanting i t use o f w a s p a rk e d a t Csroperty. Jackpo tlie s , the However, the bohite w as could p lan t it, an<i-deg rce injured.

Patricia Driesel, Driesel, p rosecu tion in ex u sed o f w ith the prosccutiilusband, W hite.

leso id . O d l S > protectn a b o u t . « ,,ju r ts o f f trB n J B o w lin

T ^ es-N ew s w n t

, s ign it evenm gofJuneS iwyer in The 2 3 -y w -o i :e callcd walking m ftont

Schafer, when a c a r k i l le d th e i

JRY /B2 Burley.“I could touph

M A said o f th e e a r th[ | V .... twti m en a r th e y ^

O ' dow nieiraK rtch i ‘ ■ W e recoiihted

Im Im . th e f irs t d ay o f 'P * ® Mitchel John Odi A v e M s ta t 'w o rk e r ft w tirBt-degree murdi* • and G endd “ She

'streets o f Ketchut l e r o f :“ I fe lt th e e*F

dtm’t know whicl rolled over a paric

■ I.......... until the other carth e ln w " I t s eem s lik

recalled. - ic th in g ;:B ln .ln e , C oul 1 vo te ,” ,;WiUiamson-used hink the ;i|ki9tcb O diaga

■'Southwestern Idi y Leoni ' Kietchuin w ith fkti chanR*. •' Odiaga’s attom „ b j r “d f -, and U lled S cW e, its, t h ^ m ust reid-Odiagi

b ecau se h e w as •R S/B 2 ' ..........

[ \ .

m tboaito recal^all feoaid mem bers,

sraK puom s-sa id -thcrc w ere d m em bers who “should go” d Churchman.m ber Robert) B ingham is the king fo r us. H e sh o u ld n 't be' ‘J ic lu b , 0 parent, said, ond (board m em ber A lv in ) re th e o n ly o n es w h o w ill Ann>>rf, nnn th rr pnrent^

to ll,-the fifth board m em ber, m b w ause he ia jnov ing firom



re~a8Bault.‘*~ ' -

rattemping 0 bom b in his car. which t C a c tu s P e te ’s c a s in o in -

r bom b exploded before they and Larry D riesel w o3.not

sei received immunity, from exchange for coopera ting

rution and testifying ogainst

posecutiaiaga’sfatM -vriter .

—,S tacy Xvie «wn^mtv?rg th^ie 22, .1990, vividly. . ........r-o ld K etchum resident was - ont o f h is room m ate, B ruce I a tif ie blast from a passing , le s tu d e n t-a rc h ite c t f ro m .'

jph it, it was so close," Ivie r that slowly rolled up to tbe ey’W a lk e a i^ pizza p a r lo r 's " tchum.t ^ l i i s stoty T u e ^ y during o f te s t im o ^ in th e tria l o f Odiaga, a 3 tJ 'ca r-o Id former r from Boise charged w ith urder in the deaths o f Schafer- Shenandoah*’ W ^ j^ t on. the hum that night. ■ explosion, -r-I;-- hich was fin t,” Ivie s a id He lariced aitd h id uoderpeath fur hurt p mynl lik e i t , to o k fo re v e r ,” ho

o u n ty P ro se c u to r N ed led 20 witnesses Tuesday to Bgti’9 o d y sse y th ro u g h Idaho tha t passed through fatalitsu lts. •o m e ^ admit their client shot afer W ri^ t. But the jury' iaga not guilty, they claim , VBS.mentally incap ab le o f

rd recahis d is tric t, sa id

rc chaircd thc meeting.)” . W hen split sessions bc£

th c m id d le schoo] stud ie_ d osses from 7 a.m. until r JC h a lf w ill go to school fn

p.m.i ) T h c g ro u p o f parent? 11 go ing to court to try to

“I f (Sth District MagisU T, Burdick believes us and is

________ . P le a s e see_

’ concei^ B y C hristopher R.Claric i n Tim es-News corrcspondc

B U R L E Y - A g ro i “ Cirizcns~voiccd conccrr

C ity Council’s Monday i abou t the nu m b er o f vi taking place in thc Mini-(

“T h e c ity hiis no cor you th and th ings have j hand,” said Pam Denton, a 17-year-o ld w ho was

“ w cck d u rin g T v h a n h c d ^gang-type assault."

D en to n s a id ' she ' enforcement ofTicials orethe ir jobs." - ...............

D en to n a lso ex p re ss a b o u t h o w th c C ass D e p a r tm c n l h a n d le d t incident. She said that a; runn ing aw ay from thc thc H ispanic youths who ran right into a sheriff ofT

T h e o f f ic c r a sk e d hi involved in,thc fight and I h im "n o " so the officcr leave, the m other said, i D enton , h ow ever, sevci w ere yelling at the unidei to grab the youth., but th<

- ignored.— - . -^_Jv lost-of-lhc-pcople-w l

Die council m ade it d e a r o f violence is not a racial the fact that most o f thc ii

—involved Hisponics.Several people said thc

a t dealing-w ith juveniles s t r i a enough, o r not bcinj

Thc m ayor and council q u ie t ly a n d l is te n e d tc

- em otional coinmcnts-mac ■‘ m o th e r abou t an incidc

p lace in M inidoka Cour weeks ago.

: - . ‘rX herehaveJw cn^S

--------------------------P le a s e se t

)tedmu]I The trial'began July 31 i --jury Friday m om iog-H ie .

five hours to reach a verdic f A f te r W h ite w as aci I a ttem pted m urder charge,

Stringflcid reduced his bail 1 550,000. •’ He was released from E t on Saturday, ja il officials sj

W hite’s sentencing is set

>n sketch tefulodys


. n oi " ...... -O d iag a - ......f - • . ■ -J• rtm em bcrcd Odiaga had a I stare” as be sat drinking cof •- • Icfl by another .customer. - I A f ie r m o re th an fo u r

G eaijam m ei;. O diaga walk : '..street to a gas station,, witses I ‘ T h c i i stotion attcntlahtK I noU ccdO diaga'scycs.’ . ■

' “He h u kinda diflereot ey I "Evil-looking, 1 guess.”

O d iaga ;. w ho is u n d e r c . psychiatric care and W e s

dnigs,. sat at th e defea«p lat . he has throughout die coiltt i I - expressionless, shoulden hu

s tra ig h t ahead o r a t the t( : occasionally (uming his heoc ' courtpoomgiillciy. -

Other witnesses ^ o h g Odi' P lease s e e C

ailed;resa R obinson , who

begin in the fall, h a l f ____; ■itu d cn ts w ill a tten d ' ~ ' itil noon und the utlier 1 from 12:30 to 5:30

cn ts a lso d iscu ssed to get a restra in ing

,iil Rnacil,. ........ .gistratc Judge Royer)id issues n restraining----------e_e R E C A L L E D ^ 2 •


j ro u p o f a n g ry ^cc rn s-d u rln g 'th e---------- -------- -lay night meeting f v io len t c rim es ' [ ini-Cassia area. ; con tro l o v e r ils ve g o tten out o f ion, the m other o f A'QS s tabbed last 1C dcscribcd 'ii'rji-------- ^ ^

le th in k s law ore "afraid to do

rcssed co n c e rn s ':a s s ia S h e riffs5d th e s la b b in g ------------------U as her son was the fight, one o f A'ho attacked him‘oflicer’scu r. __1 h im i f h i:"w as ' ' md the youth told le e r to ld him to id. A ccord ing to .:vera l w itnesses - lidentified ofTicer t their ycHs were

i-w ho-addressed - -Icar that the issue cial issue, dcspilc he incidents c ite d '

I that laws aimediles are either not '•leing enforced.mcil members s:itd to so m e verymado-by-nnothor.................. — -:id e n t th a t look bounty about six

3-brutal-hcatings............ .. •

s e e C R lM E /B 2 ------------------

irder31 and went to the

nie.juryjQ ok^oboiit.......... .......rdict.a c q u i t te d o f th e

rge, Judge Thum as bail to SIO,000 from

m E lko County Jail ils said.js e t for Sept. 16.

hesi _^sey' fo rm in g thc

c r im in a l in ten t requ ired by low

. i o r o.coRyicti,qn._^________

. Odingo storied Ju nc22 ,1990 ,fi^ from Ketchum.■ W itnesses f i r s t '

saw. him eariy iti th e m o m in g at the G earjam m er T ru c k S top o ff

T n le fa ra te — -54-------n o r ^ . . . . P.r 'M ouotuo Honi&'

A ' ; w a itre ss d a ‘S 'c iy piercing conbe f irm a cup

>ur ho 'urs a t the walked across the

i l K eny Vigil also

it eyes," Vigil said.

ler c o u rt-o rd e red , k'es anti-psychotic v iable T iinday as iltt proceedings — s hubched, staring 10 tab le and Only head to look at the

Odiaga’s journey, , )e O D lA G A m 2


' ByN.S.NokkentvedTijhcs-NcwB w riter

K i m b e r l y - kD a v i s w a s a r r e s t e d c

j n o r n i n g i n - c o n n c c s h o o tin g in c id e n t a n d

' o c c id c n t,______________

. . . .D a v i s , . 21 j . p l c d j i c h a r g c o f d r i v i n g in f lu e n c e a n d a p p c a re t fe lo n y c h a r g c o f a g g rs A p r e l im in a ry h e a r in g b e e n s e t.

T h o m a s A . G a r c i a , n o r t h b n K o c k C r c H a n s e n j u s t a f t e r 1 a

I s to p p e d a t - a - ra i l r o a d . . . h i s c a r w a s .h i t . f r o m---------- b la c k p ic k u p - tn ic L------------ G orc ia^o t-o u t-to sc i

t h e t r u c k w a s h u r t , I

ServicD tf n s ld L e e F l i t

ilgraveside servicc 10 a.----------- ?End-CcnrcrcryrBuliir

< h n p c l) .

t M a r th a L eo C rai{ ‘g r a v e s id e s e rv ic e , 1 ‘S u n se t M em oria l P a r I(W hite M ortuary ofT w

________ • J o a n W a l t e r , o f_____^g raveside s c rv i c n D :!

rT w in F a JIs C c m c le r jF uncm l Chnpe! o f Tw ir

J. F lo re n c e M a ry 5 •R ic h la n d , W a sh ., an< t J c ro m e . g ra v e s id e sc ^ todoy. Sunset M cm ori • F a l ls , ( E in a n ’s Func jRichlraa). .

I R obert E . H ouston, ^ noon to d a y , F i rs t

• ^Church, T w in Falls, (M ^ o fT w in Falls).

iHospil: M A G IC V A LL E Y I

2. .C h c r L £ c c l« ,-K r i« . 2 I y d c , R o m atn c O Hvi ^ fc f f c r lc ' and Jcn ircr S «A nn H ie d em a n o f Jc r pkiiss.; M arta Lcm oync jV cIm a Porter o f Shoshc ;K y.

ItJ G arth Brent B lackbiu «Sunalie Scngvanhpheng

------- -I^and C y n th ic S n rB rowii,rf•• .........»— ...............• A daughter w as bom

jObitua-------- i G e o r g e W . M c C I

TWIN FALLS - M cC lun, 87 , of Twir S u n d a y , A ug. 5 . '19 Magic C are Center.

J-. H e w as born Fob. A dam s. N eb., tho sc

■ T h o m as a n d A nna E . . . M cClun. He w as the

S tio shone E lem ontar — . . .. . J m a n y yeare and movt

• following his rellremer to Twin Falls eight yoar

S ui Viviiiy ui u l> ; C atherine Aiion of Nc } an d Dorothy Wililarns

-■ W ash .; a n d ono nop • , ; McClun of Walnut Cre

. . Ij w a s . p r e c e d e d in di : p a r e n ts , o n e broth< ; sisters.;* No funeral sen/ices

: ^ C r e m a t io n took p lai _ *T_Cfe”rfial_ory an d ^ rra n i • 'a u n d 'e r tho, d lfoc tio i

• : | Mortuary in Twin Falls.

: ' eAIphaE.HuUil TWIN FALLS-Alpha ^ o f-T w in F a lls a n d

.iJS !Pm o..t)tod S_unday,; ' H a t West Magic Caro Cii .:____ d Falls...............................' d S he w as born Juiy

q C alifo rn ia . Mo., (ho i ' • • b Jo se p h H. and Sarah

. • h Scott. At the a g e of five H w llh h e r p a re n ts lo

■ ' H S prings. Mo., w here s a n d a t te n d e d school

h. a t te n d e d a te a c h e r s - ' ’ H W arrensburg. Mo., anc

. ' Okla. She taught schoc ti a n d Oklahom a and mj t R, Hull on Oct. 27, 19

: E K ansas. They m oved t - F 1919. and fanned norlt

■ Irv1947, they retired : into Jerom e. Clyde died

She w as a mem ber i p Q an jen Baptist ChOrch r C a lif ., a n d h a s b e e i ' church nnost h er life.> S h d ’l^ sun/ived by n : a n d n ephew s. S he wa

C In d ea th by three sisU p.bro thers.

r - 4 ^ ______

B-2. U m oa^Jow s, TWin F

3 nab ifiJ• ■■ • J •

d , pu lled arclo run hin docum ent

• K e i th D u a h c . j h g tn d early T uesday .H ighw ay le c t io n w ith a . -md a hit-and-™ n b ch-------------------------^ H ig h w o >IJ n n o c e n t to a _ C ounty S n g u n d e r th e P a t Bem i ired in court on a Policc Dc ; ^ v a tc d battery., ground, in g date has not 7^ ^ rigi

w as dami :ia . w as head ed red paint t J r c e k R o a d in Nutting 1 a.m .. w hcn he 700 .270 1 ad c ro ss in g n m d .shclls on t am b cn ind b y a I n i ih c

.see jL pnypnc in hud a gun: t , b u t th e tru c k A c « rrc

ces?H on , o f B u h l , - G a th e r0 a jn . today. W est C alif., am iliirC B iihT Funcrul ^^riiTlodu


r a ig , o f H a i le y , W illion :, 10 a .m . to d a y , E d e n , 11 P a rk , T w in F a lls , M ortuary. •Twin Falls).

Brendao f T w in F a l l s , p.m . T hun

1D:30 a .m . l ^ a y . Falls.' : le ry , (R e y n o ld s win Foils). E d n a C

U tah, and Shb 'ek loyT o f ■

a n d fo rm e r ly o f ■! se rv ice I I a .m . iiorial Pa rk , T w in ' u n c ra l H o m e o f . H c Ic n L


m .o fT w i'„F .IIs .St P r e s b y te r ia n , (W hile M ortuajy , Arrange

' . b e ann o i M ortuary i

itals5Y R E G IO N A L M E D IC A L CEh

riiuinc.Frazicrr-lrma-lUycr-B^ l iv e r , M ic h c l le O rr . S u z a n n :r Shepherd, a ll o f T w in Falls ; Je ro m e; E dm und K ochn o f N m c o f Buhl; Faye M orrill o f H a }shone; and L loyd ,S ager o f Scol

Released:buin, G eorge Bohr, D elbert Cru eng, a ll o fT w in Falls; and Joshu rw nrboth-ofB ohl.-

....... B irth ---------------......... -□m to Suzann and Law rcnce Pft

ariesj C l u n - - .......... Tho func- G o o ro o W. I"*Win F alls, dlGd Ro^^of^soi

o ! i [ s ;!b. 25, 1904, in1 so n o l N athan ^ a E llo n H o rru m "’“ '" " “ 'o ' the principal ofitary School for M o n a M lOved-to Pfoston - . JEROM l nent.'H e m oved R entelm ar ■oars ago. . , , Monday, Ai—two—rriucuyv----- S h trwa sNewport. Oro.. C h a r le s , !

ims of Olympia. • Charles an lo phow ; D avid c n d w a s 1 Creek. Calif. Ho horo. Sho 1 I d e a th by h is R en te lm ar 3th e r a n d tw o ' Lake Ande

N e b ra sk a ;os will b e held. Oregon, pri3la c e a t W hite__ J,9.47. Theyangom onts a re Monaworki tion of W h ite ' a num ber 0 iis. 'She is SI

C h a rle s ai both of Poc

3haE , Hull, 100, n e i ' l o l '" - ' d lo fm orly o l J “^ 8 hlers,^ iy, A ug .A J991 ,J Conlor In Twin 9 '? .™ grandchildrJly 25. 1891, in 10 d a u g h lo r o l J®'■ah E. B lidsono “ J f „ , ll«o, sho m oved J ? ® '“ ""I ID El D o ra d o = ™ P;""-

■a sho grow up ' oola. Sho a lso i f .S T .f ’ o rs co llo g o In 5 : .and.Tahloquah, hool In Missouri ram noon i married Clyde ' I ' O ' 191.7. In Edna. „

id to Jerom e In M G IV ln a lonh of Jerom e. DECLO od and m oved D arrlng ton lied in 1965. Utah, reside er of the Gloria 6 .1991 , a t h irch of Downey, ‘ H e w as I eo n a c tiv e In . Declo. a so

K aren t ly many n ieces D arrlng ton w as p rocoded s c h o o ls , , gi listers and two H igh S ch o

a t to n d o d .

rin FaUs, Idaho W odncsdo)', Aui

an coniii and-run

around G arcia’s ca r and tricd- tiim dow n, according to court cnts.tru c k tu rn e d c a s t o n U .S . '

tiy30.:c locatcd the truck stuck in lo h in d a t ra ilc F h o u s e o f f ray 3 0 . W h en T w in - F a l l s - ' Sgt. S tcv ^ N u tting ^ y c d , n riingham o f th e K im berly D epartm ent had D avis on the

right front com er o f the truck im aged und sh o w ed b its o f tit that matched G arcia’s car. ,ng~ MW a”R c m in ^ i i Model” '0 calibcr rifle and tw o spent in the-seat o f Davis’ vchiclc. ’ ic n e a rb y T o w n T a v e rn , H ocated-Robert Larison w ho - unshot wound in his foot, J rd in g — to -—-the.__ c.o u rt^

:er C o g g itts . o f B u e n a P a rk , and fprm crly o f T w in Falls. 2 )duyTW h1tc"M ortuary ,“ TW in

iom B risco “fiud.” C c rb en , o f 1 1 a .m . T h u r s d a y . W h ite

ry. T w in Falls.

d a L ee A llen, o r t w i n Falls, 2 . lursdny. W hite M ortuary, Twin

. . I

I C hu reh , o f P leasan t G ro v e , : nd form erly o f Burley, 11 a.m. i

&ath noticIL . DavisE R T - H elen L u cille D avis, ilupert, died Tuesday. Aug. 6 .— ‘t he r home. (igcm cnls are pending and will 'n o u n c e d b y th e H a n se n ^ry in Rupert. ‘

E N T E R to Irmo and P a trick> all o fT w in Falls.

Jtodl«s< ---------------------CASSIAin M a n e Is; Lorrief M acon . ^Isic L yncs and Jc H azelion, A rtea g a a n d S haun ■cottsdale, pajricia M ala o f Rupc

Craig and V aness A nderson, ihuoA bcl Young, air o f Burley;

'A baby w as to m i Pfeffcrlc. Oakley.

F o r . call

jneral'.wlll bo conducted a t St . T h u rsd a y a t tho H ove- M so n F u n e ra l C h a p e l in Tc . with Ihe Rev. Ellis Keck Cl ig . Burial will follow a t (ho a Comotory. Frionds m ay call di 10 10:30 Q.m, Thursday at fa rai chapel. IS

UlM . R e n t a l m a n » i

___M ona___M ary_J? 'ia n , 82. of Je rom o , d ied _ Aug. 5 ,1991, at home.,

:. S .D ., tho d a u g h te r of a n d Etta G atos Reynolds. s ro a re d a n d 'o d u c a to d '10 married Howard tBuck’ f, la n on J a n . 24 , 1924, in ides, S.D. They resided in k a . S o u th D ak o ta , a n d K' pribr (0 trioving to Idaho in ° ioy.sottlod.ia.JoromaAvhefo— jrked a s a housekeeper for r of years.i survived by th ree so n s. |®

a n d A b n er R en te lm an , ’ocaieiio and Harold *Bud" f ®' la n of J e ro m e : (wo 1° ■s. Mary C rouse of King Hill (ne Lilly of Gfosham. Ore.; rK fch ttd ren ;--3 4 --g ro a t- Idron: and two great-groat- ildren; She w as precodod" pl,' and in 1988. and by (hree

neral will bo conducidd at 1. T hursday a t Ihe Hpve- on F u n e ra l C h a p e l in with th e Rov. Ellis Keck Jf®

3. Burial will follow a t the “ J’ Jometery.'Frldhas m ay .call' S* n until 2 p.m. Thursday at al chapel. ,t gfj

B . D a r r l n g t o n0 - M elvin B oyd Da :on. 7 0 -y e a t-o ld P rovo . £ Jdent, d ied Tuesday, Aug. Fr1( It his home. 'S t es b o rn S ep t. 5. 1920 | in •£■ son of,John Charles and ma

M arie B a sm u s^ e n a ( ' o n . He a tte i^ d ad D ec jo ' prc g ra d u a tin g from D eclo i;4

ho o l in -1 9 3 9 . H e a lso Bu 3 A lbion S a lo -N o rm a l Cei

A ugust 7 , 1991

lected wi [1 accidei:d- d o c u m e n ts , L a r iso n st m .G arc ia 's friend. W hcn f

th e accident, L arison oi S. ' h is friends w ent looking

and-run driver, in W hen they co'hfrontec f f b ran d ish e d a r i f le and Is—L a ris f lo a n d b is fricnc (] L ariso n in th e fo o t, ac ly co u rfd o cu m cn ls .' ' '1C Davis appeared in Di(

T uesday m orn ing . B ail ± S 10.000 and a pub lic de 3f appointed.

H e also was arrniCTcd c F o f d riv in g u iidcr. {lie in nt -a lco h o l,. le a v in g - th e sc

- a c c id e n t a n d -d r iv in g - licensc 'ahd insurance, ac

lo - 'c o u rtd o c u m c n li'. :P ublic d e fe n d e r Mic^

r t d id not com m ent <vi the c

, F r id a y , B u r le y L D S 2 r I C h a p e l . 5 1 5 E . 16t — nvTcCUllOCh'S-Funeral-I


[ O rv ille U dy , o f H azelton ' Friday. H azelton L D S W on

(Payne M ortuary c fB urley).^

1 Raymond Thomaa *Tom"o t H ailey , m e m o ria l servic M o n d a y . S u n V a l le y C or School. (W ood R iver Funen o fH ailey).

ices -W iU iam L-Pope

H A G E R M A N - W illiam — 90. o f H agerm an, died Tucsd

6 , 1991, a t M ag ic V a lley h W endell. A rrangem en ts are and w ill be announced by Di G ooding Chapel.

:k .H aye and to Cheri and W ayn


A dm itted d Jose M artinei, bo th o f B u rlp lu n C r i tc h f ie ld , b o th o f OokI •upert.

............ R e ia s e d ' .........on, V irgil Pace. Teresa V argas i :cy; a nd Joe T om soh o f H eybum .

-------- —Births - . ,1 •>m io. M r. a nd 'M rs. G erardo Ai

‘o r o b i tu a ry r a te In fo rm a tl » I 1 733-0931 , e x te n s io n 2;

School. Ho married Ora Egi May 19, 1943. In (ho Sait La T em ple of th e C h u rch of Christ of Latter-day Saints, t a v e te ra n of th e N avy, s during the seco n d World V farm ed for 35 y e a rs In De 1978, ho joined the Brigham U niversity a th le tic d e p a i w h e re h e w o rk ed unt retirement in 1987.

— Ho”h a d ‘se rv e d on the' C C oun ty (Id a h o ) Dr-aft Boi

tho new football field a t Deci School. Ho actively suppor ath lQ tIc .program s a t Deck S ch o o l a n d B righam ' University.

He w as a m em b er of th Church and h ad served a s I of the BYU 110lh Ward, sen/c high councilm an. E lder's O

T ro s id e n t . w a s p re s id e n t d eaco n 's and te a c h e rs qu( s e rv e d a s B ish o p 's c o u r Sunday School superlntendei sen /ed a mission In Winnie, from 1987-88. He also serve Provo Temple endow m ent v w ard m ission le a d e r end

_ward.financ« clerk,________S u rv iv o rs Include, h is v,

-P rovo : o n e d a u g h te r . ; Pow ers. Portland, O re.; six Melvin ■£■ Darrlngton, Declo D arrlngton, BellJsrook, Ohic D a rrln g to n , - P rovo , Ke Darrlngton.- D eclo. a n d Jir Max Darrlngton. both of Pro g ra n d c h ild re n ; o n e { grandchild;-and-a-broiher,-J. D a rrln g to n , D ec lo . He preceded in death by two br and tw o'sisters. Earl U. Darri Darrell Darrlngton. Volda Cc and Sarah Wright, and a son'- Daia Powers.

Sorvlcos will b e held a t i Friday, Aijg. 9. 1991. a t the S take Center, with B ishop I *E' Darrlngton officiating. Fi may call from 5 fo 6 p.m . Thi a( Walker Mortuary. 85 E. 3' Provo. U(ah. a n d (rom. noor 1:45 p .m . F riday a t- th e ch Burial will b o a t th o D o ck Cemetery,

1th Odi:■J , Corxtlni^ed Imt—

Rcscrvdir to

k”‘aS 'dSS f.S fo c h it-

, ^ ^ Space on thecd D avis, h e j,ungId firccl it a t A ccord in in d s , -h i t t in g repiarked -toacco rd ing to n o t su re he

WtCT.” ' '>istrict C ourt A s stnuige ,il w as se t a t Odioga appe defender w as w itnesses w

after the shoe id on charges ^ ^H T u n c c o r T G " B o im r T n sc e n e o f a n . K aren Rau. .. g -w ith o u t a M o s t - s o i according to sometimes a

.. .•.:--_._;_-.i^hle r a e a ls , '^ chael W o o d problem, w iti ; case. O diaga ap

for a w arm si I several witne:

-. Daii2nd W ard

R i ^ t to F an nu isa tlce a s

o ^ l O noises, tnictc ^ Chapti, j c t i o n s th a

farm ing, Phil — I f t h c d a i r

____ .wbojnovc-loAce 1 p.m. zo n e w ill nc

about such n cial Chapel m oves n « t t.................... l iv e s , in . 'th i

protected by “'lo n g as i

........ ......... .. ~:ncw dairy la \■rae g ran d

existing doiri 31 L . Pope, as long as th ^sdoy.Aug. o r im prove t t -M anor in B ut in A pr re pending co „ ld p u t thi Demaray’s

CrirC onU nued f

r r r r r r r r - , y ea r- to .d a t« yno Eccles, -M emorial Hi

one o f those s o n ," s a id I

;------------- —opcning-cdmjAnderson_

and P am D cii ley; Sylvia - pulp” a t a M i «kley; an d "S om e H ii

.to start a Hgh-----------------.-’ m y-soa ,.busi

every one o f l s and J.W. m a s s iv e in i ro- threatened to

- said.. “ B e c a u se .

A rtM ^ b f M in id o k a C - _ County offic'i

I C a s s ia M err ■■ re p o rt He die

I a sk e d i f h e : coimcil.

“ " I " ' A nderson sthe departmei beat up her S'

•gbert on youlh w ould < Lake City worse.-She s: Df J e s u s to get a lawyi . He w as th e r e w a s n se rv in g . o fllce could d War. He A n d e rs o n

Declo. In frustrations ai im Young h a v e fou n d c la rtm en t o ne o f th e 'k i ntil h is Denton stabbi

_ the boys who rC a s s T a " . party, o a rd a s “ M y so n ii

)clD High said. “He’s le o rted all „

*S'-”Rc!cath e LDSs Bishop C o n tin u ed frcv e d a s a order, it w ill IQuorum h»*It n»n11y py

rt of th e tha t decision,'[uonjms; R o g e rs , w h oun sa lo r. m eeting as a ilent, and w anted to help

wfle o l " m th e d

;lo. Larry hours w ithout]iIo. Karl B u t so'iQeCenneth co n c a n sw o u lJim a n d • a restraining oi rovo: 30

Featlbrothersnington, C onU nued fro

n'-in-law'! ‘.'■'>.“ '5 . Iinuts.t 2 p.m. C o u n c ilm ale Declo su g g es ted an ;> Melvin o rd in a n c e b eFt;iencj8 p.m . council m

hursday - T h e m a y o r300 S., citizens to m a

ton until o rd ltian ce k n ic h u ^ h . r e s p o n s e fr<'lo City Monday.

Chickens, t i

iaga___id from B l i o k -hinv4 hro u g h th » P in e o r th o f A n d e rso n R anch to the tiny town o f Fairfield lighway 20 and finally into noted nis strange behavior. DeThome, co-owner o f the irt, remembered'fu5t seeing ire for several minutes at a ' he wall w heit pfctiuts were

in g lo h e r testim ony, s h e ' toT m other custom er “r r r ^ h e _ h a s .b q th o a rs j n the,

igely as h e ^ y liave acted, ipeared calm, according to • who saw him before and '

lootings. V. . 'i a ^ g e , but not M s tM

L _________________ ■ ....... 's a id - h e - d ro v e -s lo w ly ,- \ : extremely so. He paid for . xoffee and sodas w ithout a - j witnesses said. . appeared heavily dressed 1 summer day, acco ^ in g to., j nesses. <

\ry-—i—d J ro iT L e i_ ---------- -------------» u n ty looked u p the state arm Law and now (ufines a s " f lie s , o d o rs , an im al c to r operations” and other h a t a re a v a l id p a r t o f 'hipps said. ^a iiy law is passed,- people iJo .the county.agricultural n o t be ab le to com plain

1 nuisances. A nd i f a farm ct to someone w ho alreadyth e c o u n ty ,- i t . w il l -b e .__by the nuisance w aiver a s s e farm com plies w ith the law , Phipps s a id ^ndfather clause would le t J liries skirt the new ru le s '- the farm s do n o t expand

J the ir operations. ' kprii faim ers said the rules ii them o u t o f b usiness by I:

me___ _d fro m B l — ’ y a t e , r e p o r te d a t C a s8ia ._y Hospital. Six w eeks ago. ^

se brutal beatings w as m y d P a t A n d e rs o n in h e r

in_spoke o f how her son- ^ teiiton 's son got “beat to a J Mlinidoka C o u n ^ p a rt^ . *' H ispanic peo p le d ec ided P ight. they sucker-punched “ u s t ^ h is ja w .a n d b ro k e .. . o f his facial b o n d , caused ^ i n te rn a l b le e d in g a n d » to kill th# two boys," she ^

s e .- t h i s , !^ p p c n c d . in 9 . C o u n ty i a M ir iid o k a fic'er' ir lu c tan tly cam e to 'J e m o r ia l to m a k e o u t a d idn’fw a n tio 'c o m e ,a o d “ ^ le h ad to ," sh e tolc! th e ^

ain said the officer told h er nent knew the youth w ho ^ r son but that finding the ^ Id only m ake' the problem • said the officer told her O' v yer and fight it, but that °

n o th in g th e s h e r i f r s d d o . ">n s p o k e , o f h e r 1 and said she and others i d o u t on th e ir o w n th a t: si k id s invo lved w ith th e j

bbing is related to one o ft h o beat up her son at the!

I is a fra id to g o on th e r m .a f a u d fo r him,'* she. ^

leaving th is area, and If

ailedfrt)m B '1 ' JII be a sudden thing and cs p c i^ i r c - w h c n ^ m a k e s —c l in,” said a ^ m e y K evin ' f f h o s a id He w a s 'a t 't b e 'a concerned p aren t and—Sc

e!p w ith legal advice. ■ < cc )Up h e ld ,B le n g th y i b o u ta v a r itty o f topics,.I, in c lu d in g ; la tc h -k e y . S'; in getting o n a n d .o ff the- . °-*' : dorl^ o n d 'th e possib ly ™ om ing pregnant bccause t>e out o f school longer V

u t parents being home.

le d id n 't th in k th o s e thi lu ld b e cause enough fo r \ order. co

fchers___from 8 1 pev e o u ts id e o f th e c i ty “

n a n J o e l R o g e rs °fi in y d ec is io n a b o u t th ebe d e la y e d u n til th e 7 ^, m eeting o n A ug. 20.o r a n d c o u n c i l u rg e d ' th 'nak e th e ir v iew s o f the mic n o w n .T h e y h e a rd n o 91f ro m c i t iz e n s • u n t i l qq

, tu rkeys, ducks, geese, rei

Melvin Thaetc, owner of ._ in - th e - W a l l B a r in : h rem em bered 'saying, ^ a i d be 'C o ld -b lo o d ed ” w hei0 walked in wearing a coat, s'

bandana.Q .O d iaga w as f irs t spot! n K ^chum area that night ai

00 Trail Creek R o ^ f K etchum resident Grc{

and h is g irlfrien d Heathi e ' were out for a drive when th [p-Odia^-w ho-w as:w aviiig at - They stopped, thinking 1 ' troub le .W ab lers 'said 'O d ii

1 him the S panish .w ord foi 5 After W ahleis told him. O. j talking and Barger becami

uiginig Wahlers to keep driv * On the w ay down the moi S - e w p le egttin sp eHerf-O di

time, be was standing on tl r im , p o in tln g a r i f le 1dc W ahlers u l d . O diaga m o\

, - ^ c k o f b is c a r a nd nodd couple went by, Eo'sald.

Much o f Tuesday's testin: fro m p o lic e o ff ic e rs w h

looking-for Odioga after W Schafer were shot within a f

; Hearing at C 1r ^ T o n ig h t’s h e a r in g ' r L iv e s to c k C o n fin

O rd in an ce w ilt b e a tr------R o o m 108 o f th e1 B u ild in g a t tb e -C o lli I Southern Idaho.I ■ ' ''

I stopping them from e i^ an d I T h e la w n o w g iv e s '

fa rm e rs a c le a r e r id e a : c h a n g e s th e y c a n m a k e . having to m eet the new rule 1 said.

Am ong other things, the : m ake any n e w d a iry plai

lagoons and co rrals fa r av

you have any chil^tren who y ou sh o u ld do this sam e, they a re g o in g to e n d up

' tmd bem g killed.”-C a s s ia C o u n ty S h e ril

_ ,C ry s^ l,_ R u p e rt P o lice Cb T 'F ries. d nd M in id o k a 'S h e ;

Jarvis could not be reached fo r c o m m e n t o n e i th e r u a lle g a t io n s o r o n th e i increased violence.

.......A n o th e r re s id e n t ,W h ite s id e s , th e o w n e r M oving and Storage, a b usi was b u ^ la r ized and then sc earlier th is y ea r, a lso spok C ity C ouncil.’

—--H e^a id -th c -rn ah -b e in g - w ith the crim e had beeii stc th e im m ig ra tio n se rv ic e s

-b e fo re he broke into the wa W h ite s id e s c a l le d f o r “ 1 action.” •

“W e can’t j’ust s it here ai o u r h a n d s , w e h a v e som ething.”

N o t everyone a t the m ee bad w ords fo r local law cnfc officials.

A l H iint, ow ner o f A l’s P W h e e ls , a y o u th -o r ie n te i estab lishm ent said tha t he “ g o o d c o o p e ra t io n ” fn

; sherifls departm ent, b u fd it I h a s n o tic e d a r e c e n t inc i 1. incidents.I T h e C ity C o u n c il m n c k n o w le d g e d 'th a n l ie w 'a ' questions tha t need to ^ a

and sa id they -w ou ld look- matter.

J “ I t lo o k s l ik q w e h a v e c a se ,” D ee H a y c o c k , a ft ch ild rcn -iiw 4 h e -d is tr ic tr<

•group." W e ’v e ta lk e d a b o u t 0

.g e ttin g pregrumt - they’re d( now. Latch-key kids - w r i i k id s h o m e alon tf a l l th e 1 looks like th e on ly th in g % going fo r us is the dark, and o u r Idds board the bus in t

■ M j w y . ”D e L o y T h u e so n ,

spokesm an, sa id a f te r th e i th a e c o s t o f tak in g th e B oard (o court would be m< the group could afford.

R o g e rs s a id th e a t to m e could co st the group abou t

p e a h e n s , a n d p e a c o c k s wi banned in any residential zt a re a , n o m a tte r th e s iz e a c r e a g e . .T h e c u r r e n t ord a l lo w s la r g e r fa rm an in : property o f a t least one h a lf a

A lso a t th e m eeting , tbe accep ted a p re lir^ in a iy buc th e 1 9 9 1 -9 2 f is c a l y e a r <

m ill io n in com pansdn to th< 91 b u d g e t o f $ 9 .1 m illio c o u n c i l w il l b o ld h ea rin { departm ent heads tb is Aveek refining the budget ftirther. ---------- ~

o f the Hole- o f each ‘other.- 7 F a irfie ld ^ .moyfi' to w ard

lan, n e m ust 'l in k in g u u ia j len 'O d ia g a W illiam son sai .sw eater and pathologist who

samples found 0 }ttod i n th e ccrtainly came f after 7 p.m. A fte r W illia:

h a l f o f t h c po eg W ahlers w itn e s se s on th e r B a rg e r began scaling bi they spotted that testimony t

atthem . weeks. .J he had car W illiam so n dfaga-asked*-prosccurion mi for •Svater.” afte rnoon . Def Odiaga kept Elkins said he i me nervous, K ev in w ill nee iving. present their caslountain, the T h a t c a se m d tag a i T h is - W ilWamoon wi 1 the canyon Defense attorney do w n w ard , 'th e ir finrt Witncs lOved to the E lk in s cou l id c d as thc._w hethcr_or iiot

able to its wi imony cfime preferred order /ho s ta r te d begins Friday, ' W r i^ t and “ W e‘rc j u s t

1 few blocks flows tomorrow,

■ .....■

* the nwinrst hnm p Q T have to be built L / O l no t leak into wa

A t the A pril 1 ! o n th e •>>"■ th e 1, 0 0 ( in e m e n t lagoons w as toi 1 7 :3 0 in that the county 1

A s p e n ' B littleca3ict.toJ

rem am s, Pnipps "T hat m ay no

B ut w e bave tc__ _ she said. __

iiding,' ' ' -"O n ce thT law ' s' e x is t in g fm c-nm ed tom a a o f w h a t The county ha ;e w ith o u t fo r neariy th re e ; lies, Phipps O fltcials hope

the types o f figh he law will th e c o u n try ha lace w a s te s p ra w l o u t to aw ay from surround farms.

10 live here A lso a t th e n e, becau se discussed giving :p fTghtfng m ayor pay mere

m ayor m akes $2 r i f f B i l ly fou n c il member! !;h ie fP a u l per month. le r i f f R a y The proposed sd T uesday m a y o r is S30,i w o m a n 's council m em bei i s s u e o f u p to $ 4 0 0 'pe

w ages have b ^ G e ra ld _ _ C oun cilm an 1

r o f B e l l the council h ^ t isiness tha t m ayor’s w o rk a set o n fire raise w as approp oke to the A f te r d is c u s

in crease th e ir v, g-icbargcd-^C lay - H a n d j p stopped b y p o s ^ n e d until L es a w e e k “I th in k anyti ivarehouse.- -considers g ivm j “ d e f ln i te ra ise , th ey shou

advance notice ii and wring g iv e a n y inpu l e t o , d o H andy said. .

The council oh eeting h ad handle a petitioi iforcem ent property owners

Drive.P izza and T h e p e ti 't io n

ted d a n c e loca ted a t 1448 le has h ad p u b lic n u isan c i fro m th e because law n Is r did say he The council dc ic rea se in riites the c ity chai

, • . u n s ig h t ly areas m e m b e rs increasing those i 'a fe 'S O ff le ~ ~ T h e "c o u n o ir j a n s w m d speed lim its for t

25- to 35-mile-pe

'e a w eak b u t th e re w ould fa th e r o f bring in experts t<

- t o l d ' t h e ----- ^ W h a M h rs ro tp u t tb e 'sch o o ls

o u r g ir ls w ere and w e ha' doing th a t signed u p to helf rleave o u r to C cn tra l.(E len 9 t im e . I t said after the mee I w e have “ T h e y ( th e id som e o f m e m b e rs ) have 1 tb c da rk -- getting -uSrOfT spi

b o n d p tisse s ,” 1 g ro u p said,

e m eeting - “ I k now o f sc' ie S chool have le f t th e .d ii moro than thing is so demon

“ So w e 'l l s ta r aey s f e e s soniiebody to rim, J t $5,000, group.

w o u ld b e T h e c o u n c izone “A ” em ergency situattc o f th e PubUc W orks Dtrd in a iic e to purchase fo r th'im a ls b n a u s e d b o o m trfacre . ladder truck tha t ile council coijncil set a $ 20,< u d g e tfo r ,. ' T h e a l te rn a t l 'r o f $ 8 .1 bodm truck fo r $:the 1990- truck is necessaryio n . T h e a t 2 2 lift stations, n g s w ith , ; In ad d ition , Oek before directed D ustin t

paths around the c


n-.- Today’s testimony w ^ ^ ^ H . a rd sp e c if ic e v i d e n c ^ ^ H d iag a 16 t lT E ~ c r tm ;^ ^ B ~ * , said. He p lans to call who will testify that t i s s u ^ ^ H nd on Odiaga’s car a l m o ^ ^ H ne from W right’s b o d y . . ' lliam son ca lled a t l e a s ^ ^ B I p o te n tia l p r o s e c u t lo i^ ^ H on T u e sd a y , a t t o r n e y ^ ^ H Ig back earlier p r e d ic t io n ^ ^ H ny could last up to t h r e e ^ ^ H *

son now sa y s t h t ^ ^ |I m ay rest b y - T h u r s d a y ^ ^ B - D efense a tto m ey B r i a t | ^ ^ | he and co^»)unsel D a v i< ^ ^ H need abou t six days t o ^ H case.

e m ay b e h am p ered I f ^ H h - w r « p s - u p > b is - ^ u ic k ly ,^ — imeys had planned lo tncssM onday. lo u ld n ’t 's a y T u esd ay iiot the defense w il | be _ s m t n e s ^ to court in 'the 7 der i f defense testimony

u s t h a v e to .see h p w i t . ^ H . row,” Elkins said.

fiome. Lngoona also wiH uilt to m ake sure they do> w ater supplies,iril hearing, farm ers said- 0 0 0 - fo o t s e tb a c k f o r ^ ^ l '3 too rigid. They hoped nty m ight m ake that ru le ' c-to-bcnd............_ . l ,0 0 0 '; f a Q t . .s e tb a c k l^ H . - . p p s M ld . ' ' r

not b e the best way, e to s ta rt som ew here,”

law 'isT h 'p Iacen rcan b c^ t^ ^ B »miake it w ork, she said. . . H y has w orked on the l a w j : ® ree years. - - ; ;Klopc the law can prevent fights that o ther parts o f t h a v e fa c e d a s c i t ie s

to th e - c o u n t r y a n d . H

le m e tin g ,'tiie council Z Iring themselves an‘d the Bncreases. Currently the ; Bs $27,500 p e r year and •• f lbers are reccivm g $300 ^ ■

sed’nc‘ w a g M fo r the A | 3 0 ,0 0 0 p e r y e a r arid ib e rs w ages w ou ld go;■ per m o n th . C u r r e n t '>ecn p aid since 1986.

las been happy w ith the rk and sa id he fe lt the iropriate.c u ss in g .Q m o tio n to ' i r w ages, C ouncilm an I j ^ u g g c s t e d ' ' it~ 'b c Ltil the next m eeting, nytim e a p u b lic en tity vmg^ them selves-a p.ay^- h o u ld g ive th e pu b lic '. ce in case they w ant to ip u t o n th e m a t te r ,”

il also discussed h ow to ition signed b y s e v e ra l ' • lers w ho live o n C onant

io n c la im s a h o u se ! .'M 8 C onan t D rive is a in ce a n d a n e y e sore!Is n ot m aintained.

II review the charges for cleaning up re a s a n d to c o n s id e r JSC rates.3 ira lB 0-T cv lcw ed-the“ - for the new truck-route^decid ja ijo .g a ta-b lig ii:^e-per-hour limits.

>uld be o th e r co s ts to rts to defend the c a s e _ _ group TCalljr w iuib ia td ols b ack th e w ay they have 35 to 40 people

help m ove things back ilem entary),” T h u e so n ' meeting,i h e . ' S c h o o l B o a rd lave 'n o I n te n t io n o f ' split sessions until the ,” T h e re sa R o b in so n .

f several teachers who- s .d is tr ic t becau se th is moralizing,’'s h e said. - s ta rt a reca ll and find t^in,” R obinson to ld the

n c i l d e c la r e d an. tuation and authorized> D irector D o n 'D ustin ■r the jsewer departm ent n t r u c k 't o r e p l a c e a la t is xmrepairable, 'The J20,000 limit.ta tlv e w a s r e n t in g a >r $2,500 a m onth. T he Lsary-to service pum ps )ns.., C ouncilm an R ogers i n to investigate b ike h e city.

___ _____, ■• I ^ . —

g i

inLinThe 'nmcs-NcwB

, SHOSHONE - TilCounty Foir c o m in i^

'With Ihe variety of............_schedulcd, _«herc,.wiil.

for everyone.

S tan o ff w ith at 9 a.m. followed by (ics demonstraiion put

. H club at !

7 Slick ‘ofoiTnd tb r il .which.stiuts-ai-6:30 an zag through ’ Shoshon

' .. pan is.shou ldbca tF irsi -South R oiU K i^).ni.—

A t 8 p.m .. the rodca thc Slash-T rodeo cor

• uncierway and will, fea traditional rodeo acliv at the rodeo arerja, ad S4 for adults. $2 fo r 'I(

_foc-£eniors,-ond kid< u free. . •

— Thin gs get oiy to a Stan Thursday at 9'.o.n dairy and dairy goat c thc beef classes begi p.m. . . '

Thc third annua! tug- be held from 6:30 tp The Rail Street_GMg,fi

Gooding v «

local emerj-B y V a lC o o p c r

Times-News C orrcsponde

GOODING - T he Cit has acceptcd tlic Gooding Fire Departm ent os th e li gcncy response-authority I o f Gooding.

At M onday’s mcetin] Gene H eller brought t council (hc proposed res<

----- garding local em ergency nTlie Idaho Legislature

------new Iduho-Hazardous-Subsponse A ct in A pril, whic lhc sta te 's city councils tc

Officials sa; rejportwill I

YAKIMA. W osh .(A P )- " oniCials alleged,'TlfttUflJi

U.S. D epartment o f Encrg holding a report (Ictailing dents at thc Hanford nuclei iion since 1944. ;

Bul-a spokesm iu^for-tl Department in W^shlngl said release o f the , report

I......delayed faccauscJt. must.bcfor accuracy by the dc{

' historian.“Anything w ith historic

cance has to be chocked people." agency spqkesr Lush said in a telephony ini

Hc said the repon would released to public reading about two weeks.

I Thc spraw ling federal n In southeastern Washingt,or Ihun 40 years m ade pliitc nuclcar weapons. Thc site iuins the nation 's greaiesv o f nuclcar defense wastes. i

Oregon officials hqlpj " inT riro rrbccause tfie"C61u[

cr, which forms a boundary Oregon -e n d —Wg^hingtor through Ihc rescrvadon. h

; I____ ^ ------- --

W e are please!______ .. _Df.a-bnflrri^lt,

Valley Regioi


“ . ■ N

' ' ' St' 650 ^

• G raduate oi

• M edical Inti and Fellows University

• N ow availal


ncoln G(■;.ing champio

w ill be held I Thc Lincoln thb football fi

r idcoo f ac lm tic s p.m .Tlim (ln:

“ S T F r id S ,: sheep classcs ‘I ; ' '‘" " ‘" j ?b y d g y m iin s-p m o n b y a 4 - I"te=

., at lO a jti. ,

r the - barade, - l m d.w lU .2ig i hone. P m ic i- IrsV StreM iiid_____________ - the fairgrounc

dco pul on by-.- - A n award com pany gets f a i i^ u n d a .s feature-oil. th e . starling .a( <3. :iivities. Held w illisell the , .admission ,is„ r a l ^ _ a r 16 under, $3 ' ^ e ai the o nIs u n d c P ^ a ro — ....

D on 't forge

.s em l-e ia ly

i - S k r i '

;ug-a-war will And the ro. tp 7:30 p.m . at 8 p.m and f

ig .,iro j;|e fchd j:._^ ll^ igd

volunteers ni rgencyTespo

a local cmcrgidem .............- - ty • to -be -firsi

ardous waste iCity Counciling Volunteer In other bus c loca l e m c r- : . p „ p jn y .y fo r lh e c i .y „ „ ,|,c rise In

ing permits wrling. M ayori W o re Uie 521,750 lemo lesolm ion re . dw=llms; and ^ re sp o n se . i i u j u u . - ^ ire enacted a • The Mair Jubstanee-T ^^icct-stans-th is /hich requires bons Grammii s to designate are scheduled

ay Hanford aI be made pulP) — Oregon in both'states afly~imn“ the” rc p o rrfo rm < lergy is w ith- been briefed i ing 125-acci- Associated Pr clear reserva- pon from ami

protested. lost.r-the-E nergy—Hanford.-------ngton, D.C.. .Som e regu K>rt has been frustrated will t.bcjcv icw cd._ ing .lhc docum dcpanm ent's 'T lie histo:

with, the speed )rical signifi- Sanderson of ced by these m entofEnerg; lesman Fred Ralphi-PafU ! interview. ment o f Water )uld likejy-be pon has been | ing roorhs in in each o fth e |

"Each lime iII reservation cancclcd becai jl,on for m ore quuners cleara Iiitonium for Boih sides ite now con- agree m6Hl o :st, collection Ueen previous!

' • documents. 5lp- regulate - This would ilum bia Riv- various accidc iary between ortc repon. .P tton. - passes -“significant" > I. Kcgulators the report resul

ased to j o u n c e the ass( eligible neurologist with ’io n d M edical Center.



S l^ F lo o r, M VH M C.0 A'fldison A venue Wesi

v'^........ :: o f Wayne State Univers

Iniem jhip, Neurology Ri iwship in BEO/EM O at Iy

liable by appointment,'"i .

7 ? 7 - r 2 5 3 0 . ■



M a ^ c V a l l e y

Regional Medica

------------------- ----------------------^


^ m ■ ■■ ll II _______ 1

..... ......................... . , B>

pions* arid the contest Id at thc fairgrounds by •

.................... - - s ;co w ill start agajn.aL 8 .sday.'. • ■ . 1.r.- .- ■ . . _____ tmay, the fa ir opens with Kcjapim al' round ro b in ' ” 'diJ

9ja.m., followed by the m(14I round robin classcs thr

tio- fo r - th e -4 -H -8 ty le - re ^ — ^ic ^ starts at _ j ru n .____° fiewri'By cluB 'm cm bers “Vi odeled at Ihc stage on •u n d s . __________________ _•

lacirds assembly at the titi 3 .stage a t 2 p.tii., and . hei ; '3 :30 p.m .. 4-H kids he fatted anim&ls they qIq d at the 4-H Fat Stock res arena. gj^

;----- tio:irget about the A nnual Fir p (Throw ing con test,. 22 ' ~be-held at 5 p .m . be- ■ —the

arena and the. foir- ‘ - no entrance fee w ill be Q

rodeo will stan again id feature the crowning ^oqiieeri.;.' U

named “I chi

lonse team :ergw cy response authori- Ya!irsi pn- the'-scene o f haz- ugi ile incidents. • en j

• triubusiness: ■ j

ly values in Gooding are thiiand the following build- re;ii

> were issued in July; onengle-family dwelling; one ^ model o f a single-familymd dne office building at '

lain S treet sidewalk pro- his-vlcck-in from o fG ib -- -i imarlSchool und 60 days led fo rthe project.

accidentsu b i i c s o o n

:es havp known about thi:■ m otphs"im d-haverevcn“ j:d on pdnions o f it. The ^Pres,s |eam ed o f the; re- )

inli-rujclear activists who . !asLwedk at the gates o f... ;

igulatqr.s huye bccom c i viih the! delays in releu.s- JumcnL. ___ ____________ ^storical \ process moves ;ed o f a g lacier." said Bill • j o f the,.O regon Dcpun-

2rgy- ' in -of the Oregon D cpan- | Iter Resources said thc re- , cn promi>;ed to regulators hc past two monlhs. ' ; 1 ie il was f.cheduled il was cause thore was no heud- arance." yati said. 1 Ics o f Ihc controversy

of the accidents have msly official

ild be the first lime the idenis were com bined in •Putt said none o f the

" acciden is-detailed in•sLilicd lit linyyaiiitlrtcs;------ -

ssociaUpn ith M agic •

i ’ .

D ,M .D .

)est « ,

jrsity i

Residency . it Emory

■i ■ cal Cdnter ^

i r x t W T l T t i C j

B y M ichael l ^ f f o b e rTim es-N ew s (forrespondent

.. KETCHUM The, ailor K etchum ’s Ijirgesi d a rm c d ^ r i b e d th^ city ’s alarm r irig policy 1 as “unconstit M onday nli^ht.

' B rtce 'CSjllier, represchiii .tincl_Erc_1tnd_.Sc,curity,._t K etchum ,City C ouncil it dizing th c ' firm ’r-co m p c tl m on ito ring^ their alarm ‘ through .thb Ketchum Com tions Ccntcr.-

o f 9 0 0 clicnls in the Woo V a lle y u s in g n -com pm cri2 work...,

__IJtXnrii,unfair.j?9niR<UiXiyc lage.'; Collier, claim ed. "The tition d o « n ’t have lhc sam head expanses that m y client

Thc- a iy o f Ketchum alarm companies S7 a mo residence to m onitor fire a glory alarms through its.comi tions ccntcr, occotding lo K Fire C hief Tom John.son. A t ; 227 alarms are, being monin ■rt’C T ity r--------


on sexual;"T A K lM A T .W ashT .tA P )? ;lah man whose trial on sc) chai^6s ended in a hung ju chargijd for a second time 1 and! will face another trial.

Th’e 11 charges were renc Yakima Couniy Superior ugainsi Elroy Backer. 61. a engitiecr for the Boeing Co.' triid has been set for Oci. 21.

Backer's initial trial ended this year when the ju ry coi rcol'h a ununitnous decision.

G®i _____ _____________ _i, ,

i For Be i - Y (! |---------------------------T

G O O D; T w i n * 9 J


- r f i s - M a t c

r r j n #Chaise Lounge R


. 3 2 6 -2 n c l A v e .S

•' j

} Collier notedt { charge its clicri

; m eet expenses,om ey for who use thc citcompariy vices are chargir

' " W ' >hi"k " 'iim u o n a l

p 'hase.out.lts af; llin g 'S en - vice.- tp ld _ lh e :_ __City_ .attorney*as subsl* agreed with Col :tltors tty- tlonality o f the

'systei^s out that Sentinel mmunic^- to the moniiorinj

peiilors.,nnqitfirirt^ **tf thi»rr»'g n paod R iv tr to do with dec rizcd’ n c t-" m a d c ih a n nnyc

_____ o f .Kcichum -jiive odvan- pointed out. ie compe- ' ‘ The 8-year-ol imc over- sw itched from 1 nt.d.oes.'; loring syslem t I charges, netw ork in 198'? nonth per out m ost o f its and bur-.-K ctchum Comm

mmunics- dozen o f its d ie K e tch u m ^erra re still monit

kt present, Thp Kcichum lilored by m ously opposed ------------— city ‘*-alarm m on

n faces 2n abuse ch£

; ^ S : S c “ :7 3 3 c p u iy r .P fo « i;ex abuse__said Tucsday..shtjury was iion can be won I Tuesdtiy

............. . .S h e d id not.saj. J cuiion hud uny nc

rr^'^CouH Backer faces s, a retired

, ^ " j lesiuiion,

ed ea rlitr Proseculon. all ;ould nin' UttJcriijI. ; iK loffivcm onU ^

ack-To-Sd rour Worn-— I5

R e c l l n e r N e w L a (


S;y^ih Falls, ID

• /

ed that Sentinel m ust A ierits S27 a monlh to out, :s. But its com pelilors disc city’s m onitoring sbr- ' liori ging ju st S22 a m onth. . y

this is unfair," C ollier on cd tl),e...qiiy council to cult afarm m onitoring ser- incr

comley . Ed . Lawson _djs-_ . J c i^ollier on thc constilu- the ie service. Hc pointed,' o f ( nel has thc same acccss fo r i rinft scrvicc as its com - mar

■ profn pm hlffm if tru ; rp n n . |hCJecisions Sentinel has y d ec is ion thiit the c ity — jj • j ia s 'm a d c ." Lawson njnj;

and^o!d alurni company by*! n a dtrecl-wire m oni- niin I lo its com puterized pose )87. gradually phxsing cl ol its direct links to ihe nmunication Centcr. A . icr i :lients’ alarms, howev- com initored by lhc ccntcrr - m C ity Council unani- r~ « d any change in lhc loniloring'poijcy. ■ *

id triallarges»«cuioTr'Pari!TPowe7s ~ sh c j> c l ic v e s a .c o n v ie - • in Ih is lim e .

sa y w h e th e r Ihe prose-,.'n e w evidence, s seven counts o f sec- hild .rape - and four ond-degrce child mo-

allogc Backer r f ^ s e x Tage‘girl,s”o v c r 'a ”pcri- iihs in 1990. L


r a

5A I;hool, Spai i-Qut Mat

10 Ve

BETTER ,T w i n ® 1 2 9

F u l i * 1 5 9

Q u e e n ^ 2 0 9 ^

^ R e s t o i

^ ^ ‘ 7 Now

ady's Recllner


r i T


D • 7 3 3 - 3 3 1 2 - O p t

j ~ Ma{W • ' V •

As M ayor Larry Young p )ut, the alam i policy gcneniied liscussion than the c ity ’s S4.: iori budget Monday night.

T licrc’was little public coi )n thc c ity 's proposed 10 p rutback in spending and 23 p ncrease in property taxes f< :oming year.J o h n .Well.s, speaking on bcl

he Sun Valiey/Kelchuni Ch )f Com m erce, thanked the c o r including visitor informatic narketing funds in its budgei >roposed budget trims S15.1X he amount coinmiiied lo the ii s F rn T s g im :— =----------------

" Lociil opiion tax revenues ar ling 15 percent behind last md .building permit fees are jy 'J5 pc~rccnt, according to Cii ninistrator Jim Jaquct. Tlie loscd budget assumes. lhc slim :l o f sales tax i^venue for 1991

"W e’rc hopeful ihat this p;isi : r is not an indication o f thit ome on sales tax," Jaquet said

l - ^ U MA specially

w hich includes;

Taught by JanelC lass Wednesc

f;ofm oro inforl

TPTwin F;

:on 's

i.E!-are Rooms, ttress"andYear Warrahly J

^ls-llllatc^°^^ s S '

ton ic OrthoU>nic e H an/elbus.M iddle ^

/ ^ 3 9 9 ^Q ueen Set

Glider Recllner



' ■ W ednosdo/, Auq

a g i ^ V a i f g y iI • ’ V .

pointed Even so. the c ed more chances with its 1 4.5 mil- signal and street

the intersection ol ■ 'R oad and Highway

I’™ " ' 'f.iroprovemenui to tlFor r i o n l lO c M .y . , , .

Together, those ’‘ l',?*f,°f. amount lo S I30.0 riiam ber proposed use o f S I , council (ax revenue,

lion and’ct. T lic “ I'n i rocommen .000 o ff i'cnis would only I e cham - we ,saw wlrat the--------------- gencraicd:"-Jnquon-.....................-•.‘W hat-you''

icing nn the cake."' ' » T o m H d d . re dow n ^ ,S i i f -A T I - - : - - .” ; l.e pro. MX'i'di-d. imc. k -v._ K cichum C'il

.nooii workshop ot :isl win- . Kciclium Cily Mall rtings to gel will be propo id. Aug, 19.

I FOR LIFy d ev elo p ed prog

• a w eight redu<• behav io r modi• e x e rc ise im po

el Paul - Registereij Di s d a y A u g u s t 7 - 2ormation call 733-3700 oxtrZSS&dC^ a l i s C l in ic s H o s p i ta l

5, Or Repla r S A V E ! - “

15 Year War

E S T■in " ' 1 7 9 ®

II ^ 2 0 9 ^

l e e n ® 2 4 8 - ^ ,

„ * 3 8 9 ? ;

PDBig Ilflan's C


■ I

m - 5 p m • S a t . 1 2 n c

,ugust 7 ,1991 • Timos-Nows, TwI, Twin Fo«9. Idaho 8-3^*3

y/Wesr: r~~rmingg—c city is taking n o - .. ' ----- jits budget. A traffic*, ji .;el im provem ents dl , i1 o f W arm-SprJpg.^_______ _way 75 may be post- _ lues arc down. And* - ;o the cily bike pathrf^ . - d another year. ■

hose two projects50.000 . of. tiic. ciiy.'jnia______rS I ,3 million in salcfi^.j.

■ : r i t ......

mending ihat ihosL*- ' ily Iw allocated a fieP *Ihe winter sales la fUOP.Mld.— -------------nyrr-— '

saying.-is-tlial’s th irj? ----------<0." said Coiincilm air’t

-thcreo f:~ -Jaq tic t-re^ -—-------

Cily Council plans a1 on thc liiidgct a t — ........ ..-lall loday, Tlic bud- oposed officially oh

ogramluction d ie t ;id ificationijo rtanceDietitian-- j - 2:00 pm i: : 2 9 T - • - "1-----------

} Iital :

SiLlace iWarrarny -- 'j

!'Mis-Matcli> :J , S e r ^ :

s Chaise



n o b n - 5 p m - i \

l7 3 4 dand foVoiv llic sL

I Mopn lin e -

‘ Tuesday’s scon

American LeagiOam-nort>0,M.t«iuV»«5

—--------------TofoWo ?: OWroil 1—----Ken»a« City 8, tkxloo 0 Chicaoo 14. N«w York S Tous 10. ClsvelAoda

National LeagueLcnAnoele> 5. Clncin>uUl 2 AUonUi 10, S«n Ffnnci»eo Q PiniOuTj'' 3. New York 1 PnUadolpniA t, Choo 2 .1 Howloo0;S»n0iovOl"" SI. toiM 7, Monlfoal a, 10 V

----- TodayIdatio American Lngion c

Flow, 4pm

Chart** Fo»i»f, tnck Uioi e.CcL-»}*,3 t r 1-7.T

5:30 p.m. — Channel 13 Ctnelnnatl

0 pm. — CnaruM23. Pan A

Jerome Hig issues footb:

JE R O M I--F o o tb a------------- issued-«o prospcctivi

H igh School Aug. 13 S c n io rS 'S h o u id p

T u e s d a y b e tw e e n ju n io r s on W cdncj sophom ores on T liun

Record fails to man at Spudmi

B U RLEY - Dcrck mic. W yo., SCI a new

•the Spudm aii Triallilo T h e racc in c lu d c

- sw im , a 4 0R bicycle i M itchun i fin ished

fifth running o f ihe c up D crck Rudd by 38

N ancy H arrison o Ihe w o m e n 's fie ld 1 m in u te s , co m p le tii 2:03:00. '

T h c se c o n d worn Shannon Kipp in 2:07

Jerome’s McKc in Great Northi

S C O T T S V A LLE M cK con o f Jerom e

• N A SG A R G reat Non; ; ^.istandings through la s t ' r-: k R o g e r G annon o f r r r 'c o n t i n u e s to lead th r i r .^ 2 5 ,0 0 0 in postseason.

