7th camot international conference cambridge uk announcement

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Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

CAMOT 2016 International Conference

8th - 9th October 2016

Conference Theme:

West Meets East: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Global Higher Education for

Developing Responsible Leaders and Full-fledged Competitors in the 21st


Time: 8th – 9th October 2016

Venue: Lecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Cambridge University, UK

Hosted by: Institute for Manufacturing, Engineering Department, Cambridge University, United Kingdom Sponsored by:Tsinghua University, P.R. China


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. ChinaUniversity of International Business and Economics, P.R. ChinaHong Kong Polytechnic University, P.R. ChinaLa Rochelle Business School, FrancePlymouth State University, USUniversity of West of Scotland, UKChinese University of Political Science and Law, ChinaPenn State University, USWindsor University, CanadaSias International University, P.R. ChinaUnited Nation Academic Impact, New York, US

Organized by China Association for Management for Management of Technology and CAMOT Innovation Academy Cambridge, UK and Global Education Alliance, Hong Kong, P.R. China

Conference web: www.camotac.org

What is the general aim of this forum/conference? As globalization increasingly affects the global education sector and international business arena around the world, there is a great advantage being placed on those firms, schools and universities that can respond timely and flexibly with robust, appropriate innovation and internationalization strategies. There is consensus that the global higher education is undergoing substantial change, which brings a greater emphasis on marketing forces to the process of educational strategic decision-making. B2B, B2C, B2G and O2O seem familiar words to everyone today, which are no longer technical jargon terminology. Massive open online course (MOOC), originated since 2008, provides students with opportunity to listen to the “star professors” anywhere and anytime. Harvard’s Professor Clayton Christensen predicted in 2013 that more than half the American universities would eventually be going bankrupt in the next 15 years, which is at least alarming. In the globalization era, firms, schools and universities in global higher education are challenged to becoming more innovative and entrepreneurial as well as globally engaged, to adapt to a changing and more diverse external environment. In doing so, firms, schools and universities will be able to secure their future.

Triple helixes, which refer to the relationship among academia, government and industry, emerge with the rise of the university to equal status with the economy and polity. The university is undergoing a cultural transformation to play a significant role in the knowledge-based society as an innovator, and/or an entrepreneur, promoting social and economic development. An entrepreneurial innovation university is more than the creation of interface mechanism between government, university and industry, which plays a diverse and dynamic role in university-pushed, government-pulled and corporate-led innovation.

The 21st century is an era of contending, an era of large reflection and re-thinking, and an era, which calls for great wisdom and great strategy. In the past 35 years, the world has changed dramatically especially between West and East. The start of China’s economic reform and opening to the outside world in 1978, the collapse of the former Soviet Union in 1991, and the burst of financial bubbles in Wall Street in 2008, all these have been combined with 35 years


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. These big events shocked the world and subverted people's thinking with huge impact on people's judgment. West Meets East is arguably a strategic theme of great interest as West and East are facing different challenges.

According the most recent research, the essential ingredients “embracing contradiction” of the ancient Chinese philosophy stimulates innovation. China’s innovation is at two levels. Concept and philosophy innovation helps to break the glass ceiling for mentality, ideology, superstructure, mind-set, heart-set, brain-set while innovation in technology and business management helps to build a strong economic base. Innovation is central to the wellbeing of societies. Innovation is found to be statistically three times more important to growth than other attributes or factors. Therefore, the penalty for people and firms not innovating is enormous. In principle, there are three types of innovations in terms the outcome: growth, sustainability and efficiency. A successful university/firm needs all these three elements. Thus, our theme is to explore how to manage effectively and efficiently technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability at strategic level from a global perspective along with the celebration of our achievements and 10 years anniversary of CAMOT.

The goal of this forum and conference is to inspire current and strategic thinking, provide a platform for exploring linkages and mechanisms, and explore appropriate and effective modes of West Meets East, global engagement, strategic alliances between universities and global firms, knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing, culture creativity and technology innovation and collaboration between China and the western countries. Our intent is to provoke creative and innovative ideas, by bringing together various stakeholders, including academics, researchers, university presidents, corporate leaders, policy makers, venture capitalists, managers, and senior students for exchange of ideas, research findings, current experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. The intellectual lens will rotate around addressing various questions of global engagement in higher education with the thematic content of ‘East Meet West” modes of collaboration in this field.

