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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis? ................................................................................................ 1

Myths and Misconceptions .................................................................................. 2

Hypnosis is a Natural State of Mind ................................................................... 3

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like? .......................................................................... 4

The Subconscious Mind ...................................................................................... 5

The Power of Suggestion ..................................................................................... 6

What is Hypnotherapy? ....................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2: Self-Hypnosis and Our Recordings

What is Self-Hypnosis? ........................................................................................ 9

How Our Self-Hypnosis Recordings Work ......................................................... 9

Listening Instructions ....................................................................................... 10

Recorded Self-Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy in Person ..................................... 12

Listening to Multiple Sessions .......................................................................... 13

Chapter 3: The Experience of Self-Hypnosis

When / Where / How to Listen ......................................................................... 14

Familiarity Can Help .......................................................................................... 15

Relax and Just Let Go ........................................................................................ 16

You Will Probably Not Feel Hypnotized ........................................................... 16

Chapter 4: Making the Most of Self-Hypnosis

Your Commitment and Motivation .................................................................... 17

Look For What You Want to Happen ............................................................... 18

Dealing with Additional Conditions ................................................................. 18

The Timeframe for Change ............................................................................... 19

© 2018 New Way Productions Ltd. You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format. 1

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Hypnosis


The content of this e-Book has been compiled from existing articles that feature on

our website (selfhypnosis.com), written by Barrie, Alan and Terrence – who are all

leading hypnotherapy educators with over 75 years of combined experienced. The

content has been put together here in such a way to help provide you with as much

valuable information as possible, in an easy-to-read and accessible format.

The purpose of this e-Book is to help you learn more about hypnosis and give you the

very best chance of achieving success with our self-hypnosis recordings. We believe

that everyone can benefit from using self-hypnosis. If you take the time to read this

e-Book and absorb its contents well, then you can and will reap the benefits.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring, beneficial, positive state that we all experience on

a day-to-day basis. This state is neither sleep nor unconsciousness, but an altered

state of awareness in which the mind becomes very adaptable to change. By entering

this state of mind, we are able to harness the power of the subconscious mind and

get it on-board with our conscious goals.

Hypnosis is a state of mind that has helped many people overcome a variety of

difficulties and it can help you too, in many different ways. The hypnotic state can

help increase motivation, concentration, business skills and stress-handling

capabilities. It can improve relationships, physical health, sporting performance and

public speaking. Hypnosis can enhance memory, sexual ability, creativity and

tenacity. In fact, it can be used to improve or enhance almost all areas of human


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Myths and Misconceptions

The word ‘hypnosis’ usually conjures up certain images in people’s minds and these

stereotypes are sometimes hard to overturn. The use of hypnosis as a form of

entertainment (i.e. stage hypnosis) can have people believing all sorts of silly things,

as can films and televisions shows where somebody is hypnotized for one reason or


So let’s quickly dispel a few of the more popular myths right here:

There truly is no such thing as a “hypnotized feeling”.

You will not become unconscious, or even semi-conscious.

You cannot “lose your mind” or your ability to think for yourself.

Nobody can take control of you, or have “power” over you, in any way.

You cannot be made to do something that goes against your conscious will.

You can always return to conscious, everyday awareness, whenever you wish.

It is totally impossible to get “stuck” in hypnosis and become unable to wake up.

Demonic possession, losing one’s mind, the entire loss of personality, the inability to

think for oneself, being permanently in the control of a madman… people who think

this is what hypnosis is have actually been hypnotized by their own fantasy work!

These things simply have never happened and cannot ever happen, as anybody who

has ever been in the state of hypnosis, however deep, would instantly recognise.

Hypnosis is a totally natural phenomenon and as such, it is perfectly safe. If it seems

to you that some of these statements about hypnosis are so far removed from what

you believed that they cannot be true – well, they are all true and any professional

hypnotherapist or hypnotist would agree that this is the case.

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Hypnosis is a Natural State of Mind

Hypnosis is a totally natural state for the human mind to be in that absolutely

everybody has been hypnotized literally thousands of times in their life without

knowing it. You pass through the hypnotic state whenever you go to sleep or wake up


We are all subject to naturally occurring ‘trance’ states at other times, too. If you

have ever been reading, watching TV, or totally engrossed in some other activity,

then become gradually aware of somebody saying something like: “Hey! I’m talking

to you!” –then that is just a form of hypnosis. If you have ever driven from point A to

point B and wondered whatever happened to point ‘A½’ on the way... yes, a form of

hypnosis again.

