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Just A Minute! With Scripture

C h r i s t i a n L i f e C o a c h S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s Writers/Editors: Brian & Deborah J. Johnson, Certified Christian Life Coaches (804) 519-1210 — Look us up on Facebook - lifecoachesdjbj@yahoo.com

Issue # 12 October, 2015—page 1

*Newsletter revisions continue. (p. 1-2 will now focus on basic/practical issues, while p. 3-4 purpose to address more advanced issues.) Request subscriptions/past issues. Forward questions/ideas.

How To Deal With Challenges In Marriage - Part 1 Ephesians 5:21 “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.”

Most people desire a ‘smooth sailing’ relationship, but even little things can ‘rock the boat.’ God created the institution of marriage, & designed His Word to fully equip you. Be humble & look at yourself first, in grace:

1. Decide to be like-minded: Are you both saved, trusting Christ died on the cross & shed His blood to pay for all your sin? God gives you ‘His righteousness’ & the Holy Spirit, once you believe. “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” (Romans 4:8) Once jus-tified, the Lord is able to teach your ‘inner man.’ This can be instrumen-tal in dealing with relationship is-sues. Seek help, if either of you are unclear about your just standing before God. (Contact info above)

2. Prepare yourself as a cou-ple, submit to God’s authority: a) Read & discuss Scripture togeth-er. Don’t put it off, make reading a priority. Begin with 15 minutes a day. It will help you to become one, spiritually. (one mind & heart) The Word ‘renews’ the mind, replacing worldly, selfish attitudes & places God at the center of thinking. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...” (Rom. 12:2) Suggest the idea to read together, but at first, you may need to start alone.

b) Pray with one another, daily. Stop to pray aloud before tough dis-cussions also, & in the ‘heat of argu-ments.’ This interrupts ‘the flesh’ from ruling conversations & mo-tives. Ask your mate to pray, but begin, even if it is by yourself.

3. Clarify marriage roles: Many quarrels are linked to con-flicting perceptions of roles & differing expectations. Similar beliefs will develop, as you read & discuss the Word. Start with the topic of marriage/relationships. Search for, and exalt God’s view.

As you study this issue, pray to be open to renew your mind. (Examine passages like Romans 12, I Corinthians 7, Ephesians 5, & Colossians 3.) Notice the first instruction in Ephesians 5:21-33. “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” Both are to submit to one another, with high respect for God the Father.

Discussions & problem solv-ing can proceed more smoothly when: you are like-minded, God is the authority, & roles are clear. Be patient. The maturing process takes time. However, you now can, ‘step outside of yourself,’ to consider issues more objec-tively, seeking God’s mind.

It may help to see how relationships & computers are alike. Both require a common link for

clear communication. Choose to build a spiritual link and plan ahead to prepare your hearts. Don’t ‘walk after the flesh.’ Instead, pray & ‘yield unto God.’ (Romans 6)

Seek Answers & Help If Needed!

Scripture... Not A Typical Book

The Lord says, “...holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (II Peter 1:21) God wrote Scripture for you. Christ is God, but He’s also the Living Word: “In the begin-ning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us...” (John 1:l,14) As you read by faith, Christ the Word is placed into your inner man.

Scripture has characteristics like no other book. God says, the Word, “...shall not return unto me void, but it shall ac-complish that which I please...” (Isaiah 55:11) Scrip-ture prospers, doing His will, by the Spirit. Reading it is ‘the’ priority of life. Your Father has eternally important things to, individually, teach you.

The Bible overflows in power, with precision. “For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4: 12)

Scripture is designed to thrive & produce fruit, so approach it differently than man’s writings. I Thessalonians 2:13 clarifies how it works, “...ye received the word of God...not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” It transforms your mind, to ‘live unto God.’

Things to remember:

Read slowly & consider each concept & word to avoid head knowledge. Think, meditate, & really listen to God. This links old, new, & related teachings together, refining understand-ing. Consider your approach to God’s Word. Account it unique & True, worthy to be exalted above all. Trust God & pray to apply His teachings in your life.

Scripture...Designed For Your Good!

Study Insights

Join Us For A Discussion & Insights Using Scripture Oneness In Marriage Relationships

Thursday, October 29th, 6:30-8:30 pm Chesterfield Central Library - 9501 Lori Road,

Chesterfield, VA - Call for details - (804) 519-1210

Women’s Bible Study - N. Chesterfield, VA

When: Fri. 1-3pm - Wkly Topic: Law vs. Grace Call for information - (804) 519-1210

Issue # 12 October, 2015 – Page 2 Just A Minute With Scripture

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him?...Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands...” (Psalm 8:4-

6) The Father intimately loves us, & gives us everything, even knowing our frailties & sin. God desires our fellowship, as a Fa-ther does His sons & daughters.

