Post on 25-Nov-2014






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8279Keyboard and Display Controller

The INTEL 8279 is specially developed for interfacing keyboard and display devices to 8085/8086/8088 microprocessor based system. The important features of 8279 are,

• Simultaneous keyboard and display operations.

• It is designed to interface and control keyboard and display

peripherals. It relives CPU from scanning keyboards, refreshing

displays, debouncing key closures, blanking display etc.

• it provides two 4 bit display output ports, hence two separate

banks of 8/16 digit numeric displays can be interfaced. Two 4 bit

ports can also be used together as a single 8 bit port. Hence a

single bank of 16 characters alphanumeric display can be



Data bus




RL0- RL7

SL0 – SL3

OUT B0- B3

OUT A0 – A3



Display Pins

Key board Pins

CPU interface Pins

Keyboard input pins

Display output pins

Scan pins

CPU interface input pins

Pins of 8259 can be divided into

Pins Functions

Cs* When low 8279 is selected

RD* When low , 8085 reads from 8279

WR* When low 8085 writes into 8279

A0 It is an active high input line used to select control / status register and when low keyboard or display section is selected.

Reset When it is high 8085 resets 8279

DB0-DB7 These are 8 b it bi-directional tristate buffered data lines. All the data and commands between 8085 and 8279 are transferred via these lines.

IRQ When it goes high 8279 interrupts 8085 to read data which has come from keyboard.

CLK Its an input line generally connected to the system clock. Its used to generate internal timings.

Interface Pins

A0 RD* WR* Function

0 0 1 Keyboard section

0 1 0 Display section

1 0 1 Status register

1 1 0 Command or control register

Keyboard Pins

Pins Functions

RL0 – RL 7 Return lines: these are active low lines. These lines are connected to columns of matrix type keyboard, columns of sensor matrix, and data input lines of ASCII strobed keyboard. They have internal pull-ups to keep them high continuously. Hence key closures, sensor values and ASCII coeds should be active low.

SHIFT It is a special key input line. In case of typewriter keyboard, the shift key is connected to this line. The signal on this line is recognized in scanned keyboard mode only. The status of this key is stored in FIFO RAM. But the line is not scanned by 8279.

CNTL / STB Control / strobe: it’s a special key / handshake input line. In scanned keyboard mode, it functions as a control input line. This is normally connected to control key of the type writer keyboard. It is ignored in sensor matrix mode. The status of control; key is also stored in FIFO RAM. In strobed input mode, this line acts as STB input line. The data or ASCII key code is entered into the FIFO RAM at the rising edge of this signal.

Pins Functions

OUT A0- A3 and OUT B0 – B3

These are two, 4 bit output ports of the 16 x 8 bit display RAM. These ports are individually programmable, 8279 outputs contents of selected locations of display RAM on these lines. These lines are connected to the segment input of 7 segment display. These ports can be used together as an 8 bit port.

BD* Blank Display:It is an active low display output line. It is used to blank the display. It is connected to the blanking input of the display. It is activated by using blank display command.

Display Pins

SCAN PinsPins Functions

SL0 – SL3 SCAN Lines:These lines are used by the display, keyboard and sensor matrix. Scan lines can be operated in either encoded or decoded mode. In decoded mode, these lines are connected to rows of keyboard and common cathode or common anode of seven segment display. Only one line is activated ( low ) ate a time.In encoded mode, these lines are used along with external decoder to generate maximum 8 rows scans and 16 digit strobes. Therefore SL0 – SL2 must be externally decoded to generate 8row scans. In this mode the maximum size of the matrix keyboard or sensor matrix is 8 x8, while maximum size of 7 segment display is 16 digit.

Block diagram of 8279: CPU Keyboard


The four major sections of 8279 are keyboard, scan, display and CPU interface.

Keyboard section

Display section

Scan section

CPU interface section

Keyboard section:

• The keyboard section consists of eight return lines RL0 - RL7

that can be used to form the columns of a keyboard matrix.

• It has two additional input : shift and control/strobe. The

keys are automatically debounced.

• The two operating modes of keyboard section are 2-key

lockout and N-key rollover.

• In the 2-key lockout mode, if two keys are pressed

simultaneously, only the first key is recognized.

