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Post on 01-Nov-2014






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“A quick review.”


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a) Time: Eylemin zamanını belirtir. b) Aspect: Konuşmacını olayı nasıl gördüğünü ifade eder.


SIMPLE ASPECT: A) Permanent Events.

The Castle overlooks the town for many centuriesThe Castle overlooks the town for many centuriesThe Castle overlooks the town for many centuriesThe Castle overlooks the town for many centuries....

B) Completed events. Fatih conquered Istanbul in 1953Fatih conquered Istanbul in 1953Fatih conquered Istanbul in 1953Fatih conquered Istanbul in 1953....

C) Habitual activities or simple facts.

He usually goes fishing after the schoolHe usually goes fishing after the schoolHe usually goes fishing after the schoolHe usually goes fishing after the school.... The World revolves around the sun.The World revolves around the sun.The World revolves around the sun.The World revolves around the sun.

CONTINUOUS ASPECT: A) Temporary events.

I am staying with a friend of mine this weekI am staying with a friend of mine this weekI am staying with a friend of mine this weekI am staying with a friend of mine this week....

B) Incomplete events. She is writing a book about the environmental problemsShe is writing a book about the environmental problemsShe is writing a book about the environmental problemsShe is writing a book about the environmental problems....

C) Activity in progress.

When I came home my mother was cooking.When I came home my mother was cooking.When I came home my mother was cooking.When I came home my mother was cooking.

PERFECT ASPECT: İki farklı zamanı birbirine bağlar A) Geçmişi günümüze.

I have read that book.I have read that book.I have read that book.I have read that book.

B) Geçmişi geçmişe. My parents had left when I came homeMy parents had left when I came homeMy parents had left when I came homeMy parents had left when I came home....

C) Günümüzü geleceğe.

I will have finished my work by the time you come back.I will have finished my work by the time you come back.I will have finished my work by the time you come back.I will have finished my work by the time you come back.


TENSES IN ENGLISHTENSES IN ENGLISHTENSES IN ENGLISHTENSES IN ENGLISH 1) THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE A) İçinde bulunduğumuz anda devam etmekte olan eylemleri ifade eder. (Now, right now,

at the moment, at present, still) gibi zaman zarfları kullanılır.

My brother is studying for his exams in his room now.My brother is studying for his exams in his room now.My brother is studying for his exams in his room now.My brother is studying for his exams in his room now.

B) İçinde bulunduğumuz anda değil de o sıralarda devam etmekte olan eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. (nowadays, these days, this term, this year) gibi zaman zarfları kullanılır.

B) My brother is redecorating his house nowadays.My brother is redecorating his house nowadays.My brother is redecorating his house nowadays.My brother is redecorating his house nowadays.

C) İçinde bulunduğumuz anda değişmekte olan eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır.

It is cold. It is getting colder.It is getting colder.It is getting colder.It is getting colder. The economic situation is very bad. The economic situation is getting worse.The economic situation is getting worse.The economic situation is getting worse.The economic situation is getting worse.

D) Gelecekte planlanmış eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. (Go, come, visit, have, meet)

gibi fiiler bu yapıyla sıkça kullanılırlar.

They are having a party next week.They are having a party next week.They are having a party next week.They are having a party next week. 2) THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE A) Alışkanlıklarımızı anlatırız. (always, very often, usually, often, sometimes, rarely,

hardly ever, ever) gibi sıklık zarfları kullanılır. A)

I sometimes feel depressed.I sometimes feel depressed.I sometimes feel depressed.I sometimes feel depressed.

B) Doğa kanunlarını ve her zaman doğru olan genellemeleri anlatmak için kullanılır. B)

The world revolves around the sun.The world revolves around the sun.The world revolves around the sun.The world revolves around the sun.

C) Bir zaman çizelgesine bağlı gelecekteki eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır.

The train to Adana leaves at 10.00.The train to Adana leaves at 10.00.The train to Adana leaves at 10.00.The train to Adana leaves at 10.00. State Verbs: Bir eylem değil; bir durum, his ve düşünce bildiren fiillerdir. Continuous tenslerle kullanılmazlar. Mental State: Düşünce bildiren fiiller.


Think / realise / understand / forget / mean / suppose / notice / feel / want / believe / recognize / doubt / need / imagine / know / remember / prefer Emotional State: Duygu bildiren fiiller. Love / hate / like / dislike / appreciate / detest / loathe / fear / envy / mind / care / desire / wish / forgive Possession State: Sahiplik bildiren fiiller. Possess / have / own / belong Perception State: Duyu bildiren fiiller. See / hear / smell / taste / feel Diğer State Verbs: Look / seem / appear / own / cost / weigh / exist / advice / promise / refuse / contain / consist of / include / sound

Not: Aşağıdaki fiiller istisnai olarak eylem bildiren fiiller olarak kullanılabilirler. THINK : I am thinking of goiI am thinking of goiI am thinking of goiI am thinking of going abroad next year.ng abroad next year.ng abroad next year.ng abroad next year. SEE : The manager is seeing my brother.The manager is seeing my brother.The manager is seeing my brother.The manager is seeing my brother. SMEL : Why do you smell that flowers?Why do you smell that flowers?Why do you smell that flowers?Why do you smell that flowers? HAVE : She is having breakfast now.She is having breakfast now.She is having breakfast now.She is having breakfast now. TASTE : I am tasting the meal.I am tasting the meal.I am tasting the meal.I am tasting the meal. FEEL : I am feeling better now.I am feeling better now.I am feeling better now.I am feeling better now. WEIGH : The butcher is very weighing the meat now.The butcher is very weighing the meat now.The butcher is very weighing the meat now.The butcher is very weighing the meat now.

3) THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE A) Geçmişte belli bir zamanda olmuş bitmiş eylemleri anlatır. B)

I became a teacher last year.I became a teacher last year.I became a teacher last year.I became a teacher last year.

B) Bir hikayedeki eylemleri oluş sırasına göre anlatır. A)

I heard noises coming from downstairs. I put on my dressing gownI put on my dressing gownI put on my dressing gownI put on my dressing gown. I went down stairs. I saw somebody in thI saw somebody in thI saw somebody in thI saw somebody in the kitchen.e kitchen.e kitchen.e kitchen.

C) Arka arkaya gelen iki PAST TENSE cümlede birinci eylemin bitiminden sonar ikinci

eylemin başladığını ve birinci eylemin ikinci eylemi tetiklediğini anlatır.

When I came home, my wife cooked.When I came home, my wife cooked.When I came home, my wife cooked.When I came home, my wife cooked.

D) Geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımızı anlatırız.

When I was a small child, we lived at the sea–side. I always took my dog I always took my dog I always took my dog I always took my dog for a wolk on the beach at the weekends.for a wolk on the beach at the weekends.for a wolk on the beach at the weekends.for a wolk on the beach at the weekends.

NOT: Geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımızı (used to / would) ile de anlatabiliriz. a) State verb ile would kullanamayız.

The factoryThe factoryThe factoryThe factory would be / used to beused to beused to beused to be in the city centre in the city centre in the city centre in the city centre....


b) Would kullanabilmemiz için blieli bir zaman veya olaylar zinciri belirtiriz.

We used toWe used toWe used toWe used to / would play in the garden.in the garden.in the garden.in the garden.

c) Bir olayın kaç kez olduğunu, nekadar zaman aldığını, veya o olayın meydana geldiği tam zamanı belirttiğimizde (would / used to) kullanamayız. We woul / used to visited Adana four times during the 2006s. We woul / used to went on holiday to Egypt last year.

4) THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE A) Geçmişte belli bir zaman dilimi içerisinde süreklilik gösteren eylemleri anlatır. (this time

last year / at this hour yesterday / yesterday at three a clock) gibi zaman zarfları kullanılır.

What were you doing at noon last Saturday? I was playing footballI was playing footballI was playing footballI was playing football....

B) (INTERRUPTED ACTIVITY) Geçmişte devam etmekte olan bir eylem sırasında başka bir

eylemin olduğunu bu tensle ifade ederiz. A)

I was having breakfast I was having breakfast I was having breakfast I was having breakfast when he came home.when he came home.when he came home.when he came home. He came home He came home He came home He came home while I was hawing breakfast.while I was hawing breakfast.while I was hawing breakfast.while I was hawing breakfast.

AS / WHEN: Aynı anda cereyan eden iki kısa eylemi ifade etmek için kullanılır.

As / when the can is opened, the content heatAs / when the can is opened, the content heatAs / when the can is opened, the content heatAs / when the can is opened, the content heats automatically.s automatically.s automatically.s automatically. AS / WHILE: Aynı anda cereyan eden iki uzun eylemi ifade etmek için kullanılır.

As / As / As / As / whilewhilewhilewhile my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping. my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping. my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping. my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping.

WHİLE + PAST SIMPLE + PAST SIMPLE: WHILE + PAST CONTINIOUS + PAST CONTINIOUS: Temel cümledeki eylem devam ederken aynı anda başka bir eylemin devam ettiğini ifade eder.

I waited outside I waited outside I waited outside I waited outside while Ali had an interview.while Ali had an interview.while Ali had an interview.while Ali had an interview. The students were talkingThe students were talkingThe students were talkingThe students were talking while the professor was lecturing.while the professor was lecturing.while the professor was lecturing.while the professor was lecturing.

5) THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE A) Geçmişi şu ana bağlar. (For / since)

I have liveI have liveI have liveI have lived in Ankara d in Ankara d in Ankara d in Ankara forforforfor four years. four years. four years. four years. I have lived in Eskişehir I have lived in Eskişehir I have lived in Eskişehir I have lived in Eskişehir sincesincesincesince 1993 1993 1993 1993 / for eleven years/ for eleven years/ for eleven years/ for eleven years

(today / this morning / this month / this year) Henüz tamamlanmamış bir dönemi ifade eder.


I haven’t heard the alarm I haven’t heard the alarm I haven’t heard the alarm I haven’t heard the alarm this morning.this morning.this morning.this morning.

B) Geçmişteki deneyimlerimizi ifade eder. (ever / never / all my life / several times / once / twice / so far / up to now / up until now) zaman zarfları kullanılır.

Have you Have you Have you Have you everevereverever been to the moon? been to the moon? been to the moon? been to the moon? I have I have I have I have nevernevernevernever eaten snake eaten snake eaten snake eaten snake I have swum in the sea once I have swum in the sea once I have swum in the sea once I have swum in the sea once so farso farso farso far this summer this summer this summer this summer


YET: Soru ve olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır ve cümlenin sonuna gelir.

Have you finished your homework Have you finished your homework Have you finished your homework Have you finished your homework yetyetyetyet? ? ? ? I haven’t finished my homework I haven’t finished my homework I haven’t finished my homework I haven’t finished my homework yetyetyetyet....

JUST: Olumlu cümlelerde yardımcı fiille ana fiil arasında yer alır.

The manager has just gone out.The manager has just gone out.The manager has just gone out.The manager has just gone out.

ALREADY: Bir işin beklenenden önce bittiğini anlatır.

He has already booked the hotel and bought the rings.He has already booked the hotel and bought the rings.He has already booked the hotel and bought the rings.He has already booked the hotel and bought the rings.


Have you seen your parents Have you seen your parents Have you seen your parents Have you seen your parents latelylatelylatelylately???? (Son günlerde) They came They came They came They came recentlyrecentlyrecentlyrecently (Kısa bir süre önce)

C) Geçmişte bitmiş bir eylemin şu anki önemini anlatır.

I have cleaned my flatI have cleaned my flatI have cleaned my flatI have cleaned my flat / my flat is clean now. I have bought a new carI have bought a new carI have bought a new carI have bought a new car / I have no money.

6) THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE A) Geçmişte başlayıp içinde bulunduğumuz ana kadar devam eden eylemleri anlatır.

I have been reading this book foI have been reading this book foI have been reading this book foI have been reading this book for two hours.r two hours.r two hours.r two hours.

B) Şu anki bir duruma neden olan; kısa bir süre önce bitmiş bir eylemin kendisini vurgulamak için bu tens kullanılır.

I am tired. I have been studying for my exams for seven hours.I am tired. I have been studying for my exams for seven hours.I am tired. I have been studying for my exams for seven hours.I am tired. I have been studying for my exams for seven hours.


PRESENTPRESENTPRESENTPRESENT PERFECTPERFECTPERFECTPERFECT SIMPLESIMPLESIMPLESIMPLE or CONTINUOUSCONTINUOUSCONTINUOUSCONTINUOUS a) (Live / Work) gibi long term fiillerle Continuous tercih edilir. (Find / Cut) gibi short term fiillerle Present Perfect Simple kullanılır.

I have been I have been I have been I have been livinglivinglivingliving in Eskişehir since 1993 in Eskişehir since 1993 in Eskişehir since 1993 in Eskişehir since 1993 I have I have I have I have cutcutcutcut my finger. my finger. my finger. my finger.

b) Durum, düşünce, his bildiren (State verbs) fiillerle Present Perfect Simple kullanılır.

I have known my teacher for two months.I have known my teacher for two months.I have known my teacher for two months.I have known my teacher for two months.

c) Şayet cümlede sayı ve miktar varsa Present Perfect Simple kullanılır.

She has smoked ten cigarettes since she came in.She has smoked ten cigarettes since she came in.She has smoked ten cigarettes since she came in.She has smoked ten cigarettes since she came in.

7) THE PAST PERFECT TENSE Geçmişi geçmişe bağlayan tense.

WhenWhenWhenWhen I came home, I came home, I came home, I came home, my wife had cooked my wife had cooked my wife had cooked my wife had cooked By the timeBy the timeBy the timeBy the time she came back, she came back, she came back, she came back, I had finished my work.I had finished my work.I had finished my work.I had finished my work. UntilUntilUntilUntil I completed my work, I completed my work, I completed my work, I completed my work, they had stated in the office.they had stated in the office.they had stated in the office.they had stated in the office. AfterAfterAfterAfter she had graduated, she had graduated, she had graduated, she had graduated, she went abroad.she went abroad.she went abroad.she went abroad. BeforeBeforeBeforeBefore the bell rang, the bell rang, the bell rang, the bell rang, I had finished my exam paper.I had finished my exam paper.I had finished my exam paper.I had finished my exam paper. As soon asAs soon asAs soon asAs soon as th th th the guests had left, e guests had left, e guests had left, e guests had left, I went to bedI went to bedI went to bedI went to bed

8) FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Belli bir zamana kadar tamamlanmış olacak eylemleri anlatır.

ByByByBy five o clock, five o clock, five o clock, five o clock, I will have finished my report. I will have finished my report. I will have finished my report. I will have finished my report. By the timeBy the timeBy the timeBy the time you come back, you come back, you come back, you come back, I will have cooked. I will have cooked. I will have cooked. I will have cooked. WhenWhenWhenWhen you come back, you come back, you come back, you come back, I will have eaten my breakfast. I will have eaten my breakfast. I will have eaten my breakfast. I will have eaten my breakfast. BeforeBeforeBeforeBefore you come back, you come back, you come back, you come back, I will have gone to bI will have gone to bI will have gone to bI will have gone to bed. ed. ed. ed.

9) PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Geçmişte başlayıp, yine geçmişte belli bir zamana kadar bir eylemin ne kadar süredir devam ettiğini ifade etmek için kullanılır.

We had been waiting for her We had been waiting for her We had been waiting for her We had been waiting for her for for for for two daystwo daystwo daystwo days when she came.when she came.when she came.when she came.

10) FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Gelecekte bir işin belli bir zamana kadar ne kadar süredir yapılyor olacağını ifade eder.

By the next year, By the next year, By the next year, By the next year, I will have been teaching for nine years. I will have been teaching for nine years. I will have been teaching for nine years. I will have been teaching for nine years.


11) FUTURE TİME Geleceğe yönelik niyetlerimizi ve tahminlerimizi anlatır.

WILL: Future Intention: Konuşma anında karar verdiğimiz niyetlerimizi anlatırız.

Don’t worry. I will lend you some money.Don’t worry. I will lend you some money.Don’t worry. I will lend you some money.Don’t worry. I will lend you some money.

WILL: Future Prediction: Hiç bir delile dayanmayan gelecek tahminlerimizi anlatır.

Turkish economy will recover soon.Turkish economy will recover soon.Turkish economy will recover soon.Turkish economy will recover soon.

GOING TO: Future intention: Konuşma anından önce planladığımız niyetlerimizi anlatır. I am going to by a new car.I am going to by a new car.I am going to by a new car.I am going to by a new car.

GOING TO: Future Prediction: Belli delile dayalı tahminlerimizi anlatır. The sky is black. It’s going to rain.The sky is black. It’s going to rain.The sky is black. It’s going to rain.The sky is black. It’s going to rain.

12) FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE A) Gelecekte belli bir zaman dilimi içerisinde süreklilik gösterecek olan eylemleri anlatır.

Don’t call me between ten and eleven. I will be sleepingDon’t call me between ten and eleven. I will be sleepingDon’t call me between ten and eleven. I will be sleepingDon’t call me between ten and eleven. I will be sleeping

B) Birisinden bir şeyi rica ederken kullanırız. Will you be using your bike tomorrow?Will you be using your bike tomorrow?Will you be using your bike tomorrow?Will you be using your bike tomorrow?


1) PAST TİME: “When I got home” cümlesini tamamlarken getireceğimiz yapılar mutlaka PAST TIME olmalıdır.

When I got home, I had a bath and ate my dinner.I had a bath and ate my dinner.I had a bath and ate my dinner.I had a bath and ate my dinner. mymymymy son was sleeping. son was sleeping. son was sleeping. son was sleeping. mymymymy parents had gone to bed. parents had gone to bed. parents had gone to bed. parents had gone to bed. mymymymy son had been watching TV for two hours. son had been watching TV for two hours. son had been watching TV for two hours. son had been watching TV for two hours.

2) PRESENT TİME: “When I get home” cümlesini tamamlarken getireceğimiz yapılar PRESENT TIME olur.

When I get home, I usually take a rest for a whileI usually take a rest for a whileI usually take a rest for a whileI usually take a rest for a while I play with my son for a while.I play with my son for a while.I play with my son for a while.I play with my son for a while.


3) FUTURE TİME: “When I get home tomorrow” cümlesini tamamlarken getireceğimiz yapılar PRESENT TIME olur.

When I get home, I will take a rest for a whileI will take a rest for a whileI will take a rest for a whileI will take a rest for a while mymymymy son will be sleeping. son will be sleeping. son will be sleeping. son will be sleeping. ourourourour guest will have left. guest will have left. guest will have left. guest will have left. I’m going to let you know.I’m going to let you know.I’m going to let you know.I’m going to let you know.


a) Saatlerde kullanılır.

YesterYesterYesterYesterday, I left work day, I left work day, I left work day, I left work atatatat 6 o’clock sharp. 6 o’clock sharp. 6 o’clock sharp. 6 o’clock sharp.

b) Zamanda bir nokta belirten ifadelerde kullanılır.

Meal times : at tea time / at lunch time / at dinner time Festivals : at Christmas / at Easter Age : at 17 / at the age of 17 Diğer zaman ifadeleri: at dawn / at midday / at midnight at night / at noon / at the weekend / at the moment at present / at the beginning of the year / at the end of the month / at the same time / at this time

Not: “At the endAt the endAt the endAt the end” Bir sürenin sonunda anlamında olup isim alır.

At tAt tAt tAt the end of the month.he end of the month.he end of the month.he end of the month.

“In the endIn the endIn the endIn the end” Finally anlamında olup sonuna isim almaz.

In the end, he found a job.In the end, he found a job.In the end, he found a job.In the end, he found a job. ON Günlerde ve tarihlerde kullanılır.

On Monday / On her birthday / On Monday morning On Sundays / On Christmas day / On that day On Weekdays / On 10th December

IN Daha uzun zaman dilimlerini belirtilen ifadelerle kullanılır.

Months : In January, in December Years : In 1959, in the 1960’s Seasons : In (the) summer


Century : In the 20th century

Ages : In the middle ages Diğerleri : In the evening, in the middle of the night.


a) Morning / afternoon / evening ifadeleriyle normalde IN kullanılır. Ancak bu ifadeler bir gün isimiyle birlikte ise on kullanılır.

She usually goes shopping She usually goes shopping She usually goes shopping She usually goes shopping in the morning.in the morning.in the morning.in the morning. She usually She usually She usually She usually goesgoesgoesgoes shopping shopping shopping shopping on Monon Monon Monon Monday mornings.day mornings.day mornings.day mornings.

b) ‘At the age of’ birinin yaşını ifade ederken kullanırız. Kişinin yaşını kesin olarak bilmiyor- sak; in her thirties, in her early thirties, in her late thirties gibi ifadeler kullanırız.

c) Next, last, this ile in / on / at kullanılmaz.

I moved to Ankara I moved to Ankara I moved to Ankara I moved to Ankara last year.last year.last year.last year. We are going on holidayWe are going on holidayWe are going on holidayWe are going on holiday next month. next month. next month. next month. We haven’t decided yet where to go on holidayWe haven’t decided yet where to go on holidayWe haven’t decided yet where to go on holidayWe haven’t decided yet where to go on holiday this summer. this summer. this summer. this summer.

IN + A PERIOD OF TIME: Gelecekte bir zaman belirtir.

in two days / in a few hours / in three years / in two days / in a few hours / in three years / in two days / in a few hours / in three years / in two days / in a few hours / in three years / in a week / in two din a week / in two din a week / in two din a week / in two days time / in three years time / ays time / in three years time / ays time / in three years time / ays time / in three years time / in a week’s time.in a week’s time.in a week’s time.in a week’s time.


a) ‘In + a period of time’ Bir işin ne kadar zamanda yapıldığını ifade ederken de kullanılır. Bu durumda in yerine ‘WITHIN’ de kullanılır.

He usually does his homework in (within) an hour.

b) ‘Apostrophe + time’ kullanıldığında belirtilen saat kadar sonra anlamını verir.

You will have to eat lunch in half an hour’s timeYou will have to eat lunch in half an hour’s timeYou will have to eat lunch in half an hour’s timeYou will have to eat lunch in half an hour’s time (Yemeğini yarım saat sonra yemek zorunda kalacaksın)


He fell a sleeHe fell a sleeHe fell a sleeHe fell a sleep p p p during the lessonduring the lessonduring the lessonduring the lesson because it was so boring. because it was so boring. because it was so boring. because it was so boring.


The Second World War runs The Second World War runs The Second World War runs The Second World War runs from 1939 to 1945.from 1939 to 1945.from 1939 to 1945.from 1939 to 1945.



Most people take their holidays sometime Most people take their holidays sometime Most people take their holidays sometime Most people take their holidays sometime between May and September.between May and September.between May and September.between May and September.

TOWARD (S): e doğru

Towards the end of the dayTowards the end of the dayTowards the end of the dayTowards the end of the day, she, she, she, she started to feel very tired. started to feel very tired. started to feel very tired. started to feel very tired. THROUGH OUT: Boyunca

I drink several cups of coffeeI drink several cups of coffeeI drink several cups of coffeeI drink several cups of coffee throughout the day. throughout the day. throughout the day. throughout the day.


in a city / in the east of Turkey / in a room / in a park in the river / in the sea in a line / in a queue / in a row in a book / in a newspaper / in the sky in an armchair / in bed / in the world / in the sun in the rain.

AT: (Bir nokta ifade eder)

at home/ at school / at work / at the cinema at the party / at the meeting / at the airport at the front / at the back / at sea (yolculuk) at the beginning of the street at the end of the street.

ON: (Üzerinde, yüzeyinde)

on the floor / on the wall / on the ceiling / on the bed on the table / on the shelf / on the page 7 on the front page of the newspaper / on an island on a river / on the ground / on earth / on her face on my nose / on the west coast of…

TO / FROM: (Bir yerden ayrılma ve bir yere yönelme)

to work / to school / to the station / to the airport from work / from school / from the station

INTO: (Bir şeyin içine doğru hareketi bildirir.)

Walk in to the cinema / get in to the car. OUT OF: (Bir yerden dışarı çıkma anlamını verir)

Come out of the cinema / get out of the car. ROUND / AROUND: (çevresinde, köşede)


We lived round the corner. We have no hedge round the garden.

BEYOND: (ötede, ilerisinde)

Beyond the river / beyond the beach. BY: (Yanında)

By the sea / by the lake

PAST: Geçince anlamını verir.

Past the post office / past the police station. THROUGH: Bir şeyin içinden geçerek anlamını verir.

Through the tunnel / through the woods. ACROSS: Bir uçtan diğer uca, bir taraftan diğer tarafa

Across the river / across the field. ALONG: Boyunca

Along the river / along the road.

AMONG: İkiden fazla gurubun içinde

Among the trees / among the students. BETWEEN: İki öğenin arasında

Between the teacher and students.

UP: Yukarı doğru

Up the hill / up the road. DOWN: Aşağı doğru

Down the hill / down the road. ABOVE: Düzey olarak üzerinde daha yüksekte / nesneler birbirine değmez.

Above the sea level, above the clouds. BELOW: Düzey olarak altında, aşağıda / nesneler birbirine değmez.

Below the surface of the sea / The people below us. OVER: Üzerinde / nesneler birbirine değebilir.


The plaster over his eye / a plane flaying over the city over fifty years of age.

UNDER: Altında (nesneler değebilir.)

Under the table / under 50 years of age. AGAINST: Bir şeye dayanmak.

Put something against the wall. OPPOSITE: Karşısında.

The cinema opposite our house / Sit opposite me. IN FRONT OF: Önünde.

In front of the cinema / in front of us BEHIND: Arkasında.

Behind the garden / behind me.

BESIDE: Yanında / yanına.

Sit beside me / the restaurant beside our house. INSIDE: İçinde.

Inside the house / inside the cave. OUTSIDE: Dışında.

Outside the house / outside the shop


a) Birinin hala yatmakta olduğunu belirtmek için (in bed), yatağın üzerinde ki nesneyi belirtmek için (on the bed)

b) Denizde yüzmek anlamında (in the sea), denizde yolculuk anlamında (at sea)

c) Nehirde yüzmek (in the river), nehirde taşıtlarla (on the river)

d) Ayrı ayrı iki nesnenin birbirinin önünde veye arkasında olduğunu (in front of / behind) ile ifade ederiz.

Ancak; aynı zemin üzerinde önde / arkada derken (at the front / at the back) We are sitting at the front of the cinema Some students prefer to sit at back of the classroom


Ancak; on the front / on the back page gazetede in the front row / in the back row sırada in the front / in the back of the car arabada on the front / on the back of the bus taşıtlarda

e) (Home / abroad / here / there) ile (go, come, get, fly, arrive, drive) fiilleriyle preposition kullanılmaz. Get home / go abroad / come here / drive there Get home / go abroad / come here / drive there Get home / go abroad / come here / drive there Get home / go abroad / come here / drive there f) Varmak ulaşmak anlamıda ‘reach’ ile preposition kullanılmaz.

When I reached the hotel, I went straight to bed.

Birşeye yetişmek, almak için reach ‘for’ alır. Why don’t you ask me to pass you the butter instead of reaching for it yourself?




May May May May IIII borrow your car? borrow your car? borrow your car? borrow your car? FORMAL Could Could Could Could IIII see you again? see you again? see you again? see you again? FORMAL Can Can Can Can IIII answer this question? answer this question? answer this question? answer this question? INFORMAL

B) With subject (YouYouYouYou) WOULD / COULD / WILL / CAN C)

Would Would Would Would youyouyouyou give me some information about your business? give me some information about your business? give me some information about your business? give me some information about your business? Could Could Could Could youyouyouyou help me please? help me please? help me please? help me please? Will Will Will Will youyouyouyou lend me your book please? lend me your book please? lend me your book please? lend me your book please? Can Can Can Can youyouyouyou open the door please? open the door please? open the door please? open the door please?



WouldWouldWouldWould you mind if I smoke here? you mind if I smoke here? you mind if I smoke here? you mind if I smoke here?


Would you mind posting these letters for me?Would you mind posting these letters for me?Would you mind posting these letters for me?Would you mind posting these letters for me?

2) OBLIGATION (MUST / HAVE TO / HAVE GOT TO) MUST: Konuşmacının fikrini ifade eder. Dışarıdan bir zorlama yoktur.

I must pass the UDS examI must pass the UDS examI must pass the UDS examI must pass the UDS exam Olumlu You mustn’t come home lateYou mustn’t come home lateYou mustn’t come home lateYou mustn’t come home late Olumsuz I had to pass the UDS examI had to pass the UDS examI had to pass the UDS examI had to pass the UDS exam Olumlu Past I didn’t have to study very hardI didn’t have to study very hardI didn’t have to study very hardI didn’t have to study very hard Olumsuz Past Must you leave now?Must you leave now?Must you leave now?Must you leave now? Soru Have you got to leave now?Have you got to leave now?Have you got to leave now?Have you got to leave now? Olumlu


HAVE TO: Kanun ve kurallara dayalı zorunluluk.

Children have to go to school until they are thirteenChildren have to go to school until they are thirteenChildren have to go to school until they are thirteenChildren have to go to school until they are thirteen.... NOT: ‘Have to’ nun olumsuz hali ‘mustn’t’ dır. ‘Don’t have to’ seçenek ifade eder.