With our help you can learn how to use these ‘naturally occurring trance states’ for

your own self-improvement. Although, we don’t like to use the word; ‘trance’.

Instead we prefer to use phrases like ‘hypnotic relaxation’ or simply, the ‘hypnotic

state’. The word trance implies exactly what so many people have assumed hypnosis

to be over the years - a kind of glassy-eyed, staring state of semi-consciousness in

which an individual is totally unaware of all that is going on around them, and totally

incapable of doing anything about it. Talk about vulnerability!

No wonder many people are suspicious and frightened of the whole process of

hypnosis until they discover what it is really all about! In fact, many never do

discover what hypnosis actually is, because they are so convinced and frightened by

what they imagine will happen or could happen that they cannot ever let themselves

take a chance on finding out.

Once you understand what hypnosis actually is, there is nothing whatsoever to fear.

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What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

People often wonder what hypnosis feels like, but the truth is, there is no such thing

as a ‘hypnotized feeling’. Neither are there any flashing lights to let you know you are

in hypnosis. There won't be a point where you suddenly think “Yeah, I’m there now,

I can tell.” Hypnosis doesn’t work like that.

However, you may notice some of the following sensations:

Deep physical relaxation in all areas of the body.

A feeling of heaviness, or for some; near-weightlessness.

Breathing tends to become slower, steadier and shallower.

Some people may notice a tingling sensation in their fingers.

Time distortion; time somehow seems to pass quickly or slowly.

Increased emotional arousal, suggestibility and realization.

Everyone has their own unique experience of hypnosis, so what one person feels may

be entirely different from the next. The sensations listed above are feelings that can

be recognised as belonging to the state of hypnosis, but to repeat… there is no

specific feeling that is associated with hypnosis that everybody always gets or should


As for the depth of ‘trance’ you experience in hypnosis - this will be determined by

your own conscious or subconscious limitations. This is why it is often said that ‘all

hypnosis is self- hypnosis’, since a hypnotherapist can only guide you to the depth

that you yourself allow.

The good news is that you do not need to reach a deep state of hypnosis to benefit

from our recordings. By focusing your mind, you will enter hypnosis, especially by

accepting the fact that you will probably not feel hypnotized.

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The Subconscious Mind

We frequently mention the subconscious mind when we talk about hypnosis. There

is no doubting the power of this ‘invisible’ part of our mind.

The subconscious governs our every waking moment, determining the people we

like, the way we react to others, our behaviour patterns in specific situations, the

things we ‘cannot stand at any price’, the sort of entertainment we enjoy, our sexual

attitudes… everything we do is at least coloured, if not controlled, by our

subconscious processes.

The subconscious mind does not actually think.

The subconscious mind very often gets things wrong.

The subconscious does not listen to conscious reasoning.

The workings of the subconscious are completely invisible.

The subconscious is unbelievably fast in its processing ability.

It is often pointless attempting to make the change in our conscious mind, when the

process resides in our subconscious. Hypnosis allows us to communicate directly

with the subconscious - which is why it can be a truly astounding power for good. By

entering the state of hypnosis we can ‘reprogram’ the subconscious so that it takes

on-board new, better ideas.

If you find that you are repeatedly doing something you do not want to do, or

repeatedly not doing something that you need/want to do; then you are emotionally

unwell, i.e. you have a symptom. A symptom is nothing more than the expression of

an idea that has been absorbed by the subconscious but which is in conflict with

conscious wishes or needs. Hypnosis (or rather, hypnotherapy) enables us to find a

way to override that subconscious idea or to bring it into the light and either re-

evaluate its validity, or use suggestion to render it inactive.

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The Power of Suggestion

Suggestion is the formation of an idea and we are all conditioned to respond to it.

You will find examples of it everywhere in your everyday life: “Queue here,” is a

common one – that’s a direct suggestion. “10,000 volts,” is another, but is an

indirect suggestion. It actually says: “Keep out or you might die!” Some are very

subtle. Go into a doctors or dentist’s waiting room and find people sitting on chairs.