• In the N-key rollover mode simultaneous keys are recognized

and their codes are stored in FIFO.

• The keyboard section also have an 8 x 8 FIFO (First In First

Out) RAM.

• The FIFO can store eight key codes in the scan keyboard mode. The

status of the shift key and control key are also stored along with key

code. The 8279 generate an interrupt signal when there is an entry in

FIFO. The format of key code entry in FIFO for scan keyboard mode is,

• In sensor matrix mode the condition (i.e., open/close status) of

64 switches is stored in FIFO RAM. If the condition of any of

the switches changes then the 8279 asserts IRQ as high to

interrupt the processor.

Display section

• The display section has eight output lines divided into two groups A0-

A3 and B0-B3.

• The output lines can be used either as a single group of eight lines or

as two groups of four lines, in conjunction with the scan lines for a

multiplexed display.

• The output lines are connected to the anodes through driver transistor

in case of common cathode 7-segment LEDs.

• The cathodes are connected to scan lines through driver transistors.

• The display can be blanked by BD (low) line.

• The display section consists of 16 x 8 display RAM. The CPU can read

from or write into any location of the display RAM.

Scan section:

• The scan section has a scan counter and four scan lines, SL0 to SL3.

• In decoded scan mode, the output of scan lines will be similar to a 2-

to-4 decoder.

• In encoded scan mode, the output of scan lines will be binary count,

and so an external decoder should be used to convert the binary

count to decoded output.

• The scan lines are common for keyboard and display.

• The scan lines are used to form the rows of a matrix keyboard and

also connected to digit drivers of a multiplexed display, to turn


CPU interface section• The CPU interface section takes care of data transfer between 8279 and

the processor.

• This section has eight bidirectional data lines DB0 to DB7 for data

transfer between 8279 and CPU.

• It requires two internal address A =0 for selecting data buffer and A = 1

for selecting control register of8279.

• The control signals WR (low), RD (low), CS (low) and A0 are used for

read/write to 8279.

• It has an interrupt request line IRQ, for interrupt driven data transfer

with processor.

• The 8279 require an internal clock frequency of 100 kHz. This can be

obtained by dividing the input clock by an internal pre scaler.

• The RESET signal sets the 8279 in 16-character display with two -key

lockout keyboard modes.

Programming the 8279:•The 8279 can be programmed to perform various functions through eight command words.

Keyboard/Display Mode Set

Program Clock

All timing and multiplexing signals for the 8279 are generated by an internal prescaler. This prescaler divides the external clock (pin 3) by a programmable integer. Bits PPPPP determine the value of this integer ranges from 2 to 31.

Example:Choosing a divisor that yields 100 kHz will give the specified scan and debounce times. For instance, if Pin 3 of the 8279 is being clocked by a 2 MHz signal, PPPPP should be set to 10100 to divide the clock by 20 to yield the proper 100 kHz operating frequency.

Example:When the control word set to 2Ch (00101100b), the program clock command is enabled (001) and the prescaler value = 12 (01100b). At the result, the internal clock of the 8279 is equal to ( 2.4576 MHz /12=204.8 KHz).

In general Prescalar value = (external Clock / 100 KHz) ; for proper operation.

Read FIFO/Sensor RAM

The CPU sets the 8279 for a read of the FIFO/Sensor RAM by first writing this command. In the Scan Keyboard Mode, the Auto-Increment flag (AI) and the RAM address bits (AAA) are irrelevant.

The 8279 will automatically drive the data bus for each subsequent read (A0=0) in the same sequence in which the data first entered the FIFO. All subsequent reads will be from the FIFO until another command is issued.

In the Sensor Matrix Mode, the RAM address bits AAA select one of the 8 rows of the Sensor RAM.

If the AI flag is set (AI=1), each successive read will be from the subsequent row of the sensor RAM.

0= fixed address mode.1= auto increment mode x x x = in scan keyboard mode.

A A A = address of sensor RAM

Read Display RAM

The CPU sets up the 8279 for a read of the Display RAM by first writing this command. The address bits AAAA select one of the 16 rows of the Display RAM.

