7 brutal online dating mistakes

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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8/14/2019 7 Brutal Online Dating Mistakes

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8/14/2019 7 Brutal Online Dating Mistakes

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OF YOUR BED”By Jake Vanen!"## 



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By %ea&n' an a((e)*&n' *!&+ %e)"%* y", a'%ee *" a-- "# *!e #"--".&n'/

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8/14/2019 7 Brutal Online Dating Mistakes

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-ey man,

 Are you frustrated with online dating6

oes it seem like no matter what you try you just can7t get a response from the girls that youreally want to be dating6

0f so, 0 can TOTALLY  relate...

"etting women to respond to my emails was not something that came easily to me at all8 0nfact, %he first couple of months 0 started playing around with online dating 0 %%A&&Y suckedat it...

"etting even an 9average: plain (ane type of woman to write back to me was like pulling teeth.

1ut ; as it turns out, this is actually an extremely common experience for guys who try onlinedating. 0n fact according to (uniper #esearch group<

“ 071 "# 2en .!" *%y "n-&ne a*&n' '&3e ,) .&*!&n *!e #&%+* *!%ee 2"n*!+4 T!e 56%ea+"n *!e+e 2en 'a3e T!ey .e%en8* 'e**&n' any %e+)"n+e4”

1ut, luckily for you... %hat other => of guys who learn a few easy techni?ues get to date... Alot of women ; And in this short report 07ll show you how to move towards being one of thelucky = percenters8

 You aren7t gonna believe how easy this is...

 You see, simply by +% making these 7 2&+*ake+ you7ll put yourself ahead of just aboutevery guy in your town.

-ow cool is that6

'ome of these mistakes have to do with the emails that you send to women...

92"%e "n *!a* !e%e:

1ut in this report we will be focusing on mistakes that can occur in your online datingprofile...

'ure, the emails that you send A#$ important... 1ut the fact is that your emails don7t need to be all that stupendous to get a response.

 Yep, if anything you are probably trying too hard, and writing too much in your emails, so thatis a problem that is relatively easy to solve.

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More likely, its things in your profile that you aren7t even aware of that are causing girls torule you out and not contact you...

He%e8+ *!e -&*2,+ *e+* *" +ee .!e*!e% y",% )%"#&-e &+ .!a(k/ A%e !"* '&%-+ +en&n' y", ,n+"-&(&*e 2e++a'e+; 444I# n"*< .e '"**a #&= &*>

'o without further ado here are @ brutal online dating mistakes that keep hot women out of your bed... ix these and watch " %-0+"' start to happen in your inbox8 

M&+*ake 56? $%ee)y P&(*,%e

 As you may have heard, women do not care as much about looks as men do...

-owever, your picture is *!e #&%+* *!&n' *!a* any '&%- y", ("n*a(* &+ '"&n' *" -""k a*. And if she decides that you look even the slightest bit 9creepy: it7s game over, you are ..A.8

%he problem is that most guys don7t understand what 9creepy: is to women. %hey think that

their pictures are fine, or they make the excuse that 907m not very good looking...: 1.'.

 You don7t need to be a handsome man to pull hot women online... 1ut, you can7t be creepy8

-ere are a few things that will make you look like a creepy<

•  A fake smile ; Makes you look like a serial killerB

•  An emotionless expression ; Makes you look like a serial killerB

•  A sad face ; self explanatoryB

•  A picture that is too posed or looks like it was professionally taken; &ooks desperateB

• oing 9hover hands: with a girl in your picture ; Makes you look like a virginB

 Photo credit: hoverhands.org

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 3omen are usually much more tuned in to these sorts of things than men, so they are able topick up on the messages that you are sending through the 9microexpressions: in your profilephotos8

S"< @e +,%e *" ,+e a )!"*" .!e%e y", -""k a+ (""-< (a-2 an ("n#&en* a+ )"++&@-e4ne good way to determine whether you look good and not creepyB in a photo is to post it upon hotornot which is a photo rating website.

M&+*ake 5? Ha3&n' A Ba Fa+!&"n Sen+e

 You absolutely don7t need to be a 9high fashion: kinda guy to attract women. -owever, if yourstyle is outdated, sloppy, or screams 9nice guy: you can pretty much rule out getting any kindof response...

0 can7t tell you how many guys contact me saying that they have done everything that 0

outlined in my book, but that they still can7t get a date online... %hen, 0 take a look at thereprofile, and what do you know, dude is wearing pleated khakis and baggy green tshirt8

-ere7s the thing, the way that you dress communicates to women how you think about yourself, so it7s a huge opportunity. And the fact that most guys dress like shDt works out wellfor you, because a little bit of effort will put you far ahead of the competition.

%his report is not long enough to go over how you should dress for every situation, but for your profile pics here are a few things to keep in mind<

 –  A +-"))y -""k k&--+ a**%a(*&"n4 A little stubble can make you look rugged. 1ut

generally speaking you want to look fresh and clean... 'o lose that pic of yourself youtook with the webcam in your grey tshirt looking like you just rolled out of bed8

 – L"+e *!e *,=4 ressing up fancy in your picture makes you look like you are trying toohard to impress her, and it also gives her no idea what you dress like on a regular day.'o only include a photo from a formal occasion if you are also using a few of yourselfdressed down a bit.

 – N&(e G,y L""k N" L"3&n84 0f you look at most of the guys online they are alldressed the same. Average, boring jeans, sneakers, and a boring tshirt or polo... A looklike this does nothing to spark attraction and subcommunicates the fact that yourpersonality is probably as boring as the clothes you wear.