What do you do? Well, you sit down, too, of course. Nobody has had to tell you to

wait your turn – you just do so.

We use a lot of suggestion in hypnosis. The two work wonderfully well together

because hypnosis increases most people's suggestibility, which then makes them

susceptible to suggestion - much more so than they would be in ‘normal’ levels of

consciousness. When ideas (suggestions) are absorbed at a subconscious level, the

change can be remarkable.

We not only use suggestion within the hypnotic state, but also to create the hypnotic

state. After that, we use suggestions for things to happen while a person is actually in

hypnosis. We also employ something that, to the uninformed, seems altogether more

mysterious – post-hypnotic suggestion. Here, we give the listener a suggestion that

her or she will think or feel in a certain way, or perform some task, after the session

is over and they are safely back into a ‘normal’ state of conscious awareness.

Something like: “From this day forward, you will feel steadily more and more


You can safely assume that, as true professionals, we always take great care with any

suggestion that we use within our self-hypnosis recordings. Each and every word is

checked and re-checked many times to make sure it is the best it can possibly be.

We know and respect the power of suggestion - and so should you!

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What is Hypnotherapy?

We often use the terms ‘hypnosis’, ‘self-hypnosis’ and ‘hypnotherapy’

interchangeably. But it is important to understand that hypnosis in itself achieves

absolutely nothing at all other than a sense of calmness and relaxation – useful for

temporary relief from stress but for precious little else. It is what we actually do with

someone once they are in hypnosis that produces change and that is, of course, the

therapy itself, administered under hypnosis. To summarise:

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we all experience on a daily basis.

Hypnotherapy involves using the state of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes.

There is nothing magical about hypnosis and all hypnotherapy treatments are

similar, in that they use hypnosis combined with some form of therapy. But the

similarities often end there.

Unfortunately, many ‘therapists’ are not worthy of the title. As with any form of

therapy, there will always be highly skilled professionals with years of experience

treating a wide range of issues, in addition to the inexperienced and/or ineffectual. A

good analogy is the difference between a saw and woodwork – a carpenter uses the

saw to carry out the task of working with wood. But the very best of saws is useless

without the craftsman to skilfully wield it.

Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques

We have already discussed the use of suggestion, but to be truly successful, other

techniques are needed. As professionals, we strive to find the best approaches and

combine them effectively. We like to collectively describe these as ‘Advanced

Hypnotherapy Techniques’.

There are too many to mention here, but to give you an idea, some of the more

common techniques that we use are as follows; Neuro-linguistic Programming

(NLP), Creative Visualization, Mindfulness, Mental Rehearsal, Desensitisation, The

Prediction Error Shift, and elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

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Hypnotherapy vs. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is an umbrella term for the many different ways of helping people

with their thoughts and emotions. Hypnotherapy falls into this category, but has two

significant advantages over other psychological approaches:

Hypnotherapy deals directly with the subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy is usually far quicker in producing beneficial change.

Almost all other forms of psychological work – counselling, psychotherapy,

psychiatry and the like – are based around conscious processes of thought, and

because it is conscious work, the conscious mind can often hinder its success.

But hypnotherapy works with the subconscious part of the psyche, helping people to

resolve difficulties at a level where conscious thought cannot interfere. For this

reason, hypnotherapy tends to be quicker because subconscious thought processes

are often the cause of many people's problems.

To be clear, we are not saying that hypnotherapy is superior, just that we have an

advantage that sometimes can produce a faster result than the other methodologies.

Hypnotherapy can also sometimes produce a result where the other methodologies

would fail.

However, like all therapies, orthodox, complementary or fringe, hypnotherapy is not

always successful. It is just like any other treatment method – sometimes it works,

sometimes it does not. What is certain, though, is that hypnotherapy is a totally safe,

totally natural, drugs-free method of employing the truly astonishing power of the

human mind to produce beneficial change.

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Chapter 2: Self-Hypnosis and Our Recordings

What is Self-Hypnosis?