Key Note Speakers Profiles

Dr. Donald Birx is President of Plymouth State University, USA. Dr. Donald Birx most recently served as the Chancellor of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College – an institution serving some 4,500 students as part of the Penn State system. As Chancellor, Birx is responsible for the quality of the College’s academic programs in teaching, research, and service, and its overall operations, including strategic planning, human resources, fundraising, alumni and community relations, intercollegiate athletics and outreach. Since becoming Chancellor in 2010, Birx has worked to connect academia with the community through the


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

College’s “open lab” initiative in which business leaders, faculty members, and students engage in research and development as teams. Other programmatic initiatives advanced during Birx’s tenure include growth of interdisciplinary partnerships and expansion and development of online and hybrid courses. The Honors program at Behrend has grown significantly over the past several years and the diversity of the student body and faculty has increased. Student appreciation scores at Behrend are among the highest in the Penn State system.

Before coming to Behrend, Birx served as vice chancellor and vice president for research for the University of Houston System (UH). His accomplishments there included the initiation of system-wide, multidisciplinary clusters that spanned UH’s colleges and campuses, focusing strategic collaboration in the areas of nano-materials, energy and natural resources, bio-med, complex systems, community advancement and education, and arts and human enrichment. Birx also founded the Center for Industrial Partnerships, a joint endeavor at UH to translate research to practical applications and increase interplay between the business community and the University’s research faculty. In addition, he held the appointment of full professor of electrical engineering.

He is the author or co-author of more than 20 journal articles and conference presentations. Throughout his career, he has sustained a research program, particularly in the areas of automated decision-making and event prediction, detailed in publications and also written in systems designs and software algorithms.

Professor Craig Mahoney is currently Principal and Vice-Chancellor of UWS. He was formerly Chief Executive of the Higher Education Academy, a post he was appointed to in 2010. Born and brought up on a farm in Tasmania, Professor Mahoney is an Australian who has lived in the UK for the past 24 years. He is a graduate in Chemistry and Maths from the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education (now the University of Tasmania); he also holds a Masters degree from Birmingham University and a Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) from Queen’s University Belfast.

Professor Mahoney has had a distinguished career in academia and sport. He has published widely in the areas of children’s fitness, health, sport, exercise, performance and education. Before joining the Higher Education Academy he was Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Northumbria University where he was responsible for all learning and teaching activity, including Quality and Standards, Curriculum Development, Library and Learning Services, Academic Registry, Student Services, a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning [CETL - Assessment for Learning] and JISC InfoNet. Prior to his appointment at Northumbria, he was the founding Dean of the School of Sport, Performing Arts and Leisure at Wolverhampton University.


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Professor Mahoney has a strong interest in differentiated learning, including recognition of learning styles as part of a student-centred individualised learning environment. Committed to education, he is an advocate of e-Learning and the use of technology to create positive learning environments. He has been an outspoken advocate of Internationalisation including globalisation, professional development, staff and student exchange and international partnership development in research and enterprise. He has made strong commitments to Erasmus, Study Abroad programmes and other exchange arrangements for students including the recent Government sponsored China summer school scheme.

Professor Shantong Li is a Senior Research Fellow and former Director General of the Department of Development Strategy and Regional Economy of Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council (People’s Republic of China). She was a member of the National Committee of CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference). She holds professorships at both Peking University and Tsinghua University. Professor Li participated in joint development projects with the World Bank, UNDP, UNIDO, OECD and the ADB. She has done systematic research on issues concerning China’s medium-term and long-term development, with a particular focus on regional economic and social development. Among many of her accomplishments Professor Li contributes to the Development Strategy and Policies for 13th Five-Year Plan and towards 2030. She has formed an applicable CGE model, named DRC-CGE model of China and has also trained a team of scholars working on this field. This model has been applied in many research projects both domestically and abroad. She won Fudan Management Excellence Award in 2014. She is Director of project “ Urbanization development path selection and management research of China in the new stage, key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (project no. 71133003) and also joint the project “Sustainable Urbanisation in China: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Mega-trends towards 2050”(EU Project Number FP7-266941).


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Ramu Damodaran is Chief of the Civil Society Service in the Outreach Division of the United Nations Department of Public Information. In this capacity, Mr. Damodaran oversees the Department's outreach to the public, including non-governmental organizations and educational institutions. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Organization's flagship quarterly, UN Chronicle. 

Mr. Damodaran’s prior United Nations responsibilities include that of Senior Officer in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, Senior Focal Point Officer in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Political Affairs Officer in the Department for Special Political Questions, Regional Cooperation, Decolonization and Trusteeship. He was Secretary of the United Nations inter-agency mission that visited Kuwait in 1991 to assess damage to the country’s infrastructure and economy from its occupation by Iraq. As a member of India’s national diplomatic service, Mr. Damodaran served on the Indian delegation to the United Nations and was Chairman of the United Nations Council for Namibia Drafting Committee. He has worked in the Indian Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi and in the Indian Embassy in Moscow.

