7 reasons you and your spouse should attend a marriage retreat

Post on 31-Aug-2014



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Are you sick of the daily grind? Do you need an escape from your job and the demands of your kids? Do you never get get time to spend with your spouse? If any of these sound familiar, it's time for you to attend a marriage retreat. Not only is a retreat fun, but it's a great way to strengthen your marriage. Don't wait to book your retreat today!


7 Reasons You and Your Spouse Should Attend a

Marriage Retreat

What is a marriage retreat?

A marriage retreat is a mini vacation embedded with marriage coaching and advice from counselors.

It’s meant to strengthen a marriage by immersing couples in four days straight of activities and counseling sessions.

If you’re not sure if you need or want to attend a retreat, take a look at the following seven slides:

1. Your marriage is on the rocks.

If your marriage is suffering from deep-rooted issues like infidelity, addictions, broken trust, etc., then you should definitely go on a marriage retreat. It could potentially save your marriage.

2. You need an escape.

Maybe your marriage is doing alright, but you and your husband need an escape from the demands of your children and jobs. You need a little break from the stress and it wouldn’t hurt to get some counseling along with it.

3. You want to travel.

If you and your spouse love to travel, why not attend a retreat location that you’ve never been to? Not only will it be a fun, strengthening experience, but it will give you a chance to see a new place.

4. You never spend time together.

If you and your spouse are so busy that you never spend time together alone (even on the weekends), then you most definitely need a retreat. You need to spend quality time together.

5. You could use some counseling.

Maybe things in your marriage aren’t at their worst, but they’re certainly not at their best, either. If this is the case, why not attend a retreat to make things better? Your marriage will benefit from it.

6.You’re sick of the daily grind.

Perhaps you and your partner are sick of the monotony of life. You may not be super busy, but you’re also not that excited about life. Add some spark and excitement to your relationship by going to a fun four-day retreat together.

7. You love vacationing together.

If you love nothing more than spending time with your love on a fun getaway, why not go to a couples private retreat? You’ll learn relationship skills while having fun. You’ve got nothing to lose!

Book a Marriage Retreat Today

If you relate to any of these categories, book a retreat today. LIFE Marriage Retreats is more than happy to welcome you to a retreat at any of their locations.

You can contact them by visiting lifemarriageretreats.com or by calling (877) 376-7127.

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