The literal meaning of self-hypnosis is to self-induce the state of hypnosis. But

technically speaking, listening to our audio programs also counts as self-hypnosis,

since the hypnotherapist is not actually in the room with you. It’s also worth

mentioning once more that all hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis, since you have to

be a willing participant in order for it to work.

Perhaps a more accurate description of our recordings would be ‘guided self-

hypnosis’, because we gently guide you through the entire process. We could also call

them ‘guided meditations’ if we wanted to, because looking at hypnosis and

meditation, they are essentially two different belief systems wrapped around the

same state of mind. Although unlike meditation, self-hypnosis tends to have an end-

point in mind – rather than just (in its purest form) inducing a state of deep

relaxation and the complete emptying of the mind.

How Our Self-Hypnosis Recordings Work

Each of our self-hypnosis recordings is just like a formal hypnotherapy session and

begins with you being asked to take a few deep breaths and to then follow along with

a technique called progressive relaxation. Relaxing music is included, along with

some pleasant imagery to bring about a deeply relaxed state of body and mind. This

whole process is called the ‘hypnotic induction’.

This style of self-hypnosis is hypnosis at its best and most pleasant, for it produces

wonderful feelings of laziness and relaxation coupled with an alertness of

concentration that has to be felt to be believed. Once you reach the therapeutic stage

of one of our self-hypnosis recordings, you will feel comfortable enough to go on a

journey of imagery and positive suggestion. The exact therapeutic approach and

techniques employed will vary, for any given subject. But it is during this part of a

recording where the ‘change work’ can really begin.

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Listening Instructions

To get maximum benefit from listening to our self-hypnosis programs, we

recommend you follow these three simple steps.

1. Pick a Time and Place

Please choose somewhere where you can relax without being disturbed for 20-25

minutes. You may prefer to listen whilst lying down in bed or whilst sitting on a

comfortable chair. You can listen at any time of day, but only when it is safe, private,

comfortable and convenient for you. Never listen to our recordings when your

attention is required elsewhere, such as when driving or operating any kind of


2. Listen, Relax, and Enjoy

Make sure you are in a position to relax deeply. We recommend listening to the

recordings with headphones, because they help to cut out distractions and they also

help you to focus better on the words of the hypnotherapist. It is important to be

open-minded and for a greater chance of success, allow yourself to feel positive

responses to the suggestions you hear. You will benefit most by tapping into feelings

of positivity when you listen. It really is simple — just relax, let go and enjoy the


3. Repeated Listening

Repetition is the key to success. The more you hear hypnotic suggestion, the more

likely it is to be accepted by your subconscious mind. This is known as the ‘law of

concentrated attention’ and is one of the main benefits of using recordings. If

listening to one of our single-session recordings then we recommend that you listen

every day for the first week, then every other day for the following three weeks. Then

just listen to from time to time when you feel the need, or if at any time, you wish to

benefit from complete hypnotic relaxation.

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Safety Notice – Important Information

As we have already stated, hypnosis is a totally natural phenomenon and as such it is

perfectly safe. However, please read the following information carefully:

Our recordings should not and do not replace conventional medical treatment.

If you are on medication, do not alter the medication in any way, unless

instructed to do so by your medical professional.

Where physical illness or symptoms are concerned, you must always consult with

a practitioner of conventional medicine, before listening to our recordings.

If you are in any doubt over a physical or emotional problem, then you should

always seek advice from a doctor, or an appropriate medical professional.

Do not listen to any of our recordings if you suffer from epilepsy or a serious

psychiatric condition, such as schizophrenia.

The warnings that refer to physical illness and symptoms are important, because

there is always the potential that hypnosis could mask the symptoms of a more

serious illness. If such an illness then progresses, without whatever orthodox

medical assistance was or is needed, it is possible that a very serious situation could

ensue. This is why it is vital that you seek medical consultation for any physical

illness before using our recordings.

Our final warning refers to people who should not be induced into a state of

hypnosis. This includes those who are deemed to be psychotically ill. Treatment of

such an illnesses is highly specialized and beyond the scope of our recordings.

Epilepsy is another condition that is deemed unsuitable. A hypnotherapist could

actually work with twenty epilepsy sufferers and nothing would happen, but the

twenty-first might be triggered into a convulsion, because some epileptic conditions

may be triggered by a change in brain activity.

