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Ambala: A dhaba owner,Billa, was booked for alle-gedly serving liquor to mi-nor school boys in Ambalaon Friday. Ambala deputycommissioner of police (ur-ban) Arun Kumar constitu-ted a team to raid the dhabaafter a tip-off.

During the raid, the poli-ce team found students of

classes XI and XII in schooluniforms consuming liquorthere.

“When we reached thespot, we found 15 studentsdrinking. We informed the-ir parents to take them ho-me. Thereafter, the dhabaowner was questioned andbooked for offering alcoholto minors,” said Ambala Ci-ty station house officer Su-resh Pal.

Dhaba owner booked forserving liquor to boysTIMES NEWS NETWORK

Chandigarh: Formermember of Planning Com-mission Professor AbhijitSen has stressed on the ne-ed to create livelihoodswhich are less reliant onagriculture after 10 years.He said the real motive of‘Make in India’ is not toproduce more, but createmore jobs.

“We cannot think of ag-riculture as the base of oureconomy and cannot focusall our energies on agricul-ture,” said Prof Sen, add-ressing a seminar organi-sed by the Institute for De-velopment and Communi-cation (IDC) here onFriday.

He reiterated that low-wage advantage was not aconsiderable option for in-ternational business tomove their investments ge-ographically to India, sin-ce wages comprise only asmall portion of the out-put.

“We should focus more

on sectors like IT, which re-ly heavily on cost of labourfor their output, and musttake substantial steps tosustain such business inIndia,” said Prof Sen. Healso argued that the ex-change rate is crucial, and

if the rate is not favourab-le, the manufacturing sec-tor will also suffer.

On the occasion, Harya-na finance minister Capta-in Abhimanyu assertedthat the region should notmerely focus on ‘ease of bu-

siness’, but evolve strategi-es to make industry compe-titive globally. Former Ha-ryana chief secretary PKChaudhery said there wasa continuous need to rein-vent ourselves to be compe-titive in the global mar-kets, and stressed on thepolitical unanimity towork together to improvegrowth in the region.

Haryana principal se-cretary (industry) Deven-der Singh and Punjab prin-cipal secretary (industry)Anirudh Tewari affirmedthat there was a need tostop red-tapism and lay outthe red carpet to investors.They both spoke about me-asures taken by the respec-tive governments to impro-ve infrastructure, and poli-cy measures like singlewindow clearance underthe aegis of EnterprisePromotion Act to improve‘ease of doing business’,which according to themwas a pain point in attrac-ting investors to the re-gion.

‘Need to create jobs less reliant on farming’

Capt Abhimanyu at a seminar on development of states in Chandigarh



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Chandigarh: Maximumtemperatures across Haryanaand Punjab, including Chandi-garh, hovered a few degreesabove normal level, with Hisarrecording the highest in theregion at 41.5 degrees Celsius.Karnal in Haryana recorded amaximum temperature of 39.4degrees Celsius, while Ambalaand Narnaul recorded a highof 39.1 degrees Celsius and38.5 degrees Celsius, MeTdepartment said. According toMeT forecast, weather islikely to be dry in the next 24hours with dust or thunders-torm likely to occur on May 1at few places.

New formula forHSSC interviewsChandigarh: The statecabinet on Friday approvedthe proposal of a new formulato be followed by the HaryanaStaff Selection Commission(HSSC) to call candidates forinterview for posts advertisedby it. According to the newformula, if the number ofposts is less than or equal tothree, the candidates calledfor interview would be eighttimes the number. If thenumber of posts is from fourto 10, the candidates calledfor interview would be 30. Incase of 11 or more posts, thenumber of candidates calledfor interview would be threetimes the number of posts.

Rates revised forvanity numbersChandigarh: The statecabinet on Friday approved anamendment in the HaryanaMotor Vehicle Rules 1993, torevise fee for obtaining prefe-rential registration numbersof non-transport vehicles andtransport vehicles. In case ofnon-transport vehicles, thedepartment would chargeRs1.50 lakh for the registrationnumbers 0002, 0007, and 0009in any series, while for remai-ning single digit numbers 0003to 0006 and 0008 in any series,the fee would be Rs 1 lakh,instead of Rs75,000 earlier.However, fee for number 0001would remain unchanged atRs 5 lakh in any series. Num-bers like 0010, 0011, 0022, 0033,0044, 0055, 0066, 0077, 0088,0099, 0100, and 786 would costRs75,000 each, instead ofRs50,000 earlier.