You You You You mustn’tmustn’tmustn’tmustn’t cross the road when the light is red cross the road when the light is red cross the road when the light is red cross the road when the light is red You You You You don’t have todon’t have todon’t have todon’t have to go to England to learn go to England to learn go to England to learn go to England to learn EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish I I I I don’t have to / don’t need to/ needn’tdon’t have to / don’t need to/ needn’tdon’t have to / don’t need to/ needn’tdon’t have to / don’t need to/ needn’t get up early get up early get up early get up early

‘Have got to’ olumsuz biçimi ‘Haven’t got to’ dur.

I had to work until late yesterday.I had to work until late yesterday.I had to work until late yesterday.I had to work until late yesterday.


I didn’t have to / need to wait fI didn’t have to / need to wait fI didn’t have to / need to wait fI didn’t have to / need to wait for or or or themthemthemthem. They came on time.. They came on time.. They came on time.. They came on time.

NEEDN’TNEEDN’TNEEDN’TNEEDN’T HAVEHAVEHAVEHAVE DONEDONEDONEDONE: Yapmam gerekmediği halde yaptım. You needn’t have bought such an expensive presentYou needn’t have bought such an expensive presentYou needn’t have bought such an expensive presentYou needn’t have bought such an expensive present

3) ADVICE (SHOULD / OUGHT TO / HAD BETTER) A) SHOULD / OUGHT TO: Yapmam gerekir anlamında kullanılırlar. Bu yapıda ifade edilen

eylemleri erteleme olanağımız vardır. D)

I should / ought to clean my car. I don’t feel well now. I think I will clean I should / ought to clean my car. I don’t feel well now. I think I will clean I should / ought to clean my car. I don’t feel well now. I think I will clean I should / ought to clean my car. I don’t feel well now. I think I will clean it tomorrow.it tomorrow.it tomorrow.it tomorrow.

B) HAD BETTER: Yapacağımız işi erteleme şansımız yok. Yapmazsak kötü şeyler olur.

I had better go home early; otherwiseI had better go home early; otherwiseI had better go home early; otherwiseI had better go home early; otherwise, my father will get angry with me., my father will get angry with me., my father will get angry with me., my father will get angry with me.

B) SHOULD NOT / OUGHT NOT TO / HAD BETTER NOT: Yapılmaması gereken şeyleri öğütler.

E) You shouldn’t / ought not to (oughtn’t to) treat him so unkindlyYou shouldn’t / ought not to (oughtn’t to) treat him so unkindlyYou shouldn’t / ought not to (oughtn’t to) treat him so unkindlyYou shouldn’t / ought not to (oughtn’t to) treat him so unkindly You’d better study so hard, or you will get ill.You’d better study so hard, or you will get ill.You’d better study so hard, or you will get ill.You’d better study so hard, or you will get ill.


PRESENT ADVİCE (SHOULD BE DOING / OUGHT TO BE DOINGSHOULD BE DOING / OUGHT TO BE DOINGSHOULD BE DOING / OUGHT TO BE DOINGSHOULD BE DOING / OUGHT TO BE DOING): İçinde bulunduğumuz ana ilişkin bir tavsiyeyi ifade eder. Why are you sleeping? You should be studying nowYou should be studying nowYou should be studying nowYou should be studying now. I’m watching TV now, but in fact; I ought to be studying for my exam.I ought to be studying for my exam.I ought to be studying for my exam.I ought to be studying for my exam.

PAST ADVICE (SHOULD HAVE DONE / OUGHSHOULD HAVE DONE / OUGHSHOULD HAVE DONE / OUGHSHOULD HAVE DONE / OUGHT TO HAVE DONET TO HAVE DONET TO HAVE DONET TO HAVE DONE): Geçmişte yapılması gereken eylemin yapılmadığını ve sonucun kötü olduğunu ifade eder. He failed the test. He should have studied harder.He should have studied harder.He should have studied harder.He should have studied harder. He ignored my warnings and had an accident. He shouldn’t have ignored He shouldn’t have ignored He shouldn’t have ignored He shouldn’t have ignored my warnings.my warnings.my warnings.my warnings.

NOT: SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING / OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN DOING: Geçmişte belli bir zaman dilimi içerisinde devam etmekte olan bir olaya ilişkin tavsiyede bulunmak için kullanılır.

On my way to work, I saw some children playing in the street yesterday. They shouldn’t have been pThey shouldn’t have been pThey shouldn’t have been pThey shouldn’t have been playing in the street but in the park.laying in the street but in the park.laying in the street but in the park.laying in the street but in the park.

4) EXPECTATIONS (BE TO / BE SUPPOSED TO) A) Bir programa göre olması gereken olayı ifade eder. “be due to” ile aynı anlamdadır.

The film is to start at 11.oo.The film is to start at 11.oo.The film is to start at 11.oo.The film is to start at 11.oo. The film is supposed to start at 11.oo. The film is supposed to start at 11.oo. The film is supposed to start at 11.oo. The film is supposed to start at 11.oo. The film is The film is The film is The film is due to start at 11.oo.due to start at 11.oo.due to start at 11.oo.due to start at 11.oo.

B) Birinin bir başkasından beklentisini ifade eder. ‘be supposed to’ should ile aynı anlamdadır, ancak be supposed to’ da gerçeklilik daima dış etkenlerden kaynaklanır.

I am supI am supI am supI am supposed to go home early;posed to go home early;posed to go home early;posed to go home early; otherwiseotherwiseotherwiseotherwise,,,, my mother gets my mother gets my mother gets my mother gets angry. angry. angry. angry.

‘be to’ must ile yakın anlama sahiptir. Ancak zorunluluk dış etkenlerden kaynaklanır ve ‘be supposed to’dan güçlü bir ifade taşır.

I am to go to work early tomorrow. I am to go to work early tomorrow. I am to go to work early tomorrow. I am to go to work early tomorrow. My boss ordered.My boss ordered.My boss ordered.My boss ordered.

D) WAS / WERE SUPPOSED TO: Bir başkasının geçmişte bizden beklentisini ifade eder.

‘Should have done’ ile yakın anlam taşır. Zorlama dışardandır.

I supposed to go to work early. I supposed to go to work early. I supposed to go to work early. I supposed to go to work early. My boss got angry.My boss got angry.My boss got angry.My boss got angry.


5) ABILITY (CAN / BE ABLE TO) A) Yeteneklerimizi ifade ederiz. F)

I can speak two foreign languages fluently.I can speak two foreign languages fluently.I can speak two foreign languages fluently.I can speak two foreign languages fluently. I am able tI am able tI am able tI am able to speak two foreign languages fluently.o speak two foreign languages fluently.o speak two foreign languages fluently.o speak two foreign languages fluently.

B) ‘CAN’ yapılması mümkün olayları ifade eder.

I can help you. I am free now.I can help you. I am free now.I can help you. I am free now.I can help you. I am free now. I can’t help you. I am buzy now.I can’t help you. I am buzy now.I can’t help you. I am buzy now.I can’t help you. I am buzy now.

C) Geçmişte zor bir işin üstünden gelme ifade edildiğinde ‘was /were able to’ kullanılır. ‘Could’ kullanılmaz. I could / was able to sing very well. I could / was able to sing very well. I could / was able to sing very well. I could / was able to sing very well. Ability in the past.Ability in the past.Ability in the past.Ability in the past. The students The students The students The students were able to / were allowed towere able to / were allowed towere able to / were allowed towere able to / were allowed to leave school earlier. leave school earlier. leave school earlier. leave school earlier. PermissionPermissionPermissionPermission I missed the bus yesterday, but I I missed the bus yesterday, but I I missed the bus yesterday, but I I missed the bus yesterday, but I was able towas able towas able towas able to get to work on time by taxi. get to work on time by taxi. get to work on time by taxi. get to work on time by taxi. Geçmişte zor bir işin üstesinden gGeçmişte zor bir işin üstesinden gGeçmişte zor bir işin üstesinden gGeçmişte zor bir işin üstesinden gelme.elme.elme.elme.


It’s a nice day today.It’s a nice day today.It’s a nice day today.It’s a nice day today. Let’s go out and have a walk. Let’s go out and have a walk. Let’s go out and have a walk. Let’s go out and have a walk.

B) MAY / MIGHT: Öneri getirilirken olumlu veya olumsuz düz cümlede kullanılır.

If you don’t have any other plans, If you don’t have any other plans, If you don’t have any other plans, If you don’t have any other plans, we may / might invite some friends we may / might invite some friends we may / might invite some friends we may / might invite some friends over over over over the weekend.the weekend.the weekend.the weekend.

NOT: MAY / MIGHT AS WELL Lets anlamını verir ancak öneri zorunluluktan kaynaklanan gönülsüzce yapılan öneridir.

Since we can’t afford to go to the cinema, Since we can’t afford to go to the cinema, Since we can’t afford to go to the cinema, Since we can’t afford to go to the cinema, we may / might as well hire a we may / might as well hire a we may / might as well hire a we may / might as well hire a video and watch it at home.video and watch it at home.video and watch it at home.video and watch it at home.

MAY / MIGHT AS WELL: Olumsuz cümlelerde ‘needn’t’ anlamını verir.

Since you are not close friends with Lucy, Since you are not close friends with Lucy, Since you are not close friends with Lucy, Since you are not close friends with Lucy, you may / might as well not you may / might as well not you may / might as well not you may / might as well not attend her wedding next Sunday.attend her wedding next Sunday.attend her wedding next Sunday.attend her wedding next Sunday.

C) WHY DON’T + SUBJECT: Soru cümlesi olmasına rağmen soru değil öneri getirir.

I am getting sleepy. I am getting sleepy. I am getting sleepy. I am getting sleepy. Why don’t you Why don’t you Why don’t you Why don’t you go to bed?go to bed?go to bed?go to bed?


D) SHALL WE / I: Özne olarak sadece ‘we’ ve ‘I’ kullanılır. Türkçe’ye Yapayım mı/ yapalım mı olarak çevrilir. Shall I help you?Shall I help you?Shall I help you?Shall I help you? Sana yardım edeyim mi?


What shall we do tomorrow? We could meet friends and We could meet friends and We could meet friends and We could meet friends and go fishing.go fishing.go fishing.go fishing.


1- Şayet bir gerçeği kesin olarak biliyorsak modal verb kullanmaya gerek yoktur.

Why didn’t he go to school today?Why didn’t he go to school today?Why didn’t he go to school today?Why didn’t he go to school today? He is ill.He is ill.He is ill.He is ill. (I know that he is ill)

2- Gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak ama güçlü bir tahminde bulunuyorsak ‘MUST kullanırız.

The baby is crying. She must be The baby is crying. She must be The baby is crying. She must be The baby is crying. She must be hungryhungryhungryhungry.... (Aç olmalı)

3- Gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak ama güçsüz bir tahminde bulunuyorsak ‘MAY / MIGHT / COULD’ kullanırız.

Why is Ali at home today? He may/might/could be ill.He may/might/could be ill.He may/might/could be ill.He may/might/could be ill. Hasta olabilir.


Where is your brother? He is studying in his room. He must be studying in his room.He must be studying in his room.He must be studying in his room.He must be studying in his room. He may be /might be / could be studying in his room.He may be /might be / could be studying in his room.He may be /might be / could be studying in his room.He may be /might be / could be studying in his room.

He isn’t studying in his room. He can’t /couldn’t be studying in his room.He can’t /couldn’t be studying in his room.He can’t /couldn’t be studying in his room.He can’t /couldn’t be studying in his room. (Çalışıyor olamaz) He must not be studying in his room. He must not be studying in his room. He must not be studying in his room. He must not be studying in his room. (Çalışmıyor olmalı) He may / might not be studying in his roomHe may / might not be studying in his roomHe may / might not be studying in his roomHe may / might not be studying in his room. (Çalışmıyor olmalı)

C) PAST POSSIBILITY I can’t find my grammar book. You must have left it in the classroom.You must have left it in the classroom.You must have left it in the classroom.You must have left it in the classroom. You may /might/could have left it in You may /might/could have left it in You may /might/could have left it in You may /might/could have left it in the classroom.the classroom.the classroom.the classroom. You can’t /You can’t /You can’t /You can’t /couldn’tcouldn’tcouldn’tcouldn’t have left it in the classroom. have left it in the classroom. have left it in the classroom. have left it in the classroom. (Çalışmış olamaz) You must not have left it in the classroom. You must not have left it in the classroom. You must not have left it in the classroom. You must not have left it in the classroom. (Çalışmamış olmalı)


You may/might not have left it in the classroom.You may/might not have left it in the classroom.You may/might not have left it in the classroom.You may/might not have left it in the classroom. NOT: couldcouldcouldcould havehavehavehave donedonedonedone //// couldn’tcouldn’tcouldn’tcouldn’t havehavehavehave donedonedonedone

1- Yapabilirdim ama yapmamayı tercih ettim.

I had lots of spare time yesterday. I I I I could have gone to the cinemacould have gone to the cinemacould have gone to the cinemacould have gone to the cinema, but I preferred to stay at home.

2- İsteseydi bile yapamazdı.

We found out that the match had been cancelled, so wewewewe couldn’t have gone couldn’t have gone couldn’t have gone couldn’t have gone even if even if even if even if wewewewe had wanted to. had wanted to. had wanted to. had wanted to.

3- Geçmişte olma olasılığı olup, olmadığından emin olduğumuz durumlarda Might /Might /Might /Might / could have donecould have donecould have donecould have done kullanırız.

I had a close friend at the police station, otherwise; I might / could have I might / could have I might / could have I might / could have been arrested.been arrested.been arrested.been arrested.

D) PAST PROGRESSIVE POSSIBILITY Ali had a car accident Last Saturday. He must have been driving very fast.He must have been driving very fast.He must have been driving very fast.He must have been driving very fast. The light in my brother’s room was on at 3.00 yesterday. He may/might/could have been reading book.He may/might/could have been reading book.He may/might/could have been reading book.He may/might/could have been reading book.

E) FUTURE POSSIBILITY: Geleceğe yönelik olasılıklardan söz ederken ‘should / should / should / should / ought to / may / ought to / may / ought to / may / ought to / may / might / couldmight / couldmight / couldmight / could’ kullanırız.

NOT: ‘must’‘must’‘must’‘must’ geleceğe ilişkin tahminlerde bulunurken kullanılmaz. Ancak içinde bulunduğumuz anda gelecekte bir eylemin olacağına ilişkin bir belirti varsa ‘must be must be must be must be doingdoingdoingdoing’ kullanabiliz.

I saw Ayşe buying lots of food and drink at the market. She must be having a huge party next week.She must be having a huge party next week.She must be having a huge party next week.She must be having a huge party next week.

He is very good at driving. He will pass the test.He will pass the test.He will pass the test.He will pass the test. Kesin He took plenty of lessons. He should / ought to pass the test.He should / ought to pass the test.He should / ought to pass the test.He should / ought to pass the test. Güçlü

He took some lessons. He may / might / could pass the testHe may / might / could pass the testHe may / might / could pass the testHe may / might / could pass the test. Zayıf


8) EXPRESSING PREFERENCE: (WOULD RATHER / WOULD SOONER) A) Aynı anlamda olup; bir şeyi bir şeye tercih ettiğimizi ifade etmek için kullanırız.

I would rather read a book than watch TV.I would rather read a book than watch TV.I would rather read a book than watch TV.I would rather read a book than watch TV.

B) Would rather be doing something: Şu anda yaptığımız işten hoşnut olmadığımızı, onun

yerine başka bir işi yapmayı tercih ettiğimizi ifade eder.

I would rather be walking by the seaside than studying.I would rather be walking by the seaside than studying.I would rather be walking by the seaside than studying.I would rather be walking by the seaside than studying.

C) Would rather / would sooner have done something: Would prefer to have done something: Geçmişte yapmayı tercih ettiğimiz; ama yapamadığımız şeyleri ifade eder. I would rather have studied at home than (have) gone out.I would rather have studied at home than (have) gone out.I would rather have studied at home than (have) gone out.I would rather have studied at home than (have) gone out.

D) Would prefer: Anlam olarak ‘would rather’ ile aynıdır, ama kullanımı farklıdır.

NOT: ‘Would Prefer’ fiil ya da isim alır, ama ‘Would Rather’ ancak fiil alır.

I would prefer to stay at home tonight than go out.I would prefer to stay at home tonight than go out.I would prefer to stay at home tonight than go out.I would prefer to stay at home tonight than go out. I would rather stay at home tonight than go out.I would rather stay at home tonight than go out.I would rather stay at home tonight than go out.I would rather stay at home tonight than go out.

I would prefer I would prefer I would prefer I would prefer coffeecoffeecoffeecoffee to to to to teateateatea.... I would prefer I would prefer I would prefer I would prefer to drinkto drinkto drinkto drink coffee to tea. coffee to tea. coffee to tea. coffee to tea.

E) Prefer: would prefer gibi hem isim hem fiil alır.

I prefer I prefer I prefer I prefer to drinkto drinkto drinkto drink coffee rather coffee rather coffee rather coffee rather than (than (than (than (drinkdrinkdrinkdrink) tea.) tea.) tea.) tea. I prefer I prefer I prefer I prefer vegetablesvegetablesvegetablesvegetables to to to to meatmeatmeatmeat....

F) Would rather somebody did something / Would prefer somebody to do stg.

I would rather they travelled by bus.I would rather they travelled by bus.I would rather they travelled by bus.I would rather they travelled by bus. (Present) I would rather they had travelled by car.I would rather they had travelled by car.I would rather they had travelled by car.I would rather they had travelled by car. (Past) They would prefer me not to leave early



She is cleaning the house. The house is being cleaned. She cleans the house. The house is cleaned. She cleaned the house. The house was cleaned. She was cleaning the house. The house was being cleaned. She has cleaned the house. The house has been cleaned. She had cleaned the house. The house had been cleaned. She will clean the house. The house will be cleaned. She is going to clean the house. The house is going to be cleaned. She can clean the house. The house can be cleaned. She will have cleaned the house. The house will have been cleaned.

She will be cleaning the house. She has been cleaning the house. She had been cleaning the house. She will have been cleaning the house.

Eylemi yapan kişiyi veya eylemin hangi araçla yapıldığını ifade etmek için:

“By”: This song was composed This song was composed This song was composed This song was composed bybybyby Ziya Taşkent. Ziya Taşkent. Ziya Taşkent. Ziya Taşkent. “Preposition”: The wood was chopped The wood was chopped The wood was chopped The wood was chopped withwithwithwith an axe an axe an axe an axe bybybyby my brother my brother my brother my brother.

NOT: Şayet eylem kendiliğinden gerçekleşmiş ise nesneler içinde “by” kullanılır.

She was injured She was injured She was injured She was injured bybybyby a rolling stone. a rolling stone. a rolling stone. a rolling stone.

2) STATE PASSIVE: Bir eylem değil de bir durum bildiren passive yapılar.

The window was broken by Ali yesterdayThe window was broken by Ali yesterdayThe window was broken by Ali yesterdayThe window was broken by Ali yesterday.... (Eylem bildiriyor) When I came in, the window was brokenWhen I came in, the window was brokenWhen I came in, the window was brokenWhen I came in, the window was broken.... (Durum bildiriyor)


Everybody likes someone giving them a present. Everybody likes being given a present.Everybody likes being given a present.Everybody likes being given a present.Everybody likes being given a present. I hate anyone cheating me. I hate being cheated.I hate being cheated.I hate being cheated.I hate being cheated. They don’t permit people to take food in to the hotel rooms. Food is not permitted to be takFood is not permitted to be takFood is not permitted to be takFood is not permitted to be taken in to the hotel rooms.en in to the hotel rooms.en in to the hotel rooms.en in to the hotel rooms.

NOT: ‘Need’ fiili aktif cümlede ‘infinitive’ alır. Pasif cümlede ‘infinitive veya gerund’ alır. Şayet cümlenin öznesi insan ise infinitive alır.


My shirt needs to be ironed.My shirt needs to be ironed.My shirt needs to be ironed.My shirt needs to be ironed. My shirt needs ironing.My shirt needs ironing.My shirt needs ironing.My shirt needs ironing. I need to be told the truth.I need to be told the truth.I need to be told the truth.I need to be told the truth.


I gave him some money yesterday.

HHHHe was given some money by me yesterday.e was given some money by me yesterday.e was given some money by me yesterday.e was given some money by me yesterday. Some money was given to him by me yesterday.Some money was given to him by me yesterday.Some money was given to him by me yesterday.Some money was given to him by me yesterday.



They say the man upstairs is a murderer. It’s said that the man upstairs is a murderer.It’s said that the man upstairs is a murderer.It’s said that the man upstairs is a murderer.It’s said that the man upstairs is a murderer. The man upstairs is said to be a thief.The man upstairs is said to be a thief.The man upstairs is said to be a thief.The man upstairs is said to be a thief.


We understand that he dislikes children. It’s understood that he dislikes children.It’s understood that he dislikes children.It’s understood that he dislikes children.It’s understood that he dislikes children. He is understood to dislike children.He is understood to dislike children.He is understood to dislike children.He is understood to dislike children.


They say that he was very rich in the past. It’s said that he was very rich in the past.It’s said that he was very rich in the past.It’s said that he was very rich in the past.It’s said that he was very rich in the past. He is sHe is sHe is sHe is said to have been very rich in the past.aid to have been very rich in the past.aid to have been very rich in the past.aid to have been very rich in the past.


They claim that he left the country yesterday. It’s claimed that he left the country yesterday.It’s claimed that he left the country yesterday.It’s claimed that he left the country yesterday.It’s claimed that he left the country yesterday. He is claimed to have left the country yesterday.He is claimed to have left the country yesterday.He is claimed to have left the country yesterday.He is claimed to have left the country yesterday.


I think he is waiting there now. It’s thought that he is waiting there now.It’s thought that he is waiting there now.It’s thought that he is waiting there now.It’s thought that he is waiting there now. He is thought to be waiting there now.He is thought to be waiting there now.He is thought to be waiting there now.He is thought to be waiting there now.


People say he was working very hard. It is said that he was working very hard.It is said that he was working very hard.It is said that he was working very hard.It is said that he was working very hard. He is said to have been working very hard.He is said to have been working very hard.He is said to have been working very hard.He is said to have been working very hard.


G) FUTURE (will/going to)

People expect that the exchange rate will go down soon. It is expected that the exchange rate will go down soon.It is expected that the exchange rate will go down soon.It is expected that the exchange rate will go down soon.It is expected that the exchange rate will go down soon. The exchange rate is expected to go down soon.The exchange rate is expected to go down soon.The exchange rate is expected to go down soon.The exchange rate is expected to go down soon.

H) PRESENT PASSIVE (will/going to)

They say that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day. It is said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.It is said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.It is said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.It is said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day. A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.


They report that two people were killed in the explosion. It is reported that two people were killeIt is reported that two people were killeIt is reported that two people were killeIt is reported that two people were killed in the explosion.d in the explosion.d in the explosion.d in the explosion. Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.

NOT: 1- Hem temel cümlenin hem de yan cümlenin yüklemi ‘Past’ ise iki eylem arasında zaman farkı olmadığı için ‘to do’ biçimiyle aktarırız. They believed she knew the truth. She was believed to know the truth.She was believed to know the truth.She was believed to know the truth.She was believed to know the truth. 2- Yan cümle daha önce gerçekleşmiş ise bu ‘past perfect’ ile ifade edilir. Bu cümleyi passive yapmak için ise ‘to have done’ kullanırız. They believed she had acted deliberately. She was believed to have acted deliberately.She was believed to have acted deliberately.She was believed to have acted deliberately.She was believed to have acted deliberately.

6) PASSIVE WITH ‘GET’: (GET + PAST PARTICIPLE): Durum bildiren yapıyı eylem bildiren yapıya dönüştürür.

She didn’t want to go out because she was tired. Having worked for three hours, she got tired.Having worked for three hours, she got tired.Having worked for three hours, she got tired.Having worked for three hours, she got tired.



2) BE CONVINCED OF: I am not convinced of the advisability of this project.

3) BE ADDICTED TO: He eats so much chocolate. I believe that he is addicted to chocolate.

4) BE ANNOYED AT / ABOUT / WITH: Are you annoyed with me? No, I am annoyed at / about what you said.

5) BE TIRED FROM: I am tried from long journey.

6) BE TIRED OF: I am tried of listening your nonsence comments.

7) BE CONNECTED TO / WITH: Through Panama Canal, the Atlantic Ocean is connected to / with the pasific.

8) BE BLESSEED WITH: He was blessed with a supportive familiy.

9) BE OPPESED TO: I am opposed to nuclear energy.

10) BE RELATED TO: The flying fox is not a really fox. It is elated to the bat.

11) BE EQUIPPED WITH: Long-distance Lorries are equipped with a tachometer.

12) BE CROWDED WITH: The city centre is crowded with football supporters.

13) BE PREPARED FOR: I am not prepared for the interview.

14) BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST: Immigrants are fearful that they will be discriminated against by the company.



I am fed up with being a government employee.

16) GOT CONFUSED WITH: I always got the word ‘right’ confused with the word ‘write’

17) BE USED FOR: A barometer is an instrument, which is used for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere. 18) BE BASED ON: The film ‘Amistad’ is based on a true-life story.

19) BE COMMITTED TO: Ayşe is committed to helping preserve to environment. 20) BE INVOLVED IN: Ayşe is involved in conservation projects.

21) BE DEVOTED TO: I am devoted to my family.

22) BE DISGUSTED AT: I am disgusted at his table manners.

23) BE SUPPLIED WITH: On the trip, I was supplied with little food.

24) BE CRITICIZED FOR: The referee was criticized for not being impartial.

25) BE DISSUADED FROM: I could have been dissuaded from my decision.

26) BE SUSPECTED OF: He was suspected of stealing the money.

27) BE THRILLED WITH: I was thrilled with the present she gave me.

28) BE FORCED OPEN WITH: The door was forced open with a screwdriver.

29) BE REPLACED WITH: All the money in the safe had been replaced with forgeries.

30) BE THROUBLED WITH: I have been troubled with a bad back since 1996.

31) BE ORGANIZED WITH: The conference was organized with enough attention.


32) BE OBLIGED TO SOMEBODY: I am obliged to you for your understanding.

33) BE PROVIDED WITH: If you work hard, you will be provided with a computer.

34) BE PLEASED WITH: I am pleased with the amount of money you offer. 35) BE COMPOSED OF: Granite is composed of minerals. 36) BE MARRIED TO: Ahmet is married to an English girl.

37) BE LIMITED TO: The party is limited to their close friends.

38) BE SLAPPED IN THE FACE WITH: It is regarded funny when you are slapped in the face with a cream-pie.

39) BE DRESSED IN: She was dressed in a white dress at the party.

40) BE AMAZE AT: The visitors will be amazed at the exhibits.

41) BE SHOT IN THE BACK: He was shot in the back with a gun.

42) BE ASSOCIATED WITH: Autopsy is associated with forensic.

43) BE FILLED WITH: I was filled with excitement when I met her.

44) BE INTERESTED IN: I am interested in archaeology.

45) BE CONCERNED ABOUT: I am concerned about the rises in drug taking.

46) BE EXPOSED TO: When the children are exposed to toxic substances, you should take them to hospital immediately.


CONDITIONAL SENTENCESCONDITIONAL SENTENCESCONDITIONAL SENTENCESCONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1) TYPE 1 (If + Present Simple +will) Mümkün olan şartları ve bu şartlar yerine geldiğinde bunun muhtemel sonuçlarını anlatır.

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go on picnic.we will go on picnic.we will go on picnic.we will go on picnic.


A) Will ve versiyonları: She will be working there next month She will be working there next month She will be working there next month She will be working there next month if she is hif she is hif she is hif she is hired.ired.ired.ired. You will have finished it by June You will have finished it by June You will have finished it by June You will have finished it by June if you start writing now.if you start writing now.if you start writing now.if you start writing now. I will have been working here for ten years I will have been working here for ten years I will have been working here for ten years I will have been working here for ten years by the time I retireby the time I retireby the time I retireby the time I retire if if if if everything goes all right.everything goes all right.everything goes all right.everything goes all right.

B) Model Verbs:

We may / might / can cancel the picnic We may / might / can cancel the picnic We may / might / can cancel the picnic We may / might / can cancel the picnic if the weather continues like this.if the weather continues like this.if the weather continues like this.if the weather continues like this.


a. Can: If you can pass the exam, If you can pass the exam, If you can pass the exam, If you can pass the exam, you will be you will be you will be you will be the luckiest studentthe luckiest studentthe luckiest studentthe luckiest student....

b. Have to:

If I have to work overtime, If I have to work overtime, If I have to work overtime, If I have to work overtime, I will let you know.I will let you know.I will let you know.I will let you know.

c. Present Continuous:

If you are looking for your slippers, If you are looking for your slippers, If you are looking for your slippers, If you are looking for your slippers, they are under the bed.they are under the bed.they are under the bed.they are under the bed.

d. Present Perfect Tense:

If you have finished your lunch, If you have finished your lunch, If you have finished your lunch, If you have finished your lunch, I will ask for the bill.I will ask for the bill.I will ask for the bill.I will ask for the bill.

e. Should:

If you should need any help, If you should need any help, If you should need any help, If you should need any help, I can help you.I can help you.I can help you.I can help you.