Please remember that hypnosis is a natural state of mind and hypnotherapy cannot

create a harmful situation unless a potentially harmful situation already exists.

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Recorded Self-Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy in Person

Are self-hypnosis recordings just as good as visiting a hypnotherapist in person?

Well, there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. Recordings clearly

come out ahead in terms of affordability, availability and convenience. There are also

therapeutic benefits to regularly listening to our recordings, because the more you

hear hypnotic suggestion, the more likely it is that suggestion will be taken on board

at a subconscious level.

However, there's no disputing the fact that there are some major benefits in visiting

a professional hypnotherapist, particularly when it comes to specific and deep-

rooted issues. We don’t have any recordings for certain psychological conditions or

physical illnesses because some issues are better left for one to one hypnotherapy,

where there is that live interaction between people.

Some people may think that recorded sessions are just not as good as the real thing

or that they are not as effective, but for most issues this is not the case. Our

recordings can be very effective and we have seen and personally experienced the

results. If you have access to one on one therapy, then that is great, but please don’t

underestimate the value of high quality self-hypnosis recordings.

Why 20 to 25 Minutes is Best!

If you go and visit a hypnotherapist in person, then you might be booked in for a one

hour session, but it's very highly unlikely that you will spend all that time in the

hypnotic state. After about 20 to 25 minutes most people tend to get a sense of ‘ok

that’s enough now’ and in many ways, they switch off to the benefits. This time

frame is actually imposed and supported by our bodies’ natural ultradian rhythms.

The vast majority of our recordings fall within the 20 to 25 minute timeframe. If we

thought longer recordings brought about better results, then we would make longer

recordings. But we know scientifically, professionally and personally, that 20 to 25

minutes is generally just right for the majority of people.

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Listening to Multiple Sessions

We are often asked “how many self-hypnosis sessions can I use at once?” and the

answer to this question is....“it depends”.

There is some recent research that suggests we are often more successful when deal

with two or more issues simultaneously. This challenges the traditional viewpoint of

it being best to ‘fight on one front at a time’. Even so, we recommend you avoid

overloading your mind with too many new ideas at any given time. Taking on too

much, too soon, is one way to achieve no change at all.

Our general guideline is that you should listen to a recording every day for the first

week, then every other day for a further three weeks. But it is perfectly fine to listen

to the same session every day for several weeks or more, and on the flip side, some of

our sessions do not need to be listened to repeatedly, such as those for general

relaxation and stress relief. For the majority of our sessions though, it is very

important to listen regularly, to give the therapy time to take root and flourish. This

obviously creates a bit of a problem when using multiple sessions at once.

So, what is the best way of using multiple sessions? Well, it comes down to personal

preference, but we suggest you either listen on alternative days or listen to two

different sessions on the same day. We do not recommend listening to a single

session more than twice a day, so we also suggest you do not listen to more than two

sessions on the same day either. You might prefer to listen to a specific session for

the first week, and then in the second week you could listen on alternate days and at

the same time introduce a new session into the mix.

There are no hard and fast rules, so please do whatever suits you best.

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Chapter 3: The Experience of Self-Hypnosis

The benefits of self-hypnosis are almost limitless. But if you want to achieve real

success, then you will need to make the time it. The good news is that it only takes

about 20 to 25 minutes of your 24-hour day!

When to Listen

Listening to self-hypnosis in the evening is a good time of day and most people

prefer to listen before going to sleep. But listening in the morning or in the afternoon

is equally fine. Whatever time of day you choose to listen, it will not decrease the

effectiveness. We recommend you experiment and find out what works best for you.

Where to Listen

Please only listen to our self-hypnosis recordings in a quiet and safe place, where you

will not be disturbed. By safe, we mean a place you are comfortable and free to relax

your body and mind away from everyday distractions.

Although many people choose to listen to our recordings in the bedroom, beds are

often associated with sleep. If you find that you repeatedly fall asleep while listening,

then we recommend you instead listen on a sofa or comfortable chair. It is entirely

your choice. Again, choose whatever works best for you.

Once you have chosen a safe place to relax, be sure to turn off any possible

distractions, such as your phone. Concentration is a key factor for successful self-

hypnosis and your focus can be easily interrupted by outside noise. So, if there are

others around you, then kindly ask that they leave you alone for a little while.

