7 things that increase your b vitamins + omega 3 s for holep - … · 2017-06-21 · vitamin b3 or...

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  • 7 Things That Increase Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    B Vitamins + Omega 3’s For Brain Health

    Holep - Holmium Laser Enucleation Of The Prostate

    Prostate Superfood Series- Cauliflower -

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    Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry is causing more deaths than traffic accidents?

    It’s shockingly true. Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the US. It’s appalling, and yet it seems absurd. How could medications hurt so many people?

    Sure, we know that all medicines have side effects. But is it possible that the misuse of drugs could be this serious?

    The Statistics

    Did you know that we have a 20 percent chance of having serious side effects from prescription drugs? According to the Center for Ethics at Harvard University, there is a 1 in 5 probability that drugs will cause a severe reaction to one’s body. What’s worse is that some of the drugs causing them are fairly new and haven’t been FDA-approved.

    Also, many systematic reviews of hospital records reveal that prescription drugs cause about 1.9 million hospitalizations per year.

    This occurs even if the drugs are properly prescribed. And this doesn’t even include the drugs that are misprescribed and misused. On top of this, about 840,000 of these hospitalized people get serious adverse reactions when given more drugs.

    The numbers are staggering, and about 10% of these hospitalized patients die because of drugs. This makes prescription drugs and the industry that makes them a major health risk. Yet the FDA doesn’t acknowledge this fact. They only gather a small fraction of the cases.

    How Could The Pharmaceutical Industry Cause So Much Death?

    We recognize the fact that doctors care for their patients. They prescribe medications based on sound assessment. They have the good intention of curing our disease. We also know that the FDA is a federal bureaucracy. It’s supposed to restrict the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA is supposed to protect consumers and promote public safety.

    Finally, we can seek legal action if prescription



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    drugs harm us. The legal system is supposed to keep the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry, in check.

    But with all this, how could the pharmaceutical industry still cause so much death?

    The answer lies with loose regulation that is driven by profit. After all, the pharmaceutical industrial complex is big business.

    The Pharmaceutical Business Model

    The pharmaceutical industry is one of largest industries in the world. It’s a big business that reaps enormous profits. And they market themselves as our saviors.

    But the industry is not primarily driven by making significant advances for health. It’s not

    driven by a quest to cure our diseases. It’s driven primarily by profit. Pharmaceutical companies flood the market with thousands of drugs. They exploit patents and other IP protections for money. They even make variations of drugs just to sell more.

    Marc-Andre Gagnon is a leading author of a book that describes the corruption of pharmaceutical markets. He claims that there’s an elaborate architecture behind the pharmaceutical markets. And this has created a misalignment of financial incentives and public health. This problem is a central cause of death and harm.

    Sales and profits of these companies soared. The net return on revenues (RORS) with prescription drugs increased from about 10 percent in the 1970s to almost 20 percent in the

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    2010s. The profits of pharmaceutical companies even beat Fortune 500 companies by 3.2 times. This is largely due to overpriced products and the backing of physicians and the FDA. For the last 35 years, the pharmaceutical industry thrived on this business model. It’s based on marketing prowess. It also became an epidemic of serious, adverse effects. It’s truly scary of think of this. About 170 million Americans take prescription medications. And over half of them do experience harmful side effects.

    What’s worse is that a lot of these affected people are elderly. These are the people who are most affected. They have multiple-drug regimens and drug interactions worsen the side effects. It’s common for them to experience stomach pains, muscle aches, and drowsiness. Taking all these drugs is slowly killing them.

    The Trial-Journal Pipeline

    These pharmaceutical companies constantly refer to the so-called “R&D pipeline”. They invest on randomized clinical trials that are designed by their marketing departments. This is to produce evidence that their drugs are effective and safe. The results of their studies sharply contrast those of unbiased trials.

    It’s quite true that these commercially funded clinical trials favor the drug than non-commercially funded trials. But the sad thing is that the FDA accepts these biased trials. The pharmaceutical giants somehow influence regulation. And the FDA uses these biased trials to approve drugs.

    The government has a hand in this complex. Congress strongly supports companies to fund the division that reviews new drugs. Instead of having the FDA to independently review and regulate the drugs. Why is this happening? Isn’t it true that the FDA is publicly funded? Well it seems that the FDA is, in fact, an extension of the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA plays a major role in expanding markets. It works to have more people take more drugs.