2) TYPE 2 (If + Past Simple +wouldIf + Past Simple +wouldIf + Past Simple +wouldIf + Past Simple +would) Mümkün olmayan şartları ve bu şartların olası sonuçlarını ifade eder. If clause past olmasına rağmen ifade ‘Present veya Future’dır.

If I had enough money, If I had enough money, If I had enough money, If I had enough money, I would lend you some. (I don’t have)I would lend you some. (I don’t have)I would lend you some. (I don’t have)I would lend you some. (I don’t have) If I saw a ghost, If I saw a ghost, If I saw a ghost, If I saw a ghost, I would run away. (I don’t believe I will see)I would run away. (I don’t believe I will see)I would run away. (I don’t believe I will see)I would run away. (I don’t believe I will see)


a. Would ve would be doing:

If I wereIf I wereIf I wereIf I were rich rich rich rich, I would help the poor people in Turkey., I would help the poor people in Turkey., I would help the poor people in Turkey., I would help the poor people in Turkey. If the baby weren’t hungryIf the baby weren’t hungryIf the baby weren’t hungryIf the baby weren’t hungry, she wouldn’t be crying now., she wouldn’t be crying now., she wouldn’t be crying now., she wouldn’t be crying now.

b. Could, would be able to, might we would have to:

If I had some time tomorrowIf I had some time tomorrowIf I had some time tomorrowIf I had some time tomorrow, I , I , I , I couldcouldcouldcould////would be able towould be able towould be able towould be able to help you. help you. help you. help you. If you could speak Turkish, If you could speak Turkish, If you could speak Turkish, If you could speak Turkish, You You You You mightmightmightmight////couldcouldcouldcould get the job. get the job. get the job. get the job. If I didn’t have an exam tomorrow, If I didn’t have an exam tomorrow, If I didn’t have an exam tomorrow, If I didn’t have an exam tomorrow, I wouldn’t have to study now.I wouldn’t have to study now.I wouldn’t have to study now.I wouldn’t have to study now.


a. Past Continuous: If I weren’t studying now, If I weren’t studying now, If I weren’t studying now, If I weren’t studying now, I could help you.I could help you.I could help you.I could help you.

b. Could: If she could speak English well, If she could speak English well, If she could speak English well, If she could speak English well, I would employ her.I would employ her.I would employ her.I would employ her.

c. Had to: If I had to study for my exams, If I had to study for my exams, If I had to study for my exams, If I had to study for my exams, I wouldn’t go out.I wouldn’t go out.I wouldn’t go out.I wouldn’t go out.

d. Should: If there shoIf there shoIf there shoIf there should be a nuclear war, many creaturesuld be a nuclear war, many creaturesuld be a nuclear war, many creaturesuld be a nuclear war, many creatures would disappear.would disappear.would disappear.would disappear.

3) TYPE 3 (If + Past Perfect +would have done) Bu yapı; mümkün olmayan şartlar ve bu şartların sonuçlarını ifade eder. Geçmişte olmuş bir olaya zıt bir şart ileri sürüp bu şartın hayal ürünü sonucunu ifade ederiz.

If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, he wouldn’t have he wouldn’t have he wouldn’t have he wouldn’t have burnt him self.burnt him self.burnt him self.burnt him self.



d) If+past perfectIf+past perfectIf+past perfectIf+past perfect would do stgwould do stgwould do stgwould do stg. b) If past simpleIf past simpleIf past simpleIf past simple++++would have done stgwould have done stgwould have done stgwould have done stg.

If you had studied hard, If you had studied hard, If you had studied hard, If you had studied hard, you would pasyou would pasyou would pasyou would pass your exam now.s your exam now.s your exam now.s your exam now. Past Present

If I didn’t love her If I didn’t love her If I didn’t love her If I didn’t love her ((((because I do love her), I wouldn’t have married. ), I wouldn’t have married. ), I wouldn’t have married. ), I wouldn’t have married. (I did) (I did) (I did) (I did) If you weren’t a rude personIf you weren’t a rude personIf you weren’t a rude personIf you weren’t a rude person (But you are), you wouldn’t have rebuked your , you wouldn’t have rebuked your , you wouldn’t have rebuked your , you wouldn’t have rebuked your wifewifewifewife (But you did)....

If he didn’t smoke muchIf he didn’t smoke muchIf he didn’t smoke muchIf he didn’t smoke much (because he does), he wouldn’t have coughed.(because he does), he wouldn’t have coughed.(because he does), he wouldn’t have coughed.(because he does), he wouldn’t have coughed. (He did)(He did)(He did)(He did)


If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle, he wouldn’t have he wouldn’t have he wouldn’t have he wouldn’t have burnt him self.burnt him self.burnt him self.burnt him self.


A) Provided / providing that / as long as / so long as / only if / on condition that

You can pass the exam providedprovidedprovidedprovided

providing thatproviding thatproviding thatproviding that as long asas long asas long asas long as so long asso long asso long asso long as only ifonly ifonly ifonly if you study hard.

* Provided that / providing that / as long as tense kuralları açısından if gibi kullanılırlar. * Only if cümlenin başına gelirse 2. cümleyi devrik yapar.

I can forgive herI can forgive herI can forgive herI can forgive her as long as she apologizes to me. as long as she apologizes to me. as long as she apologizes to me. as long as she apologizes to me. I could forgive herI could forgive herI could forgive herI could forgive her so long as she apologized to me. so long as she apologized to me. so long as she apologized to me. so long as she apologized to me. I could have forgivenI could have forgivenI could have forgivenI could have forgiven so long as she had ap so long as she had ap so long as she had ap so long as she had apologized to me.ologized to me.ologized to me.ologized to me.

B) Unless (medikçe - madıkça): Olumsuz bir anlama sahiptir. Bağlı olduğu cümle genellikle olumlu olur.

Unless Unless Unless Unless you study hard, you can’t pass your exam.you study hard, you can’t pass your exam.you study hard, you can’t pass your exam.you study hard, you can’t pass your exam.


C) Even İf (olsa bile/olmasa bile): İstenilen koşul yerine gelse bile kural değişmez.

I wI wI wI won’t forgive heron’t forgive heron’t forgive heron’t forgive her even if even if even if even if she apologizes to me. she apologizes to me. she apologizes to me. she apologizes to me. I wouldn’t forgive her I wouldn’t forgive her I wouldn’t forgive her I wouldn’t forgive her even ifeven ifeven ifeven if she apologized to me. she apologized to me. she apologized to me. she apologized to me.

D) Whether... or not (olsa da/olmasa da):

I will go to the partyI will go to the partyI will go to the partyI will go to the party whether whether whether whether they invite me they invite me they invite me they invite me or not.or not.or not.or not.

E) Suppose that / supposing that /what if

How else How else How else How else can wcan wcan wcan we gete gete gete get there there there there suppose that we miss the train?suppose that we miss the train?suppose that we miss the train?suppose that we miss the train? How would you react How would you react How would you react How would you react supposing thatsupposing thatsupposing thatsupposing that he cheated on you? he cheated on you? he cheated on you? he cheated on you? What ifWhat ifWhat ifWhat if he didn’t come tomorrow? = What would happen? he didn’t come tomorrow? = What would happen? he didn’t come tomorrow? = What would happen? he didn’t come tomorrow? = What would happen? What ifWhat ifWhat ifWhat if you don’t get your salary? = What will happen if….. you don’t get your salary? = What will happen if….. you don’t get your salary? = What will happen if….. you don’t get your salary? = What will happen if….. What if What if What if What if you hadn’t pass UDSyou hadn’t pass UDSyou hadn’t pass UDSyou hadn’t pass UDS = what would ha= what would ha= what would ha= what would have happened?ve happened?ve happened?ve happened?

F) As if / As though (sanki/gibi): seem / look / sound gibi fiillerle sık kullanılır.

There are dark clouds. It seems There are dark clouds. It seems There are dark clouds. It seems There are dark clouds. It seems as if/as if/as if/as if/as thoughas thoughas thoughas though it is going to rain. it is going to rain. it is going to rain. it is going to rain. The problem was difficult, but he seemed The problem was difficult, but he seemed The problem was difficult, but he seemed The problem was difficult, but he seemed as ifas ifas ifas if he could solve it. he could solve it. he could solve it. he could solve it.

Eğer; gerçek bir izlenim ifade ediliyor ise; temel cümlenin fiili past ise; Do yerine did Did veya have / has done yerine had done Will yerine would Can yerine could Am, is, are yerine was were It seemed It seemed It seemed It seemed as if it was going to rain.as if it was going to rain.as if it was going to rain.as if it was going to rain. She seemed She seemed She seemed She seemed as if she hadn’t slept was if she hadn’t slept was if she hadn’t slept was if she hadn’t slept well the previous right.ell the previous right.ell the previous right.ell the previous right. He seemedHe seemedHe seemedHe seemed as if he could solve it by him self. as if he could solve it by him self. as if he could solve it by him self. as if he could solve it by him self. They seemedThey seemedThey seemedThey seemed as if they were having a good time as if they were having a good time as if they were having a good time as if they were having a good time She seemedShe seemedShe seemedShe seemed as if she would help me. as if she would help me. as if she would help me. as if she would help me.

* As if / as though ile gerçek izlenim değil de benzetme yapıyorsak, temel cümlenin fiili present da olsa past da olsa gerçeği ifade eden cümlenin past biçimi kullanılır. (be) fiili (were) olur.

She speaks She speaks She speaks She speaks as ifas ifas ifas if she knew everything. she knew everything. she knew everything. she knew everything. (She doesn’t know ever(She doesn’t know ever(She doesn’t know ever(She doesn’t know everything)ything)ything)ything)

She treated me as if I were her daughter. She treated me as if I were her daughter. She treated me as if I were her daughter. She treated me as if I were her daughter. (I am not her daughter)(I am not her daughter)(I am not her daughter)(I am not her daughter)


WISH CLAUSESWISH CLAUSESWISH CLAUSESWISH CLAUSES (wish / If only) A) Wish about the present (wish + past simple)

Ali Ali Ali Ali wisheswisheswisheswishes he he he he werewerewerewere as strong as superman. as strong as superman. as strong as superman. as strong as superman.

B) Wish about the past (wish + past perfect) He hadHe hadHe hadHe had to work yesterday. to work yesterday. to work yesterday. to work yesterday. I wish he I wish he I wish he I wish he hadn’t hadhadn’t hadhadn’t hadhadn’t had to work. to work. to work. to work. I couldn’t get up early yesterday. I couldn’t get up early yesterday. I couldn’t get up early yesterday. I couldn’t get up early yesterday. I wish I could have got up early yesterday.I wish I could have got up early yesterday.I wish I could have got up early yesterday.I wish I could have got up early yesterday. I wish I had been able to get up early yesterday.I wish I had been able to get up early yesterday.I wish I had been able to get up early yesterday.I wish I had been able to get up early yesterday. C) Wish about the future: Temel ve yan cümlenin öznesi aynı ise (could) kullanılır.

She can’t come with us tomorrow. She can’t come with us tomorrow. She can’t come with us tomorrow. She can’t come with us tomorrow. She wishes she could come with us tomorrow.She wishes she could come with us tomorrow.She wishes she could come with us tomorrow.She wishes she could come with us tomorrow.

*Şayet temel ve yan cümlenin öznesi farklı ise ‘would’ kullanırız.

I wish you I wish you I wish you I wish you wouldwouldwouldwould come too. come too. come too. come too. INVERSION WITH IF CLAUSES

*Şayet; if clause (should/were/had) ile başlarsa cümleden if atılır.

If any of these should cost you anything, you can send the bill to me.If any of these should cost you anything, you can send the bill to me.If any of these should cost you anything, you can send the bill to me.If any of these should cost you anything, you can send the bill to me. ShouldShouldShouldShould any of these cost you anything, you can send the bill to me. any of these cost you anything, you can send the bill to me. any of these cost you anything, you can send the bill to me. any of these cost you anything, you can send the bill to me.

If she were to find out the truth, it would be If she were to find out the truth, it would be If she were to find out the truth, it would be If she were to find out the truth, it would be embarrassing.embarrassing.embarrassing.embarrassing. WereWereWereWere she to find out the truth, it would be embarrassing. she to find out the truth, it would be embarrassing. she to find out the truth, it would be embarrassing. she to find out the truth, it would be embarrassing. If they hadn’t rushed him to hospital, he could have died.If they hadn’t rushed him to hospital, he could have died.If they hadn’t rushed him to hospital, he could have died.If they hadn’t rushed him to hospital, he could have died. HadHadHadHad they not rushed him to hospital, he could have died. they not rushed him to hospital, he could have died. they not rushed him to hospital, he could have died. they not rushed him to hospital, he could have died.


NOUN CLAUSESNOUN CLAUSESNOUN CLAUSESNOUN CLAUSES (Cümlede özne yada nesne görevinde bulunan cümlecik.) 1) Noun clauses beginning with a question word


Who : (Kim/kimi/kime) Whom : (Kimi / Kime) Whose : (Kimin) What : (insanlar için kullanımı çok azdır. Nesneler için kullanılır.)

Which : (Hangisi) Where : (Nerede) When : (Ne zaman) Why : (Neden) How : (Nasıl) How long : (Nekadar süreyle / ne zamandan beri) How often : (Nekadar sıklıkla) How far : (Nekadar uzaklıkta) How much : (Kaç para) How many : (Kaç tane)

A) Soru sözcüğü ile başlayan bir cümleyi “Noun Claus” a dönüştürmek için o cümleyi

düz cümle haline getiririz. Why is he coming tomorrow? Why he is coming tomorrow is a secret.Why he is coming tomorrow is a secret.Why he is coming tomorrow is a secret.Why he is coming tomorrow is a secret. B) Eğer soru sözcüğü cümlenin öznesini soruyorsa o cümleyi düz cümleye


Who is coming tomorrow? (Cümlenin öznesini soruyor.) I don’t know who is coming tomorrow.I don’t know who is coming tomorrow.I don’t know who is coming tomorrow.I don’t know who is coming tomorrow. C) Soru sözcükleriyle cümlenin özne nesnesinin sorulması

Who = Özne Who loves you? (Seni kim seviyor?) Nobody knows who loves you.Nobody knows who loves you.Nobody knows who loves you.Nobody knows who loves you. Who = Nesne


Who do you love? (Kimi seviyorsun?) I have no idea who you love?I have no idea who you love?I have no idea who you love?I have no idea who you love? What = Özne What happens here at the weekend? Please tell me what happens here at the weekend.Please tell me what happens here at the weekend.Please tell me what happens here at the weekend.Please tell me what happens here at the weekend. What = Nesne What did you buy for her birthday? Please tell me what you brought for her birthday.Please tell me what you brought for her birthday.Please tell me what you brought for her birthday.Please tell me what you brought for her birthday. 2) Noun clauses beginning with ‘whether / if or not’ PPPPlease tell melease tell melease tell melease tell me if/if/if/if/whether whether whether whether she is coming tshe is coming tshe is coming tshe is coming to the party or not.o the party or not.o the party or not.o the party or not.

*Şayet cümlede Noun Clause özne durumunda ise yalnızca ‘whether or not’ kullanabiliriz.

Whether she is coming to the party or not isn’t certain.Whether she is coming to the party or not isn’t certain.Whether she is coming to the party or not isn’t certain.Whether she is coming to the party or not isn’t certain. 3) Noun Clauses beginning with ‘that’

*Düz cümleyi noun clause yapmak için başına that getirilir. Noun clause nesne ise that atılabilir.

He can’t win the election.He can’t win the election.He can’t win the election.He can’t win the election. That he can’t win the election is certain.That he can’t win the election is certain.That he can’t win the election is certain.That he can’t win the election is certain.

*That ile başlayan Noun Clause yerine daha çok

It is obvious / known It is obvious / known It is obvious / known It is obvious / known that he can’t win the election. that he can’t win the election. that he can’t win the election. that he can’t win the election. Tercih edilir. She doesn’t like pop music. WWWWe know (e know (e know (e know (thatthatthatthat) she doesn’t like pop music.) she doesn’t like pop music.) she doesn’t like pop music.) she doesn’t like pop music.

NOT: That clause bir preposition’dan sonra ‘the fact that’ biçiminde kullanılır.

He was devastated by the tragic news.

We talked aboutWe talked aboutWe talked aboutWe talked about the fact that the fact that the fact that the fact that he was devastated by the tragic news.he was devastated by the tragic news.he was devastated by the tragic news.he was devastated by the tragic news.

She is the author of two well-known books. I am interested I am interested I am interested I am interested inininin the fact that the fact that the fact that the fact that she is the author of two wellshe is the author of two wellshe is the author of two wellshe is the author of two well----known known known known books.books.books.books.


THAT CLAUSE’IN ÖZEL KULLANIMLARITHAT CLAUSE’IN ÖZEL KULLANIMLARITHAT CLAUSE’IN ÖZEL KULLANIMLARITHAT CLAUSE’IN ÖZEL KULLANIMLARI A) sonu (sonu (sonu (sonu (ing / eding / eding / eding / ed) ile biten ) ile biten ) ile biten ) ile biten sıfatlardansıfatlardansıfatlardansıfatlardan sonra ve ve ve ve (Sorry, glad, happy, afraid, surprised, Sorry, glad, happy, afraid, surprised, Sorry, glad, happy, afraid, surprised, Sorry, glad, happy, afraid, surprised,

disappointed, sure, pleaseddisappointed, sure, pleaseddisappointed, sure, pleaseddisappointed, sure, pleased true, strange, fair, unfair, obvious, apparent, likely, unlikely, true, strange, fair, unfair, obvious, apparent, likely, unlikely, true, strange, fair, unfair, obvious, apparent, likely, unlikely, true, strange, fair, unfair, obvious, apparent, likely, unlikely, too badtoo badtoo badtoo bad)))) gibi bazı bazı bazı bazı sıfatlardansıfatlardansıfatlardansıfatlardan sonra sonra sonra sonra. I am I am I am I am gladgladgladglad ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) you told me the truth about the event.) you told me the truth about the event.) you told me the truth about the event.) you told me the truth about the event. I am I am I am I am sorrysorrysorrysorry ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) I couldn’t help you do your homework.) I couldn’t help you do your homework.) I couldn’t help you do your homework.) I couldn’t help you do your homework. It is It is It is It is likelylikelylikelylikely ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) there will be ano) there will be ano) there will be ano) there will be another earthquake soon.ther earthquake soon.ther earthquake soon.ther earthquake soon. It is It is It is It is unfairunfairunfairunfair ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) women still work in the fields.) women still work in the fields.) women still work in the fields.) women still work in the fields. It is It is It is It is surprisingsurprisingsurprisingsurprising ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) she passed her exam) she passed her exam) she passed her exam) she passed her exam.... I am very I am very I am very I am very surprisedsurprisedsurprisedsurprised ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) she passed her exam) she passed her exam) she passed her exam) she passed her exam....

B) isimlerden sonra ((((Miracle, pity, shame, wonder, relief, a good thing, fact, bief, theoMiracle, pity, shame, wonder, relief, a good thing, fact, bief, theoMiracle, pity, shame, wonder, relief, a good thing, fact, bief, theoMiracle, pity, shame, wonder, relief, a good thing, fact, bief, theory, ry, ry, ry, impression, opinionimpression, opinionimpression, opinionimpression, opinion))))

It is a It is a It is a It is a wonderwonderwonderwonder ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) she survived the accident.) she survived the accident.) she survived the accident.) she survived the accident. It is my It is my It is my It is my opinionopinionopinionopinion ( ( ( (thatthatthatthat) your parents will not allow you to go out.) your parents will not allow you to go out.) your parents will not allow you to go out.) your parents will not allow you to go out.




4) Noun clause as object of the preposition She takes no notice of my warnings (Noun) what I say what I say what I say what I say (Noun clause)(Noun clause)(Noun clause)(Noun clause)

Your question isn’t related to this subject. (Noun) what we are discussing now. what we are discussing now. what we are discussing now. what we are discussing now.

5) Noun clauses with ‘ever’ vords

Whoever / whomeverWhoever / whomeverWhoever / whomeverWhoever / whomever I spoke to said they liked the party. You can put your suitcase whereverwhereverwhereverwherever you think is suitable HoweverHoweverHoweverHowever you cook the egg is all right with me. Shall we try to do whateverwhateverwhateverwhatever is needed? You can choose whicheverwhicheverwhicheverwhichever you want. You may leave wheneverwheneverwheneverwhenever you wish.


Reporting verbs:

SAYSAYSAYSAY (Say)’den sonar hemen cümle gelir.

He said He said He said He said that he was a pilotthat he was a pilotthat he was a pilotthat he was a pilot....

*Şayet sözün kime söylendiğini belirtmek istersek;

He said He said He said He said to meto meto meto me that he was a pilot. that he was a pilot. that he was a pilot. that he was a pilot.

TELLTELLTELLTELL Sözün kime söylendiğini belirtmek zorundayız.

Ahmet told me that he was a pilot.Ahmet told me that he was a pilot.Ahmet told me that he was a pilot.Ahmet told me that he was a pilot.

a) PRESENT SIMPLE / PRESEN’T PERFECT / FUTURE SIMPLE: İle yapılan aktarmalarda cümlenin tensinde değişiklik yapılmaz.

Ahmet ‘I am not keen to see that film.’


Ahmet says that Ahmet says that Ahmet says that Ahmet says that he is not to see that film.he is not to see that film.he is not to see that film.he is not to see that film. Ahmet has told us that hAhmet has told us that hAhmet has told us that hAhmet has told us that he is not keen to see thate is not keen to see thate is not keen to see thate is not keen to see that Ahmet will tell you that Ahmet will tell you that Ahmet will tell you that Ahmet will tell you that he is not keen to see thathe is not keen to see thathe is not keen to see thathe is not keen to see that b) Şayet aktarma sözcüğünün yapısı Past simple, Past perfect ise cümlenin tensi bir tense geri gider. Zaman zarfları da değişir. Zaman DeğişiklikleriZaman DeğişiklikleriZaman DeğişiklikleriZaman Değişiklikleri Today That day Yesterday The previous day / The day before A year ago A year before Last week The previous week Tomorrow The next day / The following day. Now Then / İmmediately *Sözcüğün söylendiği ve aktarıldığı gün aynı ise today = TODAY kalır. I will help you tomorrow She told me (that) she would help me She told me (that) she would help me She told me (that) she would help me She told me (that) she would help me the following day.the following day.the following day.the following day. I never get up late. She saShe saShe saShe said that she never got up late.id that she never got up late.id that she never got up late.id that she never got up late. I am working on my thesis. She told me that she was working on her thesis.She told me that she was working on her thesis.She told me that she was working on her thesis.She told me that she was working on her thesis. I applied for a new job. She said that she had applied for a new job.She said that she had applied for a new job.She said that she had applied for a new job.She said that she had applied for a new job. I have been working for two hours. He said that he had been working forHe said that he had been working forHe said that he had been working forHe said that he had been working for two hours. two hours. two hours. two hours. I was working in Ankara last year. He said that he had been working in Ankara the previous year.He said that he had been working in Ankara the previous year.He said that he had been working in Ankara the previous year.He said that he had been working in Ankara the previous year. NOT: Direk cümledeki WOULD / WOULD LIKE / WOULD RATHERWOULD / WOULD LIKE / WOULD RATHERWOULD / WOULD LIKE / WOULD RATHERWOULD / WOULD LIKE / WOULD RATHER gibi yapılar aynı kalır. c) Diğer Aktarma Sözcükleri:


AddAddAddAdd //// admitadmitadmitadmit //// answeransweransweranswer //// assureassureassureassure //// boastboastboastboast //// complaincomplaincomplaincomplain //// grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble //// informinforminforminform //// objectobjectobjectobject //// pointpointpointpoint o o o outututut //// promisepromisepromisepromise //// protestprotestprotestprotest //// remarkremarkremarkremark //// remindremindremindremind //// replyreplyreplyreply //// screamscreamscreamscream //// shoutshoutshoutshout //// whisperwhisperwhisperwhisper //// yell.yell.yell.yell.

2) REPORTED QUESTION: Reported statements kuralları bu yapıylada uygulanır. Reporting Verbs: Ask / inquire / wonder / want to know. a) Qestion word ile yapılan soruların aktarılması Why didn’t you come to the party? She asked (me) why I hadn’t come to the party.She asked (me) why I hadn’t come to the party.She asked (me) why I hadn’t come to the party.She asked (me) why I hadn’t come to the party. b) Yardımcı fiil ile yapılan soru cümlelerinin aktarılması Are you coming with us? She asked (me) if / whether I was coming/going with them.She asked (me) if / whether I was coming/going with them.She asked (me) if / whether I was coming/going with them.She asked (me) if / whether I was coming/going with them. 3) REPORTED IMPERATIVE: Emir cümlelerinin aktarılması Reporting Verbs: tell / ask / order / remind / advise a) Olumlu emir cümlelerinin aktarılması (tell somebody to do something) Our teacher told us to study hard.Our teacher told us to study hard.Our teacher told us to study hard.Our teacher told us to study hard. b) Olumlsuz emir cümlelerinin aktarılması (tell somebody to do something) Our teacher warned us not to cheat during the exam.Our teacher warned us not to cheat during the exam.Our teacher warned us not to cheat during the exam.Our teacher warned us not to cheat during the exam.

AUXILIARY VERBS INAUXILIARY VERBS INAUXILIARY VERBS INAUXILIARY VERBS IN SHORT ANSWERS SHORT ANSWERS SHORT ANSWERS SHORT ANSWERS 1) TOO / EITHER Too/as well: Olumlu cümlelerin sonun da (de-da) anlamında kullanılır. They have a pet dog at home. They have a cat too.They have a pet dog at home. They have a cat too.They have a pet dog at home. They have a cat too.They have a pet dog at home. They have a cat too. Either: Olumsuz cümlelerin sonunda (de-da) anlamında kullanılır. He doesn’t raise cows on his fHe doesn’t raise cows on his fHe doesn’t raise cows on his fHe doesn’t raise cows on his farm. He doesn’t raise pigs either.arm. He doesn’t raise pigs either.arm. He doesn’t raise pigs either.arm. He doesn’t raise pigs either.


2) SO / NEITHER veya NOR

İki cümle anlamca aynı özneler farklıysa (de-da) anlamında Olumlu cümlelerde = so, olumsuz cümlelerde = neither / nor I like reading. So does my wife. I don’t like cats. Neither does my wiNeither does my wiNeither does my wiNeither does my wife.fe.fe.fe. / / / / Nor does my wife.Nor does my wife.Nor does my wife.Nor does my wife. My wife doesn’t either. *NOT: Komplex cümlelerde temel cümlenin yardımcı fiilini dikkate alırız. I don’t think we can afford such an expensive car. Neither does my brother. = Neither does my brother. = Neither does my brother. = Neither does my brother. = Ben söylüyorum.

