8 essential questions for internet marketing

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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8 Essential Questions About Internet Marketing



Of course we had more than 8 questions

when we started, but these were the

main ones.


Keep in mind, the answers that we are

going to apply to each of these questions are our own.


If you ask these questions to 100 people in the Internet Marketing industry, you will get 100 different variations of answers, depending on their experience.


Question #1

Do I have to be technically savvy to start?


To a degree, yes, in the sense that you must know how to

use a computer and get on the internet


The key in our opinion is that you must be teachable, must be able to follow directions, and know how to search for help.


There is so much information available

on the internet via Google, YouTube,

Facebook, etc., all your technical questions can

be answered.


Most Internet Marketing businesses come with more than enough training to get you started…..

…… and the better ones will continue to support you for as long as you need.


Question #2

Do I have to have my own products to sell?


Not at all. In fact, most, if not all, Internet Marketing businesses encourage newcomers to start by selling other people’s products or the company’s products.

That’s called Affiliate Marketing.


As an affiliate, you will promote/market someone else’s products, and you will be paid a percentage of the resulting sales.


Question #3

How do I find a niche to market?


We struggled with this in the beginning. Of course our first thought was to find one that we were sure to make money in…..

…..But that didn’t work out too well.



Because we weren’t passionate about the subject. Trying to get people to buy something you are not passionate about will kill a business, in our opinion. People will see right through you.


What are you passionate about?What do you love to do?

What do you love to talk about?What is it in your life that you would love

to do every day and can inspire other people to try it?


That, my friend, is your niche market. That is what you need to be selling, in our opinion.


Question #4

How do I get traffic (eyeballs) to my offer?


After picking a niche, this is your biggest obstacle.

Building a list of followers on social media was a piece of cake. Getting them to check out our offer, not so much.



We were not putting ourselves out there. We were watching training videos and reading as

much as we could about getting traffic, but there was no follow-through.


We were changing the training to fit our comfortlevel. Here were 6 and 7-figure earners

telling us how they built their lists and generated traffic, and we were

still trying to do it our way.


It was all about mindset and changing ours. As soon as we “put ourselves out there”,

we started seeing results. As soon as we came to realize that our way wasn’t working and there were

better ways, things started to change.


The other piece of the mindset puzzle we had to change was we had to stop thinking we were just selling things on the internet.


We had to come to the realization that we were performing a service for people, and we needed to do that to the best of our ability.


Question #5

How long will it take before I make any money?


Oh, this is a good one. And our answer to that

question is...


How hard are you willing to work at it? Are you willing to work like no one else TODAY so that you will be able to LIVE like no one else tomorrow?


To us, that separates the successful people online from the ones that never make any money

and end up blaming everyone and everything except themselves.


Don’t get fooled by offers saying that you can make tons of money without doing any work online. They just don’t work. Or at the very least, they don’t last.


Treat your new endeavor as if it were your own business…..

….. Because it is!

Build a foundation that you will be able to rely on for a very long time by learning and growing yourself.


Don’t give up before the magic happens, too many others before you have

already done so. Your breakthrough would likely

have happened right after you quit.


Question #6

How do I know this is not a scam?


Research. Ask questions. Find out more about the cancellation policy before you sign up.

If the offer is legitimate, then the company will be more than happy to let you ask questions

before you make a final commitment.


One piece of advice if you are looking up reviews online for any company.

A majority of the reviews are coming from someone trying to get you

to sign up under them.



…. They are blasting the company because they signed up, sat around waiting

for the business to make them oodles of money, and when it

didn’t happen, they got angry and quit.


Question #7

How much does it cost to get started?


We have yet to find an offer that was worth our time and was absolutely free. They are advertised all the time, but we do not believe any of them.


If you are looking at Internet Marketing as a way to give you the freedom you want and are willing to treat it like a business instead

of a hobby, then there are going to be some costs involved.


You will always get out of a business exactly what you put into it.

The more time and money you invest, the more you will get out of it.


Now we are not saying you should risk your family’s life savings on an online business, but

you might need to push yourself a little more than you would have liked to get started. Get

yourself out of your comfort zone.


All of the success stories we heard about online businesses usually start with “We were down to

our last $200 in the bank….” or “I maxed out my mom’s credit card just to get started….”


But those people had the fire inside of them that they were going to succeed. We have that same fire inside us. we know that we are going to be successful, no matter what it takes.

Do you?


Question #8

Which offer is the best one to start with?


The one that fits your target niche.The one that offers a vast amount of training.

The one with like-minded people all with the same goal….to help others achieve

freedom in their lives.The one where the millionaires sit with the

newbies and answer all their questions.


There is a saying…..

“One cannot fail on the internet, one can only give up.”

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