823998 structure-of-ampiphatic-lipids-and-the-different-complexes

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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lipids are insoluble (hydrophobic) in water

due to the predominant presence of

hydrocarbon groups

however, some possess polar or hydrophilic groups which tend to be soluble in water

molecules which contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups

(Greek – amphi – (both), pathos – passion)


Examples:  Fatty acids Phospholipids Sphingolipids Bile salts Cholesterol (to some extent)

Fatty Acids – contain a hydrocarbon chain which is hydrophobic and a carboxyl (COO¯) group which is hydrophilic

Phospholipids – have a hydrophilic head

( phosphate group attached to choline, ethanolamine, inositol etc.) and a long hydrophobic tail

when the amphipathic lipids are mixed in water (aqueous phase)

the polar groups (heads) orient themselves towards aqueous phase while the non polar (tails) orient

towards the opposite directions  

leads to the formation of micelles


micelle formation, facilitated by bile salts is very important for lipid digestion & absorption

represented as a polar or hydrophilic head with a non-polar or hydrophobic tail

in case of biological membranes, a bilayer of lipids is formed orienting the polar heads to the outer aqueous phase on either side and the nonpolar tails into the interior

the formation of a lipid bilayer is the basis of membrane structure

are produced when amphipathic lipids in aqueous medium are subjected to sonifications

they have intermittent aqueous phases in the lipid bilayer

liposomes in combination with tissue specific antigens are used as carriers of drugs to target tissues

are produced when non polar lipids (e.g. triacylglycerols) are mixed with water

the particles are larger in size and stabilized by emulsifying agents (usually amphipathic lipids, - bile salts & phospholipids )

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