0nstead your best bet is to pick a celebrity who you think is cool and then copy their style. (ustgrab one of those trashy tabloid magaEines and see what the guys who are dating the hottest women in -ollywood are wearing and find an outfit that looks cool to you.

SIDE NOTE/ Many guys don7t want to 9change: themselves to attract women, and they try to bitch to me about how women should like them for who they are...

0 can7t fully address what is so wrong with that way of thinking here, but suffice to say, if you want hot women, and you aren7t getting them now ; then you are going to need to changethings up a bit8

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M&+*ake 5C? U+&n' $-&(!e+ In Y",% P%"#&-e

!sing cliches shows a lack of creativity, and intelligence. %ake a look at what other guys writein their profiles. %hey all say the same thing over and over again. 0ts mind numbing, and itmakes girls want to hit the back button...

-ereFs one of my favorites<

“I'm just looking for someone that I can have a great time with, no matter what we're doing. Whether it's going out for the night, or just in watching a movie on the couch


 Arrrgh8 o you know how many people use this line in their profiles6 3e all want a partners we can have a great time with, someone to go out with and stay in with too, 3%6

"oing out for the night is not descriptive. 3hat is he going to do once he goes out6 $at dinner

at ApplebeeFs6 As boring as that sounds, talking about how much you love eating the nachos atChili7s still beats just saying you like 9going out for the night.:

M&+*ake 5? E=)%e++&n' Ne'a*&3&*y 

0t should be obvious that no girl wants to read a bunch of negative, depressing crap in a guysdating profile... 1ut yet most guys still find a way to work some unpleasantness into theirprofiles. ften, this negativity takes the form of CM/&A0+0+" and coming across as jaded or

9unlucky in love:... And this is some stuff that will make any woman want to run for the hills8

"uys complain about the bar scene, they complain about getting dumped, or their jobs, or nothaving any luck with these types of things, many even complain about having to fill out theprofile itself8

G 0t7s !+1$&0$*A1&$.

Complaining shows that you blame others for your position in life, it makes you lookimmature and negative, itFs repellent.

$verybody has things that they donFt like, but leave those things out of your profile. You wantto focus on positive things in your profile, so find another outlet to vent your negativity.

M&+*ake 5? Ta-k&n' A@",* Se=

"etting laid, or getting into a romantic relationship with a woman are logical goals, or reasonsfor using online dating... 1ut don7t start your interactions off talking about this kind of stuff or you will come across as desperate and overeager.

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 Any sexual talk in your profile is a very bad move because it is not directed at her inparticular... You are just putting it out there for the whole world to see. 'o hold back on that. You don7t want her to see you as some sort of dog in heat that7s ready to hump anything that will hold still.

'ome guys think that they should include 9sexy talk: in the emails that they send women afterthey get a response because they believe that they need to 9set a sexual frame:... And while 0agree that setting a sexual frame early on is important 0 recommend waiting until you get heron the phone and then doing this very subtly so as not to set off any alarm bells.

M&+*ake 5? L&+*&n' An Ina))%")%&a*e A'e Ran'e

&isten, 07m the first guy to tell you that dating younger, even M!C- younger women is aokayand not  something you should feel you need to hide... at all.

1!% ; 0f you are HI year old man and you list JKIL as the age range for women you want todate that7ll turn off women of all ages.

 3hat does that say about you that you refuse to date women your own age6 0t makes you lookimmature and like you are just looking for a young firm body to use as your sex toy...

 You7ll do much better listing ages ILHI and then you can '%0&& contact the really young girls,and they7ll respond better to you when they are below your specified age range8

07ve had numerous clients test this theory out and they always get better results by raisingtheir age range.

M&+*ake 57? N" $a-- T" A(*&"n

%he last sentence of your profile is extremely important because it can either make or break you...

0t7s the last thing a woman will read in your profile 0f she gets that farB so it7s really importantto take advantage of this opportunity to spur her on and make her want to respond to you.

0n marketing, this is referred to as your C%A or 9call to action:. 0t7s where you tell the

customer or in this case the girl, what you want her to do next.

0f you were writing an advertisement you might say something like<

 9on7t hesitate, grab this amaEing deal right now and change your life forever...:

0n this case, when you are trying to get a date rather than a sale you might say somethingalong the lines of<

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“If you've read this far then you ro!a!ly want to date me... "# $o send me an email and wecan chat and see a!out otentially setting something u%” 

'mooth and low pressure... (ust tell her what you want her to do.

0f you skip this line your profile will just seem like an essay about yourself that leads tonowhere.


nline ating is not 9hard:...

0t7s probably %-$ $A'0$'% and most efficient ways for you to meet and date many new women each and every week of the year.

 3hen 0 was 9going hard: online 0 was going out with new girls = or H nights a week, all from

one simple profile 0 posted on one dating site.

ver the past few years 0 have been helping other guys go from being totally dateless to havinga complete control over their dating lives.

nce you have a polished profile up, there is no work involved... You can just kick back andthe girls will start lining up wanting to date you.

0f this sounds like a fantasy, or like something you7d like to have happen in your life then$-&(k He%e *" 3&+&* 2y .e@+&*e ; %here7s another free report and a somewhat shocking video that explains $*$#Y%-0+"...

$-&(k He%e T" Make I* Ha))en


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