7 day diet plan for fat loss

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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Designed To Give The Best Result


Delicious Soup Prepared With Natural Elements

Elements Of Soup

6 Large Green Onions Or One Large Red Onion

A Tin Of Tomatoes 1 Large Cabbage Vegetable Bullion Two Green Peppers 1 Bunch Celery Shitake Mushrooms One Hot Pepper 2 Cloves Of Garlic Kombu Seaweed

Day One

You can eat all fruits apart from banana, watermelon and cantaloupe are recommended because they have very few calories. Your diet should consist of weight-loss soup and low calories fruits. When it comes to drink, you can take plain water, cranberry juice or unsweetened black tea.

Day 2

Your diet will consist of the weight-loss soup and vegetables. You can eat fresh raw vegetables until you get stuffed. Leafy vegetables are recommended and you have to avoid eating corn, peas or any other dry beans. When it's time for dinner, you can treat yourself to a large baked potato with butter. On this day, you are not supposed to eat any fruit.

Day 3

You can eat all the fruits, vegetables and soup you want. Avoid baked potato, and if you follow the "Fat Burning Soup Recipes" for day one and two, you will loose up to five pounds. It's proven.

Day 4

On this day you can eat bananas and skimmed milk along with the weight-loss soup. Bananas and milk are recommended because they are packed with carbohydrates and calories. You will also need the carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and potassium in order to lower your cravings for sweet.

Day 5

This is a good day to supplement your soup diet with lamb or beefs and tomatoes. You should select free range animal protein that is free from hormones. You can eat 10 or 20 ounces of lamb or beef along with a tin of tomatoes. Drink plenty of water in order to flush away your body's accumulation of uric acid. For lamb or beef you can substitute with wheat gluten, adzuki beans, chicken or fish. You should eat at least one serving of the weight-loss soup.

Day 6

On this day you can eat beef or lamb and vegetables. You can eat as much animal protein and vegetables as you want. You can have 2 or 3 steaks but you must have to avoid backed potatoes. You can substitute the beef or lambs with wheat gluten, adzuki beans, chicken or fish. You should eat at least one serving of the weight-loss soup.

Day 7

Fruits and vegetables with brown rice are recommended for day 7. Again you can staff yourself with all you can eat along with at least one weight-loss soup. By the time you are through with this 7 day program, and you haven't cheated on your diet, you should loose 5 pounds. If you loose over 5 pounds, stay off this diet plan for 2 days before you resume your diet at day 1.

Where You Can find Weight Loss Soup Recipes.Click Here

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