M cK can has 2,615 P * "Gnnnon has 2,878 in I are thc only competit( [ w ith 10 victories. Dri j- 'b e s t f in ishes o u t o f I I ‘ ■ -starts.

j Twin Falls Mun I Men’s AssodatiI TW IN FALLS - TlV '^ A s s o c ia t io n m cctinV M unicipal G o lf Coursi i scotch ball tournament r. • G olfers should find ;; ■ w ith a iilx 'S trokc hoi

m aximum ollovrcd.' V; The fee is S5. Sign t

• p.m. for thc 6 p.m. shot

C on^ile


I h ad no Ide w orth $50, ' did, I’d - sleeping95

— MIckt . learning h(

1S67 Yankee w as exp6(

......... ' i r " 7'

p o r t s T„inejTheTimes 'fews' For the latest

scores, call: —

-6 3 2 6e sln]p lc In s tru d lo n s j





3ue ■atl2



101 eiMMlon. ConyoA Springs GoK1-7,TI,

ll 13, OateBall, Lot Angalsi al


igh School ballgearitbail equipment wjU betivo-playors.nt-Jcfom b--------13-15.

d p ick up e q u ip m en t en 8 a .m . a n d n o o n ,- n e sd ay m o rn in g and lursday m oming.

to Wyoming man IViathlonTck M itchum o f Lara- new rccord in winning Jilon here S u n d ay .'„ — idcd a I .5 -k i lo m e tc r ;le rido and a lO K ^ n . lied in 1:5 0 :54 in the le event to -beat runncr 38 scconds.

n o f K etchum topped Id by m ore th an four e tin g th e c o u rs c in

O m a n to f in is h w as 1:07:21.

Kean runs 6th them RegionLE Y , C n lif . - E ddy ne ran k s s ix th in thc 'lorthcm Region point ast w eekend’s results, o f R e d d in g , C a lif .,

I thc race fo r n e a r ly on awards.15 points in 15 starts, in 17 starts. T hc duo

:titors in the standings Drivers count their 20 o f a m oxim um o f 22

uni schedules ation scotch ball ^• The m onth ly M en 's t in g a t T w in F a lls urse includes a 2-man • , ent today. jind their own'-partners ] h an d icap sp read the

pi ups ore due by 5:30 hotgiin s ta rt piled fitim sta ff r e p c ^

d ea it w as;o,oo6. If I I’d be ng In It.

:key Mantle on • i how much his ;ee road Jersey 3ected td bring

a t auction

G o w lJ B y M ike M ailer____ .. ., T im cs-N cw s sports ed ifcr

-TW IN F A L L S -T h e Be- — u p r in - th c - p o a i l io o - e x p

. f iiiish in g .T u esd ay ’s schc u n b e a te n team in th c Ii Legion B aseball Tourrmmc

T hc Tw in Falls Cow boj tournam ent only by grace < com pleted enough upsets .opponent for thc title. .

-----. . Am erican-LT op-secdcd Boise plays

V- p.m., today for the champi do u b le-e lim ina tion form i need two victories o ver Bo th c r e g io n a l to u rn e y b W ednesday in Sheridan, \V

T h e Id a h o c h am p ii K e n n iw ic k , W a sh ., in I Kcnniwick defeated North the W ashington champions averaged 15 runs p er game in thc tourney.

Boiiic defcotcd T w in Fo o u t ^winners b ra c k e t afternoon. Thc C ow boys I th c ev en in g to rou t M cri

■' loser-out game;----------------

Tw inFalls IS^M cridia A f iv e - ru n g if t fro m

... .M eridian m ade thc g am e la- instead o f six and one-half.

The Cowboys pounded c runs in thc sccond and scvi o f the third and led 17-3 ofi

A k i t , I.WO CCCQC4, a. \ batsm an sen t T w in F alls '

.'T.J. N ew ton Io thc shower in th e to p -o f th e se v c n l m oved to the m ound from s a qu ick tw o-strike count,( T hc M eridian catcher drill fas tba ll o v e r thc 386-fool field to cu t the C ow boys’ li three RBI.

.T o rebuild the 10-run mai g a m c .^ a u L -R a s m u s s c n . S tudebakcr w alked , a n d P th ird on R an S tover’s fou b e h in d f i r s t b a s e . W i

— S tu d o b a k e r b ro k e fo r se w orking fi-om a pitchout, S

U .S .d i' 'T b e A s s o c i s t i ^ 'F ^

HAVANA — M ark Leqz and whistles o f a raucous cr on the board, then nailed tl

— ^ v e o f his life to w in a rare P !^ A m c r ic i Gomes.

" R o d n e y P a n g e r f ic ld . crow d.’ H e hasn’t seen on>

seen this," Lenzi'Said.He a n d C uban A b e l R

dramatically on the 1-m eter m ore th o n on b o u r Tuesc hum id pool complex, w hen jam m ed into overhanging s hooted as i f hey were at a bi

L e n z i’s v ic to ty g av e th sw eep o f th c d iv in g ever

- United States won the men 3-m eter springboard, b ut Cu ah ead in to ta l-m edals . Af C uba had 43 totals medals, medals w ith nine gold for thi

L enzi. a form er w restlei pact but m uscular 5rfo(

adm ire the 10-0 perform ar m en’s wrestling team Tuesdmatchcs. _____________ ____

In another perfect effort, tossed her second straight p th e U .S . in -w d m e n 's sof^t against Nicaragija. The gra< w ith a fastball described b

_ supersonica," struck o u l 1' straight a t one point.

The perfecto was the th i te am m fo u r g a m e s . M M ic h e lle G ra n g e r o f P lai considered the b est pitcher ir hit Puerto Rico.

The U.S. m en’s basketball T u esd ay , bea tin g A rgentii te am th e n h e a d e d fo r M i in te n s e p ra c t ic e b e fo re Friday’s gam e agmnst the B a

AzingeiH ie A ssodsted Press

CA kM EL, Ind. — Paul A the 7 3 rd PG A C hom pionst O p en c h a m p io n Ia n Bt questionable.

A z in g e r , 'o n th e m e n d i surgery, w ithdrew from the field Tuesday following a pra

“ T h e re ’s no w ay I can together,” A zinger said. “It much.” ■'; Bakenr-Fioch, suffering fixn

delayed until W ednesday a di he would be oH e 'to com pdi the year’s B ig Four champion

Vril see how it'feels tomo bettCT, r u have to pull oyL 1 w ay it is now ," the 30-ycar- s a i^ a fte r on abbreviated prac the tournament lhat begins Th

i io y s 1m

; B oise G em s w ound * ix p e c te d 'o f 'th e m ,:hedu le a s thc only c Id a h o A m e ric a n imenr.boys, entered in tlic c c o fb c in g thc host, cts to be the G em s’

k L e g l o n : ^

ays T w in Falls at 4 npionship. W itli the ' ^ ^ ^ H rm ol, th c C ow boys Boise to advoncc to

y b e g in n in g n e x t . Wyo. 'ip io n w ill fa c c n Ihc f i r s t ro u n d .

onship T uesday and m e while going 5 -0

I Falls 6 -2 to close : t p la y T u c s d a y ^ ^ ^ H ys bounccd back in Ic rid ian 18-8, in .a .

dian 8>m T w in F a l ls to K ev inc last seven inn ings...............olf. ball int

out rallies o f six to crossseven in the bottom In th(o ftc rs ix . Tai Goa. w alk , a n d a. h U olfo b,» Ils w inning p itcher wcrs w ith tw o outs on lh . R ile y B o y dm shortstop and got Ooyu (?) > nteOn M att Shofcr.Irillcd B oyd’s next"oot s ign in ce n te r "O JS eis’ lead to nine w ith T h e

them sem argin to finish the three hiie tu ^ 'in g lc d , R o b Trailid R asm ussen took F a l l s ’sfoul p o p u p 'cau g h t opportuW ith tw o o u ts , lo a d e d

s e c o n d . D e sp ite basemajt, Shafer threw thc G rcffS t

liver cheqzi defied thc boos s crowd as he stood d the m ost nervous ■arc U . S , ^ o l d j r u h s _ : ^ ^ H

:ld s a id , ' 'T o u g h anything until he’s

1 R a m ire z d u e le d :ler springboard for lesday in th e h o t, here the 3,500 f ^ s lg seats roared and a boxing match. i the A m erican s a v e n ts so fa r. The ich ’s and w om en’s Cuba still was way 'A fle r th e d iv ing ,

als, 26 gold, to 33 r the U nited States. itler w ho s tan d s arfoot-5. also cou ld ....... . ,Tiancc o f th e U .S . M exlcj esday in qualifying 9 o lf m ---------— ----- ^brt, D ebbie D oom practice It p erfect gam e for K eady a of^tball, th is tim e hasn’t b< graduate o f U CLA the food d by lo ca ls a s " la p„cU ce t 17. including 10 ■ R gmii

. . . . . . . o p o in ts fi th ird fo r the U.S. ahead ol M o n d a y n ig h t ; clsem ati

=*lapentia, C a l i f . , ' Qn thi ir in the w orld, no- on the bi

fo r the Iball team also won w ater fri ntioB 87 -8 1 . T he help hin M iam i fo r so m e ' Tell so sl re re tu rn in g fo r down on Bahamas. When

;r ou t^iOpt

1 Azinger is out o f a ,i,m '■ nsh ip and B ritish H e wi B a k e r -F in c h is 'c i u b coi

a pmcticiid fro m s h o u ld e r .__A zin»the 151-mon PG A 0,^ p ra c U c e s^ io n .. strongvl ;an p u t 18 b o le s „ , .

3“ s h o u f c

t o n tao ka decision w hether , ipde .in lhc last o f Iion^ips.'imorrow. I f it isn’t Open thr

1 can’t play thc level o f tear-old Australian Perhajjracticc session for celcb rit)1 Thursday. __ tro u bles.

fiaee €

In G ib s o n o f TWin F a l ls b

into center field a llow ing R )Ss the plate.the .seven-run th ird , R asm i jo rdon belted hom e runs. R

itrip lA i a tlvi w cow i.

1 110001 S— 0 OS!a 1871021-18215* (4). C tn ^ (S) and Moomxiu. Snafi ') and J, Hom»f. W — Nawion. L — Sti TF: R«*mu*Mn, Conlon.

e 6, Twin Falls 2c C o w b o y s , d id l i t t le s^ v c s , to ta llin g s ix .erro rs hils.liling 4 -1 in the top o f the fi ’s o f f e n s e f iz z le d on lu n ity for a b ig inning. W ith :d a n d o n e o u t , C o w b o y t lan Riley -Boyd drew a wall Starlcy across the p late. .

aim s g(

lean'diver Joi^^M ondraj medal In diving Tuesday.1 - t i l m u -g e t ' tP -M iu m i-ti-o :e the way w e w ant to for tv r said . “I t’s no t tha t evcrytl: been great, from the living qi od to the facilities. W e just;e in private.” ........................ -airez, and ,L enz i..w erc .tied ' i aA er th ree d iv es , a n d fa r o f the seven other divers' tht attered.the sixth and last dive, Ramij board for a m inute as a teon

: first, tim e in the event — from the side into bis targe im see the surface better. Tl silent, it could h ear the spray

on the pool.:n Ramirez hit the w ater clea

fPG A ;itlm lstlc S tew art ■

w alked o f f the C rooked S t ourse after playing only three ice round.iger, the w inner earlier this s bble Beach Pro Am, has a h play in the m ajor chompionsfa he underw en t su rgery on 1

e r seven weeks ago and hosn he U S ., unlike Azinger, was o f those m ost likely to succet spec tacu la r trium ph in thc hree weeks ago l i f l ^ h im int fthegam e.iaps< o inc iden ta lly , tha t n c ity also cou ld huve led to 1 ;s. •T o r f g u ^ d jy ^ n flfi

i b a c k s u p t o c a tc h a fly t:

; R asm ussen B ut C raig S for thc Gem s

m usscn and Falls hitters on , R asm ussen Boise forget

Uxicd 'whcp. ar.......... ' tw o-run single___ . . .seco n d base o■naf<» (0); Navrtbn, baSC hit.. Stark, HR - M: A n crro r ar

gave the Gem T he C ow boys walked, stole i

c to h e lp h o m c o n T J .N ra and on ly The Gem s c

T • n in on Hines s r fifth. Tw in- th e six th than n i ls b e s t error.Ith the bases}ys se c o n d ivmrai* ooiotai'alk to force ou o tu■niK lo.iorcc

..D<wadd«r,W —&endi

o ld d es

H g h t . c ^ 'g r i t u i a t c ay . M o n d ra g o n t o o k th ird

• two days,” the fans w e n t ' y thing here hugged him,one ; quarters to he pum ped his ust w ant to didn’t go q u ite :-------- -- • solid 66.6 point

;dat_202^5_pressu re .bnJU n fa r enough .62.1 points, that no one L enzi w atch

looked a t h is c m irez stood that’s great for 1 sammatft — “ I love b chall — splashed u ltim ate challei rget area to I 'm standing on The crowd it to w in. I jusi

ray sprinkle theyJre doing, boonls, I am. Si

leanly after not them.

; Baker-Biikcr-Finch sail

t ~ D5 tho telephone tal I— II..' “ 1 got a s tiff S lick O o lf s i^ S t l ie n i .a lU ree h o le s 'o f T h o neck an

weeks ago, he i is season o f last m the Orratc a history o f Embarassing oships. *0“™“n h is rig h t - arc's. iro n s and p u r l

lhe B fltish defending cham m to thc top Austmlian,‘said.

. . "This courec i: new -found need the short 0 h is back Dye-tiesigned lc lhclOpen,H ■•■■yards.---------------

fo r® !

ly b a ll T u e s d a y a f te r n o o n

g S ands relieved Jcrrod W o ins and got th c nex t tw o Tw : on a strikeout and easy fly ba ■gcd a lead in thc bottom o f t . an. c c c o t ac<A a wolV: ij.; iglc by A dam A laniz. H e st< c and. scorcd on Jaco b Hinc

and T o n y Z a ra g o z a ’s sing cm s a 1 -0 lead in the seco r >ys tied it w hen John Travel Ie second and third and tTOtt< J. N ew ton’s h it in thc third, s closed out thc scoring with a singlc_in th e fiflh lan k s to a tw o-base th row ii

010000 - 2 3 0 OtIOOx —S«0(7) and J,' Hoinor: Won#. Sand* (8) i


sp itehc


l a t e i M arit L e n z i b r f h l s ' ' " ilrd. ............... .......................

i'so& iersauh in a tuck pbsrtioi nt w ild. R am irezts teammat< ,ond hoisted him into the a ir < his fist in triumphi The judg< ite so w ild, bu t they gave him oints for a 397.62 total that pi Lenzijo com e.back.w ithjit lea

tch ed the C uban ce leb ra tio i is coach , and thought, “W ei or him, but i t 's not oyer yet.” hollm ger and to m e that w as tt illenge. T hey’re booing m e t on the boards, and I have to h

just tried to forget'about whi lg, because they ’re not o n th . So w hat I do is whnt m atter

'-Finch (said, “I spent 10 hours a day o ! talking to people. , t i f f n e ^ and a sore back froi ill hunched over so long.” and. b ack b o th e red n im 'tw

ie said, w hen he finished dea eater Hartford Open, ing,” he said.tiam ent officials were a^vaitin u in g e r and Boker-Finch, othe TS were trying to figure out ho> e o f the longest courses' ever I

5 to leave out m y 7-,,8-, nnd S u r th r e e I - iro n s in mjf b ag , am pion W ayne Grady, anothc lid. '- '■5C is so long you’re not going t >rt irons.” he said o f the Pel d layout that is listed at 7,28

e p M P

* ' ' ' ' ....... "WKE I

m a g a i n s t Bolsel.

I'orig M e r l i n 1 0 , N a m [ A trip le by Ja c k S]

from M ike Moorhous< B rian Stark produced in n h if niJIy tfiuf Anish

' “ I.': lO -rannilc . - .......M oorhousc m owcti

hitters, shutting them o5d. H>n:e walks./c ler S tuart paced M erid >tted M o o rh o u sc a n d Bria:

cach.ith a

• Nampa 0000000- 0 24 '" MarftSan - 1321003—10113

^mg Oarea. Onnback (S) ard HRon; MooctKMM,L-Oan>.Monda/tlatakMKC** CoowtfAMna 001021110—0 Nampa 103300 00*-13

.) and 'Oatun, Johnton {«) and tkadlay: ,6amal.t-0allao.

3stHe crI Debbie I : - stiirpe■ on therH . : .. T be A ssociated Pres

H - v S A N T IA G O , C H . Doom did it again. H Doom has not be

' . h it o r issued a w alka V .........softball gam es a t th

Games. . .H First, she threw a■ th e N e th e r la n d s

o p e n e r ,o f th e c o oH Doom, a hard-thiov^ H fh)m El M onte, ,CaI

- - perfect perform ance-------- - N icaragw -w inning-

T h e g ra d u a te o l fas tba ll described^

ion. s u p e r s o n ic a ,” st: ales including 10 s t r a i^ t r as A m e m b e r o f tl Igcs c h a m p io n sh ip tear m a p ra c tic a lly ev e ry 1 put m ark , Incliiding llv

east.;. ,-,and .76 shutouts.-, i: The perfecto was

on , U .S . team in fou r | ell> night, M ichelle Oran

Calif:* considered th th e the world, no-h ltPu( : as The Am ericans . to • h it tHe first inning nnd i 'h a t in the second, the They hod 12 hits ers, fo r extra bases.

questiolr on I t p layed m uch longi

Tuesday procticc rounds -om dotted wiih,pudd!es o f ct

first rain in this area in al ;wO 'T h e rough is not as' ead - Shoal Creek (last year),

is so veiy long that i f y< you can’t reach the gnt

ting’ said. • 'Jier . Some other major Am low field include M ark O ’M r i o Corey Pavin and Chip Bl

T hc European stars w I 9 - w orld go lf,in recen t yeg ,” leading contenders....... ...h e r ' T h e y in c lu d e Mast<■--■- W o o sn am o f .W aliss, ; to S te p h e n R ic h a rd s ol 'e le B d lles te ro s and Jo se > 289 S p a in , Sandy L yle and S M tlo n d ran tC B ^h an U

okESAiasuRr/h^Tim^^ '

impa 0k S p a rro w and s in g le s ousc, B riton S tuart and :ed a th ree-run seventh- nhshcd die gunie oa Ae

w ed d o w n -tlic N am pa cm o u t on tw p h its and

:rid ian w ith th ree hits. •Irian S ta rk a d d ed tw o

24'113------------- .• - ------- --------IRon; Uoamouaa and Snaler. W —

»- 0 1 0 3-13164 _ 'idlay: Oamal and Rwltoao-'W —

row de Dooniperfect—_: moundPress

, C u b a — D e b b ie in.t been reached fo r a /alk in tw o w om en’s It the P a n - j ^ e r i c a a .......

w a perfect game a t ds A n t i l l e s in th e c o m p e tit io n . T h en liowing right-hander C a lif , m atched 'that ince T uesday against -mg-8*0---------------------------------J o f U C L A w ith ae d \b y lo ca ls a s “ h _____

s t r u c k o u t r r , ig h t a t one point, i f th e I9 9 0 :w o r ld .- ■ team , D o o m h o ld s ry U C L A p itc h in g five pe rfec t gam es

vas th e thii^J for the lUr gam es. ' M onday - 3ranger o f Placentia, d the best p itcher in Puerto R ico,

s 'to o k d 2*0 lead in md added three runs

hits, includ ing four

msMeanger than tha t during uids, how ever, and wos - }f casual w ate r from the in alm ost'd month. . ^: as' severe .as i t w as at ar), but the. g o lf course, i f you get m tbe rough, green anyhow ," Grady

American figures in tbe )'M eara, Fred Couples, pB eck . .3 w ho have dom hiated’ t years are am ong the

a s te r s c h a m p io n Ian e s , N ic k -F a ld o and I o f E n g la n d , S ev e se M arie O lazab a l o f and S am T orrance o f jdrLangCT-of-Germany.-----------

- a r a-------- ----------N ^ W ^ V O k K 0

Tomirn again made 1 . M ets, pitching a fou

night that gave the P a 3-1 victory and sc its scvcrith straicht h

- : : : : -L l5 y a : :M < ^ i^ ohom er in 'the second

^‘.w a s en o u g h fo r th won theii sccond in

. I „im:cjght/-£an>eJosiaj The M cts, mcanw

!2(h tim e in 14 gam- - - e opencr-of-8 ih r

th e y fcH v '7 H g P i t ts b u rg h ; in the b ig g e s t d .cH cit o f losing streak is thcii seven-game slide i n .

Tomrm (7-4) beat third tim e in a s manj

' New York has^ jusl. ea rned n ijis in .23

h im . : ,_ ■ “ TomTfiris 1 r-8 Ilf__ _______ 4-0'ngnin^t ih r Mi»t

Struck o u t fo u r, w - a llo w o n ly o n e h

J e f f e r ie s ’ o n e -o u t , , __ fourth._____________ :

A L standings’ EatOMMn

Torono 8t 48 .i-OMtDI - S5 ' SI .i

----------------- —.felon—/ Uam'taX iS . M. .4• UhniM - « #t - iOaiancra 43 t3 .4Omivo 35 eg J


Unneiaa 4J--.JCNoeo ' S9 .4S .5Otutn) sa 40 .5Sum S7 49IkUl W 48 .SKtnutCily U St !CMlwrM S3 U .4

TUmOnfOtm LtHOtrmmiX

BiBfflttatDiUimiMS TWOMOiOOTOII KinuuOlyO.OotianO N»wVtn<ilCf»e»oo. WOMUMMTnu. (nl SuM*tlO«UVKl.(n) Umn»UilCUIorru.'<n|

Tcxt^^Qvr* SmM (Wmin 9-10) ai ouu 1;JS(xm.Uwmeu (Uenii 134) <l C4l<

’ 'UhrhAMtHtytnesBiacDi |l*0«nMS-Sl.S3Spm. DovQ1(Iknan*8-7)tlT<>nxBa ?),S3Sp.m,

» * Nn>Vgni|eiind1-3liiOKaIj-ej.ecspm.

________Oo«onlClemen»»2-7HlK*rr#.T),8aSp.m.CMUnd (G«us04| >1 To>x 0|,«a5(>.m.

AL box scoresBOSTCN KW&(toiniX> 4 0 ? » Ucfl«R«da------Tfl-re-KStSuvgrrift 20 I 0 lk<ae Oraniis 1 0 0 9 ^

4 0 0 0 (lurg c m ) 4 0-0 0 p«M BM>d 10 1 0 Uflr« 6m»T(1 4 0 : 0 Hj»»f Pme ) 0 t 0

— . . . - i ta is c IOOOAtnlts 3 0 0 0 TN* a o l o Toa

UMCir .. 2Z1DP-Owan I. K«im C>r I. LOO Kamo Or S. »M)urt4 [2S|. Hn (91 30-0n(l(lj m-not>(]| KOtWllil. CJ-OrtJ (1).

IP H.eoM

CHrtnwLM i . » ItWu-g 3 2

Bo«a«w>7 r t U^ntra 1 1-3 Ieora 7'} IUnprw-Hemi, awcu. FfU Uin

T~ 2 A-n,U>- .

u Mfi yTF UALTIer t iU

UdOSi 4 2 3 1 0 ^ M (t.a 10 12 On<AI W n a 1008 «\;M

QV(f"» 2000 VMd }0 t 0 Uhjtn

_______ sm»w - > o o ’ °*‘ -SM C "<2 20 Hatoi Gnwk 30 11 iM 2 b v r e IOOO S(MrtU 3 120 0tfn38 1000 TM f f { l2 t T« M y f t«r

.............?IWWt.(2J).Om«H14),(«p [14|.3a-SjtK<(2).OM>Ma{e) KA-QMaM (S). SO-Xamttn sF-stmoMMo.

V M flti; U M m •

lUWLH 3 t'3 7 S cm - n o 4 5

............ »Um 2^3 J 3®

OW»MiWJ3« 10( 4 , Fbn*^ 2 I '0 WHBwn 1 I 0 FV-bMI.


KTTOT TCfO- .*>ht«

M p il 10 1 0 wmc40 t 0 nurri

• 10 10 C«1»l' fMKlt 40 00 Owri

2 0 0 0 Itttal Qmwl) 3 0 0 0 SP7* Lmn2E> 1 0 0,0 Qnitw. DMtl 3 111 TtMtO

, 1000 S«|*>

btttc 2 0 0 0 IWMI

, • a : ' ' i V A —' ' ' DM ' 010


SIV-CW)*' (2 . Mta (ni. miani


/ Ctnau-i »....................Two* ...... .......

Kn*V,l24 S2-1 iWHSWI < } 0DWM 2 ' 1M«M124,, I 0 Hep-^cmainu»iwi wp-o

ucCMM. rm c S«cKttfcC:T.n>"iu<

._____ T-241.*-«3Ca

iHnrcni, (A P ) - k a n d y -----------ide fast work o f Ihc ', I four-hitter Tuesday le Pittsburgh Pirates- DodgeI sent New York to CINCM l o s s ._____ ;______ SirawbeiK lon -fill-a-tw o-run - hotno3*i □nd inning and that first time • th e P ira te s , w ho Dodgersin a row-following—Tuesda:

i iO f t^ rc a k .-^ ^ .^ - .mwhilc. lost for Ihc ' “;ames. By dropping , thrcc-gam e-scriefl; -

g a m e s . b e h in d .Strawiic N L 'E a s t , th e ir k ip Groo f Ih c y e a r . T h e an R B I«

heir longest sincc a 18th losin Ju ly 1989. R cd sfe

cat the M cts for thc Angles.:lany starts this year. ‘isl 13 hits and four j j 3^1323 inn ings aga inst ,^5

____________ S'lifetime, including ’

d c is -Jh is - tim c , he B rn vft- , w a lk ed tw o and ATLA ; h it a f te r G re g g had four 3Ut d o u b le in th e drove in


res and sLate AL bo:SE*m£

Men rV«i2ti 3 0 0 0Ptt 00 3 0 0 0

' .i70 - COWIO 3 0 0 0S"______ fWtt:z:.5.«:l:«L

■ 4;j,io t aom'-, 3 0 0 0■ .47 i..ia i........... - IOOO

•.4»-i5)i- Pw ,ir 1000' .410 17 vaic 3 0 0 0' J37 I4\ JOOO-•ton TM>c(i OOOO

ftX 00 Bn»r;n IOOO------- » M ru OOOr

; I' - T « P020: ^su g DfMMilVd 1.100-0*1.4M II S>-0«W(W).MMW.

117) -0«TM PMlnduM SmOt5 . ,>W»9*>L94 . . e 1

CmU 1' UUcUen . :

OuVigW.Ifl 7 n| ' : iIvnM ea«nttyS» .110»Ujni}[W«‘eftS-fi), HOP- llUitMontnHWilC4l<>s>TU(JAM>ofl ttKKad.TM.&U»c04ftms(»I. UHKEOT*>ro<Ba (Ju Gutman 3- M 11> t)

OlaJWl J231Chcaga (UrDoina uocha 4.100

trtrtie J 1 1 1 ' lK*r<»iC.iylA««or C O n t n n . i n i i

Kjijwc 4 1 1ToxaalDofuron I- Bi,aAi1 4 8 2 2

UKkcl 4 0 0 0Pgr.*) 30 4 0 0 0

pe 0»?»i» 4 110“ ' TcM 37 7 9 7iwaucmr . umMi

Alhti- (UttnM UcflMd 3110 E-Scttl!l.Df‘-Ucr*toKSaSi—.” «• 0— ci*M J' xpaas'tJ lk<asn 4121 (Si.DP>iu>|ii|,'*<RW>li EWiil 4 0 0 2 OJKXnj-SS-CaSSrTlI Owvie 4 0,10 PPwnXi 3 2 2 1 UnweaU«r*C 30 10 Tl»f.W>7 »J^Vdt9' 4 110 A9jWi S,» 1;r>Ti(n2a 3022 Cttoiu

-------------OoMUi--------?-•-M t , 2

Tcan-- B H 1I PO- VW211 CCI ' '00.-8 C««wrn;7h»a,l>ef.u

i,Loa-soswe.1 S 1 S 2 S S AL leaders.Ut)ta(7|. BAniNO-fOmkn. T«H . fl Ei) D8 SO Oman. .340; TvUtxA I

Flares. Tuu. J32: Pm . 1 6 8 2 0 [U>nM.OUlanil,322;t

2 0 0 t 2 JM.RUM5-f»tmwo. Tfiai

8 0 0 2 4 OaUtM. 7g, UKtor, Ur 1 1 0 ^ 0 0 CI«*90,73;WM».1«I I 0 0 0 0 T*m.72.riM».0«tie m e n Otiani].7i,I UtrM«tw, SKonl RB1-F««3er. 0«n>

85: Thomai. Cr.s»oa. 71 S«na.Toi«J.74;CO*v1 0«ualet.T«ui.72:Cr

ULUJOE , HITS-Ptlrrwro. T«iu.M ihU kUmukM. 1»;FHxM(l

>,nuiel 4134 cn<t»an.(UUT>ore.m>»MI 4 2 2 0 S«r». ftiM. 128,.^

' S 0 2 3 D0U1U,£S— Ti«3a> OtOO. Toren],3l:0ooci.Doi]

— ;-,-o-o“ r*S6; aOSX'ti S 0 J2 'T<««o,a:DWlKintl awatl- . i t t i TBIPU6- I ^ , w «M ae S3 31 Tbreno.7:Ucna(.Ka^ (M a 32 11 Btianora.8:Puc*«n.U

cmew.6. . . .HOUE RUNS-^MMr. I Oi»)*n«.»:CO»««.U.

ToM 38 11 15 12 lbronlo.94;Ttiamai.O totr 101 DCO-S D«tnH.22:TBnaM.K<i 001 CD Oto-IJ Cftc*»Mli(sm«.22; wo(i| DP U init t OaUand.22. Ml.EMnn7.. STOUiNtMSCI^Ui .(^fMrlJJI.Holul Ri«n«.C»>e*90 38;nA

• Pofer.a:Cal'ftrfu.31;C?WM(a).S|>nl1) WMttToronekJi.Ffirt

• PITCHWO(IOC>«e»<« fltn 00 SO u«»»*

D«rM.» 5 S 2 1 ,737.J.«1;LinoW>n.C»9 S 2 2 3.4i.K>nK.OaUani}.H3 2 0 3 Sl0a0m)TO.T0f0rl0, 10- 0 0 1 1 Ihigptn. CtKSOO. 7-1.y 0«W.14-«.,700,4a,( 4 5 2 2 . STRlKEOOTS-hJohrw >0 o' 0 I • C»w*niO<aian.t5t;nO O O O Langilon.ClUomU.i;7

lj8;UeOo«»i.Cr(ago. U.n».S*eaifl.(Wd...Cili1(«w.i«,.„ ...

SAveS- Ol-*f*.Um« OaM*naa.Mv<«r-Cal 0oim38:0«av0a!tifl

o o m CHcaoo.24:HnM.n>rt

SUia j l l o NL standing401 f EMtn<

■Mie J01T w L(Mmp. oooo Pim».rBh U 42(r^jtlb ooo o Sllsun 59 48AMX 40 1 S . NfoYBA 55 MMrcn 4 0 0 0 •Ctneaoa 52 52

10 10 -PWrnUttU 40 58fO«1< 2 0 10 MonrMi 43 81Mm M ' 2 000 WMOi

W LI M 8 2 .7 2 LnAriQoia » 4«no on coKi u 48so CO) D M c«m il 52 t l

I-OWIT). S17O0JO SO UWm»i(D) Sanf(»«oe»» 55Jt . Hsutnn 45 &gH ■ R tn 60 £0, , . L - r r -

---------------------lO«An90W9,l*«im*iJ I I I 8. AatnaiaSanFfi^KC 0 0 0 0 1 ivtuiu/Bna.N«wrcirti1 0 0 1 2 cn>ca9aa]PMi0Mpru.i 0 0 0 0 1 S4nD<*9a(lHDu>ion.<n

fP-Ctiv9.Kn Ua<VMItlSl.U)u>.(njrmlMnjK; TDdtmC

' ' .. LMAns«Ml0)*iM88)<1 54).535pm.

intinae!Major le a g u e s ;

g e rs5 ,R ed s2N C IN N A T I (A P ) — D arry l ;beny M d L cn n y H airis h it two-rur i3*an3 O rel H crshiser won 'fo r tRt ime in n inonth os the Los A ngela ;crs beat the C incinna ti Reds 5-2 day. n ig h t to .sn a p a .fo u r-g a m e}8ircak._ __ __rs1ii« 'r'(4-2) ulW wcd ju s t one rifii ivc hlU over six lnning.i for his firsi ry since Ju iy 6. T h e right-handei o ^ cciV ionsin liis 'Iust l^ur'slafis.’ aw b e rry and H a n is hom crcd ofl jro ss (4-3), and Hoiris la ier added 31 double to send the Reds to theii loss in 26 gam es. The third-placc . 'f e l l to 6 ^ g o m e s b e h in d Loa » in Ihe National L eague W csl. e D o d g ers sn a p p ed o u t o f the ii ) wiih a rare road win. L os A n g ela 13 a w a y fro m D o d g e r S ta d iu rr Ihe All-Star break and had lost il:


w a O O ^ ia n ts6 ---------- -------•LANTA (AP) — T en y Pcndletor our hits.'incluciing 'tw o hom e run^ : in fpiir runs and scorcd four lim d day n ig h t to p o w e r th e su rg ing

statsi M x i o r e s ' S S S t r . i ' . ’i

OIWUNO SanFnratca(D«c*KO ' , -A r hU D-10).SMpin10 nHttnl 4111 Pntu);^^8nm 1)0 ttwVp OOOO (Oe«»5»n11-8).S40|)0 owwcf S 0 2 t SanO>*sa(HMMil')0 Cr««8i1 5 0 2 0 71.835pm. l:«LS«af,_-..--.5 ».fi>0 4 0 2 0 4.3).e3Sp.m.>0 WVtkii . O tO O -......................

i! X ; ; ; ;)0 2 0 0 0 lOSANQELS)0 Oer«c») 4 0 2 0 • r l>

t r ........' •U*TB»-'-4 1 »!1 0 TeM » 3 12 J ^7**,? l \ \ \

ta m ! 1 “ »

-CHa*3.0Mm9II. flUcClp ODOtJOttn3mi]r2(3;).CanHCS 9>rnnK 4 0 0 C

Otrrmtt 4 0 0 CP H ..R£» 00 SO tm ip 21 IC

Jiu«pti looee i3 » t I 2 4 KMnxf 0 0 0 <

24 0 0 0 0 0 Cnmp' OOOC1-1 2 2 2 1 0 CCn»c 10 0C

, 23 1 0 0 0 I

23 0 0 0 0 * TM a « i.1 1 1 0 0 8 0 1 lXiAr«M(fW«M«erD.PB-V*to Q ttw lW:rftimfiSfy;$«c« E-0««W(ll.UWi11 OoiyiM1.lOO-U*<

»-OUn»(fl.Ki»«i............... .................... -0»»A|10I WUlHirrii' CALFCnw . (11).S&-0Ar|X)).S-h t) « ( n H P11 Potxul 4 110 LaArgM*10 Ji?|iwi6 40 10 (ttnnsow.^i eI 1 WrMrf 4 12 1 HCmi ' II 1 CMw* 4 I I 0-- C*i«MnaI 2,0»ta39- 4 111 UeOo^S4 •I 2 P«nne 40 i i OkMM>0 Clcf»e1 4010 fcC<wal.43 !)0 iepn ' 3 0.0 0 U>U 210 5<Mt«lu'' ■ o o e o UnjM 19 7 tak ' ' 3 « « l) 1

SOQ cm 2C»-7 WP-MirVM110 OJl Ml-4 W-t»n-rt5tT». Rw*

moal.LOVUbrmcOS. n«uar« TM.&n«x « -------r-? « . - « j j7f—WidOl Hfl-lWr^|2l|.3«Tm.0v»m:'i**-Jl«--- KTTSBUBCK-- • -IP H R ER' OS SO A rM

HMus 10 '3 0 0 01 23 8 4 ,4 0 6 UnMlb TOOO

10 0 0 -0 0 'fl " XtlU 4 0 8 0WW«.3# 4010

J j . 7 .. $. 2 _1 Donuil, . 4 0 fl 02 1 0 0 0 2 itoxao " 4 2 3 0

UcCMI 2 112

' Piruc 3 0 2 0^ T»r«flp 3 0 0 0

s. Taiai. J45; Dojo»A Kinui Cay. .332: TM 3111!: PucWR. UivmiU. .330, 'Pnb/flittlAsWx.JWwut**, Hf.Y0»

DP-POJW#iM00-rtui.70;C4««co. «-a5«j(IS).Pire.|r,Uh>W>M.70:T>nma<. 30-UcflqraU>|1| »f. Tonme. 73: Fnncs. S-Oinii (U) CS-Or}«m.7I.O»Un»non. . V-OM

4.gilCanHco.0aUand. 'nacu^|<x79:C«l.<.T(Tofi(o.?8: fartnW.74 t0*vit.Un(«Mitl.74: Mmrsrt2:Cn«ksn.OaIUT»>*.72. SF*mm3«L82 «uU. 143: Mentor, -fVa 2cMtl.Unrawu.i3r: Qm t. 135: Franco. Tou*, IJI; Urpm-ttan*.D»».fWoma(.Tcfo«o, 12S Ijyot Thrt, UeSf»i7 io. Total, 32: IWoma;:Douon. J1;C*nw, SWFBWri.DalBiiw.29.WlwT i ( K’l;anta>Ory,27, IM««d 3 0 0 1UtwluiM.t.RAMnu. RT>«i®2B 2 0 8 0ui6n«a:7.wsi«.----------Effwi:— T n TKa^Cn7.8;0»*0fM«i. WCJrtlO 2 0 0 0R.Un«uM.8;na>nn. M nnn 2 0 0 0

, , , , - UXMI 4<9«.D*troil.32:CanMca. UjVAn36 4 2 3 2<.UnAM«ia.2};Canw. Oottil . 4128vOicaoo.2?:D«*'. Knra^e 4120LKamaiCitr.22; ; . Ubwh 200 1. 22: DHonMnon. HcUtxp OOOO

lm p> IOOOmkiilif»»i-OiMvxf,J7r ” IV-»P 0 0 0 0l;nAi#m»t. Terumo, 33; UeC»ip -201131;Cah«r,Drti.l.27; OOOOFrwco.T«ia>.23, \ fotMrf 2000vonal-CrtOiMn. TM 38 8 10 n.238;H«v«marv EatiFnMKS

X Calfcma. 14-5, .737. £-Fol*i (4). 0»>-Sant.M,,727.3 33; lC0-6a« f r« * a 7. i1,10-4. ,714,33t.' (24J.tinoi(7) Wf-0»■J.‘.7D0.329;OuW9on. (V»a««<2(14).-tar«C122, . . (S91.CKil(2n,ia»<»oH*«n.SMt9..1Sg:' • *>5l:ftran.1teas,.145: SBifnrdn 127;SavM.CMIare). UcCMwLM 4

3go,i25:Fw»r. J

«f;WHuC»:EcMai«r. '••'FW** T f.C*Uon»a.»:n«»(i»on. « «laltmra.24:TNgciwv 2,Jl«nlo.24. OrfliVll-l 4

n e sRDMdcn (ttM0D2bafiinN

L Pit OD bMnlnNMi42 ,598 - W>-«rUM>(UtM48 .538 # . l«w.-Hjim.lU-5t.SO .524 7* Oojj.Thrt,Wnl52 .500 10'.“ !o ‘ leaders

MOhWgn OATTMO-ftMMonL IM 00 San Mgo. J37; Uaff4« ,S«2 t*on.A8a«a..32l;048 . 538 » JOM, Sl laulL J09:182 JOO I 8X .301U .478 « BUK5-0u«f.U)tA'55 .478 * Cne»Q0.73:Jot»ao(v50 ,433 1U

OSrnim.8tL8ut.6S;MOvKM nOl-VCiani.SanPnMMtlnduM ’ PKUtw^78:J9hMrnast........... - -- — • Oaw»OB.CNtw. »!Oicoa Oan.Auma.e8:Ua>r t l eo,fta.<n) tUTS-Ta«r*v8anlin.<n| Ar9M.l23:tbmuil..(nj Pmi#«n.*sa«a.tlirVOtnw ll7:Joa«.6l.Uxja.l88)tlC<nciflnaa(U,«ii OOoi,Ci«»ga. Ml


' ■ < = . . . . . . . . . . . ' : j " '

;s:raastSan Francisco Giojits.

. Ron Oont added a' thrc his 23rd o f the year, to A a tta c k a s the B ra v es wc

r ry l stm ighi ond seven th in r r ~ ’? _ th e ir baiile to _ o v e i^ o th< • tRe- D odgers. TWe Braves ore ! ;elcs , lim e since June 29, 198^ 5 -2 has been e igh t g a m es o '

im c _ r« m o 'ln c d -2W—g a m c * -______A ngeles, which beoi.Cincii"rifri ■ • It waSi'lHe G ia n ts ’ thin

loss and fourth in live gam

R o y ^ ^ Red 6id td K A N ^ is C IT Y ,'M o . I iheir B odd icli^ pitched six-hit lace innings against h is forriKr L o s the K a n ^ City Royals be

s e n d in g th e R e d S o x r h e ir straight;loss.;eles -Bodcficlcer (9 -7 ), w ho I iu m sign OS a free agent w ith ;l its beat the Red S o x foM hc

this year. Storm D avis, tb............p ilcli^,'gb« * ^ “ ‘T'Ato-O u________TTl«~, p n y nt^, w hft have

11. scored tw o runs each i « o n second innings o f f Mike C

a ridm aac'it S ^ l iT th e thin Bren tripled, h is 1,002nd

jm g base hit.

M1t'7]alPMiMtna NonrK77;•10).53Sjxm, Pmttu»B^a;(OUek^OalAantXUCnnai A«inii.24;Z« L Oonnaa.S;mimiMjalHowYsni TH1PI£S—TOt40p.m. SlLoul».e;fin)ll.S)a)HouiBnUJanM6- Houan.8;Kr


HOUERUNS-............. SanFareacB

scores' Hltfdl.5anFFr»ncaco.21:

CMCHWT) Cr>caoo.20.s rh tt STDUNOAS!120UknM 4010 G(tuom.Mens t t l t w r r o -40 1 0 41;Cet*«wi.< IIOIiDcmlb 2000 33:0uM'.U>l1 I 2 U ra rl 1 0 0 0 LtM».2g.0 0 0 SKe3b 4 0 2 0 prrcHaooo 010 Woirt 3010 ZX0.Z9e.t 0 0 0 cumrib IOOO 318;AM<Y.AI 0 0 0 4110 HcvBon, 7-1,,0 0 0 4 1 2 2 7-l.,7C0,4,70I IO M mtC 4 0 0 0 .-^TOaUftOa 0 0 0 iocrmp io oo strkeoutij- 0 0 0 vrr^cn tOlO GUm,Atam 0 0 0 IMIp OOOO aUaddui.Cni0 0 0 Dinvcn 1 00 0 li4:Omi.S4

IbxAp OOOO 101, larrnp OOOO SAVES-USn OnawfA 1 0 0 0 Cnonnati.24:

I 8 I 5 T M S 2 t 2 m tH tn.Pt, OCd ao 195-4 0*9J.lB;ft8( 010 COD 103-2 OtSnBi.OK;

Utxim HMA«n2>las2-u»«flOHB4.c«rwi7 Softbal<l».r(1»|.SjbS(2l|.OII«l[a). LH«riirJl‘aai*-'l(lt].B.IW1 - T*iftF»n*S« 15).S-.aue»i TftfouBtioam


8 5 1 1 1 2I 2 1 1 0 1 HoSrSlMm

M 1 0 0 « 0 Fv-»i»0»<*1 23 1 0 0 0 I Lonjur* 0»n

OunUmnanti 5 8 4 .4 2 3 5lE9.anH2 : I I 0 1 TurviFanCa1 ' 0 0 0 0 1 Oi5rr«a»»-»tAf, 1 0 0 0 0 2 SvWTFAir

TMFaltTrvCR(Citr.Fnl.lefn.5oan3 Ctw^Pump


- jitWYCnc— :----------Boallcuswnl>rfiU i . lb m tt U«ria>aVolce OOOOomMd 4 0 0 0 UsOvuld • bn O O O U ^Ib 4010 WMtSauvSN 00« 'JM «26 ' 4010 VaSoylnOu*,0 10 UcAiui 3 110 uv.ouoan.OflO. J tW » 3 0 0 0. Am»S-Bn»_2 3 0 TQr^K — 2 0 0 0 DSiyWWO ‘1 1 2 Cwwt 3 0 0 0 DudUoHl’Oom O o-.- - 3 OJ.O... Sa»3p««iTod 00 1 ffrnup 10000 2 0.IUMCA OOOO 0 0 0 .( ^ p OOOO Tvoooor

■C"»9n(fi IOOO TntuufanmM ap OOOO Coi«Cala0M

I I I I 'T M 21140 UFF.03} OeO CD1-3 EcaWswSrt010 031 000-1 Sagotnan Ifvi

NmY» 2 Uom'iHouM>ire»(7).Jrtroi(H| Oant Caniai J-(1) IfMicCWWniri. TimlCiMiiS-Oreouilj'S-TsiTfcv CnarmaeTtaJo

OecaOna*> H HER oa 50

4 1 1 2 4

' I J 5 J ; ; P an A nI 2 1 1 0 0 (T>»oucr(#0

Dj>«.rnLOMKn.SKa'>l. (4(rmrf

CubaAOAKTA Unud SlalM

rr K’H------------- ■ r R tl — •caiaoa— -

0 0 0 ,T«>wTa 2 2 10 colomota1 \ \ iwrtia'. — r m — D?in-------0 0 0 Pn»<:4 4 4 4 4 VonanwU0 0 0 OlMtt IOOO ArgtMHi HO Qma 42 13 . Noraou*2 3 2 0 (^1 10 10 TrmOM120 UkMI 2 00 0 Uruguay1 20 01U4IB 3012 OomlnlcanH 001 »umlb 4010 Ecuador0 0 0 (»«c 1010 Jamaica 000 UMKP 1000. -:::r-israOOO arw p , »500

V , ! . . - ™ C A ’on (CO B21-8401 ai2 cfc-io • t

-SwFianacet.AlirUI, l.T|rl*»rt]r.S'0 7 . ^ 8 29 PondMw Oo6Ham».0*|M«vra<(2).X>'*'*4ra01. VMmaMlanl«(aiS&-UcGw|in.l*a»' CrOnwiCoot*uw|<) lucttAWn*..

P H no i oo so lantiBitHanii Fi<lcn,U*(r.6

4 J 7 7 1 4 MonoOtr.CM1 2 1 1 2 0 ».ln«F«dd.l2-----4 2 2 1 2 DMPKMI.C4

—1-----O" O '-O -T 't— Dm««Kj«»vJonaa.HoeM.1

2 4 3 3 2 0 nuka.0>t,.04 1 O' 0 1 2 Sonon.1kua.1 4 2 2 0 0 Ounan.Okla..2 1 1 1 0 3 l»M.U.,t3i;

lbMrO< aM.UcCMa>• S inN5KFnmnpCM4e4 i.tWyEnauw.

KanCocpvr.A;JOft) WT* 1KCI|^2. Ebur.OeediUHH.F«fl.«noij;8aemt EB>au«.Oood>

U<rar. BiaphaiDuar«IWnM.

AM Kl4*W«TW*».kOart.Ce»con).

*nvi.A8ana..337;TOwi<n «.ToniRM*M. ;U9nii.OnaonalJ22; laOudlorV*- ai;OSgio,Houtlort.'J09; Ouen6mal.ft300:8a«b»».cne*08. ' £aSmm.B«

SkMwThunicj)«.78:San«»Q. BedHay.U*i» raen.Nn>M.71; nMUmmN.Uta.eS:0ar«.MaMi.87: Jad«Mr»»on.« t.eS;Mion.ABBnla.84.anPranciKil.80;eondi. I.CMCoftr-* ohwaHn>ViM,74: not«<euM«»n.o.7(!OOaa.CfKaeo.«:------KwiUnwgnwl:UaWi>an«.8anFraneaco. WarntHvman

D»vUy«,Dno8anOuge.l42:Dj«*r.U>i Bnic*Fo>tLK« ■mu«I.LoaA/igaMa,1ie; F«.piR.dBa ta.t17;8andba>p.Oieaoo. Lsgua.DMtti'. u*. 115: HcuWA. 113; g. Uort* TafflfM 113. Mar-iGaitW.•.SLLauit.30;Mcfl*yinUa. tl.PMSmiM

te ry jo f_____' DALTIM

i h c M r = i «

184 th a t A tlan ta 3 ^ '<nn nn/4 -' s e v e n fo r e

icjnnati 5-2. •-nfniTir*^fiir-r liril consecu tive times. Dave John

, _ . ,n n d , ip h iu i rQ..................... .' v ic tory since

.. .* . . appearance a (AP) — M ike d isabled list 1

li' >»“ BolllmoKC T tc u n m lc iu reecivtdhi! b c lB o s lo n M . c t l h o l x l h

to th e i r th ir d , pinu-ucnpips

0 left Boston to i» i„ e in y s th Kansas City.he second tim o . TORO N Tt Ihc third Royals three rtlievet outsr^------------------ asthe-T orom

%vr n i*igh> n f T iggra 2-1 ilh in Ihc fin t and East matchup : Gardiner (3-6). - The victor tird after George B lue Jays’ nd career extra- games wiifj t

scries at the J

77;lKtoni.CincinnaS.28;Oer«a. DM&*28:Oani.ASanu.24:P«n(Mon. t3.fl.C.:ZA.e(.Leui>.2};07«()L DobLeS;TO«r«<.0^0>^23' OarrM.!.T O -m 6anO>«0».»;Ui*Jord. Supho". i; FM*r. Hsucon. 7: lOontaM.;Kn*.P?«*doiphia.e:C«nMa. I.OinIB;F«MK.SanFrViaKa.8;V«n TuDHMiburnh.a. Srui11.Ki •O-OaiCWamirsa; MaWSaror" W<kar*iiCB.aj0tiftJ0ft.HwrrDrt.23; Slaefni*»iFr»toco.22;Vyaai1i.San - ConT.O.31:IM<n>'.SanD«90.2a:Ga<i. W«Ml.i3. MoOMlo.ASES-Mun.ABa>U»; O.EMItlBnw<.«8:[>»SIU«ta.Morw«al. ScflU*M.N(«Vorii,35,Bsnda.Piaaeui UvlySUU)aAngol»*.30;LanWon).GL W>aon.i

Ca«.Alo^100«»»loft»^- |0.0nonl^8a. Endwn«.Hurtl.SanD«0O.I35,.722. Foun»»».'.ASaiu.12-S..70«.3 62;Oouft*. CaMr.l ■i, .7«. 2 JS; SV loua..70: RUvMi, Lot Angoi**. 14«, I, Tiey PCitma.Aaania.lM. .701.231. Lucat.AJrrO—Con*.NMVCiiK147; La«<.P>lama. l3l:Oood»n.H»w'foni. 130; OuwnerCnMag3.120;Hafluch.Hguslon, Waa. To.SanO»go,10S;Hirf«.San[>«oo. Cypfw*.

Can)wil^m.5l.liW».28:D«il., rtjntfvo24;Fnneo,NowVo<1(.2I; O.U»rtf.Pr>lMt<pf>a.1S;Lafl»>ti,San Coc«er.< flignm.SanFrtncaeo.ia.;B««4U0r,AUnu.18 12,K»m

. SSSmtvROiSoraialStandmBs Jomson amotolAoB 4

Mwi^Laagua l.ToOdF•A'Upqu* 0««D»'t>

W L PCT. CO W jonolfl 23 1 .058 - MaWn.MK* 10 5 .m 4 P«S«raorlairy tO 5 .782 5>. WMr.Eanta 12 0 .571 04 Gamun.1 11 10 .524 I0« Kaiipo*. :0 !3 12 . 520 10.1 «.L»onV /ATa 10 14 .417 13 L«)nv0l Ain 7 13 .350 14 McUUn. rrwOi 7 18 J04 li-, Oj S«,C p ,3 10 ,143 101 5mtn.K _ * 19 .WS l i t Onon.Pr

W L PCT, 00 HouU»nlirnB-JS___ fl___7S0___ ? - l - _____(ce 17 7 .7U 1 i.Cnvw ,bH. 15 0 .714 1> NorflWl. .■Shj 15- 0 652 2.'. HjmHi.. 14 10 ,583..... 4 Ua.-»>.T«:ui JO 10 500 8 CaJftwa.

7 15 .318 10 Tam.t: O"- -9 --^ - tS — jr3=-^n-i27,320Mm S 18 2)8 ll» andOar>odi...4___ l a __200__ 12.. 426831.

■C*t^^ IO.T»it,W t PCT. 00 ll.Otnn22 1 .057 - «jl«.Fr

mi 17 4 810 4 KjiKiyCit3» 13 g ' 591 8t Crn.Ci

10 g .526 10 NU.tlS 5r» 10 11 .478 11Inn g 10 .474 II l,C*rr«w g 12 . 429 12 Himr&MJec e 13 .181 13 OurcMtl.» 8 14 .3(4 I3> Oamealailw 7 17 3B2 15» Wooiman

2 18 .111 17» WTwai i DanM>a.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I j M HuKtinu

FtoyAngl.m .medals S 'SSollSmadMTiiaadn.^B) Arxtiaga. (4SelHleai(radM) Jonn.Hi

0 B D TM Frvdona. 20 II 5 45 Sonora.1

lie* 10J0 12 38_____ . ITP: E------------3~ n — r --------------I - 1 4 1 8

0 1 3 4 Al-5u»(, - 0 1 2 3 V ill,^

0 1 0 1 ' 7.lo«m,l0 1 0 1 w«n».

>n»p 0 0 1 1 aEVELf0 0 1 I ’ Jr..calcN0 0 1 ' 1 ClaxnMl


w orld standingsTMnff>Au9, 4 dtrtaac

r.SavnanmOs. Tkui. (90.113. Z Ka«i ConOMt»,Wro.S52.24l,l,TM. , dUBMIlvo.Taui.tSai37.4.C>ay ’ TEXASR«iw, 0*>wi. Anj,. S45.504.5. *>• pnenof.otl«.AI»na. *43,930.8, Codr BA-0. 2.nwia.T»m.»43J97.7.0nan fromOUar.6.D.,*40.33l.aJonnW. JonM. Aiaeoiti i:a«l,\m724.1O. CmCMX,Cak9MLKSarn.m3X. I1.J0* podwr.arU««i.lkaS.C7.7B9.l2.Ua(rr - M »r»i)«. N«. D7.JI6 13. I*M0#»». Danyfti i.mTOI.M.KaanHgdun. k m s.B3.Sei. l5,*31,8ie.18.K«rtfWfian). Nlljoe. DAlLUl

OBtKbreneitfng tomn),tu«.Ra*H0«M>,SD.,*88.937,2. HOUSTOr, AWon. ISafio. t5tJ4a J. n<*»rt CaraiDiadm,CUa..t47M.4,Oan Bai>tan>odinl.OWa-«4l.770.S.T)r c&acMo Mm«*.T»ua.t40.531.e, •9.MtIaI.AICiwU.(40J01 7.•.tM M Calli. 138.858.0. Dan* ATIANTAn).Odt..»8ZM. OrtovmgerM.Dutna.0D,O0,6S0,t1. OCTRO(T.Duem.ldahe.l21Sa4.l2.Jonn andftn*n.Afc«ll.«4.657.ll, KANSASnion.HrtM*.N*o..tZ2,7ia 14. DaOa^C»)«inorp*.A*parta.t21A42.15. tWaaiMLUi>llM».aO,S21.S20.1B. LOSAMnvOoi Eldar. Mom. SI9M. >dalanaM«

UAUOCi<.Kam«<>Kli.WMi.lS3.t12.2. ncaxw.ila^OWleM.At«»4.3. NCWYOIrw.MaaaBf.SO.tia.29a 4. . .knabaOair>an.DW<ln»on.HD.I34.»J7.S SAKOIEtnggCiMii.A«arU. $12,400 6. TNynpaa KacMr.C(M..t30.S73.7.L*M «gh Uta\ t30,42S. e. CnudiiUf.1kavt2Sm LO3AN0 ivw.Pvavms.SD.l27.eea. 10. ' a>Odr.Maa0<ttF«nt>a.&0.. 120.558/ MONTRE

Emion. AHL. ea.548. IZ W*aui.c

' ^ .......1 1 ~ '

EM ets;13, BrewnnrS ^

IM O RE, (A P ) — M ik e • X drove in four runs and hot- iris Holies had three doubles to he Ballirnore O rioles past the } M ilw aukee B re w e rs 13-5 l i ^ U- — ~ ioles had IS hits — including r ex ira b a se s — a g a in s i a lilwoukee p iic h in c s ta f f tha t _ idcfcd '49 'h ins In its la st five" ic Brcwcrs have lost 11 o f 15. ahnson (2-3) gaye up five runs s in sin innings to carn.his f i r s t ._ nee April 12. It wos Jiis third , c after a nine-week stin t on the . ist with a groin injury, o re m anager J o h n n y O a tes lis first ejection in the bottom a h after a rgu ing w ith hom e ifcD cnyl Cousias.

ys 2, Tigers 1'n t^ (A P ) — Jirnmy Key and :vefs combined on .a nye -h itler . onto B itir lay s 'bea rthe DetioilI in n key A 'm erican L eague__hupTucsdoy nighi.:lory increased the firs t-p lace ' s ’ lead o v e r D e i rb it to 5 ^ ih two games rem aining in the leSkyDome.

I FfsmMrg, Uenl. 134.443.n.C Paaorjon. lOm. Com. «IA». 14. Logja.<M«r. Cou,. 121.509.15. lJUrk t«. SS57. iV)®-CO-MI-18. TyMunar. :fion.aa.Toui.C0.292.

01*11*10 H e«g<r, Fteico*. U n . 554.420. Z Had«w. Dom. To Ul. 553.958.3. JM m. Mml. Iotas. S42.40S. 4. Codr CuMar.kaniw>Aiu;Hi>3:5rr,vut»i.------------Mn.«>.T«m.S3ajoafl.Noniun .7. Tout. 537.700. 7. Rarmond «!. W<»«u. Kan.. 05.443.8. Tad MjOO,Mle. CM. 04.650. r*WWMr».Tulaa.CWi. 01.774.10,0 uoramrsrl Woni. Taut. 00,438. i i . ' ly Slanaan Cang«, ClU. O0J73.12. An ion. Oatariwi Call,. OOitM. 13. Mam1. Atta. OUa. S29330.14. Uks kK<\ Ctoan oua.. (29.038 15.0a<id rna'. Omh, Taua. C8.719.16 Wac*r<*r.O«5(ir^W.U7JSO.

Ca«(cptrfl fl, PlUH. Unnoi, 3 0 . *44.188.2, Joa ia.AK«M. Adana. 07.80.3. Orwil >a. Pinon. H U. 07.720.4. on. OanA taxtm. ru . t36.«20. S. J«l Fi<w.8. Toitt IU.499.8. Fr«d WmML m*. Teat. 03015.7. Tod lau. Toua, 02.500.8. Jo* Ooavw. ayOt,T.a». 02.027. anr J m Msux. N u . 01.447, 10. nor par. C«jm.-I.xai, 00.819 11. w U ar^, Hvrttvda, Taua. *29,939

Sonora, T.H1, *27,900.1,1, iFiAan.-UM'. SO. *27.602 14. UM *>.UW4.CaH.*27iW 15.Jam« :Hvpw.Toiu. (77.011.18. Uka ttorvHoTI»ta.OBa.*28.537.

Siw««"wana Od Foi. LUtla Fab. Taiat. *51.777.2. ID»'7.C«eeun.0ua. *45800.3 John ImlUxToair.Cu'.*38.04 * 4.Marrr IM.HeU!»ilSO.i35.533 5,01»n# •: |

«.E«vit,.»t.(26 637,7.To<M " itwi.Qon Uml.(26.120 a.Rodlrman. '

•on V<k,)i^.C(M.*24543 10. wdllara}! Pr>o*n<.*24.110 n.Ooug IUwi.So »r »«<> C3 1 » '2 Corr I«.C>WMi.OUj.t22M7.13l*M In. Huim Bano. *20.043.14, »n»a I<lPr»n«Crr.S 0.(20014. IS Jocr -I^^l.'^inr4^=«:u:*1gK'4-tc.--------------- 1uoAPmn Ssno>a. Torn.*19 4 37. I

u n ^ p ^ f t i^ n O ^ T a S jS im ' " "IiVsn.COKta Tout. *38828 'I*. Ca«» WfO.. ard T«« Woolmjfi. lTauj.04.«l.i.M*8D«.r».*«a. Bi-o 108 UJII Tjw. San Mireos.9. *28.1U 7. Uka UXT. nl. Taua. 320«J*.04™ «»»*l«.>U t...- - Qar O&wi CoofW. CAan. An;.831.'. . . - .......... . . . ,r»fT, S*U-d Otflumon. II0. *23.914

Waa . Tan. Cau.. and OaviO * Frov« Ciil. *22 4?« 13.0««ii 'Tl. CU/Urae AiV. and Oanm Gait. n.C*U,t2l539 15.JonU«tn.TaJum. '.*19 509

SMarnong ^ASan 117.321. 3. Oob-irCaw- Wro-»'5M0 l.Snaun nan. Pryo. OUS . (15 392 4,T>.n •aEignl«uj.r3 780 S. Tea iman.U*w.Ta>a> (13.4H O.Jcn

Co<*> T«.« *13386 7. Jm Oa«i. le>a.Taw *11.564 8 nooroi'nxl. tWB0MUft*l1139 inFnno>.A«fe«n Tau*. 19.917.10. AngormMr.lhalda. Tatar *9.454 II. fT4a«.Cirvoeii.¥<V0.*aB14 12. idF«IU.S«>a.To>a>.(7.42a 13. Cary laga Penatn MU *6«45 u.uartr ^

iu.Kan.*5086 18.K*:n


-SmpanuMCanw Uan.noM3ff«iano MsamaMv fma oamn. aXacM A^ t makyit H'ltKil ro'iuct wn u>np‘'> Tin

VEIAK) BIOIANS-Ptacn] Sar«r Momaraicnar. on r» 1 soarrw) Ton IVotcM. infaiaar. od ■aMO. MSinrnraxoGuna.SAS CTTY nOTALS-PUCKi Cary man. p w , on lha 15<by (KatteJ Wl ilad Hwtrr PiAam. oue«Ur. irom M e< t<a Aiwun AaiwuMn.TTU IWW£ RS-Pun3>asa<) ir» aa c( Dm Romrfl. pncnof, horn icmlo o ln Sou!l<*n< laagj* Ractd1 Conwoo. plow, on ma 150ay MbL '0 RANOtftS-Piaoed O-ad Am««.fs. ar.cnMISdayiHaUadhi. rMroaelMa >0.2. rWeaM 0«»W Ala.arOor. |>Kn«-. OUtfemt&tr «< »•oaten

WkmdU^>00 CWO-n*ea«ed Ho 5«iO.!ta. ar. M Jea Cnra, caio«<. Irom Iowa o' l>TiBncM Auooabon SvrdOimc/1

M Hk u Vteiuava. utcnao. 10


LAS UAV£WOO-5<n«l TanV Davtt wd,toat»jMfcow*n. 'iSTON ROOCETS-5«nod John Kajaa.31 DamBO nudrl^n^anoMn. xan esKM. and neoefl Ovt. tirangTi Mo noraar ea>v*a • naraum

POOTOAa H fla^ P e o M U ^

WTA FAICCWS-Wa«w Pal* luca.,IM lK*la Ag^ttiarmt «<m Tim MnatacM. ___AC(T UCKS-WaM*d Un Onion, i/gra

SAS OTY OllEFS-fiigrM Slava Kg. (MMmacK. lo a tw-r*at cm ndaaad Oogit POana. Md* r*c*><w.AMELU rUUS-«ignad Doug nMd.WM nOJa. H • sn»]«af cwnci.

yw.Birmmarcennct1 Yonx CMNTV-agnad S«M D*OUM. aM . 101 IM yaai «nncLDIEOO OUnOERS-S.^ OracMnek

HOOSV MMI Hector iMQu*

ANOEUS XHOS-agnaa Chart*r. oalorvaman. IS a RWByvar censM.