Mr. Damodaran has extensive work experience in media, including television, radio and print journalism, in India and is a recipient of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union award for best radio feature. Ramu Damodaran is a national of India.


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

What are the conference research topics?

Presentation papers (3,000-4,000), posters (1 page PDF) by both academics, professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs are most welcome. Coverage should concentrate on the strategic theme however including the CAMOT traditional themes, such as the following tracks of technology and innovation and entrepreneurship and how they impact upon the areas of international business, marketing, human resources, accounting and finance, logistics and the supply chain management. All submission should be in English and/or Chinese. All the tracks will have two chairs (co-chairs), one from a non-Chinese university, and the other is from a Chinese university.

1. Strategic management of technology innovation and sustainability2. Strategic management, leadership and entrepreneurship 3. Knowledge management and organizational learning4. Innovation management and technology strategy 5. Technology strategy and sustainability of business6. Talent management and HR strategy7. Management innovation of Chinese enterprises 8. Enterprise capacity building and advancement in China 9. Impacts of China’s technology innovation upon the global economy10. Impacts of globalization upon technology innovation in China11. Chinese entrepreneurship and international business 12. International technology transfer13. Knowledge innovation and triple helix study14. Science and technology policy and analyses in China15. Sustainability and environment 16. Chinese dream VS American dream 17. Creation of sustainability and Green Silicon Valley18. IPR management and strategy19. Incubation and industrial cluster20. Competitiveness and innovation study

These different categories are not bounded and would be combined or regrouped subject to the range of submissions.

Plenary SessionTheme: Design for Sustainability in China’s Manufacturing Chaired by Dr Yongjiang SHI, Research Director, Centre for Manufacturing, Engineering Department, Cambridge University

Plenary SessionTheme: Green Development and Innovation in ChinaChaired by Dr Dongxiao LIU, Chairman of Henan New Energy Chamber of Commerce, Henan Province, China

Important Dates


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Deadline for submission papers (full papers and working papers): 30th June 2016 Notification for Acceptance of full paper: 31st July 2016 Final Paper Submission Deadline: 31st August 2016 Forum Registration Deadline: 16th September 2016

Submission Process

Manuscript submissions are welcomed and encouraged from the different innovation and technology management disciplines. Presentation papers can be conceptual, empirical, case studies, or field-based research reports using a variety of research methods and designs.

The Manuscript Central CAMOT/Emerald will be available for all paper submission from 1st March 2012. Further instructions will be available on www.camot.org in due course.

The University of CambridgeThe University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. Nevertheless, the University's museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students.

The University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldest universities and leading academic centres, and a self-governed community of scholars. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known worldwide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the excellent original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges.

With more than 18,000 students from all walks of life and all corners of the world, nearly 9,000 staff, 31 Colleges and 150 Departments, Faculties, Schools and other institutions, no two days are ever the same at the University of Cambridge.

At the heart of this confederation of Departments, Schools, Faculties and Colleges is a central administration team. It is small because the Colleges are self-governing and teaching staff carry out much of the daily administration at Cambridge.


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Institute of Manufacturing, Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, UK

The Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) provides a unique environment for the creation of new ideas and approaches to modern industrial practice. The IfM is part of the University of Cambridge. It brings together expertise in management, technology and policy to address the full spectrum of issues which can help industry and governments create sustainable economic growth.

Management: covering a wide range of topics including the development of sustainable industrial practice, capturing value from innovation, optimising global operations networks and moving from product to service-based models. The IfM is an international centre of excellence for road mapping, a powerful technique for aligning business and technology objectives.

Technology: inkjet and laser-based manufacturing process technologies, carbon nanomaterials, advanced information systems and automated identification technologies, all with a wide range of industrial applications.

Policy: programmes, processes and practices for translating publicly-funded R&D (in particular science and engineering research) into new technologies, industries and economic wealth.

What is CAMOT?The China Association for Management of Technology (CAMOT) www.camot.org is proud to be a partner of the United Nations on its recent initiative http://academicimpact.org/index.php – Academic Impact. We have no hesitation in endorsing whole-heartedly the 10 principles of the Academic Impact. We will engage our members in higher education across the world in promoting these principles. We sincerely believe that these principles are pivotal in building a peaceful world and harmonious societies. CAMOT incorporated with International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT www.iamot.org) and International Forum of Technology Management (IFTM), offers its members association with professionals and academics in the field. It has been acknowledged that there is particularly close interaction between IAMOT, IFTM and the founding members of CAMOT following the successful launching of Journal of Technology Management in China by Emerald Insight in the UK in 2005.