Neither can your father. Neither can your father. Neither can your father. Neither can your father. ==== Başkası söylüyorsa. *Şayet bizim düşüncemiz başkasıyla çelişiyorsa; My wife doesn’t like fish = But I do.My wife doesn’t like fish = But I do.My wife doesn’t like fish = But I do.My wife doesn’t like fish = But I do. 3) ECO QUESTION Birisiyle sohbet ederken karşımızdakinin söyledikleriyle ilgilendiğimizi göstermek için; öylemi / gerçekten mi? sözlerini kullanırız. a) Söylenen sözün ‘tense’ine dikkat ederiz. b) Cümle olumlu ise olumlu, olumsuz ise olumsuz bir yardımcı fiil kullanırız. I can’t go on holiday this summer. Really? Can’t you?Really? Can’t you?Really? Can’t you?Really? Can’t you? I have never been abroad. Realy? Haven’t you?Realy? Haven’t you?Realy? Haven’t you?Realy? Haven’t you? I can cook very well. Can you?Can you?Can you?Can you? 4) QUESTION TAGS Pozitive cümle – Negative tag Negative cümle _ Pozitive tag. a) Emin olmadığımız bilgiyi onaylatmak için. b) Karşımızdaki kişiyi sohbete davet etmek için. c) Karşımızdaki kişinin bir işi yapmasını istemediğimizi belirtmek için. Your brother is still at university isn’t he?isn’t he?isn’t he?isn’t he? Yes he is. We have ten fingers, don’t wedon’t wedon’t wedon’t we???? Yes we do. You don’t want another cup of tea, do you?do you?do you?do you? No I don’t. ÖNEMLİ NOTLAR


a) Cümlenin öznesi; everybody / everyone /somebody / someone / anybody everybody / everyone /somebody / someone / anybody everybody / everyone /somebody / someone / anybody everybody / everyone /somebody / someone / anybody / anyone/ anyone/ anyone/ anyone gibi

belgisiz zamir ise Question tag ‘TheyTheyTheyThey’ olur. Everyone is hereEveryone is hereEveryone is hereEveryone is here aren’t they? aren’t they? aren’t they? aren’t they? b) Cümlenin öznesi; nothing / everything / something / anything /nothing / everything / something / anything /nothing / everything / something / anything /nothing / everything / something / anything / gibi belgisiz zamir ise

question tag ‘ItItItIt olur Nothing has been done yet Nothing has been done yet Nothing has been done yet Nothing has been done yet has it?has it?has it?has it? c) Olumlu yada olumsuz emir cümleleri ‘will you’will you’will you’will you’ d) Let’s ile başlayan cümlelerin question tag’I ‘shall we’shall we’shall we’shall we’ Let’s meet in front of the cinema, Let’s meet in front of the cinema, Let’s meet in front of the cinema, Let’s meet in front of the cinema, shall we?shall we?shall we?shall we? 5) THAT CLAUSE YERİNE SO / NOT KULLANIMI BelieveBelieveBelieveBelieve / / / / expectexpectexpectexpect / / / / supposesupposesupposesuppose / / / / thinkthinkthinkthink / / / / hopehopehopehope gibi fiillerden, I am afraidI am afraidI am afraidI am afraid / / / / it seemsit seemsit seemsit seems / / / / it appearsit appearsit appearsit appears gibi yapılardan sonar gelen THAT CLAUSE yerine SOSOSOSO / NOTNOTNOTNOT kullanırız. Will that party win the election? I think (that) that party will win the election. I think so Olumsuz bir ifade ederken ‘Think’ olumsuz yapılır. I don’t think (that) that party will win the election. I don’t think so. Has your brother found a solution? I don’t believe / suppose / expect (that) he has found d a solution. (olumlu) I don’t believe / suppose / expect so. I believe / suppose / expect (that) he hasn’t found a solution. Olumsuz I believe / suppose / expect not. 6) THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN NOUN CLAUSES Bütün öznelerle fiil yalın halde kullanılır. ‘BE’ fiili de bütün öznelerle ‘BE’ biçimindedir. It’s important that we be punctual.It’s important that we be punctual.It’s important that we be punctual.It’s important that we be punctual. The boss insists that everybody be present at the meeting.The boss insists that everybody be present at the meeting.The boss insists that everybody be present at the meeting.The boss insists that everybody be present at the meeting. The doctor insists that I stop smoking.The doctor insists that I stop smoking.The doctor insists that I stop smoking.The doctor insists that I stop smoking. I suggest that you go I suggest that you go I suggest that you go I suggest that you go to a doctor.to a doctor.to a doctor.to a doctor. I demand that your son not be so obedient.I demand that your son not be so obedient.I demand that your son not be so obedient.I demand that your son not be so obedient. His employer has requested thatHis employer has requested thatHis employer has requested thatHis employer has requested that he not leave his job until the he not leave his job until the he not leave his job until the he not leave his job until the


project hasproject hasproject hasproject has been finished.been finished.been finished.been finished. *Temel cümle past olsa da subjunctive’de fiilin yalın hali kullanılır. I suggested that he go to a doI suggested that he go to a doI suggested that he go to a doI suggested that he go to a doctor.ctor.ctor.ctor. It was important that we not be late for the meeting.It was important that we not be late for the meeting.It was important that we not be late for the meeting.It was important that we not be late for the meeting.

GERUNDS & INFINITIVESGERUNDS & INFINITIVESGERUNDS & INFINITIVESGERUNDS & INFINITIVES 1) GERUNDS a) Cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılır. Reading is essential to broaden your horizons.Reading is essential to broaden your horizons.Reading is essential to broaden your horizons.Reading is essential to broaden your horizons. Eating too much makes people fat.Eating too much makes people fat.Eating too much makes people fat.Eating too much makes people fat. (Gerund phrase) b) To be fiilinden sonar gelerek subject complement olur. My fovourite pastime is watching.My fovourite pastime is watching.My fovourite pastime is watching.My fovourite pastime is watching. c) Bazı fiillerden sonar gelerek cümlenin nesnesi olur. I like walking by the sea very much.I like walking by the sea very much.I like walking by the sea very much.I like walking by the sea very much. GERUND ALAN FİİLLER Admit / anticipate / appreciate / avoid / miss / postpone / stop / suggest / delay / deny / detest discuss / practice / quit / tolarate / imagine / dislike / enjoy / finish / forgive / recall / recollect recommend / remembe r / involve / keep / mention / mind / resent / resist / risk / understand d) Preposition’dan sonra gelerek object of preposition görevini alır. She is afraid of the She is afraid of the She is afraid of the She is afraid of the darkdarkdarkdark.... NounNounNounNoun She is afraid of She is afraid of She is afraid of She is afraid of going outgoing outgoing outgoing out.... Gerund Gerund Gerund Gerund PERFECT GERUND (HAVİNG DONE): Gerund ile anlatılan eylem cümlenin yüklemindeki eylemden önce gerçekleşmiş ise kullanırız. Bu yapı ADMIT, DENY, and REGRET fiilleriyle yaygın olarak kullanılır. The thief admitted having stolen the car.The thief admitted having stolen the car.The thief admitted having stolen the car.The thief admitted having stolen the car. The headmaster denied having hit the child.The headmaster denied having hit the child.The headmaster denied having hit the child.The headmaster denied having hit the child. He regrets not attending / not having attended university.He regrets not attending / not having attended university.He regrets not attending / not having attended university.He regrets not attending / not having attended university.


PASSIVE GERUND (BEING DONE) I hate being asked personal questions.I hate being asked personal questions.I hate being asked personal questions.I hate being asked personal questions. You cYou cYou cYou can’t go to the party without being invited.an’t go to the party without being invited.an’t go to the party without being invited.an’t go to the party without being invited.


Abstain from: You have to abstain from drinking alcohol. Accuse somebody of doing stg: They accused the man of robbing the bank. Adjust to: You will have to adjust to eating Turkish food. Apologize for: I apologized for being late. Apologize to somebody for doing stg: She apologized to me for being late. Approve of: Do you approve of her staying out so late? Arrest somebody for doing stg: They arrested the guard for helping the robbers. Be accustomed to: I am accustomed to drinking Turkish coffee. Be opposed to: I am opposed to spending exclusively on cosmetics. Be tired from doing something: Bir şeyi yapmaktan yorulmak. Be tired of doing something: Bir şeyi yapmaktan bıkmak. Be used to: I am used to living in Eskişehir. Believe in: I really believe in working hard for world peace. Blame somebody for doing something: They blamed her for making me late. Care about: Do you care about being well dressed? Care for: I don’t care for going to that film. Charge somebody with doing stg: They will charge him with falsifying the accounts.

Comment on: I don’t want to comment on his solving the problem. Complain about: He always complains about having too much work. Complain to somebody about doing stg: I complained to the owner about hassling. Complain of stg: We called a doctor because Ali was complaining of a pain in his arm. Concentrate on: You have to concentrate on improving vocabulary.

Congratulate somebody on doing stg: I congratulated him on being the top student. Consist of: Being a good student consists of studying regularly.

Deal with: I want to deal with redecorating the house first. Depend on: To pass the exam depends on your studying hard.

Deter somebody from doing stg: The storm deterred the climbers from climbing. Devote something to doing stg: She devoted herself to bringing up her children. Discourage somebody from doing stg: He discouraged me from climbing. Dream of: I have always dreamed of being a famous writer. Dream about: I dreamt about you last night. Excuse for doing something: Mazeretiyle

Feel like: I feel like having a short trip. For fear of doing something: In korkusuyla For the sake of doing something: İn hatırına Forget about: She is trying to forget about being deceived by him.


Forgive somebody for doing something: I can’t forgive her for lying to me. Have an objection to: I have an objection to carrying out your plan.

Have difficult in doing something: İ yapmakta güçlük çekmek In addition to doing something: E ilaveten

In charge of doing something: ı yapmakla yükümlü olmak In danger of doing something: Tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya olmak In exchange for doing something: E karşılık olarak In favour of doing something: In taraftarı olmak

In return for doing something: Karşılık olarak In the course of doing something: Sırasında, esnasında

In the habit of doing something: Alışkanlığında olmak In the middle of doing something: Ortasında

Insist on: Do you still insist on wearing that funny tie. Instead of doing something: İn yerine Involve somebody in doing stg: I don’t involve my father in fighting with my rivals. Keep somebody from doing stg: They kept me from studying. Look forward to: I am look forward to seeing you here. Need for doing something: İ yapmaya ihtiyaç duymak.

Object to: Why do you always object to my wearing jeans? On account of doing something: Yüzünden On the point of doing something: İ yapmak üzere olmak Participate in: I want to participate in formulating the budget. Plan on: What do you plan on doing this weekend? Prevent somebody from doing stg: What prevented you from studying at university? Punish somebody for doing stg: You should not punish him for stealing bread. Refer to: The chairman referred to expanding the firm.

Stop somebody from doing stg: Her attitude stopped me from seeing her again. Succeed in: Are you sure you will succeed in persuading your father. Suspect somebody of doing stg: They suspected him of betraying his partner. Take advantage of: We should take advantage of living in a big city. Thank somebody for doing stg: I want to thank you for helping me. Warn somebody about / against doing stg: I warned him against swimming in the lake. Worry about Don’t worry about my working so hard

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Be busy doing stg: The students were busy talking when I came in. By doing stg: She passed UDS exam by studying hard.

Have fun / have a good time doing stg: We had fun dancing at the party. It is no use / It is no good doing stg: It is no use good trying to persuade my father It’s waste of time / money / energy doing stg: It’s waste of time trying to… It’s worth (in) doing stg: It’s worth seeing the movie.

Sit / stand / lie doing stg: I stood there waiting in vain for her to come. Spend / Waste money, time, and energy doing stg: He spends hours trying to…

There is no point in doing stg: There is no point in waiting for him.


2) INFINITIVES: a) Cümlenin ÖZNESİ olarak kullanılır. To swim in that river is not at all wiseTo swim in that river is not at all wiseTo swim in that river is not at all wiseTo swim in that river is not at all wise (özel durum) Swimming is my favourite sportSwimming is my favourite sportSwimming is my favourite sportSwimming is my favourite sport (Genel durum) b) Subject complement olarak kullanılır. What I need is to get some fresh air.What I need is to get some fresh air.What I need is to get some fresh air.What I need is to get some fresh air. c) Sıfat olarak kullanılır. I have no time to spend with you.I have no time to spend with you.I have no time to spend with you.I have no time to spend with you. d) Zarf olarak kullanılır. We come to SISTEM to get higher marks in the exam.We come to SISTEM to get higher marks in the exam.We come to SISTEM to get higher marks in the exam.We come to SISTEM to get higher marks in the exam. INFINITIVE ALAN FİİLLLER Afford / agree / appear / arrange / care / choose / claim / consent / decide / demand / deserve endeavor / fail / happen / hesitate / hope / proceed / tend / promise / prove / refuse / seem struggle / swear / threaten / volunteer / wait. VERB + INFINITIVE veya VERB + NOUN + INFINITIVE ASK I asked to leave the classroom. I asked I asked I asked I asked the noisythe noisythe noisythe noisy students students students students to leave the classroom. to leave the classroom. to leave the classroom. to leave the classroom. BEG My little sister begged to come with us. My friends begged My friends begged My friends begged My friends begged memememe to change my wind. to change my wind. to change my wind. to change my wind.


CHOOSE I choose to investigate the case. I choose I choose I choose I choose one of my friendsone of my friendsone of my friendsone of my friends to investigate the case. to investigate the case. to investigate the case. to investigate the case. DARE I can’t dare to go out alone in the dark. I dared I dared I dared I dared my brothermy brothermy brothermy brother to go out alone in the dark.to go out alone in the dark.to go out alone in the dark.to go out alone in the dark. EXPECT I expected to arrive at the airport in time. They expected They expected They expected They expected memememe to arrive home early. to arrive home early. to arrive home early. to arrive home early. NEED She needs to clean the house. She needs She needs She needs She needs someonesomeonesomeonesomeone to clean the house. to clean the house. to clean the house. to clean the house. PREFER I prefer to stay at home tonight. I prefer I prefer I prefer I prefer youyouyouyou to stay at home tonight. to stay at home tonight. to stay at home tonight. to stay at home tonight. PREOMISE She promised not to be late. She promised She promised She promised She promised memememe not to be late. not to be late. not to be late. not to be late. WISH The client wished to see the manager. The client wished The client wished The client wished The client wished memememe to inform the manager about the case. to inform the manager about the case. to inform the manager about the case. to inform the manager about the case. WOULD LİKE I would like to study abroad. I would like I would like I would like I would like youyouyouyou to study abroad. to study abroad. to study abroad. to study abroad. ANLAMINDA DEĞİŞİKLİK OLMAKSIZIN GERUND ve INFINITIVE ALAN FİİLLER BEGIN It began raining. Present Continuous yapıda mutlaka infiniteve alır. It began to rain CONTINUE We continued to work. Present Continuous yapıda mutlaka infiniteve alır. We continued working. START I will start studying soon. Present Continuous yapıda mutlaka infiniteve alır. I will start to study soon.


ATTEMPT I attempted to do the job without getting any help. I attempted doing the job without getting any help. CAN’T BEAR I can’t bear listening to pop music. I can’t bear to listen to pop music. DISLİKE She dislikes being told what to do. She dislikes to be told what to do. HATE I hate washing the dishes. I hate to wash the dishes. INTEND They intended moving in to a bigger house. They intended to move in to a bigger house. LIKE I like walking. I like to walk. LOVE She loves playing with children. She loves to play with children. NEGLECT He neglected informing us about the case. He neglected to inform us about the case. OBJECT (you/him/her) VARSA INFINITIVE YOKSA GERUND ALAN FİİLLLER ADVISE I advise driving more slowly. I advise I advise I advise I advise youyouyouyou to drive more slowly. to drive more slowly. to drive more slowly. to drive more slowly. ALLOW I don’t allow chewing gum in my classroom. I don’t allow I don’t allow I don’t allow I don’t allow my studentsmy studentsmy studentsmy students to chew gum in my classroom. to chew gum in my classroom. to chew gum in my classroom. to chew gum in my classroom. ENCOURAGE I encourage speaking freely.


I encourage I encourage I encourage I encourage my studemy studemy studemy studentsntsntsnts to speak freely. to speak freely. to speak freely. to speak freely. FORBID The law forbids smoking in the buildings. The law forbids The law forbids The law forbids The law forbids usususus to smoke in the buildings. to smoke in the buildings. to smoke in the buildings. to smoke in the buildings. PERMIT I don’t permit cheating in the exams. I don’t permit I don’t permit I don’t permit I don’t permit my studentsmy studentsmy studentsmy students to cheat in the exams. to cheat in the exams. to cheat in the exams. to cheat in the exams. RECOMMEND I recommend staying at home. I recommend I recommend I recommend I recommend youyouyouyou to stay at home. to stay at home. to stay at home. to stay at home. NEED: Active cümlede infinitive passive cümlede infinitive veya gerund alır. Şayet passive cümlenin öznesi insan ise kesinlikle infinitive alır. I need to iron my shirts. Active cümle My shirts need to be ironed.My shirts need to be ironed.My shirts need to be ironed.My shirts need to be ironed. My shirts need ironing.My shirts need ironing.My shirts need ironing.My shirts need ironing. I need to be told the truthI need to be told the truthI need to be told the truthI need to be told the truth.... Özne insane INFINITIVE veya GERUND ALDIĞINDA ANLAMLARI DEĞİŞEN FİİLLER REMEMBER / FORGET / REGRETREMEMBER / FORGET / REGRETREMEMBER / FORGET / REGRETREMEMBER / FORGET / REGRET Gerund aldığında geçmişte yaptığımız bir işi. Infinitive aldığında gelecekte yapacağımız bir işi anlatır. I remember I remember I remember I remember walkingwalkingwalkingwalking hand in hand with you on the beach. hand in hand with you on the beach. hand in hand with you on the beach. hand in hand with you on the beach. Don’t forget Don’t forget Don’t forget Don’t forget to inviteto inviteto inviteto invite her to the party her to the party her to the party her to the party.... He regrets not He regrets not He regrets not He regrets not attendingattendingattendingattending / not / not / not / not having attendedhaving attendedhaving attendedhaving attended university. university. university. university. STOP I stopped I stopped I stopped I stopped smokingsmokingsmokingsmoking. (Bırakmak, terk etmek). (Bırakmak, terk etmek). (Bırakmak, terk etmek). (Bırakmak, terk etmek) I stopped I stopped I stopped I stopped to buyto buyto buyto buy some icecream. (Durmak) some icecream. (Durmak) some icecream. (Durmak) some icecream. (Durmak) TRY She tried She tried She tried She tried to persuadeto persuadeto persuadeto persuade her father. her father. her father. her father. (Eylemin amacını anlatır) She tried She tried She tried She tried persuadingpersuadingpersuadingpersuading her father her father her father her father to go to the party. to go to the party. to go to the party. to go to the party. (Metodu anlatır.)


Gerund “anlamına gelmek.” Infinitive “kastetmek, niyetinde olmak.”


Being a parent means Being a parent means Being a parent means Being a parent means havinghavinghavinghaving a lot of responsibilities. a lot of responsibilities. a lot of responsibilities. a lot of responsibilities. I don’t mean I don’t mean I don’t mean I don’t mean to hurtto hurtto hurtto hurt you by criticising. you by criticising. you by criticising. you by criticising. PASSIVE INFINITIVE (To be done) I donI donI donI don’t want to be ordered what to do.’t want to be ordered what to do.’t want to be ordered what to do.’t want to be ordered what to do. PAST INFINITIVE (To have done) She is fortunate to study abroadShe is fortunate to study abroadShe is fortunate to study abroadShe is fortunate to study abroad. Yurt dışında eğitim göreceği için şanslı. She is fortunate to have studied abroadShe is fortunate to have studied abroadShe is fortunate to have studied abroadShe is fortunate to have studied abroad. Yurt dışında eğitim gördüğü için şanslı. She is lucky to be sent aShe is lucky to be sent aShe is lucky to be sent aShe is lucky to be sent abroad.broad.broad.broad. Yurt dışına gönderileceği için çok şanslı. She is lucky to have been sent abroad.She is lucky to have been sent abroad.She is lucky to have been sent abroad.She is lucky to have been sent abroad. Yurt dışına gönderildiği için şanslı. ÖNEMLİ NOTLAR: 1) Bir nesnenin ne işe yaradığını ‘used for doing/used to do/used in order to’ kalıplarıyla

ifade ederiz. An axe is used for chopping wood.An axe is used for chopping wood.An axe is used for chopping wood.An axe is used for chopping wood. An axe is used to chop wood.An axe is used to chop wood.An axe is used to chop wood.An axe is used to chop wood. An axe is used in order to chap wood.An axe is used in order to chap wood.An axe is used in order to chap wood.An axe is used in order to chap wood. *Şayet ‘be used’ kullanmıyorsak; An axe is a tool for chopping wood.An axe is a tool for chopping wood.An axe is a tool for chopping wood.An axe is a tool for chopping wood. 2) INFINITIVE WITH TOO / ENOUGH She is She is She is She is tootootootoo young young young young totototo get married. get married. get married. get married. AdjAdjAdjAdj.... SheSheSheShe isn’t old isn’t old isn’t old isn’t old enoughenoughenoughenough totototo get married. get married. get married. get married. AdjAdjAdjAdj.... She spoke She spoke She spoke She spoke tootootootoo quietly quietly quietly quietly totototo hear. hear. hear. hear. AdvAdvAdvAdv.... 3) SEE / HEAR / WATCH / FEEL gibi fiiller gerund yada fiilin yalın halini alır. Gerund aldığında; Bir eylemin sadece bir anını gördüğümüzü anlatır. I saw some children plI saw some children plI saw some children plI saw some children playing in the street.aying in the street.aying in the street.aying in the street. Fiilin yalın halini aldığında; Olayı baştan sona gördüğümüzü anlatır. I always watch my son play with other children in the park.I always watch my son play with other children in the park.I always watch my son play with other children in the park.I always watch my son play with other children in the park. *** Passive cümlede gerund kullanımı aynı kalır.


Someone saw the missing child walking along the river. The missing child was seen walking along the river.The missing child was seen walking along the river.The missing child was seen walking along the river.The missing child was seen walking along the river. *** Passive cümlede fiilin yalın hali ‘to infinitive’ Someone saw him leave the country. He was seen to leave the country.He was seen to leave the country.He was seen to leave the country.He was seen to leave the country. 4) LET (Let somebody do something) I will let you know when I leI will let you know when I leI will let you know when I leI will let you know when I learn the result.arn the result.arn the result.arn the result. 5) HELP (Help somebody do something / to do something) Will you please help me lay / to lay the table.Will you please help me lay / to lay the table.Will you please help me lay / to lay the table.Will you please help me lay / to lay the table. CAUSATIVE a) Have somebody do something: Bir işi ustasına yaptırmak. Yesterday, I had the mechanic repair my car.Yesterday, I had the mechanic repair my car.Yesterday, I had the mechanic repair my car.Yesterday, I had the mechanic repair my car. *** Önemli olan işi yapan değil işin yapılması ise: Yesterday, I had my car repaired.Yesterday, I had my car repaired.Yesterday, I had my car repaired.Yesterday, I had my car repaired. b) Get somebody to do something: Bir kişiyi ikna ederek bir işi yaptırmak. Yesterday, I got my friend to write a composition for me.Yesterday, I got my friend to write a composition for me.Yesterday, I got my friend to write a composition for me.Yesterday, I got my friend to write a composition for me. *** Önemli olan işi yapan değil işin yapılması ise: Yesterday, I got a composition written for me.Yesterday, I got a composition written for me.Yesterday, I got a composition written for me.Yesterday, I got a composition written for me. c) Make somebody do something / make somebody adjective I made my son do his work before he went to bed.I made my son do his work before he went to bed.I made my son do his work before he went to bed.I made my son do his work before he went to bed. His coming late made me angry.His coming late made me angry.His coming late made me angry.His coming late made me angry. *** Passive cümlede make infinitive alır. I was madeI was madeI was madeI was made to come home early yesterday. to come home early yesterday. to come home early yesterday. to come home early yesterday.



Kısa Sıfatlar

Cheap Small Big

Cheaper Smaller Big

The cheapest The smallest The biggest

Sonu ‘y’ ile bitten sıfatlar

Funny Early Heavy

Funnier Earlier Heavier

The funniest The earliest The heaviest

Birden fazla heceli sıfatlar

Careful Expensive Boring

More careful More expensive More boring

The most careful The most expensive The most boring

Düzensiz sıfatlar

Good Bad Far Much / many

Better Worse Further / farther More

The best The worst The furthest / farthest The most

İki şekilide alanlar: Friendlier / more friendly Politer / more polite Simpler / more simple Narrower / more narrower


BİR ÖZELLİĞİ BAKIMINDAN İKİ VARLIĞIN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI I am older I am older I am older I am older thanthanthanthan you. you. you. you. I was more bored I was more bored I was more bored I was more bored thanthanthanthan everybody. everybody. everybody. everybody. Ayşe is more intelligent Ayşe is more intelligent Ayşe is more intelligent Ayşe is more intelligent thanthanthanthan Fadime. Fadime. Fadime. Fadime.


Aliye is Aliye is Aliye is Aliye is muchmuchmuchmuch nicer than her sister. nicer than her sister. nicer than her sister. nicer than her sister. Adana is Adana is Adana is Adana is muchmuchmuchmuch more modern than Eskişehir. more modern than Eskişehir. more modern than Eskişehir. more modern than Eskişehir.

Eskişehir is far/a lot/a little/a bir/even/no/any/ratherfar/a lot/a little/a bir/even/no/any/ratherfar/a lot/a little/a bir/even/no/any/ratherfar/a lot/a little/a bir/even/no/any/rather more expensive than Adana *NOT: Bir özelliği bakımından iki varlık karşılaştırıldığında; Sonu ing / ed / s ile bitten sıfatlar ‘er’ almaz ‘more’ alır.

More tired / more bored / more seriousMore tired / more bored / more seriousMore tired / more bored / more seriousMore tired / more bored / more serious AS / ADJECTIVE / AS SO / AS / ADJECTIVE / AS Bir nesnenin diğer bir nesne ile sahip oldukları bir özellik bakımından eşit olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır. I amI amI amI am as as as as strongstrongstrongstrong as superman. as superman. as superman. as superman. (Olumlu) I am notI am notI am notI am not so / as so / as so / as so / as pessimisticpessimisticpessimisticpessimistic as you are. as you are. as you are. as you are. (Olumsuz) Yukarıdaki eşitliğin ifadesinde isim kullanılırsa THE SAME + NOUN + AS kullanılır. My fatherMy fatherMy fatherMy father is is is is the same age as the same age as the same age as the same age as my mother.my mother.my mother.my mother. Your eyes are Your eyes are Your eyes are Your eyes are the same colourthe same colourthe same colourthe same colour as your mothers as your mothers as your mothers as your mothers Your eye colour is Your eye colour is Your eye colour is Your eye colour is the same asthe same asthe same asthe same as your mothers. your mothers. your mothers. your mothers. Nicelik sıfatı olarak; MUCH ve MANY = MORE LITTLE = LESS FEW = FEWER I have I have I have I have moremoremoremore money than all off you. money than all off you. money than all off you. money than all off you. I have I have I have I have lesslesslessless m m m money than you.oney than you.oney than you.oney than you. You have You have You have You have fewerfewerfewerfewer books than me. books than me. books than me. books than me. SIFATLARIN EN ÜSTÜNLÜK DERECESİ (SUPERLATIVE FORMS) a) Tanımladığımız nesnenin hangi ortamda en iyi, kötü vs. olduğunu belirtirken:


Ortam bir yer ise: in Zaman veya grup ise: of Sadece grup ise: among da kullanabiliriz

Mount Ararat is the highest mountain Mount Ararat is the highest mountain Mount Ararat is the highest mountain Mount Ararat is the highest mountain inininin Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. February is the shortest month February is the shortest month February is the shortest month February is the shortest month ofofofof the year. the year. the year. the year. Ali is the most intelligent student Ali is the most intelligent student Ali is the most intelligent student Ali is the most intelligent student amongamongamongamong my students. my students. my students. my students. b) Bir superlative önünde (his / my / this / that) gibi sözcük kullanılıyorsa “the” kullanılmaz. Önder is one of Önder is one of Önder is one of Önder is one of mymymymy most interesting friends. most interesting friends. most interesting friends. most interesting friends. c) Vurgu yapmak için superlative önüne QUITE/MUCH/VERY/FAR kullanabiliriz. February isFebruary isFebruary isFebruary is QUITE/MUCH/VERY/FARQUITE/MUCH/VERY/FARQUITE/MUCH/VERY/FARQUITE/MUCH/VERY/FAR the coldest month the coldest month the coldest month the coldest month ofofofof the the the the year.year.year.year. DUYU BİLDİREN FİİLLERLE SIFATLARIN KULLANIMI: SEEM / APPEAR / LOOK Gördüğümüz şeyleri ifade eder. You seem / appear / look tired.You seem / appear / look tired.You seem / appear / look tired.You seem / appear / look tired. SEEM / APPEAR ‘to be’ alabilir ama look alamaz. He seems / appears to be exhausted.He seems / appears to be exhausted.He seems / appears to be exhausted.He seems / appears to be exhausted. FEEL + ADJECTIVE I felt sad when I got the bad news.I felt sad when I got the bad news.I felt sad when I got the bad news.I felt sad when I got the bad news. TASTE + ADJECTIVE The soap tThe soap tThe soap tThe soap tastes awful.astes awful.astes awful.astes awful. SMELL + ADJECTIVE Roses smell niceRoses smell niceRoses smell niceRoses smell nice.... SOUND + ADJECTIVE The music sounds a bit loud.The music sounds a bit loud.The music sounds a bit loud.The music sounds a bit loud. LOOK / FEEL / TASTE / SMELL / SOUND + LIKE +NOUN The man looks like a The man looks like a The man looks like a The man looks like a thiefthiefthiefthief.... This material feels like This material feels like This material feels like This material feels like woolwoolwoolwool.... This coffee tastes like This coffee tastes like This coffee tastes like This coffee tastes like soapsoapsoapsoap.... Your fYour fYour fYour food smells like ood smells like ood smells like ood smells like Adana Kebap.Adana Kebap.Adana Kebap.Adana Kebap. It sounds like It sounds like It sounds like It sounds like a car crasha car crasha car crasha car crash....