ITREAt. CAfU0lENS-54rwS Sla.« lui. damamaMs • tw-ywconiraa.




’ D odgor tea m m a te s coi h o m er In tho fourth Ini

Unschi could i

T he A ssociated Press

---------- C A R M E L .- ln d ___Stew art believesjnissii at la-st w eek 's Buick C him a much-nccdcd brc the Stan o f PGA Champ

"Mnybe, that was the tha t c o u ld 'v e happcm refreshed from being at three d ays," he said Tuc d a y s b e fo re the lo t opens. “ My back feels cxcitcd about being he like I 'm hitting the ball

S icw an ’s summer h; w h ir lw in d o f tra \ lournam unis sincc wii

, U.S. O pen in June.He im m ediately dep

the Irish Open and the co n tin en ts ih rough th Open in mid-July.

P r io r to th e Buie Slewart won Ihc Dutch n in e sh o ts and then h o lid a y w ith th ree

A hero’s welcome uw in Ireland, much to hist!

" I d o n 't know that b e e n t r e a te d tha l wc U n ited S ta te s . Th(: fi u u lM an d in g . I g o t : pleajTunran'd 'bcncfil'fri over there." he said.

Jerom^ junior giiThe Times-News

B O IS E - K y lic P ek Jerom e led the girls d iv i' Ihe first o f two rounds at J u n io r G o lf A sso c ia ti( Oium pionship.

Peterson went Ihrough tl: h o le s at 94 . one stroke Elizabeth Fcnncn'of Buhl.

Irv the boys com pelilio the lop four finishers will Idaho 's Hogan Cup team i Ifr^l'Z tournament in Ponl:

— Dciro-of-Boisc-held-lhe-fl lead.-D ciro -sh o t-a -7 '3 -lo H e i

M arlin o f Rexburg by on Boise players David Cad l.’ -year-old Jesse llib lcrnr Ihird ul 76.

J.T. Jones o f Gooding, J' o f C a ld w e ll and Murk ( J a c k s o n . W yo . are at A s to rq u ia o f T w in F.'ill C arter und Justin Mooney o long w ith Preston Hufcr Fulls stand at 78. Chris H R upert is am ong a group

• w iih 7 9 's .Al Indian Lake Golf Cot

Holizm aster o fT w in Falls D eacon o f M ontpelier w lead the 12-ycar-oId divisic

W h itn e y L ew is o f Tw leads the-girls-12 &-13 di e igh t stro k es w ith an 89. S tanger o f R upen had a i total o f 47 for first place ir .10 & 11 group. Samantha j R upert shot 32 over five le ad th e g ir ls 7 & competition.

1901 Idaho Junior Ooll Attoo Cn*mptop,NpLaMars aird Uaglc VUay *nnntiAlCranaCnak Country CU>Ooya IC'I? — Ryan Dalro. Ooita 73; naicurg 74; Oavtd CaOwali, Ooiaa 71 Goodtf>g 77: Jo* Oiuna. CaldwaO 77:. Tarin Falla 70. Chrla Hogflan. nupa Ouigiey. Ouhl 81. Jaion Honjakar, Km Smth. KlmtMdy 80.Ooyt IS — Maik CaMar. JacMon. W Cane<, Dotia 70: Jutui Mooney. Ooim : Pnoal Riv«r 70. Pal Siiai, W*nd*n 81 KlmeortyOI.O0yt 14 — Ptctwi Katar. Turn fan T. Klmtwrly 00. Jon ScM. Twm Faaa 84. Ooya 13 — J*»«a Hilar, Dona 76; C Tmi Fala 87. Monl WA*. Twin FaB* 107 OM* 16-17 — EkntMin F *nn«n. OwM U Orla liUIS —KyMPaienon.JonynaO'

Al Mhvi Uk* OoR Coun*Ooyt 12 (to tvol*«) - N<» Holumano*.


lon^iatulato Darryl Strawb nnIng T uesday in Clnclnni

leduled b help Ste

T h e lie c tic allowed him jus

------P ay n e OrlanUo,-Fla.,.lsing.ihe.cut__butSicw art insi>Open gave " I 'm not by a

)reak before golfed out right npionship. w hat I played < le hesi th ing , hp s a id , addii :ned. I feel committed to ih at liome for o f foreign evcnl ue,sday. tw o ' Open victory, o u rn am cn t W hile S lew a Is Tine. I 'm the effects o f 10( here. I feel office is in tatter II well." "The m ail's phas been a office . I 'm not avel a n d to next week \v kiinning the through it."

P e rh a p s St cparicd for schedule is a pa} hen hopped 10 weeks earlici the B ritish ' back injury.

^ l . i is ,e ^ th u s ia ick O p e n , soon as a 'docic ;h Open by comeback was p en lo o k a "O n c e he sa :e f r ie n d s going to be a c rourses.- problem that to .iwniicd him and- d o u b t ab s delight. aw ay." S lew an : It I ‘ve ev e r He was Mirpri veil in th e T uesday 's clout fans w e re temperaiure in tl

; a lol o f "1 forgot to br from~beliig irs~A 'ugusI'aikl ____________ be hoi."

s Peterson Iris in golf

Todd Ooacon Mompnl' FaMj 100. KoOy OjoivIii

- ' Joiom" 113 rlerson o f oor» ” lO howji — Arvision » ricr i C ’Z “S - T - ZIt tlic Idaho T«.nFfllls53 Dr.i<frTno'io n su .1 .^ '

Co>l Jonos Jwo<T»> M fllie first 18 Do,» 7 a u-.a.r (S i-ok., , f 24,Jo*rV/«t>"r Rup«n:

e ahead o f c.m i;& ladshouti

ion. w here o^IJiVo'ioho^’-” ill represent Cn,rrrrio T-^rai»03 n a l a Aug. &-"O"'i5 hok,„ tland.'Ryan-fin>uraund—| ^ ^ = = = ; B i

^ V i T T T *lead-D nryl— one stroke. adwell and arc tied for

EVERr Tl, J . « 0 . u , n.^ C a n o ro f , ^ . > ^ - 3 .

of Boise •cr of T w in MgsSFB'Hocgan o f FRiDAYri

up of IhreeMESSER

ourse. Nick SATDRDIYTIs tied Todd -with 79 lo HftSTCRSsion, 'StiNiMYr^ifw in F a llsdivision-by-;9. Jasm ine 9 TUESDAY, i a nine-hole Ki.JEQuipTCnlRet in llic girls

iiS langerof ________waUi« holes to YHUhsftW, & u n d e r

AUAMERtCftthUr so aW

ociaiion SiaiB OipSllipfiCulCollcf

Advtnw73; Dirrl Marl.n, , ------7;"j” ,X ::: . nj-Buwbiaio’.wjparl 70; Coror _ .KimM-tr 03; Q.H ,W,0 77; Ocoll SA TU RD ^

>**o»ima, • Kimbe(fy£lcc3ic-tli81; Iragg &T011. .\^h

Wrtlliia 78. Man 3m«-. -WAltI • <ATURnftYr.C...yK0*pl.n. K e v r ^ ’l


lo«, T«i Fata 70, ' ' _______

ajr, August 7 .1991 Timos-Nowa[QW3, Twin Foils, I d o h o ^ ^ . |

AP L M ^noto ' ”"T*

i w b e r r y o n h i s 2 r r u n ; ‘ : In n a t l .

break I ewart Ht i c s c h e d u le h a s : ;

I ju s t o n e w eek a l h is - ; ;a.,-lium u-sincc.June.—;. ------1insis ts h e ’s no t lir e d . . • ^ . . . )y a n y m e an s fee lin g • igh t n o w l)y p la y in g ' . c d o v e r in E u r o p e r ' I ; d d in g th a l h e h a d •0 Ihe h e av y sc h e d u le ' ; — v e n is b e fo re h is U .S . ; ;f-;w a r t- i s n ’t s h o w in g • •f 100 m u c h trav e l, h is iiien r. • '‘s p re ity d e e p in m j’ in o t lo d k in g 'f o rw a h l ;k w hen I h a v e lo g o ;

S t e w a n 's c r a z y ;1 p a y b ac k fo r m is sin g ’ r lic r Ihis y e a r w iili'.;! •

j s i a s n i ' r e tu r n e d a s ; . o’c io r a s s u rc d - h in j u - f - -a s p o ss ib le . ' . ; ;: s a id i h i s w a s n o i ;a c a rc e r- th rc a ie n in g ■ '

II took a lot o f w ait ! !a b o u i th e f u tu r e '

a rt sa id .irprised. however, by ,loudy skies, rain and ; .in the upper 60s. •0 b r in g m y sw ea te rs , • ' ;a n d 'it 's~ s 'iip p 'n ? e d " m ~ r--------

n leads fplaynipfll.rr 70 Tr;3vit Hoii/iold jnrklo niiporl 102. M<kn Coi-lVot— AnOr V.IDrnm OO'tn 41. Ijnnor

y Tnornp'or'. K.igr’ fJ)Ml — Tyiw Pi’arion r’pt.1W''ki 4?, • 19. Tr Popoir«e-ir D,jM fO '■ M A.V»,J....t.,n n„l»..1M1 nolRSI — COUr H.lrr.-. I.M(i:rTl3tl .

— Whitno, L(~15 T«in ;oal —JaimiwDi-moor (lupcM? .&) — lirvl.. f.5 '

ioln»l — C-im.mtnj £tar-oe'. Oufxi'l '

BV TUESDAY • S P.M.■ Aitlionaim-Household •. : etIirwus-Tools-AfOmo . f nt-Suii.Mon.Tua..Cli55ilieds !

• j.wihe-ltou5chold-JeioTO' : '

fttdiumcnt-AijQiBl7 •;SERSMITH AUCTION 'l A V ; A U G U S T ’• 1 0 , ;OTB-MovinoAuaion-Goodino ^

. Notfichold • M o fX i-Shoshono J«ili^TOrt-AijQinl9______ ______

a ^ ^ A U ^ 's T ^ V i l a i rn l R e w j • S h o p - M o i a n i c J o o l s -

St 6JOT^™ *

H o u ar fn M - J ^ F a l l t

f iC u i io u s G o o i } s - A n l iq u K ’- ' j C o l l c d ib l n - J e r o n i e ‘ vtni*«Ttnl-AuQusl13 J

1(6 ■ W » * ^ n j Tcob. HwmIoIj :

Valiscmert-AuaailS_____’J ____

xxj.’Nousehokl.Shop’.F « m - • T -------v M u e m H i l • A u gusT T S - - - - - - - - - - } ~ :-- - - -SSERSMITH AOCTiON t .

— -f iT “

I BriefhISU promol

PO CA TELLO — assistoni basketball (

Nancy G raziano. S tate athletes' Iceep i

--------- - grces. S h e -U -a - lWceivcd a m aste r 's di

: •

— j ^ s i g ^ t q.......................SA LT LA K E C l i

Eric M urdock ip a tl option.

T hc 6-foot-2 poini 4 w hen U tah coach term s Monday.

' ] Jazz general m an: con trac t in keeping said it had learned tl the three-year period ly a m em ber o f the

; will provide us with

~Ex=HiiskycEV ERETT. W ash

. player w as chargcd found on Ihc Tulali| 12-year-old girl.

Michael Green. 3( 1986 rape o fa womi Icgc. H e 's also scrvi

----------------and -robb ingaa issaq

AL suspendNEW YORK — C

pended for Ihrcc ga Bobby Brown for m;

T lic firsi buscman pier "after' being Hii'.' ensued and oftcrwan

After realizing hc m ade contact w ith h

. Aug. 7. but Murtine:- eligible until he mec

; Milwaukee: M ILW AUKEE - ' m iss lhc rem ainder 1 tiis ailing lefl shoul( I . thc club announced ’

Higuera. who sig ~ Brewers in Ihc bff-si ; small tcar w as d isco' ' Higuera tried to re* and appeared in sc r rccord and a 4 .46 El ' was put back on lh<

........... t H e'd also been boll: June 29.

: Hockey phcC ' TO RO N TO — Er ; d a 's first official Cai

Thc 6-fooi-5. 22} Hockey League’s O: thc NHL draft by ih( tion o f size, speed ar

----------------commodity:-------------................ ........Lindrosi-ihe only

. said hc w as nervou N H L 's finest. "You

.said M onday. "Jf yoi

Fourneyha- SA V A N N A H ;-G t

championship in the almost incohercnl frc

Foumcy, a 33-yc: Monday to complcic minutes and 22 seco sccond in eight days,

Foumcy stopped through Louisiana ai

• 27 at Irvine, Calif. '• ney said after crossin

Jackson j zi-butonljr

; .CHICAGO (AP) — E back, sort of.

: I -The two-spoft star, v what was considered b; tors a carecr-cnding hi| January, look balling pn first lime wilh thc Ch

•Sox on Tuesday prior ; against thc New York Y; t Jackson showed little :

: when he hit with lhc rcsc ' the game but hc also hi irnded batting practice <

: day.; "He was awesome ai over the walls." manag borg said. "T hat's thc I

-has swung a bui ogntnst since last September.”-■ Jackson suffered wha nosed as vascular-necros

, . T



AD7E; Mvv iwnt M nunw

^ i -TERMS: CashOWNER: I

__________________w: SalCT M anaged b y !

^ - ____ ■

B-6 TimoS'Nevys, Twin F

Iv ^lotes assistant co:—' Idaho Stale University h

ill coaches as director o f acad 10, a Bengal assistant fo r six rp iheir'g rades up and stay oi 970-graduato.of-C altfom ia S s degree in alhlctic adm inist

top?draftchoicei^^ITY -— T he U tah 'Jazz sign< a three-year contract, w ilh a

oint guard from Providence w ich Jerry S ^ n opens vetcrai

anager Tim Howells refused ng wilh team policy. Howevei d the-agrcemcni was worth ji iod . “ We are pleased to have he Utah Jazz," Howells said, ith adUiiional depth, both offc;

f c K a r g e S v n f l r g i

ash. — A form er University ged with first-degree murdc a lip Indian reservation were

. 38. is already serving a 10- 3man on a jogg ing Irail a t Edi :rving senw nces for attackinj saquah flowt^ s t o r e , ______

nds Qeveland’s I- Carlos M aninez o f the Clc gam es on Tuesday by Amc

' m aking physical contact witl nan chargcd Kansas City Ro: jii ,by a pitch oh Aug. 2. A vards, W elke ejected M an ina , he was throw n out, M anin h him. The suspension was t< Inez has'cxerciscd his righl to nccis with Brown. .

ee pitcher out foi• — M ilwaukee Brewers p ile ler o f the 1991 -season after ju lder revealed a significont cd Tuesday.signed a four-year, S13 mi: T-season, began lhc year o n t icovered in thc rolaior cuff du0 rehabilitate the shoulder. H seven gam es with the Brc

1 ERA. bcforc hc began to hi the ilisablcd list July Slh w

x)thcrcd by a stiff ncck and

henom impressesEric Lindros miidc a big imj

Canada Cup workout. 228-pound Lindros. who sti I O shawa Generals bcforc bci

the Quebcc Nordiques. dispi J and skill that has m ade him

)ly player in cam p without p /ous but not intimidated sku o u 'r t only as good as you t you ihink you can do it, you <

langs onto bike r-Ga.--------B ob-F oum cy -suetthe Race Across America bi : from lack o f sleep.-, year-old from Denver, rollc etc thc 2.930-mile coursc in c :conds. Rob Kish. 36. o f Por lys, 20 hours and 10 minutes, ed only fo r food as Kish a and M ississippi. Thc cyclis f. "All I want to do righl nov ising the finish line. " I ’ve rea


I joins Whil rforibattin- Bo Jackson is hip playin

Raiders in r. who suffered against Cin I by some doc- Two mot hip injury by the K practice for thc whom hc

Chicago White had a comfcor to thc game with 109 hc; Yankees. Last yealie signs o f pain hom e runs reserves prior lb relcxsed hii> had laken cx- 10 days lal:e earlier in thc W hile Sox

with the fin: and hit .some During thnager Je ff Tor- Jack-son looIC first (ime he and five the1st live pitching fore going

wilh iraineivhat was diag- some line >:rosis o f the left balls but no


ao p.m.S - FURNITURE - M ILD ITEMS-ANTIQI- MISCELLANEOUSumwM 10 fflfnttn A) mniip Ml* « «


In Falls, Idaho Wodnoaday. Au(

oach GraziaAo' has appoinicd one o f its :adcm tc support., • • six years, w ill help Idaho ’ on track to cam their d e - ,1 S taterN orthridg<^.an(lrcr-; listmiion ai I c ^ o Slate in

e ^ f p r 3 years-gned firBl-round-draft-pick: a fourth year at the club’s

e will jo in the Jazz on Oct. :rans' cam p. Hc agreed to

ed to disclose term s o f the ' ver. Thc SM tj-ake Tribune 1 just over $2 million over . ve Eric signed and official- id. "W c are confident Eric ffcn.siycly_and_defensivcly. _

gifl’s inuraer 'ity of-W ashington foolboll- rdcr after human remains rrc identified as those o f a

:0-ycar prison term for the _ Edmonds Com m unliyC ol- ;ing a w oman with a knife '

> Martinez'Icveland Indians was sus- m erican League president vith umpire T im Welkc. loyals* phcher Kevin Ap- A two-team cbhfrorilation nc'z. • ■ .■tinez charged Welke and s to begin on Wednesday.: to appeal. Hc witl remain

tor seasonitchcr T eddy Higuera will 8r another examination o f nt tear in the rotator cuff,

m illion contract wilh thc in the disabled lisl when a during spring training.H e w as activated in May

ircw crs, compiling a 3-2 have problems again. He

I w ith ?ihoulder problems.Jld had not pitclicd sincc

es Canadiansm pression in Team Cana-

starred with the Ontario being taken first overall in splayed ihe rare combina- im the gam e’s holiest new

t professional experience, skaiing wilh .some o f lhc u think you arc." Lindros lu can."

race title ;ucccssfully-defcndcd h is .

bicycle racc, but he was

illcd into Savannah early in eight days, 16 hours. 44 ’o n Orangc,-Fta.. finished cs.;h pushed the champion :lisis started the nice July . low is go to sleep," Four- ^cally got to gel to bed." twnpiled from w ire reports

ite Sox, igpraetiee-^ing for the Los Angeles in an NFL playoff game

rincinnati last Jan. 13. nonlhs later, he was reIco.scd Kansas City Royals, for

IC played five seasons and I m bined .250 batting average I ' home runs and 313 RBls. I /car. hc hit .272 with 28 I ns and 78 RBIs. The Royals I him in .spring training, and I later hc was signed by the I

ox to a threc-ycar contract first y ear guaranteed.; thc regular batting practice, took 10 swings thc first lime the sccond and last time be- ng to thc outfield to work ner Herm Schneidcr. Hc hit ic drives and two deep Hy nolhing in lhc stands.

IOD ESTATE 1 ION:UST8,1991-bdilnllliePoaOHicii,

U jIE ttlllU

MISCELLANEOUS QUES-GARDEN IS HAND TOOLSu4Mpjn.Com»enoavd*fiio)ick Day of AuctionOOD ESTATE;UTOBI -7 3 3 -8 7 D O o t 828-5735

August 7 ,1991

T e n n h■ LONDON (A F) 1

tional Tennis Federation ing mcdical docum ents

.ckplain M onica S eles’ -.drawal from thc Fedcrati

save her eligibility fo; Olympics.

;; -z;u"i'nv3pokcsmnnJim:J0a day that thc doctor's re]

■ ceivcd by ITF president •on July 26, during the Cup - toum aracnu-ih-i-j England.

• . Earlier today, Barnes


Thc boys of summer c in on thc turf o f the So 49crs.

- -rTncCt-tonight-TJr-Candlesi- — w iil'be^ach'Tifam Tsecor

game in less thon a week.W hile thc 49crs and Br

particularly happy abou turnaround, they have littl

The mid-week timing was lhc result o f a major ball rule prohib itin^any stadium 36 hours prior tc

__a baseball game. The Sa Giants play Ih T tb rA 'n g c

' at Candlestick on Friday r Denver is l- I after a

over Indianapolis last 1 49en; (2-0) had a long fi San Francisco after beat) 21-7 at Beriin on Saturdaj

- - San - Francisco -coa{Seifert, trying lo downpla aspect, said no one on his the Beriin game for more

"N ow granted thot was ... but these ore young | and I imagine they’ll be i than the coaches.” Seifcn

In other training campii• W ide receiver Rando

. m i's first-round draft pi«26-day holdout Tuesday 10 a threc-ycar conlraci i S2.1 million.

Thc agreement camc oi coach Don Shula had cl former University of Mia his agent.'D rew Rosenhi tending negotiations. ”Hc of work to do. catching was al the mini-camps an excellent systcni dt Mii said.

• Kansas City Chiefs si tcrback Sieve DcBerg end holdout Tuesday and i camp with a new iwo-ycai

"1 was - starting lo be ccmcd." DcBerg said. "I preferred that it wouldn't this long. But it also seen

.......wasMh[:ir;ptanfoi-^vhcn-i- to bring me in."--------------

Tl)c team did not un terms o f lhc new deal.

• Yes. Ihe Chicago Be;

T O i r t fARLINGTON, Texas

Rangers coach Davey L< ' best aboul Rafael Palmei

said the Texas Rangers fi ."could hit in a room v lighls."

Palmeiro is definitely h out with perhaps the swc in thc big leagues, asid Mississippi Slate team

. Clark o f thc Sun Frunciscc Palmeiro led the mu,

with 191 hits last year an( for 250 this season as hi spews out line drives to ul

•’When he’s hoi. he......pitchers -fiis-bccause they----- how -to -p ild r-lo -h im ^T i

instructor Tom Robson sa • "H e’s not u dcad-guess ‘ hit an inside pilch whelhe

ball o r a slider. He'll take

! SI

I B ^m E T iiiiir[ ^ k b i r o reltlocfaor - Kenmore

Spotdntticear-3rN gh«b

! Di«X3nPtiyioCabto«;4lcivi9(e dalrs - Green coucti - Bfrnm do Kiholstered ctoir - Tablo bmp • wood dfeMfw/miffOf - 5 dravw

I nioH stand • 4 dnwtr d«si - S s&nd - S (km a storage c^inel.

MISCELLPob and pans - Miscdtmoous d Dectric km • Wicto pioiie baste) Ptetuies'- Swing stand r TV tr. ComingmrB'- Grants pant & a racqicts. ' - .


Ice auQM - Coleman IDS b n ^ - poles - Step bdders • Lawn rodd SJW - Wheel barrow • Lswn cart • hHTimef • Tatps - Hammos - Wri Boka-Lots ol hand tools. NOT£:Atr.L»fesh»brtlifhgtoa aixilon.SeeyouMlhet3le: ^

Terms: Gash iOWNEl

Sales Haaagsdbr


s f e d e r s"Thd _ said CtltD f(on is examin- deadline for Its that could documents, s ’ latc wiil\- d idn 't know ation Cup and this aftemoc for the 1992 ' documents \

' ■ because of 3ames-5flid lo^-' hodn 't-com n report -was jftT !tolhe rest oT It Brian Tobin ■ S e les.pu ll hc Federation team- for ih

^ y s i c f o r e . ; { : she did not

;s erTtm w usly- ing shin split

OS, 49ersr arc muscling Sail F ro n c i^o '

D and Denvere 3 t ic k - P a r k ; - iL - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Rond 'C xhtb ltio ir~ '^V ^3B |^Q

k S HBroncos arcn't sut lhc quick'ittle choice. ;g o f the game I I L K t ' - ' ' >r league base- ny event flI to the start, of

San F r a n c i s c o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H H g c l e s ^ D o d g e r r ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ H/1 10-3 victoiy

Friday. Ijlie

oting Chicago lay. .mch- George. —•lay the jet-lQg - —is team was in -----■c than 0 half.IS a long flight ; people, too ... .... e a lot fresher rt

doi Hill. Mia- pick, ended ay by agreeing 1

estimated at I

one duy after chastised the

star and cx-

aIg up. hc

an Sh'uln '

starting quar- p , ndcd a 20-day.

repontd 10 lu d g ln g th i:urconlnici. ;,n offense. ,bccomc con- took some o f'I would have innbilily to scI 't have laken preseason gartimed like this "W e're go; T theyw an icd '" fcnsc;‘Tind wc------- ------ passing gameannounce the body thinks.’

starting quurtiJcars do have Chicago's i

ro stays iius (AP) — pitch to the 0|Lopes said it Palmeiro vleiro when hc All-Star breafirst baseman from .319 towithout any before I-for-:

Sunday and I' hilting.lighls .34.*!.#ectesl -swing Hc was nc;ide from old wiih 79. totalimmaie Will ira-basc hits \ico Giants. Thanks tolujor leagues in lhc wcighiind is on pacc carccr-high .his,quick bat lhan two monall fields. Robsori ,sale just gives room means;y d on 't know tain siumin;i

said. Can he win>s hitter. He'll "H e 's got lher it’s u fast- for-.I.Ss bccauike an outside Rob.son said,



1:11:00 A.M. ; iAPPUAHCES':

Dfe miaoww ow l • Keraftwe washei •

: FUBHIIURE ■. (excelloi condlbn) - S wooden mdded cloOi tecfiner - Maple aim chair w / ^ h p • liott wood double bed w/yanity die wer ^ ot d raw • Nigtt Stand - llall ■ Singer cabind sewing r ^ i n e - 2 oal

LANEoilS HOUSEHOLI3 dishes • Electiic ky pan • meat saw - te l . Smrkig <hread caEinel - Ttwrnoj ’ trays • Vaporlar - Pyiex - Straliw i I o p s - Colander.* Game boaid r Ijwi

rO M O B IL E -C A M P T R iUl^auloriulic n rnm islw . rm lirn -1WNG EQUIPMENT & TOrt - S rm & b ts - Elettlc dtill • R ato • iVrencta - Saws - Wood plane -.Gaider

> a adrmenl ct/Sa ^ 'a oltting most


J in y „James Van Tasssll

I 324-2S00 438-3403

^ r r \

. I

a t i o n c l. . . . . . ,- l b ; , .................

for tumirig in such medical s. "They w ent, to Brian. I ow o f their cxistencc. until noon.” Barnes said. "The s w ere sent tp lT obin , but j f his travel .j^chedulc he - mm unicatcd-tfiq r existence — 'orus?^*; - - r - - - t t- ulled oiit o f thlj Yugoslav th e . fW crotion .-C up .‘tw o •

re.lhfc evjc^nt s ta r t ^ . saying i l ot w irit to risk reaggravat-' p lin ti.^ -:— ----------

‘l i i b a c k G

B e a r s q u a r t e r b a c k J l tn I- th e t e a m ’s o f f e n s e fro tii I

:. Jim Hnrbaugh. and hc I o f thc blame for tlic team ’s s ) scorc during the firstjw o I games. )going to have a good of- \ w e’rc going to have a good —j me.,of whal any:.._ \s." Harbaugh. thc Bears’ \ urterback. lold rcponcrs. f 's offense goi a big shot in

i]nF‘thegr: opjwsite field." I .) went 40-for-S.‘> after the reak to r.iise his avenigcto a league-leading .3SI I

or-5 and O-for-4 games on td Monday lowered him to 1:

near the lop in runs scored 7 nal bases with 233. and cx-- s is with heavy off-season work c ght room. Palmeiro has a r I . 18 homers w ith,.m ore lonlhs left in the season. t said work in lhc weight \

ns "you 're going lo main- ina longer. Rafael has

vin Ihe baiting title'.’JI to stay away from ihcO- ;ause those will bum him." id, "GcKxl hitters will go 1-


' la ickl^B ai.

w • Kcnmore elccsic diya - Cold

Ided seat ctnirs - Chionto table w/4 Ah ions • T« ond table - Wood and dresser & c te t ol draws - Dark lall tible-Mapietwinbed-Maple I oaic lockers • Wooden microwaMi

ILD ITEMSw - KefOJcne turo - Poto chips - 9 r'Cioquetsa - Camtcf - Games- w > Kraul cutter • Tuppciware > awn darts - Fruit jan - udminton

iULUI -14 IL e a i ^ trailer w/jps stow.

IJcS^^Baniboo Hy lod - FishlnQ cords' electiic trimmers - Piuning « - Shoveb • Hoes - A* - Sledge iden loob - Wiecking bar - Nalls -

otN i lib -lkv posscsihns at

Say of AuctionAWSHES-ff700or32&-S73S

Barn Ja n S Jo b a

!heeks Sv Bnmes said the documei d M ily should have occn st I Yugoslav Tennis Federatii il th a i should hove forwarde e ihe ITF. Insieod, he soid,It faxed directly to Tobin by c -C levc land -b«cd agent for c "-We ^hafe. iccicvcd so:

m cnts^.frcm ' butV 'havcri’i: ’ljwiri .from the 6 : F c d ^ t j o r t '^ d > e ;r e ' loc

- ‘‘ « ' iiiiing ar ifon frdrn'thie V ugoslav Fed


n H a rb a u g h c a u t io n e d ag i rh I ts f i r s t tw o e x h ib i t io n g

: ihu. arm Tuesday evening i signing of veteran placekicl ) Butlcri who came to terms o

year contract after mtssi • weeks of training camp. Ter

___Harbaugh.,_lmcanwhilc^wasn't too happy with owr formancc in exhibition play.

I "1 have to do a better jo b i

roove,’ ejfor-.*!, but he's got to av

; slumps.";■ Palmeiro's curreni avert

highest ever for a Ranger ll I the sclison. ."1 just visualiz I bills and it’s fun playing

when you get into that grc I zone where you sec the ball

said. -"1 jusi try to slay in that g

L cauA you know sooner or I mini-slumps will comc.": - When .Cleveland’s Eric

thc collar on Palmeiro Monc I breaking a 15-gainc hillin

I bbbbi' - ^

• T i r u c k ' • C a r * ;

. p S i i J

-k S a m e <

Call^ B eard B

Seles’lents tcchni- If the^mcdici- c l l l lu Hiu by :l l> » -g g -a ^Ition, which missing thc Fcded them to would retain heiI. they were • jf report ijy IMG. thc be barred from iT Seles.' Borcelona.

an explana- • -TT is fb wom^ cdcration.”- Dovis C up ilrto

within athe balls to the

, couple o f cmin m T ' Francisco that 1K - about ot all,'’.H

' 'ra iny morning p ■ ■ ■ n y sity o f Wisconsij

^ - W i^ . - r ^ tv i

who_cndcd a 2> day. aggravated first pm cticeTui coach Dwain Pc

H S ^ ^ H certain how lonj muscle would tion.

The Steelcrs c about Graham

—which he-said-o< running three wi ing out for a thre

, “He ran one pwasn’t 100 perc asked him what

£ |^ ^ H . . .5 a id . .h ( i_ p u l ] e d tra in er^ ;lo o k ^ . te tte r not praciic

• Jeff Francis sort victory in land’s, backup.q though he

theopener, a 2 3 -1 0 1 Monclay.

"That’s a .situi try to do the bcs thing you can 't c

Coach B( firstbefore Monday': listed second, b

J I but ahead- o f Michael Proctor.

• Cincinnati Fulcher said he

^ 3 ^ 9 game-agttiAPL*»*<photo sp 'le “ hip bru:

, Bcngols' cxhibiti ig a ln s t ,g a n ie s i ' but I h a id s to r

g wilh chc nolhing," hc said icker Kevin • Veteran tig! . on a three- trying to make : ising three being released b crms o f th e . Patriots last scsed.------------- Tuesday:----------■_ -«!id__he __Dawson,. in_hA-n his per- Nonh Carolina J y. pass in Detrpib of getting games. . ,

avoid long Palmeiro was so to talk about it.

rage is the “He’s o perthis lute in said. "All great h

lize my at- The greatestlg baseball winning the balliroovc. ihui from one o f his cill well." he Franco, who wj- - - - Monday night’s Jgroove be- . ”1 hope Rafa

Dr later the down to the cn' think that will

; King pui there are a lot onday night, league nnd it’sing streak. September w e'll

- N E a ttm .

9 day, fa s t, M a n d ly se rv lcI Today 733-581 B r o t h e r s P h l l l i jl310AddlsohAv«rtp» E ast

Twin Falb, Maho ■

jxeuse-idical' i tp o n is accepiec^- n \ n vnlTd extfu^e fpr^; Federation Clip, Seles .1 h er Olympic eligibility, on is rejected, she could am thc 1992 O lym pics in

LlKC-Fcdcratipn:Cup;ihe------)men’s event contested ions, is a prerequisite for *. ' • '6rncn^s“ fcnH ir'£ ltartH « r to th e m c n . ........ ............ -

a weekthe receivers. I made a-

rrant throw s.against San lat I w asn 't very happy .".Harbaugh said after a i lg practice at the Univcr- jnsin-Platteville. 1x tver.Jei7.0raham , Pitts-— tm tJ ^ 'u r id ^ ra n ■^hor^~-'.--. •0 24Tday..holdout Satur­ated 0 leg injury in his Tuesday. W ide receiver^- -

1 Painter said it was un- ; long the pulled quadricep ' -d keep Graham out o f ac-

:rs d idn 't know anything mm’s original injury.d-occurred-whilc-hc-was--------e weeks ago while hold- Ihree-year. S I. 14 million

ne pattern and I knew he xrccn l." Pointer soid. “ I vhot was wrong and he cd a q u i^ muscle. TTie

at' hirn and said he iciice anymore." ncis isn’t cloiming any y in his battle for Clcve- ip. quarterback job,, even _:d the only tw o scoring he Browns’ exhibition 10 loss to Tampa Bay on

.situation where you just bcsi you can. It’s some-

I’t control." Francis said.1 Belichick revealed his lart o f training camp just lay’s game. Francis wos 1. behind Bemie Kosai* o f Todd Philcox und :tor.Iti strong safety David

he will ploy in Satur- ogainsi Philodelphia de-- - - bruise sustoined in the ibition opener last week. oying I Ucl 100 pcreenf. standing a round . doing . . soid.tight end Lin Dowson. 1 ke Detroil's roster after :d by the New England - .•

season, was waived

n_his lOth^year out. o f^ . _ na Stoic, did not catch a :trp it's two exhibition

ing titles so upset he d idn 't want it. ■ .pcrfeciionisi." Robson

;ai hitters ore." est threat to Polmelro bolting title could comc ' lis own leommotes, Julio I wos hilting .332 afterIt’s g a m e . .........................lafael and Julio bottle

end." Robson said. "I /ill be greot race. But ot o f great hitters in thc it’s still early. Come

c ’ll sec.”

Hide? I

lU T SC a ll F o r A c n d M d u a t ./mate.


A U T O F f tm S £ f HGHROE

v / c o ★ -

JIIHips 6 6 ^ ~

E in te rta in ]

------------______________ o f£ a m

734ri: andjbflowlhcsb

I Takii fato

‘turtleE ditor's nole: J.

vacation. Tbc'fond favorite columns froi

Whnt w ould you c---------... —w itb .-a -s a s s y _ p rc j

wrapped in a Ninja steady d iet o f pizza?

• A “ teen -ag e m uti m illions o f sassy pn know. The tu n ic s 'd A m erica’s grow ing : post-W orld W ar 11 I is a S20 billion a yea to B u sin e^ W eek mi

■^.magazine repo rts tl- b iilio n s lic e s o f p i2 amounts to 50 sliecs |

W hile m any movi thc recen t tu rtle fill m o s t fo o d c r i t ic s thum bs up. T hc sc r w id e ly . W h e th e r it variety o r elig ib le f

: depends on thc star p The turtles’ — am

• topping-is pcpperoni c h e e s e , o n e s lic e

‘ contains 275 calorieso f th e calorics comc o f it i s SQ turatcd7 A m e r ic a n H cai rccom m cnds no mon day’s calorics com c i diose tortoises arc rol

C hoosing a slice o------“ a n d m u sh n jo m 'p izz i_ ._pcrccntage to,27 w id

it saturated, t h e ca l 206 per slice. Tliis is m ade of.

--------------Tlte ' real v i l ia ih 'o----------- and kcy-ingrcdicnt-{

. .. . .T h o u g h p roc la im ed

...........^mos t. ch e e s e m g_z:cheese, is still 44 pc 70 pcrccnt fat ov en “ e x tra c h c e s c " rc o rdering ex tra calor advertised a s “ gut t lovers” arc hcart-brca

D o m in o 's , th e ti credited w ith produc w ith a rem arkably lo

' calorics from fat. If y thc fat only goes up tc

M any restaurant an checsc substitutes to

; m ay cut thc saturated and be cholcstcrol-fn

J b r you._ S o d iu m |s_anoth<------ p roduuliu ii. T w u uU

add alm ost 2 ,000 mi to a p izza - abou t 1 s l ic e . A w h o le d a j

‘‘■ •T nillig ram s. C h cc t pcppcroni a rc all salty

Generally, p i s a is- . C and A and iron. N

pizza , d rink ing oran adding a carrot salad thc meal.

' H ip p o c ra tc s com j pizza slice at 21 percf fat from a B ig M ac from K cntucJ^ fried c

O n ly o ne in 10 pi ' frozen . T o re ta in sc

f lavo r and freshness higher in fnt, salt and i

H ip p o c ra tc s s in j W atchers’ C heese Piz fat as a nu tritio n a l b F rc n c h B re a d Pcppi p c rccn t fa t. T he add and MSG appear in m

P izza isn ’t ju s t tur W olfgang Puck o f Sp eatery o f thc rich and w ith raising pizza-mol (T h ey ta lk l ik e thpt c irc les .) H e crca tcd fikc “Prosciu tto and •'Shrimp and Sun-dric«

■ . P le a

C lu b c a l e n d a r ” - - D e a r A b b y

H o m e / g a r d e n

; £ - =

nTnfint TJiiftT h e T i i i i e a i S ^ - ^t i ih o i 's p la y in g a n d

w h e n 'in J a c k p o t a n d

^ 3 2 6; tnsfrucfiorts.

ing the; out of iefood’; Jane S lickers is on iliowrng is on6 o f her - from the past .

)u call a chubby reptilejr c p u b c s c e n t - p a to ia ,_____ija suit and fueled by a ca?

J a n e

S D c k e p s

f ^ N u t r i t i p n ; : : ;v

lu tan t n in ja tu r tle ” as prcpubcsccnts already

i' d fascination w ith thc 11 Italian im port. Pizza year business according magazine. Hippocratcs

5 that w c 'co h su m e 10 p izza p e r y e a r w hich

:cs per person per year, lovics c ritics re legated film s to thc ju n k b in , c s a w a rd p iz z a tw o scrip t fo r p izza varies r it is th e so ap -b p c ra - c for a culinary O scar ir players.and A m erica’s — star_

roni. P a ircd 'w ith 'cx tra cc o f a la rg e p iz z a ries. Forty-one percent n c from fat, 20 pcrccnt ;d7t h c d o g g e r . T h e , - :ca rt A s s o c ia t io n nore than 30 pcrccnt o f nc from fat: No wonder rotund.- -

c o f bell pepper, onion izza drops the to tal fnt # ith only 14 p.crecnt p f calorie-count,slidc3 to } is the s tu ff awards are

n 'o f p irzn “p roduction— —nt-for-m any-is-chccsc---------le d lo w e r in fat than p z z q rc l la , th e p iz z a ' pcrccnt saturated fa"t, ’ /erall. W hen o rdering re m e m b e r y o u a rc

tio rics and fat. T hose Jt bu ste rs” nnd “ m eat ircakcrs as w ell.: t u r t l e s ’ c h o ic c , is ducing a cheese pizza ' low 18 pcrccnt o f its If you oirder pcppcroni, p lo 29 pcrccnt.1 and frozen pizzas use i to save m oncy.-This led fat by thrcc-fourths I-frcc as w ell, a bonus

I th e r h c a v y j ^ p i z z a ______

m illigram s o f sodium It 175 milligroims per d ay 's , s u p p ly is 3 0 0 c c sc , s a u s a g e andalty ad d itio n s . .................I is-Iacking in vitam ins _I. M aking ii vegetab le ' range ju ic e w ith it o r :ad wil! help round out

)m pores th e a v e rag e :rcfint fat to 53 percent ac and 61 pcrccnt fa t ' x l chicken.I p izzas is pu rch asedI som e, se m b la n c e o f ' - css, th ey a re Usuallynd additives,

in g le s o u t W e ig h t Pizza w ith 24 percentII barga in . StoufTer’s p p e ro n i is a b o u t 38 id d itiv e s B H T , BH A 1 m any frozen brands, tu rtle food a n ^ o r e .Spago fam e (his’L.A. nd famous) is credited, m aking to oa a rt form. h(tt In g o u rm e t 'fo o d cd p izza w ith nam es nd G oat C hecsc” and [ried Tom atoes.” le a s e s e e P12ZA/C7

r " ' C 2C 3

I C 8

From l e ^ Z ebra B row nl neighborhood .

B lo ckA n inv ita tio n to t

. . s t r e e t is th e b< n e ig h b o rh o o d f r ie n d s h ip s an m embers o f th e b

W hen , people are .too .bu than w ave ns thcy paSs b ’ block pnrty offers thc chanc ncighlwrs o f all ages, swap local history.

The block party can 6 c ”o a s th c .p la n n c rs . .d c c id c . .

' neighborhood organization,- location already may^bc set.-

m ay begin simply as a potli gam e o f c roquet, b u t oncc

:_jbccn-SOW ii..plcnty_oLcpJp__sprout to m atch neighbore* i

V ariety and .p len ty .are jl food, and dishes^ m ade w it o d s 'm a k e 'T t e a s y "to fl

With eggB yP a tD a ilcy *Chicago Tribune

A coiq>Io o f y n r a ago, . re c ip e fo r th e o n g in a l Cat searched fo r h is copy btit c provide m e w ith tlte recipe c Thank you. Joyce M arine, B i

Q . I have been following

VeniB y Joan BeanTimes-News corresponder

■ H A IL E Y - W ebbs Vi. s ta rrin g 'M ich c ic and Ela

- . their husbands and childn ro le s - is a new v ideo tl question, “W hat’s the best that deer and e lk in m y frc<

It'opens with'fricii'ds ar som e o f the d ishes featur T hen view ers are shown cook deer.

T h e p lo t th ic k e n s a .demonstrate h ow to prcpar

■ “ barbccue Venison, venison ever burger casserole and J fix venison and elk.

The finale is a sccne wit] a snow y setting. B a c k ^ u and deer walk around just the m en.

M ichclc and Elaine, wh law,’ say thev decidcd to d past spring bccausc most d id not know how to coc elk.

“T hey w ou ld com c to ju s t rcaJlylikc it,” M ichclc w e know bo m uch about h o f it w e thought w e’d ju st


v n le s , D in o s a u r D ip , D evi

LofTa]to a p a rty on th e

b e s t w a y fo r a ----- ■ ^)d to- re n e w o ld Ja n d m e e t new

le b lo c k . ..busy to do m ore time s 'b ^ i n the ca r, u non lance to meet w ith vaci 'ap talcs and share •

info)c as program m ed the jic _ I f _ th c r c - i s - a --------- — l.on, a s tructure and thesct-'A-firsrTittempt ------ papotluck m eal and a wat( ince th c seed has p lprfu l ideas w ill

interests. Romcm•e in s ty le .fo r-tho - -a n d col w ith convenience sc ry in g r f lH th c ' t a b l c s r ' open sc

gs or witlIgo, the Chicago T ribune prim C aesa r sa lad . M y employex lit cannot find i t I hope you M o r instnictions on brnv to g , Broadview, DL

ing all the controvefy over i

lison videH H H

V ideo C o o k ing - H B H E laine W ebb w ith Idren- in 'supporting ''0 that answ ers th«f.*^r^C ,; >cst w ay to cook all K 's '• freezer?”

r o n d 'f a m i l y 't t j n n g '^ ^ ^ B itu red on the film . wn a basic w ay to

s a s th e W eb b s pare venison pizza, son stroganoff, best id M o to r w a y s to

w ith 'tw o hunters in ' round m usic plays, - just o u t o f sight o f H H I

w ho ore sisters-in- 0 do the video this fJ® " J 3St o f the ir friends - ^® [T ®' cook ven ison ond to c h n li

th e i r c jto o u r ho u se ond ,i,no ^it

iclc says. “ ... Sincc gjde.”It how to take careust h elp them out a The ti


vilish eggs, and Sweet ’i

p a r tyB ^icpaim in^• D ec id e b n a s p e c if ic c Tic. U se a ho liday them e, o 3S^oTT3ay -weeTcend " to icolions.

S e n d o u t f ly e r s w formation. Request participai e plan^, food and fun. • f.e't pfni-qpoW'i h r jn g nnrlc g rills , m ove p icn ic tabic i p e r - g o o d s i b u n s v o r - a - Qtermclon, o r take em pty cai

m bor:-A lw ayS :kecp -ho t-fo :b ld s fo o d s icy c o ld r ig h

L eav in g perisha^^ several hours for nibljlfng

hout, CacI am less inclined b m y htisband says bf ’p x n y gatnH f o f him

inted ae r h a s I t is ono o f h is & ou can it w ithout using isw I r a t it.

...... A . C ncsur salad,I9 2 0 ’s a t th c han<

r M exico, classically00 a a d —egg-----------------------

eo: How 1

AHJYARera/nmile. left, and MIcheieWebi elk and v.eni.spn cooklnj ilqiies to television s e ts cooking video.

bit, and m ake a little monc]

1 two w om en n o t ionl^ de-a j

« S =

t ’n S o u r - B e a n s a n d F ran i

in youig can make gac da te a n d recycling dcpo; ; , ^ r p i c k a . • In v o lv e 'to a v o id p ic tu r e s r i f 'th

show snapshot: w ith th c years,

pationw ith • ••P lan an o wheels.”

indJicat.up____ ? ;_ F a r_ th c .bles, b ring v o l le y b a l l n< a- c h i l lc d ■ •horseshoes nw cans to thc events.

-^foode-hot— safe p ractice .-^ g h t up to Have a gencr [able food thc meal and of lg is not a 'a g e gibups.'’

esar sala(1 to use them ttum ever befon i be w ill w alk ou t on m e i f Ilim

&vorite foods. Is there so m e ' aw eggs? Ailecn Schnellcr, Pai

a d rs a id ' to havc bccn ' origii and o f o ne C aesar C ard in i Ily is m ade wilh a raw o r lig

to cook gI o f cooking wild

as well.

"W c get our I and M ichclc'gct Elaine says..“ I d

T o rem ove tl m cnt, E laine rc th c fat and boi freezing. And s

. -garlic-salt and venison and elk.

A printed ver rec ipes is inclu following are th simple....

. . . . . . VRoostC arrots (whol- Potatocs (quai

’ O nions (cut in 1 package oni< G arlic salt (sh Pepper (shoke

B b b ta k e~ rem ain ing ingr<

'" 9 _ water. Bake slo Its W ith pot 7 .8 hours; jr

4 hours, ney on thc I f you do not

■■ itcanbe.cooke<] , . a Iflrti'h ighcr tc

a great jo b jt w on’t be a s tei

anks make an Inviting me

iir neigj a t h e r i h g a H i all ag es . T ak e in sto n j__r'th is is an ann u a l ev en t, hols and videos from olhcr

n obstacle course for “ big

h c -g ro w n -u p s , s e t u p a n e t. O f f e r 'a g a m e o f

flwaj^firom th e 'c h ild rc n 's '

neral idea o f thc tim e range o I offer a little something for al

id is a hig]foie. Trouble is, Up until tl i f I don’t m ake practice. Bu

- raw eggs to

ne w ay to malce And sudd Paik Ridge, HI. including h

frosting, mo ig inalcd in lhc Cacsiir salad ini in T iju an a , . . . I ig h ,ly „ d d lc d

game the'ild gam e, but they h unt game

ur deer ju si about every year, 'gets her elk quite a bit, too," • Id o to o , if l.d raw .” .. . e the s tro n g tas te from the : rccom m cnds cu ttin g aw ay bone b e fo re w rap p in g and d she says a com bination o f nd Icm o n jjcp p c r Js^good on

version o f thc W ebbs’ game icluded w ith th c v ideo . Thc 5 three 10 try, starting with a


hole o rc u l in halOluartcrcd) ' into tliick slices) onion soup mix (shake a liltlc in o r to taste) ^ e a little in o r to tosle) nt in Q ro a s tin g ' p a n . A dd igrcdicnts. C over m eat w ith slow ly all day - in a crock s; jn oven, 350 degrees, about

not have ail day to cook this, ked a little faster - 2 hours at r tem perature, about 375, but } tender.

_ ^

p |mm M

rienu w h e n m e e t in g n e w fi

>hborh. • D E V IU S t............12 hard cookcd eggs

1 can (4/a ounces) d c\ 3 tablespoons m ayonr2 tablespoons slonc gi1 tablespoon horscrad Ciit eggs in liu lf lc h g

yo lk s and m nsh w ilh bow l, com binc egg yc mnyonnaisc, mustard ar until .smooth and creanwhitcs;.co.vcr.nnd.chilLi

Make.s 24 deviled egg DINOSAI

2 cans(4K ounces eac 1 pack ag e (8 ouncc

■ iioncfied_______ 1 cun~(4 o u n c c s ) sl

chccseg|j 1/3 cup choppcd wain-----------2 la b lc sp o o n s -f in e l

P le a se

;h-demani1 the last year or so, this w as a j 3ul o f late, there has been a ral 0 salmonella infections,

ddcnly, there is a shadow cas ho llandaise sauce, poached

nany chilled souffles, Bavarii adVn number o f raw shell eggs lia vith salm onella b ac tc ria . M o------------------------ _ P l e a s

— ! right wa;1C • Serve with a green salai

bread, ir. Next, Id ’s try...


,y Pul deer o r e lk roast ii w ilh 2 bottles o f your fo

g f saucc. Cook in a slow coc ,jj hou rs , on low ; in oven ~— aboul-4 hours. R em ove t

and serve over ham burger Serve w ilh potato salad.

JJ And for a sou th o f thi try...

W nJD M E X I-1 pound g round venisor 1 can o f crcam o f mushi I con o f chicken soup 1 can enchilada sauce, i

prefer it hot 1 can green chiles F lour or com tortillas (1

Id About 1 pound checsc [h o rV elvceta . ,.

Brown m eat in a little- ingred ien ts, ej^cept fo r t checsc. Sim m er about 10

5, little o f the sauce o n thc b a t 13 inch casserole dish. TT ul 3 tortillos. Pu l m ore o f th

P le a s e

w f r ie n d s in th e

h o o dJ S H EGGS;gs - • deviled ham

,-onnaisc1C ground mustardc r a d i s h ____ . _ _chgthw l^ '; remove the; — ' ilh a fork . In a small- J yo lk s , d ev iled ham , d and horseradish; mix ■eamy. Spuon into egglilLunlif.rendyjo.scivc,._______:eggs.S A U R b f f ': each) deviled ham nces) cream ch ccse ,

; ) .s h rc d d c d .C h e d d a r________

mlnuts,nely c h o p p e d -g ro c n - .... .........ta s e s e e B L 0 C K /C 7

nd dishLS a perfectly acceptable I raft o f claims lhat link

cast over many foods, hcd eggs, butlercrcam varians and, o f coursc.

s Imve been found to beM ost incidenccs.have. __e a s e s e e S A i-A D /C 7

ayialad and homem ade

SON O R ELK JCUBs t in a slow cooker ir favorite barbecuc cooker a ll day - 7-8

.’c n a t 3 5 0 d eg reesVO and chop a li t l le ---------------rgcrbuns.ilad.r th e b o rd e r flnvor,

Dd-B A K Eison o r elkushroom soup*P . _;e, m ild - unless you

is ( I packagc, large) • ,CSC - e ither chcddar

Itle oil. A dd rest o f o r thc to r tilla s an d10 m inutes. P lace a . '

tic bottom o f a 9-by*;. Then Inycr on 2 o r * ' t f the m eat sauce on . - sse see V iD E 0 /C 7

- -

Valley ICiub c

W ED N ^O A auJiOildicn Anoeymo Tl.lU p.m. at Epiuropal <

Rupen.Alcfoholict Anonytnouj Noon. S:30 p.m.: Spani:

---------- p.jnranri-H p.fn.i-(|l-Mogie-\Mall. KOI S e c o n d ' Ave. infomialion, call 7 3 6 ^ 1 8 .

Alcoholic* Anonymou»:( non-<ninkins alcoholics only

------------JO apjiu jaM agicA /altej----------SOI Sccond Ave. R .H or.n

C.-.117,V>-0918.AI-Anon (non-smoking)

. ' . p.m. at M apc Valle>------- hOI .ScconJ Ave; N. For it

call7.1f.-WlK.Buhl K iw ntltO ub Kmm at Home Plaic Rcsti

. I^h l Senior Giizcna Dinner al noon al wnior c

— - Buricy Kiwanlj CTub Nix>n at Piicc’s Cafe.' Cocaine Anonymout

_______ 6, .11 Magic Vaitey

“* Dietrich Onngc NoT l i fK:30 p.m. at Grange Hall. Bmotlont Anonymotu A Mipp<?ft group for peop

stress or turmoil, meets at 11.1 al the College of Soulb niiiUlini;. ;

Flier Senior Gtlzens Quilling. Iiamlicraft!) and

nixin .11 Filer Senior Haven. Oooding Overeattn Anon

p.m. at Walker Cenie_________ CoodlnfrSenloLCUlicni-

Dinner ;it noon al jcniorci Oooding TOPS No. 251 f):.tO p.m. nt Senior Citizei Hagoman Senior Cillzcni Dinner al noon al senior ci Jerome Optimltt Club

p.m. al Rinllo Inn. Jerome Senior Citizen* Dinner at noon at senior ec Jerome TOPS Chapter No 6;.10 p.m. al Publie Libfar

• M a^e Valley Duplicate B 1 p.m. .11 Magic V.-,|ley »i

FnlU Ave;, Overeaten Aoonyinoiii.

7 p.m. at thc First Dapt Shoiluine Si. E; in Twin I Street cinrance.

Parenu Without Pannen Singlet pinoclilc and gai

biuh lcd American Vetcrant Strcei and Slioup Avenue.

Shojhofie Golden S J l.iincli 111 nocin at senior cc

Survlvon of Abuio Aiwn; ahuscil :is children or abused

■ ; Twelvc'Siep meeting at 7 /^ve. S. For more informalio 7.1-l.H6I7or73-l-S203..• TTieNefworit

'I p.m. ill Sodbuster Rcsial ' Twin FoltiLIont Club i N oon al W eston Pla

Ccinventinn Ccnier. 1350 DIu : Twin Falli Rotary O ub ■ Nfxm at Turf Club. Lund

and members of oilier clubs.; Twin FaJli Senior Cldzeni

NurneroB O IS E - S e v e ra l N

iire u .s tu d e n ts h a v e bt_______.s-cholar.ship.<i from I

University.----------= D e n i s e - D u n lu p ,--1

J V o o d r o w a n d S a n d r ^ u r l c y . n n d M ic l ic i lc

............ ^ u g h t c r o frF rc d a n d M5 j o o d i n g , r e c e iv e d r

---------- i J c p a r t m e n t s c h o la r s hS tic h n n H u lch i.son , i S e o r g c _ and_ C arm en ^ u p c r i , ' a n ^ S a r a h ^ iiig h le r o f Grace Craw ^ a lls , rcceivcd Laura M.

• ^clioliirships. Kutchi.son ^b cn cfiic io r .scholarship

• i o v e l e s s o f B u r le y . Lo

l omputeP O C A T E L L O -

r j c o m p u te r c a m p s fc li« c h c d u le d Ihis m o n lh c ^University.

"B y ie -S iz e rs" cam ps - :fo r A ug . 13 and 14 at ih -"o f E d u c a ljo n C o m p u te S s iz e r s a re y o u n g ste rs ci

---------- :5 v v a . l l i r n u p h _ s ix . S eeni ^ r a d e r s w il l a t lc n d “ c; ^ . i n . to noo n and fourth

fJuUtersin^ C . P O C A T E L L O - Q u il• ;3 n d up w ill le a rn lo cn

*-J5altern by u s in g lh e nc ^ lo c i l d u r i n g a n u p c o r I j p o n s o r e d b y I h c Id r* U n iv e r s iiy O f f ic c o f ( 't d u c a l i n n a n d C o n fe rc n t C In " D o u b le D u tc h Cha •M c G u ire w ill tc a c h clas

" 1 ■ E: -

W h irlp o o l W a th s r ^ SuporCopQ ciV *2W cah ^ Gontio Wa»h Syitem Au f l ■ Down Caro • 8 Aulomc

PiahtxrttonW atofTo ^ ComblnatkyH > Inflnlta ^ Sol<»ctiora«aoochOltp<

* 2 CLEAN* SoiTCIeanlno Uni


C-2 ■nfr.os-Nowo. Twin F

. / • • V ' .........

' lifecalendaraSDAY Dinner atnnoui 734-S0»4.lal Church Anne* in Twin Fall

7 p.m. at IU St.N.>anish speaking at 7

w e . N . For m ore AdnllCb 18. • 7:30pjn.ittt^closed meetings, Adult Q l only) A luppoBltey.Fcllow»hip.HalU_alcoholic/d 3r,mofe. information,., noon at the

Fifth Ave. Nlg) Alcebolkalley Fellosvship Hall. Noon and sr more Infonnation. Valley Fellc

Formore ini S BuhlRoti

Icstaurant. I2:0Sp.nBiWSeni

iorcenter. ' Dinnerat.................................. -BarteyO

7:30 p.iT Conference:

ley Fellowship Hall. Bdca-Hai

.21 Dinner ailail. GlesntPit Dinner aleople wilh emoiionnl Ccnier.« at 7 p.m. in Room Oooding: ouibem Idaho D esert.. Dinnerat

V Ha^ermai9 a.m. to

and potluck dinner al -noon for-lun en. “ . H *n^R<inonymoui Noon al C'enter. Jerome IC311____________ ________Noon at Cor center. JeratDoScSI ' Dinnctattizcns Building. UncoInAzcni K p.m. aiorccntcr. Shoshone.

Magic '1. Intmuiional.s 7;30 a.IToreenlcf. ' Convention <rNo.48 MaalcVabfary; --------- 7:30 p.m.le Bridge Q ub 246 Fall* Avy Uridge Ccnier. 2-J6 Nireotic*

10 p.m. au . . UOl.SecondJaptist Church. 910 call 736-0911 in Fallx. Use Ninih Nicotine

used to break a t ■7:.'»0p.mI games at K p.m, at Bn>adway N rans Hall on Harrison call543-»94: :. New Parten SeniorQtiien* 7 p.m. airccnicr. nullding.K2;nonymoui (for adults Optimist ( ised adults) Noon at Vst 7 p.m. at 460 Main Sex Anon; lalion. call 73.VV465. Noon at !

HOI Sccond ca!l736-09U

:siauranl. Single AgiI divorceofa^ Plaza H otel and 7 p.m. at Blue Lakes Blvd. N. .S ix th Ave.

b information, c unch It S.S for guest Southem I lbs. Meets cvci u n s Center home. For in

bus MagicII M agic V alley d au g h te r: been aw arded Donald Man S ta te Corric h

o f Jean He.--d a u g h te r o f H ow ardid ra D u n lap o f markelings lle H o llrfie td . Cynihia SaJ Mary Millcr o f Phylli-rLulII m an ag em en t (he Deloillir s h i p s r S h a r o n '- j n d T u V i i vI. d a u g h te r o f and Mark Flen S uchan o f Burley andah C ra w fo rd , received arawford o f Twin depanmeni M. Cunningham

ion also received Also.Paiihip, as did Carol M ary andLoveless is thc F a lls , reci

ter camp fo- T h e ann u a l graders wii

fo r k id s arc Byie-Si:III at Idohp Stale focus on |

niodesi pnips arc .scheduled an undersut lhe ISU College computer..)uter Lab.' Byie- fee o f $2 : s entering grades- sh ack s.econd and th ird accom pli^“cam p" from V U llice oi «

irih through sixlh Confercncc

may learn ne^uiliers age 15 how to mal

creatc Q tu lip triang les q: new birnngle the new looco m in g c ln s s Thc clas;

Idn h o S ta te M ondays. .) f C o n tin u in g Q u illc r'sB ircnce.s. Thc Saiurd□ la in .” Sandra 10 a.m . to 5class m em bers will be in tv

1 P

7 . ru

i# r IA7780XS cah& Soki3poods» lA utonvH cCool- e rratic Cycios • 5 ifTompofatuw,Vilte Wolw L«vo(}ltpon3«r«IA'US>C K T V ? - I UntHtw *000131^ H M M XStAtftalof.

/In Foils, Idaho W ednesday Au(

r ■' ^r at noon. For mort: mfonnniion. c.ill 4.FalU TO PSID 309I. at Valley. Vista Village. 653 Rose

— • • THUB5DAY Chiltlrcji Anonymous ijn . at Episcopal Church In Durlcy. OtUdrea Anonymous (AGA)3port g roup for adult children o f c/dysfunctianaLfARiilles m ecli. at., the First Presbyterian Church. 209eTNHn Twin Fall.;-........— ------------oUcs AnonyiDousand al R p.m. for men's .sIitb at Magic 'ellowshlp Hall.-BOl Serond Ave. N.: information, call 736-09IH.Rotary O ubp.m. at Ramona Restaurant.Senior Gtlzens ra t noon at ccnier.Ovcrutcrv*Aj)wiiy jiWus *

p.m . at Law Enforccmc.nt Center Ke Room 129. East I4ih .Strccl. Hazelton Seslor Gtlzens irSeitlut Ltiiuii. “ ■ S a x U tra te o s .____ _ . .ra t noon at Filer Senior Haven.s Perry Senior Gtlzens -:r at noon a t Three Island Senior

Jig Senior Citizensra t noon at Senior Gtlzens Ccnier. to 4 p.m. fur arts and crafis undlunch. . — ' • . - .rR otaiyG ubai Deacon Blues Restaurant.eK lwanlsG ubat China Villase Restaurant.aS tiilisr 'a ilzau ----------------------------r at noon at senior center.A Alcoholics Anonymous . at Sen ior C iiizen i Building in

: V alley C red it Professionals nala.m. bl W eston Plaza Hotel & onCemcr. 1350 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. Valley Duplicate Bridge Gub I.m. afM apic Valley Bridge Cenier. Ave.

ties Anonymousat Magic Valley Fcllaw>hip II;iH.

ind Ave. N ..For morc.infonnuiion... »1S. •ne Anonymous«a 12-stcp method rcak thc cigurctie habit)).m. ut F irst Securiiy Dunk. 200 f N. in Buhl. Formore information. 1942.attems for Better Relationship.. at Tw in Falls Mcntul H ealth K23 Hurrison St.IstG uborT w inFalli It Mandarin House Resluuriinl. lonymous (non-smokingl at Magic Vulley rcllnwship Hull, ind Ave. N. For more inrtimiiiiion. »IK.A^dn Support Oroup laficr deaiU or faspou-<).'at Church nf Ihe N ii/arcnc. 401 KC. N. in Tw in Fulls. For miuc . jn.cull 7.«-K09«or 714-1 KK.1. m Idaho Gay and L e s ^ Alliancc every other Tliufsdaj^t a member's r informution. if^lsXa SICLA. P.O.'

ic Valley reicr o f O liv e P h ill ip s :ind ' Marlin.; .H o .w n rd _ M .u n \o n ..d au stii,e L ^ Howard o f Burley and Neil

i o f 'B o ise , rece iv ed a' 'ng and finance scholarship: 'Sapp, daughter o f Bruce and '

Lullof of-Kimberly. received )ille and Touche S ch o h rih ip _ril versi ty-wrde'scholarshTp;. '•k Fisher, son of C J . Fisher o f 'md Christine Fisher o f Paul. ii a p re-professional siudies •cm scholarship. I

’atricia Phillips, daughter o f . ad Jess M cN urlin o f Tw in < ec e iv e d the L au ra M oore I

or ‘little bytiwill attend from I to 4 p.m. Sizer c lass participanis will n p rac ticcs , p rinc ip les and progrutntning while gaining rsianding o f ihc impact o f the cr. Enrollm ent is lim jjed. A 524 iric ludes m ateria ls and_

R e g is tra tio n m ay be >Iished by c a ll in g th e ISU )1 Uonlmuing tdi/eation~ar1d ~ ' nces at 236-3155.

ew tricks in bnake reciangles o f tw o bias> quick ly and easily using | lool.lass w ill meet Salurdny o r cs. A ug. 12 and 19. a t Thc t Bajikct. 812 E. Bonneville,

jrday c lass will m eet from I0 5 p.m . Thc M onday c lass <1 two sections, from 8:30 to (

hirlpool. -^CORPORATION


/S l

l n i p t * v " n l v i ^ v n i H <


Mil Dox 2540. Twin Falls, ID R330 Stop 'b igb taub A diet club, this group mee

3SC al thc senior cenier in Hagcrma Twla Falls K lw u isO ob Noon at Turf Club.