Everything God does is motivat-ed by His perfect, selfless love...to teach, mentor, & help us. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) God even gave His own Son, Jesus Christ & the Spirit to live within us.

Though parents yield their lives, time, & resources in loving ser-vice to their child, until he ma-tures, the youth may remain un-thankful. As believers, we can also think unwisely toward God our Father, within our hearts, es-pecially in the midst of life chal-lenges. We may reply against Him, such as: “Why did you make me this way?” “Why do you allow suffering?” “If you loved me, you would help me?” or even, “Why did you allow Sa-tan to tempt Adam to sin?”

Conviction of heart to trust & exalt God, develops by regular-ly taking in & medi-

tating upon the Scriptures. Sin-cere study will reveal God’s ex-ceeding grace & profound love, most worthy of our worship.

What will it take to trust Him? We need to grow up in the Word to see differently. Instead of the, ‘me, me, me,’ ‘I want...now,’ and ‘I need to know...’ view, we can be patient, thankful, & pray to rely on Him. As we mature, we can develop Christ’s mind & thinking. Then, we can yield & give God our time & effort, trusting Him.

How To Find

A Bible Study To Edify Attending a Bible study has many ben-efits. It prompts consistency in person-al Bible reading, provides fellowship, & encourages spiritual growth. To locate a study, begin with prayer. Inquire at your own church to see if there’s an established group or any interest.

Next, call local assemblies. Ask what they believe & if they have a weekly study. (Plan questions wisely to determine their doctrine.) A ‘sound’ Bible study is essential & teaches how the Bible is organized. (Refer to Issue 9) You can search the internet for teachers who, ‘Rightly Divide the Word.’

If a suitable group is not found, consid-er starting your own...all you need is one study partner. It may take a little time, but talk to church members, family, & friends. Be persistent. Boldly reach out to people you meet during the day. Be direct about what you are looking for, to find others with like passions in the Word. Put it in a flyer to pass out. Post notices in churches, libraries, & on Facebook. Pray & trust.

If a Bible teacher is unavailable, be a ‘facilitator.’ Most anyone can function in this role. Their job is to set direction, keep discussions on track, & encour-age dialog. Paul’s epistles were written specifically for the Body of Christ. Start your study, reading in Romans, its pur-pose is to ‘establish’ the believer.

(A second option, is to use a sound, recommended DVD Bible series or book. Determine to keep Scripture as the primary focus, & final authority. Regularly, stop to read & focus on the actual passages, in their context.)

Things you can do in a study: Begin with prayer, then read sections of Scripture, helping members to discuss it. Read slowly, noticing words & topics being addressed. Look up words in a dictionary & concordance. Consider the context of a verse, by asking, who, what, when, where, & why questions. Avoid passive Bible stud-ies. Make it interactive & discuss verses, questions, & insights. Purpose to encour-age members to express thoughts & ques-tions. Defer difficult ones, to study further, or consult a mentor, wise in the Word.

You can meet at a neutral location or even over the phone. How often or how long to meet, are choices based on preference. Don’t wait...make this Bible study happen.

Call if you need further help!

Understanding is acquired by prayerfully reading, reflecting, & gaining conviction to live God’s instructions. Romans-Philemon, epistles to the Body of Christ, is the best place to start, to trans-form our mind & trust Him.

God is worthy to be praised & worshipped all day long. “O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us...” (Ps. 117:1-2) Read Psalms to observe David, in Is-rael’s program, glorifying God. The Body of Christ is to follow Paul’s example. His doctrine & life uniquely praise & worship God, as a faithful adult son, trusting through great suffering.

Romans 12, begins to unveil these new instructions for wor-ship in the Church today, differ-ent than Israel. Individually, we are to be a living sacrifice, & do service, with gifts to offer. We are the temple, & “...manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ...”, known and read of all men. (I Cor. 6:19, II Cor. 3:2-3) Study how to worship with your life.

Even when we don’t under-stand, we can trust God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Start with the premise, God is good & kind, all-knowing, and always for us. God is our Father, who has been with us through all the years, selflessly & patiently loving us in

grace. Think on This!

Romans 1:20: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead...”

Can Grace Reign In Your Life?

Romans 5:21 states, “That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” The verse states grace ‘might’ reign, through right-eousness. (Each word is signifi-cant & important to notice when studying.) This term indicates our responsibility to choose. Grace will not automatically reign in our life. Another im-portant point is that when grace reigns, it is ‘by’ Jesus Christ our Lord, not ‘by’ our efforts or fleshly works.