GET / TURN / TUR OUT / GROW + ADJECTIVE Bir nesnenin durumundaki değişikliği ifade ederiz. My hair has turned grey.My hair has turned grey.My hair has turned grey.My hair has turned grey. When it grew dark, we began to run home hurriedly.When it grew dark, we began to run home hurriedly.When it grew dark, we began to run home hurriedly.When it grew dark, we began to run home hurriedly. When I got tired, I had a rest for a few hours.When I got tired, I had a rest for a few hours.When I got tired, I had a rest for a few hours.When I got tired, I had a rest for a few hours. KEEP / REMAIN + ADJECTIVE Bir kişinin / nesnenin durumunu ifade eder. SheSheSheShe remained silent although I shouted at her. remained silent although I shouted at her. remained silent although I shouted at her. remained silent although I shouted at her. I kept calm even though things were going badly.I kept calm even though things were going badly.I kept calm even though things were going badly.I kept calm even though things were going badly. PRESENT / PAST PARTICIBLE’IN SIFAT OLARAK KULLANIMI a) ‘Present participle’ sıfat olarak kullanıldığında cümlenin öznesi ‘active’ olur. This film is very eThis film is very eThis film is very eThis film is very exciting.xciting.xciting.xciting. b) ‘Past participle’ sıfat olarak kullanılırsa cümlenin öznesi ‘passive’ olur. His is bored with his job.His is bored with his job.His is bored with his job.His is bored with his job. ADVERBS a) Bir eylemin nasıl yapıldığını ifade eder. She acted deliberately.She acted deliberately.She acted deliberately.She acted deliberately. (Zarf) Her action was deliberate.Her action was deliberate.Her action was deliberate.Her action was deliberate. (Sıfat) b) Bir sıfatın veya başka bir zarfın derecesini artırmak veya azaltmak için kullanılır. His is extremely clever.His is extremely clever.His is extremely clever.His is extremely clever. (Sıfat) He drove his car unbelievably carelessly.He drove his car unbelievably carelessly.He drove his car unbelievably carelessly.He drove his car unbelievably carelessly. (Zarf) IRREGULAR ADVERBS GOOD / WELL My mother is a good cook.My mother is a good cook.My mother is a good cook.My mother is a good cook. (Adjective) My mother cooks weMy mother cooks weMy mother cooks weMy mother cooks well.ll.ll.ll. (Adverb) Sadece insanların sağlık durumunu ifade edilirken well sıfat olarak kullanılır. How is she? She is very well.She is very well.She is very well.She is very well. ‘Well’ sık olarak ‘past participle’ ile birlikte kullanılır. Well – known / well–organize / well–dressed


SIFAT VE ZARF BİÇİMLERİ AYNI OLAN KELİMELER FAST :He is a faster runner / He runs faster. HARD :He is a hard worker / He works hard. LATE :He will go on a late train / I arrived home late. EARLY :She travels to work on an early train / The train come early. BACK :Please use the back door / She will come back soon. DIRECT :This is the direct route to your house / You can dial Adana direct. RIGHT :This is the right answer / Turn right here. STRAIGHT :Walk on this straight line / She went straight home. WRONG :That was the wrong way you took. / He led us wrong. FAR a) Yalın biçimde daha çok OLUMSUZ ve SORU cümlelerinde kullanılır. How far can you see?How far can you see?How far can you see?How far can you see? (Soru) I can’t see far.I can’t see far.I can’t see far.I can’t see far. (Olumsuz) OLUMLU CÜMLELERDE FAR : A long wayA long wayA long wayA long way = He sailed a long way.He sailed a long way.He sailed a long way.He sailed a long way. FAR AWAY : A long way a wayA long way a wayA long way a wayA long way a way = He lives a long way awayHe lives a long way awayHe lives a long way awayHe lives a long way away.... b) Üstünlük ve en üstünlük ifadelerde oldukça serbest kullanılır. * FARTHER / FARTHEST = Uzaklık ifade eder. It isn’t safe to go any father in this fog.It isn’t safe to go any father in this fog.It isn’t safe to go any father in this fog.It isn’t safe to go any father in this fog. * FURTHER / FURTHEST = Hem uzaklık hemde soyut kavramlar ifade eder. Ayşe Ayşe Ayşe Ayşe went furtherwent furtherwent furtherwent further and said that no and said that no and said that no and said that no toy pistols should be sold. toy pistols should be sold. toy pistols should be sold. toy pistols should be sold. Fatma Fatma Fatma Fatma wentwentwentwent furthestfurthestfurthestfurthest of all and said that… of all and said that… of all and said that… of all and said that… DERECELENDİRME ZARLARI (ADVERBS OF DEGREE) FİİLİ / SIFATI / ZARFI tamamlar; değerini ya azaltır yada çoğaltır.


I really enjoyed the meal.I really enjoyed the meal.I really enjoyed the meal.I really enjoyed the meal. (Fiili tamamlıyor.) I find archaeoloI find archaeoloI find archaeoloI find archaeology quite interesting.gy quite interesting.gy quite interesting.gy quite interesting. (sıfatı tamamlıyor.) I was driving very fast.I was driving very fast.I was driving very fast.I was driving very fast. (zarfı tamamlıyor) SONU ‘LY’ İLE İTEN PEK ÇOK ZARF ERECELENDİRME YAPAR. INCREADIBLY : He is incredibly lucky. SURPRISINGLY : Everything is surprisingly cheap in Turkey DEEPLY : I was deeply hurt by his remarks. UTTERLY : Some of our traditions are utterly peculiar to foreigners. GREATLY : I greatly appreciate your helping me. CERTAINLY : I certainly don’t want to come with you. INCREASINGLY : Football is becoming increasingly popular in Turkey. EXCEPTIONALLY : She was exceptionally elegant at the party. UNUSUALLY : Adanaspor is playing unusually well today. REMARKABLY : The children are remarkably quit today. FULLY : I haven’t fully understood what you meant. BITTERLY : It is bitterly cold outside. TERRIBLY / AWFULLY : I am terribly sorry. / I was awfully upset by the news. BADLY : WANT / NEED fiilleriyle sık kullanılır. I badly need a friend to talk to. PRETTY : RATHER / QUITE It was a pretty tiring journey. They are working pretty hard. TOO / VERY / MUCH / ENOUGH TOO: Bir sıfatı veya bir zarfı niteleyebilir ama tek başına bir fili niteleyemez. Fiili nitelemek için “TOO MUCH” biçimini alır. It is too hot today.It is too hot today.It is too hot today.It is too hot today. (Sıfat) You are eating too quickly.You are eating too quickly.You are eating too quickly.You are eating too quickly. (Zarf) You smoke too much.You smoke too much.You smoke too much.You smoke too much. (Sıfat) *NOT: Too bir ismi nitelerken o ismin sayılabilir veya sayılamaz olduğuna dikkat ederiz. She has got She has got She has got She has got too many / to few too many / to few too many / to few too many / to few friends.friends.friends.friends. There is tooThere is tooThere is tooThere is too much / to little much / to little much / to little much / to little traffic now.traffic now.traffic now.traffic now. *Başka zarflar da ‘too’ yu niteleyebilir. The skirt is The skirt is The skirt is The skirt is a little a little a little a little too big for my daughter.too big for my daughter.too big for my daughter.too big for my daughter. She has got She has got She has got She has got too many / to few too many / to few too many / to few too many / to few friends.friends.friends.friends. İt is İt is İt is İt is ratherratherratherrather too dreary today to go out. too dreary today to go out. too dreary today to go out. too dreary today to go out. There were There were There were There were farfarfarfar too many people at the party. too many people at the party. too many people at the party. too many people at the party. VERY: Bir sıfatı ya da zarfı tanımlar. Fiili tanımlarken VERY MUCH biçimini alır. Everything is very expensive these days.Everything is very expensive these days.Everything is very expensive these days.Everything is very expensive these days. (Sıfat)


You are driving very fast.You are driving very fast.You are driving very fast.You are driving very fast. (Zarf) I like swimming very much.I like swimming very much.I like swimming very much.I like swimming very much. (Fiil) VERY MUCH / MUCH: Appreciate / admire / regret / care / mind / enjoy / like /dislike hope / fear gibi derecelerini ifade edebileceğimiz fiilerle kullanılır. MUCH: Daha çok olumsuz ifade taşıyan veya soru cümlelerinde kullanılır. I don’t like football much.I don’t like football much.I don’t like football much.I don’t like football much. I much regret my foolish remarks.I much regret my foolish remarks.I much regret my foolish remarks.I much regret my foolish remarks. VERY MUCH: Daha çok olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır. Olumsuz cümlelerde cümlenin sonuna gelir. She wants to bury a car very much.She wants to bury a car very much.She wants to bury a car very much.She wants to bury a car very much. (Olumlu) She very much enjoys being with friends.She very much enjoys being with friends.She very much enjoys being with friends.She very much enjoys being with friends. (Olumlu) I don’t like football very much.I don’t like football very much.I don’t like football very much.I don’t like football very much. (olumsuz) ENOUGH: This rope isn’t strong enough to climb.This rope isn’t strong enough to climb.This rope isn’t strong enough to climb.This rope isn’t strong enough to climb. (Sıfattan sonra) I drove carefully enough.I drove carefully enough.I drove carefully enough.I drove carefully enough. (Zarftan sonra) I have worked enough for today.I have worked enough for today.I have worked enough for today.I have worked enough for today. (Fiilden sonra) I have enough money to buy a new house.I have enough money to buy a new house.I have enough money to buy a new house.I have enough money to buy a new house. (İsimden önce) BARELY / HARDLY / SCARCELY: Zar zor / Güç bela anlamındadır. He He He He barely / hardly / scarclybarely / hardly / scarclybarely / hardly / scarclybarely / hardly / scarcly avoide avoide avoide avoided the accident.d the accident.d the accident.d the accident. LITTLE: Think / imagine / expect / realize gibi düşünce bildiren fiileri niteler. I little expect him to pass the exam.I little expect him to pass the exam.I little expect him to pass the exam.I little expect him to pass the exam. ALMOST / NEARLY / PRACTICALLY: (Hemen hemen/Neredeyse) I almost / nearly / practically hit the child.I almost / nearly / practically hit the child.I almost / nearly / practically hit the child.I almost / nearly / practically hit the child. (But I didn’t) VIRTUALLY: Diğerlerinden daha güçlüdür.’NEREDEYSE GERÇETEN’ anlamındadır. The defeat of our team was virtually a disaster.The defeat of our team was virtually a disaster.The defeat of our team was virtually a disaster.The defeat of our team was virtually a disaster. (It wasn’t a real disaster.)

FAIRLY / QUITE: Olumlu özellik ifade eden sıfat yada zarfarla kulanılır.


She is She is She is She is fairlyfairlyfairlyfairly tall tall tall tall.... It’s It’s It’s It’s quitequitequitequite warm today. warm today. warm today. warm today. *** QUITE: Superlative yapılarda vurgu yapmak için kullanılabilir. Istanbul is quite the most espensive city in Turkey.Istanbul is quite the most espensive city in Turkey.Istanbul is quite the most espensive city in Turkey.Istanbul is quite the most espensive city in Turkey. RATHER: Olumsuz özellik ifade eden cümlelerde kullanılır. like / enjoy / dislike gibi fiilleri niteler. It is rather cold today.It is rather cold today.It is rather cold today.It is rather cold today. (Sıfat) She behaved rather foolishly.She behaved rather foolishly.She behaved rather foolishly.She behaved rather foolishly. (Zarf) She She She She ratherratherratherrather likes cooking. likes cooking. likes cooking. likes cooking. (Fiil) *** RATHER: Comparative yapılarda vurgu yapmak için kullanılabilir. Eskişehir is rather more expensive than AdanaEskişehir is rather more expensive than AdanaEskişehir is rather more expensive than AdanaEskişehir is rather more expensive than Adana.... ÖNEMLİ NOTLAR: a) Sonu ‘ly’ ile bitten zarfların başına ‘more’ gelir.

Slowly – more slowly Quickly – more quickly Easily – more easily Cleverly – more cleverly

Sonu ‘ly’ ile bitmeyen zarflar ‘er’ takısını alır.


b) Zarf olarak kıyaslamada MUCH ve LITTLE MuchMuchMuchMuch = More LittleLittleLittleLittle = Less

I drove the car much. (I drove the car more thanmore thanmore thanmore than you did.) I used read much. (I used to read more thanmore thanmore thanmore than you do now.) She thinks little. (She thinks less thanless thanless thanless than her sister does.) c) Bir durumun sürekli olarak değiştiğini vurgulamak için ‘er’ alan sıfatların kendisi çift söylenir; çok heceli sıfatlar ise more yinelenir.


Faster and fasterFaster and fasterFaster and fasterFaster and faster / better and better/ better and better/ better and better/ better and better More and moreMore and moreMore and moreMore and more expensieve

Everything is getting more and more expensiveEverything is getting more and more expensiveEverything is getting more and more expensiveEverything is getting more and more expensive It is becoming harder harder to find a Job.It is becoming harder harder to find a Job.It is becoming harder harder to find a Job.It is becoming harder harder to find a Job.

d) Karşlaştırmalı yapıyı iki durumun birbirine bağlı olarak değiştiğini ifade etmek için kullanırız.

The harder you workThe harder you workThe harder you workThe harder you work, the more successful you will be. The lThe lThe lThe less you eatess you eatess you eatess you eat, the more quickly you will lose weight. The more you earnThe more you earnThe more you earnThe more you earn, the more you can spend.

e) As adv. As = olumlu cümlelerde So/as adv. as = olumsuz cümlelerde

He works as sowly as he dares.He works as sowly as he dares.He works as sowly as he dares.He works as sowly as he dares. He doesn’t snore so / as loudly as my brother does.He doesn’t snore so / as loudly as my brother does.He doesn’t snore so / as loudly as my brother does.He doesn’t snore so / as loudly as my brother does.

f) En üstünlük ifadesi; Tanımladığımız öğenin hangi ortamda en iyi / kötü olduğunu belirtirken

Yerler için ‘in’ / Grup ifade eden sözcük of veya among. Ahmet drives the most carefully Ahmet drives the most carefully Ahmet drives the most carefully Ahmet drives the most carefully of of of of all the drives.all the drives.all the drives.all the drives. She speaks English the best She speaks English the best She speaks English the best She speaks English the best inininin my classroom. my classroom. my classroom. my classroom.

SENTENCE ADVERBS Cümleyi niteleyen ve konuşmacının düşüncesini ifade eden zarflardır.

a) Olasılık ifade eden zarflar:

Actually / clearly / perhaps / indeed / evidently / possibly / really / obviously / probably / Infact / of course / presumably / surely / undoubtedly / maybe / certainly doubtlessly / definitely

Bu zarflardan definitely / perhaps / may be / of course hariç diğerleri cümlenin başında, ortasında ya da sonunda yer alabilir.

DEFINITELY: Daha çok cümlenin ortasında yer alır. Nadiren sonunda da yer alabilir.

He was He was He was He was definitelydefinitelydefinitelydefinitely at home at that hour. at home at that hour. at home at that hour. at home at that hour.


He is trying to do his best, He is trying to do his best, He is trying to do his best, He is trying to do his best, definitelydefinitelydefinitelydefinitely....

PERHAPS / MAY BE / OF COURSE: Daha çok cümlenin başında kullanılır. Ancak; vurguyu arttırmak için ortada kullanılabilir, bu durumda iki virgül arasında kullanılır.

PerhapsPerhapsPerhapsPerhaps he can help us do our homework. he can help us do our homework. he can help us do our homework. he can help us do our homework. He can, He can, He can, He can, perhapsperhapsperhapsperhaps, help us do our homework., help us do our homework., help us do our homework., help us do our homework. Of courseOf courseOf courseOf course he is capable of answering these questions. he is capable of answering these questions. he is capable of answering these questions. he is capable of answering these questions. He is, He is, He is, He is, of courseof courseof courseof course, capabe of answering the question., capabe of answering the question., capabe of answering the question., capabe of answering the question.

b) Cümleyi niteleyen zarflar:

Admittedly / annoyingly / frankly / fortunately / unfortunately / luckily / unluckily / Honestly / personally / naturally / rightly / wrongly /seriously / surprisingly / Understandably

Bu zarflar genellikle cümlenin başında kulanılır ve virgülle cümleden ayrılır. FranklyFranklyFranklyFrankly, he doe, he doe, he doe, he doesn’t work hard enough to succeed.sn’t work hard enough to succeed.sn’t work hard enough to succeed.sn’t work hard enough to succeed.

FOCUSING ADVERBS Cümlenin bir öğesini vurgulayan ve vurguladıkları öğenin hemen önünde yer alan zarflardır.

Only / just / merely / simply / solely / purely / exclusively / primarily / chiefly / mainly exactly / mostly / especially / particularly / too / either / as well / also / even

a) MARELY / PURELY / SIMPLY: Her zaman vurguladıkları sözcükten önce gelir. I I I I purely / simply / merely /purely / simply / merely /purely / simply / merely /purely / simply / merely / wanted to warn you. I had no other intention. wanted to warn you. I had no other intention. wanted to warn you. I had no other intention. wanted to warn you. I had no other intention.

b) JUST / ONLY / EVEN: Vurguladıkları sözcükten önce gelir. Ancak arada kullanılan zarf biçimi de yer alabilir.

I I I I just / onlyjust / onlyjust / onlyjust / only go to say I love you. go to say I love you. go to say I love you. go to say I love you. I bought I bought I bought I bought only / justonly / justonly / justonly / just a sweater. a sweater. a sweater. a sweater. I will eat I will eat I will eat I will eat onlyonlyonlyonly a sandwich. a sandwich. a sandwich. a sandwich. I left without saying anything. I didn’t I left without saying anything. I didn’t I left without saying anything. I didn’t I left without saying anything. I didn’t eveneveneveneven say goodbye. say goodbye. say goodbye. say goodbye. I bought mI bought mI bought mI bought many things; I any things; I any things; I any things; I eveneveneveneven bought a pet canary. bought a pet canary. bought a pet canary. bought a pet canary.

c) TOO / ALSO / AS WELL / EITHER (de-da):


EITHER: Daima cümlenin sonunda ve olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır.

My wife didn’t want to go to the cinema. He didn’t want us to go My wife didn’t want to go to the cinema. He didn’t want us to go My wife didn’t want to go to the cinema. He didn’t want us to go My wife didn’t want to go to the cinema. He didn’t want us to go eithereithereithereither....

TOO / AS WELL: Cümlenin sonunda olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır. Ancak ‘too’‘too’‘too’‘too’ özneyi vurgularken ortada da kullanılabilir.

Everybody enjoyed the party. Ali enjoyed it Everybody enjoyed the party. Ali enjoyed it Everybody enjoyed the party. Ali enjoyed it Everybody enjoyed the party. Ali enjoyed it too / as well.too / as well.too / as well.too / as well. I, I, I, I, tootootootoo, had expected him to pass., had expected him to pass., had expected him to pass., had expected him to pass.

ALSO: Vurguladığı öğeye bağlı olarak cümle içindeki yeri değişir. I I I I aaaalsolsolsolso had expected him to pass. had expected him to pass. had expected him to pass. had expected him to pass. I had expected him to pass I had expected him to pass I had expected him to pass I had expected him to pass alsoalsoalsoalso.... I had expected I had expected I had expected I had expected alsoalsoalsoalso him to pass. him to pass. him to pass. him to pass.

d) EXACTLY: Vurgulama zarfı olarak ‘wh’ soru sözcüğü ile kullanılır.

What What What What exactlyexactlyexactlyexactly do you mean? do you mean? do you mean? do you mean? How How How How exactlyexactlyexactlyexactly did the accident happen? did the accident happen? did the accident happen? did the accident happen?


TOO + ADJ. / ADV + TO DO SOMETHING: Cümle olumlu ama anlam olumsuz. I am too I am too I am too I am too tiredtiredtiredtired to go out tonight. to go out tonight. to go out tonight. to go out tonight. You are working too You are working too You are working too You are working too slowlyslowlyslowlyslowly to finish your report by 5 o’clock. to finish your report by 5 o’clock. to finish your report by 5 o’clock. to finish your report by 5 o’clock.

ADJ. / ADV + ENOUGH + TO DO SOMETHING: She is mature She is mature She is mature She is mature enoughenoughenoughenough to decide for h to decide for h to decide for h to decide for her self.er self.er self.er self. We are walking fast We are walking fast We are walking fast We are walking fast enoughenoughenoughenough to catch the train. to catch the train. to catch the train. to catch the train. * NOT: Enough isimen önce gelir. We don’t have We don’t have We don’t have We don’t have enoughenoughenoughenough money to buy a new car. money to buy a new car. money to buy a new car. money to buy a new car.

SO + ADJ. / ADV + THAT: She was so She was so She was so She was so gorgeousgorgeousgorgeousgorgeous that everybody admired her. that everybody admired her. that everybody admired her. that everybody admired her. She speaks so She speaks so She speaks so She speaks so slowlyslowlyslowlyslowly that we can understand wh that we can understand wh that we can understand wh that we can understand whatever she says.atever she says.atever she says.atever she says.



It was such It was such It was such It was such an absurd daan absurd daan absurd daan absurd dayyyy that nothing went right. that nothing went right. that nothing went right. that nothing went right.


SO + ADJ. = SO LONG Zaman Süreç SUCH + NOUN = SUCH A LONG TIME I don’t think the job will take I don’t think the job will take I don’t think the job will take I don’t think the job will take so longso longso longso long / / / / susususuch a long time.ch a long time.ch a long time.ch a long time.

SO + ADJ. = SO FAR Mesafe SUCH + NOUN = SUCH A LONG WAY I didn’t know your house was I didn’t know your house was I didn’t know your house was I didn’t know your house was so farso farso farso far / / / / such a long way.such a long way.such a long way.such a long way.

SO + ADJ. = SO MANY Miktar /Countable SUCH + NOUN = SUCH A LOT OF I have I have I have I have so manyso manyso manyso many / / / / such a lot ofsuch a lot ofsuch a lot ofsuch a lot of friends that I never feel l friends that I never feel l friends that I never feel l friends that I never feel lonely.onely.onely.onely.

SO + ADJ. = SO MUCH Miktar /uncountable SUCH + NOUN = SUCH A LOT OF I have I have I have I have so much / such a lot of foodso much / such a lot of foodso much / such a lot of foodso much / such a lot of food in the fridge that you won’t leave hungry. in the fridge that you won’t leave hungry. in the fridge that you won’t leave hungry. in the fridge that you won’t leave hungry.

SO + ADJ. = SO FEW Countable SUCH + NOUN = SUCH A FEW I have I have I have I have so few / such a few friendsso few / such a few friendsso few / such a few friendsso few / such a few friends that I f that I f that I f that I feel lonely.eel lonely.eel lonely.eel lonely.

SO + ADJ. = SO LITTLE Uncountable SUCH + NOUN = SUCH A LITTLE I can’t bring up my children with I can’t bring up my children with I can’t bring up my children with I can’t bring up my children with so little / such a littleso little / such a littleso little / such a littleso little / such a little money. money. money. money.


A) DEFINING RELATİVE CLAUSES: Bir ismi tanımlayarak tam olarak kimden yada neden bahsedildiğini ifade eder.

PoliticiansPoliticiansPoliticiansPoliticians who tell lies who tell lies who tell lies who tell lies are adious.are adious.are adious.are adious. I will lend you the bookI will lend you the bookI will lend you the bookI will lend you the book that changed my life totally. that changed my life totally. that changed my life totally. that changed my life totally.


A) İNSANLAR İÇİN Özne durumunda: WHO / (THAT)

The manThe manThe manThe man who lives next door who lives next door who lives next door who lives next door is a politician.is a politician.is a politician.is a politician.

Nesne durumunda: WHO / WHOM (THAT) The girl The girl The girl The girl who I met at the partywho I met at the partywho I met at the partywho I met at the party was a model. was a model. was a model. was a model.


Özne durumunda: THAT / (WHICH)


I will tell you the story I will tell you the story I will tell you the story I will tell you the story that influenced me deeply.that influenced me deeply.that influenced me deeply.that influenced me deeply.

Nesne durumunda: THAT / (WHICH)

I will show you the photograph I will show you the photograph I will show you the photograph I will show you the photograph that I took at the partthat I took at the partthat I took at the partthat I took at the party.y.y.y.


*Şayet relative clause DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE ve relative pronoun’da NESNE durumunda ise pronoun atılabilir.

Did you like the present Did you like the present Did you like the present Did you like the present that I gave you for your birthday?that I gave you for your birthday?that I gave you for your birthday?that I gave you for your birthday? Did you like the present Did you like the present Did you like the present Did you like the present I gaveI gaveI gaveI gave you for your birthday? you for your birthday? you for your birthday? you for your birthday? Who was the man Who was the man Who was the man Who was the man who you were talking to?who you were talking to?who you were talking to?who you were talking to? Who was the man Who was the man Who was the man Who was the man you were talking to?you were talking to?you were talking to?you were talking to?

NOT: Preposition genellikle R.C.un sonuna gelir.

Come and meet the people Come and meet the people Come and meet the people Come and meet the people who I work who I work who I work who I work withwithwithwith.... This is the book This is the book This is the book This is the book that I was telling you that I was telling you that I was telling you that I was telling you aboutaboutaboutabout....

NOT: Akademik ifade de preposition relative pronoun’un önünde yer alır.

Come and meet people Come and meet people Come and meet people Come and meet people withwithwithwith whom I work. whom I work. whom I work. whom I work. This is the book This is the book This is the book This is the book aboutaboutaboutabout which I was telling you. which I was telling you. which I was telling you. which I was telling you.

B) NON-DEFINING RELATİVE CLAUSES: İsimleri tanımlamayan ama isimler hakkında ekstra bilgi veren ‘relative clouse’lardır.

My best friend AliMy best friend AliMy best friend AliMy best friend Ali, who is a lawyer, , who is a lawyer, , who is a lawyer, , who is a lawyer, plays saz very well.plays saz very well.plays saz very well.plays saz very well.

Bazı durumlarda Non-defining Relative Clouse ‘which’ ile bütün cümleyi niteler. She arrived on timeShe arrived on timeShe arrived on timeShe arrived on time, which surprised everybody., which surprised everybody., which surprised everybody., which surprised everybody.


A) İNSANLAR İÇİN Özne durumunda: WHO

MyMyMyMy son son son son, who lives in England, who lives in England, who lives in England, who lives in England, is an engineer., is an engineer., is an engineer., is an engineer. Nesne durumunda: WHO/WHOM

The blond girl, The blond girl, The blond girl, The blond girl, who I danced withwho I danced withwho I danced withwho I danced with, was a journalist. , was a journalist. , was a journalist. , was a journalist. B) VARLIKLAR VE HAYVANLAR İÇİN


Özne ve nesne durumunda: (WHICH)

His last bookHis last bookHis last bookHis last book, which received a lot of praise, , which received a lot of praise, , which received a lot of praise, , which received a lot of praise, hahahahas been a great success.s been a great success.s been a great success.s been a great success. His last filmHis last filmHis last filmHis last film, which I couldn’t understand, , which I couldn’t understand, , which I couldn’t understand, , which I couldn’t understand, received a lot of praise.received a lot of praise.received a lot of praise.received a lot of praise.

NOT: Non-defining R.C. bilgi verdiği ismin tamamını kapsar.

My son who lives in England is getting married next week.My son who lives in England is getting married next week.My son who lives in England is getting married next week.My son who lives in England is getting married next week. My son, who lives in England, is getting mMy son, who lives in England, is getting mMy son, who lives in England, is getting mMy son, who lives in England, is getting married soon.arried soon.arried soon.arried soon.

I had a coctail, which was very unusual.I had a coctail, which was very unusual.I had a coctail, which was very unusual.I had a coctail, which was very unusual. I had a coctail which was very unusual.I had a coctail which was very unusual.I had a coctail which was very unusual.I had a coctail which was very unusual.


WHOSE AND OF WHICH İyelik bildiriliyorsa hem insanlar hem de nesneler için kullanılır.

Do you know the man Do you know the man Do you know the man Do you know the man whose car wawhose car wawhose car wawhose car was stolen?s stolen?s stolen?s stolen? The book The book The book The book whose cover I accidentally torewhose cover I accidentally torewhose cover I accidentally torewhose cover I accidentally tore was my friend’s. was my friend’s. was my friend’s. was my friend’s.

NOT: Nesneler için ‘whose’ yerine ‘of which’ kullanabiliriz.

This is the machineThis is the machineThis is the machineThis is the machine whose properties I described. whose properties I described. whose properties I described. whose properties I described. This is the machineThis is the machineThis is the machineThis is the machine the properties of which I described. the properties of which I described. the properties of which I described. the properties of which I described. ‘Of which’li yapıda preposition ‘of’un önündeki isimden önce yer alır. The mountain The mountain The mountain The mountain onononon the top of which / the top of which / the top of which / the top of which / onononon whose top you can see whose top you can see whose top you can see whose top you can see snowsnowsnowsnow is a part of Bozdağ mountain range. is a part of Bozdağ mountain range. is a part of Bozdağ mountain range. is a part of Bozdağ mountain range. WHERE Tanımlayan cümlede yer bildiriyorsa ’where’ kullanabiliriz.

I liked the I liked the I liked the I liked the hotelhotelhotelhotel where where where where we spent our holiday last summer. we spent our holiday last summer. we spent our holiday last summer. we spent our holiday last summer. Don’t clean the roomDon’t clean the roomDon’t clean the roomDon’t clean the room where my son is studying where my son is studying where my son is studying where my son is studying....

NOT: Yer bildiren ismi tanımlarken ‘WHICH’ kullanabiliriz. Ancak bu yapılarla o isme ait preposition’ı mutlaka kullanmak zorundayız.