T w la Palls Sailor Citizens C Dinner at noon arid pinochli

more informalion. call 734-208 W eodeU U oaeuaub

o f Members' homes. For inor. a t . ^ c # l I J 2 f c « 2 « ^ _ _______;09 - • . FRIDAY---------- Ale«ta>IicsAi>anymous-----

Noon. 5:30 p.m. and midr gic Valley Fcllowthip Halt. 801 S N. For more inforrnation, call 736-

' AI'Anoo (non-smoking) Noon ut Magic Valley Fel

KOI Second Ave. N. For mor call 7.3(W)9I8.

Buhl Senior Gtlzens Dinner at noon at senior ccm

ter Compassionate Friends ,7 p.m. at Reformed Church

’Corner o f Poleline Road an

....... PilCT.ScniorGtlKW______

......... Dinner ul 6 p.m. ut Flier SenOooding OriDgQ

ior K p.m. at Grange Hall, 2148' Gooding Rottiy G u b .12:15 p.m.'at Lincoln Inn. Itagam an Sealer G t t e i . Dinner ul noon at senior e n t

nd Jerome Senior OtizeM ' Dinner a t noon atJKnior cent Magk O m g e N a 233 H;30 p.m . at G range Ht

Shoshone.Magic Valley DvpUcato Brid

----------7:30 pTmrni M agle-Vatlcrl246 Fulls Ave.

Narcotics Anonymous In 7 p.m. ut Odd Fellows Hall it

Serenity Seekers Al-Alon .Is H p.m. at Wesley House. <

Buhl. For more Informalion. caf & Shoshone Golden Yesrs Seni N. Lunch ut noon at xenlor cente

Twin Falls Senior G dzens C :r. -D inner a t noon and bingt

dinner. For more informalion. ci Wendell Al-Anon

n. K p.m. ul Lutheran Church n., Ave. W.

SATURDAY" }d Alcoholics Anonymous

Noon and m idnight ut M )0 Fellowship Hall. KOI Sccond in. more infwmaiion;calt 7.l6-(»t«

Al-Anon Family Group 9;.^0 u.m. ut Canyon View

Ih Shoup Ave. W. For more infc 7.VJ..S222.

Buhl Senior Citlzeiu Dinner al noon al senior cenit Burley Senior Gtlzens

11. Danvc from K:3I) lo I I p. 11. cenicr.

. .Oxalne Anonymous or 5:.30 p.m. at Magic Valley Fc

Hill Sei'iind Ave. N. For more 11 c;ill7.V..(WlK. re . Jerome Senior Gtizcns . -

Hrcakfii'l fmm K a.m. lo niKir Magic Valley Chesa G lib

's 4 m III p.m. at Salvation Ann X ' Ave. N.

esidents esd Cunningham and Lc Bois

B u s in ess W o m e n 's As r C lavc lk Douglas scholar i] Ju lio G arcia. o rR u p e f i u

O scar and Alicia Garciu c received J.R. Simplol.-Mwi

j and public affairs schpjarsh

Also. Catherine Fata, of ~ n n d 'dauphrero fC ene-and -: f o f San B ernardino. Calif. . Ihe S tu d en t N ufse ' As s Scholarsh ip ; EriC 'A lberd

Falls and son o f Vince ar Alberdi o f Jerome, rcceivi

f Ja m e s M ack M em oria lI A lp h n n sits R ad io lo g y

Scholarship; Cynthia J6ne>

'tes’ set for. T he an n u a l cam p fo

II ihrough 12th graders is st d 12-15. Ju n io r and senio g youth will aliend camp froi c 3 p.m. daily at ihc Comput \ Center located in thc baset d j ISU Collegc o f Business Bi e ' ' T H is '‘c a m p " o f f e r s ' J exploration of alt kinds on d 11f’^trtPPaL'kaiUs. Caiiipt

grouped according lo expei

birangie clasI l .:3 0 'a .m . o r from 6:3( p.m.

- Fee is S27 per person w charge fo r each addiiion m em ber o r friend.

C om plete details can be by c a l l in g th e ISU 0 C o n tin u in g E d u c a tic Conferences at 236-3155.



W h irlp o o l D r y * f tE 7 6 e/ Super C o p o d ty • Eq<joflow/G«

Drying • 6 Drying Cyi

IBMtror*: DRY/VtSSW Control tomporolur* sel«eflont • IWt S Enc^f-cyde ft lint Slenob • Exi Top4Axnt«d Unt Scroon • WUa

Mon ipM; Dcxar • DURAVAHTE Ir

1303. M s^ V alle ;I p.m. at M(

leets at 1:30 p m Foils Ave. man. Natcotica At

7 p.m. at.M 801 Sccond A'

sCenter - call 7 3 6 ^ 1 8 . :hle at I p.m. For ' ' O v eto o o i^ 1084. '1 0 a.m . 01

Shoshone Sl N tore information. Wood River

- 8:30 p.m. a ------------------- ------5RoiEon&------

Idnlght at MagTc Adult 0)11^ I Second Ave. N. A support j 36-0918. alcoholicydysfe

p.m. al Magic Fellowship Hall. Second Ave. N ,orc Information. .736-0918.

AleoboIlcsA N oon and

enter.------------ ^ Fellowship Hamore informStiC

ch of Twin Falls. . Bub] Senior! and G randview Pol,luck dinm

Narcotics AnenforHaven.”- - —•—7:30'p:m rar

Shoup Ave. W.18 S. Main St.

.................................AdoleseealS7:30 p.m. pt

I Shoup Ave. W.i^ter. AdoleseoitN

........................ .......... 7 ;30p,m :'atenter. • Shoup Ave.-W.-.

AlcobolicsA H all, north of Noon and S[

Magle Valley F ridge G ub Ave. No. For ry-Btidsc-CeiJicn—09IS:--------------

Al-Anon K p.m. at Wai

1 in Hagcrman. N. Use buck< informailan. cull

:. 90K Maple in Al-Anon :all 543-5792. H p.m. at S«mlor Gtlzens Shoshone, nter. Al-AtionCenter B to 9 u.m. a:

Igo ju st.b efo re . 199H Bob Ourtoi . call 7.34.5084. information, call

BuhlChambe eh. I7.S Second N oonaiT hcl

BuhlSenlorC Y~ ■ — - -•-•-~i,-uni;h'i4rho

center.M agic Vulley BurleySenior

nd Ave; N. P o r Pinochlc ul 1 1 MH. • — Business m d I

6 p.m. ut Chin w Ho»p!iiil.'22H Falls, nfomiaiion. call Education Pro

f. to 7 p.m. ■ - Sh«« Sl. N-.

nier. Fnr more inform;Gooding Lion

p.m . at senior 6:45p.m. uiL HagermanSer Orcakfusi fro

Fellowship Hull, cenicr. ire informalion. Jerome Al-An

K p.m. al C.- ........................ Se.-o.Kl Ave. F.

Kin at ccnier. Jerome SeniorDinnerat m'uii

miy. .VJK Fi.unh . KimberiyAI-^ K p.m. Ill Scnii

arn schoklis Atnerican of Ken and Si \s s o c ia l io n F ulls, recctvi arships; und education and 1 anti''son oT schTilarsHip;I o f M exico, — Also.-Durrei ■eiul scienccs- an d -D o n n a I -ships. received an a. : s ip ;.o f Shoshone daughter o f D d-l.sabcl'Fata—Fall?frTcceiA if., received Scholarship an \ s s o c ia l io n scholarship; \ rdi o f T w in ■■ Robert Gibsor and Colleen Ihe Robert S. ived Ihe Dr. Jo n ie Young ia l ,a n d S l. Young and Jc n y ’ G ro u p rece iv ed the ies, daughter Nurxing Scholi

this monthfo r s ev en th and interests r sei for Aug. S 4 0 fo rlh eg c

ior h igh-age ISU facu lty rom 9 a.m, to - includoi^ T-sl im c r S c r v te« m = m o r i te c h iv m .m ! , ,,

.. ,c iv icc .s .aL ll ‘ C cm cr.andh i'jcrience level ------------------

sses _.^0 to 9 :3 0 . - - H

w iih u .S 2 0 ' ina l fam ily

be obtained. - : O f f ic c o f Bion a n d

O ' l

1 ^ 1


• Our

. .TOW

{ J P J 5 S 1 Sflmei

lUey DupUcateatidgeGub Magic Valley Bridge Cenicr, 24;6

'.M agic Valley Fellowship Hall,’.I Ave. N..F0T more information, .;8.' . ,. '■ ............

01 HCA W alker Center, 219l N,ver Center Orsflge No. B7 .I. a t Grange Hafl. northwest o f.

rt group for adult children of rsfonctlorul.families mccts;at 5 .: . }lc Valley Fellowship Hall, 801 i

For more information, call ; i

X Anaaynwusid 7 p .m . at M agic Valley 1 Hall. KOI Second Ave. N. For StiOn.cin736-09l«. " lorGtlzens Iinner and-social hour at I . p.m. at i

r a r C anyon-Vtew HospitalratJB— lw. :

MONDAY U Substance Abuse Group..... nl Canyon .View Hospital. 228 r W. •U Narcotics Anonymous :• afCanyon-ViewHoipttal.- 228 -w .- . ............ ................................sAnonymous iI Spa;ilsh speaking at 7 p.m. at . y Fellowship Hull. KOI Secorfd3f more informution. call 736- /

A'alker Center. 219 Shoshone St. 2 ckdoor en trance . For more r CU1I736-091H,

Senior C liiicnx B uilding in

». ul Orchard Valley Head Start. S irton Road in Wendell. For, m o rt. '..7 call Judy Crist at 5.36-6661. nberofCommereo he Home Pluie. i • F jrGtlzcRS n ■fioonun'd'cards UI 6“p;m'.~flt-----

lior Gtlzens SI I p.m. ut cenier. Vnd S e s s io n a l People__________ !rhins Garden Resiaurani in Twin

Program Por Adult a iildren .m. at W ulker C enter. 219 S N-. use rear diK>r. Free lo public. >rmaiion. call 7.34-12(X).Jons G ubIt Lincoln Inn, — ------- gSenior Gtizensfrom ') u.m. Ii> noon ut senior. It

•Anon CCatho lic Church (lu ll. 216 '

F . ........... ...... ....................................nlor Citizens ' *HHin ai scniorcenter.^I-Anoncninr Cili/cns Building:.

larshipsI Sue Ann Jone.s o f Twin tved a h ea lth , p h y s ic a f - ind rccrcation department

rren Kylo son of-W illiam— a K yle o f T w in -F a lls ,- 1 accounting departm ent p ;_ ; D an ic llc ..i ;M p h c k '- ;r . ':■ Debbie Magaw o f Twin e iv c d - th c -B u rk h o ld e i— and a nidiologic sciences

; Michael Gibson, son of son of-W cndellrrcccived — S. Gibb Scholarship: and ing. d a u g h te r o f Neal I Jody W ert o f W endell he E liz a b e th S chw crd lolarship.

h a t ISUis on thc .first day. A fee of general public'and $20 for ty and s ta f f dep en d en tsr-shin for all campers. -----

ip is conducted by Jerry , lanager o f academ ic user L lh e .C o rap u te r.S e rv jce s .. l^his stafl'. To register, call

» Vlllw

W Hethcf you have rc

Xir Club H otel ra te always indue

v(aiing rcccp tlon a n d 6 PM Sunt

ca r gicat shopping-and th e Boise

me lu ra x n A sa pn nun, (xr

, , T '

Lincoln Aleobolles Anonymm 6 8 p.m . nt Scnlor.*Cltizens 1

Shoshone.-'!,.,. N w c o to AnonymoM

I.’ 8 p.m. e iM agic Valley Fcllc 1, 80rSeeond.AVc. N, iFor more- 'c a l l T S I K W t S r ' : : ________

OvenatBtAiwii^m bui---------9 ; IO ajn.st2S31N inthA ve.E .

a trfrfuyi H y ^ .- LuiKhat noon'u theCommunI

if. SbodA iiA K A ooa.. .^ 9 p;iii.‘H sailuT centi»r.-- -

S bodw B ^-A iecm ) Rp.m. s i senior cchtcr." r Sitrvivon Support Group S .; . 7 :30 p.ra'iLBt.First. U nitedI Chuieh. F ofM on information, ciII or734:3413.

' ' Task Pores on Drug Bkl Aleob 7:30 p.m . at Valley Vista V

y Rose St. N . in Twin Falls, r .Twin PaUs Al-Anon

8 p.m. pt Magic Valley Pcllo 601 Second Ave, N. For more i

t call 736-0918.------- Xurlo£alUia«iday£rid8e—

I p.m. at-Mflglc Valley Bridg i— t^ a l l ^ r c n uc-aerriss^frerTi- thc-

Souilwm Idaho,Twin Palis Senior Gdzens Cen

_ Dinner nt noon and bingo at 6: i more Information, call 734-50ft4/

Twin Falls Shrirte G ub 6:30 p.m. at Prime Cut Restaur

i V ettsansofPoceignW anPost 8 p.m': 0lTO;Ol=. Hiill. 235 Tl

in Twin Falls, t . WendellSenlorGdzens I Dinner al noon at .senior cent

Avenue A.------- YooiJnoYogth--------------------

7 lo 8:30 p.m. ot Obenchain Ins . 264 Main Ave. S. Everyone Is wi : morclnfomiaiion.cair734-9363o

TUESCAY Adult Oilldren Anonymous (no

I A support group for adult c , alcoholic/dy.sfunctlonal families

^ p.m. at Magic Valley Fellowshi| , Second'Ave. N. For more InfomL-..7J6rl»IH..:_________ •.......

' Aleobollc* Aoenymous Noon and K p.m. at Mug

' Fellowship Hall. HOI Second A more information, call 736-091K.

, — -Al-Alon Ailult Gilklzen*s-8p .m .a t the W alkerCenier.2l'

St. N, Blue Lukes Rotary C lut Weiiion Plaza Hoiet & Convcntl

, J ? .W B lu e i^ e s Blvd. N.I ' XlsbelmBrifDemenili-Pam ll- -Oro(9 - .. . . 1. ...

7 p.m. Ul Office of Aging. 998 ' ■ St.N . in Twin Fulls.

Burley Rotary G ub 12:0.Sp.m. al Burley Inn. C enter for New D irec tions i

group for individuals who arc job t 4 :30 to 6 p.m. at Collegc ul

Idaho. Tliere is no cost to the pan; more informution. cull the Ccntt Directions iii 736-0070 or 73.1-9.<4. ' Eden-Hazelton Senior Citizens

-------DtimCT 111 nrwinirfsiiKinrsnrsn• Filer Al-Anon

K p.m. ut Peace Lutheran ChurelFiler Klwanls GubNiHin ul Filer United SIcthiKlist'


- “ WEEK-------Please have cash or checl< ready for your Times-News carrier.

ti lonance, rccrcation a d)Oppin{ dud(s welcoming d uxo la te (diip junday dwcjgDuL To top ic (jff, we’r oise Q ty G ra n Belt..&) call you

R rab tea ihcfiie^ 'a ii:2,1991.

lOUs FUerSeniorGiLS B uilding in Dinrjeratnoona

G l«^F<?T yS« D inner at noon

illowship Hall. Center. , re Information,; Gooding Alcotn

. 8 p.m. 81 Walker■------------------ : Gooding NonhslIL '' 8 p,m. at 306 1

information, call 93 unity Building. Oooding Optlmli

• NoonatLiiwoln - .^rOooditvOvereai

7:30 p.m. at Wall........I— — CJootfingSdaiorl

' Dinner at noon ai E d.M ethodlst . HsgCfnuoSeida . call 733-97«l ^ re a k fa s t from

' ccnier.obol Abuse ' H l^ Desen Non I V llln sc ,fe3 7 p.m, di YFCC

call Blaine Billman

Ilowkhlp IIoIIh- W in ea . ' e informalion. 7:45 a.m. at Woi

more information,_____________ 234sJ4AS_______dgc Center on - Jeiomo Rotary G Ite-Coliege^or-^— No6harJenjme<

...................Jeiw neSenlorGlenier Dinner at noon at: 6:30 p.m. For Ketehum-Sun Va4 : ............................12:10 p.m . at".

Kcichum. lurant. Magle Valley Sia>st No. 2134 Advanced siiuarThird Ave. E. beginners ot 8:30 p.t

------------ 2I6SccondA ve.E.MagidwiTlsBul*

;mer on West 8 p.m. at Twin Fa Ninth Street and She

------------------------- M s^eV alley SinInsurance Inc.. Advanced dancer welcomc. For at 8:30 p.m. at Jeron

} or 543-5939. Hall. 2l6Sccond Av Shoshone Chstnbi

non-smoking) - 7:30 p.m. at Gol< t children o f 2l8N .R ailS L W .A es meets at 6 Singles S<iuaroDi hip Hall. KOI 8p.m .st2 I6S ec( srmation. call Twin Palls Exchn

_____________ NtwnaiGeurgEKTwinPslUNovla

agic Vulley ?Ave. N. For I p.m. at Magic '

t. Fulls Avenue aerooup— -----------Southern Idaho.-------219 Shoshone TwinFalls TOPS lub 7 u.m. ul ' 1 p.m. at City Hal ntlon Center. Twin Falls l o r

Dinner at noon i il ly Support - more information, ca

'Victims of Child y '8 WushintlOn' 7 p.m. al Twin Fai

. W ^ I K iw s f iU i . Noon at Cuviuo's

IS la support ■ : ■ ■ ,b hunting) Thit puhhc %ervi(of Southern ^innounce Magic

afiit'ipani. For orjianUaiion nicellni hicr for New /w>'c your meeiing I .<4.e*t.46«. mce/;nf mrormonon u a f the organliailon.!nfn3tc?i;------- ' ''t 'c o fth e meeting •

unil name a f a canli rvh. News. P.O. Box S'

H.ViU. aiicniion Clul ;st Church. '' ' "OO" o" Monday.


! your __


ing in m ind, w c have d ie ideal d i

ip k i e s , a c o o k e d 'to ^ rd e r brez

e’l c r i ^ c , '

^ DOUBLHC L U ,B -,H O T E L • Fofmcfly (Comprt) Hottl. l'*80

Citizenswn al Filer Senior Haven.y Senior Gtisensnoon at Three Island Senior

eohoUa Anonymous " 'alker Center. — ' -«h»ideAl-Aaoo i : .106 Fifth Ave. W. For more ill 934-5K38 or 536-6527. -'■timlstOubcoin Inn. - « • —

WalkcrCenier.a io rG U ze as" .................................. . '■on at senior cenier. ••

rom 9 a.m. lo noon at senior

Nordle Association ■FCC. For more informalion, man at 734-1816. inatJonal Prayer Meeting for

Wok 'n Grill Resuurani. For tion. call BeverlyR -

ty G ub ____ • _ ________ime Cafe. 628" S; Ijneolri.-” ' ------- - - ■orGdzens ...... ..............................00 at senior cenier. n V ^ R o u r y G u b, a t'.L ou Ic 's R eita iirah t In ’

ySlngles-ijtiarc dancing at 7. p.m.. and • • - . W p.m. at Catholic Parish Hall.C.E. In Jerome. .Baitienfiop Ownis'in Falls Fint Baptist Church at1 Shoshone Street East.r Singles 9qu«reD«aeeChib-------------------meets at 7 p.m. and bcginncn teromc Catholic Oiureh Parish id Ave. E.ismberofComtnerae Golden Years Senior Center,W. All merchants welcome. roDsadng' Sccond Ave. E. in Jerome, xchango G ubrgE K 's Restaurant_________ •.................... .oviee Dq>licseBridge G ub

igic Valley Bridge Cenier on across from the College of .

O PSGhaptert4a3 ' Hall.» lo r Gtlzens Center>on and bingo at I 'p.m. For> 734-5084. _(illd Abuse U w snFalK Counhoujc.Room 4.._.. . . sftisGubu o 's Mexican Food.- • - '

<rv/cc column Is designed to agic V alley clubs and xllngs. timet and places. To . in f listed, c r to update y o u r " " ation. icod notice with name \tion. day and week(i). and ting wllh a telephone number contact penon lo the Times- - n 548. Twin Falls. Idaho.Club Calendar. The deadline


ll dim att: f ix yoa

b r e a k s hosted

iTTlEEL • B O I 'S E '

r - e o o - s z B - w ^ ' .

' ............. -


w cc^ ag o , Jerry Hare st ro tif^ c n l by taking thi on thc plains near his home.

i : - - - If ho fligiu aiti Ihe 63-ycar-o1d’ Korean will be walking lhc plai

. can Airlines instead.--------------- ,Harc is American's p!

tendani trainee, courtesy gram to recnill men and lhan 40 for its most vi' workers.'

"I think like young pe says that's what’s wro: Hare joked berorc go: evacuation chute as pa week training. \

American's rcdrtiiters _______ build the compag y 's cm

-- -•getTi'jump'D mhc'dcTn that will place the bulk > lion in that range within

Besides luring new

. and-extra-business r:- travelers. Thot could helpful now. a.<: Ameri< airlines try to increase i monlhs o f low bookings

American's p r o g ^ a mention in thc maj American Association o sons this spring. More th pie sent letters o f inquiry and several dozen hav<

Childi..........DEAR ABBY: Whcii

ter in your column abo and 44-ycar-olds "our had to smile.

............Oor children are 2 6 .:34, and we still call then

My husband is 59 anc his parents always refer kids." But what really being funny is hearing ents who are 76 and 75 my in-laws "thc kids." I love h, A bby? It sounds youthful. r

-M A R JO l

DEAR MARJORIE: “just love il" - I can re husband and 1, at age


Buitcane will be ins]-------------ored-quccn-of-B cth.. _ -the -In iem a iio n a l'O i-------------Daughters ot o ccren

p.m. Sundoy ot the sonic Lodge. 221 F

..............Thc public is welcbn

Tonya is thc dau and Susan Buttcum

_____ ___ H jecl-os. hoiwill be to start o Dc ter in Jerome.

Officers includc: senior princess; Ruil nior princcss; Tamil guide; Rano Decotc Mary Lynn Monigc lain: Traci McClur Jennifer Traughbci Davina Nutsch. rc

, Trixy Duttcane. trcas

Other officers ir Vining. inner guard cotcuu. ou ter guard; fler. senior custc

----- :-------Feathcrston;— junior

I d a h o g l a c i ( w o r k s h o p 0 i n S u n V ^ k

SUN VALLEY - Central Idaho," o wor

■ sored by the Sowtooth ! tutc, is planned for Aug

Dr. H. Thomas O r State University gcolog participants on an cxplc glacial geology o f the Copper ba.sins* faulting cal processes. Tliis is

___one-unit course with cnthrbugh“ lSU . The"wo olso be attended wiihoui

' Thc Institute con h offset thc cost o f thc co formation, coll 788-966 Christine 'Ccrt.schcn, P.O. Box 2166. Sun


SELL IT! B lA T i m e s - h

C l a s s i f i e d V E v e r y N<


:,r^ireiircxas (AP) - S ix now in ti e stayed active in pagna, mai thrce-milc hikes cniiting. his West Texas "W e goi

•, Campagna attendant school. ' I thouj^t i can W ar veteran had no ide planes o f Ameri- thought the

The airlis oldest flight-at-^.ment is foi csy o f a new pro- by the g ov and worhcn older tendont.' Jl

visible cadrc o f gate Shore She joined

; people. My w ife America wrong with me," ing numb« going down an . older job part o f his 51^- Bullis..,^scr

A A R P'sw icrs are trying to One of employment icp- McDonald J 65*ycui'u!ds'to older'work [cm tjgniphnnhift' years-ogoi ilk of the popula- two to fou hin a decade. o f ils 8.601

:w w6r k c i lhc rate good will — Thc fo =_junG ng_oIdcr -.which mer Id be especially ago, rccrui lerican and other for a short se ridership afier nesters." c ngs caused by thc had grownsian-Sulf-War.----------Americaim took off after United Aii Tiagazinc of the said they i n o f Retired Per- ment progt e thon 1.000 peo- tendant car iuiry. 300 opplied America lavc been or are its progran

I r ^ o f aicn rrcad llie leli ibout calling 35* our children." I

6 . 27; 29. 30 andhem "the kids."and I am 50. and:fcr 10 us ns " lhc t i lle d "ihcily strikes me os are 92 andng the grandpar- good Lore75 years old call beaullful."D b n 'l you jusi Phillips ofnds so loving nnd ye„„^ M other ancJORIE GELLATEE: 1 more lhan DEAR . t relote to il. My William V age 73. are still father o f tl

ne to be Joi- Tonya

insiallcd'a.<i hon- c th c l-N o -1 4 -o f - O rder .o f.Jo .b .'s.

remony-<>etTor 2 the Jerom e Ma- 1 First Ave. E. c o m e ; ................

Jaughter o f Jon o f Jerome.

honorcd._quccn Demolay chap-

Jci .D ana Hllc, „ 7 ° l!ulh Hamlin, ju - W ni siimie Traughbcr. . .:olcau. marshal; “"■<itgomcry. chap- scnger. :iure. musician:iber. librarian; Teri Mc<

recorder, ancl stalling hoi■easurer. be assistei

guide: Tarincludc: K im - Amy Ovc

ard; Lanell De- Buitcane.rd; Sarah Schif- Clure, rcccjstodion; Cara' bach, scniolior—custodian: NutscF.7 ur

: i e r s | | r “ o f f e r e dIley r- "G laciers o f \

th Science Insti- \,u g .'l6 and 17. IO re. ah Idaho Ilogist. will lead 'iploratiop of.thc........................Ihe Stanley and ing and geologi-

is a two-day, credit availablew o rk sh c p -m a y -’- ........... -lout crcdit.I help teachers : courscs. To in- >668, o r write to 1. Coordinator. ' 'un Valley. ID


1- N e w s1 W ill F ill YN e e d ^


ment? Ntraining, said Frank Cam-

nanagcr of flight attcndani re­

got a tremendous response." ;na said.J'People were saying. h i thc maximum age w ai4(L J__idea that you could do this. I Ihere was u legal ogc l im it. '' M ine’s only mandatory retire- for.pilois: age 60 ,'.as jcqu irtd_ iovemmeni. Its oldest flight at- ' Juanita C am ichael o f Mar- ' ores. Fla., turns 70 this fall, ied the company in 1944. ican actually is one o f a grow- nber of businesses to target ob. candidates, said Emory senior program specialist for ; worker equity program, of the most visible is that of aid’s Corp., which featured an oikfr in a“r*V'comiiici'ciaI*two"' >0. McDonald-6-now-averages— four older employees in each .600 U.S. outlets, McDonald'sbfoman Jane Maxwell said.--------former Piedmont Airiincs.

ne tted with US Air two years rruited older flight attendants lort time with ads for "empty - ’ or parents whose children I kvn up and left home. 1i can-6— la^cKt— compctitorsr—i Airiincs and Della Air Lincs. | •y don't have similar recruit- ograms but welcome flight at- candidates of oil ogcs. ican sees several bencfils in ram. Pattc Moore, manager of

any age J^ D eap Abby ;

Abigail ’ < ' VanBuren '

_____________ Ithe kids" by his parents, whond 93 year; old. And may the ' ,ord continue to bless that1 couple. Rose and Joy 'o f Minneapolis, married 74 '

;o today. Happy anniversary. Iand Dad! '

I ABBY: In the words of Wordsworth. "The child is ,

f the man." Thc definition of i

)b’s queen

ronya Buttcane I start new chapter

Ither Overlin, first mes-

/IcClure will serve as in- ' honored queen. She will nted by Tina Childers, fam i Childers, marshal: ivcriin, chaplain; Susan - .:. musician: Claire Mc- ccorder, Gennie Hetlen-nior cuMCKlian,.and A n ita .. .......jun ior cuModian.


................. r

fot for tl

I r T " :~ =

d _ r , . .

I ’ff--------IS—

h '

■s .J I • „ •

n I n s t r u c to r J . E . J e a n e s , f l ig h t a t t e n d a n t s G a i l /

r—a n -« v a c u a tIo R -c h u te -a i F o r t W o rth , T e x a s .

. flight attendant training.- candidates often inspire thi

n classmates.if 'T hey help the .other s

a r^ tilla ‘‘child” a s ' offered 'b y I who signed themselves " ents" was limited. (They i age 35 and 44, it was inapp refer to their heirs os "child

We have had this discus: house many times. In bibl

3 ‘‘children"‘are descendants c of their ages., 1 have two adult sons. y that I will always be the J Consequently, these fine y

both in Iheir 20s. will'alw children.


f DEAR ABBY: Your s deni. "C.C. in Florida." f formed. The story that u

Give vacaBy B roderick Petkins- Knight-Ridder News Scrvi

____San-JoK C ._C alif^--Soisec it a n d jic t a little cii?,

. voicc 'th'eir.pleasurc_wTll uhs. o r sound their disple.

. exaggerated groans. .- Everyone who lakes a |i'i-im o-oiie-of-twthose who squint nnd bend a better peek and those

-_.Qnc.Jook. and-wani-lo_pu distance as possible betv and what cou |d be de.scrii biack-velvet painting of phy.

A bit hokey. yet allurin est 3-D photography is wc just for the fun o f it.

Tlie point-rond-shoot N8(K)0 .3-D camera, from son. Nev.-based corpora the same nam e, is thc qu descendant o f the similar D camera. Load the Ho made Nishika wilh any c tive 35mm film, press i speed .(qne:six iie lh o f_ j

' shutter and four prcfocuse to infinity) 3flmm lenses

r \C la s



*650 J

See them D eal

L i n e A d s - 4 : 5 5

D i s p l a y A d s - 3 ■

these pri

IS, center, counts to thre( 1 Alexander, 45, and Jerp atthe.A m e rlcan JUrlines

;. said older keeping their Ihcir younger them they can

Older folks_ students by as demogr:iphi

1 ‘kids’? lhe couple' 'manufacturer

‘•Ohio Par- "MADE IN Ly felt that al mislead thc buppropriate to is a rumor thatildren.") /o r a t le a s ta q i ussion in our f j , ; , *,31^ , hlical usage. „ „c i Its regoraiess-.. Rcader’s^Digc

, Youi' column i I mainlam ,e„e, heir mother. kec young men. Abby. ihcn.

iw ay sb cm y |, i, „ ,i„y ,11

NMOMMV■ corrcspon- sulote in Los /

is misin- that. Also,, n a Japanese changed ils nai

ation photomultaneously.

rvice ■ " • The basic gift pack, wh

;ome,.people_cra.-casc._na.'i: izzy. Others • kit. an instruci T th.ohs and Vincent Prici ileasure wilh video hosted I

o f film and I look gener- , S314.85. Mail tw o-groups,—99 -cenis-euch nd closer for IO*inch only. i ;c who take Send your .Nishikii. Corp. :tween ihem and you get b; :ribed as the inch color 3-1 )f photogra- quire a viewer

used to. T lie p ring, the lat- photogr.iphic i worth a liwk dimensional v

user picks his )t Nishiku instructions s; m a Hender- camera horizc >ratipn with won’t yield 3 :]uadrjclopic dramatic 3-D i ir Nimslo 3- you include irHong Kong-_ground objectcolor-nega- distant objects

; 'the single Like a quad ,_ a , secpndj,._,ing.. fouc-angl' sed (5V; i'cel from each of ;es click si- Nishika. In t^

> s i f i e d ‘

. . . ^

Pe• Birtl:

iirth AnnourPrice

' for line ads

t in class 106 dlines:

15 p . m . d a y p r i o r

! w e e k d a y s p r i o r

;_______ . ' I . . . ,


SBBh^ B | 9 k

H . __I c(

°iiree a s prospective c: irry Hare, 63, leap to to e s4ralnlng centec-)n— si

ul:ir morale up and ^telling p. an do it." Moore said. aj ks ulso arc a natural target p| phics change. ol

to their:r marked his products' 'pc I USA" in an attempt^ to m. buyer is not only false, it vi'

hat has been going around an I quaner o fa century, <o : was given, worldwide 'hen it wus pu b lish ed 'in , igest back in thc 1960s. yc in is ^'o widely read that he om C.C. will probably do iceep Ihal rumor alive.:re IS a "Usu." Japan, but village with no manufac- lies. ■'“

with thc con- ^ s Angeles should confirm , no Japanese city has P- name to *‘Usa” to mislead

ographsneIy. vilic camera is S24I.45. A cn A'hich includes thc c an i- la-sh._.strap._lcns_cleaning_nructional video hosted hy viirice_a„h isT ory ._o f. .3-D f<id by Alan Thicke. a roll wind batteries, sells for %yiail-order prints arc'about caich.-Enlurgenitfiiis;-8-tiy;-------y. are SH.95 each, vi.ur exposed film o ff to sli>rp. in a prepaid mailer rii::b ack a 'se to f.3 K -b y -4 /'.’ en3-D prints that don 't re- oil ver — just a little gettingc p ic tu res are pretty good shic renditions o f the three- 3-1 world — provided the niilis o r lier shots well. Tlie ca, say you must hold the bu •izontally. Vertical shots1 3-D effecis, The lirD rendering occurs when Ihi: in the photograph fore- spects that partially cover lr>as. ■ irJ iid raclop ic mutant view- shiglcb-of-thc sam e -scene o f o f ils eyes, so docs iheI the m utant's hrain. the toi

erfectfo;hdays • Get incements •'BS as lows • *20 for be



r 'BUHL 54


ive airlir"W c started doing analyse

pogno said. "From 1989 to saw 0 doubling o f the numbc pic in the moture cofidida which wc categorize as 40-pl ■, American soys it gets aboi applications for the 1.000 n ight ottcndant jobs that o year.

' "But wc bnvc_vcty,hiBh. that wc wont these individual through inio thc aircraft witli tomers," Campagna said. you have high standards.,you to have 0 higher rejection don 't want to be in the positi seven years from now, whc, mographics of our labor changes, and say. ‘We sho thought about this."'

American acknowledge- -m onctary-advantage s . to -its ■,5Siyear-old-Won’t.accttie, a§

pension benefits as a 22-yc: cruil who spends 40 years, company.

But the average attcndani s the airline seven y £ ^ . and t only a few woricers retire w thon 30 years experience. M cal are those who leave after laking a package of insurar

_ sion and-iravd benefits--------The older recruits, like all

attendants, get a salary and packoge o f S I8,300 a year, also eligible for American' plan and Hy stand-by for free off. Pensions kick in after fi

r parent•people: Finally, a Japanese marked "M ade in USA" wot violation of U.S Customs reg and would not be allowed i ■country. . -


DEAR JAMES STEELE: you for setting the rccord st hope C.C. secs this.

Ahby's family rccipcs are i in her cooklMoklcl. Send a lo addressed envelope, plus ci money order for SX95 (S Ouuida) to: Dear Abby. Cook P.O. Box 447. Mount Mo. 6 /(W . (Posiiige is included.)

ew dimensiviews merge into one imu| enhanced depth.

N ishika's bniin is u compi prinlint; process that tujT views into one print. For cac f<nir transparent itm gcs an wiched under a lenticular with hundreds o f tiny rows cal splitters, Tlie lenticular

-----which-aciuully-wrvcs-us-viewer — makx*s your left e; slightly different view tha right...H ence the dizziness enced by some and the de others to avoid looking too Ic

Lenticular priots don’t ap sharp as prim s y ou 'd see ihi 3-D viewer, but they are as nient as conventional prints ; carry around or store in a pi bum.

Tlie cam era carries a one-) limited replacement warran Ihe local distributor is off special try-out deal. Buy the i try il out and if you decide n ir within 21 days you pay shipping chargc — 10 to 15 of-ihe original cost.

T o find out locations o f t tors, call N ishika at (702) 43i

or:^tWell • Anniversai; asDorderads

T h e T i i n e 8 ^ * f e \CUSTOMESERVICE

ll 543-464B • FllEft 336-5375 RMAN • COOCXNG/WrtNDEa 5W-253 JURl£Y/RUP€RI 67B-7SS2

W odnosdoy. /

Vailne emplt'ses," C am -,..js wiili oil Amerii 0 1991. we Training also i<i ibcr of peo- didatc muJl mee date range, stondards, and paplus." , training course. H X)ui 54,000 on American’s cc0 to 2,500 Dallas-Fon Won open each port, trainees arc

vice and nppearar h.srrnc1lird s__ l!In iin ing , has jals to cany than 1 ever drean ilh our CUV that’s tiuc-widi ci "Whenever as hc waited lo ou're going from a mock DC n rale. Wc 16. 17 hours a da; iition six or For Bridget Ri hen thc de- old former hole o r market from San Diego, hould have "30 years of hop

e one d.iy I 'd be up ;cs some Her husband itS-plan_A —niaga/.iiie_articlc, a§ jn u ch .in . .y ou. Go .fo r- ii . '. /car-old rc- said the mother o: rs.wiih the ' e ro fflve ,-

Hare, a faiher (1 st.iys with Iher of three, Join 3 each year gram two yearswith more which he spent n More typi- -ing. laking Ihrce-i :r 20 years, ing his family in ranee, pen- he'd spent 40 ye____________ civilian, pusts-witl11 first-year cies. and was a in id expense tor for the Air F ir. They're War. in 's health It will be five y rec on days fies for an Ainerii five years, tirement is the Iasi

f c Church m i l k p

" u i 7 t e i T ' “ FAIRFIELD Idaho Confcrci Mclhodisl Cl Ihe sponsorshl

. c T c c , c Milk Progra M cthodlslCnn

£ : Thank Fairileld. straight. I Milk will b

to children a i r and without rc

“ I— 7 “ . or. religion, na ■ included ■ handicaloii^.self^ tio n -m a y be check or Sawtoot

50 ,n ,D 83327okbooklei. ministrator, Fo loms. III. Service, 310:

Drive. Alcxand ^ Any person

i | | - | M be o r she has b ' I w J l I . against in any '

. . - tivity should s lafC wnh

, address, iputcrized

__four I---------------- —:ach pl-iht,

is-i'he-3-D—eye see a M ^ ■ J ^ I

han yourexperi-...... ^ n . . 3 -A

desire bylong. ■ ■ I

appear as ihrough a


You may rwt h.“-yearun- Inyourwaler,aniy, and youTe concen

a,e camera. System It Noller 10 return Sanitation Fouly only a certified lo rc(S Twrccni “P."1 percent ..Call your Cullis

loetay.r distribu-135-7000. I FR EE INS

F O R A U ?

Nowthere's* lncxp«mh« V have purerycl Cullisan* Drlr

.Water, tna.txiriesCaU Tod! & Get Fii M B n U i'a 1 & 10 Gal

OfW 733

ExpU aAui


DOT O uiJ535 , TivUThcEx

OlWOCUUOiV s m CtAim IX 00*>*Kct. o(Ief»

f . August 7 .1991 Timos-Nowo.

i l l e y l i f e

loyeesncrican is the same. Eachcan-meet height and w eig lii-;' .J paf<s a physical and thej:. Housed in dcmiiiories’s corporate campus near, "Vorth International Air-,., arc drilled in safety, ser- arance standards.'has been more intense^___reamed possible.' I think",til evcrybody."Jlare said _____lo practice evacuations DC-10. "You put in IS. '

id ay studying,"I Richmond, a 53-year- hotel scrviccs manager ego.-the prograili ended hoping and praying tlial ; up there."nd spotted the AARP

il'.'‘.And-‘l went J’o r - i t . " ___er o f six and gnindmotli-

ler o f IWO and grandfa-...- Joined the training p ro - ';;ars out o f retirement.-'nt nuislly readiiig. fish-...............xe-mile hikes and visit- ..,/ in Texas. Before fJiaf,) years in military and.vatli-U-S^dcfctiic.iigci):_______a mechanic and inslruc- ir Force in the Korean

vc years bcforc lie quali- nerican pension, But rc- last thing on his mind.

: h s p o n s o r s “

c p r o g r a m

:LD - The Oregon- •' fcrence o f the United

Church announces irship o f thc Special i ogram at United Camp Sawtooth near

II be mode available' at no scp.irate charge It regard to I'acc, col-. national origin, ogc. - - Jicap. More informa-

bc . obtained from tooth. Box 68. Fair- 1327, or from the Ad- ', F o ^ and Nutrition 3101 Park Center candria, VA 22302.ion who believes that ------as been discriminated iny USDA-relotcd ac­id write immediately - in istraiprai the above

»ot have lead I i Isler, b u i If i i —, ■-leem / M K l 'ow that Uic l i o l l:r« H-83C ■ f i | 1htaUortal B I b - I Founetation0 reduec i . i u p to 9 8 % . Trullisan M8f» - ■ ..........


9etyd^e io ta y ' -' —

atx>Wc.. _ n i " J . ~ f 5 l ____CuIltganMon 1

oday ;Firel

I 'd 'R c n t ^ - 'J Gallons Water Fredi3-242IAug. 31


2342 0«rf»nd - 678-7100 :

nuHc; ;

icExperrj.Q 'UOAH irffnrunowi comtW.^ linlXMcntrt MrptndcnUr

.... ....................... ..... - ; _ U

two. Twin Falls, Idaho C -3 ;.

Famify_______________________W U h R l l

A t t a c h i

F r y e iFroth

■ ■ . SUnlossramily pjcA

€S liced

I / i i B C R T S

I A L B e R T ^

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tortson '


F ryenl y P a c k

R i b s '______________________

: h e d

/ e r B r e a s t s


J L^VCAiedd'^^Cheei

Albertsons • / ^ J f^ R o n d o m Well■)m 19^ lb.Mm 'W irn


m'T S O M S C O U P O N I. CXP!

f c ^ O C / / / C

jM y S ^ ra r Previously

^ Umlt4Peu.. Avallobl* A f tu fe

^ T S O N S C O U P O N I tX P ,


Umll l o Pou • A v a O a b f A t lulc.

I. • ' ' i r


ra J w in Falls. Idaho Wodnoei

>® w ^

‘ B rea si

r’n $p

Z o nS lY le

’ Salmon• 2 - 4 l b . A v e r a g e

p g .< P i m : A u g . 1 3 ,1 9 9 1 I j

; Whiting 1129 \lb. m I

*eundM P t t Coupon ~ ! " \utehmr U o ek t f o n § Only I

X P ia S r A u g . 13, K 9 I | |

Bf Brisket I" . 7 " I'*oundi P*r Coupon •’ulct>of m ohk tlor*$ o n ty i J

....................... - ' ■

locday, A ugust 7 . 1991________

* I L




J *WkBall P Frarii

A l l M e a t . B e e f

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Bli^ hr Tib.y

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\dge Brow

A C h o p o l a t e T ree

^^^9forjIj reme C

\ • P u d d i n g Fllh

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JWifSlib|8U filue Bom yiarganin e r s * ^

m m F O R

1 Frito Li ^Sunchi| | ^ | S & O r ig in a l o r O n i

6.5-7 OZ B

donuts '■

J 9 8y / ww!)vn/es

aAresm e d I

M i l

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^ ■ B ro il

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kSasX t Lffizw e tin ^ Cm m m m m S p r iU

C _ j ^ B L _ : l . Dr. Ptf / ! / / V<

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ea. m ^ S#ma oiiv

E a r ly C a l l fo m ic

vDeUPhJ 1 2 I n c h • A s s o r t e d V

mimFOR ey Pastroi

L e o n S i D e l i c i o u s .

I b . M n

9olled HatF r e s h S l i c e d

i * I b . ^

m y s i i i v a ^ z

f e c ^ i - ^ ia p e r s Shasta^ A lb e r ts o n s 1% M ilk^ R e g u l a r L o w f a t ■ ■% 0 i - — -------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

' :ijeo.»F'r:--i::::;::;:z: ................................................ - ...

k \ Peanut ^ l a n tLo/q “ = g u f f ^ = =^LHncfr~=^ ~ ^O rapes~~ Cantaloupe- f “JIf MB Manjchan . jl amm Red - * HT MKB^ ^ ^ : _ • 2 : __ ^ i8oz.m ^FOR m ib. M ^ ib. m W \_ _ ^ Fruit Mainstay Crisp Medium \ _—_

■'i^^^^-Weivfofis Ooa Food ^^^^^:jCarrots Peachesm i o • P l t l e d i W o W s c o • / I s s o r t a d W . * 1 / ^ f t ; r i n o - F r e s h A p p r a x . 3 - 4 I b . B a g

g L_40 /b5.^ I bag W [ ^ V

iJto Toothoaste 12-patk Bariiei Jamei Garden Cuta s Budweiser Wme Mums watermelonirfV-orfe/te ^ n . PumporfJiw I a ox. CQOIGrS /n e/oom • 4/ncft . ' Fresh > Large T u b jHlf K GI r— flV iBiBBM 4 Pack*13oic/BHias m A' 5 <11 ® 3 " - I * ' - I "4.3-7 OZ.M ---- ■ ■ ------------------------ -■amit\ ~ I wfibms/ilMg/iamp'cotaof or Conditioner - _ . m h m h h m m h ■■ h b hm h w w ■■ Conveniently Located At:

_ ^ Assorted Variethi / a i VO 5 ----------- 71F O ' f l l /^ S flW ^ i 1 4 I* W rS O W 5 COUPOW I fa » c //y » :i« t/0 U i/y -/J .W /l* 'r 0 0 - rSAVE^2.00 1 aai addison^^11m m Usterine \ 4 ,^ . ig=^[ *ft"’ ■■M ■ V o S O t a b l o B p w l AlDGltSOIIS> 0 0 . " S v U ^ Q A \ ' ^ » 9 8 2 R e g u h n o w p n c e : 9 . 3 9 1 -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ■ -

f r C 6 u p o r , S a v l n g s - 2 . 0 0 I . , _ i . 32 0Z.1#: .....i ]^ .;, coupon ....oneoivf>of»din/h/»ocJ. #oon« fft>*e«t>«ovotfoW*.

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^ .................... ........ Wodnosdov. Auousi 7.1991 Times Nows. Twin Falls. !dni‘c r.

Comics-----------T I I E FA R SIPET :----------

____________ T rri «rarri*d «t>c----------— ----------------- It M «m a tw

-— ,— ___ VrTFt^'/uPSPepFic,neAN.irmsAKo/Mn

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: - -AC RO SS - - f r ^• 1 Facilo ______ 5 H oscuod t<-

- lO V o n c J ---------; 1*1 Lofflo bundle• 15 Nimblo__________ — —;. le w o o d w in a' 17 8Q Slclact3; 19 B ow s drowsily ■ | H

. • 20M n lch o d .. n nr . co llod ion ______■ 21 S oaring cJovlco ”

22 H oisting —------mQchlnos

.' 24 R ogni o d d ro ss js------• 25 Solid lood. 26 Fight « -------■ 29 C onnections ' '' 33 Spring m onth ] H H' 34 S trong point ■ ■. 3 5 E g g ln y o f ” «;, 36 G ood to oction ---------■' 37 S trong w inds\ 30 Hoavy nock hoir j ; -------' 39 G racofui troo __

40 A s3 u m o d n o m o ti• 41 S tood , L _____'. 42 S u m s bonkod

■; 44 Furnituro swivoi I whool' 45 Dosiro 10 Mus. 4 6 A lrco o lo rs - 11 Mofl; 47 City In IX woo.• 50 Division o t a city 12 O ro! 51 D istfo ss signal 1 ? S m s> 54 O n ta rio 's IB Grot; no ighbor 23 Prio■ 5 5 T o o n o g o r 24 Ao«i

. ! 58 Choorful so n g 25 Trac59 C om pac t cual

I 60 W ith tho bow In 26 Esta• m usic 27 FfuK ! 61 P u ts dow n 26 — u I 62 G o in* • lrau(• 63 Briof looK 29 Sotl I 30 Mop I DOWN 31 VorC r 1 A b a tes 32 Scor - 2 S w is s rlvor 34 BolK I 3 U th 37 Com• 4 Aflirmativo , 38 Tiny ; 5 Kind of wit 40 Soct ' 6 G am o m arbio worli ! 7 Immoral 4 1 .Rout ' proctico oppii I 8 L argo doo r 43 Smal ; g S lo p o s 44 Prol(

C-6 Timos-Nows, Twin Foi

aboutFr»nK the#*dB yB ...,.,, .I tw ]u*t c an ’t unwlr>d. --------------

r ta : .! .___w m c liBaaNfK(J~ \w atofios \ujrTHH/uT- r>i!6ATH»V. I T ia fX M m C i T)t lUSwrHS l i puceuMS, l / u S 9 » e ^

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BIm i

)t TiiSuna M*diB S«'v>c«>. Incnigm* n«»»'v«j

Yesteroti^iiRical w ork i In li l i ' Wi^Qdo of cortain | I v I a I w M

tSmallor am ount S.JJ3roat ability I H H R U j»r1co 1 11 IN IG U'QUo' o A tR l l IE S lfradiiional n A iM ln W \rualom s ? ? o m B•stab iishod M I•run U y t t L J i i j — up (dovisorauduiontiy) v j T C TIR |<>oU drinks r j o T 'H l l n■'“ P s i n A “ B i^orb torm j4 tt - g- - W>cornfulsmilo lA I ^ - I r l W ' Soliol^n tro llo d siido Iny plan!;octlon o t tho 46 Disloyaltrorld 47 Sm alt valloylounds of 40 O poralicippiouso . highlightimaii b irds 49 S how y'rolosoion flowor

I Foils. Idaho _ W odnosday. AuA uousl7.1991

• ' ntONPlE

a r r UP, I'UL !

( T m T m n * ~youi!BNKorBY I rtiAwcvs I 7H5A«y, 7m TOHbvipei HcueauiOKS e. r x i s k k ^ /esoum ty -

- - m v m j m r

' PO&5 T O b r \ ll HAVE THEV r f t g o 1


— :.H0 i/y&r IIM_ I

m IJp e F A ^ 0 t r r


f ^ P T H a

a 10 |«i III- In I I

l l


fday's Puzzle Solved: -

B p p K £ [r'Pb T |A ^ I;M

I II I fiiWi' I iifiiTiTn S l I v T r f s i l t U r u M ~Sl: l i P l E l c i A i N i i l R l E l N i o l '"l BIE r ' E TiifT lE WlElT riRlifeTElmElwlAlDlTlp T j l r " ^ T « T T i] j4 g " ^ ^ liu

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■ LlEIAlKts' B EIKlEls' i -' OB/07/91

is50 H abit' Sp

Hoy 51 W itnorod uli52 Singlo timo . . be53 Halt pic56 Study room57 Bottle lop



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■HAT A B l S o e i o s c O m B F t W 0 / v > f N

f i , e ^ B A T i t> e A^O V V S f l A U f P I P y o u M £ - F T 7

J u s t t h b t w o ^ u i ^ s e s I N T h e ■ M S P e t N c r / o o o / x


“ 1 ^ ' I ~ A s t r o t

IFA U nU .ST A ISY O U K 111 You have UMusu:ii voicc. mmim; :ippn;i;i:ili.' li’i' :irls. hcIdiu' Iiixu

- scir-imluiiicm. CuiUrdI dl'"swut, MCCCNsary wlicro iliiio'.s In cihk'c n i\, l.ilir.i, .Sairpiii persons pliiy r»»lfs ill ynur life. tJuriiij: Atii^usi

• inujor iloiiicsiit tli;iiij;c i!i;il t«i iilcMyli:. a-'iileiitc. ni;irilai siaiii

ARIES (Man'll 21-Aprii I wciitctl ''iiiiscllii;<r' lalK iiiu> pii >ull, you 're I110IC slabie and wi ruianciiiliy securv. SIxin irip ins

-ubic-rvlaiivc. Hiripfiiiiin on r c r (leadline.,, TAURUS (April 2(l-May 20): wider audience, more people rci Ncrviees. Scoiiario realures tnn rulioM, compteiion of assigiiineii hi<ron\bip Niroiij; dcspilc leiiipori lion, l-ailli!

GEMINI (May 2 1-June 211): ro r ‘\onielliing new" and iiuw yi

“ Sliess indepciidcncc?daring, eon ingness lo panivipiilc in creaiivc E»peiivc\ JuMificO. you’ll be re liimdsomc iiiaimcr.

CANCER (June -21-July 2 liunclil Fumily mcml>cr iclN on Mory. O ilier half is revealed in manner, bordering on llic "psycli ing rcuniun.^ombinc'i wiili goun

' tonight. Advcniurc!LEO (July 2.1-Aug. 22): Whai

is banded you on proverhiiit siiv Spoilight on cclcbrjiion. fuiniln- uluiion, winning of.powerful olli be lucky in money and love. Su{ picturc.

VIR(30 (Aug. 23-Scpi. 2: siundini; u^^lgn^lcnl cuminands




S ]r O s

' • 1 / GARFIE ^ I HW

B f i / i mz : ^ ^ ' D

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o t o g l c a t ' vJa k h t h e c a s t s eoTO jR A

__________ COUffl’oi

UIRTHDAY; 'V lul had k-en "I ISC of dnima. i xuf>. can I'O opiniutiv — joum >‘cvi liHiih" is Aries reprcseiued. leemeit. Tim- LIBRA iSepi!iay ini|xinaiU meni gained in anusi you make R kus on inronnai;ouid include paiion in adveriius. knowled{:e n.-MilK

l>;): Whal wili piay ouisiaiidp te .A v n ,-. SCORPIO H>w.ll !«: m m , , ^ . involves vol. e.p.msibiliiy. -

II): You have rcuueM yourr;,v«l. expio- SAOnTARIUJ ent. Love re- Emphasis on ta-d orary separa- •

IU.S. legal agtvenii: )' You iLsked v^onli, Gemini mu ■you have il. figure pmniinenil) ouragc .w iil. CAPRICORN! ve endeavor, have ihuigs your rewanJcd in Jcadiinc. ii.lens.i;

ship. Enipiiasis a 22): TmM pcis. ynpioymeiii.

only hair o f from relaiive. Ach in onhwlox AQUARIUS (J chic." Eiieit- Imisli projeei ihui umiel dining- • deniy ihcrc are vii

w iu qu id will Ik: hal you seek P’ ^sis on sensual .iivcrplallcr. Libra invulvc.l, llmem. spec- nSC E S (Fel). I illicN. Y ou’ll elusive is now v iugiilarian in search, discovery

myMcry. Property 22): Lonp- you’ll feel more s ds aiicillion. Pisces rcprescnled

■ '^ 4 -------- ---I

N K i t 's a r e a l s h a m e r A m /W U 5 C A N Y .T A L K ..,_


k r L o o i ^ e p ^ ’P ,c c v e i? & L iX -.C ::is s - .

g ge o \ \ \ < B - ^ c A

SE S Iy s h e \A Af TS To ■ i i X > 0« iW < S A W v N p -A

•)J > I <2»UE5Sr J ( - C O U U O U s\ e o t A B .

\ ^ j r C O M P A

f II Qgo-got+«o pefiods 11 Then I

:hooseUp sides! Sho to see who picHs fir

LS T H E M E N A C E ____________


1 -'lell oul" will K- a-piaccd. g coniniunicalion veri lies I f l

'imiey isdisiiiici possibiiiiy. H

wpi. 2,VCkn, 23): iJnligliien- TI aiva previously obiuscaiod. ^maiioii. disifibuiion. panici- Vvenising campaign. Self- itills fr\)ni clash o f ideas, Leo HHiding role., , _ —“((X-i. '2.'-Nov. 21); You Fai j;. "Is ihis deja vu'.’" Expcri-

i<e repealing, arv rclcvani. Ilr> 'a iu l chTiIieng(.^7Y»Hreo{iIir "tlKl (iramalie a 'union staled lor

lUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21); "<>< redibiiiiy, valid expianaiion Is. Spoiiighi on marilal sia- ' :nieiii. ucknowledgeincnl o f hci and aiunher Sagiilariaii will nily. aroN iD ce . 22-Jan. IV): Y ou'll „l<l our -ow n w ay." Ft>ciis on , tsiiy, sining love rvlalioii' s also on I'lliiess. care o f ii^. er|i. unusual coinmunicaiioii \chiev«i.cnl! .! (Jan. 2()-l-cb. IH): Y oirii hui had been dormanl. Smi- j vihraiion"!. vigor, nnd whal"Ik: alive and kicking. Em- .

■uaiiiy. variety, sex appeal.

'NvI). I*>-March 21)); Wliai was V wiihin* reach. Fbcus on • ( cry. glamour, soiuiion u> hy value wili be explained.■e secure as result. Anoihcr I led. Trii

/ I a U G IN E A L L O F T . . . /W O N O £ R F U L T H IN 6 5

I C O U L d t E a M E IF . - { V ^ U COULD TALK


___________r - ____

C A U - 1 1 1 ^eiP jH S iQ " CT o l b , >

U S E i r F - I Wh II V 1

RAfJN^ [ X I J H : ^:M M S31 I fe gym c l a s s . I /[ I - h i ^ Y o u i n k ) . ( I Uft 4 « f 9 e r c a o a e r o l e . '

nould 1 NawUet \ First? j oretch go

' T H F .F /

1 1i 1'RO(3Tr4lNKSK6'S riD T E «0» USTD

L . M

B oy,...........................

W h a t ’s w

Fflt people, thin peopleW as none olhcr lhan Hippocm

llrM pul inli) llic revord Ihal fai ■<irdn'rion\l u> live iis long as iliin

"Pasiii" is jiisi Ihc Iialian w "ilough,*' lh a i's all.

Soliiul ■ o f running walcr hcuvers nervous. Tiicy wunl lo ty iden lly . Fann beavcrs-sian arouiul d rain pipes, leaking Held olil culverts. -

A nia /ing . ihis phenom enon cn nelic nieinory. SoTiie IliCorisis Iho Illing lliiil com pcis certain i 10 Hike iliings apart, or lo chas anim als, o r to l>cai on drums.

Every year about l.'i(l:miiybc 2 post o rriccs' close 'o r o p e n ' bcc population shills.

'N A K E D TR U T H ’

■ Q . W here’d we gel ihal phrase lruih".»

A . i'rom an old fable. Tw o'gm Truth and. l-alsehiMxJ.’went swi

' '

t h e \ If 5 YOU ) .

r * ' ' M

C !l3 ■

~ J ~ ~ P R e s & ^ r ^C O M P M ' / 1

>• e X c B p m ? , , <O F C O U R S E )

N , I aVWt CsW CLASS. j V10\ £

— -------

w a a n

Nf I ’ll-bke+leatiher G( ll the best hitter!


' H ' i f ' f f l

------ ^ r*i**~rirM 1 ^ ^.— !Com e^nJn,-M om m

water’s fine!"

ralsciuxH l goi oul I pul on T ru lh 's cloil

^ lo w ear FalseiuMX* lioiiic naked,

yd Q. W lial kind oIhal siuK)k up Ihc "Arachnopluihia"?

w h a t ? ' ^ A vondale.

Ill— I— II You d in i'i have I the h o ld business tc

LTalcs wim evidently. Connul I fat ^ o p le ^on ly ll'^'l? I't-'d lean tiifpcoplo.’ Ihnriiic'slu '.w cr cun

inside lhe bathluh.

any sort o f snuli-ii: , ani.;r makes

1.1 Jaiii il. VOLCANO

moM aclivc volcano.

Jl'";™!' ‘ lion and a ha ir peopl flanking lava lanes.- l,L-un >ccausc o f . said Henry David Tl

. h isfriend ."

■Hiui phnise "hoci

in Ihe iKginning. a i Ihe holy incaniatio

joddcsses. C hurch’s l.alin iiiur winiining. cologisis,


7^ ^ f lO R e ,& R £ e r - iM 6 ^ - r - '^ w m r A C C ^ A ^

i j a y . . .



^ , 8-7\

^ ' ( ^ o l d e n ! - 5 h e ’5 ~ ^ . -

nmyl-The----------- ------ —9l" '

ml o f Ihc waler I1r>t und clolhes. T ruth chosc not IumhI 's ctivcr. M) went

id o f .spiders were ihey Ihc lown in ihc film i

ive lo know much about 'ss to be u h o ld magnate, nd H ilion oncc said thclearned abouj hotels was____ _____;curtain should be pluccd lb. 'raying mantis will allack ili-animat life cxccpi un i

im from history'.’ Tliat .Merapi un Java hiLs

< In Ihc Iasi I .(XX) yeiirs. nc to 'bo thc worldls. ano. Jusi aboul cvcry- ia know s Ihul. Yei a mil- cop le live in Menipi'.s

,fun .ilu. lo r. m y. friend.’: ____id T lioreau. " is simply be

hocus ptK’u.s" Maned out s domincKus." and was,:. a m ocking imilation o f lations o f ’the Catholic lilurgy. So say llic lexi-

. -________ . f l - 7 I

Frpzenyo}; F rozen ypgurl m akes dc jdw calorics shakes. Here ec ip cs '/o r frozen 'yogurt sl

ioasl Ihe summer.A sm o o th , r ic h - ta s tin g

Cappuccino Shake contains. calories and three grams of p o r tio n . I t ’s s im p ly m ad e le c tr ic b le n d e r w ith a s<

^ o co lo te m ilk mix and sbmi .coffee granules._PpurJnto.a.l and lop w ith another scooj f rozen y o g u rt. W hen serv

: cookies and fresh berries, th :is th e p e rfe c t ch o ic e fo / 'summcf afternoon.; An icy cold Orange Frostci Lmade in a m in u te u s in g a

fro zen o range ju ic e conci Com bine Ihe thaw ed oranj ,^ ith frozen vonilla yogurt u m ilk-in a blender o r food-p and whirl away. ........,

; FROZEN CAPPUCCINO:; 2 scoops (2 /3 -cup) frozen fowfat yogun. divided*1 ^ cu p lo w fa t(l pcrcent)m 1 1 tablespoon powdered d ^lilk mix' I 10 teaspoons instan

granules-- .In -ihe .cQ n ta incr..o f-an .< m ixer or food processor coi scoop frozen yogurt, milk, cl m ix and.cofTceigraiiulMrble smooth, about 30 seconds. P a lall glass; top with remainir

Pizza— -C o n tin u ed from 0 1

I c a lle d S p a g o S u n d a ) '^ 'hen 'm y w ecklyTtravlng ;f( hit. They o ffer five kinds o

—A rtic h o k e r-e h ita k e -m u K l eg g p l a n t ' a n d car'm e I ized sounded intriguing but $12- a 7—inch individual portion : ro m y cookbook instead . 1

jask what the delivery charc( Ibe.I F ir s t th e d o u g h . I hav {making pizza cvcr' siricc .1 a• a food processor. I have mad Ithin and p ap e r- th in c ru st. jTried 100 pe rcen t w hite fli [find using h a lf whole-whcai an in te resting and “ nuity t

jcrust - as o n e o f m y cool d e sc r ib e s it. U sing w hole

ladds alm ost 10 gram s o f fil |cru-si. ........j Sunset m agazine suggest : flour tortillas pricked with

iSalad -_• C o n tin u ed from 0 1 bl5ch~in~lRc“N orlheas 'lc rn ' a lthough Infected eggs ha>

I /ound . in other ports of. the ! and th e phenom enon !>ecm' spreading.'' -* - • .... - v -

Salmonella bacteria are dc — by. heat^so, cooking, the eggs

145 to 150 degrees renders i -safe 10 e a t, w h e th e r it ha in fec ted o r n o t. 'H o w e v e r p rep a ra tio n s th a t iise eggs cooked to that level, and the I a re p ro v id e d w ith an environment for rapid reprot an u n p le a sa n t le sso n Icar m any c o n v e n tio n e e rs d in bread pudding at a Chicag last year.

