8. past progressive and presentation practice

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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Grammar for Interactions

IECP, Nikki Mattson, SP 16


• Preparing for PSU Observation Presentation grammar (tense usage in presentation)

• Pathways 2 collocations (Introduction)

Thinking Ahead.. (PSU Presentations)

• What kinds of things do you say in an introduction? What tenses might you use?

• When describing your PSU class observations, what tenses might you use?

• When concluding your presentation, what kinds of things might you say? Which tenses might you use?

Verb Tenses for PSU Observation Presentation

• Introduction: simple present + simple future

• Describing the class you attended: simple past

• Describing action that happened during the class you observed: past continuous

• Conclusion: simple past: simple future

Past Progressive/Continuous Brainstorming

• What does this tense look like (form)?• How is this tense similar to the present

continuous?• Why do we use this tense?

Past Continuous/Progressive

• Why? To show something was in progress at a particular moment in the past.

– In 2009, I was living in France.In 2009, what were you doing?

- Last night at midnight, I was sleeping.-What were you doing last night at midnight?

When vs. While

• What differences can you see below?

• While Einstein was living in Switzerland, he developed his theory of relativity.

• Einstein was living in the U.S. when he died.

• While can be used to show that a long action is interrupted by a short action.

– While I was eating my dinner, Ruth called me.

– Ruth called my while I was eating my dinner.

– Write your own example on your write board.


• When (not while) can be used for a short action that happened during a longer action.– I was sleeping when the phone rang.– I was eating when you texted me.– When you called me, I was driving.

– Write your own example on your white board.


• When (not while) can be used for one action that happens immediately after another. (boom boom)– When I got home from class, I took a nap.– I took a nap when I got home from class.– When I called my friend, she told me she couldn’t

talk.– My friend told be she couldn’t talk when I called her.– Write your own example on your white board.


Imagine you are giving your presentations and complete the following sentences…

• 1. My name is ______. Today I ___________ talk about _____________.

• 2. First, I ________speak about________. Next, I ____________talk about________. Third, I _____________describe_______.

Finally, I ___________provide details about ______________.

White Boards

• 3. On Monday the 1st, I _____________ Sociology 100. The class ______ generally about____________. On the day I___________, the class ________ about ______________.

• 4. One interesting aspect of the interaction between students _______________________.

• 5. While I ________________ the class, I _________ that there were at least 20 students who_____________ Facebook.

• 6. After the group work portion of the class, the teacher ___________the students a handout to read.

• 7. In conclusion, today I ___________ about ______________. I hope that you ______________my prentation.

Pathways 2 Collocations

Group Activity

• Place all of the collocations face down.• Flip over a collocation, and work as a team

to think of a sentence that is grammatical and logical. Once you all agree, write the sentence down.

• Move on to the next collocation.• The group with the most correct sentences

will get 2 extra credit points.


• Complete the Labeling and Revision Template for pg. 24 Conversation Starters. Due = Friday in AI class

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