    People are being hurt by their medicine. And this is simply unacceptable. If harm is impossible to avoid completely, it should be minimized. However, it seems that there is zero effort on the part of pharmaceutical giants and the FDA to do this. We can only hope that such oversight is not consequential to all of us.


    Gagnon, M. 2013. Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets: Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health. John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1111/jlme.12066

    Light, Donald. 2014. New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages. [ONLINE] Available at: http://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/new-prescription-drugs-major-health-risk-few-offsetting-advantages. [Accessed 20 March 2017].

    Light, D., et al. 2013. Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 2013, Vol. 14, No. 3: 590-610.

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    I explained several times in my newsletters the importance of B Vitamins and Omega 3s. Interestingly, new study shows correlation between B I Vitamins and Omega 3s in one’s brain health. Our brain is one of the most important body organs. It affects all the body systems. Without it, most of the human body functions won’t work well. Memory, concentration, intelligence and behavior are affected by brain nutrition.

    Hence, it is of utmost importance to take care of the brain to keep it healthy.

    The human body needs 13 essential vitamins to sustain health and eight of those belong to the B vitamins family. Several studies have been made to prove that to maintain a healthy brain; one must have an adequate intake of B vitamins and Omega-3s.

    VITAMIN B FAMILYResearch shows that B vitamins are essential in different metabolic processes of the body and they act not only as immune boosters but also as mood changers. Vitamin B complex supplements are known to help relieve anxiety, improve heart health and help in getting rid of skin disorders. The vitamin B family plays an important role in the nervous, cardiovascular and brain functions of the body.

    Vitamin B3 or Niacin, in particular, helps in cellular energy production and in the control of the nervous system. It helps in maintaining good cardiovascular health. Vitamins B1 (Thiamin)

    and B2 (Riboflavin) are vital for keeping the healthy functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves. While Biotin or vitamin B7 aids in hormone production, Folic acid or vitamin B9 helps in DNA production. Vitamin B6 improves the cognitive function of elderly people.

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    OMEGA-3SOmega-3 is a kind of fatty acid naturally found in cell membranes. It is perhaps the most important fats needed by the body for overall health. It is responsible for a healthy heart as it reduces the risks of stroke and heart attack. It controls cholesterol triglyceride levels and is involved in mental and behavioral health.

    The human body has a slow production of omega-3 so we get most of it from the food we eat.

    EPA and DHA are two types of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish. Another type of omega-3 is ALA and is found in nuts and seeds. They help lower blood fat (triglycerides) levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Omega-3s has also been found to improve the effects of antidepressants and thus, help lower depression levels.

    While Omega-3s provide a lot of health benefits, they are weak antioxidants. Therefore, combining it Vitamin Bs would give excellent health results. Studies have shown that Vitamin B supplements may fight against brain atrophy only if the person has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and vice versa. The vitamin B family works together with omega-3s to maintain a healthy brain.

    As mentioned earlier, the vitamin B family can aid in slowing down mental decline in older people and that omega-3s can boost the effects of B vitamins. A research team from three universities studied more than 250 patients with cognitive problems found out that vitamin B supplements are most effective in preventing cognitive decline and brain atrophy to those patients with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their body.

    Another research has proven that the Vitamin B – Omega-3 combo helps relieve depression

    and improve mild cognitive impairment for seniors. It also showed a link between elevated homocysteine and brain degeneration. Vitamin Bs work to suppress the homocysteine and

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    prevent shrinkage of the brain. This is supported by a 2014 study that says B-vitamin supplements can slow down brain atrophy in regions most likely causing Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.

    Over the years various studies have proven that to maintain brain health, vitamin B complex and Omega-3 fatty acids must be taken together to optimize its health benefits to the brain. Higher intakes of omega-3 are related to better mental function and higher mood scores. Although, an adequate intake of 1000-4000mg of fatty acids is recommended to be enough in maintaining a healthy brain. Omega-3 can be found in fish oil, krill oil, salmon, mackerel, seafood, nuts and seeds. B vitamins on the other hand, are mostly present in cereals, whole grains, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, chicken, nuts and beans. B vitamins are necessary for the cellular energy production, certain body metabolisms, DNA repair, and hormone production, among others.