D e sp ite th e co n tra in d ic m any p eo p le s t i l l e n jo y i m ade .w ith .ra w o r .u n d e rc eggs. F or those people, we o “ o r ig in a l" '’C o e sa r sa la d , happens, there arc many rer lhal claim to be the real Mci

__ i r u l h ^ n tt-gnitrggc agree 1o r ig in a l re c ip e is p robab around. Nevertheless. Ihere o f great recipes for it. Tlie o

- . . js - r c p r in te d - J 'to m -J h c . Cl .Tribune Cookbook.

Bui we'll give equal lime t who opt to ploy it safe by in a revised recipc for Caesar s little bit o f cream stands in

'egg , thickening. Ihe. dressing'• •b it;.............. ........................—-

W hichever salad you dei lo ss, b e su re lo use crisp j

"good.olive oil, homemade ci

Wednesday ITALIAN Buffet St

' ^ o it M e r n f r i e i& B B Q R IB S B uffe t

F O O D • FT h e B a s t In I JA CK PO T•

giirt can Kdelicious, i

:re are iwo t shaVes lo im

n g F rozen ’ns just 220— t of'fo t per lade in an i scoop o fc, ^w dercd ome mstdht' ''.a.lall.glass__


0/ warm

con g a can o f m centrate .

skim.^ j i r o m ^ r —

r o SHAKEEsn vanilla T h o (rO T 8 n c a |

) milk. o f frozen yogurt, i chocolate' Y ieldil ponlQ

Per portion: C lani coffce “ ^ g .

•O r subsiiiu m .c lc c ir ic frozen,yofiun an combine 1 granules.:, chocolate 0R jW (b len d 'u n tir 3 ounces (ab<

?. Pour mto orange ju ic e ci ining scoop (from a six-ouno

brushed with w d ay n ig h t h igh .fo r li^ mi gTpf'piziw*' ■ p a p c n o w e lS ’." s o f pizza, to p p in g s, retui u s h ro o m ,— o p p ro x im a te lj :ed g a r lic voila - instant p 1 2 -S 14fo r G la m o u r m on sent mc usmg half o f a td. I d id n 'l P'W covered w irge would loppings. Engli

rc s^c tab le alleilave been are great beginn.1 acquired snacks;nade ihick. Next the sau<ist. I have problem for you: flou r but fine. One brandical makes 190 m illig ra n;y tasting*' serving. Homcnookbooks You can useo le -w h ca t tom atoes, a das■ fiber to a . basil and oregar

. own portion o f s;ests using Toppings. Tl'ith a fork. Now you can i

and imported Pa

have be Jn ORIGINAL C h e country..- . Preparation tir rems to be Yield: 4 scrvii-V-------------------1-lu tge head• d^ troved

' " • S 4 anchovy fill,

' h f b a S ,nn J u ic e o f ls m a

isS »1. Prepare leu

d ico lions. inch olive oil, il •y ' " ' P “ W hen il is ho c rc o o k c d halved garlic clo e offer the Add bread in « ad . A s 'i l I'ossinc occasion renditions ,jgh,iy ,ousted o;

McCoy. In g „ ,jc ;f ^ begir a i^ a U U e — toBKled croulon t)ably n o t sca.son with ; re are lots j . Rub remair e one here ,h c Jnsidi

C h ic a g o ,,and lem o n ju i

[1C to those- vigorously uniil ' including whisk in H cup o ir salad. A 3. Add lettuce in for the nnd to s s io mi

»ing ju sl a croutons and a m

decide to . N E W C A ;p g reens, ■ Preparation tin c croutons Yield: 4 scivin

^ ReiD I C E ) i l ]

P a i r - A

S tarts a t 6 p.m .................

E D C H I C ^ N ; Tet Starts a t 5 p.m ...........

>n3 (? lu iF U N • F - O R

'n N e v a d a S ^ l e E n ter ti • •7 3 4 -1 3 9 3 ^ -1-702-7!

:appucclno shake Is made aart. • 1 cnlon, aboui 12ounce?. (from : Calories r 220; and fal Vi c

' ' . ' In 'iiu te c o ffe e -f la v o re d blendand omit instant coffcc orang _

i N O E F R O S T E D .about 1/3 cup) frozen .: co n cen tra te , thaw ed Perince con) '- 2 g .

wuler ond cooked on loppim inutes betw een two rcsislIg’.' Thcn 'CoV cr'A V lth ••’SUggitu rn lo th e o v e n fo r n io z telv_L><_m inuies and anichI pizza. and om a g a z in e s u g g e s ts my o'a toasicd whole wheal Cow iw iih y ou r ch o ice o f expre

glish m uffins m ake a ihe pillem ative crust. These try lc( nnings for after-school

died Iauce. I t sod ium is no'OU. purchased .sauce is 'j.{ id I checked contained am s o f so d iu m per lemude is even better,sc f re sh o r c a n n e d — —Jash o f tom ato pasle, / ‘'n gano lo lusle und your)fsalt. 's s u cThe canvas is ready. Wea//n use your p a le lte o f 77ie 7

Parrnesan cheese.

-C A E SA R SA L A D 21aI time^ 20 m inutes - 3 ci ■vings . . l ie!ud -rom aine le ttu c e . - -peppc I biie-sizc pieces

rlic.' peeled.- halved------------ 1 cich bread cubes ■ 3 la

2 tafillets, drained, minced '/: U

y-. tcmall lemon Coaoil SAI

ishly grated Parmesan 8 ci lom ir

und pepper to laste • V, < lllels, for garnish opiiui;lettuce. Heat about 'A' 1/3 I. in u 10-inch .skillet. checM h o t. add tw o o r ih e I. f cloves. Cook 1 minute, and g a single layer. Cook, the g;

ionally, until cubes arc rem o 1 on all sides. Remove bread gins to bum . T ransfer lighil ,o nv40-a . paper, tow el — pcppe th sail. ' 2. flaining garlic clove all the in id e of-.a la rg e sa lad orbleiInccd anchov ies, e g g ------ 3. Fju ice in b o w l. B ea t basil i ilil blended. Gmduully lo p o il. chcesiice, cheese and pepper m ix . S p r in k le w ith ^ trrangc anchovies. I

:A K A R SALAD Ilime: 20 minutes • f lvings ■

lax ,In ^

\-Dice '■ '..................................I.

.. . . . . . . $ 3 . 9 3

■.b93 iR T U N E j)'rta!nm Bnt' f t■755-2341 I [ v


............. v /l th frozen vanilla yogi1 cup frozen vanilla lowfat yi

rom a 1 pim container)Vl cup skim milk I n lh e c o n ta in e r o f an elei cnder or food processor com anRC juice, frozen yogurt and i end until srnbbihratxiuTlO se^( :rve over ice cubes in tall glassi Yield: 2 portions.

Per portion: Calorics - 200; an 2g .

pp ings to c rea te y ou r pizzj sistance. I tried m y cookbo< ,ggcsT lons“o r h a m rp a rn i 'e : ozzarella, mushrooms, capcrs lichoke hearts sprinkled with I d oregano. To m y great surp y own teen-age mutants lovei aw a b u n g a (a fa v o r ite tu pression). 1 think wc have brc e pepperoni barrier. Nexi 1 i > leek, pepper and zucchini.

Long after the. ninjii turtles I ed out (lliey are all m ales r I), p izza will still he evolvin ; streets o f New York. Use ; la g in a i io n to c re a te you ( lurday night Special.

Jane Slickcrs is n rc ’islcrvd ri illl a speciiil /;» fre .sf iti nulri sues. Her colum n "Food ■ •:alUi." appcurs oncc'ii niont, If Tinics-Ncws.

CROUTONS:^r-cup-olive-oil----- ------------;—2 large garlic cloves, split.3 cups cubes French bread ricuspoori coarsely cracked b pp e r-........ .......... ........................ .

DRESSING:4 anchovie .s. r in se d , pa ltcd dry1>4 cupolive oil............ _ . .3 tablespoons fresh lemon juic 2 tablespoons whipping cream '/ tablespoons balsamic vinegii '/i teaspoons Dijon musiard Coa^^cly■cracked black pepper SALAD:8 cups rbm aine leltuce. rin; T) in bitC'Sized pieces V> c u p ju l ie n n e d fresh ba liunal1/3 cup finely shredded Parmc

1. For the croutons, heat the d garlic in a large skillei. W L“ garlic beg ins to tu rn bro m ove and d is c a rd it. A dd ead . C o o k , s tir r in g , un til i ;hily to asted on all s ides . I ppciiandjcmQYcJmm.h.ej«,__2. For Ihe dressing, combinc : ingredients in a food proce: blender and mix until smooth.3. For. ihc-salad..loss lettuce sil in a large bowl. Add dre.s.' ond toss lighlly. Serve \ cese and croutons.

East Center Siret

Sleep &:lndu(»oton>nlQhnaytndfeufWi

Iriie 'FartheF tou ci -me More \b u Sav

I »T»(rt~Mrtihl.ooupw,»dp«o»oI JA tna Mm*, aenrtv mM. (KJ ant


Soo your kx


| r|-SumIn B y C olleen P ie r

p ; . The B altim ore S

' S um m er is tlr: im prove your di ^ I t 's loo hot ton _ _ g r c a t , t im e to 'c R ' ■ fo d d s rm e a is , ; H s n a c k s — and ■ - . fru its and vegeu H A q u a r te r p( " w ith cheese, lei

■ m ayonnaise w i — 5 0 0 c a lo r ic s .•

■— gram s o f greojsy • 3 If you split yi

7 buddy, you couthe fat, and have re d w a te rm e lo local peaches o r

:___ :-focUie.ailier.25tI O r-y o u co u l

ikvDotfd - ch ips for 25 swe .,T J«e b e n e f il :gun.

yogurt I----------------------------

le r c Videoim b ineJ rnilk;__C on tinu e d from 0;conds. top. Layer some cl sses. Continue to layer i

en d ing w ith m eat and fal “ II- Bake »l 3;

minutes.Serve with a gree

— If you do not ha>______ deer-^nd elk, and

know a w h o le I;za de preparation in gen)ook‘s Kave a new video f(lesun ; ■ Simple-Basic Cooklrs and ' Here’s one o f ihe h basilrprisc^ ' CREA M ED ^k'cd it! TUN tu r t le>roken — _'"“ Block> have C o n tinued from C

■ f »"i0"IZ. le a sp o o n sN

6 drops hot peppe 24 pitied olives, d carrot sticks

'nu rse green and red bell irilioii . . cucumber slices J und In a medium bov nth in seven ingredients;

hours so mixture is I f d e s ire d , fo rm d in o sau r.-D ecp ra i o liv e s d ow n back

--------- pieces for eyes. Set-------------ira y ro n ta in in g ra n__ _ .a n d .red p epper sii

ripe olives and ciic dipping.

. . . , Makes 1 cheese b N ole; M ix tu re i

------------ .J ;,n(i serve

ry SW EET 'N SOU)............................." F R A N

2 jars (18 ounces (16 ounces each) ba

I c a n (20 ounc chunks, well drainei

y. pound lurkey fr , '/i cup brown sugu

2lable»poonscid, . 2 lab lespoons co

green pepper1 / tablespoons cc

. I tablespoon soy ; Preheat oven lo 3

2-c |uar[ c a sse ro le in B rc d le n ls . mi»

row n. uncovered I hour.2t) minutes iKlbrc s.

' ” Makes lOscrving

------ — -----e O N F E T ItB E A■ ' I ja r (18 ounce!

:essor ounces) baked bean; "• 1 can (17 ounce:

••com, drained. - - *'‘‘ '."8 1 small onion, ihii • I medium tomato

n Peaks RiWater Park ^

reel, Provo M-800-8244193 Frbir

SwimI f l T I O N ‘” ™ "Witof P»fh pwo«, xMHtafM) ptnor

DriVB. a. . . — I 8«««i PmMRMorti v e l W»tarP«t M: elm)dnm 4S-MnlM ■ intMv*! . om tM b Bm■on.■M* Net Mid « lh any 00m( atcoi

AE$5.00(aflorSttJp.m.) ....... -

h o n y » '0r 1&oz.biiolocaJ grocory flo ra (or dotaJIt

S 2 FOR 1-0) Coupons avaflabki at aO


m eristiieiTB w helle S u n enom

Bc!: the easie st tim e lo fragradiet. free 01to cook, so Ihis is a The

3~cui bock o n fr ied fru il-s, sw*cets an d sa lly lo s t fiind f i l l u p on fre sh The;ctablcs.................. carotep o u n d h a m b u rg e r w h ilelettuce,, tom ato and functi

w ill cost you about W hats a n d c o n ia in s 30 • A fat. f r ien iI your burger w ith a burgei:ou ld e lim ina te half 250 ciave TH cups o f ju icy 3 G: lo n , fiv e lu s c io u s fib e rorM o f a cantaloupe pectin

150 calories_____ . . r .3 .Tlu ld t ra d e 10 sa lty ,, b lue liweel dark cherties. boyse:n is_ o f_ fre sh f ru i t . 2i< i

y - r - — ■

10 1 ____________ Servecheese across lhal. p

:r until you run. out; sahnon:a t and th e c h c c s c ..... ^ hai350 degrees for 30 choppe.

, V: CU{reen salad.

Flourhave a freezerful of- Onrlii id you-realjy d o n ’t l^m c : lo t ab o u t fo o d Drair ;eneral, the W ebbs ju s t em J for you. I t’s callcd .(like a lokujg..............................c o ld r ^Ihe recipes 10 try: niix it %

thicken> SA tM O N <D R--------m o r tmUNA thinner.

0 1 i catdrained

s W o rc e s te rs h ire 2 tabi In a

iper sauce ingrcdii4. divided usage lo 4 hot

Makijell pepper strips s)owl, combine lirst > 1 is; chill for a few (approx ; is easily handled. I <-‘ui ni m i.xiure in lo a, ra le w iili 12 rip e - ^ ‘•'“ 1 ck and ripe o liv e 2 egg Serve with a relish 2 pac rarroi-stick«rrgn:cn— t'tiecse.- s irip s . ren ia in ing V: cu(

■ucumber slices for our about I

c ball. Prehe m ay be fo rm ed Creaserved. ....................- p a n . li

brow n!)UR BEANS A N D milk, o>iNKS----------------- iiuoprc:es each) or 2 cans b ea t c baked Iwans remainiin c e s ) p in e a p p le uiuil li ned grated \/ fni'nks. sliced Dropjgar Ihe spO'rider vinegar niixlurecoarsely clioppcd .cheese i

all the \; cornstarch .a u d io '>y sauce m inute:> 350 dcgree.s. In a cool 15 D ie, co m b in e a ll remaini l ix w e ll. B ak e Cool co ir.-A llow to stand Make ; serving.ings. SAV(

'A cur2AN-SAEAD----------------Ttablces) o r I can (1 6 2 labl ans 2 tabces) w hole kernel sauce-..........................................3 clo>

ihinly sliced V: lea;no. cubed ‘A tea;

lesort ri f e ^ 9 m

79»* 4» rwtrtctloru apply) rahn


----------------------1 ®aMmtarniKti ogcs

I IU0>«—• PJ

7 " " ■

--------- - PI

bo il

____ Rrcquo r a


feie for 1le th e r lo ca l o r im p o rted , a ormou-s. .B e s id e s b e in g d e l'ic io u igrant ancf refreshing, all are fj c and naturally low in sodium r h e y are p o la ss iu m -ric h ai u l- ju ic y , to rep lace e lem er ll fil sweat. " ’ -Ih e ir fiber, vitam in C and bc rotenc help reduce cancer ris l i ie p ro m o tin g b e lte r bow iction and overall good healt fiat a Ireal!-\ l y o u r n e x t c o o k o u t , do e n d a fa v o r^an d sh a re yoi rger, then enjoy som e o f the0 calorie bargains.} Granny Smiih apples, high ier a n d c h o le s ic ro l- lo w e rir :tin.3 .~cups:.:;o f.:.T bJackbcrric j c b e m ( ^ ._ .ra s p b e r r ie s j ysenberrfcsT high in fiber.' m cups seedless grapes, a goc

:rves 7 or 8small ■ can rtu n a 'o r 't 'la rg c 'c ; ionhard boiled eggs, pee led ai jpedcup mayonnaise iilk ournriic salt, to taste :mon pepper, lo lasie rain oil o r w ater o f f fish. A< enough flou r lo m ake a pas

: a Ihicl^tomaio paste) while il ir 'A dd aB6'ut'2 cii'p.rm ilk’ ai it well. Heat until milk starts

ken in ihe flo u r m ixture. Ac n m lk n o - m a k e it a l itlle t ner. Bring to boil. Add fish, eg

can (,2’/> ounces) sliccd olive nedtablespoons white wine vinega1 a la rg e b o w l, co m b in e a edients. Cover and refrigerate hours.lakes 5 cups.

ZEBRA BROWNIESp ack ag e b ro w n ie mi

iroximalely 20 to 24 ounces) cup evaporated m ilk, divide :e _ ' ■ - .cup oil eggs .packages (8 ounces cach) crea:se.-soflened------- ------------ ------cup sugarounces while chocolate, grate it I 1/3 cups, divided usage reheal oven to 3 5 0 d eg ree ise a l3-by-9 by 2jrnch bakir . In a i a r g e b o w l.-c o m b ir A'nie m ix . A c u p ev ap o ra te ;. oil and eggs; mix well. Poi 'prepiireii pail; In a small'bow. I c ream c h e e s e , su g a r an aining V. cup evaporated mil I light and Hul'fy; beat in I cl :d while chocolate, rop cream cheese m ix ture t spoonful on lop o f ihe brown lure. Using a knife, swirl crea; :se mixture into brownies, goii lie way to ihe Iwttom of ihe p; lo 'th e edges. Bake 35 to 3

u les. R em ove from oven . Ii 15 minutes ihen sprinkle wii

iining 1/3 cup white cluKolat 1 completely, akes 24 brownies. .-

\V O R Y BEEF M ARINADEcup soy sauce ______tablespoons red wine vinegar tablespoons olive oil ta b le sp o o n s W o rces le rsh ii ei;loves garlic, minced - teaspoon flavor enhancer teaspoon ground black pepper

l a a T r i i i N i a sTho five category jystcm of

IC voluntary film in/ushy sHng program is now as >liows.

G ~ Gcnerol Audiences, oi! ges admitted,

PG Porcntai Guidonce ugacstcd. Somo molerial mer ot oe suitable for children.

P G -1 3 - Parents ore trongly cauHoned lo glva pecial guidonce for children nd^r 1 J . Some materiol may « inopprapriote for children.

R - Resh-icted, under 17 cquires occomponying porer ir adult guardian.

N C -1 7 - N o one under 17 idmitted.

W odnosday, AuQust

: -F

a re source o f fluid, fiber, iron.

, - • A n e n t i r e h o n ey d e■ high in fluid and a goo< , vitamin C.and - ^ , . . , ,

5 kiwi fniils. a gooc f ib e r , a n d cach p rov than a full d ay ’s supply

•isks-...^- ............ .....................3 ncctarm es, a good

Qlth. earolcnc,3 cups o f fresh pine;

lo .a in fiber, flu id and son ■our C.i":se 5 b ig b la c k plum ; , . source o f fiber, fluid an

ring 5 cups o f straw bern source o f fiber and vc

jg 5 ^ _ v i^ i i ] W ^ __;__o r 5 tom atoes, a good

■ - fiber and fluid, vfiamin ;ood . caroienc.

m a y o n n a ise a n d spi ■xan “ together and season 'io

over loasi.' and " I t’s ju st dclicious.”

‘‘I t’s good for breakfu dinner."

In T w in F a lls W i Cooking is available ai S po rting G oods, in 13

. G len’s Grocery and in L ost R iv e r O u tfitle rs Creek outfitters.

: It S-arid.......O rb o lh ' VIdeOs inayts to fo r $20 c ach , posiag Add direct by w riting lo E

b it - Route. l .-B oxJlO S . Fni egg. 83327. o r by calling 76-

ves. '/; teaspoon basilIn a sm a ll b o w l. i

gar in g re d ie n ts ; m ix a ll m arinade over your f;i

te 2 cover and refrigerate s o r o v e rn ig h t. G rill desired.

tylakesM cupm arinai


ded y> tup honey'/; cup smooth peanui 2 tablespoons c ider v

■--''A teaspoon flavor en eam In a smalt saucepan. --------- ingredieniSr-Gook-and-

heat until peanui buit< ited. Pour marinade over cl

and re fr ig e ra te sevei .•es. overnight. Grill o r bro cing b ru sh in g on n ia rin ,in c cooking, lied ' f l a k e s IV: cups.


cupIh ” r 3 m l t o d a y - '



38 I—lei l ^ i L ^ J Q

vith FRinAY

H T O D A Y ’ T M

H miMHOOF--------- W .'<{jwy^rOi

. i re B mOAUMly T O D A Y - I

■ m AHomm] e r W n?D,4y-9:1!

H m rsucKB___ _ | 5 j . T O D A Y - T H

F T All DOGS con rwAsa()'*10:3^

m i ----------^■ HIHJA m n


af ^ M ^ _ t o m y J ^


I, ^ BOltm'SBDeL• i f ! l uomy-T\

1 ^ 1 D O C H O U m U O N D A Y 'l

loy | t t | 7i/£SWP»i20.aa c n r s i ^

.TursM TiM ^y:

H HOTSHOT.Sy an. Q t i O B B

T O P A Y - ^ l i

ent POUND PU7UE5HG>‘ 10:3a

17 m p W H B

_ l ■

st 7 .1991 .‘nmos-Nows, Twin Fi


)er. pectin and

y d ew m e lo n , good source of

■ood sourcc ofro v id c s m o rc -------- --iply o f viiamin n

;ood source of

)ineapple. high som e vitamin

un is , a g ood^J and pectin, lerries. a good J very high in

DC)d source o f _______[Hin C and iieta

sp ic e s . S tir it I 'lo tas te rS crv c-------------

JS.” Elaine says, ik fa st. lunch or

W eb b s 'V ideo :e at Blue Lakes n B ellev icw al 1 In Keichum at - le rs and S ilv e r

may be"ordered ilage in c lu d ed . o Elaine W ebb.Fairfield. Idaho.

. 764-2492. '

/I. co m b in e all X w e ll. P o u r ir favorite steak, lie several hours •ill o r b ro il as

r inade .


anut butler ler vinegar renhancer pan. combine allind-siir-ovcr-low ------ ;—:iuiter is melted, r chicken, cover ;v e ra l hou rs o r broil as desired,

ir in ad e d u rin g


OINTBREAXm I<>■-7:00,9:211

yii;i)m;irs-iii9:00| F>uiMfw1D:30 I

OPEN - I lA Y -T iiESD A y I

lumiiiim . \7:00,9:40HODD(K-a)7imr9:40---------------MAWNSmiy'-7:30W you ”9:15 ONLY rcxEnS(Po-ui 7:20,9:30ioTDHEAVENin l30 ,123D ,2i30 'uTisi.oo_________

tAJSSI.O O_______

mTDRIlK 1 7:DD, 9:40'WOOO(PHD7:00.9:40m u sjQ u n m m

lYWOOOtrt-o}i .^ ;^ i§ i2 0 ,a 2 0



-9:30 ONLY .

0 ^ 2 3 o f , 2 3 I ISCATSS1.00

23 0SfATSst.00 .-f

fin FoJIs. Idaho C-7

- HomeySmallByJeanH aysKniglil-Riddcr News

■ Tlicrc you iirc. lyi • ing to a dripping fauc

Tlic noise is proba iri£ you awiikc. but

*_ _ .'iaicrconscrvalion o Kail., hopes part of-il js causcd by guilt

............... knowing you arc wasA faucct with o'

wastes 54 gallons of iiimost enough to f Muady small stream i from a faucct will wi tn eight months lo

‘ pool.T liat’s money, as

Idown thc drain.Tlic Environmc:

________; Agcncy cblim.alcs, thn_______• living iti a house w.

fixtures can save abo ------------ 'TCTtct,' scivcf .n id 'm

• placing waitT.-gu7zIi watcr-effieienf, ones.

: ports estimates llie s;............. erage liousehold at S'

M ost-fatitiliei can use with a little elTo Here are some sii^gej

Newl are es

Now is an cxcell Ihe new annual How

..... ........ .Colleisc Rcsoarclt ;ition G arden. Most

• tlie peak o f (heir be: gust.

Mcisi <iC Ihe nuir.i------------- tlow crs-arc .gro iv jiu

beds near the centei O thers are scatlered tliroitgluuit the gan

• here arc a few o f the ' new tlowers.

Three new !y‘J2 ' are planted with t Am erica aw ard wi

: from Ihe past live ye• Latly in Red is a d ; o f Salvia w hich look ■ ter ailaptcil to our cli ' retl salvia, ll has bri;! on long. 2 '/ fiK>t spil

V erbena Peaches ; unique new color

i Flow ers have a inotl• ing •froni crcaniy (o I pink.

--- --------- ;------ ^Vttrbcna-jirowvat; with clusters t)l' tiny i

D iantluis Ideal Vi cd bright violet pur

i p lants about 10 inejic

- S everal ne'w Vcri• an thns arc grow ing w

i V erbena Sandy ^; m ixture o f colors in

■ liirgo display bell.

•: Scvenil individua ; A m our and Ronianc ; ries are d isplayed—

n - f^ I E n j o

- .......; - - - B u ffI • . r i b s{ \ r i b s ,

I e v e rI ‘ h a v e

^ I A t u••I d e s s i

: . • 1 . • I

. . ! ■; j ■ - - -

/ . 1

' .-C-6 Tlmoa-Nows, Tw

B/garden11 leaks <:ws Scrvicc Some

• faucets,lying in bed. listen- be fixet

, e r in lh .obably what IS keep- • R^pabut Kay Drcnncn, a will sa'n ofHccr in Wichita, water b uf-{hc-slci<plcs&-night- . -sn v e ^ lilt — thc guilt -of w.viting w ater.-•

cveli a slow drip , N “ 'o fw .ittra iiio n lli— ' ' “ >” 8!

0 nil a balhlnb. A ™” " ' ; itn of water escaping •*1 waste enough water “ to fill a swimming

- creek nas well as walcr, p '']" "*

Ik hearimcnial Protection th .ua family o f four

I with old p lu m b in £ _ ‘ll."’ JH! about $200 a year in mailing -m c ig y -b ttt-r-b rrc --^ l« ‘ “ "f 7zling fixtures with nes. Consumer Re- •'’ .P e savings for. ati. av- •.lS70lo$12.'>. tlio tankcan cut their water ilTort, Da-nnen said. P '" ‘ :gestions; .


;ellent tim e to see lowers at tlic Ricks j ' il and D em o n stra -• -I. — lost o f Ihem reach beauty during Au- fl

hire than KH) new I'jltKjn three lar^ie flowers, nter o f the garden.' Raspt>ei red in display beds f;iit, Ro garden. Described Salmon, thc most attm ctivc Ideal Cr


« award w inners j; '. ''" : : , ' ' I) the other AM-

winning tlow ers

carminea different species Tliis i ooks like it is bet- grow s a clim ate than ntost vals pett liricin ,ml llinvcrs

. Gu.Islia; es and Cream is a been an; ilor in VerlK-na. new co lottleil color rang- year,

lo bright peachy They orange.

i-abouUi-fooi-high—lavcndci ny flowers, Viola?

Violet has serrat- ly well-; purple flowers on t i , , . , . c).cslllgh,

/crbenas and Di- Most urg w ell;-------------- 'w h ic h rcy Mix is a bright in the co m er o f a

son this;lual colors o f ilie Tw o i ancc V erbena sc-, vor) al d -.w nh the new grow s o

ilafaiGW e t

t h e C a n ^


ijo y a ll Ih e d c lic jo u s r i f fe t b e g in n in g a l B p . 3S a r e p r e p a r e d e v e r j JS, b ra is e d s h o r t r ib s , e n c u r r i e d la m b ribs! tve f r ie d c h ic k e n , c o r tu rk e y c a rv e d tp p rd i isserts!

■ i B H a E

. Twin Falls, Idaho WmJncrsday,


imc leaks, such as drippir :ts. arc-obviou.s. Tliose often cj xed cosily by replacing lhc the faucet.

ipalring a faucet wilh a slow dri save oboiil $2.50 a year on tl r bill. Slopping a steady drip cr-$48Trycar-----------------------------

. THETOILEr ;xi to watering lawns, the toilet liggcst water guzzler in the housi ut 45 pcrccnt o f the water used i Lise goes for flushfng the toilet, the toilet leaks, chances are il­ing enough water tu keep a .sma < fiowing. A toilet has to leak 25 ms a day l>cfore the leak can eve :ard, according to Garbage mag: To figure oul if thc toilet is leal

Drunnen rccomnicnds dropping red food coloriiig 'iii the tanJ; Tin

mg about’l5 minutes. If. witliot ling,—the- w ate r~ in—(lie.--iHtu ges color, (he (oilet leaks, s probably one o f two basic proV . The overflow pipe is leaking <: ink ball or flapper doesn't fonii r-tighi seal. Most liardvvan: store offer .-idvice on liow to .slop th

5 at Rick ly colorfi

I Allen W ilson

Gardening:rs. l l i e new Dianthus include t>crry Parfall.' Strawberry Par- Rosem arie Velvet. Rosemarie on. Festival Crimson Rose and Crim different colors o f Palonii : arc planted in disjilay beds he front o f th e garden.;y range in co lor from crimson0 lighi blue, light pink and ne rose.-s new strain o f annual phlo.^1 ab^Ait 10 iiichc-nslptm nrtTi-letunias.lbr beauty, oiher petunia rival is Grace lia; A lthough this variety Jn'is around for seveial years, three colors were iiitrodiiced this

.•y include a brilliant salnion- ,e. a solid lavender and ader w ilh rosc-cyc.-------------------lias ami Pansies ate parlicular- ll-adapled lo ou r climale.

:re are many new varieties in- lg some unique new colors, unusual is Sprlhgliiire~ni;ick'

I really iK black" in c o lo r .........ven differcnl niiMures o f piin- ave b een planted I'ur.compari-- lis year.'o new dw arf SitajKlrngons are

aitractive. Floral Showers . only four inches high and

3 La ta la3 d n e s d a y s a

l y o n C o v e B

- M l #m e4 . 9 5

s r i b s y o u p a n ca t in thi p .m . e v e ry W ednesday :ry w a y ih ia g ln a b lo r ln< JS, C a ju n , C h in e se o r sv 3s! A n d , if t h a t 's n o t e n a rn o n th c c o b / j a la p e r 'd e r a n d a fu ll se le c tio i

C a e UH e i e sRESORT C.\51XO:JACKPOT,

- - - f - “

a y ,A u o u s l7 ,1991

an wateEven if a loilcl i

}ping chonce.s are U can be r 1 caq A loilet installed

years ago uses from 5 . drip water per flu5h.-Most t n the installed after the mid t can gallons a flush.------- - In-thc-latcp-l980s,

mimufacturers look a European counterparts

'=‘ uhra-low flow toilets.1,6 gallons a flush. In I

eo models, comprcssed a . voir allows for an effei

“ little water. (For help small model, see Coasumcr ;2 5 0 1990 issue.) even -'nu irc are cheap way laga- when flushing. Consc

touting the loilet dam. ing 0 w on't hurl the plu^mbln;

The ioU crdam . whi iliout pieces o f rxibbcr, c

gU7.ZlIrTg-5^lo-7^gullo into u water .saver. ' available al hardware s

' P S I O . Tlie dams partitio 'Oil a three sections and allo ' lore.s frwm the middle .seci ’ Esiiniated .savings: I

per flusli. Tlie dnm wil

is G ard ful this }

%The m o st s t ■ heW~marlgi

th e Excel s ’ w ith huge, 6 udc 4-fnch flowc , r,.---- 14-inch pl£:irie - —and Tahiti is only an inch t;

Several new lall C excellent backgrounc throiiglioui the garden,

son Ranging in height fi ind I'mir feet, (hey have f

deep purp le to pink lox Most unusual is Vet> T i- with dark ctlges on eacl

As usual there are ace m arigold varieties tha has flower.ree There have been i his proveinents in m arigolt

past few years.

T he nu)s( striking m__ is the lixeel series;w ill|,ij. iilc 4-incli flowers

plants.T hese and many otlit

eis can be viewed ever; .daylight,hours..

.............The g a n le n - is - loc;isouth side o f the Rii

'"!* cam pus in Rexburg.

Allen Wilson’laichc^ are ill Kicks Collct:c. His CIS pciits every Wcdncsa intl Timcs-Ncws.


M i ti l f f5

t h e C a n y o n C ove day. O u r s u c c u le n t- in c lu d in g B B Q b e e f • s w e e t & s o u r r ib s — e n o u g h , w e e v e n len o c o r n b r e a d , h a m io n o f s a la d s a n d


yji ' ' " ■

; r -a n dh not leakiiig, in three to

; made more effi- The sa> — loilet: $31

1 mon: than 20 Ions.5 to 7 gallons oft toilet.'! that were ,id -7 0 su sc a b o u l

V . fo r show e,-A m en c an toilet__,i,«a lip from Ihcir 5

ilh c ra n d c r$ 3 0 0 - A num air in the rcser- beads arc <

fectivc flush with sell for $ Ip in selecting a stalled wil c r Reports' July

will pay ays to .save water ,n,onths. T iscrvatiomsts are for familic n . Tliey swear it orally .spc*’'£•............. .........-—4.8 minuterhich is m a d c - o f ................, can turn a water Tlic <ui\ lo in rrru s ir ro iH i7.2«ogai

Tlie d.ims arc ; stores for about ion the tank inlo low'oniy-|Hc-w.i-— iclion lonusli. ■•'’i'n 'Pl'-'w

2 10 4 Eallons purehjs, for ilscif siricnp ,

lencan I

veary room an<^ ------ - ................ Iho walls

- f ind.a sh> t r i k i n g j o l d i s ■

s e r i e s A. , >d o u b l e ordinaiy

l a n t S . ---------------is-tricky;■I Joints Totaller.— ' ' ' lion.

Cosmos make Do-itmd plantings want lo s 11. e y fo r a

, another ifrom -three lo - . .flowers Irom -j

ik and while. ' , • , i^a.ille Picqtee ic lilli.w er. i u i k r s .,1

Some 1re more newp a a d s w

7 - XXlids during Ihe ' '

marigold ilh hu^e. tlou-


How- ery day during

-on- l h e - - - B | 0 m ^icks College ,

cs hordctilltiii: coltiinn iip'

in Tlic

g a


i■ 1

_________I r - _________

big moi: to six months.savings on a 5-gallon-a-flusli 531.93-a year and 17,520 gal-

THESHOW ERll 30 pcrccnt o f ihe-indoor wa- J in an average household goes we^s and baths. If thc plumb- thg shoffer-iroTdrchaniici. arc n 5 tm'l 7 gallons o f water flow I the shower head cach minute, umber o f. low-flow shower rc on tllc market. Basie models - $10 lo S15 and can be in- wiih a wrench.i^amily of four, the $10 model ly for itself in about three . The payback is even faster ilies with teen-agers, who gcn- ipcnd more than the average utcs intlic^ filiowcf........ .......... T

■savincs: .$.31.37 a year and gallon!^ o f water.

INTHEKTTCHEN ur faucet kicks ou r more ihun ons-<if-wator-u minutorlhoro-ifr .* way to change it.

iiise an aenitor with a flow rc- at a hardware s lo r e ^ i e aera-

thtub recess I be refinishedI want to remodel our bath- and put plastic lamlnalc on alls in tho tub recess. I can't . sheet o f laminale that is a ' ve fcei wide for the bock o f cess. Can you help? — C>n.I wouldn't consider-using - - iiy plastic laminate in a lub i'Cutting aiid fitting large of hiniinaie or oilier panels

ky;-amt it-is-difficult to seair - for a waterproof instalhi-

,)-it-your<elfers svho don't o spend thc time and mon- a ceniniic-tile recess have

:r escellent choice: a tub- kit with prccul fiberglass

. The kils are available in and 'colors al many home N and h.Kh-supply dealers. ie good-i]uali(y kits'sell for lan S2{H) and feature lough

wilh a glossy finish thai lok gond for many years if ly (iiainlained.

m5 0

m t s f nFrom 10 Fn


nuis^i I SSiToJ

Berry Blend CitrusBleiid

Ihoiilfal Blend

mey- dc. tor, which screws on th

lush foucct spoul, hos a small gal* allows only 2.5 gallons

minute to escapc.In addilion to restriciin

wa- wotcr, the aerator will b< ;ocs to more easily rinse .soap mb- off o f dishes.■arc------- GARDENJlow Outdoor wntering acco itc. o f all water used during wer months.,jcis The besl way td waicr in- for lhc plants and for wai

tion — is to use drip Irri of hoses that snap togctlic ganJener punches holes ii match the spacing o f the f

A stadcr kit. sold at mi ;en- garticn ccnters. costs ab 2ei_w ilU um dlajusm allganicr Z — r “ Drip:inigatlomjpplics-i

, rcctly to the root zone nccdcd-mostrPlanfrnre-l cause waler slowly soa roots, brennen said. Wa

lian lower too.Ej-ift-- n ie uverage’sprinkler l

Ions every 15 seconds. Di uses oniy half a gallon PE

:n - LAWNS

If You \A/ Times-I I Subscr

■ You Ct__ Have SMore I$ 5

Subscr!T h e iCustdme

M IIhSTeruHs----m

MNT R ION kamfns f l

II one an y -fi

■ ' flavor ^

i ■ # i ___ I PWOCieW* OAMBLC

_1___- ,'f.

jvm thethe end of ihe Drip irrigi ill opetiing that lawns, bccau ns of water a yardcovcrcd'

^ - However, ; ling lhc now of “ "I y ™ ' e "b ^ s tp ir s s u rc “ J " "

■p suds or food “• .....ihnve. The pt_ ' is not that the'

„ — bullhol lhc connls for half lg lhc summer i j d „ r '

Qvcr-walcringcr . ganlcn - .atcrconserva-m g a lio n .a K l n e y a , lier easily. Thc; in lhc hose lo _ . ,: Plants. ‘mosi lawn and "“ <1'» ™i> «.^ „ S 5 1 > a „ a - t l c o r

,c where il is ■" »

Wlcr bills am “ ™o 'hcgroi With a scre\

r uses 1.5 gal- *Drip irrigalion■ER HOUR. ™ly 2 inchcs.

ing enough — right.

Vere A ./,■News:riber,/Ould 't.Saved ^Than ^

i 0 8I ' ■ UastWeE

■ With Cou

Ibe Today 8fiines-]'3r Service 7


5 p f MAwuFACTunencou

pnwi>. i>»i w fM* •'•w I

. Q690 0 *

? drainrrigotion w on't woric for icausc few people wonl a . . red with pipes.:r, you can save water —

grass — by woteriljg the rectly. Lawns, shrubs and I an iiich of water a week to le problem with- most lowns th c y ^ n ’t get enough wotcr f _

i they get loo mucfT- Ihrubs lose ^ e i r lives at the_ janlcn hoM, 3rowning from ring. To test the amount of

sprinkler is using, place >, such os orange Juice cans.: yard. Afler 30 minutes, get'erand, figure out how long you.Jn the sprinkler to p r^ u c e ■ water.)unis is not how much w a te r;zibudiaw nnnclL ofztrjcjiilyT zr: r :tJie ground, Drcnncn said. ;

dccpjoots. a-lawn ocjthnib,^ — - iccds lo soak at lea-st 6 inch- _ ground. ' •

icrcwdrivcr or a knife, dig a 'c. and tc s ? soil.-nficrj_______tered. If thc .soil is moisi lo ; hes deep, you arc not w ater-;

— or you're not doing i t ;


& Save!News733-0931

A j[r

c / ; .

• ' L i

CWPOW (~EXPinESft«V9i~|: I ' 5

i ] l | | | c 3 1 >•! !

a s s a s s i W K : i j

1 1 1........ ___________

F(^bcH ie Associated P re ss '

; * A S H lN qT O N — Tl ~ sign&lied'^TDesdsy ihfit'it*

lenn interest rates lower viewed as an emergency r th e c o u n try fro m sti

• ' recession.: A n a ly s ts s a id .th a t a reserves to the notion’s ba clear signal that the c en tn

[Market- Dow-Jones

-NEW YOAK(AP] —TuMd*y.Auo. B.6T0CKS Op*n . Hlgn . Lear Mina 2MJM 3®MM 20T0.4J '30^11 ' T314;tt^231.M'^207>41 1BUa 202J4 204.18 301.: SSSdl 1000,08 106243 lOOOSt Mu*TmnUtn»


! Most activesNEW YORK «9«nB Pfchano«ci<tti« IS moMacM N«w Y

VakmPhtttor 3.7«

. . RJR N«6n . ZIMPspUCo 1.8MtlmcWOT • 1,8KOo*»KitP#l 1.7S8TtOloAOS n ' 1.7IB.Eiaoo 1,fl14MeOgnUi ' 1,5tS

..................ComdfBtM'v,.................. 1.488.0«nEICI 1,47.1AmwTlT ................. 1.457<DM 1,400OmUoUn 1.334BloeH>Era> 1.339VM tl 1.2S

“ - -Local interesOom

AftoTBcr* 30XFM tnL Bancorp 37X

• ConAore 4iHCoon 31Ouffftpn«ip» 0Flntd«c.e«« 24

. 3M

KayCorp.' — 37XLo^.Fbw 13XWeronTKfl 14X

P*cmoorp 31JIPrwiwlc 32XSw iLm 43XStOka^USA 1QX 'TJMcnullonM 33X

' Univenal FooOt 38XVOX ■ 7K •Wtw Ona [Uneorp 32XPMbe. H

' OuottUoot from ! E«>nniD.JoM*ACa.

“ “Closing ftrtinUerth Cccr oJty ImAug. tn a O t t»50 88.40 OcL MciO* n M 7\t0

. Sw*. ohMI IM 3.84 — - .Ut*. -ca n ------ - i U ..—2M

i ; Mybura i m 8.6W; 'S«(1L itMT 108S 3.04I AuB. goM " • JS7J0 3M.S0

" r --fcjB-' w w *— 10fj0-100«} Ott pUkwn SM.SO- 3M.K

[ S«pL TrMWiy0aie4:m { 8«t4. . Tr*M.Dcndiaej4 e i3t

S«pl CMTwt M.43 SJ.OJ f 5»tL S-(nfK 07.01 80.S0 r 8««. 73.70 7J.14I A«. oudtM ' 31.5S' 21.37 ; OucMScntonSlneMrtO).| | ------------------------ ------------------

Stock iiNew York«W YORK I A J > ) m M (>tM to

n rUMtatSkxiEsMf tiUiM—peaMatMOe.

- A - A - AMR 3100 CZI'IX

tso. .............. la u

M U I a ioti u&U'i 'AW) sw 11II>KAMil i n tOIM M»~XAKW 1J8 1S11M««MK

- T - H M - M ------------- 301-2M -Man X 17 TBS ISK- X

■ Ui£ti M 17 XO W»Xlia tl 6u 4a< X

Hssfrt IJO ; ’14 490] 3n«x -AB» lAi ' 14 }1M teX* X-Am JO I3I3OT 2H> XM4n jo I 3711 tSX> XABnd* 14 s n 4a>IXACyv 153 ' la 1904 <a»xA£P> 2.40 <1 6Sn 3SX> Xkrb> a ■ lltOUl H)CX .

J8 1SJ4A ]4XWon 2J0 1B41U <»>XAHO> .90 I3 4iai U -IX

■' , AiWfl 7 KAn«Vt .n 'IS 007 4«,-X•AW i j : 1 19 14i74 » • X

fr tm U '19 73 t2»-X Utao 120 t}OIR tU«IX

n j p - t M ~ ------ » - o w - s a M "taetr»- 21 Ml »AmH JO 90 4C«a » • X .

MTxifUU 40 ](a 1CM>X 'naon .to la tijo m > xM**. * tei. ox>x

. Mrs ■ m t « -XAflBVn 130 - -31 460 JtX*X

. Aum iJX I Su a » - xAMI 1 t} 073 » > )(

, ...JWK&UO .. .. 12 9ttt t2Z(*IX; MM M 7X - AtiO" *3 ■ « W

* AUC0 140 tOHO a «IX ( Ara>0 JO ta lOU 24 j Am .« 17 MO »X>X* Aavn 1401 1«]n^'4«*X

!' A(* .aOi 14 IU » >X

M 2t 3C« >eX>K ', , .IOCS 4X- X3 lUICE 2l|| t t M uXX* X1 B«On» 1.1B la 4709 vUXOX

BMY 't.83 . 33 3U« »> Xi B«Affl IJO «7W }U>X BMn 3J4 1 1489 tex> X

* tajKfii.72 30 IU3 4S> K I Bear .74 11 OOOO »I*X I M U 103 14 Mra 4«X<IX< OilSs I7a - 1} 3M 41X* X '

I MCe 3J0' II 7M BOI'UBrqe ’ ' ' I 01 It-tO

Md> -.40 ttti trBtMiy . . UtHO IIX

^ “ T — :— — “

P i i i l H l H i

oostsba• its ti ' rate I

• The Federal ReserveH t WBffpnshing short* fund 'er in w hat economists o the :y rescue e flbrt to keep !owe s l ip p in g b a c k in to Ec

centi: a F ed m o v e to a d d had I banking ^ s te m was a coult ntial ban k iiod lowered reces

LtS.JonMOVMOMK'M Ckm CtQ =£355556: 70.48 3027.20 <30.24 07.3t-Tm.«-»-*34--------------------M j^ io ™ ^ t i i ^ 7 F o r a g i

J1.7A3.SOO 1312.400 3.0SO.MO #

-----------2IJ24J1D0------ andjbflou

Beans•wYorttStaM VMtvBwt

^;i.ioo‘* 'r i x '3 i K J ; " i24-,IISOJDQ- -IW-*-*- - ^ S S r - - » i ; 1.080.000 32X ♦ X . . ; j1.853.100 00 *3 ••I.758JOO • 25J< ♦ X U*nL«N*«.ltf

' i S '[,47.1.000 72X*X prteolnlomuttofti . ” * * !* DENVEftW -iSi“ 'S!:;

1.333,300- lOX . X ^ ,1.207700 40K.1 Graiin

p f l f - -------------------*

_ POCATEILO-V4,40(*t»«iW;14|

•* oooS n^??^^VC (down10);14p*r

z parc«nlwW«t2.0*2 PORTIANO-W'J t01.00-103.00(«

(4own 13); 11*2 CALOWOJ.-WI*11 - 4J0(rt«J,>,” OOOEN.Ut»n(Af„ . twdr*dMiniwwr

*5 3.OO6«»h*t»u0l;'0 12prW*ln3-87-3i

- * ____2.S7-3.03liu»htli” : U.8. N0.I r«'Z butwliupSloM•’* :U,8-No,1»oflwfJZ toup2:U.3-No.1

unchangMUa.N — 5«oKMay;U.S.f


CHICAOO(AP)- •________DoMdofTtattoTu.ures v««A,

8.40 08J0 -t.17 ^ *•*IM 71,02 -105 r^:853 03J3 .i5 2“112__ S172._i.0J__ __________tL \ T

!0,S0 3S8,70 ♦JO CORN lOon -I01J0- .-JO - ftooobomwmwnIU.OO 3SOJO*3.BO 8«p 248»J0 9.44 .,11 [)« :>484 04 08 Mar 2>«J , 0123 *J0 M«y ■ 3a.0J 8834 ♦SO Jul 2.89.S0 80.80 >13 0«P 2,5>,14 73.71 .72 D«s 3>127 21J7 ..10

listingsM ■ 27 ino tH* X

' ■ 6kWRI.70 23 t2M »(>Xeudc* a i»n im«x

X (M g I 11 S3« 4ex>K—“ n«tc -i,s-- .- :-s8 ie -ij '^x -i, BoOmi 1,14 14 4173 3U«U

DoiCd l,M I) 4<] 20X-XIX B>Uy4q3.40 3<n77t«a*U.IX atw_4.^ ••I ■ 8nrfr U JO 3809 27X* X 'X Bffl-k M H (U 19 X OutAIJO isoo xa>»IX DrftM .70 3» 2443 4U>XH ------------C -C -------------------X CSS I to Ito-X X COKA liM 10 ICI 49»-X X c f s a i a 13 273 is X CU3&0 40 19(3 3tx«x X CM 3J0 ia tui BO *2 X cnss .13 1 4 ^ IU X CSX 141 13 t4U 4 « - X X Cmmt I7}I]Iu27X>X X CnvBpl.lO 130 14(011 >M X CwCM JO lt»4 417 <IU X . U i 13 Ul 4H>X X «tc«n • 29 BU IX< X X emrp' tJO B3 3SOI 4* >'x X C«M Jl 3* 328 IIX X CarCfl liO 810(7 tSX X C«SoW2.« 14 220} 4«<X X OtM .40 30 U <U X CMrvM JQ ; 32 3103 2U« XX OMM IJO tSI IU*Xt'" C f« * (r 'l~ ' '|<5»M'2M*I I* OiWM JO .......33 im I7X. XX . CtwinUO 11 Iiwa IU>I1 CMUH- JO 31 004 ul»-U

X Qtr» M aiH 13 -X X itcxK 2n x«i.iaX ctcv .10 t7 3S21 in>X IX cam 1 7W4 ia»xX CHilfi ' 278 3SXI Ora IM 17 1l»u4tX*IXI.....ia 4«J }IX. XI CaoCI JO 38 III03 UUIOIXX CoVriOO— 17»7-40-*X -X >)CoO> 71044 ISX*! .4 Cotti a 144B lU-tXI Qlme 3 114401 31 «X< CwiM tJ3 7 *<l 33 -Xt 0>q« JO ia30«0 3K-X

C«t« . IWIJ 10*l ( ( ' COVI0--.W - - ititu *»^u ■( Canft ’ 8 4SM QX'I( CarCd 1.B0 II 2K0 3»> Kt CemHQ 1,00 30 1341 «» - X ■I Cmi IJO tiitKuoax«x <I CnStv 41 US 7X-X <I MCp 200 12 mi 3n.X I( couM iota tox.x II Cooc* I.IB 1131(7 snox I( CODM 1 313011 a>IX I( l< 3300 41 >3X <( OnCA 31 KO *»>X 1I Curb JO (39 40 >1 -Ir CuitMn 1 IB 71 31 >-X (I Cip0«t!i •- 31 1140-IB-X ■ (

i D i

aiikrese3 target fo r a key short-tcnjL b; ,te from 5.75 percent down to 5.i Jit m arked th e first tim e that

iher fo r o v e rn ig h t lo a n s —■wcred since April-30. ----------E co n o m is ts sa id b.y jnov in{

mtral bank was emphasizing i i id over th e possib ility tha t th )uld falter, plunging the nation cession.

------------------ :■______ _____I aB.I

iftoditlesLine IS* TTKTime^NCTTO 51

g price reports, ca lt

(4-6326 ^lou» the simple tnafngttofg.— |—*


T»: »l04t7

(34433 .

$19-S30 «••Idoho pric** coOooKjwMkV by &Mn ” .U.a.DH>«tinvito(A9rtaA.n.PiicM >«f».10OpCiOnd».U,S-No. I tw a .<n lu and itarBot cnargot. Ojs(a* V-O-PreducandMlrMemarancanl . . . . " Dan itauld contact OMtort, ^

')'=PMoaandOrMlNci«i<>nitT>o«Oy ^ Tn in Oi»«l«y«t 10.00.

ns - iCAP}..JdMQfjfraai™u---------- ------’ 'igram fwntorTUMd«y. ’’-Wh*»wnMl2.72(9oim3);t)art« , J ;14p«wit»pr1og2JI(down12);n ' ” r2.72{«o»tn0),7«»»hMl2,M{do-nl);bart.y4,40 ' ™ p*rwrt»pr»g2,0B(<toim8): 11 “

r2.»S(*>wn9). g?-WM*»rt>Ml3.37(i>oiiill3Xban«y 3(Oo»til.3);Mp«rc*«Hprino3 47 p«»ntw1r«r3J3(<JownO). -WWi»>»nMtc*t4,73(a9Mi7);b«rt«y »y

i(AP) —OrakiMdtforTiMMUytNo.l ^ »wn.«ur»JKl1ortln»(ypfo«oln2.00- J0 1:11 prot*« 2.e(M.oo bu*nM up 1: 7-3Mt)u»rwttup2loup1:13protMn _htiin»<»yw«pl_ Prtnorth«nwr1nowt**l2.70-2.9« *<0 M«&t.. ________ _____ _flwf«»»tw«l2.OT-3.87bu*l>*l»»t*«7/ ^ 4o.1y«iowcom5J1-SJ3butn*tt9.MoJt«rt*/4.3»4.60tw»J>*<«down J?.S.Naloati4Jo-4.90bu»r>*i« ~

’J-rutufMlnKjinBontMCrikioo . —E S T -a i— — S

nm ddkrm p^tw M 2 « 2 03 2.04 2.03 ♦.02X

2.WK 3.07 iOrX 3.0(W ♦-02X 304 3.13X 304 3,12 ♦.C2 ^

S OaS 3.00)i 3.02 3.00X *.01 J i— 2.»M-3.9aH-a.«— 2.e»(— .01- ®f

3JM 3.04 3 M . 3.04 -.01 JJ*M10.1B3------ ----------- ------------ ~n Int 83,820. off 702. "

2!48*?53’ ? 4 4 * ' ZS2 -.COX ’ SU 2JIH 3J8 348 2.S7X —01 US 2.B7X 3.84X 3.S8 2.04X -.OOX S*(

3.82)1 200 3.03 2.00 -]oiX Jai2 i3 3.58 2i3 2.54X -.OIK Ua340 2.60 3.47X 2.4QX -.02X Ma

»45,0M. JulnM231.7S0.en4.OM, Q«,

( - 0 - 0 - C*I WH 142 10 B17 31X-X CIOI CNX 144 II im 27X Ctli OnCpIJO 49 377 JW* X tafiI —OaaS*----------------3CaO-lKtJ(___OdlI Dn«M 1*4 14 1574 t t .M 0«01 Onr* 2 I7S0B0 4U*X OmI. e*»vi30 liJO 7 a . X ow1 , DiCd. 1X0 . . . g u n xN .x . ou

r ' OMM UIO u - X Ow1 OHMy -70 34 3AS2 I2IXMX OO I Oa* .30t 11 1310 43X. X 1 torAi 3.44 12 *23 vt«. X HM ----0»«— JO----- «-l044_37---- Jl; ttoaJm ,7t 20 302 3a . X HirI »Mrt JO I117S0 2U« X HM; ifiM IBS IStSM 41 .IX M

CUjP i I,73 13 IMO so *X HlfcOir«di> 3109 34 .X M

- M - Hw : EUC IS 208 BX Mo

SmSn 140 12 348 2W-X Hr*EtaMi 3 30 0087 40). X Hon{JU 2J0 30 411 (4 .X t*m(fffe ,70 If 1279 tJX. X Ho™DCO 13 ta U Hcri6mE133 • I7J379 44X. X H*Emn 340 17 BIB BW* X HoiE<M> J » - 34 tIU t7X HoiEmvfflJO 14 7182 34X. X HmU<,l OO l] 1374 2S|. XEarn lU l> ia|«4 on.IX BP

— P-f - RT rw ■ 'lo ^a 4m.X (Hi n \ 0pl40 19 2447 «B». X UM <fiHd 31 tl-IB Vo> M n 41 7 771 w -x nw F«£« 17} 1(99 41 .IX knar FOM. 2 12 1030 BOX.U D NMiliM 13 17731 SBXtlX MOC POSj J3 12 tOlO 201. X .kW FCWM M X US F«3« 2 . 10 031 3BX> X Mk FtM 3 1 BSSB 3n< X BU n«cn J l 24 Ba ! » - X m

■■■ F ^ ' J4-------» J J f 8U*Ti— Wft- fW>B-l74 • t2 « l 4IX.X lp*i. FUr J3 24 BOM 41*FVM 40 a . X JViPFcrOilfi 11(09 » • X . JkHFtKlfctA* 34 3717 UX-X JRM

> .0 -0 - MnOftCH 8 82 M Jcft l

• on- 1.70 -- IS l»(t 301. X JMa0«nMIJ4 211908 43 .X0«0p JO B-1231 tm KmaOvttft.. 1901 2M«X Km«OrO I tl t»0 (U - X KCSc0«n0 30* -W<«7I» 72X. X K»aiOrfttut J2 tlilOt‘,ISX.X KM0>Ullt40 22 3117 83X.I K«)tOfiMtJO 1W9 4«.X XileiQue M a i n iu 9 u .x K«ftoru ■ IJO 10 IB17 2«. X KMOnSlgrttJO 300 «X

■Ottma I7B7 B-X Kr«iOiPk too 31 34(7 UX.IX

' MM IJO 31 1IB0,8» IA0(

__ ' i ' . - •

iMiervesinp. bank lending “T he Fed > 5.5 percent. help,” s a id . la t the federal the B oston Cks assess each------Fitiancial-— h a s b e e n ' F e d ’s m o v

............................... average rose'in g n o w , th e ju st over 8 p : the concern it set June 3. t the recovery The Trcas on back into- a o f interest-n

p e r $ 1 ,0 0 0

0AT8 ------- ------Sap 1J&N 1,35 1JAX 1.Ok ■ IJS 140X 1J4Mar 142 1.44' ' 1.30XMay 148X 149X 148X ‘

—Sop --------------------- .-------------1,Mon,'! taM 1,025, Mon.'tep«Mnll1.e03.en»3.


Aug 5J0 8.77X 8.S9 8.7_ * , p ----------*.e.7t—

Nov 580 B.B2X 8.74 6JJan 5.82X 0.03 S.8S B.IMW _ e.05 0.11 / 9.M 0.0 Mty 0.05 0.10X 0.02 8

' Jul 0.00 O.tO OJM 8 8«p -5.04 SM S.03 SNw S.7S 5.07 B.T3 i t

Mon.'«uMSU73.Mon.'t epan M 09.388, oO 1.840,

PORTLAND (AF — out m'i2:30 pm. PC lor grslra am»M « PcrUnd tor MpmaM or barpa. par bu*M. asapl oata. com. bi •orB'wm.parert No. laonwMawtMl No.IwtMcbbwnaat

' No.2eomMiM)oU(*'' ~No. 3 bartvy. una nm* and bargn

1 ta rt t«d »Har o tM crdMy pntakitOpetprotam •tlpetprcMn13pc»p««alBI3petp«jw

- I3papn*alfi- ---------------------i4pap)o(*in


VWayOralnaSoft wDBa tthott no quoM, barlay no quota gram no quota. o«a no quota, and com no Whaat prioat«« givan da»y by Rangan'i. pnwt art an tvacw of Mvaral Magtc Vtl

Waatam Sloe*man'«. Inc. ki Mountain Hon by Waatam Stodcman'i. Inc. of Oooding n ortM n1>aaL Aug. da»my, 3J l .Raad Onln and Daan In OuH and Hanaan fooontlng gram pricaa:Aug. (MM>y. ton aKaalZ85. barlay

PotatoesCMICAOO (AP) - USOA-MlJOf pottB I FOO ahlpplng polnta US IA Monday; maa* aacto, norwtla WaahlnBtoo 7.00: 50 ft 00 counl. WatNnglon 14,00-15,00. Oragor 18.00; SO neanwta 100 aun t WaaNngia 11.00, Ongen 12.00,

Sugar------ - ~Tacli CoAaa, Sugw and Cona EKhang* T

Opan Hl^ Lour SaCOa OUOAfMVORLDII112.000 ba^eanlipvb. .

,O c t „ ...... 8M.._S.30__________ »-

. May------8J7 . dJS-.-OOO . ..OJ

Oct 6.81,. 8.80 0.01 0.1Mon.'i ula« 8.033.

-- -Mon,Vop«ilnl1!0,8ir.o(fBW.-------8UOAR14112.000 ba^enti park.Sap I 2145 2140 21No* 21A) 31J1 21,70 21.Jan 2I,S0 21M 21JS 2UMar 21>3 21M 21,09 21.1May 22Jul 32.13 22.13 22.13 22XSap 22.

C M a J3 33 S13I 4U. X UCCM I.ISa 23 B2(7 44X> X ISIlCtMn 1081 4X-X tiTtCtMF .ta 11 1383 V(IX.2X laU

- a w i - i a ___ iB im 4 » - i imr0«iwn 40 307 'U .'K '- 'I mEOraa 140 IB 4571 31 >1X UrOMPe JO 12 3» 4Zl|. X IM04*01 .J 2 .. . ts I3M 771^X ,W

Onm 1 7 OOMSX-X 160o e u 31 lit 10X UcU

-H -H - UnHatti 1 34 1H4 3tK- X «1U)!

