798 bulletin issue 16-19 20121106

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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Magill Rotary Bulletin


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Well it was great to be back with you all again this week after another couple of weeks out west. Our

meeting on Tuesday had a small turnout which is unusual for our Melbourne Cup games session but what

we lacked in numbers we made up for with enthusiasm when it came to the running of the Rotary Club of

Magill Sunrise Cup. This year our course was a tricky 2 lap affair which was eventually won by the grey

stallion Chris Gascoine followed by Shirley Roberts (great to see her back) and Ian Carman. There was a bit

of rough horseplay after being lead out early by Mark Thompson who bolted early, but the stayers came

through in the end. Anyway it was a great morning with amazing food as per usual thanks to our great chefs

Gary and Leonie, and a jovial morning of horsing around.

As we had no speaker I have a bit of room to update you all at what we are planning in the next few

months. With Christmas around the corner we are planning a club Christmas social afternoon at Nightingale

Park on Sunday December 16th which will be a great opportunity to socialize together before the break;

more to come on that in the next few weeks.

Speaking of Nightingale Park we are planning a club working bee there as it is in need of a bit of TLC. This

will require a bit of planning so it will probably be occurring sometime in the New Year. Our Christmas

Market as usual will be a biggie and we are running a Christmas raffle this year with a huge first prize. As

with each Market, but with this one in particular we will need as many hands on deck as possible so mark

December 9th down in your diary for this. In the New Year we are looking at holding a fun day for Canteen

which we are organizing for kids in our area in conjunction with the charity. It should be a lot of fun and be a

great opportunity for us to get out in the community. So we have a few things coming up which are very

exciting for us as a club and gives us all an opportunity to get together as friends and enjoy the fellowship.

Lastly, we have our first night meeting with partners this coming Tuesday at Cafe va Bene where we will be

meeting our outgoing GSE team for next year. They will be heading to Taiwan in January so it is a very

exciting time for them at the moment and will be great to hear from them. If you want to attend and have

not let me know already, just email me at gregger71@adam.com.au before Sunday.

See you all then!!


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Jockeys Bronny & Brenton

The Place Getters

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The Field

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Thommo’s howler “no gals allowed on this table” – ‘misogyny…?#*…’Thommo’ how could u mate –only the

men could hear – but what a great fine!! –Bronnie’s deaf but he was on the right side! Greg’s back –

temporarily – couldn’t miss this chance – STORM DAMAGE – no one owned up to that one – so everyone

paid for Lindsay – excellent! – Who put their names on the BBQ roster- only three? Well lucky them, the rest

paid! HAPPY BUCKS – Siony– Sue’s birthday? Shirley’s home after three seeks holiday and thrilled to see her

Grandson! Licaria – Now a Grandmother to 3rd Grandchild a Boy !!! Licaria you passed on good gene’s in your

family!! and Graham – enjoyed the Jersey Boys – and guess wot – he recognised the bald patch on Lindsay’s

head – sitting in the ‘gods’ were we GraGra!! NOW WE DIDN’T GET AWAY WITHOUT OUR TRADITIONAL

MELBOURNE CUP RACE !!! Chris for thinking it was a real race and winning.

APOLOGIES: heaps!!!! Pauline’s back pain – more of a pain in the …. Hope there is some relief soooon!,

Lindsay’s storm troubles, Ronda’s sleep-in!*# any excuse? “The Young One’s (pause} did it all

together……etc Kirsty & Mina -did they have a big night out??? Christine – it’s warm now – get up we miss u!

Mohammed where r u! Pamela – she’s on a highway to heaven, walking like a champion – but rested up this

am; Mark M’s in la la land 5.30am over there- that’s his excuse, Perth is not THAT far away! Rita & Trevor

are they ever home – not likely – (All free snippets courtesy of Bronnie – worth the effort Greg – 30 seconds

before we start “you’ll be a good sergeant?” so I’ve taken over my space to make it worthwhile!!


Well we did alright with only half our members: $38.50??

Editor’s Note: There is a trip to Hawaii for anyone who can decipher this!

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1861 - Queensland is linked with New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia by telegraph.

1999 - Australia votes against becoming a republic in a national referendum.

1860 - Former Illinois congressman Abraham Lincoln defeated three other candidates for the

United States presidency.

1991 - Kuwait celebrated the dousing of the last of the oil fires ignited by Iraq during the

Persian Gulf War.

Thought for the Day 1: When everyone thinks alike, no one thinks very much.

Thought for the Day 2: Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up

because they are looking for ideas.

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Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**

Conference 25 – 28 April 2013

The Rotary District Conference is a great opportunity to:

� Listen to great guest speakers on topical subjects

� Learn more about Rotary and the clubs in our district

� Catch up with old friends and make new ones

� Spend time with your fellow club members in a more social setting

� Get inspired to do great things!

We are very lucky that the 2013 Conference will be held relatively close by and I encourage all club members

to attend. Accommodation in the Barossa will be in great demand and short supply, so will need to be

booked quickly.

I will be booking accommodation for our club and if you would like to be included please let me know as

soon as possible.

See attachment with your email.

Thank you

Carol McKenzie

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Chris Michelmore, President Rotary Club of AdelaideRotary Club of AdelaideRotary Club of AdelaideRotary Club of Adelaide

Invites Rotarians and Guests from Districts 9500Districts 9500Districts 9500Districts 9500 and 9520952095209520 to join the intercity meeting on

Thursday 29 November 2012Thursday 29 November 2012Thursday 29 November 2012Thursday 29 November 2012 12 noon for 12.30pm (finishing at 2pm) 12 noon for 12.30pm (finishing at 2pm) 12 noon for 12.30pm (finishing at 2pm) 12 noon for 12.30pm (finishing at 2pm)

Members Dining Room Adelaide Oval (entrance through Northern Gate only)

The speaker will be RI President Elect, Ron D BurtonThe speaker will be RI President Elect, Ron D BurtonThe speaker will be RI President Elect, Ron D BurtonThe speaker will be RI President Elect, Ron D Burton

Please email Lindsay if you wish to attend

Cost is $40 pCost is $40 pCost is $40 pCost is $40 per header header header head

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Greg Schuetze

Licaria Scheepers

Tuesday 6.50 for 7.00am

Hectorville Sporting Club, Fisher Street, Magill





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6.30pm Campbelltown Athelstone Football Club 150 George St, Paradise

1.00pm Norwood Norwood Town Hall George Street, Norwood 6.15pm St Peter’s Kensington Hotel 23 Regent St, Kensington 6.30pm Kent Town The Royal Hotel 2 North Tce, Kent Town 6.30pm Unley Unley Sports Club 39 Oxford Tce, Unley

7.15am Eastwood Royal Coach Motor Inn 24 Dequetteville Tce, Kent Town 6.15pm Hyde Park Hyde Park Tavern Park St & King William Rd, Hyde Park 6.30pm Burnside The Feathers Hotel Glynburn Road, Burnside 6.30pm Mitcham Edinburgh Hotel High Street, Mitcham 6.30pm Morialta The Rezz Hotel 20 Hamilton Tce, Newton

No Meetings

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of a worthy enterprise and in particular to encourage and foster

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The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by every Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve


The application of the ideal service by every Rotarian to their personal, business and community life.

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.

The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the truth? Is it Fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

For good food, good fellowship And the opportunity to serve through Rotary

…we give thanks.

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