    Despite positive results, more studies must still be made before final conclusions are made.

    However, results are promising and scientists are hopeful that the outcomes are for long-term effects. Elderly people with mild cognitive impairment may have better chances of brain function improvement and perhaps, lessen the risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

    Our key goal to improve our aging brain and to boost its mental function is to make sure that we nourish it with “the

    right nutrition and supplements that works synergistically with one another”. A person, who has excellent nutritional status, also has an excellent mental function.

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    By Dr Donna

    You’d tend to think that if a medical treatment for BPH and Prostate Cancer worked well, had fewer side effects, and offered men hope, it would be the prime choice of all the doctors, right?

    Well, not exactly because that’s not how the field of medicine works. Procedures have to be proven over time, and unfortunately, it could take 50 years for the medical minds to change their mind.

    TURP Procedure and OP Treatment Have Big Problems Potentially

    The big problem is that for the last few decades, men with BPH – and Prostate Cancer haven’t had very many good medical options. The TURP method (Transurethral resection of the prostate) is generally safe but you could end up with retrograde ejaculation. This is where semen flows to your urethra instead of the penis. It goes the wrong direction – and occurs in up to 90% of those who opt for the procedure.

    Urinary incontinence will also most likely be an issue with TURP. And worse yet, about 10% of men will end up with temporary – or permanent problems maintaining an erection.

    For another 10% of men, their prostate will become enlarged later on and they’ll have to go through the same TURP procedure in about 10 years – plus face the same type of risks all over again. But that’s not the worst of it – a significant percentage of men end up with TURP syndrome. This is when disorientation, headache, belly swelling, dizziness, feeling sickly, and a heartbeat that slows can occur. The condition can next become life-threatening. The cause of the problem is contamination of the bloodstream from fluids used to wash the prostate.

    The Open Prostatectomy (OP) method is probably the worst of all, as it has the highest death rate associated with it.

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    HoLEP Treatment Has Been Around for Over 20 Years

    Yet, there’s another method that’s been used since the 1990s called the HoLEP procedure. It could end up as a replacement for all other methods soon for two reasons:

    1) The medical profession is using more evidence-based therapies. They are depending on research more now to make their decisions of what procedures to use.

    2) Research studies on HoLEP have already proven it’s much better for the men that need this kind of surgery. HoLEP has a proven long-term efficacy. The studies done have been the highest level randomized controlled studies and when critically evaluated, passed with flying colors.

    HoLEP has risen to the top of the list of procedures to choose. It’s unfortunate that many men had to go through the other less effective strategies to deal with their BPH or even prostate cancer.

    The Advantages of HoLEP

    Let’s compare it to the OP method first. HoLEP can handle very enlarged prostates from BPH and cancer equally as well – but without the high death rates found with the OP method.

    In fact, with HoLEP, you could expect less time in the hospital or with catheters, less blood loss, and not as many blood transfusions. These claims aren’t simply minimal advantages; they’re pretty dramatic:

    • 31-53% less time in the hospital (a little over 1 day to 3 days in the hospital compared to up to 10 days)

    • 39%-64% less time spent with a catheter (0-1 day with HoLEP compared to up to 8 days with OP)

    • No transfusions in patients needed with the HoLEP method compared to up to 18% of the patients needing transfusions with TURP and OP.

    There’s more good to hear... With the HoLEP treatment, you don’t have to put up with TURP syndrome as even a possibility. The syndrome has never shown up as a side effect, period.

    One additional factor to consider is the tissue resection rate, or how much diseased tissue is removed. You wouldn’t want the doctor to end up having to leave some diseased tissue in the

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    body. Instead, you’d want to know he was able to remove the diseased parts so you can now heal what’s left.

    With the HoLEP method, the resection rate is equal to the TURP method – but again, without the TURP negative disadvantages. In fact, the HoLEP method is able to handle prostates as large as 800 grams. Just so you understand the size differentiation we’re talking about here, a large prostate is considered to be 100 grams and more.