. ____ U -(» . J8I--X__ n oHMr 20 ITT UI2X.1X lAaHum l « 40 B<3 21 .X UPiHsMIXea 1017 ICR UMHM JO 19 4403 m .XH nJi 224 20 1CM 43 . X ICUItMy JO 201IM 41X UKtH nft Sl 17 85(7 85X. X UithMOI tJB 34 1317 4tX.X Utf(I«n0 • .13 53 73(1 u(«.U IMHoTsSb 21 730 . SC-X IMIM a JO 1871 lO ^X • k taHmli IJO t2 3(n 51 — X likBjHonal JO 11 ftU 2m. X l,b)(

HnaH2JB 8 ISIO uOU<2X kfetXHcaM UO 12 4730 38X tfcOcH m iJ O IS 3331 SIX-X M r

- M - ■ , UcOr BP JO 411 3313 IK. X ' UXi RT JO . I 9 IU -B S -X — ll-d m cp t,72 B30BB SOX.lX UMto

t OB II 331 3SI. X 'UiMVow 5M 20 .X IMnw J l 11 BS3 lOX.lX I UMknm 1 38 BB9 tISX.IX ! kMjD &1Ba 11 taS'kAlXttX . IkrTMOO 1 ISIOOO » . X UM>gBlUIJ2 IS 1191 BU»« , UNM l .111 V77 2U- X ; .UMM b t2 11 4X. X ' U tiBU 4M l4ll4CaiO«»X. U »Mtar 240 11 ,B4t B'»2» 'HirfM V lJO ...... ■|7J2H-80* )I‘ "I**b.ip*B 1J1 . II l u r

JViP 11 2387 11 . ; i NO«JlBCal 3t SJ 21X NCnJRh« JO • 44 im 34 - X KWiM n IJO BB07I ta.tX M.l«Jcft h ,12< 3 tX-X NriaJooaoa. JO 31 114 3a«U NtfC

~ K -X - UKi>«l,7B 12 10019 4SX.U NMKnb 41S SX« X MSvKCSou t t t 13 Itt.O n. X NMKwoe 1,72 1Sa3Su21-.X HnPiIM tIJO tt3IB3 3S .X NErgIK«)«l .l«l 14 X in HoWXiton 113 • 23 ue uioox.ix ki«K«iUeU3 ' a 1X0 <3 .X NaMKMO 290 . II 101 • » . K M t

1.40 1I8B40'BIX.1 MMIB.3IM ta t-X Mal

— 1 ^ — MU( IA0( ^ 10(1 l« - X ri>w

I move Jid had to case. The economy d A llen S inai, c h ie f econoir iC o .a lm arice ts-ra llicd -sharp ly < >ve. T h e D ow J o n e s m d u >se 38.24 points to close a t 30: : points short o f th e rccord 3,C

asuiy-’s 30-year bond, a baro -rale trends, was up niore th 10 in ,fa c e am o u n t and its

Mon.^ aalaa S12, 11,35 .,03X Mon.'aopanWIOJ


Livestoc1.52X .,03

- 1.Sfl - r02X, - - POCATBXO (AP) IQ

' Idaho Awig* P * ^8.70 — J1X LIVESTOCK AtXmON.8J4X— JtX---- Sho(hon*onUonMy.(BJ3 —.34X 40,00.52^0: haavylaac5,03 -.34X 1«3-1.10;«ockarta*iMeOi -JBX Im dtttl^T S M U

8.13 -JO Kaane«iX>-T3J0:hob8.14 —J2 baby dairy caMa no qu S.B3 —12 «n(lcafflm«nMbiA01

8A3 —02X . haftn 7S.0»<3JXI: Bg ModcarhaOaraOS.OOM dairy cwn no quota; wa

. . . . . lanita no quota. Ram«l .POTTuaaday oOw daaaaa ilaatfy. antbyrrt.trw*. banay and NATIOkAL 8T0CKYAR

3J7 andgtt>.2»..s6l(MV. 3A3 10Z30.300biaJS.3(

------- 5.B7 • 6SJ»:2427MOOI)ej4.00 4««k«J0 ,4.W O o w U ^ U O Ib tW

ki U 7 ata«tylo1JMNohar.1-3.37 K> 43.00-48.00.3J0 0oart:AJwaigna38 00 3J8 41J».341 CcaaandcaNM.-7B.Tr

•iaara and haMre. atfvi----- - -S 4 4 — Mooday.alwohnrataan

3,82 CcmataMy-Tbolawbi 3.84 Supply RaWyalaugMar

•xpacM to asM d aatl- SlaugmartlaatKcholoa

nta.rr^ad 07M: cholc* 2.3 not taa inoquota, S29-1.200()83J04S.8I I'l.OVtarralfl-' W X O «m Vtlaydaalar }(olalalncaaiactandcN

3nottaatad. «vna.quolad S(aughlart>a«ar«;ct>olc4 jraportadaoA M JO; cholc* 2-3 not laa

1.200 »03.0a«0.09:aai lanraporlstna 02.00.

SlaughSarocMubrsaUni rlay4.30-t.S0. . 800Ck81M, 51.0frS2.0I

47.0040M. Siau^narbulla: Y01.2I

• CHICAOO (APJ-FuW itsmarkati Mam nca Enawga Tw aaatalOOba Opan tI ft cMtona 70- CATTlf gon14.00- . 40.000 fe*.-oarti par b. 3«n loao- Am 09J7 01

Oa 72JO r.Dac 7440 7‘Fab 73JO 7-

ju«» n x o r. OonlhaNaw Aug 71.75 7'laTuaadar ' Mon.-a aalaa 1S.B04, >a Cr«. Mon.‘aopanM09,92

FEEDER CATTlf 44.000 ta4oarti par ft.

»48__ .-.11__Aug 6048 H0.90 . -0 1 'S*p----------64.#0“ 6-

,0J 0 ------a — o a ---------04M -0'0.00 .i>2 Nov 04,00 O'

0.00 -.03 Jtn 04J4 8Mtr 03.80. K

.............. ...........A^ '• .-.-.-bsoo- b:Mty 03.10 O:

Mon.-aaaiat 4.143. 3148 2148 Mon.'t opan M13.9H 2 ia i ..03 H003 J1J9 —.02 40.000 fta.:aania par ft. 21J9 - 0 1 Aug 8248 822.04 .01 Od 4340 422.00 - 03 Oac 4385 412220 *.0S Fab . 44.08 44

>C9 J3 2B0 n HemAAlo 3« 3C 7X-X Hass'HIV 1078 IX- X Hatsj M js 11023 12 .X . Nm iJtrri 40 14 291 I2X-X Hr*.

— -|S-«2 a - - X ----------Mt 2 191119 7» . X Oaf>aMS JS 2S 11300 2K-X OM£dgM i n 10 ea 47x«ix,, o tta

ACIlbJS 17 0381 4IX»IX OWO octM 3 fttS27 4» -X OmgO c m I IS 1069 lOOI. X Oryx .IU)S» a i SX-X o*w(ICb- 1.70_____11 ItSI. » X .X .._ .0 «A M 1 a SH 37X. XtPac IJO 42 3(13 43X.IX PHJicm I4S io>3isui7i. X pra

— U-U — - P3)DU 144 II 191 301 PactlkftollJt 20 3201 3SX.X PteCEim k 11 C8 7X PaeTHUKO 1 t4 »7 401. X PKICltorU JS 253 2413 171. X vfAAM l IJO 1 197) S7X>3 PareCte a JB B0 32U U *X PmCcthaa 4111 B . X Paoan

tJ3 IS 1(33 t « . X Pwn,laAg JO ai(OB IIX PrflktWT . I 3ZM I9X. X PanrBkftrt J7 14 ISII7 3«»X. PkAoikOtO 140 B NS B3X-X PapaCUM 130 ~ -.IB 909 BSI. X PartSkXaa.IJO '» (71 3S - X Plar iM —.. I ------- 11(0 J3X-X natoMta 140 2» M S 'a X - 'X '''R « ilal* 144 -14 29(7 4U.X PMUrM l 102 12 37B 1«(-X PItfatlattt 2J3 ao90i2sx.ix m anMjn I 11 S239 41X.X ftnfi,kne 3n> I4X p mkMdntJO 1S 3301 tn .X .PMBBU 1.13 15 47BI (7X*tX P MktfllJO 14 310 2 0 .x PcnOCfeU U O 11 ssa BBX* X PttaatmalHOO 40>4I«7IX .1 PtMO

141 13 4(1 a .X PftfCd------- ir«IO’ 5JXil“ 'PSBJ-

( M .70 30 1191 « . |X ftgt^- H - H - OuaM

9« (41 II 4S(3 31 . X OuttSIcn 1.73 31 3273 lOtX* X Otrarirscoi.19 l3 13a9t03X. X OuvWLM M 198 1(3 i n . x Oja«^ a J( IB isa 3SX.X 'tfQ il4t 14 3M 2U. X RAMiI 382 17X. X RatfUUaiS J9 14 312 4SX RargC

m t a Rf)«iMar 21(3 U>X R i ^nP<r IJO 30 BM in .X RtahAErgOlM 7 1327 3« . X RtyWM 4tS H2 RPRa.I « a i l3 II 1210 3Sl. X RlaAM•Ml JO a 8« J7 .X R«M>«lg JO . IS 104 38(-X 'RcMaiaU> J4 37 4M3 1BX.X Rtfr'kiBtJO 13 SIM 44X.U nsuatUe IJO 1130(7 4 » . X AoariXM J3| 1» 3 .X fteiOt

issiM l l i P w f n

seen asny needs d ro p p e d to 8 .17 om ist o f percent posted late

In o th e r eco n y on th e Department rcporti d u s tr ia l Am erican woricers 3027.28,- 1.9 percent in the ./ 3,035.33 • It was the larges

defm cd'as output f oroldetcr three years, than S5 B ut analysts wc

ts y ie ld the in crease d id i

ioji8.o«4o. irAuo

>ck £POW

- iQina Farm Eknau 40JOoc*nportlorTUaa<3ay. Aug------------ . . . ...••dtot Raport-no raport War

MtyON-OheaMoaSalaYaidln May.U8ByandcoRnacdalc0M--------Aug-laadaiieo.OO«S.OO:i^fa*dtn Me taiM>l.95-1X0;IlgMt>alaM> Mo«3il0: haavy hotatafei iaadar

3 quota: f f u S a no quota; S ? ’ . I V ^ la01A>«0.00;r«*^laadtr;Bghllaad«rMltn.M-l.03: NCW'043.00; Mock CM no quota; TUaad

rnaHa:coMlJX>2X0^.ai OOU)

.AugrARD3.a(AP) —Hogal.800 Sap comptrad with Monday, bariDwi Ocl

S. 200270 0 545044,75. lavr Fab b82,2M4J3:1.3200-230&l ' A ft'

JunMaMyu JOkM«r(Mr600» Aug *,1.3 300400 b 43J0; ovw EOO Oa

Oac800;fa«UK>ar2SOft40.00- Fab

*trB.TMngakwon<laughlar Jun■tfva on cowt. At comparad to EftaaraandhalfvaMylMhwar. Mo wbuHtoaatabWamar-kaL SI.VE taaritaar«Bndnaftri,Raaa«tt 8.000'aatl.m«ar'*................. ' Aug~oloa 3.4 1,025-1,400 B) 0050- 8«p <tattad;aalactandctmaa2.3 Oa U.80;aa4tcl2-3900-1.17Sft Oac

Jtn]c^Olca3.3^ottMl-ad;c^olc•3. ' Mtr

Mty<oM24900-1.228ftM.00- Jul< laatad; aalaci and Ctttica OSO- . Sap I; aaiao 2-3 02S.1,078ft 0800. .. < Oae

Jantk«o2447,00«00;bOnlng1.2 Mar 12.00; low to Bvaraga cuClr>g May

1.2te«ta, Mo.

utmtlndkigonlMChleage TDaAiiTuaaoay:.......................... Saiaai1 High Lorn SaOa 0 « . Hongl

r b . Londo 09J0 0040 OOJO —1.17 Londoi 72.80 71«) 71.62 -1.05 'Parlaa 744 7 73.04 73J0 —.67 franUi 74.0J 73J0 73,80 - .8 0 Zulch

—74J0-74JS-74J8----- .20— atfcad.73.00 72J4 72-00 - J S NYH* 71.75 71.74 71.78 —JS NYEm

J04,. KVEni8.929. up 1.192- -HYOa

ttJO,rft. ' NYRtt

0048 05.82 88.62 - ,85 WJS,' 03.07 ■■—78-----------

- • 4 J 5 - 03.05-S3X7 —.75— S£W104-78 03.07 03.90 -O S w at»8438 03.78 03.77 —48 Thabu

. 03.00 83,37 03J7 —.38 .*}»S8•03.10' 63-00 - B2.T0 —4S - Cngaot

02.10 02-10 01-98 — 15 uptOX 13, MYCor ),9l0,0tt372. SO.OOO

rft. NEWY! 82,04 82.12 82,72 ‘ .OS TUawla) 43J7 43J8 43,62 .,10 Alumlm

43,72 43J0 43-82 — 13 Tua,44.10 4340 43-80 —68, Coppar

i S J i e i i i S ^ » xdtp IJO 9 IOM 2SX> X SC£«(Ml J3 II 3030 30X. X SPCTacv<u 4*8 iaai7 73*. X s<fcu-------- - 0 - 0 - - ---------------- a * * 'XM I 18 iri«2 3SX. X SFWCr«Ed IJO 14 17(1 I9X> X SiniMIMeiSO . 4P MX. X SCAMa,— uo -------w-aoo-aax-x— fatiiw-WOK J4 ' 13 5a IU* X ScMiOngCa 84 SX-x SocPrj» . IJO 12 I2M IW-X . Satgm•wteC 1749 IIX'X SaanIM fi) 18 ;S3 13 - X 5«Pa;

" .....................SMTr2•J .13 18 S40 13 SMMtra IJO ts i i in SBx. X sk)««a J l j a m is i .x siTO«eKb( I.7B t317 a x -x S<«9aqaeCE 154 13 3(71 Stx. X OcratkTH 114 IB 33a 43 . X Scr>)CpKICpIJO .13 4709 a >X SoffiCoPAA 4Kt 7-IS-t-a 9.A1HrtC -JO 4U( I2X S-M 1aCcn .70 31 3803 !* • X • S»«MV tiO 3 aOq>may 104 131(31 SOX-tX Siott.A 110 II 411 UUX. X SWtm rt 3 a 44S 71X. X SirCoIftoi .11 31BSBrgl«.XipaC 41 a IHBO i n .x Srao>1£I J l 17 ou 3SX--Xbv a 1J3 31 BB17 iASX>3X TECOMO 3 - 7 7S9 (BXMX TFM Ja O 'ia - - 1 » ta 21 VK - TacOl4*1,73 1717(11 7tX‘2X TWar .«at 1,13 I0 4J0I 3«X Tkfrtn40TP B a 14Xn>»>IJB ai7S BIXt3X TMSra

aOB JO 3SS4 la .X TMTfCt*raU JO U B47 39(. X Ttrranac IJO I 315 in>X 1tentsa « * B42C 33X.I t e a .SOO 3 17 eno t n .u iwmhCa i 11 1004 23X Td>KB J ' l I l ------ 10S3I9 37X.X - TWJSgi^-1.71 101121 ax -X .TkomjaM IM 30 3S74 lOX-X TkniWjttSC JO M (OS tlX. X T>t*4Hnri 2 a i 7-IS Tkrtona m 441 34a l(X. X TbUMj a « i i a 12 BS8 2CH. X Tbaai

318(3 IU. X TnramIAPutltt ' ISCIB49X>X Tnrao)'r<gO J( T7 134 rx- X Trwir '1)01 340 10 lies *«X- X ' TrC«2.^ 78 U. X Trtin•h* JO IIMOSuSXH Titm•yta IJO 17 1(10 n . X TuoEP«a44 4I7S 54« 45X iy<iUMAM • JO IB 307 3IX«M J8 lliSBa 37X. X UALCtiMaatJ4 17-a0 4SX.« OOffr' iB tia a x . X UNCtcAna JD 14 341 IIX-X USVW H Ilti -8-^X IBFO>)Ot4J3t II 60(7 HX.tX - ISO

mI rescue.1 7 p e r c e n t f ro m th e 8 .2 2 late M o n d a y .:o n o m i c n e w s , th e L a b o r lo rtcd th a t th e p ro d u c tiv ity o f cers r o s e ,o t an a nnual r a te o fjc A p ri l- Ju n c <J8aiter.-------------rgest a d v a n c e in p ro d u c tiv ity , u t p e r h o u r o f w o rk , in n e arly

w ere not im pressed, saying id n o t signal any long-term

Ajr------ 42,78-« .T 9 -43 .32 -4£» -

Jul 4745 4745 47.23 47;i5Aug 40.00 4000 45ja 45J0

Mon,-a aalaa 0,674,Mon.'a opan M 17.400. oB eoo-

•OAKBELUES «j»0M 4c«naparb. wg 42-SO 42.90 43J0 43,03Fab 47,48 40,18 40«0 47.17U«- 47.25 47,70 4000 4077I4ty 47.77 48.50 47,77 47.90M 49.00

MonTa aalaa 3.333,Mon,'aopanlnt 5,402.00591,

MetalslEWVORK (AP)-^uturat nOMffon sw Coi baadtr

Opan Htfi Low SatSaWU)

" ' ^ “ ^ ‘ mtI o ^O O W S O 3S6 70 lap 3SOOO5CI 30OJ0 300.50 319.50 350.70)ae 363.50 363J0 363.90 363.10=ab 307.10 367.10 300.50 30640W ■ " 30050bn 372.70Wg 3T0J0 370.50 376.503a 379J0

-ab 300.50kpr 390.10lun 394.00

E«L aalaa 18,000, Mon.t talaa 23,930. Mort.-a opan M 90.405. OB OBCJSa.

1.VER.OOO^^cc.: oafA parMycs.

lap , 300.0 390.5 394.0 3960

>ac 403.0 404.0 401.0 403.7

4tr 400'0 4128 408fl 400,74ty 4144'Ul 418.0 421.4 419,0 419.2lap 4230 4240 4340 4342>ae 403J 433J 433-3 4}3.3an 4332Ur 441.8 443.0 441.S 441.04ay 447.0

EiLaalaa12.000.Mon.'a aalaa 11,963. Mon.-a opan Int 100,009. up 903.

haAeaodetedPreaettaoad woiu gold prIcM. Kong lata: not availablt,Mon motrang tilng; »357J0, up S0.70. sndon afiartwon fcdng; S357,00. up »050. xvlon lata; S3S7,78, up SI.55,«la anamoon Rdng: S350.13, up $324. ranUun ftxlng- US7.63. up SI .97, iich lala anarrioon; 057.50. up »1.50, J350'

Y Htndy & Haman: S3S7.00. up S0.50.Y Engamard: S15626, up SO SO.Y Engalhatd fatncatad: S370.17. up SO S3.Y Comax gold apol month doaa Tuo. S350.70 >J0,Y RapuOOe National Oank 4 p m, Tua, S3S7 Jt

CW YORK (AP)— Handy A Htrman alKiw Tu at S3.950. up 50.025,MbuOion prica lor aOvar atraw In London waa )»S8SupS0.0235,Xjamanl UIW t3,080,'in to.030. tatnotad >S0032,f Comax atvar tpM month Monday 33.921. ug 1.000.iWYORK (AP) —Spotrwnlarrouamrtsipnc. ■aadty.jmlnum . 57-2 cantt par pound, London Matt

)ppar ■ S1.1330 par po>.nd. U.S. onuntuoftt,

xMr JO ’ 34 2071 IU> X USni* i - 5-8 _

Ec9 272 t3 33t7u(2X>X tOXUtS>ITac tJS 13 10 IXartt ..

JO »2S57ueiX<2 Ur£)K 3e * 1,19a------ IJU wlK. X— \Mfii -!'WCn 24SO ft»-K UNI11

MM 3S3 8. lOlUiax.X VSSs/l.

fM> IJO. a 7 « 3 70 .X UrMa CCP JO' 41 tt3 (OX. X Ucc^ . agm 2 t( BM 1C9 .u Vsttn I.m 3 14 tass 4IX. X u s in 11cPa; 1J3 4991 3ZI. X 'aTrlEOa------- I J 'l t J 'S n . X -VBWi-Jn«ia 43 17 3007 34X.X a)«« 48 a 131 ISX-XMe1.73a 37 130 BGI'U VWMI«ail73a WOSSIX.IX ViM.1Mt 2 19 4S0 43 .X VMMI .1t>)Cp J7a a 4(3 4iX>X ttoriaMi*Col14 IS41U 27X-X ViVPil 4Mil .to 54 3004 3SX-X ViVW 2M 2J( I5 3M0 S9 .X ^

120 t3 311 iax> X VMiFB® JOa 15 » 7X-X WanJ^JlUi a 1071 47X> X Wi«Eal>« 48 a 09 9 >X W «Ti IrCo tJO » 37M 30M WrtI Irt» I .83 24 (080 43X. X WUrx :•cs JS a I2S3 (0>X VMin

- T -T - m ^ t .

W IJO lllieo 4<x-x_.. MW8Jl ' ~ 40 IM(.|.tt WiMi Ilar -tn 1B4 SX'X YtfintMn a4U4 13 -X•Crn ■ IS 190 ISX-X Xaroiora JO 17 58) a - X ZaiMTC

JO a 174J 19 . XTfCtJSa 140 I7X.X A _TO 330 34 an# W . X / u l l■tn B 319 eX-X .a o 130 12 9(3# OX.X K£vrYO»dm .73 . 2S2S sau-x frmtmOl>K (Oa a 12 3ZXlua 3 - — t141»4-)B|.X- AnFtftilam I ■ I0 12M nx -*a».

1 Itsil 11 O AmM 1.0S a 9(7 1IX*IX M i ,«an 1 S3 254 27X. X AScCMn JO 040 IIX-X An>».U|iKS JO 4 t03 a - X Acpdiflu a 4157 3IX. X AjS*ronl.90 12 1474 13X* X AMncoIJO' 73 9U 27X-X AAOIh«r t.BO 20U tn AciMstaiKla a i ax . X • DiHO 29MO JO U (30 (UMX WTIn,75VM .U 39 xe 2U On44aaXa£p no 4 OargOrlU JO I7N73 4M.X Dolfti .

~ I M J - DnSWIC? US IO ,.X Oraoig 11K IJ4 IS m tSX'X OSC^e tc 14 310 9 CtCflg JWK 2M 13 (SS7 m * X OrO *FO JO ' 4 ia 7X*X CFCdagC0 27» IX t3t£n

of econ<:2 -^ m p ro v c m e n t in th e c<

^oduc tiv ity problems.3r ■ The report did show tho of key b a ro m c te ro f - in f la t o f moderated significantly tc..... 2.6 pcrccnt in the second qiy. Analysis said thc Fed I ly m ove to low er in te rest

surprisingly weak uncmpl lg a rash o f oOicr data that ha m durability o f thc currcnt rc(

ao - J S Tua-15 —JO Cc«9-S32700tun0y&><am 90 —40 Oold • S356.70 troy Oi.. NY C.

Sayw. S3 OiO llantfy & Haim Silver. S3 WO por iroy Oi , N-

17 -5« Fossil fuel:M -JO ,NEWYOftK(AP)-fu1ur«t, X) —1.00 Meccantile CxcMrige Tueidtr

CRUOeOL1.000 bbl,:doBan par btl.Sap • 21-U 21.5S OC 2145 2146

0*: 3123 21.24Coma< Jon .3105 3111

Fat> 30 07 30 00Chg. Mar 20 63 70 B3

Aer 20.70 30 70May 20.59 30 50

70 .5 0 - Jun ?0 4 5 30 45

70 *40 Aug 30 50 30 4010 .40 Sap40 ..40 Od 30 S5 30 55

70 . 'l0 Oae

O -.10 Fab 0 —20 Mar 0 - 3 0 Jun

0 - 5 0 Mon,’, opan W 373-330, orHEATINOOIL '

.. -42J300gal:oanitp<r9al-----Sap 50 00 OOOOo a 01.00 0103

10 - .30 Oae 03'p0 6 2 «12 *20 Jan 03 00 03 05'.7 *2.0 Fat. 01 60 01.00

1,7 .15 Apr 50 85 M.054 .1,0 May2 .1.0 Jun 54.15 54.15

.3 .i'o Aug 5500 55002 .1.0 Sap 56 00 56 00.0 .l.a Oct 56 00 MOO.0 .|,B Nov

• OacMon.'a ta>»< 13,003. Mcn,'topanlnlna .

UNLEADED OASOUNE 4ZOOOoaCe«r«tparoal Sap 07,30 07 40

• N<w OQOO 6070

Jan • . SflOO 5fl00

50 00 Mar 50 63 59 00•

.70. up AugMon.'a attM 30,070

rj0,up Mon,’aopwiini 70.052,ofi:NATURAL OAS

* ^ 1.40Q 1405

Dae 1570 1571)a O M JS O Jw i---- . - - 2.137-2.143

Fab 1.800 1.005

Apr 1410Mty 1 430

xwot Jun

atelE*tfi. Auo 1450Mon,'i aal«a71.

nt, Mon.'t opan Inl 30,400. off 4

“ ISI0W9 37X.JSSSnl 17U ;a • X Cnn I2t

..1 . 13 0138 3I>i*X OWO: 3IB II 1(73 3IH Drtrad,-250----- 14 lOIO-agil'IH 7«1 a*4 i » - « tis«o, 07 I a io tu* X loia/1 .30 <3 IB73 7ZI-X tnfrtOk-140---------W0tl-4tUJU— IXSCO-----a 1 IS 3709 37X* X ErdAlI .70 / a r m 21X‘ X FAutPilOOa1 l.ia 17 7070 4 » - X Flta 40EI04 9 112 4W. % Fm li

. - V-V - Fruc- U ........... 13 I4J4 '3K -I ■ CSitai'IJfl'a 18 (71 Ul- H a r v

rtalJt UIU ISU 'X CCdag .((I to 15 a Tax. X Haan 24

.17 4 ii3snu(«»i lamat.TB talD9 tax I M .IC( (JO 31 7( ZZSOX llfwI 240 10 348 IIX- K rvfjcii H

44 24 laia ini» X Hrrtur4 ( 3374 70 • X trpOlsIJO

«J4 3113110 n IntUr

ri 120 21 U30 XK‘ X , JanOal1,10 a tg03 MX-X lasy

7 34 1879 IIX ia«iS. 07)1 11 770 ISX v iM9t40 I7II78UX.X UJfl1 l a 17 770 1M- X ,] U 4X>X . Utum

JO 14 34 IR 'X U»C 40 -X -Y -*- KPtn1 I0 1J4* SB*X HVTlTi .M

; 1157 ' KtNlANCdOg JO

[nerican STl'iPaKpt 44

OflX(W>)-Tutna»)ntlp*aafcr P«jCU ,10.nOadiEicfarviltauM PtU) ,lia

ROaMLMIOg. PtirtTfl BOLiJa - 07 5M. « Pt^* ' ‘0

a Mt X PV3.I. ,17(0 3415 BU* X SPIP*. IS

40 4X- X C»tl

I » - X T.OU » 79 4X. X

123 2 - X TIrla4 X ToiM K I :

,7Ja a 3081 IZX-M8 l>«rpaJOa a 31 lex- K ircoa

40 14 373 37X UFoidA 24M P(* X US Do

I 10 IlK. X ua CalI 104 1 IU .Ur ftl 'p j^ n » j * iS 5 i ■”

41 14 lOJ 3IX- X YiWW gOla 310 4X.|.ia WMIc 4S

7B 19 3* WRET I4S

lomyc c o u n try ’s c h ro n ic

thot unit labor cos^ts, a ‘ 1fla tio n a ry p re ssu re s ;— r r — J y to on annual rate o fid quarter........ ........... -------------- cd had been forccd to ;cst ra te s fo llow ing a-. jm ploymcnt report and t had cast doubt on thc jit recovery. j

MrwiyW.WCorTiavafW- • -........ ~

. tltrman {only ealy quoal 'NY Comgn apol tnonlh Tun llaiman (onfy ilatfy quolo) «,NYComa.»po«monm


146 21 22 21M -.11

111 XOS 2099 -.10 300 30.06 20 80 - OO 303 30 60 20.72 - 00

3 50 20 50 20 51 - 0 9

350 30 30 30.43 -.10

30.43 - t o

3047 - 10-

20i2 -JO

3057 - 1 0

30, od.2,084.

JOO 5005 5800 - «B

1.95 01.M 01.10 -* W

105 02 00 02 22 -

125 50 35 50.40 - 07 ‘

- 5455 -0 7

,]l5 53 70 ' 5 3 1 5 - 0 7

100 50 00 547S - 0 7 ,100 56 00 55 65 - 07

5745 -B 7 [

I.M 0230 0245 ' - M i

100 57.30 S7J5 -.70

100 OOOO M05 - 3 0

J ^ 1 J 7 S 1.380-.011---------- --

,743 1730 1740 .010

143 •2130'•2.135 '.0 0 5 .........................

500 1 500 1.5S0 15W

430 1 430 1 430 1 470

iM t« ............

’ 7S ----- 17 44-'uiVJ - ....

1 . . I 3, - .1

1 *° 4J u

IJO.......... 154J6 5K:-X.................... : —

I 34JSJ2 «-XJ ^ u e u 'w ^ x

.10 14 '

>44 13 73 lt«

glM (91 4U- r.10 20U 4\* r.

1 JOlIS 1131 12J n

.07) IS 13 4XI 411 II.IO-I tt

3 4OT S't 1.,-

4( 31 Ul :i«

457 (

a ao IIX- n I JO I tix* >.

I 44 ’*3'?’ 111*' 3«.10. 573 12«* »

. ' bo II 40

. .17 148 n 7X- X

.” ’ X

JS 4« 2a- X I

7 84 4X- X

t) H8-I-I8

11 1)B tX

I (8 I9X

JO 7 .3 7 * -X

a a i i 5X .41 • » 7 IW-X I4S 13 193 13 -X


, T1mo8-Nuws, Twin F

Iq I: i s S 'f f i .103 Mmertuns

_ _____ . m iMMTavuaAtoa Pwan*

., ■ l i S r -1CB PtslBsioralS*ncs ■110 PnonMCnS4mca .

1I§ ChMOnSami^ .; SMdOkMory

_ j j i a

= = 704 cnucvts s s s s r *m oiwCMnoi »S ProiwJoral 200 RaauaMVowioaf j s a u


COMPUTERS . . . Soolod bids will bo r

. colvod until 2:00 p.m < >. A u flu s lU . 1 9 9 1 ,in th o c

f Ico o l th o D o a n of F :., 'n o n c o . Room 11 oJ U-

Taylor BuiWing, 315 FaJ__^A vonuo, Tw]n Falls, Idahi

a n d thon'publicly opono .. ter furnishing lho followiri

~ oquipmont to tho CoHofl , ol Southern Idaho,

■ B (Eight) Porsonal Con puiors

' 80385 25 MHZ Compute- (Towor Conliguralion)

Microprocossor:-----------' ' I h to l 8 0 3 8 6 C P U C? 2

"I MHz•; o W ait Slato, Six 16 b

' ' a n d two 6 bit - - oxpanslo'i slots. 64 K On

bonrcJ ' o c h o M om ory 250W pk/.'.or supply.

- Momory:. A MB 60ns RAM on board

' Hard Disk Stofotjo: •':;aO M B Hard Orivo

’ Disk Drivo Siorago:■ : 1.2MB 5.25‘ Disk Drivo

1.44MB 3,5* Disk Dfivo Display Inlorfaco:

■ U"" VGA C o lo r M onitor " 1024x768, .28mm

Doi Pilch512KRMAVGAKoyboard:

’ 101 Koy E n h a n c o d A ' Koyboofo. 12funtion koys throo lightod m odo indica loraOporaling Syslom:

' MS-DOS 4,01 w/Basic• •Olhor Options:‘ Zoom Intomal 2400 Baut

ModomA)600 Bund Fax Mouso

_Tw o-yoof W anonty Poru....... .....— ond Labor---------------------

On-sito Sofvico—• Any oddHional doioils o

... lho bid procoduro m ay bc . ' '.o b tn in o d Irom D r. Riel'

. 'Parltor. Colloco ol South om Idaho. P.O. Box 1238,

.r.Twin Falls, Idaho, 033OJ o r to lo p h o n o 2 0 8 -7 3 3 -

:• -9554. oxt. 428.Tho Collogo rosorvos lho

f right lo rojoct ony or all bids and to accopt tho bid In tho bost Intorost ol tho Collogo.


"PU B L ISH ; W ed n e ad a y , ' J u ly 3 1 , o n d A u g u s i 7,

• -1 9 9 L _________________NOTICE OF CHANGES TO THE STATEWIDE


— - TANCE PROVIDERS- - S U B J E C T : P r o p o s o d

C hanges to tho Staiowido " ' LovdI of Maximum Allowod

------------- Fw re-iy Titiir-yix-Mgqieitr- •A s s is ta n c o Pfovidors.

• A U THORITY/PURPOSE: •■’• " P u r s u a n t lo 4 2 C F R '‘"4 4 7 .2 0 5 , notico is horoby

flivon," undor" Dockot 'N o.' . . 10MA-9101, lhal tho Do- ’ - p a r lm o n t o l H oalth ond

Wollaro, through Iho Divi­sion ol. Wollaro. intonds to m a k o c h a n g o s to tho

n > ;;s ta to w id o lovol o l m axl- »■* mum allowod foos for cor-

tain sorvlco Irom tho Jol- ►7 •.•lowirw providers fn Iho Ti- n 1-tlo XIX Medical Assistance k«-*Proflmm: physicians, don- ( ^ ‘- tis ts . phorm adsls. rehabili- ^ ^ r t a t l o n con lo rs /c lin ics lor

-■ d -lifn o n ta l hoalth nnd dovel- = < -opm ontaJ dsabilitios, and • j '^ c o r t a l n o lh o r p ro v id e rs

...... ' (pocfiotric ond chiropracticp h y s ic ia n s , opiom otrisls.

■4 p h s lc o l th o ro p is ts , a n d 'om bulanco son.nco&).Tho Doportmeni proposos to m ako those changos ol-

p ; f e c l iv o w ith p a y m o n ts c- -m o d o for sorvicos occur-

'.'ring on or a ltor A ugust 1. - l e d l . Nolico is givon pur-^ su o n t to 42 CFR 447.205.

• SUMMARY: All ol tho pro- ' p o s o d e h a n g o s will p fo -

• r l d u c o IncroQ sod c o s ts to ' ' th o M od lcal A ss is ta n c o

t .P rogram . An osiimato ol ^ . ' t h o o n n u a l I n c r o o s o in a . paym en ts lor S tale Fiscal

- % a r tflflZ to oach cato- r I gory o( provldors ottribut* - I : .o b lo to thoso ch an g es Is S *. a t follows:

. 3 'E K 5 S 7 ' i f : | Sr Pharm acists S 306,000 g Montal Hoalth Clintes and t Rohabilitation ContofsS * 2 8 ,1 0 0

' £ O thor Providers os ~ lodu d o d Abovo $322 ,9 0 0

■ £ T h oso incroasos a ro pro- %' p o so d to m oot hlghor op- Z o r o J in g c o s t s b r o u g h t r v - o b o o t b y in H o tlo n . Tho

f . . ' .

in Falls, ldoho__ _W odnosday . A

iisaiS SSyBleSn***" §303 McnyW iy O 03

I s g " - i: I @ ! i


r MtftfivBtfiVtftvUaTiCT ^

S 0uHif«m4<an« . ?! S S S S W 5 . s3 A crueasua . .. ^S Commem^opwty8 VK»anPra(i^J Ccnwwwra 9 'ceiwwyUiO


C E LEGAL NO TICEIin m o s t ro c o n l in c ro o s o i

stalowido maximum foo a g » lowod woB 1990 (or phys « on c io n s , d o n tis ts . pha rm o 10 ol- rohabilitation canton ,1 c | . c lin ic s , p o d la tH c physl I (k„ cions, opiomolxists, phys p_,l- cal thoropisls, and chirc

p r a c t ic p h y s ic ia n s , ani .Anrwl ‘ ombulanco sonHcos. * ' - *


M ISSIO N O F w n iT T E I CO M M EN TS: W ithin ihi timo limits spodliod below any person c an roview lh« p roposed changos In th<

- , - e DHW Administrativo Pro y coduro Soction or in an; f. U-, of tho regional odmlnislra ° tivo ollicos o l tho Dopon

mont.- Copios of tho pro Of J p o s o d c h a n g o s w ill b(

m fldo ovo ilQ o lo . fro o o chiJrgo, upon writton ro q u o s t c p o c i ly in g the d o c k o t n u m b o r c tlo c obovo.Anyono can submit writlor c o m m e n t r e g a rd in g Iho

Q p r o p o s o d c h a n g o s , ond any individual or industry who m ay bo a llec ted by

• tho proposod changos is oncouragod to subm it writ- ton commentT All wnilori com m onis and da ta con-

, AT c o rn in g th o p ropoB O d (oy, changos m ust b e direclod dica- u n d e rs ig n e d and

m u s t bo p o s tm a r k e d or a o l lv o r e d o n o r b o lo r o Soptem bor 3, 1991. DATED this 31st doy ol

W H July. 1991.D. koroy Lowdor. Supon/i- sorA dm inistrative Procoduro Soction

._ _DHW-Lflgal.Soryico5.DivI-: sion

, Qi 4 5 0 W o c t S t a t e S l ro o t .10th Floor

b irk Boiso, Idaho 83720-9990iijtf,. (208) 334-5559___________238. LEGAL NOTICE 1303 Y OU A R E H E R E B Y 3 3 - NOTIFIED that a t its spo-

c ia l m o o tin g In B o is o . lho Idoho on A ugust IS , lho

• all Idaho .D opanm ont of Fish bid a n d G am o will c o n s ld o r tho om ondm onts to its Rulos

nnd Rogulniions G overn­in g G am o B ird s (IDAPA 13 J). spocilically Rulos 1

lay , and 5 porlaining to dolini- I 7 , lions a n d migratory gam o___ bird mothods ol lake.ES YOU A R E FU R T H E R E NOTIFIED that tho Com- AL- m ission will a lso consider LE o lh o r m a t te r s th a t m ay 5- properly como boloro it. ■3 YOU A R E F U T H E R sod N O T IF IE D t h a t p u b lic vido com m onts will b e tnkon nt #od a p u b lic h e a r in g sc h o d - [im ulo d to b o g iir a t / a O-p.m.T

A u g u s t 14 . 1 991 in tho SE: Trophy Room a t tho Idaho FR D o p a n m o n t o f F ish n n d oby G am o H oadquartors. Ro- N o“ q u o c ts - fo r-g o n o ra l'in fo r-00- motion m ay bo m ndo by in d tolophono lo tho Idaho Oo- )ivj. p n r tm o n t o l F i s h a n d j , o Gnmo a t (208) 334-3771. th e DATED this 18th d a y ol

ioJ; Id I^HO^RSH a n d GAME Jol. COMMISSION ■Ti. Jor7 Mallet .

Tce lo'’ Joffy M. Conley, •o n , Socrotnry __________bili- LEGAL NOTICE lor YOU ARE HEREBY NO- /el- TIFIEO thnl Iho Idaho Do- ind p a r tm o n t o l F is h a n d 3rs i3amo pursuant to its au- a le thority undor Sections 35- ils. O ie (o ) 6 (A ) a n d 6 7 - nd 5203(bf, Idaho Codo, hns

do torm inod th a t ofloctivo ios 12:01 o-m.. MDT; Augusi01- 2, 1991 a n d until furthor U s n o tic o ; a ll t r e a ty In d ian ur- lis h in g fo r s u m m o r Chi*

1. n o o k so lm o n s h a l l bo ur- closod In tho lollowing wa- 5. tors:ro- S o u th F o rk S a lm o n ro* RIvO r d r a ln a g o u p - to • stroam from Its mouth.CO C o p io s o f O rd o r 9 1 -2 5 ol oro avallablo Irom lho Di- in rocto rs Ollico, Idaho Do-

cal p a r tm o n t o l F i s h a n d to- Gam o, 600 South Walnut, ut* B o x 2 5 , B o is o , Id a h o Is 8 3 7 0 7 . T h o lo lo p h o n o

n u m b o r I s (2 0 B t 3 3 4 - 00 3771.•00 DATED this 3 1 s t day- o l- •00 July, J991. I ind ID A H O D E P A R T M E N T

O F FISH AND GAME 00 Jorry M. Conloy, Diroctor . . NOTICE O F LETTINQ I

Soolod proposals' will bo f®* ro c o lv o o by th o IDAHO >P* T R A N S P O R T A T IO N i ’ l BOARD only a t lho ollico ^ _ Q U h Q .in A H C L I H AN

. A u q i« t7 .1991. . ; ■ ,

I T K T i i n r e f S l e w s : ^

r o t1^9 Hno 80S MMn££ • -52 9**o08 om rttm fttM ' BOa cemnu„ Ttmam __ 800 Caw609 Wj^jMta/Stongi SIS IIitto

1 al! HS?iiI4 MoWHvraSoc* sia Matm

f f " ' l i f 1 g i BF T T T T IT T IT n if ljl- .ra v « ^ f

™ il l lS " \ ..........CT 'w S S '

707 rvmSM708 r««iSol m llry.GiMn&M710 lima711 Kona C«ui(iTwt

7U Snm iC aa 715 S«>i

:e l e g a l n o t i c e:0 in PO RTA TIO N D E PA R T - o o l- M EN T. 331 1 W E S T fiysi- STATE STREET. BOISE, ■mn- IDAHO. 83703 or roceivod tors/ by mail nt P.O. Box 7129. lysl- B O IS E . IDAHO 6 3 7 0 7 , iysl- ATTN: CO N TRA CT AD- hiro- MINISTRATION until two o n d o ’clock p.m.. on tho 20th

-- - dny of August. 1991. (or - HO- tho work oi removing and -OR ■'installing undorground fuol UB- sto rage tanks nnd install- lEN ing a luel dispensing ond lho fuel dolection systom. Un-

low, dorground STorogo tank .' the Shoshono Yard, known a s tho Id a h o P ro je c t N o. U ST- ,

Pro- 41000, IN Llncoln-County. ..| any Koy No. 4891. Iilra- (F O R ADDITIONAL IN- , « n - FORMATION CONCEI^N- ] pro- ING T H IS P R O P O S A L . | b o PLEASE CONTACT RES- ,

) 0 l IDENT ENGINEER— JON , ro- SCHIERMAN— A T (208) ,

th o 886-2411.) . Ilo d Proposols m ust bo pro- ,

pa red and submlttod In oc- , lion cordanco with tho roquim* | Iho m o n ts of S o c t io n 102 - , in d Bidding Roquiromonts and i sIry. C o n d itio n s o l th o Id ah o |

by S ta n d a rd S p o c ilica lio n s j I is for Highway Construction, j /ril- Edition OI1990.- ilon— p ro n 5 '.-s iS O T iticn iio n ir~ i on- form ol controQt, proposal i iOd lorms. ond oihor inlormn- . ;lod lion mny be ob tained a t i in d th o o l l i c o of th o I d a h o • l o r T ro n sp o r tn lio n D o p ar t- • 3ro mom. Boijo. Idaho, ond j

oro on filo lor examination < ol n t tho ollico of Iho District i

E n g in e e r a l S h o s h o n e , n/i- Idaho. .

A non-relundablo charge j uro o l F IF T E E N D O LL A R S ,

(515.00) plus solos tax will , ilvI-l_bo-mndo Jor-.ooch_sot-of_ .,

p l a n s , p a y m o n t to b o , o t. m ado by chock, payablo ,

to lho Idaho- Tronsporta- <0___ lion Oopartmonl. < ___ The nght is roson/od to

.rojoct nil proposals; or lo ,3Y a c c e p t th o p r o p o s a l o r ,po- proposols doomed bost lor {10. tho S tale of Idaho. Iho No proposal will bo con- ish sidored unloss accom pa- jo r niod by an occoplablo pro- los p o s a f g u a r a n ty in nn rn- am ount not loss than livo j PA p o r c o n t o l th e to to l s 1 a m o u n t o l Iho p ro p o so l. ini- This guaranty m ust bo in i mo th o fo rm o f a C o r t i f io d ,

C h o c k o r f i C a s h i e r 's F - n Check drawft on an Idaho •,

bonk, m ndo pnyablo to the t 'lU' Idaho Transportation Do- k

p a r im o n t, o r a B id d e r 's / V so n d . , f• a Biddor*s shall bo ticonsod i l^ '- ln -T h tr-S Q lo -o l Idaho^by

the S ta te Contractors Ll- i ,H conso Board, prior to sub-

mirtinoahik_!______________ho Tho Fair Lobor S tandards ho Act of 1938 (U.S.C.A. Titlo n d 29 ,. Paragraphs 201-219,

Choptor 6) sholi apply In p r .- ih o -o m p to y m o n t-o f- la b o r- jjy lor this proiocL

It Is tho purposo of lho rtH Id a h o T r a n s p o r ta t io n

B o a rd lo b u ild t h o Im - * o( provomont in lho shortosJ

time consistont with good ' c o n s tru c tio n . N o c o ss a ry ; i^ulpm ont and an offoc- ^ tivo orgonlzalion will bo In- sistod upon. -D niodJu ly31 .1991 . f

— G .K .G R K N , P.E._ Stnto Highway _

Administrator L(Chiot Enqinoor)__________

I, .NOTICE O FTRU STEE'S- S A L E .......................

7 O n W odnosdny. tho 13lh i day ol Novembor, 1991, ol

Jn tho hour of 10:15 o 'clock r A.M.. o l said doy, in tho '■

0, lobtM of tho oKlco of SE* , C U R IT Y T ITL E COK4-

1. PA N Y O F ID A H O r« 1 1,o Socond Stroot North, City '^ of Twin Foils, Couniy of '

Twin FaUs. S u to of Idaho. J,n T IT L E AND T R U S T L<

COMPANY, on Idaho COJ - - .i' po rd lion . a s t rg s lo o , will I

's soil a t public auction, to I11. Iho h ig h o s t b ld d o r fo r j >. cash , in lawful m onoy o l Lc d tho Unllod Slatos, oil pay- i1 oblo a t tho limo o l sa lo tho t 0 follow ing d o sc rib o d ro a l 'T 0 p r o p e r ty , s i l u a to In th o

C o u n ty o f T w in F a l l s , I Sioto of Idaho, ond do-

j j , scribed n s follows, to-w<i: s i Lots 45. 46, 47 ond 48 In t

T B lo ck 16 o f BLUEL A K E S ADDITI.ON ! W E S T . 'T w in F a l l s !

r ' County. Idaho, accord- , „ Ing lo tho p lat theroof ^ rocordod In Volumo 3

o l P l o ts , p a g o 3 0 ,_ rocw ds ol soid County. r T h o t r u s io o h a s n o ■

^ ---------------------------

PS T o t t t i ~ . r a

■ s E f f l iESS" S S | S »

s i r sI I SS S " I n)t*emjiiici/to-f 1001 jM ns g u _____S -tS.1S&a S T ' - i i a 5 a - ™ —

1098 AUBGavK* lOOa ;wBDi*n

knowlodflo o t a m oro par- T ticular doscriptlon o l tho :. a b o v o r o to r o n c o d ro o l d proporty, bu l for pu rposes .

ot com ^lanco with Soction 60-113 Idaho Codo, tho trustoo h a s boon informed

o that Iho add ross o l 204 h H a r r is o n S l r o o t , T w in >r - Falls. Idoho iS' somotimos • d a ssociated with sa id rool Jl proporty.I- Said solo will bo mado d without covonant o r war- V ronty regarding UUo, pos- <■ sossion or oncum brancoi ;s lo satisfy tho obligalton so- '* curod by nnd pursuant to

th o p o w o r o f • a lo -c o n * . - , lerrod in tho dood of trust I ' oxocutod by T hom as R.

H o tc h o r a n d T o r o s a L. H o tc h o r . h u s b a n d d n d

^ wile, n s gm ntors to TITLE M AND TRUST COMPANY.>) an Idaho Corporation, a s

laistoo. ior tho benofit and >' sooirity o l Laura Dick, a ** singlo w om an a s hor sop- >' amto. propony, o s bonoli-- dory, da lod AprO 3 . 1089, d rocordod April 4 , 1980. os 0 In s tru m e n t N o. 9 5 3 2 8 2 ,5 M ongogo Rocords of Twin I. Falls Couniy, Idaho.

T H E A BO V E G RA N T- 7~O H S~ 7m E ~rra"M E C T T O — ll COMPLY WITH SECTION 1- 4 5 - 1 5 0 6 ( 4 ) ( a ) . IDAHO It CODE. NO REl>ReSEN-0 TATION IS MADE THAT

T H E Y A R E , O R A RE N O T. P R E sfeN T L Y RE* S P O fgS IB L E FO R T H IS OBUGATION.Tho dofoult lor which this

solo is lo bo m ado is bo- ing lho foiluro to pay whon c ^e tho onnuol paymont undor D eed o l Trust Noto

-datod -A pril 3..-1989,.In thO— am ount o l SS.000.00 duo - on April 2 . 1991. All dolin- , quont poym onis oro now duo togothor with occumu*' ] la to d fa lo c h a r g o s , p lu s a n y o t h e r c o s t s o r o x - f p o n s e s o s s o c ia to d w ith this fo rodosuro. Tho ac- CAJod intorost Is a t tho ralo { ol 9% p o r annum and Iho balonco owing a s o t this da to on tho ooligation so- curod by sa id dood o l trust Is $30.()31.1®. Tho bonolJ- cPary o lo c tB lo s o l i o r . c auso tho trust proporty to bo so ld to sotlsly sa idobll-

Eotod: Juno 25 .1991 TITLE AND TRUST COM­PANY, Trustoo

Michelle Rykor, Trusi

PU B LIS H : W e d n a s d o y , .July 17. 24. 3 1 - and A o - . . QustV. 1991. •


F o u n d r ^ lo Bossott HounJ a fom alo bird d o g . S o l

. Twin Falls. 734-1416.Found: Slooping bog, south

of Twin Falls. CoU ond idon- . lily. 733-7633.___________

LOST: 1983 HONDA- 185 ATC, dissappoorod .

1 wk ogo. Sun. Havo sorial" n u m l» r» a iO ’6.-SEofKlm-'. '

1 berly. C a l 423-5727 orI Sheriffs offico. TF________[ L ost: B lack lom aloD obor*' m a n . Irlondly. II found • ploaso call 733-5099.' LOST: croom, molo Pomora- , n ian w ith rod co llar, an*I sw ors lo Boom er. P loaso T

enll 324-4256.:__________' L ost o n 8 /4 . m olo Hoolor

. S hophord X. black & tan . „ I Iriondly. w earing biuo coh I lor, an sw ers loC ucky.SW J ' of Buhl. Cnll 543-8417. f Lost: Small, rod moto Pom of- .

a n la n .a tC S i . P loaso ro- . tum. Call 733-7308.

.JEROME DOG LOQ ' ' Dog Pound H o u rs r . ll:OOam*6 KJOpm .*

S h o lto r lo c a to d 1 m ilo en W ost R o a d . U so tho on* tr a n c o to s o w o r p la n t a c r o s s th o ro o d (ro m I KART Radio. Altor 4 pm , A call loradm ittanco. <

C a ll 324-6436 I orS24*4313

This is a public sorvico 7 anno u n co m o n to f

--------Th»-Timos-Nows-------- - -

ID7 V H I InliessHi

I •5:OOP.H.Hon( I * tf0O «(ioiiSa

......... t 2iO/llii8.tQ(liy

= . * S h w ’i5 ,0W lne.10 to


"notmtiog ihesi

: 101 tO S T »P 0U N D 1


J Found:

I 1. Lob X. b lack a n d w hIlo,

> 2. Cockdr. buff, tomaio ? ’ 3 . Husky X, rod, fomalo. ' ' 4 . C ock-a-poo, tan , molo,

pupA doption:

- I .T orrio ri ton A w hilo fo­malo.

2. Lob X, yollow fom alo , pup-

3 . L lo sa -P o o , b lo c k n n d whilo, fomalo, pup. •

4 . Terrier, tan . spoyod fo­malo.

5. Nkw kittons and c a ts lor e adoption.. ^

LOCATED 139 6m Avo W.

AFTERNOONS ONLYI Monday thru Friday CLOSED Sotuniay. Sunday & Holidays


A nim ols a ro SO L D O R D E ST R O Y E D a f to r 48 h o u rs , s o p lo a s o c a l l o r v is i t Iho p o u n d d a ily to c hock If you r p o t is h o ro . Thi# Is n o t a n up-lo -dato l is t; mIxod d o g s a ro h a rd to doscribo . O r com o pick o u ta p u p o y , d o g .o r c o t - , th w w o u fc iS o v e a h o m e l '

This is a public sorvico announcom ontof

- ........ ThoTimos-Nowa.-----------------------------------:-------------- ,,103 MEMORIUMS

In m om ory o l Robort E. " Houstori. I

From ovorybo^ a t Bliott Industrial C o . r Jo ro m o T

and Idoho Foils. ^Bob w as much approdated

and ioved a s a oroiu friend - and co-workor. His twoniy- llvo years with us ol Elliott e Industrial wore lull bf many happy ar»d memorable mo-

. monts. Bob sold mony trao- to rso v o r lh o y o o c^ ln th ls va lloy ond m odo m any Iriontls along Iho way. His oxtonsivo knowledge and on lo rto ln ln g so n so o l hu ­mor wilt bo groatly missod.Wo all havo ou r own cpo- clal momotios of B<^ and wo know tho t he w ould j?

-w onltoborom offlborodlor. ° tho many good timos wo'vo ftP sharod wHh him.

wilhthorostoithofnmW , C

10 5 . PEflSONALS 'N

• H lirm 'a ’guylooX lno l o r a ' va ry special lady. 1 u v o lo J go horseback riding in the m ountains, on oying all ol T

liko to camp out, snowmo- , b llo.sW .flom otorcyclinfl. “fB m llyaa iv ltlo s& fovo fo «. travo l.lon joyqu io tllm os. lu s t ta lk ing a lis ten ing , dancing, going to a mowio f ]

'o r a qutol romantk: candlo- light dinnor whh sofI m usb . , m soll-om ployod, finan*

.d o lV M cureaw ou ld lko to - m o o lB lo d y 3 0 -4 2 y o a rs , ,

'o ld r ih a t onloya tho sam o things 1 do a all ol lho groat th in g s lllo h a s 10 o lfo r. I - h avo a n ox tra h o rso . > P loaio write to Horsobach - Riding, PO Box 2786. Twin J

® Jap h o n « T * ^ f iTo the M y kl a brown o^ tan c

vanw hopushod .m yPU o« , tho alreot on Addison July3 ).P Ioasocontac(m oanor i

S S I * . ]107 SPECIAL , ‘


r a l c o h o l i c sANONYMOUS j

H OTLINE-733^122 IA problem Is n o t« problem ■

w h e n s h a ro d . M e n ta l ■ Hoalth A ssoc . Spm*7am. ■24hoursonw kndft. |

OsssMM . . . M sobOon lo ■«iydarnM ds.73M »31. H

' R e a d i B O i B t t

londiv Itirougli Fildiy for neH diy 's p I Salirday fur S i l l i e s iiiJMoniiay'i

i c S i l i n •J“ i”

'd m . (or Kerns piictd from t.OOt->5.1)00_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

) specisls by ailing» Tim-Hews Cu your sd Ihe first diy it ippsm . ' In a receive snsdlastm nt im re sw es the rightto msor, rscli r s m i m m e f o b r m --------


F » S r . Jbusinosspromotions - C

J U 8 T ( ^ F U N -734-2883.


733-9113________ ^To our classified advetiisors,

F ro m llm e to tim o w e are torcod to havo oarly dead* 7 linos duo to prosacapabiD- tIos and /o r holidays. Wo, Ihoroforo, reconlmond that - y w p lo c o yo«ri«J,Sstw ln ’ E a d vanco a s possib le (bo- foro 2:00 pm lho day prior o n m o st d a y s) to bo a s ­sured of it boing published ih o following day . Wo ro- _ grot ony Inconvonlonco this hi moy cause.

Sinceroly,.T ho Tlmos-Nows Customor

Sonfico Dooflilment


It really d raw s ATTENTION. ”

O n ly $ !2 5 p e rw o rd .Call " »

T h e T lm es-N ew s 5 C u s to m e r S erv ice

D eb t, fo r y o u r B O L D c la s s l l l e d a d k

to d a y l 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 . |

"i m ' professio nal ~SERVICES

Allordablo DIvorea a DUI KovlnM.Rogors*Atlofney

a tL nw .32445j3____ ;A iio rdob lo , quality lawn 1

mowing. CASCADE U W N i CARE. 734-3149.________

BA NK RUPTCY =,S to p fo ro d o su ro s , ropes* ;

s o s s io n s , suits, garnish*m on ts a o tho r colloctlon 'a c tio n . F ro o to le p h o n o -c o n s u lta t io n . A pp o in t- Jm e n u scheduled In Twin HFalls. . J

W m H U a lb tn y mA tto m w a tL B W . <

P.O. Box ise.PM*. Idtho 83443 n;1^0^8.2168____

ELTa painting, froo ostlmotos. 1 Intortoraoxtortotpainling,c loan ing a c arp o l sham * |^ ^ . ^ P h o n o 6:^-4771 or t

C lo an in o S o rv lco , M aglo 'M oids.7334472._________ j

'N ood h e lp c lean ing your h o u so ? C all m e. I novo 2 yrs' oxpotiofico e n d good '

W a n ltd : H ouses to clean . _coierenoas available. 423*. c

^ I

112 r o o m m a t e sWANTED

Eldorly l a ^ looking ior lo- malo livo-ln companion. Lo­catod in Twin Falla. II Int'd, «^n733-2S13or 734-5797.:

-113 CHILDCARE - ...........SERVICES

BabvsHling. 6-6.734-3768.

C h ild ca re p r y ld e d in mi|

TLO. Ciolh dlapert ok, and r o f r e o c o s . c S t ^ l i4 ._ »

C o lleon’a R

O opondablo day caro whh proschool sumrnof fun. now play aroa. 7 3 3 ^ 9 5 .______



F J I X t g M ) 7 3 4 - 5 5 3 8

O l i f l q l l('spnlilicalion. .3 b u s ii

■lirDlnnil-1/2 off tegular 7 diyBnratBS-.:.....'; ......... .. ii tD it tu i t -1 /2 -o » a I ln tu ---------morUI KBllt itt2 i iiie s .1 (1 a y .y .5 0

f Customer Service R e p r sse iM v s^ f/i C3SB Of error, report It to,tl}eCuslon

eclissify or reject any etissl^ed edver


C oro g ive r fo r a n e ld e r ly _ woman ir> Twin Fals, fivo-ln Ri S d a y sa n d n lg h ls a w o e k . < nofvsmokof. 423-5752. <

C om panion-N A ioro ldorly J lady, vorioblo hours. Call W

-73^1778 ,_______________ -I

2 0 3 'AGRICULTURAL ■ ■ *OoJryholpmilkorwantod.Ex- ^

porionco nocosso^. Phono 2C 58-3381 or 588-3101.

Exporioneod gonoral iarm - —hond n oodod . h o u sin g uavaflablo. Can 487-2819. *

’ Experloficod maker. Also aB- fa round dairy om plqyoo . 7floforoncos roquirDd. R oc^ clo Box 5 5 7 6 , % T h e :Timos-Nows. POBox 546, [TwInFall8.ID83303--------- J

Milkor, hordsporson a formw orkor n e e d e d . S a la ry fS13 .000 to $ 1 6 ,000 do - ■<pond ing on oxpo rlonco . * s ta r Vofioy Wyoming. Coll1-307-883-2236._________ flMilkor ^

Wonlod: Exporioneod truck a „tractor oporators for harvest cbeg inn ing A ugust 2 5 th . c

_M ust.hoyo curront drivor^s.. _ illconso. Call 438-5546. 5

Warned: Exporioneod Froo- rjrm a n b alo rd p o ra to rs .C all **

- 3?4:7.1^e._______________ {


Daycoro is looking for a ro-spoftsiblo and oxMrionced 20ardo .C all733 -9 lfe ._____ -

K id 's C lu b P r e s c h o o l aO ay c o ra n o o d s ; L unch <son/or Irom 11-1:30; a sub- ^

.g1i1^q|gi’PhgiTi7?4-?1<*Pi, I


B ost W este rn C anyon t<Sprjnga Inn, houskooping gdopanm ont. h a s openings ffor iull-tlmo and part-tlmo. gP loaso apply In porson, al c1357 Blue CaVesBVdN. j

B ost W oslorn ' C anyon cSp rings Inn. h a s opening nfor relief brookfost ond din- cno r cook. Ploaso oppiv In sporson, ai 1357 Blue LaKos cSIvdN. ________________ k

Housokoopor needed , full- -<!llmo position. 726-5336. £

Motal housokoopor. Ilexiblo S

N eed 2 exporioneod houso- b koopors lor comlna school p ao aso n . Apply o tw o s to n fi

- P l a z o H oro l^iaSO -B lyo- .751 L akes Blvd N. a lte r 6 am . «Bftfllnmtlfl J

■ ---------------------------- ~c

208 m e d ic a l ; ' s-. DENTAL ll

_ CNA---------- F/rovo92pm -10pm .C aD H

^ i M o h l W S . i ^ inter- P

OTA'S, hJll o r part-limo.musI SbecortiBod.Pioa«eapptyai f834 A ddison Ave, o r ca ll Z734-4564._______________ I’l

CNAa a N A s. Skillod long pterm cara iadlity Is Inviting aIntorostod nurses aidea to »como a Join our loam lor on )2th e Job irain ing a lo ta k e ve a d v o n to g o o lC N A aC P RImlnlng boIng offorod-soon. s<

• F u l f^ ^ a n - t lm o ^ p ^ lo n s -« r

CNAsorNAsfuIl4lmo,dayor 89. ovdning ah llta avallab lo . AI

ExMriencod pro fim ^ . C ^ beS & -^ io rrm o r,rk » w . ^

NEEDED « n N to c o m e A Pa lo in e u r te a m . We a re a n

i r s s « : ' S s s 8 Iw ab ea. Contact Cathy at 0

RN needed for pationt c a re ^coo rd inator position. Tn E xca llan i b o n o llts .eom pk tlllve w ag e . C a ll 1)i

* K athy. 9 3 4 * 9 e o r .a r» a n fn A e re e C a y i C e n te r In • (3oodln0 . E 0 & • - ^ '

-THERAPV-TECHNICIANS- m Noodod to work with dovel-

opm en ta llyd lsab lodoh ll- »dron. Excollont p ay (ncen=> mIhres. O pportunity for ad - to vancomont and promolion.M edical and d e n ta l avail* 4a b le . G row w ith ono o f j ,Am erica’s loading hoallh k oaro iaclNtlos. No oxporl*

■ en co n e e d e d . O n iho lob mi training. Call Linda at S & . j . 9603lnGood|nQ. 1 ^

i - ' ■

a i t q f i i i i t t i B S t o n e p l i i

ill I l ll J l M r w : 132 3il sti n3D3

siiK S siiysptiorlopiiblW oii. Calli r « i i S a t e R ! p r e « ^ ^

) ■ .F n iM i- L o s t if o i io d Jlim s,3ilaB-W antB i

_____ ;3 0 'i l« ^ p it t e r t lo i i . -50 ' S i i e n l i r l m f t t o i i r i

- _____ IIm ifS n r tc i ' _ J I b S C I

x r lis im a l liTH iiiiii. J f r s------- ----------

209 MEDKAU »

___________ 3 D l

"iJ“pi!i55!,S“a “= S S So r app ly a t M aglo Volloy cialMnnor. and

W antod: 4 doys a w eek , fron• Dontal A ssistnnl, oxporl- .a c sonced proforrod. Call 324- sup

-8861 o r a p p ly a t 216 E . InhJnromn. and


pollExoeutlvo assistant ior insur- and

anco otlica. Cempulor ond Corpooplo sk ills n o c o ssary , agoW ord P o rtoc t sk ills pro* colliorrod. Sond rosumo to Box mor5980. % Tho Timos-Nows, opsP.O . Box 548. Twin Falls, tisli<ID 83303._______________ • Mill

WANTED: BRIZEE.Hootinga n d Air C ondllloning is Wlooking ior a recep tion ist/ f so o ro ts ry to work 30-40 hours a wook. Must havogood phono porsonaliiy , .'i;',typing a n d o lh o r o flico »U sWIIs. Som o boekkooping and computer skills hoblur.Sond rosumo lo: P.O. Box 5®'' 592, Twin Folis, ID 83303. -

-A ln i:T « io s« .N o w .lk .rn . >l»™or phons colls accepted. u|g I

WANTED: Exporioneod legal, mlnsocrotary lo work pojl-timo.; soryVaried schedule. Send ro- lontsum o te P .O . Box 2322 . ekJll:

■> sutr208 PROFESSIONAL Tim---------------------------------i— TwirISU hos position avallablo — ■

with E ducallonol T alen t ong' S e a rc h Program a s Re- cruiier/CounsoIorwhich irt-

.d o n iif lo a jl.a 8 s ls lfi.h lg h . T i r r school stu d en ts Irom low Income lamily in entering i . . . post-socondary oducalion. • . - C ounsel studen ts on col-

a13o,hous” g.'’Mroor plan­n ing . T rav e ls to ta rg e t sehoob In idoho Foils aroa. C onlacts Social Services ogonclos. high school and q „ , , ' collogo pe rsonne l, docu* ,*i|| monts oil actlvltlos: dovol- o p e s repo rts on program s to l ls tlc s ..f le q u k o s BA, counseling oxporlonco, and ^ know lodgo o i adm ission a n d iin an c la la ld p o lid o s.Send resume ond llsl 3 rot- e re n ce s lo: TRIO S earch Thn C om m lltoo ,IS U .P O B ox 7 ® 8345, Pocateno, ID 63209.All application materials lo .I v bo rec e iv e d bo lo ro 4 :0 0 ^

August 16th (or unlll

ISU hos position-avallablo- -ml': w ith E duca tiona l T alon i „ » S ea rch Program , a s S p o - . X n. UuU»l I. wtikJi IJui'illWrt 4^10“

. recruits 7ih ond 6th grado • .n ti studen ts from low Income r r . i lomlllos (or academ ic and n m Individual suppod. Counsel

•studonts-ln«od)^ldn8.-tcst- - , t S taking, careflf and .collogo planning, recruits, trains, Bjrot and m anagoetu tors.T rav- d s B U lJ a K lio o b in P o f r ii^ u o < i.e < » « jie l» 8 o e U «» • S a r v le . a g e n o i .1 . hlgli school and oolege person* no lidocu fflen lsa irac tiv l- Diam tio s : develops ro p o n s on Woj p rog ram s ta tis t ic s . Ro* Inn, oulros BA. counseling ex- tio r

perience, demonstrated of- cos iectlveness in working wHh J 3 5 young students, agenc ies Dunk a n d s c h o o l porsonnoL lnp< Send resum e and list 3 rei* e re n e o s lo : TRIO S e a rc h - -nrf, Com m illoe, ISU. P O B ox i I q 8345, Pocateno. ID 63209. ^ All applicatkin maloriols to bo roceivod bo io ro 4 :0 0 ‘-"5..^ j )^ A u f lu s f1 6 th (o ru n t I I [ J ']

Part-tim e E nglish te ac h o rnoed o d for ih e H anson avaSchool Distrta High School, lunc

“ fS m lih rS S O 'S au th M ain, lurl,Hanson or can 423-5593. ,h i |

rheJerenw SchoolD lstrictb psrl

n jW k iK lio o lP .& lu ich o f i S

s s ' i s ? z a s 5 i : ' “ “> :roapp lycon tac t:U ndaA d iam s. s e c re ia ry P.O .(BnK . Iy"J48 7 . 107 3 rd A ve. W esL J iS SJ e ro m e , Idaho 9 3 3 3 8 . 4owl324-2392. - pori:>ose dato for BppDcatlon la nigfwhon positions aro lilled. luncl^ . r ™ . s c h o o l ^

[ S t n e t / i m ; " V j :

‘ 3 ^ D ” '

:a l l i Times-News I ' ofBlnfonnation. . |

found, items to flhrs away . V 'a n tB Ilto B u y 8 ^ 'tlp l^ -_ • i :

___________ __our open rate........rat!al/ius .'.'j

T b e r m i e a N e m



SU h a s position ovoilablo i,j w lih ’E du ca llo n a l Taloni • - S e a rc h Program a s Spo- ; e lallst II, w hich Idoniilios and recruits youra students p- frofflkMrlrKomolamiliosfcjr 'I a ca d am lo a n d Individuol r support. Counselatudonis ' ' : in high achoo l currieulum— ~ and co llogo ontranco ro - . ^ quiroments. study sklls, ca- roor and collogo plonnlng. y '-\ Travels to target schools in S:.l po ien lia lly ino Pocalollo S /. and /o r Idaho Falls areas. C o n ta c ts Socia l Sorvico ' agonclos, high school and . collogo po rsonnol: docu* • c r m onis a ll actlvlllos; dovol- opsroporl3onp(M nim cta- r ; ' tislics. Roqulros BA, coun- I soling oxporionco. aomon- .; s ir a lo d o lio c tiv o n o ss in >'■ ] w orking w ith young stu - y. I d o n ts , a g o n c lo s , and iV : school porsonnol. Send re- S ) sum o and 3 roloroncos lo: y TRIO S oareh Commlltoo, f:. ' ISU. PO Box 8345, Poca* • I tello, ID83209.AnappEca-. ! tion m a to r ia ls lo be re- ^ 1 coivod bo lo ro 4 :00 p.m.,- August 16th (or uniil liltod). r J

^anuladuring plonl Is sock- : ' ' | ing packing supervisor ior 3 , sh ill ope ra tion . Requires , ; minimum of 3 yrssuporvl- ;sory oxporionco, with excel- ,lont pooplo managom ont - ; skills. Compolitivo salary S bonolil pockago. Sond ro- > 1 sum o to Box 5442 ,% Tlio - • Timo N ows. PO B ox 546. I Twin Foils. 16 83303. ' {


Ml positions opon; 0lesor6 noedod. Compotitlvo pay, :Insuronco available, p lyIn w w n .J B I u o iz t o r t m S .. . .


