7 powerful steps to leverage linkedin 2014

Post on 08-May-2015



Social Media



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7 Powerful Steps To Leverage Linkedin in 2014 Assuming you are active on multiple social media channels, your website is likely getting visitors from these sites. One of the key differentiators I found is that the audience visiting your site from Linkedin tends to be predominantly business focused. With so much to offer, the question becomes, how can you leverage Linkedin for your business in 2014? Here are 7 Powerful Steps to Leverage Linkedin in 2014. 1) Understand visitor-to-lead conversion by social channel: If you are using Google Analytics, you can easily set up a custom reporting dashboard that shows you Goal Conversions such as leads form submissions, newsletter sign-ups or coupon downloads, all broken down by channel. You will be able to see how many leads came in from Paid Search, Organic Search, Referral Traffic, Direct Traffic as well as the Social traffic. If you click on Social traffic, the report will drill down to show you all the specific social media channels (Linkedin, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp, etc.) contributing to visitors and conversions on your website. Statistically, it is known that Linkedin has a 3 times higher visitor-to-lead conversion ratio compared to Facebook or Twitter. Armed with this information, you can redirect your Social Media Strategy to get the biggest bang for your buck. If the strategy above sounds a bit too “technical” just send me a note and I’ll be happy to walk you through the steps. 2) Write posts to ensure high visibility at opportune times: Most users write posts expecting a level of engagement and are disappointed when no one cares or comments on their posts. You need to build a simple habit to ensure the highest possible visibility for each of your posts and updates. Here is an easy tip to increase the response rate: try posting during the week, Monday to Friday, especially during morning hours when viewers are most engaged. The opposite is true for Twitter. If you want to get more engagement and visibility on Twitter, you should post in the evenings and weekends. In addition, make sure everything you post on Linkedin provides value or could be of interest to the audience. In other words, the content, from a business standpoint, is key, whereas the other channels (Facebook/Twitter) allow for a more personal or casual approach. [see point # 4 for details] 3) Increase OR decrease the frequency of posts: I often see a business contact of mine using Hootsuite or other auto-posting tools to post every hour on Linkedin. The repetitiveness of seeing his picture on my newsfeed that many times causes me to ignore his posts, even though they may be pertinent. This creates a diminishing returns scenario because most groups you are a part of on Linkedin will move your post over to a promotions area if they think you are spamming. The lesson here is to avoid looking “spammy” with your posts, and not to use auto-post sites.





7  Powerful  Steps  To  Leverage  Linkedin  in  2014      


Assuming  you  are  active  on  multiple  social  media  channels,  your  website  is  likely  getting  visitors  from  these  sites.    One  of  the  key  differentiators  I  found  is  that  the  audience  visiting  your  site  from  Linkedin  tends  to  be  predominantly  business  focused.    

With  so  much  to  offer,  the  question  becomes,  how  can  you  leverage  Linkedin  for  your  business  in  2014?  

Here  are  7  Powerful  Steps  to  Leverage  Linkedin  in  2014.  

1)    Understand  visitor-­‐to-­‐lead  conversion  by  social  channel:  

If  you  are  using  Google  Analytics,  you  can  easily  set  up  a  custom  reporting  dashboard  that  shows  you  Goal  Conversions  such  as  leads  form  submissions,  newsletter  sign-­‐ups  or  coupon  downloads,  all  broken  down  by  channel.    You  will  be  able  to  see  how  many  leads  came  in  from  Paid  Search,  Organic  Search,  Referral  Traffic,  Direct  Traffic  as  well  as  the  Social  traffic.      If  you  click  on  Social  traffic,  the  report  will  drill  down  to  show  you  all  the  specific  social  media  channels  (Linkedin,  Google+,  Facebook,  Pinterest,  YouTube,  Yelp,  etc.)  contributing  to  visitors  and  conversions  on  your  website.      Statistically,  it  is  known  that  Linkedin  has  a  3  times  higher  visitor-­‐to-­‐lead  conversion  ratio  compared  to  Facebook  or  Twitter.    Armed  with  this  information,  you  can  redirect  your  Social  Media  Strategy  to  get  the  biggest  bang  for  your  buck.  If  the  strategy  above  sounds  a  bit  too  “technical”  just  send  me  a  note  and  I’ll  be  happy  to  walk  you  through  the  steps.  

2)  Write  posts  to  ensure  high  visibility  at  opportune  times:  

Most  users  write  posts  expecting  a  level  of  engagement  and  are  disappointed  when  no  one  cares  or  comments  on  their  posts.    You  need  to  build  a  simple  habit  to  ensure  the  highest  possible  visibility  for  each  of  your  posts  and  updates.    Here  is  an  easy  tip  to  increase  the  response  rate:  try  posting  during  the  week,  Monday  to  Friday,  especially  during  morning  hours  when  viewers  are  most  engaged.    The  opposite  is  true  for  Twitter.    If  you  want  to  get  more  engagement  and  visibility  on  Twitter,  you  should  post  in  the  evenings  and  weekends.    In  addition,  make  sure  everything  you  post  on  Linkedin  provides  value  or  could  be  of  interest  to  the  audience.  In  other  words,  the  content,  from  a  business  standpoint,  is  key,  whereas  the  other  channels  (Facebook/Twitter)  allow  for  a  more  personal  or  casual  approach.  [see  point  #  4  for  details]  

3)    Increase  OR  decrease  the  frequency  of  posts:  

Over  the  past  few  years,  Linkedin  has  really  separated  itself  from  other  Social  Media  Networks  such  as  Twitter  and  Facebook.    Its  current  user  base  exceeds  259  Million  and  with  over  2.1  Million  interest  groups  within  Linkedin,  and  a  new  sign  up  number  of  172,000/day,  it  is  a  significant  channel  that  should  be  on  your  promotion  short  list  in  2014.      