    One of the best things about the HoLEP procedure is that you’re most likely not going to be subjected to a second operation. If you get the TURP procedure, about 18% of patients will need a second operation.

    This is especially important because a second operation means you’re traumatizing the same part of the body. If any scar tissue or strictures form inside the body after the first surgery, now it will be double that amount because of the second surgery. The more scar tissue your body forms, the greater the level of dysfunctional tissue you end up with.

    Downfalls of the HoLEP Method

    There are still problems with HoLEP treatment: you’re under anesthesia longer than with the other procedures. Instead of a prostate operation lasting about an hour or even less, depending on the type of procedure used, with HoLEP, it could take two or more hours.

    Even if it did take an extra 1 or 2 hours, the benefits far outweigh the risks of anesthesia for

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    another hour or two. The good thing is that the procedure doesn’t take an extra 6 or 8 hours long. Realistically, the extra hour shouldn’t be a deterrent from you choosing the procedure.

    Every time you get surgery, there’s always a risk of dying on the surgical table. And every time you get anesthesia, the anesthesia becomes accumulates in the liver as a toxin. It needs to be detoxified. If you don’t, you’ll stay sluggish for long periods of time and most likely notice that after drinking a beer or glass of wine, you have more alcohol side effects. Your liver can’t detoxify as well as it could before the surgery because the anesthesia is cutting the productivity of the liver cells.

    But you can use liver detox herbs from Ben and take care of this problem. Okay, so you have a solution for that.

    But there is still a major issue with the HoLEP treatment: Retrograde ejaculation issues documented in 50-96% of cases (TURP has a rate of 50-86%).

    A Recap of HoLEP’s Good Points1. So let’s recount the advantages:2. Significantly shortened catheterization times3. Less time in the hospital 4. Fewer serious post-op complications5. Greater improvement in symptoms after the procedure6. Lower rates of repeat endoscopic procedures for recurrent symptoms at 5 and 10 year follow-

    ups7. No TURP syndrome8. More economical9. Significant improvements in erectile function, sexual desire, and intercourse satisfaction

    Why Doctors Don’t Offer You HoLEP – Or Prostate Artery Embolization Treatment?

    So why aren’t more doctors using HoLEP? The answer is simple. They aren’t trained in how to do the treatment in med school and the learning curve to get proficient is 20 cases.

    If you’re considering this treatment, make sure whatever you do that you get a doctor who has performed the procedure more than 20 times! And remember you are still taking a big risk. How attractive is that

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    retrograde ejaculation part of it to you? Why risk it?

    Seriously though, have you considered other therapies? There’s a treatment called the Prostate Artery embolization treatment you really should know about. Doctors at St Lousi Hospital in Lisbon created it in Lisbon in March 2009 after approval by an Ethics Committee. The medical team involved in the procedure includes a urologist who is the director of the Department of Urology and professor of Urology at the New University of Lisbon.

    The major advantages of this procedure are:1. It is relatively non-invasive. 2. There is no need for an anesthetic. 3. Radiologists perform it. 4. It’s a lunch hour treatment – you’re back to normal 30 minutes after the procedure. 5. It is far more reliable as regards outcome with about 85% success rate after they have now

    reached their 1000th procedure.6. No side effects.

    This new procedure makes HoLEP seem like a primitive procedure. The only down side is that they will only accept patients who have a prostate larger than 100 mL (20 mL is normal size). Don’t bother searching for a doctor in the U.S. for the Prostate Artery Embolization procedure. They have far less experience and yet charge the most. The doctors with the most experience are in Portugal.

    How much is it worth to you to have erections, sexual libido like when you were young, not have to spend time in the hospital, not have to deal with permanent side effects for the rest of your life? What makes more sense to you?

    Sources:Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) – Risks. NHS Choices. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/resectionoftheprostate/Pages/Risks.aspx

    Michalak, John, Tzou, David and Funk, Joel. HoLEP: the gold standard for the surgical management of BPH in the 21st century. Am J Clin Exp Urol 2015; 3(1):36-42. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4446381/

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    Cauliflower has a lot of power, and it’s not surprising to know that this common vegetable is considered to be one of the world’s superfoods. Its appeal is its extreme versatility and high nutritional content, and there is strong evidence on its many health benefits.Many claim that cauliflower helps fight different types of chronic diseases, such as colon and prostate cancer. But how did this superfood came to be so highly regarded by health experts, dietitians and food enthusiasts?