If the AI flag is set (AI=1), this row address will be incremented after each following read or write to the Display RAM.

Since the same counter is used for both reading and writing, this command sets the next read or write address and the sense of the Auto-Increment mode for both operations.

16 byte display RAM location to be accessed

Write Display RAM

The CPU sets up the 8279 for a write to the Display RAM by first writing this command. After writing the command with A0=1, all subsequent writes with A0 = 0 will be to the Display RAM.

The address and Auto-Increment functions are identical to those for the Read Display RAM.

However, this command does not affect the source of subsequent Data Reads; the CPU will read from whichever RAM (Display of FIFO/Sensor) which was last specified. If, indeed, the Display RAM was last specified, the Write Display RAM will, nevertheless, change the Next Read location.

Display Write Inhibit/Blanking

Inhibit Nibble A0=> Normal Operation1=> Inhibit or Freeze Nibble A display

Inhibit Nibble B0=> Normal Operation1=> Inhibit or Freeze Nibble B display

Blank Nibble A0=> Normal Operation1=> Blank Nibble A display

Blank Nibble B0=> Normal Operation1=> Blank Nibble B display

This code defaults to all zeros after a reset. Note that both BL flags must be set to blank a display formatted with a single 8-bit port.


The CD bits are available in this command to clear all rows of the Display RAM to a selectable blanking code as follows :

During the time the Display RAM is being cleared (~160 μs), it may not be written to. The most significant bit of the FIFO status word is set during this time. When the Display RAM becomes available again, it automatically Resets.

If the CF bit is asserted (CF = 1), the FIFO status is cleared and the interrupt output line is reset.Also, the Sensor RAM pointer is set to row 0.CA, the Clear All bit, has the combined effect of CD and CF; it uses the CD clearing code on the Display RAM and also clears FIFO status. Furthermore, if resynchronizes the internal timing chain.

End Interrupt/Error Mode Set

For the sensor matrix modes this command lowers the IRQ line and enables further writing into RAM. (The IRQ line would have been raised upon the detection of a change in a sensor value.

This would have also inhibited further writing into the RAM until reset).For the N-key rollover mode - if the E bit is programmed to “1” the chip will operate in the special Error mode.

In a microprocessor based system, when keyboard and 7-segment LED display is interfaced using ports or latches then the processor has to carry the following task.

•Keyboard scanning

•Key debouncing

•Key code generation

•Sending display code to LED

•Display refreshing

Interfacing 8279 with 8085 processor:

•A typical Hexa keyboard and 7-segment LED display interfacing circuit using 8279 is shown.

Source program:MVI A, 00H : Initialize keyboard/display in

encodedOUT 81H : scan keyboard 2 key lockout

modeMVI A, 34HOUT 81H : Initialize prescaler count

MVI A, 0BH : Load mask pattern to enable RST 7.5

SIM : mask other interrupts

EI : Enable Interrupt

HERE: JMP HERE : Wait for the interrupt

Interrupt Subroutine:MVI A, 40H : Initialize 8279 in read FIFO

OUT 81H : RAM mode

IN 80H : Read FIFO RAM (keycode)

EI : Enable Interrupt

RET : Return to main program

Interfacing 8279 with 8 X 4 matrix keyboard




Interfacing 8279 with 8 X 8 matrix keyboard (decoded mode)

Interfacing 8279 with seven segment display

Interfacing 8279 with 8 seven segment display (decoded mode)

Source program:MVI A, 00H : Initialize keyboard/display in encodedOUT 81H : scan keyboard 2 key lockout modeMVI A, 34HOUT 81H : Initialize prescaler countMVI A, 0BH : Load mask pattern to enable RST 7.5SIM : mask other interruptsEI : Enable InterruptHERE: JMP HERE : Wait for the interrupt

Interrupt service routineMVI A, 40H : Initialize 8279 in read FIFO RAM modeOUT 81HIN 80H : Get keycodeMVI H, 62H : Initialize memory pointer to pointMOV L, A : 7-Segment codeMVI A, 80H : Initialize 8279 in write display RAM modeOUT 81HMOV A, M : Get the 7 segment codeOUT 80H : Write 7-segment code in display RAMEI : Enable interruptRET : Return to main program

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