Romans 6-8, explains that as Christ lives through us, grace reigns. We yield to God, al-lowing His Word & power, by the Spirit, to lead. This enables us to make wise choices. Ro-mans 6 teaches, we are ‘dead to sin & alive’ as we yield. Chapter 7 instructs, we are ‘dead to the law,’ and free. Ro-mans 8 teaches, it is our choice to be ‘dead to the flesh,’ “...if ye through the Spirit do morti-fy the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” (Rom. 8:13 )

There are many things that can sidetrack believers from allow-ing grace to reign: -Seeking to please others or our own flesh, above God’s Word.

-Buying into worldly wisdom & the social, cultural, & political agendas, more than God.

-Losing sight of God’s goals & purpose, lacking motivation to live them.

-Viewing this physical, temporal realm as more real, than the spir-itual, eternal realm of God.

Reflect on these issues in more depth for application. Study Romans 5-8 for yourself, as a Berean, to be fully persuaded on these issues. (Acts 17:11)

Grace Can Reign In Your Life!

Things To Do: Search things as a ‘Berean’ (Acts 17:11)

1. Set up a Bible Study & fellowship-prayer time.

2. Study Romans 1-11. See how God has changed you!

3. Review Romans 5-8. Notice how grace can reign.

4. Attend a Seminar: ‘Oneness In Marriage Relationship’ or ‘Anxiety & Unwise Thinking Patterns.’

Romans 16:25 “Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel...”

In the last issue, we introduced the topic of spiritual fitness: func-tionally able, ready, & willing to serve God. As background on the subject, it is helpful to under-stand that Romans 1-11 is a unit. It is designed to progressively prepare us to operate as a living sacrifice. This service is taught next, the Romans 12-16 section.

Each chapter adds components, absolutely necessary, to move us forward in our growth. They ena-ble & empower us to accomplish His pur-pose, to think & operate in the way God desires.

Without preparation in the first 11 chapters, we’re limited in our capacity to serve. This founda-tional instruction begins our training, & develops Christ’s love in us. Operating as a living sacri-fice takes an internalized under-standing of these chapters, per-sonal maturity, & selfless love.

Last month’s article focused on issues in Romans 1-6. We learned that God made changes in our identity, to enable us to be spiritually fit to serve Him:

1) God imputes His righteousness to believers. (Romans 1-4) 2) We are then quickened, (made spir-itually alive) & reconciled to God. (Romans 5-6) 3) Our old man is crucified & we are dead to sin. (Romans 6) 4) We’re now responsible to choose wisely. (Serve God, not remain in sin)

Romans 7:1-6 can progress us : 5) We have been made dead to the law. Paul states, “...ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ...” In the past, “...the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit

unto death.” (Romans 7:4-5) Be-fore being justified, we were clearly in bondage!

However, God broke the law’s control over us. “But now we are delivered from the law, that be-ing dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of the spirit...” (Romans 7:6) We are finally free from the curse of the law, that is, ‘trying, but al-ways failing,’ to keep the law. This is a grievous sin cycle. God simply desires us to yield, & then, just rest. His power will work, by the Spirit stirring up doctrine in us, to walk by faith.

Romans 7:17-22 pinpoints anoth-er identity change: 6) The inward man is now sep-arated from sin. “Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” (Romans 7:17) The dramatic awareness, that sin is not a part of our new identity,

further releases us from legalism and the pressure of performing. To God be all the glory...Freedom!

In a future issue, we will contin-ue in Romans 8 to review addi-tional ways our loving Father has made us spiritually fit to serve Him, by the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray to develop an awareness of these things for yourself. Until then, read through Romans 1-11. This will be eternally beneficial!

Note: The scope of this article is limited. This is just an introduction to some of the major changes made by God, which enable us to live as who we are in Christ. There are also many secondary, underlying topics in Romans 1-11, that are not being addressed. For exam-ple, students have op-portunity to learn study skills & discover depth to the character of God. In addition, this section provides opportunity to develop trust in the Fa-ther & His Word and to walk by faith, saying ‘No,’ to the flesh.

Romans 16:27 “To God only wise, be glory through

Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.”

Issue # 12 October, 2015 – Page 3

Just A Minute With Scripture

‘On A Personal Side’ Please forward testimonials, praises, personal growth or feedback about this newsletter, 150

words or less. We will print all we can.