Please note: due to its sleep like state, self-hypnosis should never be attempted while

operating machinery, driving a car, or anything else that requires your conscious


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How to Listen

Be sure to get yourself into a comfortable position. The most common position is lay

on your back, or perhaps in a recliner, with your head resting gently against a pillow,

with the body straight and both arms resting by your sides. This is, after all, the most

natural position for relaxation.

Of course, it is not written in stone. You might prefer to sit in a comfortable chair or

even lie on the floor. Again, it is entirely up to you and whatever suits you

individually. Experiment if you need to and find out what works best for you.

We highly recommend that you listen to our recordings using headphones,

preferably good quality ones. Our self-hypnosis sessions are recorded in stereo, not

only for the high-quality sound they produce, but also for the therapeutic element.

Listening through headphones give you a sense of the words being fed directly into

your mind, which can help keep you focused. Headphones are not essential, but

using them can also help to block out distractions and other external noise.

Familiarity Can Help

Once you have found a time and a place that works for you, it might be a good idea to

keep listening to the self-hypnosis recordings at approximately the same time and in

the same place. By relaxing in the same position in the same room and around the

same time every day, you help condition your body to the hypnotic response. It acts

like an anchor to the experience and the state of hypnosis will become that much

easier to enter. In time it will come quite naturally and you will be able to relax just

about anywhere. In the beginning, however, familiarity can certainly help the

process along.

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Relax and Just Let Go

The next step for successful self-hypnosis is to simply relax, go with the flow, and let

everything happened naturally. It is worth remembering that hypnosis is a perfectly

natural state of mind, just like the feeling before we go to sleep in the evening and

wake up in the morning.

There is no right or wrong way to enter hypnosis, but it is important you do not

attempt to force it to happen. It is a bit like trying to fall asleep — if you try to fall

asleep, you won't. Like sleep, hypnosis is a natural process, so just let yourself go and

experience it in the best way for you by giving yourself permission to relax.

Of course, letting go and relaxing may not be the easiest thing for some people to do.

Many people say they have trouble relaxing and fear it may impact their ability to

benefit from self-hypnosis. Well, don’t worry because there is no better way of

achieving this than with self-hypnosis. Our advice is to just relax as best you can and

enjoy the process. The more often you listen, the easier it will become.

You Will Probably Not Feel Hypnotized

Because there is no such thing as a hypnotized feeling, it is all too easy to dismiss

whatever you feel as not being ‘it’ because it was too easy to achieve. There are also

some people that have an annoying habit of seeking to discover that ‘it’ has not

worked, rather than look for evidence that it has!

All of this is especially true if you are of an analytical / logical disposition, since there

is probably a degree of cynicism and/or scepticism in the first place, and there will be

a tendency to keep on checking to see if ‘it’ has worked yet. Both these situations are

contra-indicators as far as achieving any form of hypnotic state is concerned.

There is one way and one way only, when it comes down to it, of getting into the state

of hypnosis – know beyond doubt that you will enter hypnosis, even if it is only the

lightest of states and cheerfully accept that you will probably not feel hypnotized.

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Chapter 4: Making the Most of Self-Hypnosis

Your Commitment and Motivation

The most important factor in making self-hypnosis a success is your commitment

and motivation. This means listening regularly. So please listen to our self-hypnosis

recordings as much as practically possible and by this we mean daily.

We recommend that you get into the habit of listening to our self-hypnosis

recordings regularly, just like the habit of going to sleep in the evening and waking in

the morning. Make a habit of listening before going to sleep - or just after you wake

up. This is a healthy way to start or finish your day. And, like anything in life, the

more you do something and want to do something, the better at it you get. It is the

same with self-hypnosis.

Subconscious acceptance requires repeated use, which is another reason why our

recordings are so beneficial. They give you the freedom to listen to them whenever

you want to (provided it is safe to do so!). With a little bit of effort on your part, you

can reap the rewards.

If you want to change something within your life, the first step is to make time to do

it – for you! Put yourself first and make the time. This may require effort and

organisation on your part, but remember that you are worth it! When you do

succeed, be sure thank yourself because you did all the doing!

