7 september 2017 edition #14 kookaburra...

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7 September 2017 Edition #14

Kookaburra Chronicles

TA4 Buckingham House Visit

Last week the Year 2’s dressed as Pioneers and went to Buckingham House. We had a wonderful morning learning about life during the early years of settlement in Perth. A special thanks must be made to all our adult volunteers, without them our day would not have been so lovely!

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Dear Parents and Caregivers

Term Planner

This is an incredibly busy time of the year at South Padbury and keeping on top of everything can be a real struggle. At the beginning of each term we do publish a term planner, but as with all good plans, it is subject to change. The best way to know what’s going on is to check our term planner on the school’s website, the school app or come in to the front office and ask for a copy of the term planner. Any date changes that occur will be advised via the school app.

From our end, we’re also constantly putting information up on the app as this is the easiest, most direct way to communicate with you.


Following a school board decision, our hand washing protocols have changed and our hand sanitizer has been replaced with soap, water and paper towels. Thank you to Mrs Hill for organising this change.

Faction Carnival

We’re all very excited for this upcoming event on Friday. Mrs Williams has been very busy organising and training the students in each event so that we’re ready on Friday. This is very much a student centred learning environment and as such will actually be run by the students. In this, there will be mistakes and things won’t necessarily always run exactly to plan. The alternative is to return to a traditional format where children spend 75% of the time sitting and 25% of the time competing. Our carnival has all children engaged all of the time.

Edu Dance Concert

I’m excited to see this spectacular event on Tuesday 12 September at 2.00pm in the undercover area.

NAPLAN Community Forum

I’m presenting our whole school 2017 NAPLAN analysis and action plan on Wednesday 20 September in the staffroom. If data and it’s uses are of interest to you, this may be a session worth attending as our analysis and follow up are extensive, detailed and tightly targeted.

Year 1 Teacher

The school has advertised for a new Year 1 position. 2018 will see Mrs Gilchrist move into a support role on Monday and Tuesdays, leaving TA1 requiring a new teacher. We received 163 applications and we’re now down to the final 5 who we’ll interview in due course. Mr Jones and Miss Bishop are supporting me in the selection process. We’ll let you all know who the new person is once a decision has been made.

David Knox



The next assembly will be held on Friday 22 September and will be

conducted by our Year 2 students in TA4. The assembly will commence at

8:45 am in the undercover area.

Parents of the children are invited to morning tea with Mrs Jones and the

Principal in the Staff Room immediately after the assembly.

Congratulations to the following students

who received merit awards at our

assembly on Friday 1 September

PP1: Leah Wilson

Miguel Fontanilla

Tommy Cates

PP2: Hayden James

Eliza Hudson

TA1: Sophie Davis

Aleah Sharper

Eli Ainslie

Evie Johnston

TA2: Katie Ross

Sophie Laurance

Ben Hamilton

TA3 Lauryn Sullivan

TA4 Mitchell Hudson

Payton Robertson-Hopa

TA5 Tavian Conte

Samantha Gendle

Xavier Isaako

Aaliyah Liddelow

TA6: Megan May

Maddison Sharper

TA7: Aidan Mills

Joshua Walsh

TA8: Hayden Burgess

Elssa Green

TA9: Hamish McDonald

Angus Fricker

TA10: Kyle Martin

Luka Banister

Rhys Taylor

TA11: Olivia Adams

Dylan Martin


Finn Chapman

Alfie Byers

Charlotte Davis

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Merit Certificates

Congratulations to the following students who

were awarded for their place in the


11th Place Eamon Harris

14th Place Ivy Rodgers

Term 4 Planner

Big Point Tennis at South Padbury

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Nurturing Kids Hearts and Souls, an evening with Maggie Dent

Duncraig Primary School supported by St Stephen’s School are delighted to announce the booking details for Maggie Dent’s new seminar Nurturing Kids Hearts and Souls.

This seminar will focus on exploring the unspoken dimension of raising healthy children, and the nurturing of children’s hearts and souls. Children are struggling with the modern world and this will show you why and what can be done to help parents raise healthy, happy kids. Maggie will explore EQ and SQ (the emotional and spiritual equivalent of IQ), the role of imagination, intuition, play and how to strengthen the human spirit in your home.

DATE Tuesday 24 October 2017, doors open 6.30pm for a 7.15pm start, event concludes at 9.15pm

TICKET SALES $35 https://www.trybooking.com/RFLM

LOCATION St Stephen's School Carramar 50 St Stephen's Crescent, Tapping, WA 6065

CONTACT DETAIL infonkhsmd@gmail.com

Parenting Seminar

I hope we are ready to get back on court for another great term of tennis. We start back up next term ( week two) on Thursday morning at 7:45am. The cost for the term is $130 for the 8 weeks.