    History and Early Use of Cauliflower

    Cauliflower is believed to have originated in the Middle East. This varietal of cabbage may have migrated to Europe from Cyprus, and became popular in Italy and France during the 15th century. Cauliflower was traditionally picked during its bud stage and its flowers are the most frequently eaten parts. Even at that time, it was believed that the flowers were not only the most delicious, but the most nutritious portion of the plant.

    This superfood eventually crossed the Atlantic towards America at the end of the 1600s. Eighteenth-century recipe books reveal that people at that time cook cauliflower by frying, boiling and stewing. People during the 19th century even boiled cauliflower in milk to produce a gentler flavor. Referred by the French colonists as “flower-cabbage”, cauliflower was also prepared in butter or white sauces as a side dish with meat cuisines.

    According to Nieuworf (1969), Arthur Crozier published the first cauliflower cookbook in 1891,

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    which further established the popularity of this superfood as a vital ingredient for a variety of recipes. Since then, people have consumed cauliflower as a side dish and wanted to have them at their dinner tables at least three times a day.

    Early nutritional studies claim that cauliflower is high in vitamin C and a good source of iron. Mark Twain was quoted to have said, “Cauliflower is nothing, but cabbage with a college education.” It became popular worldwide due to its environmental resilience, and it can thrive in various climate conditions and geographic locations.

    Today, cauliflower remains to be one of the most loved vegetables and is still used in a variety of dishes. From soups to salads, people across the world have explored numerous ways to enjoy its scrumptious texture and unique flavor, and combined it with various ingredients, such as olive oil, capers and garlic.

    Modern Use and Health Benefits

    Since then, cauliflower has been regarded by many health experts as a superfood because of its nutritional and health benefits. Based on the USDA National Nutrient Database (2016), 100 grams of raw cauliflower contains high amounts of Vitamin C, and a good source of potassium, dietary fiber and vitamin B6.

    Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for our body’s normal growth and development. Since it is not naturally produced by our body, we need to obtain it from food, and we can get 80% of our daily requirements of Vitamin C from cauliflower. Among other health benefits, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain the integrity of our connective tissues, protects the body against infection, and facilitates the absorption of iron.

    Cauliflower contains potassium, an important mineral for regulating fluid balance and controlling the heart’s electrical activity and contraction of muscles. It also contains a good amount of dietary fiber which helps promote good bowel elimination and reduction of bodily

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    toxins. Cauliflower also has vitamin B6 which helps boost the immune system, promote healthy skin and regulate our hormones.

    Sanz-Puig et al (2015) explored the antimicrobial potential of cauliflower against various bacteria obtained from food, and they found that the byproducts of cauliflower are effective in reducing Salmonella, a pathogen that causes typhoid fever.

    Cauliflower as Food Against Prostate Disease and Cancer

    A study by Ahmed and Ali (2013) extracted the bioactive compounds of cauliflower and assessed its antioxidant activity. The study found that cauliflower extract displays high antioxidant activity, and this has a significant impact towards the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases and cancer.

    There is a strong association between eating cauliflower and other brassica vegetables and cancer prevention. An epidemiological study by Verhoeven et al (1996) showed that 67% of the case control studies at various sites had a decreased incidence of developing cancer due to cauliflower consumption. They believed that this is due to cauliflower’s relatively high content of glucosinolates, which have anti-carcinogenic properties.

    Cauliflower has the power to fight cancer. Put it in your diet, and see the great results on your health.


    Ahmed, F. and Ali, R., 2013. Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Fresh and Processed White Cauliflower. Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013: 367819.

    Nieuwhof, M., 1969. Cole crops. Leonard Hill, London.

    Sanz-Puig, et al., 2015. Antimicrobial potential of cauliflower, broccoli, and okara byproducts against foodborne bacteria. Foodborne Pathog Dis. Jan;12(1), pp. 39-46.