Name change foragriculture deptChandigarh: The cabineton Friday approved theproposal to change thename of the agriculturedepartment into Agricul-ture and Farmers Welfare department.


Hisar hottest inregion at 41.5°C

Chandigarh: The Punjaband Haryana high court hasclarified that a diploma inengineering and 10 years’technical experience in mili-tary would be equivalent to adegree in engineering andany person possessing suchqualification would be entit-led for appointment as engi-neer in the Haryana govern-ment.

A division bench compri-sing Justice Surya Kant andJustice P B Bajanthari has gi-

ven these findings in an or-der released on Thursday af-ter clarifying the applicabili-ty of central government po-licy in Haryana. The benchheld that the Union ministryof educational and socialwelfare had issued a circularon May 26, 1977, deciding to“recognize a diploma in engi-neering in appropriate disci-pline plus total 10 years oftechnical experience (ear-ned in defence services) inthe appropriate fields as equ-ivalent to degree in enginee-ring”.

It was also decided thatthe decision of the central go-vernment is applicable to Ha-ryana in the light of the letterissued on March 18, 1975, bythe education commissionerand secretary to governmentof Haryana, wherein it wasdecided that the degrees anddiplomas, which are recogni-zed by the Centre, will be dee-med to be recognized by Ha-ryana.

The matter had reachedbefore the high court in 2010,in the wake of a petition filedby Narender Singh Yadav, a

resident of Rewari district ofHaryana, who had served inthe Army’s engineeringbranch and retired as Sub-edar Major.

Yadav had passed three-year diploma course in civilengineering from Haryanapolytechnic at Nilokheri onJanuary 21, 1986, and thereaf-ter he had joined Indian Ar-my where he served for 18 ye-ars and 7 months as juniorengineer (civil).

After his retirement, hehad applied for the job on thepost of assistant engineer (ci-vil) in Haryana governmentunder ex-servicemen catego-ry in response to the adverti-sement issued by the Harya-na Staff Selection Commis-sion (HSSC) in August 2008.

After going through theselection process, he was se-

lected and his name was re-commended to the govern-ment by the HSSSC for appo-intment as assistant engine-er (Civil). The government,however, refused to let himjoin and rejected his selec-tion on the ground that he didnot possess a degree in engi-neering (civil).

Challenging the govern-ment decision before HC, Ya-dav claimed his appointmentunder the May 1977, circularof the central government,according to which those pos-sessing 10 years technical ex-perience in the Army and di-ploma in engineering areequivalent to degree in engi-neering. The state govern-ment, however, was claimingthat the Centre’s circularwas not applicable on the sta-te government.

Says StateToo Bound ByCentre’s Rule

Engg diploma with 10-year militaryexperience equivalent to degree: HC


The matter had reached before theHC in 2010, when Rewari residentNarender Singh Yadav, who hadserved in the Army was denied ajob by the state govt, moved court

Chandigarh: The Punjaband Haryanahigh court onFriday dis-missed a peti-tion filed byformer chiefparliamenta-

ry secretary (CPS) RamKishan Gujjar challeng-ing his summoning in a ca-se related to a scribe’s suici-de . With this decision, Guj-jar will now have to face tri-al before Ambala districtcourt.

Gujjar had challengedhis summoning orders onthe grounds that he was un-necessarily dragged intothe case.

The deceased in the ca-se, Pankaj Khanna, hadcommitted suicide by con-suming celphos tablets. Inhis suicide note, he had bla-med Gujjar and two of hissupporters, Ajit Aggarwaland Vijay Aggarwal, forcreating circumstancesforcing him to take the ex-treme step.

Khanna had written

that Ajit and Vijay had beenharassing and humiliatinghim at the behest of the Guj-jar. Soon after the incident,Khanna’s relatives hadblocked the state highway,demanding registration ofa case against the MLA and

his aides. The district poli-ce had on June 11, 2009, re-gistered a case against Guj-jar and his two supportersin Naraingarh.

