7 things you have to know before choosing bodybuilding as a career!

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Are you having problems gaining the serious muscle you want to? Are you working out a lot with little changes to

your body? Want to get that ripped look men and women will envy and desire with a goal of becoming a pro

bodybuilder? This article will reveal seven things you have to know if you are thinking about becoming a professional bodybuilder whilst on your way to building your ultimate


1. Earning Your Pro Card

In order to become a professional bodybuilder, you must first earn your Pro Card. A bodybuilder looking to do this

must first win a regional contest weight class.

When a bodybuilder wins or places highly they earn an invite to compete at their country's National

Championships contest for that year. The winners of each weight class at the National Championships will then go

head to head in a separate contest to see who is the overall champion for the year.

Depending on the federation, the overall Champion will be offered a pro card. Some federations offer pro cards to winners of individual weight class champions. This can

mean that each year more than one bodybuilder may earn a Pro Card.

2. Membership

Qualification as a professional may require membership of a professional bodybuilding organization such as the IFBB

(The International Federation of Bodybuilders). Many Natural Bodybuilding organizations such as the INBF

(International Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation), NPA (Natural Physique Association) and NANBF (North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation) also have

professional ranks.

3. Income

It is possible, though difficult except at the highest level, to earn a reasonable income purely from competition

winnings. It is more likely that a particular athlete will be sponsored by local companies and supplement

manufacturers. Many bodybuilders use their new found fame and knowledge to pursue business ventures such as

higher level personal training, or opening their own fitness centers. Guest posing and appearances also support


4. Work Harder Than Anyone You Know

If you do, everything else that is meant to be will follow. If you focus is only on becoming a pro bodybuilder, then you

are not approaching the sport properly. The core of bodybuilding is not about achievement in a public forum,

such as on a bodybuilding stage. It is about the private sense of accomplishment you get in achieving your goals,

whether you're in the gym or on a stage.

5. Learn To Be Smart

At the gym, learn to be smart about your training. Go there to work, not for recreational purposes. Determine

ahead of time what your workout will be for that day and stick to it, making modifications only for logical reasons.

Apply the same standards to your nutrition. Decide ahead of time what you will eat throughout the day and adhere

to that plan.

Don t skip meals. Don't indulge in gluttonous behaviour that will negatively impact your physique.

6. Do You Have The Necessary Genetics?

If you have the desire to compete, prepare for a competition as if you are a professional bodybuilder.

Through perseverance and feedback from the judges, you will be able to determine if you are lucky enough to have

the necessary genetics.

7. The Odds Of Attaining Professional Status

Above all, put as much effort into your education as you put into your training and nutrition. Too many young guys

pursue a pro career without having a backup plan. The odds of attaining professional status, let alone making a

comfortable living at it, are remote at best. But if you want to be a professional bodybuilder, you have to approach

bodybuilding with a professional attitude.

Although passion is important, you must also have the self-awareness and logic to accurately assess your own

chances of success. If you do, you will be a professional.

Your ultimate body is within reach providing you follow the proven principles in this article. Muscle building is not

a pipe dream or only for those with the perfect genetic makeup. Use these strategies and very soon you will

experience the private sense of accomplishment whether you're in the gym or on a stage.


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