. PERSON? ■;3ost W ostom Burloy Inn Is 'i: ' taking opp lica tions (or a d inne r co o k with a t le as t i Uiroo yoa ra vorillablo ox- perlonco.. Hours will bo 4 pm*11 p m , 6 d a y s a w ook . S a la ry Is dopon - den t upon oxporionco.

rho B o s t W o stom Burloy \'- Inn Is an 'E qua l Opportu­nity E m ployor". Wo pro- v la o 'C o m p a n y * su b s i­dized insuroneo. pokJ hol­id a y s . in d u s try -ro la io d o d ucatlono l a s s is ta n c e , meal/travol discounts and 0 p r o g ro s s iv o ind u stry wtigrt ndvflncflmont. ~

applications oro avallablo ■ } a t tho Inn 's fronl dosk. II - | o u t 61 to w n , c a ll 6 7 8 - .

.35PJ„to havoLon_oppii“ -.. . tionm allod tovou .

turgor King b now hiring ior fuH-tlmo ond part-time day poslUons., must bo avallablo alter school starts. Apply in porson a t 360 Biuo Lakes Blvd North.

ilamopOiioid Jack 'a a l BoU W funorn Canyon Springs Inn. Is accep ting applica­t io n s lo r h o s t /n o s ie s s * cosh lor. Apply in porson,1357 Blue U k 08 Blvd N. _

Junkon’e n o ^ s h ^ ^ Ap^ly

(olp wantod lor vroitporsons •DrtoodMrvora.-'AppiybO' - r tw oon 1 a 4pm . Fran- d sco ’s.SeO M aftA v o .N . , '

.aC asJta Mexican R estau­ran t coi^tlnuos th e search 1 (tfconsciontlous, d ^ n d -

ren tly h a v o 2 positio n s '> ' a v a lla b lo : 1 for cook ior j lunch sh lit, exo. hours ior i , aom oono with children In : ; sc h o o l. 1-c o o k lo r s e m o lunch a n d -a o m e dinner sh ilts . Both positions aro psrt'- timo a n d aro perm a­nent, wo will train, ^ y l n . I

.unch counter help wantod. I N eod2pooplfrJec2diller> . ie n t a h lfta , d a y o r n igh i, . j

jn u s U » . i a ot.oU orJ& ,ly J .hfiersoA atC odarL anosln r j

h^ ^n»^ 3w nM tf?8po rts* m a n e R iv e r R e so r t.

low hiring bakery dolivory po rso n , do u g h n u t fryor. ; | n ight a o a rly m orning a lunch help, doys. Will train.Apply In porson a l tho Dou-

Li ,

j . - ,

& E m p l o y i

r a » RESTAWUHT/:* L : / . _ fg W Q E ■:'• J . ; N ow pojitlon oponlnfi

;■ I* Pan.iimodoyproppoi ; fwodod. Apply inporoc

L , ; -• AM.iHock C m ^ 200 ; i / . ; '■ sonAvo.W.TF.

Pgrt>tliiiUi llffxib}irh»ydnysot>dA)fn^htB.Mi«noal.ambitlouaJwlllln

r i " " ' porBon. M o x lo ^ P lz j , - Pftslfl. 17QBtU0Lnk09.

Position availablo lOT n dIshwQshor, apprpxin houn 5pm *l2 Bin. 5 e p o rw o o K .$ 4 .2 6 to s l

. . Musi bo wSiM t£ do & hoavy clofin(nd.AppJ

I ^fson.Country^to, 1!. - ; . BliwLfltes BlvdN;' f ; . • W o iip o rso n o k s , F__J -cooka..houafu)pp(ua .

.j ____ dishwttshor#, P loaso^ - f lo « « a l7 7 4 -3 3 l7 o n J ' ' rosum o io :.P ,O B oxJ

• Sinnlov.tdnho:83278.

■ 210 SALES

»• i : a o v e d h s in o s a l eI . ‘ - ACCOUffT EXECI/nV r l . : I . An unoxpociod opening:b____ — occurrodlnlhandvoffi

' dopartmont ot Ktoff Vk '' eablo. The position eni

soiling, sofvidng and p “j i = poctin(|ior now advaitu 2 ‘ ' wiHing or aasisling In > s i. Ing advonisihg copy, ir . - a sh lin g on ahooU. &q >%' oneod advo rtls lng BCI. porson proforrod, hott('[ qUaIill0t8UC)lD9S0l(-Bl

Ing. do to rm iha lion ; i abiilly tow orkw iihpot r- • - w«boeonsidOfod;Opoi

‘f ’ iBimmodfolo.Applicatl r;i 1 a t King V Id o o c ab lo .:

E asiland Dr., Twin FcEEO M/F._________ __

Salosporson noodod; S part-tim o lof right

- r r -------- -j«a*otinw tfiutl-iim o:i^ - bo18yr»-orovor. Son r -1 sum o to ; Po la & Pla£ 1 1215 RIor Avo. E ..TFK-\ - phono,eajlj,-----------f c J J TlflESALES • t • ' Growing locally ownod c

K 'l pony noods oxportonco'• S iv iduallo rlloo tond t

5 | tiro BOIOB. G ood bonfi.-l CftllWflvno 01733^761t : I . lo ok lno lor: a caroo r 'r- '■ . SALES? BOQln wKh AVi

I Cnll734-9256, . .

yBU 'I —A-Tifr

i C ia s s i f I E v e

7 3 3

P B U ' [S E I

•' I ' ^ ^ ^ 3

j ' ■ •


S' i p ‘ ; home impr

i , ntiore. Easi I . the Service i •; offer.

■ i . ■ I ■ '



W ' ■

y m e i r t - g i n a i

^ r n p ^ u r a i » & M ■ for rotall ou tW . Oulga

porson cqnfldoni hands-on indi omon In uaL DOS mtp roq. Sond DO AddI- .Bum erCftnpuior^ob, F

M uslbc P la ta soil quolllyodurllllhg to llorW toys, books & .:{otinIanlA--.&<lultfl..GrP izza ft coRMssk)n. fkixblo hoiiS£____ tax idvantaoo. For Inlo

s : s

.‘ S ’ s s c f f a i

s AppSoantB must havo —

is--- . . ... .at733•093t_-M 6ndaythruFriday __ Of733-fl7Ma(tgt£Bn3

I5S a f e r s“P®***- Tnnirtftiro tncam orlnnIn writ- hospiializailon and va

PoiSlo? 712MninAvd.Soulh. • (ll-start- Inland Vending ia taking I in; a n d pIlcaDohs lor thp p<^ior poopio (outo drivor. Monday-i

:>penlnfl day.-8 log . 2012 4lh Avo SALE8fl«E0ICALi iS5fwttS»P:

— ------> ethical bboroiory sollin<d; S tans Dhvsieiflnsand hoallh c

S S S I Saon we Are Booking

• havaabocholorsdogr»od com* ' equiv&kint, modicablet ncod bv cal Bolojoxporionco > nd farm an ouistajid ing rocori 3bnoIi«; ■ 'accom pllshm oni; Ploi 9761. -sond rosumo and comc foof in solion roqyiromonis 10 F AVON Box 7 ^ 1 9 ' SLO.

684170; .....................

L L iJ ! IY IT !imes News- sified VVjll Fiji -ery Need{ - 0 9 3 1

lY + T !

... ik ik Service Ds prolessibnais who c provement to iandso jsiiy found every day ice Directory lists our'1

IcusToiyiJ S E R V I C E

m . 443-4*48 • m£B 336-5375 , GERMAN * GOO«NO/WtNMa S3*--

BU^/RUPEST 678-2552

a n c i a l J i i ^

! ■ 210' .SALES ,

yf^N o N o o x p tS o n M n ^ B s a r y ,47____ will train, hourly ta to p lu ar i l i e s com m , no travo l, nation-

a ®ond re- m ont. Call 793^2628 bs> b.P .O ., tvroan7-9am ft4 .7pm .

a H i r e c t n t a u i i - ^

’S s a a r . ?

ralilDT MECHANIC WANTED ^ Patti Mini-CassiaflOBlorship, OX'. p o tlo n c ^ ^ n ^ a j |to m n lk

' hotoful. Hoallh a denial In- iiofflft suronce. prolit sharing anc

Datoa---------- ------------- •--------■■■........ 2t2-TRMg ,. ■ '.......

|!)L AmericanTemporary Services, Itw.

W onood: • • lo rlflh f *iacoblnotmakor. lo p ro - . .*jitlph95oslabor. molivo ^ EOEM/F/HA^. ing fa- No loos. 734-6452I train- auIo g lass Instalior noodsc laslon, low ofk wHh auparlor com

~ S 5 S ? l o a s g sond ro

f f i 292H*Bk!oLnW«?T'^^

"®rt M{jir, SSt lo<?ition ol o ra l DOT roquiromoniB V '^y* C on tac l R ichT hom paof

-TnicMna. 324^3511.— ■— U. . . Exporioncod HVAC Inslolloi isposi- noodod lof crowing a ropu a lionat lob lo c o m pany . W ogoi )liing to com m onco acco rd in g tc Ith caro yoara o i oxporionco. Cai Eoilonl 734.4376.IssToff; ExpotioncodAidlnginstoUon 'mp«ny noodod. metal a vinyl sid no foil Ing, musl have own tools h o p « - too wnoospaM. 733-9688.

Jo u rn ey m an MECHANIC noodod wilh Jo h n Doorc

. 6uSiaiAl-CO.3Z4.29(l0. UT W antod; 1 fu ll- lim oand 1

part-llm o yard porsom toi a roa lumbor yard, flospon-

M noali good with pub-■ Ile. hovo undorslanding ol■ lumbor. Immodiato opon- M Inos. Sond to: Box 1430, " c /oT im os Now s, PO Boi I 54e.TwinFolIs.lD83301.


1 EARLY IThe ‘nmss-New


I GOODIII Applicants must hi■— ----- PleBse*con1m at 72■ Between 8:00 -W— — Monday tl■ 733-8704 ailDirecteiy> can fill a myriad of i scaping to carpet dec ay in The TJmes-New! ur ads according to ti

' f e W 8 ------------and wish tothe Service I

C .. contact The Customer S(

M-2S35 ' Department


' HAIRSTYUST - a NAItlTECH ;Ion-: Come work with.T>lr an?: ■ Falls mbsrprd^rdS' u'. sive 8aIofT^vye.oHer


------ — *-Q u B rB n tB e« ^p « 'hour and commisBlort . ,..AM now a large j^ i),


_ Join usll a n d In m a W n jB monoyYour rst y . . . „

« ' HAIR X STYLISTS i t NAILTECHS^2"“ Wo now h^vo oponlngs for

iSs a s uV « - -ouafBntoad salary plus

-.oald vocations, holidays ............. 'o f ld m o ro r .

.. . • com pany in su rd h eo a l

- roiranw m ,^^ofit sharing,inc.-odvancbd training.• con tosis and swoop*

stakos.For moro Inlormotlon

. ttboutlolnfng (fio JC Pen* )dsd ney Salon toam. coll 734* »m - 0833 aak for Toni.5 * ^ Idaho Trout P roeossora [s “ '? • soeMng trained bonora for 3n<o. our Bunl and Filor planls.

Coll 543-6444 or 326-5430 _ w apply in ixtmcn.

•od- Mainiononcodiroctor.exporl- 'niB. onco In malntorronco and laon pow er p lan t w ork, to In- : : r ciodoknowlodgoofbonore. oiler, hom ing and.cooiihg.syB- opu* to m s , roirlgoro tion and igos olociileal wiring, otcr. Full-

810 lime posilon, salary com­all monsurato with onMrienco.

____ Contao porsonnoC CanyonoEre^ rVJowHMpUBt;;228-Shoup Bid- • Avo Wo£t. 734-^760. t

>olB, N.A.C.A, Inc. noods drivors lorloom eporation,2yoars

NIC OTR oxporionco. good pay )oro poekagotjtwbcnofiis, trips p o r B vorogo7doye .A pp iyat lary^ 511 Hanson Avo. Burloy .or •op . ■ eall678-3015.EOE. riN - Truck drivers nobdod.’MusI 00. havo COL and p rob i ol


10 of Waniod: Truck drlvors. must 3en- havo good driiHng rocotdt i3 0 , a bo aqualni<>d wilh truck Box m a in tonancu . Call 638- 31. ,2 7 9 2 ask lof Oak).

3 213 tiSC E L L A N ^S 1 ' OPPOfmiWTlES

f MORNINGlews Is ndw accepting'

M ' A o t o rJ A R R IE R In lhe DING A R E At have dependable auto.jntacWlm Dalos-----7 3 3 -0 9 3 1;00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. .ly thru-Fridw or— ------—4atter6K)gp.m.______


)f needs - from leaning and iws Classifieds, ,) the service we j ..


t o b e i n c l u d e d in '

:e Directory; pleq'se le Times-News | ■Service ■. | - int. I

a i E s j f e i i e i

TBipe :?!T .B ak o ty jn U M W ^O o o ^ n ir


en iQfyoS -

w eekerid s; A pply a t 408

llal S S ffia w r-M ijf lb ^ ’r '^

= lnMogIbValloyMall.l.-nmo- dlato openings for maturo Ind iv iduals to jojri our Irlondlyicrow. Porrnanent p o s ^ i - fun or p v time.

; E xporlencod floor ^r& on n o odod to ru n flocr ma-

.-.'cKlnaa tw g h :ip o o 4 bull-

ig, andN B N o v a d a.E x p o ri- onco,^roforro|N^s^D|ary

P* Mainlonahcoporsonnoodod (Of oatf/tmoming sHlt. Must

on ' havo aremal expofibnco, a <]• bo ablelto do hoary vifork. '4* S o n d re su m e lo: Po ls a jK V ( a n |^ '1215 E..

iof M ln lt-L ilba is now hiring

s - s a w A i ’c_ N oodod:!Expofiolcod dogiri- • groomor. Coll 7 3 3 3 ^ 2 ^Id NORMAN SUPPIY h as ann- immodiato oni7 <bvbloppn-t8. Ing lo rn w a ro fo u s o p o r-s- son. II ypu aro Inking lor aid career v^ih a coruany thaiill- haeovD r50bra(cheslnthoTl- Pacific NorthwWt, a bonolita . pkg, and rotintrrant, ploasoin so n d rcBumo lo Mgr: POjp- “ B ax AaBr-TwI,*! Falls . ID

83303. I __________TB Now takipg apjificailons lorifs school bus dniror. Approxl-ay maioly (5 ho ils per week,ps G ualitIcano rii:21 yrs or

18?' ^ d u c o 'd d p o ^ o n l. grocery ol dopaitniom i soalood do­lly parlm ont. Aepiy al W are-

man..1708 Kmbofly Road. PARTY LITE6 is tooking lor

— d o m d n k tlto rs ond hoat, IS) h o s to sB o i'In S oulhern i i Idaho a ro i . To soo tho ck produet«»H733-0650rocm 8- 276. ask lo* LIndo or loavo

messnoo. f _____________„ Prbcoss ti^iiora poreon vnth

4 coloriBtHpping oxpori­onco. Coh'oct Roger at Ex- ^rM B^Prjilinfl. Kolchum.

S u b toacho rs noodod ot ISOB in Gooding. Mooting

. Mon. 8/;^. 2 pm for now S curront subs. For inlo cail 834^43?. OXt 345.

TOT hirinc dtivoro for van di- •visIonjJ yoars doubio ox- poriondi nocossory. Excol: lont p4ya bonolils. Conlao K « ,n ^ 4 ^ 4 9 .

-IJU aliitiocx lhJoodJia ilD t^ ooutob3d.e01.245-3391.

Tlio JohJftto School Oistrlel is ' a ^ l i r ^ g appBcalions tor a

— limllM-pumbor.ol.Gonorol. Aldofposilions. Salary will bo por |ho district oido cai-

- . ary-iehodule. ...................—I . To apply:contoot: Undo Ad­

om s, secretary , P.O. Box 4 8 7 ,1 0 7 3rd A vo.W ost. Je ro m 6 , Idaho 83338. 324-2392.

' Appilialions wfll bo accoptod " "un lU A u g u s t'9. Jorom o

• SdioolD islrialson EOE. TruW Drivers wantod. Pos- ' siblo luil’timo, must havo

chLuili}tslic0nB0 0rCD L.'• ab'lo td drive 13 spood.

4^3.4269 from 8am-Som.WofJ Addison .66 Is now lak-

Ing ap^licaliona lor port- . .tM o holp. A p p le t 240 Ad-


■'Mogormpn area, noodchild"

. 'f l^ ln ^A y g 1 ^ 8 ^ '4 4 * ^


_ aMFHirflH _ '■' Personnel a Temporary

. 8«rvlc*s, inc.• ■ ;734-6452-J M/Fy|4/^OE-Notw::^


! .Prolossionalrosum osby . RoVSIonon. 733-2009.



Local vending roulo.Must sell quickly.

1-800-274-1414 Ext. S.


' I D l a t s l T V a i : Training S


• TraMno on FtoaMd*. Dou• New Comnwda) Lte«n»o

. ‘ fln«wd?ASHOunlifiod"

f e

“ 302 MONEY TO LOAN 1 ig, . ____ a a a lo 'a n s . .. .

Bad-Blow-no-crodil7Forany. ■al purpose. Don't bo fooiod by

oihors calls us llrBl.Cafi 513-438-3512. Fool

UNEED CASH?- W obuynolosaroolostoto

— eonlraeta.Jiv .. Cfoativo Financo. - - bo 1-8D0-999-4B09. ' ! .

QUICK CASH For your Roai Esialo Contract or Trust Dflftdg. Gnrv, 733-7742

~ 3m ” investments

08 15-20% return guarantood.10- j H E y 2 £ u ^ i i S 9 6 5 ^ ^

— 4 0 2 'W IciiiM EO U S , _lessons

Plano iossons 733-4643 ' Beginning-advanced

— S c h o o l . . . . „

i l ^>g

T 502 HOMES n" . ■ FORSALE ,

a 2 bd rm . aluminum Elding,al ~aulo spdnklo tc, foncod10 bocl( yo!d. asking S57.000. . lit 289 Dubois Avo, TF. Cali ;o 733-2583 loavo mossogo.0 alieallstelurnodi . . . .D 5 bodroom homo; 2y< bBlhs;— _ 2m i. E.olC.S,l..6pacofor or RV a boal. QuIol locoiion. 2 c|. lirepiacos, 1416 sq .it. plus k. linishod bosom onl, sr 184.900.734.2577. ,d. BRICK— and boaulM Choico soilinga- ai tho ond.ol Stadium Blvd.- - ty ihio 3 bodroom, 2 '/ i baih

homo looluros, 2 Itropioc- »• 05, socludod yard wilh mo- .

turo landscaping, a must sr eoo.$l35,000.191-195.

; MAGIC VALLEY ;; REALTY I '« 7 3 4 -1 9 9 1T By ownor: 7 bodroom homo, a c ro s s Irom C a sc ad o'■ (Candy Cano) Park, 2 lam-*■ Ily rooms, ‘i .'k balhs, dock,

opon cuslom oak kilchon.— 2200 80, (I. op. 1400 6q,tl. at down. 1909 G ranada, TF. la Cntl 734-1909 lornopt.“ BY OWNER: Boautilui 2600

sq ft. 5 bdrm. 3 bnlh, lormal— living and dining room . ,11- kitchon w/lols storage, woiX- bor, lamily rm, Iro covofod '>1: p a llo .S c a r garogo. au loa sprinklofS. Localodinprimo _ N E aro a .5 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 .1205

Gnlnnn. 73S 0961 tofnppi __ By owner: Counlry living. ol town, 4 bodrooms on I '/*

?! COUNTRY SC E N E“• • G ood 3 bd rm , 2 b a th

- homo on 5 ocfos. Shods . - c o rra ls , p a s ju r o .o a to d

’* pipo. West odgo o r Buhl.*• $67,500.

R O B E R T J O N E SR E A L T Y7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4

s- 1-800-262-5001[0. EXT 1211

e l b o w ROOM !!

t. wilh this 4 bodfoom. 2 baths, . d. - 3 tifcplacos, Ovor 2500 co.

It. largo tomiijr room . 2 •— kitchens, doubio garago

ond much, much moro. So call Walt orAnna today to soo this nico hom o.

- . _ ; C 4 , 500.157-91.. •....................

- g e m— STATE REALTY 1 -._734 .0400 .............. ........

OH TOLLFREE 1.80Q-345-4G65ext E115

. HEAD FOR JH E JilLLSl. Bo. . -> ono o l tho low and proud

tha low nap ioco olm oun- taJn propony. This is a com- lortabk) homo, includos all -

— lurnishlngs. and Is licatod on 11 ocros ol ovorwholm-

_ Ingly beaulilul m ouniain counlry. *106.000.

NEEDED: HORSE SENSE. ' This horso/caitlo fadlily In­ciudos main houso. rentol house, guosi houso. indoor and ouidoor.aronas, shops,

' and dlhoromdniiids. Groal- -■morwy-makot.lor-scmoono.

with a head lor animal man- jigemont. Rooltor-ownod.

' P I O N E E R R E A L T Y


401 SCHOOLS ANO /nsT R U cnoN

ruck Drhrer1 S c l i o o l I n ccrw.ORriNG:EVERYW EEKI^ b t e s & CohvontionoJs _ _

ation Auiitanco

•2e 3 -a 7 e& « ......................_ y -

T*P ■• -Wotinosday,.-

~ 802 H0ME9 «- FORSALE '•

'■ G R E A T BUY ®i Extra doan 3 tidmi, 1 ’>6 ball **

h o m e ln co u n try so l tin g . p Ptivalo backyard, covered ^paiio, vory olbiont a l oloo P' irid)oma.v/GroplacoIHA/FHA

, . financing avoilabio a t ... 7 .99% intorost, J4G,700.

r - C a t t S i o v v - - -------------------- r

BARGAIN• -Sonorhasreduoodthoprioo 5

tor tho oocond timo. Asking only $34,900, Roomy 1.500 » sq . It., 2 bd rm . 1 b a th o n " main lovol plus 1,400 sq. ft. untinishod basomont. At- tachod carport, patio, stonn _

■ w indow s, onciosod front Nl porch. Hurry! Call Harold today. 733-30I8.


733-4321 J


can bo yours with lha 3 bod- _ room . 1 ba ih hom o. Has

“ ■ 16X15 m asto r bodroom . • w o o ^ o l io t slovo , dock, R.V. paiking, gaidon area, g a ra g o door oponor and much moro. So call Wali'or

. _A nnaloday.£69,000..W .U _ 108. ^


734^3400 cO RT O L L FR E E ^

, l.eOO-345-4685 ex t E115 _‘ . IT’S UNIQUE i * 5 b d rm s, 4 b a th s . 4800 ' aq It, uniquo m orblo on-

iry , o a k k ilc h o n . 2 tiro- placos. glassod-In hot tub fa

— ond big rtjdwood dock for - t ontortoining. with torrilic I viow of Iho c a n y o n a n d I Porrino bridgo . O n 1.88 I

_ . . a a o s . <R O B E R T JO N E S {

, REALTY 8. 733*0404 -

! 1-SOO-262-5001■ EXT. 1211


Halt aero lot in HoIIislor. This “ 4 bdrm homo h a s boon

■ com pioloiy rom odolod.' 75% NEW. insidoandoul. [' Now rool and appliances. ■

Wood stoovo, polo loridng. 5soiolliio dish. Plus 18'x22' ‘untinishod guost houso. ' $54,000. Call Rotjort-Jon- ' kinsloday. #17-91.

3 P IC T U R E B O O K b ‘1 BEAUTY

4 aw aits you whon you tour ! , Ihls boautilui COUNTRY; ESTATE. This 'c u s to m '■ built* CONTEMPORARY’ HOME loaturos moro than „------ 5300 oq ft cl linishod; qual-

itylinng.Calhodraicoilings. I* m assiv o lirop laco , huge

m ater bdrm su rto .supo ib >------oak cabinetry Ihroughout..

Quoon-slzod kilchon, largo ( I to rm al dining room , ot- < .. ...tach o d 2 -c a r-g a ra g o ..5. J t suilo-sizod.bdrmsand 4V^ c

b a lh s . Ihroo luily land- ' sc ap o d a c re s . C a llJa n n f now lor your oxclusivo showing. $185,000. >12- 90.

ALPINEREALTY ^7 3 4 -3 3 7 3 • S

C A L L T O L L F R E E a1.800-345-4665.OXI100 a

JUSTLISTED ^'■ • and Piicod to Soli! You'll bo “I vofy p lo a sed wilh iho 51 warmln and oppoai ol Ihis R > lovoly 3 bodroom . 2 bath

hom o with largo lamily -. room, D ocorato^n nouiiai

c o lo rs insido and nicoiy Iandscapod oul. 574,900.

------W oft4Jasl,-£all-Linda-aL _423-6351. 3 b

CENTURY 21 I----------- Henty’s ---------- c

Realty a A uction Co.191 A ddl»on,Tw in Fall# „

[-------- 7 3 6 -3936 5^Each ollico indopondontly

j ownod a oporoiod.


with Ihis 3 bodroom, 1 baih.2 s to ry homo closo to

: downtown. Homo has boon ' rom odolod with a nower

kilchon. So call Wall loday i- .- io - .lo o k -a t,il i is ,.h o m o ..

$29,900. *91-242.


734-0400 O RTO LLFREE


MINI FARMAll in pasture. TF cannl wa­

ter, Maturo Iroos lor privacy and comlort, 3 bdmi homo, tam ily room, liropiaco. dock, garden aroa. dbl go- rago, corrals, chicken coop, CallJoan Brannon. .

- .........O N EL E V E L -♦/-2,000 sq tt homo on acro-

a g o S of W endoil, Large lam ily room . Aulo lawr sprinklors, Foncod. boauti lui selling. Ca!l Roy Sabair'


.. ..........7 a 3 -4 3 2 - tj ■!

y,,August 7 ,1991 Timcs-Ncw'

'' i

602 H O IE S ~ S mFOR SALE _

40 acres (m-2) wilh lull TFCC wator. plus eomforlablo 4 bdim homo, tuckod In m a­turo Uoos ond landscaping, is th plusouibuildingo. hor


R EA L T Y 0 “ i " T r t s T i iB r A v o r E a s t -------- - 734-1698You'll novor know Iho valuo-• ot ctassinod until you um It. - --

- NE AREA EYE CATCHER / Now 3 bdrm. 2 bath, bving a*. f t• dining room, lamily room. *

upgradMtmi^glioul, S

NE LOCATION: 4,19 acros in Skylino A cros. uniqut 1-8 C dosign. 3100 sq. It,-f pani.i b sm n t.3 b d rm ,2 '/» b a lh atrium, ollico. Lois ol stono |g e woodwork, hardwooc lloors. Many matuio.tioos Hom<

-2 .s ta ll ba rn , polo Id n co s . -SOUKg5.00Q.C»f73M 807--------

Over 24D0 sq. It.. 4 bedroom. JSBH 3 baih, alf, aulomatic sprin- , • kiers, hoi lub. Assumable 503 b o lanco . S92.000, Coll734-4049 allor 4._________ ____

OWNER FINANCING* 2 bodroom homo outsido ol Supi

Twin Foils, Mnko nico .Iarr stanor homo. 523.000. Call loc Linda tor moio inlormailon. anc 423-6351. doll

CENTURY 21 “BH e n ry ’s '

Rooity a A uction Co. Vj” 191 A ddU on, Twin FallB 5? i

7 3 5 -3 9 3 6 ^

Each ollico indopondontly ownod a oporotod.

3bo<P R E S T I G I O U S


foaluros this 5 bodroom . 2 '- baihBRICK familycofltorcd-

h o m o :0 v e r3 0 0 0 sq .lt .o l - S i living spaco. Enjoy llio hot Comi lub on Iho covorod dock bdt and tho pool tob io in Iho >-0l recreation room. Don't miis Wo this ono! Coll Bonnio Par- _o»-‘ sons. C f^S.ff9 |.190. GOO

. . witl

GEM iS T A T E R E A L T Y 5 .5


•1-800-34 5-48G5oxtEll5 ^q,|S T A T E L Y oii'

All brick. 2.093 sq . 11 nicoly I'O’docoralod. 4 bdrm. 3 bain 32*! homo. Family room, lito- placo , boau iilu l cualomdrapos, gazobo , & patio , 2 bo Ptivato backyard. Dt}l, ga- tlaltriQO, nico aroa: Cail Roy.-------- Jrig

S P A R K L IN G Nic( la/go lamily homo silting on 2 up

a c ro s c lo so to TF, to 25’x34‘ oversirod gnr.-»go dock, spa, now honi pump. Owr Iruil Uoos. R0.-II nico. Mako IV ollor. Call Ray.

2 b tF A N T A S T IC B U Y r>ic

TF llnosl duplox in Iho 500 bik. on Min. Viow Dr. Each

..unit h as 2,100 sq . 11.. two bd:ms. 2 'A balhs, applianc­e s . laundry room , hoa t pumpi'wnior coltnor, au to Wa spflnklor sysiom. lutly Innd- By 0 scapod & loncod, covorod froi 'docK. brick a Iranio bxtori-' rnt or. M akos g roat ren ta l a acr personal dwelling. Cali Ray. WAI


7 33-4321 5“ THIS VIEW S FOR

YOU b71* Sil on tho spacious dock bdr

and onjoy tho torrilic viow lomand quiot counlry living! 3 onii bdrm. 2 bnlh homo on 2.5a c ro s S E of B uhl. 510 S68.500ROBERTJONES —

REALTY ” b*ot— 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 ............. 3 1 2

. 1.-800-262-5001 . .. 512______ EXX 121.1 . .. . ________3bd(m. 2 baih, luHbasomoni ____

with lamily room a poistoly Want2 moro bdrms. 362 Cfost- in IIview Dr. Ashing $85,900. owr

-Cnll733-0135.------ ---------------08V1

502 HOMES 502F O R S A L E _

lEAUTIFULBRICKTrr'DVorro iondjcoping. IrlpJo g lo iod ook doors w /bovoiod Qiois. 6 bodi Icmiiy room, surikon living roor doubio car ga ra g o . an d ttio loo Ihis lovol*'nomo in NEIocoiion. :

GREAT FAMILY HOME in c o twondoflul viow of tho Sawtooth t /2 b o lh spill ontiy hom o ha: fiiopiocoi. tniorcom. 2 c a r garoi$150.000_____________________

7.7 ACRES lolotiy foncod with o houso ond othor smell ihods cr 1720 sq. ft. 3 bod io o m , 2 b a t lovol. $99,500 • •

CLOSE TO CSI this frosWy pali bodioom . 1 1/2 baDrlfcomo is Locot.od on o n o x tto la rg e I jprlnWing system ond 2 co rtjo ta


A y t 8 2 ^ ^ u ^ U I

s s „ " f f r „ ;3i:!gg a1 - 8 0 0 - 6 5 8 - :

Jews, Twin Falls. Idaho 0-3-

209-51i502 HOICS - S

F0R8A l£ >■ .

S U P E R BUYl .

is lh i8 4 b o d ro o m ..1 b « hhome in tho oountty. 20)S0' •d e tac h e d gor£\go. R t f . p o rk in g .o to ro g o sh o M , g a rd e n a ro o ond m u v -

-m u ch m ofor Coil W olltot-------Anno to d ay to soo I^Ib homo. $55,000.8135-915


734-0400 « O R T O LLFREE 5_

1-800-345-4665ext E l f f2 bdrm houso in Twin Fafc.

$25,000. Torihs avaiL 7J4- 6959botwoqn.6om-6om,<.

■lomo for saio, to bo movatJ.-------iBouinooBt 01 Edon, m o S o ,- .,: .a n oflo r. Cnii B 25-56W ._____

Toavom ossaoo -----------^


JU S T L IS T E D Ilf _Superb 3 bdfm hom o viHlh

lamily room ond so c iu ^ d location. Asking $44.ffl0 ond won't last long! nor details call 326-5680. \

B A R K E F T -Cnll 543-4371 ?

Wood Iramo homo, 4 bdrm, 2 batfi on 10 acros in Buhl. S60000. Cnll 438-5<i71. •


3 bodioom homo In Wondoll, $25.000. Cnll 536-2723.

5200 sq ll hom o. 10 Irrig acios on Little Wood Rivet'Solar, groonhouso. orchard

-fihop-i^uch.mofoLOfOugas a Co. Ed nt 800-622-0234

Como mako ollod Boautiful 5 bdrm hom o on 10 a cro s.L ois ol sh o d s a c o rra ls . Would considor lown house on trado- 934-5370.

GOODING. 3 bodroom homo with garapo, on lorgo city loi, tbncod backyard, nowly ro d oco ra lod . $39 ,900 .Muat te l l moke on olferl Cnll 733-0553.___________


3yOwnor;AUbfick2bdrm.1Vj oalh in quiol nolghborhood, aulo sprinklers, private pa. tio, $55,000. 324-3528 or 324-5203 lor nppointmont.


2 bodroom, vinyl siding, par­tial basom ont, slovo a r<T-

Nlco, cloan! 2 bdrm homo - upstairs can bo convortod 10 mcfo bdrms. $25,000.

Owner will carry, 3 bodroom. •1’A bath. $27,000.

2 bedroom homo on 2 lots • nlco patio, $32,500. T •

C A N Y O N SID E REA LTY 3 2 4 -3 3 5 4

Wont to liv e o u io l town?By ownor. 3 bdrm, family A

Iront rm. 4 car garogo sopa- rn to .'fo n c o d , co rrn ls , 5 ' acros. 324-2542. $05,000

WANT TO SELL! Mako ol­lor. 3 bdfm. 1 ’A baih. play­room a n d TV room .vi brick. 2 ocros w/watof, S olJrrfemr>. 3P4-3485.


BY O W N ER: $51 ,000 . 3 bdrm. fully londscopod. Ig torie<^back^^d^ a troshly


H AGERMAN,3 bdrm . I'A bo th . 1200 sq h^oxtro lot


/Vontod: 60 lo 100 ocro latm in Iho Buhl aroa. would liko ownor financing with down oavmofll. Call 423-5087.------'-----



......■ir r o o tu r ln g 'o x c o t to n f J I ------ook windows, ock piotlo ■ bodroom s, 2 1/2 ba lh s . 5 room, control vacuum . 5 J lootcxos QO on & on for 5 on. $195,000 91-189 g '

c o u n try so ttin g w ilh S ooths. tills 6 bodroom, 3 S I h a s 2 family room s. 2 5 jaroQO on d m uch n>otol m_______________ 9I-1P4 S

th co'rois. barri, cNckor> 5 3s cro inciudod wilh this 5 b a th hom o oil on o n o ^

_______________ 91-161 B

p a in to d & c o rp o lo d 4 S lO is idoot lor Iho lom ily lg g e lot w ilh o u lo m o lio ™ - - Oarogo. $59.900 91-141 g '

ILLEY REALTY SW -t991 SU k e s B jy ^ N . g

itovo Kohnlopp 32C-5M8 ■ .^onoSnarp 733-5559 B

8 - 3 8 8 2 ■

::>Real Est• ; . ; i > I J -FARM57HAKCHES -


'200-Bcro«...W ondoII... ' • lower pivot. 4 whi linos,

hand linos. 3 bdrm. homo . - 320 oeras, Ruport, 2 pivoi

I 3 whi linos, 4 hand bnos,! bdjm.ifi-lovol homo, she

m achinc chod, 320 ac slato lonso. Pdcod lo sc Rnnchoro Rpnliv73&-171

^ . . .

N.W..QJ jQfomo. SpfinKI( with 4-4* han d lino B oau iifo l 4 bodroom . bn lh h om o with unlli ish o d basom on t. Gro v iow IO tho North S o u ih . H ou so with ncros can bo sold sopc ato ly . Call Willis Stor 324.7280, S 91 .118,

GEM____ S I A T E .R E A L T Y

734^0400 OR TOLL FREE

. .. 1-e00-3-lS-4G65 cx» E11 Dairy (or salo ol looso. do

bio 8 w/ lockupa. 678-950 DAIRY & LIVESTOC

O W N ER SUO dcrosoll pasturo. 40* ol walor 1(0 shnliow woH. locatod W ondoll aroa. A«klr

■ S55.000,---------------G O O O ee — ACRE-PAR

locatod NW ol Bijh Rom odolod 2 bodroo

' homo with olhor goc ’ im provom onis. 4500'

notodplpo, 86 sh aros Twin F alls canal wato AsklnaSiaO.OOO.



For Solo: 120 aero row era SW o l Kozolton, M

‘ ■ sharos ol wator. lo soil• o sln lo . 205 -6 3 8 .1 2 2 5 ■■ f ■ ~ 73J-3022nHor£om.

MacKny Ranches 686 OCTOS, wiih 1 pivot. 4 whoollinos. 2 ctofy home

5240,000 280 aero Nonh Mockay, wri

. . now log cobin. $179,000 Coll.Garv.Grimo3.126^00:


lO acros. 5200 sq ll homi , . Soo nd bonding 505.

• ' ' 1-5 ocro building slios avoiablo. havo plans, witl buil

, ' lo suit. For moro inlo. CdDalo ni 423-4548,_______

. . 1nerolol-er.!1733-09B1. • 2 '/s acros lor salo by owno

■ ' 324-4421 boloro 9pm.BEAUTIFUL CUSTOI

- - HOME overlooking Snok■ ' River Canyon. 3 bodrootr

o n i aero.AutoGprlnklo hoal pum p. 2 docks, wi

. . . . bar. buill'in bod, attacho doublo garago. larg nssum ablo loan. Aekin

- - - , S124.500.MUNROEROBtHTS


- B U IL D E R S• • - 1 aero builditw sitos Irontif

on Sporhs St, zonod R-: Con bo divided Into 3 scpi rato lots. Approx, 85‘x»0S PeffinoSchooldislricl.Asl

: ' Ing S 3 0 .0 0 0 . Call Joo Brannon.


R E A L T Y^ 7 3 3 - 4 3 2 1

M obile hom o lota. Adult family, to tm s. FHA & V


1 - ^ 7 M O N E Y M O N E Y !!

■ Buy a 2 bodroom,-1 boih Ic'• •! , incomo propony. They at- going last co doni wait lo

(ong. Call Walt or Annate• day, Townhousos $21.00

“ v ' “ oa «91-259,-------- -


--------- 734-0400-O R TOLL FREE

1.800 .345-4665 pxl E115 t-^ --.,- .M U S T SE L L ,^ < Ioi( in-TF

' ' c a sh H ows. FHA lonn■ $49.500.352-4636. .



■ $75,00(■<-* YOQURTSHOP, MVMoll i — - #91 .152 ..................$80,00(

BEAUTY SALON. #91-152. ............................... $44,SOC

-------- DELI, #90-195.......„.$120.00(

■ > ; ' •MINIMART.»91-180


- 7 3 4 -1 9 9 15 f8 U08ILE HOtES

.'.T i9e9M orlo lto , 14x60. nov : ‘ plumbing 4 cablnots. 2 ti;

. o u ls , brick h oan h, woo< slovo, siorago shods. gooc noighbors. kids A dogs o.kWSX). 726-5710.________

■■j: i9 7 4 14*70V an D yk o ,2 -: bodroom s. includos kitch dr), op p lian cos . coo lof wood stovo . 2 0 'pofch, Ir Ruoon. $9800.436-9021.

- 6 mobilo homo oxlo». $12£oneh .cm i734 .7550 . ...

p •;> For salo; 1990 Kit m obile h o m o . 1 4 x 7 0 .3 bdrm, 2 ball), 8omo/Jpplioncos^n•

;••* cludod. liko now. locniod noor Joromo Goll Courso,

’- r ' will soil $22,000. Call 324. 491 4 Of734-6493

!F' • '

• U-4 Timos Nowa. Twin f

itate/Sale*fE S - “ 3 1 8 - W BIL E H O ^ a

- 14 X 60 '. 2 bdrm, 1 bal II 10 ehnrp an d va c a n t oi io s 5 roady lo movo'-InT 5950 jmo . Call 734 -7 1 5 9 -o r da

733-1236nos. 41^ “^ G EM O F A PR IC E I0 soli.•1719 >vjih Ihis 1980,14x56 Bron

moro mobilo homo wllh,7.' =------ 7*2T lip-bur. AIsb Kos'«'• bodfooms. 2 balhs. ovoi , rongo.dlshwashof,oirCO inKlM,. diiionlng,andsiorogosho in o s . To coo this homo call Wl 5 m ,3 or A nn atod ay .$14 .30 i in lln- #156-91. jro a t th &


_ 734.0400n OR TOLL FREE .1 1 1 .800.345-4665 ««1 E l l

r Y ~ " ' ^ '^ .C E M E T jR Y L 'C ^

: 4spacosatSunsotM omorE115 Pflrtt. VoIIoy Viow Dlsl. C

Mrti.Vou-ria. 678^117.... 9501 Lotvaullflndhoodstonol rnTH? sa lo In S u n so l Momorl

nil In ParklnLokoviowsoctlo $ 1 5 0 0 v o lu o .w illo o llf $1000.Form orolnlorm

,k ln a tion enK 734-9708,® Singlo Mauooloumerypl

:a r m - -SunsolJ^omorlol.-liSO. Buhl. 246-4368 cnll collect. .

good 520 REALESTATE 50' o l SERVICES■osol ____________ ;__________lator. IwouldEkotosoD

voufhomo.S DON HOUK, BROKER.

736-0855.______® . J O N E S W E H A U L-------- Iwillmovoyou' ANYWHERE lortoss tha

’ 20 renting a taiek. Nood sold o loads 10 CalilS Ariz. 25 or FREE ESTIMATES.......... -Cnll 324.3490.

> '■I11

1 1 1^ ILybJBomo. ------------------------------------_____ 602 UNFURNISHEDovalj HOUSES

I. coll 1 bdrm. Joromo. $225 plu____ doposit. Cnll 324-3430.I- Sp acious 3 bdrm famil iwnor. homo'in quiol noighboi____ hood, noar park, schocjO M chopping, oloclric hocmoLo plus wood Slovo. $400 mc ooms *$200dop,R ol,roqulroc “ lo,-; r orry no pois! 543-6937,

I'cho d 603 FURNISHED ' , largo APTS/DUPLEXESiking —:______________________

1 bdrm lumishod opt. uliDilo5 Dnid.$50dPP>35-0855

1 bdrm lurnls^od opt. All util ) tios inciudod. $265 ■» do_ _, C.1II 734-79B3.


sepa. -------------------------------------;t89'..Ask-_ _ . U Sb drm n pls _ Joon Q U IE T L U X U R Y

Lg walk-in closols; AC-------- - Lourol ParH Apartmonts -IV 176M auricoSl, N.,A 'Apt 304. managor

734.4195._______1 bdrm subsidized housing

sliding sco lo .E H O . Cal h n n -32^-3/M .______________6 VA 2 bdrm. 1'/. bath, garago 43. appIs, W/D hookup, oloc

AC. Near CSI. No pots non cmokcfs. $325 -f $20< dep. 734-2008. 734-9909.

____ 3 bodroom. 2 balh opt, vorjnico, $350 por m onlh. 1

^ l | vonr loftso. Cnll 736-0760. - Jerom e: 2 bdrm, 1 'A balh

Ih far W/D hook-up, no pots y a io $270.324-7127/324-8499'• 100 Q U IE T L IV IN G .'a to- Clean comptox. 1 & 2 bdm-L-000 ..........npis, S30S & up._

Rolurbishod. etoan, dishwnshor, laundry

^ ----------- taduti06,.«ap0tt-------f | 864 Quincy ' I _______ 734-G600________1 Spacious 1 bodroom apart

Y m onl with applian cos.. $225. CaB 734^117-Ovoa. -

Taking application to ront - 115 2 bodroom apanmonl, non

.sm oKor, DW .„llfoplaco

------ 605 ROOMS FOR RENT

Individual room, doso to CSI non-smokor, non-drlnkor

i i s - SIflO. Cnll 733-8627.


14x702bdmi. I ’Abalh.von ^500 n ico. No pot#. AC. i35^ CAA month+ $175 deposit. Sky-

lano Mobilo Pork, Availoble 1.000- Cnll 733-4023,


> Y 2 Ig, business ollicos avail- ablo. good location. 1: ap­prox. 2000 so. R. brmof Ifo-

____ rai shop. 2 :800 so. fl., moslulililinfilnel 734-2944.

3tO 2nd Avo. E.. Twin' FaJb,------ Approxlmololy1, $^00 month doposlL-2 tip Call 736-1224.________ _

AVAILABLE NOW FoVmor Pondorosi) Polt)i

■ Storo on Filer Avo, In lho------ Lynwood Shopfrfng Contor,, 2-3 2250 sq. ft., loose now, ns

slor"'h .lii Bonin!fufpro"oo5ifnnl^ ,2350,Kifl..wHh7lndividud'125 ollicos. conloronco room,___ roeoptlon oroa and bronkb ile room. Additional bsmt oroa71, 2. of S25 sq fl wllh 3 mofo of-; !n* ficos olso ovoilablo, ulilKlosHod Included in roni. old Bonoli-rso* cial Lllo Olfico, Biuo U koa124* nnd Filor, Lynwood Shop-

Dlno Conlor. 733-2282,

(In Falls..ldoho . W odnosdoy. /

•Real Estate

Ollico flpaco on Biuo Lakos noxt to Doson Sun Travels.

_____ 734-9486 or 734-5253.

:EI! OSTERLOH AVENUE {old HOBCO building) wllh 5

rnriri. siallon tolophono syslom , (Ith a lu'niiuro and socurorns“2— loncod-«qulpm ottl-ya/d.- ivnn. Avoilablo Immodiotoly. Call

Jim. 733-9633 or Brawloy S Rooliy.734.S858.-Walt ------------------- 2------------------3 00 . Primo ollico itctoss from

Anxnl5on3.720sq, It.Doahtor RoatlvT734-2922.

R estaurant lor lo a so In ■ Haoomian. 837-4570.' I Rotall& ollico spocosavoil,I busy Biuo Lakos ond Filof

Y locations. Lynwood Shop*oing Conlor, 733-2282.

Spoco avall.-Compus Com* !115 m en s Conlor. S m . 7 3 3 - ------------fi?7?-dflw:7M-0524WP5-.:

1 = ^ 608-^WAHEHOU3D.- — "pMT - • STORAGE RENTAL--

____ 10 ,0 0 0 t q ft. m olal waro*lo lo r houso in TF w/2 bare Ipis,lorlal full bsm l. low tolol price.:tlon. Ownor will conv. 324-3404III for Rent, salo or loaso; 20,000->rma*>l8,$1000_____ porm o. J .J . VVIntorholof/p lin Co. 734-3556.___________ _•603^ _SNAKEJUVER5T0H6GE______ ________ 734-1400.________

W «tt End Mini S io r sg * . 543-8475 or 733-1683.


'__ For Solo: 87 sharos PtoasaniII Valloy Grazing Assoc. 15%

now. balanco duo 1/1/92. •ttian Call 886-2652._________ 1.od Waniod: Fall ond winier pos-

luro. lor 50-200 hoad. S Gooding oroa proforrod.

• ■Call934-V93.----------- -------= Wantod; Fall pasture & hay! to winlor 200+ hood cows 4

corrals to woan and winter lh o cblVOS. Coll 934-5058 onrlv morns or ovw,______ _


Nood 2-3bdrm . homo. TF school dirJrict, $500 rango,

____ oxc. rofs. 2 loon s, good= = * pels. Call Poggy 733-4343

cr 324-5592._____________N eed by A ug- 24 , 2 or 3

____ bdrm. 2 boys(6 4 5). IHA,plus rots nvnil. 734-2137. Choryl____ Prolossional rolocniing lom ily Twin Falls aroa: Nood bor- hom o or nice duplex for 100I fam ily(2 cmallchlldron). hoat Will poy top rentand looso mo lor 1 yaar. Call Kon days,

Irod! 734-4S04._______________'j___ Waniod 10 roni; 4 or 5 bdrm

houso In tho Kimborly oroa,' 4P3-S310of 423-5038.

!___ 614' MOBILE HOME.Dllos SPACE

utllj. Senior cilizon mobilo homo .do* park. 3 months Iroo ront. ____ M ^ W 9 7 o r |4 3 J 2 4 2 j_ ^

c h’l

— 702 CATTLE

2 to rog. Holsloin closo-up ___ Sprlnnor hoilors- 733-7148

r , Dolry herd lor salo. 10 years oonotic mating. 22.OO0 lbs.

o ts . hordavg., 160 hoad. Coll;200 eS7.2242or657-2256..........>9. _ Fof Salo: 67 shores PkiasartI /ory ..Valloy Gnizing Assoc. 15%h. 1 now. balanco duo 1/1/92. X).- Coll 886-2652-alh , Rogistorod Holstoln broodingots-------bu lls .Sm utny Holsloins,.39 733-7148

703 DAIRY _________ EQUIPMENT________

Milking systom with 300 gal- Ion bulk tnnk.$20QO..CalL


— "■■2.WIDERETRlEVING: CraIa'..... Shebhord. 3264342 '

ico' A dam a cuslom sw aihing,, baSog, stocking, also plow- •

“ * ing, ife6-44e9 ovonlngs, of y 737-1589 anylimo.___ All Swathing: Grass, grain,: SI, otc, drapor hoador & bat- ^or. Ino. 324-5621,324-7903.___ All lypoa CHOPPING, porta-

b lo sco lo s , THRESHING, Qwalh, balo. rako, greund-

— . work, rock picker, landplono, trucks, will irovol.

350 ftandvWonvor. 543-6866. ^ 0 C uslom big balino hay 8.

Slraw. Ronsonoblo ralos,---------- in MV. 438-2803--

CUSTOM CHOPPING, hny grain & corn, portabio

_ Icnlos. any nroa-324-5621. rail- '.C ustom 6waiWn8,“rak ln o;' op. plowing, rollor harrowing, I& disking ole. Trlbulla Cu«-

»osJ com Formlfw.733.5270___ Seotr*-,C u»lom Farminglib . Swathing & baling. 16^ drapor hoador lor sood

crops.potts& groin. Call 5 4 d -5 f3 0 , mobilo 734-

----- g32M 555 _________]lnto Will houl hoy or straw oul ol Iho fihldofstnck'678-5667. itor. ' I ', na 7 0 1 FARMo m . . ........m a ch jheh y....... -

1466 IH 4W 0, duota. flood Juol fu b b o r .flo o d ed .,$9^50. . Dm. ''430 NHHayfinorbalor. vory oak good. $3.«)07432-6652. iroa •'Sl: l5 c o m b in e s & parts g . JD.IH.NH.'^


Cnll 503-372-5671

ly. Auguat 7j 1991 ________

te/Rent-l^— w W r A n n '


I«cfckos of.diosol.825-5g2a. .Ola. 1950C B Havdiodet-boan___ thrashor, 4 6 ' pickup. Alao

410M FgrainlhraalM r.14' old hoodor. coll S36-2726. ■ h 5 1990 Logan 4 row windrow- }m, or, boliod chain, hydraulio uro ahatora, oloct ronly d v o a , fd." * [&£kbIadoa. oxcoUontcoit* !^ll dlllon. C oll 436 -0 2 9 2 or loy _436.3066ovos.

2-20- boda & ho!sl;,20-.IMCO___ hydraulic a llago com bo

bod;3IH 810 pickup hosd- oroilV IH b o ltp ic^ .p la s-

2. tic tooth; '74 G loonor L comblno. 543-6886 ■ ' ■

2) B820 THan Ils, 860 houlB, nit 24' hoadore, oxcolkint corh11 ; dilioaCall4.38:.S546.,_____op- 6 row. 3 pt, boon euttttr. In*

tomaiional Standard. 3 sota ofblad(js.$1200/olfor.

33 - Can 734-5053.Q5V- erowParmDliltorloadorvS

------row OppotlftorloadorrCtin— -^6-4261-altor.8om-----------S.- - 760 Massoy comblno.straw___ chopper, field roody. Calliro- 678-1184.

8' Molrowo pickup, boll OO- mounlod teolh, usod vory 2 L lilllo. $1000-823-4432.

Burloy Tractor Solvoga

Drilling rig Bucyrua Erio ------ 8aJlVr«oo's-«'*d-baH«»a-

— from 4*to 16‘.porforalor* g * . and misc tools. $7000. CoD

801-635-2219, :— ESTATESALE:105JDcom-

bino, 16' hoador, air condi- tlonod cab, good condition, $1800. Coll 326^1793.

FEED GRAIN tltlLLS, now and usod, mony makes and

? ? . sizosavmlablo. 438-8397. .For salo: 15 'Caklwoll rotary

T)r shroddor; 6 row Allowoy • boot dololialor wiih hwlrau-

lie scalpor; 1969 GMC Ifuck wiih 16' bod ond hoisl. Coll 6 78 -2 0 6 0 dayis'o'r 678-'3903hlooveninQS. ___

For tale: Gloonor comblno. left. -1979 modolN-6 rotary. 220

hp,diosol turbo, 225 bushol— bin. cab with air, 24' hoador

with Irailor, 110Ohrs, on ou- gor. 1500 hrs. on molor.

TC caIIA dam orE dati-40S- L 676-4600. •,^ci Sloanor. F bean sp ocial »43 com blno. Sund pickup,

rool, straw chopper. Call7 3 8294250 Ifiioovoa-_______M -lock ol a good IH 403 com- ,,Cf bino, with pickup & sood al-

lachmonta 543-5769- ■ -losslon 1014+2 swolhor &

i„ . MF 510 and 82 comblnos lor pans. 678-1277.

ISO daho Tractor Sslvago cash ys, lor sa lvago Iraetors & _ _ o^uipmonl. Somio Craig at

00 ■ intornatlonal comblno withpickup rool, 51200, Intorna-

~ lional wind rollor wiih condl- llonor, 1411. $6000. Both shod slorod & roady to gol

. 733-8466or324-7363.- JD 440 cab-coolor , 16 fl

,nt hoador, straw choppor,.Sund roking pick up model

= ■ 650. Coll 886-2883.

I New Holland SOObalordio- 'so l ongino, nowknotlor& foodor up datos, $90 0 0 .

829-5720,_______________Now Holland balowogons;

~ '104B,-s«pcr-l048,-1068,-&- ethermodols. 1.286-7171

...... Nyisa-TractocSalvaga.^-Wo buy salvago Iraclora

= : & comblnos. Call . fiai-37?.5671

! i - l v S i j l l

bs. ■ ( ■ r V I ■;all

i | i | | ; t ^'"0 I H B i B n H M

SlI 'Aaaoclatad Goner

Contractor*. Bluopiini__ ios, any sizo, fnx sor( j g - ---------- lowratos.-Call734'7

io T ............ ............................■ John'a Sharpening St

0 • Inbusino3sfiinco19_ Call 326-4462 or 734-^

"ir Caputo's Custom Cabnd Quality cabinols al.


—~ Romodoling.'coneioToT “y ,08 , docks, froming i

work. 5434486.7334

0 ; ........................ ..............Viking C onslructlon.

conairucllon. romod ^ addiliona. gonoral reIp 4 moro. 18 yrs oxpor

froo osllmaloa. 7 S i «all4.


............3 - .. apbctel,$69.95.73S.jl0 . .iry '

Oonorol oxeovotlngcomploto aopllc sys CallFnIrbonka Exca' 733-3061.

........... . -••• . ■ ,

r n j i e r ^ M a r l

^ i ------------------] - MACHINERY ------

du. dlOSJQhn Dooro..comDmo^ ;J829-53^

So ^ o so '^ ^ O T comblno. 14'

^ Tbkolt 1 stop boan cuiior-lle . Windrowor. Good w^i^on.

>"*■ V5 E0 COMBINE PARTS— 0^ ;1 Buying Laio Models__ eurleyfractor-SolvageX). - J Paul. ID»438-5420 _

Wdnlod 10 buy: Oldor SjeWo- ^ .Bhrhoymowor,3poinlor

pull type disk. Allis Chalm- L oibWD,WD45,D-17prolr

— olhbly wllh front loadodto f*. • fll’ihosoiractors.Anycon- ir>- d i l^ . Cnll 334-5858.

r .rod! f a r m s RANCH , , J IMPLEMENTS

— 1982 Lognnpotoloharvosl- rS' -"or,{boltod,-chain. & blowor.- 6H- r ^ ^ 6 2 - 3 8 7 6 o r d o y 6 7 0 '

iw- -19Banndl985Fr0oman3TO Bll 3 S' ing balors, fiold roady, _ ••'adv irso condition plekup. lit cat air, hool, $31 ,500 , rv $1C ,000dow n lin anco4 ^ yoofs, will go lo si. Call

— M8a24-714fl.1983logon harvester with. btewcf,l»?fod chalf>s. 1985.

TT Loosn2 rowWlndrower,9 100% rocondllionod. 18'

t “ PMB'-fol^lJOTnta— bodr- .'S S I5 K to llo i.-I9 5 2 A rm y

trticll 6 whool drivo, mako

P.* iggoU oganpoIatodlogor, boliod chain, olcctronic

"< contrds, hydraulic shokorc.rock btadofi, oxcolloni con-

iw . d illo ii Call 436 -0292 or^ 436-3fe8ovos.____ ______^ 20’{noldspudbod,oxcolk)nt- ry sh a p d $1200 ca sh . Call*y _____i Boar C4122* Hommormlll * {grain Wndor)P.T.O.driv- J"- ..-o n ,3 8 « o o n o izo 8 .J 0 60r. »' rololllloJspt 4 P.T.O. drivo, _ p r .c 6 d (j8 0 ll7 b .7 1 4 8 .._^ Loader 4nd backh oos for !0 .cfllo, Ai^imo 436-0767.!?' MS 760 (SM BlNESi $ 4 4 ^“ each or toy 2 and got ono

froo. Date. 678-4731 oral- 5: lo r7 c m K .» < 8 6 ._______

Jj- 707 FAR^ SEED ' ..............

>i f l allalla ffiDd'oalB. poas,-" grassos,U ollvorod. Call- BobH om aibnSood[734.;• 3 S 87 .733-p 7 .'' AAA a lfa lld sood . Locally .- grown hyirid so o d from & growof; 51.40 ib; Robort a Plan, 1 - 3 6 6 & colloct.^_ /Ufalla sood,.Con. Wranakir,h by grower, iholosalo, nigh4 tost-hordy. Moyor AM noonIt ovo 3 2 ^ 7 ^ ^ 6 4 7 3 5~ Now crop bniloy In the bln.h -CaH73j-40SV.}: VNS allallaciKd,$1.10por t pound. Call7-362-2497 or

1-8964336. 1___________Wo 8ollGer"ft^in'5WL320;

r W o'also havbGormoIn's ” VNSforS1.40^ 835-5760

70S HAY, G n iw- AND F E ^ I

f 12 ton of hay.'will dd livor ..C all733-22.f7l:,. :

~ 1st and 2nd culling hay. no V woods, no rold. sm olllola >■ -OK.-S7t-a-roo. 733755a:— ~* 200 ton o l good dairy 1st

"CTop hay in 1 ion sq.-balos.- Monioviow, ID. Ploaso call 657-2242 or 657i^ 56. .

lerol D olivitbd folint cop- oarkhig lols,wrvico, . ’ haul ioo. No:t ' 7 ^ ------ ------

.................■ 1'

Service ' Top aoirond fil1976. wyouhauLF44050. E xh alin g . 7:

,-1 .m

K s : ' ...........3.ge2 t octjmolo.^ori

Ml “ ' ” 3-3

P ooler Cuatc for all your bl blgoramaD, V

■ ■ CaE733

M i4«"’ ■ . J t l® H o u s• .Romocfetfng.’


ysiom a. T on/* {andaetuvoling

r k e t M i s ^ l

- -■ ••ANDfEEp;:-;'.- 15 loh p*

f t tY fO onn^flftfl'w nrD. 5000 bushol main alorogo tor10 ront, locatod at 3 1 5 5 £

r 75 ton 1« , 76 cutting n. hnv.$65Aon.934-5g1S.- • ^ 76 tons firel. 75 tonrot w o -

^ n O n n tw rtlo n t-q n a Jiry rira oof ton. .733-6493. ovos.

