8 tips for personal disaster preparedness

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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8 Tips For Personal Disaster Preparedness

Disaster planning is not limited to businesses.

Disasters can happen anywhere…and at any time.

Individuals and families also need to plan ahead to be prepared when disaster strikes.

How will you get everyone out of the house safely?

How will you get back up on your feet and return to work?

Your personal disaster preparedness planning should address these concerns and more.

Here are some helpful tips to consider when preparing your emergency plan:

1. Family Communications Plan

How will you and your family get in touch with each other during an emergency?

Cell phones? Meeting points?

Do your children know all essential numbers?

FEMA has a template for parents to follow when creating a family communications plan.

2. Evacuation Plan

How will your family evacuate your home?

Where will you go?

What are the fastest escape routes?

Identify multiple escape routes and make sure your kids understand them.

You could create a drawing of your home and mark the escape routes, then post the drawing in your child’s room.

Consider purchasing escape ladders for second story windows.

Establish a place for your family to meet after evacuating.

3. Address The Needs Of All Family Members

Keep in mind each family member’s needs.

4. Include Pets In Your Plans

Too often pets are lost or abandoned during disasters.

But you can avoid this by including your family’s pets as part of your emergency planning.

Visit Ready.gov and the Insurance Information Institute for additional tips on how to protect your family’s pets.

5. Use Technology

Technology can go a long way in helping you and your loved ones during a disaster.

Visit Ready.gov for more information on how to maximize technology before, during, and after a disaster strikes.

6. Shut Off Utilities

Make sure every member of your family knows how to safely shut off utilities in your home - natural gas, water, electricity.

7. Financial Preparedness

Being financially prepared for a disaster is an often overlooked detail.

FEMA has an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit that may be helpful in your personal planning.

8. Test Your Plan!

Having a plan is important, but it is crucial to practice your plan to ensure it really works.

Gather your family to review your emergency plan and practice it!

Make the time and get your family #DisasterReady.

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