Please let me know if you want to enrol again. Please remember if you refer a new person that signs up for the term you receive a $30 discount for the term.

We look forward to seeing you all on court next term.

Ben Hocking

Director of Coaching Big Point Tennis

www.bigpointtennis.com.au 0423 854 857

Are you caring, motivated and love kids?

Do you like trying new things and being part of a community?

Could you help grow girls into confident, self-respecting young women?

We have vacancies for women to join our teams of volunteer leaders in Carine, Craigie, Padbury, Hillarys, and Duncraig!

Girl Guides of various age groups from 5 up to 17 years meet weekly in all these suburbs. We have a range of volunteer roles available, from Unit Leader to Helper, or even Treasurer. You can choose your preferred day and age group.

Volunteering with Girl Guides WA is flexible and fun, and we provide training and support to new volunteers. We are an inclusive organisation welcoming all women, and you don’t need any background in Guiding! We will help you organise your Working with Children Check and can provide support with start-up costs.

If you can help us out, please contact 9479 9800 or membersupport@girlguideswa.org.au.

Volunteering for Girl Guides

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School Councillors Report

Charges Schedule for 2018

Tonight, Thursday 7 September we have the school Open Night for all parents and guardians to come

and look at all the amazing work your children have done throughout the year. Also tomorrow, Friday 8

September we are all going to participate in our annual Faction Sport Carnival. Don’t forget to make sure

your children are wearing their faction colour shirt and if your children are going to colour their hair for the

day it must be done at home, not at school please.

Thank you to all parents who have been shopping at Woolworths and collecting earn and learn stickers

which will help our school get new items like sports equipment. There are only a few weeks to go with

stickers finishing on Tuesday 19 September, so please send in any stickers or parts of sheets to the

office so that we can tally our points on Wednesday 20 September.

Finally a big thank you to Trevor’s carpets in Malaga who kindly donated new carpet squares for our

growing school.

Charlotte, Georgie and Lucy

The schedule is broken into four sections and will allow you to calculate costs you may incur throughout the school year. The four sections are as follows:






In Term 4 South Padbury School and the School Board will be reviewing and endorsing the schedule of Voluntary Contributions and Charges for 2018. This will be presented to the school community when endorsed later in Term 4. The “Personal items for student use list” will be issued prior. Please see below for details:-


The charge for personal use items will vary from student to student depending on year level.

“Personal items for student use list” (Booklists 2018) will be sent home with students on Thursday 12 October and with full details of how to order and timelines. Campion Education will be the provider for 2018.

The success of the “Bring your own Device” (BYOD) for I pads in Year 3 this year has proved very successful and will continue to run in 2018. BYOD is a voluntary option which will run in Year 3 and Year 4 in 2018. We thank you for support and enthusiasm in 2017 and looking forward to even more success 2018.

Thank you



* Bricks 4 kidz flyer

* Pizza Notes YR6 Fundraiser

Contact Information: 56 Warburton Avenue PADBURY WA 6025 Phone: 08 9307 5833 Email: southpadbury.ps@education.wa.edu.au www.southpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au Police Communications: 131 444 Education Security: 9264 4771 or 9264 4632

Dates to put in your diary….

Thursday 7 September School Open Night 5-7pm

Friday 8 September Faction Carnival

Tuesday 12 September Edu-Dance Concert 2pm

Wednesday 13 September P&C Meeting 7pm Staffroom

Thursday 14 September Kindy B School Nurse Screening

Friday 15 September Kindy B School Nurse Screening

Wednesday 20 September Kindy B School Nurse Screening

Thursday 21 September YR6 Pizza Day Fundraiser

P&C News

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The Father's Day stall was held last week and it went very well. The children enjoyed 'shopping' for their Dad’s and Grandpas. Thank you all for your support of the Mother's and Father's day stalls this year.

The P&C would like to thank everyone for the magnificent response to our SOS to find a new Treasurer. We really appreciate the support shown to allow us to continue our work in South Padbury Primary School. We now have a parent volunteer to be our new Treasurer.

The next P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday 13 September at 7pm in the Staff room.

Everyone welcome. southpadburypc@gmail.com

Students not returning to SPPS

If your child will not be returning to South

Padbury in 2018, please advise the front

office via our App, school email,


by phone 9307 5833 or in person.

Edu-Dance concert Tuesday 12

September at 2pm in the undercover

area. Please

see the list for

your child’s



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