I  often  see  a  business  contact  of  mine  using  Hootsuite  or  other  auto-­‐posting  tools  to  post  every  hour  on  Linkedin.    The  repetitiveness  of  seeing  his  picture  on  my  newsfeed  that  many  times  causes  me  to  ignore  his  posts,  even  though  they  may  be  pertinent.    This  creates  a  diminishing  returns  scenario  because  most  groups  you  are  a  part  of  on  Linkedin  will  move  your  post  over  to  a  promotions  area  if  they  think  you  are  spamming.    The  lesson  here  is  to  avoid  looking  “spammy”  with  your  posts,  and  not  to  use  auto-­‐post  sites.    The  ideal  number  is  20-­‐30  posts  a  month,  which  will  allow  you  to  reach  about  60%-­‐70%  of  your  audience.    You  don’t  have  to  worry  that  people  are  not  logged  in  and  checking  their  newsfeeds  at  the  exact  moment  you  post.    The  social  media  channels  have  overcome  this  and  they  cycle  through  posts.    This  is  the  reason  you  will  see  a  post  on  the  top  of  your  newsfeed  that  may  have  been  posted  several  hours  ago.      

4)    Know  your  audience:  

Instead  of  going  out  and  finding  anything  and  everything  to  fill  your  posting  goal  for  the  month,  take  some  time  to  really  figure  out  what  your  members  are  interested  in.    As  a  general  rule  of  thumb,  and  if  you  have  been  connecting  with  the  right  people  on  Linkedin  for  your  particular  business/industry,  you  will  find  that  60%  of  the  members  are  interested  in  Industry  Insights  and  40%  of  the  members  are  interested  in  new  Products  and  Services.    Use  this  knowledge  to  prepare  a  plan  on  what  to  post  and  when  to  post  it,  in  order  to  cater  to  the  needs  of  all  your  followers.      

5)    Include  Links  and  Images  with  your  posts  to  drive  up  to  200%  more  engagement:  

Linkedin  makes  it  quite  easy  for  you  to  paste  links  in  the  status  updates.    It  even  displays  a  thumbnail  of  the  page  you  will  end  up  at  -­‐  if  you  click  on  the  link.    I  have  always  found  that  if  you  write  a  great  headline  in  your  post  and  link  it  back  to  your  blog  or  a  page  on  your  site,  you  can  bring  that  traffic  to  your  website.    Assuming  your  site  has  been  built  with  visitor-­‐to-­‐lead  conversion  in  mind,  you  have  the  home  court  advantage  to  convert  that  visitor  into  a  lead.      

6)    Link  to  YouTube  Videos:    

A  popular  stat  I  read  a  while  back  said  1  in  8  people  make  a  decision  on  purchasing  a  product  or  signing  up  for  a  service  after  watching  a  video.      It  does  help  that  a  majority  of  the  population  are  visual  learners.    If  your  company  or  you  have  a  YouTube  channel,  linking  to  YouTube  videos  will  result  in  a  75%  higher  share  rate.    Remember,  you  can  track  how  many  of  the  visitors  from  YouTube  came  back  to  your  site  using  that  report  from  Google  Analytics  that  I  spoke  about  in  my  first  point.    If  you  want  to  get  more  complex  and  discuss  attribution  (how  much  weight  to  give  to  the  Linkedin  Post  and  how  much  weight  to  give  to  the  YouTube  Video  in  order  to  do  lead  attribution  models),  well…  that  is  for  another  post.      

7)    Be  original:  

Sharing  content  from  others  about  your  industry  is  great,  however  if  you  want  to  build  a  level  of  credibility  or  authority  for  yourself,  you  have  to  be  able  to  produce  original  content.    If  you  or  someone  at  your  company  can  produce  that  content,  you  are  well  on  your  way.    Here  it  is  by  the  numbers:  

• 61%  of  consumers  have  made  a  purchase  based  on  a  blog  post  that  they  read.  • 60%  of  consumers  feel  positive  about  a  company  after  reading  its  blog.  



• 70%  of  consumers  learn  about  a  company  through  its  blog  versus  ads.  

If  you  are  not  already  leveraging  Linkedin,  or,  after  having  read  my  post,  want  to  make  this  a  new  resolution,  then  follow  the  7  powerful  steps  I  have  outlined  above  to  get  ahead  of  the  competition.    If  you  have  other  ways  that  you  feel  are  worth  mentioning,  feel  free  to  leave  a  comment  or  connect  with  me  on  Linkedin.  And,  of  course,  if  you  have  questions,  please  reach  out!  I  may  just  have  the  answer.  





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