    USDA Agricultural Research Service. 2016. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/

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    By Dr Eric Wood

    Recent research indicates what some have already been suspecting and witnessing in medical practice: that blocking testosterone via the use of T-blocking medications can have serious side effects, including in the cognitive realm. Those in the know may not find this especially surprising, because testosterone is known to have mood-boosting effects, it encourages regeneration and rebuilding due to its anabolic properties, and as the study above illustrates, it also has specific effects on neuron maintenance and growth. In this article, we will discuss in greater detail the physiological effects of testosterone, what happens to our body when we block it via medications, the correlation of Alzheimer’s and low T as this article details and the considerations a patient needs to thoroughly weigh when looking at treatment options.

    TESTOSTERONE SUPPORTS HEALTHY MALE PHYSIOLOGY ALL-AROUNDMany people understand testosterone is an important hormone for men (and women too!), but most individuals don’t realize that it’s important for many less-than obvious reasons. First of all, it is highly influential on mood and cognition. Many of you may remember the movie, “Grumpy Old Men”, starring Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon and Ann Margret from the ‘90s. Why are so many older men grumpy? Well, it often has something to do with low testosterone!

    Additionally, testosterone supports heart health, good muscle to fat ratio, and of course supports healthy sexual and reproductive function in men.

    So, if we begin to look at blocking testosterone due to a prostate cancer concern, of course with this intervention comes a myriad of complications and potential risks for men. As this study details, a major one that is becoming more clear is the increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

    As the study notes: “An analysis of more than 50,000 patients worldwide showed a consistent statistical link between men who underwent ADT for prostate cancer and men who developed dementia. The numbers show correlation, not causation at this point, but that there is evidence of a direct connection.

  • Research shows androgens play a key role in neuron maintenance and growth, so the longer you undergo this therapy to decrease androgens, the more it may impact the brain’s normal functions.”

    THE MANY CONSIDERATIONS WHEN IT COMES TO PROSTATE CANCER AND TESTOSTERONE INTERVENTIONSOf course for a man diagnosed with prostate cancer, choosing to suppress or not suppress testosterone as part of conventional therapy can be a very conflicted choice. In some aggressive cases, suppressing testosterone can take away one potentially potent growth factor. That said, in many cases, it may arguably not be very influential of a treatment support and the side effects that come with it may outweigh the potential benefits.

    In any case, any man with a diagnosed prostate cancer should seek to build a well-diversified team of support for him, including, (at minimum) I would suggest, a conventional but open-minded DO/MD, a well-qualified holistic practitioner who utilizes dietary, botanical and other therapies, and counseling support. Pros/cons of choosing this treatments need to be carefully considered along with the Gleason Score, grading and staging, other existing health conditions and also the statistical success when it comes to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for cases that may be statistically similar to the case at hand.

    Additionally, perspectives on root cause(s) and underlying issues for why such a tumor arose in the first place should truly be considered if a patient wants to get to the bottom of both concurrent treatment and prevention.

    Symptoms of Low Testosterone

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    In my clinical experience, this is VERY seldom ever done in traditional settings. Instead, treatment is focused on destruction of the tumor(s) with little to no attention paid to the ‘terrain’ (i.e. internal environment of the body supported via good lifestyle habits, diet, sleep, and more) and person in which this tumor arose. Remember the importance of addressing the terrain has been in discussion since Louis Pasteur’s time yet it still is largely absent in traditional medical practice!

    It is also helpful to remember that diseases don’t just ‘appear’ for no reason but rather there are a steady stream of accumulating problems that rarely do we take a look at and investigate. Seeking a highly skilled practitioner who essentially will work as a ‘medical detective’, looking for and putting together medical symptoms and clues regarding your case, is an extremely wise investment.

    Some leading researchers, such as Dr Abraham Morgentaler at Harvard University, have pointed out that once testosterone is approximately above 300 ng/dl, it seldom has any additional growth-inducing effects on tumors, as the prostate gland is already essentially ‘saturated’ with testosterone binding to its tissues and is unlikely to fuel any further growth. Optimal levels for testosterone for most men for optimal health typically range in 550-1100 ng/dl range. Research also exists that often times when testosterone may be part of the growth problem in cancer, it relates to how it is being broken down into metabolites via enzymatic transformation processes in the liver and not just the overall level. Such metabolites could include items like DHT.