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

CAMOT is an international organization committed to encouraging and supporting researchers and professionals who are engaging research in strategic management of technology and innovation in China. CAMOT aims to establish national, regional, and international collaborative research programs in the field of technology management, technology transfer, technology innovation, as well as knowledge transfer by engaging government agencies, funding agencies, educational institutions, state-own enterprises (SOEs) as well as private sectors in China. CAMOT stresses the importance of keeping-up with the fast pace of technological change and the emerging new global paradigms of the business environment. MOT is an important strategic instrument to improve competitiveness and create prosperity in China. CAMOT believes that there is a need for appropriate infrastructures, strategies and mechanism to be established in order to support the diffusion of management of technology principles throughout China and a need to address the existing gaps in the process of technology management, which will assist in implementing more sustainable arrangement for successful technology transfer and technology innovation.

Camot Innovation Academy Cambridge (CIAC), UK www.camotac.org , is A Think-Tank and a West & East Brain-Platform that provide strategic insight and philosophical thinking on the integration of Western management with Eastern philosophy in global higher education and international business in the 21st century. Established and re-named and re-registered in Cambridge St John Innovation Centre in 2011 and 2014 in the UK, it can be traced back to 25th May, 2006, where a group of pre-eminent management scholars launched CAMOT.

CIAC Mission is to advance learning and knowledge through teaching, engagement, consultancy and research, development and training, coaching, notably in technology strategy, leadership, innovation management, entrepreneurship, internationalization, management and business studies.

Who should participate? Academics, Researchers and Postgraduate Students in Global Higher Education Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Pro Vice

Chancellors of Universities and Colleges CEOs, COOs of Global Innovation Firms, Global Education Firms and Global

Education Recruiters and Providers Chief/senior Engineers of Large – Medium - Enterprises Venture Capitalists and Fund Managers Government Officials in-charge of R&D and innovation policies Entrepreneurs and Technology Innovators Managers in the areas of Services, Finance, Marketing, Economics and Public Policy Production and Operation Managers Educators involved in strategic management of technology innovation

Where and when is the conference taking place?

Time: 8th – 9th October 2016

Venue: Lecture Theatre 0, Engineering Department, Cambridge University, UK


Call for papers: 7th CAMOT 2016 International Conference, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Conference Chairs Dr Yongjiang Shi, Research Director, Centre for Manufacturing, Cambridge University, UKE-mail: ys@eng.cam.uk Freeman Yeung, Chairman and CEO of Global Education Alliances, Hong Kong, ChinaE-mail: Freeman.yeung@geaworld.org Professor Richard Li-Hua, Founder of China Association for Management of Technology and Camot Innovation Academy Cambridge, United Kingdom and Former President, Sias International University, ChinaE-mail: richard.lihua@sias.edu.cn and Richard.lihua@gmail.com

General Programme ChairProfessor Shawn Carraher, University of Texas at Dallas, USAE-mail: shawncarraher@yahoo.com

Programme Chairs and Board Members of CAMOT Forum Proceedings

Professor Xudong Gao, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, ChinaE-mail: gaoxudong@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn Professor Song Chen, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, ChinaE-mail: chens@mail.tongji.edu.cn Professor Yonggui Wang, Business School, University of International Business and EconomicsE-mail: jecwang@gmail.com Dr Lucy Lu, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University, UKE-mail: llu@bournemouth.ac.uk Professor Jiang Yu, Institute of Policy & Management, Chinese Academy of Science, ChinaE-mail: yujiang@mail.casipm.ac.cn Professor William Johnson, Black School of Business, The Behrend College, Penn State Erie, USAE-mail: whj1@psu.edu Dr. Artie W. Ng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, P.R. ChinaE-mail: spartie@speed-polyu.edu.hk Professor Dezhi Chen, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaE-mail: chendezhi@sjtu.edu.cn Professor Serena Rovai, La Rochelle Business School, FranceRovais@esc-larochelle.fr Dr Qi Li, Chairman of Chinese Students & Scholars (CSSA), UKE-mail: Vip-liqi@hotmail.com Thorben Haenel, CDHK, Tongji University, P.R. China, Secretary General, CAMOT, UKE-mail: thorben.haenel@gmail.comTao Feng, Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, UK, Deputy Secretary General, CAMOT, UKEmail: Tf292@cam.ac.uk Ben Chen, Global Education Alliances, Hong Kong, ChinaE-mail: Ben.chen@geaworld.org


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