Why Your Contribution Counts

It's always best to think of hypnotherapy, whether in person or via our guided self-

hypnosis sessions, as a process of team work. You can’t always do it on your own –

that’s why you’re using self-hypnosis. And we can’t do it on our own, even with

hypnosis. For long lasting success you need to be put in the work, which means not

only making that commitment to listen regularly, but to also being open and

motivated for the process of change.

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Look For What You Want to Happen

You've probably heard the saying: “Be careful what you look for, because you might

find it.” Well, in the context of therapy, this means you need to be looking for what

you want to happen rather than what you fear will happen. It's necessary for you to

look for improvement, rather than just wait for it to happen. Sometimes it does just

happen, but it's in your interests to do your best to find improvement in the way you

feel or behave.

Another way for you to help yourself is to allow yourself to actually feel a positive

response to the suggestions that you hear within our recordings, if what you hear is

what you truly want to happen. You do not have to think in words, but it really helps

if you experience an appropriate emotional response. The better you can tap into this

feeling of positivity, the greater the chance of success. The greater the emotional

response, the more successful any therapy will be.

Dealing with Additional Conditions

Please also bear in mind that the cause of a problem is not always be

straightforward. For the best chance of lasting change it may be necessary for you

to work on related issues. We know that emotional issues often underpin certain

habits and behaviours. For example, in one to one hypnotherapy we can be

working with someone on a simple smoke-cessation session and suddenly

discover that the individual is immersed in unresolved grief connected to a

bereavement that happened years ago.

Most people are aware of connections with low self-esteem and weight

conditions. Therefore people with weight problems are more willing to accept

treatment for self-esteem. But for other issues people are often reluctant to

address emotional issues. So if you believe there may be underlying emotional

issues that need to be resolved in order to overcome your problem, then we

strongly recommend you work on these too.

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The Timeframe for Change

We are often asked; “how long will it take before I notice any positive changes?” and

the truth is that it’s impossible to give a definitive answer. Not only does it depend

on the nature of the problem, but we're all unique and will therefore all experience

change at different times.

It's unlikely that you'll experience some kind of ‘eureka’ experience. It can happen,

but change is more often something that happens without us really noticing. Little by

little, changes take place until the issue has been resolved. If the problem originated

at a subconscious level and is resolved at a subconscious level, why do we then

expect to automatically or immediately become aware of that change?

Depending on the issue(s) you're seeking to resolve, you might notice that you start

to behave differently, in a more positive way. It may be that you unexpectedly deal

with a stressful event in a calm way, spontaneously and without realising until

afterwards. Friends and family may notice that you've changed for the better. This is

actually very common.

Although it is entirely possible to notice a positive shift after listening to a recording

just once, expecting instant results is overly optimistic and unrealistic. For many

people, the effects of hypnosis can sometimes seem like magic, but hypnosis isn't

magic. We’ve mentioned this more than once already… but for the best chance of

self-hypnosis success you need to make a commitment to listen regularly.

You Are Worth the Effort

Hypnosis is undoubtedly one of the most effective means of bringing about

permanent behavioural and emotional change, even if we aren’t immediately aware

of it. But it’s impossible to predict when and how change will occur. It can sometimes

take effort to make even small changes in life, including making that start in the first

place. But once you make the decision to begin change and take the first step – you

can change whatever will make your life more comfortable.

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Thank You for Reading

We sincerely hope that you have found this e-Book educational and informative. If

you are interested in learning more then please visit our website, where you will find

many more articles on this fascinating subject. More importantly, we hope that what

you have read has helped to motivate and inspire you, so that you can succeed with


We believe that everyone can benefit from using self-hypnosis and our aim is to

produce great recordings that give you the most up-to-date, most effective

approaches to help you make the changes you want to make. So please visit our

website (www.selfhypnosis.com) for any self-improvement issues that you may need

help with. We have a huge variety of self-hypnosis recordings available, with many

more on the way!

We’d Love to Hear from You

Over the years we have had many wonderful testimonials from people all over the

world. It always pleases us and gives us a boost when we hear how our self-hypnosis

recordings have helped people. We would love to hear from you too, so please

contact us when you find the success you seek!

Best Wishes,


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