    Working on optimizing such breakdown pathways by means of dietary and supplemental interventions may arguably be a safer means to, at least initially, work on downgrading the growth-inducing potential that testosterone can have in some prostate cancer cases as it doesn’t pose any of the same types of deleterious side effect risks that ADT can have in so many ways. Urinary testing can be done to examine how a man is breaking down his hormones via specialized lab outfits such as Meridian Valley labs and others.

    CONCLUDING THOUGHTSTreatment considerations for prostate cancer are many and need to be carefully weighed. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) certainly fits the bill in this regard. A growing body of literature suggests that one of the many risks from this therapy now includes dementia/Alzheimer’s. Any man dealing with prostate cancer should carefully seek balanced medical counsel from those providing a thorough discussion and weighing of options from the conventional and holistic world to best guide his process in choosing wisely before leaping into treatments before he knows the risks he may be taking.

    REFERENCES: http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2010/6/Abraham-Morgentaler-Testosterone-Therapy-for-Life/Page-02http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2008/12/Destroying-the-Myth-about-Testosterone-Replacement-Prostate-Cancer/Page-02 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170330114954.htm

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    Chicken Tikka

    Need something quick and easy but that’s also tasty whilst filling the mid section?

    The classic Tikka with the right ingredients can be remarkably healthy and tasty at the same time. Simple enought to make and a great choice to leave your tummy feeling warm and happy.

    1) Add chicken to a slow cooker (or casserole pan) and grate 1 inch of ginger over the top.

    2) Add all of the dry spices into the slow cooker and mix well.

    3) Add canned diced tomatoes and tomato paste into slow cooker, then mix well again.

    4) Lastly, add 1/2 cup coconut milk and mix together thoroughly. Cook on high setting for 3 hours.

    5) Once the slow cooker is done, add the remaining coconut milk, dairy free heavy cream, and guar gum and mix thoroughly into the chicken. It should help the curry thicken well.

    6) Steam the cauliflower.

    7) Plate the cauliflower and pour the chicken tikka on top and serve.

    • Chicken Thighs (1.5 lbs)• Tomato Paste (3 tbsp)• Garam Masala (5 tbsp)• Dairy Free Heavy

    Cream (1 Cup)• Brown Rice

    Optional Extras

    • Coconut Milk• Ginger Root• Curcumin • Virgin Olive Oil

    • Diced Tomatoes (1 Can)• Garlic (3 Cloves)• Himilayan Salt • Smoked Paprika • Coriander• Mint






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  • www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’27



    ultimate turkey salad

    In this recipe we combine some really healthy extras with the same protein rich regulars so you can have the best of both worlds. Be sure to add as many vegetables and herbs as you can to maximise your daily nutrition for a healthier and happier you.

    1) Coat bottom of the slow cooker with olive oil. Place your onion slices and garlic on the bottom of your cooker and place meat on top of onions and garlic.

    2) Combine stock, soy sauce, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon olive oil, in a medium bowl, s rring with a whisk and pour mixture over beef and onions in slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 hours.

    4) Place carrot in shallow bowls 15 minutes before meat is done. Combine remaining vinegar, 1 cup water and bring to a boil.

    5) Remove from heat; divide vinegar mixture evenly

    over carrots. Let stand un l ready to serve & drain well.

    6) Transfer beef from slow cooker to a large pla er and shred with 2 forks. Heat remaining 1 tbsp olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat; add shredded beef to pan, pressing into an even layer.

    7) Cook 2 to 3 minutes, without s rring. Turn on heat. Sprinkle evenly with salt and 1/4 cup cooking liquid from slow cooker; toss to coat.

    8) Divide beef among lettuce leaves.

    • Turkey Breast, Pre Cooked (5.3 oz)

    • Olive

    Optional Extras:• Lettuce• Spring Onion (1)• Olives (8 Pcs)• Bacon (2)• Eggs (2)• Avocado

    • Cucumber• Carrot, Shredded (1/2) • Chilli Flakes• Parsley• Himilayan Salt• Goats Cheese






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  • www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’28


  • www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’29


  • www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’30

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    "It seems impossible until it's done." 



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    "It seems impossible until it's done." 




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    In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

    Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

    We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

    We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service we can.

    If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to Ben.ong@bensprostate.com or alternatively click the button below.

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