From Our Readers... “I really enjoy your ‘Just A Minute’ newsletter. Please continue to send them.” (California)

“Your newsletters have been a source

of inspiration and learning ma-terials to us.” (West Africa)

“Thanks so much for sending the newsletters and please keep sending them as long as God leads you to do them. God Bless you!” (Virginia Beach)

“The newsletter print (font) may be too small.” (Virginia)

“Thank-you for your newsletter, it was very well written! I could not offer criticism. (California)

“It’s hard to get used to the landscape orientation for ‘Just A Minute.’ I like the old style bet-ter.” (Virginia) *Suggestions will/have been considered in

making improvements to this newsletter.

Praise Report Written by reader, Deborah Garner

A mission trip, whether stateside or abroad, is life-changing. It is good, to step out of our comfort zones and experience the self-less love and awesome power of God in a fresh way.

My recent trip to Kenya revealed how God supersedes our weak-nesses, uncertainties, and char-acter defects to accomplish His purposes. When asked to teach and minister, I realized that the Word stored up in me from years of study, just came out along with His heart. The reward of serving is ‘Joy Unspeakable,’ new friendships, and an aware-ness of how God fleshes out His Word through us.

Speaking from a background in the travel industry, my new dis-covery is that there is no better way to experience another country, than to take a mission trip. There is no greater adven-ture than to travel with a mission to be God’s heart, hands, feet, and mouthpiece. Then, the sights, sounds, and tastes of a foreign land and its culture take on new meaning. This is the TRUE essence of TRAVEL. Go with a mission!

The Goal Of Our Sanctification: Preparation For Our

Adoption As Adult Sons

Brian’s View

On Scripture

Why does our Heavenly Father want us to walk, ‘after the Spirit’ and not ‘after the flesh?’ (Romans 8:1) To answer this question, we need to understand that God has a particular focus or interest in this present dispensation of Gen-tile grace. What God has set forth is a ‘form of doctrine,’ that will make us spiritually fit, and teach us how to function as adult sons.

To walk after the Spirit is the result of understanding we are ‘dead to sin’ and ‘alive unto God,’ which are Romans 6 doc-trines. Walking af-ter the Spirit is the next step needed in our continuing in the grace of God, toward our adoption.

Actually walking after the Spirit, and not after the flesh, is de-signed to set us, “...free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2) This was made possible when Christ died at Calvary and, “...condemned sin in the flesh.” (Romans 8:3) The power sin has over our flesh, was dealt with by the cross. The reason, was so that God’s righteousness, “...might be fulfilled in us...” when we, “...walk not after the flesh, but after the Spir-it.” (Romans 8:4)

To be spiritually fit for our Fa-ther’s purpose, we need to be dead to sin, and alive unto God, and walk in a way that will please Him. Our Father wants us to know, that we need the life of Christ working in our inner man; His life will make us, “...free from the law of sin and death...” (Rom. 8:2) Before the Father is ready to adopt us as adult sons, He wants to know, if we desire to ‘please Him in our thinking.’

Understanding the doctrines of our sanctification, and seeing how they worked in the Apostle Paul, as our pattern, teach us something very significant. Our Father has fore-ordained a form of doctrine, that is designed to teach us to ‘walk & to think like He does.’ Romans 8:6 says, we can be “...spiritually minded...” and the result is “...life and peace...”

Life and peace are benefits or attributes of living like the Fa-ther. These will result, when we value God’s wisdom and pur-pose above all other pursuits and activities. Walking, think-ing, and living like our Father, begins to be described in Ro-mans 8. It is designed to teach us what God’s form of doctrine will produce in saints, as we progress as sons, through Paul’s epistles.

The form of doctrine laid out in Paul’s epistles, is designed to form the life of Christ in us, so we can function on God’s wis-dom, for the purpose of labor-ing with our Heavenly Father.

All This Prepares Us To Be Adopted By God!

Thanks be to God for your wonderful support & feedback over the last year, in

the development of ‘Just A Minute.’ This is our 12th edition, our one year


Walk Wisely

Family Bible Study In N. Chesterfield Time: Fridays, 7-9 PM

Brian’s Topic: Dealing With Our Flesh Call for details - (804) 519-1210

Issue # 12 October, 2015 – Page 4 Just A Minute With Scripture

Psalm 4:4 “Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.”

Dear Readers...

The King James Bible is used for all references. Verses may be underlined or made bold for emphasis.

Using Scripture, We Will Problem Solve... Anxiety & Unwise Thinking Patterns

Wednesday, October 21st, 6:30-8:30 pm Good Foods Grocery - 3061 Stony Pt. Rd. Richmond , VA

Call for details - (804) 519-1210

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