I liked the I liked the I liked the I liked the hotelhotelhotelhotel which we spent our which we spent our which we spent our which we spent our holiday holiday holiday holiday inininin last summer. last summer. last summer. last summer. I liked the I liked the I liked the I liked the hotelhotelhotelhotel inininin which which which which we spent our holiday last summer. we spent our holiday last summer. we spent our holiday last summer. we spent our holiday last summer. I liked the resortI liked the resortI liked the resortI liked the resort we spent our holiday in last summer. we spent our holiday in last summer. we spent our holiday in last summer. we spent our holiday in last summer. This is the restaurant. I usually eat lunch there. This is the restaurantThis is the restaurantThis is the restaurantThis is the restaurant which I usually ate lunch at. which I usually ate lunch at. which I usually ate lunch at. which I usually ate lunch at. ThiThiThiThis is the restaurants is the restaurants is the restaurants is the restaurant atatatat which I usually ate lunch. which I usually ate lunch. which I usually ate lunch. which I usually ate lunch. This is the restaurantThis is the restaurantThis is the restaurantThis is the restaurant I usually ate lunch. I usually ate lunch. I usually ate lunch. I usually ate lunch. WHEN (on that day / in that year / at that houron that day / in that year / at that houron that day / in that year / at that houron that day / in that year / at that hour) gibi bir zaman belirtiyorsa (when / which / when / which / when / which / when / which / thatthatthatthat) kullanabiliriz.

NOT: Sadece WHICH ‘on which /at which/in which’ gibi preposition ile kullanılır.

1923 is the year.1923 is the year.1923 is the year.1923 is the year. The republic of Turkey was founded then The republic of Turkey was founded then The republic of Turkey was founded then The republic of Turkey was founded then.

1923 is the year1923 is the year1923 is the year1923 is the year when the Republic of Turkey was founded. when the Republic of Turkey was founded. when the Republic of Turkey was founded. when the Republic of Turkey was founded. 1923 is the year in which 1923 is the year in which 1923 is the year in which 1923 is the year in which the Republic of Turkey was founded.the Republic of Turkey was founded.the Republic of Turkey was founded.the Republic of Turkey was founded. 1923 is the year 1923 is the year 1923 is the year 1923 is the year that the Republithat the Republithat the Republithat the Republic of Turkey was founded.c of Turkey was founded.c of Turkey was founded.c of Turkey was founded.

WHY ‘Reason’ sözcüğünden sonra neden ifade eden cümle getiriyorsak WHY / FOR WHY / FOR WHY / FOR WHY / FOR WHICH / THAT WHICH / THAT WHICH / THAT WHICH / THAT

The reasonThe reasonThe reasonThe reason why we are holding this meeting is to seek why we are holding this meeting is to seek why we are holding this meeting is to seek why we are holding this meeting is to seek solutions to oursolutions to oursolutions to oursolutions to our problems.problems.problems.problems. The reasonThe reasonThe reasonThe reason for which we are holding this meeting is. for which we are holding this meeting is. for which we are holding this meeting is. for which we are holding this meeting is. The reasonThe reasonThe reasonThe reason that we are holding this meeting is… that we are holding this meeting is… that we are holding this meeting is… that we are holding this meeting is…

NOT: Reason / explanation gibi sözcükleri NEDEN değil, yaptığı açıklama olarak yaptığı açıklama olarak yaptığı açıklama olarak yaptığı açıklama olarak kullanıyorsakkullanıyorsakkullanıyorsakkullanıyorsak ‘WHY’ kullanamayız. Bu anlamda onları cansız varlık gibi düşünüp ‘WHICH / THAT’ kullanabiliriz.

The reasonThe reasonThe reasonThe reason that that that that he gave us for the delay he gave us for the delay he gave us for the delay he gave us for the delay frustrated us all.frustrated us all.frustrated us all.frustrated us all. The reasonThe reasonThe reasonThe reason which he gave us for the delay? which he gave us for the delay? which he gave us for the delay? which he gave us for the delay? The reasonThe reasonThe reasonThe reason he gave us for the delay. he gave us for the delay. he gave us for the delay. he gave us for the delay.

The explanation The explanation The explanation The explanation that that that that hehehehe made on the subject confused us. made on the subject confused us. made on the subject confused us. made on the subject confused us. The explanationThe explanationThe explanationThe explanation which which which which hehehehe made on the subject confused us. made on the subject confused us. made on the subject confused us. made on the subject confused us.


Şayet Relative Pronoun özne durumunda ise ‘Relative Clause’u kısaltabiliriz.


Aktif Cümlelerde = v+ing.v+ing.v+ing.v+ing. Passive cümlelerde = v+v+v+v+edededed kullanırız.

A) Relative clause’ın v+ing olarak kısaltılması

1- Permanent characteristic göstermesi gerekir.

The castle that overlooked the city was destroyed by anThe castle that overlooked the city was destroyed by anThe castle that overlooked the city was destroyed by anThe castle that overlooked the city was destroyed by an eartquake last year.eartquake last year.eartquake last year.eartquake last year. The castle The castle The castle The castle overlookingoverlookingoverlookingoverlooking the city was destroyed by an eartquake the city was destroyed by an eartquake the city was destroyed by an eartquake the city was destroyed by an eartquake last year.last year.last year.last year. Not: Tek ve tamamlanmış bir eylemden bahsediyorsak kısaltma yapamayız. The girl who fell over onThe girl who fell over onThe girl who fell over onThe girl who fell over on the ice broke her arm the ice broke her arm the ice broke her arm the ice broke her arm. (Kısaltılamaz) 2- On going activity göstermesi gerekir.

The detective who is investigating the case has found a clue.The detective who is investigating the case has found a clue.The detective who is investigating the case has found a clue.The detective who is investigating the case has found a clue. The detective investigating the case has found a clue.The detective investigating the case has found a clue.The detective investigating the case has found a clue.The detective investigating the case has found a clue. B) Relative clause’ın (-ed) passive kısaltılması The woman who was invited to join the club declined The woman who was invited to join the club declined The woman who was invited to join the club declined The woman who was invited to join the club declined thethethethe invitation invitation invitation invitation yesterday.yesterday.yesterday.yesterday. The woman invited to join the club declinedThe woman invited to join the club declinedThe woman invited to join the club declinedThe woman invited to join the club declined it it it it yesterday. yesterday. yesterday. yesterday. C) Be + Adj. Phrase:

The girl who is happy with her exam results is smiling.The girl who is happy with her exam results is smiling.The girl who is happy with her exam results is smiling.The girl who is happy with her exam results is smiling. The girl The girl The girl The girl happy with her exam results ihappy with her exam results ihappy with her exam results ihappy with her exam results is smiling.s smiling.s smiling.s smiling. D) Be + Prepositional Phrase:

The books that are on top of the shelf are very expensive.The books that are on top of the shelf are very expensive.The books that are on top of the shelf are very expensive.The books that are on top of the shelf are very expensive. The books on the top of the shelf The books on the top of the shelf The books on the top of the shelf The books on the top of the shelf are very expensive.are very expensive.are very expensive.are very expensive.

E) “to do” infinitive olarak kısaltma: The first / the second / the last / the only gibi ifadelerden sonra ve bazan da Superlative Yapılardan sonra ve something / anything / someone gibi sözcüklerden sonra ve zorunluluk ifade eden yapılarda R.C “to do” olarak kısaltılabilir.

I am usually the firs person who leaves the office.I am usually the firs person who leaves the office.I am usually the firs person who leaves the office.I am usually the firs person who leaves the office. I am usually the firs persoI am usually the firs persoI am usually the firs persoI am usually the firs person n n n to leave the officeto leave the officeto leave the officeto leave the office....


The best route tahat can be followed is through the woods.The best route tahat can be followed is through the woods.The best route tahat can be followed is through the woods.The best route tahat can be followed is through the woods. The best route The best route The best route The best route to be followedto be followedto be followedto be followed is through the woods. is through the woods. is through the woods. is through the woods. There was nothing that we could do.There was nothing that we could do.There was nothing that we could do.There was nothing that we could do. There was nothing There was nothing There was nothing There was nothing to doto doto doto do.... I have a lot of work that I must do.I have a lot of work that I must do.I have a lot of work that I must do.I have a lot of work that I must do. I have a lot oI have a lot oI have a lot oI have a lot of work f work f work f work to doto doto doto do....

PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PARTICIPLE (PARTICIPLE (PARTICIPLE (PARTICIPLE (v+ingv+ingv+ingv+ing) ZARF OLARAK KULLANIMI) ZARF OLARAK KULLANIMI) ZARF OLARAK KULLANIMI) ZARF OLARAK KULLANIMI 1 – Aynı anda devam eden iki eylemi ifade eder. (-arak..-erek) While While While While I was listening to pop music, I ironed my shirts.I was listening to pop music, I ironed my shirts.I was listening to pop music, I ironed my shirts.I was listening to pop music, I ironed my shirts. While While While While listening to pop music last night, I ironed my shilistening to pop music last night, I ironed my shilistening to pop music last night, I ironed my shilistening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts.rts.rts.rts. Listening to pop music last nightListening to pop music last nightListening to pop music last nightListening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts., I ironed my shirts., I ironed my shirts., I ironed my shirts. (Passive) While While While While it was being carried, the table got broken.it was being carried, the table got broken.it was being carried, the table got broken.it was being carried, the table got broken. While While While While being carried, the table got broken.being carried, the table got broken.being carried, the table got broken.being carried, the table got broken. She sat by the fire She sat by the fire She sat by the fire She sat by the fire reading a bookreading a bookreading a bookreading a book. (kitap okuyarak şöminenin başında oturdu) 2 – Birbiri ardına meydana gelen iki eylemi ifade eder. After After After After we ate / we ate / we ate / we ate / had eaten dinnerhad eaten dinnerhad eaten dinnerhad eaten dinner, we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk. AfterAfterAfterAfter eating / eating / eating / eating / after having eaten dinnerafter having eaten dinnerafter having eaten dinnerafter having eaten dinner, we went out for a , we went out for a , we went out for a , we went out for a walk.walk.walk.walk. Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.



After After After After he was / he was / he was / he was / hahahahad been promotedd been promotedd been promotedd been promoted, he became more interested , he became more interested , he became more interested , he became more interested in his job.in his job.in his job.in his job. After After After After being / being / being / being / having been promotedhaving been promotedhaving been promotedhaving been promoted, he became more interested, he became more interested, he became more interested, he became more interested in his job.in his job.in his job.in his job. Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.

Presenting his proposal to the director, Presenting his proposal to the director, Presenting his proposal to the director, Presenting his proposal to the director, the young engineer the young engineer the young engineer the young engineer waited for her waited for her waited for her waited for her reaction to it.reaction to it.reaction to it.reaction to it.

*Şayet ikinci eylem başlamadan birinci eylemin tamamlandığı vurgulanırsa (having done) kullanılır.

Having presented his proposal to the director, Having presented his proposal to the director, Having presented his proposal to the director, Having presented his proposal to the director, the young engineer waited the young engineer waited the young engineer waited the young engineer waited for her reaction to it.for her reaction to it.for her reaction to it.for her reaction to it. The young engineer, The young engineer, The young engineer, The young engineer, having having having having presented his proposal to the director, presented his proposal to the director, presented his proposal to the director, presented his proposal to the director, waited for her reaction to it.waited for her reaction to it.waited for her reaction to it.waited for her reaction to it.

3 – Bir eylemin olmasına neden olan diğer bir eylem vurgulanmak istenirse; (Active cümle: Doing / Passive cümle: being done) (Active cümle: Having done / Passive cümle: having been done) şayet Adverbial clause daki eylem daha önce gerçekleşmişse kullanılır. BecauseBecauseBecauseBecause she is married now, she has more responsibility. she is married now, she has more responsibility. she is married now, she has more responsibility. she is married now, she has more responsibility. Being marriedBeing marriedBeing marriedBeing married now, she has more responsibility. now, she has more responsibility. now, she has more responsibility. now, she has more responsibility. SinceSinceSinceSince she was tired, she went to bed early. she was tired, she went to bed early. she was tired, she went to bed early. she was tired, she went to bed early. Being tired,Being tired,Being tired,Being tired, she she she she went to bed early.went to bed early.went to bed early.went to bed early. *** Adverbial clause’daki eylem, temel cümledeki eylemden önce gerçekleşmiş ise; Because Because Because Because I sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficultyI sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficultyI sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficultyI sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty in walking.in walking.in walking.in walking. Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty inmy ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty inmy ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty inmy ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty in walking.walking.walking.walking. BecaBecaBecaBecause use use use I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk. Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.my ankle, I could hardly walk.my ankle, I could hardly walk.my ankle, I could hardly walk. BecauseBecauseBecauseBecause he had been transferred to a remote branch, he he had been transferred to a remote branch, he he had been transferred to a remote branch, he he had been transferred to a remote branch, he


resigned.resigned.resigned.resigned. Having been transferredHaving been transferredHaving been transferredHaving been transferred to a remote branch, he resigned. to a remote branch, he resigned. to a remote branch, he resigned. to a remote branch, he resigned. Adverbial clause’da ‘be + Adjective’ kullanılmışsa bu yapı ‘being + Adjective’ ya da sadece ‘Adjective’ biçiminde kısaltılır. Because she is responsible Because she is responsible Because she is responsible Because she is responsible for the office, she has to be therefor the office, she has to be therefor the office, she has to be therefor the office, she has to be there early.early.early.early. Being responsible / responsibleBeing responsible / responsibleBeing responsible / responsibleBeing responsible / responsible for the office, she has to be for the office, she has to be for the office, she has to be for the office, she has to be there early.there early.there early.there early. OLUMSUZOLUMSUZOLUMSUZOLUMSUZ Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, she felt tired inshe felt tired inshe felt tired inshe felt tired in the morning.the morning.the morning.the morning. Not having slept well the night before, Not having slept well the night before, Not having slept well the night before, Not having slept well the night before, she felt tired in theshe felt tired in theshe felt tired in theshe felt tired in the morning.morning.morning.morning. *** NOT: Neden-sonuç bildiren cümlelerde temel ve yan cümlelerin özneleri farklı olsada kısaltma yapmak mümkün ama her iki cümlenin öznelerini belirtmek gerekir. Because our car is broken down, Because our car is broken down, Because our car is broken down, Because our car is broken down, we have walked to work sincewe have walked to work sincewe have walked to work sincewe have walked to work since last week.last week.last week.last week. Our car being broken down, Our car being broken down, Our car being broken down, Our car being broken down, we have walked to work since lastwe have walked to work since lastwe have walked to work since lastwe have walked to work since last week.week.week.week. As the weather was cold, As the weather was cold, As the weather was cold, As the weather was cold, we had to canwe had to canwe had to canwe had to cancel the picnic.cel the picnic.cel the picnic.cel the picnic. The weather being coldThe weather being coldThe weather being coldThe weather being cold, we had to cancel the picnic., we had to cancel the picnic., we had to cancel the picnic., we had to cancel the picnic. As the manager has gone abroad, As the manager has gone abroad, As the manager has gone abroad, As the manager has gone abroad, I will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over the meeting.meeting.meeting.meeting. The manager having gone aboad, The manager having gone aboad, The manager having gone aboad, The manager having gone aboad, I will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over the meeting.meeting.meeting.meeting. Because there was a serious accident, Because there was a serious accident, Because there was a serious accident, Because there was a serious accident, we had to we had to we had to we had to wait for a longwait for a longwait for a longwait for a long time.time.time.time. There being a serious accident, There being a serious accident, There being a serious accident, There being a serious accident, we had to wait for a long time.we had to wait for a long time.we had to wait for a long time.we had to wait for a long time. Not wanting to be separatedNot wanting to be separatedNot wanting to be separatedNot wanting to be separated, the twins will attend London, the twins will attend London, the twins will attend London, the twins will attend London University.University.University.University. The twins, The twins, The twins, The twins, not wanting to be separatednot wanting to be separatednot wanting to be separatednot wanting to be separated, will attend London, will attend London, will attend London, will attend London University.University.University.University.

Not having been inNot having been inNot having been inNot having been introduced to anyone at the parytroduced to anyone at the parytroduced to anyone at the parytroduced to anyone at the pary, she found it difficult , she found it difficult , she found it difficult , she found it difficult to start up convesation.to start up convesation.to start up convesation.to start up convesation.


She, She, She, She, not having been introduced to anyone at the parynot having been introduced to anyone at the parynot having been introduced to anyone at the parynot having been introduced to anyone at the pary, found it difficult , found it difficult , found it difficult , found it difficult to start up convesationto start up convesationto start up convesationto start up convesation

QUANTIFIERSQUANTIFIERSQUANTIFIERSQUANTIFIERS QUANTIFIERS WITH ‘OF’/ WITHOUT ‘OF’ Quantifiers’dan sonara pronoun / possessive form / determiner varsa ‘of’ kullanılır. SOME: I made some fresh coffee. Some of my jewellery is missing. ANY: I don’t have any friends. Have you read any of these books? MUCH: She did it with much enthusiasm. Snow has covered much of the country. MANY: Many scientists lost their lives in the war. Many of her paintings were stolen. BOTH: Both Ali and Veli enjoyed the film. Both of my parents are teachers. ALL: All people over 18 are voting. All of Ahmet’s friends come to his party. EACH: Write the cost of each item please. Each of you should sign the paper. FEW: There was slience for a few seconds. They invited a few of their friends.


LITTLE: It will take a little time to finish it. A little of his money came from lottery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOME: Olumlu cümlelerde sayılabilen ve sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. There is There is There is There is somesomesomesome milk in the firidge. milk in the firidge. milk in the firidge. milk in the firidge. (Uncountable noun)(Uncountable noun)(Uncountable noun)(Uncountable noun) There are There are There are There are somesomesomesome apples on the table. apples on the table. apples on the table. apples on the table. (Countable noun)(Countable noun)(Countable noun)(Countable noun) Cevabın olumlu olacağını umduğumuzda soru cümlesinde de ‘some’ kullanabiliriz. Would you like Would you like Would you like Would you like somesomesomesome more tea? more tea? more tea? more tea? Someone/somebody/something/somewhere yapıları ‘SOME’ ile aynı kullanılır, ve Singular Verb alır. I met I met I met I met somebodysomebodysomebodysomebody who knows you at the party. who knows you at the party. who knows you at the party. who knows you at the party. There is There is There is There is somethingsomethingsomethingsomething in your eye. in your eye. in your eye. in your eye. Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go somewheresomewheresomewheresomewhere hot for our holiday. hot for our holiday. hot for our holiday. hot for our holiday. Sayılardan önce kullanıldığında ‘SOME’ approximately anlamını alır. There were There were There were There were somesomesomesome 2000 people at the proteset march. 2000 people at the proteset march. 2000 people at the proteset march. 2000 people at the proteset march. Kimden söz edildiğini bilmiyorsak veya hatırlamıyorsak some+singular noun kullanırız.

SomeSomeSomeSome studentstudentstudentstudent in your classroom asked me a really difficult question. in your classroom asked me a really difficult question. in your classroom asked me a really difficult question. in your classroom asked me a really difficult question. ANY: Olumsuz anlam taşıyan cümlelerle ve soru cümleleri ile kullanılır. There is seldom There is seldom There is seldom There is seldom anyanyanyany wwwworldorldorldorld newsnewsnewsnews in the Newspapers nowadays. in the Newspapers nowadays. in the Newspapers nowadays. in the Newspapers nowadays. Ayşe’s father scarcely ever let her have Ayşe’s father scarcely ever let her have Ayşe’s father scarcely ever let her have Ayşe’s father scarcely ever let her have any friendsany friendsany friendsany friends around. around. around. around. I haven’t got I haven’t got I haven’t got I haven’t got any butterany butterany butterany butter left. left. left. left. Are there Are there Are there Are there anyanyanyany applesapplesapplesapples left? left? left? left? ANY OF + PLURAL NOUN: Hangisinin olduğu önemli değil. Hepsi (all of them) olabilir. Any of Any of Any of Any of the students the students the students the students could have answered the question.could have answered the question.could have answered the question.could have answered the question. Some of the students = hepsi değil bazılarıSome of the students = hepsi değil bazılarıSome of the students = hepsi değil bazılarıSome of the students = hepsi değil bazıları ‘ANY’ yaygın olarak ‘conditional clouse’ ile kullanılır. If you have any problems, let me know.If you have any problems, let me know.If you have any problems, let me know.If you have any problems, let me know. If you have some problemsIf you have some problemsIf you have some problemsIf you have some problems = problem beklentisi fazladır.= problem beklentisi fazladır.= problem beklentisi fazladır.= problem beklentisi fazladır. ANYONE / ANYBODY / ANYTHING / ANYWHERE: Kullanımı ANY ile aynıdır. Hardly Hardly Hardly Hardly anybody / anyone anybody / anyone anybody / anyone anybody / anyone turned up to the meeting.turned up to the meeting.turned up to the meeting.turned up to the meeting.


Are you going Are you going Are you going Are you going anywhereanywhereanywhereanywhere this weekend?this weekend?this weekend?this weekend? MUCH: Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. Have you got Have you got Have you got Have you got muchmuchmuchmuch homework to d homework to d homework to d homework to do?o?o?o? He didn’t show He didn’t show He didn’t show He didn’t show muchmuchmuchmuch interest in what I said. interest in what I said. interest in what I said. interest in what I said. MANY: Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır. Not Not Not Not manymanymanymany of my friends knew I was getting married. of my friends knew I was getting married. of my friends knew I was getting married. of my friends knew I was getting married. How How How How manymanymanymany questions could you answer? questions could you answer? questions could you answer? questions could you answer? A LOT OF / LOTS OF / PLENTY OF: Olumlu cümlelerde (informal) konuşma dilinde sayılabilen ve sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. Lots of Lots of Lots of Lots of my my my my studentsstudentsstudentsstudents studied at university to become teachers. studied at university to become teachers. studied at university to become teachers. studied at university to become teachers. We had We had We had We had plenty ofplenty ofplenty ofplenty of hotelshotelshotelshotels to choose from. to choose from. to choose from. to choose from. I have given the problem I have given the problem I have given the problem I have given the problem a lot ofa lot ofa lot ofa lot of thoughtthoughtthoughtthought.... Resmi dilde yukarıdaki yapılar yerine many ofmany ofmany ofmany of / much of / a great deal of / / much of / a great deal of / / much of / a great deal of / / much of / a great deal of / a large amount of / a large number of /a large amount of / a large number of /a large amount of / a large number of /a large amount of / a large number of / kullanabiliriz. A great deal of / A large amount of / much ofA great deal of / A large amount of / much ofA great deal of / A large amount of / much ofA great deal of / A large amount of / much of = Sayılamayan isimlerle

A great number of / many ofA great number of / many ofA great number of / many ofA great number of / many of = Sayılabilen isimlerle ALL: Sayılabilir tekil ve çoğul veya sayılamaz isimlerle kullanılır. (Bir grup içindeki şeylerin tamamını düşünüyorsak) All All All All (of)(of)(of)(of) my my my my brothersbrothersbrothersbrothers and sisters were at the airport. and sisters were at the airport. and sisters were at the airport. and sisters were at the airport. The baby seems to cry all (The baby seems to cry all (The baby seems to cry all (The baby seems to cry all (of)of)of)of) the time.the time.the time.the time. Not all the Not all the Not all the Not all the seatsseatsseatsseats were taken. were taken. were taken. were taken. Sayılabilir tekil isimlerle genellikle of kaldırılır. All my lifeAll my lifeAll my lifeAll my life / all the bookall the bookall the bookall the book / all the houseall the houseall the houseall the house ALL + RELATIVE CLAUSE + SINGULAR VERB All she wantsAll she wantsAll she wantsAll she wants is a car, a flat and a lot of money. is a car, a flat and a lot of money. is a car, a flat and a lot of money. is a car, a flat and a lot of money. THE WHOLE: Sayılabilen tekil isim alır. They weren’t able to stay They weren’t able to stay They weren’t able to stay They weren’t able to stay the whole concert.the whole concert.the whole concert.the whole concert. The whole of the townThe whole of the townThe whole of the townThe whole of the town was flooded. was flooded. was flooded. was flooded. WHOLE: Sayılabilir çoğul isim alır.


Whole townsWhole townsWhole townsWhole towns were left without food and water. were left without food and water. were left without food and water. were left without food and water. BOTH: (Her ikisi) İki isimden birlikte bahsettiğimizde Both (of) Both (of) Both (of) Both (of) the the the the houseshouseshouseshouses have been sold. have been sold. have been sold. have been sold. I went on holiday with I went on holiday with I went on holiday with I went on holiday with bothbothbothboth of of of of themthemthemthem.... (With them both) NEITHER / EITHER: (İkiden hiçbiri / biri yada öbürü) İki isimden sözettiğimizde: a) Tek başına kullanılabilir yada sayılabilir tekil isim alabilirler. Which of these apples would you like?Which of these apples would you like?Which of these apples would you like?Which of these apples would you like? I can takeI can takeI can takeI can take either / either apple. either / either apple. either / either apple. either / either apple. ((((Hangisi olHangisi olHangisi olHangisi olduğu önemli değilduğu önemli değilduğu önemli değilduğu önemli değil)))) Which of these two girls is your friend?Which of these two girls is your friend?Which of these two girls is your friend?Which of these two girls is your friend? Neither / neither girlNeither / neither girlNeither / neither girlNeither / neither girl is my friend is my friend is my friend is my friend.... b) Neither of / Either of’ dan sonra çoğul isim gelir. Bu durumda fiil tekil ya da çoğul olabilir. Either of / Neither of’dan sonra us / you / them / these / those gibi pronoun’lar kullanabiliriz. Either Either Either Either of those of those of those of those dressesdressesdressesdresses is is is is (are) (are) (are) (are) suitable for the party. suitable for the party. suitable for the party. suitable for the party. NeitherNeitherNeitherNeither of my of my of my of my parents parents parents parents approvesapprovesapprovesapproves (approve) (approve) (approve) (approve) of my smoking.of my smoking.of my smoking.of my smoking. c) Either, ancak olumlu bir cümlenin; yada soru cümlesinin öznesi olabilir. Olumsuz

cümlenin öznesi olamaz. Either of these solutions Either of these solutions Either of these solutions Either of these solutions will work.will work.will work.will work. CanCanCanCan either of you either of you either of you either of you speak English?speak English?speak English?speak English? Either olumsuz bir cümlenin nesnesi olarak kullanılabilir. Bu durumda; Olumsuz bir fiil + either = Olumlu bir fiil + neither Aynı anlamı verir. I I I I won’twon’twon’twon’t in in in invite vite vite vite eithereithereithereither of them. of them. of them. of them. = I will invite neither of them. I I I I haven’thaven’thaven’thaven’t read read read read eithereithereithereither of them. of them. of them. of them. = I have read neither of them. EACH / EVERY: SINGULAR NOUN a) Each hem sıfat hemde zamir olarak kullanılır. Every ise sadece sıfattır. Kendinden sonra mutlaka bir isim gelir. Each en az iki ismi, Every ise en az üç ismi içerir. Each (student) has to prepare a term paperEach (student) has to prepare a term paperEach (student) has to prepare a term paperEach (student) has to prepare a term paper.... (En az 2 isim) Every student has to prepare a term paper.Every student has to prepare a term paper.Every student has to prepare a term paper.Every student has to prepare a term paper. (En az 3 isim)


b) Each (herbiri) anlamını verir ve her bir öğeyi tek tek düşündüğümüzü ifade eder. Every (all / hepsi) anlamını verir ve öğeleri bir bütün olarak düşündüğümüzü vurgular. Each studentEach studentEach studentEach student was given a part in the school play. was given a part in the school play. was given a part in the school play. was given a part in the school play. Every studentEvery studentEvery studentEvery student took part in the school play. took part in the school play. took part in the school play. took part in the school play. (Hepsi)(Hepsi)(Hepsi)(Hepsi) c) Each / Every specific bir isimle ‘of’ lu tamlamalarda kullanılabilir. İsim mutlaka sayılabilir ve çoğul isimdir, ancak fiil tekildir. Each of the children Each of the children Each of the children Each of the children isisisis going to give a prize. going to give a prize. going to give a prize. going to give a prize. Every Every Every Every oneoneoneone of the children of the children of the children of the children has tohas tohas tohas to take this exam. take this exam. take this exam. take this exam. NO + NOUN: She had She had She had She had no shoesno shoesno shoesno shoes on. on. on. on. No informationNo informationNo informationNo information was gi was gi was gi was given about the new computer.ven about the new computer.ven about the new computer.ven about the new computer. NONE: Kısa cevaplarda tek başına kullanılabilir. How much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money do you have? None (no money) How many appliciants are there?How many appliciants are there?How many appliciants are there?How many appliciants are there? None (no applicants) Ancak kendinden sonra isim kullanılacaksa (of) ile sayılabilir çoğul isim veya sayılamaz isim gelir. None of these books are (None of these books are (None of these books are (None of these books are (isisisis) suitable for you.) suitable for you.) suitable for you.) suitable for you. None of this money belongs to you.None of this money belongs to you.None of this money belongs to you.None of this money belongs to you. HALF: (Yarısı) ‘Half’ tan sonra sayılabilir tekil veya çoğul bir isim veya sayılamayan bir isim kullanılır. ‘Half’ ile isim arasındaki ‘of’ genellikle kaldırılır, ancak us / them / you gibizamirlerle ‘of’ kaldırılmaz. Half of the studentsHalf of the studentsHalf of the studentsHalf of the students = Half the students = Half of them Half of the moneyHalf of the moneyHalf of the moneyHalf of the money = Half the money = Half of it Half of the bookHalf of the bookHalf of the bookHalf of the book = Half the book = Half of it FEW / A FEW: Sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır. I have few friends. I have few friends. I have few friends. I have few friends. Ifeel lonely.Ifeel lonely.Ifeel lonely.Ifeel lonely. Few cümleye negative anlam verir. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. I am happy and I don’t feel lonely.I am happy and I don’t feel lonely.I am happy and I don’t feel lonely.I am happy and I don’t feel lonely. A few cümleye positive anlam verir. LITTLE / A LITTLE: Sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. We haveWe haveWe haveWe have little money left. little money left. little money left. little money left. We must abondane our trip.We must abondane our trip.We must abondane our trip.We must abondane our trip. Little cümleye negative anlam verir.