95 tons of fifst w op hny. JTO _ - pof ton. 0*37341.37.1^—> Approx. 80 ton good quality 3r lirst cullino hay, no rain.V Coll 3 2 4 -4 3 9 0 o r 324 - Ir 3587. loffvo mosstwo. ~

- For»alo:Aperoxlmaloly400 tone oflt nay. aprayed, cloAn, oxcoRont.horao hay or stock hay. $4 por boJo or $65 por ton. 3 airing balo.

I' ^AlsQ 70 ton first cuttino al* r-- -Jdlla-, cKdTcrdalrytiayTBir ■>' -toof/TfltnnffBaJo87$75T»r_ 100,734.7761.--------------------0 OAT HAY: Good food, dollv-- ff orod:Call366-2142.'• 'i' Top quaRy Mud Lake,J Idahohey.letcutilng. .

Call 80^223-7163.Top quallly-etfBW.-S alrlng-

r baloa & ^ ton b a lo s. Pul 2 your ordor In now, compoti.5 - live prfcos. Coll 825-5117.

____- -W ftntod:Xo(n-sllaaaia.SW .. ; W ondoH ofon.w lllpoytlS1 t>orlon.536-21B9.

Wantod: Fell posiuro a hayr iowInlof200+hGadcov«4 c corrala to woon and winter- tho colvoa.C all 934-5058

oarfymomsorovos, 'ir Wanted: Straw to balo on

chairs. Call 837-4489 bo­il. tofo 60m or olior Som. ll' Wantod-to0uy:TopqunIiiy

milk cow hay. All cutfinga.Ti A lso wanting dal hay 4 / . loodor hay. Call Kurt J* Wiorsoma Trucking 324-

•aS51-or324;5982. -

7 710 HORSES

- 1 showy Arabian purobrod.« inaro,bay;5yoaxs, started,

'• 3 mBro8,-paporod, won brod,- “ ■‘n g o s a fo lr o m ’3-4 yoora-

- Cnll 487-2840.------- -----------7 yr old sorrol maro-rldo or

pack.934.B544.. - - • _11 Beautllul Quarter 4 Arabian I* maro. 5 yonrs old. Cnll _ 487-2541 or 487-2772.y - Boainnor/kldshorso8.2po- n nios $600. Horses $700 up. rt TniltTTlossons. 934-5288 .

Hortea: Bought, eold and f. traded. Call 7M-6055.^ H o r a ea h o e ln g . call 324- " 5647or934-5952,ask for r Tim.

HORSESHOEING- ~BixidrTilfanv734-:46B1. ’

Horaef hoolng 4 trimming.

P 'A OH sorroU oolding. oonlk).: .nmart. good dlapostllon.. f haa worKOd cow a. $ 80 0

Reg ARABIAN 'A OH. ^Z yoar old moro, chostnut,

“ -woll-broko.good forchll-

436^9424 ° S r 7°''*'*^°'^’® Yearling colt T .B. Idahos

‘t maro, anyono con rido, s.- 'pocks and huntsrilZO O,- >11 OH moro, $600. doll 733-


..............- H I

lor d'dvoways, £xtorDIS. ote. You con • PaInNorthwoat Crone . . J«o'-7aW 234r-........... ...........

•'■■-r........ - MRTId fill din. Wo haul ' iLFalrbanka ■ 724:J. 733-3061.

-' wTdc


lie , cab in ets , 4 ______I fixtures. Call

H iShops

_______________ modi»Const. RomoddI — -------Frooa.ilSyr oxp. Froo Comioll 73^7010.-. ■

^ N A I D . ' . . B P IrRACTINO PfojoIoriS4n6whomolitructton. , :13-3102. . .

• to m B u lld er i.

' . . ' ■ s s r * ’733-2466. . r«mo\

. i Brldo.

u sd ^o c to ri rT S M S i" : ' ' ■

i Elactr. V I - Hon:

SSB I 's a s . " S I S734.3322.

, - - I ■

Bliaiieous-- f t t 'HO hSi ' - ..— -i— ^ ■ ■ EQU.IPMENT

I f .W M twnuddIfl,f160.'Cag

or 73»9607- £ : Et»llahtaok,oquip{noitt,

_ LHo:Unoiilumlnum4 hora»

~ r r ‘oo-''fiSv * * ‘


^ Irallor, Klofor.Built, 16850. n. Farm«rsExch8ng*.-rwwa ( . . uaod horao and stock troQ>_ -Og.7330961.W o11nanco...

4 7 l2 ' .mRIGiATlbN- : . '

? % mik) or hand linos, conlor »< .risorhookond(alch,(1300.% 32^7338.-B SPRINKLER PIPE REPAIR ,u . S E R V fC E 2M o6’. must Iff. -haM ^aOormoro.Cail-~'—

: -4 6 B ^ 6 8 .-^ — ----------------

F ' i i C ^ L T H y w i o : ' . --------------RABBrrs - ...............

EZBEE FARMS- Fnjsh, antHjtotio froo,19- -OTonlcrlocot.'CHICKENS.—


1 714 s t e & GOATS

5 Good Sultolk rams, lamba 4

4 Rog, Nubian bucks 4 doos, sr lap ounlllv. 702-754-2355. _ 8

_ 715 SWINE '

» ; \ 3265 Of 324-2216, ■ /

t II

jf M l A N TIQ U ES................ ^

Good condilion. horso drawn [1 machinorv; Jackson fork,■I scraper. 4 various othor _ _ Itoms. Chlckon pickor.V 487-2541 or4B7-277^ 6

Unusuol drop loal tablo, 5 -

_ 802 APPLIANCES 1I. ' r }f Konmore rango, oxc. cond.,

$150. CnI OVO8 . 326-5185. “ ~ Slovo. soll-dofrost rofrig,_ • bothttlmond:324-3060, ~ ;I. Usod kllchon rango. works E

oeod.$50.CallsS6-2426. . _r, Washor4dryor,$175. F 1.' 3244609.0 Woslinahouso rolrlgorolor, .d $5 0 . Whirlpool w asbbr. F

p S S E E l E f . 'I Whirlpool ICE MACHINE, ~ >. m okos225 lbs. In cubos. r

o6odcond,..$550. Ask for g Goorgo al 886<2931 orL 886-2142._______________ gH Whirlpool ICE MACHINE.'>, mokos 225 lbs. In cubos, 7 » - -good cond.;-$550.-Ask-for- '■ r- Qoorgo at 886-2931 or


1 ^ '

<torlof a Iniorlor houoo - lalnting. Iroo osllm aloa. ^ IImW^giwor.5434271.

Rv P A IN T ^ : Froo osti- •nator.'insido 4 outsld o ..............^ 2 7 6 £ o r 736-1105. ^

0 do intofior/oxierlor point— : • ng. Roason&blo ratos 4 roo oslimaloa. 733-6515,


lOps a motal buiidlnga. Ro- lodollng ot Idaho pricoa. =rooosiim alos,-Thom aa-— -B :0(ttliucti0fl 734-7783.

M l ) ' l l ^

rofoaslonal cleaning #or- fico: HomoaorsmQllollie- r: »,Magk:MaIda733-4472. g


M & ahrub topping 4moval, Iroo i^zJobnM c nIdo. 733-0939^34-4365 ”

. ... ' .................C

actronlea Repair Sarvlcol ■lomo and car storoo ro- «lf. Call 733-0620

la iiitled 7 . . for paopla 7 •vwywheret 733-0931.

___ :___________• !■ ■ ___

- -'-I - ...... ......... ..............................

- lO fl W W H O E f l-r j-------«

' QErofdflprator.-Ucubiefl. Mj WhHo w collant conation. J

- “ »150;738-7210«lt#r5pm ;~ - J . • ; — To

804'^-BUIDINQ ' , ? MATERIALS : , _

BlackwoD 365 pumftJikottk 01 . 63 /4*.runagroat.«2500.'- V 7 3 3 - 3 2 3 3 . - - ' - ■ •—" shr*''" Cafflni^Qi'" •

hoiahnK hplpsalo cost In stock . Now Is lho

- -Umeloupgrado-CAlIlofos-.. ,6tlm«tn, ^ S 4 8 . _ 1

Houso and old shoda to be' g lom down, lor solvogoma- ,T lo r la la a o ld b n rn w o o d . _nCnll 737-5020. >- • — 16

MUST SELL IMMEDIATE. ^ LYI 2 arch stylo buiidlnga. 0


8 0 5 -CAMERAS -7 - ..........."-----------AND EQUIPMENT--------- *

Nishlka camom, 3D (dimo^ P- -Blon) lafth^Iash^llflchroort,- . M

■ ' morointo- *


' BABYEXCHANGEIGrand 6'j Oponlng. Friday, Aug 9,^ d

A fltyp oo fb a^ tortM ^ flh t . |

. Liko4>ow.Gjtmfl-BayJ.igiiL Boy, ca so 4 7 hot gom es. B. $2^ now. stool Hor $180. n»nsgft.s682. • - All


1991 Tondy 1000 RL, 768 K « RAM, 720 Klloppy drivo, n 20 MEG horddrlvo, color g monitor, m ouso,Joystick, p -

- printer, $960/m ako ollor,- bfill733-6021 allor5Pm, “

ApploIIcomputer.vfilhmonl- "i,.tor4 m ouso,Sdiskdrlvo, _modum,prlnlor, lota ol solt- i-li

,.w of0pr,0grnm s4l3poka,. Ieomplo1o.$5^. 324-4199, \

Sanyo portabio compulor; z ^360 K drivo. 8* mono- Dochromo mon'nor. $350. IBM J elop top. 2 720 K drlvoa, qo$375. Coll Monday Ihrough bFriday, 8 -5 ,733-6599 ask cfor Latrv. q 7

Tondy1000EXwith256Ka ua C onlox color monitor, iii$250; Tandyoxtornol disc hdrivo, $125; Tondy dot Ma- p:irix _ S

810 RHEWOOO _ c

4 'A cords of pino. $75 p ^ '"’Icord. 423-4775.__________

BUY NOW a SAVE. f,FiTowood cut to iongth or ^

somi-load. Call 324-3114.C/Scholnsawbaroil, y,

- - . c j . ^ i § . ° g i : M i , ■ELM FIREWOOD (or so lo , ii

You cut. 324-3667. „Fifowood lor salo.'dolivorod m

in the round. Call H 4 H En- _K

Firew ood.lor-salo, $80 o * 8l

F lrew ood7lroo topping 4 ehalnsnwwofk,73i-477.§ _ g


or homo olfico. $75 or best -iii ollor. 733-9678. nllnr 5. Poi

Bunk Bodsi.L oddor. sid e ^ rails, mntlroSs, $95-5175. RC

-C ii l l« 3 ^ a i .1 -----------------------TC ouch 4 L ovosool, oarth . r'

lonos; roclynor, rust color; whilo wrought iron siool; otenlo tablo. fcall 7334805,. g

Liko novr. Couch 4 lovo seoi. f ? paatolcolora; Moglc Choi w ashor 4 dryor; 2 so ls - 2 quoon sizo mallross 4 box springr, 2 consolp T V i . 1

- romolo control; dining rm oos _ lab Io :w /3 J a J o a v o a J L .4 _ _Pf ' chairs; mlac tamps 4 ond

lablofl. 733-2207 altor 5. __.Mahogany dining room aol, 6 Vlk

...charrs.n oodlop oin tcov*- -m . orod. Othor mific furniluro.Call 5434533,___________ wa

Boals. In good c c n d ^ n , D$ 2 0 0 .3 2 4 t e . ,_________ J t

Now 1? X10' dusty roso car- Wo. pot romanom, $99 .4 unGn- .c(

. oadi,734.!)628.____ ^Quoon sizo wolor bod.'Wilh . tir V podoalaL SISO orboslof.. 'W• •rof.'Call734.5336: ~Twin boda w/lrtunos/TV, rtK* q.,

roflflion conlor,. wickor P"

. .c h d ir i,.sw lv d l rockor 4 o thor'm isc. Itoms, 544- 19 2027oflof5pm. ■ fi

' ' a 5 " « 8 r a , ' g ^ i■ 2950fittof6pm. Oo


~ No■ Bosca wood burning Aloyo. a _ . o

yra old , Includoa plpo a ei flhlmnov. $ ^ . 7 3 3 - 7 ^ .

B1(- allor 6pm.___________^Gibson AC 11 ,500 BTU’a. ^

i3 7 5 .324-5137 B«. .e t

014 JEWEmv, J :.-A H P F iR S - -gjj

Sablo-dyod fox lur, l iz o 9- . 10 . w as 52 3 0 0 now. WIN gotlfe>r$550.4234415. 3B


-C raltsm an.l0h p30’.rldifig ni

• «nlltSQC^7M-4303 Craftsmafi lOhp, oloclrio- m

8ton .5apeod . 56*moywir,. g • with foar Bf»fl.lno ridor a q ,

_ 73e;1M6. , , | |

a i5 i > w i .« r rv

Molorizod rototillor attach-, mont lor lawn tractor, 3 pt. ’

-t450.733U 4S l.a ft0f60nr..... •Tor»rWing lawn mowor with ' •'

oraso catchor, $350 . Call 736-2097 evonlrws..


;16-3<4 L.channol Jrofu aomo - -

12'. 6-4x4 I boams, 1?. 53 gal. oloctrlc woldr heator.'

. 134,000 OTULO^xoU lur- naco. Call 733-3451.

16' aluminum oxionsion lad­der. $35; now 6' atop lad* dor, $12.50; outdoor char-

. c^oriU $750 .7334765 25' Womor commortcal fiber­

g la s s oxtonslon laddar,-rwar noWr$210. Baby crib,- $ 50. Browning Explorer

'■cBfffpoiwd Dow; $65;‘Hoi-..............~polnfuldo-by^idorofrlni— ■' (copp^ono), $175. Heavy • auty’irdxflworfilo c a b ln o l.- . •

$ 1 0 0 ,‘ ^^c^ior , .

5' long iron.charcoal BBQ ^ I M ^ now. $525 . Coll

6' aiding gloss door w/scroon d e o r ,$ 5 0 .4 x 6 ' window, $ 2 S .3 * 3 'w ;n d o w ,$ IS . - - Call 5 4 3 ^ 5 1 . oxt 228 ask forPrtJr. _

Opening, FrkJay, Aug 9,All ty ^ o lQ jy ilo m s bought

Chest-typo froozor. 15.7 co.It. $250; stationary biko

,$ 7 5 ,p i c n ic la b lo $ 7 5 .4 portabio dishwasher $150.Cnll boforo 5: 324<?176.-- .......

Color TV, 3 ploco oak wall uiilt,confdtonc6 lablo with 6 chaIrB ~4-crod onzn ,

'. m i8cit^8-<^llB29-5bl4.I C/S chainsnwbaroii!\— --$ 2 p o fg a I io n .- -------\ ..Clar1(s6araootnBuhL dog kdnnel chain Enk, door 4

Gooding C ounty History Book, Plcloflal Volumo II.Call 934^322. ■_________

Groat glft,lot toonal-'Black UgM‘.fortholr rooms 4 por- llos. Brings oul the *neon*In virtually ovorylhing! Conv plotQ and roady to plug in £65.00. Coll 73 /-50 (fe ..__

^boota"lndudod?$MSfff^.’Cnll 934-5888. ~ .

Imporlal g as s tovo . $125; vanity, $B5;.wood dosk, $ 2 0 ;itw in b od a .$50oa .; rolfto.. $125,734-8542. _

King sizo manrosa 4 springs,3 hanging lam ps, micro- wnvo.Calf733-0981.

I G 8 150 annlvoraoy Christ- moslraln, oxc. cond,, &a»i- (lco$900;R olp hL au ron mona clolnlng; Norlhfaeo mona akhvoar, all liko now.Kothv 734-0811 alloreom.

Moving - quoon bod, siorago aholvos.preioctortabloond - scfooh, wall phono, chair, full-longih mirror. 31*x4r picture, swag lamp, Samso- nile luggage, wood oalor,

r T . a . . e r . . 'Ponolfay furnace hoator, pro-

pano or nalural g^a $20:- - upright vacuum 525 . Call

4 S 3 . |1 4 1 ._ ___________ .Pinbail mochtno.-good condi— -

lion. Cnll 543-6045. ■Portabio dishwaahor. tablo

nnd4chnif8.'S43-5572 RCA SL lOOaoKd stale cotor

TV. jusl robuiti $250, Singor ' sowing machlno on wood

• lab lo$60 .W otb d r$125 .Franklin flroplaco $75. Will trado lor door rilio or pistol. 543-5950 aliof6om.

TF fair booth tfollor, - eou?pp< . 801-245-3391

TROYBILTTILLERS .Bost prico avail plus Iroo soo-

ppd Booson qafdoning kit.Garden w uh try. 1-800447-8769

Viking Husqvnrna sowing.m acnino 6460..liko novf...............$495. Call 788-9223.

Waniod: Oldor 3 /4 ton.PU,

' Do?gT.*M us?b^n*gopdshapo. 825-5233._________

Wantod; RV;.12vollswnmp .cooler. Call 734-7604.

. WindsbioldfiiroQlacod. rock.............chlps<opa!rod, aulo glass

• 'WindowWoldor. 736-1114. _


1990 Goiiro1.owory GL or­gan, oxcolloni condlllon, D on ch 4m k tslcah oo isln -. ' eluded, $1000. 734-0742.

Ood. guitar, oxc. cond,, with occossorios. 543-6045.

Lowry debut organ in doluxo conditbn.$75a.734.5173,_

N oods a good hom ol Exc-cond,-YamahaoloctrIcor._ .......

can, 326-4857 nttof 5:30. _


EtectronIc cash roolstor, ox- . coflont condttton. CaU


m ^E TS AfJD' • ' ■ ■ ■ SUPPUES .

3 Border ColUo pups, paronls ■aro w o r ^ ° ” * ^ 6 9 0

4A K C L ab s, m a Io a 4 to • m8Io*,'blIrclc; chocolato. 4 — —

5 M C rm iilorod^ollios, 3 mo. o l d ^ ^ $ l 00 . 2^ ^ ld

6 month old mlnlaturo .Sohnauzor, lom alo, all .sh o ts, oaracroppod. hos 'p ap ora ,$260 . Call 733- 2460 or ^33^093 after 5, _

Adorablo Schnaiizor York-

. t s i ' a K v r p ’ ’

: Misceil

t aI'" T H E ^; ______ 'SypersUUott iSjU

. 't i le n i lh 'd s .''-

‘ I h a d 'a h u n d h a d lo s t to a 's in g li South. And w ith d t ion . h e tried to e

. . .r e s u lL ..E a st took h is h

------- -------------- Icd'a th ird fd fS oue r led a 'K eafrU )

_ . _________ lc y _ a _ t r u m p .,f i. . ' sp ad e q u ecti'go is

W est returned a 1 a c e ., and anothei fro m du m m y. Res lh e m ann er o f pla;

. South took a - s / ' tru m p sa n d lo s t to

Jack. F ortu nately----------------------- w o rk ed .-» o ^ b e -h

"only” 100 points.Instead o ( relyi

. o r p lay ing m ind g pon cn ts. South s w ith the probabili

^ goin g to take a c - o r la ter , he-m ay a

’ - I ts su ccer r e v e a l how'South:

tru m p s. .In today 's ca se

w Im . so South sho------------- p lay -an d le a d -a i

■ W hen W est's Jack e a sy . H ad i t noi w ould retiiro to.t sc co a d tn jm p . r a g a in st m'ost-disti

.............Had the. c lu b t. ' w ould havcT jad'l

tru m p tricks. In tl f in e sse aga in st th' b een best. •


7 Woll. lab puppios. 7 V old.S25.'^4Wnlnu1,’

4 Cockor pups, $75 0 . Coll 467-2623 ntof 5. A K C -10 wook old .

Qoldon Rolriovor, <. hontor. Of lud lovino I

potl$125lfrmlB2^fc(• AKC opricol toy Poodlo

r *•----- -plw . Call 532-4465.' AKC lomaio Gorman S

• hair, 8 months old. S ' Coll 536-2426.AKC Ivory Lobe, 2

mnlos. 8 wks. 734-466 AKCmaloSritlonySpank

months, hos hod 2 sc sh o ts . S I2 5 . Coll

_______ 5799. Chnmolon podinAKC Rolwolllof pups.

on<s OFA cortlliod .'- .........tomporamont. foody

. '$400w!lhoutpapof, ] SSSOwilh popocs. So

' InouiflOT only 886-231! AKC Scottkts, bofrf 6/1

1st sh o ts , wormoi m aios.$300oa:.2foni £325 on. 733-4352 ovc

AKCYorfcshlroTofrior; 6 wks. oU. wormod. s

■. J175oo,Al8oAKCYi lor stud uso. 543-5933.

Amofican SlallofdsWro' ore. chomplon bloodlin m olos, 5 lomolos. bo g4.S20Q 0 0 .1-46S-03t

AustfalianShophocdp good bloodllnos, woi paronls. shols. 734-69

Bird co g o .6 ' high, orr............. - ....... bl«kvffOUBhtiroft,-3;t

olorotbouom ,1'd!on fliloo.tlSQ . 5 ^ 5 9 3 3

— -----— •BtR&DOaSP-EClALL

CnHcotee»1-467-6652 Oarling AKC.foglsiorod-

■' ~ ~ ~ f o “r“yD u/fm o lo s -*250 afo Iolt. 7a3-2319ai10f6pm. Darllna Shlh Tzu pupE II w!l bo lovo at 1st SIJ tomato &1 m oto.7wi shols 4 vot chock Incli

... ^ 1 7 5 -^ 0 , Cnll,32^:2iDog konnol chon link, di

tM.tg90.Cnll734.46<! Ptoile birds. 733-2692, For salo: Stock d w . 1~

and 1 lom aio, $SOocall 544-2833._______

Ffoo4mookiLti>&Qoi• Shophofd X, oood w/

housobfokon. 924-79».................. - ;-Ffo« 6

.•‘ nKlffiMlanX. 324-7994 ' Ffoo: 8 wk old Yorksh;

----------- Poodlo-ml»pop*.-C®fi0 7 1S ofsooarcactu t M otol.f1 . 1828 KImt Hd. Afiorl om.

Ffoo kittons: Sovoroi cc (or mofo Inlormatlon. 733-2012. ■_

■ F footogood hom o. 1 1 Qoldon Ubxnoutofoc

’ ahols. Bmoold. 736»7«. ■ Froo to good homo: S k i

w oanod , &- llltof< »»ilrn>d.326-42B1.

653-2476.___________Groat wilh kids! AKC n

tofod Siborian Hush)• m alo , 5% m onth,

oyos, coppor ond sllv eolcf.t2& ^Call734.e

POCKET PARROT, swoot, includos cage,

-g y m ,p 0 fch&looa^i$- &flll7&-5959.

Rog Alaskan wolf^h> ou os.S200oa.733^ S

ilanfiQus-ll<i J f a e T m i e s M e

^ U S T O M IJSEtlVlCE\CES ON BrTJs t i e r e l ig lcm o f . fc c ’ ____ _

— E d w u n d B i i r k c .

inch lh a t m y finesse ngleion king," alibied ;h lhat lam e explana- ,0 excuse the horrible ^

Is high d ia m o n d and t ^ > Soulh lo rufL 'D eclar- ' rU )'^ lirnmy’s'lciffg' tb '’’_ finMSCj d e c l a r e r 's ___ - -5oiog to WmI’s, icing, a h eart to dum m y's

Lher tru m p was led Reading som ething in play of his opponents, Vulne u second finesse In Deale :t (o the now singleton Theb tely the c lub Ilnesse g h“H ^*** ^tts.2lyiDg on superstition oid ^ m e s w ith the op- _____tl should have' gone billty tables: Slncc he • a club finesse sooner South ly as w ell do It-lmme* - • - ccess o r faHurc wlll ith ^ ’ouW best tacRlc

ase, thc club ,finesse should m ake a sa fe ty „ . -a tnimp-to-hl5:oce=—ick drops, th e r « t Is - ......not dropped, South ’A N n

to.dnm ray to le a d .a , i. tnaking; Uie luujd J^ w t Ustrlbutions. / «, ,b finesse lost. South id 'to play to loscflo n that c a se a s tra igh t s«d4 b I thc king would have



,7 wooks Roglstorod Bprdor Ciul.TF. pups, oood working 1?5ooch, doos. Call 324-6239.± _____ SCOTTJES: 8 puppios.Id molo ■ rosis.,ros(^8/^. $35jr, proot CnII ovos. family silky Torrior puppios. 1

_ liitlo houso 0M3. chonodio pup- bloodllnos $250.734-45;______ Sour Mug Konnol. quiisl]n Short- ■ English Bulldogs, 1 1Id. SlOO. - molo.-$250, I nduS to_______ $350. CnII 423-4265., 2 loll, Woll. lomolo. am ooli^B63,. .. • shotB. $150.734-9648,

2 s S o 1 022 TOOLSAND oil 678- MACHINERYndinrofi.ini- onT; Hoavy-duty Dolto shi 5 wllh cm iors. J950.

7 3 4 .4 7 B S » .A 8 . or $500- Whool mounlod wood I

Sorlous S50 wllh 14* S 2317 chainsaw. $50. So

Andofson RV Pnik t70


Conning tomatoes & rot rv^ L iA toioos, will bo roody V. C Yofklo n wook to 10 days. Tt

, ordora nowlCnll 733-7 lirp Torr picKUNG CUCUMBE

Ffosf* pickod, washod. 80rtod lo6 siros.Topi

— ity cucks lor all type cd p u p s ,. .. homomado pIcMos. Mo wofking Picklo C o.. Burioy. 1-6915. 678-1159 to ordof. ornolo, . Tho Berry Poieh'o

r3;<lem - Frosh-tntfridrwitlbo't diamotor A ugusi 24th. Call i 933. 48Wovoatorinlormoli.>1 * T>isn«pftfrtrtt ftppltx Inf f^ ^ o c .

i652. 824 VIDEO rod-Malt. EMTERTAINMEN ^ ! < n g . _ -^ jE L E V iS lO H - loll.Cnll i6*PhiIcocoIofTV,will!L______ moto conird & stand, $lupplosl Cnll734-9921. -

2 f Admiral cortsolo colo I romoto. good cond

$150.Con735-9607. ColorconsoloTV.StO

Si_____ 825 WANTED TO BUY

ioVach! 1955-50ChovyPU.2”_________ whool drivos. 733-^913Qornion 2 palrdraporioa.lngoodi

Jw/Vlds, dition. to lit 90* rod, 7994. longih with vnlonco, nal

- colQf.678-B593.’9&4. Atowofunhlof IlS h p l kshlroft euivboatmolor.734-57

Amlqoor.-Jukabojto».-8 ictus Inn Voguo picturo rocords (Imbody caoo gamos. 734-7401, -:— r — A sturdy bod framo to r» iJcolorSi sizo box springs & r ion. Call tfosB. 934-5443., , Bantam Hon. 734-6371.

Of^jwd o i W o u ' i 'T i r t i|^ 2 ! 2 _ Cnll 734.4944n , K?f; Frosi-froo rolrlgoralo“ f' “ ®* fioo2orntloastl7cu — micfowavo In vory g38, AKC cond. 4 drowor« 2 dra';®a-Caii -Wingcabin«Hs{2p3(^).l

Ing choirs A kid s (ICrogls. hitehnn&ol.324-5363,JSky, lo- *0000, manool or hydra•?,. bluo campor jacks and mco 1sliver in ago shod.* Call 733>8U-egtM. gg,S.&>.«>konds. . .'T, V4»y HoodaAccords4 CMca.

T A t e t f S g___ King'sizo moltross 80

l-hybrld good condiilon. and r - S a i - . sonablvwlcod. 733-035

lecreationalf e w B ' :


---------------n o r t h — #-M ---------♦ 7 5 T A K 7

. # 7 5 4 ■ , ♦ A Q 8 7 4

S T EASTK J ♦ 0 310 9 5 2 V Q a 4 3M 0 9 8 ------- ♦ A K 3 2 - -K 9 S. .................. . .♦ .J .1 0 2 _____

-------SOUTH------------------------- ^ ♦ - A Q‘10 fl 8 4'2 - • •

V J 6 ...♦ Q 6♦ 5 3

Inerable; Bolh a le n Southe bidding;

Ith West N orth E ast

Opening lead: D iam ond ja d i


ilh holds:

' " ♦ 6 3 ' " '---------- V Q S O -------------------

♦ A K 3 2♦ J 10 2.

rth Sooth

JSWER: Tw o diam onds. To tm g for a sim p le r a ise to tw arts. Those w ho p lay lim it raise11 HCP and four tru m p s) ca Ise to three hearts. - -

4 brtdia qumUfti la Th« Acn. r.O..Dc 9). Dallat. TCut n iU . >1(1) wir-iddmic mped cn»f lope for reply.

Co jniM. ini.Umirt Kr»i«f»5Ti>i)M-*if


Loohjng to buy o usod trai

ig slock gj,r=— 77T^ condllion, roasonob g s ^ C ptlcod.CnlfS44.7720. » 5 0 oa. 20 gal. Ilsh tank w/ &i --------- wator hookups. 734-5034

^OOd Old piCIUtOS 4 Old pi luro Iromos. 733-6696.

r - r r r x Noody lamily looking lor I<

5 Non-workln'g soCd slato colT V s. Call ovonlngs '

-« . .k o n « .4 ;:M 6 7 6 “■' OW Grandfather clock or 0

wall clock. Coll 734-9393. Rod iron spiral slalrcaso,

_______ or tailor 324-3123.shapor Stock irailor, opprox, 4 hon iO- Call fiiaro. pull typo. 366-2375.i________ Supor low m iloago luxujod spill- car. Also cabovor campi ' Soars wHhshowor. 837-6615. Soo ot Wanlod; 135 ganon or largi • 2 2 ^ • fish OQunrium. 733-2894.

Wanlod: 14-2ralu m inu oxtonslon laddor. Also la'

:S lnqhons.829-5550.r r r r r Wantod; 1973 through 19fl luwiiS^ Oodgo club cab, 360 V-l

V* ton, 2 barrel catburoic body in good condition. Ci 366-2271 altor 5.

nnd Wanted: 3 bdrm. brie o p < S - house, hip fMl.dblgaragi .D o so l quiot location at edgo < Moraon 'ow n. profof basem en

- Cnshlosonor.-733.6476.- Wanlod:5’ 6lkJiftfl Qlasseat

i v T ^ door. Call 7 3 4 j 'e k ____>o-back' Wantod:'Strfkiorosconttigl 11543- ■ tubos. Can 733-2178. ISliSlL- Wanlod; A GrealOano-C([Of sa lo:. ■- 43B-B0ai:- - _ - -----------J _____ Wontod: AM/FM cassonoili

ialo modol Toyota picki)|Can 324.5251._________

ENT Wanlod: Aprlcois, call II yo 1 _hftva.ftny.plckodor.no_______ -73a-2513of734-5797. •With fo- Wanlod: Blazo King Siovi

S140- P fincoss or Boby Blaz model, with lan. ea i7552 .

W anted: C aso combln ondition plck-up or lust Iho bolli!:______ Front windshield IcMOO. 1955-59 Chevy or GMi____ __ Iruck. 825-5593_________[

Wanlod: Double bod in goo lUY cond. 4 drossof- 734-75^

; V Wonted: Early modol Oodg * Coronot. 2 door body, w"

ilA ----- tow. Catl324.717B.Wanted: Empty Salem <

CameJ cJgarotto packs for coots each-Will biw an yo

____ ,-havo,nolimit-543-^910.hpMof* Wanlod: Flat rock tor slop >•5722. ping stonos. rivor rock o r, slots, - docoroiod fock.-fountol and com ent lown orna 101. ments at roasonablo pricoi

T . Waniod: KWs woi suit, sizo -- or8.'otso-canningJaiH.Ca

Sw « 733-5246. ■Waniod: Mwvol comk: book

Bio, & Supor^ Hero action tig c S 'i," ________ ;y good

s 'p la y Wantod; Motal tonnis mck«1 _____ 4'A orlp gr im slltfr. Cadraullo 733-3929.eodof- Wantod: mobllo hom o loM 7 5 t ' slorago, must have gooi______ rool. (5ali WANTED: Nico. cloan, roar parts- sonably pricod, glrl'i>m. clolhes, sizes 24 months lieo l In 5T..Cai?34-3768.

Id roa- Warned: Old bicycles, I96iMSS. or older. 734-5007.

------------i— :--------'----------------- :—


i i i.p “ S W A I ^ T O m

2 ' ' Wanted: Old redwootf pTj

Wantod: Outdoor lumltun----------- -pictife tabie.-734.7523.--

Wontod: Queofvslzed bed oood condition. 733-t42«

Wantod: Radial tiros lor pi . UP. Can 825-5593. Warned: Railroad llos. n

sonablepffco, 734-2977, Wantod: RV 12 volt swai

cooior. CaU734-7604. Wanted: Small callbor ho

- • Ing tHlo:243 OtC 734-165------------Wanlo<l:-8 mall motorhot_________w itbJow jnl..oxo.con!

auto tnms., $ 10,000 ran(

• Wantod: Standard tra n ^ slon llyw heoK oranO IV-e. 704-5454.________

Wantod to buy: A pair ot M lard ducks. (SaH 543-9204

Wantod to buy; Bike can forlopolcor.324.5901.

Wantod to buy. Cash paid, , D om ln oesp lzzs lootb,‘ cards and ( ^ R a id 's br|» s s ------- ketball cardr(mof9 paU <

unwrapped card s). Ali r buying olhor lootballai

baskoS»II cards. Jim Krai------- er, Rt. 1 Box 1065 , Fa:

Hold. 764-2376.________W anted to buy: Honda 1

. trail biko'lor partSi Ci ■ 734-1586.

Wanted to buy: Mlni-biko

lorBradv.Wanlod to buy: Portable ox

gon E tank wllh or withorooulalor.423.575B. .....

------- Wantedio£uyi.V.-4Johns(Soo Horse boat motor,; hp. eartv 6(Ts. 734^919^

Too Wantod: Usod World Be< tw o ErwytepadlBS,733-5740;.

3lse s V ^ t e d : VW bu^, no m oti

Warned: Water sMs and w ter ski oqu^oht;'ehlldn

, Box to adull. 223.5036.Want to Buy: chiidfons dii

o s . pro-1960. ospociol akroaaato. 733-7457.

_____ 827 GARAGE SALES

JY . Movino soio; 734.7523.--------- Snake River Uons Club YaI tram. Solo. Aug 10th. 9om-6p dlllon- Cornor o l Bluo Lakes

F alls. D on ated Itor .good g la d ly a c o e p te d . Frc nobly p ick up . C a lf 733-61{____I days 8 -5 or 736..16C

nignts nskfor Nool.1034. Yard Salo Nowl 363 Dod£ id n{Z ongino, motorcyclos, Foi ■ pickup ports, old gas can177 slovo , 1 froo campor-yc

haul, tote goats. 1706 Eli ■'•Call ridoo follow Iho signs.— ^ Yard Salo Wod & Thurs. 7: ’ Monroo W. KImborly. Bo<89 < fin ^ « loop in flb ag ,lro

I. trimmer, crockpol, Fi

i t s^mper I I


IV .e. 1872 Hondo SLI 75. Ca irotor. 733-5463 or 733-4664.1-Call 1978 Honda GoWwlng100(_____ Call 934-5216.__________brick I960 Suzuki 850 GS.iraflo, wAVIndjommor lairing, no' BO 01 fflulllor, llros. seat, bottor nont^ $600 liim.Can 766-0131.22:-r. I960 Yamaha VoragcI patio 12.000 mllos. noods wori

ittlghr' 1981 Yamaha tlOOspocir_____ m otorcycle, full drosi>.Caii $ ie o o .M ls c p a n iw li ib

r r t r u j i ia ano lor 19e2 Honda 5 0 0 , lod d l

II you 1982 Honda M agna, V45 r.not., _loyunilo5..oi5coi[«'^,

- - tion^ groat Inoxponslv, novo transportatioo. $1500 nogo )lazo tiablo. Call 734-1923.552. 1982 Suzuki RM125.0XC01

lont condlilon. $550. Callo lls. 734-050?4------------------- L

lor 19B4H ondaM agna,excel GMC lont condition, now Dunl«

OuaSfior roar tiro. $1500 e TS5J bost ollor. Coll 43M 9570

436-5146,__________ l i _1985 Honda 125M 3 whool

^5 -4 J o r J a so a __________ ____i ^ S 1985 Suzuki 250RM , oxc tivou' oondition. a lter marko

e k ^ 1986Yamaha.YZe0.*xcol

=____ Harley Davidson SM rtsteimrda now paint, n oooa work

902 - BICYCLES - -------

—— Z .IO spoods, $ 4 0 o a c h .3»oks 20 * b ikes, $2 5 , $35 omif lg - $40. Can 753-41 — r Pour 3 sp ee d b ikes. $ 3 !OS. In ooch; Tandem bike buDt lo•liZO g. $2M.Call733-4193.

Ralotgh-tnon‘s-10-speo<1 ^ 1 bike, good sh a p e , $70 ^ 733-6215, V .

o lo r 903 BOATS AND oqod m a rine ITEMS

.rea^ 12' aluminum boat,traiIe slrl's and like now-Morcury 4-i

on^^n^o,^$900 llrm. Cal

1960 Nico rocondilioned boot one lrailof.$300lhn. 32W 118

rtationBUY IT-S E Im t

V 103 BOATS w o /

— iev^- wator sklllshlng boa uroa 2m otors-135 4 6 h .p ..:-------— .auto rewind sW rools;« d in tcfsklooulpmont.ltohlirt125 or. polo holdors, EZ Lot■7j±r Mlcholin tlfos,P**’ more. $5500.324-3404.- r — irG lasstronb oaiw lth t:

hp Volvo Inboard, almo ■u— now trailer ahd many b famp tras. Call 543-5706.------ 1S8016'Glostron Sportste

hunt- 100 hp Evintudo outboar 654;- boat cover 4 eomo o ^

-d on sld era irotfors.-73; y _777.iOtJ34.5061 allof 7.

1085M a rlin ie '/125h p l Olds board-oulboard.$500i_ _ _ Can 733-1392._________!Mal- Oor 1991 Seaswifi boats wt !04. OMC Cobra motors aro il

stock with 1990 pricos. Tom'* Marina 4 SMrtGd

g - r r Hevbum/Buflov. 678-7473 tboM Rowlno rack fof rubber ral b«I- *50- ?^M-W8raMor 5om.

904 CAMPERS ^ A N D S H E aS

10 ’ over-cab cam pe Room y, so il-cont. go

S 9 0 stove, lollot, sloops 6, ca

\o or ev4- camper overshot, jack

oxy- 8* ovo rsh o l eampor wli hout jocks, slove-ovon. ico bo; ____ g^ f(^ u n lIn g .$400 .C B

r. 75 ' Compor aholl.for lull s lz ^ :< pickup, wood panelling Ir tooic >skie.traulaiod.$75orboi O: 'oHer.Can934-4726. otor For sala: Glssstlto campc 3 ^ 'Shell double or sinololu • i r . back door, lits lun sSo PIdron- - Call934^8544. . . ..............

FuU-sizo eampor sholl. $15 Of bost olfor. 733-7532

lally Horsoshoor or Mechonic?Good lull slzod compor sho

—— , wilh pop-up windows $250; also stool sholl unit lor hiirslzobod. $150. Ev(

------ nlnos,^S43-5092.T—j White ftoorgloss compor wit

deluxe carpot kit, fits sma 'P v P U .Iikon ow , $425 . Co Bmt 734-4534 ovos.

906 GUNS AND 601. . RIFLES............ ^

r r ^ Jam ison paitern poriobli shooting bonch. $75. Ca543^16^ ovw._________

^OU Siosouor handgun. P.22.4i i ld . AT.w /accosB .$595.W in

ch oslor l300 Oofondor.-i , . 8hDl..1 2 ep.w/pistol.gripJ

3 . slino. $191766-0131 Irna SworovsM binoculars. lOxSC Prv now condition. $565. Cal

,1 -1 -736-0870.-------- -------------

908 MOTORHOMES_____:_ANO.RV:S_________

1973 Dodgo Commondor 24'. vori^ ood condition

1977 2 0 'American C l l^ r low mllos. oxcollont condi Hon. Call 324-7454.

.1078 21'Sunland. $4,750Can 734-8466.__________

1079 20- Toyota Dolphin mo Itorhome, dual w hools

r -:; '6 9 ,0 0 0 m llos, lull)

» 0 . 1982 S T Soulhwlnd. roar b'___ land bed , loadod. 15K

m iles, sharpl Will trado le w . $26.500. Cnir423-4454. Ofy.' i9e321W W lnnobago,low — - -mila6,-new-iiros..gonaralor.

90 ,1': p lush Interior, roar bolh, ork,', lu lly oqulppod. Moving - -1 ^ ufn u st-so lll PRJCE R ^ d a fl DUC6D from $15 ,900 to ISS, onh> $13.500:786-4333 lb » M uetaelli197Z19'W lnno- —i r -bago-B ravo moiofhom o, ^13 with Mark4 heat pump 4 650 AC, new tlros, low miles,

^ oxcollont condftion. asking ^ |?,W9.??4-W9SonYlifnif>

S o * .H0-9PCRT1N0 GOODS -

3 w hool g a s goll cart wllh top, e x c . cond., rocont

Cloar Lakes Country Club m em bership lor solo,

eel- $4.500. Call &t3-8094.GOOSE HUNTERSI Oocoya

ora in-BigFool 4 now mod- ols 0IG4H. Call 734-2060.

r r New Molox-uSOd goll cars, hodddorotoctrk5.J68Addi.

SnorMo goar mask, snorkle, “ oxtfn lorgo tins, liko new, i l l $7S.C an53»6a3^----------


S a . 911 TRAVEL _ _ THAll£RS

[rtl 1970 Amoricon 17-, now " ^

^ floor p lan . Immacu^ato, M uallzor hitch S battery,

■' '$ 3 4 0 0 :7 3 4 .3 m .3 - 1974 Mark VI2 9 'soil-con- md talnod 5th whool troilor.

clean, now curtains. $3200 -or bost oiler. Call 543^4699Of 736-1606.____________

1975 Alrstroam. 2 7 'travol ;J5- J fo ^ r .^ .o x c .- condition.

1975 Kit Companion, 24', s lw ^ ^ x c o l lo n t w ndl-

1980 2 2 'W ildomoss. good

i i ^ 1980 32 n Prowlor, tuly stij

!all M n &rf'r^fcay3g6^566y.'— 1984 17’ Fleetwood Resort, md fully aell-cont. with awning, 16 oxooandilion.734-6214.

1 ________

E L L r r . - F I N D r

t i t TR A V a' -. .T R A n a » - '.;‘ ..

5o«n 16- Roodronger, 1977, sell.p., 2 contained, tandem wheoltt-wft. --a leo p s-S i-v o ry .-c lo a riRnd- $2900.32»S900 daysLoad 1986 2 3 'Firoball, like nowo s, A MustsoolCallJohnatCaft4. von Motors. 734-8860.M 3 0 1966 3 2 ' A lpen llto Stimost w h e el, twin bods. m(croy ox* wovo, rool AC. oloc. Jocks. - lully carpotod, upper ttstof, towoffumocos. phono jackcard, sloroo 4 c asso ito , supo

.,cloonw /1978 1 tonChov)Bnish, PU. 734-0788 nflof 4,- •

Will J 9 8 6 Terry Taurus 24' 5tt7 3 3 - whool. oxconoflt'cdhdnionr 7 . - -ownlftOrmlofowevo;-TV«plr>- 'iw w slldo'outhlch. $8,495;600. 324-3633 nttof6om.____ 1967 Hitchhiker. 29 ' 5lt

_w hooi.caa733-w .91.____roin 1990 Siarcralt told-dowres. - camping Irallor, boautilulGds. $ 3 2 5 0 .9 3 4 .4 2 1 4 a fto r £473. om. orwookonds.rralt. 2 3 'Opon Rood camper, vonim. good condllion. $2600/or

25' W ildornoss trailer Sth • w h ooyi^ ^ octric . $4800.

62 35' W ii^moss Sth whool. loododw/ovorythlnalAw-

1^* nlnn. AC. 825-5738.^ A N D E R S O N ’S R V

5 5 3 ;------

U S E Dbox, T R A V E L T R A IL E R . •CoJi C L E A R A N C E------ 12io6tock.(rofn $9951 -s lz o —


npor i-e4E «H l82,7ujl Twin F alls. 733-6756 ._PU. Extra nieo.-ctoon 1978 Road

— - - Ranger, 24 -tandom, largo (150 roar balh, many extras. Li-

co nsod . ready to -go.,1c? $4800. CnII 324:4.010,-----thon Now 1989 2 4 'Road Ranger }ws. travel Iroilor, only usod 4 units timos. $9000. 637-6396. Eve- SNOWBIRD SPECIAL; 1964

3 1 'Firoball, Sih whool tflr, with manyoxtros. usod vory lit-

imall tie, kopt in Insido storago. Coll Coll 733-3350._ Winnebago Sth whool shell,

$100. Hoovyduty Sih whool


2 7 'Sth whool molal framo. > 45 wood lloor and sidos, andWin- ■ 734-44Mip 4 H oavyduty 16xE‘6*.traiIor.___ electric brakos. now condi-x50 tio n .' $1 ,0 0 0 . MondayCal through Friday. 8^5.733-

8 5 9 9 ^ for Liifv.------ PU bod tralior, $90. Coll

^ IIlon. l l B H H I

i l b f lmo- ,o lf. 1002 AUTO PARTS


----- --1967 VW buo. ongino prolos-r slonally ropullt 6 mo ago-I SK Many now parts. Drivos.ido. Boon In wreck, noods hood;____4 londor. $475.734-2463.low 1973 Oldsmobllo Dolia 88tior.- -4 5 5 rockot engine, in.oxcol:.Ilh. Ionl condition. $400 or bostInp ollor. 543-6573 aftor 2pm.} fr . . 4S4.hoads, big block parts..^ '0 400 turbo irans 4 400 4 bolt— main lor Chovy. Call 734- no- 041 3 ovonlngs, ook lor

- -9WVO.--------------------------- -P “ JAPANESE ENG. &

TRANS. 4x4 specials 1-800-365^742

^ Portablo 2 Wheel opslino air e ,c0rapr0B 80r.H D l25..1E . ' ROI Airmasier jockham- J i^ mor. 100* hose, somo ^11

stool, $1200. t-702 .753-^ Bgw.EH'J.Mi!--------- -------


___ 1950 Chovy 'h lon. customoys cab, good tixor-uppor. $750 lod- or bost ollor, 734-to06.^ 1964 Pontiac Convorliblo. ars. oxc cond. Now point, on- ddi. fline. tiros. 726-7j93— 1970 Coronot Super Boo,

ow! E u lgo^ oSd j^ h M ^rt^4

■bT- C la u ic 1940 Dodge Ml ton >olh' pickup, in good working 7 condition, n eed s brako

work, originat shop manual. AfiklnotflOO. 734-9921. ■


Ito, I960 Dodgo 2'/>ton truck, iry, stoo l grain bed 4 ho ist.

1964 Iniemational, 1600 so-er. r ies. wllh 16 ' stock ondiOO grain bod. 66,000 actuali99 mUos. 1960 Ford PU, short__ sloo-sklo box. 487-2840vol 1972 F 600twin drivo, 361 ,5>n. nnd3.$3600,S37-6tt5

1976 IHC doy cab cabovor,4', 290 Commlns, 10 spood 4idl* 4 sp o ^ . 20' ttud bed, rool2 u meo $7500 .g4 -2 ie2 . ' _x>d i977F ord550loodofback ._ hoo. $11 ,500 . Days 734-lOll 0455 or ovo 423-54^1.'Ilh 1979GMC 427, 5 + 2. 1980 i _ Chovy 427 .5 + 2j 1978 lo­

ng! 1972 GMC diosol landom!324-'W1.1<v‘»’ '*-P«5Q •

B 5— . . 1008 8 E U S I HEAVY '. ' --...^ E Q lflP JIE K t:^ ^;;:

sell- 1981 GM CB.2 Dotroil, 13lOOls, »o o d ,la n d o m , air. 1986oan, Frolghtllner, COE; 3 5 0____ Cummins. 9 sp ood , tan-^55: dom. Can 734-9967.Can- 1987 KW T*600,425 ATA____ Cot, 13 cpood. AC. PS. aluiSth mlnum whools. now point

IcVcJI $29,500 1987 Frolghtlinofjcka conv., 400 big cam Cum*or i mins, 13 spood, now paint,lack. AC, P S . will tit 2 2 ' bod.!^or $24.900.43^5598 orB123lovy 3 1 9 8 6 Volvo whito trucks,_ _ _ _ _Cum.mirLe,jL#P.«J)_dJ.wa' 5th fmmo. landom, low goan>d.tfenr;

495! 772070rob u Ilt250C ., 13____ Sfld. PS. 2 2 -bod 4 hoist.■sih o x e .,$ 1 4 ,9 5 0 ;2 ’A - 3 y d

looSm. row l ln i . — r Cummins, tooth, air brakes.

'81 4 yard Clark loador, 550 — turbo Cum m ins ong. SOO ^ 7 hrs on comploto ovorhaul.

Like now cond. Twin scrow1,— -Q.m olTO;l.:e86.7793r------

Caso 36' back hoo bucket, “w - J400. Monday Ihrough Ftl- — - day, 8-5- CoU 733-8599 ask

Lorry.________________08 catorpillnr. 2U modol ca-

----- blodozor, oledricstarlor,W $4900 . Call 1-702-753-

• F-500 Ford truck. 8 'x 1 6 ' hobttwd/stoel head board

and stool side rock, rocont rebuilt ongino. Asking

• R , $6000- Call 734-4460 ovosFor so lo; 1975 Doubles

51— . W ostorn hoppor boitom , groin troilors. Good sh'apo,

/£■ $19.750. CnTl934.4036.E Loader ond bockh oes tor

salo. Anvllmo 436-0767. Lowboy su spon sion , air

2— ■ brakes, oir rido. Tokos Day. load lon w hoela. $1350 . Cell irao- Monday Ihrough Friday• Li. 6-5. 733-85M nsK for Inrry.9 0 ..................................


Ԥ*4 1969 Dodgo'A lon. 318 V-8.4 spood. Include^ampor

QS4 sh ell. $ 800 or odor. Coll tflr 423-4382 or con bo soon at “11,; 1760 Kimboriv Rd.

'0°' 1970 C h ovy3/4 ton. runs----- good. Call 734-9078 ovos.’“’ll 1979 Ford F-250, nowly ro-

built ongino. now brakes 4— whool boorinas. $2500.

- Call764-21t8.r._________1979 GMC. 2 tono. short

bod . AT. 2 whool drivo. ----- $2,000 or bool ollor. Call“ °d _______________

1986 Dodgo D-50. 1 ownor, OS 5 spood. with sholl and cor- 7 - r pot kit. now Interior, 69K

milos, $3800, 734-7543. joy 19B6 Isuzu Pup. vory good 33 . cond. custom intorior, sholl.

$3400, Coll or loavo mos- ^ - snnoforNool, 436-4158- - - ' ■ 1938 GMC 4x4. long bod. o«.

loodod cab. 350 fuel injoc-! - .v-jion, AC.AT,cruiso;.6^;000

mlS-Call736-17l9. '

1989 Isuzu Amigo, now all terrain tiros, AM/FM cas-

■ sollo. low milosV'oxcollont condition. Call 733-6678.

1990 Chovy 3/4 ton. loadod. w/lopporkil.17.000 milos. $13.500. Call 734-6542-

= 1991NissanhardbodyPU.■ '1 .7 7 0 milos, $6495. Coll

7339194._______________•74 ln fl'A ton 4x4 . PS. PB.

— $500/oflor. Good irrigation 05- P-U. CnII 423-5032/m&ss.

'75 Ford 'A lon. now moior. now Iran, oxc cond. $1795.

f'* V /F orr iS up orcob .n ow i - 400 motor. AC. P S. PB, 68 $2595. CnII 543-5157.

FuH-sizopickupbodwiihrBaf Slop bumpor, Ills 1 9 9 m

L - ton Oodgo. New. $1000. ^S..- 837-6280 o r .6 a 7 ^ 7 . : _ '

34- 1008 4X4 TRUCKS for

1952 D o d » f»avy-duv8014X4 cfa(io. M 6-2^7.

1976 Chov Suburban ion. _ 3S0.$22OO:1970Chov3/4 air toh.3504x4.4q>d.fblbod.LE___ wini;li.wt^hauIar..$lSOO;m- 1969 Plymouth. 2 door. 60- Irill dan, good body, runs good

$400. Will look at all oflocs._ Con 734-4359.___________

1979 Ford 3 / 4 lon super cab. Good running condl-

— tion. winch, asking $5250. Can 734-4480 ovos.

1983Chovrolol S -10 4x4. ox-- T “ colloni condition. $3500.

423-4994 oflof 6pm.- 1985 Blazer S -1 0 .2 .8 V-6,

— oxcel cond. $4795 . 733- ” • 7517 aftor 7om of wkonda. t 4 1986T oyol8SR -S 4x4P U . '3 extra cm . low mis, AM/FM

cosseno, oxc cood. $7900, no 788-9386 aftor 5 pm. ko 19874x4 Jooo Cherokoo 4 tal door, 40,000 mllos. supor

■ ahnm.CallK4-5127.~ 1988 F o rd 615X L T .351 .

wilh shell. 4x4, oxcollont cond. Coil Mike 726-1414

_ -davBor7ea9303ovos- :k. 1988 Ford F-250 4x4, 5 St. spood, custom sools, bod 3i_ ' linor, 2 tanks, small V-B, all uw mainlonanco rocords. ox- nd collont condition. $9000, •at oppraisodbyFOrddoalorat ort M ichaol;

“ s 1988 GMC 4x4. long bod. ox- tended cab, 350 hjol inioo.

‘ 5 1989 Ramchargor. bench soot, AT. AM/TO casso ito ,. charcoal cotor. 29,000 mis.

A* new tlros- Excel, cond. 0 4- down take over payments __ Of fprinanco. 825-5973.80 Totally customized Toyota In- 4x4. rocont Rod & Custom n. Show ontry, all Alpine sio- Tl. roo oouipmont. llliod with



a a t' 1008 4X4 TRUCKS

^977 Blazer 350 AT; PS,-PS.‘ i a $1 6 5 0 .C a Il7 3 3 .1 5 1 5 o rB6 C01I734-8922.___________;50- ' .........................n- 1009 VANS & BUSES

77 1974 VW van. wilh low bar. 8ll? pascongor, runs, noodsI'r, somo work. $800/ollor. CoB^ 934-4060 lonvo mosMqn.TI. 1977 Ford F-250 van. $2995.nj, Good wndHion. 733-3961.d! 1979 Ford Chotoau club13. wnoon. $2750.733-5061 X, 1982 Chovy sorvico Van.

Is;- -Bltii*orApplianco4Fuml--~ -----------tur»;-733.1604:----------13 1982 V* ton.Chovy convor- st. e)on van, $4500. Call 733- yd 3195, altor 5326-3307 !*• 1983 Chovy 6,2 diosol con- “ • vorston. $i99S. 536-6568.

1983 Chovy passongor van,Ss AT. oir. cruiso. good condi- DO tion. Cnll 733-4&5. ul. 1986 Ford convorsion, AT.

ovoidrivo, air, cruiso, tilt,__-_storoo,.4 caplaiti'a chairs,- •^ couch-$10,500.324-8544- . t . 1989 Grand Caravan, load- sk ed .$11.900.324-7352. •

1015 AUDI

3 : 1982 Audi 4000 di040l._.4door,5$pood .$650.C iif

~ • ' 3 2 ^ 1 2 7 d r 3 2 4 -1 2 5 Z --l irt ______ovoflinos. - .......... - -

1024 BMW

S - An ollordable BMW wllh '05 loads ol extras! This i s o - ""• - vorynico woll-maintainod- • » . 1967 325 BMW with .ilmost •;__ ovory option you could ovoror woni. A suporb sioroo, livo

spood. six cylindor poilor- ]|r manco ongino. brand now •

Mlcholin Ih raiod tires, nil much, much m fltolM usi nv - -sod loapprociatol Bill Lyda £ 733-2363 or733.5100,____

1026 BUICK ..................

■o' 1979BulckLoSobro.good - COnd.Call733-4806.

all 1984 Buick Park Avonuo,Qt loaded, oxc. cond., good .

rubber. $4495. Soo it 4 1— drivo it. Blackor Applianco IS & Fufnituio. 733-1604.

t 1027 CADILLAC6 ■0 1981 Cadillac Sovillo.S1995. .

• 324-4552 Of 324-2724. •,rt 1965 Eldorado Biarntz. lully0 loadod. G5.000 mi. $8506 nl! or bost ollor. Call Tonya al



1967 CI10V 0II0 . V-0. 283 .— with powor glido Irons,3d SSSO. C.ill 423.5141 cvM.’II- 1971 Nova, good cond., now .

painl. now tiros, tinlod win- 1— dows. AC. AT. $2000 ollor.X- 543-5787 loavo mossnno.S; 1971 Nova SS, 350, custom . ” --paint (ob.-Must-sool $3500.- 1— Cnir543-6043.___________

1980 Chovy Citation, V-6,• AT, AC. PS.-PO, tm-whool,. .

runs oxcollont. $1250, or— bost ollor. C.1I1934-4726 1 ^ l9 a O Z -2 0 .3 5 0 4 sp d .P S .*■ PB. Tilt. AC, roor dolrostor, ’— AM/FM cassotlo. oxcollont1 cond. $2750.733-0598. -

1981 ChovyCitotion. •,— 4 door. doan. runs good,3- $800 or bosi ollor. . T

C,iirntlor7pm 733-3257.— t984Cam afoZ-28.T-top.S '[■ lilor V -8, 5 spd Irnns,.

30.000 mi. 1 ownor. Excoli 1 f' lonll $6600. Call 934-8488 - ’ • dnvs or 934-4776 ovor.. 1— 4 door 1982 Citation. $800.^ ■ SM at 819 Brockon St. N:,') C.1N 733-3710. 1

— 1029 “ CHRYSLER- ,

1969 Now York clirysToTi _ ” _mBCh^B_nicall); sound, good 1

lire's, cldari intorior.'runs— groal, 1 ownor. Coll 734- n. S57B 9 to noon or 6-9 pm.

J: 1041 FORD f .

> 1971 Ford Thundocblrd. “$1500 or bost oflor. Call n

s. 733-9414._______________ _— 1976 Mustang, runs groat. V

Call 543-6045. '

0- — --------------------------------- - -1099 AUTQDEAL£RS 1


^ L a t h a m IVI

/ . P l e a s e d T o

L E E S 'T o O u r P n f e u l o t----------- '


i r ^L e e in v i t e s h i s

^ c u s to m e r s t o st

a 1

h A l 5 1 0 2 * A v e . S . /

Klay, Augusi 7.1991 Timoc-N'

8 2 0 - 1 0 9 9 ^

J T a A W S P O R T A T I O n i l . ^

1044 HONDA

s r 199rH 6nda-A ccordt-X 74---7:j* or door, 5 spood, loadod, low

•.mllos, must soil, $16,600.■r. . AtktorTiltonv436-6848.______

_ 1050 JEEP

j? 1971 Jeop 2 whool drivo^ ; qD runs good. $600/offor. B-4 '

3om/allor Som 326-4744.5 1974 Jeop Chorokoo. n^uilt

motor. A t, PB. PS. excol- - . n: Iertcondition.$1500.934.® 4485 dflvs Of 934-4012.

~ 1987 4x4 Jeep Chorokoo 4 , . door. 40.000 milos. superL - ■ Btmrp.Cnii-324.51g7:-------- ---------I-- 1969JoepChofokooUrodo,— — -------ioododl ExeoDont cond«ion, - —— -15.600 mlln!;r734--1800.- ---------3. Classic 1970 Joopsior Com.

mando 4x4, AT. rostorablo,— •nineS1500655-4473.

H: 1057 UNCOLN

r 1987 Unco/n Mark VII, LSC.'■ loodod. Inds CB. tolo- *• Phono. S12.900.734-2416.

~ 1061 MAZDA

_ 1984 RX-7. looks 4 runs groat. $3300orbosl oflor. 734-7727 Of 734-7325.

- 1986 Mazda RX-7 GXL.9 loadod, low milos. $6895 orL___ bosiollof. trades w elcom e.. . -

Brockman's Mobllo H o m es.- 734-3167cr 324.6459 . . . .


Ih 1985 Morcury Lynx, station a- wanon. must solll Bosi of-id- " to f .'^ a ^ S a o r 423-6393. ---------^ 1938Morcu7GrandMarqui5.

LS. oxcollont condition.'® lully loadod. $9500 lirm.

Can 629-5477.___________e 1988 Mercury Marquis, bluo Bl with whilo vinyl lop. 4 door, la' ■ loadedrcloan, oxcollont —

condition, now tires. 47.000 “ milW.S10.000 837-C65t

_ 1063 NISSANid _________________________

1984 Maxima. $2795 or willr trado for compor. irailor. PU2 or BV. Cnll 734-7039.4 1988 Nissan Pulsor, T-tops,:o rod. AC. 5 spood OGHC.

low milos. oxcollont condi- lion.S7900 Cnll734-27ns.

- - 1075 PLYMOUTH

_ 76_Plymouih wagon, ongino ly & trims good cond. Soil as JO is or pans. $40abo5t oiler. 'Ql 3ga-3n90nflorf)Om_______

“ 1076 PONTIAC

_ 1984 Ponliac Sunbird 2000 3. otaTion wagon, good tiros,3 . AC. Irontwhooldrivo, lilt. '^ sloroo , $500 down, tnko ^ ovof p,ivmnnls. 324-7994.fl- 1989 Pontine LoMans, o«eol-,■r. lont rondiiion. low miloago.'

$3700.J33-26^21 ^o^s or

3;- 1989 Pontiac Sunbird. vory - _ sharp. 21.000 milos. colltng 5, duo to unoxpoctod illnoss.


’ • 1984 Subaru, good condi- tion. S900 or boat ollor 73-8-2S97 or 734-6963.

” 1037 TOYOTA

1988 Toyota 4x4. oxcolloni _ condition. Lois ol extras!5 $'j?4-4S09. i.1, 1089 VOLKSWAGEN

1964 VW C lassic . 12 volt r sysiom. robuilt 1600 moior.■- -$000.734-7051 fllior Com.— —

1967 VWbug. ongino prolos- ■■ sionally rooullt 6 mo ago.

-Mony now porls. Drivos:-------_ Boon in wrock. noods' hood

4 londor. $475.734-2463. d 1984 Volkswngon Rabbjl.1 9 ownor, groat coniJItion. oii-

collont fuel economy. Ask­ing $1600. cash talks. Call 5^3-6720.

73 VW complotoly robuilt. All. .- - rocfiptn. $ 2 ^ 5 .7?fi-S7l0. - -

'■ 1090 VOLVO

7 1979 244 OL Volvo. $300 or bOKi ollor. 324-3763.


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