After registration of theFIR against Gujjar, the poli-ce had filed a challan on Ju-ly 15, 2009, in which he waskept in column numbertwo, which meant that theyfound no evidence againsthim in the case

HC dismisses pleaof ex-CPS Gujjar


Ram Kishan Gujjarhad challenged his summoning in acase related to ascribe’s suicide.With this decision,Gujjar will now have to face trialbefore Ambaladistrict court

Panipat: Naresh -- a memberof a DJ group -- was killed,and three others (Gopal,Shravan, and Dinesh) injured when a driver alle-gedly rammed his car intotheir vehicle in Panipat onThursday.

Shravan is critical, andhas been admitted to the Post-Graduate Institute ofMedical Sciences (PGIMS) at Rohtak.

Relatives of Naresh saidthe culprit allegedly crashedhis car into that of Naresh, asthey had a fight over playingmusic at a wedding ceremonyon Thursday night.

The victim’s kin protes-ted outside Ward 11police sta-tion in Panipat, and blamedcops for not reaching the spoton time. Police said a case hasbeen registered against uni-dentified men, and investiga-tions were on.

DJ groupmember killed


Chandigarh: Haryana's BJPgovernment on Friday anno-unced that all facilities, in-cluding cabinet minister sta-tus for former chief mini-sters, would be taken back.

This means that formerCM Bhupinder Singh Hoodawill lose all cabinet statusperks being enjoyed by him.The Hooda government hadin 2013 decided to accord faci-lities of a cabinet minister toall former chief ministers ofthe state. But currently onlyHooda was availing the facili-ty as the other former CM,Om Prakash Chautala, is injail in connection with juniorteachers' recruitment scam.

“Our chief minister (Ma-nohar Lal Khattar) has a sa-int’s mindset. He doesn’t havethe approach of having suchfacilities (after his tenure asCM),” said Krishan KumarBedi, minister of state (MOS)for welfare of Scheduled Cas-tes and Backward Classes af-ter the cabinet meeting.

“We would have with-drawn the cabinet ministerstatus of Hooda 18 monthsback if we wanted to be vin-dictive,” he said.

Now, Hooda won’t be entit-led to a sprawling govern-ment bungalow in Chandi-garh’s posh Sector 7 as well asthe staff and security equiva-

lent to a cabinet minister.Hooda said such things

are immaterial for him. “I ne-ed the support of people. I willraise their voice. It shows the-ir (BJP govt's) approach. Aperson takes a decision as perindividual’s mindset,” he sa-id.

This decision comes a fewdays after state’s main oppo-sition party Indian NationalLok Dal (INLD) sought thewithdrawal of cabinet rankstatus of former CMs of thestate, particularly Hooda.

“Hooda's alleged role inaiding and abetting unrulyand disruptive elements in-volved in loot and arson inci-dents in the reservation agi-tation is well known to the pe-ople of the state,” INLD lea-der Abhay Singh Chatualahad said in a recent letter toKhattar.

No cabinet statusfor former CMs

Sukhbir.Siwach@timesgroup.com Hooda was the only one

availing the facility asother former CM OmPrakash Chautala is injail in connection withJBT recruitment scam

Gurgaon: The first phase ofthe transfer of Huda sectors toMCG will take place amid con-fusion and protests on Satur-day, creating a situation wherecivic services for thousands ofresidents are left in a no man’sland.

Huda employees in chargeof civic duties and protestingagainst their transfer to theMCG along with the sectors re-fused to call off their strike but

the government decided tostick to the April 30 handoverdeadline for 22 sectors. As a re-sult, on Saturday, Huda willhand over sanitation, mainte-nance of internal water sup-ply, sewerage and stormwaterdrains, streetlights, parks andinternal roads to the MCG.

But the 900-odd Huda staffinvolved in these jobs won’t beavailable to the MCG becauseof the ongoing strike. Andwith the MCG itself skeletallystaffed, it means these basic

civic functions will go unat-tended till the Haryana gov-ernment can convince the Hu-da staff to call off their strikeand move to MCG. The onlyfunction that won’t be affectedis sanitation because itscharge has been outsourced toprivate companies. Huda hadconsidered handing over onlythe sanitation function toMCG but decided to go aheadwith all other services in whatappeared to be a last-minutechange of mind.

Huda to transfer 22 sectorsJoel.Joseph@timesgroup.com

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