We had little money left. We had little money left. We had little money left. We had little money left. So we went out for a meal.So we went out for a meal.So we went out for a meal.So we went out for a meal. A Little cümleye positive anlam verir. LIKE / ALIKE / UNLIKE: Like ‘similar’ anlamında olup; isim alan bir preposition’dur. I am architect I am architect I am architect I am architect like my father.like my father.like my father.like my father. Unlike ‘Not similar’anlamındadır. Unlike my father, his father has a full time job.Unlike my father, his father has a full time job.Unlike my father, his father has a full time job.Unlike my father, his father has a full time job. Alike ‘Equally’ anlamında Zarf, ‘Similar’ anlamında sıfattır. The tution icrease was opposed by students and teachThe tution icrease was opposed by students and teachThe tution icrease was opposed by students and teachThe tution icrease was opposed by students and teachers ers ers ers alike.alike.alike.alike. My mother and my sister areMy mother and my sister areMy mother and my sister areMy mother and my sister are alike alike alike alike in many ways.in many ways.in many ways.in many ways. OTHER YAPILARI ANOTHER + SINGULAR NOUN (Başka bir) Tomorrow is not suitable for me. Come Tomorrow is not suitable for me. Come Tomorrow is not suitable for me. Come Tomorrow is not suitable for me. Come another dayanother dayanother dayanother day please please please please. (Sıfat) This sweater is too big.This sweater is too big.This sweater is too big.This sweater is too big. Can you show meCan you show meCan you show meCan you show me another another another another please?please?please?please? (Zamir) ANOTHER + TIME + MONEY + DISTANCE Zaman, para miktarı ve mesafe bildiren sözcükler ANOTHER ile kullanılabilir. İsimler çoğul olabilir. I haven’t finished my report yet.I haven’t finished my report yet.I haven’t finished my report yet.I haven’t finished my report yet. I need another half hour. I need another half hour. I need another half hour. I need another half hour. This isn’t enough. This isn’t enough. This isn’t enough. This isn’t enough. You should give meYou should give meYou should give meYou should give me another fifty dolanother fifty dolanother fifty dolanother fifty dollars.lars.lars.lars. I am not feeling tired.I am not feeling tired.I am not feeling tired.I am not feeling tired. I can walk I can walk I can walk I can walk another two kilometres.another two kilometres.another two kilometres.another two kilometres. THE OTHER A) The Other+ SINGULAR NOUN: Sayısı bilinen gruptan geriye kalan sonuncusu anlamındadır. Sıfat yada Zamir olarak kullanılır.


We bought We bought We bought We bought threethreethreethree peaches. My brother and I ate one, peaches. My brother and I ate one, peaches. My brother and I ate one, peaches. My brother and I ate one, and we left and we left and we left and we left the other peachthe other peachthe other peachthe other peach on the table. on the table. on the table. on the table. (Sıfat)(Sıfat)(Sıfat)(Sıfat) Can you see those Can you see those Can you see those Can you see those threethreethreethree girls? girls? girls? girls? TwoTwoTwoTwo of them are from England. of them are from England. of them are from England. of them are from England. The other is from The other is from The other is from The other is from Germany. Germany. Germany. Germany. (Zamir)(Zamir)(Zamir)(Zamir) B) THE OTHER + PLURAL NOUN: Sayısı belli bir grubun içinde geri kalan bütün öğeleri sayıyorsak (the other +plural noun) sıfat olarak; (the others) zarf olarak kullanılır. She has visited four European countries. She has visited four European countries. She has visited four European countries. She has visited four European countries. OneOneOneOne is Germany, is Germany, is Germany, is Germany, anotheranotheranotheranother is is is is England England England England andandandand the other countries / the other countries / the other countries / the other countries / the othersthe othersthe othersthe others are Italy, are Italy, are Italy, are Italy, and France and France and France and France C) THE OTHER + UNCOUNTABLE NOUN: (ALL THE REST) We put oranges in a bowl, and stored We put oranges in a bowl, and stored We put oranges in a bowl, and stored We put oranges in a bowl, and stored the other the other the other the other fruitfruitfruitfruit in the in the in the in the fridge.fridge.fridge.fridge. OTHER + PLURAL NOUN: (MORE OF THE GROUP) Sayısını bilmediğimiz çoğul isimlerle kullanılır. Other + plural noun = Sıfat olarak kullanılır. Others = Zamir olarak kullanılır. AntalAntalAntalAntalya is an attractive summer resort in the south. ya is an attractive summer resort in the south. ya is an attractive summer resort in the south. ya is an attractive summer resort in the south. Other Other Other Other summer resortssummer resortssummer resortssummer resorts in in in in the south are Kemer and Kaş. the south are Kemer and Kaş. the south are Kemer and Kaş. the south are Kemer and Kaş. OthersOthersOthersOthers are are are are Kemer and Kaş.Kemer and Kaş.Kemer and Kaş.Kemer and Kaş. ANY / SOME / MANY + OTHER veya OTHERS Any other + plural noun any others Have you got Have you got Have you got Have you got any otherany otherany otherany other books books books books / / / / any othersany othersany othersany others o o o on this subject.n this subject.n this subject.n this subject. Some other + plural noun some others In addition to this, we have to considerIn addition to this, we have to considerIn addition to this, we have to considerIn addition to this, we have to consider some other some other some other some other factorsfactorsfactorsfactors.... Many other + plural noun many others Besides this problem, we have Besides this problem, we have Besides this problem, we have Besides this problem, we have many other many other many other many other problemsproblemsproblemsproblems / / / / many many many many othersothersothersothers.... EACH OTHER / ONE ANOTHER (Birbirimize / Birbirinize / Birbirlerine)


When we met on the street, we greeted When we met on the street, we greeted When we met on the street, we greeted When we met on the street, we greeted each other / one each other / one each other / one each other / one another.another.another.another. They are happily married couple. They loveThey are happily married couple. They loveThey are happily married couple. They loveThey are happily married couple. They love each other / one each other / one each other / one each other / one another.another.another.another. EVERY OTHER + SINGULAR NOUN Periyodik olan şeyleri ifade eder. Bir atlayarak devam eden olaylardır. I wash my hair I wash my hair I wash my hair I wash my hair every other day.every other day.every other day.every other day. (Every two days.) He comes to Adana He comes to Adana He comes to Adana He comes to Adana every other month.every other month.every other month.every other month. (Every two months.) This meeting is held This meeting is held This meeting is held This meeting is held every other year.every other year.every other year.every other year. (Every two years.)


a) Mesleklerden önce: I am an engineer b) Bazı deyimlerden önce: A pair of / a couple of / three times a day c) Ünlem ifade eden yapılardan önce: What a beautiful girl. d) Bir isim bir cümlede ilk defa geçiyorsa herhangi bir anlamında: I bought a toy.

2) DEFINITE ARTICLE (THE) a) Deniz ismlerinden The black seaThe black seaThe black seaThe black sea, Nehir isimlerinden The KızılırmakThe KızılırmakThe KızılırmakThe Kızılırmak, Otel isimlerinden The Hilton HotelThe Hilton HotelThe Hilton HotelThe Hilton Hotel, cinema The cinemaThe cinemaThe cinemaThe cinema – Theatre The The The The theatretheatretheatretheatre –The bank – The museum The Anatolian Civilization MuseumThe Anatolian Civilization MuseumThe Anatolian Civilization MuseumThe Anatolian Civilization Museum, Gazete isimlerinden The HurriyetThe HurriyetThe HurriyetThe Hurriyet önce THETHETHETHE gelir. b) Evrende tek olan isimlerinden önce THE gelir. The sun / The moon / The world. The sun / The moon / The world. The sun / The moon / The world. The sun / The moon / The world. c) Topluluk isimlerinden önce THE gelir. The United Nations / The United Kingdom / The Toros The United Nations / The United Kingdom / The Toros The United Nations / The United Kingdom / The Toros The United Nations / The United Kingdom / The Toros Mountains.Mountains.Mountains.Mountains. d) Bir isimden ikinci defa bahsediliyor ise.


I bought a computer yesterday. The computer was very expensive.

e) Bir bir sıfat cümleciği tarafından tanımlanıyor ise.

The computer that I bought yesterday was very expensive. 3) ZERO ARTICLES a) İsimler genel anlamda kullanılıyorsa Computers have changed our lives totally.Computers have changed our lives totally.Computers have changed our lives totally.Computers have changed our lives totally.

a) Ülke isimlerinden AmericaAmericaAmericaAmerica / şehir isimlerinden AdanaAdanaAdanaAdana / cadde isimlerinden Kıbrıs Kıbrıs Kıbrıs Kıbrıs Şehitleri StreetŞehitleri StreetŞehitleri StreetŞehitleri Street / dil isimlerinden GermanGermanGermanGerman / Magazine isimlerinden ŞamdanŞamdanŞamdanŞamdan / hava alanı Atatürk AirportAtatürk AirportAtatürk AirportAtatürk Airport / istasyon Eskişehir StationEskişehir StationEskişehir StationEskişehir Station / dağ isimlerinden Mount AraratMount AraratMount AraratMount Ararat / göl isimlerinden Lake VanLake VanLake VanLake Van / öğün isimlerinden (breakfastbreakfastbreakfastbreakfast----lunchlunchlunchlunch----dinnerdinnerdinnerdinner) önce article gelmez.

c) ZERO ATRICLE AND DEFINITE ARTICLE ALDIĞINDA ANLAM FARKLILIĞI. Go to bed Yatmak Go to the bed Belli bir yatağa doğru gitmek Go to school Eğitim görmek amacıyla (öğrenci) gitmek Go to the school Belli bir okula eğitim amacı dışında bir amaçla gitmek Go to hospital Tedavi amacıyla hastaneye gitmek Go to the hospital Başka bir amaçla hastaneye gitmek Go to prison Hapse gitmek Go to the prison Başka bir amaçla hapisaneye gitmek İYELİK SIFATLARI İYELİK ZAMİRLERİ My Mine Your Yours His/Her/Its + İSİM His / Hers / Its Our Ours Your Yours Their Theirs ŞAHIS ZAMİRLERİ Özne konumunda Tümleç Konumunda I Me You You He / she / ıt Him / her / it We Us They Them


DÖNÜŞÜMLÜ ZAMİRLER I Myself You Yourself He Himself She Herself It Itself We Ourselves You Yourselves They Themselves

CONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIONSCONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIONSCONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIONSCONJUNCTIONS & TRANSITIONS CONJUNCTIONS (Bağlaçlar): Aynı gramer yapısına sahip (iki isim, iki sıfat, iki zarf) gibi sözcükleri ya da cümleleri bağlayan kelimelerdir. And / once gibi tek bir sözcükten yada in order that / so that / as long as gibi sözcük öbeklerinden olabilir. AltoughAltoughAltoughAltough she studied hard, she couldn’t pass the exam. she studied hard, she couldn’t pass the exam. she studied hard, she couldn’t pass the exam. she studied hard, she couldn’t pass the exam. TRANSITIONS: Bir düşünceden diğer bir düşünceye geçişi sağlayan cümle bağlaçlarıdır. She studied hard; She studied hard; She studied hard; She studied hard; nevertheless,nevertheless,nevertheless,nevertheless, she couldn’t pass the exam. she couldn’t pass the exam. she couldn’t pass the exam. she couldn’t pass the exam. A) COORDINATING CONJUNTIONS (AND / OR / BUT / YET): Sözcükleri ya da cümleleri bağlamak için kullanılır. AND: Her ikiside olumlu ya da her ikisi de olumsuz sözcükleri bağlar.


Beautiful and clever Sunny and warm Crowded and noisy BUT / YET: Zıtlık vurgular. Beautiful but / yet stupid. / Warm but / yet windy. / Cheap but / yet good. NOT: İki tam cümleyi, ya birinci cümleyi noktalayarak ya da araya bir virgül koyduktan sonra ikinci cümlenin başına bağlaç getirerek ifade ederiz. And / but / or büyük harfle cümle başlatabilir. Ama resmi dilde bu kullanım tercih edilmez. The children were playing. The parents were chatting.The children were playing. The parents were chatting.The children were playing. The parents were chatting.The children were playing. The parents were chatting. The children were playing. And the parents were chatting. Tercih edilmez. The children were playing The children were playing The children were playing The children were playing andandandand the parents were chatting. the parents were chatting. the parents were chatting. the parents were chatting. The chThe chThe chThe children were playing, ildren were playing, ildren were playing, ildren were playing, andandandand the parents were chatting. the parents were chatting. the parents were chatting. the parents were chatting. YET / SO / FOR: Bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında kendilerinden önceki cümleden bir virgül ile ayrılır. She didn’t feel well, She didn’t feel well, She didn’t feel well, She didn’t feel well, sosososo she didn’t go to work. she didn’t go to work. she didn’t go to work. she didn’t go to work. She didn’t go to work, She didn’t go to work, She didn’t go to work, She didn’t go to work, forforforfor she didn’t feel well. she didn’t feel well. she didn’t feel well. she didn’t feel well. ShShShShe didn’t feel well, e didn’t feel well, e didn’t feel well, e didn’t feel well, yetyetyetyet she still went to work. she still went to work. she still went to work. she still went to work. B) CORRALATIVE CONJUNCTIONS: Bu gruptaki bağlaçlar: both … and / either … or / Neither … nor / not only … but also gibi ikili olarak kullanılırlar. a) İki cümlenin farklı öğelerinden birinin başına bağlacın birinci bölümü, diğerinin başına bağlacın ikinci bölümü getirilir. Ali Ali Ali Ali will come with us.will come with us.will come with us.will come with us. Ayşe Ayşe Ayşe Ayşe will come with us.will come with us.will come with us.will come with us. BothBothBothBoth Ali Ali Ali Ali andandandand Ayşe will come with us. Ayşe will come with us. Ayşe will come with us. Ayşe will come with us. Not onlyNot onlyNot onlyNot only Ali Ali Ali Ali but alsobut alsobut alsobut also Ayşe will come with us. Ayşe will come with us. Ayşe will come with us. Ayşe will come with us. She is She is She is She is beautiful.beautiful.beautiful.beautiful. She is cleve She is cleve She is cleve She is clever.r.r.r. She is bothShe is bothShe is bothShe is both beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful andandandand clever. clever. clever. clever. She isn’t She isn’t She isn’t She isn’t tall.tall.tall.tall. She isn’t She isn’t She isn’t She isn’t short.short.short.short.


She is She is She is She is neitherneitherneitherneither tall tall tall tall nornornornor short. short. short. short. b) Both …. and iki ismi bağlıyorsa fiil daima çoğul, diğer bağlaçlarda ise ikinci özne temel alınır.

BothBothBothBoth my parents my parents my parents my parents andandandand my sister my sister my sister my sister areareareare coming coming coming coming tomorrow.tomorrow.tomorrow.tomorrow. Not onlyNot onlyNot onlyNot only my parents my parents my parents my parents but alsobut alsobut alsobut also my my my my sistersistersistersister isisisis coming tomorrow. coming tomorrow. coming tomorrow. coming tomorrow. NeitherNeitherNeitherNeither the manager the manager the manager the manager nor nor nor nor my my my my colleguescolleguescolleguescollegues approveapproveapproveapprove of the plan. of the plan. of the plan. of the plan. Either the Either the Either the Either the studentsstudentsstudentsstudents or the or the or the or the teacherteacherteacherteacher hashashashas made a mistake. made a mistake. made a mistake. made a mistake.



1) ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF TIME AFTER AfterAfterAfterAfter I finish / I have finished this report, I will go out for I finish / I have finished this report, I will go out for I finish / I have finished this report, I will go out for I finish / I have finished this report, I will go out for lunch. lunch. lunch. lunch. AAAAfterfterfterfter I finished/ I had finished the report, I went out for lunch. I finished/ I had finished the report, I went out for lunch. I finished/ I had finished the report, I went out for lunch. I finished/ I had finished the report, I went out for lunch.


BEFORE BeforeBeforeBeforeBefore I go out for lunch, I will finish this report. I go out for lunch, I will finish this report. I go out for lunch, I will finish this report. I go out for lunch, I will finish this report. BeforeBeforeBeforeBefore I went out for lunch, I finished / had finished the report. I went out for lunch, I finished / had finished the report. I went out for lunch, I finished / had finished the report. I went out for lunch, I finished / had finished the report. UNTIL / TILL: Ana cümledeki eylemin belirtilen zamana kadar sürdüğünü / süreceğini belirtmek için kullanılır. UntilUntilUntilUntil you come back, I will stay at home. you come back, I will stay at home. you come back, I will stay at home. you come back, I will stay at home. UntilUntilUntilUntil the boss came back, I had waited at the office. the boss came back, I had waited at the office. the boss came back, I had waited at the office. the boss came back, I had waited at the office. WHEN / WHILE / AS: Bir hareket devam ederken başka bir olayın olduğunu vurgulamak için kullanırız. a) Aynı anda vuku bulan iki kısa olay AS / WHEN ile As / When As / When As / When As / When the can is opened, the content heats automatically. the can is opened, the content heats automatically. the can is opened, the content heats automatically. the can is opened, the content heats automatically. b) Aynı anda vuku bulan iki uzun süreli olayı AS / WHILE ile anlatırız. As / As / As / As / whilewhilewhilewhile my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping.my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping.my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping.my wife cleaned the house, I went shopping. As / As / As / As / wwwwhile hile hile hile I was shopping, my was cleaning the house.I was shopping, my was cleaning the house.I was shopping, my was cleaning the house.I was shopping, my was cleaning the house. BY THE TIME: Zaman zarf cümleciğinde belirtilen zamana kadar ana cümledeki eylemin bitirilmiş / bitirilecek olduğunu vurgular. By the timeBy the timeBy the timeBy the time he comes back, we will have finished our work. he comes back, we will have finished our work. he comes back, we will have finished our work. he comes back, we will have finished our work. By the timeBy the timeBy the timeBy the time he cam he cam he cam he came back, it was too late.e back, it was too late.e back, it was too late.e back, it was too late. AS SOON AS / ONCE / THE MOMENT / IMMEDIATELY As soon as / once / the moment / immediately As soon as / once / the moment / immediately As soon as / once / the moment / immediately As soon as / once / the moment / immediately I saw him, I I saw him, I I saw him, I I saw him, I understood that something was rong.understood that something was rong.understood that something was rong.understood that something was rong. AS LONG AS / SO LONG AS I won’t forgive himI won’t forgive himI won’t forgive himI won’t forgive him as long as / so long as as long as / so long as as long as / so long as as long as / so long as I live.I live.I live.I live. I never I never I never I never bought anyting from that shop bought anyting from that shop bought anyting from that shop bought anyting from that shop as long as / so long as as long as / so long as as long as / so long as as long as / so long as IIII lived here.lived here.lived here.lived here. WHENEVER / EVERYTIME I greet him I greet him I greet him I greet him whenever / everytimewhenever / everytimewhenever / everytimewhenever / everytime I see him. I see him. I see him. I see him. I greeted (used to greet) himI greeted (used to greet) himI greeted (used to greet) himI greeted (used to greet) him whenever / everytime whenever / everytime whenever / everytime whenever / everytime I saw him. I saw him. I saw him. I saw him. NOW (THAT) Dığı içini, Mademki


Now thatNow thatNow thatNow that we have fi we have fi we have fi we have finished our work, we can go out for a walknished our work, we can go out for a walknished our work, we can go out for a walknished our work, we can go out for a walk.... HARDLY, SCARCELY, BARELY……. WHEN NO SOONER .……. THANTHANTHANTHAN Bir eylemin ardından hemen ikinci bir eylemin başladığını vurgulamak için genellikle PAST PERFECT ve DEVRİK CÜMLE ile kullanılır. I hadI hadI hadI had no sooner no sooner no sooner no sooner receivreceivreceivreceived his lettered his lettered his lettered his letter than than than than he him self arrived.he him self arrived.he him self arrived.he him self arrived. No soonerNo soonerNo soonerNo sooner had she gone to bed had she gone to bed had she gone to bed had she gone to bed thanthanthanthan the telephone rang. the telephone rang. the telephone rang. the telephone rang. I had I had I had I had scarcely / hardlyscarcely / hardlyscarcely / hardlyscarcely / hardly received his letter received his letter received his letter received his letter whenwhenwhenwhen he himself he himself he himself he himself arrived.arrived.arrived.arrived. HardlyHardlyHardlyHardly had she gone to bed had she gone to bed had she gone to bed had she gone to bed whenwhenwhenwhen the telephone rang. the telephone rang. the telephone rang. the telephone rang. AFTERWARDS / AFTER AFTERWARDS (later / after that) anlamında zarftır. AFTER Preposition olarak isim, Bağlaç olarak cümle alır. After the class After the meeting PREPOSITION After she came After she graduated BAĞLAÇ 2) ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF REASON Because Since As + Cümle gelir Inasmuch as Seeing that, seeing as Because Because Because Because I was ill, I didn’t go to work.I was ill, I didn’t go to work.I was ill, I didn’t go to work.I was ill, I didn’t go to work. Since Since Since Since she wants to lose weight quickly, she is on a strict diet.she wants to lose weight quickly, she is on a strict diet.she wants to lose weight quickly, she is on a strict diet.she wants to lose weight quickly, she is on a strict diet. As As As As it was very cold in the garden, we decided to eat inside.it was very cold in the garden, we decided to eat inside.it was very cold in the garden, we decided to eat inside.it was very cold in the garden, we decided to eat inside.


Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing that / that / that / that / seeingseeingseeingseeing as the t as the t as the t as the traffic was heavy, we walked to work raffic was heavy, we walked to work raffic was heavy, we walked to work raffic was heavy, we walked to work yesterday.yesterday.yesterday.yesterday. Because of On account of + İsim / gerund gelir. Owing to Due to Because ofBecause ofBecause ofBecause of illness, she couldn’t go to school. illness, she couldn’t go to school. illness, she couldn’t go to school. illness, she couldn’t go to school. On account ofOn account ofOn account ofOn account of the the heavy traffic, we took another way to the the heavy traffic, we took another way to the the heavy traffic, we took another way to the the heavy traffic, we took another way to work yesterday.work yesterday.work yesterday.work yesterday. Owing tOwing tOwing tOwing toooo dramatically rising prices, it is difficult dramatically rising prices, it is difficult dramatically rising prices, it is difficult dramatically rising prices, it is difficult to make endsto make endsto make endsto make ends meet.meet.meet.meet. Due toDue toDue toDue to the limited employment, many people are moving the the limited employment, many people are moving the the limited employment, many people are moving the the limited employment, many people are moving the big cities.big cities.big cities.big cities. Because of On account of Due to + The fact that + cümle gelir Owing to Due to the fact that she neglected the children, they became disobedient. THEREFORE / CONSEQUENTLY / AS A RESULT Neden sonuç ilişkisini bildiren geçiş sözcükleridir. İkinci cümlede kullanılır. Cümlenin başında, özneden sonra, ve cümlenin sonunda gelir ve cümleden bir virgule ayrılır. She dShe dShe dShe didn’t feel well.idn’t feel well.idn’t feel well.idn’t feel well. Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, she left the office early.she left the office early.she left the office early.she left the office early. She didn’t feel well. She, consequently, She didn’t feel well. She, consequently, She didn’t feel well. She, consequently, She didn’t feel well. She, consequently, left the office early.left the office early.left the office early.left the office early. She didn’t feel well. She left the office early,She didn’t feel well. She left the office early,She didn’t feel well. She left the office early,She didn’t feel well. She left the office early, as a result. as a result. as a result. as a result. 3) ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT + CÜMLE She is learning English She is learning English She is learning English She is learning English so that / in order thatso that / in order thatso that / in order thatso that / in order that she can find a she can find a she can find a she can find a better job.better job.better job.better job. I withdrew some money I withdrew some money I withdrew some money I withdrew some money so that / in order thatso that / in order thatso that / in order thatso that / in order that I would have I would have I would have I would have plenty on plenty on plenty on plenty on me. me. me. me.


FOR THE PURPOSE THAT + CÜMLE So that ile aynı anlamdadır.

She is attending a conversation club She is attending a conversation club She is attending a conversation club She is attending a conversation club for for for for the purpose that the purpose that the purpose that the purpose that she can practiceshe can practiceshe can practiceshe can practice speaking English.speaking English.speaking English.speaking English.

LEST: ‘for fear that / so that …. not’ ile aynı anlamdadır. Genellikle SHOULD ya da SUBJUNCTIVE yapıyla kullanılır. We all spoke in quite voices We all spoke in quite voices We all spoke in quite voices We all spoke in quite voices lestlestlestlest we we we we wake / should wake thewake / should wake thewake / should wake thewake / should wake the babybabybabybaby.... (Bebeği uyandırmayalım diye hepimiz çok alçak sesle konuştuk) FOR THE PURPOSE OF / FOR FEAR OF + GERUND veya NOUN We all spoke in quiet voices We all spoke in quiet voices We all spoke in quiet voices We all spoke in quiet voices for fear offor fear offor fear offor fear of waking the baby. waking the baby. waking the baby. waking the baby. She went to her husband’s office She went to her husband’s office She went to her husband’s office She went to her husband’s office for the purpose offor the purpose offor the purpose offor the purpose of seeing him. seeing him. seeing him. seeing him. IN ORDER TO / TO / SO AS TO ShShShShe lay on the floor e lay on the floor e lay on the floor e lay on the floor (to / in order to / so as to) (to / in order to / so as to) (to / in order to / so as to) (to / in order to / so as to) rest for a while.rest for a while.rest for a while.rest for a while. We kept the news secret We kept the news secret We kept the news secret We kept the news secret (in order not to / so as not to) (in order not to / so as not to) (in order not to / so as not to) (in order not to / so as not to) upset upset upset upset her.her.her.her. 4) ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONTRAST EVEN THOUGH / ALTOUGH / THOUGH Altough/Though/Even though Altough/Though/Even though Altough/Though/Even though Altough/Though/Even though she is good at music,she is good at music,she is good at music,she is good at music, she doesn’t she doesn’t she doesn’t she doesn’t want to be a musician.want to be a musician.want to be a musician.want to be a musician. THOUGH (BUT / YET) Anlamında iki bağımsız cümleyi birleştirmek için de kullanılır. Genellikle cümlenin sonuna gelir, ama bazen ikinci cümlenin başında da yer alabilir. I didn’t like the film; I liked its backgrouI didn’t like the film; I liked its backgrouI didn’t like the film; I liked its backgrouI didn’t like the film; I liked its background music,nd music,nd music,nd music, though. though. though. though. I didn’t like the film,I didn’t like the film,I didn’t like the film,I didn’t like the film, though though though though I liked its background music.I liked its background music.I liked its background music.I liked its background music. IN SPITE OF / DESPITE + NOUN In spite of /despiteIn spite of /despiteIn spite of /despiteIn spite of /despite the heavy rain, they went on a picnic.the heavy rain, they went on a picnic.the heavy rain, they went on a picnic.the heavy rain, they went on a picnic. *** In spite of / despite + the fact that + cümle Despite the fact that Despite the fact that Despite the fact that Despite the fact that she she she she is old, she still takes long walks is old, she still takes long walks is old, she still takes long walks is old, she still takes long walks everyday.everyday.everyday.everyday. In spite of the fact that she practices everyday, she is still badIn spite of the fact that she practices everyday, she is still badIn spite of the fact that she practices everyday, she is still badIn spite of the fact that she practices everyday, she is still bad


at driving. at driving. at driving. at driving. MUCH AS + CÜMLE Daha çok duygu ifade eder. ‘Altough’ anlamını verir. Much asMuch asMuch asMuch as I like sports, I dislike football. I like sports, I dislike football. I like sports, I dislike football. I like sports, I dislike football. ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB + AS OR THOUGH + CÜMLE Karşıtlık ifade eden bağlaç olarak bir sıfat veya zarftan sonra kullanılır. Patient Patient Patient Patient as / though as / though as / though as / though he is, he couldn’t bear the noise they werehe is, he couldn’t bear the noise they werehe is, he couldn’t bear the noise they werehe is, he couldn’t bear the noise they were making.making.making.making. Quickly Quickly Quickly Quickly as / thoughas / thoughas / thoughas / though they worked, they failed to finish the task they worked, they failed to finish the task they worked, they failed to finish the task they worked, they failed to finish the task in tiin tiin tiin time.me.me.me. HOWEVER + ADJECTIVE / ADVERB However However However However latelatelatelate it is, you can call me for help. it is, you can call me for help. it is, you can call me for help. it is, you can call me for help. However However However However hardhardhardhard I tired, I couldn’t succeed. I tired, I couldn’t succeed. I tired, I couldn’t succeed. I tired, I couldn’t succeed. NO MATTER + QUESTION WORD “No matter “No matter “No matter “No matter whowhowhowho you are, come and join us.” you are, come and join us.” you are, come and join us.” you are, come and join us.” Mevlana said.Mevlana said.Mevlana said.Mevlana said. KARŞITLIK BİLDİREN (TRANSITIONS) GEÇİŞ SÖZCÜKLERİ However Nevertheless It was coldIt was coldIt was coldIt was cold. (;) Nonetheless she went out for a walkshe went out for a walkshe went out for a walkshe went out for a walk. (buna rağmen / yine de) Even so All the same Notwithstanding

Aşağıdaki bağlaçlar iki tam cümleyi birleştirir. İkinci cümlenin başında yer alırlar. Birinci cümleden virgule ayrılırlar veya birinci cümleye nokta koyulup büyük harfle başlarlar. (But…anyway/But….still/Yet….still)

It was coldIt was coldIt was coldIt was cold, , , , butbutbutbut she went out for a walk she went out for a walk she went out for a walk she went out for a walk anyway.anyway.anyway.anyway. It was coldIt was coldIt was coldIt was cold,,,, yetyetyetyet sheshesheshe still still still still went out for a walkwent out for a walkwent out for a walkwent out for a walk. . . . (Ama yine de.)(Ama yine de.)(Ama yine de.)(Ama yine de.) It was cold,It was cold,It was cold,It was cold, bubububutttt she she she she stillstillstillstill went out for a walk. went out for a walk. went out for a walk. went out for a walk. ON THE ONE HAND..ON THE OTHER HAND: Bir olayın çelişen iki yönünü ifade eder. She has a dilemma and she doesn’t know what to do. She has a dilemma and she doesn’t know what to do. She has a dilemma and she doesn’t know what to do. She has a dilemma and she doesn’t know what to do. On theOn theOn theOn the one handone handone handone hand, she very much wants to go a broad for her university, she very much wants to go a broad for her university, she very much wants to go a broad for her university, she very much wants to go a broad for her university education. education. education. education. On theOn theOn theOn the other hand other hand other hand other hand, she knows that her family will , she knows that her family will , she knows that her family will , she knows that her family will have difficulty affording it.have difficulty affording it.have difficulty affording it.have difficulty affording it. IN CONTRAST: İki nesneyi karşılaştırır.


Adana has got hot summers. Trabzon, Adana has got hot summers. Trabzon, Adana has got hot summers. Trabzon, Adana has got hot summers. Trabzon, in contrastin contrastin contrastin contrast, has got cool , has got cool , has got cool , has got cool summers.summers.summers.summers. IN CONTRAST TO / WİTH + NOUN In contrast toIn contrast toIn contrast toIn contrast to his sister, Ahmet his sister, Ahmet his sister, Ahmet his sister, Ahmet is a very tidy boy. is a very tidy boy. is a very tidy boy. is a very tidy boy. ON THE CONTRARY: Söylenilen ifadenin doğru olmadığını, tam tersi bir durumun söz konusu olduğunu ifade eder. You say she is very beautiful. We, You say she is very beautiful. We, You say she is very beautiful. We, You say she is very beautiful. We, on the contraryon the contraryon the contraryon the contrary, find her, find her, find her, find her rather ugly.rather ugly.rather ugly.rather ugly. 5) ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONDITION IF / UNLESS / AS LONG AS / PROVIDED / EVEN IF We can go camping with us We can go camping with us We can go camping with us We can go camping with us providedprovidedprovidedprovided you bring your own food. you bring your own food. you bring your own food. you bring your own food. I won’t be able to I won’t be able to I won’t be able to I won’t be able to come with youcome with youcome with youcome with you unlessunlessunlessunless I find a baby sitter. I find a baby sitter. I find a baby sitter. I find a baby sitter. We are going for a picnic tomorrow We are going for a picnic tomorrow We are going for a picnic tomorrow We are going for a picnic tomorrow even if even if even if even if it rains.it rains.it rains.it rains. I don’t worry about you I don’t worry about you I don’t worry about you I don’t worry about you as long asas long asas long asas long as I know I know I know I know where you are. where you are. where you are. where you are. My father gives me a lift My father gives me a lift My father gives me a lift My father gives me a lift İfİfİfİf I miss the school bus. I miss the school bus. I miss the school bus. I miss the school bus. 6) ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF MANNER AS IF / AS THOUGH / JUST AS / LIKE Ahmet looks Ahmet looks Ahmet looks Ahmet looks as ifas ifas ifas if something is rong. something is rong. something is rong. something is rong. It smells It smells It smells It smells as thoughas thoughas thoughas though someonen has been smoking here. someonen has been smoking here. someonen has been smoking here. someonen has been smoking here. The weather was cold The weather was cold The weather was cold The weather was cold justjustjustjust as as as as it had been all week along. it had been all week along. it had been all week along. it had been all week along. It sounds It sounds It sounds It sounds likelikelikelike a baby criying. a baby criying. a baby criying. a baby criying.

REDUCED ADVERBIAL CLAUSESREDUCED ADVERBIAL CLAUSESREDUCED ADVERBIAL CLAUSESREDUCED ADVERBIAL CLAUSES Bir zarf cümleciğini kısaltabilmemiz için yan cümle ile temel cümledeki öznenin aynı olması gerekir. Ancak, considering,considering,considering,considering, following,following,following,following, takingtakingtakingtaking inininin totototo account,account,account,account, seeseeseeseeinginginging thatthatthatthat gibi yapılarla ve genel ifadeler içerdiği zaman whenwhenwhenwhen ++++ doingdoingdoingdoing yapısıyla öznelerin aynı olması gerekmez. ConsederingConsederingConsederingConsedering the actor’s performance, the film was below my the actor’s performance, the film was below my the actor’s performance, the film was below my the actor’s performance, the film was below my


expectations.expectations.expectations.expectations. FallowingFallowingFallowingFallowing the menager’s speech, we will be allowed into the the menager’s speech, we will be allowed into the the menager’s speech, we will be allowed into the the menager’s speech, we will be allowed into the clasclasclasclassrooms.srooms.srooms.srooms. When travellingWhen travellingWhen travellingWhen travelling in a foreign country, it is best to carry in a foreign country, it is best to carry in a foreign country, it is best to carry in a foreign country, it is best to carry traveller’s cheguestraveller’s cheguestraveller’s cheguestraveller’s chegues rather than cash.rather than cash.rather than cash.rather than cash. KISALTMA YAPABİLECEĞİMİZ BAĞLAÇLAR WHILE (Active): Aynı anda vuku bulan iki eylemi ifade eder. While I was listening to pop music last night, I While I was listening to pop music last night, I While I was listening to pop music last night, I While I was listening to pop music last night, I ironed my ironed my ironed my ironed my shirts.shirts.shirts.shirts. While While While While listening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts.listening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts.listening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts.listening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts. Listening to pop music last nightListening to pop music last nightListening to pop music last nightListening to pop music last night, I ironed my shirts., I ironed my shirts., I ironed my shirts., I ironed my shirts. (Passive) While it was being carried, the table got broken.While it was being carried, the table got broken.While it was being carried, the table got broken.While it was being carried, the table got broken. While While While While being carried, the table got broken.being carried, the table got broken.being carried, the table got broken.being carried, the table got broken.

AFTER (Active) After After After After we atewe atewe atewe ate////had eaten dinnerhad eaten dinnerhad eaten dinnerhad eaten dinner, we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk. AfterAfterAfterAfter eating eating eating eating////after having eaten dinnerafter having eaten dinnerafter having eaten dinnerafter having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk., we went out for a walk. Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.

(Passive) After After After After he was / he was / he was / he was / had been promotedhad been promotedhad been promotedhad been promoted, he became more interested , he became more interested , he became more interested , he became more interested in hin hin hin his job.is job.is job.is job. After After After After being / being / being / being / having been promotedhaving been promotedhaving been promotedhaving been promoted, he became more interested , he became more interested , he became more interested , he became more interested in his job.in his job.in his job.in his job. Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job.Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job. BEFORE Kısaltma yaparken ‘BEFORE’ atılmaz. (Active) Before Before Before Before she came to this city, she lived in theshe came to this city, she lived in theshe came to this city, she lived in theshe came to this city, she lived in the country. country. country. country. Before Before Before Before coming to this city, she lived in the country.coming to this city, she lived in the country.coming to this city, she lived in the country.coming to this city, she lived in the country.



Before Before Before Before she was elected Prime Minister, she worked as a she was elected Prime Minister, she worked as a she was elected Prime Minister, she worked as a she was elected Prime Minister, she worked as a university teacher.university teacher.university teacher.university teacher. Before Before Before Before being elected Prime Minister, she workedbeing elected Prime Minister, she workedbeing elected Prime Minister, she workedbeing elected Prime Minister, she worked:::: WHEN a) Arka arkaya yapılmış iki eylem bağlanıyorsa; (Active) WhenWhenWhenWhen she finished her report, she left the office. she finished her report, she left the office. she finished her report, she left the office. she finished her report, she left the office. On / uponOn / uponOn / uponOn / upon finishing her report, she left the office. finishing her report, she left the office. finishing her report, she left the office. finishing her report, she left the office. (Passive) Passive cümlede ya da ‘TO BE’ fiilinin asıl fiil olduğu cümlede ÖZNE ve BE fiili atılır. WhenWhenWhenWhen he was a young man, he was a young man, he was a young man, he was a young man, he was very ambitious.he was very ambitious.he was very ambitious.he was very ambitious. WhenWhenWhenWhen a young man, he was very ambitious. a young man, he was very ambitious. a young man, he was very ambitious. a young man, he was very ambitious. WhenWhenWhenWhen they are used too often, sedative drugs may cause they are used too often, sedative drugs may cause they are used too often, sedative drugs may cause they are used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction.addiction.addiction.addiction. WhenWhenWhenWhen used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction. used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction. used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction. used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction. b) NOT: Temel ve yan cümledeki eylemler aynı zamanda oluyor ise when ‘WHILE’

anlamında kullanılır. WhenWhenWhenWhen you are travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ you are travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ you are travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ you are travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ chegues with you.chegues with you.chegues with you.chegues with you. WhenWhenWhenWhen travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ chegues travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ chegues travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ chegues travelling abroad, you must have travellers’ chegues with you.with you.with you.with you. UNTIL (Active) UntilUntilUntilUntil I went to Australia, I had never seen a kang I went to Australia, I had never seen a kang I went to Australia, I had never seen a kang I went to Australia, I had never seen a kangaroo.aroo.aroo.aroo. UntilUntilUntilUntil going to Australia, I had never seen a kangaroo. going to Australia, I had never seen a kangaroo. going to Australia, I had never seen a kangaroo. going to Australia, I had never seen a kangaroo. (Passive) Prepositions must be studiedPrepositions must be studiedPrepositions must be studiedPrepositions must be studied until until until until they are learnt by heart.they are learnt by heart.they are learnt by heart.they are learnt by heart. Prepositions must be studiedPrepositions must be studiedPrepositions must be studiedPrepositions must be studied until until until until learnt by heart.learnt by heart.learnt by heart.learnt by heart. SINCE (den beri) (since + doing / since + being done)

SinceSinceSinceSince I I I I came to this city, I have lived in the same house.came to this city, I have lived in the same house.came to this city, I have lived in the same house.came to this city, I have lived in the same house. SinceSinceSinceSince coming to this city, I have lived in the same house. coming to this city, I have lived in the same house. coming to this city, I have lived in the same house. coming to this city, I have lived in the same house. SinceSinceSinceSince it was occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to it was occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to it was occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to it was occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to worse.worse.worse.worse.


SinceSinceSinceSince being occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to being occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to being occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to being occupied by the USA, Iraq has gone from bad to worse.worse.worse.worse. BECAUSE / AS / SINCE (dığı için) Neden sonuç bildiren durumlarda bağlaç atılarak; (Active cümleActive cümleActive cümleActive cümle: : : : Doing / Doing / Doing / Doing / Passive cümlePassive cümlePassive cümlePassive cümle:::: being done being done being done being done), şayet Adverbial clause daki eylem daha önce gerçekleşmişse (Active cümle: Having done / Passive cümle: having been done) kullanılır. BecauseBecauseBecauseBecause she is married now, she has more responsibility. she is married now, she has more responsibility. she is married now, she has more responsibility. she is married now, she has more responsibility. Being marriedBeing marriedBeing marriedBeing married now, she has more responsibility. now, she has more responsibility. now, she has more responsibility. now, she has more responsibility. SinceSinceSinceSince she was tired, she went to bed early. she was tired, she went to bed early. she was tired, she went to bed early. she was tired, she went to bed early. Being tired,Being tired,Being tired,Being tired, she went to bed early. she went to bed early. she went to bed early. she went to bed early. Because Because Because Because I sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficI sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficI sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficI sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficultyultyultyulty in walking.in walking.in walking.in walking. Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty in my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty in my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty in my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty in walking.walking.walking.walking. Because Because Because Because I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk. Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained Having sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk.my ankle, I could hardly walk.my ankle, I could hardly walk.my ankle, I could hardly walk. BecauseBecauseBecauseBecause he had been transferred to a remote branch, he he had been transferred to a remote branch, he he had been transferred to a remote branch, he he had been transferred to a remote branch, he resresresresigned.igned.igned.igned. Having been transferredHaving been transferredHaving been transferredHaving been transferred to a remote branch, he resigned. to a remote branch, he resigned. to a remote branch, he resigned. to a remote branch, he resigned. Adverbial clause’da ‘be + Adjective’ kullanılmışsa bu yapı ‘being + Adjective’ ya da sadece ‘Adjective’ biçiminde kısaltılır. Because she is responsible Because she is responsible Because she is responsible Because she is responsible for the office, she has to be therefor the office, she has to be therefor the office, she has to be therefor the office, she has to be there early.early.early.early. Being responsible / responsibleBeing responsible / responsibleBeing responsible / responsibleBeing responsible / responsible for the office, she has to be for the office, she has to be for the office, she has to be for the office, she has to be there early.there early.there early.there early. OLUMSUZ Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, Because she hadn’t slept well the night before, she felt tired inshe felt tired inshe felt tired inshe felt tired in the morning.the morning.the morning.the morning. Not having slept well the night before, Not having slept well the night before, Not having slept well the night before, Not having slept well the night before, she felt tired in theshe felt tired in theshe felt tired in theshe felt tired in the morning.morning.morning.morning. *** NOT: Neden-sonuç bildiren cümlelerde temel ve yan cümlelerin özneleri farklı olsada kısaltma yapmak mümkün ama her iki cümlenin öznelerini belirtmek gerekir. Because our car is broken down, Because our car is broken down, Because our car is broken down, Because our car is broken down, we have walked to work sincewe have walked to work sincewe have walked to work sincewe have walked to work since last week.last week.last week.last week. Our car beiOur car beiOur car beiOur car being broken down, ng broken down, ng broken down, ng broken down, we have walked to work since lastwe have walked to work since lastwe have walked to work since lastwe have walked to work since last


week.week.week.week. As the weather was cold, As the weather was cold, As the weather was cold, As the weather was cold, we had to cancel the picnic.we had to cancel the picnic.we had to cancel the picnic.we had to cancel the picnic. The weather being coldThe weather being coldThe weather being coldThe weather being cold, we had to cancel the picnic., we had to cancel the picnic., we had to cancel the picnic., we had to cancel the picnic. As the manager has gone abroad, As the manager has gone abroad, As the manager has gone abroad, As the manager has gone abroad, I will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over the meeting.meeting.meeting.meeting. The manager havingThe manager havingThe manager havingThe manager having gone aboad, gone aboad, gone aboad, gone aboad, I will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over theI will priside over the meeting.meeting.meeting.meeting. Because there was a serious accident, Because there was a serious accident, Because there was a serious accident, Because there was a serious accident, we had to wait for a longwe had to wait for a longwe had to wait for a longwe had to wait for a long time.time.time.time. There being a serious accident, There being a serious accident, There being a serious accident, There being a serious accident, we had to wait for a long time.we had to wait for a long time.we had to wait for a long time.we had to wait for a long time. KOŞUL CÜMLESİ KISALTILMIŞ YAPILARI

IF If they were collected togIf they were collected togIf they were collected togIf they were collected together, ether, ether, ether, his poems would fill a volume.his poems would fill a volume.his poems would fill a volume.his poems would fill a volume. If collected together, If collected together, If collected together, If collected together, his poem would fill a volume.his poem would fill a volume.his poem would fill a volume.his poem would fill a volume. Unless this case is explained properly, Unless this case is explained properly, Unless this case is explained properly, Unless this case is explained properly, it will continue to it will continue to it will continue to it will continue to confuse people.confuse people.confuse people.confuse people. Unless explained properly, Unless explained properly, Unless explained properly, Unless explained properly, this case will continue to confusethis case will continue to confusethis case will continue to confusethis case will continue to confuse people.people.people.people.

As if he wasAs if he wasAs if he wasAs if he was known to everyone here, known to everyone here, known to everyone here, known to everyone here, he came to the party and he came to the party and he came to the party and he came to the party and left left left left immediately, without saying a word.immediately, without saying a word.immediately, without saying a word.immediately, without saying a word.

As if known to everyone here, As if known to everyone here, As if known to everyone here, As if known to everyone here, he came to the party and lefthe came to the party and lefthe came to the party and lefthe came to the party and left immediately, immediately, immediately, immediately, Whether they are cooked in the oven or deepWhether they are cooked in the oven or deepWhether they are cooked in the oven or deepWhether they are cooked in the oven or deep----fried, fried, fried, fried, auberginesauberginesauberginesaubergines are myare myare myare my favorite vegetabfavorite vegetabfavorite vegetabfavorite vegetables in summer.les in summer.les in summer.les in summer. Whether cooked in the oven or deepWhether cooked in the oven or deepWhether cooked in the oven or deepWhether cooked in the oven or deep----fried, fried, fried, fried, aubergines are myaubergines are myaubergines are myaubergines are my favourite favourite favourite favourite vegetables in summer.vegetables in summer.vegetables in summer.vegetables in summer.


Although / thoughAlthough / thoughAlthough / thoughAlthough / though their products are not as good as ours, their products are not as good as ours, their products are not as good as ours, their products are not as good as ours, theytheytheythey are more expensive. are more expensive. are more expensive. are more expensive. Although / though not as good as ours,Although / though not as good as ours,Although / though not as good as ours,Although / though not as good as ours, their products aretheir products aretheir products aretheir products are expensive.expensive.expensive.expensive.


(Cümle içirisinde bir sözcüğün yer değiştirmesi) 1) Negative exclamations: Olumsuz soru biçimindeki bazı cümleler aslında soru değil ünlem cümlesidir ve devrik yapıdadır.


Aren’t you selfish?Aren’t you selfish?Aren’t you selfish?Aren’t you selfish? 2) “So, neither, nor” kısa cevaplar

I think Nihat is a better player than Maradona. I think Nihat is a better player than Maradona. I think Nihat is a better player than Maradona. I think Nihat is a better player than Maradona. So do I.So do I.So do I.So do I. I can’t stand listening to pop music. I can’t stand listening to pop music. I can’t stand listening to pop music. I can’t stand listening to pop music. Neither / Nor can I.Neither / Nor can I.Neither / Nor can I.Neither / Nor can I.

She didn’t have any money, and she didn’t know anyone she could She didn’t have any money, and she didn’t know anyone she could She didn’t have any money, and she didn’t know anyone she could She didn’t have any money, and she didn’t know anyone she could barrow some. barrow some. barrow some. barrow some.

She didn’t have any money, nor dShe didn’t have any money, nor dShe didn’t have any money, nor dShe didn’t have any money, nor did she know id she know id she know id she know anyone she couldanyone she couldanyone she couldanyone she could barrowbarrowbarrowbarrow some. some. some. some. 3) Wishes with ‘May’

MayMayMayMay you always be happy? you always be happy? you always be happy? you always be happy?

4) Olumsuz anlam taşıyan yapıların cümlenin başında yer alması HeHeHeHe hardly ever hardly ever hardly ever hardly ever talks to me.talks to me.talks to me.talks to me. Hardly ever Hardly ever Hardly ever Hardly ever does he talk to me.does he talk to me.does he talk to me.does he talk to me.

IIII scarcely ever scarcely ever scarcely ever scarcely ever actually use my actually use my actually use my actually use my mobile phone.mobile phone.mobile phone.mobile phone. Scarcely ever Scarcely ever Scarcely ever Scarcely ever do I actually use my mobile phone.do I actually use my mobile phone.do I actually use my mobile phone.do I actually use my mobile phone.

ON NO ACCOUNT, IN / UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES In / under any circumstances devrik yapıyla kullanılmaz. Yerine in / under no circumstances kullanılır.

You should not, You should not, You should not, You should not, under any circumstances,under any circumstances,under any circumstances,under any circumstances, pl pl pl place your finger in to an ace your finger in to an ace your finger in to an ace your finger in to an electrical socket.electrical socket.electrical socket.electrical socket. Under no circumstances Under no circumstances Under no circumstances Under no circumstances should you place your finger into an electrical should you place your finger into an electrical should you place your finger into an electrical should you place your finger into an electrical socket.socket.socket.socket. You are You are You are You are on no accounton no accounton no accounton no account to open any of these presents until Christmas. to open any of these presents until Christmas. to open any of these presents until Christmas. to open any of these presents until Christmas. On no accountOn no accountOn no accountOn no account are you to open these presents until Christmas. are you to open these presents until Christmas. are you to open these presents until Christmas. are you to open these presents until Christmas.


Only by + verb, only with + noun’ You can improve your language skillsYou can improve your language skillsYou can improve your language skillsYou can improve your language skills only byonly byonly byonly by practicing. practicing. practicing. practicing. Only byOnly byOnly byOnly by practicing practicing practicing practicing can you improve your language skills. can you improve your language skills. can you improve your language skills. can you improve your language skills.


He only managed to open the jar He only managed to open the jar He only managed to open the jar He only managed to open the jar withwithwithwith his wife’s help his wife’s help his wife’s help his wife’s help Only withOnly withOnly withOnly with his his his his wife’s help wife’s help wife’s help wife’s help did he managed to open the jar. did he managed to open the jar. did he managed to open the jar. did he managed to open the jar. Only in this way / only like this / only thus Tansu won reelection by manipulating the vote; as she is Tansu won reelection by manipulating the vote; as she is Tansu won reelection by manipulating the vote; as she is Tansu won reelection by manipulating the vote; as she is despised by so many voters, it was possible for her to win despised by so many voters, it was possible for her to win despised by so many voters, it was possible for her to win despised by so many voters, it was possible for her to win onlyonlyonlyonly in this way.in this way.in this way.in this way. Tansu won reelection Tansu won reelection Tansu won reelection Tansu won reelection by manipulating the vote, as she by manipulating the vote, as she by manipulating the vote, as she by manipulating the vote, as she despised by so many voters,despised by so many voters,despised by so many voters,despised by so many voters, only in this way was it possible for only in this way was it possible for only in this way was it possible for only in this way was it possible for her to win.her to win.her to win.her to win.

Only then / only once My husband and I work at the same company, but we normally see each My husband and I work at the same company, but we normally see each My husband and I work at the same company, but we normally see each My husband and I work at the same company, but we normally see each other other other other only onceonly onceonly onceonly once a day at lunch time. a day at lunch time. a day at lunch time. a day at lunch time. My husband My husband My husband My husband and I work at the same company, butand I work at the same company, butand I work at the same company, butand I work at the same company, but only once only once only once only once do we do we do we do we normally see each other a day at lunch time.normally see each other a day at lunch time.normally see each other a day at lunch time.normally see each other a day at lunch time.

Only when (after/before) Yan cümle değil temel cümle devrik olur. Ali was allowed to go homeAli was allowed to go homeAli was allowed to go homeAli was allowed to go home only when only when only when only when he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a toy’ on the boartoy’ on the boartoy’ on the boartoy’ on the board 100 times.d 100 times.d 100 times.d 100 times. Only whenOnly whenOnly whenOnly when he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a toy’ on the board 100 times he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a toy’ on the board 100 times he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a toy’ on the board 100 times he had written ‘Nitric acid is not a toy’ on the board 100 times was Ali allowed to go home.was Ali allowed to go home.was Ali allowed to go home.was Ali allowed to go home.


I wasI wasI wasI was so hungry that so hungry that so hungry that so hungry that I would have eaten almost anything.I would have eaten almost anything.I would have eaten almost anything.I would have eaten almost anything. So hungry So hungry So hungry So hungry was Iwas Iwas Iwas I that that that that I would have I would have I would have I would have eaten almost anything.eaten almost anything.eaten almost anything.eaten almost anything. Fatma isFatma isFatma isFatma is such a gullible person that such a gullible person that such a gullible person that such a gullible person that she believes whatever she is told.she believes whatever she is told.she believes whatever she is told.she believes whatever she is told. Such a gullible person is Fatma that Such a gullible person is Fatma that Such a gullible person is Fatma that Such a gullible person is Fatma that she believes whatever she is told.she believes whatever she is told.she believes whatever she is told.she believes whatever she is told.

NEVER AGAIN / BEFORE I will I will I will I will nevernevernevernever set foot in that restaurant set foot in that restaurant set foot in that restaurant set foot in that restaurant againagainagainagain.... Never again Never again Never again Never again will will will will I set foot in that restaurantI set foot in that restaurantI set foot in that restaurantI set foot in that restaurant.... He had He had He had He had nevernevernevernever done such a foolish thing done such a foolish thing done such a foolish thing done such a foolish thing before.before.before.before. Never beforeNever beforeNever beforeNever before had he done such a foolish thing. had he done such a foolish thing. had he done such a foolish thing. had he done such a foolish thing.


NOT UNTIL / TILL: Temel cümle devrik olur. We can’t leave We can’t leave We can’t leave We can’t leave untiluntiluntiluntil we have turned off all the computers. we have turned off all the computers. we have turned off all the computers. we have turned off all the computers. Not untilNot untilNot untilNot until we have turned o we have turned o we have turned o we have turned off all the computers ff all the computers ff all the computers ff all the computers can we leave.can we leave.can we leave.can we leave.

NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO The king believedThe king believedThe king believedThe king believed not only not only not only not only in his divine right to rule, in his divine right to rule, in his divine right to rule, in his divine right to rule, but also that he but also that he but also that he but also that he himself was infallible.himself was infallible.himself was infallible.himself was infallible. Not only Not only Not only Not only did the king believe in his devine right to rul,did the king believe in his devine right to rul,did the king believe in his devine right to rul,did the king believe in his devine right to rul, but but but but hehehehe also also also also believed that he himself was inbelieved that he himself was inbelieved that he himself was inbelieved that he himself was infallible.fallible.fallible.fallible.

NOWHERE The tango is appreciated The tango is appreciated The tango is appreciated The tango is appreciated nowherenowherenowherenowhere more than in the land of its birth, more than in the land of its birth, more than in the land of its birth, more than in the land of its birth, Argentina.Argentina.Argentina.Argentina. NowhereNowhereNowhereNowhere is the tango appreciated more than in the land of its birth, is the tango appreciated more than in the land of its birth, is the tango appreciated more than in the land of its birth, is the tango appreciated more than in the land of its birth, Argentina.Argentina.Argentina.Argentina.

5) AS ve THAN: Karşılaştırma yapan kalıplarda ‘AS’ ve ‘THAN’ den sonra devrik cümle olabilir.

The combodian leader Pol Pot was a murderous dictator,The combodian leader Pol Pot was a murderous dictator,The combodian leader Pol Pot was a murderous dictator,The combodian leader Pol Pot was a murderous dictator, as was his as was his as was his as was his Ugandan contemporary Idi Amin.Ugandan contemporary Idi Amin.Ugandan contemporary Idi Amin.Ugandan contemporary Idi Amin. She is much better swimmerShe is much better swimmerShe is much better swimmerShe is much better swimmer than than than than is her brother.is her brother.is her brother.is her brother.

NOT: ‘THAN’ ile karşılaştırma yaparken, devrik cümle kullanımı ancak iki tarafın özneleri farklıysa mümkündür.

I I I I play the flute much better nowplay the flute much better nowplay the flute much better nowplay the flute much better now than I did than I did than I did than I did five years ago. five years ago. five years ago. five years ago.

6) PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE OF PLACE ile başlayan cümlelerden sonra. Out Out Out Out comes the sword from its sheath.comes the sword from its sheath.comes the sword from its sheath.comes the sword from its sheath. Through the harbours and ports Through the harbours and ports Through the harbours and ports Through the harbours and ports pass cargoes.pass cargoes.pass cargoes.pass cargoes. Under the buUnder the buUnder the buUnder the bush sh sh sh lay the body of Jimmy Hoffa.lay the body of Jimmy Hoffa.lay the body of Jimmy Hoffa.lay the body of Jimmy Hoffa. Down the road Down the road Down the road Down the road came the soldiers.came the soldiers.came the soldiers.came the soldiers. Up the stairs Up the stairs Up the stairs Up the stairs run the children.run the children.run the children.run the children. Here Here Here Here comes John now.comes John now.comes John now.comes John now.

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